1 /*
2    Copyright (c) 2003, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
6    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8    This program is also distributed with certain software (including
9    but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
10    as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
11    documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
12    permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
13    separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
15    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18    GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
20    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
23 */
28 #include "SignalData.hpp"
30 #define JAM_FILE_ID 137
33 /**
34  * DumpStateOrd is sent by the mgmtsrvr to CMVMI.
35  * CMVMI the redirect the signal to all blocks.
36  *
37  * The implementation of the DumpStateOrd should dump state information
38  * (typically using the infoEvent-function)
39  */
40 class DumpStateOrd {
41   /**
42    * Sender/Reciver
43    */
44   friend class Cmvmi;
46   /**
47    * Sender(s)
48    */
49   friend class MgmtSrvr;
51   /**
52    * Reciver(s)
53    */
54   friend class Dbacc;
55   friend class Dblqh;
56   friend class Dbtup;
57   friend class Dbtc;
58   friend class Ndbcntr;
59   friend class Qmgr;
60   friend class Dbdih;
61   friend class Dbdict;
62   friend class Ndbfs;
64 public:
65   enum DumpStateType {
66     /* any dumps above this value should go to one block only */
67     OneBlockOnly = 100000,
69     _BackupMin   = 100000,
70     BackupStatus = 100000,
71     BackupMinWriteSpeed32 = 100001,
72     BackupMaxWriteSpeed32 = 100002,
73     BackupMaxWriteSpeedOtherNodeRestart32 = 100003,
74     BackupMinWriteSpeed64 = 100004,
75     BackupMaxWriteSpeed64 = 100005,
76     BackupMaxWriteSpeedOtherNodeRestart64 = 100006,
77     _BackupMax   = 100999,
79     _TCMin       = 101000,
80     _TCMax       = 101999,
82     _LQHMin = 102000,
83     LQHLogFileInitStatus = 102000,
84     _LQHMax = 102999,
86     _CMVMIMin = 103000,
87     SetSchedulerResponsiveness = 103000,
88     EnableEventLoggerDebug = 103001,
89     DisableEventLoggerDebug = 103002,
90     CmvmiRelayDumpStateOrd = 103003,
91     CmvmiDummySignal = 103004,
92     CmvmiSendDummySignal = 103005,
93     _CMVMIMax = 103099,
95     _THRMANMin = 104000,
96     SetSchedulerSpinTimerAll = 104000,
97     SetSchedulerSpinTimerThread = 104001,
98     SetAllowedSpinOverhead = 104002,
99     SetSpintimePerCall = 104003,
100     EnableAdaptiveSpinning = 104004,
101     _THRMANMax = 104999,
102     // 1 QMGR Dump information about phase 1 variables
103     // 13 CMVMI Dump signal counter
104     // 13 NDBCNTR Dump start phase information
105     // 13 NDBCNTR_REF  Dump start phase information
106     CommitAckMarkersSize = 14, // TC+LQH Dump free size in commitAckMarkerP
107     CommitAckMarkersDump = 15, // TC+LQH Dump info in commitAckMarkerPool
108     DihDumpNodeRestartInfo = 16, // 16 DIH Dump node restart info
109     DihDumpNodeStatusInfo = 17,// 17 DIH Dump node status info
110     DihPrintFragmentation = 18,// 18 DIH Print fragmentation
111     DihPrintOneFragmentation = 19,// 18 DIH Print info about one fragmentation
112     // 19 NDBFS Fipple with O_SYNC, O_CREATE etc.
113     // 20-24 BACKUP
114     NdbcntrTestStopOnError = 25,
115     NdbcntrStopNodes = 70,
116     // 100-105 TUP and ACC
117     // 200-240 UTIL
118     // 300-305 TRIX
119     QmgrErr935 = 935,
120     NdbfsDumpFileStat = 400,
121     NdbfsDumpAllFiles = 401,
122     NdbfsDumpOpenFiles = 402,
123     NdbfsDumpIdleFiles = 403,
124     NdbfsDumpRequests = 406,
125     CmvmiSchedulerExecutionTimer = 502,
126     CmvmiRealtimeScheduler = 503,
127     CmvmiExecuteLockCPU = 504,
128     CmvmiMaintLockCPU = 505,
129     CmvmiSchedulerSpinTimer = 506,
130     TupSetTransientPoolMaxSize = 1214,
131     TupResetTransientPoolMaxSize = 1215,
132     // 1222-1225 DICT
133     DictDumpLockQueue = 1228,
134     DictDumpGetTabInfoQueue = 1229,
135     LqhDumpAllDefinedTabs = 1332,
136     LqhDumpNoLogPages = 1333,
137     LqhDumpOneScanRec = 2300,
138     LqhDumpAllScanRec = 2301,
139     LqhDumpAllActiveScanRec = 2302,
140     LqhDumpLcpState = 2303,
141     LqhSystemError = 2304,
142     LqhFailedHandlingGCP_SAVEREQ = 2305,
143     LqhDumpAllTcRec = 2306,
144     LqhDumpOneTcRec = 2307,
145     // 2308 is used
146     LqhDumpOneCopyTcRec = 2310,
147     LqhErrorInsert5042 = 2315,
148     LqhDumpPoolLevels = 2353,
149     LqhReportCopyInfo = 2354,
150     LqhKillAndSendToDead = 2355,
151     LqhSetTransientPoolMaxSize = 2356,
152     LqhResetTransientPoolMaxSize = 2357,
154     AccDumpOneScanRec = 2400,
155     AccDumpAllScanRec = 2401,
156     AccDumpAllActiveScanRec = 2402,
157     AccDumpOneOperationRec = 2403,
158     AccDumpNumOpRecs = 2404,
159     AccDumpFreeOpRecs = 2405,
160     AccDumpNotFreeOpRecs = 2406,
161     AccSetTransientPoolMaxSize = 2407,
162     AccResetTransientPoolMaxSize = 2408,
163     DumpPageMemory = 1000, // Acc & TUP
164     DumpPageMemoryOnFail = 1001,
165     TcDumpSetOfScanFragRec = 2500,
166     TcDumpOneScanFragRec = 2501,
167     TcDumpSetOfScanRec = 2502,
168     TcDumpOneScanRec = 2504,
169     TcDumpOneApiConnectRec = 2505,
170     TcSetTransactionTimeout = 2507,
171     TcSetApplTransactionTimeout = 2508,
172     TcStartDumpIndexOpCount = 2512,
173     TcDumpIndexOpCount = 2513,
174     TcDumpApiConnectRecSummary = 2514,
175     TcDumpSetOfApiConnectRec = 2515,
176     TcDumpOneTcConnectRec = 2516,
177     TcDumpSetOfTcConnectRec = 2517,
178     TcDumpPoolLevels = 2555,
179     TcSetTransientPoolMaxSize = 2556,
180     TcResetTransientPoolMaxSize = 2557,
181     CmvmiDumpConnections = 2600,
182     CmvmiDumpLongSignalMemory = 2601,
183     /**
184      * Sets the type of restart when the child process crashes due to error
185      * insert (see NdbRestartType).
