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24 ****************************************************************************/
26 #include "fileshareprotocol.h"
27 #include "fileshareprotocolsettingspage.h"
29 #include <coreplugin/icore.h>
30 #include <coreplugin/messagemanager.h>
32 #include <QXmlStreamReader>
33 #include <QXmlStreamAttribute>
34 #include <QTemporaryFile>
35 #include <QDir>
36 #include <QFileInfo>
37 #include <QDebug>
39 enum { debug = 0 };
41 static const char tempPatternC[] = "pasterXXXXXX.xml";
42 static const char tempGlobPatternC[] = "paster*.xml";
43 static const char pasterElementC[] = "paster";
44 static const char userElementC[] = "user";
45 static const char descriptionElementC[] = "description";
46 static const char textElementC[] = "text";
48 namespace CodePaster {
FileShareProtocol()50 FileShareProtocol::FileShareProtocol() :
51     m_settingsPage(new FileShareProtocolSettingsPage(&m_settings))
52 {
53     m_settings.readSettings(Core::ICore::settings());
54 }
~FileShareProtocol()56 FileShareProtocol::~FileShareProtocol()
57 {
58     delete m_settingsPage;
59 }
name() const61 QString FileShareProtocol::name() const
62 {
63     return m_settingsPage->displayName();
64 }
capabilities() const66 unsigned FileShareProtocol::capabilities() const
67 {
68     return ListCapability | PostDescriptionCapability | PostUserNameCapability;
69 }
hasSettings() const71 bool FileShareProtocol::hasSettings() const
72 {
73     return true;
74 }
settingsPage() const76 Core::IOptionsPage *FileShareProtocol::settingsPage() const
77 {
78     return m_settingsPage;
79 }
parse(const QString & fileName,QString * errorMessage,QString * user=nullptr,QString * description=nullptr,QString * text=nullptr)81 static bool parse(const QString &fileName,
82                   QString *errorMessage,
83                   QString *user = nullptr, QString *description = nullptr, QString *text = nullptr)
84 {
85     unsigned elementCount = 0;
87     errorMessage->clear();
88     if (user)
89         user->clear();
90     if (description)
91         description->clear();
92     if (text)
93         text->clear();
95     QFile file(fileName);
96     if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text)) {
97         *errorMessage = FileShareProtocol::tr("Cannot open %1: %2").arg(fileName, file.errorString());
98         return false;
99     }
100     QXmlStreamReader reader(&file);
101     while (!reader.atEnd()) {
102         if (reader.readNext() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
103             const auto elementName = reader.name();
104             // Check start element
105             if (elementCount == 0 && elementName != QLatin1String(pasterElementC)) {
106                 *errorMessage = FileShareProtocol::tr("%1 does not appear to be a paster file.").arg(fileName);
107                 return false;
108             }
109             // Parse elements
110             elementCount++;
111             if (user && elementName == QLatin1String(userElementC))
112                 *user = reader.readElementText();
113             else if (description && elementName == QLatin1String(descriptionElementC))
114                 *description = reader.readElementText();
115             else if (text && elementName == QLatin1String(textElementC))
116                 *text = reader.readElementText();
117         }
118     }
119     if (reader.hasError()) {
120         *errorMessage = FileShareProtocol::tr("Error in %1 at %2: %3")
121                         .arg(fileName).arg(reader.lineNumber()).arg(reader.errorString());
122         return false;
123     }
124     return true;
125 }
checkConfiguration(QString * errorMessage)127 bool FileShareProtocol::checkConfiguration(QString *errorMessage)
128 {
129     if (m_settings.path.value().isEmpty()) {
130         if (errorMessage)
131             *errorMessage = tr("Please configure a path.");
132         return false;
133     }
134     return true;
135 }
fetch(const QString & id)137 void FileShareProtocol::fetch(const QString &id)
138 {
139     // Absolute or relative path name.
140     QFileInfo fi(id);
141     if (fi.isRelative())
142         fi = QFileInfo(m_settings.path.value() + '/' + id);
143     QString errorMessage;
144     QString text;
145     if (parse(fi.absoluteFilePath(), &errorMessage, nullptr, nullptr, &text))
146         emit fetchDone(id, text, false);
147     else
148         emit fetchDone(id, errorMessage, true);
149 }
list()151 void FileShareProtocol::list()
152 {
153     // Read out directory, display by date (latest first)
154     QDir dir(m_settings.path.value(), tempGlobPatternC,
155              QDir::Time, QDir::Files|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot|QDir::Readable);
156     QStringList entries;
157     QString user;
158     QString description;
159     QString errorMessage;
160     const QChar blank = QLatin1Char(' ');
161     const QFileInfoList entryInfoList = dir.entryInfoList();
162     const int count = qMin(int(m_settings.displayCount.value()), entryInfoList.size());
163     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
164         const QFileInfo& entryFi = entryInfoList.at(i);
165         if (parse(entryFi.absoluteFilePath(), &errorMessage, &user, &description)) {
166             QString entry = entryFi.fileName();
167             entry += blank;
168             entry += user;
169             entry += blank;
170             entry += description;
171             entries.push_back(entry);
172         }
173         if (debug)
174             qDebug() << entryFi.absoluteFilePath() << errorMessage;
175     }
176     emit listDone(name(), entries);
177 }
paste(const QString & text,ContentType,int,bool,const QString & username,const QString &,const QString & description)179 void FileShareProtocol::paste(
180         const QString &text,
181         ContentType /* ct */,
182         int /* expiryDays */,
183         bool /* publicPaste */,
184         const QString &username,
185         const QString & /* comment */,
186         const QString &description
187         )
188 {
189     // Write out temp XML file
190     Utils::TempFileSaver saver(m_settings.path.value() + '/' + tempPatternC);
191     saver.setAutoRemove(false);
192     if (!saver.hasError()) {
193         // Flat text sections embedded into pasterElement
194         QXmlStreamWriter writer(saver.file());
195         writer.writeStartDocument();
196         writer.writeStartElement(QLatin1String(pasterElementC));
198         writer.writeTextElement(QLatin1String(userElementC), username);
199         writer.writeTextElement(QLatin1String(descriptionElementC), description);
200         writer.writeTextElement(QLatin1String(textElementC), text);
202         writer.writeEndElement();
203         writer.writeEndDocument();
205         saver.setResult(&writer);
206     }
207     if (!saver.finalize()) {
208         Core::MessageManager::writeDisrupting(saver.errorString());
209         return;
210     }
212     Core::MessageManager::writeSilently(tr("Pasted: %1").arg(saver.filePath().toUserOutput()));
213 }
214 } // namespace CodePaster