1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #
2# Copyright 2013 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
16"""Some general file utilities used that can be used by the Cloud SDK."""
18from __future__ import absolute_import
19from __future__ import division
20from __future__ import unicode_literals
22import contextlib
23import enum
24import errno
25import hashlib
26import io
27import logging
28import os
29import shutil
30import stat
31import sys
32import tempfile
33import time
35from googlecloudsdk.core import exceptions
36from googlecloudsdk.core.util import encoding as encoding_util
37from googlecloudsdk.core.util import platforms
38from googlecloudsdk.core.util import retry
40import six
41from six.moves import range  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
45# WindowsError only exists when running on Windows
47  # pylint: disable=invalid-name, We are not defining this name.
48  WindowsError
49except NameError:
50  # pylint: disable=invalid-name, We are not defining this name.
51  WindowsError = None
54class Error(Exception):
55  """Base exception for the file_utils module."""
56  pass
59class MissingFileError(Error):
60  """Error for when a file does not exist."""
61  pass
64def CopyTree(src, dst):
65  """Copies a directory recursively, without copying file stat info.
67  More specifically, behaves like `cp -R` rather than `cp -Rp`, which means that
68  the destination directory and its contents will be *writable* and *deletable*.
70  (Yes, an omnipotent being can shutil.copytree a directory so read-only that
71  they cannot delete it. But they cannot do that with this function.)
73  Adapted from shutil.copytree.
75  Args:
76    src: str, the path to the source directory
77    dst: str, the path to the destination directory. Must not already exist and
78      be writable.
80  Raises:
81    shutil.Error: if copying failed for any reason.
82  """
83  os.makedirs(dst)
84  errors = []
85  for name in os.listdir(src):
86    name = encoding_util.Decode(name)
87    srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
88    dstname = os.path.join(dst, name)
89    try:
90      if os.path.isdir(srcname):
91        CopyTree(srcname, dstname)
92      else:
93        # Will raise a SpecialFileError for unsupported file types
94        shutil.copy2(srcname, dstname)
95    # catch the Error from the recursive copytree so that we can
96    # continue with other files
97    except shutil.Error as err:
98      errors.extend(err.args[0])
99    except EnvironmentError as why:
100      errors.append((srcname, dstname, six.text_type(why)))
101  if errors:
102    raise shutil.Error(errors)
105def MakeDir(path, mode=0o777):
106  """Creates the given directory and its parents and does not fail if it exists.
108  Args:
109    path: str, The path of the directory to create.
110    mode: int, The permissions to give the created directories. 0777 is the
111        default mode for os.makedirs(), allowing reading, writing, and listing
112        by all users on the machine.
114  Raises:
115    Error: if the operation fails and we can provide extra information.
116    OSError: if the operation fails.
117  """
118  try:
119    os.makedirs(path, mode=mode)
120  except OSError as ex:
121    base_msg = 'Could not create directory [{0}]: '.format(path)
122    if ex.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):
123      pass
124    elif ex.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isfile(path):
125      raise Error(base_msg + 'A file exists at that location.\n\n')
126    elif ex.errno == errno.EACCES:
127      raise Error(
128          base_msg + 'Permission denied.\n\n' +
129          ('Please verify that you have permissions to write to the parent '
130           'directory.'))
131    else:
132      raise
135def _WaitForRetry(retries_left):
136  """Sleeps for a period of time based on the retry count.
138  Args:
139    retries_left: int, The number of retries remaining.  Should be in the range
140      of NUM_RETRIES - 1 to 0.
141  """
142  time_to_wait = .1 * (2 * (NUM_RETRIES - retries_left))
143  logging.debug('Waiting for retry: [%s]', time_to_wait)
144  time.sleep(time_to_wait)
147RETRY_ERROR_CODES = [5, 32, 145]
150def _ShouldRetryOperation(func, exc_info):
151  """Matches specific error types that should be retried.
153  This will retry the following errors:
154    WindowsError(5, 'Access is denied'), When trying to delete a readonly file
155    WindowsError(32, 'The process cannot access the file because it is being '
156      'used by another process'), When a file is in use.
157    WindowsError(145, 'The directory is not empty'), When a directory cannot be
158      deleted.
160  Args:
161    func: function, The function that failed.
162    exc_info: sys.exc_info(), The current exception state.
164  Returns:
165    True if the error can be retried or false if we should just fail.
166  """
167  # os.unlink is the same as os.remove
168  if not (func == os.remove or func == os.rmdir or func == os.unlink):
169    return False
170  if not WindowsError:
171    return False
172  e = exc_info[1]
173  return getattr(e, 'winerror', None) in RETRY_ERROR_CODES
176def _RetryOperation(exc_info, func, args,
177                    retry_test_function=lambda func, exc_info: True):
178  """Attempts to retry the failed file operation.
180  Args:
181    exc_info: sys.exc_info(), The current exception state.
182    func: function, The function that failed.
183    args: (str, ...), The tuple of args that should be passed to func when
184      retrying.
185    retry_test_function: The function to call to determine if a retry should be
186      attempted.  Takes the function that is being retried as well as the
187      current exc_info.
