1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
3 // Ipe object attributes
4 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
5 /*
7     This file is part of the extensible drawing editor Ipe.
8     Copyright (c) 1993-2020 Otfried Cheong
10     Ipe is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12     the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
13     (at your option) any later version.
15     As a special exception, you have permission to link Ipe with the
16     CGAL library and distribute executables, as long as you follow the
17     requirements of the Gnu General Public License in regard to all of
18     the software in the executable aside from CGAL.
20     Ipe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
21     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
22     or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
23     License for more details.
25     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26     along with Ipe; if not, you can find it at
27     "http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html", or write to the Free
28     Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
30 */
35 #include "ipebase.h"
36 #include "ipegeo.h"
38 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
40 namespace ipe {
42   /*! \brief The different kinds of attributes.
43     \ingroup attr
45     The same symbolic attribute (say "normal") has a different value
46     in the StyleSheet depending on the Kind of attribute. The main use
47     for Kind is as an argument to StyleSheet::find.
49     ESymbol, EGradient, ETiling, and EEffect have their own lookup
50     methods in the StyleSheet.  The values are still useful as an
51     argument to allNames(), has(), and findDefinition().
52   */
53   enum Kind { EPen = 0, ESymbolSize, EArrowSize, EColor,
54 	      EDashStyle, ETextSize, ETextStretch,
55 	      ETextStyle, ELabelStyle,
56 	      EGridSize, EAngleSize, EOpacity, ETiling,
57 	      ESymbol, EGradient, EEffect };
59   /*! \ingroup attr */
60   extern const char * const kind_names[];
62   /*! \brief A Property identifies an attribute that an object can have.
63     \ingroup attr
65     The Property identifies a unique attribute of an object, while
66     different Property values can be of the same ipe::Kind.  For
67     instance, both EPropStrokeColor and EPropFillColor identify an
68     Attribute of Kind EColor.
69   */
70   enum Property { EPropPen = 0, EPropSymbolSize,
71 		  EPropFArrow, EPropRArrow,
72 		  EPropFArrowSize, EPropRArrowSize,
73 		  EPropFArrowShape, EPropRArrowShape,
74 		  EPropStrokeColor, EPropFillColor, EPropMarkShape,
75 		  EPropPathMode, EPropDashStyle,
76 		  EPropTextSize, EPropTextStyle, EPropLabelStyle,
77 		  EPropOpacity, EPropStrokeOpacity, EPropTiling, EPropGradient,
78 		  EPropHorizontalAlignment, EPropVerticalAlignment,
79 		  EPropLineJoin, EPropLineCap, EPropFillRule,
80 		  EPropPinned, EPropTransformations,
81 		  EPropTransformableText, EPropSplineType,
82 		  EPropMinipage, EPropWidth,
83 		  EPropDecoration,
84   };
86   /*! \ingroup attr */
87   extern const char * const property_names[];
89   //! Path mode (stroked, filled, or both).
90   /*! \ingroup attr */
91   enum TPathMode { EStrokedOnly, EStrokedAndFilled, EFilledOnly };
93   //! Horizontal alignment.
94   /*! \ingroup attr */
95   enum THorizontalAlignment { EAlignLeft, EAlignRight, EAlignHCenter };
97   //! Vertical alignment.
98   /*! \ingroup attr */
99   enum TVerticalAlignment { EAlignBottom, EAlignBaseline,
100       EAlignTop, EAlignVCenter };
102   //! Spline type.
103   /*! \ingroup attr */
104   enum TSplineType { EBSpline, ECardinalSpline, ESpiroSpline };
106   //! Line join style.
107   /*! \ingroup attr */
108   /*! The EDefaultJoin means to use the setting from the style sheet. */
109   enum TLineJoin { EDefaultJoin, EMiterJoin, ERoundJoin, EBevelJoin };
111   //! Line cap style.
112   /*! \ingroup attr */
113   /*! The EDefaultCap means to use the setting from the style sheet. */
114   enum TLineCap { EDefaultCap, EButtCap, ERoundCap, ESquareCap };
116   //! Fill rule.
117   /*! \ingroup attr */
118   /*! The EDefaultRule means to use the setting from the style sheet. */
119   enum TFillRule { EDefaultRule, EWindRule, EEvenOddRule };
121   //! Pinning status of objects.
122   /*! \ingroup attr */
123   enum TPinned { ENoPin = 0x00, EHorizontalPin = 0x01,
124       EVerticalPin = 0x02, EFixedPin = 0x03 };
126   //! Transformations that are permitted for an object.
127   /*! \ingroup attr */
128   enum TTransformations { ETransformationsTranslations,
129       ETransformationsRigidMotions,
130       ETransformationsAffine };
132   //! Selection status of an object on the page
133   /*! \ingroup attr */
134   enum TSelect { ENotSelected = 0, EPrimarySelected,
135       ESecondarySelected };
137   // --------------------------------------------------------------------
139   class Color {
140   public:
141     //! Default constructor.
