1 /**
2 @brief Embryo Library
4 These routines are used for Embryo.
6 @page embryo_main Embryo
8 @date 2004 (created)
9 @note based on Compuphase (http://www.compuphase.com) PAWN language.
11 @section embryo_toc Table of Contents
13 @li @ref embryo_main_intro
14 @li @ref embryo_main_compiling
15 @li @ref embryo_main_next_steps
17 @section embryo_main_intro Introduction
19 Embryo is a tiny library designed to interpret limited Small programs
20 compiled by the included compiler, @c embryo_cc.  It is mostly a cleaned
21 up and smaller version of the original Small abstract machine.  The
22 compiler is mostly untouched.
24 Small was renamed to Pawn.
25 For more information about the Pawn language, see
26 @htmlonly <a href=http://www.compuphase.com/pawn/pawn.htm>Pawn</a>
27 @endhtmlonly
28 @latexonly http://www.compuphase.com/pawn/pawn.htm @endlatexonly
29 For the basics about the Small language, see @ref Small_Page.
31 @section embryo_main_compiling How to compile
33 Embryo is a library your application links to. The procedure for this
34 is very simple. You simply have to compile your application with the
35 appropriate compiler flags that the @p pkg-config script outputs. For
36 example:
38 Compiling C or C++ files into object files:
40 @verbatim
41 gcc -c -o main.o main.c `pkg-config --cflags embryo`
42 @endverbatim
44 Linking object files into a binary executable:
46 @verbatim
47 gcc -o my_application main.o `pkg-config --libs embryo`
48 @endverbatim
50 See @ref pkgconfig
52 @section embryo_main_next_steps Next Steps
54 After you understood what Embryo is and installed it in your system you
55 should proceed understanding the programming interface.
57 Recommended reading:
59 @li @ref Embryo_Program_Creation_Group to create Embryo from memory or file.
60 @li @ref Embryo_Func_Group to expose functions to Embryo.
61 @li @ref Embryo_Program_VM_Group to push pop virtual machine.
62 @li @ref Embryo_Run_Group to run it.
66 @todo Clean up compiler code.
67 @todo Proper overview of the operation of the interpreter, that is how
68       the heap, stack, virtual machines, etc fit together.
70 @page Small_Page Brief Introduction to Small
72 This section describes the basics of Small, as compiled and interpreted
73 with Embryo.
75 This summary assumes that you are familar with C.  For a full list of
76 differences between C and Small, again, see the full documentation.
78 @section Small_Variables_Section Variables
80 @subsection Small_Type_Subsection Types
82 There is only one type, known as the "cell", which can hold an integer.
84 @subsection Small_Scope_Subsection Scope
86 The scope and usage of a variable depends on its declaration.
88 @li A local variable is normally declared with the @c new keyword. E.g.
89     @code new variable @endcode
90 @li A static function variable is defined within a function with the
91     @c static keyword.
92 @li A global static variable is one that is only available within the
93     file it was declared in.  Again, use the @c static keyword, but outside
94     of any function.
95 @li A stock variable is one that may not be compiled into a program if it
96     is not used.  It is declared using @c stock.
97 @li A public variable is one that can be read by the host program using
98     @ref embryo_program_variable_find.  It is declared using @c public
99     keyword.
101 Remember that the keywords above are to be used on their own.  That is,
102 for example: @code public testvar @endcode not:
103 @code new public testvar @endcode
105 @subsection Small_Constants_Subsection Constants
107 You can declare constants in two ways:
108 @li Using the preprocessor macro @c \#define.
109 @li By inserting @c const between the keyword and variable name of a
110     variable declaration.  For example, to declare the variable @c var1
111     constant, you type @code new const var1 = 2 @endcode  Now @c var1
112     cannot be changed.
114 @subsection Small_Arrays_Subsection Arrays
116 To declare an array, append square brackets to the end of the variable
117 name.  The following examples show how to declare arrays.  Note the
118 use of the ellipsis operator, which bases the array based on the last two
119 declared values:
121 @code
122 new msg[] = "A message."
