1 /** @file dedtypes.h  Definition types and structures (DED v1).
2  *
3  * @authors Copyright © 2003-2017 Jaakko Keränen <jaakko.keranen@iki.fi>
4  * @authors Copyright © 2006-2015 Daniel Swanson <danij@dengine.net>
5  *
6  * @par License
7  * GPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
8  *
9  * <small>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
11  * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
12  * option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it
13  * will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
15  * Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU
16  * General Public License along with this program; if not, see:
17  * http://www.gnu.org/licenses</small>
18  */
23 #include <vector>
24 #include <de/libcore.h>
25 #include <de/Vector>
26 #include <de/memory.h>
27 #include "../uri.h"
29 #include "dd_share.h"
30 #include "def_share.h"
31 #include "api_gl.h"
32 #include "dedarray.h"
34 #define DED_DUP_URI(u) u = (u ? new de::Uri(*u) : 0)
36 #define DED_SPRITEID_LEN 4
37 #define DED_STRINGID_LEN 31
38 #define DED_FUNC_LEN 255
40 #define DED_MAX_MATERIAL_LAYERS 1 ///< Maximum number of material layers (map renderer limitations).
41 #define DED_MAX_MATERIAL_DECORATIONS 16 ///< Maximum number of material decorations (arbitrary).
43 #define DED_PTCGEN_ANY_MOBJ_TYPE -2 ///< Particle generator applies to ANY mobj type.
45 typedef char           ded_stringid_t[DED_STRINGID_LEN + 1];
46 typedef ded_stringid_t ded_string_t;
47 typedef ded_stringid_t ded_mobjid_t;
48 typedef ded_stringid_t ded_stateid_t;
49 typedef ded_stringid_t ded_soundid_t;
50 typedef ded_stringid_t ded_funcid_t;
51 typedef char           ded_func_t[DED_FUNC_LEN + 1];
52 typedef int            ded_flags_t;
53 typedef char *         ded_anystring_t;
55 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_uri_s {
56     de::Uri *uri;
releaseded_uri_s58     void release() { delete uri; }
reallocateded_uri_s59     void reallocate() { DED_DUP_URI(uri); }
60 } ded_uri_t;
62 #ifdef _MSC_VER
63 // MSVC needs some hand-holding.
64 template struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC DEDArray<ded_uri_t>;
65 #endif
67 // Embedded sound information.
68 typedef struct ded_embsound_s {
69     ded_string_t name;
70     int          id; // Figured out at runtime.
71     float        volume;
72 } ded_embsound_t;
74 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_ptcstage_s {
75     ded_flags_t    type;
76     int            tics;
77     float          variance; // Stage variance (time).
78     float          color[4]; // RGBA
79     float          radius;
80     float          radiusVariance;
81     ded_flags_t    flags;
82     float          bounce;
83     float          resistance; // Air resistance.
84     float          gravity;
85     float          vectorForce[3];
86     float          spin[2];           // Yaw and pitch.
87     float          spinResistance[2]; // Yaw and pitch.
88     int            model;
89     ded_string_t   frameName; // For model particles.
90     ded_string_t   endFrameName;
91     short          frame, endFrame;
92     ded_embsound_t sound, hitSound;
94     void release() {}
95     void reallocate() {}
97     /**
98      * Takes care of consistent variance.
99      * Currently only used visually, collisions use the constant radius.
100      * The variance can be negative (results will be larger).
101      */
102     float particleRadius(int ptcIDX) const;
103 } ded_ptcstage_t;
105 typedef struct {
106     char id[DED_SPRITEID_LEN + 1];
108     void release() {}
109 } ded_sprid_t;
111 typedef struct {
112     char str[DED_STRINGID_LEN + 1];
113 } ded_str_t;
115 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_light_s {
116     ded_stateid_t state;
117     char          uniqueMapID[64];
118     float         offset[3];     /* Origin offset in world coords
119                                   Zero means automatic */
120     float         size;          // Zero: automatic
121     float         color[3];      // Red Green Blue (0,1)
122     float         lightLevel[2]; // Min/max lightlevel for bias
123     ded_flags_t   flags;
124     de::Uri *     up, *down, *sides;
125     de::Uri *     flare;
126     float         haloRadius; // Halo radius (zero = no halo).
128     void release()
129     {
130         delete up;
131         delete down;
132         delete sides;
133         delete flare;
134     }
135     void reallocate()
136     {
137         DED_DUP_URI(up);
138         DED_DUP_URI(down);
139         DED_DUP_URI(sides);
140         DED_DUP_URI(flare);
141     }
142 } ded_light_t;
144 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_sound_s {
145     ded_soundid_t id;       // ID of this sound, refered to by others.
146     ded_string_t  name;     // A tag name for the sound.
147     ded_string_t  lumpName; // Actual lump name of the sound ("DS" not included).