Color()142     Color() { /* nothing */ }
143     explicit Color(String str);
144     explicit Color(int r, int g, int b);
145     void save(Stream &stream) const;
146     void saveRGB(Stream &stream) const;
147     bool isGray() const;
148     bool operator==(const Color &rhs) const;
149     inline bool operator!=(const Color &rhs) const {return !(*this == rhs); }
150   public:
151     Fixed iRed, iGreen, iBlue;
152   };
154   //! A tiling pattern.
155   /*! \ingroup attr */
156   struct Tiling {
157     Angle iAngle;
158     double iStep;
159     double iWidth;
160   };
162   //! A gradient pattern.
163   /*! \ingroup attr */
164   struct Gradient {
165     //! A color stop.
166     struct Stop {
167       //! Offset between 0.0 and 1.0.
168       double offset;
169       //! The color at this offset.
170       Color color;
171     };
172     //! There are two types of gradients, along an axis or between two circles.
173     enum TType { EAxial = 2, ERadial = 3 };
174     //! The type of gradient: axial or radial.
175     TType iType;
176     //! The coordinates of the axis endpoints, or the two circle centers.
177     Vector iV[2];
178     //! The radii of the two circles (not used for axial gradients).
179     double iRadius[2];
180     //! Whether to extend the gradient beyond the endpoints.
181     bool iExtend;
182     //! Gradient transformation.
183     Matrix iMatrix;
184     //! The color stops.
185     std::vector<Stop> iStops;
186   };
188   //! Layout of a Page.
189   /*! \ingroup attr */
190   struct Layout {
191     //! Create null layout.
LayoutLayout192     Layout() { iPaperSize.x = -1.0; }
193     //! Is this an undefined (null) layout?
isNullLayout194     bool isNull() const { return iPaperSize.x < 0.0; }
195     //! Return rectangle describing the paper.
paperLayout196     Rect paper() const { return Rect(-iOrigin, iPaperSize - iOrigin); }
197     //! Dimensions of the media.
198     Vector iPaperSize;
199     //! Origin of the Ipe coordinate system relative to the paper.
200     Vector iOrigin;
201     //! Size of the frame (the drawing area).
202     Vector iFrameSize;
203     //! Paragraph skip (between textboxes).
204     double iParagraphSkip;
205     //! Crop paper to drawing.
206     bool iCrop;
207   };
209   //! Padding for text bounding box.
210   /*! \ingroup attr */
211   struct TextPadding {
212   public:
213     double iLeft, iRight, iTop, iBottom;
214   };
216   struct Effect {
217   public:
218     //! The various fancy effects that Acrobat Reader will show.
219     enum TEffect {
220       ENormal, ESplitHI, ESplitHO, ESplitVI, ESplitVO,
221       EBlindsH, EBlindsV, EBoxI, EBoxO,
222       EWipeLR, EWipeBT, EWipeRL, EWipeTB,
223       EDissolve, EGlitterLR, EGlitterTB, EGlitterD };
225     Effect();
226     void pageDictionary(Stream &stream) const;
228   public:
229     TEffect iEffect;
230     int iTransitionTime;
231     int iDuration;
232   };
234   // --------------------------------------------------------------------
236   class Repository {
237   public:
238     static Repository *get();
239     static void cleanup();
240     String toString(int index) const;
241     int toIndex(String str);
242     // int getIndex(String str) const;
243   private:
244     Repository();
245     static Repository *singleton;
246     std::vector<String> iStrings;
247   };
249   // --------------------------------------------------------------------
251   class Attribute {
252     enum { EMiniMask = 0xc0000000, ETypeMask = 0xe0000000,
253 	   ESymbolic = 0x80000000, EFixed = 0x40000000,
254 	   EAbsolute = 0xc0000000, EEnum = 0xe0000000,
255 	   EFixedMask = 0x3fffffff, ENameMask = 0x1fffffff,
256 	   EWhiteValue = ((1000 << 20) + (1000 << 10) + 1000),
257 	   EOneValue = EFixed|1000 };
259   public:
260     //! Default constructor.
