1 /*
2  * extractInt.h --
3  *
4  * Defines things shared internally by the extract module of Magic,
5  * but not generally needed outside the extract module.
6  *
7  * rcsid "$Header: /usr/cvsroot/magic-8.0/extract/extractInt.h,v 1.7 2010/08/10 00:18:46 tim Exp $"
8  *
9  *     *********************************************************************
10  *     * Copyright (C) 1985, 1990 Regents of the University of California. *
11  *     * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this              *
12  *     * software and its documentation for any purpose and without        *
13  *     * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright          *
14  *     * notice appear in all copies.  The University of California        *
15  *     * makes no representations about the suitability of this            *
16  *     * software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without         *
17  *     * express or implied warranty.  Export of this software outside     *
18  *     * of the United States of America may require an export license.    *
19  *     *********************************************************************
20  *
21  *   This module has been modified at DEC/WRL and Stanford University.
22  *   The above disclaimers apply.
23  *
24  */
26 #ifndef _EXTRACTINT_H
27 #define _EXTRACTINT_H
29 #include "database/database.h"
31 #undef	NT
32 #define	NT	TT_MAXTYPES
33 #undef	NP
34 #define	NP	PL_MAXTYPES
36 /* ------------------------ Capacitance Values ------------------------- */
38 typedef double CapValue; /* No longer allowed to define back to integer,
39 			  * as this touches too many parts of the code.
40 			  */
42 /* Procs to manipulate capacitance hash tables. */
43 extern CapValue extGetCapValue();
44 extern void extSetCapValue();
45 extern void extCapHashKill();
47 typedef int ResValue;	/* Warning:  in some places resistances are stored
48 			 * as ints.  This is here for documentation only.
49 			 */
51 typedef struct {
53      float ratioGate;
54      float ratioDiffA;	/* Proportional */
55      float ratioDiffB;	/* Constant */
56 } RatioValues;
58 /* Antenna models */
59 #define ANTENNAMODEL_PARTIAL	   0x01
61 #define ANTENNAMODEL_SURFACE	   0x04
62 #define ANTENNAMODEL_SIDEWALL	   0x08
64 /* ------------------------ Parameter lists --------------------------- */
66 /* These lists keep track of what parameter names subcircuit definitions
67  * use for parameters that magic knows how to generate.  Valid pl_param
68  * values are a (area), p (perimeter), w (width), l (length), s (substrate),
69  * x (position), and y (position).  Values "a" and "p" may be followed by
70  * an additional integer indicating the terminal from which the value is
71  * used (e.g., source area, drain perimeter, etc.).  An integer "0"
72  * indicates the device identifier region (e.g., gate) and is equivalent
73  * to having no integer at all.  Integers "1" and up indicate terminals,
74  * in order.
75  */
77 typedef struct pl
78 {
79     int		 pl_count;	/* Share this list. . . */
80     char	 pl_param[2];	/* Default character for parameter */
81     char	*pl_name;	/* Full name for parameter */
82     double	 pl_scale;	/* Scaling of parameter, if specified */
83     struct pl	*pl_next;	/* Next parameter in list */
84 } ParamList;
86 /* -------------------------- Label lists ----------------------------- */
88 /*
89  * List of labels for a node.
90  * We keep around pointers to the entire labels for
91  * later figuring out which are attached to the gates,
92  * sources, or drains of transistors.
93  */
94 typedef struct ll
95 {
96     Label	*ll_label;	/* Actual Label in the source CellDef */
97     struct ll	*ll_next;	/* Next LabelList in this region */
98     int		 ll_attr;	/* Which terminal of a transistor this is
99 				 * an attribute of.
100 				 */
101 } LabelList;
103 #define	LL_NOATTR	-1	/* Value for ll_attr above if the label is
104 				 * not a transistor attribute.
105 				 */
106 #define	LL_GATEATTR	-2	/* Value for ll_attr if the label is a gate
107 				 * attribute, rather than one of the diffusion
108 				 * terminals' attributes.
109 				 */
110 #define LL_SORTATTR	-3      /* value for ll_attr used in
111 				 * ExtBasic.c/ExtSortTerminals() to swap
112 				 * the attributes as well as the regions
113 				 * -- Stefanos 5/96
114 				 */
115 #define LL_PORTATTR	-4	/* value for ll_attr used to declare
116 				 * the label to be a subcircuit port
117 				 * -- Tim 5/02
118 				 */
119 /*
120  * Types of labels.
121  * These can be or'd into a mask and passed to extLabType().
122  */
123 #define	LABTYPE_NAME		0x01	/* Normal node name */
124 #define	LABTYPE_NODEATTR	0x02	/* Node attribute */
125 #define	LABTYPE_GATEATTR	0x04	/* Transistor gate attribute */
126 #define	LABTYPE_TERMATTR	0x08	/* Transistor terminal (source/drain)
127 					 * attribute.
128 					 */
129 #define LABTYPE_PORTATTR	0x10	/* Subcircuit port */
131 /* ----------------------------- Regions ------------------------------ */
133 /*
134  * The following are the structures built up by the various
135  * clients of ExtFindRegions.  The general rule for these
136  * structures is that their initial fields must be identical
137  * to those in a Region, but subsequent fields are up to
138  * the individual client.
139  *
140  * Regions marked as GENERIC are the types accepted by
141  * procedures in ExtRegion.c.
142  */
144     /*
145      * GENERIC Region struct.
146      * All this provides is a pointer to the next Region.