123 new ints[] = {1, 3, 4}
124 new ints2[20] = {1, 3}         // All other elements 0.
125 new ints3[10] = {1, ... }      // All elements = 1
126 new ints4[10] = {10, 20, ... } // Elements = 10 -> 100.
127                                // The difference can be negative.
128 new ints5[3][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}}
129 @endcode
131 @note Array initialisers need to be constant.
133 @section Small_Func_Calls_Section Function Calls
135 A typical function declaration is as follows:
137 @code
138 testfunc(param) {
139   // Do something ...
140   // over a couple of lines.
141 }
142 @endcode
144 You can pass by reference.  That is, the parameter you pass is changed
145 outside of the function.  For example:
147 @code
148 testfunc(&param) {
149   param = 10
150   // The passed variable will be set to 10 outside of the function.
151 }
152 @endcode
154 To pass an array:
156 @code
157 testfunc(param[]) {
158   // Do something to the array
159 }
160 @endcode
162 @note Arrays are passed by reference.
164 @section Small_Control_Subsection Control Structures.
166 Small has the following control structures, which similar to their C
167 counterparts:
168 @li @code if (expression) statement1 else statement2 @endcode
169 @li @code switch (expression) {
170   case 0:
171     statement1 // Can only be one statement.  Look Ma, no breaks!
172   case 1..3:   // For values between 1 and 3 inclusive.
173     statement2
174   default:     // Optional
175     statement3
176 }
177 @endcode
178 @li @code while(expression) statement @endcode
179 @li @code do statement while (expression) @endcode
180 @li @code for (init_expression; before_iter_test_expression; after_iter_expression) statement @endcode
182 @section Small_Preprocessor_Section Preprocessor
184 The following preprocessor directives are available:
185 @li @code #assert constant_expression @endcode
186 @li @code #define pattern replacement @endcode
187 @li @code #define pattern(%1,%2,...) replacement @endcode
188 @li @code #include filename @endcode
189 @li @code #if constant_expression
190   // Various bits of code
191 #else
192   // Other bits of code
193 #endif
194 @endcode
195 @li @code #undef pattern @endcode
198 @page Available_Native_Calls_Page Available Calls
200 Embryo provides a minimal set of native calls that can be used within
201 any Embryo script.  Those calls are detailed here.
203 @note Some of the "core" functions here are also described in the full
204       Small documentation given
206 @todo Finish this section.
208 @section Args_ANC_Section Argument Functions
210 @subsection Numargs_Desc numargs
212 Returns the number of arguments passed to a function.  Useful
213 when dealing with variable argument lists.
215 @subsection Getargs_Desc getarg(arg, index=0)
217 Retrieves the argument number @c arg.  If the argument is an array,
218 use @c index to specify the index of the array to return.
220 @subsection Setargs_Desc setargs(arg, index=0, value)
222 Sets the argument number @c arg to the given @c arg.  @c index specifies
223 the index of @c arg to set if @c arg is an array.
225 @section String_ANC_Section String Functions
227 Functions that work on strings.
229 @subsection Atoi_Desc atoi
231 Translates an number in string form into an integer.
233 @subsection Fnmatch_Desc fnmatch
235 Buggered if I know what this does?
237 @subsection Strcmp_Desc strcmp
239 String comparing function.
242 @section Float_ANC_Section Float Functions
244 @subsection Float_Desc float
246 @subsection Atof_Desc atof
248 @subsection Float_Mul_Desc float_mul
250 @subsection Float_Div_Desc float_div
252 @subsection Float_Add_Desc float_add
254 @subsection Float_Sub_Desc float_sub
256 @subsection Fract_Desc fract
258 @subsection Round_Desc round
260 @subsection Float_Cmp_Desc float_cmp
262 @subsection Sqrt_Desc sqrt
264 @subsection Pow_Desc pow
266 @subsection Log_Desc log
268 @subsection Sin_Desc sin
270 @subsection Cos_Desc cos
272 @subsection Tan_Desc tan
274 @subsection Abs_Desc abs
276 Returns the absolute value of the given float.
278 @section Time_ANC_Section Time Functions
280 @subsection Seconds_Desc seconds()
282 @subsection Date_Desc date
285 @section Rand_ANC_Section Random Functions
287 @subsection Rand_Desc rand()
289 Returns a random integer.
291 @subsection Randf_Desc randf()
293 Returns a random float.
295 @file Embryo.h
296 @brief Embryo virtual machine library.
