1 {
2      File:       CarbonCore/Files.h
4      Contains:   File Manager Interfaces.
5                  The contents of this header file are deprecated.
6                  Use Foundation, CoreFoundation, DiskArbitration, POSIX/BSD, etc. API instead.
8      Copyright:  � 1985-2011 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved
9 }
10 {     Pascal Translation Updated:  Gale R Paeper, <gpaeper@empirenet.com>, June 2018 }
12 {
13     Modified for use with Free Pascal
14     Version 308
15     Please report any bugs to <gpc@microbizz.nl>
16 }
18 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
19 {$mode macpas}
20 {$modeswitch cblocks}
21 {$packenum 1}
22 {$macro on}
23 {$inline on}
24 {$calling mwpascal}
26 unit Files;
27 interface
29 {$setc GAP_INTERFACES_VERSION := $0308}
31 {$ifc not defined USE_CFSTR_CONSTANT_MACROS}
33 {$endc}
35 {$ifc defined CPUPOWERPC and defined CPUI386}
36 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for CPUPOWERPC and CPUI386}
37 {$endc}
38 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
39 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
40 {$endc}
42 {$ifc not defined __ppc__ and defined CPUPOWERPC32}
43 	{$setc __ppc__ := 1}
44 {$elsec}
45 	{$setc __ppc__ := 0}
46 {$endc}
47 {$ifc not defined __ppc64__ and defined CPUPOWERPC64}
48 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 1}
49 {$elsec}
50 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 0}
51 {$endc}
52 {$ifc not defined __i386__ and defined CPUI386}
53 	{$setc __i386__ := 1}
54 {$elsec}
55 	{$setc __i386__ := 0}
56 {$endc}
57 {$ifc not defined __x86_64__ and defined CPUX86_64}
58 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 1}
59 {$elsec}
60 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 0}
61 {$endc}
62 {$ifc not defined __arm__ and defined CPUARM}
63 	{$setc __arm__ := 1}
64 {$elsec}
65 	{$setc __arm__ := 0}
66 {$endc}
67 {$ifc not defined __arm64__ and defined CPUAARCH64}
68   {$setc __arm64__ := 1}
69 {$elsec}
70   {$setc __arm64__ := 0}
71 {$endc}
73 {$ifc defined cpu64}
74   {$setc __LP64__ := 1}
75 {$elsec}
76   {$setc __LP64__ := 0}
77 {$endc}
80 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__ and defined __i386__ and __i386__}
81 	{$error Conflicting definitions for __ppc__ and __i386__}
82 {$endc}
84 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__}
85 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := TRUE}
86 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
87 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
88 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
89 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
90 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
91 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
95 {$elifc defined __ppc64__ and __ppc64__}
96 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
97 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := TRUE}
98 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
99 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
100 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
101 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
102 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
103 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
106 {$elifc defined __i386__ and __i386__}
107 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
108 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
109 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := TRUE}
110 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
111 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
112 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
113 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
114  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
115 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
117 {$elsec}
118 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
119 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
121 {$endc}
123 {$elifc defined __x86_64__ and __x86_64__}
124 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
125 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
126 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
127 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := TRUE}
128 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
129 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
130 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
131  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
132 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
134 {$elsec}
135 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
136 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
138 {$endc}
140 {$elifc defined __arm__ and __arm__}
141 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
142 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
143 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
144 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
145 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := TRUE}
146 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
147 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
148 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
151 {$elifc defined __arm64__ and __arm64__}
152 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
153 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
154 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
155 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
156 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
157 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := TRUE}
158 {$ifc defined ios}
159 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
160 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
162 {$elsec}
163 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
164 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
166 {$endc}
168 {$elsec}
169 	{$error __ppc__ nor __ppc64__ nor __i386__ nor __x86_64__ nor __arm__ nor __arm64__ is defined.}
170 {$endc}
172 {$ifc defined __LP64__ and __LP64__ }
173   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := TRUE}
174 {$elsec}
175   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := FALSE}
176 {$endc}
178 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
181 {$elifc defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
184 {$elsec}
185 	{$error Neither FPC_BIG_ENDIAN nor FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN are defined.}
186 {$endc}
191 {$setc OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES := TRUE}
193 {$setc OTKERNEL := FALSE}
196 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OS8 := FALSE}
197 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OSX := TRUE}
198 {$setc TARGET_CARBON := TRUE}
199 {$setc TARGET_CPU_68K := FALSE}
200 {$setc TARGET_CPU_MIPS := FALSE}
202 {$setc TARGET_OS_UNIX := FALSE}
203 {$setc TARGET_OS_WIN32 := FALSE}
204 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_68881 := FALSE}
205 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM := FALSE}
208 {$setc TYPE_BOOL := FALSE}
209 {$setc TYPE_EXTENDED := FALSE}
210 {$setc TYPE_LONGLONG := TRUE}
211 uses acl,MacTypes,MixedMode,OSUtils,TextCommon,UTCUtils,Finder,MacOSXPosix,DADisk,CFBase,CFDate,CFDictionary,CFRunLoop,CFUUID;
212 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
215 {$ifc TARGET_OS_MAC}
217 { Finder constants were moved to Finder.� }
220 {$ALIGN MAC68K}
222 { HFSUniStr255 is the Unicode equivalent of Str255 }
223 type
224 	HFSUniStr255Ptr = ^HFSUniStr255;
225 	HFSUniStr255 = record
226 		length: UInt16;                 { number of unicode characters }
227 		unicode: array [0..254] of UniChar;           { unicode characters }
228 	end;
229 type
230 	ConstHFSUniStr255Param = ^HFSUniStr255;
232 type
233 	DirIDTypePtr = ^DirIDType;
234 	DirIDType = SInt32;
236 const kFSFileSecurityRemoveACL = acl_t(1);
238 {
239     File Permissions
241     Do not mix and match the following two sets of File Manager permission
242     constants (original model  and AFP model).
243     See the Retired Technote FL 37 "You Want Permission To Do What?!!"
244     <https://developer.apple.com/legacy/mac/library/#technotes/fl/fl_37.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS10002463>
245     for a detailed discussion of the two separate models
246     and how they are related.
247 }
248 {    Permissions for File Manager routines which follow the original model.
249     These values can be passed in the permissions parameter to FSOpenFork,
250     PBOpenForkSync, and PBOpenForkAsync.
251  }
252 const
253 	fsCurPerm = $00; { open access permissions in ioPermssn }
254 	fsRdPerm = $01;
255 	fsWrPerm = $02;
256 	fsRdWrPerm = $03;
257 	fsRdWrShPerm = $04;
259 {    Permissions for deprecated File Manager routines which follow the AFP model
260     that is, routines with "OpenDeny" in the name. (These values do not work with
261     FSOpenFork, PBOpenForkSync, and PBOpenForkAsync).
263     The most useful combinations of these are:
264         fsRdAccessPerm -> one writer, multiple readers: the readers
265         fsRdAccessPerm + fsWrAccessPerm + fsWrDenyPerm -> one writer, multiple readers: the writer
266         fsWrDenyPerm + fsRdAccessPerm -> multiple readers, no writers
267         fsRdAccessPerm + fsWrAccessPerm -> shared read/write access
268         fsRdAccessPerm + fsWrAccessPerm + fsRdDenyPerm + fsWrDenyPerm -> exclusive access
269 }
270 const
271 	fsRdAccessPerm = $01;
272 	fsWrAccessPerm = $02;
273 	fsRdDenyPerm = $10;
274 	fsWrDenyPerm = $20;
276 const
277 	fsRtParID = 1;
278 	fsRtDirID = 2;
280 const
281 	fsAtMark = 0;    { positioning modes in ioPosMode }
282 	fsFromStart = 1;
283 	fsFromLEOF = 2;
284 	fsFromMark = 3;
286 const
287 { positionMode (ioPosMode) flags }
288 	kFSAllowConcurrentAsyncIOBit = 3;    { allow concurrent execution of async calls }
289 	kFSAllowConcurrentAsyncIOMask = $0008;
290 	kFSPleaseCacheBit = 4;    { please cache this request }
291 	kFSPleaseCacheMask = $0010;
292 	kFSNoCacheBit = 5;    { please don't cache this request }
293 	kFSNoCacheMask = $0020;
294 	kFSRdVerifyBit = 6;    { read verify mode }
295 	kFSRdVerifyMask = $0040;
296 	kFSForceReadBit = 6;
297 	kFSForceReadMask = $0040;
298 	kFSNewLineBit = 7;    { newline mode }
299 	kFSNewLineMask = $0080;
300 	kFSNewLineCharMask = $FF00; { newline character }
303 const
304 { CatSearch Search bitmask Constants }
305 	fsSBPartialName = $01;
306 	fsSBFullName = $02;
307 	fsSBFlAttrib = $04;
308 	fsSBFlFndrInfo = $08;
309 	fsSBFlLgLen = $20;
310 	fsSBFlPyLen = $40;
311 	fsSBFlRLgLen = $80;
312 	fsSBFlRPyLen = $0100;
313 	fsSBFlCrDat = $0200;
314 	fsSBFlMdDat = $0400;
315 	fsSBFlBkDat = $0800;
316 	fsSBFlXFndrInfo = $1000;
317 	fsSBFlParID = $2000;
318 	fsSBNegate = $4000;
319 	fsSBDrUsrWds = $08;
320 	fsSBDrNmFls = $10;
321 	fsSBDrCrDat = $0200;
322 	fsSBDrMdDat = $0400;
323 	fsSBDrBkDat = $0800;
324 	fsSBDrFndrInfo = $1000;
325 	fsSBDrParID = $2000;
326 	fsSBNodeID = $8000;
327 	fsSBAttributeModDate = $00010000;
328 	fsSBAccessDate = $00020000;
329 	fsSBPermissions = $00040000;
330 	fsSBSkipPackageContents = $00080000;
331 	fsSBSkipHiddenItems = $00100000;
332 	fsSBUserID = $00200000;
333 	fsSBGroupID = $00400000;
335 const
336 { CatSearch Search bit value Constants }
337 	fsSBPartialNameBit = 0;    {ioFileName points to a substring}
338 	fsSBFullNameBit = 1;    {ioFileName points to a match string}
339 	fsSBFlAttribBit = 2;    {search includes file attributes}
340 	fsSBFlFndrInfoBit = 3;    {search includes finder info}
341 	fsSBFlLgLenBit = 5;    {search includes data logical length}
342 	fsSBFlPyLenBit = 6;    {search includes data physical length}
343 	fsSBFlRLgLenBit = 7;    {search includes resource logical length}
344 	fsSBFlRPyLenBit = 8;    {search includes resource physical length}
345 	fsSBFlCrDatBit = 9;    {search includes create date}
346 	fsSBFlMdDatBit = 10;   {search includes modification date}
347 	fsSBFlBkDatBit = 11;   {search includes backup date}
348 	fsSBFlXFndrInfoBit = 12;   {search includes extended finder info}
349 	fsSBFlParIDBit = 13;   {search includes file's parent ID}
350 	fsSBNegateBit = 14;   {return all non-matches}
351 	fsSBDrUsrWdsBit = 3;    {search includes directory finder info}
352 	fsSBDrNmFlsBit = 4;    {search includes directory valence}
353 	fsSBDrCrDatBit = 9;    {directory-named version of fsSBFlCrDatBit}
354 	fsSBDrMdDatBit = 10;   {directory-named version of fsSBFlMdDatBit}
355 	fsSBDrBkDatBit = 11;   {directory-named version of fsSBFlBkDatBit}
356 	fsSBDrFndrInfoBit = 12;   {directory-named version of fsSBFlXFndrInfoBit}
357 	fsSBDrParIDBit = 13;   {directory-named version of fsSBFlParIDBit}
358 	fsSBNodeIDBit = 15;   { search by range of nodeID }
359 	fsSBAttributeModDateBit = 16;   { search by range of attributeModDate }
360 	fsSBAccessDateBit = 17;   { search by range of accessDate [CatalogSearch only] }
361 	fsSBPermissionsBit = 18;   { search by value/mask of permissions [CatalogSearch only] }
362 	fsSBSkipPackageContentsBit = 19;   {do not return items inside of packages}
363 	fsSBSkipHiddenItemsBit = 20;   {do not return items with an invisible element in their path}
364 	fsSBUserIDBit = 21;   { search by userID in permissions field [CatalogSearch only] }
365 	fsSBGroupIDBit = 22;    { search by groupID in permissions field [CatalogSearch only] }
367 const
368 { vMAttrib (GetVolParms) bit position constants }
369 	bLimitFCBs = 31;
370 	bLocalWList = 30;
371 	bNoMiniFndr = 29;
372 	bNoVNEdit = 28;
373 	bNoLclSync = 27;
374 	bTrshOffLine = 26;
375 	bNoSwitchTo = 25;
376 	bNoDeskItems = 20;
377 	bNoBootBlks = 19;
378 	bAccessCntl = 18;
379 	bNoSysDir = 17;
380 	bHasExtFSVol = 16;
381 	bHasOpenDeny = 15;
382 	bHasCopyFile = 14;
383 	bHasMoveRename = 13;
384 	bHasDesktopMgr = 12;
385 	bHasShortName = 11;
386 	bHasFolderLock = 10;
387 	bHasPersonalAccessPrivileges = 9;
388 	bHasUserGroupList = 8;
389 	bHasCatSearch = 7;
390 	bHasFileIDs = 6;
391 	bHasBTreeMgr = 5;
392 	bHasBlankAccessPrivileges = 4;
393 	bSupportsAsyncRequests = 3;    { asynchronous requests to this volume are handled correctly at any time}
394 	bSupportsTrashVolumeCache = 2;
396 const
397 { vMAttrib (GetVolParms) bit position constants }
398 	bHasDirectIO = 1;
400 const
401 { vMExtendedAttributes (GetVolParms) bit position constants }
402 	bIsEjectable = 0;    { volume is in an ejectable disk drive }
403 	bSupportsHFSPlusAPIs = 1;    { volume supports HFS Plus APIs directly (not through compatibility layer) }
404 	bSupportsFSCatalogSearch = 2;    { volume supports FSCatalogSearch }
405 	bSupportsFSExchangeObjects = 3;    { volume supports FSExchangeObjects }
406 	bSupports2TBFiles = 4;    { volume supports supports 2 terabyte files }
407 	bSupportsLongNames = 5;    { volume supports file/directory/volume names longer than 31 characters }
408 	bSupportsMultiScriptNames = 6;    { volume supports file/directory/volume names with characters from multiple script systems }
409 	bSupportsNamedForks = 7;    { volume supports forks beyond the data and resource forks }
410 	bSupportsSubtreeIterators = 8;    { volume supports recursive iterators not at the volume root }
411 	bL2PCanMapFileBlocks = 9;    { volume supports Lg2Phys SPI correctly }
412 	bParentModDateChanges = 10;   { Changing a file or folder causes its parent's mod date to change }
413 	bAncestorModDateChanges = 11;   { Changing a file or folder causes all ancestor mod dates to change }
414 	bSupportsSymbolicLinks = 13;   { volume supports the creation and use of symbolic links (Mac OS X only) }
415 	bIsAutoMounted = 14;   { volume was mounted automatically (Mac OS X only) }
416 	bAllowCDiDataHandler = 17;   { allow QuickTime's CDi data handler to examine this volume }
417 	bSupportsExclusiveLocks = 18;   { volume supports exclusive opens for writing }
418 	bSupportsJournaling = 19;   { volume supports journal (journal may not be active) }
419 	bNoVolumeSizes = 20;   { volume is unable to report volume size or free space }
420 	bIsOnInternalBus = 21;   { device is on an internal bus - see note below }
421 	bIsCaseSensitive = 22;   { volume is case sensitive }
422 	bIsCasePreserving = 23;   { volume is case preserving }
423 	bDoNotDisplay = 24;   { volume should not be displayed in UI }
424 	bIsRemovable = 25;   { device is removable according to IOKit }
425 	bNoRootTimes = 26;   { volume does not set reliable times for its root directory }
426 	bIsOnExternalBus = 27;   { device is on an external bus -- see note below }
427 	bSupportsExtendedFileSecurity = 28;    { volume supports FSFileSecurity objects }
429 {    Note: A volume can return one of four states via the bIsInternal and bIsExternal bits.  A volume known
430         to be on an internal bus will set bIsInternal and clear bIsExternal.  A volume known to
431         be on an external bus will clear bIsInternal and set bIsExternal.  A volume on a bus that
432         is indeterminate (could be either) will set both bits.  A volume not on a local bus will, such
433         as a network volume, will leave both bits clear. }
434 const
435 { Large Volume Constants }
436 	kWidePosOffsetBit = 8;
437 	kUseWidePositioning = 1 shl kWidePosOffsetBit;
438 	kMaximumBlocksIn4GB = $007FFFFF;
440 const
441 { Foreign Privilege Model Identifiers }
442 	fsUnixPriv = 1;
444 const
445 { Authentication Constants }
446 	kNoUserAuthentication = 1;
447 	kPassword = 2;
448 	kEncryptPassword = 3;
449 	kTwoWayEncryptPassword = 6;
452 { values of user IDs and group IDs }
453 const
454 	knoUser = 0;
455 	kadministratorUser = 1;
457 const
458 	knoGroup = 0;
461 type
462 	FSVolumeRefNum = SInt16;
463 	FSVolumeRefNumPtr = ^FSVolumeRefNum; { when a VAR xx: FSVolumeRefNum parameter can be nil, it is changed to xx: FSVolumeRefNumPtr }
464 {$ifc TARGET_CPU_64}
465 type
466 	FSIORefNum = SInt32;
467 {$elsec}
468 type
469 	FSIORefNum = SInt16;
470 {$endc}
472 const
473 	kFSInvalidVolumeRefNum = 0;
475 type
476 	FSRef = record
477 		hidden: packed array [0..79] of UInt8;             { private to File Manager; �� need symbolic constant }
478 	end;
479 	FSRefPtr = ^FSRef;
480 type
481 	FSFileSecurityRef = ^__FSFileSecurity; { an opaque type }
482 	__FSFileSecurity = record end;
483 { Catalog position record }
484 type
485 	CatPositionRecPtr = ^CatPositionRec;
486 	CatPositionRec = record
487 		initialize: SInt32;
488 		priv: array [1..6] of SInt16;
489 	end;
491 {$ifc TARGET_CPU_64}
492 type
493 	FSSpec = record
494     { FSSpecs are invalid for 64 bit, but defined in case they appear in shared structs}
495     hidden: array [1..70] of UInt8;
496 	end;
497 {$elsec}
498 type
499 	FSSpec = record
500 		vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;
501 		parID: SInt32;
502 		name: StrFileName;                   { a Str63 on MacOS}
503 	end;
504 {$endc}
505 type
506 	FSSpecPtr = ^FSSpec;
507 type
508 	FSSpecHandle = ^FSSpecPtr;
509 { pointer to array of FSSpecs }
510 type
511 	FSSpecArray = array [0..0] of FSSpec;
512 	FSSpecArrayPtr = ^FSSpecArray;
513 {
514     The only difference between "const FSSpec*" and "ConstFSSpecPtr" is
515     that as a parameter, ConstFSSpecPtr is allowed to be NULL
516 }
517 type
518 	ConstFSSpecPtr = {const} FSSpecPtr;
520 type
521 {$ifc TARGET_CPU_64}
522 	ParmBlkPtr = UnivPtr;
523 {$elsec}
524 	ParmBlkPtr = ^ParamBlockRec;
525 {$endc}
527 	IOCompletionProcPtr = procedure( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr );
528 	IOCompletionUPP = IOCompletionProcPtr;
530 {$ifc not TARGET_CPU_64}
531 	IOParam = record
532 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
533 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
534 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
535 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
536 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
537 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
538 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
539 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
540 		ioRefNum: FSIORefNum;               {refNum for I/O operation}
541 		ioVersNum: SInt8;              {version number}
542 		ioPermssn: SInt8;              {Open: permissions (byte)}
543 		ioMisc: Ptr;                 {Rename: new name (GetEOF,SetEOF: logical end of file) (Open: optional ptr to buffer) (SetFileType: new type)}
544 		ioBuffer: Ptr;               {data buffer Ptr}
545 		ioReqCount: SInt32;             {requested byte count; also = ioNewDirID}
546 		ioActCount: SInt32;             {actual byte count completed}
547 		ioPosMode: SInt16;              {initial file positioning}
548 		ioPosOffset: SInt32;            {file position offset}
549 	end;
550 	IOParamPtr = ^IOParam;
552 	FileParam = record
553 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
554 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
555 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
556 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
557 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
558 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
559 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
560 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
561 		ioFRefNum: FSIORefNum;              {reference number}
562 		ioFVersNum: SInt8;             {version number}
563 		filler1: SInt8;
564 		ioFDirIndex: SInt16;            {GetFInfo directory index}
565 		ioFlAttrib: SInt8;             {GetFInfo: in-use bit=7, lock bit=0}
566 		ioFlVersNum: SInt8;            {file version number}
567 		ioFlFndrInfo: FInfo;           {user info}
568 		ioFlNum: UInt32;                {GetFInfo: file number; TF- ioDirID}
569 		ioFlStBlk: UInt16;              {start file block (0 if none)}
570 		ioFlLgLen: SInt32;              {logical length (EOF)}
571 		ioFlPyLen: SInt32;              {physical length}
572 		ioFlRStBlk: UInt16;             {start block rsrc fork}
573 		ioFlRLgLen: SInt32;             {file logical length rsrc fork}
574 		ioFlRPyLen: SInt32;             {file physical length rsrc fork}
575 		ioFlCrDat: UInt32;              {file creation date& time (32 bits in secs)}
576 		ioFlMdDat: UInt32;              {last modified date and time}
577 	end;
578 	FileParamPtr = ^FileParam;
580 	VolumeParam = record
581 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
582 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
583 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
584 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
585 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
586 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
587 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
588 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
589 		filler2: UInt32;
590 		ioVolIndex: SInt16;             {volume index number}
591 		ioVCrDate: UInt32;              {creation date and time}
592 		ioVLsBkUp: UInt32;              {last backup date and time}
593 		ioVAtrb: UInt16;                {volume attrib}
594 		ioVNmFls: UInt16;               {number of files in directory}
595 		ioVDirSt: UInt16;               {start block of file directory}
596 		ioVBlLn: SInt16;                {GetVolInfo: length of dir in blocks}
597 		ioVNmAlBlks: UInt16;            {for compatibilty ioVNmAlBlks * ioVAlBlkSiz <= 2 GB}
598 		ioVAlBlkSiz: UInt32;            {for compatibilty ioVAlBlkSiz is <= $0000FE00 (65,024)}
599 		ioVClpSiz: UInt32;              {GetVolInfo: bytes to allocate at a time}
600 		ioAlBlSt: UInt16;               {starting disk(512-byte) block in block map}
601 		ioVNxtFNum: UInt32;             {GetVolInfo: next free file number}
602 		ioVFrBlk: UInt16;               {GetVolInfo: # free alloc blks for this vol}
603 	end;
604 	VolumeParamPtr = ^VolumeParam;
606 	CntrlParam = record
607 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
608 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
609 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
610 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
611 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
612 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
613 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
614 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
615 		ioCRefNum: FSIORefNum;              {refNum for I/O operation}
616 		csCode: SInt16;                 {word for control status code}
617 		csParam: array [0..10] of SInt16;  { operation-defined parameters }
618 	end;
619 	CntrlParamPtr = ^CntrlParam;
621 	SlotDevParam = record
622 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
623 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
624 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
625 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
626 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
627 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
628 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
629 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
630 		ioSRefNum: FSIORefNum;
631 		ioSVersNum: SInt8;
632 		ioSPermssn: SInt8;
633 		ioSMix: Ptr;
634 		ioSFlags: SInt16;
635 		ioSlot: SInt8;
636 		ioID: SInt8;
637 	end;
638 	SlotDevParamPtr = ^SlotDevParam;
640 	MultiDevParam = record
641 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
642 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
643 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
644 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
645 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
646 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
647 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
648 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
649 		ioMRefNum: FSIORefNum;
650 		ioMVersNum: SInt8;
651 		ioMPermssn: SInt8;
652 		ioMMix: Ptr;
653 		ioMFlags: SInt16;
654 		ioSEBlkPtr: Ptr;
655 	end;
656 	MultiDevParamPtr = ^MultiDevParam;
658 	ParamBlockRecPtr = ^ParamBlockRec;
659 	ParamBlockRec = record
660 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
661 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
662 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
663 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
664 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
665 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
666 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
667 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
668 		case SInt16 of
669 		0: (
670 			ioRefNum:			FSIORefNum;								{ refNum for I/O operation }
671 			ioVersNum:			SInt8;									{ version number }
672 			ioPermssn:			SInt8;									{ Open: permissions (byte) }
673 			ioMisc:				Ptr;									{ Rename: new name (GetEOF,SetEOF: logical end of file) (Open: optional ptr to buffer) (SetFileType: new type) }
674 			ioBuffer:			Ptr;									{ data buffer Ptr }
675 			ioReqCount:			SInt32;								{ requested byte count; also = ioNewDirID }
676 			ioActCount:			SInt32;								{ actual byte count completed }
677 			ioPosMode:			SInt16;								{ initial file positioning }
678 			ioPosOffset:		SInt32;								{ file position offset }
679 		   );
680 		1: (
681 			ioFRefNum:			FSIORefNum;								{ reference number }
682 			ioFVersNum:			SInt8;									{ version number }
683 			filler1:			SInt8;
684 			ioFDirIndex:		SInt16;								{ GetFInfo directory index }
685 			ioFlAttrib:			SInt8;									{ GetFInfo: in-use bit=7, lock bit=0 }
686 			ioFlVersNum:		SInt8;									{ file version number }
687 			ioFlFndrInfo:		FInfo;									{ user info }
688 			ioFlNum:			UInt32;									{ GetFInfo: file number; TF- ioDirID }
689 			ioFlStBlk:			UInt16;									{ start file block (0 if none) }
690 			ioFlLgLen:			SInt32;								{ logical length (EOF) }
691 			ioFlPyLen:			SInt32;								{ physical length }
692 			ioFlRStBlk:			UInt16;									{ start block rsrc fork }
693 			ioFlRLgLen:			SInt32;								{ file logical length rsrc fork }
694 			ioFlRPyLen:			SInt32;								{ file physical length rsrc fork }
695 			ioFlCrDat:			UInt32;									{ file creation date& time (32 bits in secs) }
696 			ioFlMdDat:			UInt32;									{ last modified date and time }
697 		   );
698 		2: (
699 			filler2:			SInt32;
700 			ioVolIndex:			SInt16;								{ volume index number }
701 			ioVCrDate:			UInt32;									{ creation date and time }
702 			ioVLsBkUp:			UInt32;									{ last backup date and time }
703 			ioVAtrb:			UInt16;									{ volume attrib }
704 			ioVNmFls:			UInt16;									{ number of files in directory }
705 			ioVDirSt:			UInt16;									{ start block of file directory }
706 			ioVBlLn:			SInt16;								{ GetVolInfo: length of dir in blocks }
707 			ioVNmAlBlks:		UInt16;									{ for compatibilty ioVNmAlBlks * ioVAlBlkSiz <= 2 GB }
708 			ioVAlBlkSiz:		UInt32;									{ for compatibilty ioVAlBlkSiz is <= $0000FE00 (65,024) }
709 			ioVClpSiz:			UInt32;									{ GetVolInfo: bytes to allocate at a time }
710 			ioAlBlSt:			UInt16;									{ starting disk(512-byte) block in block map }
711 			ioVNxtFNum:			UInt32;									{ GetVolInfo: next free file number }
712 			ioVFrBlk:			UInt16;									{ GetVolInfo: # free alloc blks for this vol }
713 		   );
714 		3: (
715 			ioCRefNum:			SInt16;								{ refNum for I/O operation }
716 			csCode:				SInt16;								{ word for control status code }
717 			csParam:			array [0..10] of SInt16;				{ operation-defined parameters }
718 		   );
719 		4: (
720 			ioSRefNum:			SInt16;
721 			ioSVersNum:			SInt8;
722 			ioSPermssn:			SInt8;
723 			ioSMix:				Ptr;
724 			ioSFlags:			SInt16;
725 			ioSlot:				SInt8;
726 			ioID:				SInt8;
727 		   );
728 		5: (
729 			ioMRefNum:			SInt16;
730 			ioMVersNum:			SInt8;
731 			ioMPermssn:			SInt8;
732 			ioMMix:				Ptr;
733 			ioMFlags:			SInt16;
734 			ioSEBlkPtr:			Ptr;
735 		   );
736 	end;
738 	CInfoPBRecPtr = ^CInfoPBRec;
739 	CInfoPBRec = record
740 		qLink:					QElemPtr;								{ queue link in header }
741 		qType:					SInt16;								{ type byte for safety check }
742 		ioTrap:					SInt16;								{ FS: the Trap }
743 		ioCmdAddr:				Ptr;									{ FS: address to dispatch to }
744 		ioCompletion:			IOCompletionUPP;						{ completion routine addr (0 for synch calls) }
745 		ioResult:				{volatile} OSErr;									{ result code }
746 		ioNamePtr:				StringPtr;								{ ptr to Vol:FileName string }
747 		ioVRefNum:				FSVolumeRefNum;								{ volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol) }
748 		ioFRefNum:				FSIORefNum;
749 		ioFVersNum:				SInt8;
750 		filler1:				SInt8;
751 		ioFDirIndex:			SInt16;
752 		ioFlAttrib:				SInt8;
753 		ioACUser:				SInt8;
754 		case SInt16 of
755 		0: (
756 			ioFlFndrInfo:		FInfo;
757 			ioDirID:			UInt32;
758 			ioFlStBlk:			UInt16;
759 			ioFlLgLen:			SInt32;
760 			ioFlPyLen:			SInt32;
761 			ioFlRStBlk:			UInt16;
762 			ioFlRLgLen:			SInt32;
763 			ioFlRPyLen:			SInt32;
764 			ioFlCrDat:			UInt32;
765 			ioFlMdDat:			UInt32;
766 			ioFlBkDat:			UInt32;
767 			ioFlXFndrInfo:		FXInfo;
768 			ioFlParID:			UInt32;
769 			ioFlClpSiz:			SInt32;
770 		   );
771 		1: (
772 			ioDrUsrWds:			DInfo;
773 			ioDrDirID:			SInt32;
774 			ioDrNmFls:			UInt16;
775 			filler3:			array [1..9] of SInt16;
776 			ioDrCrDat:			UInt32;
777 			ioDrMdDat:			UInt32;
778 			ioDrBkDat:			UInt32;
779 			ioDrFndrInfo:		DXInfo;
780 			ioDrParID:			SInt32;
781 		   );
782 	end;
785 type
786 	CInfoPBPtr = CInfoPBRecPtr;
787 	XCInfoPBRecPtr = ^XCInfoPBRec;
788 	XCInfoPBRec = record
789 		qLink: QElemPtr;
790 		qType: SInt16;
791 		ioTrap: SInt16;
792 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;
793 		ioCompletion: ProcPtr;           { --> A pointer to a completion routine }
794 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               { --> The result code of the function }
795 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              { --> Pointer to pathname to object }
796 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              { --> A volume specification }
797 		filler1: SInt32;
798 		ioShortNamePtr: StringPtr;         { <-> A pointer to the short name string buffer - required! }
799 		filler2: SInt16;
800 		ioPDType: SInt16;               { <-- The ProDOS file type }
801 		ioPDAuxType: SInt32;            { <-- The ProDOS aux type }
802 		filler3:				array [0..1] of SInt32;
803 		ioDirID: SInt32;                { --> A directory ID }
804 	end;
805 type
806 	XCInfoPBPtr = XCInfoPBRecPtr;
807 	{
808 	    The following are structures to be filled out with the _PBGetVolMountInfo call
809 	    and passed back into the _PBVolumeMount call for external file system mounts.
