2Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
4Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14limitations under the License.
17package volume
19import (
20	"fmt"
21	"net"
22	"strings"
23	"sync"
25	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/sets"
26	"k8s.io/klog/v2"
27	"k8s.io/mount-utils"
28	"k8s.io/utils/exec"
30	authenticationv1 "k8s.io/api/authentication/v1"
31	v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
32	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource"
33	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
34	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types"
35	utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
36	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/validation"
37	"k8s.io/client-go/informers"
38	clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
39	storagelistersv1 "k8s.io/client-go/listers/storage/v1"
40	"k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache"
41	"k8s.io/client-go/tools/record"
42	cloudprovider "k8s.io/cloud-provider"
43	proxyutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/proxy/util"
44	"k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/volume/util/hostutil"
45	"k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/volume/util/recyclerclient"
46	"k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/volume/util/subpath"
49type ProbeOperation uint32
50type ProbeEvent struct {
51	Plugin     VolumePlugin // VolumePlugin that was added/updated/removed. if ProbeEvent.Op is 'ProbeRemove', Plugin should be nil
52	PluginName string
53	Op         ProbeOperation // The operation to the plugin
56// CSIVolumePhaseType stores information about CSI volume path.
57type CSIVolumePhaseType string
59const (
60	// Common parameter which can be specified in StorageClass to specify the desired FSType
61	// Provisioners SHOULD implement support for this if they are block device based
62	// Must be a filesystem type supported by the host operating system.
63	// Ex. "ext4", "xfs", "ntfs". Default value depends on the provisioner
64	VolumeParameterFSType = "fstype"
66	ProbeAddOrUpdate ProbeOperation = 1 << iota
67	ProbeRemove
68	CSIVolumeStaged    CSIVolumePhaseType = "staged"
69	CSIVolumePublished CSIVolumePhaseType = "published"
72var (
73	deprecatedVolumeProviders = map[string]string{
74		"kubernetes.io/cinder":    "The Cinder volume provider is deprecated and will be removed in a future release",
75		"kubernetes.io/storageos": "The StorageOS volume provider is deprecated and will be removed in a future release",
76		"kubernetes.io/quobyte":   "The Quobyte volume provider is deprecated and will be removed in a future release",
77		"kubernetes.io/flocker":   "The Flocker volume provider is deprecated and will be removed in a future release",
78	}
81// VolumeOptions contains option information about a volume.
82type VolumeOptions struct {
83	// The attributes below are required by volume.Provisioner
84	// TODO: refactor all of this out of volumes when an admin can configure
85	// many kinds of provisioners.
87	// Reclamation policy for a persistent volume
88	PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy
89	// Mount options for a persistent volume
90	MountOptions []string
91	// Suggested PV.Name of the PersistentVolume to provision.
92	// This is a generated name guaranteed to be unique in Kubernetes cluster.
93	// If you choose not to use it as volume name, ensure uniqueness by either
94	// combining it with your value or create unique values of your own.
95	PVName string
96	// PVC is reference to the claim that lead to provisioning of a new PV.
97	// Provisioners *must* create a PV that would be matched by this PVC,
98	// i.e. with required capacity, accessMode, labels matching PVC.Selector and
99	// so on.
100	PVC *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim
101	// Unique name of Kubernetes cluster.
102	ClusterName string
103	// Tags to attach to the real volume in the cloud provider - e.g. AWS EBS
104	CloudTags *map[string]string
105	// Volume provisioning parameters from StorageClass
106	Parameters map[string]string
109// NodeResizeOptions contain options to be passed for node expansion.
110type NodeResizeOptions struct {
111	VolumeSpec *Spec
113	// DevicePath - location of actual device on the node. In case of CSI
114	// this just could be volumeID
115	DevicePath string
117	// DeviceMountPath location where device is mounted on the node. If volume type
118	// is attachable - this would be global mount path otherwise
119	// it would be location where volume was mounted for the pod
120	DeviceMountPath string
122	// DeviceStagingPath stores location where the volume is staged
123	DeviceStagePath string
125	NewSize resource.Quantity
126	OldSize resource.Quantity
128	// CSIVolumePhase contains volume phase on the node
129	CSIVolumePhase CSIVolumePhaseType
132type DynamicPluginProber interface {
133	Init() error
135	// If an error occurs, events are undefined.
136	Probe() (events []ProbeEvent, err error)
139// VolumePlugin is an interface to volume plugins that can be used on a
140// kubernetes node (e.g. by kubelet) to instantiate and manage volumes.
141type VolumePlugin interface {
142	// Init initializes the plugin.  This will be called exactly once
143	// before any New* calls are made - implementations of plugins may
144	// depend on this.
145	Init(host VolumeHost) error
147	// Name returns the plugin's name.  Plugins must use namespaced names
148	// such as "example.com/volume" and contain exactly one '/' character.
149	// The "kubernetes.io" namespace is reserved for plugins which are
150	// bundled with kubernetes.
151	GetPluginName() string
153	// GetVolumeName returns the name/ID to uniquely identifying the actual
154	// backing device, directory, path, etc. referenced by the specified volume
155	// spec.
156	// For Attachable volumes, this value must be able to be passed back to
157	// volume Detach methods to identify the device to act on.
158	// If the plugin does not support the given spec, this returns an error.
159	GetVolumeName(spec *Spec) (string, error)
161	// CanSupport tests whether the plugin supports a given volume
162	// specification from the API.  The spec pointer should be considered
163	// const.
