1# Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Seafile Ltd. 2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3# Django settings for seahub project. 4 5import sys 6import os 7import re 8 9from seaserv import FILE_SERVER_ROOT, FILE_SERVER_PORT, SERVICE_URL 10 11PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir) 12 13DEBUG = False 14 15CLOUD_MODE = False 16 17ADMINS = [ 18 # ('Your Name', 'your_email@domain.com'), 19] 20 21MANAGERS = ADMINS 22 23DATABASES = { 24 'default': { 25 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', # Add 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'. 26 'NAME': '%s/seahub/seahub.db' % PROJECT_ROOT, # Or path to database file if using sqlite3. 27 'USER': '', # Not used with sqlite3. 28 'PASSWORD': '', # Not used with sqlite3. 29 'HOST': '', # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3. 30 'PORT': '', # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3. 31 } 32} 33 34# Local time zone for this installation. Choices can be found here: 35# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_zones_by_name 36# although not all choices may be available on all operating systems. 37# If running in a Windows environment this must be set to the same as your 38# system time zone. 39TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' 40 41# Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here: 42# http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/language-identifiers.html 43LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en' 44 45SITE_ID = 1 46 47# If you set this to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not 48# to load the internationalization machinery. 49USE_I18N = True 50 51# If you set this to False, Django will not format dates, numbers and 52# calendars according to the current locale. 53USE_L10N = True 54 55# If you set this to False, Django will not use timezone-aware datetimes. 56USE_TZ = False 57 58# Absolute filesystem path to the directory that will hold user-uploaded files. 59# Example: "/home/media/media.lawrence.com/media/" 60MEDIA_ROOT = '%s/media/' % PROJECT_ROOT 61 62# URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROOT. Make sure to use a 63# trailing slash if there is a path component (optional in other cases). 64# Examples: "http://media.lawrence.com", "http://example.com/media/" 65MEDIA_URL = '/media/' 66 67# Absolute path to the directory static files should be collected to. 68# Don't put anything in this directory yourself; store your static files 69# in apps' "static/" subdirectories and in STATICFILES_DIRS. 70# Example: "/home/media/media.lawrence.com/static/" 71STATIC_ROOT = '%s/assets/' % MEDIA_ROOT 72 73# URL prefix for static files. 74# Example: "http://media.lawrence.com/static/" 75STATIC_URL = '/media/assets/' 76 77# Additional locations of static files 78STATICFILES_DIRS = ( 79 # Put strings here, like "/home/html/static" or "C:/www/django/static". 80 # Always use forward slashes, even on Windows. 81 # Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths. 82 '%s/static' % PROJECT_ROOT, 83 '%s/frontend/build' % PROJECT_ROOT, 84) 85 86WEBPACK_LOADER = { 87 'DEFAULT': { 88 'BUNDLE_DIR_NAME': 'frontend/', 89 'STATS_FILE': os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'frontend/webpack-stats.pro.json'), 90 } 91} 92 93STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'django.contrib.staticfiles.storage.ManifestStaticFilesStorage' 94 95# StaticI18N config 96STATICI18N_ROOT = '%s/static/scripts' % PROJECT_ROOT 97STATICI18N_OUTPUT_DIR = 'i18n' 98 99# List of finder classes that know how to find static files in 100# various locations. 