810 		}
811 	DTPBRecPtr = ^DTPBRec;
812 	DTPBRec = record
813 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
814 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
815 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
816 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
817 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
818 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
819 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
820 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
821 		ioDTRefNum: FSIORefNum;             { desktop refnum }
822 		ioIndex: SInt16;
823 		ioTagInfo: SInt32;
824 		ioDTBuffer: Ptr;
825 		ioDTReqCount: SInt32;
826 		ioDTActCount: SInt32;
827 		ioFiller1: SInt8;
828 		ioIconType: UInt8;
829 		ioFiller2: SInt16;
830 		ioDirID: SInt32;
831 		ioFileCreator: OSType;
832 		ioFileType: OSType;
833 		ioFiller3: SInt32;
834 		ioDTLgLen: SInt32;
835 		ioDTPyLen: SInt32;
836 		ioFiller4: array [1..14] of SInt16;
837 		ioAPPLParID: SInt32;
838 	end;
839 type
840 	DTPBPtr = DTPBRecPtr;
842 type
843 	HIOParam = record
844 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
845 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
846 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
847 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
848 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
849 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
850 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
851 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
852 		ioRefNum: FSIORefNum;
853 		ioVersNum: SInt8;
854 		ioPermssn: SInt8;
855 		ioMisc: Ptr;
856 		ioBuffer: Ptr;
857 		ioReqCount: SInt32;
858 		ioActCount: SInt32;
859 		ioPosMode: SInt16;
860 		ioPosOffset: SInt32;
861 	end;
862 	HIOParamPtr = ^HIOParam;
863 type
864 	HFileParam = record
865 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
866 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
867 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
868 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
869 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
870 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
871 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
872 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
873 		ioFRefNum: FSIORefNum;
874 		ioFVersNum: SInt8;
875 		filler1: SInt8;
876 		ioFDirIndex: SInt16;
877 		ioFlAttrib: SInt8;
878 		ioFlVersNum: SInt8;
879 		ioFlFndrInfo: FInfo;
880 		ioDirID: SInt32;
881 		ioFlStBlk: UInt16;
882 		ioFlLgLen: SInt32;
883 		ioFlPyLen: SInt32;
884 		ioFlRStBlk: UInt16;
885 		ioFlRLgLen: SInt32;
886 		ioFlRPyLen: SInt32;
887 		ioFlCrDat: UInt32;
888 		ioFlMdDat: UInt32;
889 	end;
890 	HFileParamPtr = ^HFileParam;
891 type
892 	HVolumeParam = record
893 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
894 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
895 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
896 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
897 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
898 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
899 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
900 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
901 		filler2: SInt32;
902 		ioVolIndex: SInt16;
903 		ioVCrDate: UInt32;
904 		ioVLsMod: UInt32;
905 		ioVAtrb: SInt16;
906 		ioVNmFls: UInt16;
907 		ioVBitMap: UInt16;
908 		ioAllocPtr: UInt16;
909 		ioVNmAlBlks: UInt16;
910 		ioVAlBlkSiz: UInt32;
911 		ioVClpSiz: UInt32;
912 		ioAlBlSt: UInt16;
913 		ioVNxtCNID: UInt32;
914 		ioVFrBlk: UInt16;
915 		ioVSigWord: UInt16;
916 		ioVDrvInfo: SInt16;
917 		ioVDRefNum: FSIORefNum;
918 		ioVFSID: SInt16;
919 		ioVBkUp: UInt32;
920 		ioVSeqNum: SInt16;
921 		ioVWrCnt: UInt32;
922 		ioVFilCnt: UInt32;
923 		ioVDirCnt: UInt32;
924 		ioVFndrInfo:			array [1..8] of SInt32;
925 	end;
926 	HVolumeParamPtr = ^HVolumeParam;
927 type
928 	XIOParam = record
929 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
930 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
931 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
932 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
933 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
934 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
935 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
936 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
937 		ioRefNum: FSIORefNum;
938 		ioVersNum: SInt8;
939 		ioPermssn: SInt8;
940 		ioMisc: Ptr;
941 		ioBuffer: Ptr;
942 		ioReqCount: SInt32;
943 		ioActCount: SInt32;
944 		ioPosMode: SInt16;              { must have kUseWidePositioning bit set }
945 		ioWPosOffset: wide;           { wide positioning offset }
946 	end;
947 	XIOParamPtr = ^XIOParam;
948 type
949 	XVolumeParam = record
950 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
951 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
952 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
953 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
954 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
955 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
956 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
957 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
958 		ioXVersion: UInt32;             { this XVolumeParam version (0) }
959 		ioVolIndex: SInt16;
960 		ioVCrDate: UInt32;
961 		ioVLsMod: UInt32;
962 		ioVAtrb: SInt16;
963 		ioVNmFls: UInt16;
964 		ioVBitMap: UInt16;
965 		ioAllocPtr: UInt16;
966 		ioVNmAlBlks: UInt16;
967 		ioVAlBlkSiz: UInt32;
968 		ioVClpSiz: UInt32;
969 		ioAlBlSt: UInt16;
970 		ioVNxtCNID: UInt32;
971 		ioVFrBlk: UInt16;
972 		ioVSigWord: UInt16;
973 		ioVDrvInfo: SInt16;
974 		ioVDRefNum: SInt16;
975 		ioVFSID: SInt16;
976 		ioVBkUp: UInt32;
977 		ioVSeqNum: SInt16;
978 		ioVWrCnt: UInt32;
979 		ioVFilCnt: UInt32;
980 		ioVDirCnt: UInt32;
981 		ioVFndrInfo:			array [1..8] of SInt32;
982 		ioVTotalBytes: UInt64;          { total number of bytes on volume }
983 		ioVFreeBytes: UInt64;           { number of free bytes on volume }
984 	end;
985 	XVolumeParamPtr = ^XVolumeParam;
986 type
987 	AccessParam = record
988 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
989 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
990 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
991 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
992 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
993 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
994 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
995 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
996 		ioRefNum: FSIORefNum;               { <- , ioRefNum ( use to be filler3 ) }
997 		ioDenyModes: SInt16;            {access rights data}
998 		filler4: SInt16;
999 		filler5: SInt8;
1000 		ioACUser: SInt8;               {access rights for directory only}
1001 		filler6: SInt32;
1002 		ioACOwnerID: SInt32;            {owner ID}
1003 		ioACGroupID: SInt32;            {group ID}
1004 		ioACAccess: SInt32;             {access rights}
1005 		ioDirID: SInt32;
1006 	end;
1007 	AccessParamPtr = ^AccessParam;
1008 type
1009 	ObjParam = record
1010 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1011 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1012 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1013 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1014 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1015 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1016 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
1017 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
1018 		filler7: SInt16;
1019 		ioObjType: SInt16;              {function code}
1020 		ioObjNamePtr: StringPtr;           {ptr to returned creator/group name}
1021 		ioObjID: SInt32;                {creator/group ID}
1022 	end;
1023 	ObjParamPtr = ^ObjParam;
1024 type
1025 	CopyParam = record
1026 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1027 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1028 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1029 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1030 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1031 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1032 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
1033 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
1034 		ioDstVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;           {destination vol identifier}
1035 		filler8: SInt16;
1036 		ioNewName: StringPtr;              {ptr to destination pathname}
1037 		ioCopyName: StringPtr;             {ptr to optional name}
1038 		ioNewDirID: SInt32;             {destination directory ID}
1039 		filler14: SInt32;
1040 		filler15: SInt32;
1041 		ioDirID: SInt32;
1042 	end;
1043 	CopyParamPtr = ^CopyParam;
1044 type
1045 	WDParam = record
1046 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1047 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1048 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1049 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1050 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1051 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1052 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
1053 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
1054 		ioWDCreated: SInt16;
1055 		ioWDIndex: SInt16;
1056 		ioWDProcID: SInt32;
1057 		ioWDVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;
1058 		filler10: SInt16;
1059 		filler11: SInt32;
1060 		filler12: SInt32;
1061 		filler13: SInt32;
1062 		ioWDDirID: SInt32;
1063 	end;
1064 	WDParamPtr = ^WDParam;
1065 type
1066 	FIDParam = record
1067 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1068 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1069 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1070 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1071 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1072 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1073 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
1074 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
1075 		filler14: SInt32;
1076 		ioDestNamePtr: StringPtr;          { dest file name }
1077 		filler15: SInt32;
1078 		ioDestDirID: SInt32;            { dest file's directory id }
1079 		filler16: SInt32;
1080 		filler17: SInt32;
1081 		ioSrcDirID: SInt32;             { source file's directory id }
1082 		filler18: SInt16;
1083 		ioFileID: SInt32;               { file ID }
1084 	end;
1085 	FIDParamPtr = ^FIDParam;
1086 type
1087 	ForeignPrivParam = record
1088 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1089 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1090 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1091 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1092 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1093 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1094 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
1095 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
1096 		ioFiller21: SInt32;
1097 		ioFiller22: SInt32;
1098 		ioForeignPrivBuffer: Ptr;
1099 		ioForeignPrivActCount: SInt32;
1100 		ioForeignPrivReqCount: SInt32;
1101 		ioFiller23: SInt32;
1102 		ioForeignPrivDirID: SInt32;
1103 		ioForeignPrivInfo1: SInt32;
1104 		ioForeignPrivInfo2: SInt32;
1105 		ioForeignPrivInfo3: SInt32;
1106 		ioForeignPrivInfo4: SInt32;
1107 	end;
1108 	ForeignPrivParamPtr = ^ForeignPrivParam;
1109 type
1110 	CSParam = record
1111 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1112 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1113 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1114 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1115 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1116 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1117 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
1118 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
1119 		ioMatchPtr: FSSpecPtr;             { match array }
1120 		ioReqMatchCount: SInt32;        { maximum allowable matches }
1121 		ioActMatchCount: SInt32;        { actual match count }
1122 		ioSearchBits: SInt32;           { search criteria selector }
1123 		ioSearchInfo1: CInfoPBPtr;          { search values and range lower bounds }
1124 		ioSearchInfo2: CInfoPBPtr;          { search values and range upper bounds }
1125 		ioSearchTime: SInt32;           { length of time to run search }
1126 		ioCatPosition: CatPositionRec;          { current position in the catalog }
1127 		ioOptBuffer: Ptr;            { optional performance enhancement buffer }
1128 		ioOptBufSize: SInt32;           { size of buffer pointed to by ioOptBuffer }
1129 	end;
1130 	CSParamPtr = ^CSParam;
1132 type
1133 	HParamBlockRecPtr = ^HParamBlockRec;
1134 	HParamBlockRec = record
1135 		qLink:					QElemPtr;								{ queue link in header }
1136 		qType:					SInt16;								{ type byte for safety check }
1137 		ioTrap:					SInt16;								{ FS: the Trap }
1138 		ioCmdAddr:				Ptr;									{ FS: address to dispatch to }
1139 		ioCompletion:			IOCompletionUPP;						{ completion routine addr (0 for synch calls) }
1140 		ioResult:				OSErr;									{ result code }
1141 		ioNamePtr:				StringPtr;								{ ptr to Vol:FileName string }
1142 		ioVRefNum:				FSVolumeRefNum;								{ volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol) }
1143 		case SInt16 of
1144 		0: (
1145 			ioRefNum:			FSIORefNum;
1146 			ioVersNum:			SInt8;
1147 			ioPermssn:			SInt8;
1148 			ioMisc:				Ptr;
1149 			ioBuffer:			Ptr;
1150 			ioReqCount:			SInt32;
1151 			ioActCount:			SInt32;
1152 			ioPosMode:			SInt16;
1153 			ioPosOffset:		SInt32;
1154 		   );
1155 		1: (
1156 			ioFRefNum:			FSIORefNum;
1157 			ioFVersNum:			SInt8;
1158 			filler1:			SInt8;
1159 			ioFDirIndex:		SInt16;
1160 			ioFlAttrib:			SInt8;
1161 			ioFlVersNum:		SInt8;
1162 			ioFlFndrInfo:		FInfo;
1163 			ioDirID:			SInt32;
1164 			ioFlStBlk:			UInt16;
1165 			ioFlLgLen:			SInt32;
1166 			ioFlPyLen:			SInt32;
1167 			ioFlRStBlk:			UInt16;
1168 			ioFlRLgLen:			SInt32;
1169 			ioFlRPyLen:			SInt32;
1170 			ioFlCrDat:			UInt32;
1171 			ioFlMdDat:			UInt32;
1172 		   );
1173 		2: (
1174 			filler2:			SInt32;
1175 			ioVolIndex:			SInt16;
1176 			ioVCrDate:			UInt32;
1177 			ioVLsMod:			UInt32;
1178 			ioVAtrb:			SInt16;
1179 			ioVNmFls:			UInt16;
1180 			ioVBitMap:			UInt16;
1181 			ioAllocPtr:			UInt16;
1182 			ioVNmAlBlks:		UInt16;
1183 			ioVAlBlkSiz:		UInt32;
1184 			ioVClpSiz:			UInt32;
1185 			ioAlBlSt:			UInt16;
1186 			ioVNxtCNID:			UInt32;
1187 			ioVFrBlk:			UInt16;
1188 			ioVSigWord:			UInt16;
1189 			ioVDrvInfo:			SInt16;
1190 			ioVDRefNum:			FSIORefNum;
1191 			ioVFSID:			SInt16;
1192 			ioVBkUp:			UInt32;
1193 			ioVSeqNum:			UInt16;
1194 			ioVWrCnt:			UInt32;
1195 			ioVFilCnt:			UInt32;
1196 			ioVDirCnt:			UInt32;
1197 			ioVFndrInfo:		array [1..8] of SInt32;
1198 		   );
1199 		3: (
1200 			filler3:			SInt16;
1201 			ioDenyModes:		SInt16;								{ access rights data }
1202 			filler4:			SInt16;
1203 			filler5:			SInt8;
1204 			ioACUser:			SInt8;									{ access rights for directory only }
1205 			filler6:			SInt32;
1206 			ioACOwnerID:		SInt32;								{ owner ID }
1207 			ioACGroupID:		SInt32;								{ group ID }
1208 			ioACAccess:			SInt32;								{ access rights }
1209 {			  ioDirID:			SInt32; -- since this struct is only defined for 32 bit targets, the ioDirID field from case 1 will be at the same address }
1210 		   );
1211 		4: (
1212 			filler7:			SInt16;
1213 			ioObjType:			SInt16;								{ function code }
1214 			ioObjNamePtr:		StringPtr;								{ ptr to returned creator/group name }
1215 			ioObjID:			SInt32;								{ creator/group ID }
1216 		   );
1217 		5: (
1218 			ioDstVRefNum:		SInt16;								{ destination vol identifier }
1219 			filler8:			SInt16;
1220 			ioNewName:			StringPtr;								{ ptr to destination pathname }
1221 			ioCopyName:			StringPtr;								{ ptr to optional name }
1222 			ioNewDirID:			SInt32;								{ destination directory ID }
1223 			{ filler14:				SInt32;
1224 			  filler15:				SInt32;
1225 			  ioDirID:			SInt32; -- since this struct is only defined for 32 bit targets, the ioDirID field from case 1 will be at the same address }
1226 		   );
1227 		6: (
1228 			ioWDCreated:		SInt16;
1229 			ioWDIndex:			SInt16;
1230 			ioWDProcID:			SInt32;
1231 			ioWDVRefNum:		FSVolumeRefNum;
1232 			filler10:			SInt16;
1233 			filler11:			SInt32;
1234 			filler12:			SInt32;
1235 			filler13:			SInt32;
1236 			ioWDDirID:			SInt32;
1237 		   );
1238 		7: (
1239 			filler14:			SInt32;
1240 			ioDestNamePtr:		StringPtr;								{  dest file name  }
1241 			filler15:			SInt32;
1242 			ioDestDirID:		SInt32;							{  dest file's directory id  }
1243 			filler16:			SInt32;
1244 			filler17:			SInt32;
1245 			ioSrcDirID:			SInt32;							{  source file's directory id  }
1246 			filler18:			SInt16;
1247 			ioFileID:			SInt32;								{  file ID  }
1248 		   );
1249 		8: (
1250 			ioMatchPtr:			FSSpecPtr;								{  match array  }
1251 			ioReqMatchCount:	SInt32;								{  maximum allowable matches  }
1252 			ioActMatchCount:	SInt32;								{  actual match count  }
1253 			ioSearchBits:		SInt32;								{  search criteria selector  }
1254 			ioSearchInfo1:		CInfoPBPtr;								{  search values and range lower bounds  }
1255 			ioSearchInfo2:		CInfoPBPtr;								{  search values and range upper bounds  }
1256 			ioSearchTime:		SInt32;								{  length of time to run search  }
1257 			ioCatPosition:		CatPositionRec;							{  current position in the catalog  }
1258 			ioOptBuffer:		Ptr;									{  optional performance enhancement buffer  }
1259 			ioOptBufSize:		SInt32;								{  size of buffer pointed to by ioOptBuffer  }
1260 		   );
1261 		9: (
1262 			ioFiller21:			SInt32;
1263 			ioFiller22:			SInt32;
1264 			ioForeignPrivBuffer: Ptr;
1265 			ioForeignPrivActCount: SInt32;
1266 			ioForeignPrivReqCount: SInt32;
1267 			ioFiller23:			SInt32;
1268 			ioForeignPrivDirID:	SInt32;
1269 			ioForeignPrivInfo1:	SInt32;
1270 			ioForeignPrivInfo2:	SInt32;
1271 			ioForeignPrivInfo3:	SInt32;
1272 			ioForeignPrivInfo4:	SInt32;
1273 		   );
1274 	end;
1276 	HParmBlkPtr							= ^HParamBlockRec;
1278 type
1279 	CMovePBRecPtr = ^CMovePBRec;
1280 	CMovePBRec = record
1281 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1282 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1283 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1284 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1285 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1286 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1287 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
1288 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
1289 		filler1: SInt32;
1290 		ioNewName: StringPtr;
1291 		filler2: SInt32;
1292 		ioNewDirID: SInt32;
1293 		filler3: array [1..2] of SInt32;
1294 		ioDirID: SInt32;
1295 	end;
1297 	CMovePBPtr = CMovePBRecPtr;
1298 	WDPBRecPtr = ^WDPBRec;
1299 	WDPBRec = record
1300 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1301 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1302 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1303 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1304 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1305 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1306 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
1307 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
1308 		filler1: SInt16;
1309 		ioWDIndex: SInt16;
1310 		ioWDProcID: SInt32;
1311 		ioWDVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;
1312 		filler2: array [1..7] of SInt16;
1313 		ioWDDirID: SInt32;
1314 	end;
1315 type
1316 	WDPBPtr = WDPBRecPtr;
1317 	FCBPBRecPtr = ^FCBPBRec;
1318 	FCBPBRec = record
1319 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1320 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1321 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1322 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1323 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1324 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1325 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
1326 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
1327 		ioRefNum: FSIORefNum;
1328 		filler: SInt16;
1329 		ioFCBIndx: SInt16;
1330 		filler1: SInt16;
1331 		ioFCBFlNm: SInt32;
1332 		ioFCBFlags: SInt16;
1333 		ioFCBStBlk: UInt16;
1334 		ioFCBEOF: SInt32;
1335 		ioFCBPLen: SInt32;
1336 		ioFCBCrPs: SInt32;
1337 		ioFCBVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;
1338 		ioFCBClpSiz: SInt32;
1339 		ioFCBParID: SInt32;
1340 	end;
1341 type
1342 	FCBPBPtr = FCBPBRecPtr;
1343 	VCB = record
1344 		qLink: QElemPtr;
1345 		qType: SInt16;
1346 		vcbFlags: SInt16;
1347 		vcbSigWord: UInt16;
1348 		vcbCrDate: UInt32;
1349 		vcbLsMod: UInt32;
1350 		vcbAtrb: SInt16;
1351 		vcbNmFls: UInt16;
1352 		vcbVBMSt: SInt16;
1353 		vcbAllocPtr: SInt16;
1354 		vcbNmAlBlks: UInt16;
1355 		vcbAlBlkSiz: SInt32;
1356 		vcbClpSiz: SInt32;
1357 		vcbAlBlSt: SInt16;
1358 		vcbNxtCNID: SInt32;
1359 		vcbFreeBks: UInt16;
1360 		vcbVN: Str27;
1361 		vcbDrvNum: SInt16;
1362 		vcbDRefNum: FSIORefNum;
1363 		vcbFSID: SInt16;
1364 		vcbVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;
1365 		vcbMAdr: Ptr;
1366 		vcbBufAdr: Ptr;
1367 		vcbMLen: SInt16;
1368 		vcbDirIndex: SInt16;
1369 		vcbDirBlk: SInt16;
1370 		vcbVolBkUp: UInt32;
1371 		vcbVSeqNum: UInt16;
1372 		vcbWrCnt: SInt32;
1373 		vcbXTClpSiz: SInt32;
1374 		vcbCTClpSiz: SInt32;
1375 		vcbNmRtDirs: UInt16;
1376 		vcbFilCnt: SInt32;
1377 		vcbDirCnt: SInt32;
1378 		vcbFndrInfo: array [1..8] of SInt32;
1379 		vcbVCSize: UInt16;
1380 		vcbVBMCSiz: UInt16;
1381 		vcbCtlCSiz: UInt16;
1382 		vcbXTAlBlks: UInt16;
1383 		vcbCTAlBlks: UInt16;
1384 		vcbXTRef: SInt16;
1385 		vcbCTRef: SInt16;
1386 		vcbCtlBuf: Ptr;
1387 		vcbDirIDM: SInt32;
1388 		vcbOffsM: SInt16;
1389 	end;
1390 	VCBPtr = ^VCB;
1391 type
1392 	DrvQEl = record
1393 		qLink: QElemPtr;
1394 		qType: SInt16;
1395 		dQDrive: SInt16;
1396 		dQRefNum: SInt16;
1397 		dQFSID: SInt16;
1398 		dQDrvSz: UInt16;
1399 		dQDrvSz2: UInt16;
1400 	end;
1401 	DrvQElPtr = ^DrvQEl;
1402 {$endc} {not TARGET_CPU_64}
1405 {
1406  *  FSPermissionInfo
1407  *
1408  *  Discussion:
1409  *    This structure is used when kFSCatInfoPermissions is passed to
1410  *    the HFSPlus API. On return from GetCatalogInfo and
1411  *    GetCatalogInfoBulk, the userID, groupID, and mode fields are
1412  *    returned.  When passed to SetCatalogInfo, only the mode field is
1413  *    set.  See chmod(2) for details about the mode field. This is
1414  *    supported on Mac OS X only. NOTE: An FSFileSecurityRef retrieved
1415  *    via FSGetCatalogInfo is a copy and must be released using
1416  *    CFRelease() when no longer needed.
1417  }
1418 type
1419 	FSPermissionInfoPtr = ^FSPermissionInfo;
1420 	FSPermissionInfo = record
1421 		userID: UInt32;
1422 		groupID: UInt32;
1423 		reserved1: UInt8;
1424 		userAccess: UInt8;
1425 		mode: UInt16;
1426 		fileSec: FSFileSecurityRef;
1427 	end;
1428 {  CatalogInfoBitmap describes which fields of the CatalogInfo you wish to get or set.}
1430 type
1431 	FSCatalogInfoBitmap = UInt32;
1432 const
1433 	kFSCatInfoNone = $00000000;
1434 	kFSCatInfoTextEncoding = $00000001;
1435 	kFSCatInfoNodeFlags = $00000002; { Locked (bit 0) and directory (bit 4) only }
1436 	kFSCatInfoVolume = $00000004;
1437 	kFSCatInfoParentDirID = $00000008;
1438 	kFSCatInfoNodeID = $00000010;
1439 	kFSCatInfoCreateDate = $00000020;
1440 	kFSCatInfoContentMod = $00000040;
1441 	kFSCatInfoAttrMod = $00000080;
1442 	kFSCatInfoAccessDate = $00000100; { Note: although included in kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, attempts to set kFSCatInfoAccessDate will do nothing but will not cause an error }
1443 	kFSCatInfoBackupDate = $00000200;
1444 	kFSCatInfoPermissions = $00000400;
1445 	kFSCatInfoFinderInfo = $00000800;
1446 	kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo = $00001000;
1447 	kFSCatInfoValence = $00002000; { Folders only, zero for files }
1448 	kFSCatInfoDataSizes = $00004000; { Data fork logical and physical size }
1449 	kFSCatInfoRsrcSizes = $00008000; { Resource fork logical and physical size }
1450 	kFSCatInfoSharingFlags = $00010000; { sharingFlags: kioFlAttribMountedBit, kioFlAttribSharePointBit }
1451 	kFSCatInfoUserPrivs = $00020000; { userPrivileges }
1452 	kFSCatInfoUserAccess = $00080000; { (OS X only) }
1453 	kFSCatInfoSetOwnership = $00100000; { (OS X only) }
1454 	kFSCatInfoFSFileSecurityRef = $00400000; { FSFileSecurity Object, will show up in the permissions field independent of kFSCatInfoPermissions.  This is also not part of settable, gettable since it requires being released }
1455 	kFSCatInfoAllDates = $000003E0;
1456 	kFSCatInfoGettableInfo = $0003FFFF;
1457 	kFSCatInfoSettableInfo = $00001FE3; { flags, dates, permissions, Finder info, text encoding }
1458 	kFSCatInfoReserved = -262144 ; { SInt32($FFFC0000) -- bits that are currently reserved }
1460 {  Constants for nodeFlags field of FSCatalogInfo }
1461 const
1462 	kFSNodeLockedBit = 0;    { Set if file or directory is locked }
1463 	kFSNodeLockedMask = $0001;
1464 	kFSNodeResOpenBit = 2;    { Set if the resource fork is open }
1465 	kFSNodeResOpenMask = $0004;
1466 	kFSNodeDataOpenBit = 3;    { Set if the data fork is open }
1467 	kFSNodeDataOpenMask = $0008;
1468 	kFSNodeIsDirectoryBit = 4;    { Set if the object is a directory }
1469 	kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask = $0010;
1470 	kFSNodeCopyProtectBit = 6;
1471 	kFSNodeCopyProtectMask = $0040;
1472 	kFSNodeForkOpenBit = 7;    { Set if the file or directory has any open fork }
1473 	kFSNodeForkOpenMask = $0080;
1474 	kFSNodeHardLinkBit = 8;    { Set if the file or directory has a link count > 1 }
1475 	kFSNodeHardLinkMask = $00000100;
1477 {  Constants for sharingFlags field of FSCatalogInfo }
1478 const
1479 	kFSNodeInSharedBit = 2;    { Set if a directory is within a share point }
1480 	kFSNodeInSharedMask = $0004;
1481 	kFSNodeIsMountedBit = 3;    { Set if a directory is a share point currently mounted by some user }
1482 	kFSNodeIsMountedMask = $0008;
1483 	kFSNodeIsSharePointBit = 5;    { Set if a directory is a share point (exported volume) }
1484 	kFSNodeIsSharePointMask = $0020;
1486 {$ifc TARGET_CPU_64}
1487 {
1488  *  FSCatalogInfo
1489  *
1490  *  Discussion:
1491  *    For each of the items in this structure, if the given bit is set
1492  *    in the whichInfo paramater to the FSGetCatalogInfo call then the
1493  *    field will be filled in on return.  Some fields which are not
1494  *    asked for my be returned as well, but do not depend on this
1495  *    behaviour.
1496  }
1497 type
1498 	FSCatalogInfoPtr = ^FSCatalogInfo;
1499 	FSCatalogInfo = record
1500 {
1501    * kFSCatInfoNodeFlags / flag bits set if the file is locked, open,
1502    * is a directory, etc.
1503    }
1504 		nodeFlags: UInt16;              { node flags }
1506   {
1507    * kFSCatInfoVolume / the volume reference of the returned item
1508    }
1509 		volume: FSVolumeRefNum;                 { object's volume ref }
1511   {
1512    * kFSCatInfoParentDirID / the directory id of the parent of the
1513    * returned item
1514    }
1515 		parentDirID: UInt32;            { parent directory's ID }
1517   {
1518    * kFSCatInfoNodeID / the file id of the returned item
1519    }
1520 		nodeID: UInt32;                 { file/directory ID }
1522   {
1523    * kFSCatInfoSharingFlags / kioFlAttribMountedBit,
1524    * kioFlAttribSharePointBit
1525    }
1526 		sharingFlags: UInt8;           { kioFlAttribMountedBit and kioFlAttribSharePointBit }
1527 		userPrivileges: UInt8;         { user's effective AFP privileges (same as ioACUser) }
1528 		reserved1: UInt8;
1530   {
1531    * Unused
1532    }
1533 		reserved2: UInt8;
1535   {
1536    * kFSCatInfoCreateDate / date and time of creation
1537    }
1538 		createDate: UTCDateTime;             { date and time of creation }
1540   {
1541    * kFSCatInfoContentMod / date and time of last modification of the
1542    * content of the returned item
1543    }
1544 		contentModDate: UTCDateTime;         { date and time of last fork modification }
1546   {
1547    * kFSCatInfoAttrMod / date and time of the last modification of the
1548    * attributes of the returned item
1549    }
1550 		attributeModDate: UTCDateTime;       { date and time of last attribute modification }
1552   {
1553    * kFSCatInfoAccessDate / date and time of the last access to the
1554    * returned item
1555    }
1556 		accessDate: UTCDateTime;             { date and time of last access (for Mac OS X) }
1558   {
1559    * kFSCatInfoBackupDate / date and time of the last backup for the
1560    * returned item
1561    }
1562 		backupDate: UTCDateTime;             { date and time of last backup }
1564   {
1565    * kFSCatInfoPermissions / Mac OS X only, file system permissions of
1566    * the returned item.  Coerce to a FSPermissionInfo to use.
1567    }
1568 		permissions: FSPermissionInfo;            { permissions (for Mac OS X), as FSPermissionInfo }
1570   {
1571    * kFSCatInfoFinderInfo / file type, creator, flags, location.
1572    * Coerce to a File/FolderInfo to use.
1573    }
1574   finderInfo: packed array [0..15] of UInt8;         { Finder information part 1, as FileInfo or FolderInfo  }
1576   {
1577    * kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo / icon, script, et al.  Coerce to a
1578    * ExtendedFile/FolderInfo to use.
1579    }
1580   extFinderInfo: packed array [0..15] of UInt8;      { Finder information part 2, as ExtendedFileInfo or ExtendedFolderInfo }
1583   {
1584    * kFSCatInfoDataSizes / the logical size of the data fork of the
1585    * returned item if a file
1586    }
1587 		dataLogicalSize: UInt64;        { files only }
1589   {
1590    * kFSCatInfoDataSizes / the physical size of the data fork of the
1591    * returned item if a file
1592    }
1593 		dataPhysicalSize: UInt64;       { files only }
1595   {
1596    * kFSCatInfoRsrcSizes / the logical size of the resource fork of the
1597    * returned item if a file
1598    }
1599 		rsrcLogicalSize: UInt64;        { files only }
1601   {
1602    * kFSCatInfoRsrcSizes / the physical size of the resource fork of
1603    * the returned item if a file
1604    }
1605 		rsrcPhysicalSize: UInt64;       { files only }
1608   {
1609    * kFSCatInfoValence / folders only, zero for files.
1610    }
1611 		valence: UInt32;                { folders only }
1613   {
1614    * kFSCatInfoTextEncoding / the text encoding hint for the returned
1615    * item
1616    }
1617 		textEncodingHint: TextEncoding;
1618 	end;
1619 {$elsec}
1620 type
1621 	FSCatalogInfoPtr = ^FSCatalogInfo;
1622 	FSCatalogInfo = record
1623 		nodeFlags: UInt16;              { node flags }
1624 		volume: FSVolumeRefNum;                 { object's volume ref }
1625 		parentDirID: UInt32;            { parent directory's ID }
1626 		nodeID: UInt32;                 { file/directory ID }
1627 		sharingFlags: UInt8;           { kioFlAttribMountedBit and kioFlAttribSharePointBit }
1628 		userPrivileges: UInt8;         { user's effective AFP privileges (same as ioACUser) }
1629 		reserved1: UInt8;
1630 		reserved2: UInt8;
1631 		createDate: UTCDateTime;             { date and time of creation }
1632 		contentModDate: UTCDateTime;         { date and time of last fork modification }
1633 		attributeModDate: UTCDateTime;       { date and time of last attribute modification }
1634 		accessDate: UTCDateTime;             { date and time of last access (for Mac OS X) }
1635 		backupDate: UTCDateTime;             { date and time of last backup }
1636 		permissions:			array [0..3] of UInt32;					{  permissions (for Mac OS X)  }
1637 		finderInfo:				packed array [0..15] of UInt8;			{  Finder information part 1  }
1638 		extFinderInfo:			packed array [0..15] of UInt8;			{  Finder information part 2  }
1640 		dataLogicalSize: UInt64;        { files only }
1641 		dataPhysicalSize: UInt64;       { files only }
1642 		rsrcLogicalSize: UInt64;        { files only }
1643 		rsrcPhysicalSize: UInt64;       { files only }
1645 		valence: UInt32;                { folders only }
1646 		textEncodingHint: TextEncoding;
1647 	end;
1648 {$endc} {TARGET_CPU_64}
1650 type
1651 	FSRefParam = record
1652 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1653 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1654 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1655 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1656 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1657 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1658 		ioNamePtr: ConstStringPtr;              {ptr to Vol:FileName string}
1659 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              {volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)}
1661 		reserved1: SInt16;              { was ioRefNum }
1662 		reserved2: UInt8;              { was ioVersNum }
1663 		reserved3: UInt8;              { was ioPermssn }
1665 		ref: {const} FSRefPtr;                    { Input ref; the target of the call }
1666 		whichInfo: FSCatalogInfoBitmap;
1667 		catInfo: FSCatalogInfoPtr;
1668 		nameLength: UniCharCount;             { input name length for create/rename }
1669 		name: {const} UniCharPtr;                   { input name for create/rename }
1670 		ioDirID: UInt32;
1671 		spec: FSSpecPtr;
1672 		parentRef: FSRefPtr;              { ref of directory to move another ref to }
1673 		newRef: FSRefPtr;                 { Output ref }
1674 		textEncodingHint: TextEncoding;       { for Rename, MakeFSRefUnicode }
1675 		outName: HFSUniStr255Ptr;                { Output name for GetCatalogInfo }
1676 	end;
1677 	FSRefParamPtr = ^FSRefParam;
1678 { for use with PBCreateFileAndOpenFork}
1679 type
1680 	FSRefForkIOParam = record
1681 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1682 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1683 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1684 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1685 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1686 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1687 		parentRef: {const} FSRefPtr;              { ref of directory to move another ref to }
1688 		nameLength: UniCharCount;             { input name length for create/rename }
1689 		name: {const} UniCharPtr;                   { input name for create/rename }
1690 		whichInfo: FSCatalogInfoBitmap;
1691 		catInfo: {const} FSCatalogInfoPtr;
1692 		forkNameLength: UniCharCount;         { input; length of fork name }
1693 		forkName: {const} UniCharPtr;               { input; name of fork (NULL indicates data fork) }
1694 		permissions: SInt8;            { desired access to the fork }
1695 		reserved1: UInt8;
1696 		forkRefNum: FSIORefNum;             { Output refNum of newly opened fork }
1697 		newRef: FSRefPtr;                 { Output ref }
1698 	end;
1699 	FSRefForkIOParamPtr = ^FSRefForkIOParam;
1700 type
1701 	FSIterator = ^OpaqueFSIterator; { an opaque type }
1702 	OpaqueFSIterator = record end;
1703 	FSIteratorPtr = ^FSIterator;  { when a var xx:FSIterator parameter can be nil, it is changed to xx: FSIteratorPtr }
1704 const
1705 	kFSIterateFlat = 0;    { Immediate children of container only }
1706 	kFSIterateSubtree = 1;    { Entire subtree rooted at container }
1707 	kFSIterateDelete = 2;
1708 	kFSIterateReserved = -4; { SInt32($FFFFFFFC) }
1710 type
1711 	FSIteratorFlags = OptionBits;
1712 	FSSearchParams = record
1713 		searchTime: Duration;             { a Time Manager duration }
1714 		searchBits: OptionBits;             { which fields to search on }
1715 		searchNameLength: UniCharCount;
1716 		searchName: {const} UniCharPtr;
1717 		searchInfo1: FSCatalogInfoPtr;            { values and lower bounds }
1718 		searchInfo2: FSCatalogInfoPtr;            { masks and upper bounds }
1719 	end;
1720 	FSSearchParamsPtr = ^FSSearchParams;
1721 type
1722 	FSCatalogBulkParam = record
1723 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1724 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1725 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1726 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1727 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1728 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1729 		containerChanged: Boolean;       { true if container changed since last iteration }
1730 		reserved: UInt8;               { make following fields 4-byte aligned }
1732 		iteratorFlags: FSIteratorFlags;
1733 		iterator: FSIterator;
1734 		container: {const} FSRefPtr;              { directory/volume to iterate }
1735 		maximumItems: ItemCount;
1736 		actualItems: ItemCount;
1737 		whichInfo: FSCatalogInfoBitmap;
1738 		catalogInfo: FSCatalogInfoPtr;            { returns an array }
1739 		refs: FSRefPtr;                   { returns an array }
1740 		specs: FSSpecPtr;                  { returns an array }
1741 		names: HFSUniStr255Ptr;                  { returns an array }
1742 		searchParams: {const} FSSearchParamsPtr;
1743 	end;
1744 	FSCatalogBulkParamPtr = ^FSCatalogBulkParam;
1745 type
1746 	FSAllocationFlags = UInt16;
1747 const
1748 	kFSAllocDefaultFlags = $0000; { as much as possible, not contiguous }
1749 	kFSAllocAllOrNothingMask = $0001; { allocate all of the space, or nothing }
1750 	kFSAllocContiguousMask = $0002; { new space must be one contiguous piece }
1751 	kFSAllocNoRoundUpMask = $0004; { don't round up allocation to clump size }
1752 	kFSAllocReservedMask = $FFF8; { these bits are reserved and must not be set }
1754 type
1755 	FSForkIOParam = record
1756 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1757 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1758 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1759 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1760 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1761 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1762 		reserved1: UnivPtr;              { was ioNamePtr }
1763 		reserved2: SInt16;              { was ioVRefNum }
1764 		forkRefNum: FSIORefNum;             { same as ioRefNum }
1765 		reserved3: UInt8;              { was ioVersNum }
1766 		permissions: SInt8;            { desired access to the fork }
1767 		ref: {const} FSRefPtr;                    { which object to open }
1770 		buffer: Ptr;                 {data buffer Ptr}
1771 		requestCount: UInt32;           {requested byte count}
1772 		actualCount: UInt32;            {actual byte count completed}
1773 		positionMode: UInt16;           {initial file positioning}
1774 		positionOffset: SInt64;         {file position offset}
1776 		allocationFlags: FSAllocationFlags;
1777 		allocationAmount: UInt64;
1779 		forkNameLength: UniCharCount;         { input; length of fork name }
1780 		forkName: {const} UniCharPtr;               { input; name of fork }
1782 		forkIterator: CatPositionRec;
1783 		outForkName: HFSUniStr255Ptr;            { output; name of fork }
1784 	end;
1785 	FSForkIOParamPtr = ^FSForkIOParam;
1786 type
1787 	FSForkInfoFlags = UInt8;
1788 	FSForkInfo = record
1789 		flags: FSForkInfoFlags;                  { copy of FCB flags }
1790 		permissions: SInt8;
1791 		volume: FSVolumeRefNum;
1792 		reserved2: UInt32;
1793 		nodeID: UInt32;                 { file or directory ID }
1794 		forkID: UInt32;                 { fork ID }
1795 		currentPosition: UInt64;
1796 		logicalEOF: UInt64;
1797 		physicalEOF: UInt64;
1798 		process: UInt64;                { should be ProcessSerialNumber }
1799 	end;
1800 	FSForkInfoPtr = ^FSForkInfo;
1801 type
1802 	FSForkCBInfoParam = record
1803 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1804 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1805 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1806 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1807 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1808 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1809 		desiredRefNum: FSIORefNum;          { 0 to iterate, non-0 for specific refnum }
1810 		volumeRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;           { volume to match, or 0 for all volumes }
1811 		iterator: FSIORefNum;               { 0 to start iteration }
1812 		actualRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;           { actual refnum found }
1814 		ref: FSRefPtr;
1815 		forkInfo: FSForkInfoPtr;
1816 		forkName: HFSUniStr255Ptr;
1817 	end;
1818 	FSForkCBInfoParamPtr = ^FSForkCBInfoParam;
1819 { Parameter block for use with 64 bit range lock calls.}
1820 type
1821 	FSRangeLockParam = record
1822 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1823 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1824 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1825 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1826 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1827 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1828 		forkRefNum: FSIORefNum;             { fork to operate on }
1829 		requestCount: UInt64;           {requested byte count}
1830 		positionMode: UInt16;           {initial file positioning}
1831 		positionOffset: SInt64;         {file position offset}
1832 		rangeStart: UInt64;             { byte number of first byte (un)locked }
1833 	end;
1834 	FSRangeLockParamPtr = ^FSRangeLockParam;
1835 type
1836 	FSVolumeInfoBitmap = UInt32;
1837 const
1838 	kFSVolInfoNone = $0000;
1839 	kFSVolInfoCreateDate = $0001;
1840 	kFSVolInfoModDate = $0002;
1841 	kFSVolInfoBackupDate = $0004;
1842 	kFSVolInfoCheckedDate = $0008;
1843 	kFSVolInfoFileCount = $0010;
1844 	kFSVolInfoDirCount = $0020;
1845 	kFSVolInfoSizes = $0040; { totalBytes and freeBytes }
1846 	kFSVolInfoBlocks = $0080; { blockSize, totalBlocks, freeBlocks }
1847 	kFSVolInfoNextAlloc = $0100;
1848 	kFSVolInfoRsrcClump = $0200;
1849 	kFSVolInfoDataClump = $0400;
1850 	kFSVolInfoNextID = $0800;
1851 	kFSVolInfoFinderInfo = $1000;
1852 	kFSVolInfoFlags = $2000;
1853 	kFSVolInfoFSInfo = $4000; { filesystemID, signature }
1854 	kFSVolInfoDriveInfo = $8000; { driveNumber, driverRefNum }
1855 	kFSVolInfoGettableInfo = $FFFF; { This seems like it is here just for completeness }
1856 	kFSVolInfoSettableInfo = $3004; { backup date, Finder info, flags }
1858 { FSVolumeInfo.flags bits.  These are the same as for ioVAtrb, but with nicer names. }
1859 const
1860 	kFSVolFlagDefaultVolumeBit = 5;    { Set if the volume is the default volume }
1861 	kFSVolFlagDefaultVolumeMask = $0020;
1862 	kFSVolFlagFilesOpenBit = 6;    { Set if there are open files or iterators }
1863 	kFSVolFlagFilesOpenMask = $0040;
1864 	kFSVolFlagHardwareLockedBit = 7;    { Set if volume is locked by a hardware setting }
1865 	kFSVolFlagHardwareLockedMask = $0080;
1866 	kFSVolFlagJournalingActiveBit = 14;   { Set if journaling is active on volume }
1867 	kFSVolFlagJournalingActiveMask = $4000;
1868 	kFSVolFlagSoftwareLockedBit = 15;   { Set if volume is locked by software }
1869 	kFSVolFlagSoftwareLockedMask = $8000;
1872 type
1873 	FSVolumeInfo = record
1874 { Dates -- zero means "never" or "unknown" }
1875 		createDate: UTCDateTime;
1876 		modifyDate: UTCDateTime;
1877 		backupDate: UTCDateTime;
1878 		checkedDate: UTCDateTime;
1880                                               { File/Folder counts -- return zero if unknown }
1881 		fileCount: UInt32;              { total files on volume }
1882 		folderCount: UInt32;            { total folders on volume }
1883                                               { Note: no root directory counts }
1885 		totalBytes: UInt64;             { total number of bytes on volume }
1886 		freeBytes: UInt64;              { number of free bytes on volume }
1888                                               { HFS and HFS Plus specific.  Set fields to zero if not appropriate }
1889 		blockSize: UInt32;              { size (in bytes) of allocation blocks }
1890 		totalBlocks: UInt32;            { number of allocation blocks in volume }
1891 		freeBlocks: UInt32;             { number of unused allocation blocks }
1892 		nextAllocation: UInt32;         { start of next allocation search }
1893 		rsrcClumpSize: UInt32;          { default resource fork clump size }
1894 		dataClumpSize: UInt32;          { default data fork clump size }
1895 		nextCatalogID: UInt32;          { next unused catalog node ID ��� OYG ��� need to make HFSVolumes.h work Should be HFSCatalogNodeID}
1896 		finderInfo: packed array [0..31] of UInt8;         { information used by Finder }
1898                                               { Identifying information }
1899 		flags: UInt16;                  { ioVAtrb }
1900 		filesystemID: UInt16;           { ioVFSID }
1901 		signature: UInt16;              { ioVSigWord, unique within an FSID }
1902 		driveNumber: UInt16;            { ioVDrvInfo }
1903 		driverRefNum: FSIORefNum;           { ioVDRefNum }
1904 	end;
1905 	FSVolumeInfoPtr = ^FSVolumeInfo;
1906 type
1907 	FSVolumeInfoParam = record
1908 		qLink: QElemPtr;                  {queue link in header}
1909 		qType: SInt16;                  {type byte for safety check}
1910 		ioTrap: SInt16;                 {FS: the Trap}
1911 		ioCmdAddr: Ptr;              {FS: address to dispatch to}
1912 		ioCompletion: IOCompletionUPP;           {completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)}
1913 		ioResult: {volatile} OSErr;               {result code}
1914 		ioNamePtr: StringPtr;              { unused }
1915 		ioVRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum;              { volume refnum }
1917 		volumeIndex: UInt32;            { index, or 0 to use ioVRefNum }
1918 		whichInfo: FSVolumeInfoBitmap;              { which volumeInfo fields to get/set }
1919 		volumeInfo: FSVolumeInfoPtr;             { information about the volume }
1920 		volumeName: HFSUniStr255Ptr;             { output; pointer to volume name }
1921 		ref: FSRefPtr;                    { volume's FSRef }
1922 	end;
1923 	FSVolumeInfoParamPtr = ^FSVolumeInfoParam;
1924 type
1925 	GetVolParmsInfoBuffer = record
1926 		vMVersion: SInt16;              {version number}
1927 		vMAttrib: SInt32;               {bit vector of attributes (see vMAttrib constants)}
1928 		vMLocalHand: Handle;            {handle to private data}
1929 		vMServerAdr: SInt32;            {AppleTalk server address or zero}
1930                                               {       vMVersion 1 GetVolParmsInfoBuffer ends here }
1931 		vMVolumeGrade: SInt32;          {approx. speed rating or zero if unrated}
1932 		vMForeignPrivID: SInt16;        {foreign privilege model supported or zero if none}
1933                                               {       vMVersion 2 GetVolParmsInfoBuffer ends here }
1934 		vMExtendedAttributes: SInt32;   {extended attribute bits (see vMExtendedAttributes constants)}
1935                                               {       vMVersion 3 GetVolParmsInfoBuffer ends here }
1936 		vMDeviceID: UnivPtr;             { device id name for interoperability with IOKit }
1937                                               {       vMVersion 4 GetVolParmsInfoBuffer ends here }
1938 		vMMaxNameLength: UniCharCount;
1939                                               {       vMVersion 5 GetVolParmsInfoBuffer ends here }
1940 	end;
1941 {
1942     The following are structures to be filled out with the _PBGetVolMountInfo call
1943     and passed back into the _PBVolumeMount call for external file system mounts.
1944 }
1945 { the "signature" of the file system }
1947 type
1948 	VolumeType = OSType;
1949 const
1950 { the signature for AppleShare }
1951 	AppleShareMediaType = FourCharCode('afpm');
1953 {
1954     VolMount stuff was once in FSM.�
1955 }
1956 type
1957 	VolMountInfoHeader = record
1958 		length: SInt16;                 { length of location data (including self) }
1959 		media: VolumeType;                  { type of media.  Variable length data follows }
1960 	end;
1961 type
1962 	VolMountInfoPtr = ^VolMountInfoHeader;
1963 { The new volume mount info record.  The old one is included for compatibility.
1964     the new record allows access by foriegn filesystems writers to the flags
1965     portion of the record. This portion is now public.
