1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 **  This file is part of GAP, a system for computational discrete algebra.
4 **
5 **  Copyright of GAP belongs to its developers, whose names are too numerous
6 **  to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file for details.
7 **
8 **  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
9 **
10 **  This file contains  the functions of  Gasman,  the  GAP  storage manager.
11 **
12 **  {\Gasman} is a storage manager for applications written in C.  That means
13 **  that  an application  using {\Gasman}  requests  blocks  of  storage from
14 **  {\Gasman}.   Those   blocks of  storage are    called  *bags*.  Then  the
15 **  application writes data into and reads data from the bags.  Finally a bag
16 **  is no longer needed  and the application  simply forgets it.  We say that
17 **  such a bag that is no longer needed is *dead*.  {\Gasman} cares about the
18 **  allocation of bags and deallocation of  dead bags.  Thus these operations
19 **  are  transparent    to  the application,  enabling   the    programmer to
20 **  concentrate on algorithms instead of caring  about storage allocation and
21 **  deallocation.
22 **
23 **  {\Gasman} implements an automatic, cooperating, compacting, generational,
24 **  conservative storage management
25 **
26 **  *Automatic* means that the application only allocates  bags.  It need not
27 **  explicitly  deallocate them.    {\Gasman} automatically determines  which
28 **  bags are  dead and deallocates them.  This   is done by a  process called
29 **  *garbage  collection*.   Garbage refers to   the bags that  are dead, and
30 **  collection refers to the process of deallocating them.
31 **
32 **  *Cooperating* means  that the application  must cooperate with {\Gasman},
33 **  that is it must follow two rules.  One rule is that  it must not remember
34 **  the addresses of the data area of a bag for  too long.  The other rule is
35 **  that it must inform {\Gasman} when it has changed a bag.
36 **
37 **  *Compacting* means that after a garbage collection {\Gasman} compacts the
38 **  bags  that are   still  live,  so  that the  storage  made  available  by
39 **  deallocating the dead  bags  becomes one  large  contiguous  block.  This
40 **  helps to avoid *fragmentation* of the free storage.  The downside is that
41 **  the address of  the data  area  of a  bag  may  change during  a  garbage
42 **  collection,  which is the  reason why  the  application must not remember
43 **  this address for too long,  i.e., must not keep  pointers to or into  the
44 **  data area of a bag over a garbage collection.
45 **
46 **  *Generational*  means that {\Gasman}  distinguishes between old and young
47 **  bags.  Old bags have been allocated some time ago, i.e., they survived at
48 **  least one garbage collection.  During a garbage collection {\Gasman} will
49 **  first find and  deallocate the dead young  bags.   Only if that  does not
50 **  produce enough free storage, {\Gasman} will find  and deallocate the dead
51 **  old  bags.  The idea behind this  is that usually most  bags  have a very
52 **  short life, so  that  they will die young.    The downside is that   this
53 **  requires {\Gasman} to quickly  find  the young  bags that are  referenced
54 **  from   old bags, which  is  the  reason  why  an  application must inform
55 **  {\Gasman} when it has changed a bag.
56 **
57 **  *Conservative* means that there are  situations in which {\Gasman} cannot
58 **  decide with  absolute certainty whether  a bag is   still live or already
59 **  dead.  In these situations {\Gasman} has to  assume that the bag is still
60 **  live, and may thus keep a bag longer than it is necessary.
61 **
62 **  What follows describes the reasons for this  design, and at the same time
63 **  the assumptions that were  made about the application.   This is given so
64 **  you can make an educated guess as to whether  {\Gasman} is an appropriate
65 **  storage manager for your application.
66 **
67 **  {\Gasman} is automatic, because  this makes it  easier to use in large or
68 **  complex applications.  Namely in with a non-automatic storage manager the
69 **  application must  decide when  to  deallocate  a  bag.  This  requires in
70 **  general global knowledge, i.e., it is not sufficient  to know whether the
71 **  current function may still need  the bag, one also  needs to know whether
72 **  any  other  function may  still   need the   bag.  With growing   size or
73 **  complexity of the application it gets harder to obtain this knowledge.
74 **
75 **  {\Gasman} is cooperating,  because this is  a requirement  for compaction
76 **  and generations (at least without cooperation, compaction and generations
77 **  are very  difficult).  As described  below, the  former is  important for
78 **  storage efficiency,   the  latter for  time efficiency.     Note that the
79 **  cooperation requires only local knowledge, i.e., whether or not a certain
80 **  function of the application follows the two  rules can be decided by just
81 **  looking   at the function  without any  knowledge about the   rest of the
82 **  application.
83 **
84 **  {\Gasman} is  compacting, because this allows the  efficient usage of the
85 **  available storage by applications where the ratio between the size of the
86 **  smallest   and the largest bag is   large.   Namely with a non-compacting
87 **  storage manager,  a  part  of  the free  storage   may become unavailable
88 **  because it is fragmented into  many small pieces,  each  of which is  too
89 **  small to serve an allocation.
90 **
91 **  {\Gasman} is generational,  because this  makes it  very much faster,  at
92 **  least  for those  applications where   most bags  will indeed  die young.
93 **  Namely a non-generational storage manager must test  for each bag whether
94 **  or  not it  is still live  during  each garbage collection.  However with
95 **  many applications  the probability   that  an  old bag,  i.e.,  one  that
96 **  survived at least one  garbage  collection, will  also survive  the  next
97 **  garbage  collection  is  high.   A  generational  storage manager  simply
98 **  assumes that each old bag is still  live during most garbage collections.
99 **  Thereby it avoids  the expensive tests for most  bags during most garbage
100 **  collections.