101STATICFILES_FINDERS = ( 102 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder', 103 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder', 104# 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.DefaultStorageFinder', 105) 106 107# Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody. 108SECRET_KEY = 'n*v0=jz-1rz@(4gx^tf%6^e7c&um@2)g-l=3_)t@19a69n1nv6' 109 110ENABLE_REMOTE_USER_AUTHENTICATION = False 111 112# Order is important 113MIDDLEWARE = [ 114 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 115 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware', 116 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 117 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 118 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 119 'seahub.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 120 'seahub.base.middleware.BaseMiddleware', 121 'seahub.base.middleware.InfobarMiddleware', 122 'seahub.password_session.middleware.CheckPasswordHash', 123 'seahub.base.middleware.ForcePasswdChangeMiddleware', 124 'termsandconditions.middleware.TermsAndConditionsRedirectMiddleware', 125 'seahub.two_factor.middleware.OTPMiddleware', 126 'seahub.two_factor.middleware.ForceTwoFactorAuthMiddleware', 127 'seahub.trusted_ip.middleware.LimitIpMiddleware' 128] 129 130SITE_ROOT_URLCONF = 'seahub.urls' 131ROOT_URLCONF = 'seahub.utils.rooturl' 132SITE_ROOT = '/' 133CSRF_COOKIE_NAME = 'sfcsrftoken' 134 135# Python dotted path to the WSGI application used by Django's runserver. 136WSGI_APPLICATION = 'seahub.wsgi.application' 137 138TEMPLATES = [ 139 { 140 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 141 'DIRS': [ 142 os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, '../../seahub-data/custom/templates'), 143 os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'seahub/templates'), 144 ], 145 'APP_DIRS': True, 146 'OPTIONS': { 147 'context_processors': [ 148 'django.template.context_processors.i18n', 149 'django.template.context_processors.media', 150 'django.template.context_processors.static', 151 'django.template.context_processors.request', 152 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', 153 154 'seahub.auth.context_processors.auth', 155 'seahub.base.context_processors.base', 156 'seahub.base.context_processors.debug', 157 ], 158 }, 159 }, 160] 161 162 163LANGUAGES = [ 164 # ('bg', gettext_noop(u'български език')), 165 ('ca', 'Català'), 166 ('cs', 'Čeština'), 167 ('de', 'Deutsch'), 168 ('en', 'English'), 169 ('es', 'Español'), 170 ('es-ar', 'Español de Argentina'), 171 ('es-mx', 'Español de México'), 172 ('fr', 'Français'), 173 ('it', 'Italiano'), 174 ('is', 'Íslenska'), 175 ('lv', 'Latvian'), 176 # ('mk', 'македонски јазик'), 177 ('hu', 'Magyar'), 178 ('nl', 'Nederlands'), 179 ('pl', 'Polski'), 180 ('pt-br', 'Portuguese, Brazil'), 181 ('ru', 'Русский'), 182 # ('sk', 'Slovak'), 183 ('sl', 'Slovenian'), 184 ('fi', 'Suomi'), 185 ('sv', 'Svenska'), 186 ('vi', 'Tiếng Việt'), 187 ('tr', 'Türkçe'), 188 ('uk', 'українська мова'), 189 ('he', 'עברית'), 190 ('ar', 'العربية'), 191 ('el', 'ελληνικά'), 192 ('th', 'ไทย'), 193 ('ko', '한국어'), 194 ('ja', '日本語'), 195 # ('lt', 'Lietuvių kalba'), 196 ('zh-cn', '简体中文'), 197 ('zh-tw', '繁體中文'), 198] 199 200LOCALE_PATHS = [ 201 os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'locale'), 202 os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'seahub/trusted_ip/locale'), 203] 204 205INSTALLED_APPS = [ 206 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 207 'django.contrib.sessions', 208 'django.contrib.messages', 209 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 210 211 # In order to overide command `createsuperuser`, base app *must* before auth app. 212 # ref: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/howto/custom-management-commands/#overriding-commands 213 'seahub.base', 214 'django.contrib.auth', 215 216 'registration', 217 'captcha', 218 'statici18n', 219 'constance', 220 'constance.backends.database', 221 'termsandconditions', 222 'webpack_loader', 223 224 'seahub.api2', 225 'seahub.avatar', 226 'seahub.contacts', 227 'seahub.drafts', 228 'seahub.institutions', 229 'seahub.invitations', 230 'seahub.wiki', 231 'seahub.group', 232 'seahub.notifications', 233 'seahub.options', 234 'seahub.onlyoffice', 235 'seahub.profile', 236 