1 /*
2  * lid.h
3  *
4  * Line Interface Device
5  *
6  * Open Phone Abstraction Library
7  *
8  * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Equivalence Pty. Ltd.
9  *
10  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
11  * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
12  * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
13  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
14  *
15  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
16  * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
17  * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  * The Original Code is Open H323 Library.
21  *
22  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Equivalence Pty. Ltd.
23  *
24  * Portions of this code were written with the assisance of funding from
25  * Quicknet Technologies, Inc. http://www.quicknet.net.
26  *
27  * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
28  *
29  * $Revision: 24178 $
30  * $Author: rjongbloed $
31  * $Date: 2010-04-05 19:10:56 -0500 (Mon, 05 Apr 2010) $
32  */
34 #ifndef OPAL_LIDS_LID_H
35 #define OPAL_LIDS_LID_H
37 #ifdef P_USE_PRAGMA
38 #pragma interface
39 #endif
41 #include <opal/buildopts.h>
43 #include <opal/mediafmt.h>
46 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
48 /** Line Interface Device abstraction.
49     Note all functions in this device abstraction are assumed to be thread atomic.
50  */
51 class OpalLineInterfaceDevice : public PObject
52 {
53   PCLASSINFO(OpalLineInterfaceDevice, PObject);
55   public:
56     /**Construct a new line interface device.
57       */
58     OpalLineInterfaceDevice();
60     /**Open the line interface device.
61       */
62     virtual PBoolean Open(
63       const PString & device      ///<  Device identifier name.
64     ) = 0;
66     /**Determine if the line interface device is open.
67       */
68     virtual PBoolean IsOpen() const;
70     /**Close the line interface device.
71       */
72     virtual PBoolean Close();
74     /**Get the device type identifier.
75        This is as is used in the factory registration.
76       */
77     virtual PString GetDeviceType() const = 0;
79     /**Get the device name, as used to open the device.
80        Note the format of this name should be as is returned from GetAllName()
81        and must be able to be used in a subsequent Open() call.
82       */
83     virtual PString GetDeviceName() const = 0;
85     /**Get all the possible devices that can be opened.
86       */
87     virtual PStringArray GetAllNames() const = 0;
89     /**Get the description of the line interface device.
90        This is a string indication of the card type for user interface
91        display purposes or device specific control. The device should be
92        as detailed as possible eg "Quicknet LineJACK".
93       */
94     virtual PString GetDescription() const = 0;
96     /**Get the total number of lines supported by this device.
97       */
98     virtual unsigned GetLineCount() const = 0;
100     /**Get the type of the line.
101        A "terminal" line is one where a call may terminate. For example a POTS
102        line with a standard telephone handset on it would be a terminal line.
103        The alternative is a "network" line, that is one connected to switched
104        network eg the standard PSTN.
105       */
106     virtual PBoolean IsLineTerminal(
107       unsigned line   ///<  Number of line
108     ) = 0;
111     /**Determine if a physical line is present on the logical line.
112       */
113     virtual PBoolean IsLinePresent(
114       unsigned line,      ///<  Number of line
115       PBoolean force = false  ///<  Force test, do not optimise
116     );
119     /**Determine if line is currently off hook.
120        This function implies that the state is debounced and that a return
121        value of true indicates that the phone is really off hook. That is
122        hook flashes and winks are masked out.
123       */
124     virtual PBoolean IsLineOffHook(
125       unsigned line   ///<  Number of line
126     ) = 0;
128     /**Set the hook state of the line.
129        Note that not be possible on a given line, for example a POTS line with
130        a standard telephone handset. The hook state is determined by external
131        hardware and cannot be changed by the software.
132       */
133     virtual PBoolean SetLineOffHook(
134       unsigned line,        ///<  Number of line
135       PBoolean newState = true  ///<  New state to set
136     ) = 0;
138     /**Set the hook state of the line.
139        This is the complement of SetLineOffHook().
140       */
SetLineOnHook(unsigned line)141     virtual PBoolean SetLineOnHook(
142       unsigned line        ///<  Number of line
143     ) { return SetLineOffHook(line, false); }
145     /**Set the hook state off then straight back on again.
146        This will only operate if the line is currently off hook.
147       */
148     virtual PBoolean HookFlash(
149       unsigned line,              ///<  Number of line
150       unsigned flashTime = 200    ///<  Time for hook flash in milliseconds
151     );
153     /**Return true if a hook flash has been detected
154       */
155     virtual PBoolean HasHookFlash(unsigned line);
158     /**Determine if line is ringing.
159        This function implies that the state is "debounced" and that a return
160        value of true indicates that the phone is still ringing and it is not
161        simply a pause in the ring cadence.
163        If cadence is not NULL then it is set with the bit pattern for the
164        incoming ringing. Note that in this case the funtion may take a full
165        sequence to return. If it is NULL it can be assumed that the function
166        will return quickly.
167       */
168     virtual PBoolean IsLineRinging(
169       unsigned line,          ///<  Number of line
170       DWORD * cadence = NULL  ///<  Cadence of incoming ring
171     );
173     /**Begin ringing local phone set with specified cadence.
174        If nCadence is zero then stops ringing.
176        Note that this may not be possible on a given line, for example on a
177        PSTN line the ring state is determined by external hardware and cannot
178        be changed by the software.
180        Also note that the cadence may be ignored by particular hardware driver
181        so that only the zero or non-zero values are significant.
183        The ring pattern is an array of millisecond times for on and off parts
184        of the cadence. Thus the Australian ring cadence would be represented
185        by the array   unsigned AusRing[] = { 400, 200, 400, 2000 }
187        If the nCadence in non-zero and the pattern parameter is NULL, then
188        the standard ring pattern for the selected country is used.
189       */
190     virtual PBoolean RingLine(
191       unsigned line,                   ///< Number of line
192       PINDEX nCadence,                 ///< Number of entries in cadence array
193       const unsigned * pattern = NULL, ///< Ring pattern times
194       unsigned frequency = 400         ///< Frequency of ring (if relevant)
195     );
198     /**Indicate to the POTS handset that the call is connected.
199        This uses the hardware (and country) dependent means to indicate to
200        the remote end of a POTS connection that we have answerd. Typically
201        this is a "polarity reversal" but other techniques may be used.
203        The "connected" state remains in force till the remote disconnects
204        the call, though hanging up.
206        Returns true if successful, always returns false for PSTN lines.
207       */
208     virtual PBoolean SetLineConnected(
209       unsigned line   ///<  Number of line
210     );
212     /**Determine if remote has answered call on line.
213        This uses the hardware (and country) dependent means for determining
214        if the remote end of a PSTN connection has answered. Typically this
215        is a "polarity reversal" but other techniques may be used.
217        It should be noted that IsLineConnected() is not exactly the same
218        thing as !IsLineDisconnected().