1966 }
1967 type
1968 	VolumeMountInfoHeader = record
1969 		length: SInt16;                 { length of location data (including self) }
1970 		media: VolumeType;                  { type of media (must be registered with Apple) }
1971 		flags: SInt16;                  { volume mount flags. Variable length data follows }
1972 	end;
1973 	VolumeMountInfoHeaderPtr = ^VolumeMountInfoHeader;
1974 { volume mount flags }
1975 const
1976 	volMountNoLoginMsgFlagBit = 0;    { Input to VolumeMount: If set, the file system }
1977 	volMountNoLoginMsgFlagMask = $0001; {  should suppresss any log-in message/greeting dialog }
1978 	volMountExtendedFlagsBit = 7;    { Input to VolumeMount: If set, the mount info is a }
1979 	volMountExtendedFlagsMask = $0080; {  AFPXVolMountInfo record for 3.7 AppleShare Client }
1980 	volMountInteractBit = 15;   { Input to VolumeMount: If set, it's OK for the file system }
1981 	volMountInteractMask = $8000; {  to perform user interaction to mount the volume }
1982 	volMountChangedBit = 14;   { Output from VoumeMount: If set, the volume was mounted, but }
1983 	volMountChangedMask = $4000; {  the volume mounting information record needs to be updated. }
1984 	volMountFSReservedMask = $00FF; { bits 0-7 are defined by each file system for its own use }
1985 	volMountSysReservedMask = $FF00; { bits 8-15 are reserved for Apple system use }
1988 type
1989 	AFPVolMountInfo = record
1990 		length: SInt16;                 { length of location data (including self) }
1991 		media: VolumeType;                  { type of media }
1992 		flags: SInt16;                  { bits for no messages, no reconnect }
1993 		nbpInterval: SInt8;            { NBP Interval parameter (IM2, p.322) }
1994 		nbpCount: SInt8;               { NBP Interval parameter (IM2, p.322) }
1995 		uamType: SInt16;                { User Authentication Method }
1996 		zoneNameOffset: SInt16;         { short positive offset from start of struct to Zone Name }
1997 		serverNameOffset: SInt16;       { offset to pascal Server Name string }
1998 		volNameOffset: SInt16;          { offset to pascal Volume Name string }
1999 		userNameOffset: SInt16;         { offset to pascal User Name string }
2000 		userPasswordOffset: SInt16;     { offset to pascal User Password string }
2001 		volPasswordOffset: SInt16;      { offset to pascal Volume Password string }
2002 		AFPData: packed array [1..144] of char;           { variable length data may follow }
2003 	end;
2004 	AFPVolMountInfoPtr = ^AFPVolMountInfo;
2007 { AFPXVolMountInfo is the new AFP volume mount info record, requires the 3.7 AppleShare Client }
2008 type
2009 	AFPXVolMountInfo = record
2010 		length: SInt16;                 { length of location data (including self) }
2011 		media: VolumeType;                  { type of media }
2012 		flags: SInt16;                  { bits for no messages, no reconnect }
2013 		nbpInterval: SInt8;            { NBP Interval parameter (IM2, p.322) }
2014 		nbpCount: SInt8;               { NBP Interval parameter (IM2, p.322) }
2015 		uamType: SInt16;                { User Authentication Method type }
2016 		zoneNameOffset: SInt16;         { short positive offset from start of struct to Zone Name }
2017 		serverNameOffset: SInt16;       { offset to pascal Server Name string }
2018 		volNameOffset: SInt16;          { offset to pascal Volume Name string }
2019 		userNameOffset: SInt16;         { offset to pascal User Name string }
2020 		userPasswordOffset: SInt16;     { offset to pascal User Password string }
2021 		volPasswordOffset: SInt16;      { offset to pascal Volume Password string }
2022 		extendedFlags: SInt16;          { extended flags word }
2023 		uamNameOffset: SInt16;          { offset to a pascal UAM name string }
2024 		alternateAddressOffset: SInt16; { offset to Alternate Addresses in tagged format }
2025 		AFPData: packed array [1..176] of char;           { variable length data may follow }
2026 	end;
2027 	AFPXVolMountInfoPtr = ^AFPXVolMountInfo;
2028 const
2029 	kAFPExtendedFlagsAlternateAddressMask = 1; {  bit in AFPXVolMountInfo.extendedFlags that means alternateAddressOffset is used}
2032 const
2033 { constants for use in AFPTagData.fType field}
2034 	kAFPTagTypeIP = $01; { 4 byte IP address (MSB first)            }
2035 	kAFPTagTypeIPPort = $02; { 4 byte IP address, 2 byte port (MSB first)     }
2036 	kAFPTagTypeDDP = $03; { Net,Node,Socket Sent by the server, currently unused by the client }
2037 	kAFPTagTypeDNS = $04;  { DNS name in  address:port format   (total length variable up to 254 chars of dns name)          }
2040 const
2041 { constants for use in AFPTagData.fLength field}
2042 	kAFPTagLengthIP = $06;
2043 	kAFPTagLengthIPPort = $08;
2044 	kAFPTagLengthDDP = $06;
2046 type
2047 	AFPTagData = packed record
2048 		fLength: UInt8;                { length of this data tag including the fLength field }
2049 		fType: UInt8;
2050 		fData:					packed array [0..0] of UInt8;			{  variable length data  }
2051 	end;
2052 type
2053 	AFPAlternateAddressPtr = ^AFPAlternateAddress;
2054 	AFPAlternateAddress = packed record
2055 { ����NOTE: fVersion was missing in 3.2 Universal Interfaces}
2056 		fVersion: UInt8;               { version of the structure (currently 0x00)}
2057 		fAddressCount: UInt8;
2058 		fAddressList: packed array [0..0] of UInt8;        { actually variable length packed set of AFPTagData }
2059 	end;
2060 const
2061 	kLargeIconSize = 256;
2062 	kLarge4BitIconSize = 512;
2063 	kLarge8BitIconSize = 1024;
2064 	kSmallIconSize = 64;
2065 	kSmall4BitIconSize = 128;
2066 	kSmall8BitIconSize = 256;
2068 {
2069  *  NewIOCompletionUPP()
2070  *
2071  *  Availability:
2072  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2073  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2074  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   available as macro/inline
2075  }
2076 { old name was NewIOCompletionProc }
NewIOCompletionUPPnull2077 function NewIOCompletionUPP( userRoutine: IOCompletionProcPtr ): IOCompletionUPP; external name '_NewIOCompletionUPP';
2080 {
2081  *  DisposeIOCompletionUPP()
2082  *
2083  *  Availability:
2084  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2085  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2086  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   available as macro/inline
2087  }
2088 procedure DisposeIOCompletionUPP( userUPP: IOCompletionUPP ); external name '_DisposeIOCompletionUPP';
2091 {
2092  *  InvokeIOCompletionUPP()
2093  *
2094  *  Availability:
2095  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2096  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2097  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   available as macro/inline
2098  }
2099  { old name was CallIOCompletionProc }
2100 procedure InvokeIOCompletionUPP( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr; userUPP: IOCompletionUPP ); external name '_InvokeIOCompletionUPP';
2103 {#if __MACH__
2104     #define NewIOCompletionUPP(userRoutine)                     ((IOCompletionUPP)userRoutine)
2105     #define DisposeIOCompletionUPP(userUPP)
2106     #define InvokeIOCompletionUPP(paramBlock, userUPP)          (*userUPP)(paramBlock)
2107 #endif}
2109 {
2110     MakeFSRefUnicode
2111     Create an FSRef for an existing object specified by
2112     Parent FSRef and Unicode name.
2113     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
2114     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
2115     ->  ref             A pointer to the parent directory FSRef
2116     ->  name            A pointer to Unicode name
2117     ->  nameLength      The length of the Unicode Name
2118     ->  textEncodingHint A suggested text encoding to use for the name
2119     <-  newRef          A pointer to an FSRef
2120 }
2121 {
2122  *  FSMakeFSRefUnicode()
2123  *
2124  *  Mac OS X threading:
2125  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2126  *
2127  *  Availability:
2128  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2129  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2130  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2131  }
FSMakeFSRefUnicodenull2132 function FSMakeFSRefUnicode( const (*var*) parentRef: FSRef; nameLength: UniCharCount; name: UniCharPtr; textEncodingHint: TextEncoding; var newRef: FSRef ): OSErr; external name '_FSMakeFSRefUnicode';
2134 {
2135  *  PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync()
2136  *
2137  *  Mac OS X threading:
2138  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2139  *
2140  *  Availability:
2141  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2142  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2143  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2144  }
2145 function PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync';
2149 {
2150  *  PBMakeFSRefUnicodeAsync()
2151  *
2152  *  Mac OS X threading:
2153  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2154  *
2155  *  Availability:
2156  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2157  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2158  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2159  }
2160 procedure PBMakeFSRefUnicodeAsync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ); external name '_PBMakeFSRefUnicodeAsync';
2164 {
2165     CompareFSRefs
2166     Test whether two FSRefs refer to the same file or directory.
2167     If they do, noErr is returned.  Otherwise, an appropriate error
2168     (such as errFSRefsDifferent) is returned.
2169     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
2170     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
2171     ->  ref             A pointer to the first FSRef
2172     ->  parentRef       A pointer to the second FSRef
2173 }
2174 {
2175  *  FSCompareFSRefs()
2176  *
2177  *  Mac OS X threading:
2178  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2179  *
2180  *  Availability:
2181  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2182  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2183  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2184  }
FSCompareFSRefsnull2185 function FSCompareFSRefs( const (*var*) ref1: FSRef; const (*var*) ref2: FSRef ): OSErr; external name '_FSCompareFSRefs';
2189 {
2190  *  PBCompareFSRefsSync()
2191  *
2192  *  Mac OS X threading:
2193  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2194  *
2195  *  Availability:
2196  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2197  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2198  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2199  }
PBCompareFSRefsSyncnull2200 function PBCompareFSRefsSync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBCompareFSRefsSync';
2204 {
2205  *  PBCompareFSRefsAsync()
2206  *
2207  *  Mac OS X threading:
2208  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2209  *
2210  *  Availability:
2211  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2212  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2213  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2214  }
2215 procedure PBCompareFSRefsAsync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ); external name '_PBCompareFSRefsAsync';
2219 {
2220     CreateFileUnicode
2221     Creates a new file.  The input filename is in Unicode.
2222     You can optionally set catalog info for the file.
2223     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
2224     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
2225     ->  ref             The directory where the file is to be created
2226     ->  whichInfo       Which catalog info fields to set
2227     ->  catInfo         The values for catalog info fields to set; may be NULL
2228     ->  nameLength      Number of Unicode characters in the file's name
2229     ->  name            A pointer to the Unicode name
2230     <-  spec            A pointer to the FSSpec for the new directory; may be NULL.  Ignored on 64 bit.
2231     <-  newRef          A pointer to the FSRef for the new file; may be NULL
2232 }
2233 {
2234  *  FSCreateFileUnicode()
2235  *
2236  *  Mac OS X threading:
2237  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2238  *
2239  *  Availability:
2240  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2241  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2242  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2243  }
FSCreateFileUnicodenull2244 function FSCreateFileUnicode( const (*var*) parentRef: FSRef; nameLength: UniCharCount; name: UniCharPtr; whichInfo: FSCatalogInfoBitmap; catalogInfo: {Const}FSCatalogInfoPtr; newRef: FSRefPtr; newSpec: FSSpecPtr ): OSErr; external name '_FSCreateFileUnicode';
2248 {
2249  *  PBCreateFileUnicodeSync()
2250  *
2251  *  Mac OS X threading:
2252  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2253  *
2254  *  Availability:
2255  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2256  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2257  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2258  }
PBCreateFileUnicodeSyncnull2259 function PBCreateFileUnicodeSync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBCreateFileUnicodeSync';
2263 {
2264  *  PBCreateFileUnicodeAsync()
2265  *
2266  *  Mac OS X threading:
2267  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2268  *
2269  *  Availability:
2270  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2271  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2272  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2273  }
2274 procedure PBCreateFileUnicodeAsync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ); external name '_PBCreateFileUnicodeAsync';
2278 {
2279     CreateDirectoryUnicode
2280     Creates a new directory.  The input directory name is in Unicode.
2281     You can optionally set catalog info for the directory.
2282     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
2283     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
2284     ->  ref             The parent directory where the directory is to be created
2285     ->  whichInfo       Which catalog info fields to set
2286     ->  catInfo         The values for catalog info fields to set; may be NULL
2287     ->  nameLength      Number of Unicode characters in the directory's name
2288     ->  name            A pointer to the Unicode name
2289     <-  ioDirID         The DirID of the new directory
2290     <-  newSpec         A pointer to the FSSpec for the new directory; may be NULL.  Ignored on 64 bit.
2291     <-  newRef          A pointer to the FSRef for the new directory; may be NULL
2292 }
2293 {
2294  *  FSCreateDirectoryUnicode()
2295  *
2296  *  Mac OS X threading:
2297  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2298  *
2299  *  Availability:
2300  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2301  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2302  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2303  }
FSCreateDirectoryUnicodenull2304 function FSCreateDirectoryUnicode( const (*var*) parentRef: FSRef; nameLength: UniCharCount; name: UniCharPtr; whichInfo: FSCatalogInfoBitmap; catalogInfo: {Const}FSCatalogInfoPtr; newRef: FSRefPtr; newSpec: FSSpecPtr; newDirID: UInt32Ptr ): OSErr; external name '_FSCreateDirectoryUnicode';
2308 {
2309  *  PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeSync()
2310  *
2311  *  Mac OS X threading:
2312  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2313  *
2314  *  Availability:
2315  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2316  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2317  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2318  }
PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeSyncnull2319 function PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeSync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeSync';
2323 {
2324  *  PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeAsync()
2325  *
2326  *  Mac OS X threading:
2327  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2328  *
2329  *  Availability:
2330  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2331  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2332  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2333  }
2334 procedure PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeAsync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ); external name '_PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeAsync';
2338 {
2339     DeleteObject
2340     Deletes an existing file or directory.
2341     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
2342     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
2343     ->  ref             The file or directory to be deleted
2344 }
2345 {
2346  *  FSDeleteObject()
2347  *
2348  *  Mac OS X threading:
2349  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2350  *
2351  *  Availability:
2352  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2353  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2354  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2355  }
FSDeleteObjectnull2356 function FSDeleteObject( const (*var*) ref: FSRef ): OSErr; external name '_FSDeleteObject';
2360 {
2361  *  PBDeleteObjectSync()
2362  *
2363  *  Mac OS X threading:
2364  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2365  *
2366  *  Availability:
2367  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2368  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2369  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2370  }
PBDeleteObjectSyncnull2371 function PBDeleteObjectSync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBDeleteObjectSync';
2375 {
2376  *  PBDeleteObjectAsync()
2377  *
2378  *  Mac OS X threading:
2379  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2380  *
2381  *  Availability:
2382  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2383  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2384  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2385  }
2386 procedure PBDeleteObjectAsync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ); external name '_PBDeleteObjectAsync';
2390 {
2391     UnlinkObject
2392     Unlinks an existing file or deletes an existing directory.  This call will succeed on an open file, unlike
2393     DeleteObject.  This call will unlink an archive directory link (where DeleteObject will treat the ADL as a directory).
2394     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
2395     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
2396     ->  ref             The file or directory to be deleted
2397 }
2398 {
2399  *  FSUnlinkObject()
2400  *
2401  *  Mac OS X threading:
2402  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
2403  *
2404  *  Availability:
2405  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
2406  *    CarbonLib:        not available
2407  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
2408  }
FSUnlinkObjectnull2409 function FSUnlinkObject( const (*var*) ref: FSRef ): OSErr; external name '_FSUnlinkObject';
2413 {
2414  *  PBUnlinkObjectSync()
2415  *
2416  *  Mac OS X threading:
2417  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
2418  *
2419  *  Availability:
2420  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
2421  *    CarbonLib:        not available
2422  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
2423  }
PBUnlinkObjectSyncnull2424 function PBUnlinkObjectSync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBUnlinkObjectSync';
2428 {
2429  *  PBUnlinkObjectAsync()
2430  *
2431  *  Mac OS X threading:
2432  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
2433  *
2434  *  Availability:
2435  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
2436  *    CarbonLib:        not available
2437  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
2438  }
2439 procedure PBUnlinkObjectAsync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ); external name '_PBUnlinkObjectAsync';
2443 {
2444     MoveObject
2445     Move an existing file or directory into a different directory.
2446     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
2447     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
2448     ->  ref             The file or directory to be moved
2449     ->  parentRef       The file or directory will be moved into this directory
2450     <-  newRef          A new FSRef for the file or directory in its new location;
2451                         optional, may be NULL
2452     NOTE: Moving an object may change its FSRef.  If you want to continue to
2453     refer to the object, you should pass a non-NULL pointer in newRef and use
2454     that returned FSRef to access the object after the move.  The FSRef passed
2455     in "ref" may or may not be usable to access the object after it is moved.
2456     "newRef" may point to the same storage as "parentRef" or "ref".
2457 }
2458 {
2459  *  FSMoveObject()
2460  *
2461  *  Mac OS X threading:
2462  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2463  *
2464  *  Availability:
2465  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2466  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2467  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2468  }
FSMoveObjectnull2469 function FSMoveObject( const (*var*) ref: FSRef; const (*var*) destDirectory: FSRef; newRef: FSRefPtr ): OSErr; external name '_FSMoveObject';
2473 {
2474  *  PBMoveObjectSync()
2475  *
2476  *  Mac OS X threading:
2477  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2478  *
2479  *  Availability:
2480  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2481  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2482  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2483  }
PBMoveObjectSyncnull2484 function PBMoveObjectSync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBMoveObjectSync';
2488 {
2489  *  PBMoveObjectAsync()
2490  *
2491  *  Mac OS X threading:
2492  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2493  *
2494  *  Availability:
2495  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2496  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2497  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2498  }
2499 procedure PBMoveObjectAsync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ); external name '_PBMoveObjectAsync';
2503 {
2504     ExchangeObjects
2505     swap the contents of two files.
2506     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
2507     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
2508     ->  ref             The first file
2509     ->  parentRef       The second file
2510 }
2511 {
2512  *  FSExchangeObjects()
2513  *
2514  *  Mac OS X threading:
2515  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2516  *
2517  *  Availability:
2518  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2519  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2520  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2521  }
FSExchangeObjectsnull2522 function FSExchangeObjects( const (*var*) ref: FSRef; const (*var*) destRef: FSRef ): OSErr; external name '_FSExchangeObjects';
2526 {
2527  *  PBExchangeObjectsSync()
2528  *
2529  *  Mac OS X threading:
2530  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2531  *
2532  *  Availability:
2533  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2534  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2535  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2536  }
PBExchangeObjectsSyncnull2537 function PBExchangeObjectsSync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBExchangeObjectsSync';
2541 {
2542  *  PBExchangeObjectsAsync()
2543  *
2544  *  Mac OS X threading:
2545  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2546  *
2547  *  Availability:
2548  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2549  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2550  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2551  }
2552 procedure PBExchangeObjectsAsync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ); external name '_PBExchangeObjectsAsync';
2556 {
2557     FSReplaceObject and FSPathReplaceObject
2559     You can use the FSReplaceObject and FSPathReplaceObject functions to replace
2560     one object, the original object, with another, the replacement object.
2561     FSReplaceObject and FSPathReplaceObject are provided to assist in properly
2562     preserving metadata during safe save operations. These functions allow files
2563     to replace files, directories to replace directories, directories to replace
2564     files and files to replace directories (so a package can replace a file, or
2565     a file can replace a package). Both objects must reside on the same volume.
2567     If FSReplaceObject or FSPathReplaceObject are successful, the result object
2568     will exist at the location of the original object. Nothing will exist at the
2569     location of the replacement object.  By default FSReplaceObject and  FSPathReplaceObject
2570     will test the object for write access, and fail if write access is not available.
2571     Write access in this context is ACL_WRITE_DATA for files and ACL_ADD_FILE for directories.
2572     This check can be bypassed by passing the kFSReplaceObjectDoNotCheckObjectWriteAccess flag.
2574     FSReplaceObject and FSPathReplaceObject may need to create a temporary object
2575     when one of the input objects is a directory, or when the
2576     kFSReplaceObjectSaveOriginalAsABackup option is specified. The temporary object
2577     is required since the rename system call does not handle non-empty directory
2578     replacement or file <-> directory replacement. The file replacing file case
2579     does not use a temporary object (unless the kFSReplaceObjectSaveOriginalAsABackup
2580     option is specified). If no temporary name is provided and a temporary object
2581     is required, then the functions will return an error. Providing a temporary
2582     name will also allow an application to recover the original object should a
2583     catastrophic failure (such as a power outage) occur during a replacement
2584     involving a directory. The temporary object will be created with the temporary
2585     name either in the temporary directory specified by the temporaryDirectory
2586     parameter, or in the preferred temporary directory (the preferred temporary
2587     directory can be obtained with the FSGetTemporaryDirectoryForReplaceObject
2588     or FSPathGetTemporaryDirectoryForReplaceObject functions).
2590     If the kFSReplaceObjectSaveOriginalAsABackup option is specified, the original
2591     object will be saved in one of two locations: If the temporaryName parameter
2592     is provided, the original object will be saved with that temporary name in
2593     the temporary directory. If the temporaryName parameter is not provided and
2594     the newName parameter is provided, the original object will be saved with
2595     its original name in the temporary directory.
2597     The result object will have the data (or directory contents) from the
2598     replacement object, but will have the original object's creation date and
2599     backup date. By default, the result object will have extended attributes
2600     merged from the original object and the replacement object, using the extended
2601     attributes of the replacement object if the original object has extended
2602     attributes with the same name. If the kFSReplaceObjectReplaceMetadata option
2603     flag is passed, then the extended attributes of the original object will be
2604     completely overwritten by the extended attributes of the replacement object.
2606     The kFSReplaceObjectReplaceMetadata also controls how the label, type, creator,
2607     hidden extension bit, strong binding, custom icon and custom badge are handled.
2608     For the custom icon, custom badge, label (where a value of 0 is considered not
2609     present), and strong binding the replacement object's attributes will be
2610     used if present, otherwise the original object's attributes will be retained.  For
2611     the extension hidden bit, type, and creator the original object's attribute is
2612     preserved.  Setting the kFSReplaceObjectReplaceMetadata flag will use the replacement
2613     object's attributes for all cases.  Type and creator are only handled in the
2614     file to file case.  Strong bindings are not applicable to plain directories.
2616     The default handling of ACL and mode info depends on the types of objects
2617     involved. If the original object and replacement object are of the same type
2618     (both files or both directories) then the default behavior is to use the ACL
2619     and mode of the original object. Setting the kFSReplaceObjectReplacePermissionInfo
2620     flag will use the ACL and mode from the replacementObject.
2622     If the objects are different types, then the ACL and mode will be based off
2623     the original object and will translated as follows:
2625         Mode:
2626         file r -> dir rx
2627         file w -> dir wx
2628         file x -> dir nothing
2630         dir r -> file r
2631         dir w -> file w
2632         dir x -> file nothing
2634         ACLs:
2636         ACL_SEARCH will be added to any allow ACE in the file to directory case.
2637         ACL_EXECUTE will be removed from any ACE in the file to directory case.
2639         ACL_SEARCH and ACL_DELETE_CHILD will be removed from any ACE in the directory to file case.
2641         File                Directory
2643         ACL_WRITE_DATA  <-> ACL_ADD_FILE
2648         are the same for both types and will be left alone.
2650     This translation behavior can be avoided by passing in either
2651     kFSReplaceObjectPreservePermissionInfo to use the original object ACL and
2652     mode info unchanged (except where the bits have different meanings for files
2653     and directories) or kFSReplaceObjectReplacePermissionInfo to use the ACL and
2654     mode info of the replacement object (except where the bits have different
2655     meanings for files and directories). Setting both of these flags is an
2656     error -- the call will fail with a paramErr. The permissions are only set on
2657     the top-level object -- the permissions inside a directory are unaffected.
2659     FSReplaceObject may not be atomic -- it may issue multiple system calls to
2660     accurately replace and preserve the metadata of a file system object.
2662     FSReplaceObject may fail if the source or destination files are open or
2663     the source or destination objects are directories which contain open files.
2664 }
2666 {
2667  *  FSReplaceObjectOptions
2668  *
2669  *  Discussion:
2670  *    Options that can be passed to the FSReplaceObject and
2671  *    FSPathReplaceObject functions. These are mask values that can be
2672  *    ORed together to set more than one option.
2673  }
2674 const
2675 {
2676    * Use the default behavior (see the discussion of the
2677    * FSReplaceObject function)
2678    }
2679 	kFSReplaceObjectDefaultOptions = 0;
2681   {
2682    * The result object will only have the metadata from the replacement
2683    * object. The result object will have no metadata from the original
2684    * object.
2685    }
2686 	kFSReplaceObjectReplaceMetadata = $01;
2688   {
2689    * The original object will be saved with the temporary name in the
2690    * temporaryDirectory, or will be saved with the original name (if no
2691    * temporaryName is provided and a newName is provided) in the
2692    * temporaryDirectory.
2693    }
2694 	kFSReplaceObjectSaveOriginalAsABackup = $02;
2696   {
2697    * ACL and mode info will come from the replacement object.
2698    }
2699 	kFSReplaceObjectReplacePermissionInfo = $04;
2701   {
2702    * ACL and mode info will come from the original object
2703    }
2704 	kFSReplaceObjectPreservePermissionInfo = $08;
2706   {
2707    * FSReplaceObject does not actually require write permission to
2708    * perform the replace operation, since no actual writing is done to
2709    * the original object.  By default ReplaceObject will test the
2710    * object for write permissions and fail if they are not present
2711    * (tested using accessx_np).  Write permission in this context is
2712    * defined as ACL_WRITE_DATA for files and ACL_ADD_FILE for
2713    * directories.  Pass this flag to skip this check (which will allow
2714    * the replace to operate on "read only" objects).
2715    }
2716 	kFSReplaceObjectDoNotCheckObjectWriteAccess = $10;
2718 {
2719  *  FSReplaceObject()
2720  *
2721  *  Discussion:
2722  *    This function will replace the object specified by originalObject
2723  *    with the object specified by replacementObject. The result object
2724  *    will be in the same parent directory as the original object.
2725  *
2726  *  Mac OS X threading:
2727  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
2728  *
2729  *  Parameters:
2730  *
2731  *    originalObject:
2732  *      The original object to be replaced.
2733  *
2734  *    replacementObject:
2735  *      The object which will replace the original object.
2736  *
2737  *    newName:
2738  *      The new name for the result object. Pass NULL to use the
2739  *      original object's name.
2740  *
2741  *    temporaryName:
2742  *      The name of a temporary object should the operation require a
2743  *      temporary object. The temporary object will be created in the
2744  *      preferred temporary directory or in the directory specified by
2745  *      the temporaryDirectory parameter.
2746  *
2747  *    temporaryDirectory:
2748  *      The directory where the temporary object (if needed) will be
2749  *      created. The temporary directory must be on the same volume as
2750  *      the original object. If NULL is passed, then the preferred
2751  *      temporary directory is used (as per
2752  *      FSGetTemporaryDirectoryForReplaceObject).
2753  *
2754  *    flags:
2755  *      A set of options to specify non-default behavior.
2756  *
2757  *    resultObject:
2758  *      A new FSRef for the result object.
2759  *
2760  *  Availability:
2761  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
2762  *    CarbonLib:        not available
2763  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
2764  }
FSReplaceObjectnull2765 function FSReplaceObject( const (*var*) originalObject: FSRef; const (*var*) replacementObject: FSRef; newName: CFStringRef; temporaryName: CFStringRef; temporaryDirectory: {const} FSRefPtr; flags: OptionBits; var resultObject: FSRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FSReplaceObject';
2766 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED_MSG(__MAC_10_5, __MAC_10_8, __IPHONE_NA, __IPHONE_NA, "Use NSFileManager's -replaceItemAtURL:withItemAtURL:backupItemName:options:resultingItemURL:error: instead. WARNING: FSReplaceObject does not work correctly in sandboxed apps.") *)
2769 {
2770  *  FSPathReplaceObject()
2771  *
2772  *  Discussion:
2773  *    This function will replace the object specified by
2774  *    originalObjectPath with the object specified by
2775  *    replacementObjectPath. The result object will be in the same
2776  *    parent directory as the original object.
2777  *
2778  *  Mac OS X threading:
2779  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
2780  *
2781  *  Parameters:
2782  *
2783  *    originalObjectPath:
2784  *      The path to the original object to be replaced.
2785  *
2786  *    replacementObjectPath:
2787  *      The path to the object which will replace the original object.
2788  *
2789  *    newName:
2790  *      The new name for the result object. Pass NULL to use the
2791  *      original object's name.
2792  *
2793  *    temporaryName:
2794  *      The name of a temporary object should the operation require a
2795  *      temporary object. The temporary object will be created in the
2796  *      preferred temporary directory or in the directory specified by
2797  *      the temporaryDirectory parameter.
2798  *
2799  *    temporaryDirectoryPath:
2800  *      The path to the directory where the temporary object (if
2801  *      needed) will be created. The temporary directory must be on the
2802  *      same volume as the original object. If NULL is passed, then the
2803  *      preferred temporary directory is used (as per
2804  *      FSPathGetTemporaryDirectoryForReplaceObject).
2805  *
2806  *    flags:
2807  *      A set of options to specify non-default behavior.
2808  *
2809  *  Availability:
2810  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
2811  *    CarbonLib:        not available
2812  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
2813  }
FSPathReplaceObjectnull2814 function FSPathReplaceObject( originalObjectPath: ConstCStringPtr; replacementObjectPath: ConstCStringPtr; newName: CFStringRef; temporaryName: CFStringRef; temporaryDirectoryPath: ConstCStringPtr; flags: OptionBits ): OSStatus; external name '_FSPathReplaceObject';
2815 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED_MSG(__MAC_10_5, __MAC_10_8, __IPHONE_NA, __IPHONE_NA, "Use NSFileManager's -replaceItemAtURL:withItemAtURL:backupItemName:options:resultingItemURL:error: instead. WARNING: FSPathReplaceObject does not work correctly in sandboxed apps.") *)
2818 {
2819  *  FSGetTemporaryDirectoryForReplaceObject()
2820  *
2821  *  Discussion:
2822  *    This function will return the preferred directory for use as the
2823  *    temporaryDirectory by FSReplaceObject. It will return an
2824  *    appropriate temporary location or the parent directory of the
2825  *    original object.
2826  *
2827  *  Mac OS X threading:
2828  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
2829  *
2830  *  Parameters:
2831  *
2832  *    originalObject:
2833  *      The original object to be replaced.
2834  *
2835  *    temporaryDirectory:
2836  *      The preferred temporary directory.
2837  *
2838  *    flags:
2839  *      A set of options to specify non-default behavior. Currently no
2840  *      flags are defined - pass in 0
2841  *
2842  *  Availability:
2843  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
2844  *    CarbonLib:        not available
2845  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
2846  }
FSGetTemporaryDirectoryForReplaceObjectnull2847 function FSGetTemporaryDirectoryForReplaceObject( const (*var*) originalObject: FSRef; var temporaryDirectory: FSRef; flags: OptionBits ): OSStatus; external name '_FSGetTemporaryDirectoryForReplaceObject';
2851 {
2852  *  FSPathGetTemporaryDirectoryForReplaceObject()
2853  *
2854  *  Discussion:
2855  *    This function will return the preferred directory for use as the
2856  *    temporaryDirectory by FSPathReplaceObject. It will return an
2857  *    appropriate temporary location or the parent directory of the
2858  *    original object.
2859  *
2860  *  Mac OS X threading:
2861  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
2862  *
2863  *  Parameters:
2864  *
2865  *    originalObjectPath:
2866  *      The path to the original object to be replaced.
2867  *
2868  *    temporaryDirectoryPath:
2869  *      The path to the preferred temporary directory.
2870  *
2871  *    maxPathSize:
2872  *      The size of the buffer pointed to by the temporaryDirectoryPath
2873  *      parameter.
2874  *
2875  *    flags:
2876  *      A set of options to specify non-default behavior. Currently no
2877  *      flags are defined - pass in 0
2878  *
2879  *  Availability:
2880  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
2881  *    CarbonLib:        not available
2882  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
2883  }
FSPathGetTemporaryDirectoryForReplaceObjectnull2884 function FSPathGetTemporaryDirectoryForReplaceObject( originalObjectPath: ConstCStringPtr; temporaryDirectoryPath: CStringPtr; maxPathSize: UInt32; flags: OptionBits ): OSStatus; external name '_FSPathGetTemporaryDirectoryForReplaceObject';
2888 {
2889     RenameUnicode
2890     Change the name of an existing file or directory.  The new name is in
2891     Unicode.
2892     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
2893     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
2894     ->  ref             The file or directory to be moved
2895     ->  nameLength      Number of Unicode characters in the new name
2896     ->  name            A pointer to the new Unicode name
2897     ->  textEncodingHint A suggested text encoding to use for the name
2898     <-  newRef          A new FSRef for the file or directory; may be NULL
2899     NOTE: Renaming an object may change its FSRef.  If you want to continue to
2900     refer to the object, you should pass a non-NULL pointer in newRef and use
2901     that returned FSRef to access the object after the rename.  The FSRef passed
2902     in "ref" may or may not be usable to access the object after it is renamed.
2903     "newRef" may point to the same storage as "ref".
2904 }
2905 {
2906  *  FSRenameUnicode()
2907  *
2908  *  Mac OS X threading:
2909  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2910  *
2911  *  Availability:
2912  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2913  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2914  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2915  }
FSRenameUnicodenull2916 function FSRenameUnicode( const (*var*) ref: FSRef; nameLength: UniCharCount; name: UniCharPtr; textEncodingHint: TextEncoding; newRef: FSRefPtr ): OSErr; external name '_FSRenameUnicode';
2920 {
2921  *  PBRenameUnicodeSync()
2922  *
2923  *  Mac OS X threading:
2924  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2925  *
2926  *  Availability:
2927  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2928  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2929  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2930  }
PBRenameUnicodeSyncnull2931 function PBRenameUnicodeSync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBRenameUnicodeSync';
2935 {
2936  *  PBRenameUnicodeAsync()
2937  *
2938  *  Mac OS X threading:
2939  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2940  *
2941  *  Availability:
2942  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2943  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2944  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2945  }
2946 procedure PBRenameUnicodeAsync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ); external name '_PBRenameUnicodeAsync';
2950 {
2951     GetCatalogInfo
2952     Returns various information about a given file or directory.
2953     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
2954     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
2955     ->  ref             The file or directory whose information is to be returned
2956     ->  whichInfo       Which catalog info fields to get
2957     <-  catInfo         The returned values of catalog info fields; may be NULL
2958     <-  spec            A pointer to the FSSpec for the object; may be NULL.  Ignored for 64 bit.
2959     <-  parentRef       A pointer to the FSRef for the object's parent directory; may be NULL
2960     <-  outName         The Unicode name is returned here.  This pointer may be NULL.
2961     Note: All of the outputs are optional; if you don't want that particular output, just
2962     set its pointer to NULL.  This is the call to use to map from an FSRef to an FSSpec.
2963 }
2964 {
2965  *  FSGetCatalogInfo()
2966  *
2967  *  Mac OS X threading:
2968  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2969  *
2970  *  Availability:
2971  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2972  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2973  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2974  }
FSGetCatalogInfonull2975 function FSGetCatalogInfo( const (*var*) ref: FSRef; whichInfo: FSCatalogInfoBitmap; catalogInfo: FSCatalogInfoPtr; outName: HFSUniStr255Ptr; fsSpec: FSSpecPtr; parentRef: FSRefPtr ): OSErr; external name '_FSGetCatalogInfo';
2979 {
2980  *  PBGetCatalogInfoSync()
2981  *
2982  *  Mac OS X threading:
2983  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2984  *
2985  *  Availability:
2986  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
2987  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
2988  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
2989  }
PBGetCatalogInfoSyncnull2990 function PBGetCatalogInfoSync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetCatalogInfoSync';
2994 {
2995  *  PBGetCatalogInfoAsync()
2996  *
2997  *  Mac OS X threading:
2998  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
2999  *
3000  *  Availability:
3001  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3002  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3003  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3004  }
3005 procedure PBGetCatalogInfoAsync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ); external name '_PBGetCatalogInfoAsync';
3009 {
3010  *  FSSetCatalogInfo()
3011  *
3012  *  Summary:
3013  *    Set catalog information about a given file or directory.
3014  *
3015  *  Discussion:
3016  *    Set the catalog information for the file or directory represented
3017  *    by ref.
3018  *
3019  *  Mac OS X threading:
3020  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3021  *
3022  *  Parameters:
3023  *
3024  *    ref:
3025  *      A pointer to an FSRef specifying the file or directory whose
3026  *      information is to be changed
3027  *
3028  *    whichInfo:
3029  *      A bitmap specifying which catalog information fields may be
3030  *      set.  The settable fields are given by the constant
3031  *      kFSCatInfoSettableInfo; no other bits may be set in whichInfo.
3032  *      The one exception to this is that processes running as eid 0 or
3033  *      euid 0  can change the user ID and group ID of a file or
3034  *      directory by setting kFSCatInfoSetOwnership in whichInfo and
3035  *      setting the permissions field of catalogInfo.
3036  *
3037  *    catalogInfo:
3038  *      A pointer to the structure containing the new catalog
3039  *      information. Only some of the catalog information fields may be
3040  *      set.
3041  *
3042  *  Availability:
3043  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3044  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3045  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3046  }
FSSetCatalogInfonull3047 function FSSetCatalogInfo( const (*var*) ref: FSRef; whichInfo: FSCatalogInfoBitmap; const (*var*) catalogInfo: FSCatalogInfo ): OSErr; external name '_FSSetCatalogInfo';
3051 {
3052  *  PBSetCatalogInfoSync()
3053  *
3054  *  Summary:
3055  *    Set catalog information about a given file or directory.
3056  *
3057  *  Discussion:
3058  *    Set the catalog information for the file or directory represented
3059  *    by ref.  See the description in FSSetCatalogInfo for which items
3060  *    may be set.
3061  *
3062  *  Mac OS X threading:
3063  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3064  *
3065  *  Availability:
3066  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3067  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3068  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3069  }
PBSetCatalogInfoSyncnull3070 function PBSetCatalogInfoSync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBSetCatalogInfoSync';
3074 {
3075  *  PBSetCatalogInfoAsync()
3076  *
3077  *  Summary:
3078  *    Set catalog information about a given file or directory.
3079  *
3080  *  Discussion:
3081  *    Set the catalog information for the file or directory represented
3082  *    by ref.  See the description in FSSetCatalogInfo for which items
3083  *    may be set.
3084  *
3085  *  Mac OS X threading:
3086  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3087  *
3088  *  Availability:
3089  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3090  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3091  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3092  }
3093 procedure PBSetCatalogInfoAsync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ); external name '_PBSetCatalogInfoAsync';
3097 {
3098     OpenIterator
3099     Creates an FSIterator to iterate over a directory or subtree.  The
3100     iterator can then be passed to GetCatalogInfoBulk or CatalogSearch.
3101     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3102     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3103     <-  iterator        The returned FSIterator
3104     ->  iteratorFlags   Controls whether the iterator iterates over subtrees
3105                         or just the immediate children of the container.
3106     ->  container       An FSRef for the directory to iterate (or root of
3107                         the subtree to iterate).
3108 }
3109 {
3110  *  FSOpenIterator()
3111  *
3112  *  Mac OS X threading:
3113  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3114  *
3115  *  Availability:
3116  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3117  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3118  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3119  }
FSOpenIteratornull3120 function FSOpenIterator( const (*var*) container: FSRef; iteratorFlags: FSIteratorFlags; var iterator: FSIterator ): OSErr; external name '_FSOpenIterator';
3124 {
3125  *  PBOpenIteratorSync()
3126  *
3127  *  Mac OS X threading:
3128  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3129  *
3130  *  Availability:
3131  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3132  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3133  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3134  }
PBOpenIteratorSyncnull3135 function PBOpenIteratorSync( var paramBlock: FSCatalogBulkParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBOpenIteratorSync';
3139 {
3140  *  PBOpenIteratorAsync()
3141  *
3142  *  Mac OS X threading:
3143  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3144  *
3145  *  Availability:
3146  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3147  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3148  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3149  }
3150 procedure PBOpenIteratorAsync( var paramBlock: FSCatalogBulkParam ); external name '_PBOpenIteratorAsync';
3154 {
3155     CloseIterator
3156     Invalidates and disposes an FSIterator.
3157     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3158     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3159     ->  iterator        The returned FSIterator
3160 }
3161 {
3162  *  FSCloseIterator()
3163  *
3164  *  Mac OS X threading:
3165  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3166  *
3167  *  Availability:
3168  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3169  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3170  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3171  }
FSCloseIteratornull3172 function FSCloseIterator( iterator: FSIterator ): OSErr; external name '_FSCloseIterator';
3176 {
3177  *  PBCloseIteratorSync()
3178  *
3179  *  Mac OS X threading:
3180  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3181  *
3182  *  Availability:
3183  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3184  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3185  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3186  }
PBCloseIteratorSyncnull3187 function PBCloseIteratorSync( var paramBlock: FSCatalogBulkParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBCloseIteratorSync';
3191 {
3192  *  PBCloseIteratorAsync()
3193  *
3194  *  Mac OS X threading:
3195  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3196  *
3197  *  Availability:
3198  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3199  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3200  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3201  }
3202 procedure PBCloseIteratorAsync( var paramBlock: FSCatalogBulkParam ); external name '_PBCloseIteratorAsync';
3206 {
3207     GetCatalogInfoBulk
3208     Iterates over catalog objects and returns information about them.
3209     For now, iterator must have been created with kFSIterateFlat option.
3210     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3211     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3212     ->  iterator        The iterator
3213     ->  maximumItems    The maximum number of items to return
3214     <-  actualItems     The actual number of items returned
3215     <-  containerChanged Set to true if the container's contents changed
3216     ->  whichInfo       The catalog information fields to return for each item
3217     <-  catalogInfo     An array of catalog information; one for each returned item
3218     <-  refs            An array of FSRefs; one for each returned item
3219     <-  specs           An array of FSSpecs; one for each returned item.  Ignored on 64 bit.
3220     <-  names           An array of filenames; one for each returned item
3221     Note: The catalogInfo, refs, specs, names, and containerChanged are all optional outputs;
3222     if you don't want that particular output, set its pointer to NULL.
3223 }
3224 {
3225  *  FSGetCatalogInfoBulk()
3226  *
3227  *  Mac OS X threading:
3228  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3229  *
3230  *  Availability:
3231  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3232  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3233  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3234  }
FSGetCatalogInfoBulknull3235 function FSGetCatalogInfoBulk( iterator: FSIterator; maximumObjects: ItemCount; var actualObjects: ItemCount; containerChanged: BooleanPtr; whichInfo: FSCatalogInfoBitmap; catalogInfos: FSCatalogInfoPtr; refs: FSRefPtr; specs: FSSpecPtr; names: HFSUniStr255Ptr ): OSErr; external name '_FSGetCatalogInfoBulk';
3239 {
3240  *  PBGetCatalogInfoBulkSync()
3241  *
3242  *  Mac OS X threading:
3243  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3244  *
3245  *  Availability:
3246  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3247  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3248  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3249  }
PBGetCatalogInfoBulkSyncnull3250 function PBGetCatalogInfoBulkSync( var paramBlock: FSCatalogBulkParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetCatalogInfoBulkSync';
3254 {
3255  *  PBGetCatalogInfoBulkAsync()
3256  *
3257  *  Mac OS X threading:
3258  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3259  *
3260  *  Availability:
3261  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3262  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3263  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3264  }
3265 procedure PBGetCatalogInfoBulkAsync( var paramBlock: FSCatalogBulkParam ); external name '_PBGetCatalogInfoBulkAsync';
3269 {
3270     CatalogSearch
3271     Iterates over catalog objects, searching for objects that match given
3272     search criteria.  Returns various information about matching objects.
3273     For now, iterator must have been created with kFSIterateSubtree option
3274     and the container must have been the root directory of a volume.
3275     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3276     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3277     ->  iterator        The iterator
3278     ->  maximumItems    The maximum number of items to return
3279     <-  actualItems     The actual number of items returned
3280     <-  containerChanged Set to true if the container's contents changed
3281     ->  whichInfo       The catalog information fields to return for each item
3282     <-  catalogInfo     An array of catalog information; one for each returned item
3283     <-  refs            An array of FSRefs; one for each returned item
3284     <-  specs           An array of FSSpecs; one for each returned item.  Ignored on 64 bit.
3285     <-  names           An array of filenames; one for each returned item
3286     ->  searchParams    The criteria that controls the matching, including timeout, a bitmap
3287                         controlling the fields to compare, and the (Unicode) name to compare.
3288     Note: The catalogInfo, refs, specs, and names are all optional outputs; if you don't want
3289     that particular output, set its pointer to NULL.
3290 }
3291 {
3292  *  FSCatalogSearch()
3293  *
3294  *  Mac OS X threading:
3295  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3296  *
3297  *  Availability:
3298  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3299  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3300  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3301  }
FSCatalogSearchnull3302 function FSCatalogSearch( iterator: FSIterator; const (*var*) searchCriteria: FSSearchParams; maximumObjects: ItemCount; var actualObjects: ItemCount; containerChanged: BooleanPtr; whichInfo: FSCatalogInfoBitmap; catalogInfos: FSCatalogInfoPtr; refs: FSRefPtr; specs: FSSpecPtr; names: HFSUniStr255Ptr ): OSErr; external name '_FSCatalogSearch';
3306 {
3307  *  PBCatalogSearchSync()
3308  *
3309  *  Mac OS X threading:
3310  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3311  *
3312  *  Availability:
3313  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3314  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3315  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3316  }
PBCatalogSearchSyncnull3317 function PBCatalogSearchSync( var paramBlock: FSCatalogBulkParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBCatalogSearchSync';
3321 {
3322  *  PBCatalogSearchAsync()
3323  *
3324  *  Mac OS X threading:
3325  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3326  *
3327  *  Availability:
3328  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3329  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3330  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3331  }
3332 procedure PBCatalogSearchAsync( var paramBlock: FSCatalogBulkParam ); external name '_PBCatalogSearchAsync';
3336 {
3337     CreateFileAndOpenForkUnicode
3338     Creates a new file and opens the specified fork.  The input filename is in Unicode.
3339     You can optionally set catalog info for the file.
3340     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3341     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3342     ->  parentRef       The directory where the file is to be created
3343     ->  whichInfo       Which catalog info fields to set
3344     ->  catalogInfo     The values for catalog info fields to set; may be NULL
3345     ->  nameLength      Number of Unicode characters in the file's name
3346     ->  name            A pointer to the Unicode name
3347     ->  forkNameLength  The length of the fork name (in Unicode characters).
