1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //Copyright 2008
3 //  Andrew Gacek, Steven Holte, Gopalan Nadathur, Xiaochu Qi, Zach Snow
4 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5 // This file is part of Teyjus.                                             //
6 //                                                                          //
7 // Teyjus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify           //
8 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     //
9 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or        //
10 // (at your option) any later version.                                      //
11 //                                                                          //
12 // Teyjus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                //
13 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           //
15 // GNU General Public License for more details.                             //
16 //                                                                          //
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        //
18 // along with Teyjus.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.          //
19 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20 /****************************************************************************/
21 /*                                                                          */
22 /* File dataformat.c.                                                       */
23 /* The header file identifies the low-level representation of data objects  */
24 /* that are manipulated by the machine, through various structure types.    */
25 /****************************************************************************/
26 #ifndef DATAFORMATS_C
27 #define DATAFORMATS_C
29 #include <math.h>
30 #include <string.h>
31 #include "dataformats.h"
32 #include "mctypes.h"
33 #include "mcstring.h"
35 /********************************************************************/
36 /*                                                                  */
37 /*                         TYPE REPRESENTATION                      */
38 /*                                                                  */
39 /********************************************************************/
41 /* Types of relevant fields in type representations.                */
42 typedef TwoBytes      DF_KstTabInd;    //kind symbol table index
43 typedef TwoBytes      DF_StrTypeArity; //arity of type structure
44 typedef TwoBytes      DF_SkelInd;      //offset of variables in type skeletons
47 /* Structure definitions of each type category.                     */
48 typedef struct                         //type sort
49 {
50     DF_Tag            tag;
51     DF_KstTabInd      kindTabIndex;
52 } DF_SortType;
54 typedef struct                         //type reference
55 {
56     DF_Tag            tag;
57     DF_TypePtr        target;
58 } DF_RefType;
60 typedef struct                         //variables in type skeletons
61 {
62     DF_Tag            tag;
63     DF_SkelInd        offset;
64 } DF_SkVarType;
66 typedef struct                         //type arrows
67 {
68     DF_Tag            tag;
69     DF_TypePtr        args;
70 } DF_ArrowType;
72 typedef struct                         //type functors
73 {
74     DF_Tag            tag;
75     DF_StrTypeArity   arity;
76     DF_KstTabInd      kindTabIndex;
77 } DF_FuncType;
79 typedef struct                         //type structures
80 {
81     DF_Tag            tag;
82     DF_FuncType       *funcAndArgs;
83 } DF_StrType;
85 /******************************************************************/
86 /*                      Interface functions                       */
87 /******************************************************************/
DF_typeDeref(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)90 DF_TypePtr DF_typeDeref(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)
91 {
92     DF_Type ty = *tyPtr;
93     while ((ty.tag.categoryTag == DF_TY_TAG_REF)){
94         DF_TypePtr target = (DF_TypePtr)(ty.dummy);
95         if (tyPtr == target) return tyPtr;
96         tyPtr = target;
97         ty = *tyPtr;
98     }
99     return tyPtr;
100 }
