3 * EGroupware API: VFS - new DB based VFS stream wrapper
4 *
5 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
6 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
7 * @package api
8 * @subpackage vfs
9 * @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
10 * @copyright (c) 2008-16 by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
11 * @version $Id$
12 */
14namespace EGroupware\Api\Vfs\Sqlfs;
16use EGroupware\Api\Vfs;
17use EGroupware\Api;
20 * EGroupware API: VFS - new DB based VFS stream wrapper
21 *
22 * The sqlfs stream wrapper has 2 operation modi:
23 * - content of files is stored in the filesystem (eGW's files_dir) (default)
24 * - content of files is stored as BLOB in the DB (can be enabled by mounting sqlfs://...?storage=db)
25 *   please note the current (php5.2.6) problems:
26 *   a) retriving files via streams does NOT work for PDO_mysql (bindColum(,,\PDO::PARAM_LOB) does NOT work, string returned)
27 * 		(there's a workaround implemented, but it requires to allocate memory for the whole file!)
28 *   b) uploading/writing files > 1M fail on PDOStatement::execute() (setting \PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE does NOT help)
29 *      (not sure if that's a bug in PDO/PDO_mysql or an accepted limitation)
30 *
31 * I use the PDO DB interface, as it allows to access BLOB's as streams (avoiding to hold them complete in memory).
32 *
33 * The stream wrapper interface is according to the docu on php.net
34 *
35 * @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.stream-wrapper-register.php
36 */
37class StreamWrapper extends Api\Db\Pdo implements Vfs\StreamWrapperIface
39	/**
40	 * Mime type of directories, the old vfs uses 'Directory', while eg. WebDAV uses 'httpd/unix-directory'
41	 */
42	const DIR_MIME_TYPE = 'httpd/unix-directory';
43	/**
44	 * Mime type for symlinks
45	 */
46	const SYMLINK_MIME_TYPE = 'application/x-symlink';
47	/**
48	 * Scheme / protocoll used for this stream-wrapper
49	 */
50	const SCHEME = 'sqlfs';
51	/**
52	 * Does url_stat returns a mime type, or has it to be determined otherwise (string with attribute name)
53	 */
54	const STAT_RETURN_MIME_TYPE = 'mime';
55	/**
56	 * Our tablename
57	 */
58	const TABLE = 'egw_sqlfs';
59	/**
60	 * Name of our property table
61	 */
62	const PROPS_TABLE = 'egw_sqlfs_props';
63	/**
64	 * mode-bits, which have to be set for files
65	 */
66	const MODE_FILE = 0100000;
67	/**
68	 * mode-bits, which have to be set for directories
69	 */
70	const MODE_DIR =   040000;
71	/**
72	 * mode-bits, which have to be set for links
73	 */
74	const MODE_LINK = 0120000;
75	/**
76	 * How much should be logged to the apache error-log
77	 *
78	 * 0 = Nothing
79	 * 1 = only errors
80	 * 2 = all function calls and errors (contains passwords too!)
81	 * 3 = log line numbers in sql statements
82	 */
83	const LOG_LEVEL = 1;
85	/**
86	 * We store the content in the DB (no versioning)
87	 */
88	const STORE2DB = 1;
89	/**
90	 * We store the content in the filesystem (egw_info/server/files_dir) (no versioning)
91	 */
92	const STORE2FS = 2;
93	/**
94	 * default for operation, change that if you want to test with STORE2DB atm
95	 */
98	/**
99	 * operation mode of the opened file
100	 *
101	 * @var int
102	 */
103	protected $operation = self::DEFAULT_OPERATION;
105	/**
106	 * optional context param when opening the stream, null if no context passed
107	 *
108	 * @var mixed
109	 */
110	var $context;
112	/**
113	 * Path off the file opened by stream_open
114	 *
115	 * @var string
116	 */
117	protected $opened_path;
118	/**
119	 * Mode of the file opened by stream_open
120	 *
121	 * @var int
122	 */
123	protected $opened_mode;
124	/**
125	 * Stream of the opened file, either from the DB via PDO or the filesystem
126	 *
127	 * @var resource
128	 */
129	protected $opened_stream;
130	/**
131	 * fs_id of opened file
132	 *
133	 * @var int
134	 */
135	protected $opened_fs_id;
136	/**
137	 * Cache containing stat-infos from previous url_stat calls AND dir_opendir calls
138	 *
139	 * It's values are the columns read from the DB (fs_*), not the ones returned by url_stat!
140	 *
141	 * @var array $path => info-array pairs
142	 */
143	static protected $stat_cache = array();
144	/**
145	 * Array with filenames of dir opened with dir_opendir
146	 *
147	 * @var array
148	 */
149	protected $opened_dir;
151	/**
152	 * Extra columns added since the intitial introduction of sqlfs
153	 *
154	 * Can be set to empty, so get queries running on old versions of sqlfs, eg. for schema updates
155	 *
156	 * @var string;
157	 */
158	static public $extra_columns = ',fs_link';
160	/**
161	 * @var array $overwrite_new =null if set create new file with values overwriten by the given ones
162	 */
163	protected $overwrite_new;
165	/**
166	 * Clears our stat-cache
167	 *
168	 * Normaly not necessary, as it is automatically cleared/updated, UNLESS Vfs::$user changes!
169	 *
170	 * @param string $path ='/'
171	 */
172	public static function clearstatcache($path='/')
173	{
174		//error_log(__METHOD__."('$path')");
175		unset($path);	// not used
177		self::$stat_cache = array();
179		Api\Cache::setSession(self::EACL_APPNAME, 'extended_acl', self::$extended_acl = null);
180	}
182	/**
183	 * This method is called immediately after your stream object is created.
184	 *
185	 * @param string $url URL that was passed to fopen() and that this object is expected to retrieve
186	 * @param string $mode mode used to open the file, as detailed for fopen()
187	 * @param int $options additional flags set by the streams API (or'ed together):
188	 * - STREAM_USE_PATH      If path is relative, search for the resource using the include_path.
189	 * - STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS If this flag is set, you are responsible for raising errors using trigger_error() during opening of the stream.
190	 *                        If this flag is not set, you should not raise any errors.
191	 * @param string &$opened_path full path of the file/resource, if the open was successfull and STREAM_USE_PATH was set
192	 * @return boolean true if the ressource was opened successful, otherwise false
193	 */
194	function stream_open ($url, $mode, $options, &$opened_path)
195	{
196		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options)");
198		$path = Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH);
199		$this->operation = self::url2operation($url);
200		$dir = Vfs::dirname($url);
202		$this->opened_path = $opened_path = $path;
203		$this->opened_mode = $mode = str_replace('b','',$mode);	// we are always binary, like every Linux system
204		$this->opened_stream = null;
206		parse_str(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY), $this->dir_url_params);
208		if (!is_null($this->overwrite_new) || !($stat = $this->url_stat($path,STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)) || $mode[0] == 'x')	// file not found or file should NOT exist
209		{
210			if (!$dir || $mode[0] == 'r' ||	// does $mode require the file to exist (r,r+)
211				$mode[0] == 'x' && $stat ||	// or file should not exist, but does
212				!($dir_stat=$this->url_stat($dir,STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)) ||	// or parent dir does not exist																																			create it
213				!Vfs::check_access($dir,Vfs::WRITABLE,$dir_stat))	// or we are not allowed to 																																			create it
214			{
215				self::_remove_password($url);
216				if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) file does not exist or can not be created!");
217				if (($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS))
218				{
219					trigger_error(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) file does not exist or can not be created!",E_USER_WARNING);
220				}
221				$this->opened_stream = $this->opened_path = $this->opened_mode = null;
222				return false;
223			}
224			// new file --> create it in the DB
225			$new_file = true;
226			$query = 'INSERT INTO '.self::TABLE.' (fs_name,fs_dir,fs_mode,fs_uid,fs_gid,fs_created,fs_modified,fs_creator,fs_mime,fs_size,fs_active'.
227				') VALUES (:fs_name,:fs_dir,:fs_mode,:fs_uid,:fs_gid,:fs_created,:fs_modified,:fs_creator,:fs_mime,:fs_size,:fs_active)';
228			if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 2) $query = '/* '.__METHOD__.': '.__LINE__.' */ '.$query;
229			$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare($query);
230			$values = array(
231				'fs_name' => self::limit_filename(Vfs::basename($path)),
232				'fs_dir'  => $dir_stat['ino'],
233				// we use the mode of the dir, so files in group dirs stay accessible by all members
234				'fs_mode' => $dir_stat['mode'] & 0666,
235				// for the uid we use the uid of the dir if not 0=root or the current user otherwise
236				'fs_uid'  => $dir_stat['uid'] ? $dir_stat['uid'] : Vfs::$user,
237				// we allways use the group of the dir
238				'fs_gid'  => $dir_stat['gid'],
239				'fs_created'  => self::_pdo_timestamp(time()),
240				'fs_modified' => self::_pdo_timestamp(time()),
241				'fs_creator'  => Vfs::$user,
242				'fs_mime'     => 'application/octet-stream',	// required NOT NULL!