3348     ->  forkName        The name of the fork to open (in Unicode).  Passing NULL will open the data fork.
3349     ->  permissions     The access (read and/or write) you want
3350     <-  forkRefNum      The reference number for accessing the open fork
3351     <-  newRef          A pointer to the FSRef for the new file; may be NULL
3352 }
3353 {
3354  *  FSCreateFileAndOpenForkUnicode()
3355  *
3356  *  Mac OS X threading:
3357  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
3358  *
3359  *  Availability:
3360  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
3361  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later
3362  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
3363  }
FSCreateFileAndOpenForkUnicodenull3364 function FSCreateFileAndOpenForkUnicode( const (*var*) parentRef: FSRef; nameLength: UniCharCount; name: {const} UniCharPtr; whichInfo: FSCatalogInfoBitmap; catalogInfo: FSCatalogInfoPtr; forkNameLength: UniCharCount; forkName: {const} UniCharPtr; permissions: SInt8; var forkRefNum: FSIORefNum; newRef: FSRefPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_FSCreateFileAndOpenForkUnicode';
3368 {
3369  *  PBCreateFileAndOpenForkUnicodeSync()
3370  *
3371  *  Mac OS X threading:
3372  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
3373  *
3374  *  Availability:
3375  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
3376  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later
3377  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
3378  }
PBCreateFileAndOpenForkUnicodeSyncnull3379 function PBCreateFileAndOpenForkUnicodeSync( paramBlock: FSRefForkIOParamPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_PBCreateFileAndOpenForkUnicodeSync';
3383 {
3384  *  PBCreateFileAndOpenForkUnicodeAsync()
3385  *
3386  *  Mac OS X threading:
3387  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
3388  *
3389  *  Availability:
3390  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
3391  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later
3392  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
3393  }
3394 procedure PBCreateFileAndOpenForkUnicodeAsync( paramBlock: FSRefForkIOParamPtr ); external name '_PBCreateFileAndOpenForkUnicodeAsync';
3398 {
3399     CreateFork
3400     Create a named fork for a file or directory.
3401     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3402     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3403     ->  ref             The file or directory
3404     ->  forkNameLength  The length of the fork name (in Unicode characters)
3405     ->  forkName        The name of the fork to open (in Unicode)
3406 }
3407 {
3408  *  FSCreateFork()
3409  *
3410  *  Mac OS X threading:
3411  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3412  *
3413  *  Availability:
3414  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3415  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3416  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3417  }
FSCreateForknull3418 function FSCreateFork( const (*var*) ref: FSRef; forkNameLength: UniCharCount; forkName: UniCharPtr ): OSErr; external name '_FSCreateFork';
3422 {
3423  *  PBCreateForkSync()
3424  *
3425  *  Mac OS X threading:
3426  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3427  *
3428  *  Availability:
3429  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3430  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3431  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3432  }
PBCreateForkSyncnull3433 function PBCreateForkSync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBCreateForkSync';
3437 {
3438  *  PBCreateForkAsync()
3439  *
3440  *  Mac OS X threading:
3441  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3442  *
3443  *  Availability:
3444  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3445  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3446  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3447  }
3448 procedure PBCreateForkAsync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ); external name '_PBCreateForkAsync';
3452 {
3453     DeleteFork
3454     Delete a named fork of a file or directory.
3455     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3456     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3457     ->  ref             The file or directory
3458     ->  forkNameLength  The length of the fork name (in Unicode characters)
3459     ->  forkName        The name of the fork to open (in Unicode)
3460 }
3461 {
3462  *  FSDeleteFork()
3463  *
3464  *  Mac OS X threading:
3465  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3466  *
3467  *  Availability:
3468  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3469  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3470  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3471  }
FSDeleteForknull3472 function FSDeleteFork( const (*var*) ref: FSRef; forkNameLength: UniCharCount; forkName: UniCharPtr ): OSErr; external name '_FSDeleteFork';
3476 {
3477  *  PBDeleteForkSync()
3478  *
3479  *  Mac OS X threading:
3480  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3481  *
3482  *  Availability:
3483  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3484  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3485  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3486  }
PBDeleteForkSyncnull3487 function PBDeleteForkSync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBDeleteForkSync';
3491 {
3492  *  PBDeleteForkAsync()
3493  *
3494  *  Mac OS X threading:
3495  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3496  *
3497  *  Availability:
3498  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3499  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3500  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3501  }
3502 procedure PBDeleteForkAsync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ); external name '_PBDeleteForkAsync';
3506 {
3507     IterateForks
3508     Return the names and sizes of the forks of a file or directory.
3509     One fork is returned per call.
3510     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine.
3511     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function.
3512     ->  ref             The file or directory containing the forks.
3513     <-  positionOffset  The length of the fork, in bytes.
3514     <-  allocationAmount The space allocated to the fork (physical length).
3515     <-  outForkName     The name of the fork in Unicode.
3516     <>  forkIterator    Maintains state between calls for a given FSRef.
3517                         Before the first call, set the initialize field to zero.
3518 }
3519 {
3520  *  FSIterateForks()
3521  *
3522  *  Mac OS X threading:
3523  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3524  *
3525  *  Availability:
3526  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3527  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3528  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3529  }
FSIterateForksnull3530 function FSIterateForks( const (*var*) ref: FSRef; var forkIterator: CatPositionRec; forkName: HFSUniStr255Ptr; forkSize: SInt64Ptr; forkPhysicalSize: UInt64Ptr ): OSErr; external name '_FSIterateForks';
3533 {
3534  *  PBIterateForksSync()
3535  *
3536  *  Mac OS X threading:
3537  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3538  *
3539  *  Availability:
3540  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3541  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3542  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3543  }
PBIterateForksSyncnull3544 function PBIterateForksSync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBIterateForksSync';
3548 {
3549  *  PBIterateForksAsync()
3550  *
3551  *  Mac OS X threading:
3552  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3553  *
3554  *  Availability:
3555  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3556  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3557  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3558  }
3559 procedure PBIterateForksAsync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ); external name '_PBIterateForksAsync';
3563 {
3564     OpenFork
3565     Open a fork for reading and/or writing.  Allows the opened fork
3566     to grow beyond 2GB in size.  All volumes should support data and
3567     resource forks.  Other named forks may be supported by some
3568     volumes.
3569     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3570     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3571     ->  ref             The file or directory containing the fork to open
3572     ->  forkNameLength  The length of the fork name (in Unicode characters)
3573     ->  forkName        The name of the fork to open (in Unicode)
3574     ->  permissions     The access (read and/or write) you want
3575     <-  forkRefNum      The reference number for accessing the open fork
3576 }
3577 {
3578  *  FSOpenFork()
3579  *
3580  *  Mac OS X threading:
3581  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3582  *
3583  *  Availability:
3584  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3585  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3586  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3587  }
FSOpenForknull3588 function FSOpenFork( const (*var*) ref: FSRef; forkNameLength: UniCharCount; forkName: UniCharPtr; permissions: SInt8; var forkRefNum: FSIORefNum ): OSErr; external name '_FSOpenFork';
3592 {
3593  *  PBOpenForkSync()
3594  *
3595  *  Mac OS X threading:
3596  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3597  *
3598  *  Availability:
3599  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3600  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3601  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3602  }
PBOpenForkSyncnull3603 function PBOpenForkSync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBOpenForkSync';
3607 {
3608  *  PBOpenForkAsync()
3609  *
3610  *  Mac OS X threading:
3611  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3612  *
3613  *  Availability:
3614  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3615  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3616  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3617  }
3618 procedure PBOpenForkAsync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ); external name '_PBOpenForkAsync';
3622 {
3623     ReadFork
3624     Read data from a fork opened via OpenFork.  The first byte to read is
3625     indicated by a combination of positionMode and positionOffset.
3626     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3627     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3628     ->  forkRefNum      The reference number of the fork to read from
3629     <-  buffer          Pointer to buffer where data will be returned
3630     ->  requestCount    The number of bytes to read
3631     <-  actualCount     The number of bytes actually read
3632     ->  positionMode    The base location for start of read
3633     ->  positionOffset  The offset from base location for start of read
3634 }
3635 {
3636  *  FSReadFork()
3637  *
3638  *  Mac OS X threading:
3639  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3640  *
3641  *  Availability:
3642  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3643  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3644  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3645  }
FSReadForknull3646 function FSReadFork( forkRefNum: FSIORefNum; positionMode: UInt16; positionOffset: SInt64; requestCount: ByteCount; buffer: UnivPtr; actualCount: ByteCountPtr ): OSErr; external name '_FSReadFork';
3650 {
3651  *  PBReadForkSync()
3652  *
3653  *  Mac OS X threading:
3654  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3655  *
3656  *  Availability:
3657  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3658  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3659  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3660  }
PBReadForkSyncnull3661 function PBReadForkSync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBReadForkSync';
3665 {
3666  *  PBReadForkAsync()
3667  *
3668  *  Mac OS X threading:
3669  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3670  *
3671  *  Availability:
3672  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3673  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3674  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3675  }
3676 procedure PBReadForkAsync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ); external name '_PBReadForkAsync';
3680 {
3681     WriteFork
3682     Write data to a fork opened via OpenFork.  The first byte to write is
3683     indicated by a combination of positionMode and positionOffset.
3684     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3685     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3686     ->  forkRefNum      The reference number of the fork to write to
3687     ->  buffer          Pointer to data to write
3688     ->  requestCount    The number of bytes to write
3689     <-  actualCount     The number of bytes actually written
3690     ->  positionMode    The base location for start of write
3691     ->  positionOffset  The offset from base location for start of write
3692 }
3693 {
3694  *  FSWriteFork()
3695  *
3696  *  Mac OS X threading:
3697  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3698  *
3699  *  Availability:
3700  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3701  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3702  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3703  }
FSWriteForknull3704 function FSWriteFork( forkRefNum: FSIORefNum; positionMode: UInt16; positionOffset: SInt64; requestCount: ByteCount; buffer: UnivPtr; actualCount: ByteCountPtr ): OSErr; external name '_FSWriteFork';
3708 {
3709  *  PBWriteForkSync()
3710  *
3711  *  Mac OS X threading:
3712  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3713  *
3714  *  Availability:
3715  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3716  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3717  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3718  }
PBWriteForkSyncnull3719 function PBWriteForkSync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBWriteForkSync';
3723 {
3724  *  PBWriteForkAsync()
3725  *
3726  *  Mac OS X threading:
3727  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3728  *
3729  *  Availability:
3730  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3731  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3732  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3733  }
3734 procedure PBWriteForkAsync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ); external name '_PBWriteForkAsync';
3738 {
3739     GetForkPosition
3740     Get the current (default) position of a fork that was
3741     opened via OpenFork.
3742     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3743     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3744     ->  forkRefNum      The reference number of the fork
3745     <-  positionOffset  The current position of the fork
3746 }
3747 {
3748  *  FSGetForkPosition()
3749  *
3750  *  Mac OS X threading:
3751  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3752  *
3753  *  Availability:
3754  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3755  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3756  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3757  }
FSGetForkPositionnull3758 function FSGetForkPosition( forkRefNum: FSIORefNum; var position: SInt64 ): OSErr; external name '_FSGetForkPosition';
3762 {
3763  *  PBGetForkPositionSync()
3764  *
3765  *  Mac OS X threading:
3766  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3767  *
3768  *  Availability:
3769  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3770  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3771  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3772  }
PBGetForkPositionSyncnull3773 function PBGetForkPositionSync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetForkPositionSync';
3777 {
3778  *  PBGetForkPositionAsync()
3779  *
3780  *  Mac OS X threading:
3781  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3782  *
3783  *  Availability:
3784  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3785  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3786  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3787  }
3788 procedure PBGetForkPositionAsync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ); external name '_PBGetForkPositionAsync';
3792 {
3793     SetForkPosition
3794     Set the current (default) position of a fork that was
3795     opened via OpenFork.
3796     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3797     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3798     ->  forkRefNum      The reference number of the fork
3799     ->  positionMode    The base location for the new position
3800     ->  positionOffset  The offset of the new position from the base
3801 }
3802 {
3803  *  FSSetForkPosition()
3804  *
3805  *  Mac OS X threading:
3806  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3807  *
3808  *  Availability:
3809  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3810  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3811  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3812  }
FSSetForkPositionnull3813 function FSSetForkPosition( forkRefNum: FSIORefNum; positionMode: UInt16; positionOffset: SInt64 ): OSErr; external name '_FSSetForkPosition';
3817 {
3818  *  PBSetForkPositionSync()
3819  *
3820  *  Mac OS X threading:
3821  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3822  *
3823  *  Availability:
3824  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3825  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3826  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3827  }
PBSetForkPositionSyncnull3828 function PBSetForkPositionSync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBSetForkPositionSync';
3832 {
3833  *  PBSetForkPositionAsync()
3834  *
3835  *  Mac OS X threading:
3836  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3837  *
3838  *  Availability:
3839  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3840  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3841  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3842  }
3843 procedure PBSetForkPositionAsync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ); external name '_PBSetForkPositionAsync';
3847 {
3848     GetForkSize
3849     Get the current logical size (end-of-file) of an open fork.
3850     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3851     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3852     ->  forkRefNum      The reference number of the fork
3853     <-  positionOffset  The logical size of the fork, in bytes
3854 }
3855 {
3856  *  FSGetForkSize()
3857  *
3858  *  Mac OS X threading:
3859  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3860  *
3861  *  Availability:
3862  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3863  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3864  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3865  }
FSGetForkSizenull3866 function FSGetForkSize( forkRefNum: FSIORefNum; var forkSize: SInt64 ): OSErr; external name '_FSGetForkSize';
3870 {
3871  *  PBGetForkSizeSync()
3872  *
3873  *  Mac OS X threading:
3874  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3875  *
3876  *  Availability:
3877  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3878  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3879  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3880  }
PBGetForkSizeSyncnull3881 function PBGetForkSizeSync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetForkSizeSync';
3885 {
3886  *  PBGetForkSizeAsync()
3887  *
3888  *  Mac OS X threading:
3889  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3890  *
3891  *  Availability:
3892  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3893  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3894  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3895  }
3896 procedure PBGetForkSizeAsync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ); external name '_PBGetForkSizeAsync';
3900 {
3901     SetForkSize
3902     Set the logical size (end-of-file) of an open fork.  This
3903     may cause space to be allocated or deallocated.
3904     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3905     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3906     ->  forkRefNum      The reference number of the fork
3907     ->  positionMode    The base location for the new size
3908     ->  positionOffset  The offset of the new size from the base
3909 }
3910 {
3911  *  FSSetForkSize()
3912  *
3913  *  Mac OS X threading:
3914  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3915  *
3916  *  Availability:
3917  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3918  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3919  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3920  }
FSSetForkSizenull3921 function FSSetForkSize( forkRefNum: FSIORefNum; positionMode: UInt16; positionOffset: SInt64 ): OSErr; external name '_FSSetForkSize';
3925 {
3926  *  PBSetForkSizeSync()
3927  *
3928  *  Mac OS X threading:
3929  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3930  *
3931  *  Availability:
3932  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3933  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3934  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3935  }
PBSetForkSizeSyncnull3936 function PBSetForkSizeSync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBSetForkSizeSync';
3940 {
3941  *  PBSetForkSizeAsync()
3942  *
3943  *  Mac OS X threading:
3944  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3945  *
3946  *  Availability:
3947  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3948  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3949  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3950  }
3951 procedure PBSetForkSizeAsync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ); external name '_PBSetForkSizeAsync';
3955 {
3956     AllocateFork
3957     Allocate space to an open fork.  Typically, the space to be
3958     allocated is beyond the current size of the fork, to reserve
3959     space so the file will be able to grow later.  Some volume
3960     formats are unable to allocate space beyond the logical size
3961     of the fork.
3962     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
3963     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
3964     ->  forkRefNum      The reference number of the fork
3965     ->  positionMode    The base location for start of allocation
3966     ->  positionOffset  The offset of the start of allocation
3967     ->  allocationFlags Zero or more of the following flags:
3968         kFSAllocContiguousMask
3969                 Any newly allocated space must be one contiguous piece.
3970         kFSAllocAllOrNothingMask
3971                 All of the request space must be available, or the call
3972                 will fail.  (If not set, the call may succeed even though
3973                 some of the requested space wasn't allocated.)
3974         kFSAllocNoRoundUpMask
3975                 Do not allocate additional space.  (If not set, a volume
3976                 may allocate additional space in order to reduce fragmentation.)
3977     <>  allocationAmount    The number of bytes to allocate
3978                             On output, the number of bytes actually added
3979 }
3980 {
3981  *  FSAllocateFork()
3982  *
3983  *  Mac OS X threading:
3984  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
3985  *
3986  *  Availability:
3987  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
3988  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
3989  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
3990  }
FSAllocateForknull3991 function FSAllocateFork( forkRefNum: FSIORefNum; flags: FSAllocationFlags; positionMode: UInt16; positionOffset: SInt64; requestCount: UInt64; actualCount: UInt64Ptr ): OSErr; external name '_FSAllocateFork';
3995 {
3996  *  PBAllocateForkSync()
3997  *
3998  *  Mac OS X threading:
3999  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4000  *
4001  *  Availability:
4002  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4003  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4004  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4005  }
PBAllocateForkSyncnull4006 function PBAllocateForkSync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBAllocateForkSync';
4010 {
4011  *  PBAllocateForkAsync()
4012  *
4013  *  Mac OS X threading:
4014  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4015  *
4016  *  Availability:
4017  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4018  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4019  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4020  }
4021 procedure PBAllocateForkAsync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ); external name '_PBAllocateForkAsync';
4025 {
4026     FlushFork
4027     Flush a fork.  Any data written to this fork refnum is flushed to the device.
4028     The volume's control structures are also flushed to the device.
4029     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
4030     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
4031     ->  forkRefNum      The reference number of the fork to flush
4032 }
4033 {
4034  *  FSFlushFork()
4035  *
4036  *  Mac OS X threading:
4037  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4038  *
4039  *  Availability:
4040  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4041  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4042  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4043  }
FSFlushForknull4044 function FSFlushFork( forkRefNum: FSIORefNum ): OSErr; external name '_FSFlushFork';
4048 {
4049  *  PBFlushForkSync()
4050  *
4051  *  Mac OS X threading:
4052  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4053  *
4054  *  Availability:
4055  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4056  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4057  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4058  }
PBFlushForkSyncnull4059 function PBFlushForkSync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBFlushForkSync';
4063 {
4064  *  PBFlushForkAsync()
4065  *
4066  *  Mac OS X threading:
4067  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4068  *
4069  *  Availability:
4070  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4071  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4072  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4073  }
4074 procedure PBFlushForkAsync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ); external name '_PBFlushForkAsync';
4078 {
4079     CloseFork
4080     Flush and close a fork.  Any data written to this fork refnum is flushed
4081     to the device.  The volume's control structures are also flushed to the device.
4082     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
4083     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
4084     ->  forkRefNum      The reference number of the fork to close
4085 }
4086 {
4087  *  FSCloseFork()
4088  *
4089  *  Mac OS X threading:
4090  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4091  *
4092  *  Availability:
4093  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4094  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4095  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4096  }
FSCloseForknull4097 function FSCloseFork( forkRefNum: FSIORefNum ): OSErr; external name '_FSCloseFork';
4101 {
4102  *  PBCloseForkSync()
4103  *
4104  *  Mac OS X threading:
4105  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4106  *
4107  *  Availability:
4108  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4109  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4110  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4111  }
PBCloseForkSyncnull4112 function PBCloseForkSync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBCloseForkSync';
4116 {
4117  *  PBCloseForkAsync()
4118  *
4119  *  Mac OS X threading:
4120  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4121  *
4122  *  Availability:
4123  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4124  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4125  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4126  }
4127 procedure PBCloseForkAsync( var paramBlock: FSForkIOParam ); external name '_PBCloseForkAsync';
4131 {
4132     GetForkCBInfo
4133     Return information about an open fork.
4134     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
4135     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
4136     <>  desiredRefNum   If non-zero on input, then get information for this refnum;
4137                         unchanged on output.  If zero on input, iterate over all open
4138                         forks (possibly limited to a single volume); on output, contains
4139                         the fork's refnum.
4140     ->  volumeRefNum    Used when desiredRefNum is zero on input.  Set to 0 to iterate over all
4141                         volumes, or set to a FSVolumeRefNum to limit iteration to that volume.
4142     <>  iterator        Used when desiredRefNum is zero on input.  Set to 0 before iterating.
4143                         Pass the iterator returned by the previous call to continue iterating.
4144     <-  actualRefNum    The refnum of the open fork.
4145     <-  ref             The FSRef for the file or directory that contains the fork.
4146     <-  forkInfo        Various information about the open fork.
4147     <-  outForkName     The name of the fork
4148     Note: the foundRefNum, ref, forkInfo, and fork name outputs are all optional; if you don't want
4149     a particular output, then set its pointer to NULL.  If forkName is NULL, then forkNameLength
4150     will be undefined.
4151     Note: Returning the forkInfo generally does not require a disk access.  Returning the
4152     ref or forkName may cause disk access for some volume formats.
4153 }
4154 {
4155  *  FSGetForkCBInfo()
4156  *
4157  *  Mac OS X threading:
4158  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4159  *
4160  *  Availability:
4161  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4162  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4163  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4164  }
FSGetForkCBInfonull4165 function FSGetForkCBInfo( desiredRefNum: FSIORefNum; volume: FSVolumeRefNum; iterator: SInt16Ptr; actualRefNum: SInt16Ptr; forkInfo: FSForkInfoPtr; ref: FSRefPtr; outForkName: HFSUniStr255Ptr ): OSErr; external name '_FSGetForkCBInfo';
4169 {
4170  *  PBGetForkCBInfoSync()
4171  *
4172  *  Mac OS X threading:
4173  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4174  *
4175  *  Availability:
4176  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4177  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4178  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4179  }
PBGetForkCBInfoSyncnull4180 function PBGetForkCBInfoSync( var paramBlock: FSForkCBInfoParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetForkCBInfoSync';
4184 {
4185  *  PBGetForkCBInfoAsync()
4186  *
4187  *  Mac OS X threading:
4188  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4189  *
4190  *  Availability:
4191  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4192  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4193  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4194  }
4195 procedure PBGetForkCBInfoAsync( var paramBlock: FSForkCBInfoParam ); external name '_PBGetForkCBInfoAsync';
4199 {
4200     PBXLockRange
4201     Lock a range of bytes of the file fork specified by forkRefNum.
4202     This is only supported on some volume formats.
4203     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
4204     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
4205     ->  forkRefNum      The reference number of the fork to read from
4206     ->  requestCount    The number of bytes to lock
4207     ->  positionMode    The base location for start of the range
4208     ->  positionOffset  The offset from base location for start of the range
4209     <-  rangeStart      Number of the first byte locked
4210 }
4211 {
4212  *  FSLockRange()
4213  *
4214  *  Mac OS X threading:
4215  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
4216  *
4217  *  Availability:
4218  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
4219  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later
4220  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4221  }
FSLockRangenull4222 function FSLockRange( forkRefNum: FSIORefNum; positionMode: UInt16; positionOffset: SInt64; requestCount: UInt64; var rangeStart: UInt64 ): OSStatus; external name '_FSLockRange';
4226 {
4227  *  PBXLockRangeSync()
4228  *
4229  *  Mac OS X threading:
4230  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
4231  *
4232  *  Availability:
4233  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
4234  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later
4235  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4236  }
PBXLockRangeSyncnull4237 function PBXLockRangeSync( paramBlock: FSRangeLockParamPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_PBXLockRangeSync';
4241 {
4242  *  PBXLockRangeAsync()
4243  *
4244  *  Mac OS X threading:
4245  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
4246  *
4247  *  Availability:
4248  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
4249  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later
4250  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4251  }
PBXLockRangeAsyncnull4252 function PBXLockRangeAsync( paramBlock: FSRangeLockParamPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_PBXLockRangeAsync';
4256 {
4257     PBXUnlockRange
4258     Unlock a range of bytes of the file fork specified by forkRefNum.
4259     This is only supported on some volume formats.
4260     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
4261     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
4262     ->  forkRefNum      The reference number of the fork to read from
4263     ->  requestCount    The number of bytes to lock
4264     ->  positionMode    The base location for start of the range
4265     ->  positionOffset  The offset from base location for start of the range
4266     <-  rangeStart      Number of the first byte unlocked
4267 }
4268 {
4269  *  FSUnlockRange()
4270  *
4271  *  Mac OS X threading:
4272  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
4273  *
4274  *  Availability:
4275  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
4276  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later
4277  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4278  }
FSUnlockRangenull4279 function FSUnlockRange( forkRefNum: FSIORefNum; positionMode: UInt16; positionOffset: SInt64; requestCount: UInt64; var rangeStart: UInt64 ): OSStatus; external name '_FSUnlockRange';
4283 {
4284  *  PBXUnlockRangeSync()
4285  *
4286  *  Mac OS X threading:
4287  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
4288  *
4289  *  Availability:
4290  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
4291  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later
4292  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4293  }
PBXUnlockRangeSyncnull4294 function PBXUnlockRangeSync( paramBlock: FSRangeLockParamPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_PBXUnlockRangeSync';
4298 {
4299  *  PBXUnlockRangeAsync()
4300  *
4301  *  Mac OS X threading:
4302  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
4303  *
4304  *  Availability:
4305  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
4306  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later
4307  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4308  }
PBXUnlockRangeAsyncnull4309 function PBXUnlockRangeAsync( paramBlock: FSRangeLockParamPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_PBXUnlockRangeAsync';
4313 {
4314     GetVolumeInfo
4315     Returns various information about a given volume, or indexing over all volumes.
4316     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
4317     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
4318     <>  ioVRefNum       On input, the volume reference number or drive number whose
4319                         information is to be returned (if volumeIndex is 0); same
4320                         as "volume" input to FSGetVolumeInfo.
4321                         On output, the actual volume reference number; same as
4322                         "actualVolume" output of FSGetVolumeInfo.
4323     ->  volumeIndex     The index of the desired volume, or 0 to use ioVRefNum
4324     ->  whichInfo       Which volInfo info fields to get
4325     <-  volumeInfo      The returned values of Volume info fields; may be NULL
4326     <-  name            The Unicode name is returned here.  This pointer may be NULL.
4327     Note: All of the outputs are optional; if you don't want that particular output, just
4328     set its pointer to NULL.
4329 }
4330 {
4331  *  FSGetVolumeInfo()
4332  *
4333  *  Mac OS X threading:
4334  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4335  *
4336  *  Availability:
4337  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4338  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4339  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4340  }
FSGetVolumeInfonull4341 function FSGetVolumeInfo( volume: FSVolumeRefNum; volumeIndex: ItemCount; actualVolume: FSVolumeRefNumPtr; whichInfo: FSVolumeInfoBitmap; info: FSVolumeInfoPtr; volumeName: HFSUniStr255Ptr; rootDirectory: FSRefPtr ): OSErr; external name '_FSGetVolumeInfo';
4345 {
4346  *  PBGetVolumeInfoSync()
4347  *
4348  *  Mac OS X threading:
4349  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4350  *
4351  *  Availability:
4352  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4353  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4354  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4355  }
PBGetVolumeInfoSyncnull4356 function PBGetVolumeInfoSync( var paramBlock: FSVolumeInfoParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetVolumeInfoSync';
4360 {
4361  *  PBGetVolumeInfoAsync()
4362  *
4363  *  Mac OS X threading:
4364  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4365  *
4366  *  Availability:
4367  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4368  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4369  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4370  }
4371 procedure PBGetVolumeInfoAsync( var paramBlock: FSVolumeInfoParam ); external name '_PBGetVolumeInfoAsync';
4375 {
4376     SetVolumeInfo
4377     Set information about a given volume.
4378     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
4379     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
4380     ->  ioVRefNum       The volume whose information is to be changed
4381     ->  whichInfo       Which catalog info fields to set
4382     ->  volumeInfo      The new values of volume info fields
4383     Note: Only some of the volume info fields may be set.  The settable fields
4384     are given by the constant kFSVolInfoSettableInfo; no other bits may be set in
4385     whichInfo.
4386 }
4387 {
4388  *  FSSetVolumeInfo()
4389  *
4390  *  Mac OS X threading:
4391  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4392  *
4393  *  Availability:
4394  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4395  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4396  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4397  }
FSSetVolumeInfonull4398 function FSSetVolumeInfo( volume: FSVolumeRefNum; whichInfo: FSVolumeInfoBitmap; const (*var*) info: FSVolumeInfo ): OSErr; external name '_FSSetVolumeInfo';
4402 {
4403  *  PBSetVolumeInfoSync()
4404  *
4405  *  Mac OS X threading:
4406  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4407  *
4408  *  Availability:
4409  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4410  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4411  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4412  }
PBSetVolumeInfoSyncnull4413 function PBSetVolumeInfoSync( var paramBlock: FSVolumeInfoParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBSetVolumeInfoSync';
4417 {
4418  *  PBSetVolumeInfoAsync()
4419  *
4420  *  Mac OS X threading:
4421  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4422  *
4423  *  Availability:
4424  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4425  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4426  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4427  }
4428 procedure PBSetVolumeInfoAsync( var paramBlock: FSVolumeInfoParam ); external name '_PBSetVolumeInfoAsync';
4432 {
4433     FSGetDataForkName
4434     Returns the constant for the name of the data fork (the empty string)
4435 }
4436 {
4437  *  FSGetDataForkName()
4438  *
4439  *  Mac OS X threading:
4440  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4441  *
4442  *  Availability:
4443  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4444  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4445  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4446  }
FSGetDataForkNamenull4447 function FSGetDataForkName( var dataForkName: HFSUniStr255 ): OSErr; external name '_FSGetDataForkName';
4451 {
4452     FSGetResourceForkName
4453     Returns the constant for the name of the resource fork
4454     (currently "RESOURCE_FORK").
4455 }
4456 {
4457  *  FSGetResourceForkName()
4458  *
4459  *  Mac OS X threading:
4460  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4461  *
4462  *  Availability:
4463  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4464  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
4465  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
4466  }
FSGetResourceForkNamenull4467 function FSGetResourceForkName( var resourceForkName: HFSUniStr255 ): OSErr; external name '_FSGetResourceForkName';
4471 {
4472  *  FSRefMakePath()
4473  *
4474  *  Summary:
4475  *    converts an FSRef to a POSIX path
4476  *
4477  *  Mac OS X threading:
4478  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4479  *
4480  *  Parameters:
4481  *
4482  *    ref:
4483  *      the file/dir to get the POSIX path for
4484  *
4485  *    path:
4486  *      a pointer to a buffer which FSRefMakePath will fill with a UTF8
4487  *      encoded C string representing the path the the specified FSRef
4488  *
4489  *    pathBufferSize:
4490  *      the size of the path buffer in bytes.  This size should include
4491  *      the NULL terminator for the returned path string.
4492  *
4493  *  Availability:
4494  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4495  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
4496  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4497  }
FSRefMakePathnull4498 function FSRefMakePath( const (*var*) ref: FSRef; path: CStringPtr; pathBufferSize: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_FSRefMakePath';
4502 {
4503  *  FSPathMakeRef()
4504  *
4505  *  Summary:
4506  *    converts a POSIX path to an FSRef
4507  *
4508  *  Mac OS X threading:
4509  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4510  *
4511  *  Parameters:
4512  *
4513  *    path:
4514  *      a pointer to a UTF8 encoded C String that is a POSIX path
4515  *
4516  *    ref:
4517  *      a pointer to an FSRef to fill in
4518  *
4519  *    isDirectory:
4520  *      an optional pointer to a Boolean that will be filled in with
4521  *      whether the specified path is a directory (vs. a file)
4522  *
4523  *  Availability:
4524  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4525  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
4526  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4527  }
FSPathMakeRefnull4528 function FSPathMakeRef( path: CStringPtr; var ref: FSRef; isDirectory: BooleanPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_FSPathMakeRef';
4532 {
4533  *  FSPathMakeRefOptions
4534  *
4535  *  Discussion:
4536  *    Options that can be passed to the FSPathMakeRefWithOptions call.
4537  }
4538 const
4539 	kFSPathMakeRefDefaultOptions = 0;
4540 	kFSPathMakeRefDoNotFollowLeafSymlink = $01;
4542 {
4543  *  FSPathMakeRefWithOptions()
4544  *
4545  *  Summary:
4546  *    converts a POSIX path to an FSRef allowing for options other than
4547  *    the default
4548  *
4549  *  Mac OS X threading:
4550  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
4551  *
4552  *  Parameters:
4553  *
4554  *    path:
4555  *      a pointer to a UTF8 encoded C String that is a POSIX path
4556  *
4557  *    options:
4558  *      a set of FSPathMakeRef options
4559  *
4560  *    ref:
4561  *      a pointer to an FSRef to fill in
4562  *
4563  *    isDirectory:
4564  *      an optional pointer to a Boolean that will be filled in with
4565  *      whether the specified path is a directory (vs. a file)
4566  *
4567  *  Availability:
4568  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
4569  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later
4570  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4571  }
FSPathMakeRefWithOptionsnull4572 function FSPathMakeRefWithOptions( path: CStringPtr; options: OptionBits; var ref: FSRef; isDirectory: BooleanPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_FSPathMakeRefWithOptions';
4576 {
4577  *  FSIsFSRefValid()
4578  *
4579  *  Summary:
4580  *    Returns true if ref refers to an existing valid file system
4581  *    object, false otherwise.
4582  *
4583  *  Mac OS X threading:
4584  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
4585  *
4586  *  Parameters:
4587  *
4588  *    ref:
4589  *      FSRef to test
4590  *
4591  *  Availability:
4592  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
4593  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later
4594  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4595  }
FSIsFSRefValidnull4596 function FSIsFSRefValid( const (*var*) ref: FSRef ): Boolean; external name '_FSIsFSRefValid';
4600 {
4601  *  FNMessage
4602  *
4603  *  Discussion:
4604  *    Messages broadcast about a directory.  If system clients (such as
4605  *    the Finder) are interested in changes to a directory, they will
4606  *    receive notifications when application code broadcasts change
4607  *    messages about that directory.
4608  }
4609 type
4610 	FNMessage = UInt32;
4611 const
4612 	kFNDirectoryModifiedMessage = 1;
4614 {
4615  *  FNNotify()
4616  *
4617  *  Summary:
4618  *    Broadcasts notification of changes to the specified directory.
4619  *
4620  *  Discussion:
4621  *    FNNotify is used to notify system clients (such as the Finder) of
4622  *    modifications to the contents of a directory, specifically
4623  *    addition or removal of files or folders from the directory. The
4624  *    Finder and other system clients will refresh their views of the
4625  *    specified directory when they receive the change notification.
4626  *    FNNotify is not meant to notify the Finder of changes to a
4627  *    specific file (for example, changes to a file's type or creator);
4628  *    for that purpose, use a kAESync AppleEvent sent to the Finder.
4629  *
4630  *  Mac OS X threading:
4631  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4632  *
4633  *  Parameters:
4634  *
4635  *    ref:
4636  *      The directory for which to broadcast the notification
4637  *
4638  *    message:
4639  *      An indication of what happened to the target directory
4640  *
4641  *    flags:
4642  *      Options about delivery of the notification (specify kNilOptions
4643  *      for default behaviour)
4644  *
4645  *  Availability:
4646  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4647  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.0 and later
4648  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4649  }
FNNotifynull4650 function FNNotify( const (*var*) ref: FSRef; message: FNMessage; flags: OptionBits ): OSStatus; external name '_FNNotify';
4654 {
4655  *  FNNotifyByPath()
4656  *
4657  *  Summary:
4658  *    Broadcasts notification of changes to the specified directory.
4659  *
4660  *  Mac OS X threading:
4661  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4662  *
4663  *  Parameters:
4664  *
4665  *    path:
4666  *      Path to the directory for which to broadcast the notification
4667  *
4668  *    message:
4669  *      An indication of what happened to the target directory
4670  *
4671  *    flags:
4672  *      Options about delivery of the notification (specify kNilOptions
4673  *      for default behaviour)
4674  *
4675  *  Availability:
4676  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4677  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.0 and later
4678  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4679  }
FNNotifyByPathnull4680 function FNNotifyByPath( path: CStringPtr; message: FNMessage; flags: OptionBits ): OSStatus; external name '_FNNotifyByPath';
4684 {
4685  *  FNNotifyAll()
4686  *
4687  *  Discussion:
4688  *    Broadcasts notification of changes to the filesystem (should only
4689  *    be used by installers or programs which make lots of changes and
4690  *    only send one broadcast).
4691  *
4692  *  Mac OS X threading:
4693  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
4694  *
4695  *  Parameters:
4696  *
4697  *    message:
4698  *      An indication of what happened
4699  *
4700  *    flags:
4701  *      Options about delivery of the notification (specify kNilOptions
4702  *      for default behaviour)
4703  *
4704  *  Availability:
4705  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
4706  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.0 and later
4707  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4708  }
FNNotifyAllnull4709 function FNNotifyAll( message: FNMessage; flags: OptionBits ): OSStatus; external name '_FNNotifyAll';
4713 {
4714  *  FNSubscriptionRef
4715  *
4716  *  Discussion:
4717  *    A token associated with a notification subscription.  The
4718  *    subscriber gets one back when they subscribe to notifications for
4719  *    a particular directory, and they supply it when the unsubscribe.
4720  *    It is also delivered along with the notifications for that
4721  *    subscription.
4722  }
4723 type
4724 	FNSubscriptionRef = ^OpaqueFNSubscriptionRef; { an opaque type }
4725 	OpaqueFNSubscriptionRef = record end;
4726 	FNSubscriptionRefPtr = ^FNSubscriptionRef;  { when a var xx:FNSubscriptionRef parameter can be nil, it is changed to xx: FNSubscriptionRefPtr }
4728 {
4729  *  Discussion:
4730  *    Options that can be specified at subscription time.
4731  }
4732 const
4733 {
4734    * Specify this option if you do not want to receive notifications on
4735    * this subscription when FNNotifyAll is called; by default any
4736    * subscription is also implicitly a subscription to wildcard
4737    * notifications
4738    }
4739 	kFNNoImplicitAllSubscription = 1 shl 0;
4741   {
4742    * Specify this option if you want to receive notifications on this
4743    * subscription when your application is in background.  By default
4744    * notifications will be coalesced and and delivered when your
4745    * application becomes foreground.
4746    }
4747 	kFNNotifyInBackground = 1 shl 1;
4750 {
4751  *  FNSubscriptionProcPtr
4752  *
4753  *  Discussion:
4754  *    Callback delivered for directory notifications.
4755  *
4756  *  Parameters:
4757  *
4758  *    message:
4759  *      An indication of what happened
4760  *
4761  *    flags:
4762  *      Options about delivery of the notification (typically
4763  *      kNilOptions)
4764  *
4765  *    refcon:
4766  *      User reference supplied with subscription
4767  *
4768  *    subscription:
4769  *      Subscription corresponding to this notification
4770  }
4771 type
4772 	FNSubscriptionProcPtr = procedure( message: FNMessage; flags: OptionBits; refcon: UnivPtr; subscription: FNSubscriptionRef );
4774 	FNSubscriptionUPP = FNSubscriptionProcPtr;
4775 {
4776  *  NewFNSubscriptionUPP()
4777  *
4778  *  Availability:
4779  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.1 and later in CoreServices.framework
4780  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.1 and later
4781  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   available as macro/inline
4782  }
NewFNSubscriptionUPPnull4783 function NewFNSubscriptionUPP( userRoutine: FNSubscriptionProcPtr ): FNSubscriptionUPP; external name '_NewFNSubscriptionUPP';
4786 {
4787  *  DisposeFNSubscriptionUPP()
4788  *
4789  *  Availability:
4790  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.1 and later in CoreServices.framework
4791  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.1 and later
4792  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   available as macro/inline
4793  }
4794 procedure DisposeFNSubscriptionUPP( userUPP: FNSubscriptionUPP ); external name '_DisposeFNSubscriptionUPP';
4797 {
4798  *  InvokeFNSubscriptionUPP()
4799  *
4800  *  Availability:
4801  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.1 and later in CoreServices.framework
4802  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.1 and later
4803  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   available as macro/inline
4804  }
4805 procedure InvokeFNSubscriptionUPP( message: FNMessage; flags: OptionBits; refcon: UnivPtr; subscription: FNSubscriptionRef; userUPP: FNSubscriptionUPP ); external name '_InvokeFNSubscriptionUPP';
4808 {#if __MACH__
4809     #define NewFNSubscriptionUPP(userRoutine)                   ((FNSubscriptionUPP)userRoutine)
4810     #define DisposeFNSubscriptionUPP(userUPP)
4811     #define InvokeFNSubscriptionUPP(message, flags, refcon, subscription, userUPP) (*userUPP)(message, flags, refcon, subscription)
4812 #endif}
4814 {
4815  *  FNSubscribe()
4816  *
4817  *  Summary:
4818  *    Subscribe to change notifications for the specified directory.
4819  *
4820  *  Mac OS X threading:
4821  *    Thread safe since version 10.1
4822  *
4823  *  Parameters:
4824  *
4825  *    directoryRef:
4826  *      Directory for which the caller wants notifications
4827  *
4828  *    callback:
4829  *      Function to call back when a notification arrives
4830  *
4831  *    refcon:
4832  *      User state carried with the subscription
4833  *
4834  *    flags:
4835  *      Options for future use (specify kNilOptions, or one of the
4836  *      FNSubscriptionOptions)
4837  *
4838  *    subscription:
4839  *      Subscription token for subsequent query or unsubscription
4840  *
4841  *  Availability:
4842  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.1 and later in CoreServices.framework
4843  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.1 and later
4844  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4845  }
FNSubscribenull4846 function FNSubscribe( const (*var*) directoryRef: FSRef; callback: FNSubscriptionUPP; refcon: UnivPtr; flags: OptionBits; var subscription: FNSubscriptionRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FNSubscribe';
4850 {
4851  *  FNSubscribeByPath()
4852  *
4853  *  Summary:
4854  *    Subscribe to change notifications for the specified directory.
