1 /*
2 # PostgreSQL Database Modeler (pgModeler)
3 #
4 # Copyright 2006-2020 - Raphael Araújo e Silva <raphael@pgmodeler.io>
5 #
6 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 # the Free Software Foundation version 3.
9 #
10 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 #
15 # The complete text of GPLv3 is at LICENSE file on source code root directory.
16 # Also, you can get the complete GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
17 */
19 /**
20 \ingroup libutils
21 \class Exception
22 \brief Catalogs all the errors raised by pgModeler
23 \note <strong>Creation date:</strong> 10/07/2006
24 */
26 #ifndef EXCEPTION_H
27 #define EXCEPTION_H
29 #include <QObject>
30 #include "doublenan.h"
31 #include <exception>
32 #include <signal.h>
33 #include <vector>
34 #include <deque>
35 #include <type_traits>
37 using namespace std;
39 //! \brief This function causes the provided enum to be converted to its underlying datatype
40 template<typename Enum>
enum_cast(Enum obj_type)41 constexpr std::underlying_type_t<Enum> enum_cast (Enum obj_type) noexcept
42 {
43 	return static_cast<typename std::underlying_type_t<Enum>>(obj_type);
44 }
46 //! \brief This enum defines the global error codes used throughout the application
47 enum class ErrorCode: unsigned {
48 	Custom,
49 	AsgPseudoTypeColumn,
50 	AsgInvalidPrecision,
51 	AsgInvalidPrecisionTimestamp,
52 	AsgNotAllocatedColumn,
53 	RefColumnInvalidIndex,
54 	AsgNotAllocattedObject,
55 	AsgNotAllocatedSchema,
56 	AsgObjectInvalidDefinition,
57 	AsgDuplicatedObject,
58 	AsgDuplicatedObjectContainer,
59 	AsgObjectInvalidType,
60 	RemObjectInvalidType,
61 	ObtObjectInvalidType,
62 	AsgEmptyNameTableReturnType,
63 	AsgDuplicatedParameterFunction,
64 	InsDuplicatedTableReturnType,
65 	RefParameterInvalidIndex,
66 	RefInvalidTriggerEvent,
67 	AsgInvalidColumnTrigger,
68 	AsgNotAllocatedFunction,
69 	AsgInvalidTriggerFunction,
70 	AsgFunctionInvalidParamCount,
71 	AsgFunctionInvalidLanguage,
72 	AsgEventTriggerFuncInvalidLang,
73 	AsgNotAllocatedTable,
74 	RefArgumentInvalidIndex,
75 	AsgEmptyNameObject,
76 	AsgInvalidNameObject,
77 	AsgLongNameObject,
78 	AsgInvalidSchemaObject,
79 	AsgInvalidTablespaceObject,
80 	AsgTablespaceInvalidObject,
81 	AsgTablespaceInvalidConstraintType,
82 	AsgInvalidRoleObject,
83 	AsgRoleObjectInvalidType,
84 	AsgCustomSQLObjectInvalidType,
85 	RefFunctionInvalidType,
86 	RefOperatorArgumentInvalidType,
87 	RefOperatorInvalidType,
88 	AsgValueInvalidRoleOptionType,
89 	RefInvalidRoleType,
90 	InsDuplicatedRole,
91 	AsgRoleReferenceRedundancy,
92 	AsgRoleMemberItself,
93 	RefRoleInvalidIndex,
94 	InsEmptyRuleCommand,
95 	RefRuleCommandInvalidIndex,
96 	InvInheritCopyPartRelationship,
97 	AsgObjectBelongsAnotherTable,
98 	AsgSchemaSequenceDiffersTableSchema,
99 	AsgInvalidValueSequenceAttributes,
100 	AsgInvalidSequenceMinValue,
101 	AsgInvalidSequenceStartValue,
102 	AsgInvalidSequenceIncrementValue,
103 	AsgInvalidSequenceCacheValue,
104 	AsgSeqOwnerTableDifferentSchema,
105 	AsgSeqOwnerTableDifferentRole,