189  Returns:
190    True if the operation eventually succeeded or False if it continued to fail
191    for all retries.
192  """
193  retries_left = NUM_RETRIES
194  while retries_left > 0 and retry_test_function(func, exc_info):
195    logging.debug(
196        'Retrying file system operation: %s, %s, %s, retries_left=%s',
197        func, args, exc_info, retries_left)
198    retries_left -= 1
199    try:
200      _WaitForRetry(retries_left)
201      func(*args)
202      return True
203    # pylint: disable=bare-except, We look at the exception later.
204    except:
205      exc_info = sys.exc_info()
206  return False
209def _HandleRemoveError(func, failed_path, exc_info):
210  """A function to pass as the onerror arg to rmdir for handling errors.
212  Args:
213    func: function, The function that failed.
214    failed_path: str, The path of the file the error occurred on.
215    exc_info: sys.exc_info(), The current exception state.
216  """
217  logging.debug('Handling file system error: %s, %s, %s',
218                func, failed_path, exc_info)
220  # Access denied on Windows. This happens when trying to delete a readonly
221  # file. Change the permissions and retry the delete.
222  #
223  # In python 3.3+, WindowsError is an alias of OSError and exc_info[0] can be
224  # a subclass of OSError.
225  if (WindowsError and issubclass(exc_info[0], WindowsError) and
226      getattr(exc_info[1], 'winerror', None) == 5):
227    os.chmod(failed_path, stat.S_IWUSR)
229  # Don't remove the trailing comma in the passed arg tuple.  It indicates that
230  # it is a tuple of 1, rather than a tuple of characters that will get expanded
231  # by *args.
232  if not _RetryOperation(exc_info, func, (failed_path,), _ShouldRetryOperation):
233    # Always raise the original error.
234    exceptions.reraise(exc_info[1], tb=exc_info[2])
237def RmTree(path):
238  """Calls shutil.rmtree() with error handling to fix Windows problems.
240  It also ensures that the top level directory deletion is actually reflected
241  in the file system before this returns.
243  Args:
244    path: str, The path to remove.
245  """
246  # The subdirectories and/or files under dir_path may have file names
247  # containing unicode characters. If the arg to shutil.rmtree() is not unicode
248  # then any child unicode files will raise an exception. Coercing dir_path to
249  # unicode makes shutil.rmtree() play nice with unicode.
250  path = six.text_type(path)
251  shutil.rmtree(path, onerror=_HandleRemoveError)
252  retries_left = NUM_RETRIES
253  while os.path.isdir(path) and retries_left > 0:
254    logging.debug('Waiting for directory to disappear: %s', path)
255    retries_left -= 1
256    _WaitForRetry(retries_left)
259def _DestInSrc(src, dst):
260  # Copied directly from shutil
261  src = os.path.abspath(src)
262  dst = os.path.abspath(dst)
263  if not src.endswith(os.path.sep):
264    src += os.path.sep
265  if not dst.endswith(os.path.sep):
266    dst += os.path.sep
267  return dst.startswith(src)
270def MoveDir(src, dst):
271  """Recursively moves a directory to another location.
273  This code is mostly copied from shutil.move(), but has been scoped down to
274  specifically handle only directories.  The src must be a directory, and
275  the dst must not exist.  It uses functions from this module to be resilient
276  against spurious file system errors in Windows.  It will try to do an
277  os.rename() of the directory.  If that fails, the tree will be copied to the
278  new location and then deleted from the old location.
280  Args:
281    src: str, The directory path to move.
282    dst: str, The path to move the directory to.
284  Raises:
285    Error: If the src or dst directories are not valid.
286  """
287  if not os.path.isdir(src):
288    raise Error("Source path '{0}' must be a directory".format(src))
289  if os.path.exists(dst):
290    raise Error("Destination path '{0}' already exists".format(dst))
291  if _DestInSrc(src, dst):
292    raise Error("Cannot move a directory '{0}' into itself '{1}'."
293                .format(src, dst))
294  try:
295    logging.debug('Attempting to move directory [%s] to [%s]', src, dst)
296    try:
297      os.rename(src, dst)
298    except OSError:
299      if not _RetryOperation(sys.exc_info(), os.rename, (src, dst)):
300        raise
301  except OSError as e:
302    logging.debug('Directory rename failed.  Falling back to copy. [%s]', e)
303    shutil.copytree(src, dst, symlinks=True)
304    RmTree(src)
307def FindDirectoryContaining(starting_dir_path, directory_entry_name):
308  """Searches directories upwards until it finds one with the given contents.
310  This can be used to find the directory above you that contains the given
311  entry.  It is useful for things like finding the workspace root you are under
312  that contains a configuration directory.
314  Args:
315    starting_dir_path: str, The path of the directory to start searching
316      upwards from.
317    directory_entry_name: str, The name of the directory that must be present
318      in order to return the current directory.
320  Returns:
321    str, The full path to the directory above the starting dir that contains the
322    given entry, or None if the root of the file system was hit without finding
323    it.
