1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Anything involving curves and sets of curves (except for the real math,
3 // which is in ratpoly.cpp).
4 //
5 // Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues.
6 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 #include "../solvespace.h"
From(Vector4 p0,Vector4 p1)9 SBezier SBezier::From(Vector4 p0, Vector4 p1) {
10     SBezier ret = {};
11     ret.deg = 1;
12     ret.weight[0] = p0.w;
13     ret.ctrl  [0] = p0.PerspectiveProject();
14     ret.weight[1] = p1.w;
15     ret.ctrl  [1] = p1.PerspectiveProject();
16     return ret;
17 }
From(Vector4 p0,Vector4 p1,Vector4 p2)19 SBezier SBezier::From(Vector4 p0, Vector4 p1, Vector4 p2) {
20     SBezier ret = {};
21     ret.deg = 2;
22     ret.weight[0] = p0.w;
23     ret.ctrl  [0] = p0.PerspectiveProject();
24     ret.weight[1] = p1.w;
25     ret.ctrl  [1] = p1.PerspectiveProject();
26     ret.weight[2] = p2.w;
27     ret.ctrl  [2] = p2.PerspectiveProject();
28     return ret;
29 }
From(Vector4 p0,Vector4 p1,Vector4 p2,Vector4 p3)31 SBezier SBezier::From(Vector4 p0, Vector4 p1, Vector4 p2, Vector4 p3) {
32     SBezier ret = {};
33     ret.deg = 3;
34     ret.weight[0] = p0.w;
35     ret.ctrl  [0] = p0.PerspectiveProject();
36     ret.weight[1] = p1.w;
37     ret.ctrl  [1] = p1.PerspectiveProject();
38     ret.weight[2] = p2.w;
39     ret.ctrl  [2] = p2.PerspectiveProject();
40     ret.weight[3] = p3.w;
41     ret.ctrl  [3] = p3.PerspectiveProject();
42     return ret;
43 }
From(Vector p0,Vector p1)45 SBezier SBezier::From(Vector p0, Vector p1) {
46     return SBezier::From(p0.Project4d(),
47                          p1.Project4d());
48 }
From(Vector p0,Vector p1,Vector p2)50 SBezier SBezier::From(Vector p0, Vector p1, Vector p2) {
51     return SBezier::From(p0.Project4d(),
52                          p1.Project4d(),
53                          p2.Project4d());
54 }
From(Vector p0,Vector p1,Vector p2,Vector p3)56 SBezier SBezier::From(Vector p0, Vector p1, Vector p2, Vector p3) {
57     return SBezier::From(p0.Project4d(),
58                          p1.Project4d(),
59                          p2.Project4d(),
60                          p3.Project4d());
61 }
Start(void)63 Vector SBezier::Start(void) {
64     return ctrl[0];
65 }
Finish(void)67 Vector SBezier::Finish(void) {
68     return ctrl[deg];
69 }
Reverse(void)71 void SBezier::Reverse(void) {
72     int i;
73     for(i = 0; i < (deg+1)/2; i++) {
74         swap(ctrl[i], ctrl[deg-i]);
75         swap(weight[i], weight[deg-i]);
76     }
77 }
ScaleSelfBy(double s)79 void SBezier::ScaleSelfBy(double s) {
80     int i;
81     for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
82         ctrl[i] = ctrl[i].ScaledBy(s);
83     }
84 }
GetBoundingProjd(Vector u,Vector orig,double * umin,double * umax)86 void SBezier::GetBoundingProjd(Vector u, Vector orig,
87                                double *umin, double *umax)
88 {
89     int i;
90     for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
91         double ut = ((ctrl[i]).Minus(orig)).Dot(u);
92         if(ut < *umin) *umin = ut;
93         if(ut > *umax) *umax = ut;
94     }
95 }
TransformedBy(Vector t,Quaternion q,double scale)97 SBezier SBezier::TransformedBy(Vector t, Quaternion q, double scale) {
98     SBezier ret = *this;
99     int i;
100     for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
101         ret.ctrl[i] = (ret.ctrl[i]).ScaledBy(scale);
102         ret.ctrl[i] = (q.Rotate(ret.ctrl[i])).Plus(t);
103     }
104     return ret;
105 }
107 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 // Does this curve lie entirely within the specified plane? It does if all
109 // the control points lie in that plane.
