1 // use crate::color::Color;
2 use tui::style::Color;
4 /// This enum stores most types of ansi escape sequences
5 ///
6 /// You can turn an escape sequence to this enum variant using
7 /// from(u8) trait.
8 /// This doesn't support all of them but does support most of them.
10 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
11 #[repr(u8)]
12 pub enum AnsiCode {
13     /// Reset the terminal
14     Reset,
15     /// Set font to bold
16     Bold,
17     /// Set font to faint
18     Faint,
19     /// Set font to italic
20     Italic,
21     /// Set font to underline
22     Underline,
23     /// Set cursor to slowblink
24     SlowBlink,
25     /// Set cursor to rapidblink
26     RapidBlink,
27     /// Invert the colors
28     Reverse,
29     /// Conceal text
30     Conceal,
31     /// Display crossed out text
32     CrossedOut,
33     /// Choose primary font
34     PrimaryFont,
35     /// Choose alternate font
36     AlternateFont,
37     /// Choose alternate fonts 1-9
38     AlternateFonts(u8), // = 11..19, // from 11 to 19
39     /// Fraktur ? No clue
40     Fraktur,
41     /// Turn off bold
42     BoldOff,
43     /// Set text to normal
44     Normal,
45     /// Turn off Italic
46     NotItalic,
47     /// Turn off underline
48     UnderlineOff,
49     /// Turn off blinking
50     BlinkOff,
51     // 26 ?
52     /// Don't invert colors
53     InvertOff,
54     /// Reveal text
55     Reveal,
56     /// Turn off Crossedout text
57     CrossedOutOff,
58     /// Set foreground color (4-bit)
59     ForegroundColor(Color), //, 31..37//Issue 60553 https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/60553
60     /// Set foreground color (8-bit and 24-bit)
61     SetForegroundColor,
62     /// Default foreground color
63     DefaultForegroundColor,
64     /// Set background color (4-bit)
65     BackgroundColor(Color), // 41..47
66     /// Set background color (8-bit and 24-bit)
67     SetBackgroundColor,
68     /// Default background color
69     DefaultBackgroundColor, // 49
70 }
72 impl From<u8> for AnsiCode {
from(code: u8) -> Self73     fn from(code: u8) -> Self {
74         match code {
75             0 => AnsiCode::Reset,
76             1 => AnsiCode::Bold,
77             2 => AnsiCode::Faint,
78             3 => AnsiCode::Italic,
79             4 => AnsiCode::Underline,
80             5 => AnsiCode::SlowBlink,
81             6 => AnsiCode::RapidBlink,
82             7 => AnsiCode::Reverse,
83             8 => AnsiCode::Conceal,
84             9 => AnsiCode::CrossedOut,
85             10 => AnsiCode::PrimaryFont,
86             11 => AnsiCode::AlternateFont,
87             // AnsiCode::// AlternateFont = 11..19, // from 11 to 19
88             20 => AnsiCode::Fraktur,
89             21 => AnsiCode::BoldOff,
90             22 => AnsiCode::Normal,
91             23 => AnsiCode::NotItalic,
92             24 => AnsiCode::UnderlineOff,
93             25 => AnsiCode::BlinkOff,
94             // 26 ?
95             27 => AnsiCode::InvertOff,
96             28 => AnsiCode::Reveal,
97             29 => AnsiCode::CrossedOutOff,
98             30 => AnsiCode::ForegroundColor(Color::Black),
99             31 => AnsiCode::ForegroundColor(Color::Red),
100             32 => AnsiCode::ForegroundColor(Color::Green),
101             33 => AnsiCode::ForegroundColor(Color::Yellow),
102             34 => AnsiCode::ForegroundColor(Color::Blue),
103             35 => AnsiCode::ForegroundColor(Color::Magenta),
104             36 => AnsiCode::ForegroundColor(Color::Cyan),
105             37 => AnsiCode::ForegroundColor(Color::Gray),
106             38 => AnsiCode::SetForegroundColor,
107             39 => AnsiCode::DefaultForegroundColor,
108             40 => AnsiCode::BackgroundColor(Color::Black),
109             41 => AnsiCode::BackgroundColor(Color::Red),
110             42 => AnsiCode::BackgroundColor(Color::Green),
111             43 => AnsiCode::BackgroundColor(Color::Yellow),
112             44 => AnsiCode::BackgroundColor(Color::Blue),
113             45 => AnsiCode::BackgroundColor(Color::Magenta),
114             46 => AnsiCode::BackgroundColor(Color::Cyan),
115             47 => AnsiCode::BackgroundColor(Color::Gray),
116             48 => AnsiCode::SetBackgroundColor,
117             49 => AnsiCode::DefaultBackgroundColor,
118             _ => AnsiCode::Reset,
119         }
120     }
121 }