220        For a POTS port this is equivalent to IsLineOffHook().
221       */
222     virtual PBoolean IsLineConnected(
223       unsigned line   ///<  Number of line
224     );
227     /**Determine if line has been disconnected from a call.
228        This uses the hardware (and country) dependent means for determining
229        if the remote end of a PSTN connection has hung up. For example a
230        "wink" or "K break" which is a short drop in line voltage similar to
231        (though opposite in sense) toa hook flash.
233        It should be noted that IsLineDisconnected() is not exactly the same
234        thing as !IsLineConnected().
236        For a POTS port this is equivalent to !IsLineOffHook().
237       */
238     virtual PBoolean IsLineDisconnected(
239       unsigned line,   ///<  Number of line
240       PBoolean checkForWink = true ///< Flag to check for remote hang up
241     );
244     /**Directly connect the two lines.
245       */
246     virtual PBoolean SetLineToLineDirect(
247       unsigned line1,   ///<  Number of first line
248       unsigned line2,   ///<  Number of second line
249       PBoolean connect      ///<  Flag for connect/disconnect
250     );
252     /**Determine if the two lines are directly connected.
253       */
254     virtual PBoolean IsLineToLineDirect(
255       unsigned line1,   ///<  Number of first line
256       unsigned line2    ///<  Number of second line
257     );
260     /**Get the media formats this device is capable of using.
261       */
262     virtual OpalMediaFormatList GetMediaFormats() const = 0;
264     /**Set the media format (codec) for reading on the specified line.
265       */
266     virtual PBoolean SetReadFormat(
267       unsigned line,    ///<  Number of line
268       const OpalMediaFormat & mediaFormat   ///<  Codec type
269     ) = 0;
271     /**Set the media format (codec) for writing on the specified line.
272       */
273     virtual PBoolean SetWriteFormat(
274       unsigned line,    ///<  Number of line
275       const OpalMediaFormat & mediaFormat   ///<  Codec type
276     ) = 0;
278     /**Get the media format (codec) for reading on the specified line.
279       */
280     virtual OpalMediaFormat GetReadFormat(
281       unsigned line    ///<  Number of line
282     ) = 0;
284     /**Get the media format (codec) for writing on the specified line.
285       */
286     virtual OpalMediaFormat GetWriteFormat(
287       unsigned line    ///<  Number of line
288     ) = 0;
290     /**Stop the read codec.
291       */
292     virtual PBoolean StopReading(
293       unsigned line   ///<  Number of line
294     );
296     /**Stop the write codec.
297       */
298     virtual PBoolean StopWriting(
299       unsigned line   ///<  Number of line
300     );
302     /**Indicate that ReadFrame() & WriteFrame() take whole RTP packets.
303        Note that if this returns true, SetReadFrameSize(), SetWriteFrameSize(),
304        GetReadFrameSize() and GetWriteFrameSize() are no longer relevant.
305       */
306     virtual bool UsesRTP() const;
308     /**Set the read frame size in bytes.
309        Note that a LID may ignore this value so always use GetReadFrameSize()
310        for I/O.
311       */
312     virtual PBoolean SetReadFrameSize(
313       unsigned line,    ///<  Number of line
314       PINDEX frameSize  ///<  New frame size
315     );
317     /**Set the write frame size in bytes.
318        Note that a LID may ignore this value so always use GetReadFrameSize()
319        for I/O.
320       */
321     virtual PBoolean SetWriteFrameSize(
322       unsigned line,    ///<  Number of line
323       PINDEX frameSize  ///<  New frame size
324     );
326     /**Get the read frame size in bytes.
327        All calls to ReadFrame() will return this number of bytes.
328       */
329     virtual PINDEX GetReadFrameSize(
330       unsigned line   ///<  Number of line
331     );
333     /**Get the write frame size in bytes.
334        All calls to WriteFrame() must be this number of bytes.
335       */
336     virtual PINDEX GetWriteFrameSize(
337       unsigned line   ///<  Number of line
338     );
340     /**Low level read of a frame from the device.
341      */
342     virtual PBoolean ReadFrame(
343       unsigned line,    ///<  Number of line
344       void * buf,       ///<  Pointer to a block of memory to receive data.
345       PINDEX & count    ///<  Number of bytes read, <= GetReadFrameSize()
346     ) = 0;
348     /**Low level write frame to the device.
349      */
350     virtual PBoolean WriteFrame(
351       unsigned line,    ///<  Number of line
352       const void * buf, ///<  Pointer to a block of memory to write.
353       PINDEX count,     ///<  Number of bytes to write, <= GetWriteFrameSize()
354       PINDEX & written  ///<  Number of bytes written, <= GetWriteFrameSize()
355     ) = 0;
357     /**High level read of audio data from the device.
358        This version will allow non-integral number of frames to be read.
359      */
360     virtual PBoolean ReadBlock(
361       unsigned line,    ///<  Number of line
362       void * buf,   ///<  Pointer to a block of memory to receive the read bytes.
363       PINDEX count  ///<  Count of bytes to read.
364     );
366     /**High level write audio data to the device.
367      */
368     virtual PBoolean WriteBlock(
369       unsigned line,    ///<  Number of line
370       const void * buf, ///<  Pointer to a block of memory to write.
371       PINDEX count      ///<  Count of bytes to write.
372     );
375     /**Get average signal level in last frame.
376       */
377     virtual unsigned GetAverageSignalLevel(
378       unsigned line,  ///<  Number of line
379       PBoolean playback   ///<  Get average playback or record level.
380     );
383     /**Enable audio for the line.
384       */
385     virtual PBoolean EnableAudio(
386       unsigned line,      ///<  Number of line
387       PBoolean enable = true ///< Enable/disable audio
388     );
390     /**Disable audio for the line.
391       */
DisableAudio(unsigned line)392     PBoolean DisableAudio(
393       unsigned line   ///<  Number of line
394     ) { return EnableAudio(line, false); }
396     /**Determine if audio for the line is enabled.
397       */
398     virtual PBoolean IsAudioEnabled(
399       unsigned line      ///<  Number of line
400     ) const;
403     enum {
404       MaxVolume = 100
405     };
407     /**Set volume level for recording.
408        A value of 100 is the maximum volume possible for the hardware.
409        A value of 0 is the minimum volume possible for the hardware.
410       */
411     virtual PBoolean SetRecordVolume(
412       unsigned line,    ///<  Number of line
413       unsigned volume   ///<  Volume level from 0 to 100%
414     );
416     /**Set volume level for playing.
417        A value of 100 is the maximum volume possible for the hardware.
418        A value of 0 is the minimum volume possible for the hardware.
419       */
420     virtual PBoolean SetPlayVolume(
421       unsigned line,    ///<  Number of line
422       unsigned volume   ///<  Volume level from 0 to 100%
423     );
425     /**Get volume level for recording.