298 This file includes the routines needed for Embryo library interaction.
299 This is the @e only file you need to include.
301 */
303 // The following definitions are in Embryo.h, but I did not want to
304 // mess up the formatting of the file
306 /**
308   An invalid/non-existent function.
309 */
311 /**
313   Start at program entry point.  For use with @ref embryo_program_run.
314 */
316 /**
318   Continue from last address.  For use with @ref embryo_program_run.
319 */
321 /**
323   Program was run successfully.
324 */
326 /**
328   The program's execution was interrupted by a Small @c sleep command.
329 */
331 /**
333   An error in the program caused it to fail.
334 */
336 #ifndef _EMBRYO_H
337 #define _EMBRYO_H
339 #include <Efl_Config.h>
341 #ifdef EAPI
342 # undef EAPI
343 #endif
345 #ifdef _WIN32
346 # ifdef EFL_BUILD
347 #  ifdef DLL_EXPORT
348 #   define EAPI __declspec(dllexport)
349 #  else
350 #   define EAPI
351 #  endif
352 # else
353 #  define EAPI __declspec(dllimport)
354 # endif
355 #else
356 # ifdef __GNUC__
357 #  if __GNUC__ >= 4
358 #   define EAPI __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
359 #  else
360 #   define EAPI
361 #  endif
362 # else
363 #  define EAPI
364 # endif
365 #endif
367 #ifdef  __cplusplus
368 extern "C" {
369 #endif
374    /**
375     * @typedef Embryo_Version
376     * Represents the current version of Embryo
377     */
378    typedef struct _Embryo_Version
379      {
380         int major; /** < major (binary or source incompatible changes) */
381         int minor; /** < minor (new features, bugfixes, major improvements version) */
382         int micro; /** < micro (bugfix, internal improvements, no new features version) */
383         int revision; /** < git revision (0 if a proper release or the git revision number Embryo is built from) */
384      } Embryo_Version;
386    EAPI extern Embryo_Version *embryo_version;
388    /* potential error values */
389    typedef enum _Embryo_Error
390      {
392 	  /* reserve the first 15 error codes for exit codes of the abstract machine */
393 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_EXIT,         /** Forced exit */
394 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_ASSERT,       /** Assertion failed */
395 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_STACKERR,     /** Stack/heap collision */
396 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_BOUNDS,       /** Index out of bounds */
397 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_MEMACCESS,    /** Invalid memory access */
398 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_INVINSTR,     /** Invalid instruction */
399 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_STACKLOW,     /** Stack underflow */
400 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_HEAPLOW,      /** Heap underflow */
401 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_CALLBACK,     /** No callback, or invalid callback */
402 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_NATIVE,       /** Native function failed */
403 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_DIVIDE,       /** Divide by zero */
404 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_SLEEP,        /** Go into sleepmode - code can be restarted */
406 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_MEMORY = 16,  /** Out of memory */
407 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_FORMAT,       /** Invalid file format */
408 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_VERSION,      /** File is for a newer version of the Embryo_Program */
409 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_NOTFOUND,     /** Function not found */
410 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_INDEX,        /** Invalid index parameter (bad entry point) */
411 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_DEBUG,        /** Debugger cannot run */
412 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_INIT,         /** Embryo_Program not initialized (or doubly initialized) */
413 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_USERDATA,     /** Unable to set user data field (table full) */