110 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IsInPlane(Vector n,double d)111 bool SBezier::IsInPlane(Vector n, double d) {
112     int i;
113     for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
114         if(fabs((ctrl[i]).Dot(n) - d) > LENGTH_EPS) {
115             return false;
116         }
117     }
118     return true;
119 }
121 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 // Is this Bezier exactly the arc of a circle, projected along the specified
123 // axis? If yes, return that circle's center and radius.
124 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IsCircle(Vector axis,Vector * center,double * r)125 bool SBezier::IsCircle(Vector axis, Vector *center, double *r) {
126     if(deg != 2) return false;
128     if(ctrl[1].DistanceToLine(ctrl[0], ctrl[2].Minus(ctrl[0])) < LENGTH_EPS) {
129         // This is almost a line segment. So it's a circle with very large
130         // radius, which is likely to make code that tries to handle circles
131         // blow up. So return false.
132         return false;
133     }
135     Vector t0 = (ctrl[0]).Minus(ctrl[1]),
136            t2 = (ctrl[2]).Minus(ctrl[1]),
137            r0 = axis.Cross(t0),
138            r2 = axis.Cross(t2);
140     *center = Vector::AtIntersectionOfLines(ctrl[0], (ctrl[0]).Plus(r0),
141                                             ctrl[2], (ctrl[2]).Plus(r2),
142                                             NULL, NULL, NULL);
144     double rd0 = center->Minus(ctrl[0]).Magnitude(),
145            rd2 = center->Minus(ctrl[2]).Magnitude();
146     if(fabs(rd0 - rd2) > LENGTH_EPS) {
147         return false;
148     }
149     *r = rd0;
151     Vector u = r0.WithMagnitude(1),
152            v = (axis.Cross(u)).WithMagnitude(1);
153     Point2d c2  = center->Project2d(u, v),
154             pa2 = (ctrl[0]).Project2d(u, v).Minus(c2),
155             pb2 = (ctrl[2]).Project2d(u, v).Minus(c2);
157     double thetaa = atan2(pa2.y, pa2.x), // in fact always zero due to csys
158            thetab = atan2(pb2.y, pb2.x),
159            dtheta = WRAP_NOT_0(thetab - thetaa, 2*PI);
160     if(dtheta > PI) {
161         // Not possible with a second order Bezier arc; so we must have
162         // the points backwards.
163         dtheta = 2*PI - dtheta;
164     }
166     if(fabs(weight[1] - cos(dtheta/2)) > LENGTH_EPS) {
167         return false;
168     }
170     return true;
171 }
IsRational(void)173 bool SBezier::IsRational(void) {
174     int i;
175     for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
176         if(fabs(weight[i] - 1) > LENGTH_EPS) return true;
177     }
178     return false;
179 }
181 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
182 // Apply a perspective transformation to a rational Bezier curve, calculating
183 // the new weights as required.
184 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
InPerspective(Vector u,Vector v,Vector n,Vector origin,double cameraTan)185 SBezier SBezier::InPerspective(Vector u, Vector v, Vector n,
186                                Vector origin, double cameraTan)
187 {
188     Quaternion q = Quaternion::From(u, v);
189     q = q.Inverse();
190     // we want Q*(p - o) = Q*p - Q*o
191     SBezier ret = this->TransformedBy(q.Rotate(origin).ScaledBy(-1), q, 1.0);
192     int i;
193     for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
194         Vector4 ct = Vector4::From(ret.weight[i], ret.ctrl[i]);
195         // so the desired curve, before perspective, is
196         //    (x/w, y/w, z/w)
197         // and after perspective is
198         //    ((x/w)/(1 - (z/w)*cameraTan, ...
199         //  = (x/(w - z*cameraTan), ...
200         // so we want to let w' = w - z*cameraTan
201         ct.w = ct.w - ct.z*cameraTan;
203         ret.ctrl[i] = ct.PerspectiveProject();
204         ret.weight[i] = ct.w;
205     }
206     return ret;
207 }
Equals(SBezier * b)209 bool SBezier::Equals(SBezier *b) {
210     // We just test of identical degree and control points, even though two
211     // curves could still be coincident (even sharing endpoints).