426        A value of 100 is the maximum volume possible for the hardware.
427        A value of 0 is the minimum volume possible for the hardware.
428       */
429     virtual PBoolean GetRecordVolume(
430       unsigned line,      ///<  Number of line
431       unsigned & volume   ///<  Volume level from 0 to 100%
432     );
434     /**Set volume level for playing.
435        A value of 100 is the maximum volume possible for the hardware.
436        A value of 0 is the minimum volume possible for the hardware.
437       */
438     virtual PBoolean GetPlayVolume(
439       unsigned line,      ///<  Number of line
440       unsigned & volume   ///<  Volume level from 0 to 100%
441     );
444     enum AECLevels {
445       AECOff,
446       AECLow,
447       AECMedium,
448       AECHigh,
449       AECAuto,
450       AECAGC,
451       AECError
452     };
454     /**Get acoustic echo cancellation.
455        Note, not all devices may support this function.
456       */
457     virtual AECLevels GetAEC(
458       unsigned line    ///<  Number of line
459     ) const;
461     /**Set acoustic echo cancellation.
462        Note, not all devices may support this function.
463       */
464     virtual PBoolean SetAEC(
465       unsigned line,    ///<  Number of line
466       AECLevels level   ///<  AEC level
467     );
469     /**Get voice activity detection.
470        Note, not all devices, or selected codecs, may support this function.
471       */
472     virtual PBoolean GetVAD(
473       unsigned line    ///<  Number of line
474     ) const;
476     /**Set voice activity detection.
477        Note, not all devices, or selected codecs, may support this function.
478       */
479     virtual PBoolean SetVAD(
480       unsigned line,    ///<  Number of line
481       PBoolean enable       ///<  Flag for enabling VAD
482     );
485     /**Get Caller ID from the last incoming ring.
486        The idString parameter is either simply the "number" field of the caller
487        ID data, or if full is true, all of the fields in the caller ID data.
489        The full data of the caller ID string consists fields separated by tab
490        characters ('\\t'), the first three are always the Calling Line Identity
491        (CLI or calling number), the date and the Calling Line Name field. Other
492        fields may follow and are the of the form name=value. The values are
493        LID dependent.
495        A false is returned if there is no Caller ID information available, e.g.
496        if no ring has occurred.
497       */
498     virtual PBoolean GetCallerID(
499       unsigned line,      ///<  Number of line
500       PString & idString, ///<  ID string returned
501       PBoolean full = false   ///<  Get full information in idString
502     );
504     /**Set Caller ID information.
505        The idString must be as a minimum a number fields for the Calling Line
506        Identity.
508        The full data of the caller ID string consists fields separated by tab
509        characters ('\\t'), the first three are always the Calling Line Identity
510        (CLI or calling number), the date and the Calling Line Name field. Other
511        fields may follow and are the of the form name=value. The values are
512        LID dependent.
514        If the date field is missing (e.g. two consecutive tabs) then the current
515        time and date is used. Using an empty string will clear the caller ID
516        so that no caller ID is sent on the next RingLine() call.
518        if the line is on hook then this information is sent when the next
519        RingLine() function is called to start a ring cycle. Note that if the
520        Ring cycle had already been started then this function may return false.
522        If the line is off hook, then a Caller ID on Message Waiting is sent, if
523        supported by the LID, otherwise false is returned.
524       */
525     virtual PBoolean SetCallerID(
526       unsigned line,            ///<  Number of line
527       const PString & idString  ///<  ID string to use
528     );
530     /**Send a Visual Message Waiting Indicator
531       */
532     virtual PBoolean SendVisualMessageWaitingIndicator(
533       unsigned line,            ///<  Number of line
534       PBoolean on               ///< Flag for VMWI on/off
535     );
538     enum {
539       DefaultDTMFOnTime = 150,
540       DefaultDTMFOffTime = 50
541     };
543     /**Play a DTMF digit.
544        Any characters that are not in the set 0-9, A-D, * or # will be ignored.
545       */
546     virtual PBoolean PlayDTMF(
547       unsigned line,            ///<  Number of line
548       const char * digits,      ///<  DTMF digits to be played
549       DWORD onTime = DefaultDTMFOnTime,  ///<  Number of milliseconds to play each DTMF digit
550       DWORD offTime = DefaultDTMFOffTime ///<  Number of milliseconds between digits
551     );
553     /**Read a DTMF digit detected.
554        This may be characters from the set 0-9, A-D, * or #. A null ('\\0')
555        character indicates that there are no tones in the queue.
556        Characters E through P indicate the following tones:
558          E = 800   F = 1000  G = 1250  H = 950   I = 1100  J = 1400
559          K = 1500  L = 1600  M = 1800  N = 2100  O = 1300  P = 2450
561       */
562     virtual char ReadDTMF(
563       unsigned line   ///<  Number of line
564     );
566     /**Get DTMF removal mode.
567        When set in this mode the DTMF tones detected are removed from the
568        encoded data stream as returned by ReadFrame().
569       */
570     virtual PBoolean GetRemoveDTMF(
571       unsigned line   ///<  Number of line
572     );
574     /**Set DTMF removal mode.
575        When set in this mode the DTMF tones detected are removed from the
576        encoded data stream as returned by ReadFrame().
577       */
578     virtual PBoolean SetRemoveDTMF(
579       unsigned line,     ///<  Number of line
580       PBoolean removeTones   ///<  Flag for removing DTMF tones.
581     );
584     enum CallProgressTones {
585       NoTone = -1, // indicates no tones
586       DialTone,    // Dial tone
587       RingTone,    // Ring indication tone
588       BusyTone,    // Line engaged tone
589       CongestionTone,// aka fast busy tone
590       ClearTone,   // Call failed/disconnected tone (often same as busy tone)
591       MwiTone,     // Message Waiting Tone
592       RoutingTone, // Call is being routed (not normal for PSTN, but VoIP can take a while)
593       CNGTone,     // Fax CNG tone
594       CEDTone,     // Fax CED tone
595       UserDefinedTone,
596       NumTones
597     };
599     /**See if any tone is detected.
600       */
601     virtual CallProgressTones IsToneDetected(
602       unsigned line   ///< Number of line
603     );
605     /**See if any tone is detected.
606       */
607     virtual CallProgressTones WaitForToneDetect(
608       unsigned line,          ///< Number of line
609       unsigned timeout = 3000 ///< Milliseconds to wait for
610     );
612     /**See if a specific tone is detected.
613       */
614     virtual PBoolean WaitForTone(
615       unsigned line,          ///<  Number of line
616       CallProgressTones tone, ///<  Tone to wait for
617       unsigned timeout = 3000 ///<  Milliseconds to wait for
618     );
620     /**Set a calling tones description.
