1 /* EINA - EFL data type library
2  * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Jorge Luis Zapata Muga, Cedric Bail
3  *
4  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15  * License along with this library;
16  * if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17  */
19 #ifndef EINA_LOG_H_
20 #define EINA_LOG_H_
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <stdarg.h>
25 #include <sys/types.h>
27 #include "eina_types.h"
29 #define EINA_COLOR_LIGHTRED  "\033[31;1m"
30 #define EINA_COLOR_RED       "\033[31m"
31 #define EINA_COLOR_LIGHTBLUE "\033[34;1m"
32 #define EINA_COLOR_BLUE      "\033[34m"
33 #define EINA_COLOR_GREEN     "\033[32;1m"
34 #define EINA_COLOR_YELLOW    "\033[33;1m"
35 #define EINA_COLOR_ORANGE    "\033[0;33m"
36 #define EINA_COLOR_WHITE     "\033[37;1m"
37 #define EINA_COLOR_LIGHTCYAN "\033[36;1m"
38 #define EINA_COLOR_CYAN      "\033[36m"
39 #define EINA_COLOR_RESET     "\033[0m"
40 #define EINA_COLOR_HIGH      "\033[1m"
43 /**
44  * @page tutorial_log_page Log Tutorial
45  *
46  * @section tutorial_log_introduction Introduction
47  *
48  * The Eina Log module provides logging facilities for libraries and
49  * applications. It provides colored logging, basic logging levels (error,
50  * warning, debug, info, critical) and loggers - called logging domains -
51  * which will be covered in next sections.
52  *
53  * @section tutorial_log_basic_usage Basic Usage
54  *
55  * Log messages can be displayed using the following macros:
56  *
57  * @li EINA_LOG_ERR(),
58  * @li EINA_LOG_INFO(),
59  * @li EINA_LOG_WARN(),
60  * @li EINA_LOG_DBG().
61  *
62  * Here is an example:
63  *
64  * @include eina_log_02.c
65  *
66  * If you compiled Eina without debug mode, execution will yield only one log
67  * message, which is "argument is negative".
68  *
69  * Here we introduce the concept of logging domains (or loggers), which might
70  * already be familiar to readers. It is basically a way to separate a set of
71  * log messages into a context (e.g. a module) and provide a way of controlling
72  * this set as a whole.
73  *
74  * For example, suppose you have 3 different modules in your application and you
75  * want to get logging only from one of them (e.g. create some sort of filter).
76  * For achieving that, all you need to do is create a logging domain for each
77  * module so that all logging inside a module can be considered as a whole.
78  *
79  * Logging domains are specified by a name, color applied to the name and the
80  * level. The first two (name and color) are set through code, that is, inside
81  * your application/module/library.
82  *
83  * The level is used for controlling which messages should appear. It
84  * specifies the lowest level that should be displayed (e.g. a message
85  * with level 11 being logged on a domain with level set to 10 would be
86  * displayed, while a message with level 9 wouldn't).
87  *
88  * The domain level is set during runtime (in contrast with the name and
89  * color) through the environment variable EINA_LOG_LEVELS. This variable
90  * expects a list in the form domain_name1:level1,domain_name2:level2,... . For
91  * example:
92  *
93  * @verbatim EINA_LOG_LEVELS=mymodule1:5,mymodule2:2,mymodule3:0 ./myapp@endverbatim
94  *
95  * This line would set mymodule1 level to 5, mymodule2 level to 2 and mymodule3
96  * level to 0.
97  *
98  * There's also a global logger to which EINA_LOG_(ERR, DBG, INFO, CRIT, WARN)
99  * macros do log on. It is a logger that is created internally by Eina Log with
100  * an empty name and can be used for general logging (where logging domains do
101  * not apply).
102  *
103  * Since this global logger doesn't have a name, you can't set its level through
104  * EINA_LOG_LEVELS variable. Here we introduce a second environment variable
105  * that is a bit more special: EINA_LOG_LEVEL.
106  *
107  * This variable specifies the level of the global logging domain and the level
108  * of domains that haven't been set through EINA_LOG_LEVELS. Here's an example:
109  *
110  * @verbatim EINA_LOG_LEVEL=3 EINA_LOG_LEVELS=module1:10,module3:2 ./myapp@endverbatim
111  *
112  * Supposing you have modules named "module1", "module2" and "module3", this
113  * line would result in module1 with level 10, module2 with level 3 and module3
114  * with level 2. Note that module2's level wasn't specified, so it's level is
115  * set to the global level. This way we can easily apply filters to multiple
116  * domains with only one parameter (EINA_LOG_LEVEL=num).
