1 /********************************************************************\
2  * qofbackend.h: api for data storage backend                       *
3  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    *
4  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   *
5  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   *
6  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.              *
7  *                                                                  *
8  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  *
9  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   *
11  * GNU General Public License for more details.                     *
12  *                                                                  *
13  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
14  * along with this program; if not, contact:                        *
15  *                                                                  *
16  * Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942       *
17  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652       *
18  * Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu@gnu.org                   *
19  *                                                                  *
20 \********************************************************************/
21 /** @addtogroup Object
22  @{
23 */
24 /** @addtogroup Backend
26     The QOF Backend is a pseudo-object providing an interface between the
27     engine and a persistent data store (e.g. a server, a database, or
28     a file).   Backends are not meant to be used directly by an
29     application; instead the Session should be used to make a
30     connection with some particular backend.
31     There are no backend functions that are 'public' to
32     users of the engine.  The backend can, however, report errors to
33     the GUI & other front-end users.  This file defines these errors.
35     Backends are used to save and restore Entities in a Book.
36     @{
37 */
38 /** @file qofbackend.h
39     @brief API for data storage Backend
40     @author Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Linas Vepstas <linas@linas.org>
41     @author Copyright 2004-2005 Neil Williams <linux@codehelp.co.uk>
42 */
44 #ifndef QOF_BACKEND_H
45 #define QOF_BACKEND_H
47 #include "qofinstance.h"
48 #ifdef __cplusplus
49 extern "C"
50 {
51 #endif
53 #define QOF_MOD_BACKEND "qof.backend"
55 /** \brief The errors that can be reported to the GUI & other front-end users
56 */
57 typedef enum
58 {
59     ERR_BACKEND_NO_ERR = 0,
60     ERR_BACKEND_NO_HANDLER,   /**< no backend handler found for this access method (ENOSYS) */
61     ERR_BACKEND_NO_BACKEND,   /**< Backend * pointer was unexpectedly null */
62     ERR_BACKEND_BAD_URL,      /**< Can't parse url */
63     ERR_BACKEND_NO_SUCH_DB,   /**< the named database doesn't exist */
64     ERR_BACKEND_CANT_CONNECT, /**< bad dbname/login/passwd or network failure */
65     ERR_BACKEND_CONN_LOST,    /**< Lost connection to server */
66     ERR_BACKEND_LOCKED,       /**< in use by another user (ETXTBSY) */
67     ERR_BACKEND_STORE_EXISTS, /**< File exists, data would be destroyed */
68     ERR_BACKEND_READONLY,	    /**< cannot write to file/directory */
69     ERR_BACKEND_TOO_NEW,      /**< file/db version newer than what we can read */
70     ERR_BACKEND_DATA_CORRUPT, /**< data in db is corrupt */
71     ERR_BACKEND_SERVER_ERR,   /**< error in response from server */
72     ERR_BACKEND_ALLOC,        /**< internal memory allocation failure */
73     ERR_BACKEND_PERM,         /**< user login successful, but no permissions
74                                to access the desired object */
75     ERR_BACKEND_MODIFIED,     /**< commit of object update failed because
76                                another user has modified the object */
77     ERR_BACKEND_MOD_DESTROY,  /**< commit of object update failed because
78                                another user has deleted the object */
79     ERR_BACKEND_MISC,         /**< undetermined error */
81     ERR_QOF_OVERFLOW,			/**< EOVERFLOW - generated by strtol or strtoll.
83   When converting XML strings into numbers, an overflow has been detected. The XML file
84   contains invalid data in a field that is meant to hold a signed long integer or signed long long
85   integer.