243				'fs_size'     => 0,
244				'fs_active'   => self::_pdo_boolean(true),
245			);
246			if ($this->overwrite_new) $values = array_merge($values, $this->overwrite_new);
247			if (!$stmt->execute($values) || !($this->opened_fs_id = self::$pdo->lastInsertId('egw_sqlfs_fs_id_seq')))
248			{
249				$this->opened_stream = $this->opened_path = $this->opened_mode = null;
250				if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) execute() failed: ".self::$pdo->errorInfo());
251				return false;
252			}
253			if ($this->operation == self::STORE2DB)
254			{
255				// we buffer all write operations in a temporary file, which get's written on close
256				$this->opened_stream = tmpfile();
257			}
258			// create the hash-dirs, if they not yet exist
259			elseif(!file_exists($fs_dir=Vfs::dirname(self::_fs_path($this->opened_fs_id))))
260			{
261				$umaskbefore = umask();
262				if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__." about to call mkdir for $fs_dir # Present UMASK:".decoct($umaskbefore)." called from:".function_backtrace());
263				self::mkdir_recursive($fs_dir,0700,true);
264			}
265		}
266		// check if opend file is a directory
267		elseif($stat && ($stat['mode'] & self::MODE_DIR) == self::MODE_DIR)
268		{
269				if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) Is a directory!");
270				if (($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS))
271				{
272					trigger_error(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) Is a directory!",E_USER_WARNING);
273				}
274				$this->opened_stream = $this->opened_path = $this->opened_mode = null;
275				return false;
276		}
277		else
278		{
279			if ($mode == 'r' && !Vfs::check_access($url,Vfs::READABLE ,$stat) ||// we are not allowed to read
280				$mode != 'r' && !Vfs::check_access($url,Vfs::WRITABLE,$stat))	// or edit it
281			{
282				self::_remove_password($url);
283				$op = $mode == 'r' ? 'read' : 'edited';
284				if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) file can not be $op!");
285				if (($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS))
286				{
287					trigger_error(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) file can not be $op!",E_USER_WARNING);
288				}
289				$this->opened_stream = $this->opened_path = $this->opened_mode = null;
290				return false;
291			}
292			$this->opened_fs_id = $stat['ino'];
294			if ($this->operation == self::STORE2DB)
295			{
296				$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare($sql='SELECT fs_content FROM '.self::TABLE.' WHERE fs_id=?');
297				$stmt->execute(array($stat['ino']));
298				$stmt->bindColumn(1,$this->opened_stream,\PDO::PARAM_LOB);
299				$stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_BOUND);
300				// hack to work around a current php bug (http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=40913)
301				// PDOStatement::bindColumn(,,\PDO::PARAM_LOB) is not working for MySQL, content is returned as string :-(
302				if (is_string($this->opened_stream))
303				{
304					$tmp = fopen('php://temp', 'wb');
305					fwrite($tmp, $this->opened_stream);
306					fseek($tmp, 0, SEEK_SET);
307					unset($this->opened_stream);
308					$this->opened_stream = $tmp;
309				}
310				//echo 'gettype($this->opened_stream)='; var_dump($this->opened_stream);
311			}
312		}
313		// do we operate directly on the filesystem --> open file from there
314		if ($this->operation == self::STORE2FS)
315		{
316			if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__." fopen (may create a directory? mkdir) ($this->opened_fs_id,$mode,$options)");
317			if (!($this->opened_stream = fopen(self::_fs_path($this->opened_fs_id),$mode)) && $new_file)
318			{
319				// delete db entry again, if we are not able to open a new(!) file
320				unset($stmt);
321				$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('DELETE FROM '.self::TABLE.' WHERE fs_id=:fs_id');
322				$stmt->execute(array('fs_id' => $this->opened_fs_id));
323			}
324		}
325		if ($mode[0] == 'a')	// append modes: a, a+
326		{
327			$this->stream_seek(0,SEEK_END);
328		}
329		if (!is_resource($this->opened_stream)) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options) NO stream, returning false!");
331		return is_resource($this->opened_stream);
332	}
334	/**
335	 * This method is called when the stream is closed, using fclose().
336	 *
337	 * You must release any resources that were locked or allocated by the stream.
338	 */
339	function stream_close ( )
340	{
341		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."()");
343		if (is_null($this->opened_path) || !is_resource($this->opened_stream) || !$this->opened_fs_id)
344		{
345			return false;
346		}
348		if ($this->opened_mode != 'r')
349		{
350			$this->stream_seek(0,SEEK_END);
352			// we need to update the mime-type, size and content (if STORE2DB)
353			$values = array(
354				'fs_size' => $this->stream_tell(),
355				// todo: analyse the file for the mime-type
356				'fs_mime' => Api\MimeMagic::filename2mime($this->opened_path),
357				'fs_id'   => $this->opened_fs_id,
358				'fs_modifier' => Vfs::$user,
359				'fs_modified' => self::_pdo_timestamp(time()),
360			);
362			if ($this->operation == self::STORE2FS)
363			{
364				$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('UPDATE '.self::TABLE.' SET fs_size=:fs_size,fs_mime=:fs_mime,fs_modifier=:fs_modifier,fs_modified=:fs_modified WHERE fs_id=:fs_id');
365				if (!($ret = $stmt->execute($values)))
366				{
367					error_log(__METHOD__."() execute() failed! errorInfo()=".array2string(self::$pdo->errorInfo()));
368				}
369			}
370			else
371			{
372				$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('UPDATE '.self::TABLE.' SET fs_size=:fs_size,fs_mime=:fs_mime,fs_modifier=:fs_modifier,fs_modified=:fs_modified,fs_content=:fs_content WHERE fs_id=:fs_id');
373				$this->stream_seek(0,SEEK_SET);	// rewind to the start
374				foreach($values as $name => &$value)
375				{
376					$stmt->bindParam($name,$value);
377				}
378				$stmt->bindParam('fs_content', $this->opened_stream, \PDO::PARAM_LOB);
379				if (!($ret = $stmt->execute()))
380				{
381					error_log(__METHOD__."() execute() failed! errorInfo()=".array2string(self::$pdo->errorInfo()));
382				}
383			}
384		}
385		else
386		{
387			$ret = true;
388		}
389		$ret = fclose($this->opened_stream) && $ret;
391		unset(self::$stat_cache[$this->opened_path]);
392		$this->opened_stream = $this->opened_path = $this->opened_mode = $this->opened_fs_id = null;
393		$this->operation = self::DEFAULT_OPERATION;
395		return $ret;
396	}
398	/**
399	 * This method is called in response to fread() and fgets() calls on the stream.
400	 *
401	 * You must return up-to count bytes of data from the current read/write position as a string.
402	 * If there are less than count bytes available, return as many as are available.
403	 * If no more data is available, return either FALSE or an empty string.
404	 * You must also update the read/write position of the stream by the number of bytes that were successfully read.
405	 *
406	 * @param int $count
407	 * @return string/false up to count bytes read or false on EOF
408	 */
409	function stream_read ( $count )
410	{
411		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($count) pos=$this->opened_pos");
413		if (is_resource($this->opened_stream))
414		{
415			return fread($this->opened_stream,$count);
416		}
417		return false;
418	}
420	/**
421	 * This method is called in response to fwrite() calls on the stream.
422	 *
423	 * You should store data into the underlying storage used by your stream.
424	 * If there is not enough room, try to store as many bytes as possible.
425	 * You should return the number of bytes that were successfully stored in the stream, or 0 if none could be stored.
426	 * You must also update the read/write position of the stream by the number of bytes that were successfully written.
427	 *
428	 * @param string $data
429	 * @return integer
430	 */
431	function stream_write ( $data )
432	{
433		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($data)");
435		if (is_resource($this->opened_stream))
436		{
437			return fwrite($this->opened_stream,$data);
438		}
439		return false;
440	}
442 	/**
443 	 * This method is called in response to feof() calls on the stream.
444 	 *
445 	 * Important: PHP 5.0 introduced a bug that wasn't fixed until 5.1: the return value has to be the oposite!
446 	 *
447 	 * if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.0','>=') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.1','<'))
448  	 * {
449 	 * 		$eof = !$eof;
450 	 * }
451  	 *
452 	 * @return boolean true if the read/write position is at the end of the stream and no more data availible, false otherwise
453 	 */
454	function stream_eof ( )
455	{
456		if (is_resource($this->opened_stream))
457		{
458			return feof($this->opened_stream);
459		}
460		return false;
461	}
463	/**
464	 * This method is called in response to ftell() calls on the stream.
465	 *
466	 * @return integer current read/write position of the stream
467	 */
468 	function stream_tell ( )
469 	{
470		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."()");
472		if (is_resource($this->opened_stream))
473		{
474			return ftell($this->opened_stream);
475		}
476		return false;
477 	}
479 	/**
480 	 * This method is called in response to fseek() calls on the stream.
481 	 *
482 	 * You should update the read/write position of the stream according to offset and whence.
483 	 * See fseek() for more information about these parameters.
484 	 *
485 	 * @param integer $offset
486  	 * @param integer $whence	SEEK_SET - 0 - Set position equal to offset bytes
487 	 * 							SEEK_CUR - 1 - Set position to current location plus offset.
488 	 * 							SEEK_END - 2 - Set position to end-of-file plus offset. (To move to a position before the end-of-file, you need to pass a negative value in offset.)
489 	 * @return boolean TRUE if the position was updated, FALSE otherwise.
490 	 */
491	function stream_seek ( $offset, $whence )
492	{
493		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($offset,$whence)");
495		if (is_resource($this->opened_stream))
496		{
497			return !fseek($this->opened_stream,$offset,$whence);	// fseek returns 0 on success and -1 on failure
498		}
499		return false;
500	}
502	/**
503	 * This method is called in response to fflush() calls on the stream.
504	 *
505	 * If you have cached data in your stream but not yet stored it into the underlying storage, you should do so now.
506	 *
507	 * @return booelan TRUE if the cached data was successfully stored (or if there was no data to store), or FALSE if the data could not be stored.
508	 */
509	function stream_flush ( )
510	{
511		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."()");
513		if (is_resource($this->opened_stream))
514		{
515			return fflush($this->opened_stream);
516		}
517		return false;
518	}
520	/**
521	 * This method is called in response to fstat() calls on the stream.
522	 *
523	 * If you plan to use your wrapper in a require_once you need to define stream_stat().
524	 * If you plan to allow any other tests like is_file()/is_dir(), you have to define url_stat().