164	CanSupport(spec *Spec) bool
166	// RequiresRemount returns true if this plugin requires mount calls to be
167	// reexecuted. Atomically updating volumes, like Downward API, depend on
168	// this to update the contents of the volume.
169	RequiresRemount(spec *Spec) bool
171	// NewMounter creates a new volume.Mounter from an API specification.
172	// Ownership of the spec pointer in *not* transferred.
173	// - spec: The v1.Volume spec
174	// - pod: The enclosing pod
175	NewMounter(spec *Spec, podRef *v1.Pod, opts VolumeOptions) (Mounter, error)
177	// NewUnmounter creates a new volume.Unmounter from recoverable state.
178	// - name: The volume name, as per the v1.Volume spec.
179	// - podUID: The UID of the enclosing pod
180	NewUnmounter(name string, podUID types.UID) (Unmounter, error)
182	// ConstructVolumeSpec constructs a volume spec based on the given volume name
183	// and volumePath. The spec may have incomplete information due to limited
184	// information from input. This function is used by volume manager to reconstruct
185	// volume spec by reading the volume directories from disk
186	ConstructVolumeSpec(volumeName, volumePath string) (*Spec, error)
188	// SupportsMountOption returns true if volume plugins supports Mount options
189	// Specifying mount options in a volume plugin that doesn't support
190	// user specified mount options will result in error creating persistent volumes
191	SupportsMountOption() bool
193	// SupportsBulkVolumeVerification checks if volume plugin type is capable
194	// of enabling bulk polling of all nodes. This can speed up verification of
195	// attached volumes by quite a bit, but underlying pluging must support it.
196	SupportsBulkVolumeVerification() bool
199// PersistentVolumePlugin is an extended interface of VolumePlugin and is used
200// by volumes that want to provide long term persistence of data
201type PersistentVolumePlugin interface {
202	VolumePlugin
203	// GetAccessModes describes the ways a given volume can be accessed/mounted.
204	GetAccessModes() []v1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode
207// RecyclableVolumePlugin is an extended interface of VolumePlugin and is used
208// by persistent volumes that want to be recycled before being made available
209// again to new claims
210type RecyclableVolumePlugin interface {
211	VolumePlugin
213	// Recycle knows how to reclaim this
214	// resource after the volume's release from a PersistentVolumeClaim.
215	// Recycle will use the provided recorder to write any events that might be
216	// interesting to user. It's expected that caller will pass these events to
217	// the PV being recycled.
218	Recycle(pvName string, spec *Spec, eventRecorder recyclerclient.RecycleEventRecorder) error
221// DeletableVolumePlugin is an extended interface of VolumePlugin and is used
222// by persistent volumes that want to be deleted from the cluster after their
223// release from a PersistentVolumeClaim.
224type DeletableVolumePlugin interface {
225	VolumePlugin
226	// NewDeleter creates a new volume.Deleter which knows how to delete this
227	// resource in accordance with the underlying storage provider after the
228	// volume's release from a claim
229	NewDeleter(spec *Spec) (Deleter, error)
232// ProvisionableVolumePlugin is an extended interface of VolumePlugin and is
233// used to create volumes for the cluster.
234type ProvisionableVolumePlugin interface {
235	VolumePlugin
236	// NewProvisioner creates a new volume.Provisioner which knows how to
237	// create PersistentVolumes in accordance with the plugin's underlying
238	// storage provider
239	NewProvisioner(options VolumeOptions) (Provisioner, error)
242// AttachableVolumePlugin is an extended interface of VolumePlugin and is used for volumes that require attachment
243// to a node before mounting.
244type AttachableVolumePlugin interface {
245	DeviceMountableVolumePlugin
246	NewAttacher() (Attacher, error)
247	NewDetacher() (Detacher, error)
248	// CanAttach tests if provided volume spec is attachable
249	CanAttach(spec *Spec) (bool, error)
252// DeviceMountableVolumePlugin is an extended interface of VolumePlugin and is used
253// for volumes that requires mount device to a node before binding to volume to pod.
254type DeviceMountableVolumePlugin interface {
255	VolumePlugin
256	NewDeviceMounter() (DeviceMounter, error)
257	NewDeviceUnmounter() (DeviceUnmounter, error)
258	GetDeviceMountRefs(deviceMountPath string) ([]string, error)
259	// CanDeviceMount determines if device in volume.Spec is mountable
260	CanDeviceMount(spec *Spec) (bool, error)
263// ExpandableVolumePlugin is an extended interface of VolumePlugin and is used for volumes that can be
264// expanded via control-plane ExpandVolumeDevice call.
265type ExpandableVolumePlugin interface {
266	VolumePlugin
267	ExpandVolumeDevice(spec *Spec, newSize resource.Quantity, oldSize resource.Quantity) (resource.Quantity, error)
268	RequiresFSResize() bool
271// NodeExpandableVolumePlugin is an expanded interface of VolumePlugin and is used for volumes that
272// require expansion on the node via NodeExpand call.
273type NodeExpandableVolumePlugin interface {
274	VolumePlugin
275	RequiresFSResize() bool
276	// NodeExpand expands volume on given deviceMountPath and returns true if resize is successful.
277	NodeExpand(resizeOptions NodeResizeOptions) (bool, error)
280// VolumePluginWithAttachLimits is an extended interface of VolumePlugin that restricts number of
281// volumes that can be attached to a node.
282type VolumePluginWithAttachLimits interface {
283	VolumePlugin
284	// Return maximum number of volumes that can be attached to a node for this plugin.