324  """
325  prev_path = None
326  path = encoding_util.Decode(os.path.realpath(starting_dir_path))
327  while path != prev_path:
328    search_dir = os.path.join(path, directory_entry_name)
329    if os.path.isdir(search_dir):
330      return path
331    prev_path = path
332    path, _ = os.path.split(path)
333  return None
336def IsDirAncestorOf(ancestor_directory, path):
337  """Returns whether ancestor_directory is an ancestor of path.
339  Args:
340    ancestor_directory: str, path to the directory that is the potential
341      ancestor of path
342    path: str, path to the file/directory that is a potential descendant of
343      ancestor_directory
345  Returns:
346    bool, whether path has ancestor_directory as an ancestor.
348  Raises:
349    ValueError: if the given ancestor_directory is not, in fact, a directory.
350  """
351  if not os.path.isdir(ancestor_directory):
352    raise ValueError('[{0}] is not a directory.'.format(ancestor_directory))
354  path = encoding_util.Decode(os.path.realpath(path))
355  ancestor_directory = encoding_util.Decode(
356      os.path.realpath(ancestor_directory))
358  try:
359    rel = os.path.relpath(path, ancestor_directory)
360  except ValueError:  # On Windows, relpath raises for paths on different drives
361    return False
363  # rel can be just '..' if path is a child of ancestor_directory
364  return not rel.startswith('..' + os.path.sep) and rel != '..'
367def _GetSystemPath():
368  """Returns properly encoded system PATH variable string."""
369  return encoding_util.GetEncodedValue(os.environ, 'PATH')
372def SearchForExecutableOnPath(executable, path=None):
373  """Tries to find all 'executable' in the directories listed in the PATH.
375  This is mostly copied from distutils.spawn.find_executable() but with a
376  few differences.  It does not check the current directory for the
377  executable.  We only want to find things that are actually on the path, not
378  based on what the CWD is.  It also returns a list of all matching
379  executables.  If there are multiple versions of an executable on the path
380  it will return all of them at once.
382  Args:
383    executable: The name of the executable to find
384    path: A path to search.  If none, the system PATH will be used.
386  Returns:
387    A list of full paths to matching executables or an empty list if none
388    are found.
389  """
390  if not path:
391    path = _GetSystemPath()
392  paths = path.split(os.pathsep)
394  matching = []
395  for p in paths:
396    f = os.path.join(p, executable)
397    if os.path.isfile(f):
398      matching.append(f)
400  return matching
403def _FindExecutableOnPath(executable, path, pathext):
404  """Internal function to a find an executable.
406  Args:
407    executable: The name of the executable to find.
408    path: A list of directories to search separated by 'os.pathsep'.
409    pathext: An iterable of file name extensions to use.
411  Returns:
412    str, the path to a file on `path` with name `executable` + `p` for
413      `p` in `pathext`.
415  Raises:
416    ValueError: invalid input.
417  """
419  if isinstance(pathext, six.string_types):
420    raise ValueError('_FindExecutableOnPath(..., pathext=\'{0}\') failed '
421                     'because pathext must be an iterable of strings, but got '
422                     'a string.'.format(pathext))
424  # Prioritize preferred extension over earlier in path.
425  for ext in pathext:
426    for directory in path.split(os.pathsep):
427      # Windows can have paths quoted.
428      directory = directory.strip('"')
429      full = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(directory, executable) + ext)
430      # On Windows os.access(full, os.X_OK) is always True.
431      if os.path.isfile(full) and os.access(full, os.X_OK):
432        return full
433  return None
436def _PlatformExecutableExtensions(platform):
437  if platform == platforms.OperatingSystem.WINDOWS:
438    return ('.exe', '.cmd', '.bat', '.com', '.ps1')
439  else:
440    return ('', '.sh')
443def FindExecutableOnPath(executable, path=None, pathext=None,
444                         allow_extensions=False):
445  """Searches for `executable` in the directories listed in `path` or $PATH.
447  Executable must not contain a directory or an extension.
449  Args:
450    executable: The name of the executable to find.
451    path: A list of directories to search separated by 'os.pathsep'.  If None
452      then the system PATH is used.
453    pathext: An iterable of file name extensions to use.  If None then
454      platform specific extensions are used.
455    allow_extensions: A boolean flag indicating whether extensions in the
456      executable are allowed.
458  Returns:
459    The path of 'executable' (possibly with a platform-specific extension) if
460    found and executable, None if not found.
462  Raises:
463    ValueError: if executable has a path or an extension, and extensions are
464      not allowed, or if there's an internal error.
465  """
467  if not allow_extensions and os.path.splitext(executable)[1]:
468    raise ValueError('FindExecutableOnPath({0},...) failed because first '
469                     'argument must not have an extension.'.format(executable))
471  if os.path.dirname(executable):
472    raise ValueError('FindExecutableOnPath({0},...) failed because first '
473                     'argument must not have a path.'.format(executable))
475  if path is None:
476    effective_path = _GetSystemPath()
477  else:
478    effective_path = path
479  effective_pathext = (pathext if pathext is not None
480                       else _PlatformExecutableExtensions(
481                           platforms.OperatingSystem.Current()))
483  return _FindExecutableOnPath(executable, effective_path,
484                               effective_pathext)
487def HasWriteAccessInDir(directory):
488  """Determines if the current user is able to modify the contents of the dir.
