1 /* This file is part of the Spring engine (GPL v2 or later), see LICENSE.html */
3 #ifndef AI_S_EVENTS_H
4 #define AI_S_EVENTS_H
6 // IMPORTANT NOTE: external systems parse this file,
7 // so DO NOT CHANGE the style and format it uses without
8 // major though in advance, and deliberation with hoijui!
10 #ifdef	__cplusplus
11 extern "C" {
12 #endif
14 // NOTE structs should not be empty (C90), so add a useless member if needed
16 #include "SSkirmishAICallback.h"
18 /**
19  * Each event type can be identified through a unique ID,
20  * which we call event topic.
21  * Events are sent from the engine to AIs.
22  *
23  * Note: Do NOT change the values assigned to these topics,
24  * as this would be bad for inter-version compatibility.
25  * You should always append new event topics at the end of this list,
26  * and adjust NUM_EVENTS.
27  *
28  * @see SSkirmishAILibrary.handleEvent()
29  */
30 enum EventTopic {
31 	EVENT_NULL                         =  0,
32 	EVENT_INIT                         =  1,
33 	EVENT_RELEASE                      =  2,
34 	EVENT_UPDATE                       =  3,
35 	EVENT_MESSAGE                      =  4,
36 	EVENT_UNIT_CREATED                 =  5,
37 	EVENT_UNIT_FINISHED                =  6,
38 	EVENT_UNIT_IDLE                    =  7,
39 	EVENT_UNIT_MOVE_FAILED             =  8,
40 	EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED                 =  9,
41 	EVENT_UNIT_DESTROYED               = 10,
42 	EVENT_UNIT_GIVEN                   = 11,
43 	EVENT_UNIT_CAPTURED                = 12,
44 	EVENT_ENEMY_ENTER_LOS              = 13,
45 	EVENT_ENEMY_LEAVE_LOS              = 14,
46 	EVENT_ENEMY_ENTER_RADAR            = 15,
47 	EVENT_ENEMY_LEAVE_RADAR            = 16,
48 	EVENT_ENEMY_DAMAGED                = 17,
49 	EVENT_ENEMY_DESTROYED              = 18,
50 	EVENT_WEAPON_FIRED                 = 19,
51 	EVENT_PLAYER_COMMAND               = 20,
52 	EVENT_SEISMIC_PING                 = 21,
53 	EVENT_COMMAND_FINISHED             = 22,
54 	EVENT_LOAD                         = 23,
55 	EVENT_SAVE                         = 24,
56 	EVENT_ENEMY_CREATED                = 25,
57 	EVENT_ENEMY_FINISHED               = 26,
58 	EVENT_LUA_MESSAGE                  = 27,
59 };
60 const int NUM_EVENTS = 28;
65 		  sizeof(struct SInitEvent) \
66 		+ sizeof(struct SReleaseEvent) \
67 		+ sizeof(struct SUpdateEvent) \
68 		+ sizeof(struct SMessageEvent) \
69 		+ sizeof(struct SUnitCreatedEvent) \
70 		+ sizeof(struct SUnitFinishedEvent) \
71 		+ sizeof(struct SUnitIdleEvent) \
72 		+ sizeof(struct SUnitMoveFailedEvent) \
73 		+ sizeof(struct SUnitDamagedEvent) \
74 		+ sizeof(struct SUnitDestroyedEvent) \
75 		+ sizeof(struct SUnitGivenEvent) \
76 		+ sizeof(struct SUnitCapturedEvent) \
77 		+ sizeof(struct SEnemyEnterLOSEvent) \
78 		+ sizeof(struct SEnemyLeaveLOSEvent) \
79 		+ sizeof(struct SEnemyEnterRadarEvent) \
80 		+ sizeof(struct SEnemyLeaveRadarEvent) \
81 		+ sizeof(struct SEnemyDamagedEvent) \
82 		+ sizeof(struct SEnemyDestroyedEvent) \
83 		+ sizeof(struct SWeaponFiredEvent) \
84 		+ sizeof(struct SPlayerCommandEvent) \
85 		+ sizeof(struct SCommandFinishedEvent) \
86 		+ sizeof(struct SSeismicPingEvent) \
87 		+ sizeof(struct SLoadEvent) \
88 		+ sizeof(struct SSaveEvent) \
89 		+ sizeof(struct SEnemyCreatedEvent) \
90 		+ sizeof(struct SEnemyFinishedEvent) \
91 		+ sizeof(struct SLuaMessageEvent) \
92 		)
94 /**
95  * This AI event initializes a Skirmish AI instance.