'seahub.share', 237 'seahub.help', 238 'seahub.thumbnail', 239 'seahub.password_session', 240 'seahub.admin_log', 241 'seahub.wopi', 242 'seahub.tags', 243 'seahub.revision_tag', 244 'seahub.two_factor', 245 'seahub.role_permissions', 246 'seahub.trusted_ip', 247 'seahub.repo_tags', 248 'seahub.file_tags', 249 'seahub.related_files', 250 'seahub.work_weixin', 251 'seahub.dingtalk', 252 'seahub.file_participants', 253 'seahub.repo_api_tokens', 254 'seahub.abuse_reports', 255 'seahub.repo_auto_delete', 256 'seahub.ocm', 257] 258 259 260# Enable or disable view File Scan 261# ENABLE_FILE_SCAN = True 262 263# Enable or disable multiple storage backends. 264ENABLE_STORAGE_CLASSES = False 265 266# `USER_SELECT` or `ROLE_BASED` or `REPO_ID_MAPPING` 267STORAGE_CLASS_MAPPING_POLICY = 'USER_SELECT' 268 269# Enable or disable constance(web settings). 270ENABLE_SETTINGS_VIA_WEB = True 271CONSTANCE_BACKEND = 'constance.backends.database.DatabaseBackend' 272CONSTANCE_DATABASE_CACHE_BACKEND = 'default' 273 274AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 275 'seahub.base.accounts.AuthBackend', 276) 277 278ENABLE_OAUTH = False 279ENABLE_WATERMARK = False 280 281ENABLE_SHOW_CONTACT_EMAIL_WHEN_SEARCH_USER = False 282 283# enable work weixin 284ENABLE_WORK_WEIXIN = False 285 286# enable weixin 287ENABLE_WEIXIN = False 288 289# enable dingtalk 290ENABLE_DINGTALK = False 291 292# allow user to clean library trash 293ENABLE_USER_CLEAN_TRASH = True 294 295LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/' 296LOGIN_URL = '/accounts/login/' 297LOGIN_ERROR_DETAILS = False 298LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL = None 299 300ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS = 7 301 302# allow seafile amdin view user's repo 303ENABLE_SYS_ADMIN_VIEW_REPO = False 304 305#allow search from LDAP directly during auto-completion (not only search imported users) 306ENABLE_SEARCH_FROM_LDAP_DIRECTLY = False 307 308# show traffic on the UI 309SHOW_TRAFFIC = True 310 311# show or hide library 'download' button 312SHOW_REPO_DOWNLOAD_BUTTON = False 313 314# enable 'upload folder' or not 315ENABLE_UPLOAD_FOLDER = True 316 317# enable resumable fileupload or not 318ENABLE_RESUMABLE_FILEUPLOAD = False 319RESUMABLE_UPLOAD_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE = 8 320 321## maxNumberOfFiles for fileupload 322MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILES_FOR_FILEUPLOAD = 1000 323 324# enable encrypt library 325ENABLE_ENCRYPTED_LIBRARY = True 326ENCRYPTED_LIBRARY_VERSION = 2 327 328# enable reset encrypt library's password when user forget password 329ENABLE_RESET_ENCRYPTED_REPO_PASSWORD = False 330 331# mininum length for password of encrypted library 332REPO_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH = 8 333 334# token length for the share link 335SHARE_LINK_TOKEN_LENGTH = 20 336 337# if limit only authenticated user can view preview share link 338SHARE_LINK_LOGIN_REQUIRED = False 339 340# min/max expire days for a share link 341SHARE_LINK_EXPIRE_DAYS_MIN = 0 # 0 means no limit 342SHARE_LINK_EXPIRE_DAYS_MAX = 0 # 0 means no limit 343 344# default expire days should be 345# greater than or equal to MIN and less than or equal to MAX 346SHARE_LINK_EXPIRE_DAYS_DEFAULT = 0 347 348# min/max expire days for an upload link 349UPLOAD_LINK_EXPIRE_DAYS_MIN = 0 # 0 means no limit 350UPLOAD_LINK_EXPIRE_DAYS_MAX = 0 # 0 means no limit 351 352# default expire days should be 353# greater than or equal to MIN and less than or equal to MAX 354UPLOAD_LINK_EXPIRE_DAYS_DEFAULT = 0 355 356# mininum length for the password of a share link 357SHARE_LINK_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH = 8 358 359# enable or disable share link audit 360ENABLE_SHARE_LINK_AUDIT = False 361 362# enable or disable report abuse file on share link page 363ENABLE_SHARE_LINK_REPORT_ABUSE = False 364 365# share link audit code timeout 366SHARE_LINK_AUDIT_CODE_TIMEOUT = 60 * 60 367 368# enable or disable limit ip 369ENABLE_LIMIT_IPADDRESS = False 370TRUSTED_IP_LIST = [''] 371 372# Control the language that send email. Default to user's current language. 