525	 * stream_stat() must define the size of the file, or it will never be included.
526	 * url_stat() must define mode, or is_file()/is_dir()/is_executable(), and any of those functions affected by clearstatcache() simply won't work.
527	 * It's not documented, but directories must be a mode like 040777 (octal), and files a mode like 0100666.
528	 * If you wish the file to be executable, use 7s instead of 6s.
529	 * The last 3 digits are exactly the same thing as what you pass to chmod.
530	 * 040000 defines a directory, and 0100000 defines a file.
531	 *
532	 * @return array containing the same values as appropriate for the stream.
533	 */
534	function stream_stat ( )
535	{
536		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($this->opened_path)");
538		return $this->url_stat($this->opened_path,0);
539	}
541	/**
542	 * This method is called in response to unlink() calls on URL paths associated with the wrapper.
543	 *
544	 * It should attempt to delete the item specified by path.
545	 * In order for the appropriate error message to be returned, do not define this method if your wrapper does not support unlinking!
546	 *
547	 * @param string $url
548	 * @return boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
549	 */
550	function unlink ( $url )
551	{
552		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url)");
554		$path = Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH);
556		// need to get parent stat from Sqlfs, not Vfs
557		$parent_stat = !($dir = Vfs::dirname($path)) ? false :
558			$this->url_stat($dir, STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK);
560		if (!$parent_stat || !($stat = $this->url_stat($path,STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK)) ||
561			!$dir || !Vfs::check_access($dir, Vfs::WRITABLE, $parent_stat))
562		{
563			self::_remove_password($url);
564			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url) permission denied!");
565			return false;	// no permission or file does not exist
566		}
567		if ($stat['mime'] == self::DIR_MIME_TYPE)
568		{
569			self::_remove_password($url);
570			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url) is NO file!");
571			return false;	// no permission or file does not exist
572		}
573		$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('DELETE FROM '.self::TABLE.' WHERE fs_id=:fs_id');
574		unset(self::$stat_cache[$path]);
576		if (($ret = $stmt->execute(array('fs_id' => $stat['ino']))))
577		{
578			if (self::url2operation($url) == self::STORE2FS &&
579				($stat['mode'] & self::MODE_LINK) != self::MODE_LINK)
580			{
581				unlink(self::_fs_path($stat['ino']));
582			}
583			// delete props
584			unset($stmt);
585			$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('DELETE FROM '.self::PROPS_TABLE.' WHERE fs_id=?');
586			$stmt->execute(array($stat['ino']));
587		}
588		return $ret;
589	}
591	/**
592	 * This method is called in response to rename() calls on URL paths associated with the wrapper.
593	 *
594	 * It should attempt to rename the item specified by path_from to the specification given by path_to.
595	 * In order for the appropriate error message to be returned, do not define this method if your wrapper does not support renaming.
596	 *
597	 * The regular filesystem stream-wrapper returns an error, if $url_from and $url_to are not either both files or both dirs!
598	 *
599	 * @param string $url_from
600	 * @param string $url_to
601	 * @return boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
602	 */
603	function rename ( $url_from, $url_to)
604	{
605		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url_from,$url_to)");
607		$path_from = Vfs::parse_url($url_from,PHP_URL_PATH);
608		$from_dir = Vfs::dirname($path_from);
609		$path_to = Vfs::parse_url($url_to,PHP_URL_PATH);
610		$to_dir = Vfs::dirname($path_to);
612		if (!($from_stat = $this->url_stat($path_from, 0)) || !$from_dir ||
613			!Vfs::check_access($from_dir, Vfs::WRITABLE, $from_dir_stat = $this->url_stat($from_dir, 0)))
614		{
615			self::_remove_password($url_from);
616			self::_remove_password($url_to);
617			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url_from,$url_to): $path_from permission denied!");
618			return false;	// no permission or file does not exist
619		}
620		if (!$to_dir || !Vfs::check_access($to_dir, Vfs::WRITABLE, $to_dir_stat = $this->url_stat($to_dir, 0)))
621		{
622			self::_remove_password($url_from);
623			self::_remove_password($url_to);
624			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url_from,$url_to): $path_to permission denied!");
625			return false;	// no permission or parent-dir does not exist
626		}
627		// the filesystem stream-wrapper does NOT allow to rename files to directories, as this makes problems
628		// for our vfs too, we abort here with an error, like the filesystem one does
629		if (($to_stat = $this->url_stat($path_to, 0)) &&
630			($to_stat['mime'] === self::DIR_MIME_TYPE) !== ($from_stat['mime'] === self::DIR_MIME_TYPE))
631		{
632			self::_remove_password($url_from);
633			self::_remove_password($url_to);
634			$is_dir = $to_stat['mime'] === self::DIR_MIME_TYPE ? 'a' : 'no';
635			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url_to,$url_from) $path_to is $is_dir directory!");
636			return false;	// no permission or file does not exist
637		}
638		// if destination file already exists, delete it
639		if ($to_stat && !$this->unlink($url_to))
640		{
641			self::_remove_password($url_to);
642			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url_to,$url_from) can't unlink existing $url_to!");
643			return false;
644		}
645		unset(self::$stat_cache[$path_from]);
646		unset(self::$stat_cache[$path_to]);
648		$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('UPDATE '.self::TABLE.' SET fs_dir=:fs_dir,fs_name=:fs_name'.
649			' WHERE fs_dir=:old_dir AND fs_name'.self::$case_sensitive_equal.':old_name');
650		$ok = $stmt->execute(array(
651			'fs_dir'   => $to_dir_stat['ino'],
652			'fs_name' => self::limit_filename(Vfs::basename($path_to)),
653			'old_dir'  => $from_dir_stat['ino'],
654			'old_name' => $from_stat['name'],
655		));
656		unset($stmt);
658		// check if extension changed and update mime-type in that case (as we currently determine mime-type by it's extension!)
659		// fixes eg. problems with MsWord storing file with .tmp extension and then renaming to .doc
660		if ($ok && ($new_mime = Vfs::mime_content_type($url_to,true)) != Vfs::mime_content_type($url_to))
661		{
662			//echo "<p>Vfs::nime_content_type($url_to,true) = $new_mime</p>\n";
663			$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('UPDATE '.self::TABLE.' SET fs_mime=:fs_mime WHERE fs_id=:fs_id');
664			$stmt->execute(array(
665				'fs_mime' => $new_mime,
666				'fs_id'   => $from_stat['ino'],
667			));
668			unset(self::$stat_cache[$path_to]);
669		}
670		return $ok;
671	}
673	/**
674	 * due to problems with recursive directory creation, we have our own here
675	 */
676	protected static function mkdir_recursive($pathname, $mode, $depth=0)
677	{
678		$maxdepth=10;
679		$depth2propagate = (int)$depth + 1;
680		if ($depth2propagate > $maxdepth) return is_dir($pathname);
681    	is_dir(Vfs::dirname($pathname)) || self::mkdir_recursive(Vfs::dirname($pathname), $mode, $depth2propagate);
682    	return is_dir($pathname) || @mkdir($pathname, $mode);
683	}
685	/**
686	 * This method is called in response to mkdir() calls on URL paths associated with the wrapper.
687	 *
688	 * It should attempt to create the directory specified by path.
689	 * In order for the appropriate error message to be returned, do not define this method if your wrapper does not support creating directories.
690	 *
691	 * @param string $url
692	 * @param int $mode
693	 * @param int $options Posible values include STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS and STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE
694	 * @return boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
695	 */
696	function mkdir ( $url, $mode, $options )
697	{
698		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$mode,$options)");
699		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__." called from:".function_backtrace());
700		$path = Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH);
702		if ($this->url_stat($path,STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET))
703		{
704			self::_remove_password($url);
705			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."('$url',$mode,$options) already exist!");
706			if (!($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS))
707			{
708				trigger_error(__METHOD__."('$url',$mode,$options) already exist!",E_USER_WARNING);
709			}
710			return false;
711		}
712		if (!($parent_path = Vfs::dirname($path)))
713		{
714			self::_remove_password($url);
715			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."('$url',$mode,$options) dirname('$path')===false!");
716			if (!($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS))
717			{
718				trigger_error(__METHOD__."('$url',$mode,$options) dirname('$path')===false!", E_USER_WARNING);
719			}
720			return false;
721		}
722		if (($query = Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_QUERY))) $parent_path .= '?'.$query;
723		$parent = $this->url_stat($parent_path,STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET);
725		// check if we should also create all non-existing path components and our parent does not exist,
726		// if yes call ourself recursive with the parent directory
727		if (($options & STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE) && $parent_path != '/' && !$parent)
728		{
729			if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__." creating parents: $parent_path, $mode");
730			if (!$this->mkdir($parent_path,$mode,$options))
731			{
732				return false;
733			}
734			$parent = $this->url_stat($parent_path,0);
735		}
736		if (!$parent || !Vfs::check_access($parent_path,Vfs::WRITABLE,$parent))
737		{
738			self::_remove_password($url);
739			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."('$url',$mode,$options) permission denied!");
740			if (!($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS))
741			{
742				trigger_error(__METHOD__."('$url',$mode,$options) permission denied!",E_USER_WARNING);
743			}
744			return false;	// no permission or file does not exist
745		}
746		unset(self::$stat_cache[$path]);
747		$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO '.self::TABLE.' (fs_name,fs_dir,fs_mode,fs_uid,fs_gid,fs_size,fs_mime,fs_created,fs_modified,fs_creator'.