96  * It is sent only once per AI instance and game, as the very first event.
97  */
98 struct SInitEvent {
99 	int skirmishAIId;
100 	const struct SSkirmishAICallback* callback;
101 }; //$ EVENT_INIT
103 /**
104  * This AI event tells a Skirmish AI instance, that it is no longer needed. It
105  * can be used to free memory or do other cleanup work.
106  * It is sent only once per AI instance and game, as the very last event.
107  * Values description for reason:
108  * 0: unspecified
109  * 1: game ended
110  * 2: team died
111  * 3: AI killed
112  * 4: AI crashed
113  * 5: AI failed to init
114  * 6: connection lost
115  * 7: other reason
116  */
117 struct SReleaseEvent {
118 	int reason;
119 }; //$ EVENT_RELEASE
121 /**
122  * This AI event is sent once per game frame, which is about 30 times per second
123  * by default.
124  */
125 struct SUpdateEvent {
126 	int frame;
127 }; //$ EVENT_UPDATE
129 /**
130  * This AI event is a notification about a chat message sent by one of the
131  * participants of this game, which may be a player or an AI, including this AI.
132  */
133 struct SMessageEvent {
134 	int player;
135 	const char* message;
136 }; //$ EVENT_MESSAGE
138 /**
139  * This AI event triggers whenever any message
140  * is sent by a Lua widget or unsynced gadget.
141  */
142 struct SLuaMessageEvent {
143 	const char* inData;
146 /**
147  * This AI event is sent whenever a unit of this team is created, and contains
148  * the created unit. Usually, the unit has only 1 HP at this time, and consists
149  * only of a nano frame (-> will not accept commands yet).
150  * See also the unit-finished event.
151  */
152 struct SUnitCreatedEvent {
153 	int unit;
154 	int builder;
155 }; //$ EVENT_UNIT_CREATED INTERFACES:Unit(unit),UnitLifeState()
157 /**
158  * This AI event is sent whenever a unit is fully built, and contains the
159  * finished unit. Usually, the unit has full health at this time, and is ready
160  * to accept commands.
161  * See also the unit-created event.
162  */
163 struct SUnitFinishedEvent {
164 	int unit;
165 }; //$ EVENT_UNIT_FINISHED INTERFACES:Unit(unit),UnitLifeState()
167 /**
168  * This AI event is sent when a unit finished processing a command or just
169  * finished building, and it has currently no commands in it's queue.
170  */
171 struct SUnitIdleEvent {
172 	int unit;
173 }; //$ EVENT_UNIT_IDLE INTERFACES:Unit(unit)
175 /**
176  * This AI event is sent when a unit received a move command and is not able to
177  * fullfill it. Reasons for this are:
178  * - The unit is not able to move
179  * - The path to the target location is blocked
180  * - The unit can not move on the terain of the target location (for example,
181  *   the target is on land, and the unit is a ship)
182  */
183 struct SUnitMoveFailedEvent {
184 	int unit;
187 /**
188  * This AI event is sent when a unit was damaged. It contains the attacked unit,
189  * the attacking unit, the ammount of damage and the direction from where the
190  * damage was inflickted. In case of a laser weapon, the direction will point
191  * directly from the attacker to the attacked unit, while with artillery it will
192  * rather be from somewhere up in the sky to the attacked unit.