212     if(deg != b->deg) return false;
213     int i;
214     for(i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
215         if(!(ctrl[i]).Equals(b->ctrl[i])) return false;
216         if(fabs(weight[i] - b->weight[i]) > LENGTH_EPS) return false;
217     }
218     return true;
219 }
Clear(void)221 void SBezierList::Clear(void) {
222     l.Clear();
223 }
ScaleSelfBy(double s)225 void SBezierList::ScaleSelfBy(double s) {
226     SBezier *sb;
227     for(sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) {
228         sb->ScaleSelfBy(s);
229     }
230 }
232 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
233 // If our list contains multiple identical Beziers (in either forward or
234 // reverse order), then cull them.
235 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CullIdenticalBeziers(void)236 void SBezierList::CullIdenticalBeziers(void) {
237     int i, j;
239     l.ClearTags();
240     for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
241         SBezier *bi = &(l.elem[i]), bir;
242         bir = *bi;
243         bir.Reverse();
245         for(j = i + 1; j < l.n; j++) {
246             SBezier *bj = &(l.elem[j]);
247             if(bj->Equals(bi) ||
248                bj->Equals(&bir))
249             {
250                 bi->tag = 1;
251                 bj->tag = 1;
252             }
253         }
254     }
255     l.RemoveTagged();
256 }
258 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
259 // Find all the points where a list of Bezier curves intersects another list
260 // of Bezier curves. We do this by intersecting their piecewise linearizations,
261 // and then refining any intersections that we find to lie exactly on the
262 // curves. So this will screw up on tangencies and stuff, but otherwise should
263 // be fine.
264 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AllIntersectionsWith(SBezierList * sblb,SPointList * spl)265 void SBezierList::AllIntersectionsWith(SBezierList *sblb, SPointList *spl) {
266     SBezier *sba, *sbb;
267     for(sba = l.First(); sba; sba = l.NextAfter(sba)) {
268         for(sbb = sblb->l.First(); sbb; sbb = sblb->l.NextAfter(sbb)) {
269             sbb->AllIntersectionsWith(sba, spl);
270         }
271     }
272 }
AllIntersectionsWith(SBezier * sbb,SPointList * spl)273 void SBezier::AllIntersectionsWith(SBezier *sbb, SPointList *spl) {
274     SPointList splRaw = {};
275     SEdgeList sea, seb;
276     sea = {};
277     seb = {};
278     this->MakePwlInto(&sea);
279     sbb ->MakePwlInto(&seb);
280     SEdge *se;
281     for(se = sea.l.First(); se; se = sea.l.NextAfter(se)) {
282         // This isn't quite correct, since AnyEdgeCrossings doesn't count
283         // the case where two pairs of line segments intersect at their
284         // vertices. So this isn't robust, although that case isn't very
285         // likely.
286         seb.AnyEdgeCrossings(se->a, se->b, NULL, &splRaw);
287     }
288     SPoint *sp;
289     for(sp = splRaw.l.First(); sp; sp = splRaw.l.NextAfter(sp)) {
290         Vector p = sp->p;
291         if(PointOnThisAndCurve(sbb, &p)) {
292             if(!spl->ContainsPoint(p)) spl->Add(p);
293         }
294     }
295     sea.Clear();
296     seb.Clear();
297     splRaw.Clear();
298 }
300 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
301 // Find a plane that contains all of the curves in this list. If the curves
302 // are all colinear (or coincident, or empty), then that plane is not exactly
303 // determined but we choose the additional degree(s) of freedom arbitrarily.
304 // Returns true if all the curves are coplanar, otherwise false.
305 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetPlaneContainingBeziers(Vector * p,Vector * u,Vector * v,Vector * notCoplanarAt)306 bool SBezierList::GetPlaneContainingBeziers(Vector *p, Vector *u, Vector *v,
307                         Vector *notCoplanarAt)
308 {
309     Vector pt, ptFar, ptOffLine, dp, n;
310     double farMax, offLineMax;
311     int i;
312     SBezier *sb;
314     // Get any point on any Bezier; or an arbitrary point if list is empty.