748					') VALUES (:fs_name,:fs_dir,:fs_mode,:fs_uid,:fs_gid,:fs_size,:fs_mime,:fs_created,:fs_modified,:fs_creator)');
749		if (($ok = $stmt->execute(array(
750			'fs_name' => self::limit_filename(Vfs::basename($path)),
751			'fs_dir'  => $parent['ino'],
752			'fs_mode' => $parent['mode'],
753			'fs_uid'  => $parent['uid'],
754			'fs_gid'  => $parent['gid'],
755			'fs_size' => 0,
756			'fs_mime' => self::DIR_MIME_TYPE,
757			'fs_created'  => self::_pdo_timestamp(time()),
758			'fs_modified' => self::_pdo_timestamp(time()),
759			'fs_creator'  => Vfs::$user,
760		))))
761		{
762			// check if some other process created the directory parallel to us (sqlfs would gives SQL errors later!)
763			$new_fs_id = self::$pdo->lastInsertId('egw_sqlfs_fs_id_seq');
765			unset($stmt);	// free statement object, on some installs a new prepare fails otherwise!
767			$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare($q='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.self::TABLE.
768				' WHERE fs_dir=:fs_dir AND fs_active=:fs_active AND fs_name'.self::$case_sensitive_equal.':fs_name');
769			if ($stmt->execute(array(
770				'fs_dir'  => $parent['ino'],
771				'fs_active' => self::_pdo_boolean(true),
772				'fs_name' => self::limit_filename(Vfs::basename($path)),
773			)) && $stmt->fetchColumn() > 1)	// if there's more then one --> remove our new dir
774			{
775				self::$pdo->query('DELETE FROM '.self::TABLE.' WHERE fs_id='.$new_fs_id);
776			}
777		}
778		return $ok;
779	}
781	/**
782	 * This method is called in response to rmdir() calls on URL paths associated with the wrapper.
783	 *
784	 * It should attempt to remove the directory specified by path.
785	 * In order for the appropriate error message to be returned, do not define this method if your wrapper does not support removing directories.
786	 *
787	 * @param string $url
788	 * @param int $options Possible values include STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS.
789	 * @return boolean TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
790	 */
791	function rmdir ( $url, $options )
792	{
793		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url)");
795		$path = Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH);
797		if (!($parent = Vfs::dirname($path)) ||
798			!($stat = $this->url_stat($path, 0)) || $stat['mime'] != self::DIR_MIME_TYPE ||
799			!Vfs::check_access($parent, Vfs::WRITABLE, $this->url_stat($parent,0)))
800		{
801			self::_remove_password($url);
802			$err_msg = __METHOD__."($url,$options) ".(!$stat ? 'not found!' :
803				($stat['mime'] != self::DIR_MIME_TYPE ? 'not a directory!' : 'permission denied!'));
804			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log($err_msg);
805			if (!($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS))
806			{
807				trigger_error($err_msg,E_USER_WARNING);
808			}
809			return false;	// no permission or file does not exist
810		}
811		$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.self::TABLE.' WHERE fs_dir=?');
812		$stmt->execute(array($stat['ino']));
813		if ($stmt->fetchColumn())
814		{
815			self::_remove_password($url);
816			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$options) dir is not empty!");
817			if (!($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS))
818			{
819				trigger_error(__METHOD__."('$url',$options) dir is not empty!",E_USER_WARNING);
820			}
821			return false;
822		}
823		unset(self::$stat_cache[$path]);
824		unset($stmt);	// free statement object, on some installs a new prepare fails otherwise!
826		$del_stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('DELETE FROM '.self::TABLE.' WHERE fs_id=?');
827		if (($ret = $del_stmt->execute(array($stat['ino']))))
828		{
829			self::eacl($path,null,false,$stat['ino']);	// remove all (=false) evtl. existing extended acl for that dir
830			// delete props
831			unset($del_stmt);
832			$del_stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('DELETE FROM '.self::PROPS_TABLE.' WHERE fs_id=?');
833			$del_stmt->execute(array($stat['ino']));
834		}
835		return $ret;
836	}
838	/**
839	 * StreamWrapper method (PHP 5.4+) for touch, chmod, chown and chgrp
840	 *
841	 * We use protected helper methods touch, chmod, chown and chgrp to implement the functionality.
842	 *
843	 * @param string $path
844	 * @param int $option STREAM_META_(TOUCH|ACCESS|((OWNER|GROUP)(_NAME)?))
845	 * @param array|int|string $value
846	 * - STREAM_META_TOUCH array($time, $atime)
848	 * - STREAM_(OWNER|GROUP) int
849	 * - STREAM_(OWNER|GROUP)_NAME string
850	 * @return boolean true on success, false on failure
851	 */
852	function stream_metadata($path, $option, $value)
853	{
854		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($path, $option, ".array2string($value).")");
856		switch($option)
857		{
859				return $this->touch($path, $value[0]);	// atime is not supported
862				return $this->chmod($path, $value);
865				if (($value = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($value, 'account_lid', 'u')) === false)
866					return false;
867				// fall through
869				return $this->chown($path, $value);
872				if (($value = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($value, 'account_lid', 'g')) === false)
873					return false;
874				// fall through
876				return $this->chgrp($path, $value);
877		}
878		return false;
879	}
881	/**
882	 * This is not (yet) a stream-wrapper function, but it's necessary and can be used static
883	 *
884	 * @param string $url
885	 * @param int $time =null modification time (unix timestamp), default null = current time
886	 * @param int $atime =null access time (unix timestamp), default null = current time, not implemented in the vfs!
887	 */
888	protected function touch($url,$time=null,$atime=null)
889	{
890		unset($atime);	// not used
891		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url, $time)");
893		$path = Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH);
895		$vfs = new self();
896		if (!($stat = $vfs->url_stat($path,STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)))
897		{
898			// file does not exist --> create an empty one
899			if (!($f = fopen(self::SCHEME.'://default'.$path,'w')) || !fclose($f))
900			{
901				return false;
902			}
903			if (!$time)
904			{
905				return true;	// new (empty) file created with current mod time
906			}
907			$stat = $vfs->url_stat($path,0);
908		}
909		unset(self::$stat_cache[$path]);
910		$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('UPDATE '.self::TABLE.' SET fs_modified=:fs_modified,fs_modifier=:fs_modifier WHERE fs_id=:fs_id');
912		return $stmt->execute(array(
913			'fs_modified' => self::_pdo_timestamp($time ? $time : time()),
914			'fs_modifier' => Vfs::$user,
915			'fs_id' => $stat['ino'],
916		));
917	}
919	/**
920	 * Chown command, not yet a stream-wrapper function, but necessary
921	 *
922	 * @param string $url
923	 * @param int $owner
924	 * @return boolean
925	 */
926	protected function chown($url,$owner)
927	{
928		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$owner)");
930		$path = Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH);
932		$vfs = new self();
933		if (!($stat = $vfs->url_stat($path,0)))
934		{
935			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$owner) no such file or directory!");
936			trigger_error("No such file or directory $url !",E_USER_WARNING);
937			return false;
938		}
939		if (!Vfs::$is_root)
940		{
941			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$owner) only root can do that!");
942			trigger_error("Only root can do that!",E_USER_WARNING);
943			return false;
944		}
945		if ($owner < 0 || $owner && !$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($owner))	// not a user (0 == root)
946		{
947			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$owner) unknown (numeric) user id!");
948			trigger_error(__METHOD__."($url,$owner) Unknown (numeric) user id!",E_USER_WARNING);
949			//throw new Exception(__METHOD__."($url,$owner) Unknown (numeric) user id!");
950			return false;
951		}
952		$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('UPDATE '.self::TABLE.' SET fs_uid=:fs_uid WHERE fs_id=:fs_id');
954		// update stat-cache
955		if ($path != '/' && substr($path,-1) == '/') $path = substr($path, 0, -1);
956		self::$stat_cache[$path]['fs_uid'] = $owner;
958		return $stmt->execute(array(
959			'fs_uid' => (int) $owner,
960			'fs_id' => $stat['ino'],
961		));
962	}
964	/**
965	 * chown but for all files a user owns
966	 *
967	 * @param $old_uid
968	 * @param $new_uid
969	 */
970	public static function chownAll($old_uid, $new_uid)
971	{
972		$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('UPDATE '.self::TABLE.' SET fs_uid=:fs_uid WHERE fs_uid=:old_uid');
973		return $stmt->execute(array(
974			'fs_uid' => (int) $new_uid,
975			'old_uid' => $old_uid,
976		));
977	}
979	/**
980	 * Chgrp command, not yet a stream-wrapper function, but necessary
981	 *
982	 * @param string $url
983	 * @param int $owner
984	 * @return boolean
985	 */
986	protected function chgrp($url,$owner)
987	{
988		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$owner)");
990		$path = Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH);
992		$vfs = new self();
993		if (!($stat = $vfs->url_stat($path,0)))
994		{
995			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$owner) no such file or directory!");
996			trigger_error("No such file or directory $url !",E_USER_WARNING);
997			return false;
998		}
999		if (!Vfs::has_owner_rights($path,$stat))
1000		{
1001			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$owner) only owner or root can do that!");
1002			trigger_error("Only owner or root can do that!",E_USER_WARNING);
1003			return false;
1004		}
1005		if ($owner < 0) $owner = -$owner;	// sqlfs uses a positiv group id's!