490  Args:
491    directory: str, The full path of the directory to check.
493  Raises:
494    ValueError: If the given directory path is not a valid directory.
496  Returns:
497    True if the current user has missing write and execute permissions.
498  """
499  if not os.path.isdir(directory):
500    raise ValueError(
501        'The given path [{path}] is not a directory.'.format(path=directory))
502  # Appending . tests search permissions, especially on windows, by forcing
503  # 'directory' to be treated as a directory
504  path = os.path.join(directory, '.')
505  if not os.access(path, os.X_OK) or not os.access(path, os.W_OK):
506    # We can believe os.access() indicating no access.
507    return False
509  # At this point the only platform and filesystem independent method is to
510  # attempt to create or delete a file in the directory.
511  #
512  # Why? os.accesss() and os.stat() use the underlying C library on Windows,
513  # which doesn't check the correct user and group permissions and almost always
514  # results in false positive writability tests.
516  path = os.path.join(directory,
517                      '.HasWriteAccessInDir{pid}'.format(pid=os.getpid()))
518  # while True: should work here, but we limit the retries just in case.
519  for _ in range(10):
521    try:
522      fd = os.open(path, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT, 0o666)
523      os.close(fd)
524    except OSError as e:
525      if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
526        # No write access.
527        return False
528      if e.errno in [errno.ENOTDIR, errno.ENOENT]:
529        # The directory has been removed or replaced by a file.
530        raise ValueError('The given path [{path}] is not a directory.'.format(
531            path=directory))
532      raise
534    try:
535      os.remove(path)
536      # Write access.
537      return True
538    except OSError as e:
539      if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
540        # No write access.
541        return False
542      # os.remove() could fail with ENOENT if we're in a race with another
543      # process/thread (which just succeeded) or if the directory has been
544      # removed.
545      if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
546        raise
548  return False
551def GetCWD():
552  """Returns os.getcwd() properly decoded."""
553  return encoding_util.Decode(os.getcwd())
556class TemporaryDirectory(object):
557  """A class to easily create and dispose of temporary directories.
559  Securely creates a directory for temporary use.  This class can be used with
560  a context manager (the with statement) to ensure cleanup in exceptional
561  situations.
562  """
564  def __init__(self, change_to=False):
565    self.__temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
566    self._curdir = None
567    if change_to:
568      self._curdir = GetCWD()
569      os.chdir(self.__temp_dir)
571  @property
572  def path(self):
573    return self.__temp_dir
575  def __enter__(self):
576    return self.path
578  def __exit__(self, prev_exc_type, prev_exc_val, prev_exc_trace):
579    try:
580      self.Close()
581    except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
582      exceptions.RaiseWithContext(
583          prev_exc_type, prev_exc_val, prev_exc_trace, *sys.exc_info())
584    # Always return False so any previous exception will be re-raised.
585    return False
587  def Close(self):
588    if self._curdir is not None:
589      os.chdir(self._curdir)
590    if self.path:
591      RmTree(self.path)
592      self.__temp_dir = None
593      return True
594    return False
597class Checksum(object):
598  """Consistently handles calculating checksums across the Cloud SDK."""
600  def __init__(self, algorithm=hashlib.sha256):
601    """Creates a new Checksum."""
602    self.__hash = algorithm()
603    self.__files = set()
605  def AddContents(self, contents):
606    """Adds the given contents to the checksum.
608    Args:
609      contents: str or bytes, The contents to add.
611    Returns:
612      self, For method chaining.
613    """
614    self.__hash.update(six.ensure_binary(contents))
615    return self
617  def AddFileContents(self, file_path):
618    """Adds the contents of the given file to the checksum.
620    Args:
621      file_path: str, The file path of the contents to add.
623    Returns:
624      self, For method chaining.
625    """
626    with BinaryFileReader(file_path) as fp:
627      while True:
628        chunk = fp.read(4096)
629        if not chunk:
630          break
631        self.__hash.update(chunk)
632    return self
634  def AddDirectory(self, dir_path):
635    """Adds all files under the given directory to the checksum.
637    This adds both the contents of the files as well as their names and
638    locations to the checksum.  If the checksums of two directories are equal
639    this means they have exactly the same files, and contents.
641    Args:
642      dir_path: str, The directory path to add all files from.
644    Returns:
645      self, For method chaining.
646    """
647    # The subdirectories and/or files under dir_path may have file names
648    # containing unicode characters. If the arg to os.walk() is not unicode then
649    # any child unicode files will raise an exception. Coercing dir_path to
650    # unicode makes os.walk() play nice with unicode.
651    dir_path = six.text_type(dir_path)
652    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir_path):
653      dirs.sort(key=os.path.normcase)
654      files.sort(key=os.path.normcase)
655      for d in dirs:
656        path = os.path.join(root, d)
657        # We don't traverse directory links, but add the fact that it was found
658        # in the tree.