117  *
118  * The global level (EINA_LOG_LEVEL) can also be set through code, using
119  * eina_log_level_set() function.
120  *
121  * While developing your libraries or applications, you may notice that
122  * EINA_LOG_DOM_(ERR, DBG, INFO, CRIT, WARN) macros also print out
123  * messages from eina itself. Here we introduce another environment variable
124  * that is a bit more special: EINA_LOG_LEVELS_GLOB.
125  *
126  * This variable allows you to disable the logging of any/all code in eina itself.
127  * This is useful when developing your libraries or applications so that you can
128  * see your own domain's messages easier without having to sift through a lot of
129  * internal eina debug messages. Here's an example:
130  *
131  * @verbatim EINA_LOG_LEVEL=3 EINA_LOG_LEVELS_GLOB=eina_*:0 ./myapp@endverbatim
132  *
133  * This will disable eina_log output from all internal eina code thus allowing
134  * you to see your own domain messages easier.
135  *
136  * @section tutorial_log_advanced_display Advanced usage of print callbacks
137  *
138  * The log module allows the user to change the way
139  * eina_log_print() displays the messages. It suffices to pass to
140  * eina_log_print_cb_set() the function used to display the
141  * message. That  function must be of type #Eina_Log_Print_Cb. As a
142  * custom data can be passed to that callback, powerful display
143  * messages can be displayed.
144  *
145  * It is suggested to not use __FILE__, __func__ or __LINE__ when
146  * writing that callback, but when defining macros (like
147  * EINA_LOG_ERR() and other macros).
148  *
149  * Here is an example of custom callback, whose behavior can be
150  * changed at runtime:
151  *
152  * @include eina_log_03.c
153  * @example eina_log_02.c
154  * @example eina_log_03.c
155  */
157 /**
158  * @addtogroup Eina_Log_Group Log
159  *
160  * @brief Full-featured logging system.
161  *
162  * Eina provides eina_log_print(), a standard function to manage all
163  * logging messages. This function may be called directly or using the
164  * helper macros such as EINA_LOG_DBG(), EINA_LOG_ERR() or those that
165  * take a specific domain as argument EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(),
166  * EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR().  Internally, eina_log_print() will call the
167  * function defined with eina_log_print_cb_set(), that defaults to
168  * eina_log_print_cb_stderr(), but may be changed to do whatever you
169  * need, such as networking or syslog logging.
170  *
171  * The logging system is thread safe once initialized with
172  * eina_log_threads_enable(). The thread that calls this function
173  * first is considered "main thread" and other threads will have their
174  * thread id (pthread_self()) printed in the log message so it is easy
175  * to detect from where it is coming.
176  *
177  * Log domains is the Eina way to differentiate messages. There might
178  * be different domains to represent different modules, different
179  * feature-set, different categories and so on. Filtering can be
180  * applied to domain names by means of @c EINA_LOG_LEVELS environment
181  * variable or eina_log_domain_level_set().
182  *
183  * The different logging levels serve to customize the amount of
184  * debugging one want to take and may be used to automatically call
185  * abort() once some given level message is printed. This is
186  * controlled by environment variable @c EINA_LOG_ABORT and the level
187  * to be considered critical with @c EINA_LOG_ABORT_LEVEL. These can
188  * be changed with eina_log_abort_on_critical_set() and
189  * eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_set().
190  *
191  * The default maximum level to print is defined by environment
192  * variable @c EINA_LOG_LEVEL, but may be set per-domain with @c
193  * EINA_LOG_LEVELS. It will default to #EINA_LOG_ERR. This can be
194  * changed with eina_log_level_set().
195  *
196  * To use the log system Eina must be initialized with eina_init() and
197  * later shut down with eina_shutdown(). Here is a straightforward
198  * example:
199  *
200  * @include eina_log_01.c
201  *
202  * Compile this code with the following command:
203  *
204  * @verbatim gcc -Wall -o eina_log_01 eina_log_01.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs eina`@endverbatim
205  *
206  * Now execute the program with:
207  *
208  * @verbatim EINA_LOG_LEVEL=2 ./eina_log_01@endverbatim
209  *
210  * You should see a message displayed in the terminal.
211  *
212  * For more information, you can look at the @ref tutorial_log_page.
213  *
214  * @example eina_log_01.c
215  */
217 /**
218  * @addtogroup Eina_Tools_Group Tools
219  *
220  * @{
221  */
223 /**
224  * @defgroup Eina_Log_Group Log
225  *
226  * @{
227  */
229 /**
230  * EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_GLOBAL is the general purpose log domain to be
231  * used, it is always registered and available everywhere.