414 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_INIT_JIT,     /** Cannot initialize the JIT */
415 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_PARAMS,       /** Parameter error */
416 	  EMBRYO_ERROR_DOMAIN,       /** Domain error, expression result does not fit in range */
417      } Embryo_Error;
419    /* program run return values */
420    typedef enum _Embryo_Status
421      {
422         EMBRYO_PROGRAM_FAIL = 0,
423         EMBRYO_PROGRAM_OK = 1,
424         EMBRYO_PROGRAM_SLEEP = 2,
425         EMBRYO_PROGRAM_BUSY = 3,
427      } Embryo_Status;
429    typedef unsigned int                Embryo_UCell;
430    typedef int                         Embryo_Cell;
431   /** An invalid cell reference */
432 #define EMBRYO_CELL_NONE     0x7fffffff
434    typedef struct _Embryo_Program      Embryo_Program;
435    typedef int                         Embryo_Function;
436    /* possible function type values that are enumerated */
437 #define EMBRYO_FUNCTION_NONE 0x7fffffff /* An invalid/non existent function */
438 #define EMBRYO_FUNCTION_MAIN -1         /* Start at program entry point */
439 #define EMBRYO_FUNCTION_CONT -2         /* Continue from last address */
441    typedef union
442      {
443 	float       f;
444 	Embryo_Cell c;
445      } Embryo_Float_Cell;
447 #if defined _MSC_VER || defined __SUNPRO_C
448 /** Float to Embryo_Cell */
449 # define EMBRYO_FLOAT_TO_CELL(f) (((Embryo_Float_Cell *)&(f))->c)
450 /** Embryo_Cell to float */
451 # define EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(c) (((Embryo_Float_Cell *)&(c))->f)
452 #else
453 /** Float to Embryo_Cell */
454 # define EMBRYO_FLOAT_TO_CELL(f) ((Embryo_Float_Cell) f).c
455 /** Embryo_Cell to float */
456 # define EMBRYO_CELL_TO_FLOAT(c) ((Embryo_Float_Cell) c).f
457 #endif
459    /**
460     * @defgroup Embryo_Library_Group Library Maintenance Functions
461     * @ingroup Embryo
462     *
463     * Functions that start up and shutdown the Embryo library.
464     */
467 /**
468  * Initialises the Embryo library.
469  * @return  The number of times the library has been initialised without being
470  *          shut down.
471  * @ingroup Embryo_Library_Group
472  */
473 EAPI int              embryo_init(void);
475 /**
476  * Shuts down the Embryo library.
477  * @return  The number of times the library has been initialised without being
478  *          shutdown.
479  * @ingroup Embryo_Library_Group
480  */
481 EAPI int              embryo_shutdown(void);
483    /**
484     * @defgroup Embryo_Program_Creation_Group Program Creation and Destruction Functions
485     * @ingroup Embryo
486     *
487     * Functions that set up programs, and destroy them.
488     */
490 /**
491  * Creates a new Embryo program, with bytecode data that can be freed.
492  * @param   data Pointer to the bytecode of the program.
493  * @param   size Number of bytes of bytecode.
494  * @return  A new Embryo program.
495  * @ingroup Embryo_Program_Creation_Group
496  */
497 EAPI Embryo_Program  *embryo_program_new(void *data, int size);
499 /**
500  * Creates a new Embryo program, with bytecode data that cannot be
501  * freed.
502  * @param   data Pointer to the bytecode of the program.
503  * @param   size Number of bytes of bytecode.
504  * @return  A new Embryo program.
505  * @ingroup Embryo_Program_Creation_Group
506  */
507 EAPI Embryo_Program  *embryo_program_const_new(void *data, int size);
509 /**
510  * Creates a new Embryo program based on the bytecode data stored in the
511  * given file.
512  * @param   file Filename of the given file.
513  * @return  A new Embryo program.
514  * @ingroup Embryo_Program_Creation_Group
515  */
516 EAPI Embryo_Program  *embryo_program_load(const char *file);
518 /**
519  * Frees the given Embryo program.
520  * @param   ep The given program.
521  * @ingroup Embryo_Program_Creation_Group
522  */
523 EAPI void             embryo_program_free(Embryo_Program *ep);
525 /**
526  * @defgroup Embryo_Func_Group Function Functions
527  * @ingroup Embryo
528  *
529  * Functions that deal with Embryo program functions.