106 	AsgInexistentSeqOwnerColumn,
107 	AsgInvalidSeqOwnerColumn,
108 	RefLabelInvalidIndex,
109 	AllocationObjectInvalidType,
110 	AsgFunctionInvalidReturnType,
111 	AsgFunctionInvalidParameters,
112 	AsgNotAllocatedLanguage,
113 	AsgInvalidLanguageObject,
114 	RefTypeInvalidIndex,
115 	AsgNullTypeObject,
116 	AsgInvalidTypeObject,
117 	AsgEmptyDirectoryName,
118 	ObtTypesInvalidQuantity,
119 	InsDuplicatedItems,
120 	InsInvalidTypeAttribute,
121 	InsDuplicatedEnumerationItem,
122 	InsInvalidEnumerationItem,
123 	RefAttributeInvalidIndex,
124 	RefEnumerationInvalidIndex,
125 	AsgInvalidTypeConfiguration,
126 	AsgInvalidOperatorArguments,
127 	AsgInvalidOperatorTypes,
128 	AsgReservedName,
129 	AsgFunctionInvalidConfiguration,
130 	AsgInvalidSupportStrategyNumber,
131 	InsDuplicatedElement,
132 	RefElementInvalidIndex,
133 	RefObjectInvalidIndex,
134 	RemNotAllocatedObject,
135 	RemDirectReference,
136 	RemInderectReference,
137 	OprObjectInvalidType,
138 	RefObjectInvalidType,
139 	OprNotAllocatedObject,
140 	InvLinkTablesNoPrimaryKey,
141 	NotImplementedRelationshipType,
142 	AsgInvalidExpressionObject,
143 	AsgExistingPrimaryKeyTable,
144 	InvIdentifierRelationship,
145 	InvCopyRelationshipDuplicCols,
146 	InvInheritRelationshipIncompCols,
147 	InvInheritRelationshipIncompConstrs,
148 	AsgObjectInvalidRelationshipType,
149 	AsgForeignKeyRelationship,
150 	RefObjectInexistsModel,
151 	RefUserTypeInexistsModel,
152 	AsgInvalidMaxSizeOpList,
153 	FileDirectoryNotWritten,
154 	FileNotWrittenInvalidDefinition,
155 	InsDuplicatedRelationship,
156 	InsRelationshipRedundancy,
157 	RemInvalidatedObjects,
158 	InvPrimaryKeyAllocation,
159 	RefInvalidPrivilegeType,
160 	InsDuplicatedRolePermission,
161 	AsgInvalidPrivilegeObject,
162 	AsgDuplicatedPermission,
163 	PermissionRefInexistObject,
164 	InvObjectAllocationNoSchema,
165 	AsgTablespaceDuplicatedDirectory,
166 	AsgInvalidSequenceTypeArray,
167 	AsgSourceCodeFuncCLanguage,
168 	AsgRefLibraryFuncLanguageNotC,
169 	AsgInvalidCommutatorOperator,
170 	AsgInvalidNegatorOperator,
171 	InvUserTypeSelfReference,
172 	AsgInvalidElementType,
173 	AsgInvalidAlignmentType,
174 	AsgInvalidNameTableRelNN,
175 	InvUseSpecialPrimaryKey,
176 	OprRelationshipAddedObject,
177 	RemProtectedObject,
178 	InvRedeclarationGroup,
179 	InvGroupDeclaration,
180 	DefNotDeclaredGroup,
181 	DefEmptyGroup,
182 	DefDuplicatedGroup,
183 	InvGroupDeclarationNotDefined,
184 	RefColObjectTabInvalidIndex,
185 	RefRowObjectTabInvalidIndex,
186 	OprReservedObject,
187 	InvFuncConfigInvalidatesObject,
188 	InvSQLScopeViewReference,
189 	InvConstratintNoColumns,
190 	ConfigurationNotLoaded,
191 	DefaultConfigNotRestored,
192 	ExportFailure,
193 	PluginNotLoaded,
194 	PluginsNotLoaded,
195 	InvalidSyntax,
196 	InvalidInstruction,
197 	UnkownAttribute,
198 	InvalidMetacharacter,
199 	InvalidOperatorInExpression,
200 	UndefinedAttributeValue,
201 	InvalidAttribute,
202 	AsgEmptyXMLBuffer,
203 	FileDirectoryNotAccessed,
204 	AsgEmptyDTDFile,
205 	AsgEmptyDTDName,
206 	LibXMLError,
207 	OprNotAllocatedElementTree,
