1 /*
2  * Argus Software
3  * Copyright (c) 2000-2016 QoSient, LLC
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
9  * any later version.
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19  *
20  */
22 /*
23  * $Id: //depot/argus/clients/include/rapolicy.h#17 $
24  * $DateTime: 2016/06/01 15:17:28 $
25  * $Change: 3148 $
26  */
29 #ifndef RaPolicy_h
30 #define RaPolicy_h
32 #ifdef __cplusplus
33 extern "C" {
34 #endif
36 #define ARGUS_POLICY_SHOW_DENY		0x01
37 #define ARGUS_POLICY_LABEL_ALL		0x02
38 #define ARGUS_POLICY_LABEL_LOG		0x04
42 #define ARGUS_POLICY_JUST_LABEL		0x40
45 #define DEFAULT_POLICY   "rapolicy.conf"
46 #define POLICY_STRING    "access-list"
47 #define PREFIX_STRING    "prefix-list"
49 #define POLICYFIELDNUM     9
51 #define POLICYSTRING       0
52 #define POLICYID           1
53 #define POLICYACTION       2
54 #define POLICYPROTO        3
55 #define POLICYSRC          4
56 #define POLICYSRCPORT      5
57 #define POLICYDST          6
58 #define POLICYDSTPORT      7
60 #define POLICYCOMPLETE     9
61 #define POLICYREMARK       10
62 #define POLICYSEQUENCE     11
64 #define POLICYERRORNUM     14
65 #define POLICYERR_NOACL    0
66 #define POLICYERR_NOID     1
71 #define POLICYERR_SP_ACT   6
72 #define POLICYERR_SPORT    7
75 #define POLICYERR_DP_ACT   10
76 #define POLICYERR_DPORT    11
77 #define POLICYERR_NONOTE   12
78 #define POLICYERR_NOSEQ    13
82 #define POLICYTESTPROTO    0
83 #define POLICYTESTSRC      1
85 #define POLICYTESTDST      3
88 #define RA_PERMIT    0x10000
89 #define RA_DENY      0x20000
90 #define RA_COMMENT   0x40000
92 #define RA_PROTO_SET	0x0001
93 #define RA_SRC_SET	0x0002
94 #define RA_DST_SET	0x0004
95 #define RA_SRCPORT_SET	0x0008
96 #define RA_DSTPORT_SET	0x0010
97 #define RA_TCPFLG_SET   0x0020
98 #define RA_PREC_SET     0x0040
99 #define RA_TOS_SET      0x0080
100 #define RA_LOG_SET      0x0100
101 #define RA_DSCP_SET     0x0200
102 #define RA_EST_SET      0x0400
103 #define RA_ICMP_SET	0x0800
104 #define RA_IGMP_SET	0x1000
107 #define RA_EQ        0x01
108 #define RA_LT        0x02
109 #define RA_GT        0x04
110 #define RA_NEQ       0x08
111 #define RA_RANGE     0x10
113 #define RA_FIN	0x0001
114 #define RA_SYN	0x0002
115 #define RA_RST	0x0004
116 #define RA_PSH	0x0008
117 #define RA_ACK	0x0010
118 #define RA_URG	0x0020
119 #define RA_ECE	0x0040
120 #define RA_CWR	0x0080
121 #define RA_NS	0x0100
123 #define ICMPCodeAny   99
125 #define RA_SRCROUTED      0x01
126 #define RA_IPACCESSLIST     0x02
127 #define RA_PREFIXLIST     0x04
128 #define RA_ETHERTYPEACCESSLIST     0x08
129 #define RA_ETHERADDRACCESSLIST     0x10
131 struct ArgusNetStruct {
132    arg_int32 operator;
133    arg_uint32 addr;
134    arg_uint32 mask;
135 };
137 struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct {
138    struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *prv, *nxt;
139    char *policyID;
140    arg_uint8 TCPflags, tos, precedence, dscp;
141    arg_uint8 ICMPtype, ICMPcode, IGMPtype;
142    arg_int32 type, flags, seq, tags;
143    long long  hitCount, hitPkts, hitBytes;
144    arg_uint32 line;
145    arg_uint16 IPoptions;
146    arg_uint16 proto, src_port_low, src_port_hi;
147    arg_uint16 dst_port_low, dst_port_hi, src_action, dst_action;
148    arg_int32 notification;
149    struct ArgusNetStruct src, dst;
150    char *str;
151    char *labelStr;
152 };
155 #if defined(RA_POLICY_C)
158 /****************************************************************************************
159  * Some basic definitions for the finite state machine that controls the parsing of the
160  * Access Control List entries
161  * *************************************************************************************/
163 /****************************************************************************************
164  * The states which are effectively the row index of a two-dimensional array of entry_t
165  * structures containing the next state and a pointer to a function called at the current state
166  * Using enum avoids the need to have a static value for the highest valid state number
167  * S_FINAL the entry that sets the number of rows in the state event table array.
168  * Values beyond S_FINAL are flags and are defined to avoid compiler warnings
169  * ************************************************************************************/
171 enum states {
172 S_START,
177 S_GETWC,
193 S_TAGS,
195 S_DONE,
196 S_FINAL,	// defines the number of rows in the state event table
197 // anything beyond this comment is a valid value (no compiler warning) but is really an in band indicator
198 S_LOCAL = 1000,		// no chage in the current state
199 S_NONE			// the state cannot be determined always an indication of failure
200 };
202 typedef enum states states_t;
204 /* Sometimes it's nice to be able to print the names of the states */
206 char *stateNames[] = {
209 "S_NAMACL", "S_DONE", "S_FINAL", "S_LOCAL", "S_NONE" };
211 /****************************************************************************************
212  * The events which are effectively the column index of a two-dimensional array of entry_t
213  * structures containing the next state and a pointer to a function called at the current state
214  * Using enum avoids the need to have a static value for the highest valid event number
215  * E_FINAL is the entry that sets the number of columns in the state event table array.
216  * Values beyond E_FINAL are flags and are defined to avoid compiler warnings
217  * ************************************************************************************/