1007		if ($owner && !$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name(-$owner))	// not a group
1008		{
1009			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$owner) unknown (numeric) group id!");
1010			trigger_error("Unknown (numeric) group id!",E_USER_WARNING);
1011			return false;
1012		}
1013		$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('UPDATE '.self::TABLE.' SET fs_gid=:fs_gid WHERE fs_id=:fs_id');
1015		// update stat-cache
1016		if ($path != '/' && substr($path,-1) == '/') $path = substr($path, 0, -1);
1017		self::$stat_cache[$path]['fs_gid'] = $owner;
1019		return $stmt->execute(array(
1020			'fs_gid' => $owner,
1021			'fs_id' => $stat['ino'],
1022		));
1023	}
1025	/**
1026	 * Chmod command, not yet a stream-wrapper function, but necessary
1027	 *
1028	 * @param string $url
1029	 * @param int $mode
1030	 * @return boolean
1031	 */
1032	protected function chmod($url,$mode)
1033	{
1034		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url, $mode)");
1036		$path = Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH);
1038		$vfs = new self();
1039		if (!($stat = $vfs->url_stat($path,0)))
1040		{
1041			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url, $mode) no such file or directory!");
1042			trigger_error("No such file or directory $url !",E_USER_WARNING);
1043			return false;
1044		}
1045		if (!Vfs::has_owner_rights($path,$stat))
1046		{
1047			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url, $mode) only owner or root can do that!");
1048			trigger_error("Only owner or root can do that!",E_USER_WARNING);
1049			return false;
1050		}
1051		if (!is_numeric($mode))	// not a mode
1052		{
1053			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($url, $mode) no (numeric) mode!");
1054			trigger_error("No (numeric) mode!",E_USER_WARNING);
1055			return false;
1056		}
1057		$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('UPDATE '.self::TABLE.' SET fs_mode=:fs_mode WHERE fs_id=:fs_id');
1059		// update stat cache
1060		if ($path != '/' && substr($path,-1) == '/') $path = substr($path, 0, -1);
1061		self::$stat_cache[$path]['fs_mode'] = ((int) $mode) & 0777;
1063		return $stmt->execute(array(
1064			'fs_mode' => ((int) $mode) & 0777,		// we dont store the file and dir bits, give int overflow!
1065			'fs_id' => $stat['ino'],
1066		));
1067	}
1070	/**
1071	 * This method is called immediately when your stream object is created for examining directory contents with opendir().
1072	 *
1073	 * @param string $url URL that was passed to opendir() and that this object is expected to explore.
1074	 * @param int $options
1075	 * @return booelan
1076	 */
1077	function dir_opendir ( $url, $options )
1078	{
1079		$this->opened_dir = null;
1081		$path = Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH);
1083		if (!($stat = $this->url_stat($url,0)) || 		// dir not found
1084			!($stat['mode'] & self::MODE_DIR) && $stat['mime'] != self::DIR_MIME_TYPE ||		// no dir
1085			!Vfs::check_access($url,Vfs::EXECUTABLE|Vfs::READABLE,$stat))	// no access
1086		{
1087			self::_remove_password($url);
1088			$msg = !($stat['mode'] & self::MODE_DIR) && $stat['mime'] != self::DIR_MIME_TYPE ?
1089				"$url is no directory" : 'permission denied';
1090			if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."('$url',$options) $msg!");
1091			$this->opened_dir = null;
1092			return false;
1093		}
1094		$this->opened_dir = array();
1095		$query = 'SELECT fs_id,fs_name,fs_mode,fs_uid,fs_gid,fs_size,fs_mime,fs_created,fs_modified'.self::$extra_columns.
1096			' FROM '.self::TABLE.' WHERE fs_dir=? AND fs_active='.self::_pdo_boolean(true).
1097			" ORDER BY fs_mime='httpd/unix-directory' DESC, fs_name ASC";
1098		//if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 2) $query = '/* '.__METHOD__.': '.__LINE__.' */ '.$query;
1099		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 2) $query = '/* '.__METHOD__."($url,$options)".' */ '.$query;
1101		$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare($query);
1102		$stmt->setFetchMode(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
1103		if ($stmt->execute(array($stat['ino'])))
1104		{
1105			foreach($stmt as $file)
1106			{
1107				$this->opened_dir[] = $file['fs_name'];
1108				self::$stat_cache[Vfs::concat($path,$file['fs_name'])] = $file;
1109			}
1110		}
1111		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$options): ".implode(', ',$this->opened_dir));
1112		reset($this->opened_dir);
1114		return true;
1115	}
1117	/**
1118	 * This method is called in response to stat() calls on the URL paths associated with the wrapper.
1119	 *
1120	 * It should return as many elements in common with the system function as possible.
1121	 * Unknown or unavailable values should be set to a rational value (usually 0).
1122	 *
1123	 * If you plan to use your wrapper in a require_once you need to define stream_stat().
1124	 * If you plan to allow any other tests like is_file()/is_dir(), you have to define url_stat().
1125	 * stream_stat() must define the size of the file, or it will never be included.
1126	 * url_stat() must define mode, or is_file()/is_dir()/is_executable(), and any of those functions affected by clearstatcache() simply won't work.
1127	 * It's not documented, but directories must be a mode like 040777 (octal), and files a mode like 0100666.
1128	 * If you wish the file to be executable, use 7s instead of 6s.
1129	 * The last 3 digits are exactly the same thing as what you pass to chmod.
1130	 * 040000 defines a directory, and 0100000 defines a file.
1131	 *
1132	 * @param string $url
1133	 * @param int $flags holds additional flags set by the streams API. It can hold one or more of the following values OR'd together:
1134	 * - STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK	For resources with the ability to link to other resource (such as an HTTP Location: forward,
1135	 *                          or a filesystem symlink). This flag specified that only information about the link itself should be returned,
1136	 *                          not the resource pointed to by the link.
1137	 *                          This flag is set in response to calls to lstat(), is_link(), or filetype().
1138	 * - STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET	If this flag is set, your wrapper should not raise any errors. If this flag is not set,
1139	 *                          you are responsible for reporting errors using the trigger_error() function during stating of the path.
1140	 *                          stat triggers it's own warning anyway, so it makes no sense to trigger one by our stream-wrapper!
1141	 * @return array
1142	 */
1143	function url_stat ( $url, $flags )
1144	{
1145		static $max_subquery_depth=null;
1146		if (is_null($max_subquery_depth))
1147		{
1148			$max_subquery_depth = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['max_subquery_depth'];
1149			if (!$max_subquery_depth) $max_subquery_depth = 7;	// setting current default of 7, if nothing set
1150		}
1151		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."('$url',$flags)");
1153		$path = Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH);
1155		// webdav adds a trailing slash to dirs, which causes url_stat to NOT find the file otherwise
1156		if ($path != '/' && substr($path,-1) == '/')
1157		{
1158			$path = substr($path,0,-1);
1159		}
1160		if (empty($path))
1161		{
1162			return false;	// is invalid and gives sql error
1163		}
1164		// check if we already have the info from the last dir_open call, as the old vfs reads it anyway from the db
1165		if (self::$stat_cache && isset(self::$stat_cache[$path]) && self::$stat_cache[$path] !== false)
1166		{
1167			return self::$stat_cache[$path] ? self::_vfsinfo2stat(self::$stat_cache[$path]) : false;
1168		}
1170		if (!is_object(self::$pdo))
1171		{
1172			self::_pdo();
1173		}
1174		$base_query = 'SELECT fs_id,fs_name,fs_mode,fs_uid,fs_gid,fs_size,fs_mime,fs_created,fs_modified'.self::$extra_columns.
1175			' FROM '.self::TABLE.' WHERE fs_active='.self::_pdo_boolean(true).
1176			' AND fs_name'.self::$case_sensitive_equal.'? AND fs_dir=';
1177		$parts = explode('/',$path);
1179		// if we have extended acl access to the url, we dont need and can NOT include the sql for the readable check
1180		$eacl_access = static::check_extended_acl($path,Vfs::READABLE);
1182		try {
1183			foreach($parts as $n => $name)
1184			{
1185				if ($n == 0)
1186				{
1187					$query = (int) ($path != '/');	// / always has fs_id == 1, no need to query it ($path=='/' needs fs_dir=0!)
1188				}
1189				elseif ($n < count($parts)-1)
1190				{
1191					// MySQL 5.0 has a nesting limit for subqueries
1192					// --> we replace the so far cumulated subqueries with their result
1193					// no idea about the other DBMS, but this does NOT hurt ...
1194					// --> depth limit of subqueries is now dynamicly decremented in catch
1195					if ($n > 1 && !(($n-1) % $max_subquery_depth) && !($query = self::$pdo->query($query)->fetchColumn()))
1196					{
1197						if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1)
1198						{
1199							self::_remove_password($url);
1200							error_log(__METHOD__."('$url',$flags) file or directory not found!");
1201						}
1202						// we also store negatives (all methods creating new files/dirs have to unset the stat-cache!)
1203						return self::$stat_cache[$path] = false;
1204					}
1205					$query = 'SELECT fs_id FROM '.self::TABLE.' WHERE fs_dir=('.$query.') AND fs_active='.
1206						self::_pdo_boolean(true).' AND fs_name'.self::$case_sensitive_equal.self::$pdo->quote($name);
1208					// if we are not root AND have no extended acl access, we need to make sure the user has the right to tranverse all parent directories (read-rights)
1209					if (!Vfs::$is_root && !$eacl_access)
1210					{
1211						if (!Vfs::$user)
1212						{
1213							self::_remove_password($url);
1214							if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."('$url',$flags) permission denied, no user-id and not root!");
1215							return false;
1216						}
1217						$query .= ' AND '.self::_sql_readable();
1218					}
1219				}
1220				else
1221				{
1222					$query = str_replace('fs_name'.self::$case_sensitive_equal.'?','fs_name'.self::$case_sensitive_equal.self::$pdo->quote($name),$base_query).'('.$query.')';
1223				}
1224			}
1225			if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 2) $query = '/* '.__METHOD__."($url,$flags) eacl_access=$eacl_access".' */ '.$query;
1226			//if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 2) $query = '/* '.__METHOD__.': '.__LINE__.' */ '.$query;
1228			if (!($result = self::$pdo->query($query)) || !($info = $result->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)))
1229			{
1230				if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1)
1231				{
1232					self::_remove_password($url);
1233					error_log(__METHOD__."('$url',$flags) file or directory not found!");
1234				}
1235				// we also store negatives (all methods creating new files/dirs have to unset the stat-cache!)
