1# Copyright 2008 Canonical Ltd.
3# This file is part of launchpadlib.
5# launchpadlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
7# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
8# License, or (at your option) any later version.
10# launchpadlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13# Lesser General Public License for more details.
15# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16# License along with launchpadlib.  If not, see
17# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19"""Testing API allows fake data to be used in unit tests.
21Testing launchpadlib code is tricky, because it depends so heavily on a
22remote, unique webservice: Launchpad.  This module helps you write tests for
23your launchpadlib application that can be run locally and quickly.
25Say you were writing some code that needed to call out to Launchpad and get
26the branches owned by the logged-in person, and then do something to them. For
27example, something like this::
29  def collect_unique_names(lp):
30      names = []
31      for branch in lp.me.getBranches():
32          names.append(branch.unique_name)
33      return names
35To test it, you would first prepare a L{FakeLaunchpad} object, and give it
36some sample data of your own devising::
38  lp = FakeLaunchpad()
39  my_branches = [dict(unique_name='~foo/bar/baz')]
40  lp.me = dict(getBranches: lambda status: my_branches)
42Then, in the test, call your own code and assert that it behaves correctly
43given the data.
45  names = collect_unique_names(lp)
46  self.assertEqual(['~foo/bar/baz'], names)
48And that's it.
50The L{FakeLaunchpad} code uses a WADL file to type-check any objects created
51or returned.  This means you can be sure that you won't accidentally store
52sample data with misspelled attribute names.
54The WADL file that we use by default is for version 1.0 of the Launchpad API.
55If you want to work against a more recent version of the API, download the
56WADL yourself (see <https://help.launchpad.net/API/Hacking>) and construct
57your C{FakeLaunchpad} like this::
59  from wadllib.application import Application
60  lp = FakeLaunchpad(
61      Application('https://api.launchpad.net/devel/',
62                  '/path/to/wadl.xml'))
64Where 'https://api.launchpad.net/devel/' is the URL for the WADL file, found
65also in the WADL file itelf.
68from datetime import datetime
70    from collections.abc import Callable
71except ImportError:
72    from collections import Callable
73import sys
74if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
75    basestring = str
77JSON_MEDIA_TYPE = "application/json"
80class IntegrityError(Exception):
81    """Raised when bad sample data is used with a L{FakeLaunchpad} instance."""
84class FakeLaunchpad(object):
85    """A fake Launchpad API class for unit tests that depend on L{Launchpad}.
87    @param application: A C{wadllib.application.Application} instance for a
88        Launchpad WADL definition file.
89    """
91    def __init__(self, credentials=None, service_root=None, cache=None,
92                 timeout=None, proxy_info=None, application=None):
93        if application is None:
94            from launchpadlib.testing.resources import get_application
95            application = get_application()
96        root_resource = FakeRoot(application)
97        self.__dict__.update({"credentials": credentials,
98                              "_application": application,
99                              "_service_root": root_resource})
101    def __setattr__(self, name, values):
102        """Set sample data.
104        @param name: The name of the attribute.
105        @param values: A dict representing an object matching a resource
106            defined in Launchpad's WADL definition.
107        """
108        service_root = self._service_root
109        setattr(service_root, name, values)
111    def __getattr__(self, name):
112        """Get sample data.
114        @param name: The name of the attribute.
115        """
116        return getattr(self._service_root, name)
118    @classmethod
119    def login(cls, consumer_name, token_string, access_secret,
120              service_root=None, cache=None, timeout=None, proxy_info=None):
121        """Convenience for setting up access credentials."""
122        from launchpadlib.testing.resources import get_application
123        return cls(object(), application=get_application())
125    @classmethod
126    def get_token_and_login(cls, consumer_name, service_root=None,
127                            cache=None, timeout=None, proxy_info=None):
128        """Get credentials from Launchpad and log into the service root."""
129        from launchpadlib.testing.resources import get_application
130        return cls(object(), application=get_application())
132    @classmethod
133    def login_with(cls, consumer_name, service_root=None,
134                   launchpadlib_dir=None, timeout=None, proxy_info=None):
135        """Log in to Launchpad with possibly cached credentials."""
136        from launchpadlib.testing.resources import get_application
137        return cls(object(), application=get_application())
140def find_by_attribute(element, name, value):
141    """Find children of 'element' where attribute 'name' is equal to 'value'.
