1# Copyright 2004-2005 Joe Wreschnig, Michael Urman
2#           2016 Ryan Dellenbaugh
3#           2017 Nick Boultbee
5# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8# (at your option) any later version.
10import codecs
11import re
13from . import _match as match
14from ._match import ParseError
15from quodlibet.util import re_escape
18# Precompiled regexes
19TAG = re.compile(r'[~\w\s:]+')
20UNARY_OPERATOR = re.compile(r'-')
21BINARY_OPERATOR = re.compile(r'[+\-\*/]')
22RELATIONAL_OPERATOR = re.compile(r'>=|<=|==|!=|>|<|=')
23DIGITS = re.compile(r'\d+(\.\d+)?')
24WORD = re.compile(r'[ \w]+')
25REGEXP = re.compile(r'([^/\\]|\\.)*')
26SINGLE_STRING = re.compile(r"([^'\\]|\\.)*")
27DOUBLE_STRING = re.compile(r'([^"\\]|\\.)*')
28MODIFIERS = re.compile(r'[cisld]*')
29TEXT = re.compile(r'[^,)]+')
30DATE = re.compile(r'\d{4}(-\d{1,2}(-\d{1,2})?)?')
33class QueryParser(object):
34    """Parse the input. One lookahead token, start symbol is Query."""
36    def __init__(self, tokens, star=[]):
37        self.tokens = tokens
38        self.index = 0
39        self.last_match = None
40        self.star = star
42    def space(self):
43        """Advance to the first non-space token"""
44        while not self.eof() and self.tokens[self.index] == ' ':
45            self.index += 1
47    def accept(self, token):
48        """Return whether the next token is the same as the provided token,
49        and if so advance past it."""
50        self.space()
51        if self.eof():
52            return False
53        if self.tokens[self.index] == token:
54            self.index += 1
55            return True
56        else:
57            return False
59    def accept_re(self, regexp):
60        """Same as accept, but with a regexp instead of a single token.
61        Sets self.last_match to the match text upon success"""
62        self.space()
63        re_match = regexp.match(self.tokens, self.index)
64        if re_match:
65            self.index = re_match.end()
66            re_match = re_match.group()
67        self.last_match = re_match
68        return re_match
70    def expect(self, token):
71        """Raise an error if the next token doesn't match the provided token"""
72        if not self.accept(token):
73            raise ParseError("'{0}' expected at index {1}, but not found"
74                             .format(token, self.index))
76    def expect_re(self, regexp):
77        """Same as expect, but with a regexp instead of a single token"""
78        if self.accept_re(regexp) is None:
79            raise ParseError("RE match expected at index {0}, but not found"
80                             .format(self.index))
81        return self.last_match
83    def eof(self):
84        """Return whether last token has been consumed"""
85        return self.index >= len(self.tokens)
87    def match_list(self, rule):
88        """Match a comma-separated list of rules"""
89        m = [rule()]
90        while self.accept(','):
91            m.append(rule())
92        return m
94    def StartQuery(self):
95        """Match a query that extends until the end of the input"""
96        s = self.Query(outer=True)
97        if not self.eof():
98            raise ParseError('Query ended before end of input')
99        return s
101    def Query(self, outer=False):
102        """Rule for a query or subquery. Determines type of query based on
103        first token"""
104        self.space()
105        if self.eof():
106            return match.True_()
107        elif self.accept('!'):
108            return self.Negation(self.Query)
109        elif self.accept('&'):
110            return self.Intersection(self.Query)
111        elif self.accept('|'):
112            return self.Union(self.Query)
113        elif self.accept('#'):
114            return self.Intersection(self.Numcmp)
115        elif self.accept('@'):
116            return self.Extension()
117        try:
118            # Equals, NotEquals and Star can begin the same,
119            # so try in order, backtracking on failure (with Star last)
120            index = self.index
121            return self.Equals()
122        except ParseError:
123            self.index = index
124            try:
125                return self.NotEquals()
126            except ParseError:
127                self.index = index
128            return self.Star(outer=outer)
130    def Negation(self, rule):
131        """Rule for '!query'. '!' token is consumed in Query"""
132        return match.Neg(rule())
134    def Intersection(self, rule):
135        """Rule for '&(query, query)'. '&' token is consumed in Query"""
136        self.expect('(')
137        inter = match.Inter(self.match_list(rule))
138        self.expect(')')
139        return inter
141    def Union(self, rule):
142        """Rule for '|(query, query)'. '|' token is consumed in Query"""
143        self.expect('(')
144        union = match.Union(self.match_list(rule))
145        self.expect(')')
146        return union
148    def Numcmp(self):
149        """Rule for numerical comparison like 'length > 3:30'"""
150        cmps = []
151        expr2 = self.Numexpr(allow_date=True)
152        while self.accept_re(RELATIONAL_OPERATOR):
153            expr = expr2
154            relop = self.last_match
155            expr2 = self.Numexpr(allow_date=True)
156            cmps.append(match.Numcmp(expr, relop, expr2))
157        if not cmps:
158            raise ParseError('No relational operator in numerical comparison')
159        if len(cmps) > 1:
160            return match.Inter(cmps)
161        else:
162            return cmps[0]