530  */
532 /**
533  * Adds a native program call to the given Embryo program.
534  * @param   ep   The given Embryo program.
535  * @param   name The name for the call used in the script.
536  * @param   func The function to use when the call is made.
537  * @ingroup Embryo_Func_Group
538  */
539 EAPI void             embryo_program_native_call_add(Embryo_Program *ep, const char *name, Embryo_Cell (*func) (Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *params));
541 /**
542  * @defgroup Embryo_Program_VM_Group Virtual Machine Functions
543  * @ingroup Embryo
544  *
545  * Functions that deal with creating and destroying virtual machine sessions
546  * for a given program.
547  *
548  * A given embryo program can have multiple virtual machine sessions running.
549  * This is useful when you have a native call that in turn calls a function in
550  * the embryo program.  The native call can start a new virtual machine
551  * session to run the function it needs.  Once completed, the session can be
552  * popped off the program's stack, and the native call can return its value
553  * to the old session.
554  *
555  * A new virtual machine session is created by pushing a new virtual machine
556  * onto the session stack of a program using @ref embryo_program_vm_push.
557  * The current virtual machine session can be destroyed by calling
558  * @ref embryo_program_vm_pop.
559  */
561 /**
562  * Resets the current virtual machine session of the given program.
563  * @param   ep The given program.
564  * @ingroup Embryo_Program_VM_Group
565  */
566 EAPI void             embryo_program_vm_reset(Embryo_Program *ep);
568 /**
569  * Starts a new virtual machine session for the given program.
570  *
571  * See @ref Embryo_Program_VM_Group for more information about how this works.
572  *
573  * @param   ep The given program.
574  * @ingroup Embryo_Program_VM_Group
575  */
576 EAPI void             embryo_program_vm_push(Embryo_Program *ep);
578 /**
579  * Frees the current virtual machine session associated with the given program.
580  *
581  * See @ref Embryo_Program_VM_Group for more information about how this works.
582  * Note that you will need to retrieve any return data or data on the stack
583  * before you pop.
584  *
585  * @param   ep The given program.
586  * @ingroup Embryo_Program_VM_Group
587  */
588 EAPI void             embryo_program_vm_pop(Embryo_Program *ep);
590 /**
591  * @defgroup Embryo_Swap_Group Byte Swapping Functions
592  * @ingroup Embryo
593  *
594  * Functions that are used to ensure that integers passed to the
595  * virtual machine are in small endian format.  These functions are
596  * used to ensure that the virtual machine operates correctly on big
597  * endian machines.
598  */
600 /**
601  * Ensures that the given unsigned short integer is in the small
602  * endian format.
603  * @param   v Pointer to the given integer.
604  * @ingroup Embryo_Swap_Group
605  */
606 EAPI void             embryo_swap_16(unsigned short *v);
608 /**
609  * Ensures that the given unsigned integer is in the small endian
610  * format.
611  * @param   v Pointer to the given integer.
612  * @ingroup Embryo_Swap_Group
613  */
614 EAPI void             embryo_swap_32(unsigned int *v);
616 /**
617  * Returns the function in the given program with the given name.
618  * @param   ep The given program.
619  * @param   name The given function name.
620  * @return  The function if successful.  Otherwise, @c EMBRYO_FUNCTION_NONE.
621  * @ingroup Embryo_Func_Group
622  */
623 EAPI Embryo_Function  embryo_program_function_find(Embryo_Program *ep, const char *name);
625 /**
626  * @defgroup Embryo_Public_Variable_Group Public Variable Access Functions
627  * @ingroup Embryo
628  *
629  * In an Embryo program, a global variable can be declared public, as
630  * described in @ref Small_Scope_Subsection.  The functions here allow
631  * the host program to access these public variables.
632  */
634 /**
635  * Retrieves the location of the public variable in the given program
636  * with the given name.
637  * @param   ep   The given program.
638  * @param   name The given name.
639  * @return  The address of the variable if found.  @c EMBRYO_CELL_NONE
640  *          otherwise.