DF_isSortType(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)104 Boolean DF_isSortType(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)
105 {   return (tyPtr->tag.categoryTag == DF_TY_TAG_SORT); }
DF_isRefType(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)106 Boolean DF_isRefType(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)
107 {   return (tyPtr->tag.categoryTag == DF_TY_TAG_REF);  }
DF_isSkelVarType(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)108 Boolean DF_isSkelVarType(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)
109 {   return (tyPtr->tag.categoryTag == DF_TY_TAG_SKVAR);}
DF_isArrowType(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)110 Boolean DF_isArrowType(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)
111 {   return (tyPtr->tag.categoryTag == DF_TY_TAG_ARROW);}
DF_isStrType(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)112 Boolean DF_isStrType(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)
113 {   return (tyPtr->tag.categoryTag == DF_TY_TAG_STR);  }
DF_isFreeVarType(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)114 Boolean DF_isFreeVarType(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)
115 {   return ((tyPtr->tag.categoryTag == DF_TY_TAG_REF)
116             && ((DF_RefType*)tyPtr)->target == tyPtr); }
DF_typeTag(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)120 int DF_typeTag(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)                          //generic type
121 {
122     return tyPtr->tag.categoryTag;
123 }
DF_typeKindTabIndex(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)124 int DF_typeKindTabIndex(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)                 //sorts
125 {
126     return ((DF_SortType*)tyPtr) -> kindTabIndex;
127 }
DF_typeSkelVarIndex(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)128 int DF_typeSkelVarIndex(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)                 //skel var
129 {
130     return ((DF_SkVarType*)tyPtr) -> offset;
131 }
DF_typeRefTarget(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)132 DF_TypePtr DF_typeRefTarget(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)             //reference
133 {
134     return ((DF_RefType*)tyPtr) -> target;
135 }
DF_typeArrowArgs(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)136 DF_TypePtr DF_typeArrowArgs(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)             //arrows
137 {
138     return ((DF_ArrowType*)tyPtr) -> args;
139 }
DF_typeStrFuncAndArgs(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)140 DF_TypePtr DF_typeStrFuncAndArgs(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)        //structures
141 {
142     return (DF_TypePtr)(((DF_StrType*)tyPtr)->funcAndArgs);
143 }
DF_typeStrFuncInd(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)144 int DF_typeStrFuncInd(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)
145 {//Note tyPtr must refer to funcAndArgs field
146     return ((DF_FuncType*)tyPtr)->kindTabIndex;
147 }
DF_typeStrFuncArity(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)148 int DF_typeStrFuncArity(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)
149 {//Note tyPtr must refer to funcAndArgs field
150     return ((DF_FuncType*)tyPtr)->arity;
151 }
DF_typeStrArgs(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)152 DF_TypePtr DF_typeStrArgs(DF_TypePtr tyPtr)
153 {//Note tyPtr must refer to funcAndArgs field
154     return (DF_TypePtr)(((MemPtr)tyPtr) + DF_TY_ATOMIC_SIZE);
155 }
DF_copyAtomicType(DF_TypePtr src,MemPtr dest)158 void DF_copyAtomicType(DF_TypePtr src, MemPtr dest)
159 {
160     *((DF_TypePtr)dest) = *src;
161 }
DF_mkSortType(MemPtr loc,int ind)162 void DF_mkSortType(MemPtr loc, int ind)
163 {
164     ((DF_SortType*)loc)->tag.categoryTag = DF_TY_TAG_SORT;
165     ((DF_SortType*)loc)->kindTabIndex = ind;
166 }
DF_mkRefType(MemPtr loc,DF_TypePtr target)167 void DF_mkRefType(MemPtr loc, DF_TypePtr target)
168 {
169     ((DF_RefType*)loc)->tag.categoryTag = DF_TY_TAG_REF;
170     ((DF_RefType*)loc)->target = target;
171 }
DF_mkFreeVarType(MemPtr loc)172 void DF_mkFreeVarType(MemPtr loc)
173 {
174     ((DF_RefType*)loc)->tag.categoryTag = DF_TY_TAG_REF;
175     ((DF_RefType*)loc)->target = (DF_TypePtr)loc;
176 }