208 	InvModelFileNotLoaded,
209 	OprNotAllocatedElement,
210 	OprInexistentElement,
211 	AsgInvalidConnParameter,
212 	OprNotAllocatedConnection,
213 	ConnectionNotConfigured,
214 	ConnectionAlreadyStablished,
215 	ConnectionNotStablished,
216 	AsgNotAllocatedSQLResult,
217 	IncomprehensibleDBMSResponse,
218 	DBMSFatalError,
219 	RefTupleColumnInvalidIndex,
220 	RefTupleColumnInvalidName,
221 	RefInvalidTuple,
222 	RefInvalidTupleColumn,
223 	SQLCommandNotExecuted,
224 	AsgInvalidViewDefExpression,
225 	AsgSecondViewDefExpression,
226 	MixingViewDefExprsReferences,
227 	AsgInvalidCollationObject,
228 	UnsupportedPKColsAddedByRel,
229 	EmptyLCCollationAttributes,
230 	ObjectReferencingItself,
231 	AsgInvalidOpFamilyOpClassElem,
232 	RefInvalidLikeOptionType,
233 	InvCopyRelTableDefined,
234 	InvPartRelPartitionedDefined,
235 	InvRelTypeForPatitionTables,
236 	InvTableTriggerInsteadOfFiring,
237 	InvUsageTruncateOnTrigger,
238 	InvUsageInsteadOfOnTrigger,
239 	InvConstrTriggerNotAfterRow,
240 	InvUsageAfterBeforeViewTrigger,
241 	InvUsageInsteadOfUpdateTrigger,
242 	AsgColumnNoParent,
243 	InvUseConstraintTriggerAttribs,
244 	RefInvalidFunctionIdTypeConfig,
245 	AsgInvalidOpClassObject,
246 	InvPostgreSQLVersion,
247 	ValidationFailure,
248 	ExtensionHandlingTypeImmutable,
249 	InvAllocationFKRelationship,
250 	AsgInvalidNamePattern,
251 	RefInvalidNamePatternId,
252 	InvUsageVariadicParamMode,
253 	MixingIncompExportOptions,
254 	MixingIncompDropOptions,
255 	InvIdSwapSameObject,
256 	InvIdSwapInvalidObjectType,
257 	AsgWidgetAlreadyHasParent,
258 	ObjectNotImported,
259 	ModelFileNotLoaded,
260 	InvColumnTableType,
261 	OprInvalidElementId,
262 	RefInvalidElementColorId,
263 	AsgInvalidObjectType,
264 	IncompColumnTypeForSequence,
265 	InvUsageTempNamesExportOption,
266 	InvConversionIntegerToSerial,
267 	AsgInvalidEventTriggerVariable,
268 	RowDataNotManipulated,
269 	MalformedUnescapedValue,
270 	UndoRedoOperationInvalidObject,
271 	RequiredFieldsNotFilled,
272 	InvRelationshipIdSwap,
273 	InvInheritParentTableNotFound,
274 	AsgEnumInvalidChars,
275 	AsgEnumLongName,
276 	ConnectionTimeout,
277 	ConnectionBroken,
278 	DropCurrentDBDefault,
279 	NullPrimaryKeyColumn,
280 	InvalidIdentityColumn,
281 	RefInvalidAffectedCommand,
282 	RefInvalidSpecialRole,
283 	InvColumnCountPartRel,
284 	InvPartitioningTypePartRel,
285 	InvPartitionKeyCount,
286 	PartKeyObjectInexistsModel,
287 	AsgInvalidColumnPartitionKey,
288 	RemColumnRefByPartitionKey,
289 	AsgOptionInvalidName,
290 	AsgInvalidNameObjReference,
291 	AsgNotAllocatedObjectReference,
292 	InsDuplicatedObjectReference,
293 	ModelFileInvalidSize,
294 	AsgInvalidObjectForeignTable,
295 	InvRelTypeForeignTable,
296 	InvCopyRelForeignTable,
297 	InvDataDictDirectory,
298 	InitialUserConfigNotCreated,
299 	InvalidObjectFilter,
300 	InvChildObjectTypeFilter,
301 	InvChangelogEntryValues
302 };
304 class Exception {
305 	private:
306 		static constexpr unsigned ErrorCount=254;
308 		/*! \brief Stores other exceptions before raise the 'this' exception.