142    """
143    return [child for child in element if child.get(name) == value]
146def strip_suffix(string, suffix):
147    if string.endswith(suffix):
148        return string[:-len(suffix)]
149    return string
152class FakeResource(object):
153    """
154    Represents valid sample data on L{FakeLaunchpad} instances.
156    @ivar _children: A dictionary of child resources, each of type
157        C{FakeResource}.
158    @ivar _values: A dictionary of values associated with this resource. e.g.
159        "display_name" or "date_created".  The values of this dictionary will
160        never be C{FakeResource}s.
162    Note that if C{_children} has a key, then C{_values} will not, and vice
163    versa. That is, they are distinct dicts.
164    """
166    special_methods = ["lp_save"]
168    def __init__(self, application, resource_type, values=None):
169        """Construct a FakeResource.
171        @param application: A C{waddlib.application.Application} instance.
172        @param resource_type: A C{wadllib.application.ResourceType} instance
173            for this resource.
174        @param values: Optionally, a dict representing attribute key/value
175            pairs for this resource.
176        """
177        if values is None:
178            values = {}
179        self.__dict__.update({"_application": application,
180                              "_resource_type": resource_type,
181                              "_children": {},
182                              "_values": values})
184    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
185        """Set sample data.
187        C{value} can be a dict representing an object matching a resource
188        defined in the WADL definition.  Alternatively, C{value} could be a
189        resource itself.  Either way, it is checked for type correctness
190        against the WADL definition.
191        """
192        if isinstance(value, dict):
193            self._children[name] = self._create_child_resource(name, value)
194        else:
195            values = {}
196            values.update(self._values)
197            values[name] = value
198            # Confirm that the new 'values' dict is a partial type match for
199            # this resource.
200            self._check_resource_type(self._resource_type, values)
201            self.__dict__["_values"] = values
203    def __getattr__(self, name, _marker=object()):
204        """Get sample data.
206        @param name: The name of the attribute.
207        """
208        result = self._children.get(name, _marker)
209        if result is _marker:
210            result = self._values.get(name, _marker)
211            if isinstance(result, Callable):
212                return self._wrap_method(name, result)
213        if name in self.special_methods:
214            return lambda: True
215        if result is _marker:
216            raise AttributeError("%r has no attribute '%s'" % (self, name))
217        return result
219    def _wrap_method(self, name, method):
220        """Wrapper around methods validates results when it's run.
222        @param name: The name of the method.
223        @param method: The callable to run when the method is called.
224        """
225        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
226            return self._run_method(name, method, *args, **kwargs)
227        return wrapper
229    def _create_child_resource(self, name, values):
230        """
231        Ensure that C{values} is a valid object for the C{name} attribute and
232        return a resource object to represent it as API data.
234        @param name: The name of the attribute to check the C{values} object
235            against.
236        @param values: A dict with key/value pairs representing attributes and
237            methods of an object matching the C{name} resource's definition.
238        @return: A L{FakeEntry} for an ordinary resource or a
239            L{FakeCollection} for a resource that represents a collection.
240        @raises IntegrityError: Raised if C{name} isn't a valid attribute for
241            this resource or if C{values} isn't a valid object for the C{name}
242            attribute.
243        """
244        root_resource = self._application.get_resource_by_path("")
245        is_link = False
246        param = root_resource.get_parameter(name + "_collection_link",
247                                            JSON_MEDIA_TYPE)
248        if param is None:
249            is_link = True
250            param = root_resource.get_parameter(name + "_link", JSON_MEDIA_TYPE)
251        if param is None:
252            raise IntegrityError("%s isn't a valid property." % (name,))
253        resource_type = self._get_resource_type(param)
254        if is_link:
255            self._check_resource_type(resource_type, values)
256            return FakeEntry(self._application, resource_type, values)
257        else:
258            name, child_resource_type = (
259                self._check_collection_type(resource_type, values))
260            return FakeCollection(self._application, resource_type, values,
261                                  name, child_resource_type)
263    def _get_resource_type(self, param):
264        """Get the resource type for C{param}.
266        @param param: An object representing a C{_link} or C{_collection_link}
267            parameter.
268        @return: The resource type for the parameter, or None if one isn't
269            available.
270        """
271        [link] = list(param.tag)
272        name = link.get("resource_type")
273        return self._application.get_resource_type(name)
275    def _check_resource_type(self, resource_type, partial_object):
276        """
277        Ensure that attributes and methods defined for C{partial_object} match
278        attributes and methods defined for C{resource_type}.
280        @param resource_type: The resource type to check the attributes and
281            methods against.
282        @param partial_object: A dict with key/value pairs representing
283            attributes and methods.