147      * This is the type passed to functions like ExtFreeRegions,
148      * and is the type returned by ExtFindRegions.  Clients should
149      * cast pointers of this type to their own, client type.
150      */
151 typedef struct reg
152 {
153     struct reg	*reg_next;	/* Next region in list */
154 } Region;
156     /*
157      * GENERIC region with labels.
158      * Any other structure that wants to reference node names
159      * must include the same fields as this one as its first part.
160      */
161 typedef struct lreg
162 {
163     struct lreg	*lreg_next;	/* Next region in list */
164     int		 lreg_pnum;	/* Lowest numbered plane in this region */
165     int		 lreg_type;	/* Type of tile that contains lreg_ll */
166     Point	 lreg_ll;	/* Lower-leftmost point in this region on
167 				 * plane lreg_pnum.  We take the min first
168 				 * in X, then in Y.
169 				 */
170     LabelList	*lreg_labels;	/* List of labels for this region.  These are
171 				 * any labels connected to the geometry making
172 				 * up this region.  If the list is empty, make
173 				 * up a name from lreg_pnum and lreg_ll.
174 				 */
175 } LabRegion;
177     /*
178      * Node region: labelled region with resistance and capacitance.
179      * Used for each node in the flat extraction of a cell.
180      */
182 typedef struct
183 {
184     int		 pa_perim;
185     dlong	 pa_area;
186 } PerimArea;
188 typedef struct nreg
189 {
190     struct nreg	*nreg_next;	/* Next region in list */
191     int		 nreg_pnum;	/* Lowest numbered plane in this region */
192     int		 nreg_type;	/* Type of tile that contains nreg_ll */
193     Point	 nreg_ll;	/* Lower-leftmost point in this region on
194 				 * plane nreg_pnum.  We take the min first
195 				 * in X, then in Y.
196 				 */
197     LabelList	*nreg_labels;	/* See LabRegion for description */
198     CapValue	 nreg_cap;	/* Capacitance to ground */
199     ResValue	 nreg_resist;	/* Resistance estimate */
200     PerimArea	 nreg_pa[1];	/* Dummy; each node actually has
201 				 * ExtCurStyle->exts_numResistClasses
202 				 * array elements allocated to it.
203 				 */
204 } NodeRegion;
206     /*
207      * Transistor region: labelled region with perimeter and area.
208      * Used for each transistor in the flat extraction of a cell.
209      */
210 typedef struct treg
211 {
212     struct treg	*treg_next;	/* Next region in list */
213     int		 treg_pnum;	/* UNUSED */
214     int		 treg_type;	/* Type of tile that contains treg_ll */
215     Point	 treg_ll;	/* UNUSED */
216     LabelList	*treg_labels;	/* Attribute list */
217     Tile	*treg_tile;	/* Some tile in the channel */
218     int		 treg_area;	/* Area of channel */
219 } TransRegion;
221 typedef struct {	/* Maintain plane information when pushing	*/
222     Rect area;		/* tiles on the node stack.  For use with	*/
223     int  plane;		/* function extNbrPushFunc().			*/
224 } PlaneAndArea;
226 /* Structure to be kept in a hash table of node regions for the current	*/
227 /* extract cell.  It tracks the original substrate cap calculated for	*/
228 /* each region used in the "node" line output, the final substrate cap	*/
229 /* calculated after taking all subcircuits into account, and a running	*/
230 /* total of all corrections to the node's substrate cap generated in	*/
231 /* "merge" lines by extSubtree() and extArray().  After both routines	*/
232 /* have run, any unaccounted capacitance is output to the .ext file as	*/
233 /* a "subcap" line.							*/
235 typedef struct {
236     NodeRegion *subcap_reg;
237     CapValue	subcap_orig;
238     CapValue	subcap_final;
239     CapValue	subcap_adjust;
240 } SubCapAdjust;
242 /*
243  * Argument passed to filter functions for finding regions.
244  */
245 typedef struct
246 {
247     TileTypeBitMask	*fra_connectsTo; /* Array of TileTypeBitMasks.  The
248 					  * element fra_connectsTo[t] has a
249 					  * bit set for each type that
250 					  * connects to 't'.
251 					  */
252     CellDef		*fra_def;	 /* Def being searched */
253     int			 fra_pNum;	 /* Plane currently searching */
254     ClientData		 fra_uninit;	 /* This value appears in the ti_client
255 					  * field of a tile if it's not yet
256 					  * been visited.
257 					  */
258     Region	      *(*fra_first)();	 /* Function to init new region */
259     int		       (*fra_each)();	 /* Function for each tile in region */
260     Region		*fra_region;	 /* Ptr to Region struct for current
261 					  * region.  May be set by fra_first
262 					  * and used by fra_each.
263 					  */
264 } FindRegion;
266 #define	TILEAREA(tp)	((TOP(tp) - BOTTOM(tp)) * (RIGHT(tp) - LEFT(tp)))
268 /* -------------------- Perimeter of a region ------------------------- */
270 /*
271  * Segment of the boundary of a region whose perimeter
272  * is being traced by ExtTracePerimeter() and extEnumTilePerim().