232  */
237 /**
239  * This macro defines the domain to use with the macros EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(),
242  *
243  * If not defined prior to the inclusion of this header, then it
244  * defaults to #EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_GLOBAL.
245  *
246  * @note One may like to redefine this in its code to avoid typing too
247  *       much. In this case the recommended way is:
248  *
249  * @code
250  * #include <Eina.h>
252  * #define EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_DEFAULT _log_dom
253  * static int _log_dom = -1;
254  *
255  * int main(void)
256  * {
257  *    eina_init();
258  *    _log_dom = eina_log_domain_register("mydom", EINA_COLOR_CYAN);
259  *    EINA_LOG_ERR("using my own domain");
260  *    return 0;
261  * }
262  * @endcode
263  *
264  * @warning If one defines the domain prior to inclusion of this
265  *          header, the defined log domain symbol must be defined
266  *          prior as well, otherwise the inlined functions defined by
267  *          Eina will fail to find the symbol, causing build failure.
268  *
269  * @code
270  * #define EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_DEFAULT _log_dom
271  * static int _log_dom = -1; // must come before inclusion of Eina.h!
272  * #include <Eina.h>
273  *
274  * int main(void)
275  * {
276  *    eina_init();
277  *    _log_dom = eina_log_domain_register("mydom", EINA_COLOR_CYAN);
278  *    EINA_LOG_ERR("using my own domain");
279  *    return 0;
280  * }
281  * @endcode
282  *
283  */
286 #endif /* EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_DEFAULT */
288 /**
289  * @def EINA_LOG(DOM, LEVEL, fmt, ...)
290  * Logs a message on the specified domain, level and format.
291  *
292  * @note If @c EINA_LOG_LEVEL_MAXIMUM is defined, then messages larger
293  *       than this value will be ignored regardless of current domain
294  *       level, the eina_log_print() is not even called! Most
295  *       compilers will just detect the two integers make the branch
296  *       impossible and remove the branch and function call all
297  *       together. Take this as optimization tip and possible remove
298  *       debug messages from binaries to be deployed, saving on hot
299  *       paths. Never define @c EINA_LOG_LEVEL_MAXIMUM on public
300  *       header files.
301  */
302 #ifdef EINA_ENABLE_LOG
304 # define EINA_LOG(DOM, LEVEL, fmt, ...)					\
305   do {									\
306      if (LEVEL <= EINA_LOG_LEVEL_MAXIMUM) {				\
307         eina_log_print(DOM, LEVEL, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__,	\
308                        fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__); }				\
309   } while (0)
310 # else
311 # define EINA_LOG(DOM, LEVEL, fmt, ...) \
312   eina_log_print(DOM,                   \
313                  LEVEL,                 \
314                  __FILE__,              \
315                  __func__,          \
316                  __LINE__,              \
317                  fmt,                   \
318                  ## __VA_ARGS__)
319 # endif
320 #else
321 #define EINA_LOG(DOM, LEVEL, fmt, ...)          \
322   do { (void) DOM; (void) LEVEL; (void) fmt; } while (0)
323 #endif
325 /**
326  * @def EINA_LOG_DOM_CRIT(DOM, fmt, ...)
327  * Logs a message with level CRITICAL on the specified domain and format.
328  */
329 #define EINA_LOG_DOM_CRIT(DOM, fmt, ...) \
332 /**
333  * @def EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR(DOM, fmt, ...)
334  * Logs a message with level ERROR on the specified domain and format.
335  */
336 #define EINA_LOG_DOM_ERR(DOM, fmt, ...) \
339 /**
340  * @def EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(DOM, fmt, ...)
341  * Logs a message with level INFO on the specified domain and format.
342  */
343 #define EINA_LOG_DOM_INFO(DOM, fmt, ...) \
346 /**
347  * @def EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(DOM, fmt, ...)
348  * Logs a message with level DEBUG on the specified domain and format.
349  */
350 #define EINA_LOG_DOM_DBG(DOM, fmt, ...) \
353 /**
354  * @def EINA_LOG_DOM_WARN(DOM, fmt, ...)
355  * Logs a message with level WARN on the specified domain and format.
356  */
357 #define EINA_LOG_DOM_WARN(DOM, fmt, ...) \
360 /**
361  * @def EINA_LOG_CRIT(fmt, ...)
362  * Logs a message with level CRITICAL on the default domain with the specified
363  * format.
364  */
365 #define EINA_LOG_CRIT(fmt, ...)     \
367            EINA_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, \
368            fmt,                     \
369            ## __VA_ARGS__)
371 /**
372  * @def EINA_LOG_ERR(fmt, ...)
373  * Logs a message with level ERROR on the default domain with the specified
374  * format.