659        if os.path.islink(path):
660          relpath = os.path.relpath(path, dir_path)
661          self.__files.add(relpath)
662          self.AddContents(relpath)
663          self.AddContents(os.readlink(path))
664      for f in files:
665        path = os.path.join(root, f)
666        relpath = os.path.relpath(path, dir_path)
667        self.__files.add(relpath)
668        self.AddContents(relpath)
669        if os.path.islink(path):
670          self.AddContents(os.readlink(path))
671        else:
672          self.AddFileContents(path)
673    return self
675  def HexDigest(self):
676    """Gets the hex digest for all content added to this checksum.
678    Returns:
679      str, The checksum digest as a hex string.
680    """
681    return self.__hash.hexdigest()
683  def Files(self):
684    """Gets the list of all files that were discovered when adding a directory.
686    Returns:
687      {str}, The relative paths of all files that were found when traversing the
688      directory tree.
689    """
690    return self.__files
692  @staticmethod
693  def FromSingleFile(input_path, algorithm=hashlib.sha256):
694    """Creates a Checksum containing one file.
696    Args:
697      input_path: str, The file path of the contents to add.
698      algorithm: a hashing algorithm method, a la hashlib.algorithms
700    Returns:
701      Checksum, The checksum containing the file.
702    """
703    return Checksum(algorithm=algorithm).AddFileContents(input_path)
705  @staticmethod
706  def HashSingleFile(input_path, algorithm=hashlib.sha256):
707    """Gets the hex digest of a single file.
709    Args:
710      input_path: str, The file path of the contents to add.
711      algorithm: a hashing algorithm method, ala hashlib.algorithms
713    Returns:
714      str, The checksum digest of the file as a hex string.
715    """
716    return Checksum.FromSingleFile(input_path, algorithm=algorithm).HexDigest()
719class ChDir(object):
720  """Do some things from a certain directory, and reset the directory afterward.
721  """
723  def __init__(self, directory):
724    self.__dir = directory
726  def __enter__(self):
727    self.__original_dir = GetCWD()
728    os.chdir(self.__dir)
729    return self.__dir
731  def __exit__(self, typ, value, tb):
732    os.chdir(self.__original_dir)
735class FileLockLockingError(Error):
736  pass
739class FileLockTimeoutError(FileLockLockingError):
740  """A case of FileLockLockingError."""
741  pass
744class FileLockUnlockingError(Error):
745  pass
748class FileLock(object):
749  """A file lock for interprocess (not interthread) mutual exclusion.
751  At most one FileLock instance may be locked at a time for a given local file
752  path. FileLock instances may be used as context objects.
753  """
755  def __init__(self, path, timeout_secs=None):
756    """Constructs the FileLock.
758    Args:
759      path: str, the path to the file to lock. The directory containing the
760        file must already exist when Lock() is called.
761      timeout_secs: int, seconds Lock() may wait for the lock to become
762        available. If None, Lock() may block forever.
763    """
764    self._path = path
765    self._timeout_secs = timeout_secs
766    self._file = None
767    self._locked = False
768    if platforms.OperatingSystem.Current() == platforms.OperatingSystem.WINDOWS:
769      self._impl = _WindowsLocking()
770    else:
771      self._impl = _PosixLocking()
773  def Lock(self):
774    """Opens and locks the file. A no-op if this FileLock is already locked.
776    The lock file is created if it does not already exist.
778    Raises:
779      FileLockLockingError: if the file could not be opened (or created when
780        necessary).
781      FileLockTimeoutError: if the file could not be locked before the timeout
782        elapsed.
783    """
784    if self._locked:
785      return
786    try:
787      self._file = FileWriter(self._path)
788    except Error as e:
789      raise FileLockLockingError(e)
791    max_wait_ms = None
792    if self._timeout_secs is not None:
793      max_wait_ms = 1000 * self._timeout_secs
795    r = retry.Retryer(max_wait_ms=max_wait_ms)
796    try:
797      r.RetryOnException(self._impl.TryLock, args=[self._file.fileno()],
798                         sleep_ms=100)
799    except retry.RetryException as e:
800      self._file.close()
801      self._file = None
802      raise FileLockTimeoutError(
803          'Timed-out waiting to lock file: {0}'.format(self._path))
804    else:
805      self._locked = True
807  def Unlock(self):
808    """Unlocks and closes the file.
810    A no-op if this object is not locked.
812    Raises:
813      FileLockUnlockingError: if a problem was encountered when unlocking the
814        file. There is no need to retry.
815    """
816    if not self._locked:
817      return
818    try:
819      self._impl.Unlock(self._file.fileno())
820    except IOError as e:
821      # We don't expect Unlock() to ever raise an error, but can't be sure.
822      raise FileLockUnlockingError(e)
823    finally:
824      self._file.close()
825      self._file = None
826      self._locked = False
828  def __enter__(self):
829    """Locks and returns this FileLock object."""
830    self.Lock()
831    return self
833  def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
834    """Unlocks, logging any errors encountered."""
835    try:
836      self.Unlock()
837    except Error as e:
838      logging.debug('Encountered error unlocking file %s: %s', self._path, e)
839    # Have Python re-raise the exception which caused the context to exit, if
840    # any.
841    return False
844# Imports fcntl, which is only available on POSIX.