273  */
274 typedef struct
275 {
276     Tile	*b_inside;	/* Pointer to tile just inside segment */
277     Tile	*b_outside;	/* Pointer to tile just outside segment */
278     Rect	 b_segment;	/* Actual coordinates of segment */
279     unsigned char b_direction;	/* Direction following segment (see below) */
280     int		 b_plane;	/* extract argument for extSideOverlap   */
281 } Boundary;
283 #define	BoundaryLength(bp) \
284 	((bp)->b_segment.r_xtop - (bp)->b_segment.r_xbot \
285     +    (bp)->b_segment.r_ytop - (bp)->b_segment.r_ybot)
287 /* Directions in which we can be following the boundary of a perimeter	*/
289 #define	BD_LEFT		1	/* Inside is to right */
290 #define	BD_TOP		2	/* Inside is below */
291 #define	BD_RIGHT	4	/* Inside is to left */
292 #define	BD_BOTTOM	8	/* Inside is above */
294 /* -------- Yank buffers for hierarchical and array extraction -------- */
296 extern CellUse *extYuseCum;
297 extern CellDef *extYdefCum;
299 /* --------------- Argument passed to extHierYankFunc ----------------- */
301 typedef struct
302 {
303     Rect	*hy_area;	/* Area (in parent coordinates) to be yanked */
304     CellUse	*hy_target;	/* Yank into this use */
305     bool	 hy_prefix;	/* If TRUE, prefix labels with use id */
306 } HierYank;
308 /* ----- Arguments to filter functions in hierarchical extraction ---- */
310     /*
311      * The following defines an extracted subtree.
312      * The CellUse et_use will be either a cell we are extracting,
313      * or a flattened subtree.  If et_lookNames is non-NULL, it
314      * points to a CellDef that we should look in for node names.
315      */
316 typedef struct extTree
317 {
318     CellUse		*et_use;	/* Extracted cell, usually flattened */
319     CellUse		*et_realuse;	/* If et_use is flattened, et_realuse
320 					 * points to the unflattened subtree's
321 					 * root use; otherwise it is NULL.
322 					 */
323     CellDef		*et_lookNames;	/* See above */
324     NodeRegion		*et_nodes;	/* List of nodes */
325     HashTable		 et_coupleHash;	/* Table for coupling capacitance.
326 					 * key is type CoupleKey
327 					 * value is pointer to type CapValue
328 					 */
329     struct extTree	*et_next;	/* Next one in list */
330 } ExtTree;
332     /*
333      * The following structure contains information passed down
334      * through several levels of filter functions during hierarchical
335      * extraction.
336      *
337      * The procedure ha_nodename is used to map from a tile into the
338      * name of the node to which that tile belongs.  It should be of
339      * the following format:
340      *
341      *	char *
342      *	proc(tp, et, ha)
343      *	    Tile *tp;
344      *	    ExtTree *et;
345      *	    HierExtractArg *ha;
346      *	{
347      *	}
348      *
349      * It should always return a non-NULL string; if the name of a
350      * node can't be determined, the string can be "(none)".
351      */
352 typedef struct
353 {
354     FILE	*ha_outf;	 /* The .ext file being written */
355     CellUse	*ha_parentUse;	 /* Use pointing to the def being extracted */
356     char      *(*ha_nodename)(); /* Map (tp, et, ha) into nodename; see above */
357     ExtTree	 ha_cumFlat;	 /* Cumulative yank buffer */
358     NodeRegion  *ha_parentReg;	 /* Node region list from parent def */
359     HashTable	 ha_connHash;	 /* Connections made during hier processing */
361 /* All areas are in parent coordinates */
363     Rect	 ha_interArea;	/* Area of whole interaction being considered */
364     Rect	 ha_clipArea;	/* Only consider capacitance, perimeter, and
365 				 * area that come from inside this area.  This
366 				 * rectangle is contained within ha_interArea.
367 				 */
368     CellUse	*ha_subUse;	/* Root of the subtree being processed now */
369     Rect	 ha_subArea;	/* Area of ha_subUse inside the interaction
370 				 * area, i.e, contained within ha_interArea.
371 				 */
372     Tile	*hierOneTile;	/* Used in ExtHier.c, tile from extHierOneFlat */
373     int		hierPNum;	/* Used in ExtHier.c, plane of tile above */
374     TileType	hierType;	/* Used in ExtHier.c, type of tile above */
375     int		hierPNumBelow;	/* Used in ExtHier.c, plane of tile below */
376 } HierExtractArg;
378 /*
379  * Normally, nodes in overlapping subcells are expected to have labels
380  * in the area of overlap.  When this is not the case, we have to use
381  * a much more expensive algorithm for finding the labels attached to
382  * the subcells' geometry in the overlap area.  The following structure
383  * is used to hold information about the search in progress for such
384  * labels.
385  */
386 typedef struct
387 {
388     HierExtractArg	*hw_ha;		/* Describes context of search */
389     Label		*hw_label;	/* We update hw_label with a ptr to a
390 					 * newly allocated label if successful.
391 					 */
392     Rect		 hw_area;	/* Area in parent coordinates of the
393 					 * area where we're searching.
394 					 */
395     bool		 hw_autogen;	/* If TRUE, we trace out all geometry
396 					 * in the first node in the first cell
397 					 * found to overlap the search area,
398 					 * and use the internal name for that
399 					 * node.
400 					 */
401     TerminalPath	 hw_tpath;	/* Hierarchical path down to label
402 					 * we are searching for, rooted at
403 					 * the parent being extracted.
404 					 */
405     TileTypeBitMask	 hw_mask;	/* Mask of tile types that connect to
406 					 * the tile whose node is to be found,
407 					 * and which are on the same plane.