373SHARE_LINK_EMAIL_LANGUAGE = '' 374 375# check virus for files uploaded form upload link 376ENABLE_UPLOAD_LINK_VIRUS_CHECK = False 377 378# mininum length for user's password 379USER_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH = 6 380 381# LEVEL based on four types of input: 382# num, upper letter, lower letter, other symbols 383# '3' means password must have at least 3 types of the above. 384USER_PASSWORD_STRENGTH_LEVEL = 3 385 386# default False, only check USER_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH 387# when True, check password strength level, STRONG(or above) is allowed 388USER_STRONG_PASSWORD_REQUIRED = False 389 390# Force user to change password when admin add/reset a user. 391FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE = True 392 393# Enable a user to change password in 'settings' page. 394ENABLE_CHANGE_PASSWORD = True 395 396# Enable a user to get auth token in 'settings' page. 397ENABLE_GET_AUTH_TOKEN_BY_SESSION = False 398 399ENABLE_DELETE_ACCOUNT = True 400ENABLE_UPDATE_USER_INFO = True 401 402# Enable or disable repo history setting 403ENABLE_REPO_HISTORY_SETTING = True 404 405# Enable or disable org repo creation by user 406ENABLE_USER_CREATE_ORG_REPO = True 407 408DISABLE_SYNC_WITH_ANY_FOLDER = False 409 410ENABLE_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS = False 411 412# Enable or disable sharing to all groups 413ENABLE_SHARE_TO_ALL_GROUPS = False 414 415# Enable or disable sharing to departments 416ENABLE_SHARE_TO_DEPARTMENT = True 417 418# interval for request unread notifications 419UNREAD_NOTIFICATIONS_REQUEST_INTERVAL = 3 * 60 # seconds 420 421# Enable file comments 422ENABLE_FILE_COMMENT = True 423 424# Enable seafile docs 425ENABLE_SEAFILE_DOCS = False 426 427# File preview 428FILE_PREVIEW_MAX_SIZE = 30 * 1024 * 1024 429FILE_ENCODING_LIST = ['auto', 'utf-8', 'gbk', 'ISO-8859-1', 'ISO-8859-5'] 430FILE_ENCODING_TRY_LIST = ['utf-8', 'gbk'] 431HIGHLIGHT_KEYWORD = False # If True, highlight the keywords in the file when the visit is via clicking a link in 'search result' page. 432# extensions of previewed files 433TEXT_PREVIEW_EXT = """ac, am, bat, c, cc, cmake, cpp, cs, css, diff, el, h, html, htm, java, js, json, less, make, org, php, pl, properties, py, rb, scala, script, sh, sql, txt, text, tex, vi, vim, xhtml, xml, log, csv, groovy, rst, patch, go, yml""" 434 435# Common settings(file extension, storage) for avatar and group avatar. 436AVATAR_FILE_STORAGE = '' # Replace with 'seahub.base.database_storage.DatabaseStorage' if save avatar files to database 437AVATAR_ALLOWED_FILE_EXTS = ('.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg', '.gif') 438# Avatar 439AVATAR_STORAGE_DIR = 'avatars' 440AVATAR_HASH_USERDIRNAMES = True 441AVATAR_HASH_FILENAMES = True 442AVATAR_GRAVATAR_BACKUP = False 443AVATAR_DEFAULT_URL = '/avatars/default.png' 444AVATAR_DEFAULT_NON_REGISTERED_URL = '/avatars/default-non-register.jpg' 445AVATAR_MAX_AVATARS_PER_USER = 1 446AVATAR_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 447AUTO_GENERATE_AVATAR_SIZES = (16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 42, 48, 60, 64, 72, 80, 84, 96, 128, 160) 448# Group avatar 449GROUP_AVATAR_STORAGE_DIR = 'avatars/groups' 450GROUP_AVATAR_DEFAULT_URL = 'avatars/groups/default.png' 451AUTO_GENERATE_GROUP_AVATAR_SIZES = (20, 24, 32, 36, 48, 56) 452 453LOG_DIR = os.environ.get('SEAHUB_LOG_DIR', '/tmp') 454CACHE_DIR = "/tmp" 455install_topdir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..')) 456central_conf_dir = os.environ.get('SEAFILE_CENTRAL_CONF_DIR', '') 457 458CACHES = { 459 'default': { 460 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.filebased.FileBasedCache', 461 'LOCATION': os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, 'seahub_cache'), 462 'OPTIONS': { 463 'MAX_ENTRIES': 1000000 464 } 465 }, 466 467 # Compatible with existing `COMPRESS_CACHE_BACKEND` setting after 468 # upgrading to django-compressor v2.2. 