845class _PosixLocking(object):
846  """Exclusive, non-blocking file locking on POSIX systems."""
848  def TryLock(self, fd):
849    """Raises IOError on failure."""
850    # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
851    import fcntl
852    # Exclusive lock, non-blocking
853    fcntl.flock(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
855  def Unlock(self, fd):
856    import fcntl  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
857    fcntl.flock(fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
860# Imports msvcrt, which is only available on Windows.
861class _WindowsLocking(object):
862  """Exclusive, non-blocking file locking on Windows."""
864  def TryLock(self, fd):
865    """Raises IOError on failure."""
866    # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
867    import msvcrt
868    # Exclusive lock, non-blocking
869    msvcrt.locking(fd, msvcrt.LK_NBLCK, 1)
871  def Unlock(self, fd):
872    import msvcrt  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
873    msvcrt.locking(fd, msvcrt.LK_UNLCK, 1)
877def _FileInBinaryMode(file_obj):
878  """Context manager to temporarily swap a file to binary mode on Windows.
880  On exit, the mode is swapped back to its original mode, whether that was text
881  or binary.
883  See the 'On Windows...' note in the Python docs for more info about text and
884  binary mode:
885  https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/inputoutput.html#reading-and-writing-files
887  Args:
888    file_obj: File-like object to swap to binary mode.
890  Yields:
891    None.
892  """
893  # If file_obj does not define fileno, just pass it through. For example,
894  # this happens for unit tests which replace sys.stdin with StringIO.
895  try:
896    fd = file_obj.fileno()
897  except (AttributeError, io.UnsupportedOperation):
898    yield
899    return
901  if platforms.OperatingSystem.IsWindows():
902    # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
903    import msvcrt
905    try:
906      old_mode = msvcrt.setmode(fd, os.O_BINARY)
907      yield
908    finally:
909      msvcrt.setmode(fd, old_mode)
910  else:
911    # On non-Windows platforms, text mode == binary mode, so just yield.
912    yield
915def WriteStreamBytes(stream, contents):
916  """Write the given bytes to the stream.
918  Args:
919    stream: The raw stream to write to, usually sys.stdout or sys.stderr.
920    contents: A byte string to write to the stream.
921  """
922  if six.PY2:
923    with _FileInBinaryMode(stream):
924      stream.write(contents)
925      # Flush to force content to be written out with the correct mode.
926      stream.flush()
927  else:
928    # This is raw byte stream, but it doesn't exist on PY2.
929    stream.buffer.write(contents)
932def ReadStdinBytes():
933  """Reads raw bytes from sys.stdin without any encoding interpretation.
935  Returns:
936    bytes, The byte string that was read.
937  """
938  if six.PY2:
939    with _FileInBinaryMode(sys.stdin):
940      return sys.stdin.read()
941  else:
942    # This is raw byte stream, but it doesn't exist on PY2.
943    return sys.stdin.buffer.read()
946def WriteFileAtomically(file_name, contents):
947  """Writes a file to disk safely cross platform.
949  Specified directories will be created if they don't exist.
951  Writes a file to disk safely cross platform. Note that on Windows, there
952  is no good way to atomically write a file to disk.
954  Args:
955    file_name: The actual file to write to.
956    contents:  The file contents to write.
958  Raises:
959    ValueError: file_name or contents is empty.
960    TypeError: contents is not a valid string.
961  """
962  if not file_name or contents is None:
963    raise ValueError('Empty file_name [{}] or contents [{}].'.format(
964        file_name, contents))
966  if not isinstance(contents, six.string_types):
967    raise TypeError('Invalid contents [{}].'.format(contents))
969  dirname = os.path.dirname(file_name)
971  # Create the directories, if they dont exist.
972  try:
973    os.makedirs(dirname)
974  except os.error:
975    # Deliberately ignore errors here. This usually means that the directory
976    # already exists. Other errors will surface from the write calls below.
977    pass
979  if platforms.OperatingSystem.IsWindows():
980    # On Windows, there is no good way to atomically write this file.
981    WriteFileContents(file_name, contents, private=True)
982  else:
983    # This opens files with 0600, which are the correct permissions.
984    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
985        mode='w', dir=dirname, delete=False) as temp_file:
986      temp_file.write(contents)
987      # This was a user-submitted patch to fix a race condition that we couldn't
988      # reproduce. It may be due to the file being renamed before the OS's
989      # buffer flushes to disk.
990      temp_file.flush()
991      # This pattern atomically writes the file on non-Windows systems.
992      os.rename(temp_file.name, file_name)
995def GetTreeSizeBytes(path, predicate=None):
996  """Returns sum of sizes of not-ignored files under given path, in bytes."""
997  result = 0
998  if predicate is None:
999    predicate = lambda x: True
1000  for directory in os.walk(six.text_type(path)):
1001    for file_name in directory[2]:
1002      file_path = os.path.join(directory[0], file_name)
1003      if predicate(file_path):
1004        result += os.path.getsize(file_path)
1005  return result
1008def GetDirectoryTreeListing(path,
1009                            include_dirs=False,
1010                            file_predicate=None,
1011                            dir_sort_func=None,
1012                            file_sort_func=None):
1013  """Yields a generator that list all the files in a directory tree.