285	// The key must be same as string returned by VolumeLimitKey function. The returned
286	// map may look like:
287	//     - { "storage-limits-aws-ebs": 39 }
288	//     - { "storage-limits-gce-pd": 10 }
289	// A volume plugin may return error from this function - if it can not be used on a given node or not
290	// applicable in given environment (where environment could be cloudprovider or any other dependency)
291	// For example - calling this function for EBS volume plugin on a GCE node should
292	// result in error.
293	// The returned values are stored in node allocatable property and will be used
294	// by scheduler to determine how many pods with volumes can be scheduled on given node.
295	GetVolumeLimits() (map[string]int64, error)
296	// Return volume limit key string to be used in node capacity constraints
297	// The key must start with prefix storage-limits-. For example:
298	//    - storage-limits-aws-ebs
299	//    - storage-limits-csi-cinder
300	// The key should respect character limit of ResourceName type
301	// This function may be called by kubelet or scheduler to identify node allocatable property
302	// which stores volumes limits.
303	VolumeLimitKey(spec *Spec) string
306// BlockVolumePlugin is an extend interface of VolumePlugin and is used for block volumes support.
307type BlockVolumePlugin interface {
308	VolumePlugin
309	// NewBlockVolumeMapper creates a new volume.BlockVolumeMapper from an API specification.
310	// Ownership of the spec pointer in *not* transferred.
311	// - spec: The v1.Volume spec
312	// - pod: The enclosing pod
313	NewBlockVolumeMapper(spec *Spec, podRef *v1.Pod, opts VolumeOptions) (BlockVolumeMapper, error)
314	// NewBlockVolumeUnmapper creates a new volume.BlockVolumeUnmapper from recoverable state.
315	// - name: The volume name, as per the v1.Volume spec.
316	// - podUID: The UID of the enclosing pod
317	NewBlockVolumeUnmapper(name string, podUID types.UID) (BlockVolumeUnmapper, error)
318	// ConstructBlockVolumeSpec constructs a volume spec based on the given
319	// podUID, volume name and a pod device map path.
320	// The spec may have incomplete information due to limited information
321	// from input. This function is used by volume manager to reconstruct
322	// volume spec by reading the volume directories from disk.
323	ConstructBlockVolumeSpec(podUID types.UID, volumeName, volumePath string) (*Spec, error)
326// TODO(#14217)
327// As part of the Volume Host refactor we are starting to create Volume Hosts
328// for specific hosts. New methods for each specific host can be added here.
329// Currently consumers will do type assertions to get the specific type of Volume
330// Host; however, the end result should be that specific Volume Hosts are passed
331// to the specific functions they are needed in (instead of using a catch-all
332// VolumeHost interface)
334// KubeletVolumeHost is a Kubelet specific interface that plugins can use to access the kubelet.
335type KubeletVolumeHost interface {
336	// SetKubeletError lets plugins set an error on the Kubelet runtime status
337	// that will cause the Kubelet to post NotReady status with the error message provided
338	SetKubeletError(err error)
340	// GetInformerFactory returns the informer factory for CSIDriverLister
341	GetInformerFactory() informers.SharedInformerFactory
342	// CSIDriverLister returns the informer lister for the CSIDriver API Object
343	CSIDriverLister() storagelistersv1.CSIDriverLister
344	// CSIDriverSynced returns the informer synced for the CSIDriver API Object
345	CSIDriversSynced() cache.InformerSynced
346	// WaitForCacheSync is a helper function that waits for cache sync for CSIDriverLister
347	WaitForCacheSync() error
348	// Returns hostutil.HostUtils
349	GetHostUtil() hostutil.HostUtils
352// AttachDetachVolumeHost is a AttachDetach Controller specific interface that plugins can use
353// to access methods on the Attach Detach Controller.
354type AttachDetachVolumeHost interface {
355	// CSINodeLister returns the informer lister for the CSINode API Object
356	CSINodeLister() storagelistersv1.CSINodeLister
358	// CSIDriverLister returns the informer lister for the CSIDriver API Object
359	CSIDriverLister() storagelistersv1.CSIDriverLister
361	// VolumeAttachmentLister returns the informer lister for the VolumeAttachment API Object
362	VolumeAttachmentLister() storagelistersv1.VolumeAttachmentLister
363	// IsAttachDetachController is an interface marker to strictly tie AttachDetachVolumeHost
364	// to the attachDetachController
365	IsAttachDetachController() bool
368// VolumeHost is an interface that plugins can use to access the kubelet.
369type VolumeHost interface {
370	// GetPluginDir returns the absolute path to a directory under which
371	// a given plugin may store data.  This directory might not actually
372	// exist on disk yet.  For plugin data that is per-pod, see
373	// GetPodPluginDir().
374	GetPluginDir(pluginName string) string
376	// GetVolumeDevicePluginDir returns the absolute path to a directory
377	// under which a given plugin may store data.
378	// ex. plugins/kubernetes.io/{PluginName}/{DefaultKubeletVolumeDevicesDirName}/{volumePluginDependentPath}/
379	GetVolumeDevicePluginDir(pluginName string) string
381	// GetPodsDir returns the absolute path to a directory where all the pods
382	// information is stored
383	GetPodsDir() string
385	// GetPodVolumeDir returns the absolute path a directory which
386	// represents the named volume under the named plugin for the given
387	// pod.  If the specified pod does not exist, the result of this call
388	// might not exist.
389	GetPodVolumeDir(podUID types.UID, pluginName string, volumeName string) string
391	// GetPodPluginDir returns the absolute path to a directory under which
392	// a given plugin may store data for a given pod.  If the specified pod
393	// does not exist, the result of this call might not exist.  This
394	// directory might not actually exist on disk yet.