186      */
187     CmvmiSetRestartOnErrorInsert = 2602,
188     CmvmiTestLongSigWithDelay = 2603,
189     CmvmiDumpSubscriptions = 2604, /* note: done to respective outfile
190                                       to be able to debug if events
191                                       for some reason does not end up
192                                       in clusterlog */
193     CmvmiTestLongSig = 2605,  /* Long signal testing trigger */
194     DumpEventLog = 2606,
196     CmvmiLongSignalMemorySnapshotStart = 2607,
197     CmvmiLongSignalMemorySnapshot = 2608,
198     CmvmiLongSignalMemorySnapshotCheck = 2609,
199     CmvmiSetKillerWatchdog = 2610,
200     CmvmiLongSignalMemorySnapshotCheck2 = 2611,
202     CmvmiShowLongSignalOwnership = 2612, /* Show owners of LSM */
204     LCPContinue = 5900,
205     // 7000 DIH
206     // 7001 DIH
207     // 7002 DIH
208     // 7003 DIH
209     // 7004 DIH
210     // 7005 DIH
211     // 7006 DIH
212     // 7006 DIH
213     // 7007 DIH
214     // 7008 DIH
215     // 7009 DIH
216     // 7010 DIH
217     // 7011 DIH
218     // 7012 DIH
219     DihDumpLCPState= 7013,
220     DihDumpLCPMasterTakeOver = 7014,
221     // 7015 DIH
222     DihAllAllowNodeStart = 7016,
223     DihMinTimeBetweenLCP = 7017,
224     DihMaxTimeBetweenLCP = 7018,
225     // Check if blocks are done with handling the failure of another node.
226     DihTcSumaNodeFailCompleted = 7019, // DIH+TC+SUMA
227     // 7020
228     // 7021
229     // 7022
230     // 7023
231     /*
232       Checks whether add frag failure was cleaned up.
233       Should NOT be used while commands involving addFragReq
234       are being performed.
235       NB: This value is only intended for use in test cases. If used
236       interactively, it is likely to crash the node. It should therefore
237       *not* be described in end-user documentation.
238     */
239     DihAddFragFailCleanedUp = 7024,
240     /**
241      * Allows GCP stop thresholds to be set
242      */
243     DihSetGcpStopVals = 7026,
244     DihStallLcpStart = 7027,
245     DihDumpPageRecInfo = 7032,
246     DihFragmentsPerNode = 7033,
247     DihDisplayPauseState = 7034,
248     EnableUndoDelayDataWrite = 7080, // DIH+ACC+TUP
249     DihSetTimeBetweenGcp = 7090,
250     DihStartLcpImmediately = 7099,
251     DihSaveGcpCommitLag = 7100,
252     DihCheckGcpCommitLag = 7101,
253     // 8000 Suma
254     // 12000 Tux
255     TuxLogToFile = 12001,
256     TuxSetLogFlags = 12002,
257     TuxMetaDataJunk = 12009,
258     TuxSetTransientPoolMaxSize = 12010,
259     TuxResetTransientPoolMaxSize = 12011,
261     DumpTsman = 9800,
263     DumpLgman = 10000,
264     LgmanDumpUndoStateClusterLog = 10001,
265     LgmanDumpUndoStateLocalLog = 10002,
266     LgmanCheckCallbacksClear = 10003,
268     DumpPgman = 11000,
269     DumpBackup = 13000,
270     DumpBackupSetCompressed = 13001,
271     DumpBackupSetCompressedLCP = 13002,
272     BackupErrorInsert = 13003,
274     DumpDbinfo = 14000,
275     DbinfoListTables = 14001,
276     DbinfoListColumns = 14002,
277     DbinfoScanTable = 14003,
279     SchemaResourceSnapshot = 4000, // Save resource consumption
280     SchemaResourceCheckLeak = 4001, // check same as snapshot
282     TcResourceSnapshot = 2553,
283     TcResourceCheckLeak = 2554,
285     RestoreRates = 30000
286   };
287 public:
289   Uint32 args[25];          // Generic argument
290 };
293 #undef JAM_FILE_ID
295 #endif