315     if(l.n > 0) {
316         pt = l.elem[0].Start();
317     } else {
318         pt = Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
319     }
320     ptFar = ptOffLine = pt;
322     // Get the point farthest from our arbitrary point.
323     farMax = VERY_NEGATIVE;
324     for(sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) {
325         for(i = 0; i <= sb->deg; i++) {
326             double m = (pt.Minus(sb->ctrl[i])).Magnitude();
327             if(m > farMax) {
328                 ptFar = sb->ctrl[i];
329                 farMax = m;
330             }
331         }
332     }
333     if(ptFar.Equals(pt)) {
334         // The points are all coincident. So neither basis vector matters.
335         *p = pt;
336         *u = Vector::From(1, 0, 0);
337         *v = Vector::From(0, 1, 0);
338         return true;
339     }
341     // Get the point farthest from the line between pt and ptFar
342     dp = ptFar.Minus(pt);
343     offLineMax = VERY_NEGATIVE;
344     for(sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) {
345         for(i = 0; i <= sb->deg; i++) {
346             double m = (sb->ctrl[i]).DistanceToLine(pt, dp);
347             if(m > offLineMax) {
348                 ptOffLine = sb->ctrl[i];
349                 offLineMax = m;
350             }
351         }
352     }
354     *p = pt;
355     if(offLineMax < LENGTH_EPS) {
356         // The points are all colinear; so choose the second basis vector
357         // arbitrarily.
358         *u = (ptFar.Minus(pt)).WithMagnitude(1);
359         *v = (u->Normal(0)).WithMagnitude(1);
360     } else {
361         // The points actually define a plane.
362         n = (ptFar.Minus(pt)).Cross(ptOffLine.Minus(pt));
363         *u = (n.Normal(0)).WithMagnitude(1);
364         *v = (n.Normal(1)).WithMagnitude(1);
365     }
367     // So we have a plane; but check whether all of the points lie in that
368     // plane.
369     n = u->Cross(*v);
370     n = n.WithMagnitude(1);
371     double d = p->Dot(n);
372     for(sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) {
373         for(i = 0; i <= sb->deg; i++) {
374             if(fabs(n.Dot(sb->ctrl[i]) - d) > LENGTH_EPS) {
375                 if(notCoplanarAt) *notCoplanarAt = sb->ctrl[i];
376                 return false;
377             }
378         }
379     }
380     return true;
381 }
383 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
384 // Assemble curves in sbl into a single loop. The curves may appear in any
385 // direction (start to finish, or finish to start), and will be reversed if
386 // necessary. The curves in the returned loop are removed from sbl, even if
387 // the loop cannot be closed.
388 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FromCurves(SBezierList * sbl,bool * allClosed,SEdge * errorAt)389 SBezierLoop SBezierLoop::FromCurves(SBezierList *sbl,
390                                     bool *allClosed, SEdge *errorAt)
391 {
392     SBezierLoop loop = {};
394     if(sbl->l.n < 1) return loop;
395     sbl->l.ClearTags();
397     SBezier *first = &(sbl->l.elem[0]);
398     first->tag = 1;
399     loop.l.Add(first);
400     Vector start = first->Start();
401     Vector hanging = first->Finish();
402     int auxA = first->auxA;
404     sbl->l.RemoveTagged();
406     while(sbl->l.n > 0 && !hanging.Equals(start)) {
407         int i;
408         bool foundNext = false;
409         for(i = 0; i < sbl->l.n; i++) {
410             SBezier *test = &(sbl->l.elem[i]);
412             if((test->Finish()).Equals(hanging) && test->auxA == auxA) {
413                 test->Reverse();
414                 // and let the next test catch it
415             }
416             if((test->Start()).Equals(hanging) && test->auxA == auxA) {
417                 test->tag = 1;
418                 loop.l.Add(test);
419                 hanging = test->Finish();
420                 sbl->l.RemoveTagged();
421                 foundNext = true;
422                 break;
423             }
424         }
425         if(!foundNext) {
426             // The loop completed without finding the hanging edge, so
427             // it's an open loop
428             errorAt->a = hanging;
429             errorAt->b = start;
430             *allClosed = false;
431             return loop;
432         }
433     }
434     if(hanging.Equals(start)) {
435         *allClosed = true;
436     } else {
437         // We ran out of edges without forming a closed loop.
