1 /****************************************************************************
2  * libdbf.h
3  ****************************************************************************
4  * Library to read information from dBASE files
5  * Author: Bjoern Berg, clergyman@gmx.de
6  * (C) Copyright 2004, Bj�rn Berg
7  *
8  ****************************************************************************
9  * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10  * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
11  * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright
12  * notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The
13  * author makes no representations about the suitability of this software for
14  * any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
15  *
16  *****************************************************************************
17  * $Id: libdbf.h,v 1.6 2006/04/14 12:25:30 rollinhand Exp $
18  ****************************************************************************/
20 #ifndef __LIBDBF_H__
21 #define __LIBDBF_H__
23 #include <sys/types.h>
25 /*! \file libdbf.h
26 	\brief provides access to libdbf.
28 	If you want to use functions of libdbf in your own programme, you have to add
29 	libdbf.h to your source files. libdbf.h describes all necessary accessible functions
30 	that libdbf provides.
31 */
32 /*!	\mainpage libdbf Documentation
33 	\section intro Introduction
34 	<p>libdbf is the backend library for dbf to convert dBASE/FoxPro files to any
35 	format you want to. libdbf provides generic interfaces to access information
36 	in a dBASE file very easily without knowing much about the structure of the
37 	file.</p>
38 	<p>The commands and functions of libdbf orientate much on PHP's functions to access
39 	MySQL or Oracle databases. So, first steps should be very easy.</p>
41 	\section data Data Structures
42 	<p>The Link "Data Structures" gives a brief overview of the used classes and
43 	structures in libdbf.</p>
45 	\section file File List
46 	<p>This section is less important</p>
48 	\section fields Data Fields
49 	<p>This section describes the used variables used in libdbf.</p>
51 	\section globals Globals
52 	<p>This is the most important section. Behind this section you find all accessible
53 	functions and defines you can use in your own programme.</p>
55 	\section license License
56 	<p>Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
57  	 documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
58  	 the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright
59  	 notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The
60  	 author makes no representations about the suitability of this software for
61  	 any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.</p>
62 */
64 /*! \def FoxBase Code for FoxBase */
65 #define FoxBase 0x02
66 /*! \def FoxBasePlus Code for FoxBasePlus, same as for dBase III */
67 #define FoxBasePlus 0x03
68 /*! \def dBase3 Code for dBase III */
69 #define dBase3 0x03
70 /*! \def dBase3WM Code for dBase III with memo fields */
71 #define dBase3WM 0x83
72 /*! \def dBase4 Code for dBase IV */
73 #define dBase4 0x04
74 /*! \def dBase4WM Code for dBase IV with memo fields */
75 #define dBase4WM 0x8B
76 /*! \def dBase4SQL Code for dBase IV with SQL table */
77 #define dBase4SQL 0x8E
78 /*! \def dBase5 Code for dBase 5.0 */
79 #define dBase5 0x05
80 /*! \def FoxPro2WM Code for FoxPro 2.0 (or earlier) with memo fields */
81 #define FoxPro2WM 0xF5
82 /*! \def VisualFoxPro Code for Visual FoxPro without memo fields */
83 #define VisualFoxPro 0x30
85 /*! \brief Object handle for dBASE file
87   A pointer of type P_DBF is used by all functions except for \ref dbf_Open
88 	which returns it if the dBASE file could be successfully opened.
89 */
90 typedef struct _P_DBF P_DBF;
92 /*! \brief Structure to store specification for one field
94   A pointer of type DB_FIELD is passed to \ref dbf_Create and
95 	\ref dbf_CreateFH.
96 */
97 typedef struct _DB_FIELD DB_FIELD;
98 #define SIZE_OF_DB_FIELD 32
100 /*
102  */
104 /*! \fn dbf_GetVersion(P_DBF *p_dbf)
105 	\brief return the version of dbf file as a human readable string
106 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
107 */
108 const char *dbf_GetStringVersion(P_DBF *p_dbf);
110 /*! \fn dbf_GetVersion(P_DBF *p_dbf)
111 	\brief return the version of dbf file
112 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
114 	\return version or -1 on error
115 */
116 int dbf_GetVersion(P_DBF *p_dbf);
118 /*! \fn P_DBF *dbf_Open (const char *file)
119 	\brief dbf_Open opens a dBASE \a file and returns the object handle
120 	\param file the filename of the dBASE file
122 	Opens a dBASE file and returns the object handle.
123 	Additional information from the dBASE header are read and stored
124 	internally.