148     de::Uri *     ext;      // External sound file (WAV).
149     ded_soundid_t link;     // Link to another sound.
150     int           linkPitch;
151     int           linkVolume;
152     int           priority; // Priority classification.
153     int           channels; // Max number of channels to occupy.
154     int           group;    // Exclusion group.
155     ded_flags_t   flags;    // Flags (like chg_pitch).
157     void release() { delete ext; }
158     void reallocate() { DED_DUP_URI(ext); }
159 } ded_sound_t;
161 struct ded_text_t {
162     ded_stringid_t id;
163     char *         text;
165     void release() { M_Free(text); }
167     void setText(char const *newTextToCopy)
168     {
169         release();
170         text = M_StrDup(newTextToCopy);
171     }
172 };
174 typedef struct {
175     ded_stringid_t      id;
176     DEDArray<ded_uri_t> materials;
178     void release() { materials.clear(); }
179 } ded_tenviron_t;
181 typedef struct {
182     char *id;
183     char *text;
185     void release()
186     {
187         M_Free(id);
188         M_Free(text);
189     }
190 } ded_value_t;
192 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_linetype_s {
193     int            id;
194     char           comment[64];
195     ded_flags_t    flags[3];
196     ded_flags_t    lineClass;
197     ded_flags_t    actType;
198     int            actCount;
199     float          actTime;
200     int            actTag;
201     int            aparm[9];
202     ded_stringid_t aparm9;
203     float          tickerStart;
204     float          tickerEnd;
205     int            tickerInterval;
206     ded_soundid_t  actSound;
207     ded_soundid_t  deactSound;
208     int            evChain;
209     int            actChain;
210     int            deactChain;
211     int            actLineType;
212     int            deactLineType;
213     ded_flags_t    wallSection;
214     de::Uri *      actMaterial;
215     de::Uri *      deactMaterial;
216     char           actMsg[128];
217     char           deactMsg[128];
218     float          materialMoveAngle;
219     float          materialMoveSpeed;
220     int            iparm[20];
221     char           iparmStr[20][64];
222     float          fparm[20];
223     char           sparm[5][128];
225     void release()
226     {
227         delete actMaterial;
228         delete deactMaterial;
229     }
230     void reallocate()
231     {
232         DED_DUP_URI(actMaterial);
233         DED_DUP_URI(deactMaterial);
234     }
235 } ded_linetype_t;
237 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_sectortype_s {
238     int           id;
239     char          comment[64];
240     ded_flags_t   flags;
241     int           actTag;
242     int           chain[5];
243     ded_flags_t   chainFlags[5];
244     float         start[5];
245     float         end[5];
246     float         interval[5][2];
247     int           count[5];
248     ded_soundid_t ambientSound;
249     float         soundInterval[2];     // min,max
250     float         materialMoveAngle[2]; // floor, ceil
251     float         materialMoveSpeed[2]; // floor, ceil
252     float         windAngle;
253     float         windSpeed;
254     float         verticalWind;
255     float         gravity;
256     float         friction;
257     ded_func_t    lightFunc;
258     int           lightInterval[2];
259     ded_func_t    colFunc[3]; // RGB
260     int           colInterval[3][2];
261     ded_func_t    floorFunc;
262     float         floorMul, floorOff;
263     int           floorInterval[2];
264     ded_func_t    ceilFunc;
265     float         ceilMul, ceilOff;
266     int           ceilInterval[2];
268     void release() {}
269     void reallocate() {}
270 } ded_sectortype_t;
272 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_detail_stage_s {
273     int      tics;
274     float    variance;
275     de::Uri *texture; // The file/lump with the detail texture.
276     float    scale;
277     float    strength;
278     float    maxDistance;
280     void release() { delete texture; }
281     void reallocate() { DED_DUP_URI(texture); }
282 } ded_detail_stage_t;
284 // Flags for detail texture definitions.
285 #define DTLF_NO_IWAD 0x1  // Don't use if from IWAD.
286 #define DTLF_PWAD 0x2     // Can use if from PWAD.
287 #define DTLF_EXTERNAL 0x4 // Can use if from external resource.
289 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_detailtexture_s {
290     de::Uri *   material1;
291     de::Uri *   material2;
292     ded_flags_t flags;
293     // There is only one stage.
294     ded_detail_stage_t stage;
296     void release()
297     {
298         delete material1;
299         delete material2;
300         stage.release();
301     }
302     void reallocate()
303     {
304         DED_DUP_URI(material1);
305         DED_DUP_URI(material2);
306         stage.reallocate();
307     }
308 } ded_detailtexture_t;
310 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_ptcgen_s {
311     struct ded_ptcgen_s *    stateNext; // List of generators for a state.
312     ded_stateid_t            state;     // Triggered by this state (if mobj-gen).