218 enum events {
219 E_ACL,		// "access-list"
220 E_ACTION,	// "permit" "deny"
221 E_ANY,		//"any"
222 E_HOST,		// "host"
223 E_QUAD,		// a.b.c.d
224 E_INTEGER,	// nnnn
225 E_EOL,		// \n
226 E_STD,		// "standard" or ACL number 1-99 or ?-?
227 E_EXT,		// "extended" or ACL number 100-199 or x-x
228 E_REMARK,	// "remark"
229 E_IP,		// "ip"
230 E_ICMP,		// "icmp"
231 E_IGMP,		// "igmp"
232 E_UDP,		// "udp"
233 E_TCP,		// "tcp"
234 E_PROTO,	// any of the other protocols: ah eigrp esp gre igrp ipinip nos ospf
235 E_PORTUDP,	// any service name that is valid as a Cisco UDP port
236 E_PORTTCP,	// any service name that is valid as a Cisco TCP port
237 E_PORTIP,	// any service name that is valis as either TCP or UDP
238 E_UNARY,	// any of the unary relational operators lt eq gt ne
239 E_BINARY,	// the binary relational operator range
240 E_TOS,		// "tos"
241 E_LOG,		// "log"
242 E_IGMPTYPE,	// any of the valid IGMP type names
243 E_ICMPCODE,	// any of the valid ICMP code names
244 E_ICMPMSG,	// any of the valid ICMP message names
245 E_EST,		// "est[ablished]"
246 E_FLAGS,	// named TCP flags ack syn urg push rst fin
247 E_PRECEDENCE,	// Precedence Value
248 E_PRFLG,	// "precedence"
249 E_TOSVAL,	// TOS value name
250 E_DSCPFLG,	// "dscp"
251 E_DSCPVAL,	// any of the DiffServ values
252 E_IPOPT,	// any of the IP Header options values
253 E_IGNORE,	// Anything that we recognize but do not process
254 E_RAWTEXT,	// any unclassified ascii string
255 E_FINAL,	 // defines the number of columns in the state event table
256 E_NULL = 1000		// a function must either return E_NULL or an event token less than E_FINAL which is treated as an injected event
257 };
259 typedef enum events events_t;
261 /* And their printable names */
263 char *eventNames[] = {
264 "E_ACL", "E_ACTION", "E_ANY", "E_HOST", "E_QUAD", "E_INTEGER", "E_EOL", "E_STD", "E_EXT", "E_REMARK", "E_IP",	"E_ICMP", "E_IGMP","E_UDP",
270 /* Function prototypes for the the parser actions */
272 events_t terror(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
273 events_t initACL(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
274 events_t initEXT(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
275 events_t procACLnum(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
276 events_t saveName(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
277 events_t notYet(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
278 events_t setAction(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
279 events_t setsAddr(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
280 events_t setswc(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
281 events_t setsany(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
282 events_t setdAddr(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
283 events_t setdwc(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
284 events_t setdany(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
285 events_t finished(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
286 events_t getSeq(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
287 events_t setsrel(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
288 events_t setdrel(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
289 events_t setProto(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
290 events_t setsport(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
291 events_t setdport(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
292 events_t setsport2(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
293 events_t setdport2(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
294 events_t setsportname(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
295 events_t setdportname(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
296 events_t flagLog(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
297 events_t setIGMP(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
298 events_t setICMPcode(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
299 events_t setICMPmsg(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
300 events_t setEst(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
301 events_t setTCPflag(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
302 events_t getRemark(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
303 events_t flagTOS(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
304 events_t flagPrecedence(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
305 events_t setPrecValue(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
306 events_t setTOSvalue(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
307 events_t flagDSCP(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
308 events_t setDSCPvalue(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
309 events_t idle(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
310 events_t setProtoParameter(struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
312 events_t tokenize( char *token);
314 /*******************************************************************************************************
315  * The actual state event table for Cisco IOS Access Control List Entries
316  * It will handle standard and extended IP access lists in either the
317  * numbered or named variations. The FSM populates a single instance of
318  * a RaPolicyPolicyStruct structure which is joined to  a linked list of
319  * these structure which is traversed for each flow until a match is found
320  *
321  * Standard Named:
322  * ip access-list standard standard-named-list-sample
323  * permit
324  * deny any
325  *
326  * Extended Named:
327  * ip access-list extended extended-named-list-sample
328  * permit udp any gt 5000 host eq 53 log
329  * permit tcp range 5000 5002 host tos max-reliability log
330  *
331  * Standard Numbered:
332  * access-list 10 permit
333  * access-list 10 deny any
334  *
335  * Extended Numbered:
336  * access-list 110 permit udp any gt host 5000 host eq 53 log
337  * access-list 110 permit tcp range 500 5002 host tos max-reliability log
338  *
339  * NB: This set of values was selected to provide accurate parsing of a well formed access list
340  * it is not a syntax checker and it is very apt to accept access lists that are not syntactically
341  * valid. The ideal input to rapolicy() is an access list taken from the output of "show running" which,
342  * by definition, is in good form.
343  *
344  * ****************************************************************************************************/
346 typedef struct {
347 states_t nextState;
348 events_t (* fn) (struct RaPolicyPolicyStruct *policy, char *token);
349 } entry_t;
351 entry_t stateTable[(int) S_FINAL][(int) E_FINAL] = {
352 	{ //S_START
353 		{S_NUMACL, initACL}, //E_ACL
354 		{S_EXTACL, setAction}, //E_ACTION
355 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
356 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
357 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_QUAD
358 		{S_START, getSeq}, //E_INTEGER
359 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
360 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
361 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
362 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
363 		{S_NAMACL, initEXT},  //E_IP,
364 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
365 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
366 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
367 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
368 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
369 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
370 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
371 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
372 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
373 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
374 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
375 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
376 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
377 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
378 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
379 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
380 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
381 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
382 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
383 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
384 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
385 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
386 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
387 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
388 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
389 	},
391 	{ //S_NUMACL
392 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
393 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
394 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
395 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
396 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_QUAD
397 		{S_NUMACL, procACLnum}, //E_INTEGER
398 		{S_NUMACL, terror}, //E_EOL
399 		{S_STDACL, saveName}, //E_STD
400 		{S_EXTACL, saveName}, //E_EXT
401 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
402 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
403 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
404 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
405 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
406 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
407 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
408 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
409 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
410 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
411 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
412 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
413 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
414 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
415 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
416 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
417 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
418 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
419 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
420 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
421 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
422 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
423 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
424 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
425 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
426 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
427 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
428 	},
430 	{ //S_STDACL
431 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
432 		{S_STDADDR, setAction}, //E_ACTION
433 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
434 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
435 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_QUAD
436 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_INTEGER
437 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
438 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
439 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
440 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
441 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
442 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
443 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
444 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
445 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
446 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
447 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
448 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
449 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
450 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
451 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
452 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
453 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
454 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
455 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
456 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
457 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
458 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
459 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
460 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
461 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
462 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
463 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
464 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
465 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
466 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
467 	},
469 	{ //S_STDADDR
470 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
471 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
472 		{S_DONE, setsany}, //E_ANY
473 		{S_GETADDR, setswc}, //E_HOST
474 		{S_GETWC, setsAddr}, //E_QUAD
475 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_INTEGER
476 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
477 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
478 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
479 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
480 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
481 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
482 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
483 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
484 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
485 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
486 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
487 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
488 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
489 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
490 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
491 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
492 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
493 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
494 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
495 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
496 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
497 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
498 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
499 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
500 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
501 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
502 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
503 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
504 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
505 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
506 	},
508 	{ //S_GETADDR
509 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
510 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
511 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
512 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
513 		{S_DONE, setsAddr}, //E_QUAD
514 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_INTEGER
515 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
516 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
517 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
518 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
519 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
520 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
521 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
522 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
523 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
524 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
525 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
526 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
527 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
528 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
529 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
530 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
531 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
532 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
533 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
534 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
535 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
536 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
537 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
538 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
539 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
540 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
541 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
542 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
543 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
544 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
545 	},
547 	{ //S_GETWC
548 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
549 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
550 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
551 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
552 		{S_DONE, setswc}, //E_QUAD
553 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_INTEGER
554 		{S_NONE, finished}, //E_EOL
555 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
556 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
557 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
558 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
559 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
560 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
561 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
562 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
563 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
564 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
565 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
566 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
567 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
568 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
569 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
570 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
571 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
572 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
573 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
574 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
575 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
576 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
577 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
578 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
579 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
580 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