DF_mkSkelVarType(MemPtr loc,int offset)177 void DF_mkSkelVarType(MemPtr loc, int offset)
178 {
179     ((DF_SkVarType*)loc)->tag.categoryTag = DF_TY_TAG_SKVAR;
180     ((DF_SkVarType*)loc)->offset = offset;
181 }
DF_mkArrowType(MemPtr loc,DF_TypePtr args)182 void DF_mkArrowType(MemPtr loc, DF_TypePtr args)
183 {
184     ((DF_ArrowType*)loc)->tag.categoryTag = DF_TY_TAG_ARROW;
185     ((DF_ArrowType*)loc)->args = args;
186 }
DF_mkStrType(MemPtr loc,DF_TypePtr funcAndArgs)187 void DF_mkStrType(MemPtr loc, DF_TypePtr funcAndArgs)
188 {
189     ((DF_StrType*)loc)->tag.categoryTag = DF_TY_TAG_STR;
190     ((DF_StrType*)loc)->funcAndArgs = (DF_FuncType*)funcAndArgs;
191 }
DF_mkStrFuncType(MemPtr loc,int ind,int n)192 void DF_mkStrFuncType(MemPtr loc, int ind, int n)
193 {
194     ((DF_FuncType*)loc)->tag.categoryTag = DF_TY_TAG_FUNC;
195     ((DF_FuncType*)loc)->kindTabIndex = ind;
196     ((DF_FuncType*)loc)->arity = n;
197 }
199 /********************************************************************/
200 /*                                                                  */
201 /*                         TERM REPRESENTATION                      */
202 /*                                                                  */
203 /********************************************************************/
205 /* types of relevant fields in term representions                   */
206 typedef TwoBytes  DF_UnivInd;   //universe count
207 typedef TwoBytes  DF_CstTabInd; //constant symbol table index
208 typedef TwoBytes  DF_Arity;     //application arity
209 typedef TwoBytes  DF_DBInd;     //de Bruijn ind, embed level and num of lams
210 typedef WordPtr   DF_StreamTabInd;
212 typedef struct                  //logic variables
213 {
214     DF_Tag         tag;
215     DF_UnivInd     univCount;
216 } DF_VarTerm;
218 typedef struct                  //de Bruijn indices
219 {
220     DF_Tag         tag;
221     DF_DBInd       index;
222 } DF_BVTerm;
224 typedef struct {                //name and universe count field for constants
225     DF_UnivInd     univCount;
226     DF_CstTabInd   symTabIndex;
227 } DF_NameAndUC;
229 typedef struct {                //constant without type association
230     DF_Tag         tag;
231     Boolean        withType;
232     union {
233         unsigned int       value;
234         DF_NameAndUC       nameAndUC;
235     } data;
236 } DF_ConstTerm;
238 typedef struct {                //constant with type association
239     DF_Tag         tag;
240     Boolean        withType;
241     union {
242         unsigned int    value;
243         DF_NameAndUC    nameAndUC;
244     } data;
245     DF_TypePtr     typeEnv;
246 } DF_TConstTerm;
248 typedef struct                  //integers
249 {
250     DF_Tag        tag;
251     long int      value;
252 } DF_IntTerm;
254 typedef struct                  //floats
255 {
256     DF_Tag        tag;
257     float         value;
258 } DF_FloatTerm;
260 typedef struct                  //string
261 {
262     DF_Tag        tag;
263     DF_StrDataPtr value;
264 } DF_StrTerm;
266 typedef struct                  //stream
267 {
268     DF_Tag        tag;
269     DF_StreamTabInd index;
270 } DF_StreamTerm;
272 typedef struct                  //empty list
273 {
274     DF_Tag        tag;
275 } DF_NilTerm;
277 typedef struct                  //reference
278 {
279     DF_Tag        tag;
280     DF_TermPtr    target;
281 } DF_RefTerm;
283 typedef struct                  //list cons
284 {
285     DF_Tag        tag;
286     DF_TermPtr    args;
287 } DF_ConsTerm;
289 typedef struct                  //abstractions
290 {
291     DF_Tag        tag;
292     DF_DBInd      numOfLams;
293     DF_TermPtr    body;
294 } DF_LamTerm;
296 typedef struct                  //applications
297 {
298     DF_Tag        tag;
299     DF_Arity      arity;
300     DF_TermPtr    functor;
301     DF_TermPtr    args;
302 } DF_AppTerm;
304 typedef struct                  //suspensions
305 {
306     DF_Tag         tag;
307     DF_DBInd       ol;
308     DF_DBInd       nl;
309     DF_TermPtr     termSkel;
310     DF_EnvPtr      envList;
311 } DF_SuspTerm;
314 //environment items
315 typedef struct                  //dummy environment item
316 {
317     //Boolean           isDummy;
318     DF_Tag            tag;
319     DF_DBInd          embedLevel;