313     de::Uri *                material;
314     ded_mobjid_t             type;  // Triggered by this type of mobjs.
315     ded_mobjid_t             type2; // Also triggered by this type.
316     int                      typeNum;
317     int                      type2Num;
318     ded_mobjid_t             damage; // Triggered by mobj damage of this type.
319     int                      damageNum;
320     de::Uri *                map; // Triggered by this map.
321     ded_flags_t              flags;
322     float                    speed;              // Particle spawn velocity.
323     float                    speedVariance;      // Spawn speed variance (0-1).
324     float                    vector[3];          // Particle launch vector.
325     float                    vectorVariance;     // Launch vector variance (0-1). 1=totally random.
326     float                    initVectorVariance; // Initial launch vector variance (0-1).
327     float                    center[3];          // Offset to the mobj (relat. to source).
328     int                      subModel;           // Model source: origin submodel #.
329     float                    spawnRadius;
330     float                    spawnRadiusMin; // Spawn uncertainty box.
331     float                    maxDist;        // Max visibility for particles.
332     int                      spawnAge;       // How long until spawning stops?
333     int                      maxAge;         // How long until generator dies?
334     int                      particles;      // Maximum number of particles.
335     float                    spawnRate;      // Particles spawned per tic.
336     float                    spawnRateVariance;
337     int                      preSim; // Tics to pre-simulate when spawned.
338     int                      altStart;
339     float                    altStartVariance; // Probability for alt start.
340     float                    force;            // Radial strength of the sphere force.
341     float                    forceRadius;      // Radius of the sphere force.
342     float                    forceAxis[3];     /* Rotation axis of the sphere force
343                                       (+ speed). */
344     float                    forceOrigin[3];   // Offset for the force sphere.
345     DEDArray<ded_ptcstage_t> stages;
347     void release()
348     {
349         delete material;
350         delete map;
351         stages.clear();
352     }
353     void reallocate()
354     {
355         DED_DUP_URI(map);
356         DED_DUP_URI(material);
357         stages.reallocate();
358     }
359 } ded_ptcgen_t;
361 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_shine_stage_s {
362     int         tics;
363     float       variance;
364     de::Uri *   texture;
365     de::Uri *   maskTexture;
366     blendmode_t blendMode; // Blend mode flags (bm_*).
367     float       shininess;
368     float       minColor[3];
369     float       maskWidth;
370     float       maskHeight;
372     void release()
373     {
374         delete texture;
375         delete maskTexture;
376     }
377     void reallocate()
378     {
379         DED_DUP_URI(texture);
380         DED_DUP_URI(maskTexture);
381     }
382 } ded_shine_stage_t;
384 // Flags for reflection definitions.
385 #define REFF_NO_IWAD 0x1  // Don't use if from IWAD.
386 #define REFF_PWAD 0x2     // Can use if from PWAD.
387 #define REFF_EXTERNAL 0x4 // Can use if from external resource.
389 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_reflection_s {
390     de::Uri *   material;
391     ded_flags_t flags;
392     // There is only one stage.
393     ded_shine_stage_t stage;
395     void release()
396     {
397         delete material;
398         stage.release();
399     }
400     void reallocate()
401     {
402         DED_DUP_URI(material);
403         stage.reallocate();
404     }
405 } ded_reflection_t;
407 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_group_member_s {
408     de::Uri *material;
409     int      tics;
410     int      randomTics;
412     void release() { delete material; }
413     void reallocate() { DED_DUP_URI(material); }
414 } ded_group_member_t;
416 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_group_s {
417     ded_flags_t                  flags;
418     DEDArray<ded_group_member_t> members;
420     void release() { members.clear(); }
422     ded_group_member_t *tryFindFirstMemberWithMaterial(de::Uri const &materialUri)
423     {
424         if (!materialUri.isEmpty())
425         {
426             for (int i = 0; i < members.size(); ++i)
427             {
428                 if (members[i].material && *members[i].material == materialUri)
429                 {
430                     return &members[i];
431                 }
432                 // Only animate if the first frame in the group?
433                 if (flags & AGF_FIRST_ONLY) break;
434             }
435         }
436         return nullptr; // Not found.
437     }
438 } ded_group_t;
440 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_compositefont_mappedcharacter_s {
441     unsigned char ch;
442     de::Uri *     path;
444     void release() { delete path; }
445     void reallocate() { DED_DUP_URI(path); }
446 } ded_compositefont_mappedcharacter_t;
448 typedef struct LIBDOOMSDAY_PUBLIC ded_compositefont_s {
449     de::Uri *                                     uri;
450     DEDArray<ded_compositefont_mappedcharacter_t> charMap;
452     void release()
453     {
454         delete uri;
455         charMap.clear();
456     }
457 } ded_compositefont_t;