193  * See also the unit-destroyed event.
194  */
195 struct SUnitDamagedEvent {
196 	int unit;
197 	/**
198 	 * may be -1, which means no attacker was directly involveld,
199 	 * or the attacker is not visible and cheat events are off
200 	 */
201 	int attacker;
202 	float damage;
203 	float* dir_posF3;
204 	int weaponDefId;
205 	/// if true, then damage is paralyzation damage, otherwise it is real damage
206 	bool paralyzer;
209 /**
210  * This AI event is sent when a unit was destroyed; see also the unit-damaged
211  * event.
212  */
213 struct SUnitDestroyedEvent {
214 	int unit;
215 	/**
216 	 * may be -1, which means no attacker was directly involveld,
217 	 * or the attacker is not visible and cheat events are off
218 	 */
219 	int attacker;
220 }; //$ EVENT_UNIT_DESTROYED INTERFACES:Unit(unit),UnitLifeState()
222 /**
223  * This AI event is sent when a unit changed from one team to another,
224  * either because the old owner gave it to the new one, or because the
225  * new one took it from the old one; see the /take command.
226  * Both giving and receiving team will get this event.
227  */
228 struct SUnitGivenEvent {
229 	int unitId;
230 	int oldTeamId;
231 	int newTeamId;
232 }; //$ EVENT_UNIT_GIVEN INTERFACES:Unit(unitId),UnitLifeState(),UnitTeamChange(oldTeamId,newTeamId)
234 /**
235  * This AI event is sent when a unit changed from one team to an other through
236  * capturing.
237  * Both giving and receiving team will get this event.
238  */
239 struct SUnitCapturedEvent {
240 	int unitId;
241 	int oldTeamId;
242 	int newTeamId;
243 }; //$ EVENT_UNIT_CAPTURED INTERFACES:Unit(unitId),UnitLifeState(),UnitTeamChange(oldTeamId,newTeamId)
245 /**
246  * This AI event is sent when an enemy unit entered the LOS of this team.
247  */
248 struct SEnemyEnterLOSEvent {
249 	int enemy;
250 }; //$ EVENT_ENEMY_ENTER_LOS INTERFACES:Unit(enemy),Enemy(enemy)
252 /**
253  * This AI event is sent when an enemy unit left the LOS of this team.
254  */
255 struct SEnemyLeaveLOSEvent {
256 	int enemy;
257 }; //$ EVENT_ENEMY_LEAVE_LOS INTERFACES:Unit(enemy),Enemy(enemy)
259 /**
260  * This AI event is sent when an enemy unit entered the radar covered area of
261  * this team.
262  */
263 struct SEnemyEnterRadarEvent {
264 	int enemy;
265 }; //$ EVENT_ENEMY_ENTER_RADAR INTERFACES:Unit(enemy),Enemy(enemy)
267 /**
268  * This AI event is sent when an enemy unit left the radar covered area of this
269  * team.
270  */
271 struct SEnemyLeaveRadarEvent {
272 	int enemy;
273 }; //$ EVENT_ENEMY_LEAVE_RADAR INTERFACES:Unit(enemy),Enemy(enemy)
275 /**
276  * This AI event is sent when an enemy unit was damaged. It contains the
277  * attacked unit, the attacking unit, the ammount of damage and the direction
278  * from where the damage was inflickted. In case of a laser weapon, the
279  * direction will point directly from the attacker to the attacked unit, while
280  * with artillery it will rather be from somewhere up in the sky to the attacked
281  * unit.
282  * See also the enemy-destroyed event.
283  */
284 struct SEnemyDamagedEvent {
285 	int enemy;
286 	/**
287 	 * may be -1, which means no attacker was directly involveld,
288 	 * or the attacker is not allied with the team receiving this event
289 	 */
290 	int attacker;
291 	float damage;
292 	float* dir_posF3;
293 	int weaponDefId;
294 	/// if true, then damage is paralyzation damage, otherwise it is real damage
295 	bool paralyzer;
296 }; //$ EVENT_ENEMY_DAMAGED INTERFACES:Unit(enemy),Enemy(enemy)
298 /**
299  * This AI event is sent when an enemy unit was destroyed; see also the
300  * enemy-damaged event.