469 # ref: https://manual.seafile.com/deploy_pro/deploy_in_a_cluster.html 470 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache': { 471 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache', 472 }, 473} 474 475# rest_framwork 476REST_FRAMEWORK = { 477 'DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES': [ 478 'rest_framework.renderers.JSONRenderer', 479 ], 480 'DEFAULT_THROTTLE_RATES': { 481 'ping': '3000/minute', 482 'anon': '60/minute', 483 'user': '3000/minute', 484 }, 485 # https://github.com/tomchristie/django-rest-framework/issues/2891 486 'UNICODE_JSON': False, 487} 488REST_FRAMEWORK_THROTTING_WHITELIST = [] 489 490# file and path 491GET_FILE_HISTORY_TIMEOUT = 10 * 60 # seconds 492MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_NAME_LEN = 255 493MAX_FILE_NAME = MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_NAME_LEN 494MAX_PATH = 4096 495 496FILE_LOCK_EXPIRATION_DAYS = 0 497 498# Whether or not activate user when registration complete. 499# If set to ``False``, new user will be activated by admin or via activate link. 500ACTIVATE_AFTER_REGISTRATION = True 501# Whether or not send activation Email to user when registration complete. 502# This option will be ignored if ``ACTIVATE_AFTER_REGISTRATION`` set to ``True``. 503REGISTRATION_SEND_MAIL = False 504 505# Whether or not send notify email to sytem admins when user registered or 506# first login through Shibboleth. 507NOTIFY_ADMIN_AFTER_REGISTRATION = False 508 509# Whether or not activate inactive user on first login. Mainly used in LDAP user sync. 510ACTIVATE_AFTER_FIRST_LOGIN = False 511 512REQUIRE_DETAIL_ON_REGISTRATION = False 513 514# Account initial password, for password resetting. 515# INIT_PASSWD can either be a string, or a function (function has to be set without the brackets) 516def genpassword(): 517 from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string 518 return get_random_string(10) 519INIT_PASSWD = genpassword 520 521# browser tab title 522SITE_TITLE = 'Private Seafile' 523 524# Base name used in email sending 525SITE_NAME = 'Seafile' 526 527# Path to the license file(relative to the media path) 528LICENSE_PATH = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, '../../seafile-license.txt') 529 530# Path to the background image file of login page(relative to the media path) 531LOGIN_BG_IMAGE_PATH = 'img/login-bg.jpg' 532 533# Path to the favicon file (relative to the media path) 534# tip: use a different name when modify it. 535FAVICON_PATH = 'img/favicon.ico' 536 537# Path to the Logo Imagefile (relative to the media path) 538LOGO_PATH = 'img/seafile-logo.png' 539# logo size. the unit is 'px' 540LOGO_WIDTH = '' 541LOGO_HEIGHT = 32 542 543CUSTOM_LOGO_PATH = 'custom/mylogo.png' 544CUSTOM_FAVICON_PATH = 'custom/favicon.ico' 545CUSTOM_LOGIN_BG_PATH = 'custom/login-bg.jpg' 546 547# used before version 6.3: the relative path of css file under seahub-data (e.g. custom/custom.css) 548BRANDING_CSS = '' 549 550# used in 6.3+, enable setting custom css via admin web interface 551ENABLE_BRANDING_CSS = False 552 553# Using Django to server static file. Set to `False` if deployed behide a web 554# server. 555SERVE_STATIC = True 556 557# Enable or disable registration on web. 558ENABLE_SIGNUP = False 559 560# show 'log out' icon in top-bar or not. 561SHOW_LOGOUT_ICON = False 562 563# privacy policy link and service link 564PRIVACY_POLICY_LINK = '' 565TERMS_OF_SERVICE_LINK = '' 566 567# For security consideration, please set to match the host/domain of your site, e.g., ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['.example.com']. 568# Please refer https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#allowed-hosts for details. 569ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] 570 571# Logging 572LOGGING = { 573 'version': 1, 574 575 # Enable existing loggers so that gunicorn errors will be bubbled up when 576 # server side error page "Internal Server Error" occurs. 577 # ref: https://www.caktusgroup.com/blog/2015/01/27/Django-Logging-Configuration-logging_config-default-settings-logger/ 578 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 579 580 'formatters': { 581 'standard': { 582 'format': '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(name)s:%(lineno)s %(funcName)s %(message)s' 583 }, 584 }, 585 'filters': { 586 'require_debug_false': { 587 '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse' 588 }, 589 'require_debug_true': { 590 '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugTrue' 591 }, 592 }, 593 'handlers': { 594 'console': { 595 'level': 'DEBUG', 596 'filters': ['require_debug_true'], 597 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 598 'formatter': 'standard', 599 }, 600 'default': { 601 'level': 'INFO', 602 'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler', 603 'filename': os.path.join(LOG_DIR, 'seahub.log'), 604 'maxBytes': 1024*1024*100, # 100 MB 605 'backupCount': 5, 606 'formatter': 'standard', 607 }, 608 'onlyoffice_handler': { 609 'level': 'INFO', 610 'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler', 611 'filename': os.path.join(LOG_DIR, 'onlyoffice.log'), 612 'maxBytes': 1024*1024*100, # 100 MB 613 'backupCount': 5, 614 'formatter': 'standard', 615 }, 616 'mail_admins': { 617 'level': 'ERROR', 618 'filters': ['require_debug_false'], 619 'class': 'django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler' 620 } 621 }, 622 'loggers': { 623 '': { 624 'handlers': ['default'], 625 'level': 'INFO', 626 'propagate': True 627 }, 628 'django.request': { 629 'handlers': ['default', 'mail_admins'], 630 'level': 'INFO', 631 'propagate': False 632 }, 633 'py.warnings': { 634 'handlers': ['console', ], 635 'level': 'INFO', 636 'propagate': False 637 }, 638 'onlyoffice': { 639 'handlers': ['onlyoffice_handler', ], 640 'level': 'INFO', 641 'propagate': False 642 }, 643 } 644} 645 646#Login Attempt 647LOGIN_ATTEMPT_LIMIT = 5 648LOGIN_ATTEMPT_TIMEOUT = 15 * 60 # in seconds (default: 15 minutes) 649FREEZE_USER_ON_LOGIN_FAILED = False # deactivate user account when login attempts exceed limit 650 651# Age of cookie, in seconds (default: 1 day). 652SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 24 * 60 * 60 653 654# Days of remembered login info (deafult: 7 days) 655LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS = 7 656 657SEAFILE_VERSION = '8.0.7' 658 659CAPTCHA_IMAGE_SIZE = (90, 42) 660 661################### 662# Image Thumbnail # 663################### 664 665# Enable or disable thumbnail 666ENABLE_THUMBNAIL = True 667 668# Absolute filesystem path to the directory that will hold thumbnail files. 669SEAHUB_DATA_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, '../../seahub-data') 670if os.path.exists(SEAHUB_DATA_ROOT): 671 THUMBNAIL_ROOT = os.path.join(SEAHUB_DATA_ROOT, 'thumbnail') 672else: 673 THUMBNAIL_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'seahub/thumbnail/thumb') 674 675THUMBNAIL_EXTENSION = 'png' 676 677# for thumbnail: height(px) and width(px) 678THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_SIZE = 48 679THUMBNAIL_SIZE_FOR_GRID = 192 680THUMBNAIL_SIZE_FOR_ORIGINAL = 1024 681 682# size(MB) limit for generate thumbnail 683THUMBNAIL_IMAGE_SIZE_LIMIT = 30 684THUMBNAIL_IMAGE_ORIGINAL_SIZE_LIMIT = 256 685 686# video thumbnails 687ENABLE_VIDEO_THUMBNAIL = False 688THUMBNAIL_VIDEO_FRAME_TIME = 5 # use the frame at 5 second as thumbnail 689 690# template for create new office file 691OFFICE_TEMPLATE_ROOT = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, 'office-template') 692 693ENABLE_WEBDAV_SECRET = False 694ENABLE_USER_SET_CONTACT_EMAIL = False 695 696##################### 697# Global AddressBook # 698##################### 699ENABLE_GLOBAL_ADDRESSBOOK = True 700ENABLE_ADDRESSBOOK_OPT_IN = False 701 702##################### 703# Folder Permission # 704##################### 705ENABLE_FOLDER_PERM = False 706 707#################### 708# Guest Invite # 709#################### 710ENABLE_GUEST_INVITATION = False 711INVITATION_ACCEPTER_BLACKLIST = [] 712 713######################## 714# Security Enhancements # 715######################## 716 717ENABLE_SUDO_MODE = True 718FILESERVER_TOKEN_ONCE_ONLY = True 719 720################# 721# Email sending # 722################# 723 724SEND_EMAIL_ON_ADDING_SYSTEM_MEMBER = True # Whether to send email when a system staff adding new member. 