621        This sets the calling tone infromation for both wtah is emitted by PlayTone
622        and what is detected by IsToneDetected().
624        The description string is of the form
625           frequency ':' cadence
626       where frequency is either
627           frequency      play tone, detect +/- 5%
628           low '-' high   play tone halfway, but detect anything in range
629           low '+' high   play both tones, detect anything in range
630           low 'x' high   play tone1 modulated by tone2, detect twice modulation range
631       and cadence is
632           mintime
633           ontime '-' offtime
634           ontime '-' offtime '-' ontime '-' offtime
635       examples:
636           300:0.25      300Hz for minimum 250ms
637           1100:0.4-0.4  1100Hz with cadence 400ms on, 400ms off
638           900-1300:1.5  900Hz to 1300Hz for minimum of 1.5 seconds
639           425:0.4-0.2-0.4-2    425Hz with cadence
640                                 400ms on, 200ms off, 400ms on, 2 seconds off
641       */
642     virtual bool SetToneDescription(
643       unsigned line,              ///<  Number of line
644       CallProgressTones tone,     ///<  Tone filter to change
645       const PString & description ///<  Description of filter parameters
646     );
648     enum ToneMixingModes {
649       SimpleTone,
650       AddedTone,
651       ModulatedTone
652     };
654     /**Set calling tones filter parameters. Note this function is misnamed as it
655        can also set the calling tone to be output by PlayTone().
656       */
657     virtual bool SetToneParameters(
658       unsigned line,            ///<  Number of line
659       CallProgressTones tone,   ///<  Tone filter to change
660       unsigned frequency1,      ///<  Usually low frequency
661       unsigned frequency2,      ///<  Usually high frequency
662       ToneMixingModes mode,     ///<  Mode for how freqencies are mixed, -1 is
663       PINDEX numCadences,       ///<  Number of cadence times
664       const unsigned * onTimes, ///<  Cadence ON times
665       const unsigned * offTimes ///<  Cadence OFF times
666     );
668     /**Play a tone.
669       */
670     virtual PBoolean PlayTone(
671       unsigned line,          ///<  Number of line
672       CallProgressTones tone  ///<  Tone to be played
673     );
675     /**Determine if a tone is still playing
676       */
677     virtual PBoolean IsTonePlaying(
678       unsigned line   ///<  Number of line
679     );
681     /**Stop playing a tone.
682       */
683     virtual PBoolean StopTone(
684       unsigned line   ///<  Number of line
685     );
688     /** Structure for dialling parameters */
689     struct DialParams {
DialParamsDialParams690       DialParams()
691         : m_requireTones(false)
692         , m_dialToneTimeout(2500)
693         , m_dialStartDelay(500)
694         , m_dialDigitTime(DefaultDTMFOnTime)
695         , m_dialInterDigitTime(DefaultDTMFOffTime)
696         , m_progressTimeout(5000)
697         , m_commaDelay(2000)
698       { }
700       bool     m_requireTones;      ///< Require dial/ring tone to be detected
701       unsigned m_dialToneTimeout;   ///< Time in msec to wait for a dial tone to be detected
702       unsigned m_dialStartDelay;    ///< Time in msec to wait between the dial tone detection and dialing the DTMF
703       unsigned m_dialDigitTime;     ///< Time in msec to play DTMF digit
704       unsigned m_dialInterDigitTime;///< Time in msec of silence between each DTMF digit
705       unsigned m_progressTimeout;   ///< Time in msec to wait for a progress tone (ring, busy or connected) to be detected
706       unsigned m_commaDelay;        ///< Time in msec to wait when a comma (',') is found in the dial string
707     };
709     /**Dial a number on network line.
710        The takes the line off hook, waits for dial tone, and transmits the
711        specified number as DTMF tones.
713        If the requireTones flag is true the call is aborted of the call
714        progress tones are not detected. Otherwise the call proceeds with short
715        delays while it tries to detect the call progress tones.
717        The return code indicates the following:
718           DialTone  No dial tone detected
719           RingTone  Dial was successful
720           BusyTone  The remote phone was busy
721           ClearTone Dial failed (usually means rang out)
722           NoTone    There was an internal error making the call
723       */
724     virtual CallProgressTones DialOut(
725       unsigned line,                ///< Number of line
726       const PString & number,       ///< Number to dial
727       const DialParams & params = DialParams() ///< Optional parameters for dial out.
728     );
731     /**Get wink detect minimum duration.
732        This is the signal used by telcos to end PSTN call.
733       */
734     virtual unsigned GetWinkDuration(
735       unsigned line    ///<  Number of line
736     );
738     /**Set wink detect minimum duration.
739        This is the signal used by telcos to end PSTN call.
740       */
741     virtual PBoolean SetWinkDuration(
742       unsigned line,        ///<  Number of line
743       unsigned winkDuration ///<  New minimum duration
744     );
747     enum T35CountryCodes {
748       Japan, Albania, Algeria, AmericanSamoa, Germany, Anguilla, AntiguaAndBarbuda,
749       Argentina, Ascension, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh,
750       Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermudas, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana,
751       Brazil, BritishAntarcticTerritory, BritishIndianOceanTerritory,
752       BritishVirginIslands, BruneiDarussalam, Bulgaria, Myanmar, Burundi,
753       Byelorussia, Cameroon, Canada, CapeVerde, CaymanIslands,
754       CentralAfricanRepublic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo,
755       CookIslands, CostaRica, Cuba, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Cambodia,
756       DemocraticPeoplesRepublicOfKorea, Denmark, Djibouti, DominicanRepublic,
757       Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, ElSalvador, EquatorialGuinea, Ethiopia,
758       FalklandIslands, Fiji, Finland, France, FrenchPolynesia,
759       FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands, Gabon, Gambia, Germany2, Angola, Ghana,
760       Gibraltar, Greece, Grenada, Guam, Guatemala, Guernsey, Guinea, GuineaBissau,
761       Guayana, Haiti, Honduras, Hongkong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia,
762       Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, CotedIvoire, Jamaica, Afghanistan,
763       Jersey, Jordan, Kenya, Kiribati, KoreaRepublic, Kuwait, Lao, Lebanon,
764       Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Luxemborg, Macao, Madagascar,
765       Malaysia, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico,
766       Monaco, Mongolia, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Nauru, Nepal,
767       Netherlands, NetherlandsAntilles, NewCaledonia, NewZealand, Nicaragua,
768       Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, PapuaNewGuinea, Paraguay,
769       Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, PuertoRico, Qatar, Romania, Rwanda,
770       SaintKittsAndNevis, SaintCroix, SaintHelenaAndAscension, SaintLucia,
771       SanMarino, SaintThomas, SaoTomeAndPrincipe, SaintVicentAndTheGrenadines,
772       SaudiArabia, Senegal, Seychelles, SierraLeone, Singapore, SolomonIslands,
773       Somalia, SouthAfrica, Spain, SriLanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden,
774       Switzerland, Syria, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tonga, TrinidadAndTobago,
775       Tunisia, Turkey, TurksAndCaicosIslands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine,
776       UnitedArabEmirates, UnitedKingdom, UnitedStates, BurkinaFaso, Uruguay,
777       USSR, Vanuatu, VaticanCityState, Venezuela, VietNam, WallisAndFutuna,
778       WesternSamoa, Yemen, Yemen2, Yugoslavia, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe,
779       NumCountryCodes,
780       UnknownCountry = -1
781     };
783     /**Get the country code set for the device.