320     DF_EnvPtr         rest;
321 } DF_DummyEnv;
323 typedef struct                  //pair environment item
324 {
325     //Boolean          isDummy;
326     DF_Tag           tag;
327     DF_DBInd         embedLevel;
328     DF_EnvPtr        rest;
329     DF_TermPtr       term;
330 } DF_PairEnv;
333 /******************************************************************/
334 /*                      Interface functions                       */
335 /******************************************************************/
337 /* DEREFERENCE      */
DF_termDeref(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)338 DF_TermPtr DF_termDeref(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
339 {
340     while (DF_isRef(tmPtr)) tmPtr = ((DF_RefTerm*)tmPtr)->target;
341     return tmPtr;
342 }
345 //note ref is neither atomic nor complex
DF_isAtomic(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)346 Boolean DF_isAtomic(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
347 {   return (tmPtr -> tag.categoryTag < DF_TM_TAG_REF);    }
DF_isNAtomic(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)348 Boolean DF_isNAtomic(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
349 {   return (tmPtr -> tag.categoryTag > DF_TM_TAG_REF);    }
DF_isFV(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)350 Boolean DF_isFV(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
351 {   return (tmPtr -> tag.categoryTag == DF_TM_TAG_VAR);   }
DF_isConst(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)352 Boolean DF_isConst(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
353 {   return (tmPtr -> tag.categoryTag == DF_TM_TAG_CONST); }
354 /*assume the tmPtr is known to be a constant */
DF_isTConst(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)355 Boolean DF_isTConst(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
356 {   return ((DF_ConstTerm*)tmPtr) -> withType;                       }
DF_isInt(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)357 Boolean DF_isInt(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
358 {   return (tmPtr -> tag.categoryTag == DF_TM_TAG_INT);   }
DF_isFloat(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)359 Boolean DF_isFloat(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
360 {   return (tmPtr -> tag.categoryTag == DF_TM_TAG_FLOAT); }
DF_isNil(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)361 Boolean DF_isNil(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
362 {   return (tmPtr -> tag.categoryTag == DF_TM_TAG_NIL);   }
DF_isStr(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)363 Boolean DF_isStr(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
364 {   return (tmPtr -> tag.categoryTag == DF_TM_TAG_STR);   }
DF_isBV(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)365 Boolean DF_isBV(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
366 {   return (tmPtr -> tag.categoryTag == DF_TM_TAG_BVAR);  }
DF_isStream(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)367 Boolean DF_isStream(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
368 {   return (tmPtr -> tag.categoryTag == DF_TM_TAG_STREAM);}
DF_isRef(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)369 Boolean DF_isRef(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
370 {   return (tmPtr -> tag.categoryTag == DF_TM_TAG_REF);   }
DF_isCons(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)371 Boolean DF_isCons(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
372 {   return (tmPtr -> tag.categoryTag == DF_TM_TAG_CONS);  }
DF_isLam(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)373 Boolean DF_isLam(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
374 {   return (tmPtr -> tag.categoryTag == DF_TM_TAG_LAM);   }
DF_isApp(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)375 Boolean DF_isApp(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
376 {   return (tmPtr-> tag.categoryTag == DF_TM_TAG_APP);    }
DF_isSusp(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)377 Boolean DF_isSusp(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)
378 {   return (tmPtr-> tag.categoryTag == DF_TM_TAG_SUSP);   }
DF_isEmpEnv(DF_EnvPtr envPtr)379 Boolean DF_isEmpEnv(DF_EnvPtr envPtr)