581 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
582 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
583 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
584 	},
586 	{ //S_EXTACL
587 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
588 		{S_EXTACL, setAction}, //E_ACTION
589 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
590 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
591 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_QUAD
592 		{S_EXTSADDR, setProto}, //E_INTEGER
593 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
594 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
595 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
596 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
597 		{S_EXTSADDR, setProto},  //E_IP,
598 		{S_EXTSADDR, setProto},  //E_ICMP,
599 		{S_EXTSADDR, setProto},  //E_IGMP,
600 		{S_EXTSADDR, setProto},  //E_UDP,
601 		{S_EXTSADDR, setProto},  //E_TCP,
602 		{S_EXTSADDR, setProto},  //E_PROTO
603 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
604 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
605 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
606 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
607 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
608 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
609 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
610 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
611 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
612 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
613 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
614 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
615 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
616 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
617 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
618 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
619 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
620 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
621 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
622 		{S_EXTSADDR, setProto},  //E_RAWTEXT,
623 	},
625 	{ //S_EXTSADDR
626 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
627 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
628 		{S_EXTSPORT, setsany}, //E_ANY
629 		{S_EXTGETSADDR, setswc}, //E_HOST
630 		{S_EXTGETSWC, setsAddr}, //E_QUAD
631 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_INTEGER
632 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
633 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
634 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
635 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
636 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
637 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
638 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
639 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
640 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
641 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
642 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
643 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
644 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
645 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
646 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
647 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
648 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
649 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
650 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
651 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
652 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
653 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
654 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
655 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
656 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
657 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
658 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
659 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
660 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
661 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
662 	},
664 	{ //S_EXTGETSWC
665 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
666 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
667 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
668 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
669 		{S_EXTSPORT, setswc}, //E_QUAD
670 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_INTEGER
671 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
672 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
673 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
674 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
675 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
676 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
677 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
678 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
679 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
680 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
681 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
682 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
683 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
684 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
685 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
686 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
687 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
688 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
689 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
690 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
691 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
692 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
693 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
694 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
695 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
696 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
697 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
698 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
699 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
700 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
701 	},
704 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
705 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
706 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
707 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
708 		{S_EXTSPORT, setsAddr}, //E_QUAD
709 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_INTEGER
710 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
711 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
712 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
713 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
714 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
715 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
716 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
717 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
718 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
719 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
720 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
721 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
722 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
723 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
724 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
725 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
726 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
727 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
728 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
729 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
730 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
731 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
732 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
733 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
734 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
735 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
736 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
737 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
738 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
739 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
740 	},
742 	{ //S_EXTSPORT
743 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
744 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
745 		{S_EXTDPORT, setdany}, //E_ANY
746 		{S_EXTGETDADDR, setdwc}, //E_HOST
747 		{S_EXTGETDWC, setdAddr}, //E_QUAD
748 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_INTEGER
749 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
750 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
751 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
752 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
753 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
754 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
755 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
756 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
757 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
758 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
759 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
760 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
761 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
762 		{S_EXTGETSPORT, setsrel},  //E_UNARY,
763 		{S_EXTGETSPORT1, setsrel},  //E_BINARY,
764 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
765 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
766 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
767 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
768 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
769 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
770 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
771 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
772 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
773 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
774 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
775 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
776 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
777 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
778 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
779 	},
782 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
783 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
784 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
785 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
786 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_QUAD
787 		{S_EXTDADDR, setsport}, //E_INTEGER
788 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
789 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
790 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
791 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
792 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
793 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
794 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
795 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
796 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
797 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
798 		{S_EXTDADDR, setsportname},  //E_PORTUDP,
799 		{S_EXTDADDR, setsportname},  //E_PORTTCP,
800 		{S_EXTDADDR, setsportname},  //E_PORTIP,
801 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
802 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
803 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
804 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
805 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
806 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
807 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
808 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
809 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
810 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
811 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
812 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
813 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
814 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
815 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
816 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
817 		{S_EXTDADDR, setsportname},  //E_RAWTEXT,
818 	},
821 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
822 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
823 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
824 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
825 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_QUAD
826 		{S_EXTGETSPORT2, setsport}, //E_INTEGER
827 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
828 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
829 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
830 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
831 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
832 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
833 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
834 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
835 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
836 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
837 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
838 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
839 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
840 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
841 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
842 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
843 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
844 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
845 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
846 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
847 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
848 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
849 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
850 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
851 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
852 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
853 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
854 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
855 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
856 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
857 	},
860 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
861 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
862 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
863 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
864 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_QUAD
865 		{S_EXTDADDR, setsport2}, //E_INTEGER
866 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
867 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
868 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
869 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
870 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
871 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
872 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
873 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
874 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
875 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
876 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
877 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
878 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
879 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
880 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
881 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
882 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
883 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
884 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
885 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
886 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
887 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
888 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
889 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
890 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
891 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
892 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
893 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
894 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
895 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
896 	},
898 	{ //S_EXTDADDR
899 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
900 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
901 		{S_EXTDPORT, setdany}, //E_ANY
902 		{S_EXTGETDADDR, setdwc}, //E_HOST
903 		{S_EXTGETDWC, setdAddr}, //E_QUAD
904 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_INTEGER
905 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
906 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
907 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
908 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
909 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
910 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
911 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
912 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
913 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
914 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
915 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
916 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
917 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
918 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
919 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
920 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
921 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
922 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
923 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
924 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
925 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
926 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
927 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
928 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
929 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
930 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
931 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
932 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
933 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
934 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
935 	},
937 	{ //S_EXTGETDWC
938 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
939 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
940 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
