1 /*
2  * Copyright 1994-2018 Brad Lanam, Walnut Creek, CA
3  */
5 #ifndef DI_INC_DI_H
6 #define DI_INC_DI_H
8 #include "config.h"
10 /*****************************************************/
12 #include <stdio.h>
13 #if _hdr_fcntl \
14     && ! defined (DI_INC_FCNTL_H)  /* xenix */
15 # define DI_INC_FCNTL_H
16 # include <fcntl.h>
17 #endif
18 #if _sys_file
19 # include <sys/file.h>
20 #endif
21 #if _sys_types \
22     && ! defined (DI_INC_SYS_TYPES_H) /* xenix */
23 # define DI_INC_SYS_TYPES_H
24 # include <sys/types.h>
25 #endif
26 #if _hdr_limits
27 # include <limits.h>        /* PATH_MAX */
28 #endif
29 #if _sys_param
30 # include <sys/param.h>     /* MAXPATHLEN */
31 #endif
32 #if _hdr_zone
33 # include <zone.h>
34 #endif
36 #if ! defined (O_NOCTTY)
37 # define O_NOCTTY 0
38 #endif
40 #if ! defined (MAXPATHLEN)
41 # if defined (_POSIX_PATH_MAX)
42 #  define MAXPATHLEN        _POSIX_PATH_MAX
43 # else
44 #  if defined (PATH_MAX)
45 #   define MAXPATHLEN       PATH_MAX
46 #  endif
47 #  if defined (LPNMAX)
48 #   define MAXPATHLEN       LPNMAX
49 #  endif
50 # endif
51 #endif
53 #if ! defined (MAXPATHLEN)
54 # define MAXPATHLEN         255
55 #endif
57 #if _sys_fstyp                          /* HP-UX, Solaris */
58 # include <sys/fstyp.h>                 /* FSTYPSZ */
59 # if defined (FSTYPSZ)
60 #  define DI_TYPE_LEN       FSTYPSZ
61 # endif
62 #endif
63 #if _sys_mount \
64     && ! defined (DI_INC_SYS_MOUNT)       /* NetBSD */
65 # define DI_INC_SYS_MOUNT 1
66 # include <sys/mount.h>                 /* MFSNAMELEN */
67 # if ! defined (DI_TYPE_LEN) && defined (MFSNAMELEN)
68 #  define DI_TYPE_LEN       MFSNAMELEN
69 # endif
70 #endif
71 #if _sys_vfstab                         /* ??? */
72 # include <sys/vfstab.h>
73 # if ! defined (DI_TYPE_LEN) && defined (FSTYPSZ)
74 #  define DI_TYPE_LEN       FSTYPSZ
75 # endif
76 #endif
78 #if ! defined (DI_TYPE_LEN)
79 # define DI_TYPE_LEN        65
80 #endif
82 #if ! _lib_memcpy && ! _define_memcpy
83 # if ! _lib_bcopy && ! _define_bcopy
84    #error No_memcpy/bcopy_available.
85 # else
86 #  define memcpy(dst, src, cnt)     (bcopy((src), (dst), (cnt)), dst)
87 # endif
88 #endif
90 #if ! _lib_memset && ! _define_memset
91 # if ! _lib_bzero && ! _define_bzero
92    #error No_memset/bzero_available.
