1! ---
2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
7! ---
8module m_energies
9  use precision, only: dp
10  implicit none
12  private :: dp
13  public
14  save
16  real(dp):: DEharr     ! Tr[H * (DM_out - DM_in)], for Harris energy
17  real(dp):: DEna       ! Neutral-atom energy term, calculated  in dnaefs
18  real(dp):: DUext      ! Interaction energy with external  electric field,
19                        ! calculated in dhscf
21  real(dp):: DUscf      ! Electrostatic energy of (rhoscf- rhoatm), calc. in dhscf
22  real(dp):: Dxc        ! Integral((epsxc-Vxc)*Rho), calculated  in dhscf (not used)
23  real(dp):: Ecorrec    ! Energy term eta*DeltaQ, calculated in  ordern
24  real(dp):: ef         ! Fermi energy
25  real(dp):: efs(2)     ! Fermi energies (only for fixed spin calculations)
26  real(dp):: Eharrs     ! Harris-functional total energy
27  real(dp):: Eions      ! Self-energy of isolated ions
28  real(dp):: Ekin       ! Kinetic energy of electrons,  calculated in kinefsm
29  real(dp):: Ekinion    ! Kinetic energy of ions
30  real(dp):: Emad       ! Madelung energy term, calculated in  madelung
31  real(dp):: Ena        ! Neutral-atom term in the total energy,  calculated in naefs
32  real(dp):: Enaatm     ! Integral of Vna * rhoatm, calculated  in dhscf
33  real(dp):: Enascf     ! Integral of Vna * rhoscf, calculated  in dhscf
34  real(dp):: Enl        ! Non-local pseudopot. energy term,  calculated in nlefsm
35  real(dp):: Emeta      ! Metadynamics energy contribution  calculated in meta
36  real(dp):: Entropy    ! Entropy due to electron state occupations
37  real(dp):: Etot       ! Total electronic energy
38  real(dp):: Exc        ! Exchange-correlation energy,  calculated in dhscf
39  real(dp):: E0         ! Non-SCF part of total energy
40  real(dp):: Emm        ! Classical two-body term, calculated in  twobody
41  real(dp):: FreeE      ! Free energy
42  real(dp):: FreeEharris! Free energy computed with Harris total energy
43  real(dp):: Uatm       ! Harris hartree electron energy,  calculated in dhscf
44  real(dp):: Uscf       ! SCF hartree electron energy,  calculated in dhscf
45  real(dp):: Ebs        ! Band-structure energy, Tr(DM*H), calculated in compute_dm
46  real(dp):: Eso        ! Spin-orbit energy
47  real(dp):: Edftu
48  real(dp):: DEdftu
50  real(dp) :: NEGF_DE  ! NEGF total energy contribution = - e * \sum_i N_i \mu_i
51  ! Generally we should only calculate energies in the regions where we are updating elements
52  ! As such we need a specific energy for the NEGF part
53  ! Their meaning is directly transferable to the above listed energies (in the updating regions)
54  real(dp) :: NEGF_Ebs
55  real(dp) :: NEGF_Ekin
56  real(dp) :: NEGF_Enl
57  real(dp) :: NEGF_DEharr
58  real(dp) :: NEGF_Eharrs
59  real(dp) :: NEGF_Etot
60  real(dp) :: NEGF_FreeE
64  !> Initialize ALL energies to 0.
65  subroutine init_Energies()
67    DEharr = 0._dp
68    DEna = 0._dp
69    DUext = 0._dp
70    DUscf = 0._dp
71    Dxc = 0._dp
72    Ecorrec = 0._dp
73    ef = 0._dp
74    efs = 0._dp
75    Eharrs = 0._dp
76    Eions = 0._dp
77    Ekin = 0._dp
78    Ekinion = 0._dp
79    Emad = 0._dp
80    Ena = 0._dp
81    Enaatm = 0._dp
82    Enascf = 0._dp
83    Enl = 0._dp
84    Emeta = 0._dp
85    Entropy = 0._dp
86    Etot = 0._dp
87    Exc = 0._dp
88    E0 = 0._dp
89    Emm = 0._dp
90    FreeE = 0._dp
91    FreeEharris = 0._dp
92    Uatm = 0._dp
93    Uscf = 0._dp
94    Ebs = 0._dp
95    Eso = 0._dp
96    Edftu = 0._dp
97    DEdftu = 0._dp
99    ! NEGF part
100    NEGF_DE = 0._dp
101    NEGF_Ebs = 0._dp
102    NEGF_Ekin = 0._dp
103    NEGF_Enl = 0._dp
104    NEGF_DEharr = 0._dp
105    NEGF_Eharrs = 0._dp
106    NEGF_Etot = 0._dp
107    NEGF_FreeE = 0._dp
109  end subroutine init_Energies
111  !> To ease the computation of specific deferred
112  !> quantites we allow the computation of these quantites
113  !> In ONE place
115  subroutine update_DEna()
117    DEna = Enascf - Enaatm
119  end subroutine update_DEna
121  subroutine update_E0()
123    E0 = Ena + Ekin + Enl + Eso - Eions
125  end subroutine update_E0
127  subroutine update_Etot()
128    use m_ts_global_vars, only: TSrun
130    ! DUext (external electric field) -- should it be in or out?
131    Etot = Ena + Ekin + Enl + Eso - Eions + &
132        DEna + DUscf + DUext + Exc + &
133        Ecorrec + Emad + Emm + Emeta + Edftu
135    if ( TSrun ) then
136      NEGF_Etot = Ena + NEGF_Ekin + NEGF_Enl - Eions + &
137          DEna + DUscf + DUext + Exc + Ecorrec + Emad + Emm + Emeta + &
138          Edftu + NEGF_DE
139    end if
141  end subroutine update_Etot
143  !> @param kBT the temperature in energy
144  subroutine update_FreeE( kBT )
145    use m_ts_global_vars, only: TSrun
146    real(dp), intent(in) :: kBT
148    FreeE = Etot - kBT * Entropy
150    if ( TSrun ) then
151      NEGF_FreeE = NEGF_Etot - kBT * Entropy
152    end if
154  end subroutine update_FreeE
156  !> @param kBT the temperature in energy
157  subroutine update_FreeEHarris( kBT )
158    real(dp), intent(in) :: kBT
160    FreeEHarris = Eharrs - kBT * Entropy
162  end subroutine update_FreeEHarris
164end module m_energies