941 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
942 		{S_EXTDPORT, setdwc}, //E_QUAD
943 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_INTEGER
944 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
945 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
946 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
947 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
948 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
949 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
950 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
951 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
952 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
953 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
954 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
955 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
956 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
957 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
958 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
959 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
960 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
961 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
962 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
963 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
964 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
965 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
966 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
967 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
968 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
969 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
970 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
971 		{S_NONE, idle},	//E_IPOPT,
972 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
973 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
974 	},
977 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
978 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
979 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
980 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
981 		{S_EXTDPORT, setdAddr}, //E_QUAD
982 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_INTEGER
983 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
984 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
985 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
986 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
987 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
988 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
989 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
990 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
991 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
992 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
993 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
994 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
995 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
996 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
997 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
998 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
999 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
1000 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
1001 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
1002 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
1003 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
1004 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
1005 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
1006 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
1007 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
1008 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
1009 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
1010 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
1011 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
1012 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
1013 	},
1015 	{ //S_EXTDPORT
1016 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
1017 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
1018 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
1019 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
1020 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_QUAD
1021 		{S_LOCAL, setProtoParameter}, //E_INTEGER
1022 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
1023 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
1024 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
1025 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
1026 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
1027 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
1028 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
1029 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
1030 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
1031 		{S_TAGS, setIGMP},  //E_PROTO  This might be PIMv1 in an IGMP packet
1032 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
1033 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
1034 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
1035 		{S_EXTGETDPORT, setdrel},  //E_UNARY,
1036 		{S_EXTGETDPORT1, setdrel},  //E_BINARY,
1037 		{S_TAGS, flagTOS},  //E_TOS,
1038 		{S_TAGS, flagLog},  //E_LOG,
1039 		{S_TAGS, setIGMP},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
1040 		{S_TAGS, setICMPcode},  //E_ICMPCODE,
1041 		{S_TAGS, setICMPmsg},  //E_ICMPMSG,
1042 		{S_TAGS, setEst},  //E_EST,
1043 		{S_TAGS, setTCPflag},  //E_FLAGS,
1044 		{S_TAGS, setPrecValue},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
1045 		{S_TAGS, flagPrecedence},  //E_PRFLG,
1046 		{S_TAGS, setTOSvalue},	//E_TOSVAL
1047 		{S_TAGS, flagDSCP}, //E_DSCPFLG
1048 		{S_TAGS, setDSCPvalue}, //E_DSCPVAL
1049 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IPOPT,
1050 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
1051 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
1052 	},
1055 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
1056 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
1057 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
1058 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
1059 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_QUAD
1060 		{S_TAGS, setdport}, //E_INTEGER
1061 		{S_DONE, finished}, //E_EOL
1062 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
1063 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
1064 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
1065 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
1066 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
1067 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
1068 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
1069 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
1070 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
1071 		{S_TAGS, setdportname},  //E_PORTUDP,
1072 		{S_TAGS, setdportname},  //E_PORTTCP,
1073 		{S_TAGS, setdportname},  //E_PORTIP,
1074 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
1075 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
1076 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
1077 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
1078 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
1079 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
1080 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
1081 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
1082 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
1083 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
1084 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
1085 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
1086 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
1087 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
1088 		{S_NONE, idle},	//E_IPOPT,
1089 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
1090 		{S_TAGS, setdportname},  //E_RAWTEXT,
1091 	},
1093 	{ //S_EXTGETDPORT1
1094 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
1095 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
1096 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
1097 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
1098 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_QUAD
1099 		{S_EXTGETDPORT2, setdport}, //E_INTEGER
1100 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
1101 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
1102 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
1103 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
1104 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
1105 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
1106 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
1107 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
1108 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
1109 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
1110 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
1111 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
1112 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
1113 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
1114 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
1115 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
1116 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
1117 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
1118 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
1119 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
1120 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
1121 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
1122 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
1123 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
1124 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
1125 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
1126 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
1127 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
1128 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
1129 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
1130 	},
1132 	{ //S_EXTGETDPORT2
1133 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
1134 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
1135 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
1136 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
1137 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_QUAD
1138 		{S_TAGS, setdport2}, //E_INTEGER
1139 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
1140 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
1141 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
1142 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
1143 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
1144 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
1145 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
1146 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
1147 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
1148 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
1149 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
1150 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
1151 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
1152 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
1153 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
1154 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
1155 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
1156 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
1157 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
1158 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
1159 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
1160 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
1161 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
1162 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
1163 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
1164 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
1165 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
1166 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
1167 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
1168 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
1169 	},
1171 	{ //S_TAGS
1172 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACL
1173 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
1174 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
1175 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
1176 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_QUAD
1177 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_INTEGER
1178 		{S_DONE, finished}, //E_EOL
1179 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_STD
1180 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EXT
1181 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
1182 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
1183 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
1184 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
1185 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
1186 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
1187 		{S_TAGS, setIGMP},  //E_PROTO this could be PIMv1 in an IGMP packet
1188 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
1189 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
1190 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
1191 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
1192 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
1193 		{S_TAGS, flagTOS},  //E_TOS,
1194 		{S_TAGS, flagLog},  //E_LOG,
1195 		{S_TAGS, setIGMP},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
1196 		{S_TAGS, setICMPcode},  //E_ICMPCODE,
1197 		{S_TAGS, setICMPmsg},  //E_ICMPMSG,
1198 		{S_TAGS, setEst},  //E_EST,
1199 		{S_TAGS, setTCPflag},  //E_FLAGS,
1200 		{S_TAGS, setPrecValue},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
1201 		{S_TAGS, flagPrecedence},  //E_PRFLG,
1202 		{S_TAGS, setTOSvalue},	//E_TOSVAL
1203 		{S_TAGS, flagDSCP}, //E_DSCPFLG
1204 		{S_TAGS, setDSCPvalue}, //E_DSCPVAL
1205 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IPOPT,
1206 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
1207 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_RAWTEXT,
1208 	},
1210 	{ //S_NAMACL
1211 		{S_NAMACL, initACL}, //E_ACL
1212 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ACTION
1213 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_ANY
1214 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_HOST
1215 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_QUAD
1216 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_INTEGER
1217 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_EOL
1218 		{S_NAMACL, idle}, //E_STD
1219 		{S_NAMACL, idle}, //E_EXT
1220 		{S_DONE, getRemark},  //E_REMARK,
1221 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IP,
1222 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMP,
1223 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMP,
1224 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UDP,
1225 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TCP,
1226 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PROTO
1227 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTUDP,
1228 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTTCP,
1229 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PORTIP,
1230 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_UNARY,
1231 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_BINARY,
1232 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_TOS,
1233 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_LOG,
1234 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
1235 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPCODE,
1236 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_ICMPMSG,
1237 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_EST,
1238 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_FLAGS,
1239 		{S_NONE, terror},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
1240 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_PRFLG,
1241 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_TOSVAL
1242 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPFLG
1243 		{S_NONE, terror}, //E_DSCPVAL
1244 		{S_NONE, terror},	//E_IPOPT,
1245 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
1246 		{S_DONE, saveName},  //E_RAWTEXT,
1247 	},
1249 	{ //S_DONE
1250 		{S_LOCAL, idle}, //E_ACL
1251 		{S_LOCAL, idle}, //E_ACTION
1252 		{S_LOCAL, idle}, //E_ANY
1253 		{S_LOCAL, idle}, //E_HOST
1254 		{S_LOCAL, idle}, //E_QUAD
1255 		{S_LOCAL, idle}, //E_INTEGER
1256 		{S_DONE, finished}, //E_EOL
1257 		{S_LOCAL, idle}, //E_STD
1258 		{S_LOCAL, idle}, //E_EXT
1259 		{S_DONE, idle},  //E_REMARK,
1260 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_IP,
1261 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_ICMP,
1262 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_IGMP,
1263 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_UDP,
1264 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_TCP,
1265 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_PROTO
1266 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_PORTUDP,
1267 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_PORTTCP,
1268 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_PORTIP,
1269 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_UNARY,
1270 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_BINARY,
1271 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_TOS,
1272 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_LOG,
1273 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_IGMPTYPE,
1274 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_ICMPCODE,
1275 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_ICMPMSG,
1276 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_EST,
1277 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_FLAGS,
1278 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_PRECEDENCE,
1279 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_PRFLG,
1280 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_TOSVAL
1281 		{S_LOCAL, idle}, //E_DSCPFLG
1282 		{S_LOCAL, idle}, //E_DSCPVAL
1283 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IPOPT,
1284 		{S_LOCAL, idle},	//E_IGNORE,
1285 		{S_LOCAL, idle},  //E_RAWTEXT,
1286 	},
1287 };
1291 /*********************************************************************************************
1292 * There are many things that can appear in an ACL entry
1293 * At the end of the day they fall into only a few general categories
1294 * Integer	port and protocol numbers are the most common
1295 * Quad 		IP addresses and wildcards
1296 * Text		port names, protocol names, ICMP codes and options,
1297 * Metavalues 	any, host, IP, access-list, log, etc.
