1 /*
2 ** Copyright (C) 2001-2020 by Carnegie Mellon University.
3 **
5 ** See license information in ../../LICENSE.txt
7 */
8 #ifndef _SILK_FILES_H
9 #define _SILK_FILES_H
10 #ifdef __cplusplus
11 extern "C" {
12 #endif
14 #include <silk/silk.h>
16 RCSIDENTVAR(rcsID_SILK_FILES_H, "$SiLK: silk_files.h ef14e54179be 2020-04-14 21:57:45Z mthomas $");
18 #include <silk/silk_types.h>
21 /*** Compression Methods ***********************************************/
23 /*
24  *    The compression method (compmethod) is used to compress the data
25  *    section of a SiLK binary file.
26  *
27  *    SiLK is able to support the following compmethods.  In order for
28  *    a compression method to be supported, the library and header
29  *    file must have been available at the time SiLK was compiled.
30  *
31  *    SiLK cannot read a file if the file uses a compression method
32  *    that is not available in this build of SiLK.
33  *
34  *    The --version switch on most SiLK applications shows what set of
35  *    compression methods are available in this SiLK installation.
36  *
37  *    Keep the following set of constants in sync with the
38  *    sk_compmethod_names[] array defined below.
39  */
41 /**
42  *    Do not use any compression.
43  */
44 #define SK_COMPMETHOD_NONE      0
46 /**
47  *    Use zlib compression (like that used by gzip).
48  */
49 #define SK_COMPMETHOD_ZLIB      1
51 /**
52  *    Use the lzo1x algorithm from LZO real-time compression library.
53  */
54 #define SK_COMPMETHOD_LZO1X     2
56 /**
57  *    Use Snappy compression.  Since SiLK 3.13.0..
58  */
59 #define SK_COMPMETHOD_SNAPPY    3
62 static const char *sk_compmethod_names[] = {
63     "none",
64     "zlib",
65     "lzo1x",
66     "snappy",
67     ""
68 };
71 /*
72  *    Special compression method values also exit.
73  */
75 /**
76  *    Use the default compression method that was specified when SiLK
77  *    was compiled.
78  */
81 /**
82  *    Use the "best" compression method.  This is lzo1x if available,
83  *    else snappy if available, else zlib if available, else none.
84  */
85 #define SK_COMPMETHOD_BEST    254
88 /*
89  *    Values returned by skCompMethodCheck()
90  */
92 /**
93  *    skCompMethodCheck() returns this value when the compression
94  *    method is a known value and the method's library is available.
95  */
98 /**
99  *    skCompMethodCheck() returns this value when the compression
100  *    method is a known value but the method relies on an external
101  *    library that is not part of this build of SiLK.
102  */
105 /**
106  *    skCompMethodCheck() returns this value when the compression
107  *    method is either SK_COMPMETHOD_DEFAULT or SK_COMPMETHOD_BEST.
108  */
111 /**
112  *    Check whether a compression method is valid and/or available.
113  *
114  *    If the compression method 'comp_method' is completely
115  *    unrecognized, return 0.
116  *
117  *    Return SK_COMPMETHOD_IS_KNOWN when 'comp_method' is an
118  *    "undecided" value (i.e., SK_COMPMETHOD_DEFAULT or
119  *    SK_COMPMETHOD_BEST).  These compression methods should be
120  *    considered valid for writing, as they will be converted to an
121  *    appropriate type once the stream they are connected to is
122  *    opened.
123  *
124  *    Return SK_COMPMETHOD_IS_VALID when 'comp_method' contains a
125  *    known value other than an "undecided" value, but the compression
126  *    method relies on an external library that is not part of this
127  *    build of SiLK.
128  *
129  *    Return SK_COMPMETHOD_IS_AVAIL when 'comp_method' is a known
130  *    value whose library is available.  These compression methods are
131  *    valid for reading or for writing.
132  *
133  *    To determine whether 'comp_method' is valid for read, mask the
134  *    output by 4.  To determine whether 'comp_method' is valid for
135  *    write, mask the output of this function by 5. To determine
136  *    whether 'comp_method' is an actual compression method (that is,
137  *    not an "undecided" value), mask the output by 2.
138  *
139  *    Replaces sksiteCompmethodCheck().  Since SiLK 3.13.0.
140  */
141 int
142 skCompMethodCheck(
143     sk_compmethod_t     comp_method);
145 /**
146  *    Return the generically "best" compression method from all those
147  *    that are available.
148  *
149  *    Replaces sksiteCompmethodGetBest().  Since SiLK 3.13.0.
150  */
151 sk_compmethod_t
152 skCompMethodGetBest(
153     void);
155 /**
156  *    Return the default compression method.