438         errorAt->a = hanging;
439         errorAt->b = start;
440         *allClosed = false;
441     }
443     return loop;
444 }
Reverse(void)446 void SBezierLoop::Reverse(void) {
447     l.Reverse();
448     SBezier *sb;
449     for(sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) {
450         // If we didn't reverse each curve, then the next curve in list would
451         // share your start, not your finish.
452         sb->Reverse();
453     }
454 }
GetBoundingProjd(Vector u,Vector orig,double * umin,double * umax)456 void SBezierLoop::GetBoundingProjd(Vector u, Vector orig,
457                                    double *umin, double *umax)
458 {
459     SBezier *sb;
460     for(sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) {
461         sb->GetBoundingProjd(u, orig, umin, umax);
462     }
463 }
MakePwlInto(SContour * sc,double chordTol)465 void SBezierLoop::MakePwlInto(SContour *sc, double chordTol) {
466     SBezier *sb;
467     for(sb = l.First(); sb; sb = l.NextAfter(sb)) {
468         sb->MakePwlInto(sc, chordTol);
469         // Avoid double points at join between Beziers; except that
470         // first and last points should be identical.
471         if(l.NextAfter(sb) != NULL) {
472             sc->l.RemoveLast(1);
473         }
474     }
475     // Ensure that it's exactly closed, not just within a numerical tolerance.
476     if((sc->l.elem[sc->l.n - 1].p).Equals(sc->l.elem[0].p)) {
477         sc->l.elem[sc->l.n - 1] = sc->l.elem[0];
478     }
479 }
IsClosed(void)481 bool SBezierLoop::IsClosed(void) {
482     if(l.n < 1) return false;
483     Vector s = l.elem[0].Start(),
484            f = l.elem[l.n-1].Finish();
485     return s.Equals(f);
486 }
489 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
490 // Assemble the curves in sbl into multiple loops, and piecewise linearize the
491 // curves into poly. If we can't close a contour, then we add it to
492 // openContours (if that isn't NULL) and keep going; so this works even if the
493 // input contains a mix of open and closed curves.
494 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
From(SBezierList * sbl,SPolygon * poly,double chordTol,bool * allClosed,SEdge * errorAt,SBezierList * openContours)495 SBezierLoopSet SBezierLoopSet::From(SBezierList *sbl, SPolygon *poly,
496                                     double chordTol,
497                                     bool *allClosed, SEdge *errorAt,
498                                     SBezierList *openContours)
499 {
500     SBezierLoopSet ret = {};
502     *allClosed = true;
503     while(sbl->l.n > 0) {
504         bool thisClosed;
505         SBezierLoop loop;
506         loop = SBezierLoop::FromCurves(sbl, &thisClosed, errorAt);
507         if(!thisClosed) {
508             // Record open loops in a separate list, if requested.
509             *allClosed = false;
510             if(openContours) {
511                 SBezier *sb;
512                 for(sb = loop.l.First(); sb; sb = loop.l.NextAfter(sb)) {
513                     openContours->l.Add(sb);
514                 }
515             }
516             loop.Clear();
517         } else {
518             ret.l.Add(&loop);
519             poly->AddEmptyContour();
520             loop.MakePwlInto(&(poly->l.elem[poly->l.n-1]), chordTol);
521         }
522     }
524     poly->normal = poly->ComputeNormal();
525     ret.normal = poly->normal;
526     if(poly->l.n > 0) {
527         ret.point = poly->AnyPoint();
528     } else {
529         ret.point = Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
530     }
532     return ret;
533 }
GetBoundingProjd(Vector u,Vector orig,double * umin,double * umax)535 void SBezierLoopSet::GetBoundingProjd(Vector u, Vector orig,
536                                       double *umin, double *umax)
537 {
538     SBezierLoop *sbl;
539     for(sbl = l.First(); sbl; sbl = l.NextAfter(sbl)) {
540         sbl->GetBoundingProjd(u, orig, umin, umax);
541     }
542 }
544 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
545 // Convert all the Beziers into piecewise linear form, and assemble that into
546 // a polygon, one contour per loop.