101 **
102 **  {\Gasman}  is conservative, because  for most applications  only few bags
103 **  are incorrectly  assumed to be still live  and the additional cooperation
104 **  required   to make  {\Gasman} (more)     precise   would slow down    the
105 **  application.  Note that the problem appears since the C compiler provides
106 **  not enough information to distinguish between true references to bags and
107 **  other values  that just happen to look  like  references.  Thus {\Gasman}
108 **  has to assume that everything that could be interpreted as a reference to
109 **  a bag  is  indeed such  a reference, and  that  this bag is  still  live.
110 **  Therefore  some bags  may  be  kept by  {\Gasman}, even   though they are
111 **  already dead.
112 */
114 #include "gasman.h"
115 #include "gasman_intern.h"
117 #include "gaputils.h"
118 #include "io.h"
119 #include "sysfiles.h"
120 #include "sysmem.h"
122 #include "bags.inc"
124 #ifdef GAP_MEM_CHECK
125 #include <sys/mman.h>
126 #endif
128 /****************************************************************************
129 **
130 *F  WORDS_BAG( <size> ) . . . . . . . . . . words used by a bag of given size
131 **
132 **  The structure of a bag is a follows{\:}
133 **
134 **    <identifier>
135 **      __/
136 **     /
137 **    V
138 **    +---------+
139 **    |<masterp>|
140 **    +---------+
141 **          \________________________
142 **                                   \
143 **                                    V
144 **    +------+-------+------+---------+--------------------------------+----+
145 **    |<size>|<flags>|<type>|  <link> |         .         .         ...| pad|
146 **    +------+-------+------+---------+--------------------------------+----+
147 **
148 **  A bag consists of a masterpointer, and a body.
149 **
150 **  The *masterpointer* is a pointer  to the data  area of the bag.  During a
151 **  garbage collection  the masterpointer is the  only active  pointer to the
152 **  data area of the bag, because of the rule that no pointers to or into the
153 **  data  area of a  bag may be remembered  over calls  to functions that may
154 **  cause a garbage  collection.  It is the job  of the garbage collection to
155 **  update the masterpointer of a bag when it moves the bag.
156 **
157 **  The *identifier*  of  the  bag is a   pointer  to (the  address   of) the
158 **  masterpointer  of  the bag.   Thus   'PTR_BAG(<bag>)' is simply '\*<bag>'
159 **  plus a cast.
160 **
161 **  The *body* of a bag consists of a header, the data area, and the padding.
162 **
163 **  The header in turn consists of the *type byte*, *flags byte* and the
164 **  *size field*, which is either 32 bits or 48 bits (on 32 resp. 64 bit systems),
165 **  followed by a link word.  The 'BagHeader' struct describes the exact
166 **  structure of the header.
167 **
168 **  The  *link word* usually   contains the identifier of  the  bag,  i.e., a
169 **  pointer to the masterpointer of the bag.  Thus the garbage collection can
170 **  find  the masterpointer of a  bag through the link  word if  it knows the
171 **  address of the  data area of the bag.    The link word   is also used  by
172 **  {\Gasman} to  keep   bags  on  two linked  lists  (see  "ChangedBags" and
173 **  "MarkedBags").
174 **
175 **  The *data area* of a  bag is the area  that  contains the data stored  by
176 **  the application in this bag.
177 **
178 **  The *padding* consists  of up to 'sizeof(Bag)-1' bytes  and pads the body
179 **  so that the size of a  body is always  a multiple of 'sizeof(Bag)'.  This
180 **  is to ensure that bags are always aligned.  The macro 'WORDS_BAG(<size>)'
181 **  returns the number  of words occupied  by the data  area and padding of a
182 **  bag of size <size>.
183 **
184 **  A body in the workspace whose type byte contains the value T_DUMMY is the
185 **  remainder of a 'ResizeBag'. That is it consists either of the unused words
186 **  after a bag has been shrunk, or of the old body of the bag after the
187 **  contents of the body have been copied elsewhere for an extension. The
188 **  size field in the bag header contains the number of bytes in
189 **  this area excluding the first word itself. Note that such a body  has no
190 **  link  word, because such a remainder does not correspond to a bag (see
191 **  "Implementation of ResizeBag").
192 **
193 **  A masterpointer with a value  congruent to 1  mod 4 is   the relic of  an
194 **  object  that was  weakly but not   strongly  marked in  a recent  garbage
195 **  collection.   These persist until  after the next full garbage collection
196 **  by which time all references to them should have been removed.
197 **
198 */
200 enum {
201     SIZE_MPTR_BAGS = 1,
203     T_DUMMY = NUM_TYPES - 1,
204 };
207 // BAG_SLACK is used to define a block of empty space at the end of each
208 // bag, which can then be marked as "not accessible" in the memory checker
209 // Valgrind
211 enum { BAG_SLACK = 0 };
213 // TIGHT_WORDS_BAG defines the actual amount of space a Bag requires,
214 // without BAG_SLACK.
TIGHT_WORDS_BAG(UInt size)215 static inline UInt TIGHT_WORDS_BAG(UInt size)
216 {
217     return (size + sizeof(Bag) - 1) / sizeof(Bag);
218 }
WORDS_BAG(UInt size)220 static inline UInt WORDS_BAG(UInt size)
221 {
222     return TIGHT_WORDS_BAG(size) + BAG_SLACK;
223 }
DATA(BagHeader * bag)225 static inline Bag *DATA(BagHeader *bag)
226 {
227     return (Bag *)(bag + 1);
228 }
231 /****************************************************************************
232 **
233 *V  MptrBags  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . beginning of the masterpointer area
234 *V  MptrEndBags  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  end of the masterpointer area
235 *V  OldBags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  beginning of the old bags area
236 *V  YoungBags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  beginning of the young bags area
237 *V  AllocBags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  beginning of the allocation area
238 *V  AllocSizeBags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . size of the allocation area
239 *V  EndBags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  end of the workspace
240 **
241 **  {\Gasman} manages one large block of storage called the *workspace*.  The
242 **  layout of the workspace is as follows{\:}
243 **
244 **  +----------------+----------+----------+-----------------+--------------+
245 **  |  masterpointer |  unused  | old bags |   young bags    |  allocation  |
246 **  |      area      |   area   |   area   |      area       |     area     |
247 **  +----------------+----------+----------+-----------------+--------------+
248 **  ^                ^          ^          ^                 ^              ^
249 **  MptrBags    MptrEndBags  OldBags   YoungBags         AllocBags    EndBags
250 **
251 **  The *masterpointer area*  contains  all the masterpointers  of  the bags.