4855  *
4856  *  Mac OS X threading:
4857  *    Thread safe since version 10.1
4858  *
4859  *  Parameters:
4860  *
4861  *    directoryPath:
4862  *      Directory for which the caller wants notifications
4863  *
4864  *    callback:
4865  *      Function to call back when a notification arrives
4866  *
4867  *    refcon:
4868  *      User state carried with the subscription
4869  *
4870  *    flags:
4871  *      Options for future use (specify kNilOptions, or one of the
4872  *      FNSubscriptionOptions)
4873  *
4874  *    subscription:
4875  *      Subscription token for subsequent query or unsubscription
4876  *
4877  *  Availability:
4878  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.1 and later in CoreServices.framework
4879  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.1 and later
4880  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4881  }
4882 function FNSubscribeByPath( directoryPath: CStringPtr; callback: FNSubscriptionUPP; refcon: UnivPtr; flags: OptionBits; var subscription: FNSubscriptionRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FNSubscribeByPath';
4886 {
4887  *  FNUnsubscribe()
4888  *
4889  *  Summary:
4890  *    Release a subscription which is no longer needed.
4891  *
4892  *  Mac OS X threading:
4893  *    Thread safe since version 10.1
4894  *
4895  *  Parameters:
4896  *
4897  *    subscription:
4898  *      Subscription previously returned from FNSubscribe or
4899  *      FNSubscribeForPath
4900  *
4901  *  Availability:
4902  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.1 and later in CoreServices.framework
4903  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.1 and later
4904  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4905  }
FNUnsubscribenull4906 function FNUnsubscribe( subscription: FNSubscriptionRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FNUnsubscribe';
4910 {
4911  *  FNGetDirectoryForSubscription()
4912  *
4913  *  Summary:
4914  *    Fetch the directory for which this subscription was originally
4915  *    entered. There is no path variant because paths are fragile, and
4916  *    the path may have changed.  If the caller does not care about
4917  *    this subtlety, she can call FSRefMakePath to get a path from the
4918  *    returned ref.
4919  *
4920  *  Mac OS X threading:
4921  *    Thread safe since version 10.1
4922  *
4923  *  Parameters:
4924  *
4925  *    subscription:
4926  *      Subscription previously returned from FNSubscribe or
4927  *      FNSubscribeForPath
4928  *
4929  *    ref:
4930  *      Directory for which this subscription was created
4931  *
4932  *  Availability:
4933  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.1 and later in CoreServices.framework
4934  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.1 and later
4935  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4936  }
FNGetDirectoryForSubscriptionnull4937 function FNGetDirectoryForSubscription( subscription: FNSubscriptionRef; var ref: FSRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FNGetDirectoryForSubscription';
4941 { Async Volume Operation Status return values}
4942 const
4943 	kAsyncMountInProgress = 1;
4944 	kAsyncMountComplete = 2;
4945 	kAsyncUnmountInProgress = 3;
4946 	kAsyncUnmountComplete = 4;
4947 	kAsyncEjectInProgress = 5;
4948 	kAsyncEjectComplete = 6;
4951 type
4952 	FSMountStatus = UInt32;
4953 	FSEjectStatus = UInt32;
4954 	FSUnmountStatus = UInt32;
4955 	FSVolumeOperation = ^OpaqueFSVolumeOperation; { an opaque type }
4956 	OpaqueFSVolumeOperation = record end;
4957 	FSVolumeMountProcPtr = procedure( volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation; clientData: UnivPtr; err: OSStatus; mountedVolumeRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum );
4958 	FSVolumeUnmountProcPtr = procedure( volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation; clientData: UnivPtr; err: OSStatus; volumeRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dissenter: pid_t );
4959 	FSVolumeEjectProcPtr = procedure( volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation; clientData: UnivPtr; err: OSStatus; volumeRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dissenter: pid_t );
4960 	FSVolumeMountUPP = FSVolumeMountProcPtr;
4961 	FSVolumeUnmountUPP = FSVolumeUnmountProcPtr;
4962 	FSVolumeEjectUPP = FSVolumeEjectProcPtr;
4963 {
4964  *  NewFSVolumeMountUPP()
4965  *
4966  *  Availability:
4967  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
4968  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.2 and later
4969  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4970  }
NewFSVolumeMountUPPnull4971 function NewFSVolumeMountUPP( userRoutine: FSVolumeMountProcPtr ): FSVolumeMountUPP; external name '_NewFSVolumeMountUPP';
4974 {
4975  *  NewFSVolumeUnmountUPP()
4976  *
4977  *  Availability:
4978  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
4979  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.2 and later
4980  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4981  }
NewFSVolumeUnmountUPPnull4982 function NewFSVolumeUnmountUPP( userRoutine: FSVolumeUnmountProcPtr ): FSVolumeUnmountUPP; external name '_NewFSVolumeUnmountUPP';
4985 {
4986  *  NewFSVolumeEjectUPP()
4987  *
4988  *  Availability:
4989  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
4990  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.2 and later
4991  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
4992  }
NewFSVolumeEjectUPPnull4993 function NewFSVolumeEjectUPP( userRoutine: FSVolumeEjectProcPtr ): FSVolumeEjectUPP; external name '_NewFSVolumeEjectUPP';
4996 {
4997  *  DisposeFSVolumeMountUPP()
4998  *
4999  *  Availability:
5000  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5001  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.2 and later
5002  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5003  }
5004 procedure DisposeFSVolumeMountUPP( userUPP: FSVolumeMountUPP ); external name '_DisposeFSVolumeMountUPP';
5007 {
5008  *  DisposeFSVolumeUnmountUPP()
5009  *
5010  *  Availability:
5011  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5012  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.2 and later
5013  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5014  }
5015 procedure DisposeFSVolumeUnmountUPP( userUPP: FSVolumeUnmountUPP ); external name '_DisposeFSVolumeUnmountUPP';
5018 {
5019  *  DisposeFSVolumeEjectUPP()
5020  *
5021  *  Availability:
5022  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5023  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.2 and later
5024  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5025  }
5026 procedure DisposeFSVolumeEjectUPP( userUPP: FSVolumeEjectUPP ); external name '_DisposeFSVolumeEjectUPP';
5029 {
5030  *  InvokeFSVolumeMountUPP()
5031  *
5032  *  Availability:
5033  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5034  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.2 and later
5035  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5036  }
5037 procedure InvokeFSVolumeMountUPP( volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation; clientData: UnivPtr; err: OSStatus; mountedVolumeRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; userUPP: FSVolumeMountUPP ); external name '_InvokeFSVolumeMountUPP';
5040 {
5041  *  InvokeFSVolumeUnmountUPP()
5042  *
5043  *  Availability:
5044  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5045  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.2 and later
5046  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5047  }
5048 procedure InvokeFSVolumeUnmountUPP( volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation; clientData: UnivPtr; err: OSStatus; volumeRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dissenter: pid_t; userUPP: FSVolumeUnmountUPP ); external name '_InvokeFSVolumeUnmountUPP';
5051 {
5052  *  InvokeFSVolumeEjectUPP()
5053  *
5054  *  Availability:
5055  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5056  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.2 and later
5057  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5058  }
5059 procedure InvokeFSVolumeEjectUPP( volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation; clientData: UnivPtr; err: OSStatus; volumeRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dissenter: pid_t; userUPP: FSVolumeEjectUPP ); external name '_InvokeFSVolumeEjectUPP';
5062 {#if __MACH__
5063     #define NewFSVolumeMountUPP(userRoutine)                    ((FSVolumeMountUPP)userRoutine)
5064     #define NewFSVolumeUnmountUPP(userRoutine)                  ((FSVolumeUnmountUPP)userRoutine)
5065     #define NewFSVolumeEjectUPP(userRoutine)                    ((FSVolumeEjectUPP)userRoutine)
5066     #define DisposeFSVolumeMountUPP(userUPP)
5067     #define DisposeFSVolumeUnmountUPP(userUPP)
5068     #define DisposeFSVolumeEjectUPP(userUPP)
5069     #define InvokeFSVolumeMountUPP(volumeOp, clientData, err, mountedVolumeRefNum, userUPP) (*userUPP)(volumeOp, clientData, err, mountedVolumeRefNum)
5070     #define InvokeFSVolumeUnmountUPP(volumeOp, clientData, err, volumeRefNum, dissenter, userUPP) (*userUPP)(volumeOp, clientData, err, volumeRefNum, dissenter)
5071     #define InvokeFSVolumeEjectUPP(volumeOp, clientData, err, volumeRefNum, dissenter, userUPP) (*userUPP)(volumeOp, clientData, err, volumeRefNum, dissenter)
5072 #endif}
5075 {
5076  *  Discussion:
5077  *    Options that can be passed to the FSMountServerVolumeCalls. These
5078  *    options are not for use with the local volumes.
5079  }
5080 const
5081 {
5082    * Specify this option if you do want the volume displayed as a stand
5083    * along volume in the UI.
5084    }
5085 	kFSMountServerMarkDoNotDisplay = 1 shl 0;
5087   {
5088    * Specify this option if you want the volume mounted on the mountdir
5089    * passed in instead of in it.
5090    }
5091 	kFSMountServerMountOnMountDir = 1 shl 2;
5093   {
5094    * Specify this option if you want to suppress connection-time UI
5095    * when mounting the server volume.
5096    }
5097 	kFSMountServerSuppressConnectionUI = 1 shl 6;
5100 {
5101  *  Discussion:
5102  *    Deprecated options that can be passed to
5103  *    FSMountServerVolumeCalls.  The options will have no effect on the
5104  *    OS version they are noted as deprecated on or later.
5105  }
5106 const
5107 {
5108    * Specify this option if you do not want other processes notified
5109    * that this volume has been mounted.  Deprecated on Mac OS X 10.5.
5110    * Use kFSMountServerMarkDoNotDisplay instead.
5111    }
5112 	kFSMountServerMountWithoutNotification = 1 shl 1;
5115 {
5116  *  Discussion:
5117  *    Options that can be passed to the FSEjectVolume calls.
5118  }
5119 const
5120 {
5121    * Specify this option if you want the volume forcibly ejected.
5122    * Force ejecting a volume will very likely result in data loss since
5123    * the volume will be ejected even if there are open files on it or
5124    * other volumes that share the same device. This option should be
5125    * reserved for situations such as the backing store for a volume is
5126    * gone (so the data is lost regardless).
5127    }
5128 	kFSEjectVolumeForceEject = 1 shl 0;
5131 {
5132  *  Discussion:
5133  *    Options that can be passed to the FSUnmountVolume calls.
5134  }
5135 const
5136 {
5137    * Specify this option if you want the volume forcibly unmounted.
5138    * Force unmounting a volume will very likely result in data loss
5139    * since the volume will be ejected even if there are open files on
5140    * it. This option should be reserved for situations such as the
5141    * backing store for a volume is gone (so the data is lost
5142    * regardless).
5143    }
5144 	kFSUnmountVolumeForceUnmount = 1 shl 0;
5146 {
5147  *  FSCreateVolumeOperation()
5148  *
5149  *  Discussion:
5150  *    This routine will return an FSVolumeOperation which can be used
5151  *    for an async volume operation.  When the operation is completed
5152  *    the volumeOp should be disposed of to free the memory associated
5153  *    with the operation using FSDisposeVolumeOperation.
5154  *
5155  *  Mac OS X threading:
5156  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5157  *
5158  *  Parameters:
5159  *
5160  *    volumeOp:
5161  *      The new FSVolumeOperation.
5162  *
5163  *  Availability:
5164  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5165  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5166  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5167  }
FSCreateVolumeOperationnull5168 function FSCreateVolumeOperation( var volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation ): OSStatus; external name '_FSCreateVolumeOperation';
5172 {
5173  *  FSDisposeVolumeOperation()
5174  *
5175  *  Discussion:
5176  *    This routine will release the memory associated with the passed
5177  *    in volumeOp. It will return paramErr is the volumeOp is in use.
5178  *
5179  *  Mac OS X threading:
5180  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5181  *
5182  *  Parameters:
5183  *
5184  *    volumeOp:
5185  *      The FSVolumeOperation to release.
5186  *
5187  *  Availability:
5188  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5189  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5190  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5191  }
5192 function FSDisposeVolumeOperation( volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation ): OSStatus; external name '_FSDisposeVolumeOperation';
5196 {
5197  *  FSMountLocalVolumeSync()
5198  *
5199  *  Discussion:
5200  *    This routine will mount the disk specified by diskID at mountDir
5201  *    (or the default location if mountDir is NULL).  This routine
5202  *    returns after the mount is complete.
5203  *
5204  *  Mac OS X threading:
5205  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5206  *
5207  *  Parameters:
5208  *
5209  *    diskID:
5210  *      The disk to mount.
5211  *
5212  *    mountDir:
5213  *      Pass in NULL (currently only NULL is supported).
5214  *
5215  *    mountedVolumeRefNum:
5216  *      The volume ref num of the newly mounted volume.
5217  *
5218  *    flags:
5219  *      Options for future use.
5220  *
5221  *  Availability:
5222  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5223  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5224  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5225  }
FSMountLocalVolumeSyncnull5226 function FSMountLocalVolumeSync( diskID: CFStringRef; mountDir: CFURLRef; var mountedVolumeRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; flags: OptionBits ): OSStatus; external name '_FSMountLocalVolumeSync';
5230 {
5231  *  FSMountLocalVolumeAsync()
5232  *
5233  *  Discussion:
5234  *    This routine will start the process to disk specified by diskID
5235  *    at mountDir (or the default location if mountDir is NULL).  If a
5236  *    callback is provided the provided function will be called when
5237  *    the mount operation is complete.  Once this routine returns noErr
5238  *    the status of the operation can be found using
5239  *    FSGetAsyncMountStatus.
5240  *
5241  *  Mac OS X threading:
5242  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5243  *
5244  *  Parameters:
5245  *
5246  *    diskID:
5247  *      The disk to mount.
5248  *
5249  *    mountDir:
5250  *      Pass in NULL (currently only NULL is supported).
5251  *
5252  *    volumeOp:
5253  *      An FSVolumeOperation returned by FSCreateVolumeOperation
5254  *
5255  *    clientData:
5256  *      client data associated with the operation.
5257  *
5258  *    flags:
5259  *      Options for future use.
5260  *
5261  *    callback:
5262  *      Function to call when mount is complete.
5263  *
5264  *    runloop:
5265  *      Runloop to run on.
5266  *
5267  *    runloopMode:
5268  *      Mode for runloop.
5269  *
5270  *  Availability:
5271  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5272  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5273  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5274  }
FSMountLocalVolumeAsyncnull5275 function FSMountLocalVolumeAsync( diskID: CFStringRef; mountDir: CFURLRef; volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation; clientData: UnivPtr; flags: OptionBits; callback: FSVolumeMountUPP; runloop: CFRunLoopRef; runloopMode: CFStringRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FSMountLocalVolumeAsync';
5279 {
5280  *  FSMountServerVolumeSync()
5281  *
5282  *  Discussion:
5283  *    This routine will mount the server specified by url at mountDir
5284  *    (or the default location if mountDir is NULL).  An optional user
5285  *    and password can be passed in for authentication. If no user or
5286  *    password is provided then the underlying file system will handle
5287  *    authentication if required.  This routine returns after the mount
5288  *    is complete.
5289  *
5290  *  Mac OS X threading:
5291  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5292  *
5293  *  Parameters:
5294  *
5295  *    url:
5296  *      The server to mount.
5297  *
5298  *    mountDir:
5299  *      The directory to mount the server to (default if NULL).
5300  *
5301  *    user:
5302  *      String to pass as user for authentication.
5303  *
5304  *    password:
5305  *      String to pass as password for authenticated log in.
5306  *
5307  *    mountedVolumeRefNum:
5308  *      The volume ref num of the newly mounted volume.
5309  *
5310  *    flags:
5311  *      Options (such as kFSMountServerMarkDoNotDisplay and
5312  *      kFSMountServerMountOnMountDir).
5313  *
5314  *  Availability:
5315  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5316  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5317  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5318  }
FSMountServerVolumeSyncnull5319 function FSMountServerVolumeSync( url: CFURLRef; mountDir: CFURLRef; user: CFStringRef; password: CFStringRef; var mountedVolumeRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; flags: OptionBits ): OSStatus; external name '_FSMountServerVolumeSync';
5323 {
5324  *  FSMountServerVolumeAsync()
5325  *
5326  *  Discussion:
5327  *    This routine will start the process to mount the server specified
5328  *    by url at mountDir (or the default location if mountDir is NULL).
5329  *     An optional user and password can be passed in for
5330  *    authentication. If no user or password is provided then the
5331  *    underlying file system will handle authentication if required.
5332  *    If a callback is provided the provided function will be called
5333  *    when the mount operation is complete.  Once this routine returns
5334  *    noErr the status of the operation can be found using
5335  *    FSGetAsyncMountStatus.
5336  *
5337  *  Mac OS X threading:
5338  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5339  *
5340  *  Parameters:
5341  *
5342  *    url:
5343  *      The server to mount.
5344  *
5345  *    mountDir:
5346  *      The directory to mount the server to (default if NULL).
5347  *
5348  *    user:
5349  *      String to pass as user for authentication.
5350  *
5351  *    password:
5352  *      String to pass as password for authenticated log in.
5353  *
5354  *    volumeOp:
5355  *      An FSVolumeOperation returned by FSCreateVolumeOperation
5356  *
5357  *    clientData:
5358  *      client data associated with the operation.
5359  *
5360  *    flags:
5361  *      Options (such as kFSMountServerMarkDoNotDisplay and
5362  *      kFSMountServerMountOnMountDir).
5363  *
5364  *    callback:
5365  *      Function to call when mount is complete.
5366  *
5367  *    runloop:
5368  *      Runloop run on.
5369  *
5370  *    runloopMode:
5371  *      Mode for runloop.
5372  *
5373  *  Availability:
5374  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5375  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5376  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5377  }
FSMountServerVolumeAsyncnull5378 function FSMountServerVolumeAsync( url: CFURLRef; mountDir: CFURLRef; user: CFStringRef; password: CFStringRef; volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation; clientData: UnivPtr; flags: OptionBits; callback: FSVolumeMountUPP; runloop: CFRunLoopRef; runloopMode: CFStringRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FSMountServerVolumeAsync';
5382 {
5383  *  FSGetAsyncMountStatus()
5384  *
5385  *  Discussion:
5386  *    This routine returns the current status of an asynchronous mount
5387  *    operation. A return value of noErr signifies that the status
5388  *    parameter has been filled with valid information.  If the status
5389  *    is kAsyncMountComplete then the rest of data returned is valid.
5390  *    If the status is anything else then the volumeOpStatus and
5391  *    mountedVolumeRefNum parameters are invalid (The clientData will
5392  *    be ok).
5393  *
5394  *  Mac OS X threading:
5395  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5396  *
5397  *  Parameters:
5398  *
5399  *    volumeOp:
5400  *      The async volume operation to get status about.
5401  *
5402  *    status:
5403  *      The status of the operation.
5404  *
5405  *    volumeOpStatus:
5406  *      If status is kAsyncMountComplete then this contains the
5407  *      OSStatus for the operation.
5408  *
5409  *    mountedVolumeRefNum:
5410  *      If status is kAsyncMountComplete and volumeOpStatus is noErr
5411  *      then this is the volume ref num for the newly mounted volume.
5412  *
5413  *    clientData:
5414  *      client data associated with the original
5415  *      FSMountServerVolumeAsync operation.
5416  *
5417  *  Availability:
5418  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5419  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5420  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5421  }
FSGetAsyncMountStatusnull5422 function FSGetAsyncMountStatus( volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation; var status: FSMountStatus; var volumeOpStatus: OSStatus; var mountedVolumeRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; clientData: UnivPtrPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_FSGetAsyncMountStatus';
5426 {
5427  *  FSUnmountVolumeSync()
5428  *
5429  *  Discussion:
5430  *    This routine unmounts the volume specified by vRefNum.  If the
5431  *    volume cannot be unmounted the pid of the process which denied
5432  *    the unmount will be returned in the dissenter parameter.  This
5433  *    routine returns after the unmount is complete.
5434  *
5435  *  Mac OS X threading:
5436  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5437  *
5438  *  Parameters:
5439  *
5440  *    vRefNum:
5441  *      The volume reference number of the volume to unmount.
5442  *
5443  *    flags:
5444  *      Options (such as kFSUnmountVolumeForceUnmount).
5445  *
5446  *    dissenter:
5447  *      pid of the process which denied the unmount if the unmount is
5448  *      denied.
5449  *
5450  *  Availability:
5451  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5452  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5453  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5454  }
FSUnmountVolumeSyncnull5455 function FSUnmountVolumeSync( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; flags: OptionBits; var dissenter: pid_t ): OSStatus; external name '_FSUnmountVolumeSync';
5459 {
5460  *  FSUnmountVolumeAsync()
5461  *
5462  *  Discussion:
5463  *    This routine starts the process of unmounting the volume
5464  *    specified by vRefNum. If a callback is provided the provided
5465  *    function will be called when the unmount operation is complete.
5466  *    Once this routine returns noErr the status of the operation can
5467  *    be found using FSGetAsyncUnmountStatus.
5468  *
5469  *  Mac OS X threading:
5470  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5471  *
5472  *  Parameters:
5473  *
5474  *    vRefNum:
5475  *      The volume reference number of the volume to unmount.
5476  *
5477  *    flags:
5478  *      Options (such as kFSUnmountVolumeForceUnmount).
5479  *
5480  *    volumeOp:
5481  *      An FSVolumeOperation returned by FSCreateVolumeOperation
5482  *
5483  *    clientData:
5484  *      client data associated with the operation.
5485  *
5486  *    callback:
5487  *      Function to call when unmount is complete.
5488  *
5489  *    runloop:
5490  *      Runloop to run on.
5491  *
5492  *    runloopMode:
5493  *      Mode for runloop.
5494  *
5495  *  Availability:
5496  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5497  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5498  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5499  }
FSUnmountVolumeAsyncnull5500 function FSUnmountVolumeAsync( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; flags: OptionBits; volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation; clientData: UnivPtr; callback: FSVolumeUnmountUPP; runloop: CFRunLoopRef; runloopMode: CFStringRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FSUnmountVolumeAsync';
5504 {
5505  *  FSGetAsyncUnmountStatus()
5506  *
5507  *  Discussion:
5508  *    This routine returns the current status of an asynchronous
5509  *    unmount operation. A return value of noErr signifies that the
5510  *    status parameter has been filled with valid information.
5511  *
5512  *  Mac OS X threading:
5513  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5514  *
5515  *  Parameters:
5516  *
5517  *    volumeOp:
5518  *      The async volume operation to get status about.
5519  *
5520  *    status:
5521  *      The status of the operation.
5522  *
5523  *    volumeOpStatus:
5524  *      If status is kAsyncUnmountComplete then this contains the
5525  *      OSStatus for the operation.
5526  *
5527  *    volumeRefNum:
5528  *      volume reference number of volume being unmounted.
5529  *
5530  *    dissenter:
5531  *      pid of the process which denied the unmount if the unmount is
5532  *      denied.
5533  *
5534  *    clientData:
5535  *      client data associated with the original
5536  *      FSMountServerVolumeAsync operation.
5537  *
5538  *  Availability:
5539  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5540  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5541  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5542  }
FSGetAsyncUnmountStatusnull5543 function FSGetAsyncUnmountStatus( volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation; var status: FSUnmountStatus; var volumeOpStatus: OSStatus; var volumeRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; var dissenter: pid_t; clientData: UnivPtrPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_FSGetAsyncUnmountStatus';
5547 {
5548  *  FSCancelVolumeOperation()
5549  *
5550  *  Discussion:
5551  *    This routine will cancel and outstanding asynchronous volume
5552  *    mounting operation. It currently is only supported for server
5553  *    mounts.
5554  *
5555  *  Mac OS X threading:
5556  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5557  *
5558  *  Parameters:
5559  *
5560  *    volumeOp:
5561  *      The async volume operation to cancel.
5562  *
5563  *  Availability:
5564  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5565  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5566  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5567  }
FSCancelVolumeOperationnull5568 function FSCancelVolumeOperation( volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation ): OSStatus; external name '_FSCancelVolumeOperation';
5572 {
5573  *  FSEjectVolumeSync()
5574  *
5575  *  Discussion:
5576  *    This routine ejects the volume specified by vRefNum.  If the
5577  *    volume cannot be ejected the pid of the process which denied the
5578  *    unmount will be returned in the dissenter parameter.  This
5579  *    routine returns after the eject is complete.  Ejecting a volume
5580  *    will result in the unmounting of other volumes on the same device.
5581  *
5582  *  Mac OS X threading:
5583  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5584  *
5585  *  Parameters:
5586  *
5587  *    vRefNum:
5588  *      The volume reference number of the volume to eject.
5589  *
5590  *    flags:
5591  *      Options (such as kFSEjectVolumeForceEject).
5592  *
5593  *    dissenter:
5594  *      pid of the process which denied the unmount if the eject is
5595  *      denied.
5596  *
5597  *  Availability:
5598  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5599  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5600  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5601  }
FSEjectVolumeSyncnull5602 function FSEjectVolumeSync( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; flags: OptionBits; var dissenter: pid_t ): OSStatus; external name '_FSEjectVolumeSync';
5606 {
5607  *  FSEjectVolumeAsync()
5608  *
5609  *  Discussion:
5610  *    This routine starts the process of ejecting the volume specified
5611  *    by vRefNum. If a callback is provided the provided function will
5612  *    be called when the eject operation is complete.  Once this
5613  *    routine returns noErr the status of the operation can be found
5614  *    using FSGetAsyncEjectStatus.
5615  *
5616  *  Mac OS X threading:
5617  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5618  *
5619  *  Parameters:
5620  *
5621  *    vRefNum:
5622  *      The volume reference number of the volume to eject.
5623  *
5624  *    flags:
5625  *      Options (such as kFSEjectVolumeForceEject).
5626  *
5627  *    volumeOp:
5628  *      An FSVolumeOperation returned by FSCreateVolumeOperation
5629  *
5630  *    clientData:
5631  *      client data associated with the operation.
5632  *
5633  *    callback:
5634  *      Function to call when eject is complete.
5635  *
5636  *    runloop:
5637  *      Runloop to run on.
5638  *
5639  *    runloopMode:
5640  *      Mode for runloop.
5641  *
5642  *  Availability:
5643  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5644  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5645  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5646  }
FSEjectVolumeAsyncnull5647 function FSEjectVolumeAsync( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; flags: OptionBits; volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation; clientData: UnivPtr; callback: FSVolumeEjectUPP; runloop: CFRunLoopRef; runloopMode: CFStringRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FSEjectVolumeAsync';
5651 {
5652  *  FSGetAsyncEjectStatus()
5653  *
5654  *  Discussion:
5655  *    This routine returns the current status of an asynchronous eject
5656  *    operation. A return value of noErr signifies that the status
5657  *    parameter has been filled with valid information.
5658  *
5659  *  Mac OS X threading:
5660  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5661  *
5662  *  Parameters:
5663  *
5664  *    volumeOp:
5665  *      The async volume operation to get status about.
5666  *
5667  *    status:
5668  *      The status of the operation.
5669  *
5670  *    volumeOpStatus:
5671  *      If status is kAsyncEjectComplete then this contains the
5672  *      OSStatus for the operation.
5673  *
5674  *    volumeRefNum:
5675  *      volume reference number of volume being ejected.
5676  *
5677  *    dissenter:
5678  *      pid of the process which denied the unmount if the eject is
5679  *      denied.
5680  *
5681  *    clientData:
5682  *      client data associated with the original
5683  *      FSMountServerVolumeAsync operation.
5684  *
5685  *  Availability:
5686  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5687  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5688  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5689  }
FSGetAsyncEjectStatusnull5690 function FSGetAsyncEjectStatus( volumeOp: FSVolumeOperation; var status: FSEjectStatus; var volumeOpStatus: OSStatus; var volumeRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; var dissenter: pid_t; clientData: UnivPtrPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_FSGetAsyncEjectStatus';
5694 {
5695  *  FSCopyDiskIDForVolume()
5696  *
5697  *  Discussion:
5698  *    This routine returns a copy of the diskID for the passed in
5699  *    volume.  The caller is responsible for releasing the CFString
5700  *    later.
5701  *
5702  *  Mac OS X threading:
5703  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
5704  *
5705  *  Parameters:
5706  *
5707  *    vRefNum:
5708  *      FSVolumeRefNum of the target volume.
5709  *
5710  *    diskID:
5711  *      The diskID string associated with the target volume.
5712  *
5713  *  Availability:
5714  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
5715  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5716  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5717  }
FSCopyDiskIDForVolumenull5718 function FSCopyDiskIDForVolume( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; var diskID: CFStringRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FSCopyDiskIDForVolume';
5722 {
5723  *  FSCopyURLForVolume()
5724  *
5725  *  Discussion:
5726  *    This routine returns a copy of the url for the passed in volume.
5727  *    The caller is responsible for releasing the CFURL later.
5728  *
5729  *  Mac OS X threading:
5730  *    Thread safe since version 10.3
5731  *
5732  *  Parameters:
5733  *
5734  *    vRefNum:
5735  *      FSVolumeRefNum of the target volume.
5736  *
5737  *    url:
5738  *      The url associated with the target volume.
5739  *
5740  *  Availability:
5741  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.3 and later in CoreServices.framework
5742  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5743  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5744  }
FSCopyURLForVolumenull5745 function FSCopyURLForVolume( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; var url: CFURLRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FSCopyURLForVolume';
5749 {
5750  *  FSGetVolumeForDiskID()
5751  *
5752  *  Discussion:
5753  *    This routine returnes the FSVolumeRefNum for a given diskID.
5754  *
5755  *  Mac OS X threading:
5756  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
5757  *
5758  *  Parameters:
5759  *
5760  *    diskID:
5761  *      The diskID string associated with the target volume.
5762  *
5763  *    vRefNum:
5764  *      FSVolumeRefNum of the volume which corresponds to the diskID.
5765  *
5766  *  Availability:
5767  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
5768  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5769  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5770  }
FSGetVolumeForDiskIDnull5771 function FSGetVolumeForDiskID( diskID: CFStringRef; var vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum ): OSStatus; external name '_FSGetVolumeForDiskID';
5775 {
5776  *  FSCopyDADiskForVolume()
5777  *
5778  *  Discussion:
5779  *    This routine returns a copy of the diskID for the passed in
5780  *    volume.  The caller is responsible for releasing the DADisk
5781  *    later.
5782  *
5783  *  Mac OS X threading:
5784  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
5785  *
5786  *  Parameters:
5787  *
5788  *    vRefNum:
5789  *      FSVolumeRefNum of the target volume.
5790  *
5791  *    disk:
5792  *      The DADisk associated with the target volume.
5793  *
5794  *  Availability:
5795  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
5796  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5797  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5798  }
FSCopyDADiskForVolumenull5799 function FSCopyDADiskForVolume( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; var disk: DADiskRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FSCopyDADiskForVolume';
5803 {
5804  *  FSGetVolumeForDADisk()
5805  *
5806  *  Discussion:
5807  *    This routine returns the FSVolumeRefNum associated with the
5808  *    volume referenced by the passed in DADiskRef.
5809  *
5810  *  Mac OS X threading:
5811  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
5812  *
5813  *  Parameters:
5814  *
5815  *    disk:
5816  *      The DADiskRef of the target volume.
5817  *
5818  *    vRefNum:
5819  *      FSVolumeRefNum of the volume which corresponds to the DADiskRef.
5820  *
5821  *  Availability:
5822  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
5823  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
5824  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
5825  }
FSGetVolumeForDADisknull5826 function FSGetVolumeForDADisk( disk: DADiskRef; var vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum ): OSStatus; external name '_FSGetVolumeForDADisk';
5830 { File Operation routines}
5832 type
5833 	FSFileOperationRef = ^__FSFileOperation; { an opaque type }
5834 	__FSFileOperation = record end;
5835 	FSFileOperationStage = UInt32;
5837 {
5838  *  FSFileOperationClientContext
5839  *
5840  *  Discussion:
5841  *    Structure containing the user-defined data and callbacks for
5842  *    FSFileOperation client contextual data.
5843  }
5844 type
5845 	FSFileOperationClientContext = record
5846 {
5847    * The version number of the structure type being passed in as a
5848    * parameter to FSCopyObjectAsync or FSMoveObjectAsync function.
5849    * Valid version number is currently 0.
5850    }
5851 		version: CFIndex;
5853   {
5854    * An arbitrary pointer to client-defined data, which can be
5855    * associated with the operation and is passed to the callbacks.
5856    }
5857 		info: UnivPtr;
5859   {
5860    * The callback used to add a retain for the operation on the info
5861    * pointer for the life of the operation, and may be used for
5862    * temporary references the operation needs to take. This callback
5863    * returns the actual info pointer to store in the operation, almost
5864    * always just the pointer passed as the parameter.
5865    }
5866 		retain: CFAllocatorRetainCallBack;
5868   {
5869    * The callback used to remove a retain previously added for the
5870    * operation on the info pointer.
5871    }
5872 		release: CFAllocatorReleaseCallBack;
5874   {
5875    * The callback used to create a descriptive string representation of
5876    * the info pointer (or the data pointed to by the info pointer) for
5877    * debugging purposes. This is used by the CFCopyDescription()
5878    * function.
5879    }
5880 		copyDescription: CFAllocatorCopyDescriptionCallBack;
5881 	end;
5883 {
5884  *  FSFileOperationStatusProcPtr
5885  *
5886  *  Discussion:
5887  *    Callback function which is called to return status of an
5888  *    operation.  It will be called when an operation changes stages
5889  *    (including failing due to an error) or as updated information is
5890  *    available limited by the statusChangeInterval of the operation.
5891  *
5892  *  Parameters:
5893  *
5894  *    fileOp:
5895  *      Operation receiving the callback.
5896  *
5897  *    currentItem:
5898  *      FSRef to item operation is currently processing.  If the
5899  *      operation is complete then currentItem refers to the target
5900  *      item (the new item corresponding to the source item in the
5901  *      destination directory).
5902  *
5903  *    stage:
5904  *      Current stage of the operation.
5905  *
5906  *    error:
5907  *      Either noErr or an error value which caused the operation to
5908  *      fail.
5909  *
5910  *    statusDictionary:
5911  *      A CFDictionary with more detailed status information.  The
5912  *      caller should not release this item.  If the item is needed
5913  *      beyond the scope of the callback then it needs to be copied.
5914  *
5915  *    info:
5916  *      The info pointer passed in by the client.
5917  }
5918 type
5919 	FSFileOperationStatusProcPtr = procedure( fileOp: FSFileOperationRef; const (*var*) currentItem: FSRef; stage: FSFileOperationStage; error: OSStatus; statusDictionary: CFDictionaryRef; info: UnivPtr );
5921 {
5922  *  FSPathFileOperationStatusProcPtr
5923  *
5924  *  Discussion:
5925  *    Callback function which is called to return status of an
5926  *    operation.  It will be called when an operation changes stages
5927  *    (including failing due to an error) or as updated information is
5928  *    available limited by the statusChangeInterval of the operation.
5929  *
5930  *  Parameters:
5931  *
5932  *    fileOp:
5933  *      Operation receiving the callback.
5934  *
5935  *    currentItem:
5936  *      The UTF-8 path for the item operation is currently processing.
5937  *      The caller should not release this item.  If the item is needed
5938  *      beyond the scope of the callback then it needs to be copied.
5939  *      If the operation is complete then currentItem refers to the
5940  *      target item (the new item corresponding to the source item in
5941  *      the destination directory).
5942  *
5943  *    stage:
5944  *      Current stage of the operation.
5945  *
5946  *    error:
5947  *      Either noErr or an error value which caused the operation to
5948  *      fail.
5949  *
5950  *    statusDictionary:
5951  *      A CFDictionary with more detailed status information.  The
5952  *      caller should not release this item.  If the item is needed
5953  *      beyond the scope of the callback then it needs to be copied.
5954  *
5955  *    info:
5956  *      The info pointer passed in by the client.
5957  }
5958 type
5959 	FSPathFileOperationStatusProcPtr = procedure( fileOp: FSFileOperationRef; currentItem: ConstCStringPtr; stage: FSFileOperationStage; error: OSStatus; statusDictionary: CFDictionaryRef; info: UnivPtr );
5961 {
5962  *  FSFileOperationOptions
5963  *
5964  *  Discussion:
5965  *    Set of flags that can be passed into an FSMoveObject(A)sync or
5966  *    FSCopyObject(A)sync call.
5967  }
5968 const
5969 {
5970    * Use the default options - no overwrite, fail if any source item
5971    * cannot be read, cross volume moves OK.
5972    }
5973 	kFSFileOperationDefaultOptions = 0;
5975   {
5976    * Replace an item in the destDir that has the same name as an item
5977    * being moved/copied there.
5978    }
5979 	kFSFileOperationOverwrite = $01;
5981   {
5982    * Skip items that cannot be read and continue copying/moving instead
5983    * of failing the operation.
5984    }
5985 	kFSFileOperationSkipSourcePermissionErrors = $02;
5987   {
5988    * Do not perform a copy/delete to move an item across volume
5989    * boundries - fail the operation instead.
5990    }
5991 	kFSFileOperationDoNotMoveAcrossVolumes = $04;
5993   {
5994    * Skip the preflight for a directory move/copy.  This will limit the
5995    * status information that can be returned since the totals will not
5996    * be calculated.
5997    }
5998 	kFSFileOperationSkipPreflight = $08;
6001 {
6002  *  FSFileOperationStage
6003  *
6004  *  Discussion:
6005  *    The stage corresponds to the state of an asynchronous File
6006  *    Operation.  The stage is reported in the operation's status
6007  *    callback or as part of an FSFileOperationCopyStatus call.
6008  }
6009 const
6010 {
6011    * Operation has not started yet.
6012    }
6013 	kFSOperationStageUndefined = 0;
6015   {
6016    * Operation is calulating sizes and number of items involved in the
6017    * operation.
6018    }
6019 	kFSOperationStagePreflighting = 1;
6021   {
6022    * Operation is in progress.
6023    }
6024 	kFSOperationStageRunning = 2;
6026   {
6027    * Operation is done.
6028    }
6029 	kFSOperationStageComplete = 3;
6031 { FSFileOperation status dictionary keys}
6032 {
6033  *  kFSOperationTotalBytesKey
6034  *
6035  *  Discussion:
6036  *    This value associated with this key in a status dictionary
6037  *    returns the total number of bytes that will be moved/copied by
6038  *    this operation as a CFNumber.  This value is not available for a
6039  *    directory operation if kFSFileOperationSkipPreflight was
6040  *    specified.
6041  *
6042  *  Availability:
6043  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6044  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6045  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6046  }
6047 var kFSOperationTotalBytesKey: CFStringRef; external name '_kFSOperationTotalBytesKey'; (* attribute const *)
6049 {
6050  *  kFSOperationBytesCompleteKey
6051  *
6052  *  Discussion:
6053  *    This value associated with this key in a status dictionary
6054  *    returns the number of bytes that have been moved/copied by this
6055  *    operation at the time the status call was made as a CFNumber.
6056  *    During the preflight stage this value represents the currently
6057  *    known number of bytes that will be copied/moved.
6058  *
6059  *  Availability:
6060  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6061  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6062  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6063  }
6064 var kFSOperationBytesCompleteKey: CFStringRef; external name '_kFSOperationBytesCompleteKey'; (* attribute const *)
6066 {
6067  *  kFSOperationBytesRemainingKey
6068  *
6069  *  Discussion:
6070  *    This value associated with this key in a status dictionary
6071  *    returns the number of bytes that remain to be moved/copied by
6072  *    this operation at the time the status call was made as a
6073  *    CFNumber.  This value is not available for a directory operation
6074  *    if kFSFileOperationSkipPreflight was specified.
6075  *
6076  *  Availability:
6077  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6078  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6079  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6080  }
6081 var kFSOperationBytesRemainingKey: CFStringRef; external name '_kFSOperationBytesRemainingKey'; (* attribute const *)
6083 {
6084  *  kFSOperationTotalObjectsKey
6085  *
6086  *  Discussion:
6087  *    This value associated with this key in a status dictionary
6088  *    returns the total number of objects that will be moved/copied by
6089  *    this operation as a CFNumber.  This value is not available for a
6090  *    directory operation if kFSFileOperationSkipPreflight was
6091  *    specified.
6092  *
6093  *  Availability:
6094  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6095  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6096  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6097  }
6098 var kFSOperationTotalObjectsKey: CFStringRef; external name '_kFSOperationTotalObjectsKey'; (* attribute const *)
6100 {
6101  *  kFSOperationObjectsCompleteKey
6102  *
6103  *  Discussion:
6104  *    This value associated with this key in a status dictionary
6105  *    returns the number of objects that have been moved/copied by this
6106  *    operation at the time the status call was made as a CFNumber.
6107  *    During the preflight stage this value represents the currently
6108  *    known number of objects that will be copied/moved.
6109  *
6110  *  Availability:
6111  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6112  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6113  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6114  }
6115 var kFSOperationObjectsCompleteKey: CFStringRef; external name '_kFSOperationObjectsCompleteKey'; (* attribute const *)
6117 {
6118  *  kFSOperationObjectsRemainingKey
6119  *
6120  *  Discussion:
6121  *    This value associated with this key in a status dictionary
6122  *    returns the number of objects that remain to be moved/copied by
6123  *    this operation at the time the status call was made as a
6124  *    CFNumber.  This value is not available for a directory operation
6125  *    if kFSFileOperationSkipPreflight was specified.
6126  *
6127  *  Availability:
6128  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6129  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6130  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6131  }
6132 var kFSOperationObjectsRemainingKey: CFStringRef; external name '_kFSOperationObjectsRemainingKey'; (* attribute const *)
6134 {
6135  *  kFSOperationTotalUserVisibleObjectsKey
6136  *
6137  *  Discussion:
6138  *    This value associated with this key in a status dictionary
6139  *    returns the total number of user visibleobjects that will be
6140  *    moved/copied by this operation as a CFNumber.  This value is not
6141  *    available for a directory operation if
6142  *    kFSFileOperationSkipPreflight was specified.  A packaged
6143  *    application is one user visible object even though it is made up
6144  *    of multiple files and directories.