1298 * Relational Operators
1299 *  Unary	lt, eq, ne, gt
1300 *  binary	range
1301 *
1302 * Any input symbol that isn't an integer or a quad is tokenized according to this structure
1303 * which may be a candidate for a representation that is more efficient than O(n)
1304 *
1305 * Three elements to the structure: the string, its length for strnlen, the output token
1306 ***********************************************************************************************/
1308 typedef struct {
1309 	char 	*symbol;
1310 	int	len;
1311 	events_t token;
1312 } str_t;
1314 str_t strings[] = {
1315 	{"access-list", 11, E_ACL},
1316 	{"permit", 6, E_ACTION},
1317 	{"deny", 4, E_ACTION},
1318 	{"any", 3, E_ANY},
1319 	{"host", 4, E_HOST},
1320 	{"extended", 8, E_EXT},
1321 	{"standard", 8, E_STD},
1322 	{"log", 3, E_LOG},
1323 	{"log-input", 9, E_LOG},
1324 	{"est", 3, E_EST},
1325 	{"established", 11, E_EST},
1326 	{"remark", 6, E_REMARK},
1328 	// Protocols these can also be entered as decimal values
1330 	{"ip", 2, E_IP},	//       Any Internet Protocol	(0)
1331 	{"tcp", 3, E_TCP},	//      Transmission Control Protocol (6)
1332 	{"udp", 3, E_UDP},	//      User Datagram Protocol	(17)
1333 	{"ahp", 3, E_PROTO},	//      Authentication Header Protocol (51) Normally called "ah"
1334 	{"eigrp", 5, E_PROTO},	//    Cisco's EIGRP routing protocol (88)
1335 	{"esp", 3, E_PROTO},	//      Encapsulation Security Payload (50)
1336 	{"gre", 3, E_PROTO},	//      Cisco's GRE tunneling  (47)
1337 	{"icmp", 4, E_ICMP},	//     Internet Control Message Protocol (1)
1338 	{"igmp", 4, E_IGMP},	//     Internet Group Management Protocol (2)
1339 	{"ipinip", 6, E_PROTO},	//   IP in IP tunneling (94) (possibly 131)
1340 	{"nos", 3, E_PROTO},	//      KA9Q NOS compatible IP over IP tunneling
1341 	{"ospf", 4, E_PROTO},	//     OSPF routing protocol (89)
1342 	{"pcp", 3, E_PROTO},	//      Payload Compression Protocol
1343 	{"pim", 3, E_PROTO},	//      Protocol Independent Multicast (103)
1345 	// Relational Operators
1347 	{"range", 5, E_BINARY},
1348 	{"lt", 2, E_UNARY},
1349 	{"gt", 2, E_UNARY},
1350 	{"neq", 3, E_UNARY},
1351 	{"eq", 2, E_UNARY},
1353 	// TCP Flags
1355 	{"syn", 3, E_FLAGS},
1356 	{"fin", 3, E_FLAGS},
1357 	{"rst", 3, E_FLAGS},
1358 	{"ack", 3, E_FLAGS},
1359 	{"psh", 3, E_FLAGS},
1360 	{"urg", 3, E_FLAGS},
1362 	// DSCP code points  (note: the bit values represent the six high order bits in the octet, the two low order bits
1363 	//		MUST be ignored.)
1365 	{"dscp", 4, E_DSCPFLG},
1366 	{"af11", 4, E_DSCPVAL},	//     Match packets with AF11 dscp (001010)
1367 	{"af12", 4, E_DSCPVAL},	//     Match packets with AF12 dscp (001100)
1368 	{"af13", 4, E_DSCPVAL},	//     Match packets with AF13 dscp (001110)
1369 	{"af21", 4, E_DSCPVAL},	//     Match packets with AF21 dscp (010010)
1370 	{"af22", 4, E_DSCPVAL},	//     Match packets with AF22 dscp (010100)
1371 	{"af23", 4, E_DSCPVAL},	//     Match packets with AF23 dscp (010110)
1372 	{"af31", 4, E_DSCPVAL},	//     Match packets with AF31 dscp (011010)
1373 	{"af32", 4, E_DSCPVAL},	//     Match packets with AF32 dscp (011100)
1374 	{"af33", 4, E_DSCPVAL},	//     Match packets with AF33 dscp (011110)
1375 	{"af41", 4, E_DSCPVAL},	//     Match packets with AF41 dscp (100010)
1376 	{"af42", 4, E_DSCPVAL},	//     Match packets with AF42 dscp (100100)
1377 	{"af43", 4, E_DSCPVAL},	//     Match packets with AF43 dscp (100110)
1378 	{"cs1", 3, E_DSCPVAL},	//      Match packets with CS1(precedence 1) dscp (001000)
1379 	{"cs2", 3, E_DSCPVAL},	//      Match packets with CS2(precedence 2) dscp (010000)
1380 	{"cs3", 3, E_DSCPVAL},	//      Match packets with CS3(precedence 3) dscp (011000)
1381 	{"cs4", 3, E_DSCPVAL},	//      Match packets with CS4(precedence 4) dscp (100000)
1382 	{"cs5", 3, E_DSCPVAL},	//      Match packets with CS5(precedence 5) dscp (101000)
1383 	{"cs6", 3, E_DSCPVAL},	//      Match packets with CS6(precedence 6) dscp (110000)
1384 	{"cs7", 3, E_DSCPVAL},	//      Match packets with CS7(precedence 7) dscp (111000)
1385 	{"default", 7, E_DSCPVAL},	//  Match packets with default dscp (000000)
1386 	{"ef", 2, E_DSCPVAL},	//       Match packets with EF dscp (101110)
1388 	// ICMP Messages and Codes these can also be entered as decimal values
1390 	{"administratively-prohibited", 27, E_ICMPMSG },   // Administratively prohibited  3 13
1391 	{"alternate-address", 17, E_ICMPMSG },             // Alternate address  6 0
1392 	{"conversion-error", 16, E_ICMPMSG },              // Datagram conversion  31 0
1393 	{"dod-host-prohibited",19, E_ICMPMSG },           // Host prohibited  3 10
1394 	{"dod-net-prohibited", 18, E_ICMPMSG },            // Net prohibited  3  9
1395 	{"echo", 4, E_ICMPMSG },                     	   // Echo (ping) 8 0
1396 	{"echo-reply", 10, E_ICMPMSG },                    // Echo reply   0 0
1397 	{"general-parameter-problem", 25, E_ICMPMSG },     // Parameter problem  12 0
1398 	{"host-isolated", 13, E_ICMPMSG },                 // Host isolated 3 8
1399 	{"host-precedence-unreachable", 27, E_ICMPMSG },   // Host unreachable for precedence    3 14
1400 	{"host-redirect", 13, E_ICMPMSG },                 // Host redirect  5 1
1401 	{"host-tos-redirect", 17, E_ICMPMSG },             // Host redirect for TOS   5   3
1402 	{"host-tos-unreachable", 20, E_ICMPMSG },          // Host unreachable for TOS   3  12