252 **  'MptrBags' points to the beginning of this area and 'MptrEndBags' to the
253 **  end.
254 **
255 **  Between MptrEndBags and OldBags is an *unused area*. This exists so the
256 **  master points, and bags area, can be moved independently. MptrEndBags
257 **  will always come earlier in memory than OldBags. GASMAN should not touch
258 **  this memory, as it may be used for other purposes.
259 **
260 **  The *old bags area* contains the bodies of all the  bags that survived at
261 **  least one  garbage collection.  This area is  only  scanned for dead bags
262 **  during a full garbage collection.  'OldBags'  points to the  beginning of
263 **  this area and 'YoungBags' to the end.
264 **
265 **  The *young bags area* contains the bodies of all  the bags that have been
266 **  allocated since the  last garbage collection.  This  area is scanned  for
267 **  dead  bags during  each garbage  collection.  'YoungBags'  points  to the
268 **  beginning of this area and 'AllocBags' to the end.
269 **
270 **  The *allocation area* is the storage  that is available for allocation of
271 **  new bags.  When a new bag is allocated the storage for  the body is taken
272 **  from  the beginning of   this area,  and  this  area  is  correspondingly
273 **  reduced.   If  the body does not   fit in the  allocation  area a garbage
274 **  collection is  performed.  'AllocBags' points   to the beginning of  this
275 **  area and 'EndBags' to the end.
276 **
277 **  Note that  the  borders between the areas are not static.  In  particular
278 **  each allocation increases the size of the young bags area and reduces the
279 **  size of the  allocation area.  On the other hand each garbage  collection
280 **  empties the young bags area.
281 */
282 Bag *                   MptrBags;
283 Bag *                   MptrEndBags;
284 static Bag *            OldBags;
285 Bag *                   YoungBags;
286 Bag *                   AllocBags;
287 static UInt             AllocSizeBags;
288 static Bag *            EndBags;
290 /* These macros, are (a) for more readable code, but more importantly
291    (b) to ensure that unsigned subtracts and divides are used (since
292    we know the ordering of the pointers. This is needed on > 2GB
293    workspaces on 32 but systems. The Size****Area functions return an
294    answer in units of a word (ie sizeof(UInt) bytes), which should
295    therefore be small enough not to cause problems. */
SpaceBetweenPointers(const Bag * a,const Bag * b)297 static inline UInt SpaceBetweenPointers(const Bag * a, const Bag * b)
298 {
299     GAP_ASSERT(b <= a);
300     UInt res = (((UInt)((UInt)(a) - (UInt)(b))) / sizeof(Bag));
301     return res;
302 }
304 #define SizeMptrsArea SpaceBetweenPointers(MptrEndBags, MptrBags)
305 // #define SizeOldBagsArea SpaceBetweenPointers(YoungBags, OldBags)
306 // #define SizeYoungBagsArea SpaceBetweenPointers(AllocBags, YoungBags)
307 #define SizeAllocationArea SpaceBetweenPointers(EndBags, AllocBags)
309 #define SizeAllBagsArea SpaceBetweenPointers(AllocBags, OldBags)
310 #define SizeWorkspace SpaceBetweenPointers(EndBags, MptrBags)
312 #if defined(GAP_KERNEL_DEBUG)
SanityCheckGasmanPointers(void)313 static int SanityCheckGasmanPointers(void)
314 {
315     return MptrBags <= MptrEndBags &&
316            MptrEndBags <= OldBags &&
317            OldBags <= YoungBags &&
318            YoungBags <= AllocBags &&
319            AllocBags <= EndBags;
320 }
321 #endif
323 /****************************************************************************
324 **
325 *V  FreeMptrBags  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  list of free bag identifiers
326 **
327 **  'FreeMptrBags' is the  first free bag identifier, i.e., it points  to the
328 **  first  available  masterpointer.   If 'FreeMptrBags'  is 0  there are  no
329 **  available masterpointers.  The available masterpointers are  managed in a
330 **  forward linked list,  i.e., each available  masterpointer  points  to the
331 **  next available masterpointer, except for the last, which contains 0.
332 **
333 **  When a new  bag is allocated  it gets the identifier  'FreeMptrBags', and
334 **  'FreeMptrBags' is set to the value stored in this masterpointer, which is
335 **  the next available masterpointer.  When a bag is deallocated by a garbage
336 **  collection  its  masterpointer  is  added   to  the  list  of   available
337 **  masterpointers again.
338 */
339 static Bag FreeMptrBags;
342 /****************************************************************************
343 **
344 *V  ChangedBags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  list of changed old bags
345 **
346 **  'ChangedBags' holds a  list of old bags that  have been changed since the
347 **  last garbage collection, i.e., for  which either 'CHANGED_BAG' was called
348 **  or which have been resized.
349 **
350 **  This list starts with the bag  whose identifier is 'ChangedBags', and the
351 **  link word of each bag on the list contains the identifier of the next bag
352 **  on the list.  The link word of the  last bag on the list  contains 0.  If
353 **  'ChangedBags' has the value 0, the list is empty.