395	GetPodPluginDir(podUID types.UID, pluginName string) string
397	// GetPodVolumeDeviceDir returns the absolute path a directory which
398	// represents the named plugin for the given pod.
399	// If the specified pod does not exist, the result of this call
400	// might not exist.
401	// ex. pods/{podUid}/{DefaultKubeletVolumeDevicesDirName}/{escapeQualifiedPluginName}/
402	GetPodVolumeDeviceDir(podUID types.UID, pluginName string) string
404	// GetKubeClient returns a client interface
405	GetKubeClient() clientset.Interface
407	// NewWrapperMounter finds an appropriate plugin with which to handle
408	// the provided spec.  This is used to implement volume plugins which
409	// "wrap" other plugins.  For example, the "secret" volume is
410	// implemented in terms of the "emptyDir" volume.
411	NewWrapperMounter(volName string, spec Spec, pod *v1.Pod, opts VolumeOptions) (Mounter, error)
413	// NewWrapperUnmounter finds an appropriate plugin with which to handle
414	// the provided spec.  See comments on NewWrapperMounter for more
415	// context.
416	NewWrapperUnmounter(volName string, spec Spec, podUID types.UID) (Unmounter, error)
418	// Get cloud provider from kubelet.
419	GetCloudProvider() cloudprovider.Interface
421	// Get mounter interface.
422	GetMounter(pluginName string) mount.Interface
424	// Returns the hostname of the host kubelet is running on
425	GetHostName() string
427	// Returns host IP or nil in the case of error.
428	GetHostIP() (net.IP, error)
430	// Returns node allocatable.
431	GetNodeAllocatable() (v1.ResourceList, error)
433	// Returns a function that returns a secret.
434	GetSecretFunc() func(namespace, name string) (*v1.Secret, error)
436	// Returns a function that returns a configmap.
437	GetConfigMapFunc() func(namespace, name string) (*v1.ConfigMap, error)
439	GetServiceAccountTokenFunc() func(namespace, name string, tr *authenticationv1.TokenRequest) (*authenticationv1.TokenRequest, error)
441	DeleteServiceAccountTokenFunc() func(podUID types.UID)
443	// Returns an interface that should be used to execute any utilities in volume plugins
444	GetExec(pluginName string) exec.Interface
446	// Returns the labels on the node
447	GetNodeLabels() (map[string]string, error)
449	// Returns the name of the node
450	GetNodeName() types.NodeName
452	// Returns the event recorder of kubelet.
453	GetEventRecorder() record.EventRecorder
455	// Returns an interface that should be used to execute subpath operations
456	GetSubpather() subpath.Interface
458	// Returns options to pass for proxyutil filtered dialers.
459	GetFilteredDialOptions() *proxyutil.FilteredDialOptions
462// VolumePluginMgr tracks registered plugins.
463type VolumePluginMgr struct {
464	mutex                     sync.RWMutex
465	plugins                   map[string]VolumePlugin
466	prober                    DynamicPluginProber
467	probedPlugins             map[string]VolumePlugin
468	loggedDeprecationWarnings sets.String
469	Host                      VolumeHost
472// Spec is an internal representation of a volume.  All API volume types translate to Spec.
473type Spec struct {
474	Volume                          *v1.Volume
475	PersistentVolume                *v1.PersistentVolume
476	ReadOnly                        bool
477	InlineVolumeSpecForCSIMigration bool
478	Migrated                        bool
481// Name returns the name of either Volume or PersistentVolume, one of which must not be nil.
482func (spec *Spec) Name() string {
483	switch {
484	case spec.Volume != nil:
485		return spec.Volume.Name
486	case spec.PersistentVolume != nil:
487		return spec.PersistentVolume.Name
488	default:
489		return ""
490	}
493// IsKubeletExpandable returns true for volume types that can be expanded only by the node
494// and not the controller. Currently Flex volume is the only one in this category since
495// it is typically not installed on the controller
496func (spec *Spec) IsKubeletExpandable() bool {
497	switch {
498	case spec.Volume != nil:
499		return spec.Volume.FlexVolume != nil
500	case spec.PersistentVolume != nil:
501		return spec.PersistentVolume.Spec.FlexVolume != nil
502	default:
503		return false
505	}
508// KubeletExpandablePluginName creates and returns a name for the plugin
509// this is used in context on the controller where the plugin lookup fails
510// as volume expansion on controller isn't supported, but a plugin name is
511// required
512func (spec *Spec) KubeletExpandablePluginName() string {
513	switch {
514	case spec.Volume != nil && spec.Volume.FlexVolume != nil:
515		return spec.Volume.FlexVolume.Driver
516	case spec.PersistentVolume != nil && spec.PersistentVolume.Spec.FlexVolume != nil:
517		return spec.PersistentVolume.Spec.FlexVolume.Driver
518	default:
519		return ""
520	}
523// VolumeConfig is how volume plugins receive configuration.  An instance
524// specific to the plugin will be passed to the plugin's
525// ProbeVolumePlugins(config) func.  Reasonable defaults will be provided by
526// the binary hosting the plugins while allowing override of those default
527// values.  Those config values are then set to an instance of VolumeConfig
528// and passed to the plugin.
530// Values in VolumeConfig are intended to be relevant to several plugins, but
531// not necessarily all plugins.  The preference is to leverage strong typing
532// in this struct.  All config items must have a descriptive but non-specific
533// name (i.e, RecyclerMinimumTimeout is OK but RecyclerMinimumTimeoutForNFS is
534// !OK).  An instance of config will be given directly to the plugin, so
535// config names specific to plugins are unneeded and wrongly expose plugins in
536// this VolumeConfig struct.