408 					 * Used when calling ExtFindRegions.
409 					 */
410     bool		 hw_prefix;	/* If FALSE, we skip the initial
411 					 * use identifier when building
412 					 * hierarchical labels (as when
413 					 * extracting arrays; see hy_prefix
414 					 * in the HierYank struct).
415 					 */
416     int		       (*hw_proc)();
417 } HardWay;
419 /* --------------------- Coupling capacitance ------------------------- */
421 /*
422  * The following structure is the hash key used for computing
423  * internodal coupling capacitance.  Each word is a pointer to
424  * one of the nodes being coupled.  By convention, the first
425  * word is the lesser of the two NodeRegion pointers.
426  */
427 typedef struct
428 {
429     NodeRegion	*ck_1, *ck_2;
430 } CoupleKey;
432 extern void extCoupleHashZero(); /* Clears out all pointers to data in table */
434 /* ------------------ Interface to debugging module ------------------- */
436 extern ClientData extDebugID;	/* Identifier returned by the debug module */
438 /* ----------------- Technology-specific information ------------------ */
440 /*
441  * Structure used to define sidewall coupling capacitances.
442  */
443 typedef struct edgecap
444 {
445     struct edgecap	*ec_next;	/* Next edge capacitance rule in list */
446     CapValue		 ec_cap;	/* Capacitance (attofarads) */
447     TileTypeBitMask	 ec_near;	/* Types closest to causing edge, or in
448 					 * the case of sideOverlaps, the
449 					 * types we are overlapping.
450 					 */
451     TileTypeBitMask	 ec_far;	/* Types farthest from causing edge, or
452 					 * in the case of sideOverlaps, the
453 					 * types that shield the edge from
454 					 * the overlaped tile.
455 					 */
456     int			 ec_pmask;	/* specifies which planes are to be	*/
457 					/* used.				*/
458 } EdgeCap;
461 /* A type used to determine if current style needs planeorder or not */
462 typedef enum { noPlaneOrder, needPlaneOrder, seenPlaneOrder } planeOrderStatus ;
464 /*
465  * Because a large TT_MAXTYPES value quickly generates huge extract section
466  * structures, we want to keep around only the style names, and dynamically
467  * load and destroy the extract section values as needed, when doing an
468  * extraction command.
469  */
471 typedef struct extkeep
472 {
473     struct extkeep	*exts_next;
474     char		*exts_name;
475 } ExtKeep;
477 /*
478  * Structure used to define transistors and other extracted devices
479  * One of these records is kept per tile type.  However, the record
480  * can link to additional records through the "exts_next" record,
481  * so that multiple extraction devices can be defined for the same
482  * tile type, provided that each definition has a unique combination
483  * of exts_deviceSDTypes and exts_deviceSubstrateTypes.
484  */
486 typedef struct extDevice
487 {
488 	/* Name of each transistor type as output in .ext file */
489     char		*exts_deviceName;
491 	/* List of parameter names for each subcircuit type */
492     ParamList		*exts_deviceParams;
494 	/* Device class for each layer type */
495     char		exts_deviceClass;
497 	/*
498 	 * Per-square resistances for each possible transistor type,
499 	 * in the various regions that such a type might operate.
500 	 * The only operating region currently used is "linear",
501 	 * which the resistance extractor uses in its thresholding
502 	 * operation.  NOTE: resistances in this table are in OHMS
503 	 * per square, not MILLIOHMS!
504 	 */
506     HashTable		 exts_deviceResist;
507     ResValue		 exts_linearResist;
509 	/*
510 	 * Mask of the types of tiles that connect to the channel terminals
511 	 * of a transistor type.  The intent is that these will be the
512 	 * diffusion terminals of a transistor, ie, its source and drain.
513 	 * UPDATED May, 2008:  Record is a list of type masks, allowing
514 	 * multiple terminal types in the case of, e.g., high-voltage
515 	 * or other asymmetric devices.  The last entry in the list should
516 	 * be equal to DBSpaceBits.
517 	 */
518     TileTypeBitMask	 *exts_deviceSDTypes;
520 	/*
521 	 * Maximum number of terminals (source/drains) per transistor type.
522 	 * This table exists to allow the possibility of transistors with
523 	 * more than two diffusion terminals at some point in the future.
524 	 */
525     int			 exts_deviceSDCount;
527 	/* Currently unused: gate-source capacitance per unit perimeter */
528     CapValue		 exts_deviceSDCap;
530 	/* Currently unused: gate-channel capacitance per unit area */
531     CapValue		 exts_deviceGateCap;
533 	/*
534 	 * Each type of transistor has a substrate node.  By default,
535 	 * it is the one given by exts_deviceSubstrateName[t].  However,
536 	 * if the mask exts_deviceSubstrateTypes is non-zero, and if
537 	 * the transistor overlaps material of one of the types in the
538 	 * mask, then the transistor substrate node is the node of the
539 	 * material it overlaps.
540 	 */
541     char		*exts_deviceSubstrateName;
542     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_deviceSubstrateTypes;
544 	/*
545 	 * Each device type can have any number of extract models based
546 	 * on identifier layers (such as thickox, esd, etc.)
547 	 */
548     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_deviceIdentifierTypes;
550     struct extDevice    *exts_next;
551 } ExtDevice;
553 /*
554  * Parameters for the process being extracted.
555  * We try to use use integers here, rather than floats, to be nice to
556  * machines like Sun workstations that don't have hardware
557  * floating point.