375  */
376 #define EINA_LOG_ERR(fmt, ...) \
379 /**
380  * @def EINA_LOG_INFO(fmt, ...)
381  * Logs a message with level INFO on the default domain with the specified
382  * format.
383  */
384 #define EINA_LOG_INFO(fmt, ...) \
387 /**
388  * @def EINA_LOG_WARN(fmt, ...)
389  * Logs a message with level WARN on the default domain with the specified
390  * format.
391  */
392 #define EINA_LOG_WARN(fmt, ...) \
395 /**
396  * @def EINA_LOG_DBG(fmt, ...)
397  * Logs a message with level DEBUG on the default domain with the specified
398  * format.
399  */
400 #define EINA_LOG_DBG(fmt, ...) \
403 /**
404  * @typedef Eina_Log_Domain
405  * The domain used for logging.
406  */
407 typedef struct _Eina_Log_Domain Eina_Log_Domain;
409 /**
410  * @struct _Eina_Log_Domain
411  * The domain used for logging.
412  */
413 struct _Eina_Log_Domain
414 {
415    int         level; /**< Max level to log */
416    const char *domain_str; /**< Formatted string with color to print */
417    const char *name; /**< Domain name */
418    size_t      namelen; /**< strlen(name) */
420    /* Private */
421    Eina_Bool   deleted : 1; /**< Flags deletion of domain, a free slot */
423    /* Add new members here. */
424    const char *color; /**< Color to use when printing in this domain */
425 };
427 /**
428  * Enable logging module to handle threads.
429  *
430  * There is no disable option on purpose, if it is enabled, there is
431  * no way back until you call the last eina_shutdown().
432  *
433  * There is no function to retrieve if threads are enabled as one is
434  * not supposed to know this from outside.
435  *
436  * After this call is executed at least once, if Eina was compiled
437  * with threads support then logging will lock around debug messages
438  * and threads that are not the main thread will have its identifier
439  * printed.
440  *
441  * The main thread is considered the thread where the first
442  * eina_init() was called.
443  */
444 EAPI void eina_log_threads_enable(void);
447 /**
448  * @typedef Eina_Log_Level
449  * List of available logging levels.
450  */
451 /**
452  * @enum _Eina_Log_Level
453  * List of available logging levels.
454  */
455 typedef enum _Eina_Log_Level
456 {
457    EINA_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, /**< Critical log level */
458    EINA_LOG_LEVEL_ERR, /**< Error log level */
459    EINA_LOG_LEVEL_WARN, /**< Warning log level */
460    EINA_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, /**< Information log level */
461    EINA_LOG_LEVEL_DBG, /**< Debug log level */
462    EINA_LOG_LEVELS, /**< Count of default log levels */
463    EINA_LOG_LEVEL_UNKNOWN = (-2147483647 - 1) /**< Unknown level */
464 } Eina_Log_Level;
466 /**
467  * @typedef Eina_Log_Print_Cb
468  * Type for print callbacks.
469  */
470 typedef void (*Eina_Log_Print_Cb)(const Eina_Log_Domain *d,
471                                   Eina_Log_Level level,
472                                   const char *file, const char *fnc, int line,
473                                   const char *fmt, void *data, va_list args);
475 /**
476  * @typedef Eina_Log_State
477  * List of available log states.
478  */
479 /**
480  * @enum _Eina_Log_State
481  * List of available log states.
482  */
483 typedef enum _Eina_Log_State
484 {
485   EINA_LOG_STATE_START, /**< Logging is Started */
486   EINA_LOG_STATE_STOP   /**< Logging is Stopped */
487 } Eina_Log_State;
489 /*
490  * Customization
491  */
493 /**
494  * Sets logging method to use.
495  *
496  * @param[in] cb The callback to call when printing a log.
497  * @param[in] data The data to pass to the callback.
498  *
499  * By default, eina_log_print_cb_stderr() is used.
500  *
501  * @note MT: Safe to call from any thread.
502  *
503  * @note MT: Given function @a cb will be called protected by mutex.
504  *       This means you're safe from other calls but you should never
505  *       call eina_log_print(), directly or indirectly.
506  */
507 EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_set(Eina_Log_Print_Cb cb, void *data) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
510 /**
511  * @brief Sets the default log level.
512  *
513  * @param[in] level The log level.
514  *
515  * This function sets the log level @p level. It is used in
516  * eina_log_print().
517  *
518  * @note this is initially set to envvar EINA_LOG_LEVEL by eina_init().
519  *
520  * @see eina_log_level_get()
521  */
522 EAPI void eina_log_level_set(int level);
524 /**
525  * @brief Gets the default log level.