157  *
158  *    Replaces sksiteCompmethodGetDefault().  Since SiLK 3.13.0.
159  */
160 sk_compmethod_t
161 skCompMethodGetDefault(
162     void);
164 /**
165  *    Given the compress method 'comp_method', write the name of that
166  *    method into 'out_buffer' whose length is 'bufsize'.  The
167  *    function returns a pointer to 'out_buffer', or NULL for an
168  *    invalid compression method.
169  *
170  *    Replaces sksiteCompmethodGetName().  Since SiLK 3.13.0.
171  */
172 int
173 skCompMethodGetName(
174     char               *buffer,
175     size_t              buffer_size,
176     sk_compmethod_t     comp_method);
178 /**
179  *    Set the default compression method to 'comp_method', overriding
180  *    the default value specified when SiLK was compiled.  Return 0 on
181  *    success, -1 if the method is not available.
182  *
183  *    To change the default returned by the --compression-method
184  *    switch, call this function prior to calling
185  *    skCompMethodOptionsRegister().
186  *
187  *    Replaces sksiteCompmethodSetDefault().  Since SiLK 3.13.0.
188  */
189 int
190 skCompMethodSetDefault(
191     sk_compmethod_t     comp_method);
193 /**
194  *    Do not check the SILK_COMPRESSION_METHOD environment variable
195  *    when initializing the compression method variable passed into
196  *    skCompMethodOptionsRegister().
197  *
198  *    Since SiLK 3.13.0.
199  */
200 void
201 skCompMethodOptionsNoEnviron(
202     void);
204 /**
205  *    Add a command-line switch that allows the user to set the
206  *    compression method of binary output files.  After
207  *    skOptionsParse() sucessfully returns, the referent of
208  *    'compression_method' contains the compression method to use.
209  *
210  *    When this function is called, the SILK_COMPRESSION_METHOD
211  *    environment variable is normally checked for a compression
212  *    method, and if the variable specifies an available method, the
213  *    referent of 'compression_method' is set to that value.  To
214  *    suppress this check of the environment, call
215  *    skCompMethodOptionsNoEnviron() prior to calling this function.
216  *
217  *    This function initializes the referent of 'compression_method'
218  *    to the compression method in SILK_COMPRESSION_METHOD envar or
219  *    the default compression method specified when SiLK was compiled.
220  *    To modify the default value used by an application, call
221  *    skCompMethodSetDefault() prior to calling this function.
222  *
223  *    Replaces sksiteCompmethodOptionsRegister().  Since SiLK 3.13.0.
224  */
225 int
226 skCompMethodOptionsRegister(
227     sk_compmethod_t    *compression_method);
229 /**
230  *    Print the usage for the compression-method option to the file
231  *    handle 'fh'.
232  *
233  *    Replaces sksiteCompmethodOptionsUsage().  Since SiLK 3.13.0.
234  */
235 void
236 skCompMethodOptionsUsage(
237     FILE               *fh);
241 /** File Formats ******************************************************/
243 /**
244  *    Copy the name of the file format with the ID 'format_id' into
245  *    'buffer' whose size is 'buffer_size'.
246  *
247  *    If the name is longer than buffer_size, the value returned is
248  *    truncated with a '\0' in the final position.
249  *
250  *    Return the number of characters that would have been written if
251  *    the buffer had been long enough.  This length does not include
252  *    the trailing '\0'.
253  *
254  *    Replaces sksiteFileformatGetName().  Since SiLK 3.13.0.
255  */
256 int
257 skFileFormatGetName(
258     char               *buffer,
259     size_t              buffer_size,
260     sk_file_format_t    format_id);
262 /**
263  *    Return 1 if 'format_id' is a valid file output format or 0 if
264  *    it is not.
265  *
266  *    Replaces sksiteFileformatIsValid().  Since SiLK 3.13.0.
267  */
268 int
269 skFileFormatIsValid(
270     sk_file_format_t    format_id);
272 /**
273  *    Return the file output format associated with the name.  If the
274  *    name is unknown, return SK_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT (whose value is
275  *    defined in silk_types.h).
276  *
277  *    Replaces sksiteFileformatFromName().  Since SiLK 3.13.0.