538// OtherAttributes is a map of string values intended for one-off
539// configuration of a plugin or config that is only relevant to a single
540// plugin.  All values are passed by string and require interpretation by the
541// plugin. Passing config as strings is the least desirable option but can be
542// used for truly one-off configuration. The binary should still use strong
543// typing for this value when binding CLI values before they are passed as
544// strings in OtherAttributes.
545type VolumeConfig struct {
546	// RecyclerPodTemplate is pod template that understands how to scrub clean
547	// a persistent volume after its release. The template is used by plugins
548	// which override specific properties of the pod in accordance with that
549	// plugin. See NewPersistentVolumeRecyclerPodTemplate for the properties
550	// that are expected to be overridden.
551	RecyclerPodTemplate *v1.Pod
553	// RecyclerMinimumTimeout is the minimum amount of time in seconds for the
554	// recycler pod's ActiveDeadlineSeconds attribute. Added to the minimum
555	// timeout is the increment per Gi of capacity.
556	RecyclerMinimumTimeout int
558	// RecyclerTimeoutIncrement is the number of seconds added to the recycler
559	// pod's ActiveDeadlineSeconds for each Gi of capacity in the persistent
560	// volume. Example: 5Gi volume x 30s increment = 150s + 30s minimum = 180s
561	// ActiveDeadlineSeconds for recycler pod
562	RecyclerTimeoutIncrement int
564	// PVName is name of the PersistentVolume instance that is being recycled.
565	// It is used to generate unique recycler pod name.
566	PVName string
568	// OtherAttributes stores config as strings.  These strings are opaque to
569	// the system and only understood by the binary hosting the plugin and the
570	// plugin itself.
571	OtherAttributes map[string]string
573	// ProvisioningEnabled configures whether provisioning of this plugin is
574	// enabled or not. Currently used only in host_path plugin.
575	ProvisioningEnabled bool
578// NewSpecFromVolume creates an Spec from an v1.Volume
579func NewSpecFromVolume(vs *v1.Volume) *Spec {
580	return &Spec{
581		Volume: vs,
582	}
585// NewSpecFromPersistentVolume creates an Spec from an v1.PersistentVolume
586func NewSpecFromPersistentVolume(pv *v1.PersistentVolume, readOnly bool) *Spec {
587	return &Spec{
588		PersistentVolume: pv,
589		ReadOnly:         readOnly,
590	}
593// InitPlugins initializes each plugin.  All plugins must have unique names.
594// This must be called exactly once before any New* methods are called on any
595// plugins.
596func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) InitPlugins(plugins []VolumePlugin, prober DynamicPluginProber, host VolumeHost) error {
597	pm.mutex.Lock()
598	defer pm.mutex.Unlock()
600	pm.Host = host
601	pm.loggedDeprecationWarnings = sets.NewString()
603	if prober == nil {
604		// Use a dummy prober to prevent nil deference.
605		pm.prober = &dummyPluginProber{}
606	} else {
607		pm.prober = prober
608	}
609	if err := pm.prober.Init(); err != nil {
610		// Prober init failure should not affect the initialization of other plugins.
611		klog.ErrorS(err, "Error initializing dynamic plugin prober")
612		pm.prober = &dummyPluginProber{}
613	}
615	if pm.plugins == nil {
616		pm.plugins = map[string]VolumePlugin{}
617	}
618	if pm.probedPlugins == nil {
619		pm.probedPlugins = map[string]VolumePlugin{}
620	}
622	allErrs := []error{}
623	for _, plugin := range plugins {
624		name := plugin.GetPluginName()
625		if errs := validation.IsQualifiedName(name); len(errs) != 0 {
626			allErrs = append(allErrs, fmt.Errorf("volume plugin has invalid name: %q: %s", name, strings.Join(errs, ";")))
627			continue
628		}
630		if _, found := pm.plugins[name]; found {
631			allErrs = append(allErrs, fmt.Errorf("volume plugin %q was registered more than once", name))
632			continue
633		}
634		err := plugin.Init(host)
635		if err != nil {
636			klog.ErrorS(err, "Failed to load volume plugin", "pluginName", name)
637			allErrs = append(allErrs, err)
638			continue
639		}
640		pm.plugins[name] = plugin
641		klog.V(1).InfoS("Loaded volume plugin", "pluginName", name)
642	}
643	return utilerrors.NewAggregate(allErrs)
646func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) initProbedPlugin(probedPlugin VolumePlugin) error {
647	name := probedPlugin.GetPluginName()
648	if errs := validation.IsQualifiedName(name); len(errs) != 0 {
649		return fmt.Errorf("volume plugin has invalid name: %q: %s", name, strings.Join(errs, ";"))
650	}
652	err := probedPlugin.Init(pm.Host)
653	if err != nil {
654		return fmt.Errorf("failed to load volume plugin %s, error: %s", name, err.Error())
655	}
657	klog.V(1).InfoS("Loaded volume plugin", "pluginName", name)
658	return nil
661// FindPluginBySpec looks for a plugin that can support a given volume
662// specification.  If no plugins can support or more than one plugin can
663// support it, return error.