6145  *
6146  *  Availability:
6147  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6148  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6149  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6150  }
6151 var kFSOperationTotalUserVisibleObjectsKey: CFStringRef; external name '_kFSOperationTotalUserVisibleObjectsKey'; (* attribute const *)
6153 {
6154  *  kFSOperationUserVisibleObjectsCompleteKey
6155  *
6156  *  Discussion:
6157  *    This value associated with this key in a status dictionary
6158  *    returns the number of user visible objects that have been
6159  *    moved/copied by this operation at the time the status call was
6160  *    made as a CFNumber.  During the preflight stage this value
6161  *    represents the currently known number of objects that will be
6162  *    copied/moved.  A packaged application is one user visible object
6163  *    even though it is made up of multiple files and directories.
6164  *
6165  *  Availability:
6166  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6167  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6168  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6169  }
6170 var kFSOperationUserVisibleObjectsCompleteKey: CFStringRef; external name '_kFSOperationUserVisibleObjectsCompleteKey'; (* attribute const *)
6172 {
6173  *  kFSOperationUserVisibleObjectsRemainingKey
6174  *
6175  *  Discussion:
6176  *    This value associated with this key in a status dictionary
6177  *    returns the number of user visible objects that remain to be
6178  *    moved/copied by this operation at the time the status call was
6179  *    made as a CFNumber.  This value is not available for a directory
6180  *    operation if kFSFileOperationSkipPreflight was specified.  A
6181  *    packaged application is one user visible object even though it is
6182  *    made up of multiple files and directories.
6183  *
6184  *  Availability:
6185  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6186  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6187  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6188  }
6189 var kFSOperationUserVisibleObjectsRemainingKey: CFStringRef; external name '_kFSOperationUserVisibleObjectsRemainingKey'; (* attribute const *)
6191 {
6192  *  kFSOperationThroughputKey
6193  *
6194  *  Discussion:
6195  *    This value associated with this key in a status dictionary
6196  *    returns the current throughput for the operation in bytes per
6197  *    second as a CFNumber.
6198  *
6199  *  Availability:
6200  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6201  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6202  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6203  }
6204 var kFSOperationThroughputKey: CFStringRef; external name '_kFSOperationThroughputKey'; (* attribute const *)
6206 {
6207  *  FSCopyObjectSync()
6208  *
6209  *  Discussion:
6210  *    This routine will copy the source object into the destination
6211  *    directory.  The source object can be a file or directory.
6212  *
6213  *  Mac OS X threading:
6214  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6215  *
6216  *  Parameters:
6217  *
6218  *    source:
6219  *      The source object to copy.
6220  *
6221  *    destDir:
6222  *      The destination directory for the copy.
6223  *
6224  *    destName:
6225  *      The name for the new object in the destination directory.  Pass
6226  *      NULL to use the source object name.
6227  *
6228  *    target:
6229  *      Upon successful completion a ref to the newly created object.
6230  *      If source is a directory then target will be the corresponding
6231  *      object in the destination directory.
6232  *
6233  *    options:
6234  *      One or more FSFileOperation flags
6235  *
6236  *  Availability:
6237  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6238  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6239  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6240  }
FSCopyObjectSyncnull6241 function FSCopyObjectSync( const (*var*) source: FSRef; const (*var*) destDir: FSRef; destName: CFStringRef; var target: FSRef; options: OptionBits ): OSStatus; external name '_FSCopyObjectSync';
6245 {
6246  *  FSMoveObjectSync()
6247  *
6248  *  Discussion:
6249  *    This routine will move the source object into the destination
6250  *    directory.  The source object can be a file or directory.  If a
6251  *    destName is provided then the object will be renamed as well as
6252  *    moved.  By default a move across volumes will result in a copy
6253  *    and deletion of the original source.  The
6254  *    kFSFileOperationDoNotMoveAcrossVolumes flag will cause cross
6255  *    volume moves to do nothing and return an error.
6256  *
6257  *  Mac OS X threading:
6258  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6259  *
6260  *  Parameters:
6261  *
6262  *    source:
6263  *      The source object to move.
6264  *
6265  *    destDir:
6266  *      The destination directory for the move.
6267  *
6268  *    destName:
6269  *      The name for the object in the destination directory.  Pass
6270  *      NULL to use the source object name.
6271  *
6272  *    target:
6273  *      Upon successful completion a ref to the object in its new
6274  *      location.  If source is a directory then target will be the
6275  *      corresponding object in the destination directory.
6276  *
6277  *    options:
6278  *      One or more FSFileOperation flags
6279  *
6280  *  Availability:
6281  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6282  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6283  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6284  }
FSMoveObjectSyncnull6285 function FSMoveObjectSync( const (*var*) source: FSRef; const (*var*) destDir: FSRef; destName: CFStringRef; var target: FSRef; options: OptionBits ): OSStatus; external name '_FSMoveObjectSync';
6289 {
6290  *  FSMoveObjectToTrashSync()
6291  *
6292  *  Discussion:
6293  *    This routine will move the source object into the trash.  The
6294  *    source object can be a file or directory.  If the volume the
6295  *    source object resides on does not support a trash folder then
6296  *    this call will return an error (this is the same circumstance
6297  *    that triggers the delete immediately behavior in the Finder).
6298  *
6299  *  Mac OS X threading:
6300  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
6301  *
6302  *  Parameters:
6303  *
6304  *    source:
6305  *      The source object to move to the trash.
6306  *
6307  *    target:
6308  *      Upon successful completion a ref the object in the trash.  If
6309  *      source is a directory then target will be the corresponding
6310  *      object in the destination directory.
6311  *
6312  *    options:
6313  *      One or more FSFileOperation flags
6314  *
6315  *  Availability:
6316  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
6317  *    CarbonLib:        not available
6318  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6319  }
FSMoveObjectToTrashSyncnull6320 function FSMoveObjectToTrashSync( const (*var*) source: FSRef; var target: FSRef; options: OptionBits ): OSStatus; external name '_FSMoveObjectToTrashSync';
6324 {
6325  *  FSPathCopyObjectSync()
6326  *
6327  *  Discussion:
6328  *    This routine will copy the source object into the destination
6329  *    directory.  The source object can be a file or directory.
6330  *
6331  *  Mac OS X threading:
6332  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6333  *
6334  *  Parameters:
6335  *
6336  *    sourcePath:
6337  *      The UTF-8 path string of the source object to copy.
6338  *
6339  *    destDirPath:
6340  *      The UTF-8 path of the destination directory for the copy.
6341  *
6342  *    destName:
6343  *      The name for the new object in the destination directory.  Pass
6344  *      NULL to use the source object name.
6345  *
6346  *    targetPath:
6347  *      A pointer to a char * to allow returning the path to the newly
6348  *      created object.  The path is allocated using malloc and it is
6349  *      the caller's responsibility to free.  The pointer will be set
6350  *      to NULL if the copy failed.
6351  *
6352  *    options:
6353  *      One or more FSFileOperation flags
6354  *
6355  *  Availability:
6356  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6357  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6358  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6359  }
FSPathCopyObjectSyncnull6360 function FSPathCopyObjectSync( sourcePath: ConstCStringPtr; destDirPath: ConstCStringPtr; destName: CFStringRef; var targetPath: CStringPtr; options: OptionBits ): OSStatus; external name '_FSPathCopyObjectSync';
6364 {
6365  *  FSPathMoveObjectSync()
6366  *
6367  *  Discussion:
6368  *    This routine will move the source object into the destination
6369  *    directory.  The source object can be a file or directory.  If a
6370  *    destName is provided then the object will be renamed as well as
6371  *    moved.  By default a move across volumes will result in a copy
6372  *    and deletion of the original source.  The
6373  *    kFSFileOperationDoNotMoveAcrossVolumes flag will cause cross
6374  *    volume moves to do nothing and return an error.
6375  *
6376  *  Mac OS X threading:
6377  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6378  *
6379  *  Parameters:
6380  *
6381  *    sourcePath:
6382  *      The UTF-8 path string of the source object to move.
6383  *
6384  *    destDirPath:
6385  *      The UTF-8 path of the destination directory for the move.
6386  *
6387  *    destName:
6388  *      The name for the moved object in the destination directory.
6389  *      Pass NULL to use the source object name.
6390  *
6391  *    targetPath:
6392  *      A pointer to a char * to allow returning the path to the newly
6393  *      created object.  The path is allocated using malloc and it is
6394  *      the caller's responsibility to free.  The pointer will be set
6395  *      to NULL if the move failed.
6396  *
6397  *    options:
6398  *      One or more FSFileOperation flags
6399  *
6400  *  Availability:
6401  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6402  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6403  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6404  }
FSPathMoveObjectSyncnull6405 function FSPathMoveObjectSync( sourcePath: ConstCStringPtr; destDirPath: ConstCStringPtr; destName: CFStringRef; var targetPath: CStringPtr; options: OptionBits ): OSStatus; external name '_FSPathMoveObjectSync';
6409 {
6410  *  FSPathMoveObjectToTrashSync()
6411  *
6412  *  Discussion:
6413  *    This routine will move the source object into the trash.  The
6414  *    source object can be a file or directory.  If the volume the
6415  *    source object resides on does not support a trash folder then
6416  *    this call will return an error (this is the same circumstance
6417  *    that triggers the delete immediately behavior in the Finder).
6418  *
6419  *  Mac OS X threading:
6420  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
6421  *
6422  *  Parameters:
6423  *
6424  *    sourcePath:
6425  *      The UTF-8 path string of the source object to move.
6426  *
6427  *    targetPath:
6428  *      A pointer to a char * to allow returning the path to the newly
6429  *      created object.  The path is allocated using malloc and it is
6430  *      the caller's responsibility to free.  The pointer will be set
6431  *      to NULL if the move failed.
6432  *
6433  *    options:
6434  *      One or more FSFileOperation flags
6435  *
6436  *  Availability:
6437  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
6438  *    CarbonLib:        not available
6439  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6440  }
FSPathMoveObjectToTrashSyncnull6441 function FSPathMoveObjectToTrashSync( sourcePath: ConstCStringPtr; var targetPath: CStringPtr; options: OptionBits ): OSStatus; external name '_FSPathMoveObjectToTrashSync';
6445 {
6446  *  FSFileOperationGetTypeID()
6447  *
6448  *  Discussion:
6449  *    This routine will return the CFTypeID for the FSFileOpeation type.
6450  *
6451  *  Mac OS X threading:
6452  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6453  *
6454  *  Result:
6455  *    the CFTypeID for the FSFileOperation type.
6456  *
6457  *  Availability:
6458  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6459  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6460  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6461  }
FSFileOperationGetTypeIDnull6462 function FSFileOperationGetTypeID: CFTypeID; external name '_FSFileOperationGetTypeID';
6466 {
6467  *  FSFileOperationCreate()
6468  *
6469  *  Discussion:
6470  *    This routine will create an FSFileOperation for use with either
6471  *    FSCopyObjectAsync or FSMoveObjectAsync.
6472  *
6473  *  Mac OS X threading:
6474  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6475  *
6476  *  Parameters:
6477  *
6478  *    alloc:
6479  *      The CFAllocator to use.  Pass NULL for the default allocator.
6480  *
6481  *  Result:
6482  *    A reference to the newly created object or NULL if the creation
6483  *    failed.
6484  *
6485  *  Availability:
6486  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6487  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6488  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6489  }
FSFileOperationCreatenull6490 function FSFileOperationCreate( alloc: CFAllocatorRef ): FSFileOperationRef; external name '_FSFileOperationCreate';
6494 {
6495  *  FSFileOperationScheduleWithRunLoop()
6496  *
6497  *  Discussion:
6498  *    Schedule the given operation on the specified runloop and mode. A
6499  *    FSFileOperation can be scheduled on multiple runloop/mode
6500  *    combinations. An opertion must be scheduled on at least one
6501  *    runloop.
6502  *
6503  *  Mac OS X threading:
6504  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6505  *
6506  *  Parameters:
6507  *
6508  *    fileOp:
6509  *      The FSFileOperation to schedule.
6510  *
6511  *    runLoop:
6512  *      The runLoop on which to schedule the operation.  Must be
6513  *      non-NULL.
6514  *
6515  *    runLoopMode:
6516  *      The mode on which to schedule the operation.  Must be non-NULL.
6517  *
6518  *  Availability:
6519  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6520  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6521  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6522  }
FSFileOperationScheduleWithRunLoopnull6523 function FSFileOperationScheduleWithRunLoop( fileOp: FSFileOperationRef; runLoop: CFRunLoopRef; runLoopMode: CFStringRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileOperationScheduleWithRunLoop';
6527 {
6528  *  FSFileOperationUnscheduleFromRunLoop()
6529  *
6530  *  Discussion:
6531  *    Unschedule the given operation from the specified runloop and
6532  *    mode.
6533  *
6534  *  Mac OS X threading:
6535  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6536  *
6537  *  Parameters:
6538  *
6539  *    fileOp:
6540  *      The FSFileOperation to unschedule.
6541  *
6542  *    runLoop:
6543  *      The runLoop from which to unschedule the operation.  Must be
6544  *      non-NULL.
6545  *
6546  *    runLoopMode:
6547  *      The mode from which to unschedule the operation.  Must be
6548  *      non-NULL.
6549  *
6550  *  Availability:
6551  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6552  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6553  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6554  }
FSFileOperationUnscheduleFromRunLoopnull6555 function FSFileOperationUnscheduleFromRunLoop( fileOp: FSFileOperationRef; runLoop: CFRunLoopRef; runLoopMode: CFStringRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileOperationUnscheduleFromRunLoop';
6559 {
6560  *  FSCopyObjectAsync()
6561  *
6562  *  Discussion:
6563  *    This routine will start an asynchronous copy of the object
6564  *    specified by source to the directory specified by destDir.  If
6565  *    destName is provided then the new object will be renamed to
6566  *    destName.  If destName is not provided then the name of the
6567  *    source object will be used.  Status callbacks will occur on one
6568  *    of the runloop/mode combinations that the operation was scheduled
6569  *    on (and is running).
6570  *
6571  *  Mac OS X threading:
6572  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6573  *
6574  *  Parameters:
6575  *
6576  *    fileOp:
6577  *      The FSFileOperation object created for this operation.
6578  *
6579  *    source:
6580  *      The source object to copy.
6581  *
6582  *    destDir:
6583  *      The destination directory for the copy.
6584  *
6585  *    destName:
6586  *      The name for the new object in the destination directory.  Pass
6587  *      NULL to use the source object name.
6588  *
6589  *    flags:
6590  *      One or more FSFileOperation flags
6591  *
6592  *    callback:
6593  *      An optional FSFileOperationStatusProcPtr which will be called
6594  *      with status updates as the copy proceeds.
6595  *
6596  *    statusChangeInterval:
6597  *      The minimum time between callbacks within a single stage of an
6598  *      operation.
6599  *
6600  *    clientContext:
6601  *      Client contextual information to associate with this operation.
6602  *       The info pointer will be passed to status callbacks.
6603  *
6604  *  Availability:
6605  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6606  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6607  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6608  }
FSCopyObjectAsyncnull6609 function FSCopyObjectAsync( fileOp: FSFileOperationRef; const (*var*) source: FSRef; const (*var*) destDir: FSRef; destName: CFStringRef; flags: OptionBits; callback: FSFileOperationStatusProcPtr; statusChangeInterval: CFTimeInterval; var clientContext: FSFileOperationClientContext ): OSStatus; external name '_FSCopyObjectAsync';
6613 {
6614  *  FSMoveObjectAsync()
6615  *
6616  *  Discussion:
6617  *    This routine will start an asynchronous move of the object
6618  *    specified by source to the directory specified by destDir.  If
6619  *    destName is provided then the new object will be renamed to
6620  *    destName.  If destName is not provided then the name of the
6621  *    source object will be used.  Status callbacks will occur on one
6622  *    of the runloop/mode combinations that the operation was scheduled
6623  *    on (and is running).  By default a move across volumes will
6624  *    result in a copy and deletion of the original source. The
6625  *    kFSFileOperationDoNotMoveAcrossVolumes flag will cause cross
6626  *    volume moves to do nothing and return an error.
6627  *
6628  *  Mac OS X threading:
6629  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6630  *
6631  *  Parameters:
6632  *
6633  *    fileOp:
6634  *      The FSFileOperation object created for this operation.
6635  *
6636  *    source:
6637  *      The source object to move.
6638  *
6639  *    destDir:
6640  *      The destination directory for the move.
6641  *
6642  *    destName:
6643  *      The name for the object in the destination directory.  Pass
6644  *      NULL to leave the name unchanged.
6645  *
6646  *    flags:
6647  *      One or more FSFileOperation flags
6648  *
6649  *    callback:
6650  *      An optional FSFileOperationStatusProcPtr which will be called
6651  *      with status updates as the copy proceeds.
6652  *
6653  *    statusChangeInterval:
6654  *      The minimum time between callbacks within a single stage of an
6655  *      operation.
6656  *
6657  *    clientContext:
6658  *      Client contextual information to associate with this operation.
6659  *       The info pointer will be passed to status callbacks.
6660  *
6661  *  Availability:
6662  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6663  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6664  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6665  }
FSMoveObjectAsyncnull6666 function FSMoveObjectAsync( fileOp: FSFileOperationRef; const (*var*) source: FSRef; const (*var*) destDir: FSRef; destName: CFStringRef; flags: OptionBits; callback: FSFileOperationStatusProcPtr; statusChangeInterval: CFTimeInterval; var clientContext: FSFileOperationClientContext ): OSStatus; external name '_FSMoveObjectAsync';
6670 {
6671  *  FSMoveObjectToTrashAsync()
6672  *
6673  *  Discussion:
6674  *    This routine will start an asynchronous move of the object
6675  *    specified by source to the trash.  If the volume the source
6676  *    object resides on does not support a trash folder then the
6677  *    operation will return an error (this is the same circumstance
6678  *    that triggers the delete immediately behavior in the Finder).
6679  *    Status callbacks will occur on one of the runloop/mode
6680  *    combinations that the operation was scheduled on (and is
6681  *    running).   Upon successul complettion of the operation the last
6682  *    currentItem (from either the last status callback or retrieved by
6683  *    FSFileOperationCopyStatus) will be object in the trash.
6684  *
6685  *  Mac OS X threading:
6686  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
6687  *
6688  *  Parameters:
6689  *
6690  *    fileOp:
6691  *      The FSFileOperation object created for this operation.
6692  *
6693  *    source:
6694  *      The source object to move.
6695  *
6696  *    flags:
6697  *      One or more FSFileOperation flags
6698  *
6699  *    callback:
6700  *      An optional FSFileOperationStatusProcPtr which will be called
6701  *      with status updates as the move proceeds.
6702  *
6703  *    statusChangeInterval:
6704  *      The minimum time between callbacks within a single stage of an
6705  *      operation.
6706  *
6707  *    clientContext:
6708  *      Client contextual information to associate with this operation.
6709  *       The info pointer will be passed to status callbacks.
6710  *
6711  *  Availability:
6712  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
6713  *    CarbonLib:        not available
6714  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6715  }
FSMoveObjectToTrashAsyncnull6716 function FSMoveObjectToTrashAsync( fileOp: FSFileOperationRef; const (*var*) source: FSRef; flags: OptionBits; callback: FSFileOperationStatusProcPtr; statusChangeInterval: CFTimeInterval; var clientContext: FSFileOperationClientContext ): OSStatus; external name '_FSMoveObjectToTrashAsync';
6720 {
6721  *  FSPathCopyObjectAsync()
6722  *
6723  *  Discussion:
6724  *    This routine will start an asynchronous copy of the object
6725  *    specified by source to the directory specified by destDir.  If
6726  *    destName is provided then the new object will be renamed to
6727  *    destName.  If destName is not provided then the name of the
6728  *    source object will be used.  Status callbacks will occur on one
6729  *    of the runloop/mode combinations that the operation was scheduled
6730  *    on (and is running).
6731  *
6732  *  Mac OS X threading:
6733  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6734  *
6735  *  Parameters:
6736  *
6737  *    fileOp:
6738  *      The FSFileOperation object created for this operation.
6739  *
6740  *    sourcePath:
6741  *      The UTF-8 path string of the source object to copy.
6742  *
6743  *    destDirPath:
6744  *      The UTF-8 path of the destination directory for the copy.
6745  *
6746  *    destName:
6747  *      The name for the new object in the destination directory.  Pass
6748  *      NULL to use the source object name.
6749  *
6750  *    flags:
6751  *      One or more FSFileOperation flags
6752  *
6753  *    callback:
6754  *      An optional FSPathFileOperationStatusProcPtr which will be
6755  *      called with status updates as the copy proceeds.
6756  *
6757  *    statusChangeInterval:
6758  *      The minimum time between callbacks within a single stage of an
6759  *      operation.
6760  *
6761  *    clientContext:
6762  *      Client contextual information to associate with this operation.
6763  *       The info pointer will be passed to status callbacks.
6764  *
6765  *  Availability:
6766  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6767  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6768  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6769  }
FSPathCopyObjectAsyncnull6770 function FSPathCopyObjectAsync( fileOp: FSFileOperationRef; sourcePath: ConstCStringPtr; destDirPath: ConstCStringPtr; destName: CFStringRef; flags: OptionBits; callback: FSPathFileOperationStatusProcPtr; statusChangeInterval: CFTimeInterval; var clientContext: FSFileOperationClientContext ): OSStatus; external name '_FSPathCopyObjectAsync';
6774 {
6775  *  FSPathMoveObjectAsync()
6776  *
6777  *  Discussion:
6778  *    This routine will start an asynchronous move of the object
6779  *    specified by source to the directory specified by destDir.  If
6780  *    destName is provided then the new object will be renamed to
6781  *    destName.  If destName is not provided then the name of the
6782  *    source object will be used.  Status callbacks will occur on one
6783  *    of the runloop/mode combinations that the operation was scheduled
6784  *    on (and is running).  By default a move across volumes will
6785  *    result in a copy and deletion of the original source. The
6786  *    kFSFileOperationDoNotMoveAcrossVolumes flag will cause cross
6787  *    volume moves to do nothing and return an error.
6788  *
6789  *  Mac OS X threading:
6790  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6791  *
6792  *  Parameters:
6793  *
6794  *    fileOp:
6795  *      The FSFileOperation object created for this operation.
6796  *
6797  *    sourcePath:
6798  *      The UTF-8 path string of the source object to move.
6799  *
6800  *    destDirPath:
6801  *      The UTF-8 path of the destination directory for the move.
6802  *
6803  *    destName:
6804  *      The name for the object in the destination directory.  Pass
6805  *      NULL to leave the name unchanged.
6806  *
6807  *    flags:
6808  *      One or more FSFileOperation flags
6809  *
6810  *    callback:
6811  *      An optional FSPathFileOperationStatusProcPtr which will be
6812  *      called with status updates as the move proceeds.
6813  *
6814  *    statusChangeInterval:
6815  *      The minimum time between callbacks within a single stage of an
6816  *      operation.
6817  *
6818  *    clientContext:
6819  *      Client contextual information to associate with this operation.
6820  *       The info pointer will be passed to status callbacks.
6821  *
6822  *  Availability:
6823  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6824  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6825  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6826  }
FSPathMoveObjectAsyncnull6827 function FSPathMoveObjectAsync( fileOp: FSFileOperationRef; sourcePath: ConstCStringPtr; destDirPath: ConstCStringPtr; destName: CFStringRef; flags: OptionBits; callback: FSPathFileOperationStatusProcPtr; statusChangeInterval: CFTimeInterval; var clientContext: FSFileOperationClientContext ): OSStatus; external name '_FSPathMoveObjectAsync';
6831 {
6832  *  FSPathMoveObjectToTrashAsync()
6833  *
6834  *  Discussion:
6835  *    This routine will start an asynchronous move of the object
6836  *    specified by source to the trash.  If the volume the source
6837  *    object resides on does not support a trash folder then this call
6838  *    will return an error (this is the same circumstance that triggers
6839  *    the delete immediately behavior in the Finder). Status callbacks
6840  *    will occur on one of the runloop/mode combinations that the
6841  *    operation was scheduled on (and is running).  Note that the
6842  *    object may be renamed when placed in the trash.  Upon successful
6843  *    completion of the operation the last currentItem (from either the
6844  *    last status callback or retrieved by
6845  *    FSPathFileOperationCopyStatus) will be object in the trash.
6846  *
6847  *  Mac OS X threading:
6848  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
6849  *
6850  *  Parameters:
6851  *
6852  *    fileOp:
6853  *      The FSFileOperation object created for this operation.
6854  *
6855  *    sourcePath:
6856  *      The UTF-8 path string of the source object to move.
6857  *
6858  *    flags:
6859  *      One or more FSFileOperation flags
6860  *
6861  *    callback:
6862  *      An optional FSPathFileOperationStatusProcPtr which will be
6863  *      called with status updates as the move proceeds.
6864  *
6865  *    statusChangeInterval:
6866  *      The minimum time between callbacks within a single stage of an
6867  *      operation.
6868  *
6869  *    clientContext:
6870  *      Client contextual information to associate with this operation.
6871  *       The info pointer will be passed to status callbacks.
6872  *
6873  *  Availability:
6874  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
6875  *    CarbonLib:        not available
6876  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6877  }
FSPathMoveObjectToTrashAsyncnull6878 function FSPathMoveObjectToTrashAsync( fileOp: FSFileOperationRef; sourcePath: ConstCStringPtr; flags: OptionBits; callback: FSPathFileOperationStatusProcPtr; statusChangeInterval: CFTimeInterval; var clientContext: FSFileOperationClientContext ): OSStatus; external name '_FSPathMoveObjectToTrashAsync';
6882 {
6883  *  FSFileOperationCancel()
6884  *
6885  *  Discussion:
6886  *    Cancels the specified FSFileOperation. This makes the operation
6887  *    ineligible to run on any runloop.
6888  *
6889  *  Mac OS X threading:
6890  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6891  *
6892  *  Parameters:
6893  *
6894  *    fileOp:
6895  *      The FSFileOperation to cancel.
6896  *
6897  *  Availability:
6898  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6899  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6900  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6901  }
FSFileOperationCancelnull6902 function FSFileOperationCancel( fileOp: FSFileOperationRef ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileOperationCancel';
6906 {
6907  *  FSFileOperationCopyStatus()
6908  *
6909  *  Discussion:
6910  *    This routine returns the current status of an FSFileOperation.
6911  *    The status dictionary must be released by the caller.
6912  *
6913  *  Mac OS X threading:
6914  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6915  *
6916  *  Parameters:
6917  *
6918  *    fileOp:
6919  *      The FSFileOperation from which to retrieve status information.
6920  *
6921  *    currentItem:
6922  *      FSRef to item operation is currently processing.  If the
6923  *      operation is complete then currentItem refers to the target
6924  *      item (the new item corresponding to the source item in the
6925  *      destination directory).
6926  *
6927  *    stage:
6928  *      current stage of the operation.
6929  *
6930  *    error:
6931  *      Either noErr or an error value which caused the operation to
6932  *      fail.
6933  *
6934  *    statusDictionary:
6935  *      A CFDictionary with more detailed status information. The
6936  *      caller is responsible for releasing the object when done with
6937  *      it.
6938  *
6939  *    info:
6940  *      The info pointer passed in by the client.
6941  *
6942  *  Availability:
6943  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6944  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6945  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6946  }
FSFileOperationCopyStatusnull6947 function FSFileOperationCopyStatus( fileOp: FSFileOperationRef; var currentItem: FSRef; var stage: FSFileOperationStage; var error: OSStatus; var statusDictionary: CFDictionaryRef; info: UnivPtrPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileOperationCopyStatus';
6951 {
6952  *  FSPathFileOperationCopyStatus()
6953  *
6954  *  Discussion:
6955  *    This routine returns the current status of an FSFileOperation.
6956  *    The status dictionary must be released by the caller.
6957  *
6958  *  Mac OS X threading:
6959  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
6960  *
6961  *  Parameters:
6962  *
6963  *    fileOp:
6964  *      The FSFileOperation from which to retrieve status information.
6965  *
6966  *    currentItem:
6967  *      A path to the item operation is currently processing.  The
6968  *      caller is responsible for calling free to dispose of the path
6969  *      string.  If the operation is complete then currentItem refers
6970  *      to the target item (the new item corresponding to the source
6971  *      item in the destination directory).
6972  *
6973  *    stage:
6974  *      current stage of the operation.
6975  *
6976  *    error:
6977  *      Either noErr or an error value which caused the operation to
6978  *      fail.
6979  *
6980  *    statusDictionary:
6981  *      A CFDictionary with more detailed status information.  The
6982  *      caller is responsible for releasing the object when done with
6983  *      it.
6984  *
6985  *    info:
6986  *      The info pointer passed in by the client.
6987  *
6988  *  Availability:
6989  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
6990  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
6991  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
6992  }
FSPathFileOperationCopyStatusnull6993 function FSPathFileOperationCopyStatus( fileOp: FSFileOperationRef; var currentItem: CStringPtr; var stage: FSFileOperationStage; var error: OSStatus; var statusDictionary: CFDictionaryRef; info: UnivPtrPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_FSPathFileOperationCopyStatus';
6997 { String conversion functions}
6998 {
6999  *  FSCreateStringFromHFSUniStr()
7000  *
7001  *  Discussion:
7002  *    Creates a CFString from a HFSUniStr255.
7003  *
7004  *  Mac OS X threading:
7005  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7006  *
7007  *  Parameters:
7008  *
7009  *    alloc:
7010  *      The CFAllocator to use.  Pass NULL for the default allocator.
7011  *
7012  *    uniStr:
7013  *      A HFSUniStr255 to use as the source value for the CFString.
7014  *
7015  *  Result:
7016  *    A CFStringRef created from the HFSUniStr255 or NULL.
7017  *
7018  *  Availability:
7019  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7020  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7021  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7022  }
FSCreateStringFromHFSUniStrnull7023 function FSCreateStringFromHFSUniStr( alloc: CFAllocatorRef; const (*var*) uniStr: HFSUniStr255 ): CFStringRef; external name '_FSCreateStringFromHFSUniStr';
7027 {
7028  *  FSGetHFSUniStrFromString()
7029  *
7030  *  Discussion:
7031  *    Convert a CFString into a HFSUniStr255.
7032  *
7033  *  Mac OS X threading:
7034  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7035  *
7036  *  Parameters:
7037  *
7038  *    theString:
7039  *      The CFString to convert to a HFSUniStr255.
7040  *
7041  *    uniStr:
7042  *      A pointer to a HFSUniStr255 which will be filled in using the
7043  *      value of theString.
7044  *
7045  *  Availability:
7046  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7047  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7048  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7049  }
FSGetHFSUniStrFromStringnull7050 function FSGetHFSUniStrFromString( theString: CFStringRef; var uniStr: {out} HFSUniStr255 ): OSStatus; external name '_FSGetHFSUniStrFromString';
7054 { ACL support}
7056 {
7057  *  FSFileSecurityGetTypeID()
7058  *
7059  *  Discussion:
7060  *    This routine will return the CFTypeID for the FSFileSecurity type.
7061  *
7062  *  Mac OS X threading:
7063  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7064  *
7065  *  Result:
7066  *    the CFTypeID for the FSFilSecurity type.
7067  *
7068  *  Availability:
7069  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7070  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7071  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7072  }
FSFileSecurityGetTypeIDnull7073 function FSFileSecurityGetTypeID: CFTypeID; external name '_FSFileSecurityGetTypeID';
7077 {
7078  *  FSFileSecurityCreate()
7079  *
7080  *  Discussion:
7081  *    This routine will create an FSFileSecurity object.  The object
7082  *    should be released using CFRelease when it is no longer needed.
7083  *
7084  *  Mac OS X threading:
7085  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7086  *
7087  *  Parameters:
7088  *
7089  *    alloc:
7090  *      The CFAllocator to use.  Pass NULL for the default allocator.
7091  *
7092  *  Result:
7093  *    A reference to the newly created object or NULL if the creation
7094  *    failed.
7095  *
7096  *  Availability:
7097  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7098  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7099  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7100  }
FSFileSecurityCreatenull7101 function FSFileSecurityCreate( alloc: CFAllocatorRef ): FSFileSecurityRef; external name '_FSFileSecurityCreate';
7105 {
7106  *  FSFileSecurityCreateWithFSPermissionInfo()
7107  *
7108  *  Mac OS X threading:
7109  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7110  *
7111  *  Availability:
7112  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7113  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7114  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7115  }
FSFileSecurityCreateWithFSPermissionInfonull7116 function FSFileSecurityCreateWithFSPermissionInfo( alloc: CFAllocatorRef; const (*var*) permissions: FSPermissionInfo ): FSFileSecurityRef; external name '_FSFileSecurityCreateWithFSPermissionInfo';
7120 {
7121  *  FSFileSecurityRefCreateCopy()
7122  *
7123  *  Mac OS X threading:
7124  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7125  *
7126  *  Availability:
7127  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7128  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7129  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7130  }
FSFileSecurityRefCreateCopynull7131 function FSFileSecurityRefCreateCopy( alloc: CFAllocatorRef; fileSec: FSFileSecurityRef ): FSFileSecurityRef; external name '_FSFileSecurityRefCreateCopy';
7135 { get and set properties}
7137 {
7138  *  FSFileSecurityGetOwnerUUID()
7139  *
7140  *  Discussion:
7141  *    This routine will get the owner UUID associated with the passed
7142  *    in FSFileSecurityRef.  In there is no owner UUID property
7143  *    associated with the FSFileSecurity object then
7144  *    errFSPropertyNotValid will be returned.
7145  *
7146  *  Mac OS X threading:
7147  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7148  *
7149  *  Parameters:
7150  *
7151  *    fileSec:
7152  *      A reference to the FSFileSecurity object to get the owner UUID
7153  *      from.
7154  *
7155  *    owner:
7156  *      A pointer to storage for the owner UUID associated with fileSec.
7157  *
7158  *  Availability:
7159  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7160  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7161  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7162  }
FSFileSecurityGetOwnerUUIDnull7163 function FSFileSecurityGetOwnerUUID( fileSec: FSFileSecurityRef; var owner: CFUUIDBytes ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileSecurityGetOwnerUUID';
7167 {
7168  *  FSFileSecuritySetOwnerUUID()
7169  *
7170  *  Discussion:
7171  *    This routine will set the owner UUID associated with the passed
7172  *    in FSFileSecurityRef.
7173  *
7174  *  Mac OS X threading:
7175  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7176  *
7177  *  Parameters:
7178  *
7179  *    fileSec:
7180  *      A reference to the FSFileSecurity object to set the owner UUID
7181  *      for.
7182  *
7183  *    owner:
7184  *      The UUID to set as the owner UUID associated with fileSec.
7185  *
7186  *  Availability:
7187  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7188  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7189  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7190  }
FSFileSecuritySetOwnerUUIDnull7191 function FSFileSecuritySetOwnerUUID( fileSec: FSFileSecurityRef; const (*var*) owner: CFUUIDBytes ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileSecuritySetOwnerUUID';
7195 {
7196  *  FSFileSecurityGetGroupUUID()
7197  *
7198  *  Discussion:
7199  *    This routine will get the group UUID associated with the passed
7200  *    in FSFileSecurityRef.  In there is no group UUID property
7201  *    associated with the FSFileSecurity object then
7202  *    errFSPropertyNotValid will be returned.
7203  *
7204  *  Mac OS X threading:
7205  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7206  *
7207  *  Parameters:
7208  *
7209  *    fileSec:
7210  *      A reference to the FSFileSecurity object to get the group UUID
7211  *      from.
7212  *
7213  *    group:
7214  *      A pointer to storage for the owner UUID associated with fileSec.
7215  *
7216  *  Availability:
7217  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7218  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7219  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7220  }
FSFileSecurityGetGroupUUIDnull7221 function FSFileSecurityGetGroupUUID( fileSec: FSFileSecurityRef; var group: CFUUIDBytes ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileSecurityGetGroupUUID';
7225 {
7226  *  FSFileSecuritySetGroupUUID()
7227  *
7228  *  Discussion:
7229  *    This routine will set the group UUID associated with the passed
7230  *    in FSFileSecurityRef.
7231  *
7232  *  Mac OS X threading:
7233  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7234  *
7235  *  Parameters:
7236  *
7237  *    fileSec:
7238  *      A reference to the FSFileSecurity object to set the group UUID
7239  *      for.
7240  *
7241  *    group:
7242  *      The UUID to set as the group UUID associated with fileSec.
7243  *
7244  *  Availability:
7245  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7246  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7247  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7248  }
FSFileSecuritySetGroupUUIDnull7249 function FSFileSecuritySetGroupUUID( fileSec: FSFileSecurityRef; const (*var*) group: CFUUIDBytes ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileSecuritySetGroupUUID';
7253 {
7254  *  FSFileSecurityCopyAccessControlList()
7255  *
7256  *  Discussion:
7257  *    This routine will copy the acl_t associated with the passed in
7258  *    FSFileSecurityRef.  The accessControlList returned by this
7259  *    routine is a copy and must be released using acl_free.  The
7260  *    accessControlList is an acl_t and is meant to be manipulated
7261  *    using the acl calls defined in <sys/acl.h>.   If there is no acl
7262  *    property associated with the FSFileSecurity object then
7263  *    errFSPropertyNotValid will be returned.
7264  *
7265  *  Mac OS X threading:
7266  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7267  *
7268  *  Parameters:
7269  *
7270  *    fileSec:
7271  *      A reference to the FSFileSecurity object to set the group for.
7272  *
7273  *    accessControlList:
7274  *      A pointer to storage for the acl_t associated with fileSec.
7275  *
7276  *  Availability:
7277  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7278  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7279  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7280  }
FSFileSecurityCopyAccessControlListnull7281 function FSFileSecurityCopyAccessControlList( fileSec: FSFileSecurityRef; var accessControlList: acl_t ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileSecurityCopyAccessControlList';
7285 {
7286  *  FSFileSecuritySetAccessControlList()
7287  *
7288  *  Discussion:
7289  *    This routine will set the acl associated with the passed in
7290  *    FSFileSecurityRef. To request removal of an ACL from a filesystem
7291  *    object pass in kFSFileSecurityRemoveACL as the accessControlList
7292  *    and set the fileSec on the target object using FSSetCatalogInfo.
7293  *    Setting the accessControlList to NULL will result in the property
7294  *    being unset.
7295  *
7296  *  Mac OS X threading:
7297  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7298  *
7299  *  Parameters:
7300  *
7301  *    fileSec:
7302  *      A reference to the FSFileSecurity object to set the group for.
7303  *
7304  *    accessControlList:
7305  *      The acl_t to set as the acl associated with fileSec.
7306  *
7307  *  Availability:
7308  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7309  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7310  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7311  }
FSFileSecuritySetAccessControlListnull7312 function FSFileSecuritySetAccessControlList( fileSec: FSFileSecurityRef; accessControlList: acl_t ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileSecuritySetAccessControlList';
7316 {
7317  *  FSFileSecurityGetOwner()
7318  *
7319  *  Discussion:
7320  *    This routine will get the owner uid associated with the passed in
7321  *    FSFileSecurityRef.  In there is no owner property associated with
7322  *    the FSFileSecurity object then errFSPropertyNotValid will be
7323  *    returned.  Note that this value is not the owner UUID which is
7324  *    returned by FSFileSecurityGetOwnerUUID.
7325  *
7326  *  Mac OS X threading:
7327  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7328  *
7329  *  Parameters:
7330  *
7331  *    fileSec:
7332  *      A reference to the FSFileSecurity object to get the owner from.
7333  *
7334  *    owner:
7335  *      A pointer to storage for the owner uid associated with fileSec.
7336  *
7337  *  Availability:
7338  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7339  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7340  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7341  }
FSFileSecurityGetOwnernull7342 function FSFileSecurityGetOwner( fileSec: FSFileSecurityRef; var owner: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileSecurityGetOwner';
7346 {
7347  *  FSFileSecuritySetOwner()
7348  *
7349  *  Discussion:
7350  *    This routine will set the owner uid associated with the passed in
7351  *    FSFileSecurityRef.
7352  *
7353  *  Mac OS X threading:
7354  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7355  *
7356  *  Parameters:
7357  *
7358  *    fileSec:
7359  *      A reference to the FSFileSecurity object to set the owner for.
7360  *
7361  *    owner:
7362  *      The uid to set as the owner associated with fileSec.
7363  *
7364  *  Availability:
7365  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7366  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7367  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7368  }
FSFileSecuritySetOwnernull7369 function FSFileSecuritySetOwner( fileSec: FSFileSecurityRef; owner: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileSecuritySetOwner';
7373 {
7374  *  FSFileSecurityGetGroup()
7375  *
7376  *  Discussion:
7377  *    This routine will get the group gid associated with the passed in
7378  *    FSFileSecurityRef.  In there is no group property associated with
7379  *    the FSFileSecurity object then errFSPropertyNotValid will be
7380  *    returned.
7381  *
7382  *  Mac OS X threading:
7383  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7384  *
7385  *  Parameters:
7386  *
7387  *    fileSec:
7388  *      A reference to the FSFileSecurity object to get the owner from.
7389  *
7390  *    group:
7391  *      A pointer to storage for the group gid associated with fileSec.
7392  *
7393  *  Availability:
7394  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7395  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7396  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7397  }
FSFileSecurityGetGroupnull7398 function FSFileSecurityGetGroup( fileSec: FSFileSecurityRef; var group: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileSecurityGetGroup';
7402 {
7403  *  FSFileSecuritySetGroup()
7404  *
7405  *  Discussion:
7406  *    This routine will set the group gid associated with the passed in
7407  *    FSFileSecurityRef.
7408  *
7409  *  Mac OS X threading:
7410  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7411  *
7412  *  Parameters:
7413  *
7414  *    fileSec:
7415  *      A reference to the FSFileSecurity object to set the group for.
7416  *
7417  *    group:
7418  *      The gid to set as the group associated with fileSec.
7419  *
7420  *  Availability:
7421  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7422  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7423  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7424  }
FSFileSecuritySetGroupnull7425 function FSFileSecuritySetGroup( fileSec: FSFileSecurityRef; group: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileSecuritySetGroup';
7429 {
7430  *  FSFileSecurityGetMode()
7431  *
7432  *  Discussion:
7433  *    This routine will get the mode associated with the passed in
7434  *    FSFileSecurityRef.  In there is no mode property associated with
7435  *    the FSFileSecurity object then errFSPropertyNotValid will be
7436  *    returned.