526  *
527  * @return The log level that limits eina_log_print().
528  *
529  * @see eina_log_level_set()
530  */
531 EAPI int  eina_log_level_get(void) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
533 /**
534  * @brief Determines if a given @p level should be logged.
535  *
536  * @param[in] level The log level to check
537  *
538  * @return #EINA_TRUE if the @p level should be logged, else #EINA_FALSE.
539  *
540  * @see eina_log_level_set()
541  */
542 static inline Eina_Bool eina_log_level_check(int level);
544 /**
545  * @brief Checks if current thread is the main thread.
546  *
547  * If there is no thread support (compiled with --disable-pthreads) or
548  * threads were not enabled, then #EINA_TRUE is returned. The only case where
549  * #EINA_FALSE is returned is when threads were successfully enabled but the
550  * current thread is not the one that called eina_log_threads_init() (the
551  * main thread).
552  *
553  * @return #EINA_TRUE if the current thread is the one that called
554  * eina_log_threads_init(), otherwise #EINA_FALSE.
555  */
556 EAPI Eina_Bool          eina_log_main_thread_check(void) EINA_CONST EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
559 /**
560  * @brief Enables or disables colored text in the logs.
561  *
562  * @param[in] disabled If #EINA_TRUE, color logging should be disabled.
563  *
564  * @note this is initially set to envvar EINA_LOG_COLOR_DISABLE by eina_init().
565  *
566  * @see eina_log_color_disable_get()
567  */
568 EAPI void               eina_log_color_disable_set(Eina_Bool disabled);
570 /**
571  * @brief Determines if color logging is enabled or disabled.
572  *
573  * @return If #EINA_TRUE, color logging is disabled.
574  *
575  * @see eina_log_color_disable_set()
576  */
577 EAPI Eina_Bool          eina_log_color_disable_get(void) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
579 /**
580  * @brief Sets if originating file name logging should be disabled.
581  *
582  * @param[in] disabled If #EINA_TRUE, file name logging should be disabled.
583  *
584  * @note this is initially set to envvar EINA_LOG_FILE_DISABLE by eina_init().
585  *
586  * @see eina_log_file_disable_get()
587  */
588 EAPI void               eina_log_file_disable_set(Eina_Bool disabled);
590 /**
591  * @brief Gets if originating file name logging should be disabled.
592  *
593  * @return If #EINA_TRUE, file name logging should be disabled.
594  *
595  * @see eina_log_file_disable_set()
596  */
597 EAPI Eina_Bool          eina_log_file_disable_get(void) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
599 /**
600  * @brief Sets if originating function name logging should be disabled.
601  *
602  * @param[in] disabled If #EINA_TRUE, function name logging should be disabled.
603  *
604  * @note this is initially set to envvar EINA_LOG_FUNCTION_DISABLE by
605  *       eina_init().
606  *
607  * @see eina_log_function_disable_get()
608  */
609 EAPI void               eina_log_function_disable_set(Eina_Bool disabled);
611 /**
612  * @brief Gets if originating function name logging should be disabled.
613  *
614  * @return If #EINA_TRUE, function name logging should be disabled.
615  *
616  * @see eina_log_function_disable_set()
617  */
618 EAPI Eina_Bool          eina_log_function_disable_get(void) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
620 /**
621  * @brief Sets if critical messages should abort the program.
622  *
623  * @param[in] abort_on_critical If #EINA_TRUE, messages with level equal
624  *        or smaller than eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_get() will
625  *        abort the program.
626  *
627  * @note this is initially set to envvar EINA_LOG_ABORT by
628  *       eina_init().
629  *
630  * @see eina_log_abort_on_critical_get()
631  * @see eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_set()
632  */
633 EAPI void               eina_log_abort_on_critical_set(Eina_Bool abort_on_critical);
635 /**
636  * @brief Gets if critical messages should abort the program.
637  *
638  * @return If #EINA_TRUE, any messages with level equal or smaller
639  *         than eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_get() will abort the
640  *         program.
641  *
642  * @see eina_log_abort_on_critical_set()
643  * @see eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_set()
644  */
645 EAPI Eina_Bool          eina_log_abort_on_critical_get(void) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
647 /**
648  * @brief Sets level that triggers abort if abort-on-critical is set.
649  *
650  * @param[in] critical_level Levels equal or smaller than the given
651  *        value will trigger program abortion if
652  *        eina_log_abort_on_critical_get() returns #EINA_TRUE.
653  *
654  * @note this is initially set to envvar EINA_LOG_ABORT_LEVEL by
655  *       eina_init().