125 	\return NULL in case of an error.
126 */
127 P_DBF *dbf_Open (const char *file);
129 /*! \fn P_DBF *dbf_CreateFH (int fh, DB_FIELD *fields, int numfields)
130 	\brief dbf_Create opens a new dBASE \a file and returns the object handle
131 	\param fh file handle of already open file
132 	\param fields record of field specification
133 	\param numfields number of fields
135 	Creates a dBASE file and returns the object handle.
136 	\return NULL in case of an error.
137 */
138 P_DBF *dbf_CreateFH (int fh, DB_FIELD *fields, int numfields);
140 /*! \fn P_DBF *dbf_Create (const char *file, DB_FIELD *fields, int numfields)
141 	\brief dbf_Create opens a new dBASE \a file and returns the object handle
142 	\param file the filename of the dBASE file
143 	\param fields record of field specification
144 	\param numfields number of fields
146 	Creates a dBASE file and returns the object handle.
147 	\return NULL in case of an error.
148 */
149 P_DBF *dbf_Create (const char *file, DB_FIELD *fields, int numfields);
151 /*! \fn int dbf_Close (P_DBF *p_dbf)
152 	\brief dbf_Close closes a dBASE file.
153 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
155 	Closes a dBASE file and frees all memory.
156 	\return 0 if closing was successful and -1 if not.
157 */
158 int dbf_Close (P_DBF *p_dbf);
160 // Functions to info about rows and columns
161 /*! \fn int dbf_NumRows (P_DBF *p_dbf)
162 	\brief dbf_NumRows returns the number of datasets/rows
163 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
165 	Returns the number of datasets/rows.
166 	\return Number of rows or -1 in case of an error.
167 */
168 int dbf_NumRows (P_DBF *p_dbf);
170 /*! \fn int dbf_NumCols (P_DBF *p_dbf)
171 	\brief dbf_NumCols returns the number of attributes/columns
172 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
174 	Returns the number of fields/columns.
175 	\return Number of columns or -1 in case of an error.
176 */
177 int dbf_NumCols (P_DBF *p_dbf);
179 /*! \fn const char *dbf_ColumnName(P_DBF *p_dbf, int column)
180 	\brief dbf_ColumnName returns the name of a selected \a column
181 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
182 	\param column the number of the column
184 	Returns the name of a selected column.
185 	The first column has number 0. The maximum number of columns can
186 	be determined with \ref dbf_NumCols.
187 	\return Name of column or -1 on error
188 */
189 const char *dbf_ColumnName(P_DBF *p_dbf, int column);
191 /*! \fn int dbf_ColumnSize(P_DBF *p_dbf, int column);
192 	\brief dbf_ColumnSize returns the field length of a column
193 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
194 	\param column the number of the column
196 	Returns the field length of a column.
197 	The first column has number 0. The maximum number of columns can
198 	be determined with \ref dbf_NumCols.
199 	\return field length of column or -1 on error
200 */
201 int dbf_ColumnSize(P_DBF *p_dbf, int column);
203 /*! \fn const char dbf_ColumnType(P_DBF *p_dbf, int column)
204 	\brief dbf_ColumnType returns the type of a field resp. column
205 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
206 	\param column the number of the column
208 	Returns the type of a column. Type can be any
209 	of 'N' (number), 'C' (string), 'D' (data), 'M' (memo), 'L' (boolean)
210 	for dBASE III files.
211 	The first column has number 0. The maximum number of columns can
212 	be determined with \ref dbf_NumCols.
213 	\return field type of column or -1 on error
214 */
215 const char dbf_ColumnType(P_DBF *p_dbf, int column);
217 /*! \fn int dbf_ColumnDecimals(P_DBF *p_dbf, int column)
218 	\brief
219 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
220 	\param column the number of the column
222 	Returns the number of digits right to the
223 	decimal point.
224 	The first column has number 0. The maximum number of columns can
225 	be determined with \ref dbf_NumCols.