380 {   return (envPtr == DF_EMPTY_ENV);                                 }
DF_isDummyEnv(DF_EnvPtr envPtr)381 Boolean DF_isDummyEnv(DF_EnvPtr envPtr)
382 {   return envPtr -> tag.categoryTag == DF_ENV_TAG_DUMMY; }
DF_termTag(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)386 int DF_termTag(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)              // tag
387 {
388     return tmPtr -> tag.categoryTag;
389 }
390 //unbound variables
DF_fvUnivCount(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)391 int DF_fvUnivCount(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)                //universe count
392 {
393     return ((DF_VarTerm*)tmPtr)->univCount;
394 }
395 //constant (w/oc type associations)
DF_constUnivCount(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)396 int DF_constUnivCount(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)             //universe count
397 {
398     return ((DF_ConstTerm*)tmPtr)->data.nameAndUC.univCount;
399 }
DF_constTabIndex(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)400 int DF_constTabIndex(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)              //table index
401 {
402     return ((DF_ConstTerm*)tmPtr)->data.nameAndUC.symTabIndex;
403 }
404 //constants with type associations
DF_constType(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)405 DF_TypePtr DF_constType(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)           //type env
406 {
407     return ((DF_TConstTerm*)tmPtr)->typeEnv;
408 }
409 //integer
DF_intValue(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)410 long DF_intValue(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)                  //integer value
411 {
412     return ((DF_IntTerm*)tmPtr)->value;
413 }
414 //float
DF_floatValue(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)415 float DF_floatValue(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)               //float value
416 {
417     return ((DF_FloatTerm*)tmPtr)->value;
418 }
419 //string
DF_strValue(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)420 MCSTR_Str DF_strValue(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)             //string value
421 {
422     return (MCSTR_Str)(((MemPtr)(((DF_StrTerm*)tmPtr)->value))
423                        + DF_STRDATA_HEAD_SIZE);
424 }
DF_strData(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)425 DF_StrDataPtr DF_strData(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)          //string data field
426 {
427     return ((DF_StrTerm*)tmPtr)->value;
428 }
DF_strDataValue(DF_StrDataPtr tmPtr)429 MCSTR_Str DF_strDataValue(DF_StrDataPtr tmPtr)     //acc str value from data fd
430 {
431     return (MCSTR_Str)(((MemPtr)tmPtr) + DF_STRDATA_HEAD_SIZE);
432 }
434 //stream TEMP
DF_streamTabIndex(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)435 WordPtr DF_streamTabIndex(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)        //stream table index
436 {
437     return ((DF_StreamTerm*)tmPtr)->index;
438 }
439 //de Bruijn index
DF_bvIndex(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)440 int DF_bvIndex(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)                    //de Bruijn index
441 {
442     return ((DF_BVTerm*)tmPtr)->index;
443 }
444 //reference
DF_refTarget(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)445 DF_TermPtr DF_refTarget(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)           //target
446 {
447     return ((DF_RefTerm*)tmPtr)->target;
448 }
449 //list cons
DF_consArgs(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)450 DF_TermPtr DF_consArgs(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)            //arg vector
451 {
452     return ((DF_ConsTerm*)tmPtr)->args;
453 }
454 //abstraction
DF_lamNumAbs(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)455 int DF_lamNumAbs(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)                  //embedding level
456 {
457     return ((DF_LamTerm*)tmPtr)->numOfLams;
458 }
DF_lamBody(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)459 DF_TermPtr DF_lamBody(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)             //abstraction body
460 {
461     return ((DF_LamTerm*)tmPtr)->body;
462 }
463 //application