664func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindPluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (VolumePlugin, error) {
665	pm.mutex.RLock()
666	defer pm.mutex.RUnlock()
668	if spec == nil {
669		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find plugin because volume spec is nil")
670	}
672	matches := []VolumePlugin{}
673	for _, v := range pm.plugins {
674		if v.CanSupport(spec) {
675			matches = append(matches, v)
676		}
677	}
679	pm.refreshProbedPlugins()
680	for _, plugin := range pm.probedPlugins {
681		if plugin.CanSupport(spec) {
682			matches = append(matches, plugin)
683		}
684	}
686	if len(matches) == 0 {
687		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no volume plugin matched")
688	}
689	if len(matches) > 1 {
690		matchedPluginNames := []string{}
691		for _, plugin := range matches {
692			matchedPluginNames = append(matchedPluginNames, plugin.GetPluginName())
693		}
694		return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple volume plugins matched: %s", strings.Join(matchedPluginNames, ","))
695	}
697	// Issue warning if the matched provider is deprecated
698	pm.logDeprecation(matches[0].GetPluginName())
699	return matches[0], nil
702// FindPluginByName fetches a plugin by name or by legacy name.  If no plugin
703// is found, returns error.
704func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindPluginByName(name string) (VolumePlugin, error) {
705	pm.mutex.RLock()
706	defer pm.mutex.RUnlock()
708	// Once we can get rid of legacy names we can reduce this to a map lookup.
709	matches := []VolumePlugin{}
710	if v, found := pm.plugins[name]; found {
711		matches = append(matches, v)
712	}
714	pm.refreshProbedPlugins()
715	if plugin, found := pm.probedPlugins[name]; found {
716		matches = append(matches, plugin)
717	}
719	if len(matches) == 0 {
720		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no volume plugin matched name: %s", name)
721	}
722	if len(matches) > 1 {
723		matchedPluginNames := []string{}
724		for _, plugin := range matches {
725			matchedPluginNames = append(matchedPluginNames, plugin.GetPluginName())
726		}
727		return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple volume plugins matched: %s", strings.Join(matchedPluginNames, ","))
728	}
730	// Issue warning if the matched provider is deprecated
731	pm.logDeprecation(matches[0].GetPluginName())
732	return matches[0], nil
735// logDeprecation logs warning when a deprecated plugin is used.
736func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) logDeprecation(plugin string) {
737	if detail, ok := deprecatedVolumeProviders[plugin]; ok && !pm.loggedDeprecationWarnings.Has(plugin) {
738		klog.Warningf("WARNING: %s built-in volume provider is now deprecated. %s", plugin, detail)
739		// Make sure the message is logged only once. It has Warning severity
740		// and we don't want to spam the log too much.
741		pm.loggedDeprecationWarnings.Insert(plugin)
742	}
745// Check if probedPlugin cache update is required.
746// If it is, initialize all probed plugins and replace the cache with them.
747func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) refreshProbedPlugins() {
748	events, err := pm.prober.Probe()
749	if err != nil {
750		klog.ErrorS(err, "Error dynamically probing plugins")
751		return // Use cached plugins upon failure.
752	}
754	for _, event := range events {
755		if event.Op == ProbeAddOrUpdate {
756			if err := pm.initProbedPlugin(event.Plugin); err != nil {
757				klog.ErrorS(err, "Error initializing dynamically probed plugin",
758					"pluginName", event.Plugin.GetPluginName())
759				continue
760			}
761			pm.probedPlugins[event.Plugin.GetPluginName()] = event.Plugin
762		} else if event.Op == ProbeRemove {
763			// Plugin is not available on ProbeRemove event, only PluginName
764			delete(pm.probedPlugins, event.PluginName)
765		} else {
766			klog.ErrorS(nil, "Unknown Operation on PluginName.",
767				"pluginName", event.Plugin.GetPluginName())
768		}
769	}
772// ListVolumePluginWithLimits returns plugins that have volume limits on nodes
773func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) ListVolumePluginWithLimits() []VolumePluginWithAttachLimits {
774	pm.mutex.RLock()
775	defer pm.mutex.RUnlock()
777	matchedPlugins := []VolumePluginWithAttachLimits{}
778	for _, v := range pm.plugins {
779		if plugin, ok := v.(VolumePluginWithAttachLimits); ok {
780			matchedPlugins = append(matchedPlugins, plugin)
781		}
782	}
783	return matchedPlugins
786// FindPersistentPluginBySpec looks for a persistent volume plugin that can
787// support a given volume specification.  If no plugin is found, return an
788// error
789func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindPersistentPluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (PersistentVolumePlugin, error) {
790	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginBySpec(spec)
791	if err != nil {
792		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find volume plugin for spec: %#v", spec)
793	}
794	if persistentVolumePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(PersistentVolumePlugin); ok {
795		return persistentVolumePlugin, nil
796	}
797	return nil, fmt.Errorf("no persistent volume plugin matched")
800// FindVolumePluginWithLimitsBySpec returns volume plugin that has a limit on how many
801// of them can be attached to a node
802func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindVolumePluginWithLimitsBySpec(spec *Spec) (VolumePluginWithAttachLimits, error) {
803	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginBySpec(spec)
804	if err != nil {
805		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find volume plugin for spec : %#v", spec)
806	}
808	if limitedPlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(VolumePluginWithAttachLimits); ok {
809		return limitedPlugin, nil
810	}
811	return nil, fmt.Errorf("no plugin with limits found")
814// FindPersistentPluginByName fetches a persistent volume plugin by name.  If
815// no plugin is found, returns error.