1015  Walks directory tree from path and yeilds all files that it finds. Will expand
1016  paths relative to home dir e.g. those that start with '~'.
1018  Args:
1019    path: string, base of file tree to walk.
1020    include_dirs: bool, if true will yield directory names in addition to files.
1021    file_predicate: function, boolean function to determine which files should
1022      be included in the output. Default is all files.
1023    dir_sort_func: function, function that will determine order directories are
1024      processed. Default is lexical ordering.
1025    file_sort_func:  function, function that will determine order directories
1026      are processed. Default is lexical ordering.
1027  Yields:
1028    Generator: yields all files and directory paths matching supplied criteria.
1029  """
1030  if not file_sort_func:
1031    file_sort_func = sorted
1032  if file_predicate is None:
1033    file_predicate = lambda x: True
1034  if dir_sort_func is None:
1035    dir_sort_func = lambda x: x.sort()
1037  for root, dirs, files in os.walk(ExpandHomeDir(six.text_type(path))):
1038    dir_sort_func(dirs)
1039    if include_dirs:
1040      for dirname in dirs:
1041        yield dirname
1042    for file_name in file_sort_func(files):
1043      file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
1044      if file_predicate(file_path):
1045        yield file_path
1048def ReadFileContents(path):
1049  """Reads the text contents from the given path.
1051  Args:
1052    path: str, The file path to read.
1054  Raises:
1055    Error: If the file cannot be read.
1057  Returns:
1058    str, The text string read from the file.
1059  """
1060  try:
1061    with FileReader(path) as f:
1062      return f.read()
1063  except EnvironmentError as e:
1064    # EnvironmentError is parent of IOError, OSError and WindowsError.
1065    # Raised when file does not exist or can't be opened/read.
1066    raise Error('Unable to read file [{0}]: {1}'.format(path, e))
1069def ReadBinaryFileContents(path):
1070  """Reads the binary contents from the given path.
1072  Args:
1073    path: str, The file path to read.
1075  Raises:
1076    Error: If the file cannot be read.
1078  Returns:
1079    bytes, The byte string read from the file.
1080  """
1081  try:
1082    with BinaryFileReader(path) as f:
1083      return f.read()
1084  except EnvironmentError as e:
1085    # EnvironmentError is parent of IOError, OSError and WindowsError.
1086    # Raised when file does not exist or can't be opened/read.
1087    raise Error('Unable to read file [{0}]: {1}'.format(path, e))
1090def WriteFileContents(path,
1091                      contents,
1092                      overwrite=True,
1093                      private=False,
1094                      create_path=True,
1095                      newline=None):
1096  """Writes the given text contents to a file at the given path.
1098  Args:
1099    path: str, The file path to write to.
1100    contents: str, The text string to write.
1101    overwrite: bool, False to error out if the file already exists.
1102    private: bool, True to make the file have 0o600 permissions.
1103    create_path: bool, True to create intermediate directories, if needed.
1104    newline: str, The line ending style to use, or None to use platform default.
1106  Raises:
1107    Error: If the file cannot be written.
1108  """
1109  try:
1110    _CheckOverwrite(path, overwrite)
1111    with FileWriter(
1112        path, private=private, create_path=create_path, newline=newline) as f:
1113      # This decode is here because a lot of libraries on Python 2 can return
1114      # both text or bytes depending on if unicode is present. If you truly
1115      # pass binary data to this, the decode will fail (as it should). If you
1116      # pass an ascii string (that you got from json.dumps() for example), this
1117      # will prevent it from crashing.
1118      f.write(encoding_util.Decode(contents))
1119  except EnvironmentError as e:
1120    # EnvironmentError is parent of IOError, OSError and WindowsError.
1121    # Raised when file does not exist or can't be opened/read.
1122    raise Error('Unable to write file [{0}]: {1}'.format(path, e))
1125def WriteBinaryFileContents(path,
1126                            contents,
1127                            overwrite=True,
1128                            private=False,
1129                            create_path=True):
1130  """Writes the given binary contents to a file at the given path.
1132  Args:
1133    path: str, The file path to write to.
1134    contents: str, The byte string to write.
1135    overwrite: bool, False to error out if the file already exists.
1136    private: bool, True to make the file have 0o600 permissions.
1137    create_path: bool, True to create intermediate directories, if needed.
1139  Raises:
1140    Error: If the file cannot be written.
1141  """
1142  try:
1143    _CheckOverwrite(path, overwrite)
1144    with BinaryFileWriter(path, private=private, create_path=create_path) as f:
1145      f.write(contents)
1146  except EnvironmentError as e:
1147    # EnvironmentError is parent of IOError, OSError and WindowsError.
1148    # Raised when file does not exist or can't be opened/read.
1149    raise Error('Unable to write file [{0}]: {1}'.format(path, e))
1152def _CheckOverwrite(path, overwrite):
1153  if not overwrite and os.path.exists(path):
1154    raise Error(
1155        'File [{0}] already exists and cannot be overwritten'.format(path))
1158def FileReader(path):
1159  """Opens the given file for text read for use in a 'with' statement.