284        """
285        for name, value in partial_object.items():
286            if isinstance(value, Callable):
287                # Performs an integrity check.
288                self._get_method(resource_type, name)
289            else:
290                self._check_attribute(resource_type, name, value)
292    def _check_collection_type(self, resource_type, partial_object):
293        """
294        Ensure that attributes and methods defined for C{partial_object} match
295        attributes and methods defined for C{resource_type}.  Collection
296        entries are treated specially.
298        @param resource_type: The resource type to check the attributes and
299            methods against.
300        @param partial_object: A dict with key/value pairs representing
301            attributes and methods.
302        @return: (name, resource_type), where 'name' is the name of the child
303            resource type and 'resource_type' is the corresponding resource
304            type.
305        """
306        name = None
307        child_resource_type = None
308        for name, value in partial_object.items():
309            if name == "entries":
310                name, child_resource_type = (
311                    self._check_entries(resource_type, value))
312            elif isinstance(value, Callable):
313                # Performs an integrity check.
314                self._get_method(resource_type, name)
315            else:
316                self._check_attribute(resource_type, name, value)
317        return name, child_resource_type
319    def _find_representation_id(self, resource_type, name):
320        """Find the WADL XML id for the representation of C{resource_type}.
322        Looks in the WADL for the first representiation associated with the
323        method for a resource type.
325        :return: An XML id (a string).
326        """
327        get_method = self._get_method(resource_type, name)
328        for response in get_method:
329            for representation in response:
330                representation_url = representation.get("href")
331                if representation_url is not None:
332                    return self._application.lookup_xml_id(representation_url)
334    def _check_attribute(self, resource_type, name, value):
335        """
336        Ensure that C{value} is a valid C{name} attribute on C{resource_type}.
338        Does this by finding the representation for the default, canonical GET
339        method (as opposed to the many "named" GET methods that exist.)
341        @param resource_type: The resource type to check the attribute
342            against.
343        @param name: The name of the attribute.
344        @param value: The value to check.
345        """
346        xml_id = self._find_representation_id(resource_type, 'get')
347        self._check_attribute_representation(xml_id, name, value)
349    def _check_attribute_representation(self, xml_id, name, value):
350        """
351        Ensure that C{value} is a valid value for C{name} with the
352        representation definition matching C{xml_id}.
354        @param xml_id: The XML ID for the representation to check the
355            attribute against.
356        @param name: The name of the attribute.
357        @param value: The value to check.
358        @raises IntegrityError: Raised if C{name} is not a valid attribute
359            name or if C{value}'s type is not valid for the attribute.
360        """
361        representation = self._application.representation_definitions[xml_id]
362        parameters = dict((child.get("name"), child)
363                          for child in representation.tag)
364        if name not in parameters:
365            raise IntegrityError("%s not found" % name)
366        parameter = parameters[name]
367        data_type = parameter.get("type")
368        if data_type is None:
369            if not isinstance(value, basestring):
370                raise IntegrityError(
371                    "%s is not a str or unicode for %s" % (value, name))
372        elif data_type == "xsd:dateTime":
373            if not isinstance(value, datetime):
374                raise IntegrityError(
375                    "%s is not a datetime for %s" % (value, name))
377    def _get_method(self, resource_type, name):
378        """Get the C{name} method on C{resource_type}.
380        @param resource_type: The method's resource type.
381        @param name: The name of the method.
382        @raises IntegrityError: Raised if a method called C{name} is not
383            available on C{resource_type}.
384        @return: The XML element for the method from the WADL.
385        """
386        if name in self.special_methods:
387            return
388        resource_name = resource_type.tag.get("id")
389        xml_id = "%s-%s" % (resource_name, name)
390        try:
391            [get_method] = find_by_attribute(resource_type.tag, 'id', xml_id)
392        except ValueError:
393            raise IntegrityError(
394                "%s is not a method of %s" % (name, resource_name))
395        return get_method
397    def _run_method(self, name, method, *args, **kwargs):
398        """Run a method and convert its result into a L{FakeResource}.
400        If the result represents an object it is validated against the WADL
401        definition before being returned.
403        @param name: The name of the method.
404        @param method: A callable.
405        @param args: Arguments to pass to the callable.
406        @param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the callable.
407        @return: A L{FakeResource} representing the result if it's an object.
408        @raises IntegrityError: Raised if the return value from the method
409            isn't valid.
410        """
411        result = method(*args, **kwargs)
412        if name in self.special_methods:
413            return result
414        else:
415            return self._create_resource(self._resource_type, name, result)
417    def _create_resource(self, resource_type, name, result):
418        """Create a new L{FakeResource} for C{resource_type} method call result.