816func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindPersistentPluginByName(name string) (PersistentVolumePlugin, error) {
817	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginByName(name)
818	if err != nil {
819		return nil, err
820	}
821	if persistentVolumePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(PersistentVolumePlugin); ok {
822		return persistentVolumePlugin, nil
823	}
824	return nil, fmt.Errorf("no persistent volume plugin matched")
827// FindRecyclablePluginByName fetches a persistent volume plugin by name.  If
828// no plugin is found, returns error.
829func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindRecyclablePluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (RecyclableVolumePlugin, error) {
830	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginBySpec(spec)
831	if err != nil {
832		return nil, err
833	}
834	if recyclableVolumePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(RecyclableVolumePlugin); ok {
835		return recyclableVolumePlugin, nil
836	}
837	return nil, fmt.Errorf("no recyclable volume plugin matched")
840// FindProvisionablePluginByName fetches  a persistent volume plugin by name.  If
841// no plugin is found, returns error.
842func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindProvisionablePluginByName(name string) (ProvisionableVolumePlugin, error) {
843	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginByName(name)
844	if err != nil {
845		return nil, err
846	}
847	if provisionableVolumePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(ProvisionableVolumePlugin); ok {
848		return provisionableVolumePlugin, nil
849	}
850	return nil, fmt.Errorf("no provisionable volume plugin matched")
853// FindDeletablePluginBySpec fetches a persistent volume plugin by spec.  If
854// no plugin is found, returns error.
855func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindDeletablePluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (DeletableVolumePlugin, error) {
856	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginBySpec(spec)
857	if err != nil {
858		return nil, err
859	}
860	if deletableVolumePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(DeletableVolumePlugin); ok {
861		return deletableVolumePlugin, nil
862	}
863	return nil, fmt.Errorf("no deletable volume plugin matched")
866// FindDeletablePluginByName fetches a persistent volume plugin by name.  If
867// no plugin is found, returns error.
868func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindDeletablePluginByName(name string) (DeletableVolumePlugin, error) {
869	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginByName(name)
870	if err != nil {
871		return nil, err
872	}
873	if deletableVolumePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(DeletableVolumePlugin); ok {
874		return deletableVolumePlugin, nil
875	}
876	return nil, fmt.Errorf("no deletable volume plugin matched")
879// FindCreatablePluginBySpec fetches a persistent volume plugin by name.  If
880// no plugin is found, returns error.
881func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindCreatablePluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (ProvisionableVolumePlugin, error) {
882	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginBySpec(spec)
883	if err != nil {
884		return nil, err
885	}
886	if provisionableVolumePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(ProvisionableVolumePlugin); ok {
887		return provisionableVolumePlugin, nil
888	}
889	return nil, fmt.Errorf("no creatable volume plugin matched")
892// FindAttachablePluginBySpec fetches a persistent volume plugin by spec.
893// Unlike the other "FindPlugin" methods, this does not return error if no
894// plugin is found.  All volumes require a mounter and unmounter, but not
895// every volume will have an attacher/detacher.
896func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindAttachablePluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (AttachableVolumePlugin, error) {
897	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginBySpec(spec)
898	if err != nil {
899		return nil, err
900	}
901	if attachableVolumePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(AttachableVolumePlugin); ok {
902		if canAttach, err := attachableVolumePlugin.CanAttach(spec); err != nil {
903			return nil, err
904		} else if canAttach {
905			return attachableVolumePlugin, nil
906		}
907	}
908	return nil, nil
911// FindAttachablePluginByName fetches an attachable volume plugin by name.
912// Unlike the other "FindPlugin" methods, this does not return error if no
913// plugin is found.  All volumes require a mounter and unmounter, but not
914// every volume will have an attacher/detacher.
915func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindAttachablePluginByName(name string) (AttachableVolumePlugin, error) {
916	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginByName(name)
917	if err != nil {
918		return nil, err
919	}
920	if attachablePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(AttachableVolumePlugin); ok {
921		return attachablePlugin, nil
922	}
923	return nil, nil
926// FindDeviceMountablePluginBySpec fetches a persistent volume plugin by spec.
927func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindDeviceMountablePluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (DeviceMountableVolumePlugin, error) {
928	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginBySpec(spec)
929	if err != nil {
930		return nil, err
931	}
932	if deviceMountableVolumePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(DeviceMountableVolumePlugin); ok {
933		if canMount, err := deviceMountableVolumePlugin.CanDeviceMount(spec); err != nil {
934			return nil, err
935		} else if canMount {
936			return deviceMountableVolumePlugin, nil
937		}
938	}
939	return nil, nil
942// FindDeviceMountablePluginByName fetches a devicemountable volume plugin by name.
943func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindDeviceMountablePluginByName(name string) (DeviceMountableVolumePlugin, error) {
944	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginByName(name)
945	if err != nil {
946		return nil, err
947	}
948	if deviceMountableVolumePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(DeviceMountableVolumePlugin); ok {
949		return deviceMountableVolumePlugin, nil
950	}
951	return nil, nil
954// FindExpandablePluginBySpec fetches a persistent volume plugin by spec.
955func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindExpandablePluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (ExpandableVolumePlugin, error) {
956	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginBySpec(spec)
957	if err != nil {
958		if spec.IsKubeletExpandable() {
959			// for kubelet expandable volumes, return a noop plugin that
960			// returns success for expand on the controller
961			klog.V(4).InfoS("FindExpandablePluginBySpec -> returning noopExpandableVolumePluginInstance", "specName", spec.Name())
962			return &noopExpandableVolumePluginInstance{spec}, nil
963		}
964		klog.V(4).InfoS("FindExpandablePluginBySpec -> err", "specName", spec.Name(), "err", err)
965		return nil, err
966	}
968	if expandableVolumePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(ExpandableVolumePlugin); ok {
969		return expandableVolumePlugin, nil
970	}
971	return nil, nil
974// FindExpandablePluginBySpec fetches a persistent volume plugin by name.