784       */
GetCountryCode()785     T35CountryCodes GetCountryCode() const { return countryCode; }
787     /**Get the country code set for the device as a string.
788       */
789     PString GetCountryCodeName() const;
791     /**Get the country code set for the device as a string.
792       */
793     static PString GetCountryCodeName(T35CountryCodes code);
794     static T35CountryCodes GetCountryCode(const PString & name);
796     /**Set the country code set for the device.
797        This may change the line analogue coefficients, ring detect, call
798        disconnect detect and call progress tones to fit the countries
799        telephone network.
800       */
801     virtual PBoolean SetCountryCode(
802       T35CountryCodes country   ///<  COuntry code for device
803     );
805     /**Set the country code set for the device.
806       */
807     virtual PBoolean SetCountryCodeName(
808       const PString & countryName   ///<  COuntry code for device
809     );
811     /**Get the list of countries actually supported by the device
812      */
813     virtual PStringList GetCountryCodeNameList() const;
816     /**Play a wav file
817       */
818     virtual PBoolean PlayAudio(
819       unsigned line,            ///<  Number of line
820       const PString & filename  ///<  File Name
821     );
823     /**Stop playing the Wave File
824       */
825     virtual PBoolean StopAudio(
826       unsigned line   ///Number of line
827     );
830     /**
831       * start recording audio
832       */
833     virtual PBoolean RecordAudioStart(
834       unsigned line,            ///< line
835       const PString & filename  ///< File Name
836     );
838     /**
839      * stop recording audio
840      */
842     virtual PBoolean RecordAudioStop(
843       unsigned line            ///< line
844     );
847     /**Return number for last error.
848       */
GetErrorNumber()849     int GetErrorNumber() const { return osError; }
851     /**Return text for last error.
852       */
853     PString GetErrorText() const;
855     virtual void PrintOn(
856       ostream & strm
857     ) const;
859     /**Create a new device from the registration string
860       */
861     static OpalLineInterfaceDevice * Create(
862       const PString & type,     ///<  Type of device to create
863       void * parameters = NULL  ///<  Arbitrary parameters for the LID
864     );
866     /**Create a new device and open it given the descriptor string.
867        The descriptor consists of the device type, a ':' character and then
868        the specific device name.
869       */
870     static OpalLineInterfaceDevice * CreateAndOpen(
871       const PString & descriptor,     ///<  Type of device to create
872       void * parameters = NULL  ///<  Arbitrary parameters for the LID
873     );
875     /**Return an array of all the LID types registered.
876       */
877     static PStringList GetAllTypes();
879     /**Return an array of all the LID types registered and all of the possible
880        devices each one can open. Each string will be of the form
881           "type: name"  eg "Quicknet: 3211FFFF"
882       */
883     static PStringList GetAllDevices();
886   protected:
887     int               os_handle;
888     mutable int       osError;
889     T35CountryCodes   countryCode;
890     PBYTEArray        m_readDeblockingBuffer, m_writeDeblockingBuffer;
891     PINDEX            m_readDeblockingOffset, m_writeDeblockingOffset;
892     std::vector<bool> m_LineAudioEnabled;
893     PString           m_callProgressTones[NumTones];
894 #if PTRACING
895     friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & o, CallProgressTones t);
896 #endif
897 };
900 PLIST(OpalLIDList, OpalLineInterfaceDevice);
904 /**This class describes the LID based codec capability.
905  */
906 class OpalLine : public PObject
907 {
908     PCLASSINFO(OpalLine, PObject);
909   public:
910   /**@name Construction */
911   //@{
912     /**Create a new telephone line.
913      */
914     OpalLine(
915       OpalLineInterfaceDevice & device, ///<  Device to make connection with
916       unsigned lineNumber,              ///<  number of line on LID
917       const char * userToken = NULL     ///<  Unique token string for line
918     );
919   //@}
921   /**@name Overrides from PObject */
922   //@{
923     /**Standard stream print function.
924        The PObject class has a << operator defined that calls this function
925        polymorphically.
926       */
927     void PrintOn(
928       ostream & strm    ///<  Stream to output text representation
929     ) const;
930   //@}
932   /**@name Basic operations */
933   //@{
934     /**Get the type of the line.
935        A "terminal" line is one where a call may terminate. For example a POTS
936        line with a standard telephone handset on it would be a terminal line.
937        The alternative is a "network" line, that is one connected to switched
938        network eg the standard PSTN.
939       */
IsTerminal()940     virtual PBoolean IsTerminal() { return device.IsLineTerminal(lineNumber); }
943     /**Determine if a physical line is present on the logical line.
944       */
945     virtual PBoolean IsPresent(
946       PBoolean force = false  ///<  Force test, do not optimise
947     ) { return device.IsLinePresent(lineNumber, force); }
950     /**Determine if line is currently off hook.
951        This function implies that the state is debounced and that a return
952        value of true indicates that the phone is really off hook. That is
953        hook flashes and winks are masked out.
954       */
IsOffHook()955     virtual PBoolean IsOffHook() { return device.IsLineOffHook(lineNumber); }
957     /**Set the hook state of the line.
958        Note that not be possible on a given line, for example a POTS line with
959        a standard telephone handset. The hook state is determined by external
960        hardware and cannot be changed by the software.
961       */
SetOffHook()962     virtual PBoolean SetOffHook() { return device.SetLineOffHook(lineNumber, true); }
964     /**Set the hook state of the line.
965        This is the complement of SetLineOffHook().
966       */
SetOnHook()967     virtual PBoolean SetOnHook() { return device.SetLineOffHook(lineNumber, false); }
969     /**Set the hook state off then straight back on again.
970        This will only operate if the line is currently off hook.
971       */
972     virtual PBoolean HookFlash(
973       unsigned flashTime = 200    ///<  Time for hook flash in milliseconds
974     ) { return device.HookFlash(lineNumber, flashTime); }
976     /**Return true if a hook flash has been detected
977       */
HasHookFlash()978     virtual PBoolean HasHookFlash() { return device.HasHookFlash(lineNumber); }
981     /**Determine if line is ringing.