547 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MakePwlInto(SPolygon * sp)548 void SBezierLoopSet::MakePwlInto(SPolygon *sp) {
549     SBezierLoop *sbl;
550     for(sbl = l.First(); sbl; sbl = l.NextAfter(sbl)) {
551         sp->AddEmptyContour();
552         sbl->MakePwlInto(&(sp->l.elem[sp->l.n - 1]));
553     }
554 }
Clear(void)556 void SBezierLoopSet::Clear(void) {
557     int i;
558     for(i = 0; i < l.n; i++) {
559         (l.elem[i]).Clear();
560     }
561     l.Clear();
562 }
564 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
565 // An export helper function. We start with a list of Bezier curves, and
566 // assemble them into loops. We find the outer loops, and find the outer loops'
567 // inner loops, and group them accordingly.
568 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FindOuterFacesFrom(SBezierList * sbl,SPolygon * spxyz,SSurface * srfuv,double chordTol,bool * allClosed,SEdge * notClosedAt,bool * allCoplanar,Vector * notCoplanarAt,SBezierList * openContours)569 void SBezierLoopSetSet::FindOuterFacesFrom(SBezierList *sbl, SPolygon *spxyz,
570                                    SSurface *srfuv,
571                                    double chordTol,
572                                    bool *allClosed, SEdge *notClosedAt,
573                                    bool *allCoplanar, Vector *notCoplanarAt,
574                                    SBezierList *openContours)
575 {
576     SSurface srfPlane;
577     if(!srfuv) {
578         Vector p, u, v;
579         *allCoplanar =
580             sbl->GetPlaneContainingBeziers(&p, &u, &v, notCoplanarAt);
581         if(!*allCoplanar) {
582             // Don't even try to assemble them into loops if they're not
583             // all coplanar.
584             if(openContours) {
585                 SBezier *sb;
586                 for(sb = sbl->l.First(); sb; sb = sbl->l.NextAfter(sb)) {
587                     openContours->l.Add(sb);
588                 }
589             }
590             return;
591         }
592         // All the curves lie in a plane through p with basis vectors u and v.
593         srfPlane = SSurface::FromPlane(p, u, v);
594         srfuv = &srfPlane;
595     }
597     int i, j;
598     // Assemble the Bezier trim curves into closed loops; we also get the
599     // piecewise linearization of the curves (in the SPolygon spxyz), as a
600     // calculation aid for the loop direction.
601     SBezierLoopSet sbls = SBezierLoopSet::From(sbl, spxyz, chordTol,
602                                                allClosed, notClosedAt,
603                                                openContours);
604     if(sbls.l.n != spxyz->l.n) return;
606     // Convert the xyz piecewise linear to uv piecewise linear.
607     SPolygon spuv = {};
608     SContour *sc;
609     for(sc = spxyz->l.First(); sc; sc = spxyz->l.NextAfter(sc)) {
610         spuv.AddEmptyContour();
611         SPoint *pt;
612         for(pt = sc->l.First(); pt; pt = sc->l.NextAfter(pt)) {
613             double u, v;
614             srfuv->ClosestPointTo(pt->p, &u, &v);
615             spuv.l.elem[spuv.l.n - 1].AddPoint(Vector::From(u, v, 0));
616         }
617     }
618     spuv.normal = Vector::From(0, 0, 1); // must be, since it's in xy plane now
620     static const int OUTER_LOOP = 10;
621     static const int INNER_LOOP = 20;
622     static const int USED_LOOP  = 30;
623     // Fix the contour directions; we do this properly, in uv space, so it
624     // works for curved surfaces too (important for STEP export).
625     spuv.FixContourDirections();
626     for(i = 0; i < spuv.l.n; i++) {
627         SContour    *contour = &(spuv.l.elem[i]);
628         SBezierLoop *bl = &(sbls.l.elem[i]);
629         if(contour->tag) {
630             // This contour got reversed in the polygon to make the directions
631             // consistent, so the same must be necessary for the Bezier loop.