558  *
559  * In the case of capacitances, though, we may have to use floats, depending
560  * upon the type CapValue.  In some newer processes the capacitance per
561  * lambda^2 is less than 1 attofarad.
562  */
564 typedef struct extstyle
565 {
566     char		exts_status;	/* Loaded, not loaded, or pending */
567     char		*exts_name;	/* Name of this style */
569     /*
570      * Connectivity tables.
571      * Each table is an array of TileTypeBitMasks indexed by TileType.
572      * The i-th element of each array is a mask of those TileTypes
573      * to which type 'i' connects.
574      */
576     /* Everything is connected to everything else in this table */
577     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_allConn[NT];
579     /*
580      * Connectivity for determining electrical nodes.
581      * This should be essentially the same as DBConnectTbl[].
582      */
583     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_nodeConn[NT];
585     /*
586      * Connectivity for determining resistive regions.
587      * Two types should be marked as connected here if
588      * they are both connected in exts_nodeConnect[], and
589      * if they both have the same resistance per square.
590      */
591     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_resistConn[NT];
593     /*
594      * Connectivity for determining devices.
595      * Each devices type should connect only to itself.
596      * Nothing else should connect to anything else.
597      */
598     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_deviceConn[NT];
600     /*
601      * Set of types to be considered for extraction.  Types not in
602      * this list cannot be nodes (e.g., implant layers)
603      */
604     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_activeTypes;
606     /*
607      * Sheet resistivity for each tile type, in milli-ohms per square.
608      * For types that are transistors or capacitors, this corresponds
609      * to the sheet resistivity of the gate.
610      */
612     /* Maps from a tile type to the index of its sheet resistance entry */
613     int			 exts_typeToResistClass[NT];
615     /* Gives a mask of neighbors of a type with different resistivity */
616     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_typesResistChanged[NT];
618     /*
619      * Resistance information is also provided by the following tables:
620      * exts_typesByResistClass[] is an array of masks of those types
621      * having the same sheet resistivity, for each different value
622      * of sheet resistivity; exts_resistByResistClass[] is a parallel array
623      * giving the actual value of sheet resistivity.  Both are indexed
624      * from 0 up to (but not including) exts_numResistClasses.
625      */
626     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_typesByResistClass[NT];
627     ResValue		 exts_resistByResistClass[NT];
628     int			 exts_numResistClasses;
630     /* Resistance per type */
631     ResValue		 exts_sheetResist[NT];
633     /*
634      * Resistances for via holes, given in milliohms.  Number of
635      * cuts is determined by the "cifoutput" style "squares"
636      * parameters.
637      */
638     ResValue		exts_viaResist[NT];
640     /*
641      * Amount to scale resistance of a material on a corner.
642      * Defauts to 1.0.  Often set to 0.5.
643      */
644     float		exts_cornerChop[NT];
646     /* Layer height and thickness used by the geometry extractor */
647     float		exts_height[NT];
648     float		exts_thick[NT];
650     char		exts_antennaModel;
652     /* Antenna area ratio for each layer */
653     RatioValues		exts_antennaRatio[NT];
655     /* Mask of types that tie down antennas */
656     TileTypeBitMask	exts_antennaTieTypes;
658     /*
659      * Capacitance to substrate for each tile type, in units of
660      * attofarads per square lambda.
661      */
663 	/*
664 	 * Capacitance per unit area.  This is zero for explicit capacitor
665 	 * types, which handle gate-channel capacitance specially.  For
666 	 * transistor types, this is at best an approximation that is
667 	 * truly valid only when the transistor is switched off.
668 	 */
669     CapValue		 exts_areaCap[NT];
671 	/*
672 	 * Capacitance per unit perimeter.  Sidewall capacitance depends both
673 	 * on the type inside the perimeter as well as the type outside it,
674 	 * so the table is doubly indexed by TileType.
675 	 *
676 	 * The mask exts_perimCapMask[t] contains bits for all those TileTypes
677 	 * 's' such that exts_perimCap[t][s] is nonzero.
678 	 */
679     CapValue		 exts_perimCap[NT][NT];
680     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_perimCapMask[NT];
682     /*
683      * Overlap coupling capacitance for each pair of tile types, in units
684      * of attofarads per square lambda of overlap.
685      * Internodal capacitance due to overlap only occurs between tile
686      * types on different tile planes that are not shielded by intervening
687      * tiles.
688      */
690 	/*
691 	 * The mask exts_overlapPlanes is a mask of those planes that must
692 	 * be searched for tiles having overlap capacitance, and the mask
693 	 * exts_overlapTypes[p] is those types having overlap capacitance
694 	 * on each plane p.  The intent is that exts_overlapTypes[p] lists
695 	 * only those types t for which some entry of exts_overlapCap[t][s]
696 	 * is non-zero.
697 	 */
698     PlaneMask		 exts_overlapPlanes;
699     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_overlapTypes[NP];
701 	/*
702 	 * The mask exts_overlapOtherPlanes[t] is a mask of the planes that
703 	 * must be searched for tiles having overlap capacitance with tiles
704 	 * of type 't', and exts_overlapOtherTypes[t] is a mask of the types
705 	 * with which our overlap capacitance is non-zero.
706 	 */
707     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_overlapOtherTypes[NT];
708     PlaneMask		 exts_overlapOtherPlanes[NT];
710 	/*
711 	 * Both exts_overlapShieldTypes[][] and exts_overlapShieldPlanes[][]
712 	 * are indexed by the same pair of types used to index the table
713 	 * exts_overlapCap[][]; they identify the types and planes that
714 	 * shield capacitance between their index types.