354 **
355 **  The garbage collection needs to know which young  bags are subbags of old
356 **  bags, since  it  must  not  throw   those away    in a partial    garbage
357 **  collection.  Only  those old bags that  have been changed  since the last
358 **  garbage collection can contain references to  young bags, which have been
359 **  allocated since the last garbage  collection.  The application cooperates
360 **  by informing {\Gasman} with 'CHANGED_BAG' which bags it has changed.  The
361 **  list of changed old  bags is scanned by a  partial garbage collection and
362 **  the young subbags of the old bags on this list are marked with 'MarkBag'
363 **  (see "MarkedBags").  Without this  list 'CollectBags' would have to  scan
364 **  all old bags for references to young bags, which would take too much time
365 **  (see "Implementation of CollectBags").
366 **
367 **  'CHANGED_BAG' puts a bag on the list  of changed old bags.  'CHANGED_BAG'
368 **  first checks that <bag> is an old bag by checking that 'PTR_BAG( <bag> )'
369 **  is smaller than 'YoungBags'.  Then it checks that  the bag is not already
370 **  on the list of changed bags by checking that the link word still contains
371 **  the identifier of <bag>.  If <bag> is an  old bag that  is not already on
372 **  the list of changed bags, 'CHANGED_BAG' puts <bag> on the list of changed
373 **  bags,  by  setting  the  link word of   <bag>   to the   current value of
374 **  'ChangedBags' and then setting 'ChangedBags' to <bag>.
375 */
376 Bag                     ChangedBags;
379 /****************************************************************************
380 **
381 *V  MarkedBags  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . list of marked bags
382 **
383 **  'MarkedBags' holds a list of bags that have already  been marked during a
384 **  garbage collection by 'MarkBag'.  This list is only used  during garbage
385 **  collections, so it is  always empty outside  of  garbage collections (see
386 **  "Implementation of CollectBags").
387 **
388 **  This list starts with the  bag whose identifier  is 'MarkedBags', and the
389 **  link word of each bag on the list contains the identifier of the next bag
390 **  on the list.  The link word of the  last bag on the list  contains 0.  If
391 **  'MarkedBags' has the value 0, the list is empty.
392 **
393 **  Note that some other  storage managers do not use  such a list during the
394 **  mark phase.   Instead  they simply let the  marking   functions call each
395 **  other.  While this is  somewhat simpler it  may use an unbound  amount of
396 **  space on the stack.  This is particularly  bad on systems where the stack
397 **  is not in a separate segment of the address space, and thus may grow into
398 **  the workspace, causing disaster.
399 **
400 **  'MarkBag'   puts a  bag <bag>  onto  this list.    'MarkBag'  has to be
401 **  careful, because it can be called  with an argument that  is not really a
402 **  bag identifier, and may  point  outside the programs  address space.   So
403 **  'MarkBag' first checks that <bag> points  to a properly aligned location
404 **  between 'MptrBags' and 'OldBags'.   Then 'MarkBag' checks that <bag>  is
405 **  the identifier  of a young bag by  checking that the masterpointer points
406 **  to  a  location between  'YoungBags'  and  'AllocBags'  (if <bag>  is the
407 **  identifier of an   old bag, the  masterpointer will  point to a  location
408 **  between  'OldBags' and 'YoungBags',  and if <bag>   only appears to be an
409 **  identifier, the masterpointer could be on the free list of masterpointers
410 **  and   point   to a  location  between  'MptrBags'  and  'OldBags').  Then
411 **  'MarkBag' checks  that <bag> is not  already marked by checking that the
412 **  link  word of <bag>  contains the identifier of the   bag.  If any of the
413 **  checks fails, 'MarkBag' does nothing.  If all checks succeed, 'MarkBag'
414 **  puts <bag> onto the  list of marked bags by  putting the current value of
415 **  'ChangedBags' into the link word  of <bag>  and setting 'ChangedBags'  to
416 **  <bag>.  Note that since bags are always placed  at the front of the list,
417 **  'CollectBags' will   mark the bags   in a  depth-first  order.   This  is
418 **  probably good to improve the locality of reference.
419 */
420 static Bag MarkedBags;
423 /****************************************************************************
424 **
425 *V  NrAllBags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  number of all bags allocated
426 *V  NrLiveBags  . . . . . . . . . .  number of bags that survived the last gc
427 *V  SizeLiveBags  . . . . . . .  total size of bags that survived the last gc
428 *V  NrDeadBags  . . . . . . . number of bags that died since the last full gc
429 *V  SizeDeadBags  . . . . total size of bags that died since the last full gc
430 *V  NrHalfDeadBags  . . . . . number of bags that died since the last full gc
431 **                            but may still be weakly pointed to
432 */
433 UInt                    NrAllBags;
434 UInt                    NrLiveBags;
435 UInt                    SizeLiveBags;
436 UInt                    NrDeadBags;
437 UInt8                   SizeDeadBags;
438 UInt                    NrHalfDeadBags;
441 /****************************************************************************
442 **
443 *F  IS_BAG_ID -- check if a value looks like a masterpointer id
444 */
IS_BAG_ID(void * ptr)445 static inline UInt IS_BAG_ID(void * ptr)
446 {
447     return (((void *)MptrBags <= ptr) && (ptr < (void *)MptrEndBags) &&
448             ((UInt)ptr & (sizeof(Bag) - 1)) == 0);
449 }
451 /****************************************************************************
452 **
453 *F  IS_BAG_BODY -- check if value like a pointer to a bag body
454 */
IS_BAG_BODY(void * ptr)455 static inline UInt IS_BAG_BODY(void * ptr)
456 {
457     return (((void *)OldBags <= ptr) && (ptr < (void *)AllocBags) &&
458             ((UInt)ptr & (sizeof(Bag) - 1)) == 0);
459 }
461 #if defined(GAP_MEMORY_CANARY)
463 #include <valgrind/valgrind.h>
464 #include <valgrind/memcheck.h>
466 // tell valgrind that the masterpointer, bag contents and bag header of Bag
467 // should all be accessible
469 {
470     VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(bag, sizeof(Bag));
471     char * ptr = (char *)PTR_BAG(bag);
472     Int    bagLength = SIZE_BAG(bag);
473     VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(ptr, bagLength);
475     BagHeader * header = BAG_HEADER(bag);
477         header, sizeof(*header) - sizeof(header->memory_canary_padding));
478 }
480 // Reverse CANARY_ALL_ACCESS_BAG, making the masterpointer, bag contents and
481 // bag header all inaccessible
483 {
484     VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(bag, sizeof(Bag));
485     char * ptr = (char *)PTR_BAG(bag);
486     Int    bagLength = SIZE_BAG(bag);
487     VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(ptr, bagLength);
489     BagHeader * header = BAG_HEADER(bag);
491         header, sizeof(*header) - sizeof(header->memory_canary_padding));
492 }
494 // Mark all bags as accessible
496 {
497     CallbackForAllBags(CANARY_ALLOW_ACCESS_BAG);
498 }
500 // Mark all bags as inaccessible
502 {
503     VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(MptrBags, (EndBags - MptrBags) * sizeof(Bag));
504 }
506 // Temporarily disable valgrind checking. This is used while creating bags or
507 // adjusting any internal GASMAN structures
510 // Renable valgrind checking.