301  */
302 struct SEnemyDestroyedEvent {
303 	int enemy;
304 	/**
305 	 * may be -1, which means no attacker was directly involveld,
306 	 * or the attacker is not allied with the team receiving this event
307 	 */
308 	int attacker;
309 }; //$ EVENT_ENEMY_DESTROYED INTERFACES:Unit(enemy),Enemy(enemy),UnitLifeState()
311 /**
312  * This AI event is sent when certain weapons are fired.
313  * For performance reasons, it is not possible to send this event
314  * for all weapons. Therefore, it is currently only sent for manuall-fire
315  * weapons like for example the TA Commanders D-Gun or the Nuke.
316  */
317 struct SWeaponFiredEvent {
318 	int unitId;
319 	int weaponDefId;
322 /**
323  * This AI event is sent when a user gives a command to one or multiple units
324  * belonging to a team controlled by the AI.
325  * For more info about the given commands, please use the
326  * Unit.getCurrentCommands() method of the callback.
327  */
328 struct SPlayerCommandEvent {
329 	int* unitIds;
330 	int unitIds_size;
331 	/// see COMMAND_* defines in AISCommands.h
332 	int commandTopicId;
333 	/// Id of the player that issued the command
334 	int playerId;
337 /**
338  * This AI event is sent when a unit finished processing a command.
339  * @param commandId      used on asynchronous commands only (is -1 for regular commands).
340  *                       this allows the AI to identify a possible result event,
341  *                       which would come with the same id
342  * @param commandTopicId unique identifier of a command
343  *                       (see COMMAND_* defines in AISCommands.h)
344  * @see callback.handleCommand(..., int commandId, ...)
345  */
346 struct SCommandFinishedEvent {
347 	int unitId;
348 	int commandId;
349 	int commandTopicId;
352 /**
353  * This AI event is sent when a unit movement is detected by means of a seismic
354  * event. A seismic event means erruption/movement/shakings of the ground. This
355  * can be detected by only by special units usually, eg by the seismic detector
356  * building in Balanced Annihilation.
357  */
358 struct SSeismicPingEvent {
359 	float* pos_posF3;
360 	float strength;
363 /**
364  * This AI event is sent when the AI should be loading its full state from a
365  * file.
366  */
367 struct SLoadEvent {
368 	/// Absolute file path, should be treated read-only
369 	const char* file;
370 }; //$ EVENT_LOAD INTERFACES:LoadSave(file)
372 /**
373  * This AI event is sent when the AI should be saving its full state to a file.
374  */
375 struct SSaveEvent {
376 	/// Absolute file path, writable
377 	const char* file;
378 }; //$ EVENT_SAVE INTERFACES:LoadSave(file)
380 /**
381  * This AI event is sent whenever a unit of an enemy team is created,
382  * and contains the created unit. Usually, the unit has only 1 HP at this time,
383  * and consists only of a nano frame.
384  * See also the enemy-finished event.
385  */
386 struct SEnemyCreatedEvent {
387 	int enemy;
388 }; //$ EVENT_ENEMY_CREATED INTERFACES:Unit(enemy),Enemy(enemy)
390 /**
391  * This AI event is sent whenever an enemy unit is fully built, and contains the
392  * finished unit. Usually, the unit has full health at this time.
393  * See also the unit-created event.
394  */
395 struct SEnemyFinishedEvent {
396 	int enemy;
397 }; //$ EVENT_ENEMY_FINISHED INTERFACES:Unit(enemy),Enemy(enemy)
399 #ifdef	__cplusplus
400 } // extern "C"
401 #endif
403 #endif // AI_S_EVENTS_H