656  *
657  * @see eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_get()
658  * @see eina_log_abort_on_critical_get()
659  */
660 EAPI void               eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_set(int critical_level);
662 /**
663  * @brief Gets level that triggers abort if abort-on-critical is set.
664  *
665  * @return Critical level equal or smaller than value will trigger
666  *        program abortion if eina_log_abort_on_critical_get()
667  *        returns #EINA_TRUE.
668  *
669  * @see eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_set()
670  * @see eina_log_abort_on_critical_get()
671  */
672 EAPI int                eina_log_abort_on_critical_level_get(void) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
675 /**
676  * @brief Sets the domain level given its name.
677  *
678  * This call has the same effect as setting
679  * EINA_LOG_LEVELS=&lt;@p domain_name&gt;:&lt;@p level&gt;
680  *
681  * @param[in] domain_name Domain name to change the level. It may be of
682  *        a still not registered domain. If the domain is not registered
683  *        yet, it will be saved as a pending set and applied upon
684  *        registration.
685  * @param[in] level Level to use to limit eina_log_print() for given domain.
686  */
687 EAPI void               eina_log_domain_level_set(const char *domain_name, int level) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
689 /**
690  * @brief Gets the domain level given its name.
691  *
692  * @param[in] domain_name Domain name to retrieve the level. It may be of
693  *        a still not registered domain. If the domain is not
694  *        registered yet, but there is a pending value, either from
695  *        eina_log_domain_level_set(),EINA_LOG_LEVELS environment
696  *        variable or from EINA_LOG_LEVELS_GLOB, these are
697  *        returned. If nothing else was found, then the global/default
698  *        level (eina_log_level_get()) is returned.
699  *
700  * @return Level to use to limit eina_log_print() for given
701  *         domain. On error (@p domain_name == NULL),
702  *         EINA_LOG_LEVEL_UNKNOWN is returned.
703  *
704  * @see eina_log_domain_level_set()
705  * @see eina_log_domain_registered_level_get()
706  */
707 EAPI int                eina_log_domain_level_get(const char *domain_name) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
709 /**
710  * @brief Gets the domain level given its identifier.
711  *
712  * @param[in] domain Identifier, so it must be previously registered with
713  *        eina_log_domain_register(). It's a much faster version of
714  *        eina_log_domain_level_get(), but relies on domain being
715  *        present.
716  *
717  * @return #EINA_TRUE if level should be printed, #EINA_FALSE if not.
718  *         (domain's level is greater or equal @a level).
719  */
720 EAPI int                eina_log_domain_registered_level_get(int domain) EINA_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
722 /**
723  * @brief Sets the domain level given its identifier.
724  *
725  * @param[in] domain Identifier, so it must be previously registered with
726  *        eina_log_domain_register(). It's a much faster version of
727  *        eina_log_domain_level_get(), but relies on domain being
728  *        present.
729  * @param[in] level Level to use to limit eina_log_print() for given domain.
730  * @since 1.10
731  */
732 EAPI void                eina_log_domain_registered_level_set(int domain, int level);
734 static inline Eina_Bool eina_log_domain_level_check(int domain, int level);
736 /*
737  * Logging domains
738  */
740 /**
741  * @param[in] name Domain name
742  * @param[in] color Color of the domain name
743  *
744  * @return Domain index that will be used as the DOMAIN parameter on log
745  *         macros. A negative return value means an error occurred.
746  *
747  * @note MT: Safe to call from any thread.
748  */
749 EAPI int  eina_log_domain_register(const char *name, const char *color) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
751 /**
752  * @brief Forgets about a logging domain registered by eina_log_domain_register()
753  *
754  * @param[in] domain Domain identifier as reported by eina_log_domain_register(),
755  *        must be >= 0.
756  *
757  * @note MT: Safe to call from any thread.
758  */
759 EAPI void eina_log_domain_unregister(int domain);
761 /*
762  * Logging functions.
763  */
765 /**
766  * @brief Prints out log message using given domain and level.
767  *
768  * @note Usually you'll not use this function directly but the helper
769  *       macros EINA_LOG(), EINA_LOG_DOM_CRIT(), EINA_LOG_CRIT() and
770  *       so on. See eina_log.h
771  *
772  * @param[in] domain Logging domain to use or @c EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_GLOBAL if
773  *        you registered none. It is recommended that modules and
774  *        applications have their own logging domain.
775  * @param[in] level Message level, those with level greater than user
776  *        specified value (eina_log_level_set() or environment
777  *        variables EINA_LOG_LEVEL, EINA_LOG_LEVELS) will be ignored.
778  * @param[in] file Filename that originated the call, must @b not be @c NULL.