7437  *
7438  *  Mac OS X threading:
7439  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7440  *
7441  *  Parameters:
7442  *
7443  *    fileSec:
7444  *      A reference to the FSFileSecurity object to set the group for.
7445  *
7446  *    mode:
7447  *      A pointer to storage for the mode associated with fileSec.
7448  *
7449  *  Availability:
7450  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7451  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7452  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7453  }
FSFileSecurityGetModenull7454 function FSFileSecurityGetMode( fileSec: FSFileSecurityRef; var mode: UInt16 ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileSecurityGetMode';
7458 {
7459  *  FSFileSecuritySetMode()
7460  *
7461  *  Discussion:
7462  *    This routine will set the mode associated with the passed in
7463  *    FSFileSecurityRef.
7464  *
7465  *  Mac OS X threading:
7466  *    Thread safe since version 10.4
7467  *
7468  *  Parameters:
7469  *
7470  *    fileSec:
7471  *      A reference to the FSFileSecurity object to set the group for.
7472  *
7473  *    mode:
7474  *      The mode to set as the mode associated with fileSec.
7475  *
7476  *  Availability:
7477  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.4 and later in CoreServices.framework
7478  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7479  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7480  }
FSFileSecuritySetModenull7481 function FSFileSecuritySetMode( fileSec: FSFileSecurityRef; mode: UInt16 ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFileSecuritySetMode';
7485 const
7486 { old names for ioPosMode flags }
7487 	pleaseCacheBit = 4;    { old name of kFSPleaseCacheBit }
7488 	pleaseCacheMask = $0010;
7489 	noCacheBit = 5;    { old name of kFSNoCacheBit  }
7490 	noCacheMask = $0020;
7491 	rdVerifyBit = 6;    { old name of kFSRdVerifyBit }
7492 	rdVerifyMask = $0040;
7493 	rdVerify = 64;   { old name of rdVerifyMask }
7494 	forceReadBit = 6;    { old name of kFSForceReadBit }
7495 	forceReadMask = $0040;
7496 	newLineBit = 7;    { old name of kFSNewLineBit }
7497 	newLineMask = $0080;
7498 	newLineCharMask = $FF00; { old name of kFSNewLineCharMask }
7501 { mapping codes (ioObjType) for MapName & MapID }
7502 const
7503 	kOwnerID2Name = 1;
7504 	kGroupID2Name = 2;
7505 	kOwnerName2ID = 3;
7506 	kGroupName2ID = 4;    { types of oj object to be returned (ioObjType) for _GetUGEntry }
7507 	kReturnNextUser = 1;
7508 	kReturnNextGroup = 2;
7509 	kReturnNextUG = 3;
7511 { vcbFlags bits }
7512 const
7513 	kVCBFlagsIdleFlushBit = 3;    { Set if volume should be flushed at idle time }
7514 	kVCBFlagsIdleFlushMask = $0008;
7515 	kVCBFlagsHFSPlusAPIsBit = 4;    { Set if volume implements HFS Plus APIs itself (not via emulation) }
7516 	kVCBFlagsHFSPlusAPIsMask = $0010;
7517 	kVCBFlagsHardwareGoneBit = 5;    { Set if disk driver returned a hardwareGoneErr to Read or Write }
7518 	kVCBFlagsHardwareGoneMask = $0020;
7519 	kVCBFlagsVolumeDirtyBit = 15;   { Set if volume information has changed since the last FlushVol }
7520 	kVCBFlagsVolumeDirtyMask = $8000;
7522 { ioVAtrb bits returned by PBHGetVInfo and PBXGetVolInfo }
7523 const
7524 	kioVAtrbDefaultVolumeBit = 5;    { Set if the volume is the default volume }
7525 	kioVAtrbDefaultVolumeMask = $0020;
7526 	kioVAtrbFilesOpenBit = 6;    { Set if there are open files or iterators }
7527 	kioVAtrbFilesOpenMask = $0040;
7528 	kioVAtrbHardwareLockedBit = 7;    { Set if volume is locked by a hardware setting }
7529 	kioVAtrbHardwareLockedMask = $0080;
7530 	kioVAtrbSoftwareLockedBit = 15;   { Set if volume is locked by software }
7531 	kioVAtrbSoftwareLockedMask = $8000;
7533 { ioFlAttrib bits returned by PBGetCatInfo }
7534 const
7535 { file and directory attributes in ioFlAttrib }
7536 	kioFlAttribLockedBit = 0;    { Set if file or directory is locked }
7537 	kioFlAttribLockedMask = $01;
7538 	kioFlAttribResOpenBit = 2;    { Set if resource fork is open }
7539 	kioFlAttribResOpenMask = $04;
7540 	kioFlAttribDataOpenBit = 3;    { Set if data fork is open }
7541 	kioFlAttribDataOpenMask = $08;
7542 	kioFlAttribDirBit = 4;    { Set if this is a directory }
7543 	kioFlAttribDirMask = $10;
7544 	ioDirFlg = 4;    { Set if this is a directory (old name) }
7545 	ioDirMask = $10;
7546 	kioFlAttribCopyProtBit = 6;    { Set if AppleShare server "copy-protects" the file }
7547 	kioFlAttribCopyProtMask = $40;
7548 	kioFlAttribFileOpenBit = 7;    { Set if file (either fork) is open }
7549 	kioFlAttribFileOpenMask = $80; { ioFlAttrib for directories only }
7550 	kioFlAttribInSharedBit = 2;    { Set if the directory is within a shared area of the directory hierarchy }
7551 	kioFlAttribInSharedMask = $04;
7552 	kioFlAttribMountedBit = 3;    { Set if the directory is a share point that is mounted by some user }
7553 	kioFlAttribMountedMask = $08;
7554 	kioFlAttribSharePointBit = 5;    { Set if the directory is a share point }
7555 	kioFlAttribSharePointMask = $20;
7557 { ioFCBFlags bits returned by PBGetFCBInfo }
7558 { IMPORTANT: These ioFCBFlags bit constants are for the SInt16 FCBPBRec.ioFCBFlags field returned }
7559 { by PBGetFCBInfoSync and PBGetFCBInfoAsync. Do not use them with the FSForkInfo.flags }
7560 { field returned by the FSGetForkCBInfo, PBGetForkCBInfoSync and PBGetForkCBInfoAsyn functions. }
7561 const
7562 	kioFCBWriteBit = 8;    { Data can be written to this file }
7563 	kioFCBWriteMask = $0100;
7564 	kioFCBResourceBit = 9;    { This file is a resource fork }
7565 	kioFCBResourceMask = $0200;
7566 	kioFCBWriteLockedBit = 10;   { File has a locked byte range }
7567 	kioFCBWriteLockedMask = $0400;
7568 	kioFCBLargeFileBit = 11;   { File may grow beyond 2GB; cache uses file blocks, not bytes }
7569 	kioFCBLargeFileMask = $0800;
7570 	kioFCBSharedWriteBit = 12;   { File is open for shared write access }
7571 	kioFCBSharedWriteMask = $1000;
7572 	kioFCBFileLockedBit = 13;   { File is locked (write-protected) }
7573 	kioFCBFileLockedMask = $2000;
7574 	kioFCBOwnClumpBit = 14;   { File has clump size specified in FCB }
7575 	kioFCBOwnClumpMask = $4000;
7576 	kioFCBModifiedBit = 15;   { File has changed since it was last flushed }
7577 	kioFCBModifiedMask = $8000;
7579 { IMPORTANT: These FSForkInfoFlags constants are for use with the FSForkInfo.flags }
7580 { field returned by the FSGetForkCBInfo, PBGetForkCBInfoSync and PBGetForkCBInfoAsyn functions. }
7581 { Do not use them with the FCBPBRec.ioFCBFlags field returned by PBGetFCBInfoSync and PBGetFCBInfoAsync. }
7582 const
7583 	kForkInfoFlagsWriteBit = kioFCBWriteBit - 8; { Data can be written to this file }
7584 	kForkInfoFlagsWriteMask = 1 shl kForkInfoFlagsWriteBit;
7585 	kForkInfoFlagsResourceBit = kioFCBResourceBit - 8; { This file is a resource fork }
7586 	kForkInfoFlagsResourceMask = 1 shl kForkInfoFlagsResourceBit;
7587 	kForkInfoFlagsWriteLockedBit = kioFCBWriteLockedBit - 8; { File has a locked byte range }
7588 	kForkInfoFlagsWriteLockedMask = 1 shl kForkInfoFlagsWriteLockedBit;
7589 	kForkInfoFlagsLargeFileBit = kioFCBLargeFileBit - 8; { File may grow beyond 2GB; cache uses file blocks, not bytes }
7590 	kForkInfoFlagsLargeFileMask = 1 shl kForkInfoFlagsLargeFileBit;
7591 	kForkInfoFlagsSharedWriteBit = kioFCBSharedWriteBit - 8; { File is open for shared write access }
7592 	kForkInfoFlagsSharedWriteMask = 1 shl kForkInfoFlagsSharedWriteBit;
7593 	kForkInfoFlagsFileLockedBit = kioFCBFileLockedBit - 8; { File is locked (write-protected) }
7594 	kForkInfoFlagsFileLockedMask = 1 shl kForkInfoFlagsFileLockedBit;
7595 	kForkInfoFlagsOwnClumpBit = kioFCBOwnClumpBit - 8; { File has clump size specified in FCB }
7596 	kForkInfoFlagsOwnClumpMask = 1 shl kForkInfoFlagsOwnClumpBit;
7597 	kForkInfoFlagsModifiedBit = kioFCBModifiedBit - 8; { File has changed since it was last flushed }
7598 	kForkInfoFlagsModifiedMask = 1 shl kForkInfoFlagsModifiedBit;
7600 { ioACUser bits returned by PBGetCatInfo }
7601 { Note: you must clear ioACUser before calling PBGetCatInfo because some file systems do not use this field }
7602 const
7603 	kioACUserNoSeeFolderBit = 0;    { Set if user does not have See Folder privileges }
7604 	kioACUserNoSeeFolderMask = $01;
7605 	kioACUserNoSeeFilesBit = 1;    { Set if user does not have See Files privileges }
7606 	kioACUserNoSeeFilesMask = $02;
7607 	kioACUserNoMakeChangesBit = 2;    { Set if user does not have Make Changes privileges }
7608 	kioACUserNoMakeChangesMask = $04;
7609 	kioACUserNotOwnerBit = 7;    { Set if user is not owner of the directory }
7610 	kioACUserNotOwnerMask = $80;
7612 { Folder and File values of access privileges in ioACAccess }
7613 const
7614 	kioACAccessOwnerBit = 31;   { User is owner of directory }
7615 	kioACAccessOwnerMask = -2147483648; { SInt32($80000000) }
7616 	kioACAccessBlankAccessBit = 28;   { Directory has blank access privileges }
7617 	kioACAccessBlankAccessMask = $10000000;
7618 	kioACAccessUserWriteBit = 26;   { User has write privileges }
7619 	kioACAccessUserWriteMask = $04000000;
7620 	kioACAccessUserReadBit = 25;   { User has read privileges }
7621 	kioACAccessUserReadMask = $02000000;
7622 	kioACAccessUserSearchBit = 24;   { User has search privileges }
7623 	kioACAccessUserSearchMask = $01000000;
7624 	kioACAccessEveryoneWriteBit = 18;   { Everyone has write privileges }
7625 	kioACAccessEveryoneWriteMask = $00040000;
7626 	kioACAccessEveryoneReadBit = 17;   { Everyone has read privileges }
7627 	kioACAccessEveryoneReadMask = $00020000;
7628 	kioACAccessEveryoneSearchBit = 16;   { Everyone has search privileges }
7629 	kioACAccessEveryoneSearchMask = $00010000;
7630 	kioACAccessGroupWriteBit = 10;   { Group has write privileges }
7631 	kioACAccessGroupWriteMask = $00000400;
7632 	kioACAccessGroupReadBit = 9;    { Group has read privileges }
7633 	kioACAccessGroupReadMask = $00000200;
7634 	kioACAccessGroupSearchBit = 8;    { Group has search privileges }
7635 	kioACAccessGroupSearchMask = $00000100;
7636 	kioACAccessOwnerWriteBit = 2;    { Owner has write privileges }
7637 	kioACAccessOwnerWriteMask = $00000004;
7638 	kioACAccessOwnerReadBit = 1;    { Owner has read privileges }
7639 	kioACAccessOwnerReadMask = $00000002;
7640 	kioACAccessOwnerSearchBit = 0;    { Owner has search privileges }
7641 	kioACAccessOwnerSearchMask = $00000001;
7642 	kfullPrivileges = $00070007; { all privileges for everybody and owner}
7643 	kownerPrivileges = $00000007; { all privileges for owner only}
7646 {  Volume Characteristics }
7647 {
7648  *  FSGetVolumeParms()
7649  *
7650  *  Discussion:
7651  *    Returns information about the specified volume in the passed in
7652  *    GetVolParmsInfoBuffer.
7653  *
7654  *  Mac OS X threading:
7655  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
7656  *
7657  *  Parameters:
7658  *
7659  *    volume:
7660  *      The volume to get the information about.
7661  *
7662  *    buffer:
7663  *      A GetVolParmsInfoBuffer to fill out
7664  *
7665  *    bufferSize:
7666  *      the size of the passed in buffer
7667  *
7668  *  Availability:
7669  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
7670  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7671  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7672  }
FSGetVolumeParmsnull7673 function FSGetVolumeParms( volume: FSVolumeRefNum; var buffer: GetVolParmsInfoBuffer; bufferSize: ByteCount ): OSStatus; external name '_FSGetVolumeParms';
7677 {  VolumeMount }
7678 {
7679  *  FSGetVolumeMountInfoSize()
7680  *
7681  *  Discussion:
7682  *    Returns the size of the MountInfo block associated with the
7683  *    specified volume.
7684  *
7685  *  Mac OS X threading:
7686  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
7687  *
7688  *  Parameters:
7689  *
7690  *    volume:
7691  *      The volume to get the MountInfo size for.
7692  *
7693  *    size:
7694  *      The size of the buffer required to store the MountInfo data
7695  *
7696  *  Availability:
7697  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
7698  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7699  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7700  }
FSGetVolumeMountInfoSizenull7701 function FSGetVolumeMountInfoSize( volume: FSVolumeRefNum; var size: ByteCount ): OSStatus; external name '_FSGetVolumeMountInfoSize';
7705 {
7706  *  FSGetVolumeMountInfo()
7707  *
7708  *  Discussion:
7709  *    Returns the MountInfo data for the specified volume.  If the
7710  *    buffer passed in is too small then errFSBadBuffer is returned and
7711  *    actualSize will contain the required buffer size to hold the
7712  *    MountInfo data.
7713  *
7714  *  Mac OS X threading:
7715  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
7716  *
7717  *  Parameters:
7718  *
7719  *    volume:
7720  *      The volume to get the MountInfo for.
7721  *
7722  *    buffer:
7723  *      A pointer to the buffer to copy the MountInfo data into
7724  *
7725  *    bufferSize:
7726  *      The size of the buffer passed in
7727  *
7728  *    actualSize:
7729  *      The actual size of the MountInfo data
7730  *
7731  *  Availability:
7732  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
7733  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7734  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7735  }
FSGetVolumeMountInfonull7736 function FSGetVolumeMountInfo( volume: FSVolumeRefNum; buffer: BytePtr; bufferSize: ByteCount; var actualSize: ByteCount ): OSStatus; external name '_FSGetVolumeMountInfo';
7740 {
7741  *  FSVolumeMount()
7742  *
7743  *  Discussion:
7744  *    Will attempt to remount a volume using the passed in MountInfo
7745  *    buffer
7746  *
7747  *  Mac OS X threading:
7748  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
7749  *
7750  *  Parameters:
7751  *
7752  *    buffer:
7753  *      A pointer to the buffer with the MountInfo data.
7754  *
7755  *    mountedVolume:
7756  *      the FSVolumeRefNum of the volume that was mounted
7757  *
7758  *  Availability:
7759  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
7760  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7761  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7762  }
FSVolumeMountnull7763 function FSVolumeMount( buffer: BytePtr; var mountedVolume: FSVolumeRefNum ): OSStatus; external name '_FSVolumeMount';
7767 {  Volume flushing }
7768 {
7769  *  FSFlushVolume()
7770  *
7771  *  Mac OS X threading:
7772  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
7773  *
7774  *  Availability:
7775  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
7776  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7777  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7778  }
FSFlushVolumenull7779 function FSFlushVolume( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum ): OSStatus; external name '_FSFlushVolume';
7783 {
7784  *  PBFlushVolumeSync()
7785  *
7786  *  Mac OS X threading:
7787  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
7788  *
7789  *  Availability:
7790  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
7791  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7792  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7793  }
PBFlushVolumeSyncnull7794 function PBFlushVolumeSync( paramBlock: FSRefParamPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_PBFlushVolumeSync';
7798 {
7799  *  PBFlushVolumeAsync()
7800  *
7801  *  Mac OS X threading:
7802  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
7803  *
7804  *  Availability:
7805  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
7806  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7807  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7808  }
PBFlushVolumeAsyncnull7809 function PBFlushVolumeAsync( paramBlock: FSRefParamPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_PBFlushVolumeAsync';
7813 { CopyFile }
7814 {
7815     PBFSCopyFile
7816     Copies a file on a volume that supports the CopyFile system call (which can be
7817     determined from the bHasCopyFile GetVolParms bit).
7818     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
7819     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
7820     ->  ref             The source item to copy
7821     ->  parentRef       The destination to copy to
7822     ->  nameLength      Number of Unicode characters in the optional new name.  Pass in 0 to use the source name
7823     ->  name            A pointer to the optional new Unicode name; Pass in NULL to use the source name
7824     <-  newRef          A pointer to the FSRef for the new object; may be NULL
7825 }
7826 {
7827  *  PBFSCopyFileSync()
7828  *
7829  *  Mac OS X threading:
7830  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
7831  *
7832  *  Availability:
7833  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
7834  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7835  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7836  }
PBFSCopyFileSyncnull7837 function PBFSCopyFileSync( paramBlock: FSRefParamPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_PBFSCopyFileSync';
7841 {
7842  *  PBFSCopyFileAsync()
7843  *
7844  *  Mac OS X threading:
7845  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
7846  *
7847  *  Availability:
7848  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
7849  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7850  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7851  }
PBFSCopyFileAsyncnull7852 function PBFSCopyFileAsync( paramBlock: FSRefParamPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_PBFSCopyFileAsync';
7856 { Node ID Resolution }
7857 {
7858  *  FSResolveNodeID()
7859  *
7860  *  Discussion:
7861  *    Returns an FSRef to the item on volume with the specified node id.
7862  *
7863  *  Mac OS X threading:
7864  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
7865  *
7866  *  Parameters:
7867  *
7868  *    volume:
7869  *      The FSVolumeRefNum of the volume the item is on
7870  *
7871  *    nodeID:
7872  *      The node id to resolve
7873  *
7874  *    newRef:
7875  *      A pointer to storage for the FSRef of the item with the
7876  *      corresponding node id
7877  *
7878  *  Availability:
7879  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
7880  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7881  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7882  }
FSResolveNodeIDnull7883 function FSResolveNodeID( volume: FSVolumeRefNum; nodeID: UInt32; newRef: FSRefPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_FSResolveNodeID';
7887 {
7888     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
7889     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
7890     ->  ioVRefNum       The FSVolumeRefNum of the volume the item is on
7891     ->  ioDirID         The node id to resolve (can be file as well as a directory node id)
7892     <-  newRef          A pointer to storage for the FSRef of the item with the corresponding node id
7893 }
7894 {
7895  *  PBFSResolveNodeIDSync()
7896  *
7897  *  Mac OS X threading:
7898  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
7899  *
7900  *  Availability:
7901  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
7902  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7903  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7904  }
PBFSResolveNodeIDSyncnull7905 function PBFSResolveNodeIDSync( paramBlock: FSRefParamPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_PBFSResolveNodeIDSync';
7909 {
7910  *  PBFSResolveNodeIDAsync()
7911  *
7912  *  Mac OS X threading:
7913  *    Thread safe since version 10.5
7914  *
7915  *  Availability:
7916  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.5 and later in CoreServices.framework
7917  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x
7918  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
7919  }
PBFSResolveNodeIDAsyncnull7920 function PBFSResolveNodeIDAsync( paramBlock: FSRefParamPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_PBFSResolveNodeIDAsync';
7924 { Calls beyond this point are deprecated}
7926 {
7927     MakeFSRef
7928     Create an FSRef for an existing object specified by a combination
7929     of volume refnum, parent directory, and pathname.
7930     ->  ioCompletion    A pointer to a completion routine
7931     <-  ioResult        The result code of the function
7932     ->  ioNamePtr       A pointer to a pathname
7933     ->  ioVRefNum       A volume specification
7934     ->  ioDirID         A directory ID
7935     <-  newRef          A pointer to an FSRef
7936    This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSMakeFSRefUnicode instead.
7937 }
7938 {$ifc not TARGET_CPU_64}
7939 {
7940  *  FSpMakeFSRef()   *** DEPRECATED ***
7941  *
7942  *  Mac OS X threading:
7943  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
7944  *
7945  *  Availability:
7946  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
7947  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
7948  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
7949  }
FSpMakeFSRefnull7950 function FSpMakeFSRef( const (*var*) source: FSSpec; var newRef: FSRef ): OSErr; external name '_FSpMakeFSRef';
7954 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync instead.}
7955 {
7956  *  PBMakeFSRefSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
7957  *
7958  *  Mac OS X threading:
7959  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
7960  *
7961  *  Availability:
7962  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
7963  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
7964  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
7965  }
PBMakeFSRefSyncnull7966 function PBMakeFSRefSync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ): OSErr; external name '_PBMakeFSRefSync';
7970 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBMakeFSRefUnicodeAsync instead.}
7971 {
7972  *  PBMakeFSRefAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
7973  *
7974  *  Mac OS X threading:
7975  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
7976  *
7977  *  Availability:
7978  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
7979  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
7980  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
7981  }
7982 procedure PBMakeFSRefAsync( var paramBlock: FSRefParam ); external name '_PBMakeFSRefAsync';
7986 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBCloseForkSync instead.}
7987 {
7988  *  PBCloseSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
7989  *
7990  *  Availability:
7991  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
7992  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
7993  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
7994  }
PBCloseSyncnull7995 function PBCloseSync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBCloseSync';
7999 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBCloseForkAsync instead.}
8000 {
8001  *  PBCloseAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8002  *
8003  *  Availability:
8004  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8005  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8006  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8007  }
PBCloseAsyncnull8008 function PBCloseAsync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBCloseAsync';
8012 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBReadForkSync instead.}
8013 {
8014  *  PBReadSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8015  *
8016  *  Availability:
8017  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8018  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8019  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8020  }
PBReadSyncnull8021 function PBReadSync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBReadSync';
8025 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBReadForkAsync instead.}
8026 {
8027  *  PBReadAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8028  *
8029  *  Availability:
8030  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8031  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8032  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8033  }
PBReadAsyncnull8034 function PBReadAsync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBReadAsync';
8038 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBWriteForkSync instead.}
8039 {
8040  *  PBWriteSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8041  *
8042  *  Availability:
8043  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8044  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8045  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8046  }
PBWriteSyncnull8047 function PBWriteSync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBWriteSync';
8051 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBWriteForkAsync instead.}
8052 {
8053  *  PBWriteAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8054  *
8055  *  Availability:
8056  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8057  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8058  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8059  }
PBWriteAsyncnull8060 function PBWriteAsync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBWriteAsync';
8064 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. It was never implemented on OS X.}
8065 {
8066  *  PBWaitIOComplete()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8067  *
8068  *  Availability:
8069  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8070  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8071  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later
8072  }
PBWaitIOCompletenull8073 function PBWaitIOComplete( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr; timeout: Duration ): OSErr; external name '_PBWaitIOComplete';
8077 {  Volume Characteristics }
8078 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSGetVolumeParms instead.}
8079 {
8080  *  PBHGetVolParmsSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8081  *
8082  *  Mac OS X threading:
8083  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8084  *
8085  *  Availability:
8086  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8087  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8088  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8089  }
PBHGetVolParmsSyncnull8090 function PBHGetVolParmsSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHGetVolParmsSync';
8094 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSGetVolumeParms instead.}
8095 {
8096  *  PBHGetVolParmsAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8097  *
8098  *  Mac OS X threading:
8099  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8100  *
8101  *  Availability:
8102  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8103  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8104  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8105  }
PBHGetVolParmsAsyncnull8106 function PBHGetVolParmsAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHGetVolParmsAsync';
8110 {  VolumeMount }
8111 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSGetVolumeMountInfoSize instead.}
8112 {
8113  *  PBGetVolMountInfoSize()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8114  *
8115  *  Mac OS X threading:
8116  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8117  *
8118  *  Availability:
8119  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8120  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8121  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8122  }
PBGetVolMountInfoSizenull8123 function PBGetVolMountInfoSize( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetVolMountInfoSize';
8127 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSGetVolumeMountInfo instead.}
8128 {
8129  *  PBGetVolMountInfo()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8130  *
8131  *  Mac OS X threading:
8132  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8133  *
8134  *  Availability:
8135  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8136  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8137  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8138  }
PBGetVolMountInfonull8139 function PBGetVolMountInfo( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetVolMountInfo';
8143 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSVolumeMount instead.}
8144 {
8145  *  PBVolumeMount()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8146  *
8147  *  Availability:
8148  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8149  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8150  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8151  }
PBVolumeMountnull8152 function PBVolumeMount( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBVolumeMount';
8156 {  Volume flushing }
8157 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSFlushVolume instead.}
8158 {
8159  *  FlushVol()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8160  *
8161  *  Mac OS X threading:
8162  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8163  *
8164  *  Availability:
8165  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8166  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8167  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8168  }
FlushVolnull8169 function FlushVol( volName: ConstStr63Param; vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum ): OSErr; external name '_FlushVol';
8173 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBFlushVolumeSync instead.}
8174 {
8175  *  PBFlushVolSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8176  *
8177  *  Mac OS X threading:
8178  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8179  *
8180  *  Availability:
8181  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8182  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8183  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8184  }
PBFlushVolSyncnull8185 function PBFlushVolSync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBFlushVolSync';
8189 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBFlushVolumeAsync instead.}
8190 {
8191  *  PBFlushVolAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8192  *
8193  *  Mac OS X threading:
8194  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8195  *
8196  *  Availability:
8197  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8198  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8199  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8200  }
PBFlushVolAsyncnull8201 function PBFlushVolAsync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBFlushVolAsync';
8205 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBOpenForkSync with deny pos modes instead.}
8206 {
8207  *  PBHOpenDenySync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8208  *
8209  *  Mac OS X threading:
8210  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8211  *
8212  *  Availability:
8213  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8214  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8215  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8216  }
PBHOpenDenySyncnull8217 function PBHOpenDenySync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHOpenDenySync';
8221 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBOpenForkAsync with deny pos modes instead.}
8222 {
8223  *  PBHOpenDenyAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8224  *
8225  *  Mac OS X threading:
8226  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8227  *
8228  *  Availability:
8229  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8230  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8231  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8232  }
PBHOpenDenyAsyncnull8233 function PBHOpenDenyAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHOpenDenyAsync';
8237 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBOpenForkSync with deny pos modes instead.}
8238 {
8239  *  PBHOpenRFDenySync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8240  *
8241  *  Mac OS X threading:
8242  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8243  *
8244  *  Availability:
8245  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8246  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8247  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8248  }
PBHOpenRFDenySyncnull8249 function PBHOpenRFDenySync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHOpenRFDenySync';
8253 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBOpenForkAsync with deny pos modes instead.}
8254 {
8255  *  PBHOpenRFDenyAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8256  *
8257  *  Mac OS X threading:
8258  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8259  *
8260  *  Availability:
8261  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8262  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8263  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8264  }
PBHOpenRFDenyAsyncnull8265 function PBHOpenRFDenyAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHOpenRFDenyAsync';
8269 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSGetCatalogInfo instead.}
8270 {
8271  *  PBHGetDirAccessSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8272  *
8273  *  Mac OS X threading:
8274  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8275  *
8276  *  Availability:
8277  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8278  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8279  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8280  }
PBHGetDirAccessSyncnull8281 function PBHGetDirAccessSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHGetDirAccessSync';
8285 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSGetCatalogInfo instead.}
8286 {
8287  *  PBHGetDirAccessAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8288  *
8289  *  Mac OS X threading:
8290  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8291  *
8292  *  Availability:
8293  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8294  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8295  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8296  }
PBHGetDirAccessAsyncnull8297 function PBHGetDirAccessAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHGetDirAccessAsync';
8301 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSSetCatalogInfo instead.}
8302 {
8303  *  PBHSetDirAccessSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8304  *
8305  *  Mac OS X threading:
8306  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8307  *
8308  *  Availability:
8309  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8310  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8311  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8312  }
PBHSetDirAccessSyncnull8313 function PBHSetDirAccessSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHSetDirAccessSync';
8317 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSSetCatalogInfo instead.}
8318 {
8319  *  PBHSetDirAccessAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8320  *
8321  *  Mac OS X threading:
8322  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8323  *
8324  *  Availability:
8325  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8326  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8327  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8328  }
PBHSetDirAccessAsyncnull8329 function PBHSetDirAccessAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHSetDirAccessAsync';
8333 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. See getpwnam() and getpwuid().}
8334 {
8335  *  PBHMapIDSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8336  *
8337  *  Mac OS X threading:
8338  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8339  *
8340  *  Availability:
8341  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8342  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8343  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8344  }
PBHMapIDSyncnull8345 function PBHMapIDSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHMapIDSync';
8349 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. See getpwnam() and getpwuid().}
8350 {
8351  *  PBHMapIDAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8352  *
8353  *  Mac OS X threading:
8354  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8355  *
8356  *  Availability:
8357  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8358  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8359  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8360  }
PBHMapIDAsyncnull8361 function PBHMapIDAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHMapIDAsync';
8365 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. See getpwnam() and getpwuid().}
8366 {
8367  *  PBHMapNameSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8368  *
8369  *  Mac OS X threading:
8370  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8371  *
8372  *  Availability:
8373  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8374  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8375  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8376  }
PBHMapNameSyncnull8377 function PBHMapNameSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHMapNameSync';
8381 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. See getpwnam() and getpwuid().}
8382 {
8383  *  PBHMapNameAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8384  *
8385  *  Mac OS X threading:
8386  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8387  *
8388  *  Availability:
8389  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8390  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8391  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8392  }
PBHMapNameAsyncnull8393 function PBHMapNameAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHMapNameAsync';
8397 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBFSCopyFileSync instead.}
8398 {
8399  *  PBHCopyFileSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8400  *
8401  *  Mac OS X threading:
8402  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8403  *
8404  *  Availability:
8405  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8406  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8407  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8408  }
PBHCopyFileSyncnull8409 function PBHCopyFileSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHCopyFileSync';
8413 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use PBFSCopyFileAsync instead.}
8414 {
8415  *  PBHCopyFileAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8416  *
8417  *  Mac OS X threading:
8418  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8419  *
8420  *  Availability:
8421  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8422  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8423  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8424  }
PBHCopyFileAsyncnull8425 function PBHCopyFileAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHCopyFileAsync';
8429 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSGetCatalogInfo to get the node id.}
8430 {
8431  *  PBCreateFileIDRefSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8432  *
8433  *  Mac OS X threading:
8434  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8435  *
8436  *  Availability:
8437  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8438  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8439  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8440  }
PBCreateFileIDRefSyncnull8441 function PBCreateFileIDRefSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBCreateFileIDRefSync';
8445 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSGetCatalogInfo to get the node id.}
8446 {
8447  *  PBCreateFileIDRefAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8448  *
8449  *  Mac OS X threading:
8450  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8451  *
8452  *  Availability:
8453  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8454  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8455  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8456  }
PBCreateFileIDRefAsyncnull8457 function PBCreateFileIDRefAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBCreateFileIDRefAsync';
8461 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSGetCatalogInfo to get the node id.}
8462 {
8463  *  PBResolveFileIDRefSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8464  *
8465  *  Mac OS X threading:
8466  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8467  *
8468  *  Availability:
8469  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8470  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8471  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8472  }
PBResolveFileIDRefSyncnull8473 function PBResolveFileIDRefSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBResolveFileIDRefSync';
8477 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. Use FSGetCatalogInfo to get the node id.}
8478 {
8479  *  PBResolveFileIDRefAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8480  *
8481  *  Mac OS X threading:
8482  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8483  *
8484  *  Availability:
8485  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8486  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8487  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8488  }
PBResolveFileIDRefAsyncnull8489 function PBResolveFileIDRefAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBResolveFileIDRefAsync';
8493 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. It is obsolete and has no replacement.}
8494 {
8495  *  PBDeleteFileIDRefSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8496  *
8497  *  Mac OS X threading:
8498  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8499  *
8500  *  Availability:
8501  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8502  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8503  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8504  }
PBDeleteFileIDRefSyncnull8505 function PBDeleteFileIDRefSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDeleteFileIDRefSync';
8509 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.5. It is obsolete and has no replacement.}
8510 {
8511  *  PBDeleteFileIDRefAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8512  *
8513  *  Mac OS X threading:
8514  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8515  *
8516  *  Availability:
8517  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.5
8518  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8519  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8520  }
PBDeleteFileIDRefAsyncnull8521 function PBDeleteFileIDRefAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDeleteFileIDRefAsync';
8525 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSGetVolumeInfo instead.}
8526 {
8527  *  PBXGetVolInfoSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8528  *
8529  *  Mac OS X threading:
8530  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8531  *
8532  *  Availability:
8533  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8534  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8535  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 8.5 and later
8536  }
PBXGetVolInfoSyncnull8537 function PBXGetVolInfoSync( paramBlock: XVolumeParamPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBXGetVolInfoSync';
8541 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSGetVolumeInfo instead.}
8542 {
8543  *  PBXGetVolInfoAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8544  *
8545  *  Mac OS X threading:
8546  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8547  *
8548  *  Availability:
8549  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8550  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8551  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 8.5 and later
8552  }
PBXGetVolInfoAsyncnull8553 function PBXGetVolInfoAsync( paramBlock: XVolumeParamPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBXGetVolInfoAsync';
8557 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBAllocateForkSync instead.}
8558 {
8559  *  PBAllocateSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8560  *
8561  *  Mac OS X threading:
8562  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8563  *
8564  *  Availability:
8565  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8566  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8567  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8568  }
PBAllocateSyncnull8569 function PBAllocateSync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBAllocateSync';
8573 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBAllocateForkAsync instead.}
8574 {
8575  *  PBAllocateAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8576  *
8577  *  Mac OS X threading:
8578  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8579  *
8580  *  Availability:
8581  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8582  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8583  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8584  }
PBAllocateAsyncnull8585 function PBAllocateAsync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBAllocateAsync';
8589 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBGetForkSizeSync instead.}
8590 {
8591  *  PBGetEOFSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8592  *
8593  *  Mac OS X threading:
8594  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8595  *
8596  *  Availability:
8597  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8598  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8599  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8600  }
PBGetEOFSyncnull8601 function PBGetEOFSync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetEOFSync';
8605 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBGetForkSizeAsync instead.}
8606 {
8607  *  PBGetEOFAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8608  *
8609  *  Mac OS X threading:
8610  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8611  *
8612  *  Availability:
8613  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8614  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8615  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8616  }
PBGetEOFAsyncnull8617 function PBGetEOFAsync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetEOFAsync';
8621 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBSetForkSizeSync instead.}
8622 {
8623  *  PBSetEOFSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8624  *
8625  *  Mac OS X threading:
8626  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8627  *
8628  *  Availability:
8629  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8630  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8631  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8632  }
PBSetEOFSyncnull8633 function PBSetEOFSync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBSetEOFSync';
8637 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBSetForkSizeAsync instead.}
8638 {
8639  *  PBSetEOFAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8640  *
8641  *  Mac OS X threading:
8642  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8643  *
8644  *  Availability:
8645  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8646  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8647  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8648  }
PBSetEOFAsyncnull8649 function PBSetEOFAsync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBSetEOFAsync';
8653 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBGetForkPositionSync instead.}
8654 {
8655  *  PBGetFPosSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8656  *
8657  *  Mac OS X threading:
8658  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8659  *
8660  *  Availability:
8661  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8662  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8663  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8664  }
PBGetFPosSyncnull8665 function PBGetFPosSync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetFPosSync';
8669 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBGetForkPositionAsync instead.}
8670 {
8671  *  PBGetFPosAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8672  *
8673  *  Mac OS X threading:
8674  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8675  *
8676  *  Availability:
8677  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8678  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8679  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8680  }
PBGetFPosAsyncnull8681 function PBGetFPosAsync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetFPosAsync';
8685 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBSetForkPositionSync instead.}
8686 {
8687  *  PBSetFPosSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8688  *
8689  *  Mac OS X threading:
8690  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8691  *
8692  *  Availability:
8693  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8694  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8695  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8696  }
PBSetFPosSyncnull8697 function PBSetFPosSync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBSetFPosSync';
8701 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBSetForkPositionAsync instead.}
8702 {
8703  *  PBSetFPosAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8704  *
8705  *  Mac OS X threading:
8706  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8707  *
8708  *  Availability:
8709  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8710  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8711  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8712  }
PBSetFPosAsyncnull8713 function PBSetFPosAsync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBSetFPosAsync';
8717 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBFlushForkSync instead.}
8718 {
8719  *  PBFlushFileSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8720  *
8721  *  Mac OS X threading:
8722  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8723  *
8724  *  Availability:
8725  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8726  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8727  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8728  }
PBFlushFileSyncnull8729 function PBFlushFileSync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBFlushFileSync';
8733 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBFlushForkAsync instead.}
8734 {
8735  *  PBFlushFileAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8736  *
8737  *  Mac OS X threading:
8738  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8739  *
8740  *  Availability:
8741  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8742  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8743  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8744  }
PBFlushFileAsyncnull8745 function PBFlushFileAsync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBFlushFileAsync';
8749 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSEjectVolumeSync instead.}
8750 {
8751  *  PBUnmountVol()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8752  *
8753  *  Mac OS X threading:
8754  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8755  *
8756  *  Availability:
8757  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8758  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8759  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8760  }
PBUnmountVolnull8761 function PBUnmountVol( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBUnmountVol';
8765 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBCatalogSearchSync instead.}
8766 {
8767  *  PBCatSearchSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8768  *
8769  *  Mac OS X threading:
8770  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8771  *
8772  *  Availability:
8773  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8774  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8775  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8776  }
PBCatSearchSyncnull8777 function PBCatSearchSync( paramBlock: CSParamPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBCatSearchSync';
8781 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBCatalogSearchAsync instead.}
8782 {
8783  *  PBCatSearchAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8784  *
8785  *  Mac OS X threading:
8786  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8787  *
8788  *  Availability:
8789  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8790  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8791  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8792  }
PBCatSearchAsyncnull8793 function PBCatSearchAsync( paramBlock: CSParamPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBCatSearchAsync';
8797 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSEjectVolumeSync instead.}
8798 {
8799  *  UnmountVol()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8800  *
8801  *  Mac OS X threading:
8802  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8803  *
8804  *  Availability:
8805  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8806  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8807  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8808  }
UnmountVolnull8809 function UnmountVol( volName: ConstStringPtr { can be NULL }; vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum ): OSErr; external name '_UnmountVol';
8813 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. The routines which use the default volume concept have been deprecated.}
8814 {
8815  *  HSetVol()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8816  *
8817  *  Mac OS X threading:
8818  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8819  *
8820  *  Availability:
8821  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8822  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8823  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8824  }
HSetVolnull8825 function HSetVol( volName: ConstStringPtr { can be NULL }; vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dirID: SInt32 ): OSErr; external name '_HSetVol';
8829 { AddDrive() was moved to Devices.h}
8831 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSCloseFork instead.}
8832 {
8833  *  FSClose()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8834  *
8835  *  Mac OS X threading:
8836  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8837  *
8838  *  Availability:
8839  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8840  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8841  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8842  }
FSClosenull8843 function FSClose( refNum: FSIORefNum ): OSErr; external name '_FSClose';
8847 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSReadFork instead.}
8848 {
8849  *  FSRead()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8850  *
8851  *  Mac OS X threading:
8852  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8853  *
8854  *  Availability:
8855  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8856  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8857  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8858  }
FSReadnull8859 function FSRead( refNum: FSIORefNum; var count: SInt32; buffPtr: UnivPtr ): OSErr; external name '_FSRead';
8863 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSWriteFork instead.}
8864 {
8865  *  FSWrite()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8866  *
8867  *  Mac OS X threading:
8868  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8869  *
8870  *  Availability:
8871  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8872  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8873  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8874  }
FSWritenull8875 function FSWrite( refNum: FSIORefNum; var count: SInt32; buffPtr: {const} UnivPtr ): OSErr; external name '_FSWrite';
8879 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSAllocateFork instead.}
8880 {
8881  *  Allocate()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8882  *
8883  *  Mac OS X threading:
8884  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8885  *
8886  *  Availability:
8887  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8888  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8889  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8890  }
Allocatenull8891 function Allocate( refNum: FSIORefNum; var count: SInt32 ): OSErr; external name '_Allocate';
8895 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSGetForkSize instead.}
8896 {
8897  *  GetEOF()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8898  *
8899  *  Mac OS X threading:
8900  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8901  *
8902  *  Availability:
8903  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8904  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8905  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8906  }
GetEOFnull8907 function GetEOF( refNum: FSIORefNum; var logEOF: SInt32 ): OSErr; external name '_GetEOF';
8911 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSSetForkSize instead.}
8912 {
8913  *  SetEOF()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8914  *
8915  *  Mac OS X threading:
8916  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8917  *
8918  *  Availability:
8919  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8920  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8921  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8922  }
SetEOFnull8923 function SetEOF( refNum: FSIORefNum; logEOF: SInt32 ): OSErr; external name '_SetEOF';
8927 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSGetForkPosition instead.}
8928 {
8929  *  GetFPos()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8930  *
8931  *  Mac OS X threading:
8932  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8933  *
8934  *  Availability:
8935  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8936  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8937  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8938  }
GetFPosnull8939 function GetFPos( refNum: FSIORefNum; var filePos: SInt32 ): OSErr; external name '_GetFPos';
8943 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSSetForkPosition instead.}
8944 {
8945  *  SetFPos()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8946  *
8947  *  Mac OS X threading:
8948  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8949  *
8950  *  Availability:
8951  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8952  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8953  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8954  }
SetFPosnull8955 function SetFPos( refNum: FSIORefNum; posMode: SInt16; posOff: SInt32 ): OSErr; external name '_SetFPos';
8959 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSGetCatalogInfo instead.}
8960 {
8961  *  GetVRefNum()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8962  *
8963  *  Mac OS X threading:
8964  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8965  *
8966  *  Availability:
8967  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8968  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8969  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8970  }
GetVRefNumnull8971 function GetVRefNum( fileRefNum: FSIORefNum; var vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum ): OSErr; external name '_GetVRefNum';
8975 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBXLockRangeSync or FSLockRange instead.}
8976 {
8977  *  PBLockRangeSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8978  *
8979  *  Mac OS X threading:
8980  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8981  *
8982  *  Availability:
8983  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
8984  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
8985  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
8986  }
PBLockRangeSyncnull8987 function PBLockRangeSync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBLockRangeSync';
8991 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBXLockRangeAsync instead.}
8992 {
8993  *  PBLockRangeAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
8994  *
8995  *  Mac OS X threading:
8996  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
8997  *
8998  *  Availability:
8999  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9000  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9001  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9002  }
PBLockRangeAsyncnull9003 function PBLockRangeAsync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBLockRangeAsync';
9007 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBXUnlockRangeSync or FSUnlockRange instead.}
9008 {
9009  *  PBUnlockRangeSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9010  *
9011  *  Mac OS X threading:
9012  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9013  *
9014  *  Availability:
9015  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9016  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9017  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9018  }
PBUnlockRangeSyncnull9019 function PBUnlockRangeSync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBUnlockRangeSync';
9023 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBXUnlockRangeAsync instead.}
9024 {
9025  *  PBUnlockRangeAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9026  *
9027  *  Mac OS X threading:
9028  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9029  *
9030  *  Availability:
9031  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9032  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9033  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9034  }
PBUnlockRangeAsyncnull9035 function PBUnlockRangeAsync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBUnlockRangeAsync';
9039 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. The routines which use the default volume concept have been deprecated.}
9040 {
9041  *  PBHSetVolSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9042  *
9043  *  Mac OS X threading:
9044  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9045  *
9046  *  Availability:
9047  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9048  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9049  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9050  }
PBHSetVolSyncnull9051 function PBHSetVolSync( paramBlock: WDPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHSetVolSync';
9055 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. The routines which use the default volume concept have been deprecated.}
9056 {
9057  *  PBHSetVolAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9058  *
9059  *  Mac OS X threading:
9060  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9061  *
9062  *  Availability:
9063  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9064  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9065  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9066  }
PBHSetVolAsyncnull9067 function PBHSetVolAsync( paramBlock: WDPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHSetVolAsync';
9071 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. The routines which use the default volume concept have been deprecated.}
9072 {
9073  *  PBHGetVolSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9074  *
9075  *  Mac OS X threading:
9076  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9077  *
9078  *  Availability:
9079  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9080  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9081  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9082  }
PBHGetVolSyncnull9083 function PBHGetVolSync( paramBlock: WDPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHGetVolSync';
9087 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. The routines which use the default volume concept have been deprecated.}
9088 {
9089  *  PBHGetVolAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9090  *
9091  *  Mac OS X threading:
9092  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9093  *
9094  *  Availability:
9095  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9096  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9097  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9098  }
PBHGetVolAsyncnull9099 function PBHGetVolAsync( paramBlock: WDPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHGetVolAsync';
9103 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBMoveObjectSync instead.}
9104 {
9105  *  PBCatMoveSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9106  *
9107  *  Mac OS X threading:
9108  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9109  *
9110  *  Availability:
9111  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9112  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9113  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9114  }
PBCatMoveSyncnull9115 function PBCatMoveSync( paramBlock: CMovePBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBCatMoveSync';
9119 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBMoveObjectAsync instead.}
9120 {
9121  *  PBCatMoveAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9122  *
9123  *  Mac OS X threading:
9124  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9125  *
9126  *  Availability:
9127  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9128  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9129  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9130  }