93 # else
94 #  define memset(s,c,n)    (bzero ((s), (n)), s)
95 # endif
96 #endif
98 #define DI_NAME_LEN            MAXPATHLEN
100 #define DI_OPT_LEN             MAXPATHLEN
101 #define DI_MNT_TIME_LEN        24
103 #if _siz_long_long >= 4
104   typedef unsigned long long _fs_size_t;
105   typedef long long _s_fs_size_t;
106 # define DI_LL "ll"
107 # define DI_LLu "llu"
108 #else
109   typedef unsigned long _fs_size_t;
110   typedef long _s_fs_size_t;
111 # define DI_LL "l"
112 # define DI_LLu "lu"
113 #endif
114 #if _siz_long_double >= 8 && _printf_long_double
115   typedef long double _print_size_t;
116 # define DI_Lf "Lf"
117 #else
118   typedef double _print_size_t;
119 # define DI_Lf "f"
120 #endif
122 typedef unsigned long __ulong;
124 #if ! defined (TRUE)
125 # define TRUE             1
126 #endif
127 #if ! defined (FALSE)
128 # define FALSE            0
129 #endif
131 #define DI_PRNT_IGNORE      0
132 #define DI_PRNT_OK          1
133 #define DI_PRNT_BAD         2
134 #define DI_PRNT_OUTOFZONE   3
135 #define DI_PRNT_EXCLUDE     4
136 #define DI_PRNT_FORCE       5
137 #define DI_PRNT_SKIP        6
139 #define DI_MAIN_SORT_IDX    0
140 #define DI_TOT_SORT_IDX     1
142 typedef struct
143 {
144     unsigned int    sortIndex [2];
145     _fs_size_t      totalSpace;
146     _fs_size_t      freeSpace;
147     _fs_size_t      availSpace;
148     _fs_size_t      totalInodes;
149     _fs_size_t      freeInodes;
150     _fs_size_t      availInodes;
151     __ulong         st_dev;                      /* disk device number       */
152     __ulong         sp_dev;                      /* special device number    */
153     __ulong         sp_rdev;                     /* special rdev #           */
154     char            doPrint;                     /* do we want to print      */
155                                                  /* this entry?              */
156     char            printFlag;                   /* print flags              */
157     char            isLocal;                     /* is this mount point      */
158                                                  /* local?                   */
159     char            isReadOnly;                  /* is this mount point      */
160                                                  /* read-only?               */
161     char            isLoopback;                  /* lofs or none fs type?    */
162     char            name [DI_NAME_LEN + 1];         /* mount point           */
163     char            special [DI_SPEC_NAME_LEN + 1]; /* special device name   */
164     char            fsType [DI_TYPE_LEN + 1];       /* type of file system   */
165     char            options [DI_OPT_LEN + 1];
166     char            mountTime [DI_MNT_TIME_LEN + 1];
167 } diDiskInfo_t;
169 typedef struct
170 {
171     char            *special;
172     char            *name;
173     char            *type;
174     Uid_t           uid;
175     Gid_t           gid;
176     _fs_size_t      blockSize;
177     _fs_size_t      limit;
178     _fs_size_t      used;
179     _fs_size_t      ilimit;
180     _fs_size_t      iused;
181 } diQuota_t;
183 typedef struct
184 {
185     int    count;
186     char   **list;
187 } iList_t;
189 #if ! _lib_zone_list
190 # define zoneid_t       int
191 # define ZONENAME_MAX   65
192 #endif
194 typedef struct {
195     zoneid_t    zoneid;
196     char        name [ZONENAME_MAX + 1];
197     char        rootpath [MAXPATHLEN + 1];
198     Size_t      rootpathlen;
199 } zoneSummary_t;
201 typedef struct {
202     Uid_t           uid;
203     zoneid_t        myzoneid;
204     zoneSummary_t   *zones;
205     Uint_t          zoneCount;
206     char            zoneDisplay [MAXPATHLEN + 1];
207     int             globalIdx;
208 } zoneInfo_t;
210 #define DI_SORT_MAX             10
212 /* order from best to worst */
213 #define DI_EXIT_NORM      0
214 #define DI_EXIT_OK        1
215 #define DI_EXIT_WARN      2
216 #define DI_EXIT_FAIL      3
218 typedef struct {
219     const char      *formatString;
220     _print_size_t   dispBlockSize;
221     _print_size_t   baseDispSize;
222     unsigned int    baseDispIdx;
223     char            sortType [DI_SORT_MAX + 1];
224     unsigned int    posix_compat;
225     unsigned int    quota_check;
226     unsigned int    csv_output;
227     unsigned int    csv_tabs;
228     unsigned int    excludeLoopback;
229     unsigned int    json_output;
230     unsigned int    printTotals;
231     unsigned int    printDebugHeader;
232     unsigned int    printHeader;
233     unsigned int    displayAll;
234     unsigned int    localOnly;
235     unsigned int    dontResolveSymlink;
236     unsigned int    exitFlag;
237     int             errorCount;
238 } diOptions_t;
240 typedef struct {
241     Size_t       inodeWidth;