513 // CHANGED_BAG must be here to disable/enable valgrind
CHANGED_BAG(Bag bag)514 void CHANGED_BAG(Bag bag)
515 {
517     if (CONST_PTR_BAG(bag) <= YoungBags && LINK_BAG(bag) == bag) {
518         LINK_BAG(bag) = ChangedBags;
519         ChangedBags = bag;
520     }
522 }
523 #else
530 #endif
533 /****************************************************************************
534 **
535 *F  InitSweepFuncBags(<type>,<mark-func>)  . . . .  install sweeping function
536 */
538 static TNumSweepFuncBags TabSweepFuncBags[NUM_TYPES];
InitSweepFuncBags(UInt type,TNumSweepFuncBags sweep_func)541 void InitSweepFuncBags (
542     UInt                type,
543     TNumSweepFuncBags    sweep_func )
544 {
545     if ( TabSweepFuncBags[type] != 0 ) {
546         Pr("warning: sweep function for type %d already installed\n", type, 0);
547     }
549     TabSweepFuncBags[type] = sweep_func;
550 }
553 /****************************************************************************
554 **
555 *F  InitMarkFuncBags(<type>,<mark-func>)  . . . . .  install marking function
556 *F  MarkNoSubBags(<bag>)  . . . . . . . . marking function that marks nothing
557 *F  MarkOneSubBags(<bag>) . . . . . .  marking function that marks one subbag
558 *F  MarkTwoSubBags(<bag>) . . . . . . marking function that marks two subbags
559 *F  MarkThreeSubBags(<bag>) . . . . marking function that marks three subbags
560 *F  MarkFourSubBags(<bag>)  . . . .  marking function that marks four subbags
561 *F  MarkAllSubBags(<bag>) . . . . . .  marking function that marks everything
562 **
563 **  'InitMarkFuncBags', 'MarkNoSubBags', 'MarkOneSubBags',  'MarkTwoSubBags',
564 **  and 'MarkAllSubBags' are really too simple for an explanation.
565 **
566 **  'MarkAllSubBagsDefault' is the same  as 'MarkAllSubBags' but is only used
567 **  by GASMAN as default.  This will allow to catch type clashes.
568 */
570 TNumMarkFuncBags TabMarkFuncBags [ NUM_TYPES ];
InitMarkFuncBags(UInt type,TNumMarkFuncBags mark_func)572 void InitMarkFuncBags (
573     UInt                type,
574     TNumMarkFuncBags    mark_func )
575 {
576     if ( TabMarkFuncBags[type] != MarkAllSubBagsDefault ) {
577         Pr("warning: mark function for type %d already installed\n", type, 0);
578     }
580     TabMarkFuncBags[type] = mark_func;
581 }
583 enum {
584     DEAD = 0,
585     ALIVE = 1,
586     HALFDEAD = 2,
587 };
GET_MARK_BITS(Bag x)589 static inline UInt GET_MARK_BITS(Bag x)
590 {
591     return (UInt)x & (sizeof(Bag) - 1);
592 }
MARKED_DEAD(Bag x)594 static inline Bag MARKED_DEAD(Bag x)
595 {
596     return x;
597 }
MARKED_ALIVE(Bag x)599 static inline Bag MARKED_ALIVE(Bag x)
600 {
601     return (Bag)((UInt)x | ALIVE);
602 }
MARKED_HALFDEAD(Bag x)604 static inline Bag MARKED_HALFDEAD(Bag x)
605 {
606     return (Bag)((UInt)x | HALFDEAD);
607 }
IS_MARKED_DEAD(Bag x)609 static inline Int IS_MARKED_DEAD(Bag x)
610 {
611     return LINK_BAG(x) == MARKED_DEAD(x);
612 }
614 // static inline Int IS_MARKED_ALIVE(Bag x)
615 // {
616 //     return LINK_BAG(x) == MARKED_ALIVE(x);
617 // }
IS_MARKED_HALFDEAD(Bag x)619 static inline Int IS_MARKED_HALFDEAD(Bag x)
620 {
621     return LINK_BAG(x) == MARKED_HALFDEAD(x);
622 }
UNMARKED_DEAD(Bag x)625 static inline Bag UNMARKED_DEAD(Bag x)
626 {
628     return x;
629 }
630 #endif
UNMARKED_ALIVE(Bag x)632 static inline Bag UNMARKED_ALIVE(Bag x)
633 {
635     return (Bag)(((UInt)x) & ~ALIVE);
636 }
UNMARKED_HALFDEAD(Bag x)638 static inline Bag UNMARKED_HALFDEAD(Bag x)
639 {
641     return (Bag)(((UInt)x) & ~HALFDEAD);
642 }
646 static UInt BadMarksCounter = 0;
647 static Int  DisableMarkBagValidation = 0;
648 #endif
651 // We define MarkBag as a inline function here so that
652 // the compiler can optimize the marking functions using it in the
653 // "current translation unit", i.e. inside gasman.c.