725SEND_EMAIL_ON_RESETTING_USER_PASSWD = True # Whether to send email when a system staff resetting user's password. 726 727########################## 728# Settings for Extra App # 729########################## 730 731########################## 732# Settings for frontend # 733########################## 734 735SEAFILE_COLLAB_SERVER = '' 736 737########################## 738# Settings for dtable web # 739########################## 740 741DTABLE_WEB_SERVER = '' 742 743############################ 744# Settings for Seahub Priv # 745############################ 746 747# Replace from email to current user instead of email sender. 748REPLACE_FROM_EMAIL = False 749 750# Add ``Reply-to`` header, see RFC #822. 751ADD_REPLY_TO_HEADER = False 752 753ENABLE_DEMO_USER = False 754CLOUD_DEMO_USER = 'demo@seafile.com' 755 756ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH = False 757OTP_LOGIN_URL = '/profile/two_factor_authentication/setup/' 758TWO_FACTOR_DEVICE_REMEMBER_DAYS = 90 759ENABLE_FORCE_2FA_TO_ALL_USERS = False 760 761# Enable wiki 762ENABLE_WIKI = True 763 764# Enable 'repo snapshot label' feature 765ENABLE_REPO_SNAPSHOT_LABEL = False 766 767# Repo wiki mode 768ENABLE_REPO_WIKI_MODE = True 769 770############################ 771# HU berlin additional # 772############################ 773 774# ADDITIONAL_SHARE_DIALOG_NOTE = { 775# 'title': 'Attention! Read before shareing files:', 776# 'content': 'Do not share personal or confidential official data with **.' 777# } 778ADDITIONAL_SHARE_DIALOG_NOTE = None 779 780# ADDITIONAL_APP_BOTTOM_LINKS = { 781# 'seafile': 'http://dev.seahub.com/seahub', 782# 'dtable-web': 'http://dev.seahub.com/dtable-web' 783# } 784ADDITIONAL_APP_BOTTOM_LINKS = None 785 786# ADDITIONAL_ABOUT_DIALOG_LINKS = { 787# 'seafile': 'http://dev.seahub.com/seahub', 788# 'dtable-web': 'http://dev.seahub.com/dtable-web' 789# } 790ADDITIONAL_ABOUT_DIALOG_LINKS = None 791 792############################ 793# Settings for SeafileDocs # 794############################ 795if os.environ.get('SEAFILE_DOCS', None): 796 LOGO_PATH = 'img/seafile-docs-logo.png' 797 LOGO_WIDTH = '' 798 ENABLE_WIKI = True 799 800d = os.path.dirname 801EVENTS_CONFIG_FILE = os.environ.get( 802 'EVENTS_CONFIG_FILE', 803 os.path.join( 804 d(d(d(d(os.path.abspath(__file__))))), 'conf', 'seafevents.conf' 805 ) 806) 807 808del d 809if not os.path.exists(EVENTS_CONFIG_FILE): 810 del EVENTS_CONFIG_FILE 811 812##################### 813# External settings # 814##################### 815 816def load_local_settings(module): 817 '''Import any symbols that begin with A-Z. Append to lists any symbols 818 that begin with "EXTRA_". 819 820 ''' 821 if hasattr(module, 'HTTP_SERVER_ROOT'): 822 if not hasattr(module, 'FILE_SERVER_ROOT'): 823 module.FILE_SERVER_ROOT = module.HTTP_SERVER_ROOT 824 del module.HTTP_SERVER_ROOT 825 for attr in dir(module): 826 match = re.search('^EXTRA_(\w+)', attr) 827 if match: 828 name = match.group(1) 829 value = getattr(module, attr) 830 try: 831 globals()[name] += value 832 except KeyError: 833 globals()[name] = value 834 elif re.search('^[A-Z]', attr): 835 globals()[attr] = getattr(module, attr) 836 837 838# Load seahub_extra_settings.py 839try: 840 from seahub_extra import seahub_extra_settings 841except ImportError: 842 pass 843else: 844 load_local_settings(seahub_extra_settings) 845 del seahub_extra_settings 846 847# Load local_settings.py 848try: 849 