715 	 */
716     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_overlapShieldTypes[NT][NT];
717     PlaneMask		 exts_overlapShieldPlanes[NT][NT];
719 	/*
720 	 * The table extOverlapCap[][] is indexed by two types to give the
721 	 * overlap coupling capacitance between them, per unit area.  Only
722 	 * one of extOverlapCap[i][j] and extOverlapCap[j][i] should be
723 	 * nonzero.  The capacitance to substrate of the tile of type 'i'
724 	 * is deducted when an overlap between i and j is detected, if
725 	 * extOverlapCap[i][j] is nonzero.  This is only done, however, if
726 	 * tile i is below tile j in exts_planeOrder;
727 	 */
728     CapValue		 exts_overlapCap[NT][NT];
730 	/* Specifies an ordering of the planes, so we can determine which
731 	 * tile is above another one.  This is used only when determining
732 	 * if we should subtract capacitance to substrate for overlap and
733 	 * sideoverlap rules. If no planeorder is specified and the style
734 	 * does not contain a noplaneordering command a warning is issued
735 	 * and the default planeorder is used for the style.
736 	 */
737     int			exts_planeOrder[NP];
738 	/* set/reset with planeorder commands to determine  whether
739 	 * we will warn if no planeorder is specified. This is done
740 	 * because at Stanford we use a lot of diagnostic extraction
741 	 * styles (for floating wells etc.) and we don't want to specify
742 	 * the planeorder for each and every one of them.
743 	 */
744     planeOrderStatus	exts_planeOrderStatus;
747     /*
748      * Sidewall coupling capacitance.  This capacitance is between edges
749      * on the same plane, and is in units of attofarads.  It is multiplied
750      * by the value interpolated from a fringing-field table indexed by the
751      * common length of the pair of edges divided by their separation:
752      *
753      *		   |				|
754      *		E1 +----------------------------+
755      *				^
756      *				+--- distance between edges
757      *				v
758      *			+-----------------------------------+ E2
759      *			|				    |
760      *
761      *			<-----------------------> length in common
762      */
764 	/*
765 	 * The entry exts_sideCoupleCap[i][j] is a list of the coupling
766 	 * capacitance info between edges with type 'i' on the inside
767 	 * and 'j' on the outside, and other kinds of edges.
768 	 */
769     EdgeCap		*exts_sideCoupleCap[NT][NT];
771 	/*
772 	 * exts_sideCoupleOtherEdges[i][j] is a mask of those types on the
773 	 * far sides of edges to which an edge with 'i' on the inside and
774 	 * 'j' on the outside has coupling capacitance.
775 	 */
776     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_sideCoupleOtherEdges[NT][NT];
778 	/*
779 	 * We search out a distance exts_sideCoupleHalo from each edge
780 	 * for other types with which we have coupling capacitance.
781 	 * This value determines how much extra gets yanked when
782 	 * computing hierarchical adjustments, so should be kept
783 	 * small to insure reasonable performance.
784 	 */
785     int			 exts_sideCoupleHalo;
787     /*
788      * Sidewall-overlap coupling capacitance.
789      * This is between an edge on one plane and a type on another plane
790      * that overlaps the edge (from the outside of the edge), and is in
791      * units of attofarads per lambda.
792      *
793      * When an edge with sidewall capacitance to substrate is found to
794      * overlap a type to which it has sidewall overlap capacitance, the
795      * original capacitance to substrate is replaced with the overlap
796      * capacitance to the tile overlapped, if the edge is above the tile
797      * being overlapped (according to ext_planeOrder).  If the tiles are
798      * the other way around, then this replacement is not done.
799      */
801 	/*
802 	 * The entry exts_sideOverlapCap[i][j] is a list of the coupling
803 	 * capacitance info between edges with type 'i' on the inside
804 	 * and 'j' on the outside, and other kinds of tiles on other
805 	 * planes.  The ec_near mask in the EdgeCap record identifies the
806 	 * types to which we have sidewall overlap capacitance, and the
807 	 * ec_far mask identifies the types that shield the tiles preventing
808 	 * a capacitance.
809 	 */
810     EdgeCap		*exts_sideOverlapCap[NT][NT];
812 	/*
813 	 * extSideOverlapOtherTypes[i][j] is a mask of those types to which
814 	 * an edge with 'i' on the inside and 'j' on the outside has coupling
815 	 * capacitance.  extSideOverlapOtherPlanes[i][j] is a mask of those
816 	 * planes to which edge [i][j] has overlap coupling capacitance.
817 	 * exts_sideOverlapShieldPlanes[s][t] is a list of the planes that
818 	 * need to be examined for shielding material when we are considering
819 	 * a sidewall overlap capacitor between types s and t.  This may
820 	 * be the "or" of the planes needed by several sideoverlap rules,
821 	 * since there can be several types of edges in which type s is
822 	 * the "intype" member and the "outtype" member varies.  Note that
823 	 * sideOverlapShieldPlanes is indexed like overlapShieldPlanes, not
824 	 * like sideOverlapOtherPlanes.