1403 	{"host-unknown", 12, E_ICMPMSG },                  // Host unknown    3  7
1404 	{"host-unreachable", 16, E_ICMPMSG },              // Host unreachable  3  1
1405 	{"information-reply", 17, E_ICMPMSG },             // Information replies  16  0
1406 	{"information-request", 19, E_ICMPMSG },           // Information requests  15  0
1407 	{"mask-reply", 10, E_ICMPMSG },                    // Mask replies  18  0
1408 	{"mask-request", 12, E_ICMPMSG },                  // Mask requests  17  0
1409 	{"mobile-redirect", 15, E_ICMPMSG },               // Mobile host redirect 32 0
1410 	{"net-redirect", 12, E_ICMPMSG },                  // Network redirect  5 0
1411 	{"net-tos-redirect", 16, E_ICMPMSG },              // Net redirect for TOS  5  2
1412 	{"net-tos-unreachable", 19, E_ICMPMSG },           // Network unreachable for TOS  3  11
1413 	{"net-unreachable", 15, E_ICMPMSG },               // Net unreachable  3  0
1414 	{"network-unknown", 15, E_ICMPMSG },               // Network unknown  3  6
1415 	{"no-room-for-option", 18, E_ICMPMSG },            // Parameter required but no room 12  2
1416 	{"option-missing", 14, E_ICMPMSG },                // Parameter required but not present  12  1
1417 	{"packet-too-big", 14, E_ICMPMSG },                // Fragmentation needed and DF set   3  4
1418 	{"parameter-problem", 17, E_ICMPMSG },             // All parameter problems  12
1419 	{"port-unreachable", 16, E_ICMPMSG },              // Port unreachable  3  3
1420 	{"precedence-unreachable", 22, E_ICMPMSG },        // Precedence cutoff  3  15
1421 	{"protocol-unreachable", 20, E_ICMPMSG },          // Protocol unreachable  3  2
1422 	{"reassembly-timeout", 18, E_ICMPMSG },            // Reassembly timeout  11  1
1423 	{"redirect", 8, E_ICMPMSG },                       // All redirects  5
1424 	{"router-advertisement", 20, E_ICMPMSG },          // Router discovery advertisements  9 0
1425 	{"router-solicitation", 19, E_ICMPMSG },           // Router discovery solicitations  10 0
1426 	{"source-quench", 13, E_ICMPMSG },                 // Source quenches  4 0
1427 	{"source-route-failed", 19, E_ICMPMSG },           // Source route failed    3  5
1428 	{"time-exceeded", 13, E_ICMPMSG },                 // All time exceededs   11
1429 	{"timestamp-reply", 15, E_ICMPMSG },               // Timestamp replies  14 0
1430 	{"timestamp-request", 17, E_ICMPMSG },             // Timestamp requests 13 0
1431 	{"traceroute", 10, E_ICMPMSG },                    // Traceroute 30 0
1432 	{"ttl-exceeded", 12, E_ICMPMSG },                  // TTL exceeded    11  1
1433 	{"unreachable", 11, E_ICMPMSG },                   // All unreachables 3
1435 	// IGMP Types these can also be entered as decimal values
1437 	{"dvmrp", 5, E_IGMPTYPE},		//          Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol(19)
1438 	{"host-query", 10, E_IGMPTYPE},	//     IGMP Membership Query(17)
1439 	{"mtrace-resp", 11, E_IGMPTYPE},	//    Multicast Traceroute Response(30)
1440 	{"mtrace-route", 12, E_IGMPTYPE},	//   Multicast Traceroute(31)
1441 	{"trace", 5, E_IGMPTYPE},		//          Multicast trace(21)
1442 	{"v1host-report", 13, E_IGMPTYPE},	//  IGMPv1 Membership Report(18)
1443 	{"v2host-report", 13, E_IGMPTYPE},	//  IGMPv2 Membership Report(22)
1444 	{"v3host-report", 13, E_IGMPTYPE},	//  IGMPv3 Membership Report(34)
1445 	{"v2leave-group", 13, E_IGMPTYPE},	//  IGMPv2 Leave Group(23)
1447 	//  PIM Version 1 was transported over IGMP this is a conflict that is handled in the state machine
1448 	//	because the match with the protocol name will be made much earlier and the event will be E_PROTO
1449 	//	the value handler routine will prevent any other protocol name from being accepted as an IGMP type
1451 	{"pim", 3, E_IGMPTYPE},			//  PIMv1(20)
1453 	// TOS these can also be entered as decimal values
1455 	{"tos", 3, E_TOS},
1456 	{"max-reliability", 15, E_TOSVAL},	//    Match packets with max reliable TOS (2)
1457 	{"max-throughput", 14, E_TOSVAL},	//     Match packets with max throughput TOS (4)
1458 	{"min-delay", 9, E_TOSVAL},	//          Match packets with min delay TOS (8)
1459 	{"min-monetary-cost", 17, E_TOSVAL},	//  Match packets with min monetary cost TOS (1)
1460 	{"normal", 6, E_TOSVAL},	//             Match packets with normal TOS (0)
1461 	// Precedence these can also be entered as decimal values
1462 	{"precedence", 10, E_PRFLG},
1463 	{"critical", 8, E_PRECEDENCE},	//        Match packets with critical precedence (5)
1464 	{"flash", 5, E_PRECEDENCE},	//           Match packets with flash precedence (3)
1465 	{"flash-override", 14, E_PRECEDENCE},	//  Match packets with flash override precedence (4)
1466 	{"immediate", 9, E_PRECEDENCE},	//       Match packets with immediate precedence (2)
1467 	{"internet", 8, E_PRECEDENCE},	//        Match packets with internetwork control precedence (6)
1468 	{"network", 7, E_PRECEDENCE},	//         Match packets with network control precedence (7)
1469 	{"priority", 8, E_PRECEDENCE},	//        Match packets with priority precedence (1)
1470 	{"routine", 7, E_PRECEDENCE},	//         Match packets with routine precedence (0)
1472 	// IP Header Options these can also be entered as decimal values
1473 	// more than a single value may be associated with a flow, we may need to encode these as
1474 	// a bit vector and set the bit at the appropriate offset for each optikon seen in a flow