1236				return self::$stat_cache[$path] = false;
1237			}
1238		}
1239		catch (\PDOException $e) {
1240			// decrement subquery limit by 1 and try again, if not already smaller then 3
1241			if ($max_subquery_depth < 3)
1242			{
1243				throw new Api\Db\Exception($e->getMessage());
1244			}
1245			$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['max_subquery_depth'] = --$max_subquery_depth;
1246			error_log(__METHOD__."() decremented max_subquery_depth to $max_subquery_depth");
1247			Api\Config::save_value('max_subquery_depth', $max_subquery_depth, 'phpgwapi');
1248			if (method_exists($GLOBALS['egw'],'invalidate_session_cache')) $GLOBALS['egw']->invalidate_session_cache();
1249			return $this->url_stat($url, $flags);
1250		}
1251		self::$stat_cache[$path] = $info;
1253		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$flags)=".array2string($info));
1254		return self::_vfsinfo2stat($info);
1255	}
1257	/**
1258	 * Return readable check as sql (to be AND'ed into the query), only use if !Vfs::$is_root
1259	 *
1260	 * @return string
1261	 */
1262	protected static function _sql_readable()
1263	{
1264		static $sql_read_acl=null;
1266		if (is_null($sql_read_acl))
1267		{
1268			foreach($GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships(Vfs::$user,true) as $gid)
1269			{
1270				$memberships[] = abs($gid);	// sqlfs stores the gid's positiv
1271			}
1272			// using octal numbers with mysql leads to funny results (select 384 & 0400 --> 384 not 256=0400)
1273			// 256 = 0400, 32 = 040
1274			$sql_read_acl = '((fs_mode & 4)=4 OR (fs_mode & 256)=256 AND fs_uid='.(int)Vfs::$user.
1275				($memberships ? ' OR (fs_mode & 32)=32 AND fs_gid IN('.implode(',',$memberships).')' : '').')';
1276			//error_log(__METHOD__."() Vfs::\$user=".array2string(Vfs::$user).' --> memberships='.array2string($memberships).' --> '.$sql_read_acl.($memberships?'':': '.function_backtrace()));
1277		}
1278		return $sql_read_acl;
1279	}
1281	/**
1282	 * This method is called in response to readdir().
1283	 *
1284	 * It should return a string representing the next filename in the location opened by dir_opendir().
1285	 *
1286	 * @return string
1287	 */
1288	function dir_readdir ( )
1289	{
1290		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."( )");
1292		if (!is_array($this->opened_dir)) return false;
1294		$file = current($this->opened_dir); next($this->opened_dir);
1296		return $file;
1297	}
1299	/**
1300	 * This method is called in response to rewinddir().
1301	 *
1302	 * It should reset the output generated by dir_readdir(). i.e.:
1303	 * The next call to dir_readdir() should return the first entry in the location returned by dir_opendir().
1304	 *
1305	 * @return boolean
1306	 */
1307	function dir_rewinddir ( )
1308	{
1309		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."( )");
1311		if (!is_array($this->opened_dir)) return false;
1313		reset($this->opened_dir);
1315		return true;
1316	}
1318	/**
1319	 * This method is called in response to closedir().
1320	 *
1321	 * You should release any resources which were locked or allocated during the opening and use of the directory stream.
1322	 *
1323	 * @return boolean
1324	 */
1325	function dir_closedir ( )
1326	{
1327		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."( )");
1329		if (!is_array($this->opened_dir)) return false;
1331		$this->opened_dir = null;
1333		return true;
1334	}
1336	/**
1337	 * This method is called in response to readlink().
1338	 *
1339	 * The readlink value is read by url_stat or dir_opendir and therefore cached in the stat-cache.
1340	 *
1341	 * @param string $path
1342	 * @return string|boolean content of the symlink or false if $url is no symlink (or not found)
1343	 */
1344	static function readlink($path)
1345	{
1346		$vfs = new self();
1347		$link = !($lstat = $vfs->url_stat($path,STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK)) || is_null($lstat['readlink']) ? false : $lstat['readlink'];
1349		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."('$path') = $link");
1351		return $link;
1352	}
1354	/**
1355	 * Method called for symlink()
1356	 *
1357	 * @param string $target
1358	 * @param string $link
1359	 * @return boolean true on success false on error
1360	 */
1361	static function symlink($target,$link)
1362	{
1363		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."('$target','$link')");
1365		$inst = new static();
1366		if ($inst->url_stat($link,0))
1367		{
1368			if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 0) error_log(__METHOD__."('$target','$link') $link exists, returning false!");
1369			return false;	// $link already exists
1370		}
1371		if (!($dir = Vfs::dirname($link)) ||
1372			!Vfs::check_access($dir,Vfs::WRITABLE,$dir_stat=$inst->url_stat($dir,0)))
1373		{
1374			if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 0) error_log(__METHOD__."('$target','$link') returning false! (!is_writable('$dir'), dir_stat=".array2string($dir_stat).")");
1375			return false;	// parent dir does not exist or is not writable
1376		}
1377		$query = 'INSERT INTO '.self::TABLE.' (fs_name,fs_dir,fs_mode,fs_uid,fs_gid,fs_created,fs_modified,fs_creator,fs_mime,fs_size,fs_link'.
1378			') VALUES (:fs_name,:fs_dir,:fs_mode,:fs_uid,:fs_gid,:fs_created,:fs_modified,:fs_creator,:fs_mime,:fs_size,:fs_link)';
1379		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 2) $query = '/* '.__METHOD__.': '.__LINE__.' */ '.$query;
1380		$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare($query);
1381		unset(self::$stat_cache[Vfs::parse_url($link,PHP_URL_PATH)]);
1383		return !!$stmt->execute(array(
1384			'fs_name' => self::limit_filename(Vfs::basename($link)),
1385			'fs_dir'  => $dir_stat['ino'],
1386			'fs_mode' => ($dir_stat['mode'] & 0666),
1387			'fs_uid'  => $dir_stat['uid'] ? $dir_stat['uid'] : Vfs::$user,
1388			'fs_gid'  => $dir_stat['gid'],
1389			'fs_created'  => self::_pdo_timestamp(time()),
1390			'fs_modified' => self::_pdo_timestamp(time()),
1391			'fs_creator'  => Vfs::$user,
1392			'fs_mime'     => self::SYMLINK_MIME_TYPE,
1393			'fs_size'     => bytes($target),
1394			'fs_link'     => $target,
1395		));
1396	}
1398	private static $extended_acl;
1400	/**
1401	 * Check if extendes ACL (stored in eGW's ACL table) grants access
1402	 *
1403	 * The extended ACL is inherited, so it's valid for all subdirs and the included files!
1404	 * The used algorithm break on the first match. It could be used, to disallow further access.
1405	 *
1406	 * @param string $url url to check
1407	 * @param int $check mode to check: one or more or'ed together of: 4 = read, 2 = write, 1 = executable
1408	 * @return boolean
1409	 */
1410	static function check_extended_acl($url,$check)
1411	{
1412		$url_path = Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH);
1414		if (is_null(self::$extended_acl))
1415		{
1416			self::_read_extended_acl();
1417		}
1418		$access = false;
1419		foreach(self::$extended_acl as $path => $rights)
1420		{
1421			if ($path == $url_path || substr($url_path,0,strlen($path)+1) == $path.'/')
1422			{
1423				$access = ($rights & $check) == $check;
1424				break;
1425			}
1426		}
1427		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($url,$check) ".($access?"access granted by $path=$rights":'no access!!!'));
1428		return $access;
1429	}
1431	/**
1432	 * Read the extended acl via acl::get_grants('sqlfs')
1433	 *
1434	 */
1435	static protected function _read_extended_acl()
1436	{
1437		if ((self::$extended_acl = Api\Cache::getSession(self::EACL_APPNAME, 'extended_acl')))
1438		{
1439			return;		// ext. ACL read from session.
1440		}
1441		self::$extended_acl = array();
1442		if (($rights = $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_all_location_rights(Vfs::$user,self::EACL_APPNAME)))
1443		{
1444			$pathes = self::id2path(array_keys($rights));
1445		}
1446		foreach($rights as $fs_id => $right)
1447		{
1448			$path = $pathes[$fs_id];
1449			if (isset($path))
1450			{
1451				self::$extended_acl[$path] = (int)$right;
1452			}
1453		}
1454		// sort by length descending, to allow more specific pathes to have precedence
1455		uksort(self::$extended_acl, function($a,$b) {
1456			return strlen($b)-strlen($a);
1457		});
1458		Api\Cache::setSession(self::EACL_APPNAME, 'extended_acl', self::$extended_acl);
1459		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__.'() '.array2string(self::$extended_acl));
1460	}
1462	/**
1463	 * Appname used with the acl class to store the extended acl
1464	 */
1465	const EACL_APPNAME = 'sqlfs';
1467	/**
1468	 * Set or delete extended acl for a given path and owner (or delete  them if is_null($rights)
1469	 *
1470	 * Only root, the owner of the path or an eGW admin (only if there's no owner but a group) are allowd to set eACL's!