779  * @param[in] function Function that originated the call, must @b not be @c NULL.
780  * @param[in] line Originating line in @a file.
781  * @param[in] fmt Printf-like format to use. Should not provide trailing
782  *        '\n' as it is automatically included.
783  * @param[in] ... Variadic args.
784  *
785  * @note MT: This function may be called from different threads if
786  *       eina_log_threads_enable() was called before.
787  */
788 EAPI void eina_log_print(int            domain,
789                          Eina_Log_Level level,
790                          const char    *file,
791                          const char    *function,
792                          int            line,
793                          const char    *fmt,
794                          ...) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(3, 4, 6) EINA_PRINTF(6, 7) EINA_NOINSTRUMENT;
796 /**
797  * @brief Prints out log message using given domain and level.
798  *
799  * @note Usually you'll not use this function directly but the helper
800  *       macros EINA_LOG(), EINA_LOG_DOM_CRIT(), EINA_LOG_CRIT() and
801  *       so on. See eina_log.h
802  *
803  * @param[in] domain Logging domain to use or @c EINA_LOG_DOMAIN_GLOBAL if
804  *        you registered none. It is recommended that modules and
805  *        applications have their own logging domain.
806  * @param[in] level Message level, those with level greater than user
807  *        specified value (eina_log_level_set() or environment
808  *        variables EINA_LOG_LEVEL, EINA_LOG_LEVELS) will be ignored.
809  * @param[in] file Filename that originated the call, must @b not be @c NULL.
810  * @param[in] fnc Function that originated the call, must @b not be @c NULL.
811  * @param[in] line Originating line in @a file.
812  * @param[in] fmt Printf-like format to use. Should not provide trailing
813  *        '\n' as it is automatically included.
814  * @param[in] args The arguments needed by the format.
815  *
816  * @note MT: this function may be called from different threads if
817  *       eina_log_threads_enable() was called before.
818  *
819  * @see eina_log_print()
820  */
821 EAPI void eina_log_vprint(int            domain,
822                           Eina_Log_Level level,
823                           const char    *file,
824                           const char    *fnc,
825                           int            line,
826                           const char    *fmt,
827                           va_list        args) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(3, 4, 6) EINA_NOINSTRUMENT;
829 /*
830  * Logging methods (change how logging is done).
831  */
833 /**
834  * @brief Alternative logging method, this will output to standard output stream.
835  *
836  * @param[in] d The domain.
837  * @param[in] level The level.
838  * @param[in] file The file which is logged.
839  * @param[in] fnc The function which is logged.
840  * @param[in] line The line which is logged.
841  * @param[in] fmt The output format to use.
842  * @param[in] data Not used.
843  * @param[in] args The arguments needed by the format.
844  *
845  * This method will colorize output based on domain provided color and
846  * message logging level. To disable color, set environment variable
847  * EINA_LOG_COLOR_DISABLE=1. Similarly, to disable file and line
848  * information, set EINA_LOG_FILE_DISABLE=1 or
849  * EINA_LOG_FUNCTION_DISABLE=1 to avoid function name in output. It is
850  * not acceptable to have both EINA_LOG_FILE_DISABLE and
851  * EINA_LOG_FUNCTION_DISABLE at the same time, in this case just
852  * EINA_LOG_FUNCTION_DISABLE will be considered and file information
853  * will be printed anyways.
854  *
855  * @note MT: If threads are enabled, this function is called within locks.
856  * @note MT: Threads different from main thread will have thread id
857  *       appended to domain name.
858  */
859 EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_stdout(const Eina_Log_Domain *d,
860                                    Eina_Log_Level         level,
861                                    const char            *file,
862                                    const char            *fnc,
863                                    int                    line,
864                                    const char            *fmt,
865                                    void                  *data,
866                                    va_list                args) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
868 /**
869  * @brief Default logging method, this will output to standard error stream.
870  *
871  * @param[in] d The domain.
872  * @param[in] level The level.
873  * @param[in] file The file which is logged.
874  * @param[in] fnc The function which is logged.
875  * @param[in] line The line which is logged.
876  * @param[in] fmt The output format to use.
877  * @param[in] data Not used.
878  * @param[in] args The arguments needed by the format.
879  *
880  * This method will colorize output based on domain provided color and
881  * message logging level.
882  *
883  * To disable color, set environment variable
884  * EINA_LOG_COLOR_DISABLE=1. To enable color, even if directing to a
885  * file or when using a non-supported color terminal, use
887  * -1), then Eina will disable color if terminal ($TERM) is
888  * unsupported or if redirecting to a file.