309 		 This structure can be used to simulate a stack trace to improve the debug */
310 		vector<Exception> exceptions;
312 		//! \brief Stores the error messages and codes (names of errors) in string format
313 		static QString messages[ErrorCount][2];
315 		//! \brief Constants used to access the error details
316 		static constexpr unsigned ErrorCodeId=0, ErrorMessage=1;
318 		//! \brief Error type related to the exception
319 		ErrorCode error_code;
321 		//! \brief Formated error message
322 		QString error_msg,
323 		/*! \brief Holds the class name and method which was
324 						triggered the exception. For this to be possible, at the time
325 						instantiation of this class the  G++ macro __ PRETTY_FUNCTION__
326 						must be passed. This macro contains the format [RETURN][CLASS]::[METHOD][PARAMS] */
327 		method,
329 		//! \brief File where the exception was generated (Macro __ FILE__)
330 		file,
332 		/*! \brief Additional information (optional) may store any other
333 						type of information that is interesting on attempt to resolve the error */
334 		extra_info;
336 		//! \brief Line of file where the exception were generated (Macro __LINE__)
337 		int line;
339 		//! \brief Configures the basic attributes of exception
340 		void configureException(const QString &msg, ErrorCode error_code, const QString &method, const QString &file, int line, const QString &extra_info);
342 		//! \brief Adds a exception to the list of exceptions
343 		void addException(Exception &exception);
345 	public:
346 		static unsigned constexpr MaximumStackSize = 50;
348 		Exception();
349 		Exception(const QString &msg, const QString &method, const QString &file, int line, Exception *exception=nullptr, const QString &extra_info="");
350 		Exception(const QString &msg, const QString &method, const QString &file, int line, vector<Exception> &exceptions, const QString &extra_info="");
351 		Exception(const QString &msg, ErrorCode error_code, const QString &method, const QString &file, int line, Exception *exception=nullptr, const QString &extra_info="");
352 		Exception(const QString &msg, ErrorCode error_code, const QString &method, const QString &file, int line, vector<Exception> &exceptions, const QString &extra_info="");
353 		Exception(ErrorCode error_code, const QString &method, const QString &file, int line, Exception *exception=nullptr, const QString &extra_info="");
354 		Exception(ErrorCode error_code, const QString &method, const QString &file, int line, vector<Exception> &exceptions, const QString &extra_info="");
~Exception(void)356 		~Exception(void){}
357 		QString getErrorMessage();
358 		static QString getErrorMessage(ErrorCode error_code);
359 		static QString getErrorCode(ErrorCode error_code);
360 		QString getMethod();
361 		QString getFile();
362 		QString getLine();
363 		ErrorCode getErrorCode();
364 		QString getExtraInfo();
366 		//! \brief Gets the full exception stack
367 		void getExceptionsList(vector<Exception> &list);
369 		//! \brief Gets the exception stack in a formatted text
370 		QString getExceptionsText();
371 };
373 #endif