825 	 */
826     PlaneMask		 exts_sideOverlapOtherPlanes[NT][NT];
827     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_sideOverlapOtherTypes[NT][NT];
828     PlaneMask		 exts_sideOverlapShieldPlanes[NT][NT];
830 	/*
831 	 * Both exts_overlapShieldTypes[][] and exts_overlapShieldPlanes[][]
832 	 * are indexed by the same pair of types used to index the table
833 	 * exts_overlapCap[][]; they identify the types and planes that
834 	 * shield capacitance between their index types.
835 	 */
838     /* Common to both sidewall coupling and sidewall overlap */
840 	/*
841 	 * exts_sideTypes[p] is a mask of those types 't' having sidewall
842 	 * coupling or sidewall overlap capacitance on plane p (i.e, for
843 	 * which a bin in exts_sideCoupleCap[t][] or exts_sideOverlapCap[t][]
844 	 * is non-empty), and exts_sidePlanes a mask of those planes containing
845 	 * tiles in exts_sideTypes[].
846 	 */
847     PlaneMask		 exts_sidePlanes;
848     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_sideTypes[NP];
850 	/*
851 	 * The mask exts_sideEdges[i] is just a mask of those types j for
852 	 * which either exts_sideCoupleCap[i][j] or exts_sideOverlapCap[i][j]
853 	 * is non-empty.
854 	 */
855     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_sideEdges[NT];
857     /* Devices */
859 	/* Contains one for each type of device, zero for all other tile types */
860     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_deviceMask;
862 	/* All information about a device goes in this record (see above) */
863     ExtDevice		*exts_device[NT];
865 #ifdef ARIEL
866     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_subsTransistorTypes[NT];
867 #endif	/* ARIEL */
869 	/*
870 	 * There is a single name for global substrate, and a list of
871 	 * types that connect to the substrate.  Since for non-SOI
872 	 * processes, this generally is used to specify that space on
873 	 * the well plane is the substrate, the plane number for the
874 	 * well plane is given, too.  The "shield types" mask is a
875 	 * mask of types that prevent any types in exts_globSubstrateTypes
876 	 * from contacting the substrate (e.g., deep nwell might be a
877 	 * shielding type, or it could be a special marker layer like
878 	 * "not_substrate").
879 	 */
880     char		*exts_globSubstrateName;
881     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_globSubstrateTypes;
882     int			 exts_globSubstratePlane;
883     TileTypeBitMask	 exts_globSubstrateShieldTypes;
885     /* Scaling */
886 	/*
887 	 * Step size used when breaking up a large cell for interaction
888 	 * checks during hierarchical extraction.  We check exts_stepSize
889 	 * by exts_stepSize chunks for interactions one at a time.
890 	 */
891     int			 exts_stepSize;
893 	/*
894 	 * Number of linear units per lambda.  All perimeter dimensions
895 	 * that we output to the .ext file should be multiplied by
896 	 * exts_unitsPerLambda; we produce a "scale" line in the .ext file
897 	 * indicating this.  All area dimensions should be multiplied
898 	 * by exts_unitsPerLambda**2.
899 	 * (changed to type float May 11, 2006 to accommodate, e.g., 90
900 	 * and 130 nm technologies)
901 	 */
902     float		 exts_unitsPerLambda;
904 	/*
905 	 * Scaling for resistance and capacitance.
906 	 * All resistances in the .ext file should be multiplied by
907 	 * exts_resistScale to get milliohms, and all capacitances by
908 	 * exts_capScale to get attofarads.  These numbers appear in
909 	 * the "scale" line in the .ext file.
910 	 */
911     int			 exts_capScale;
912     int			 exts_resistScale;
913 } ExtStyle;
915 #define EXT_PLUG_GND	1
916 #define EXT_PLUG_VDD	2
918 extern ExtStyle *ExtCurStyle;
920 /* ------------------- Hierarchical node merging ---------------------- */
922 /*
923  * Table used to hold all merged nodes during hierarchical extraction.
924  * Used for duplicate suppression.
925  */
926 extern HashTable extHierMergeTable;
928 /*
929  * Each hash entry in the above table points to a NodeName struct.
930  * Each NodeName points to the Node corresponding to that name.
931  * Each Node points back to a list of NodeNames that point to that
932  * Node, and which are linked together along their nn_next fields.
933  */
934 typedef struct nn
935 {
936     struct node	*nn_node;	/* Node for which this is a name */
937     char	*nn_name;	/* Text of name */
938     struct nn	*nn_next;	/* Other names of nn_node */
939 } NodeName;
941 typedef struct node
942 {
943     NodeName	*node_names;	/* List of names for this node.  The first name
944 				 * in the list is the "official" node name.
945 				 */
946     int		 node_len;	/* Number of entries in node_names */
947     CapValue	 node_cap;	/* Capacitance to substrate */
948     PerimArea	 node_pa[1];	/* Dummy; each node actually has
949 				 * ExtCurStyle->exts_numResistClasses
950 				 * array elements allocated to it.
951 				 */
952 } Node;
954 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
956 /*
957  * Value normally resident in the ti_client field of a tile,
958  * indicating that the tile has not yet been visited in a
959  * region search.