DF_appArity(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)464 int DF_appArity(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)                   //arity
465 {
466     return ((DF_AppTerm*)tmPtr)->arity;
467 }
DF_appFunc(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)468 DF_TermPtr DF_appFunc(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)             //functor
469 {
470     return ((DF_AppTerm*)tmPtr)->functor;
471 }
DF_appArgs(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)472 DF_TermPtr DF_appArgs(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)             //arg vector
473 {
474     return ((DF_AppTerm*)tmPtr)->args;
475 }
476 //suspension
DF_suspOL(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)477 int DF_suspOL(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)                     //ol
478 {
479     return ((DF_SuspTerm*)tmPtr)->ol;
480 }
DF_suspNL(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)481 int DF_suspNL(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)                     //nl
482 {
483     return ((DF_SuspTerm*)tmPtr)->nl;
484 }
DF_suspTermSkel(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)485 DF_TermPtr DF_suspTermSkel(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)        //term skeleton
486 {
487     return ((DF_SuspTerm*)tmPtr)->termSkel;
488 }
DF_suspEnv(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)489 DF_EnvPtr DF_suspEnv(DF_TermPtr tmPtr)              //environment list
490 {
491     return ((DF_SuspTerm*)tmPtr)->envList;
492 }
494 //environment item (dummy/pair)
DF_envListRest(DF_EnvPtr envPtr)495 DF_EnvPtr DF_envListRest(DF_EnvPtr envPtr)          //next env item
496 {
497     return envPtr->rest;
498 }
DF_envListNth(DF_EnvPtr envPtr,int n)499 DF_EnvPtr DF_envListNth(DF_EnvPtr envPtr, int n)    //nth item
500 {
501     int i;
502     for (i=n; (i!=1); i--) envPtr = envPtr -> rest;
503     return envPtr;
504 }
DF_envIndex(DF_EnvPtr envPtr)505 int DF_envIndex(DF_EnvPtr envPtr)                   //l in @l or (t,l)
506 {
507     return envPtr -> embedLevel;
508 }
509 //pair environment item
DF_envPairTerm(DF_EnvPtr envPtr)510 DF_TermPtr DF_envPairTerm(DF_EnvPtr envPtr)         //t in (t,l)
511 {
512     return ((DF_PairEnv*)envPtr) -> term;
513 }
DF_copyAtomic(DF_TermPtr src,MemPtr dest)516 void DF_copyAtomic(DF_TermPtr src, MemPtr dest)              //copy atomic
517 {
518     *((DF_TermPtr)dest) = *src;
519 }
DF_copyApp(DF_TermPtr src,MemPtr dest)520 void DF_copyApp(DF_TermPtr src, MemPtr dest)                 //copy application
521 {
522     *((DF_AppTerm*)dest) = *((DF_AppTerm*)src);
523 }
DF_copySusp(DF_TermPtr src,MemPtr dest)524 void DF_copySusp(DF_TermPtr src, MemPtr dest)                //copy suspension
525 {
526     *((DF_SuspTerm*)dest) = *((DF_SuspTerm*)src);
527 }
DF_mkVar(MemPtr loc,int uc)528 void DF_mkVar(MemPtr loc, int uc)                            //unbound variable
529 {
530     ((DF_VarTerm*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_VAR;
531     ((DF_VarTerm*)loc) -> univCount = uc;
532 }
DF_mkBV(MemPtr loc,int ind)533 void DF_mkBV(MemPtr loc, int ind)                            //de Bruijn index
534 {
535     ((DF_BVTerm*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_BVAR;
536     ((DF_BVTerm*)loc) -> index = ind;
537 }
DF_mkConst(MemPtr loc,int uc,int ind)538 void DF_mkConst(MemPtr loc, int uc, int ind)                 //const
539 {
540     ((DF_ConstTerm*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_CONST;
541     ((DF_ConstTerm*)loc) -> withType = FALSE;
542     (((DF_ConstTerm*)loc) -> data).nameAndUC.univCount = uc;
543     (((DF_ConstTerm*)loc) -> data).nameAndUC.symTabIndex = ind;
544 }
DF_mkTConst(MemPtr loc,int uc,int ind,DF_TypePtr typeEnv)545 void DF_mkTConst(MemPtr loc, int uc, int ind, DF_TypePtr typeEnv)
546                                                    //const with type association
547 {
548     ((DF_TConstTerm*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_CONST;
549     ((DF_TConstTerm*)loc) -> withType = TRUE;
550     (((DF_TConstTerm*)loc) -> data).nameAndUC.univCount = uc;
551     (((DF_TConstTerm*)loc) -> data).nameAndUC.symTabIndex = ind;
552     ((DF_TConstTerm*)loc) -> typeEnv = typeEnv;
553 }
DF_mkInt(MemPtr loc,long value)554 void DF_mkInt(MemPtr loc, long value)                        //int
