1 /* messages.h                                             */
2 /* Copyright (C) 1997 Stefan Hille                        */
3 /* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or  */
4 /* modify it under the terms of the                       */
5 /* GNU General Public License, see the file COPYING.      */
7 #ifndef MESSAGES_H
8 #define MESSAGES_H
10 /* errors defined in e_msg */
11 #define	ERR_LOWMEM	0
12 #define	ERR_VER_OPF	1
13 #define ERR_READ_OPF	2
14 #define ERR_MAXWINS	3
15 #define	ERR_GETSTRING	4
16 #define	ERR_FOPEN	5
17 #define ERR_FCLOSE	6
18 #define	ERR_UNDO	7
19 #define	ERR_EXEC	8
20 #define	ERR_COMMAND	9
21 #define	ERR_HITCR	10
22 #define	ERR_NOTINSTALL	11
23 #define	ERR_OPEN_OPF	12
24 #define	ERR_WRITE_OPF	13
25 #define	ERR_MSG_SAVE	14
26 #define ERR_MSG_SAVEALL	15
27 #define	ERR_NOPRINT	16
28 #define	ERR_REDO	17
29 #define ERR_WORKDIRACCESS  18
30 #define ERR_HOMEDIRACCESS  19
31 #define ERR_SYSTEM      20
32 #define ERR_NOWASTE     21
33 #define ERR_NONEWDIR    22
34 #define ERR_ACCFILE     23
35 #define ERR_DELFILE     24
36 #define ERR_LINKFILE    25
37 #define ERR_NEWDIREXIST 26
38 #define ERR_CHGPERM     27
39 #define ERR_RENFILE     28
40 #define ERR_OREADFILE   29
41 #define ERR_OWRITEFILE  30
42 #define ERR_ALLOC_CBUF  31
43 #define ERR_INCONSCOPY  32
45 /* errors defined in e_p_msg */
46 #define ERR_NO_CFILE    0
47 #define ERR_PIPEOPEN    1
48 #define ERR_PROCESS     2
49 #define ERR_PIPEEXEC    3
50 #define ERR_IN_COMMAND  4
51 #define ERR_RETCODE     5
52 #define ERR_S_NO_CFILE  6
53 #define ERR_NO_COMPILER 7
54 #define ERR_NOTHING     8
55 #define ERR_NOPROJECT   9
57 /* errors defined in e_d_msg */
58 #define ERR_CTRLCPRESS  0
59 #define ERR_QUITDEBUG   1
60 #define ERR_ENDDEBUG    2
61 #define ERR_NOTRUNNING  3
62 #define ERR_NOSYMBOL    4
63 #define ERR_NOSOURCE    5
64 #define ERR_STARTDEBUG  6
65 #define ERR_CANTDEBUG   7
66 #define ERR_STARTPROG   8
67 #define ERR_CANTPROG    9
68 #define ERR_PROGEXIT    10
69 #define ERR_PROGTERM    11
70 #define ERR_PROGSIGNAL  12
71 #define ERR_UNKNOWNBRK  13
72 #define ERR_CANTFILE    14
73 #define ERR_CANTPIPE    15
74 #define ERR_BREAKPOINT  16
75 #define ERR_SIGNAL      17
76 #define ERR_PROGEXIT2   18
77 #define ERR_SIGNAL2     19
78 #define ERR_INTERRUPT   20
79 #define ERR_STOPPEDIN   21
80 #define ERR_BREAKPOINT2 22
81 #define ERR_NORMALTERM  23
82 #define ERR_SOFTTERM    24
83 #define ERR_CONTINUE    25
84 #define ERR_NOSTACK     26
85 #define ERR_NOPROCESS   27
87 #endif