1161  Args:
1162    path: str, The file path to read from.
1164  Returns:
1165    A file-like object opened for read in text mode.
1166  """
1167  return _FileOpener(path, 'rt', 'read', encoding='utf-8')
1170def BinaryFileReader(path):
1171  """Opens the given file for binary read for use in a 'with' statement.
1173  Args:
1174    path: str, The file path to read from.
1176  Returns:
1177    A file-like object opened for read in binary mode.
1178  """
1179  return _FileOpener(encoding_util.Encode(path, encoding='utf-8'), 'rb', 'read')
1182def FileWriter(path,
1183               private=False,
1184               append=False,
1185               create_path=False,
1186               newline=None):
1187  """Opens the given file for text write for use in a 'with' statement.
1189  Args:
1190    path: str, The file path to write to.
1191    private: bool, True to create or update the file permission to be 0o600.
1192    append: bool, True to append to an existing file.
1193    create_path: bool, True to create intermediate directories, if needed.
1194    newline: str, The line ending style to use, or None to use plaform default.
1196  Returns:
1197    A file-like object opened for write in text mode.
1198  """
1199  mode = 'at' if append else 'wt'
1200  return _FileOpener(
1201      path,
1202      mode,
1203      'write',
1204      encoding='utf-8',
1205      private=private,
1206      create_path=create_path,
1207      newline=newline)
1210class BinaryFileWriterMode(enum.Enum):
1211  APPEND = 'ab'
1212  MODIFY = 'r+b'
1213  TRUNCATE = 'wb'
1216def BinaryFileWriter(path,
1217                     private=False,
1218                     mode=BinaryFileWriterMode.TRUNCATE,
1219                     create_path=False):
1220  """Opens the given file for binary write for use in a 'with' statement.
1222  Args:
1223    path: str, The file path to write to.
1224    private: bool, True to create or update the file permission to be 0o600.
1225    mode: BinaryFileWriterMode, Determines how to open file for writing.
1226    create_path: bool, True to create intermediate directories, if needed.
1228  Returns:
1229    A file-like object opened for write in binary mode.
1230  """
1231  return _FileOpener(
1232      path, mode.value, 'write', private=private, create_path=create_path)
1235def _FileOpener(path,
1236                mode,
1237                verb,
1238                encoding=None,
1239                private=False,
1240                create_path=False,
1241                newline=None):
1242  """Opens a file in various modes and does error handling."""
1243  if private:
1244    PrivatizeFile(path)
1245  if create_path:
1246    _MakePathToFile(path)
1247  try:
1248    return io.open(path, mode, encoding=encoding, newline=newline)
1249  except EnvironmentError as e:
1250    # EnvironmentError is parent of IOError, OSError and WindowsError.
1251    # Raised when file does not exist or can't be opened/read.
1252    exc_type = Error
1253    if isinstance(e, IOError) and e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
1254      exc_type = MissingFileError
1255    raise exc_type('Unable to {0} file [{1}]: {2}'.format(verb, path, e))
1258def GetHomeDir():
1259  """Returns the current user HOME directory path."""
1260  return ExpandHomeDir('~')
1263def ExpandHomeDir(path):
1264  """Returns path with leading ~<SEP> or ~<USER><SEP> expanded."""
1265  return encoding_util.Decode(os.path.expanduser(path))
1268def ExpandHomeAndVars(path):
1269  """Expands ~ and ENV_VARS in path."""
1270  return encoding_util.Decode(os.path.expandvars(ExpandHomeDir(path)))
1273def NormalizePathFromURL(url):
1274  """Converts url to path string and normalizes path string."""
1275  url2pathname = six.moves.urllib.request.url2pathname
1276  return os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(url2pathname(url)))
1279def _MakePathToFile(path, mode=0o777):
1280  parent_dir_path, _ = os.path.split(path)
1281  full_parent_dir_path = os.path.realpath(ExpandHomeDir(parent_dir_path))
1282  MakeDir(full_parent_dir_path, mode)
1285def PrivatizeFile(path):
1286  """Makes an existing file private or creates a new, empty private file.
1288  In theory it would be better to return the open file descriptor so that it
1289  could be used directly. The issue that we would need to pass an encoding to
1290  os.fdopen() and on Python 2. This is not supported. Instead we just create
1291  the empty file and then we will just open it normally later to do the write.
1293  Args:
1294    path: str, The path of the file to create or privatize.
1295  """
1296  try:
1297    if os.path.exists(path):
1298      os.chmod(path, 0o600)
1299    else:
1300      _MakePathToFile(path, mode=0o700)
1301      flags = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC
1302      # Accommodate Windows; stolen from python2.6/tempfile.py.
1303      if hasattr(os, 'O_NOINHERIT'):
1304        flags |= os.O_NOINHERIT
1306      fd = os.open(path, flags, 0o600)
1307      os.close(fd)
1308  except EnvironmentError as e:
1309    # EnvironmentError is parent of IOError, OSError and WindowsError.
1310    # Raised when file does not exist or can't be opened/read.
1311    raise Error('Unable to create private file [{0}]: {1}'.format(path, e))