982        This function implies that the state is "debounced" and that a return
983        value of true indicates that the phone is still ringing and it is not
984        simply a pause in the ring cadence.
986        If cadence is not NULL then it is set with the bit pattern for the
987        incoming ringing. Note that in this case the funtion may take a full
988        sequence to return. If it is NULL it can be assumed that the function
989        will return quickly.
990       */
991     virtual PBoolean IsRinging(
992       DWORD * cadence = NULL  ///<  Cadence of incoming ring
993     );
995     /**Get the number of rings.
996        If the line is ringing then
997       */
998     virtual unsigned GetRingCount(
999       DWORD * cadence = NULL  ///<  Cadence of incoming ring
1000     );
1002     /**Begin ringing local phone set with specified cadence.
1003        If nCadence is zero then stops ringing.
1005        Note that this may not be possible on a given line, for example on a
1006        PSTN line the ring state is determined by external hardware and cannot
1007        be changed by the software.
1009        Also note that the cadence may be ignored by particular hardware driver
1010        so that only the zero or non-zero values are significant.
1012        The ring pattern is an array of millisecond times for on and off parts
1013        of the cadence. Thus the Australian ring cadence would be represented
1014        by the array   unsigned AusRing[] = { 400, 200, 400, 2000 }
1016        If the nCadence in non-zero and the pattern parameter is NULL, then
1017        the standard ring pattern for the selected country is used.
1018       */
1019     virtual PBoolean Ring(
1020       PINDEX nCadence,                 ///< Number of entries in cadence array
1021       const unsigned * pattern = NULL, ///< Ring pattern times
1022       unsigned frequency = 400         ///< Frequency of ring (if relevant)
1023     ) { return device.RingLine(lineNumber, nCadence, pattern, frequency); }
1026     /**Indicate to the POTS handset that the call is connected.
1027        This uses the hardware (and country) dependent means to indicate to
1028        the remote end of a POTS connection that we have answerd. Typically
1029        this is a "polarity reversal" but other techniques may be used.
1031        The "connected" state remains in force till the remote disconnects
1032        the call, though hanging up.
1034        Returns true if successful, always returns false for PSTN lines.
1035       */
SetConnected()1036     virtual PBoolean SetConnected() { return device.SetLineConnected(lineNumber); }
1038     /**Determine if remote has answered call on line.
1039        This uses the hardware (and country) dependent means for determining
1040        if the remote end of a PSTN connection has answered. Typically this
1041        is a "polarity reversal" but other techniques may be used.
1043        For a POTS port this is equivalent to IsLineOffHook().
1044       */
IsConnected()1045     virtual PBoolean IsConnected() { return device.IsLineConnected(lineNumber); }
1048     /**Determine if line has been disconnected from a call.
1049        This uses the hardware (and country) dependent means for determining
1050       */
IsDisconnected()1051     virtual PBoolean IsDisconnected() { return device.IsLineDisconnected(lineNumber); }
1053     /**Set the media format (codec) for reading on the specified line.
1054       */
SetReadFormat(const OpalMediaFormat & mediaFormat)1055     virtual PBoolean SetReadFormat(
1056       const OpalMediaFormat & mediaFormat   ///<  Codec type
1057     ) { return device.SetReadFormat(lineNumber, mediaFormat); }
1059     /**Set the media format (codec) for writing on the specified line.
1060       */
SetWriteFormat(const OpalMediaFormat & mediaFormat)1061     virtual PBoolean SetWriteFormat(
1062       const OpalMediaFormat & mediaFormat   ///<  Codec type
1063     ) { return device.SetWriteFormat(lineNumber, mediaFormat); }
1065     /**Get the media format (codec) for reading on the specified line.
1066       */
GetReadFormat()1067     virtual OpalMediaFormat GetReadFormat() { return device.GetReadFormat(lineNumber); }
1069     /**Get the media format (codec) for writing on the specified line.
1070       */
GetWriteFormat()1071     virtual OpalMediaFormat GetWriteFormat() { return device.GetWriteFormat(lineNumber); }
1073     /**Stop the read codec.
1074       */
StopReading()1075     virtual PBoolean StopReading() { return device.StopReading(lineNumber); }
1077     /**Stop the write codec.
1078       */
StopWriting()1079     virtual PBoolean StopWriting() { return device.StopWriting(lineNumber); }
1081     /**Set the read frame size in bytes.
1082        Note that a LID may ignore this value so always use GetReadFrameSize()
1083        for I/O.
1084       */
SetReadFrameSize(PINDEX frameSize)1085     virtual PBoolean SetReadFrameSize(
1086       PINDEX frameSize  ///<  New frame size
1087     ) { return device.SetReadFrameSize(lineNumber, frameSize); }
1089     /**Set the write frame size in bytes.
1090        Note that a LID may ignore this value so always use GetReadFrameSize()
1091        for I/O.
1092       */
SetWriteFrameSize(PINDEX frameSize)1093     virtual PBoolean SetWriteFrameSize(
1094       PINDEX frameSize  ///<  New frame size
1095     ) { return device.SetWriteFrameSize(lineNumber, frameSize); }
1097     /**Get the read frame size in bytes.
1098        All calls to ReadFrame() will return this number of bytes.
1099       */
GetReadFrameSize()1100     virtual PINDEX GetReadFrameSize() { return device.GetReadFrameSize(lineNumber); }
1102     /**Get the write frame size in bytes.
1103        All calls to WriteFrame() must be this number of bytes.
1104       */
GetWriteFrameSize()1105     virtual PINDEX GetWriteFrameSize() { return device.GetWriteFrameSize(lineNumber); }
1107     /**Low level read of a frame from the device.
1108      */
ReadFrame(void * buf,PINDEX & count)1109     virtual PBoolean ReadFrame(
1110       void * buf,       ///<  Pointer to a block of memory to receive data.
1111       PINDEX & count    ///<  Number of bytes read, <= GetReadFrameSize()
1112     ) { return device.ReadFrame(lineNumber, buf, count); }
1114     /**Low level write frame to the device.
1115      */
WriteFrame(const void * buf,PINDEX count,PINDEX & written)1116     virtual PBoolean WriteFrame(
1117       const void * buf, ///<  Pointer to a block of memory to write.
1118       PINDEX count,     ///<  Number of bytes to write, <= GetWriteFrameSize()
1119       PINDEX & written  ///<  Number of bytes written, <= GetWriteFrameSize()
1120     ) { return device.WriteFrame(lineNumber, buf, count, written); }
1122     /**High level read of audio data from the device.
1123        This version will allow non-integral number of frames to be read.
1124      */
ReadBlock(void * buf,PINDEX count)1125     virtual PBoolean ReadBlock(
1126       void * buf,   ///<  Pointer to a block of memory to receive the read bytes.
1127       PINDEX count  ///<  Count of bytes to read.
1128     ) { return device.ReadBlock(lineNumber, buf, count); }
1130     /**High level write audio data to the device.