641  * @ingroup Embryo_Public_Variable_Group
642  */
643 EAPI Embryo_Cell      embryo_program_variable_find(Embryo_Program *ep, const char *name);
645 /**
646  * Retrieves the number of public variables in the given program.
647  * @param   ep The given program.
648  * @return  The number of public variables.
649  * @ingroup Embryo_Public_Variable_Group
650  */
651 EAPI int              embryo_program_variable_count_get(Embryo_Program *ep);
653 /**
654  * Retrieves the location of the public variable in the given program
655  * with the given identifier.
656  * @param   ep  The given program.
657  * @param   num The identifier of the public variable.
658  * @return  The virtual machine address of the variable if found.
659  *          @c EMBRYO_CELL_NONE otherwise.
660  * @ingroup Embryo_Public_Variable_Group
661  */
662 EAPI Embryo_Cell      embryo_program_variable_get(Embryo_Program *ep, int num);
664 /**
665  * @defgroup Embryo_Error_Group Error Functions
666  * @ingroup Embryo
667  *
668  * Functions that set and retrieve error codes in Embryo programs.
669  */
671 /**
672  * Sets the error code for the given program to the given code.
673  * @param   ep The given program.
674  * @param   error The given error code.
675  * @ingroup Embryo_Error_Group
676  */
677 EAPI void             embryo_program_error_set(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Error error);
679 /**
680  * Retrieves the current error code for the given program.
681  * @param   ep The given program.
682  * @return  The current error code.
683  * @ingroup Embryo_Error_Group
684  */
685 EAPI Embryo_Error     embryo_program_error_get(Embryo_Program *ep);
687 /**
688  * @defgroup Embryo_Program_Data_Group Program Data Functions
689  * @ingroup Embryo
690  *
691  * Functions that set and retrieve data associated with the given
692  * program.
693  */
695 /**
696  * Sets the data associated to the given program.
697  * @param   ep   The given program.
698  * @param   data New bytecode data.
699  * @ingroup Embryo_Program_Data_Group
700  */
701 EAPI void             embryo_program_data_set(Embryo_Program *ep, void *data);
703 /**
704  * Retrieves the data associated to the given program.
705  * @param   ep The given program.
706  * @ingroup Embryo_Program_Data_Group
707  */
708 EAPI void            *embryo_program_data_get(Embryo_Program *ep);
710 /**
711  * Retrieves a string describing the given error code.
712  * @param   error The given error code.
713  * @return  String describing the given error code.  If the given code is not
714  *          known, the string "(unknown)" is returned.
715  * @ingroup Embryo_Error_Group
716  */
717 EAPI const char      *embryo_error_string_get(Embryo_Error error);
719 /**
720  * @defgroup Embryo_Data_String_Group Embryo Data String Functions
721  * @ingroup Embryo
722  *
723  * Functions that operate on strings in the memory of a virtual machine.
724  */
726 /**
727  * Retrieves the length of the string starting at the given cell.
728  * @param   ep       The program the cell is part of.
729  * @param   str_cell Pointer to the first cell of the string.
730  * @return  The length of the string.  @c 0 is returned if there is an error.
731  * @ingroup Embryo_Data_String_Group
732  */
733 EAPI int              embryo_data_string_length_get(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *str_cell);
735 /**
736  * Copies the string starting at the given cell to the given buffer.
737  * @param   ep       The program the cell is part of.
738  * @param   str_cell Pointer to the first cell of the string.
739  * @param   dst      The given buffer.
740  * @ingroup Embryo_Data_String_Group
741  */
742 EAPI void             embryo_data_string_get(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *str_cell, char *dst);
744 /**
745  * Copies string in the given buffer into the virtual machine memory
746  * starting at the given cell.
747  * @param ep       The program the cell is part of.
748  * @param src      The given buffer.
749  * @param str_cell Pointer to the first cell to copy the string to.