654 // Other marking functions don't get to inline MarkBag calls anymore,
655 // but luckily these are rare (and usually not performance critical
656 // to start with).
MarkBag(Bag bag)657 inline void MarkBag(Bag bag)
658 {
659   if ( IS_BAG_ID(bag)
660        && YoungBags < CONST_PTR_BAG(bag)    /*  points to a young bag */
661        && CONST_PTR_BAG(bag) <= AllocBags   /*    "     " "  "     "  */
662        && (IS_MARKED_DEAD(bag) || IS_MARKED_HALFDEAD(bag)) )
663     {
664         LINK_BAG(bag) = MarkedBags;
665         MarkedBags = bag;
666     }
668     else if (!DisableMarkBagValidation) {
669         if (bag != 0 && !((UInt)bag & 3) && !IS_BAG_ID(bag)) {
670             BadMarksCounter++;
671         }
672     }
673 #endif
674 }
MarkBagWeakly(Bag bag)676 void MarkBagWeakly(Bag bag)
677 {
678   if ( IS_BAG_ID(bag)
679        && YoungBags < CONST_PTR_BAG(bag)    /*  points to a young bag */
680        && CONST_PTR_BAG(bag) <= AllocBags   /*    "     " "  "     "  */
681        && IS_MARKED_DEAD(bag) )             /*  and not marked already */
682     {
683       // mark it now as we don't have to recurse
684       LINK_BAG(bag) = MARKED_HALFDEAD(bag);
685     }
686 }
IsWeakDeadBag(Bag bag)688 Int IsWeakDeadBag(Bag bag)
689 {
691     Int isWeakDeadBag = (((UInt)bag & (sizeof(Bag) - 1)) == 0) &&
692                         (Bag)MptrBags <= bag && bag < (Bag)MptrEndBags &&
693                         (((UInt)*bag) & (sizeof(Bag) - 1)) == 1;
695     return isWeakDeadBag;
696 }
699 /****************************************************************************
700 **
701 *F  CallbackForAllBags( <func> ) call a C function on all non-zero mptrs
702 **
703 **  This calls a C function on every bag, including garbage ones, by simply
704 **  walking the masterpointer area. Not terribly safe.
705 **
706 */
CallbackForAllBags(void (* func)(Bag))707 void CallbackForAllBags(void (*func)(Bag))
708 {
709     for (Bag bag = (Bag)MptrBags; bag < (Bag)MptrEndBags; bag++) {
711         Int is_bag = IS_BAG_BODY(*bag);
713         if (is_bag) {
714             (*func)(bag);
715         }
716     }
717 }
720 /****************************************************************************
721 **
722 *V  GlobalBags  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . list of global bags
723 */
724 TNumGlobalBags GlobalBags;
727 /****************************************************************************
728 **
729 *F  InitGlobalBag(<addr>, <cookie>) inform Gasman about global bag identifier
730 **
731 **  'InitGlobalBag' simply leaves the address <addr> in a global array, where
732 **  it is used by 'CollectBags'. <cookie> is also recorded to allow things to
733 **  be matched up after loading a saved workspace.
734 */
735 static UInt GlobalSortingStatus;
ClearGlobalBags(void)737 static void ClearGlobalBags(void)
738 {
739   UInt i;
740   for (i = 0; i < GlobalBags.nr; i++)
741     {
742       GlobalBags.addr[i] = 0L;
743       GlobalBags.cookie[i] = 0L;
744     }
745   GlobalBags.nr = 0;
746   GlobalSortingStatus = 0;
747 }
InitGlobalBag(Bag * addr,const Char * cookie)749 void InitGlobalBag (
750     Bag *               addr,
751     const Char *        cookie )
752 {
754     if ( GlobalBags.nr == NR_GLOBAL_BAGS ) {
755         Panic("Gasman cannot handle so many global variables");
756     }
758     if (cookie != 0) {
759         for (UInt i = 0; i < GlobalBags.nr; i++) {
760             if (0 == strcmp(GlobalBags.cookie[i], cookie)) {
761                 if (GlobalBags.addr[i] == addr)
762                     Pr("Duplicate global bag entry %s\n", (Int)cookie, 0L);
763                 else
764                     Pr("Duplicate global bag cookie %s\n", (Int)cookie, 0L);
765             }
766         }
767     }
769     GlobalBags.addr[GlobalBags.nr] = addr;
770     GlobalBags.cookie[GlobalBags.nr] = cookie;
771     GlobalBags.nr++;
772     GlobalSortingStatus = 0;
773 }
IsLessGlobal(const Char * cookie1,const Char * cookie2,UInt byWhat)776 static Int IsLessGlobal (
777     const Char *        cookie1,
778     const Char *        cookie2,
779     UInt                byWhat )
780 {
781   if (byWhat != 2)
782     {
783       Panic("can only sort globals by cookie");
784     }
785   if (cookie1 == 0L && cookie2 == 0L)
786     return 0;
787   if (cookie1 == 0L)
788     return -1;
789   if (cookie2 == 0L)
790     return 1;
791   return strcmp(cookie1, cookie2) < 0;
792 }
SortGlobals(UInt byWhat)796 void SortGlobals( UInt byWhat )
797 {
798   const Char *tmpcookie;
799   Bag * tmpaddr;
800   UInt len, h, i, k;
801   if (byWhat != 2)
802     {
803       Panic("can only sort globals by cookie");
804     }