975func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindExpandablePluginByName(name string) (ExpandableVolumePlugin, error) {
976	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginByName(name)
977	if err != nil {
978		return nil, err
979	}
981	if expandableVolumePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(ExpandableVolumePlugin); ok {
982		return expandableVolumePlugin, nil
983	}
984	return nil, nil
987// FindMapperPluginBySpec fetches a block volume plugin by spec.
988func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindMapperPluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (BlockVolumePlugin, error) {
989	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginBySpec(spec)
990	if err != nil {
991		return nil, err
992	}
994	if blockVolumePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(BlockVolumePlugin); ok {
995		return blockVolumePlugin, nil
996	}
997	return nil, nil
1000// FindMapperPluginByName fetches a block volume plugin by name.
1001func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindMapperPluginByName(name string) (BlockVolumePlugin, error) {
1002	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginByName(name)
1003	if err != nil {
1004		return nil, err
1005	}
1007	if blockVolumePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(BlockVolumePlugin); ok {
1008		return blockVolumePlugin, nil
1009	}
1010	return nil, nil
1013// FindNodeExpandablePluginBySpec fetches a persistent volume plugin by spec
1014func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindNodeExpandablePluginBySpec(spec *Spec) (NodeExpandableVolumePlugin, error) {
1015	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginBySpec(spec)
1016	if err != nil {
1017		return nil, err
1018	}
1019	if fsResizablePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(NodeExpandableVolumePlugin); ok {
1020		return fsResizablePlugin, nil
1021	}
1022	return nil, nil
1025// FindNodeExpandablePluginByName fetches a persistent volume plugin by name
1026func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) FindNodeExpandablePluginByName(name string) (NodeExpandableVolumePlugin, error) {
1027	volumePlugin, err := pm.FindPluginByName(name)
1028	if err != nil {
1029		return nil, err
1030	}
1032	if fsResizablePlugin, ok := volumePlugin.(NodeExpandableVolumePlugin); ok {
1033		return fsResizablePlugin, nil
1034	}
1036	return nil, nil
1039func (pm *VolumePluginMgr) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
1040	kletHost, ok := pm.Host.(KubeletVolumeHost)
1041	if ok {
1042		// start informer for CSIDriver
1043		informerFactory := kletHost.GetInformerFactory()
1044		informerFactory.Start(stopCh)
1045		informerFactory.WaitForCacheSync(stopCh)
1046	}
1049// NewPersistentVolumeRecyclerPodTemplate creates a template for a recycler
1050// pod.  By default, a recycler pod simply runs "rm -rf" on a volume and tests
1051// for emptiness.  Most attributes of the template will be correct for most
1052// plugin implementations.  The following attributes can be overridden per
1053// plugin via configuration:
1055// 1.  pod.Spec.Volumes[0].VolumeSource must be overridden.  Recycler
1056//     implementations without a valid VolumeSource will fail.
1057// 2.  pod.GenerateName helps distinguish recycler pods by name.  Recommended.
1058//     Default is "pv-recycler-".
1059// 3.  pod.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds gives the recycler pod a maximum timeout
1060//     before failing.  Recommended.  Default is 60 seconds.
1062// See HostPath and NFS for working recycler examples
1063func NewPersistentVolumeRecyclerPodTemplate() *v1.Pod {
1064	timeout := int64(60)
1065	pod := &v1.Pod{
1066		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
1067			GenerateName: "pv-recycler-",
1068			Namespace:    metav1.NamespaceDefault,
1069		},
1070		Spec: v1.PodSpec{
1071			ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &timeout,
1072			RestartPolicy:         v1.RestartPolicyNever,
1073			Volumes: []v1.Volume{
1074				{
1075					Name: "vol",
1076					// IMPORTANT!  All plugins using this template MUST
1077					// override pod.Spec.Volumes[0].VolumeSource Recycler
1078					// implementations without a valid VolumeSource will fail.
1079					VolumeSource: v1.VolumeSource{},
1080				},
1081			},
1082			Containers: []v1.Container{
1083				{
1084					Name:    "pv-recycler",
1085					Image:   "busybox:1.27",
1086					Command: []string{"/bin/sh"},
1087					Args:    []string{"-c", "test -e /scrub && rm -rf /scrub/..?* /scrub/.[!.]* /scrub/*  && test -z \"$(ls -A /scrub)\" || exit 1"},
1088					VolumeMounts: []v1.VolumeMount{
1089						{
1090							Name:      "vol",
1091							MountPath: "/scrub",
1092						},
1093					},
1094				},
1095			},
1096		},
1097	}
1098	return pod
1101// Check validity of recycle pod template
1102// List of checks:
1103// - at least one volume is defined in the recycle pod template
1104// If successful, returns nil
1105// if unsuccessful, returns an error.
1106func ValidateRecyclerPodTemplate(pod *v1.Pod) error {
1107	if len(pod.Spec.Volumes) < 1 {
1108		return fmt.Errorf("does not contain any volume(s)")
1109	}
1110	return nil
1113type dummyPluginProber struct{}
1115func (*dummyPluginProber) Init() error                  { return nil }
1116func (*dummyPluginProber) Probe() ([]ProbeEvent, error) { return nil, nil }