1471	 *
1472	 * @param string $path string with path
1473	 * @param int $rights =null rights to set, or null to delete the entry
1474	 * @param int|boolean $owner =null owner for whom to set the rights, null for the current user, or false to delete all rights for $path
1475	 * @param int $fs_id =null fs_id to use, to not query it again (eg. because it's already deleted)
1476	 * @return boolean true if acl is set/deleted, false on error
1477	 */
1478	static function eacl($path,$rights=null,$owner=null,$fs_id=null)
1479	{
1480		if ($path[0] != '/')
1481		{
1482			$path = Vfs::parse_url($path,PHP_URL_PATH);
1483		}
1484		if (is_null($fs_id))
1485		{
1486			$vfs = new self();
1487			if (!($stat = $vfs->url_stat($path,0)))
1488			{
1489				if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,$rights,$owner,$fs_id) no such file or directory!");
1490				return false;	// $path not found
1491			}
1492			if (!Vfs::has_owner_rights($path,$stat))		// not group dir and user is eGW admin
1493			{
1494				if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,$rights,$owner,$fs_id) permission denied!");
1495				return false;	// permission denied
1496			}
1497			$fs_id = $stat['ino'];
1498		}
1499		if (is_null($owner))
1500		{
1501			$owner = Vfs::$user;
1502		}
1503		if (is_null($rights) || $owner === false)
1504		{
1505			// delete eacl
1506			if (is_null($owner) || $owner == Vfs::$user ||
1507				$owner < 0 && Vfs::$user && in_array($owner,$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships(Vfs::$user,true)))
1508			{
1509				self::$extended_acl = null;	// force new read of eACL, as there could be multiple eACL for that path
1510			}
1511			$ret = $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->delete_repository(self::EACL_APPNAME, $fs_id, (int)$owner, false);
1512		}
1513		else
1514		{
1515			if (isset(self::$extended_acl) && ($owner == Vfs::$user ||
1516				$owner < 0 && Vfs::$user && in_array($owner,$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships(Vfs::$user,true))))
1517			{
1518				// set rights for this class, if applicable
1519				self::$extended_acl[$path] |= $rights;
1520			}
1521			$ret = $GLOBALS['egw']->acl->add_repository(self::EACL_APPNAME, $fs_id, $owner, $rights, false);
1522		}
1523		if ($ret)
1524		{
1525			Api\Cache::setSession(self::EACL_APPNAME, 'extended_acl', self::$extended_acl);
1526		}
1527		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($path,$rights,$owner,$fs_id)=".(int)$ret);
1528		return $ret;
1529	}
1531	/**
1532	 * Get all ext. ACL set for a path
1533	 *
1534	 * Calls itself recursive, to get the parent directories
1535	 *
1536	 * @param string $path
1537	 * @return array|boolean array with array('path'=>$path,'owner'=>$owner,'rights'=>$rights) or false if $path not found
1538	 */
1539	static function get_eacl($path)
1540	{
1541		$inst = new static();
1542		if (!($stat = $inst->url_stat($path, STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)))
1543		{
1544			error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' '.array2string($path).' not found!');
1545			return false;	// not found
1546		}
1547		$eacls = array();
1548		foreach($GLOBALS['egw']->acl->get_all_rights($stat['ino'],self::EACL_APPNAME) as $owner => $rights)
1549		{
1550			$eacls[] = array(
1551				'path'   => $path,
1552				'owner'  => $owner,
1553				'rights' => $rights,
1554				'ino'    => $stat['ino'],
1555			);
1556		}
1557		if (($path = Vfs::dirname($path)))
1558		{
1559			$eacls = array_merge((array)self::get_eacl($path),$eacls);
1560		}
1561		// sort by length descending, to show precedence
1562		usort($eacls, function($a, $b) {
1563			return strlen($b['path']) - strlen($a['path']);
1564		});
1565		//error_log(__METHOD__."('$_path') returning ".array2string($eacls));
1566		return $eacls;
1567	}
1569	/**
1570	 * Get the lowest file id (fs_id) for a given path
1571	 *
1572	 * @param string $path
1573	 * @return integer
1574	 */
1575	static function get_minimum_file_id($path)
1576	{
1577		$vfs = new self();
1578		$stat = $vfs->url_stat($path,0);
1579		if ($stat['readlink'])
1580		{
1581			$stat = $vfs->url_stat($stat['readlink'], 0);
1582		}
1583		$fs_id = $stat['ino'];
1585		$query = 'SELECT MIN(B.fs_id)
1586FROM '.self::TABLE.' as A
1587JOIN '.self::TABLE.' AS B ON A.fs_name = B.fs_name AND A.fs_dir = B.fs_dir AND A.fs_active = '.
1588			self::_pdo_boolean(true).' AND B.fs_active = '.self::_pdo_boolean(false).'
1589WHERE A.fs_id=?
1590GROUP BY A.fs_id';
1591		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 2)
1592		{
1593			$query = '/* '.__METHOD__.': '.__LINE__.' */ '.$query;
1594		}
1595		$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare($query);
1597		$stmt->execute(array($fs_id));
1598		$min = $stmt->fetchColumn();
1600		return $min ? $min : $fs_id;
1601	}
1603	/**
1604	 * Max allowed sub-directory depth, to be able to break infinit recursion by wrongly linked directories
1605	 */
1606	const MAX_ID2PATH_RECURSION = 100;
1608	/**
1609	 * Return the path of given fs_id(s)
1610	 *
1611	 * Searches the stat_cache first and then the db.
1612	 * Calls itself recursive to to determine the path of the parent/directory
1613	 *
1614	 * @param int|array $fs_ids integer fs_id or array of them
1615	 * @param int $recursion_count =0 internally used to break infinit recursions
1616	 * @return false|string|array path or array or pathes indexed by fs_id, or false on error
1617	 */
1618	static function id2path($fs_ids, $recursion_count=0)
1619	{
1620		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($fs_ids).')');
1621		if ($recursion_count > self::MAX_ID2PATH_RECURSION)
1622		{
1623			error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($fs_ids).", $recursion_count) max recursion depth reached, probably broken filesystem!");
1624			return false;
1625		}
1626		$ids = (array)$fs_ids;
1627		$pathes = array();
1628		// first check our stat-cache for the ids
1629		foreach(self::$stat_cache as $path => $stat)
1630		{
1631			if (($key = array_search($stat['fs_id'],$ids)) !== false)
1632			{
1633				$pathes[$stat['fs_id']] = $path;
1634				unset($ids[$key]);
1635				if (!$ids)
1636				{
1637					if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($fs_ids).')='.array2string($pathes).' *from stat_cache*');
1638					return is_array($fs_ids) ? $pathes : array_shift($pathes);
1639				}
1640			}
1641		}
1642		// now search via the database
1643		if (count($ids) > 1) $ids = array_map(function($v) { return (int)$v; }, $ids);
1644		$query = 'SELECT fs_id,fs_dir,fs_name FROM '.self::TABLE.' WHERE fs_id'.
1645			(count($ids) == 1 ? '='.(int)$ids[0] : ' IN ('.implode(',',$ids).')');
1646		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 2) $query = '/* '.__METHOD__.': '.__LINE__.' */ '.$query;
1648		if (!is_object(self::$pdo))
1649		{
1650			self::_pdo();
1651		}
1652		$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare($query);
1653		$stmt->setFetchMode(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
1654		if (!$stmt->execute())
1655		{
1656			return false;	// not found
1657		}
1658		$parents = array();
1659		foreach($stmt as $row)
1660		{
1661			if ($row['fs_dir'] > 1 && !in_array($row['fs_dir'],$parents))
1662			{
1663				$parents[] = $row['fs_dir'];
1664			}
1665			$rows[$row['fs_id']] = $row;
1666		}
1667		unset($stmt);
1669		if ($parents && !($parents = self::id2path($parents, $recursion_count+1)))
1670		{
1671			return false;	// parent not found, should never happen ...
1672		}
1673		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__." trying foreach with:".print_r($rows,true)."#");
1674		foreach((array)$rows as $fs_id => $row)
1675		{
1676			$parent = $row['fs_dir'] > 1 ? $parents[$row['fs_dir']] : '';
1678			$pathes[$fs_id] = $parent . '/' . $row['fs_name'];
1679		}
1680		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__.'('.array2string($fs_ids).')='.array2string($pathes));
1681		return is_array($fs_ids) ? $pathes : array_shift($pathes);
1682	}
1684	/**
1685	 * Limit filename to precision of column while keeping the extension
1686	 *
1687	 * @param string $name
1688	 * @return string
1689	 */
1690	static protected function limit_filename($name)
1691	{
1692		static $fs_name_precision = null;
1693		if (!isset($fs_name_precision))
1694		{
1695			$fs_name_precision = $GLOBALS['egw']->db->get_column_attribute('fs_name', self::TABLE, 'phpgwapi', 'precision');
1696		}
1697		if (mb_strlen($name) > $fs_name_precision)
1698		{
1699			$parts = explode('.', $name);
1700			if ($parts > 1 && mb_strlen($extension = '.'.array_pop($parts)) <= $fs_name_precision)
1701			{
1702				$name = mb_substr(implode('.', $parts), 0, $fs_name_precision-mb_strlen($extension)).$extension;
1703			}
1704			else
1705			{
1706				$name = mb_substr(implode('.', $parts), 0, $fs_name_precision);
1707			}
1708		}
1709		return $name;
1710	}
1712	/**
1713	 * Convert a sqlfs-file-info into a stat array
1714	 *
1715	 * @param array $info
1716	 * @return array
1717	 */
1718	static protected function _vfsinfo2stat($info)
1719	{
1720		$stat = array(
1721			'ino'   => $info['fs_id'],
1722			'name'  => $info['fs_name'],
1723			'mode'  => $info['fs_mode'] |
1724				($info['fs_mime'] == self::DIR_MIME_TYPE ? self::MODE_DIR :
1725				($info['fs_mime'] == self::SYMLINK_MIME_TYPE ? self::MODE_LINK : self::MODE_FILE)),	// required by the stream wrapper
1726			'size'  => $info['fs_size'],
1727			'uid'   => $info['fs_uid'],
1728			'gid'   => $info['fs_gid'],
1729			'mtime' => strtotime($info['fs_modified']),
1730			'ctime' => strtotime($info['fs_created']),
1731			'nlink' => $info['fs_mime'] == self::DIR_MIME_TYPE ? 2 : 1,
1732			// eGW addition to return some extra values
1733			'mime'  => $info['fs_mime'],
1734			'readlink' => $info['fs_link'],
1735		);
1736		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."($info[name]) = ".array2string($stat));
1737		return $stat;
1738	}
1740	/**
1741	 * Maximum value for a single hash element (should be 10^N): 10, 100 (default), 1000, ...