Attribute()261     explicit Attribute() { /* nothing */ }
263     explicit Attribute(bool symbolic, String name);
264     explicit Attribute(Fixed value);
265     explicit Attribute(Color color);
Boolean(bool flag)266     static Attribute Boolean(bool flag) { return Attribute(EEnum + flag); }
Attribute(THorizontalAlignment align)267     explicit Attribute(THorizontalAlignment align) { iName = EEnum + align +2; }
Attribute(TVerticalAlignment align)268     explicit Attribute(TVerticalAlignment align) { iName = EEnum + align + 5; }
Attribute(TLineJoin join)269     explicit Attribute(TLineJoin join) { iName = EEnum + join + 9; }
Attribute(TLineCap cap)270     explicit Attribute(TLineCap cap) { iName = EEnum + cap + 13; }
Attribute(TFillRule rule)271     explicit Attribute(TFillRule rule) { iName = EEnum + rule + 17; }
Attribute(TPinned pin)272     explicit Attribute(TPinned pin) { iName = EEnum + pin + 20; }
Attribute(TTransformations trans)273     explicit Attribute(TTransformations trans) { iName = EEnum + trans + 24; }
Attribute(TPathMode pm)274     explicit Attribute(TPathMode pm) { iName = EEnum + pm + 27; }
Attribute(TSplineType st)275     explicit Attribute(TSplineType st) { iName = EEnum + st + 30; }
277     //! Is it symbolic?
isSymbolic()278     inline bool isSymbolic() const {
279       return ((iName & ETypeMask) == ESymbolic); }
280     //! Is it an absolute string value?
isString()281     inline bool isString() const {
282       return ((iName & ETypeMask) == EAbsolute); }
283     //! Is it a color?
isColor()284     inline bool isColor() const {
285       return ((iName & EMiniMask)  == 0); }
286     //! Is it a number?
isNumber()287     inline bool isNumber() const {
288       return ((iName & EMiniMask) == EFixed); }
289     //! Is it an enumeration?
isEnum()290     inline bool isEnum() const {
291       return ((iName & ETypeMask) == EEnum); }
293     //! Is it a boolean?
isBoolean()294     inline bool isBoolean() const {
295       return (isEnum() && 0 <= index() && index() <= 1); }
297     //! Is it the symbolic name "normal"?
isNormal()298     inline bool isNormal() const { return (iName == ESymbolic); }
300     //! Return index into Repository.
index()301     inline int index() const { return iName & ENameMask; }
internal()303     int internal() const { return iName; }
305     String string() const;
306     Fixed number() const;
307     Color color() const;
boolean()309     bool boolean() const { return bool(index()); }
horizontalAlignment()310     THorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment() const {
311       return THorizontalAlignment(index() - 2); }
verticalAlignment()312     TVerticalAlignment verticalAlignment() const {
313       return TVerticalAlignment(index() - 5); }
lineJoin()314     TLineJoin lineJoin() const {return TLineJoin(index() - 9); }
lineCap()315     TLineCap lineCap() const { return TLineCap(index() - 13); }
fillRule()316     TFillRule fillRule() const { return TFillRule(index() - 17); }
pinned()317     TPinned pinned() const { return TPinned(index() - 20); }
transformations()318     TTransformations transformations() const {
319       return TTransformations(index() - 24); }
pathMode()320     TPathMode pathMode() const { return TPathMode(index() - 27); }
splineType()321     TSplineType splineType() const { return TSplineType(index() - 30); }
323     //! Are two values equal (only compares index!)
324     inline bool operator==(const Attribute &rhs) const {
325       return iName == rhs.iName; }
327     //! Are two values different (only compares index!)
328     inline bool operator!=(const Attribute &rhs) const {
329       return iName != rhs.iName; }
331     //! Create absolute black color.
BLACK()332     inline static Attribute BLACK() { return Attribute(0); }
333     //! Create absolute white color.
WHITE()334     inline static Attribute WHITE() { return Attribute(EWhiteValue); }
335     //! Create absolute number one.
ONE()336     inline static Attribute ONE() { return Attribute(EOneValue); }
338     //! Create symbolic attribute "normal".
NORMAL()339     inline static Attribute NORMAL() { return Attribute(ESymbolic); }
340     //! Create symbolic attribute "undefined"
UNDEFINED()341     inline static Attribute UNDEFINED() { return Attribute(ESymbolic + 1); }
342     //! Create symbolic attribute "Background"
BACKGROUND()343     inline static Attribute BACKGROUND() { return Attribute(ESymbolic + 2); }
344     //! Create symbolic attribute "sym-stroke"
SYM_STROKE()345     inline static Attribute SYM_STROKE() { return Attribute(ESymbolic + 3); }
346     //! Create symbolic attribute "sym-fill"
SYM_FILL()347     inline static Attribute SYM_FILL() { return Attribute(ESymbolic + 4); }
348     //! Create symbolic attribute "sym-pen"
SYM_PEN()349     inline static Attribute SYM_PEN() { return Attribute(ESymbolic + 5); }
350     //! Create symbolic attribute "arrow/normal(spx)"
ARROW_NORMAL()351     inline static Attribute ARROW_NORMAL() { return Attribute(ESymbolic + 6); }
352     //! Create symbolic attribute "opaque"
OPAQUE()353     inline static Attribute OPAQUE() { return Attribute(ESymbolic + 7); }
354     //! Create symbolic attribute "arrow/arc(spx)"
ARROW_ARC()355     inline static Attribute ARROW_ARC() { return Attribute(ESymbolic + 8); }
356     //! Create symbolic attribute "arrow/farc(spx)"
ARROW_FARC()357     inline static Attribute ARROW_FARC() { return Attribute(ESymbolic + 9); }
358     //! Create symbolic attribute "arrow/ptarc(spx)"
ARROW_PTARC()359     inline static Attribute ARROW_PTARC() { return Attribute(ESymbolic + 10); }
360     //! Create symbolic attribute "arrow/fptarc(spx)"
ARROW_FPTARC()361     inline static Attribute ARROW_FPTARC() { return Attribute(ESymbolic + 11); }
363     //! Is it one of the symbolic attributes "arrow/*arc(spc)"?