805   if (GlobalSortingStatus == byWhat)
806     return;
807   len = GlobalBags.nr;
808   h = 1;
809   while ( 9*h + 4 < len )
810     { h = 3*h + 1; }
811   while ( 0 < h ) {
812     for ( i = h; i < len; i++ ) {
813       tmpcookie = GlobalBags.cookie[i];
814       tmpaddr = GlobalBags.addr[i];
815       k = i;
816       while ( h <= k && IsLessGlobal(tmpcookie,
817                                      GlobalBags.cookie[k-h],
818                                      byWhat))
819         {
820           GlobalBags.cookie[k] = GlobalBags.cookie[k-h];
821           GlobalBags.addr[k] = GlobalBags.addr[k-h];
822           k -= h;
823         }
824       GlobalBags.cookie[k] = tmpcookie;
825       GlobalBags.addr[k] = tmpaddr;
826     }
827     h = h / 3;
828   }
829   GlobalSortingStatus = byWhat;
830 }
GlobalByCookie(const Char * cookie)834 Bag * GlobalByCookie(
835        const Char * cookie )
836 {
837   UInt i,top,bottom,middle;
838   Int res;
839   if (cookie == 0)
840       Panic("zero cookie passed to GlobalByCookie");
841   if (GlobalSortingStatus != 2)
842     {
843       for (i = 0; i < GlobalBags.nr; i++)
844         {
845           if (strcmp(cookie, GlobalBags.cookie[i]) == 0)
846             return GlobalBags.addr[i];
847         }
848       return (Bag *)0L;
849     }
850   else
851     {
852       top = GlobalBags.nr;
853       bottom = 0;
854       while (top >= bottom) {
855         middle = (top + bottom)/2;
856         res = strcmp(cookie,GlobalBags.cookie[middle]);
857         if (res < 0)
858           top = middle-1;
859         else if (res > 0)
860           bottom = middle+1;
861         else
862           return GlobalBags.addr[middle];
863       }
864       return (Bag *)0L;
865     }
866 }
869 static Bag NextMptrRestoring;
StartRestoringBags(UInt nBags,UInt maxSize)871 void StartRestoringBags( UInt nBags, UInt maxSize)
872 {
873   UInt target;
874   Bag *newmem;
875 /*Bag *ptr; */
876   target = (8*nBags)/7 + (8*maxSize)/7; /* ideal workspace size */
877   target = (target * sizeof (Bag) + (512L*1024L) - 1)/(512L*1024L)*(512L*1024L)/sizeof (Bag);
878               /* make sure that the allocated amount of memory is divisible by 512 * 1024 */
879   if (SizeWorkspace < target)
880     {
881       newmem  = SyAllocBags(sizeof(Bag)*(target- SizeWorkspace)/1024, 0);
882       if (newmem == 0)
883         {
884           target = nBags + maxSize; /* absolute requirement */
885           target = (target * sizeof (Bag) + (512L*1024L) - 1)/(512L*1024L)*(512L*1024L)/sizeof (Bag);
886                /* make sure that the allocated amount of memory is divisible by 512 * 1024 */
887           if (SizeWorkspace < target)
888             SyAllocBags(sizeof(Bag)*(target- SizeWorkspace)/1024, 1);
889         }
890       EndBags = MptrBags + target;
891     }
892   OldBags = MptrBags + nBags + (SizeWorkspace - nBags - maxSize)/8;
893   MptrEndBags = OldBags;
894   AllocBags = OldBags;
895   NextMptrRestoring = (Bag)MptrBags;
896   SizeAllBags = 0;
897   NrAllBags = 0;
898 }
NextBagRestoring(UInt type,UInt flags,UInt size)900 Bag NextBagRestoring( UInt type, UInt flags, UInt size )
901 {
902   Bag bag;
903   UInt i;
904   BagHeader * header = (BagHeader *)AllocBags;
905   *(Bag **)NextMptrRestoring = AllocBags = DATA(header);
906   bag = NextMptrRestoring;
907   header->type = type;
908   header->flags = flags;
909   header->size = size;
910   header->link = NextMptrRestoring;
912   NextMptrRestoring++;
914   if ((Bag *)NextMptrRestoring >= MptrEndBags)
915     Panic("Overran Masterpointer area");
917   for (i = 0; i < WORDS_BAG(size); i++)
918     *AllocBags++ = (Bag)0;
920   if (AllocBags > EndBags)
921     Panic("Overran data area");
923 #ifdef COUNT_BAGS
924   InfoBags[type].nrLive   += 1;
925   InfoBags[type].nrAll    += 1;
926   InfoBags[type].sizeLive += size;
927   InfoBags[type].sizeAll  += size;
928 #endif
929   SizeAllBags += size;
930   NrAllBags ++;
931   return bag;
932 }
FinishedRestoringBags(void)934 void FinishedRestoringBags( void )
935 {
936   Bag p;
937 /*  Bag *ptr; */
938   YoungBags = AllocBags;
939   FreeMptrBags = NextMptrRestoring;
940   for (p = NextMptrRestoring; p +1 < (Bag)MptrEndBags; p++)
941     *(Bag *)p = p+1;
942   *p = 0;
943   NrLiveBags = NrAllBags;
944   SizeLiveBags = SizeAllBags;
945   NrDeadBags = 0;
946   SizeDeadBags = 0;
947   NrHalfDeadBags = 0;
948   ChangedBags = 0;
949 }
952 /****************************************************************************
953 **
954 *F  InitFreeFuncBag(<type>,<free-func>) . . . . . .  install freeing function
955 **
956 **  'InitFreeFuncBag' is really too simple for an explanation.