750  * @ingroup Embryo_Data_String_Group
751  */
752 EAPI void             embryo_data_string_set(Embryo_Program *ep, const char *src, Embryo_Cell *str_cell);
754 /**
755  * Retreives a pointer to the address in the virtual machine given by the
756  * given cell.
757  * @param   ep   The program whose virtual machine address is being queried.
758  * @param   addr The given cell.
759  * @return  A pointer to the cell at the given address.
760  * @ingroup Embryo_Data_String_Group
761  */
762 EAPI Embryo_Cell     *embryo_data_address_get(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell addr);
764 /**
765  * @defgroup Embryo_Heap_Group Heap Functions
766  * @ingroup Embryo
767  *
768  * The heap is an area of memory that can be allocated for program
769  * use at runtime.  The heap functions here change the amount of heap
770  * memory available.
771  */
773 /**
774  * Increases the size of the heap of the given virtual machine by the given
775  * number of Embryo_Cells.
776  * @param   ep    The program with the given virtual machine.
777  * @param   cells The given number of Embryo_Cells.
778  * @return  The address of the new memory region on success.
779  *          @c EMBRYO_CELL_NONE otherwise.
780  * @ingroup Embryo_Heap_Group
781  */
782 EAPI Embryo_Cell      embryo_data_heap_push(Embryo_Program *ep, int cells);
784 /**
785  * Decreases the size of the heap of the given virtual machine down to the
786  * given size.
787  * @param   ep      The program with the given virtual machine.
788  * @param   down_to The given size.
789  * @ingroup Embryo_Heap_Group
790  */
791 EAPI void             embryo_data_heap_pop(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell down_to);
793 /**
794  * @defgroup Embryo_Run_Group Program Run Functions
795  * @ingroup Embryo
796  *
797  * Functions that are involved in actually running functions in an
798  * Embryo program.
799  */
801 /**
802  * Returns the number of virtual machines are running for the given program.
803  * @param   ep The given program.
804  * @return  The number of virtual machines running.
805  * @ingroup Embryo_Run_Group
806  */
807 EAPI int              embryo_program_recursion_get(Embryo_Program *ep);
809 /**
810  * Runs the given function of the given Embryo program in the current
811  * virtual machine.  The parameter @p fn can be found using
812  * @ref embryo_program_function_find.
813  *
814  * @note For Embryo to be able to run a function, it must have been
815  *       declared @c public in the Small source code.
816  *
817  * @param   ep The given program.
818  * @param   func The given function.  Normally "main", in which case the
819  *             constant @c EMBRYO_FUNCTION_MAIN can be used.
820  * @return  @c EMBRYO_PROGRAM_OK on success.  @c EMBRYO_PROGRAM_SLEEP if the
821  *          program is halted by the Small @c sleep call.
822  *          @c EMBRYO_PROGRAM_FAIL if there is an error.
823  *          @c EMBRYO_PROGRAM_TOOLONG if the program executes for longer than
824  *          it is allowed to in abstract machine instruction count.
825  * @ingroup Embryo_Run_Group
826  */
827 EAPI Embryo_Status    embryo_program_run(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Function func);
829 /**
830  * Retreives the return value of the last called function of the given
831  * program.
832  * @param   ep The given program.
833  * @return  An Embryo_Cell representing the return value of the function
834  *          that was last called.
835  * @ingroup Embryo_Run_Group
836  */
837 EAPI Embryo_Cell      embryo_program_return_value_get(Embryo_Program *ep);
839 /**
840  * Sets the maximum number of abstract machine cycles any given program run
841  * can execute before being put to sleep and returning.
842  *
843  * @param   ep The given program.
844  * @param   max The number of machine cycles as a limit.
845  *
846  * This sets the maximum number of abstract machine (virtual machine)
847  * instructions that a single run of an embryo function (even if its main)
848  * can use before embryo embryo_program_run() reutrns with the value
849  * EMBRYO_PROGRAM_TOOLONG. If the function fully executes within this number
850  * of cycles, embryo_program_run() will return as normal with either
852  * run exceeds this instruction count, then EMBRYO_PROGRAM_TOOLONG will be
853  * returned indicating the program exceeded its run count. If the app wishes
854  * to continue running this anyway - it is free to process its own events or
855  * whatever it wants and continue the function by calling
856  * embryo_program_run(program, EMBRYO_FUNCTION_CONT); which will start the
857  * run again until the instruction count is reached. This can keep being done
858  * to allow the calling program to still be able to control things outside the
859  * embryo function being called. If the maximum run cycle count is 0 then the
860  * program is allowed to run forever only returning when it is done.