import seahub.local_settings 850except ImportError: 851 pass 852else: 853 load_local_settings(seahub.local_settings) 854 del seahub.local_settings 855 856# Load seahub_settings.py in server release 857try: 858 if os.path.exists(central_conf_dir): 859 sys.path.insert(0, central_conf_dir) 860 import seahub_settings 861except ImportError: 862 pass 863else: 864 # In server release, sqlite3 db file is <topdir>/seahub.db 865 DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = os.path.join(install_topdir, 'seahub.db') 866 867 # In server release, gunicorn is used to deploy seahub 868 INSTALLED_APPS.append('gunicorn') 869 870 load_local_settings(seahub_settings) 871 del seahub_settings 872 873# Remove install_topdir from path 874sys.path.pop(0) 875 876# Following settings are private, can not be overwrite. 877INNER_FILE_SERVER_ROOT = '' + FILE_SERVER_PORT 878 879CONSTANCE_ENABLED = ENABLE_SETTINGS_VIA_WEB 880CONSTANCE_CONFIG = { 881 'SERVICE_URL': (SERVICE_URL, ''), 882 'FILE_SERVER_ROOT': (FILE_SERVER_ROOT, ''), 883 'DISABLE_SYNC_WITH_ANY_FOLDER': (DISABLE_SYNC_WITH_ANY_FOLDER, ''), 884 885 'ENABLE_SIGNUP': (ENABLE_SIGNUP, ''), 886 'ACTIVATE_AFTER_REGISTRATION': (ACTIVATE_AFTER_REGISTRATION, ''), 887 'REGISTRATION_SEND_MAIL': (REGISTRATION_SEND_MAIL, ''), 888 'LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS': (LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS, ''), 889 'LOGIN_ATTEMPT_LIMIT': (LOGIN_ATTEMPT_LIMIT, ''), 890 'FREEZE_USER_ON_LOGIN_FAILED': (FREEZE_USER_ON_LOGIN_FAILED, ''), 891 892 'ENABLE_USER_CREATE_ORG_REPO': (ENABLE_USER_CREATE_ORG_REPO, ''), 893 894 'ENABLE_ENCRYPTED_LIBRARY': (ENABLE_ENCRYPTED_LIBRARY, ''), 895 'REPO_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH': (REPO_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH, ''), 896 'ENABLE_REPO_HISTORY_SETTING': (ENABLE_REPO_HISTORY_SETTING, ''), 897 'FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE': (FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE, ''), 898 899 'USER_STRONG_PASSWORD_REQUIRED': (USER_STRONG_PASSWORD_REQUIRED, ''), 900 'USER_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH': (USER_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH, ''), 901 'USER_PASSWORD_STRENGTH_LEVEL': (USER_PASSWORD_STRENGTH_LEVEL, ''), 902 903 'SHARE_LINK_TOKEN_LENGTH': (SHARE_LINK_TOKEN_LENGTH, ''), 904 'SHARE_LINK_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH': (SHARE_LINK_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH, ''), 905 'ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH': (ENABLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH, ''), 906 907 'TEXT_PREVIEW_EXT': (TEXT_PREVIEW_EXT, ''), 908 'ENABLE_SHARE_TO_ALL_GROUPS': (ENABLE_SHARE_TO_ALL_GROUPS, ''), 909 910 'SITE_NAME': (SITE_NAME, ''), 911 'SITE_TITLE': (SITE_TITLE, ''), 912 913 'ENABLE_BRANDING_CSS': (ENABLE_BRANDING_CSS, ''), 914 'CUSTOM_CSS': ('', ''), 915 916 'ENABLE_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS': (ENABLE_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS, ''), 917 'ENABLE_USER_CLEAN_TRASH': (ENABLE_USER_CLEAN_TRASH, ''), 918} 919 920# if Seafile admin enable remote user authentication in conf/seahub_settings.py 921# then add 'seahub.auth.middleware.SeafileRemoteUserMiddleware' and 922# 'seahub.auth.backends.SeafileRemoteUserBackend' to settings. 923if ENABLE_REMOTE_USER_AUTHENTICATION: 924 MIDDLEWARE.append('seahub.auth.middleware.SeafileRemoteUserMiddleware') 925 AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS += ('seahub.auth.backends.SeafileRemoteUserBackend',) 926 927if ENABLE_OAUTH or ENABLE_WORK_WEIXIN or ENABLE_WEIXIN or ENABLE_DINGTALK: 928 AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS += ('seahub.oauth.backends.OauthRemoteUserBackend',) 929 930##################### 931# Custom Nav Items # 932##################### 933# an example: 934# CUSTOM_NAV_ITEMS = [ 935# {'icon': 'sf2-icon-star', 936# 'desc': 'test custom name', 937# 'link': '', 938# }, 939# ] 940