PBCatMoveAsyncnull9131 function PBCatMoveAsync( paramBlock: CMovePBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBCatMoveAsync';
9135 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeSync instead.}
9136 {
9137  *  PBDirCreateSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9138  *
9139  *  Mac OS X threading:
9140  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9141  *
9142  *  Availability:
9143  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9144  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9145  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9146  }
PBDirCreateSyncnull9147 function PBDirCreateSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDirCreateSync';
9151 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeAsync instead.}
9152 {
9153  *  PBDirCreateAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9154  *
9155  *  Mac OS X threading:
9156  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9157  *
9158  *  Availability:
9159  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9160  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9161  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9162  }
PBDirCreateAsyncnull9163 function PBDirCreateAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDirCreateAsync';
9167 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBGetForkCBInfoSync instead.}
9168 {
9169  *  PBGetFCBInfoSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9170  *
9171  *  Mac OS X threading:
9172  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9173  *
9174  *  Availability:
9175  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9176  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9177  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9178  }
PBGetFCBInfoSyncnull9179 function PBGetFCBInfoSync( paramBlock: FCBPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetFCBInfoSync';
9183 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBGetForkCBInfoAsync instead.}
9184 {
9185  *  PBGetFCBInfoAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9186  *
9187  *  Mac OS X threading:
9188  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9189  *
9190  *  Availability:
9191  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9192  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9193  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9194  }
PBGetFCBInfoAsyncnull9195 function PBGetFCBInfoAsync( paramBlock: FCBPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetFCBInfoAsync';
9199 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBGetCatalogInfoSync instead.}
9200 {
9201  *  PBGetCatInfoSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9202  *
9203  *  Mac OS X threading:
9204  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9205  *
9206  *  Availability:
9207  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9208  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9209  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9210  }
PBGetCatInfoSyncnull9211 function PBGetCatInfoSync( paramBlock: CInfoPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetCatInfoSync';
9215 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBGetCatalogInfoAsync instead.}
9216 {
9217  *  PBGetCatInfoAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9218  *
9219  *  Mac OS X threading:
9220  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9221  *
9222  *  Availability:
9223  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9224  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9225  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9226  }
PBGetCatInfoAsyncnull9227 function PBGetCatInfoAsync( paramBlock: CInfoPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetCatInfoAsync';
9231 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBSetCatalogInfoSync instead.}
9232 {
9233  *  PBSetCatInfoSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9234  *
9235  *  Mac OS X threading:
9236  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9237  *
9238  *  Availability:
9239  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9240  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9241  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9242  }
PBSetCatInfoSyncnull9243 function PBSetCatInfoSync( paramBlock: CInfoPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBSetCatInfoSync';
9247 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBSetCatalogInfoAsync instead.}
9248 {
9249  *  PBSetCatInfoAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9250  *
9251  *  Mac OS X threading:
9252  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9253  *
9254  *  Availability:
9255  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9256  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9257  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9258  }
PBSetCatInfoAsyncnull9259 function PBSetCatInfoAsync( paramBlock: CInfoPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBSetCatInfoAsync';
9263 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBAllocateForkSync instead.}
9264 {
9265  *  PBAllocContigSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9266  *
9267  *  Mac OS X threading:
9268  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9269  *
9270  *  Availability:
9271  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9272  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9273  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9274  }
PBAllocContigSyncnull9275 function PBAllocContigSync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBAllocContigSync';
9279 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBAllocateForkAsync instead.}
9280 {
9281  *  PBAllocContigAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9282  *
9283  *  Mac OS X threading:
9284  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9285  *
9286  *  Availability:
9287  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9288  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9289  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9290  }
PBAllocContigAsyncnull9291 function PBAllocContigAsync( paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBAllocContigAsync';
9295 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBSetVolumeInfoSync instead.}
9296 {
9297  *  PBSetVInfoSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9298  *
9299  *  Mac OS X threading:
9300  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9301  *
9302  *  Availability:
9303  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9304  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9305  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9306  }
PBSetVInfoSyncnull9307 function PBSetVInfoSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBSetVInfoSync';
9311 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBSetVolumeInfoAsync instead.}
9312 {
9313  *  PBSetVInfoAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9314  *
9315  *  Mac OS X threading:
9316  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9317  *
9318  *  Availability:
9319  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9320  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9321  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9322  }
PBSetVInfoAsyncnull9323 function PBSetVInfoAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBSetVInfoAsync';
9327 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBGetVolumeInfoSync instead.}
9328 {
9329  *  PBHGetVInfoSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9330  *
9331  *  Mac OS X threading:
9332  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9333  *
9334  *  Availability:
9335  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9336  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9337  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9338  }
PBHGetVInfoSyncnull9339 function PBHGetVInfoSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHGetVInfoSync';
9343 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBGetVolumeInfoAsync instead.}
9344 {
9345  *  PBHGetVInfoAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9346  *
9347  *  Mac OS X threading:
9348  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9349  *
9350  *  Availability:
9351  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9352  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9353  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9354  }
PBHGetVInfoAsyncnull9355 function PBHGetVInfoAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHGetVInfoAsync';
9359 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBOpenForkSync instead.}
9360 {
9361  *  PBHOpenSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9362  *
9363  *  Mac OS X threading:
9364  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9365  *
9366  *  Availability:
9367  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9368  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9369  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9370  }
PBHOpenSyncnull9371 function PBHOpenSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHOpenSync';
9375 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBOpenForkAsync instead.}
9376 {
9377  *  PBHOpenAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9378  *
9379  *  Mac OS X threading:
9380  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9381  *
9382  *  Availability:
9383  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9384  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9385  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9386  }
PBHOpenAsyncnull9387 function PBHOpenAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHOpenAsync';
9391 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBOpenForkSync instead.}
9392 {
9393  *  PBHOpenRFSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9394  *
9395  *  Mac OS X threading:
9396  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9397  *
9398  *  Availability:
9399  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9400  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9401  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9402  }
PBHOpenRFSyncnull9403 function PBHOpenRFSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHOpenRFSync';
9407 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBOpenForkAsync instead.}
9408 {
9409  *  PBHOpenRFAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9410  *
9411  *  Mac OS X threading:
9412  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9413  *
9414  *  Availability:
9415  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9416  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9417  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9418  }
PBHOpenRFAsyncnull9419 function PBHOpenRFAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHOpenRFAsync';
9423 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBOpenForkSync instead.}
9424 {
9425  *  PBHOpenDFSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9426  *
9427  *  Mac OS X threading:
9428  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9429  *
9430  *  Availability:
9431  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9432  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9433  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9434  }
PBHOpenDFSyncnull9435 function PBHOpenDFSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHOpenDFSync';
9439 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBOpenForkAsync instead.}
9440 {
9441  *  PBHOpenDFAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9442  *
9443  *  Mac OS X threading:
9444  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9445  *
9446  *  Availability:
9447  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9448  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9449  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9450  }
PBHOpenDFAsyncnull9451 function PBHOpenDFAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHOpenDFAsync';
9455 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBCreateFileUnicodeSync instead.}
9456 {
9457  *  PBHCreateSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9458  *
9459  *  Mac OS X threading:
9460  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9461  *
9462  *  Availability:
9463  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9464  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9465  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9466  }
PBHCreateSyncnull9467 function PBHCreateSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHCreateSync';
9471 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBCreateFileUnicodeAsync instead.}
9472 {
9473  *  PBHCreateAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9474  *
9475  *  Mac OS X threading:
9476  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9477  *
9478  *  Availability:
9479  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9480  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9481  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9482  }
PBHCreateAsyncnull9483 function PBHCreateAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHCreateAsync';
9487 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBDeleteObjectSync instead.}
9488 {
9489  *  PBHDeleteSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9490  *
9491  *  Mac OS X threading:
9492  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9493  *
9494  *  Availability:
9495  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9496  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9497  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9498  }
PBHDeleteSyncnull9499 function PBHDeleteSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHDeleteSync';
9503 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBDeleteObjectAsync instead.}
9504 {
9505  *  PBHDeleteAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9506  *
9507  *  Mac OS X threading:
9508  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9509  *
9510  *  Availability:
9511  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9512  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9513  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9514  }
PBHDeleteAsyncnull9515 function PBHDeleteAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHDeleteAsync';
9519 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBRenameUnicodeSync instead.}
9520 {
9521  *  PBHRenameSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9522  *
9523  *  Mac OS X threading:
9524  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9525  *
9526  *  Availability:
9527  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9528  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9529  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9530  }
PBHRenameSyncnull9531 function PBHRenameSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHRenameSync';
9535 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBRenameUnicodeAsync instead.}
9536 {
9537  *  PBHRenameAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9538  *
9539  *  Mac OS X threading:
9540  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9541  *
9542  *  Availability:
9543  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9544  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9545  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9546  }
PBHRenameAsyncnull9547 function PBHRenameAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHRenameAsync';
9551 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBSetCatalogInfoSync instead.}
9552 {
9553  *  PBHRstFLockSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9554  *
9555  *  Mac OS X threading:
9556  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9557  *
9558  *  Availability:
9559  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9560  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9561  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9562  }
PBHRstFLockSyncnull9563 function PBHRstFLockSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHRstFLockSync';
9567 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBSetCatalogInfoAsync instead.}
9568 {
9569  *  PBHRstFLockAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9570  *
9571  *  Mac OS X threading:
9572  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9573  *
9574  *  Availability:
9575  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9576  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9577  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9578  }
PBHRstFLockAsyncnull9579 function PBHRstFLockAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHRstFLockAsync';
9583 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBSetCatalogInfoSync instead.}
9584 {
9585  *  PBHSetFLockSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9586  *
9587  *  Mac OS X threading:
9588  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9589  *
9590  *  Availability:
9591  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9592  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9593  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9594  }
PBHSetFLockSyncnull9595 function PBHSetFLockSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHSetFLockSync';
9599 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBSetCatalogInfoAsync instead.}
9600 {
9601  *  PBHSetFLockAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9602  *
9603  *  Mac OS X threading:
9604  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9605  *
9606  *  Availability:
9607  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9608  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9609  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9610  }
PBHSetFLockAsyncnull9611 function PBHSetFLockAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHSetFLockAsync';
9615 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBGetCatalogInfoSync instead.}
9616 {
9617  *  PBHGetFInfoSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9618  *
9619  *  Mac OS X threading:
9620  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9621  *
9622  *  Availability:
9623  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9624  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9625  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9626  }
PBHGetFInfoSyncnull9627 function PBHGetFInfoSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHGetFInfoSync';
9631 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBGetCatalogInfoAsync instead.}
9632 {
9633  *  PBHGetFInfoAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9634  *
9635  *  Mac OS X threading:
9636  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9637  *
9638  *  Availability:
9639  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9640  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9641  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9642  }
PBHGetFInfoAsyncnull9643 function PBHGetFInfoAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHGetFInfoAsync';
9647 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBSetCatalogInfoSync instead.}
9648 {
9649  *  PBHSetFInfoSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9650  *
9651  *  Mac OS X threading:
9652  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9653  *
9654  *  Availability:
9655  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9656  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9657  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9658  }
PBHSetFInfoSyncnull9659 function PBHSetFInfoSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHSetFInfoSync';
9663 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBSetCatalogInfoAsync instead.}
9664 {
9665  *  PBHSetFInfoAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9666  *
9667  *  Mac OS X threading:
9668  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9669  *
9670  *  Availability:
9671  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9672  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9673  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9674  }
PBHSetFInfoAsyncnull9675 function PBHSetFInfoAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHSetFInfoAsync';
9679 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync instead.}
9680 {
9681  *  PBMakeFSSpecSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9682  *
9683  *  Mac OS X threading:
9684  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9685  *
9686  *  Availability:
9687  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9688  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9689  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9690  }
PBMakeFSSpecSyncnull9691 function PBMakeFSSpecSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBMakeFSSpecSync';
9695 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBMakeFSRefUnicodeAsync instead.}
9696 {
9697  *  PBMakeFSSpecAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9698  *
9699  *  Mac OS X threading:
9700  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9701  *
9702  *  Availability:
9703  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9704  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9705  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9706  }
PBMakeFSSpecAsyncnull9707 function PBMakeFSSpecAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBMakeFSSpecAsync';
9711 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. The routines which use the default volume concept have been deprecated.}
9712 {
9713  *  HGetVol()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9714  *
9715  *  Mac OS X threading:
9716  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9717  *
9718  *  Availability:
9719  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9720  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9721  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9722  }
HGetVolnull9723 function HGetVol( volName: StringPtr; var vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; var dirID: SInt32 ): OSErr; external name '_HGetVol';
9727 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSOpenFork instead.}
9728 {
9729  *  HOpen()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9730  *
9731  *  Mac OS X threading:
9732  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9733  *
9734  *  Availability:
9735  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9736  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9737  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9738  }
HOpennull9739 function HOpen( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dirID: SInt32; const (*var*) fileName: Str255; permission: SInt8; var refNum: FSIORefNum ): OSErr; external name '_HOpen';
9743 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSOpenFork instead.}
9744 {
9745  *  HOpenDF()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9746  *
9747  *  Mac OS X threading:
9748  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9749  *
9750  *  Availability:
9751  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9752  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9753  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9754  }
HOpenDFnull9755 function HOpenDF( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dirID: SInt32; const (*var*) fileName: Str255; permission: SInt8; var refNum: FSIORefNum ): OSErr; external name '_HOpenDF';
9759 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSOpenFork instead.}
9760 {
9761  *  HOpenRF()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9762  *
9763  *  Mac OS X threading:
9764  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9765  *
9766  *  Availability:
9767  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9768  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9769  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9770  }
HOpenRFnull9771 function HOpenRF( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dirID: SInt32; const (*var*) fileName: Str255; permission: SInt8; var refNum: FSIORefNum ): OSErr; external name '_HOpenRF';
9775 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSAllocateFork instead.}
9776 {
9777  *  AllocContig()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9778  *
9779  *  Mac OS X threading:
9780  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9781  *
9782  *  Availability:
9783  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9784  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9785  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9786  }
AllocContignull9787 function AllocContig( refNum: FSVolumeRefNum; var count: SInt32 ): OSErr; external name '_AllocContig';
9791 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSCreateFileUnicode instead.}
9792 {
9793  *  HCreate()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9794  *
9795  *  Mac OS X threading:
9796  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9797  *
9798  *  Availability:
9799  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9800  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9801  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9802  }
HCreatenull9803 function HCreate( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dirID: SInt32; const (*var*) fileName: Str255; creator: OSType; fileType: OSType ): OSErr; external name '_HCreate';
9807 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSCreateDirectoryUnicode instead.}
9808 {
9809  *  DirCreate()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9810  *
9811  *  Mac OS X threading:
9812  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9813  *
9814  *  Availability:
9815  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9816  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9817  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9818  }
DirCreatenull9819 function DirCreate( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; parentDirID: SInt32; const (*var*) directoryName: Str255; var createdDirID: SInt32 ): OSErr; external name '_DirCreate';
9823 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSDeleteObject instead.}
9824 {
9825  *  HDelete()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9826  *
9827  *  Mac OS X threading:
9828  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9829  *
9830  *  Availability:
9831  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9832  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9833  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9834  }
HDeletenull9835 function HDelete( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dirID: SInt32; const (*var*) fileName: Str255 ): OSErr; external name '_HDelete';
9839 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSGetCatalogInfo instead.}
9840 {
9841  *  HGetFInfo()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9842  *
9843  *  Mac OS X threading:
9844  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9845  *
9846  *  Availability:
9847  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9848  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9849  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9850  }
HGetFInfonull9851 function HGetFInfo( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dirID: SInt32; const (*var*) fileName: Str255; var fndrInfo: FInfo ): OSErr; external name '_HGetFInfo';
9855 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSSetCatalogInfo instead.}
9856 {
9857  *  HSetFInfo()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9858  *
9859  *  Mac OS X threading:
9860  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9861  *
9862  *  Availability:
9863  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9864  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9865  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9866  }
HSetFInfonull9867 function HSetFInfo( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dirID: SInt32; const (*var*) fileName: Str255; const (*var*) fndrInfo: FInfo ): OSErr; external name '_HSetFInfo';
9871 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSSetCatalogInfo instead.}
9872 {
9873  *  HSetFLock()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9874  *
9875  *  Mac OS X threading:
9876  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9877  *
9878  *  Availability:
9879  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9880  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9881  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9882  }
HSetFLocknull9883 function HSetFLock( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dirID: SInt32; const (*var*) fileName: Str255 ): OSErr; external name '_HSetFLock';
9887 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSSetCatalogInfo instead.}
9888 {
9889  *  HRstFLock()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9890  *
9891  *  Mac OS X threading:
9892  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9893  *
9894  *  Availability:
9895  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9896  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9897  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9898  }
HRstFLocknull9899 function HRstFLock( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dirID: SInt32; const (*var*) fileName: Str255 ): OSErr; external name '_HRstFLock';
9903 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSRenameUnicode instead.}
9904 {
9905  *  HRename()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9906  *
9907  *  Mac OS X threading:
9908  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9909  *
9910  *  Availability:
9911  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9912  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9913  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9914  }
HRenamenull9915 function HRename( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dirID: SInt32; const (*var*) oldName: Str255; const (*var*) newName: Str255 ): OSErr; external name '_HRename';
9919 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSMoveObject instead.}
9920 {
9921  *  CatMove()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9922  *
9923  *  Mac OS X threading:
9924  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9925  *
9926  *  Availability:
9927  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9928  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9929  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9930  }
CatMovenull9931 function CatMove( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dirID: SInt32; const (*var*) oldName: Str255; newDirID: SInt32; const (*var*) newName: Str255 ): OSErr; external name '_CatMove';
9935 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.}
9936 {
9937  *  PBHGetLogInInfoSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9938  *
9939  *  Mac OS X threading:
9940  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9941  *
9942  *  Availability:
9943  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9944  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9945  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9946  }
PBHGetLogInInfoSyncnull9947 function PBHGetLogInInfoSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHGetLogInInfoSync';
9951 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.}
9952 {
9953  *  PBHGetLogInInfoAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9954  *
9955  *  Mac OS X threading:
9956  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9957  *
9958  *  Availability:
9959  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9960  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9961  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9962  }
PBHGetLogInInfoAsyncnull9963 function PBHGetLogInInfoAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHGetLogInInfoAsync';
9967 {
9968    This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.
9969    Use FSMoveObjectSync instead.
9970 }
9971 {
9972  *  PBHMoveRenameSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9973  *
9974  *  Mac OS X threading:
9975  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9976  *
9977  *  Availability:
9978  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9979  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9980  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
9981  }
PBHMoveRenameSyncnull9982 function PBHMoveRenameSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHMoveRenameSync';
9986 {
9987    This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.
9988    Use FSMoveObjectAsync instead.
9989 }
9990 {
9991  *  PBHMoveRenameAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
9992  *
9993  *  Mac OS X threading:
9994  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
9995  *
9996  *  Availability:
9997  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
9998  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
9999  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10000  }
PBHMoveRenameAsyncnull10001 function PBHMoveRenameAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBHMoveRenameAsync';
10005 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.}
10006 {
10007  *  PBGetXCatInfoSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10008  *
10009  *  Mac OS X threading:
10010  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10011  *
10012  *  Availability:
10013  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10014  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10015  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 8.5 and later
10016  }
PBGetXCatInfoSyncnull10017 function PBGetXCatInfoSync( paramBlock: XCInfoPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetXCatInfoSync';
10021 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.}
10022 {
10023  *  PBGetXCatInfoAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10024  *
10025  *  Mac OS X threading:
10026  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10027  *
10028  *  Availability:
10029  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10030  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10031  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 8.5 and later
10032  }
PBGetXCatInfoAsyncnull10033 function PBGetXCatInfoAsync( paramBlock: XCInfoPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetXCatInfoAsync';
10037 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBExchangeObjectsSync instead.}
10038 {
10039  *  PBExchangeFilesSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10040  *
10041  *  Mac OS X threading:
10042  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10043  *
10044  *  Availability:
10045  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10046  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10047  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10048  }
PBExchangeFilesSyncnull10049 function PBExchangeFilesSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBExchangeFilesSync';
10053 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use PBExchangeObjectsAsync instead.}
10054 {
10055  *  PBExchangeFilesAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10056  *
10057  *  Mac OS X threading:
10058  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10059  *
10060  *  Availability:
10061  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10062  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10063  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10064  }
PBExchangeFilesAsyncnull10065 function PBExchangeFilesAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBExchangeFilesAsync';
10069 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.}
10070 {
10071  *  PBGetForeignPrivsSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10072  *
10073  *  Mac OS X threading:
10074  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10075  *
10076  *  Availability:
10077  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10078  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10079  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10080  }
PBGetForeignPrivsSyncnull10081 function PBGetForeignPrivsSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetForeignPrivsSync';
10085 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.}
10086 {
10087  *  PBGetForeignPrivsAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10088  *
10089  *  Mac OS X threading:
10090  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10091  *
10092  *  Availability:
10093  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10094  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10095  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10096  }
PBGetForeignPrivsAsyncnull10097 function PBGetForeignPrivsAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetForeignPrivsAsync';
10101 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.}
10102 {
10103  *  PBSetForeignPrivsSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10104  *
10105  *  Mac OS X threading:
10106  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10107  *
10108  *  Availability:
10109  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10110  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10111  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10112  }
PBSetForeignPrivsSyncnull10113 function PBSetForeignPrivsSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBSetForeignPrivsSync';
10117 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.}
10118 {
10119  *  PBSetForeignPrivsAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10120  *
10121  *  Mac OS X threading:
10122  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10123  *
10124  *  Availability:
10125  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10126  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10127  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10128  }
PBSetForeignPrivsAsyncnull10129 function PBSetForeignPrivsAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBSetForeignPrivsAsync';
10133 {  Desktop Manager  }
10134 {$endc} {not TARGET_CPU_64}
10136 {$ifc not TARGET_CPU_64}
10137 const
10138 { Desktop Database, ffsGetIconMessage and fsmGetFSIconMessage icon type and size Constants }
10139 	kLargeIcon = 1;
10140 	kLarge4BitIcon = 2;
10141 	kLarge8BitIcon = 3;
10142 	kSmallIcon = 4;
10143 	kSmall4BitIcon = 5;
10144 	kSmall8BitIcon = 6;
10145 	kicnsIconFamily = 239;   { Note: The 'icns' icon family record is variable sized. }
10147 {$endc} {not TARGET_CPU_64}
10149 {$ifc not TARGET_CPU_64}
10150 {
10151  *  PBDTGetPath()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10152  *
10153  *  Mac OS X threading:
10154  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10155  *
10156  *  Availability:
10157  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10158  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10159  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10160  }
PBDTGetPathnull10161 function PBDTGetPath( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTGetPath';
10165 {
10166  *  PBDTCloseDown()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10167  *
10168  *  Mac OS X threading:
10169  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10170  *
10171  *  Availability:
10172  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10173  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10174  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10175  }
PBDTCloseDownnull10176 function PBDTCloseDown( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTCloseDown';
10180 {
10181  *  PBDTAddIconSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10182  *
10183  *  Mac OS X threading:
10184  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10185  *
10186  *  Availability:
10187  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10188  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10189  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10190  }
PBDTAddIconSyncnull10191 function PBDTAddIconSync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTAddIconSync';
10195 {
10196  *  PBDTAddIconAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10197  *
10198  *  Mac OS X threading:
10199  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10200  *
10201  *  Availability:
10202  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10203  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10204  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10205  }
PBDTAddIconAsyncnull10206 function PBDTAddIconAsync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTAddIconAsync';
10210 {
10211  *  PBDTGetIconSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10212  *
10213  *  Mac OS X threading:
10214  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10215  *
10216  *  Availability:
10217  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10218  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10219  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10220  }
PBDTGetIconSyncnull10221 function PBDTGetIconSync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTGetIconSync';
10225 {
10226  *  PBDTGetIconAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10227  *
10228  *  Mac OS X threading:
10229  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10230  *
10231  *  Availability:
10232  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10233  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10234  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10235  }
PBDTGetIconAsyncnull10236 function PBDTGetIconAsync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTGetIconAsync';
10240 {
10241  *  PBDTGetIconInfoSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10242  *
10243  *  Mac OS X threading:
10244  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10245  *
10246  *  Availability:
10247  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10248  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10249  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10250  }
PBDTGetIconInfoSyncnull10251 function PBDTGetIconInfoSync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTGetIconInfoSync';
10255 {
10256  *  PBDTGetIconInfoAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10257  *
10258  *  Mac OS X threading:
10259  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10260  *
10261  *  Availability:
10262  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10263  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10264  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10265  }
PBDTGetIconInfoAsyncnull10266 function PBDTGetIconInfoAsync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTGetIconInfoAsync';
10270 {
10271  *  PBDTAddAPPLSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10272  *
10273  *  Mac OS X threading:
10274  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10275  *
10276  *  Availability:
10277  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10278  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10279  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10280  }
PBDTAddAPPLSyncnull10281 function PBDTAddAPPLSync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTAddAPPLSync';
10285 {
10286  *  PBDTAddAPPLAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10287  *
10288  *  Mac OS X threading:
10289  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10290  *
10291  *  Availability:
10292  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10293  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10294  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10295  }
PBDTAddAPPLAsyncnull10296 function PBDTAddAPPLAsync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTAddAPPLAsync';
10300 {
10301  *  PBDTRemoveAPPLSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10302  *
10303  *  Mac OS X threading:
10304  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10305  *
10306  *  Availability:
10307  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10308  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10309  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10310  }
PBDTRemoveAPPLSyncnull10311 function PBDTRemoveAPPLSync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTRemoveAPPLSync';
10315 {
10316  *  PBDTRemoveAPPLAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10317  *
10318  *  Mac OS X threading:
10319  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10320  *
10321  *  Availability:
10322  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10323  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10324  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10325  }
PBDTRemoveAPPLAsyncnull10326 function PBDTRemoveAPPLAsync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTRemoveAPPLAsync';
10330 {
10331  *  PBDTGetAPPLSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10332  *
10333  *  Mac OS X threading:
10334  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10335  *
10336  *  Availability:
10337  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10338  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10339  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10340  }
PBDTGetAPPLSyncnull10341 function PBDTGetAPPLSync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTGetAPPLSync';
10345 {
10346  *  PBDTGetAPPLAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10347  *
10348  *  Mac OS X threading:
10349  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10350  *
10351  *  Availability:
10352  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10353  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10354  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10355  }
PBDTGetAPPLAsyncnull10356 function PBDTGetAPPLAsync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTGetAPPLAsync';
10360 {
10361  *  PBDTSetCommentSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10362  *
10363  *  Mac OS X threading:
10364  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10365  *
10366  *  Availability:
10367  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10368  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10369  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10370  }
PBDTSetCommentSyncnull10371 function PBDTSetCommentSync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTSetCommentSync';
10375 {
10376  *  PBDTSetCommentAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10377  *
10378  *  Mac OS X threading:
10379  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10380  *
10381  *  Availability:
10382  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10383  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10384  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10385  }
PBDTSetCommentAsyncnull10386 function PBDTSetCommentAsync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTSetCommentAsync';
10390 {
10391  *  PBDTRemoveCommentSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10392  *
10393  *  Mac OS X threading:
10394  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10395  *
10396  *  Availability:
10397  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10398  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10399  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10400  }
PBDTRemoveCommentSyncnull10401 function PBDTRemoveCommentSync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTRemoveCommentSync';
10405 {
10406  *  PBDTRemoveCommentAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10407  *
10408  *  Mac OS X threading:
10409  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10410  *
10411  *  Availability:
10412  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10413  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10414  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10415  }
PBDTRemoveCommentAsyncnull10416 function PBDTRemoveCommentAsync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTRemoveCommentAsync';
10420 {
10421  *  PBDTGetCommentSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10422  *
10423  *  Mac OS X threading:
10424  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10425  *
10426  *  Availability:
10427  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10428  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10429  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10430  }
PBDTGetCommentSyncnull10431 function PBDTGetCommentSync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTGetCommentSync';
10435 {
10436  *  PBDTGetCommentAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10437  *
10438  *  Mac OS X threading:
10439  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10440  *
10441  *  Availability:
10442  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10443  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10444  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10445  }
PBDTGetCommentAsyncnull10446 function PBDTGetCommentAsync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTGetCommentAsync';
10450 {
10451  *  PBDTFlushSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10452  *
10453  *  Mac OS X threading:
10454  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10455  *
10456  *  Availability:
10457  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10458  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10459  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10460  }
PBDTFlushSyncnull10461 function PBDTFlushSync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTFlushSync';
10465 {
10466  *  PBDTFlushAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10467  *
10468  *  Mac OS X threading:
10469  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10470  *
10471  *  Availability:
10472  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10473  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10474  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10475  }
PBDTFlushAsyncnull10476 function PBDTFlushAsync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTFlushAsync';
10480 {
10481  *  PBDTResetSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10482  *
10483  *  Mac OS X threading:
10484  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10485  *
10486  *  Availability:
10487  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10488  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10489  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10490  }
PBDTResetSyncnull10491 function PBDTResetSync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTResetSync';
10495 {
10496  *  PBDTResetAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10497  *
10498  *  Mac OS X threading:
10499  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10500  *
10501  *  Availability:
10502  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10503  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10504  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10505  }
PBDTResetAsyncnull10506 function PBDTResetAsync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTResetAsync';
10510 {
10511  *  PBDTGetInfoSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10512  *
10513  *  Mac OS X threading:
10514  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10515  *
10516  *  Availability:
10517  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10518  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10519  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10520  }
PBDTGetInfoSyncnull10521 function PBDTGetInfoSync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTGetInfoSync';
10525 {
10526  *  PBDTGetInfoAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10527  *
10528  *  Mac OS X threading:
10529  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10530  *
10531  *  Availability:
10532  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10533  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10534  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10535  }
PBDTGetInfoAsyncnull10536 function PBDTGetInfoAsync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTGetInfoAsync';
10540 {
10541  *  PBDTOpenInform()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10542  *
10543  *  Mac OS X threading:
10544  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10545  *
10546  *  Availability:
10547  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10548  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10549  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10550  }
PBDTOpenInformnull10551 function PBDTOpenInform( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTOpenInform';
10555 {
10556  *  PBDTDeleteSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10557  *
10558  *  Mac OS X threading:
10559  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10560  *
10561  *  Availability:
10562  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10563  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10564  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10565  }
PBDTDeleteSyncnull10566 function PBDTDeleteSync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTDeleteSync';
10570 {
10571  *  PBDTDeleteAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10572  *
10573  *  Mac OS X threading:
10574  *    Thread safe since version 10.2
10575  *
10576  *  Availability:
10577  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10578  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10579  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10580  }
PBDTDeleteAsyncnull10581 function PBDTDeleteAsync( paramBlock: DTPBPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBDTDeleteAsync';
10585 {  FSp traps  }
10586 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSMakeFSRefUnicode instead.}
10587 {
10588  *  FSMakeFSSpec()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10589  *
10590  *  Mac OS X threading:
10591  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10592  *
10593  *  Availability:
10594  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10595  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10596  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10597  }
FSMakeFSSpecnull10598 function FSMakeFSSpec( vRefNum: FSVolumeRefNum; dirID: SInt32; const (*var*) fileName: Str255; var spec: FSSpec ): OSErr; external name '_FSMakeFSSpec';
10602 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSOpenFork instead.}
10603 {
10604  *  FSpOpenDF()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10605  *
10606  *  Mac OS X threading:
10607  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10608  *
10609  *  Availability:
10610  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10611  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10612  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10613  }
FSpOpenDFnull10614 function FSpOpenDF( const (*var*) spec: FSSpec; permission: SInt8; var refNum: FSIORefNum ): OSErr; external name '_FSpOpenDF';
10618 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSOpenFork instead.}
10619 {
10620  *  FSpOpenRF()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10621  *
10622  *  Mac OS X threading:
10623  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10624  *
10625  *  Availability:
10626  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10627  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10628  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10629  }
FSpOpenRFnull10630 function FSpOpenRF( const (*var*) spec: FSSpec; permission: SInt8; var refNum: FSIORefNum ): OSErr; external name '_FSpOpenRF';
10634 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSCreateFileUnicode instead.}
10635 {
10636  *  FSpCreate()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10637  *
10638  *  Mac OS X threading:
10639  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10640  *
10641  *  Availability:
10642  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10643  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10644  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10645  }
FSpCreatenull10646 function FSpCreate( const (*var*) spec: FSSpec; creator: OSType; fileType: OSType; scriptTag: ScriptCode ): OSErr; external name '_FSpCreate';
10650 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSCreateDirectoryUnicode instead.}
10651 {
10652  *  FSpDirCreate()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10653  *
10654  *  Mac OS X threading:
10655  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10656  *
10657  *  Availability:
10658  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10659  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10660  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10661  }
FSpDirCreatenull10662 function FSpDirCreate( const (*var*) spec: FSSpec; scriptTag: ScriptCode; var createdDirID: SInt32 ): OSErr; external name '_FSpDirCreate';
10666 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSDeleteObject instead.}
10667 {
10668  *  FSpDelete()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10669  *
10670  *  Mac OS X threading:
10671  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10672  *
10673  *  Availability:
10674  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10675  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10676  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10677  }
FSpDeletenull10678 function FSpDelete( const (*var*) spec: FSSpec ): OSErr; external name '_FSpDelete';
10682 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSGetCatalogInfo instead.}
10683 {
10684  *  FSpGetFInfo()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10685  *
10686  *  Mac OS X threading:
10687  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10688  *
10689  *  Availability:
10690  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10691  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10692  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10693  }
FSpGetFInfonull10694 function FSpGetFInfo( const (*var*) spec: FSSpec; var fndrInfo: FInfo ): OSErr; external name '_FSpGetFInfo';
10698 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSSetCatalogInfo instead.}
10699 {
10700  *  FSpSetFInfo()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10701  *
10702  *  Mac OS X threading:
10703  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10704  *
10705  *  Availability:
10706  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10707  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10708  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10709  }
FSpSetFInfonull10710 function FSpSetFInfo( const (*var*) spec: FSSpec; const (*var*) fndrInfo: FInfo ): OSErr; external name '_FSpSetFInfo';
10714 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSSetCatalogInfo instead.}
10715 {
10716  *  FSpSetFLock()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10717  *
10718  *  Mac OS X threading:
10719  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10720  *
10721  *  Availability:
10722  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10723  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10724  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10725  }
FSpSetFLocknull10726 function FSpSetFLock( const (*var*) spec: FSSpec ): OSErr; external name '_FSpSetFLock';
10730 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSSetCatalogInfo instead.}
10731 {
10732  *  FSpRstFLock()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10733  *
10734  *  Mac OS X threading:
10735  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10736  *
10737  *  Availability:
10738  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10739  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10740  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10741  }
FSpRstFLocknull10742 function FSpRstFLock( const (*var*) spec: FSSpec ): OSErr; external name '_FSpRstFLock';
10746 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSRenameUnicode instead.}
10747 {
10748  *  FSpRename()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10749  *
10750  *  Mac OS X threading:
10751  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10752  *
10753  *  Availability:
10754  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10755  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10756  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10757  }
FSpRenamenull10758 function FSpRename( const (*var*) spec: FSSpec; const (*var*) newName: Str255 ): OSErr; external name '_FSpRename';
10762 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSMoveObject instead.}
10763 {
10764  *  FSpCatMove()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10765  *
10766  *  Mac OS X threading:
10767  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10768  *
10769  *  Availability:
10770  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10771  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10772  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10773  }
FSpCatMovenull10774 function FSpCatMove( const (*var*) source: FSSpec; const (*var*) dest: FSSpec ): OSErr; external name '_FSpCatMove';
10778 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use FSExchangeObjects instead.}
10779 {
10780  *  FSpExchangeFiles()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10781  *
10782  *  Mac OS X threading:
10783  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10784  *
10785  *  Availability:
10786  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10787  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10788  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10789  }
FSpExchangeFilesnull10790 function FSpExchangeFiles( const (*var*) source: FSSpec; const (*var*) dest: FSSpec ): OSErr; external name '_FSpExchangeFiles';
10794 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.}
10795 {
10796  *  PBShareSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10797  *
10798  *  Mac OS X threading:
10799  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10800  *
10801  *  Availability:
10802  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10803  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10804  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10805  }
PBShareSyncnull10806 function PBShareSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBShareSync';
10810 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.}
10811 {
10812  *  PBShareAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10813  *
10814  *  Mac OS X threading:
10815  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10816  *
10817  *  Availability:
10818  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10819  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10820  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10821  }
PBShareAsyncnull10822 function PBShareAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBShareAsync';
10826 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.}
10827 {
10828  *  PBUnshareSync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10829  *
10830  *  Mac OS X threading:
10831  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10832  *
10833  *  Availability:
10834  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10835  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10836  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10837  }
PBUnshareSyncnull10838 function PBUnshareSync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBUnshareSync';
10842 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.}
10843 {
10844  *  PBUnshareAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10845  *
10846  *  Mac OS X threading:
10847  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10848  *
10849  *  Availability:
10850  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10851  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10852  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10853  }
PBUnshareAsyncnull10854 function PBUnshareAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBUnshareAsync';
10858 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.}
10859 {
10860  *  PBGetUGEntrySync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10861  *
10862  *  Mac OS X threading:
10863  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10864  *
10865  *  Availability:
10866  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10867  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10868  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10869  }
PBGetUGEntrySyncnull10870 function PBGetUGEntrySync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetUGEntrySync';
10874 { This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. It was never implemented on OS X.}
10875 {
10876  *  PBGetUGEntryAsync()   *** DEPRECATED ***
10877  *
10878  *  Mac OS X threading:
10879  *    Thread safe since version 10.0
10880  *
10881  *  Availability:
10882  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework [32-bit only] but deprecated in 10.4
10883  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
10884  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
10885  }
PBGetUGEntryAsyncnull10886 function PBGetUGEntryAsync( paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr ): OSErr; external name '_PBGetUGEntryAsync';
10889 {$endc} {not TARGET_CPU_64}
10891 {$endc} {TARGET_OS_MAC}
10893 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
10895 end.
10896 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}