861  *
862  * It is important to note that abstract machine cycles are NOT the same as
863  * the host machine cpu cycles. They are not fixed in runtime per cycle, so
864  * this is more of a helper tool than a way to HARD-FORCE a script to only
865  * run for a specific period of time. If the cycle count is set to something
866  * low like 5000 or 1000, then every 1000 (or 5000) cycles control will be
867  * returned to the calling process where it can check a timer to see if a
868  * physical runtime limit has been elapsed and then abort running further
869  * assuming a "runaway script" or keep continuing the script run. This
870  * limits resolution to only that many cycles which do not take a determined
871  * amount of time to execute, as this varies from cpu to cpu and also depends
872  * on how loaded the system is. Making the max cycle run too low will
873  * impact performance requiring the abstract machine to do setup and teardown
874  * cycles too often comapred to cycles actually executed.
875  *
876  * Also note it does NOT include nested abstract machines. IF this abstract
877  * machine run calls embryo script that calls a native function that in turn
878  * calls more embryo script, then the 2nd (and so on) levels are not included
879  * in this run count. They can set their own max instruction count values
880  * separately.
881  *
882  * The default max cycle run value is 0 in any program until set with this
883  * function.
884  *
885  * @ingroup Embryo_Run_Group
886  */
887 EAPI void             embryo_program_max_cycle_run_set(Embryo_Program *ep, int max);
889 /**
890  * Retreives the maximum number of abstract machine cycles a program is allowed
891  * to run.
892  * @param   ep The given program.
893  * @return  The number of cycles a run cycle is allowed to run for this
894  *          program.
895  *
896  * This returns the value set by embryo_program_max_cycle_run_set(). See
897  * embryo_program_max_cycle_run_set() for more information.
898  *
899  * @ingroup Embryo_Run_Group
900  */
901 EAPI int              embryo_program_max_cycle_run_get(Embryo_Program *ep);
903 /**
904  * @defgroup Embryo_Parameter_Group Function Parameter Functions
905  * @ingroup Embryo
906  *
907  * Functions that set parameters for the next function that is called.
908  */
910 /**
911  * Pushes an Embryo_Cell onto the function stack to use as a parameter for
912  * the next function that is called in the given program.
913  * @param   ep   The given program.
914  * @param   cell The Embryo_Cell to push onto the stack.
915  * @return  @c 1 if successful.  @c 0 otherwise.
916  * @ingroup Embryo_Parameter_Group
917  */
918 EAPI int              embryo_parameter_cell_push(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell cell);
920 /**
921  * Pushes a string onto the function stack to use as a parameter for the
922  * next function that is called in the given program.
923  * @param   ep The given program.
924  * @param   str The string to push onto the stack.
925  * @return  @c 1 if successful.  @c 0 otherwise.
926  * @ingroup Embryo_Parameter_Group
927  */
928 EAPI int              embryo_parameter_string_push(Embryo_Program *ep, const char *str);
930 /**
931  * Pushes an array of Embryo_Cells onto the function stack to be used as
932  * parameters for the next function that is called in the given program.
933  * @param   ep    The given program.
934  * @param   cells The array of Embryo_Cells.
935  * @param   num   The number of cells in @p cells.
936  * @return  @c 1 if successful.  @c 0 otherwise.
937  * @ingroup Embryo_Parameter_Group
938  */
939 EAPI int              embryo_parameter_cell_array_push(Embryo_Program *ep, Embryo_Cell *cells, int num);
941 #ifdef  __cplusplus
942 }
943 #endif
945 #undef EAPI
946 #define EAPI
948 #endif