555 {
556     ((DF_IntTerm*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_INT;
557     ((DF_IntTerm*)loc) -> value = value;
558 }
DF_mkFloat(MemPtr loc,float value)559 void DF_mkFloat(MemPtr loc, float value)                     //float
560 {
561     ((DF_FloatTerm*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_FLOAT;
562     ((DF_FloatTerm*)loc) -> value = value;
563 }
DF_mkStr(MemPtr loc,DF_StrDataPtr data)564 void DF_mkStr(MemPtr loc, DF_StrDataPtr data)                //string
565 {
566     ((DF_StrTerm*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_STR;
567     ((DF_StrTerm*)loc) -> value = data;
568 }
DF_mkStrDataHead(MemPtr loc)569 void DF_mkStrDataHead(MemPtr loc)                            //string data head
570 {
571     ((DF_StrDataPtr)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_STRBODY;
572 }
DF_mkStream(MemPtr loc,WordPtr ind)574 void DF_mkStream(MemPtr loc, WordPtr ind)                    //stream
575 {
576     ((DF_StreamTerm*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_STREAM;
577     ((DF_StreamTerm*)loc) -> index = ind;
578 }
DF_setStreamInd(DF_TermPtr tm,WordPtr ind)579 void DF_setStreamInd(DF_TermPtr tm, WordPtr ind)             //update stream ind
580 {
581     ((DF_StreamTerm*)tm) -> index = ind;
582 }
DF_mkNil(MemPtr loc)583 void DF_mkNil(MemPtr loc)                                    //nil
584 {
585     ((DF_NilTerm*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_NIL;
586 }
DF_mkRef(MemPtr loc,DF_TermPtr target)587 void DF_mkRef(MemPtr loc, DF_TermPtr target)                 //reference
588 {
589     ((DF_RefTerm*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_REF;
590     ((DF_RefTerm*)loc) -> target = target;
591 }
DF_mkCons(MemPtr loc,DF_TermPtr args)592 void DF_mkCons(MemPtr loc, DF_TermPtr args)                  //cons
593 {
594     ((DF_ConsTerm*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_CONS;
595     ((DF_ConsTerm*)loc) -> args = args;
596 }
DF_mkLam(MemPtr loc,int n,DF_TermPtr body)597 void DF_mkLam(MemPtr loc, int n, DF_TermPtr body)            //abstraction
598 {
599     ((DF_LamTerm*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_LAM;
600     ((DF_LamTerm*)loc) -> numOfLams = n;
601     ((DF_LamTerm*)loc) -> body = body;
602 }
DF_mkApp(MemPtr loc,int n,DF_TermPtr func,DF_TermPtr args)603 void DF_mkApp(MemPtr loc, int n, DF_TermPtr func, DF_TermPtr args)
604 {                                                            //application
605     ((DF_AppTerm*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_APP;
606     ((DF_AppTerm*)loc) -> arity = n;
607     ((DF_AppTerm*)loc) -> functor = func;
608     ((DF_AppTerm*)loc) -> args = args;
609 }
DF_mkSusp(MemPtr loc,int ol,int nl,DF_TermPtr tmPtr,DF_EnvPtr env)610 void DF_mkSusp(MemPtr loc, int ol, int nl, DF_TermPtr tmPtr, DF_EnvPtr env)
611                                                              //suspension
612 {
613     ((DF_SuspTerm*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_TM_TAG_SUSP;
614     ((DF_SuspTerm*)loc) -> ol = ol;
615     ((DF_SuspTerm*)loc) -> nl = nl;
616     ((DF_SuspTerm*)loc) -> termSkel = tmPtr;
617     ((DF_SuspTerm*)loc) -> envList = env;
618 }
DF_mkDummyEnv(MemPtr loc,int l,DF_EnvPtr rest)620 void DF_mkDummyEnv(MemPtr loc, int l, DF_EnvPtr rest)        //@l env item
621 {
622     ((DF_DummyEnv*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_ENV_TAG_DUMMY;
623     ((DF_DummyEnv*)loc) -> embedLevel = l;
624     ((DF_DummyEnv*)loc) -> rest = rest;
625 }
DF_mkPairEnv(MemPtr loc,int l,DF_TermPtr t,DF_EnvPtr rest)626 void DF_mkPairEnv(MemPtr loc, int l, DF_TermPtr t, DF_EnvPtr rest)
627 {
628                                                              // (t, l) env item
629     ((DF_PairEnv*)loc) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_ENV_TAG_PAIR;
630     ((DF_PairEnv*)loc) -> embedLevel = l;
631     ((DF_PairEnv*)loc) -> rest = rest;
632     ((DF_PairEnv*)loc) -> term = t;
633 }
DF_modVarUC(DF_TermPtr vPtr,int uc)637 void DF_modVarUC(DF_TermPtr vPtr, int uc)
638 {
639     ((DF_VarTerm*)vPtr) -> univCount = uc;
640 }
DF_sameConsts(DF_TermPtr const1,DF_TermPtr const2)644 Boolean DF_sameConsts(DF_TermPtr const1, DF_TermPtr const2)   //same constant?