226 	\return Number of decimals of column or -1 on error
227 */
228 int dbf_ColumnDecimals(P_DBF *p_dbf, int column);
230 /*! \fn u_int32_t dbf_ColumnAddress(P_DBF *p_dbf, int column)
231 	\brief dbf_ColumnAddress returns the address of a column
232 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
233 	\param column the number of the column
235 	The first column has number 0. The maximum number of columns can
236 	be determined with \ref dbf_NumCols.
237 	\return Address of column or -1 on error
238 */
239 u_int32_t dbf_ColumnAddress(P_DBF *p_dbf, int column);
241 /*! \fn const char *dbf_GetDate(P_DBF *p_dbf)
242 	\brief dbf_GetDate returns a formatted date string
243 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
245 	Returns a formatted date string of the type
246 	yyyy-mm-dd. The date indicates the time the file was last
247 	modified.
249 	\return formatted date or -1 on error
250 */
251 const char *dbf_GetDate(P_DBF *p_dbf);
253 /*! \fn int dbf_SetField(DB_FIELD *field, int type, const char *name, int len, int dec)
254 	\brief dbf_SetField fills a field structure
255 	\param *field pointer to field which shall be set
256 	\param type type of field
257 	\param name name of field
258 	\param len length of field
259 	\param dec number of decimals
261 	Sets the field structure with the given values.
263 	\return 0
264 */
265 int dbf_SetField(DB_FIELD *field, int type, const char *name, int len, int dec);
267 /*! \fn int dbf_RecordLength(P_DBF *p_dbf)
268 	\brief dbf_RecordLength returns length of a dataset
269 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
271 	Returns the length of a dataset. Do not confuse this
272 	with \ref dbf_HeaderSize.
274 	\return record length or -1 on error
275 */
276 int dbf_RecordLength(P_DBF *p_dbf);
278 /*! \fn int dbf_HeaderSize(P_DBF *p_dbf)
279 	\brief dbf_HeaderSize returns length of the header
280 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
282 	Returns the length of the header.
284 	\return header length or -1 on error
285 */
286 int dbf_HeaderSize(P_DBF *p_dbf);
288 /*! \fn int dbf_SetRecordOffset(P_DBF *p_dbf, int offset)
289 	\brief dbf_SetRecordOffset set the internal record counter
290 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
291 	\param offset the new record number of the next record read
293 	Sets the internal record counter. The counter is an index counting
294 	through the records within a dBASE file. The first record has
295 	number 1. A negative offset will be counted from the end of the file.
296 	The last record has index -1.
297 	\ref dbf_ReadRecord uses the counter when reading the
298 	next record. Setting a value outside the range -numrecord to numrecords
299 	or 0 will cause an error.
301 	\return the new internal record counter or -1 in case of an error
302 */
303 int dbf_SetRecordOffset(P_DBF *p_dbf, int offset);
305 /*! \fn int dbf_ReadRecord(P_DBF *p_dbf, char *record, int len)
306 	\brief dbf_ReadRecord reads the current record
307 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
308 	\param *record a memory block large enough to contain a record
309 	\param len the length of the record block
311 	Returns a record as it stored in the dBASE file. The memory must
312 	be large enough and allocated by the calling application.
314 	\return 0 if successful, -1 on error
315 */
316 int dbf_ReadRecord(P_DBF *p_dbf, char *record, int len);
318 /*! \fn int dbf_WriteRecord(P_DBF *p_dbf, char *record, int len)
319 	\brief dbf_WriteRecord writes a record
320 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
321 	\param *record record data suitable for writing into the dBASE file
322 	\param len the length of the record block
324 	Writes a record into a dBASE file and returns the number of
325 	records. The record data must contain all field data but not
326 	the leading byte which indicates whether the record is deleted.
327 	Hence, len must be \ref dbf_RecordLength() - 1.
329 	\return number of records written, -1 on error
330 */
331 int dbf_WriteRecord(P_DBF *p_dbf, char *record, int len);
333 /*! \fn int dbf_IsMemo(P_DBF *p_dbf)
334 	\brief dbf_IsMemo tells if dbf provides also a memo file
335 	\param *p_dbf the object handle of the opened file
337 	dbf_IsMemo indicates if dbf provides also a memo file
339 	\return 0 no memo, 1 memo, -1 on error
340 */
341 int dbf_IsMemo(P_DBF *p_dbf);
343 #endif /* __LIBDBF_H__ */