420        @param resource_type: The resource type of the method.
421        @param name: The name of the method on C{resource_type}.
422        @param result: The result of calling the method.
423        @raises IntegrityError: Raised if C{result} is an invalid return value
424            for the method.
425        @return: A L{FakeResource} for C{result}.
426        """
427        resource_name = resource_type.tag.get("id")
428        if resource_name == name:
429            name = "get"
430        xml_id = self._find_representation_id(resource_type, name)
431        xml_id = strip_suffix(xml_id, '-full')
432        if xml_id not in self._application.resource_types:
433            xml_id += '-resource'
434        result_resource_type = self._application.resource_types[xml_id]
435        self._check_resource_type(result_resource_type, result)
436        # XXX: Should this wrap in collection?
437        return FakeResource(self._application, result_resource_type, result)
439    def _get_child_resource_type(self, resource_type):
440        """Get the name and resource type for the entries in a collection.
442        @param resource_type: The resource type for a collection.
443        @return: (name, resource_type), where 'name' is the name of the child
444            resource type and 'resource_type' is the corresponding resource
445            type.
446        """
447        xml_id = self._find_representation_id(resource_type, 'get')
448        representation_definition = (
449            self._application.representation_definitions[xml_id])
451        [entry_links] = find_by_attribute(
452            representation_definition.tag, 'name', 'entry_links')
453        [resource_type] = list(entry_links)
454        resource_type_url = resource_type.get("resource_type")
455        resource_type_name = resource_type_url.split("#")[1]
456        return (
457            resource_type_name,
458            self._application.get_resource_type(resource_type_url))
460    def _check_entries(self, resource_type, entries):
461        """Ensure that C{entries} are valid for a C{resource_type} collection.
463        @param resource_type: The resource type of the collection the entries
464            are in.
465        @param entries: A list of dicts representing objects in the
466            collection.
467        @return: (name, resource_type), where 'name' is the name of the child
468            resource type and 'resource_type' is the corresponding resource
469            type.
470        """
471        name, child_resource_type = self._get_child_resource_type(resource_type)
472        for entry in entries:
473            self._check_resource_type(child_resource_type, entry)
474        return name, child_resource_type
476    def __repr__(self):
477        """
478        The resource type, identifier if available, and memory address are
479        used to generate a representation of this fake resource.
480        """
481        name = self._resource_type.tag.get("id")
482        key = "object"
483        key = self._values.get("id", key)
484        key = self._values.get("name", key)
485        return "<%s %s %s at %s>" % (
486            self.__class__.__name__, name, key, hex(id(self)))
489class FakeRoot(FakeResource):
490    """Fake root object for an application."""
492    def __init__(self, application):
493        """Create a L{FakeResource} for the service root of C{application}.
495        @param application: A C{wadllib.application.Application} instance.
496        """
497        resource_type = application.get_resource_type(
498            application.markup_url + "#service-root")
499        super(FakeRoot, self).__init__(application, resource_type)
502class FakeEntry(FakeResource):
503    """A fake resource for an entry."""
506class FakeCollection(FakeResource):
507    """A fake resource for a collection."""
509    def __init__(self, application, resource_type, values=None,
510                 name=None, child_resource_type=None):
511        super(FakeCollection, self).__init__(application, resource_type, values)
512        self.__dict__.update({"_name": name,
513                              "_child_resource_type": child_resource_type})
515    def __iter__(self):
516        """Iterate items if this resource has an C{entries} attribute."""
517        entries = self._values.get("entries", ())
518        for entry in entries:
519            yield self._create_resource(self._child_resource_type, self._name,
520                                        entry)
522    def __getitem__(self, key):
523        """Look up a slice, or a subordinate resource by index.
525        @param key: An individual object key or a C{slice}.
526        @raises IndexError: Raised if an invalid key is provided.
527        @return: A L{FakeResource} instance for the entry matching C{key}.
528        """
529        entries = list(self)
530        if isinstance(key, slice):
531            start = key.start or 0
532            stop = key.stop
533            if start < 0:
534                raise ValueError("Collection slices must have a nonnegative "
535                                 "start point.")
536            if stop < 0:
537                raise ValueError("Collection slices must have a definite, "
538                                 "nonnegative end point.")
539            return entries.__getitem__(key)
540        elif isinstance(key, int):
541            return entries.__getitem__(key)
542        else:
543            raise IndexError("Do not support index lookups yet.")