164    def Numexpr(self, allow_date=False):
165        """Rule for numerical expression like 'playcount + 4'"""
166        if self.accept('('):
167            expr = match.NumexprGroup(self.Numexpr(allow_date=True))
168            self.expect(')')
169        elif self.accept_re(UNARY_OPERATOR):
170            expr = match.NumexprUnary(self.last_match, self.Numexpr())
171        elif allow_date and self.accept_re(DATE):
172            # Parse sequences of numbers that looks like dates as either dates
173            # or numbers
174            try:
175                expr = match.NumexprNumberOrDate(self.last_match)
176            except ValueError:
177                # If the date can't be parsed then backtrack and try again
178                # without allowing dates
179                self.index -= len(self.last_match)
180                expr = self.Numexpr(allow_date=False)
181        elif self.accept_re(DIGITS):
182            number = float(self.last_match)
183            if self.accept(':'):
184                # time like 4:15
185                number2 = float(self.expect_re(DIGITS))
186                expr = match.NumexprNumber(60 * number + number2)
187            elif self.accept_re(WORD):
188                # Number with units like 7 minutes
189                expr = match.numexprUnit(number, self.last_match)
190            else:
191                expr = match.NumexprNumber(number)
192        else:
193            # Either tag name or special name like "today"
194            expr = match.numexprTagOrSpecial(self.expect_re(TAG).strip())
195        if self.accept_re(BINARY_OPERATOR):
196            # Try matching a binary operator then the second argument
197            binop = self.last_match
198            expr2 = self.Numexpr()
199            return match.NumexprBinary(binop, expr, expr2)
200        else:
201            return expr
203    def Extension(self):
204        """Rule for plugin use like @(plugin: arguments)"""
205        self.expect('(')
206        name = self.expect_re(WORD)
207        if self.accept(':'):
208            body = self.ExtBody()
209        else:
210            body = None
211        self.expect(')')
212        return match.Extension(name, body)
214    def ExtBody(self):
215        """Body of plugin expression. Matches balanced parentheses"""
216        depth = 0
217        index = self.index
218        try:
219            while True:
220                current = self.tokens[index]
221                if current == '(':
222                    depth += 1
223                elif current == ')':
224                    if depth == 0:
225                        break
226                    depth -= 1
227                elif current == '\\':
228                    index += 1
229                index += 1
230        except IndexError:
231            if depth != 0:
232                raise ParseError('Unexpected end of string while parsing '
233                                 'extension body')
234        result = self.tokens[self.index:index]
235        self.index = index
236        return result
238    def Equals(self):
239        """Rule for 'tag=value' queries"""
240        tags = self.match_list(lambda: self.expect_re(TAG))
241        tags = [tag.strip() for tag in tags]
242        self.expect('=')
243        value = self.Value()
244        return match.Tag(tags, value)
246    def NotEquals(self):
247        """Rule for 'tag!=value' queries"""
248        tags = self.match_list(lambda: self.expect_re(TAG))
249        tags = [tag.strip() for tag in tags]
250        self.expect('!')
251        self.expect('=')
252        value = self.Value()
253        return match.Neg(match.Tag(tags, value))
255    def Value(self, outer=False):
256        """Rule for value. Either a regexp, quoted string, boolean combination
257        of values, or free text string"""
258        if self.accept('/'):
259            regex = self.expect_re(REGEXP)
260            self.expect('/')
261            return self.RegexpMods(regex)
262        elif self.accept('"'):
263            regex = self.str_to_re(self.expect_re(DOUBLE_STRING))
264            self.expect('"')
265            return self.RegexpMods(regex)
266        elif self.accept("'"):
267            regex = self.str_to_re(self.expect_re(SINGLE_STRING))
268            self.expect("'")
269            return self.RegexpMods(regex)
270        elif self.accept('!'):
271            return self.Negation(self.Value)
272        elif self.accept('|'):
273            return self.Union(self.Value)
274        elif self.accept('&'):
275            return self.Intersection(self.Value)
276        else:
277            if outer:
278                # Hack to force plain text parsing for top level free text
279                raise ParseError('Free text not allowed at top level of query')
281            return match.Regex(re_escape(self.expect_re(TEXT)), u"d")
283    def RegexpMods(self, regex):
284        """Consume regexp modifiers from tokens and compile provided regexp
285        with them.
286        """
288        mod_string = self.expect_re(MODIFIERS)
289        return match.Regex(regex, mod_string)
291    def Star(self, outer=False):
292        """Rule for value that matches all visible tags"""
293        return match.Tag(self.star, self.Value(outer=outer))
295    def str_to_re(self, string):
296        """Convert plain string to escaped regexp that can be compiled"""
297        if isinstance(string, str):
298            string = string.encode('utf-8')
299        string = codecs.escape_decode(string)[0]
300        string = string.decode('utf-8')
301        return "^%s$" % re_escape(string)