1 /*  _______________________________________________________________________
3     DAKOTA: Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications
4     Copyright 2014-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
5     This software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
6     For more information, see the README file in the top Dakota directory.
7     _______________________________________________________________________ */
9 //- Class:       CONMINOptimizer
10 //- Description: Wrapper class for CONMIN
11 //- Owner:       Tony Giunta
12 //- Checked by:
13 //- Version: $Id: CONMINOptimizer.hpp 6972 2010-09-17 22:18:50Z briadam $
18 #include "DakotaOptimizer.hpp"
21 namespace Dakota {
23 /**
24  * \brief A version of TraitsBase specialized for CONMIN optimizers
25  *
26  */
27 class CONMINTraits: public TraitsBase
28 {
29   public:
31   /// default constructor
CONMINTraits()32   CONMINTraits() { }
34   /// destructor
~CONMINTraits()35   virtual ~CONMINTraits() { }
37   /// A temporary query used in the refactor
is_derived()38   virtual bool is_derived() { return true; }
40   /// Return the flag indicating whether method supports continuous variables
supports_continuous_variables()41   bool supports_continuous_variables() { return true; }
43   /// Return the flag indicating whether method supports linear equalities
supports_linear_equality()44   bool supports_linear_equality() { return true; }
46   /// Return the flag indicating whether method supports linear inequalities
supports_linear_inequality()47   bool supports_linear_inequality() { return true; }
49   /// Return the format used for linear inequality constraints
linear_inequality_format()50   LINEAR_INEQUALITY_FORMAT linear_inequality_format()
53   /// Return the flag indicating whether method supports nonlinear equalities
supports_nonlinear_equality()54   bool supports_nonlinear_equality() { return true; }
56   /// Return the flag indicating whether method supports nonlinear inequalities
supports_nonlinear_inequality()57   bool supports_nonlinear_inequality() { return true; }
59   /// Return the format used for nonlinear inequality constraints
nonlinear_inequality_format()60   NONLINEAR_INEQUALITY_FORMAT nonlinear_inequality_format()
62 };
65 /// Wrapper class for the CONMIN optimization library.
67 /** The CONMINOptimizer class provides a wrapper for CONMIN, a
68     Public-domain Fortran 77 optimization library written by Gary
69     Vanderplaats under contract to NASA Ames Research Center. The
70     CONMIN User's Manual is contained in NASA Technical Memorandum
71     X-62282, 1978.  CONMIN uses a reverse communication mode, which
72     avoids the static member function issues that arise with function
73     pointer designs (see NPSOLOptimizer and SNLLOptimizer).
75     The user input mappings are as follows: \c max_iterations is
76     mapped into CONMIN's \c ITMAX parameter, \c
77     max_function_evaluations is implemented directly in the
78     core_run() loop since there is no CONMIN parameter equivalent,
79     \c convergence_tolerance is mapped into CONMIN's \c DELFUN and \c
80     DABFUN parameters, \c output verbosity is mapped into CONMIN's \c
81     IPRINT parameter (verbose: \c IPRINT = 4; quiet: \c IPRINT = 2),
82     gradient mode is mapped into CONMIN's \c NFDG parameter, and
83     finite difference step size is mapped into CONMIN's \c FDCH and \c
84     FDCHM parameters.  Refer to [Vanderplaats, 1978] for additional
85     information on CONMIN parameters. */
86 class CONMINOptimizer: public Optimizer
87 {
88 public:
90   //
91   //- Heading: Constructors and destructor
92   //
94   /// standard constructor
95   CONMINOptimizer(ProblemDescDB& problem_db, Model& model);
96   /// alternate constructor; construct without ProblemDescDB
97   CONMINOptimizer(const String& method_string, Model& model);
98   /// destructor
99   ~CONMINOptimizer();
101   //
102   //- Heading: Virtual member function redefinitions
103   //
105   void core_run();
107 protected:
109   //
110   //- Heading: Virtual member function redefinitions
111   //
113   /// performs run-time set up
114   void initialize_run();
116 private:
118   //
119   //- Heading: Convenience member functions
120   //
122   void initialize();           ///< Shared constructor code
124   void allocate_workspace();   ///< Allocates workspace for the optimizer
126   void deallocate_workspace(); ///< Releases workspace memory
128   void allocate_constraints(); ///< Allocates constraint mappings
130   //
131   //- Heading: Data members
132   //
134   /// INFO from CONMIN manual
135   /** Information requested by CONMIN:
136       1 = evaluate objective and constraints,
137       2 = evaluate gradients of objective and constraints. */
138   int conminInfo;
140   /// IPRINT from CONMIN manual (controls output verbosity)
141   /** Values range from 0 (nothing) to 4 (most output).