86   */
88     /* fileio errors */
89     ERR_FILEIO_FILE_BAD_READ = 1000,  /**< read failed or file prematurely truncated */
90     ERR_FILEIO_FILE_EMPTY,     /**< file exists, is readable, but is empty */
91     ERR_FILEIO_FILE_LOCKERR,   /**< mangled locks (unspecified error) */
92     ERR_FILEIO_FILE_NOT_FOUND, /**< not found / no such file */
93     ERR_FILEIO_FILE_TOO_OLD,   /**< file version so old we can't read it */
94     ERR_FILEIO_UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE, /**< didn't recognize the file type */
95     ERR_FILEIO_PARSE_ERROR,    /**< couldn't parse the data in the file */
96     ERR_FILEIO_BACKUP_ERROR,   /**< couldn't make a backup of the file */
97     ERR_FILEIO_WRITE_ERROR,    /**< couldn't write to the file */
98     ERR_FILEIO_READ_ERROR,     /**< Could not open the file for reading. */
99     ERR_FILEIO_NO_ENCODING,    /**< file does not specify encoding */
100     ERR_FILEIO_FILE_EACCES,    /**< No read access permission for the given file */
101     ERR_FILEIO_RESERVED_WRITE, /**< User attempt to write to a directory reserved
102                                     for internal use by GnuCash */
103     ERR_FILEIO_FILE_UPGRADE,   /**< file will be upgraded and not be able to be
104                                     read by prior versions - warn users*/
106     /* network errors */
107     ERR_NETIO_SHORT_READ = 2000,  /**< not enough bytes received */
108     ERR_NETIO_WRONG_CONTENT_TYPE, /**< wrong kind of server, wrong data served */
109     ERR_NETIO_NOT_GNCXML,         /**< whatever it is, we can't parse it. */
111     /* database errors */
112     ERR_SQL_MISSING_DATA = 3000,  /**< database doesn't contain expected data */
113     ERR_SQL_DB_TOO_OLD,           /**< database is old and needs upgrading */
114     ERR_SQL_DB_TOO_NEW,		  /**< database is newer, we can't write to it */
115     ERR_SQL_DB_BUSY,              /**< database is busy, cannot upgrade version */
116     ERR_SQL_BAD_DBI,		  /**< LibDBI has numeric errors */
117     ERR_SQL_DBI_UNTESTABLE,       /**< could not complete test for LibDBI bug */
119     /* RPC errors */
120     ERR_RPC_HOST_UNK = 4000,      /**< Host unknown */
121     ERR_RPC_CANT_BIND,            /**< can't bind to address */
122     ERR_RPC_CANT_ACCEPT,          /**< can't accept connection */
123     ERR_RPC_NO_CONNECTION,        /**< no connection to server */
124     ERR_RPC_BAD_VERSION,          /**< RPC Version Mismatch */
125     ERR_RPC_FAILED,               /**< Operation failed */
126     ERR_RPC_NOT_ADDED,            /**< object not added */
127 } QofBackendError;
129 typedef struct QofBackend QofBackend;
131     /* The following functions are used in C files. */
132 /** Get the last backend error. */
133     QofBackendError qof_backend_get_error (QofBackend*);
134 /** Set the error on the specified QofBackend. */
135     void qof_backend_set_error (QofBackend*, QofBackendError);
137 /* Temporary wrapper so that we don't have to expose qof-backend.hpp to Transaction.c */
138     gboolean qof_backend_can_rollback (QofBackend*);
139     void qof_backend_rollback_instance (QofBackend*, QofInstance*);
141 /** \brief Load a QOF-compatible backend shared library.
143     \param directory Can be NULL if filename is a complete path.
144     \param module_name  Name of the .la file that describes the
145     shared library. This provides platform independence,
146     courtesy of libtool.
148     \return FALSE in case or error, otherwise TRUE.
149 */
150     gboolean
151     qof_load_backend_library(const gchar *directory, const gchar* module_name);
153 /** \brief Finalize all loaded backend shareable libraries. */
154     void qof_finalize_backend_libraries(void);
156 /** \brief Retrieve the backend used by this book */
157     QofBackend* qof_book_get_backend (const QofBook *book);
159     void qof_book_set_backend (QofBook *book, QofBackend *);
162 /** \brief DOCUMENT ME! */
163 typedef void (*QofBePercentageFunc) (/*@ null @*/ const char *message, double percent);
165 #ifdef __cplusplus
166 }
167 #endif
168 #endif /* QOF_BACKEND_H */
169 /** @} */
170 /** @} */