632             bl->Reverse();
633         }
634         if(contour->IsClockwiseProjdToNormal(spuv.normal)) {
635             bl->tag = INNER_LOOP;
636         } else {
637             bl->tag = OUTER_LOOP;
638         }
639     }
641     bool loopsRemaining = true;
642     while(loopsRemaining) {
643         loopsRemaining = false;
644         for(i = 0; i < sbls.l.n; i++) {
645             SBezierLoop *loop = &(sbls.l.elem[i]);
646             if(loop->tag != OUTER_LOOP) continue;
648             // Check if this contour contains any outer loops; if it does, then
649             // we should do those "inner outer loops" first; otherwise we
650             // will steal their holes, since their holes also lie inside this
651             // contour.
652             for(j = 0; j < sbls.l.n; j++) {
653                 SBezierLoop *outer = &(sbls.l.elem[j]);
654                 if(i == j) continue;
655                 if(outer->tag != OUTER_LOOP) continue;
657                 Vector p = spuv.l.elem[j].AnyEdgeMidpoint();
658                 if(spuv.l.elem[i].ContainsPointProjdToNormal(spuv.normal, p)) {
659                     break;
660                 }
661             }
662             if(j < sbls.l.n) {
663                 // It does, can't do this one yet.
664                 continue;
665             }
667             SBezierLoopSet outerAndInners = {};
668             loopsRemaining = true;
669             loop->tag = USED_LOOP;
670             outerAndInners.l.Add(loop);
671             int auxA = 0;
672             if(loop->l.n > 0) auxA = loop->l.elem[0].auxA;
674             for(j = 0; j < sbls.l.n; j++) {
675                 SBezierLoop *inner = &(sbls.l.elem[j]);
676                 if(inner->tag != INNER_LOOP) continue;
677                 if(inner->l.n < 1) continue;
678                 if(inner->l.elem[0].auxA != auxA) continue;
680                 Vector p = spuv.l.elem[j].AnyEdgeMidpoint();
681                 if(spuv.l.elem[i].ContainsPointProjdToNormal(spuv.normal, p)) {
682                     outerAndInners.l.Add(inner);
683                     inner->tag = USED_LOOP;
684                 }
685             }
687             outerAndInners.point  = srfuv->PointAt(0, 0);
688             outerAndInners.normal = srfuv->NormalAt(0, 0);
689             l.Add(&outerAndInners);
690         }
691     }
693     // If we have poorly-formed loops--for example, overlapping zero-area
694     // stuff--then we can end up with leftovers. We use this function to
695     // group stuff into closed paths for export when possible, so it's bad
696     // to screw up on that stuff. So just add them onto the open curve list.
697     // Very ugly, but better than losing curves.
698     for(i = 0; i < sbls.l.n; i++) {
699         SBezierLoop *loop = &(sbls.l.elem[i]);
700         if(loop->tag == USED_LOOP) continue;
702         if(openContours) {
703             SBezier *sb;
704             for(sb = loop->l.First(); sb; sb = loop->l.NextAfter(sb)) {
705                 openContours->l.Add(sb);
706             }
707         }
708         loop->Clear();
709         // but don't free the used loops, since we shallow-copied them to
710         // ourself
711     }
713     sbls.l.Clear(); // not sbls.Clear(), since that would deep-clear
714     spuv.Clear();
715 }
AddOpenPath(SBezier * sb)717 void SBezierLoopSetSet::AddOpenPath(SBezier *sb) {
718     SBezierLoop sbl = {};
719     sbl.l.Add(sb);
721     SBezierLoopSet sbls = {};
722     sbls.l.Add(&sbl);
724     l.Add(&sbls);
725 }
Clear(void)727 void SBezierLoopSetSet::Clear(void) {
728     SBezierLoopSet *sbls;
729     for(sbls = l.First(); sbls; sbls = l.NextAfter(sbls)) {
730         sbls->Clear();
731     }
732     l.Clear();
733 }
FromTransformationOf(SCurve * a,Vector t,Quaternion q,double scale)735 SCurve SCurve::FromTransformationOf(SCurve *a,
736                                           Vector t, Quaternion q, double scale)
737 {