1742	 *
1743	 * DONT change this value, once you have files stored, they will no longer be found!
1744	 */
1745	const HASH_MAX = 100;
1747	/**
1748	 * Return the path of the stored content of a file if $this->operation == self::STORE2FS
1749	 *
1750	 * To limit the number of files stored in one directory, we create a hash from the fs_id:
1751	 * 	1     --> /00/1
1752	 * 	34    --> /00/34
1753	 * 	123   --> /01/123
1754	 * 	4567  --> /45/4567
1755	 * 	99999 --> /09/99/99999
1756	 * --> so one directory contains maximum 2 * HASH_MAY entries (HASH_MAX dirs + HASH_MAX files)
1757	 * @param int $id id of the file
1758	 * @return string
1759	 */
1760	static function _fs_path($id)
1761	{
1762		if (!is_numeric($id))
1763		{
1764			throw new Api\Exception\WrongParameter(__METHOD__."(id=$id) id has to be an integer!");
1765		}
1766		if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['files_dir']))
1767		{
1768			if (is_object($GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db))	// if we run under setup, query the db for the files dir
1769			{
1770				$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['files_dir'] = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db->select('egw_config','config_value',array(
1771					'config_name' => 'files_dir',
1772					'config_app' => 'phpgwapi',
1773				),__LINE__,__FILE__)->fetchColumn();
1774			}
1775		}
1776		if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['files_dir'])
1777		{
1778			throw  new Api\Exception\AssertionFailed("\$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['files_dir'] not set!");
1779		}
1780		$hash = array();
1781		$n = $id;
1782		while(($n = (int) ($n / self::HASH_MAX)))
1783		{
1784			$hash[] = sprintf('%02d',$n % self::HASH_MAX);
1785		}
1786		if (!$hash) $hash[] = '00';		// we need at least one directory, to not conflict with the dir-names
1787		array_unshift($hash,$id);
1789		$path = '/sqlfs/'.implode('/',array_reverse($hash));
1790		//error_log(__METHOD__."($id) = '$path'");
1791		return $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['files_dir'].$path;
1792	}
1794	/**
1795	 * Replace the password of an url with '...' for error messages
1796	 *
1797	 * @param string &$url
1798	 */
1799	static protected function _remove_password(&$url)
1800	{
1801		$parts = Vfs::parse_url($url);
1803		if ($parts['pass'] || $parts['scheme'])
1804		{
1805			$url = $parts['scheme'].'://'.($parts['user'] ? $parts['user'].($parts['pass']?':...':'').'@' : '').
1806				$parts['host'].$parts['path'];
1807		}
1808	}
1810	/**
1811	 * Get storage mode from url (get parameter 'storage', eg. ?storage=db)
1812	 *
1813	 * @param string|array $url complete url or array of url-parts from parse_url
1814	 * @return int self::STORE2FS or self::STORE2DB
1815	 */
1816	static function url2operation($url)
1817	{
1818		$operation = self::DEFAULT_OPERATION;
1820		if (strpos(is_array($url) ? $url['query'] : $url,'storage=') !== false)
1821		{
1822			$query = null;
1823			parse_str(is_array($url) ? $url['query'] : Vfs::parse_url($url,PHP_URL_QUERY), $query);
1824			switch ($query['storage'])
1825			{
1826				case 'db':
1827					$operation = self::STORE2DB;
1828					break;
1829				case 'fs':
1830				default:
1831					$operation = self::STORE2FS;
1832					break;
1833			}
1834		}
1835		//error_log(__METHOD__."('$url') = $operation (1=DB, 2=FS)");
1836		return $operation;
1837	}
1839	/**
1840	 * Store properties for a single ressource (file or dir)
1841	 *
1842	 * @param string|int $path string with path or integer fs_id
1843	 * @param array $props array of array with values for keys 'name', 'ns', 'val' (null to delete the prop)
1844	 * @return boolean true if props are updated, false otherwise (eg. ressource not found)
1845	 */
1846	static function proppatch($path,array $props)
1847	{
1848		static $inst = null;
1849		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1) error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($path).','.array2string($props));
1850		if (!is_numeric($path))
1851		{
1852			if (!isset($inst)) $inst = new self();
1853			if (!($stat = $inst->url_stat($path,0)))
1854			{
1855				return false;
1856			}
1857			$id = $stat['ino'];
1858		}
1859		elseif(!($path = self::id2path($id=$path)))
1860		{
1861			return false;
1862		}
1863		if (!Vfs::check_access($path,Api\Acl::EDIT,$stat))
1864		{
1865			return false;	// permission denied
1866		}
1867		$ins_stmt = $del_stmt = null;
1868		foreach($props as &$prop)
1869		{
1870			if (!isset($prop['ns'])) $prop['ns'] = Vfs::DEFAULT_PROP_NAMESPACE;
1872			if (!isset($prop['val']) || self::$pdo_type != 'mysql')	// for non mysql, we have to delete the prop anyway, as there's no REPLACE!
1873			{
1874				if (!isset($del_stmt))
1875				{
1876					$del_stmt = self::$pdo->prepare('DELETE FROM '.self::PROPS_TABLE.' WHERE fs_id=:fs_id AND prop_namespace=:prop_namespace AND prop_name=:prop_name');
1877				}
1878				$del_stmt->execute(array(
1879					'fs_id'          => $id,
1880					'prop_namespace' => $prop['ns'],
1881					'prop_name'      => $prop['name'],
1882				));
1883			}
1884			if (isset($prop['val']))
1885			{
1886				if (!isset($ins_stmt))
1887				{
1888					$ins_stmt = self::$pdo->prepare((self::$pdo_type == 'mysql' ? 'REPLACE' : 'INSERT').
1889						' INTO '.self::PROPS_TABLE.' (fs_id,prop_namespace,prop_name,prop_value) VALUES (:fs_id,:prop_namespace,:prop_name,:prop_value)');
1890				}
1891				if (!$ins_stmt->execute(array(
1892					'fs_id'          => $id,
1893					'prop_namespace' => $prop['ns'],
1894					'prop_name'      => $prop['name'],
1895					'prop_value'     => $prop['val'],
1896				)))
1897				{
1898					return false;
1899				}
1900			}
1901		}
1902		return true;
1903	}
1905	/**
1906	 * Read properties for a ressource (file, dir or all files of a dir)
1907	 *
1908	 * @param array|string|int $path_ids (array of) string with path or integer fs_id
1909	 * @param string $ns ='http://egroupware.org/' namespace if propfind should be limited to a single one, use null for all
1910	 * @return array|boolean false on error ($path_ids does not exist), array with props (values for keys 'name', 'ns', 'value'), or
1911	 * 	fs_id/path => array of props for $depth==1 or is_array($path_ids)
1912	 */
1913	static function propfind($path_ids,$ns=Vfs::DEFAULT_PROP_NAMESPACE)
1914	{
1915		static $inst = null;
1917		$ids = is_array($path_ids) ? $path_ids : array($path_ids);
1918		foreach($ids as &$id)
1919		{
1920			if (!is_numeric($id))
1921			{
1922				if (!isset($inst)) $inst = new self();
1923				if (!($stat = $inst->url_stat($id,0)))
1924				{
1925					if (self::LOG_LEVEL) error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($path_ids).",$ns) path '$id' not found!");
1926					return false;
1927				}
1928				$id = $stat['ino'];
1929			}
1930		}
1931		if (count($ids) >= 1) $ids = array_map(function($v) { return (int)$v; }, $ids);
1932		$query = 'SELECT * FROM '.self::PROPS_TABLE.' WHERE (fs_id'.
1933			(count($ids) == 1 ? '='.(int)implode('',$ids) : ' IN ('.implode(',',$ids).')').')'.
1934			(!is_null($ns) ? ' AND prop_namespace=?' : '');
1935		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 2) $query = '/* '.__METHOD__.': '.__LINE__.' */ '.$query;
1937		$stmt = self::$pdo->prepare($query);
1938		$stmt->setFetchMode(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
1939		$stmt->execute(!is_null($ns) ? array($ns) : array());
1941		$props = array();
1942		foreach($stmt as $row)
1943		{
1944			$props[$row['fs_id']][] = array(
1945				'val'  => $row['prop_value'],
1946				'name' => $row['prop_name'],
1947				'ns'   => $row['prop_namespace'],
1948			);
1949		}
1950		if (!is_array($path_ids))
1951		{
1952			$props = $props[$row['fs_id']] ? $props[$row['fs_id']] : array();	// return empty array for no props
1953		}
1954		elseif ($props && isset($stat) && is_array($id2path = self::id2path(array_keys($props))))	// need to map fs_id's to pathes
1955		{
1956			foreach($id2path as $id => $path)
1957			{
1958				$props[$path] =& $props[$id];
1959				unset($props[$id]);
1960			}
1961		}
1962		if (self::LOG_LEVEL > 1)
1963		{
1964			foreach((array)$props as $k => $v)
1965			{
1966				error_log(__METHOD__."($path_ids,$ns) $k => ".array2string($v));
1967			}
1968		}
1969		return $props;
1970	}
1972	/**
1973	 * Register __CLASS__ for self::SCHEMA
1974	 */
1975	public static function register()
1976	{
1977		stream_register_wrapper(self::SCHEME, __CLASS__);
1978	}