278  */
279 sk_file_format_t
280 skFileFormatFromName(
281     const char         *name);
284 /* define various output file formats here that we write to disk */
286 #define FT_TCPDUMP          0x00
287 #define FT_GRAPH            0x01
288 #define FT_ADDRESSES        0x02        /* old address array used by addrtype */
289 #define FT_PORTMAP          0x03
290 #define FT_SERVICEMAP       0x04
291 #define FT_NIDSMAP          0x05
292 #define FT_EXPERIMENT1      0x06        /* free for all ID */
293 #define FT_EXPERIMENT2      0x07        /* free for all ID */
294 #define FT_TEMPFILE         0x08
295 #define FT_AGGREGATEBAG     0x09
296 #define FT_IPFIX            0x0A
297 #define FT_RWIPV6           0x0B
298 #define FT_RWIPV6ROUTING    0x0C
299 #define FT_RWAUGSNMPOUT     0x0D
300 #define FT_RWAUGROUTING     0x0E
301 #define FT_RESERVED_0F      0x0F
302 #define FT_RWROUTED         0X10
303 #define FT_RWNOTROUTED      0X11
304 #define FT_RWSPLIT          0X12
305 #define FT_RWFILTER         0X13
306 #define FT_RWAUGMENTED      0X14
307 #define FT_RWAUGWEB         0X15
308 #define FT_RWGENERIC        0x16
309 #define FT_RESERVED_17      0x17
310 #define FT_RWDAILY          0x18
311 #define FT_RWSCAN           0x19
312 #define FT_RWACL            0x1A
313 #define FT_RWCOUNT          0x1B
314 #define FT_FLOWCAP          0x1C
315 #define FT_IPSET            0x1D
316 #define FT_TAGTREE          0x1E
317 #define FT_RWWWW            0x1F
318 #define FT_SHUFFLE          0x20
319 #define FT_RWBAG            0x21
320 #define FT_BLOOM            0x22
321 #define FT_RWPRINTSTATS     0x23
322 #define FT_PDUFLOWCAP       0x24
323 #define FT_PREFIXMAP        0x25
324 /* When you add new types here; add the name to the array below. */
326 /* old identifier names */
327 #define FT_IPTREE           FT_IPSET
331 /*
332  *   This header is included by skfileformat.c after declaring
333  *   SKFILEFORMAT_SOURCE.  Users should use the functions defined
334  *   above to access these strings values.
335  */
338 static const char *sk_file_format_names[] = {
339     /* 0x00 */  "FT_TCPDUMP",
340     /* 0x01 */  "FT_GRAPH",
341     /* 0x02 */  "FT_ADDRESSES",
342     /* 0x03 */  "FT_PORTMAP",
343     /* 0x04 */  "FT_SERVICEMAP",
344     /* 0x05 */  "FT_NIDSMAP",
345     /* 0x06 */  "FT_EXPERIMENT1",
346     /* 0x07 */  "FT_EXPERIMENT2",
347     /* 0x08 */  "FT_TEMPFILE",
348     /* 0x09 */  "FT_AGGREGATEBAG",
349     /* 0x0A */  "FT_IPFIX",
350     /* 0x0B */  "FT_RWIPV6",
351     /* 0x0C */  "FT_RWIPV6ROUTING",
352     /* 0x0D */  "FT_RWAUGSNMPOUT",
353     /* 0x0E */  "FT_RWAUGROUTING",
354     /* 0x0F */  "FT_RESERVED_0F",
355     /* 0X10 */  "FT_RWROUTED",
356     /* 0X11 */  "FT_RWNOTROUTED",
357     /* 0X12 */  "FT_RWSPLIT",
358     /* 0X13 */  "FT_RWFILTER",
359     /* 0X14 */  "FT_RWAUGMENTED",
360     /* 0X15 */  "FT_RWAUGWEB",
361     /* 0x16 */  "FT_RWGENERIC",
362     /* 0x17 */  "FT_RESERVED_17",
363     /* 0x18 */  "FT_RWDAILY",
364     /* 0x19 */  "FT_RWSCAN",
365     /* 0x1A */  "FT_RWACL",
366     /* 0x1B */  "FT_RWCOUNT",
367     /* 0x1C */  "FT_FLOWCAP",
368     /* 0x1D */  "FT_IPSET",
369     /* 0x1E */  "FT_TAGTREE",
370     /* 0x1F */  "FT_RWWWW",
371     /* 0x20 */  "FT_SHUFFLE",
372     /* 0x21 */  "FT_RWBAG",
373     /* 0x22 */  "FT_BLOOM",
374     /* 0x23 */  "FT_RWPRINTSTATS",
375     /* 0x24 */  "FT_PDUFLOWCAP",
376     /* 0x25 */  "FT_PREFIXMAP",
377     ""
378 };
379 #endif /* SKFILEFORMAT_SOURCE */
381 #ifdef __cplusplus
382 }
383 #endif
384 #endif  /* _SILK_FILES_H */
386 /*
387 ** Local Variables:
388 ** mode:c
389 ** indent-tabs-mode:nil
390 ** c-basic-offset:4
391 ** End:
392 */