1475 	// obviously this depends on Argus and its internal representation of the material
1476 	// for now, we are parsing the values but not using them to make a permit or deny choice
1478 	{"add-ext", 7, E_IPOPT},	//       Match packets with Address Extension Option (147)
1479 	{"any-options", 11, E_IPOPT},	//   Match packets with ANY Option
1480 	{"com-security", 12, E_IPOPT},	//  Match packets with Commercial Security Option (134)
1481 	{"dps", 3, E_IPOPT},	//           Match packets with Dynamic Packet State Option (151)
1482 	{"encode", 6, E_IPOPT},	//        Match packets with Encode Option (15)
1483 	{"eool", 4, E_IPOPT},	//          Match packets with End of Options (0)
1484 	{"ext-ip", 6, E_IPOPT},	//        Match packets with Extended IP Option (145)
1485 	{"ext-security", 13, E_IPOPT},	//  Match packets with Extended Security Option (133)
1486 	{"finn", 4, E_IPOPT},	//          Match packets with Experimental Flow Control Option (205)
1487 	{"imitd", 5, E_IPOPT},	//         Match packets with IMI Traffic Desriptor Option (144)
1488 	{"lsr", 3, E_IPOPT},	//           Match packets with Loose Source Route Option (131)
1489 	{"mtup", 4, E_IPOPT},	//          Match packets with MTU Probe Option (11)
1490 	{"mtur", 4, E_IPOPT},	//          Match packets with MTU Reply Option (12)
1491 	{"no-op", 5, E_IPOPT},	//         Match packets with No Operation Option (1)
1492 	{"nsapa", 5, E_IPOPT},	//         Match packets with NSAP Addresses Option (150)
1493 	{"record-route", 12, E_IPOPT},	//  Match packets with Record Route Option (7)
1494 	{"router-alert", 12, E_IPOPT},	//  Match packets with Router Alert Option (148)
1495 	{"sdb", 3, E_IPOPT},	//           Match packets with Selective Directed Broadcast Option (149)
1496 	{"security", 8, E_IPOPT},	//      Match packets with Basic Security Option (130)
1497 	{"ssr", 3, E_IPOPT},	//           Match packets with Strict Source Routing Option (137)
1498 	{"stream-id", 9, E_IPOPT},	//     Match packets with Stream ID Option (136)
1499 	{"timestamp", 9, E_IPOPT},	//     Match packets with Time Stamp Option (68)
1500 	{"traceroute", 10, E_IPOPT},	//    Match packets with Trace Route Option (82)
1501 	{"ump", 3, E_IPOPT},	//           Match packets with Upstream Multicast Packet Option (152)
1502 	{"visa", 4, E_IPOPT},	//          Match packets with Experimental Access Control Option (142)
1503 	{"zsu", 3, E_IPOPT},	//           Match packets with Experimental Measurement Option (10)
1505 	// Things that we need to ignore for now
1507 	{"drip", 4, E_IGNORE},
1508 	{"fragments", 9, E_IGNORE},
1509 	{"time-range", 10, E_IGNORE},
1510 	{"non500-isakmp", 13, E_IGNORE},
1511 	{"reflex", 6, E_IGNORE},
1512 	{"", 0, E_NULL},
1513 };
1516 /***********************************************************************************************************************
1517  * Values used in mapping  specific components of an access list entry from a name to an internal representation
1518  * ********************************************************************************************************************/
1519 struct tlv {
1520  char *name;
1521  int len;
1522  int value;
1523  } ;
1525 typedef struct tlv tlv_t;
1528  tlv_t igmpmap [] =
1529 {
1530 	{"dvmrp", 5, 19},               //          Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
1531         {"host-query", 10, 17}, 	//  	   IGMP Membership Query
1532         {"mtrace-resp", 11, 30},        //    Multicast Traceroute Response
1533         {"mtrace-route", 12, 31},       //   	Multicast Traceroute
1534         {"trace", 5, 21},               //      Multicast trace
1535         {"v1host-report", 13, 18},      //  IGMPv1 Membership Report
1536         {"v2host-report", 13, 22},      //  IGMPv2 Membership Report
1537         {"v3host-report", 13, 34},      //  IGMPv3 Membership Report
1538         {"v2leave-group", 13, 23},      //  IGMPv2 Leave Group
1539         {"pim", 3, 20},      		// PIMv1
1540 	{"", 0, 0}
1541 };
1543 /******************************************************************************************************
1544  * The six most significant bits of one of the IP header bytes have been defined and redefined
1545  * as experience with the realities of the Internet came to be understood.
1546  * The two least significant bits of this same byte were taken for use as ECN (explicit
1547  * congestion notification) indicators
1548  *
1549  * If we are using the RFC 4274 definitions of this byte
1550  * The six most significant bits taken as a set became the DiffServ Code Points
1551  * The three most significant bits still retained there original IP precedence meanings
1552  * Whenever the three least significant bits are all set to 0 the DSCP code point name
1553  * is designated as CS (Class Selector) and a value between 0 and 7.
1554  * If any of the three least significant bits are set, then the code point is designated
1555  * AF (Assured Forwarding) or EF (Expedited Forwarding)
1556  *
1557  * If we are using the RFC 791 / RFC 1349 definitions of this byte
1558  * The least significant bit is always 0
1559  * The three most significant bits are the IP precedence
1560  * The four bits in between are the TOS value
1561  *
1562  * Effectively we inspect the same set of bits three different ways to match
1563  * TOS, DSCP, and Precedence.