142       0 = nothing,
143       1 = initial and final function information,
144       2 = all of #1 plus function value and design vars at each iteration,
145       3 = all of #2 plus constraint values and direction vectors,
146       4 = all of #3 plus gradients of the objective function and constraints,
147       5 = all of #4 plus proposed design vector, plus objective and
148           constraint functions from the 1-D search */
149   int printControl;
151   /// value of the objective function passed to CONMIN
152   Real objFnValue;
154   /// array of nonlinear constraint values passed to CONMIN
155   /** This array must be of nonzero length and must contain only
156       one-sided inequality constraints which are <= 0 (which requires
157       a transformation from 2-sided inequalities and equalities). */
158   RealVector constraintValues;
160   /// total number of nonlinear constraints seen by CONMIN
161   int numConminNlnConstr;
162   /// total number of linear constraints seen by CONMIN
163   int numConminLinConstr;
164   /// total number of linear and nonlinear constraints seen by CONMIN
165   int numConminConstr;
167   // These are variables and arrays that must be declared here prior
168   // to calling the F77 CONMIN code.
169   //
170   /// Size variable for CONMIN arrays. See CONMIN manual.
171   /** N1 = number of variables + 2 */
172   int N1;
173   /// Size variable for CONMIN arrays. See CONMIN manual.
174   /** N2 = number of constraints + 2*(number of variables) */
175   int N2;
176   /// Size variable for CONMIN arrays. See CONMIN manual.
177   /** N3 = Maximum possible number of active constraints.*/
178   int N3;
179   /// Size variable for CONMIN arrays. See CONMIN manual.
180   /** N4 = Maximum(N3,number of variables) */
181   int N4;
182   /// Size variable for CONMIN arrays. See CONMIN manual.
183   /** N5 = 2*(N4) */
184   int N5;
185   //
186   // user-controlled variables that affect CONMIN performance
187   //
188   /// Finite difference flag.
189   int NFDG;
190   /// Flag to control amount of output data.
191   int IPRINT;
192   /// Flag to specify the maximum number of iterations.
193   int ITMAX;
194   /// Relative finite difference step size.
195   double FDCH;
196   /// Absolute finite difference step size.
197   double FDCHM;
198   /// Constraint thickness parameter
199   /** The value of CT decreases in magnitude during optimization.*/
200   double CT;
201   /// Minimum absolute value of CT used during optimization.
202   double CTMIN;
203   /// Constraint thickness parameter for linear and side constraints.
204   double CTL;
205   /// Minimum value of CTL used during optimization.
206   double CTLMIN;
207   /// Relative convergence criterion threshold.
208   /*** Threshold for the minimum relative change in the objective function. */
209   double DELFUN;
210   /// Absolute convergence criterion threshold.
211   /*** Threshold for the minimum relative change in the objective function. */
212   double DABFUN;
214   /// Array of design variables used by CONMIN (length N1 = numdv+2)
215   double *conminDesVars;
216   /// Array of lower bounds used by CONMIN (length N1 = numdv+2)
217   double *conminLowerBnds;
218   /// Array of upper bounds used by CONMIN (length N1 = numdv+2)
219   double *conminUpperBnds;
221   ///Internal CONMIN array.
222   /** Move direction in N-dimensional space.*/
223   double *S;
224   ///Internal CONMIN array.
225   /** Temporary storage of constraint values.*/
226   double *G1;
227   ///Internal CONMIN array.
228   /** Temporary storage of constraint values.*/
229   double *G2;
230   ///Internal CONMIN array.
231   /** Temporary storage for computations involving array S.*/
232   double *B;
233   ///Internal CONMIN array.
234   /** Temporary storage for use with arrays B and S.*/
235   double *C;
236   ///Internal CONMIN array.
237   /** Temporary storage for use with arrays B and S.*/
238   int *MS1;
239   ///Internal CONMIN array.
240   /** Vector of scaling parameters for design parameter values.*/
241   double *SCAL;
242   ///Internal CONMIN array.
243   /** Temporary storage for analytic gradient data.*/
244   double *DF;
245   ///Internal CONMIN array.
246   /** Temporary 2-D array for storage of constraint gradients.*/
247   double *A;
248   ///Internal CONMIN array.
249   /** Array of flags to identify linear constraints. (not used in this
250       implementation of CONMIN) */
251   int *ISC;
252   ///Internal CONMIN array.
253   /** Array of flags to identify active and violated constraints */
254   int *IC;
255 };
257 } // namespace Dakota
259 #endif