1131      */
WriteBlock(const void * buf,PINDEX count)1132     virtual PBoolean WriteBlock(
1133       const void * buf, ///<  Pointer to a block of memory to write.
1134       PINDEX count      ///<  Count of bytes to write.
1135     ) { return device.WriteBlock(lineNumber, buf, count); }
1138     /**Get average signal level in last frame.
1139       */
GetAverageSignalLevel(PBoolean playback)1140     virtual unsigned GetAverageSignalLevel(
1141       PBoolean playback   ///<  Get average playback or record level.
1142     ) { return device.GetAverageSignalLevel(lineNumber, playback); }
1145     /**Enable audio for the line.
1146       */
1147     virtual PBoolean EnableAudio(
1148       PBoolean enable = true
1149     ) { return device.EnableAudio(lineNumber, enable); }
1151     /**Disable audio for the line.
1152       */
DisableAudio()1153     PBoolean DisableAudio() { return EnableAudio(false); }
1155     /**Determine if audio is ebabled for the line.
1156       */
IsAudioEnabled()1157     virtual PBoolean IsAudioEnabled() const { return device.IsAudioEnabled(lineNumber); }
1160     /**Set volume level for recording.
1161        A value of 100 is the maximum volume possible for the hardware.
1162        A value of 0 is the minimum volume possible for the hardware.
1163       */
SetRecordVolume(unsigned volume)1164     virtual PBoolean SetRecordVolume(
1165       unsigned volume   ///<  Volume level from 0 to 100%
1166     ) { return device.SetRecordVolume(lineNumber, volume); }
1168     /**Set volume level for playing.
1169        A value of 100 is the maximum volume possible for the hardware.
1170        A value of 0 is the minimum volume possible for the hardware.
1171       */
SetPlayVolume(unsigned volume)1172     virtual PBoolean SetPlayVolume(
1173       unsigned volume   ///<  Volume level from 0 to 100%
1174     ) { return device.SetPlayVolume(lineNumber, volume); }
1176     /**Get volume level for recording.
1177        A value of 100 is the maximum volume possible for the hardware.
1178        A value of 0 is the minimum volume possible for the hardware.
1179       */
GetRecordVolume(unsigned & volume)1180     virtual PBoolean GetRecordVolume(
1181       unsigned & volume   ///<  Volume level from 0 to 100%
1182     ) { return device.GetRecordVolume(lineNumber, volume); }
1184     /**Set volume level for playing.
1185        A value of 100 is the maximum volume possible for the hardware.
1186        A value of 0 is the minimum volume possible for the hardware.
1187       */
GetPlayVolume(unsigned & volume)1188     virtual PBoolean GetPlayVolume(
1189       unsigned & volume   ///<  Volume level from 0 to 100%
1190     ) { return device.GetPlayVolume(lineNumber, volume); }
1193     /**Get acoustic echo cancellation.
1194        Note, not all devices may support this function.
1195       */
GetAEC()1196     virtual OpalLineInterfaceDevice::AECLevels GetAEC() const { return device.GetAEC(lineNumber); }
1198     /**Set acoustic echo cancellation.
1199        Note, not all devices may support this function.
1200       */
SetAEC(OpalLineInterfaceDevice::AECLevels level)1201     virtual PBoolean SetAEC(
1202       OpalLineInterfaceDevice::AECLevels level  ///<  AEC level
1203     ) { return device.SetAEC(lineNumber, level); }
1206     /**Get voice activity detection.
1207        Note, not all devices, or selected codecs, may support this function.
1208       */
GetVAD()1209     virtual PBoolean GetVAD() const { return device.GetVAD(lineNumber); }
1211     /**Set voice activity detection.
1212        Note, not all devices, or selected codecs, may support this function.
1213       */
SetVAD(PBoolean enable)1214     virtual PBoolean SetVAD(
1215       PBoolean enable       ///<  Flag for enabling VAD
1216     ) { return device.SetVAD(lineNumber, enable); }
1219     /**Get Caller ID from the last incoming ring.
1220        The idString parameter is either simply the "number" field of the caller
1221        ID data, or if full is true, all of the fields in the caller ID data.
1223        The full data of the caller ID string consists fields separated by tab
1224        characters ('\\t'), the first three are always the Calling Line Identity
1225        (CLI or calling number), the date and the Calling Line Name field. Other
1226        fields may follow and are the of the form name=value. The values are
1227        LID dependent.
1229        A false is returned if there is no Caller ID information available, e.g.
1230        if no ring has occurred.
1231       */
1232     virtual PBoolean GetCallerID(
1233       PString & idString, ///<  ID string returned
1234       PBoolean full = false   ///<  Get full information in idString
1235     ) { return device.GetCallerID(lineNumber, idString, full); }
1237     /**Set Caller ID information.
1238        The idString must be as a minimum a number fields for the Calling Line
1239        Identity.
1241        The full data of the caller ID string consists fields separated by tab
1242        characters ('\\t'), the first three are always the Calling Line Identity
1243        (CLI or calling number), the date and the Calling Line Name field. Other
1244        fields may follow and are the of the form name=value. The values are
1245        LID dependent.
1247        If the date field is missing (e.g. two consecutive tabs) then the current
1248        time and date is used. Using an empty string will clear the caller ID
1249        so that no caller ID is sent on the next RingLine() call.
1251        if the line is on hook then this information is sent when the next
1252        RingLine() function is called to start a ring cycle. Note that if the
1253        Ring cycle had already been started then this function may return false.
1255        If the line is off hook, then a Caller ID on Message Waiting is sent, if
1256        supported by the LID, otherwise false is returned.
1257       */
SetCallerID(const PString & idString)1258     virtual PBoolean SetCallerID(
1259       const PString & idString  ///<  ID string to use
1260     ) { return device.SetCallerID(lineNumber, idString); }
1262     /**Send a Visual Message Waiting Indicator
1263       */
SendVisualMessageWaitingIndicator(PBoolean on)1264     virtual PBoolean SendVisualMessageWaitingIndicator(
1265       PBoolean on
1266     ) { return device.SendVisualMessageWaitingIndicator(lineNumber, on); }
1269     /**Play a DTMF digit.
1270        Any characters that are not in the set 0-9, A-D, * or # will be ignored.
1271       */
1272     virtual PBoolean PlayDTMF(
1273       const char * digits,      ///<  DTMF digits to be played
1274       DWORD onTime = OpalLineInterfaceDevice::DefaultDTMFOnTime,  ///<  Number of milliseconds to play each DTMF digit
1275       DWORD offTime = OpalLineInterfaceDevice::DefaultDTMFOffTime ///<  Number of milliseconds between digits
1276     ) { return device.PlayDTMF(lineNumber, digits, onTime, offTime); }
1278     /**Read a DTMF digit detected.