1564  * TOS = ( (byteValue > 1) & 0x0f)
1565  * Precedence = ( byteValue >> 5)
1566  * DSCP = ( byteValue >> 2)
1567  *
1568  * The shifts are zero extended (unsigned)
1569  *******************************************************************************************************/
1570 tlv_t precmap [] =
1571 {
1572 	{"critical", 8, 5},  //        Match packets with critical precedence (5)
1573         {"flash", 5, 3},     //           Match packets with flash precedence (3)
1574         {"flash-override", 14, 4},   //  Match packets with flash override precedence (4)
1575         {"immediate", 9, 2}, //       Match packets with immediate precedence (2)
1576         {"internet", 8, 6},  //        Match packets with internetwork control precedence (6)
1577         {"network", 7, 7},   //         Match packets with network control precedence (7)
1578         {"priority", 8, 1},  //        Match packets with priority precedence (1)
1579         {"routine", 7, 0},   //         Match packets with routine precedence (0)
1580 	{"",0,0}
1581 };
1584  tlv_t tosmap [] =
1585 {
1586        	 {"max-reliability", 14, 2},      //    Match packets with max reliable TOS (2)
1587        	 {"max-throughput", 13, 4},       //     Match packets with max throughput TOS (4)
1588        	 {"min-delay", 9, 8},     //          Match packets with min delay TOS (8)
1589        	 {"min-monetary-cost", 16, 1},    //  Match packets with min monetary cost TOS (1)
1590        	 {"normal", 6, 0},        //             Match packets with normal TOS (0)
1591 	 {"", 0, 0}
1592 };
1595  tlv_t DSCPmap [] =
1596 {
1597         {"af11", 4, 10}, //     Match packets with AF11 dscp (001010)
1598         {"af12", 4, 12}, //     Match packets with AF12 dscp (001100)
1599         {"af13", 4, 14}, //     Match packets with AF13 dscp (001110)
1600         {"af21", 4, 18}, //     Match packets with AF21 dscp (010010)
1601         {"af22", 4, 20}, //     Match packets with AF22 dscp (010100)
1602         {"af23", 4, 22}, //     Match packets with AF23 dscp (010110)
1603         {"af31", 4, 26}, //     Match packets with AF31 dscp (011010)
1604         {"af32", 4, 28}, //     Match packets with AF32 dscp (011100)
1605         {"af33", 4, 30}, //     Match packets with AF33 dscp (011110)
1606         {"af41", 4, 34}, //     Match packets with AF41 dscp (100010)
1607         {"af42", 4, 36}, //     Match packets with AF42 dscp (100100)
1608         {"af43", 4, 38}, //     Match packets with AF43 dscp (100110)
1609         {"cs1", 3, 8},  //      Match packets with CS1(precedence 1) dscp (001000)
1610         {"cs2", 3, 16},  //     Match packets with CS2(precedence 2) dscp (010000)
1611         {"cs3", 3, 24},  //     Match packets with CS3(precedence 3) dscp (011000)
1612         {"cs4", 3, 32},  //     Match packets with CS4(precedence 4) dscp (100000)
1613         {"cs5", 3, 40},  //     Match packets with CS5(precedence 5) dscp (101000)
1614         {"cs6", 3, 48},  //     Match packets with CS6(precedence 6) dscp (110000)
1615         {"cs7", 3, 56},  //     Match packets with CS7(precedence 7) dscp (111000)
1616         {"default", 7, 0},  //  Match packets with default dscp (000000)
1617         {"ef", 2, 46},   //     Match packets with EF dscp (101110)
1618 	{"", 0, 0}
1619 };
1621 struct tlv2 {
1622  char *name;
1623  int len;
1624  int value1;
1625  int value2;
1626  };
1628 typedef struct tlv2 tlv2_t;
1630 tlv2_t icmpmap [] =
1631 {
1632         {"administratively-prohibited", 26, 3,13 },   // Administratively prohibited  3 13
1633         {"alternate-address", 17, 6, 0 },             // Alternate address  6 0
1634         {"conversion-error", 16, 31, 0 },              // Datagram conversion  31 0
1635         {"dod-host-prohibited", 20, 3, 10 },           // Host prohibited  3 10
1636         {"dod-net-prohibited", 19, 3, 9 },            // Net prohibited  3  9
1637         {"echo", 4, 8, 0 },                           // Echo (ping) 8 0
1638         {"echo-reply", 10, 0, 0 },                    // Echo reply   0 0
1639         {"general-parameter-problem", 25, 12, 0 },     // Parameter problem  12 0
1640         {"host-isolated", 12, 3, 8 },                 // Host isolated 3 8
1641         {"host-precedence-unreachable", 28, 3, 14 },   // Host unreachable for precedence    3 14
1642         {"host-redirect", 12, 5, 1 },                 // Host redirect  5 1
1643         {"host-tos-redirect", 10, 5, 3 },             // Host redirect for TOS   5   3
1644         {"host-tos-unreachable", 20, 3,12 },          // Host unreachable for TOS   3  12
1645         {"host-unknown", 12, 3, 7 },                  // Host unknown    3  7
1646         {"host-unreachable", 16, 3, 1 },              // Host unreachable  3  1
1647         {"information-reply", 17, 16, 0 },             // Information replies  16  0
1648         {"information-request", 19, 15, 0 },           // Information requests  15  0
1649         {"mask-reply", 10, 18, 0 },                    // Mask replies  18  0
1650         {"mask-request", 12, 17, 0 },                  // Mask requests  17  0
1651         {"mobile-redirect", 16, 32, 0 },               // Mobile host redirect 32 0
1652         {"net-redirect", 12, 5, 0 },                  // Network redirect  5 0
1653         {"net-tos-redirect", 17, 5, 2 },              // Net redirect for TOS  5  2
1654         {"net-tos-unreachable", 20, 3, 11 },           // Network unreachable for TOS  3  11
1655         {"net-unreachable", 17,  3, 0 },               // Net unreachable  3  0
1656         {"network-unknown", 17, 3, 6 },               // Network unknown  3  6
1657         {"no-room-for-option", 20, 12, 2 },            // Parameter required but no room 12  2
1658         {"option-missing", 17, 12, 1 },                // Parameter required but not present  12  1
1659         {"packet-too-big", 17, 3, 4 },                // Fragmentation needed and DF set   3  4
1660         {"parameter-problem", 20, 12, ICMPCodeAny },             // All parameter problems  12
1661         {"port-unreachable", 19, 3, 3 },              // Port unreachable  3  3
1662         {"precedence-unreachable", 25, 3, 15 },        // Precedence cutoff  3  15
1663         {"protocol-unreachable", 23,  3, 2 },          // Protocol unreachable  3  2
1664         {"reassembly-timeout", 18, 11, 1 },            // Reassembly timeout  11  1
1665         {"redirect", 8,  5, ICMPCodeAny },                       // All redirects  5
1666         {"router-advertisement", 20, 9, 0 },          // Router discovery advertisements  9 0
1667         {"router-solicitation", 19, 10, 0 },           // Router discovery solicitations  10 0
1668         {"source-quench", 13, 4, 0 },                 // Source quenches  4 0
1669         {"source-route-failed", 19, 3, 5 },           // Source route failed    3  5
1670         {"time-exceeded", 13, 11, ICMPCodeAny },                 // All time exceededs   11
1671         {"timestamp-reply", 15, 14, 0 },               // Timestamp replies  14 0
1672         {"timestamp-request", 17, 13, 0 },             // Timestamp requests 13 0
1673         {"traceroute", 10, 30, 0 },                    // Traceroute 30 0
1674         {"ttl-exceeded", 12, 11, 0 },                  // TTL exceeded    11  1
1675         {"unreachable", 11, 3, ICMPCodeAny },                   // All unreachables 3
1676         {"", 0, 0, 0 },
1677 };
1679 #endif //  RA_POLICY_C
1681 #ifdef __cplusplus
1682 }
1683 #endif
1684 #endif