960  */
961 extern ClientData extUnInit;
963 #define extGetRegion(tp)	( (tp)->ti_client )
964 #define extHasRegion(tp,und)	( (tp)->ti_client != (und) )
967 /* For non-recursive flooding algorithm */
968 #define	VISITPENDING	((ClientData) NULL)	/* Marks tiles on stack */
970 /* Note that this macro depends on MAXPLANES being small	*/
971 /* compared to the bit position of TT_SIDE.  Since tens of	*/
972 /* thousands of planes is inconceivable, this should not be a	*/
973 /* problem.  It is necessary to push the tile's TT_SIDE	bit	*/
974 /* because the search algorithm can overwrite it between the	*/
975 /* time the tile is pushed and the time that it is popped.	*/
977 #define	PUSHTILE(tp, pl) \
978 	(tp)->ti_client = VISITPENDING; \
979 	STACKPUSH((ClientData)(pointertype)(pl | \
980 		((TileType)(spointertype)(tp)->ti_body & TT_SIDE)), extNodeStack); \
981 	STACKPUSH((ClientData)(pointertype)tp, extNodeStack)
983 #define POPTILE(tp, pl) \
984 	tp = (Tile *) STACKPOP(extNodeStack); \
985 	pl = (spointertype) STACKPOP(extNodeStack); \
986 	if (pl & TT_SIDE) { \
987 	   TiSetBody((tp), TiGetTypeExact(tp) | TT_SIDE); \
988 	   pl &= (~TT_SIDE); \
989 	} \
990 	else \
991 	   TiSetBody((tp), TiGetTypeExact(tp) & (~TT_SIDE))
993 /* Variations of "pushtile" to force a specific value on TT_SIDE */
995 #define PUSHTILEBOTTOM(tp, pl) \
996 	(tp)->ti_client = VISITPENDING; \
997 	STACKPUSH((ClientData)(pointertype)(pl | \
998 		((SplitDirection(tp)) ? 0 : TT_SIDE)), extNodeStack) ;\
999 	STACKPUSH((ClientData)(pointertype)tp, extNodeStack)
1001 #define PUSHTILETOP(tp, pl) \
1002 	(tp)->ti_client = VISITPENDING; \
1003 	STACKPUSH((ClientData)(pointertype)(pl | \
1004 		((SplitDirection(tp)) ? TT_SIDE : 0)), extNodeStack) ;\
1005 	STACKPUSH((ClientData)(pointertype)tp, extNodeStack)
1007 #define PUSHTILELEFT(tp, pl) \
1008 	(tp)->ti_client = VISITPENDING; \
1009 	STACKPUSH((ClientData)(pointertype)(pl), extNodeStack); \
1010 	STACKPUSH((ClientData)(pointertype)tp, extNodeStack)
1012 #define PUSHTILERIGHT(tp, pl) \
1013 	(tp)->ti_client = VISITPENDING; \
1014 	STACKPUSH((ClientData)(pointertype)(pl | TT_SIDE), extNodeStack); \
1015 	STACKPUSH((ClientData)(pointertype)tp, extNodeStack)
1017 /* ------------------------- Region finding --------------------------- */
1019 extern Region *ExtFindRegions();
1021 /* Filter functions for ExtFindRegions() */
1022 extern Region *extTransFirst();		extern int extTransEach();
1023 extern Region *extResFirst();		extern int extResEach();
1024 extern Region *extNodeFirst();		extern int extNodeEach();
1025 extern Region *extHierLabFirst();	extern int extHierLabEach();
1027 extern Tile *extNodeToTile();
1029 /* -------- Search for matching node in another ExtTree ---------- */
1031 /*
1032  * NODETONODE(nold, et, nnew)
1033  *	NodeRegion *nold;
1034  *	ExtTree *et;
1035  *	NodeRegion *nnew;
1036  *
1037  * Like extNodeToTile(), but leaves nnew pointing to the node associated
1038  * with the tile we find.
1039  */
1040 #define	NODETONODE(nold, et, nnew) \
1041 	if (1) { \
1042 	    Tile *tp; \
1043  \
1044 	    (nnew) = (NodeRegion *) NULL; \
1045 	    tp = extNodeToTile((nold), (et)); \
1046 	    if (tp && extHasRegion(tp, extUnInit)) \
1047 		(nnew) = (NodeRegion *) extGetRegion(tp); \
1048 	}
1050 /* -------------------- Miscellaneous procedures ---------------------- */
1052 extern char *extNodeName();
1053 extern NodeRegion *extBasic();
1054 extern NodeRegion *extFindNodes();
1055 extern ExtTree *extHierNewOne();
1056 extern int extNbrPushFunc();
1057 extern TileType extGetDevType();
1058 extern void extMakeNodeNumPrint();
1060 /* --------------------- Miscellaneous globals ------------------------ */
1062 extern int extNumFatal;		/* Number fatal errors encountered so far */
1063 extern int extNumWarnings;	/* Number warning messages so far */
1064 extern CellUse *extParentUse;	/* Dummy use for def being extracted */
1065 extern ClientData extNbrUn;	/* Ditto */
1067 extern NodeRegion *glob_subsnode;	/* Substrate node for cell def */
1068 extern NodeRegion *temp_subsnode;	/* Substrate connection to subcell */
1070     /*
1071      * This is really a (Stack *), but we use the struct tag to avoid
1072      * having to include stack.h in every .c file.  Used in the non-recursive
1073      * flooding algorithm.
1074      */
1075 extern struct stack *extNodeStack;
1077 /* ------------------ Connectivity table management ------------------- */
1079 /*
1080  * The following is true if tile types 'r' and 's' are connected
1081  * according to the connectivity table 'tbl'
1082  */
1083 #define extConnectsTo(r, s, tbl)	( TTMaskHasType(&(tbl)[(r)], (s)) )
1085 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1087 #include "extDebugInt.h"
1089 #endif /* _EXTRACTINT_H */