738     SCurve ret = {};
740     ret.h = a->h;
741     ret.isExact = a->isExact;
742     ret.exact = (a->exact).TransformedBy(t, q, scale);
743     ret.surfA = a->surfA;
744     ret.surfB = a->surfB;
746     SCurvePt *p;
747     for(p = a->pts.First(); p; p = a->pts.NextAfter(p)) {
748         SCurvePt pp = *p;
749         pp.p = (pp.p).ScaledBy(scale);
750         pp.p = (q.Rotate(pp.p)).Plus(t);
751         ret.pts.Add(&pp);
752     }
753     return ret;
754 }
Clear(void)756 void SCurve::Clear(void) {
757     pts.Clear();
758 }
GetSurfaceA(SShell * a,SShell * b)760 SSurface *SCurve::GetSurfaceA(SShell *a, SShell *b) {
761     if(source == FROM_A) {
762         return a->surface.FindById(surfA);
763     } else if(source == FROM_B) {
764         return b->surface.FindById(surfA);
765     } else if(source == FROM_INTERSECTION) {
766         return a->surface.FindById(surfA);
767     } else oops();
768 }
GetSurfaceB(SShell * a,SShell * b)770 SSurface *SCurve::GetSurfaceB(SShell *a, SShell *b) {
771     if(source == FROM_A) {
772         return a->surface.FindById(surfB);
773     } else if(source == FROM_B) {
774         return b->surface.FindById(surfB);
775     } else if(source == FROM_INTERSECTION) {
776         return b->surface.FindById(surfB);
777     } else oops();
778 }
780 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
781 // When we split line segments wherever they intersect a surface, we introduce
782 // extra pwl points. This may create very short edges that could be removed
783 // without violating the chord tolerance. Those are ugly, and also break
784 // stuff in the Booleans. So remove them.
785 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RemoveShortSegments(SSurface * srfA,SSurface * srfB)786 void SCurve::RemoveShortSegments(SSurface *srfA, SSurface *srfB) {
787     // Three, not two; curves are pwl'd to at least two edges (three points)
788     // even if not necessary, to avoid square holes.
789     if(pts.n <= 3) return;
790     pts.ClearTags();
792     Vector prev = pts.elem[0].p;
793     int i, a;
794     for(i = 1; i < pts.n - 1; i++) {
795         SCurvePt *sct = &(pts.elem[i]),
796                  *scn = &(pts.elem[i+1]);
797         if(sct->vertex) {
798             prev = sct->p;
799             continue;
800         }
801         bool mustKeep = false;
803         // We must check against both surfaces; the piecewise linear edge
804         // may have a different chord tolerance in the two surfaces. (For
805         // example, a circle in the surface of a cylinder is just a straight
806         // line, so it always has perfect chord tol, but that circle in
807         // a plane is a circle so it doesn't).
808         for(a = 0; a < 2; a++) {
809             SSurface *srf = (a == 0) ? srfA : srfB;
810             Vector puv, nuv;
811             srf->ClosestPointTo(prev,   &(puv.x), &(puv.y));
812             srf->ClosestPointTo(scn->p, &(nuv.x), &(nuv.y));
814             if(srf->ChordToleranceForEdge(nuv, puv) > SS.ChordTolMm()) {
815                 mustKeep = true;
816             }
817         }
819         if(mustKeep) {
820             prev = sct->p;
821         } else {
822             sct->tag = 1;
823             // and prev is unchanged, since there's no longer any point
824             // in between
825         }
826     }
828     pts.RemoveTagged();
829 }
EntireCurve(SShell * shell,hSCurve hsc,bool backwards)831 STrimBy STrimBy::EntireCurve(SShell *shell, hSCurve hsc, bool backwards) {
832     STrimBy stb = {};
833     stb.curve = hsc;
834     SCurve *sc = shell->curve.FindById(hsc);
836     if(backwards) {
837         stb.finish = sc->pts.elem[0].p;
838         stb.start = sc->pts.elem[sc->pts.n - 1].p;
839         stb.backwards = true;
840     } else {
841         stb.start = sc->pts.elem[0].p;
842         stb.finish = sc->pts.elem[sc->pts.n - 1].p;
843         stb.backwards = false;
844     }
846     return stb;
847 }