isArcArrow()364     inline bool isArcArrow() const {
365       return ESymbolic + 8 <= iName && iName <= ESymbolic + 11;
366     }
368     bool isMidArrow() const;
370     static Attribute makeColor(String str, Attribute deflt);
371     static Attribute makeScalar(String str, Attribute deflt);
372     static Attribute makeDashStyle(String str);
373     static Attribute makeTextSize(String str);
375     static Attribute normal(Kind kind);
377   private:
Attribute(int index)378     inline Attribute(int index) : iName(index) { /* nothing */ }
379     explicit Attribute(bool symbolic, int index);
380   private:
381     uint32_t iName;
383     friend class StyleSheet;
384   };
386   /*! \var AttributeSeq
387     \ingroup attr
388     \brief A sequence of attribute values.
389   */
390   typedef std::vector<Attribute> AttributeSeq;
392   // --------------------------------------------------------------------
394   /*! \var AttributeMapping
395     \ingroup attr
396     \brief Mapping one symbolic attribute to another one
397   */
398   struct AttributeMapping {
399     Kind kind;
400     Attribute from;
401     Attribute to;
402   };
404   class AttributeMap {
405   public:
count()406     int count() const noexcept { return iMap.size(); }
407     Attribute map(Kind kind, Attribute sym) const;
408     void saveAsXml(Stream &stream) const;
409     void add(const AttributeMapping &map);
410   public:
411     std::vector<AttributeMapping> iMap;
412   };
414   // --------------------------------------------------------------------
416   class AllAttributes {
417   public:
418     AllAttributes();
419     TPathMode iPathMode;        //!< Should we stroke and/or fill?
420     Attribute iStroke;          //!< Stroke color.
421     Attribute iFill;            //!< Fill color.
422     Attribute iDashStyle;       //!< Dash style.
423     Attribute iPen;             //!< Pen (that is, line width).
424     bool iFArrow;               //!< Arrow forward?
425     bool iRArrow;               //!< Reverse arrow?
426     Attribute iFArrowShape;     //!< Shape of forward arrows
427     Attribute iRArrowShape;     //!< Shape of reverse arrows
428     Attribute iFArrowSize;      //!< Forward arrow size.
429     Attribute iRArrowSize;      //!< Reverse arrow size.
430     Attribute iSymbolSize;      //!< Symbol size.
431     Attribute iTextSize;        //!< Text size.
432     //! Horizontal alignment of label objects.
433     THorizontalAlignment iHorizontalAlignment;
434     //! Vertical alignment of label objects.
435     TVerticalAlignment iVerticalAlignment;
436     Attribute iTextStyle;       //!< Text style for minipages.
437     Attribute iLabelStyle;      //!< Text style for labels.
438     TPinned iPinned;            //!< Pinned status.
439     //! Should newly created text be transformable?
440     /*! If this is false, newly created text will only allow
441       translations.  Otherwise, the value of iTranslations is used (as
442       for other objects). */
443     bool iTransformableText;
444     /*! What kind of splines should be created? */
445     TSplineType iSplineType;
446     //! Allowed transformations.
447     TTransformations iTransformations;
448     TLineJoin iLineJoin;        //!< Line join style.
449     TLineCap iLineCap;          //!< Line cap style.
450     TFillRule iFillRule;        //!< Shape fill rule.
451     Attribute iOpacity;         //!< Opacity.
452     Attribute iStrokeOpacity;   //!< Stroke opacity.
453     Attribute iTiling;          //!< Tiling pattern.
454     Attribute iGradient;        //!< Gradient pattern.
455     Attribute iMarkShape;       //!< Shape of Mark to create.
456   };
458   // --------------------------------------------------------------------
460   /*! \relates Color */
461   inline Stream &operator<<(Stream &stream, const Color &attr)
462   {
463     attr.save(stream); return stream;
464   }
466 } // namespace
468 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
469 #endif