889  * Similarly, to disable file and line
890  * information, set EINA_LOG_FILE_DISABLE=1 or
891  * EINA_LOG_FUNCTION_DISABLE=1 to avoid function name in output. It is
892  * not acceptable to have both EINA_LOG_FILE_DISABLE and
893  * EINA_LOG_FUNCTION_DISABLE at the same time, in this case just
894  * EINA_LOG_FUNCTION_DISABLE will be considered and file information
895  * will be printed anyways.
896  *
897  * @note MT: If threads are enabled, this function is called within locks.
898  * @note MT: Threads different from main thread will have thread id
899  *       appended to domain name.
900  */
901 EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_stderr(const Eina_Log_Domain *d,
902                                    Eina_Log_Level         level,
903                                    const char            *file,
904                                    const char            *fnc,
905                                    int                    line,
906                                    const char            *fmt,
907                                    void                  *data,
908                                    va_list                args) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
910 /**
911  * @brief Alternative logging method, this will output to given file stream.
912  *
913  * @param[in] d The domain.
914  * @param[in] level Not used.
915  * @param[in] file The file which is logged.
916  * @param[in] fnc The function which is logged.
917  * @param[in] line The line which is logged.
918  * @param[in] fmt The output format to use.
919  * @param[in] data The file which will store the output (as a FILE *).
920  * @param[in] args The arguments needed by the format.
921  *
922  * This method will never output color.
923  *
924  * @note MT: If threads are enabled, this function is called within locks.
925  * @note MT: Threads different from main thread will have thread id
926  *       appended to domain name.
927  */
928 EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_file(const Eina_Log_Domain *d,
929                                  Eina_Log_Level         level,
930                                  const char            *file,
931                                  const char            *fnc,
932                                  int                    line,
933                                  const char            *fmt,
934                                  void                  *data,
935                                  va_list                args) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
938 /**
939  * @brief Alternative logging method, this will output to systemd journal.
940  *
941  * @param[in] d The domain.
942  * @param[in] level Not used.
943  * @param[in] file The file which is logged.
944  * @param[in] fnc The function which is logged.
945  * @param[in] line The line which is logged.
946  * @param[in] fmt The output format to use.
947  * @param[in] data The file which will store the output (as a FILE *).
948  * @param[in] args The arguments needed by the format.
949  *
950  * This method will never output color.
951  *
952  * @note If systemd journal is not there it will display error on stderr.
953  * @note If the process has been started by systemd this will be the default logging method.
954  *
955  * @since 1.8
956  */
957 EAPI void eina_log_print_cb_journald(const Eina_Log_Domain *d,
958 				     Eina_Log_Level level,
959 				     const char *file,
960 				     const char *fnc,
961 				     int line,
962 				     const char *fmt,
963 				     void *data,
964 				     va_list args) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1);
966 /**
967  * @brief Configures console color of given file.
968  *
969  * @param[in] fp File to configure console color (usually stderr or stdout).
970  * @param[in] color A VT color code such as EINA_COLOR_RED or EINA_COLOR_RESET.
971  *
972  * @note If color is disabled, nothing is done. See
973  *       eina_log_color_disable_get()
974  * @note On windows, both @a fp and @a color is converted automatically.
975  *
976  * @since 1.7
977  */
978 EAPI void eina_log_console_color_set(FILE *fp,
979                                      const char *color) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 2);
981 /** String that indicates the log system is initializing. */
982 EAPI extern const char *_eina_log_state_init;
983 /** String that indicates the log system is shutting down. */
984 EAPI extern const char *_eina_log_state_shutdown;
985 /**
987  * String that indicates the log system is initializing
988  */
989 #define EINA_LOG_STATE_INIT _eina_log_state_init
990 /**
992  * String that indicates the log system is shutting down
993  */
994 #define EINA_LOG_STATE_SHUTDOWN _eina_log_state_shutdown
996 /**
997  * @brief Starts or stops the timing of a phase.
998  *
999  * @param[in] domain The domain.
1000  * @param[in] state State indicating if we are starting or stopping a phase.
1001  * @param[in] phase The name of the phase to be used in the log.
1002  *
1003  * @note One domain can be in only one phase at a time.
1004  * @note If you change the name of the phase, it is assumed that
1005  *    the previous phase has stopped.
1006  * @note The phase name should be available for all the life of the timing.
1007  * @since 1.8
1008  */
1009 EAPI void eina_log_timing(int domain,
1010                           Eina_Log_State state,
1011                           const char *phase) EINA_ARG_NONNULL(1, 3);
1013 #include "eina_inline_log.x"
1015 /**
1016  * @}
1017  */
1019 /**
1020  * @}
1021  */
1023 #endif /* EINA_LOG_H_ */