645 {
646     return (((DF_ConstTerm*)const1)->data.value ==
647             ((DF_ConstTerm*)const2)->data.value);
648 }
DF_sameStrs(DF_TermPtr str1,DF_TermPtr str2)649 Boolean DF_sameStrs(DF_TermPtr str1, DF_TermPtr str2)         //same string?
650 {
651     if (str1 == str2) return TRUE;
652     else if (((DF_StrTerm*)str1)->value ==
653              ((DF_StrTerm*)str2)->value) return TRUE; //compare data fd addr
654     //compare literals
655     return MCSTR_sameStrs(
656         (MCSTR_Str)(((MemPtr)(((DF_StrTerm*)str1)->value)) +
657                     DF_STRDATA_HEAD_SIZE),
658         (MCSTR_Str)(((MemPtr)(((DF_StrTerm*)str2)->value)) +
659                     DF_STRDATA_HEAD_SIZE));
661 }
DF_sameStrData(DF_TermPtr tmPtr,DF_StrDataPtr strData)662 Boolean DF_sameStrData(DF_TermPtr tmPtr, DF_StrDataPtr strData)
663 {
664     if (((DF_StrTerm*)tmPtr) -> value == strData) return TRUE; //compare addr
665     return MCSTR_sameStrs(
666         (MCSTR_Str)(((MemPtr)(((DF_StrTerm*)tmPtr)->value)) +
667                     DF_STRDATA_HEAD_SIZE),
668         (MCSTR_Str)(((MemPtr)strData) + DF_STRDATA_HEAD_SIZE));
669 }
671 /********************************************************************/
672 /*                                                                  */
673 /*                     DISAGREEMENT SET REPRESENTATION              */
674 /*                                                                  */
675 /*                    A double linked list                          */
676 /********************************************************************/
678 //create a new node at the given location
DF_mkDisPair(MemPtr loc,DF_DisPairPtr next,DF_TermPtr first,DF_TermPtr second)679 void DF_mkDisPair(MemPtr loc, DF_DisPairPtr next, DF_TermPtr first,
680                   DF_TermPtr second)
681 {
682     ((DF_DisPairPtr)(loc)) -> tag.categoryTag = DF_DISPAIR;
683     ((DF_DisPairPtr)(loc)) -> next       = next;
684     ((DF_DisPairPtr)(loc)) -> firstTerm  = first;
685     ((DF_DisPairPtr)(loc)) -> secondTerm = second;
686 }
688 //decomposition
DF_disPairNext(DF_DisPairPtr disPtr)689 DF_DisPairPtr DF_disPairNext(DF_DisPairPtr disPtr){return disPtr -> next;      }
DF_disPairFirstTerm(DF_DisPairPtr disPtr)690 DF_TermPtr    DF_disPairFirstTerm(DF_DisPairPtr disPtr)
691 {
692     return disPtr -> firstTerm;
693 }
DF_disPairSecondTerm(DF_DisPairPtr disPtr)694 DF_TermPtr    DF_disPairSecondTerm(DF_DisPairPtr disPtr)
695 {
696     return disPtr -> secondTerm;
697 }
699 //whether a given disagreement set is empty
DF_isEmpDisSet(DF_DisPairPtr disPtr)700 Boolean       DF_isEmpDisSet(DF_DisPairPtr disPtr)
701 {
702     return (disPtr == DF_EMPTY_DIS_SET);
703 }
DF_isNEmpDisSet(DF_DisPairPtr disPtr)705 Boolean       DF_isNEmpDisSet(DF_DisPairPtr disPtr)
706 {
707     return (disPtr != DF_EMPTY_DIS_SET);
708 }
711 #endif  //DATAFORMATS_C