1279        This may be characters from the set 0-9, A-D, * or #. A null ('\\0')
1280        character indicates that there are no tones in the queue.
1281        Characters E through P indicate the following tones:
1283          E = 800   F = 1000  G = 1250  H = 950   I = 1100  J = 1400
1284          K = 1500  L = 1600  M = 1800  N = 2100  O = 1300  P = 2450
1286       */
ReadDTMF()1287     virtual char ReadDTMF() { return device.ReadDTMF(lineNumber); }
1289     /**Get DTMF removal mode.
1290        When set in this mode the DTMF tones detected are removed from the
1291        encoded data stream as returned by ReadFrame().
1292       */
GetRemoveDTMF()1293     virtual PBoolean GetRemoveDTMF() { return device.GetRemoveDTMF(lineNumber); }
1295     /**Set DTMF removal mode.
1296        When set in this mode the DTMF tones detected are removed from the
1297        encoded data stream as returned by ReadFrame().
1298       */
SetRemoveDTMF(PBoolean removeTones)1299     virtual PBoolean SetRemoveDTMF(
1300       PBoolean removeTones   ///<  Flag for removing DTMF tones.
1301     ) { return device.SetRemoveDTMF(lineNumber, removeTones); }
1304     /**See if any tone is detected.
1305       */
IsToneDetected()1306     virtual OpalLineInterfaceDevice::CallProgressTones IsToneDetected() { return device.IsToneDetected(lineNumber); }
1308     /**See if any tone is detected.
1309       */
1310     virtual OpalLineInterfaceDevice::CallProgressTones WaitForToneDetect(
1311       unsigned timeout = 3000 ///< Milliseconds to wait for
1312     ) { return device.WaitForToneDetect(lineNumber, timeout); }
1314     /**See if a specific tone is detected.
1315       */
1316     virtual PBoolean WaitForTone(
1317       OpalLineInterfaceDevice::CallProgressTones tone, ///<  Tone to wait for
1318       unsigned timeout = 3000 ///<  Milliseconds to wait for
1319     ) { return device.WaitForTone(lineNumber, tone, timeout); }
1321     /**Play a tone.
1322       */
PlayTone(OpalLineInterfaceDevice::CallProgressTones tone)1323     virtual PBoolean PlayTone(
1324       OpalLineInterfaceDevice::CallProgressTones tone  ///<  Tone to be played
1325     ) { return device.PlayTone(lineNumber, tone); }
1327     /**Determine if a tone is still playing
1328       */
IsTonePlaying()1329     virtual PBoolean IsTonePlaying() { return device.IsTonePlaying(lineNumber); }
1331     /**Stop playing a tone.
1332       */
StopTone()1333     virtual PBoolean StopTone() { return device.StopTone(lineNumber); }
1336     /**Dial a number on network line.
1337        The takes the line off hook, waits for dial tone, and transmits the
1338        specified number as DTMF tones.
1340        If the requireTones flag is true the call is aborted of the call
1341        progress tones are not detected. Otherwise the call proceeds with short
1342        delays while it tries to detect the call progress tones.
1344        The return code indicates the following:
1345           DialTone  No dial tone detected
1346           RingTone  Dial was successful
1347           BusyTone  The remote phone was busy
1348           ClearTone Dial failed (usually means rang out)
1349           NoTone    There was an internal error making the call
1350       */
1351     virtual OpalLineInterfaceDevice::CallProgressTones DialOut(
1352       const PString & number,       ///< Number to dial
1353       const OpalLineInterfaceDevice::DialParams & params = OpalLineInterfaceDevice::DialParams() ///< Optional parameters for dial out.
1354     ) { return device.DialOut(lineNumber, number, params); }
1355   //@}
1357   /**@name Member variable access */
1358   //@{
1359     /**Get the device this line is on.
1360       */
GetDevice()1361     OpalLineInterfaceDevice & GetDevice() const { return device; }
1363     /**Get the number of the line on the device.
1364       */
GetLineNumber()1365     unsigned GetLineNumber() const { return lineNumber; }
1367     /**Get the token to uniquely identify this line.
1368       */
GetToken()1369     PString GetToken() const { return token; }
1371     /**Set the token to uniquely identify this line.
1372       */
SetToken(const PString & t)1373     void SetToken(const PString & t) { token = t; }
1374   //@}
1376   protected:
1377     OpalLineInterfaceDevice & device;
1378     unsigned                  lineNumber;
1379     PString                   token;
1380     PTimeInterval             ringStoppedTime;
1381     PTimeInterval             ringInterCadenceTime;
1383     PTimeInterval             ringTick;
1384     unsigned                  ringCount;
1385     bool                      lastRingState;
1386 };
1389 PLIST(OpalLineList, OpalLine);
1392 /**This class embodies the description of a Line Interface Device.
1394    An application may create a descendent off this class and override
1395    the Create() function to make the instance of a class implementing a
1396    transcoder.
1397  */
1398 class OpalLIDRegistration : public PCaselessString
1399 {
1400     PCLASSINFO(OpalLIDRegistration, PCaselessString);
1401   public:
1402   /**@name Construction */
1403   //@{
1404     /**Create a new LID registration.
1405      */
1406     OpalLIDRegistration(
1407       const char * name  ///<  Line Interface Device type name
1408     );
1410     /**Destroy and remove LID registration.
1411      */
1412     ~OpalLIDRegistration();
1413   //@}
1415   /**@name Operations */
1416   //@{
1417     /**Create an instance of the transcoder implementation.
1418       */
1419     virtual OpalLineInterfaceDevice * Create(
1420       void * parameters   ///<  Arbitrary parameters for the LID
1421     ) const = 0;
1422   //@}
1424   protected:
1425     OpalLIDRegistration * link;
1426     bool                  duplicate;
1428   friend class OpalLineInterfaceDevice;
1429 };
1432 #define OPAL_REGISTER_LID_FUNCTION(cls, type, param) \
1433 static class cls##_Registration : public OpalLIDRegistration { \
1434   public: \
1435     cls##_Registration() : OpalLIDRegistration(type) { } \
1436     OpalLineInterfaceDevice * Create(void * param) const; \
1437 } instance_##cls##_Registration; \
1438 OpalLineInterfaceDevice * cls##_Registration::Create(void * param) const
1440 #ifndef OPAL_NO_PARAM
1441 #define OPAL_NO_PARAM
1442 #endif
1444 #define OPAL_REGISTER_LID(cls, type) \
1446   { return new cls; }
1448 #define OPAL_REGISTER_LID_PARAM(cls, type) \
1449   OPAL_REGISTER_LID_FUNCTION(cls, type, parameter) \
1450   { return new cls(parameter); }
1453 #endif // OPAL_LIDS_LID_H
1456 // End of File ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////