242     Size_t       maxMntTimeString;
243     Size_t       maxMountString;
244     Size_t       maxOptString;
245     Size_t       maxSpecialString;
246     Size_t       maxTypeString;
247     Size_t       width;
248     const char   *dispBlockLabel;
249     char         blockFormat [25];
250     char         blockFormatNR [25];   /* no radix */
251     char         inodeFormat [25];
252     char         inodeLabelFormat [25];
253     char         mountFormat [25];
254     char         mTimeFormat [25];
255     char         optFormat [25];
256     char         specialFormat [25];
257     char         typeFormat [25];
258 } diOutput_t;
260 typedef struct {
261     int             count;
262     int             haspooledfs;
263     int             disppooledfs;
264     int             totsorted;
265     diOptions_t     options;
266     diOutput_t      output;
267     diDiskInfo_t    *diskInfo;
268     iList_t         ignoreList;
269     iList_t         includeList;
270     zoneInfo_t      zoneInfo;
271 } diData_t;
273 # if defined (__cplusplus) || defined (c_plusplus)
274    extern "C" {
275 # endif
277 #if ! _dcl_errno
278   extern int errno;
279 #endif
281  /* digetentries.c */
282 extern int  di_getDiskEntries       _((diDiskInfo_t **, int *));
283  /* digetinfo.c */
284 extern void di_getDiskInfo          _((diDiskInfo_t **, int *));
285  /* diquota.c */
286 extern void diquota                 _((diQuota_t *));
287  /* strdup.c */
288 # if ! _lib_strdup
289 extern char *strdup                 _((const char *));
290 # endif
291  /* strstr.c */
292 # if ! _lib_strstr
293 extern char *strstr           _((const char *, const char *));
294 # endif
295  /* trimchar.c */
296 extern void trimChar                _((char *, int));
297  /* realloc.c */
298 extern _pvoid di_realloc            _((_pvoid, Size_t));
299  /* didiskutil.c */
300 extern void di_initDiskInfo _((diDiskInfo_t *));
301 extern void di_saveBlockSizes _((diDiskInfo_t *, _fs_size_t, _fs_size_t, _fs_size_t, _fs_size_t));
302 extern void di_saveInodeSizes _((diDiskInfo_t *, _fs_size_t, _fs_size_t, _fs_size_t));
303 #if _lib_getmntent \
304     && ! _lib_getmntinfo \
305     && ! _lib_getfsstat \
306     && ! _lib_getvfsstat \
307     && ! _lib_mntctl \
308     && ! _class_os__Volumes
309 extern char *chkMountOptions        _((const char *, const char *));
310 #endif
311 extern void convertMountOptions     _((unsigned long, diDiskInfo_t *));
312 extern void convertNFSMountOptions  _((long, long, long, diDiskInfo_t *));
313 extern void di_testRemoteDisk       _((diDiskInfo_t *));
314 extern int  di_isPooledFs           _((diDiskInfo_t *));
315 extern int  di_isLoopbackFs         _((diDiskInfo_t *));
316 extern Size_t di_mungePoolName      _((char *));
318 # if defined (__cplusplus) || defined (c_plusplus)
319    }
320 # endif
322      /* macro for gettext() */
323 #ifndef DI_GT
324 # if _enable_nls
325 #  define DI_GT(args) gettext(args)
326 # else
327 #  define DI_GT(args) (args)
328 # endif
329 #endif
331 # if _lib_sys_dollar_device_scan && _lib_sys_dollar_getdviw
333 /* Thanks to Craig Berry's VMS::Device for the VMS code. */
335 typedef struct {
336   short   buflen;          /* Length of output buffer */
337   short   itmcode;         /* Item code */
338   void    *buffer;         /* Buffer address */
339   void    *retlen;         /* Return length address */
342 # define DVI_IS_STRING 1
343 # define DVI_IS_LONGWORD 2
344 # define DVI_IS_QUADWORD 3
345 # define DVI_IS_WORD 4
346 # define DVI_IS_BYTE 5
347 # define DVI_IS_VMSDATE 6
348 # define DVI_IS_BITMAP 7  /* Each bit in the return value indicates something */
349 # define DVI_IS_ENUM 8    /* Each returned value has a name, and we ought to */
350                           /* return the name instead of the value */
351 # define DVI_IS_ODD 9     /* A catchall */
354 # define DVI_IS_INPUT (1<<0)
355 # define DVI_IS_OUTPUT (1<<1)
356 # define DVI_ENT(a, b, c) {#a, DVI$_##a, b, c, DVI_IS_OUTPUT}
358 typedef struct {
359   char *name;         /* Pointer to the item name */
360   int  syscallValue;  /* Value to use in the getDVI item list */
361   int  bufferLen;     /* Length the return va buf needs to be. (no nul */
362                       /* terminators, so must be careful with the return */
363                       /* values. */
364   int  returnType;    /* Type of data the item returns */
365   int  inOut;         /* Is this an input or an output item? */
366 } genericID_t ;
368 /* Macro to fill in a 'traditional' item-list entry */
369 # define init_itemlist(ile, length, code, bufaddr, retlen_addr) \
370 { \
371     (ile)->buflen = (length); \
372     (ile)->itmcode = (code); \
373     (ile)->buffer = (bufaddr); \
374     (ile)->retlen = (retlen_addr) ;}
376 # endif
378 #endif /* DI_INC_DI_H */