957 */
958 static TNumFreeFuncBags TabFreeFuncBags[NUM_TYPES];
InitFreeFuncBag(UInt type,TNumFreeFuncBags free_func)960 void            InitFreeFuncBag (
961     UInt                type,
962     TNumFreeFuncBags    free_func )
963 {
964     TabFreeFuncBags[type] = free_func;
965 }
968 /****************************************************************************
969 **
970 */
971 static struct {
972     UInt nrBefore;
973     UInt nrAfter;
975     TNumCollectFuncBags before[16];
976     TNumCollectFuncBags after[16];
977 } CollectFuncBags = { 0, 0, { 0 }, { 0 } };
RegisterBeforeCollectFuncBags(TNumCollectFuncBags func)979 int RegisterBeforeCollectFuncBags(TNumCollectFuncBags func)
980 {
981     if (CollectFuncBags.nrBefore >= ARRAY_SIZE(CollectFuncBags.before))
982         return 1;
983     CollectFuncBags.before[CollectFuncBags.nrBefore++] = func;
984     return 0;
985 }
RegisterAfterCollectFuncBags(TNumCollectFuncBags func)987 int RegisterAfterCollectFuncBags(TNumCollectFuncBags func)
988 {
989     if (CollectFuncBags.nrAfter >= ARRAY_SIZE(CollectFuncBags.after))
990         return 1;
991     CollectFuncBags.after[CollectFuncBags.nrAfter++] = func;
992     return 0;
993 }
996 /***************************************************************
998  *
999  * One of the hardest categories of bugs to fix in GAP are where
1000  * a reference to the internals of a GAP object are kept across
1001  * a garbage collection (which moves GAP objects around).
1002  *
1003  * GAP_MEM_CHECK provides a method of detecting such problems, at
1004  * the cost of GREATLY decreased performance (Starting GAP in
1005  * --enableMemCheck mode takes days, rather than seconds).
1006  *
1007  * The fundamental idea behind GAP_MEM_CHECK is, whenever NewBag
1008  * or ResizeBag is called, then the contents of every Bag in
1009  * GAP is moved, and the memory previously being used is marked
1010  * as not readable or writable using 'mprotect'.
1011  *
1012  * Actually copying all GAP's memory space would be extremely
1013  * expensive, so instead we use 'mmap' to set up a set of copies
1014  * of the GAP memory space, which are represented by the same
1015  * underlying physical memory.
1016  *
1017  * The 0th such copy (which we also ensure is the one at the
1018  * lowest memory address) is special -- this is where we
1019  * reference the master pointers (which can't move). We do not
1020  * 'mprotect' any of this memory.
1021  *
1022  * Every time we call 'NewBag' or 'ResizeBag', we change which
1023  * copy of the GASMAN memory space the master pointers point
1024  * to, disabling access to the previous copy, and enabling access
1025  * to the new one.
1026  *
1027  * We never use the master pointers in any copy other than the
1028  * 0th, and we never refer to the Bag area in the 0th copy. However,
1029  * it simplifies things to not try to seperate the master pointer
1030  * and Bag areas, because the master pointer area can grow as GAP
1031  * runs.
1032  *
1033  * Because this code is VERY slow, it can be turned on and off.
1034  * At run time, call GASMAN_MEM_CHECK(1) to enable, and
1035  * GASMAN_MEM_CHECK(0) to disable. Start GAP with --enableMemCheck
1036  * to enable from when GAP starts.
1037  */
1039 #ifdef GAP_MEM_CHECK
1041 Int EnableMemCheck = 0;
enableMemCheck(Char ** argv,void * dummy)1043 Int enableMemCheck(Char ** argv, void * dummy)
1044 {
1045     SyFputs( "# Warning: --enableMemCheck causes SEVERE slowdowns. Starting GAP may take several days!\n", 3 );
1046     EnableMemCheck = 1;
1047     return 1;
1048 }
MoveBagMemory(char * oldbase,char * newbase)1050 static void MoveBagMemory(char * oldbase, char * newbase)
1051 {
1052     Int moveSize = (newbase - oldbase) / sizeof(Bag);
1053     // update the masterpointers
1054     for (Bag * p = MptrBags; p < MptrEndBags; p++) {
1055         if ((Bag)MptrEndBags <= *p)
1056             *p += moveSize;
1057     }
1059     // update 'OldBags', 'YoungBags', 'AllocBags', and 'EndBags'
1060     OldBags += moveSize;
1061     YoungBags += moveSize;
1062     AllocBags += moveSize;
1063     EndBags += moveSize;
1064 }
MaybeMoveBags(void)1066 static void MaybeMoveBags(void)
1067 {
1068     static Int oldBase = 0;
1070     if (!EnableMemCheck)
1071         return;
1073     Int newBase = oldBase + 1;
1074     // Memory buffer 0 is special, as we use that
1075     // copy for the master pointers. Therefore never
1076     // block access to it, and skip it when cycling.
1077     if (newBase >= GetMembufCount())
1078         newBase = 1;
1080     // call the before functions (if any)
1081     UInt i;
1082     for (i = 0; i < CollectFuncBags.nrBefore; ++i)
1083         CollectFuncBags.before[i]();
1085     MoveBagMemory(GetMembuf(oldBase), GetMembuf(newBase));
1087     // Enable access to new memory
1088     mprotect(GetMembuf(newBase), GetMembufSize(), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
1089     // Block access to old memory (except block 0, which will only occur
1090     // on the first call).
1091     if (oldBase != 0) {
1092         mprotect(GetMembuf(oldBase), GetMembufSize(), PROT_NONE);
1093     }
1095     // call the after functions (if any)
1096     for (i = 0; i < CollectFuncBags.nrAfter; ++i)
1097         CollectFuncBags.after[i]();
1099     oldBase = newBase;
1100 }
1102 #endif
1104 /****************************************************************************
1105 **
1106 *F  FinishBags() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .finalize GASMAN
1107 **
1108 ** `FinishBags()' ends GASMAN and returns all memory to the OS pool
1109 **
1110 */
FinishBags(void)1112 void FinishBags( void )
1113 {
1114   SyAllocBags(-(sizeof(Bag)*SizeWorkspace/1024),2);
1115 }
1117 /****************************************************************************
1118 **
1119 *F  InitBags(...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . initialize Gasman
1120 **
1121 **  'InitBags' remembers <stack-func>, <stack-bottom>, and <stack-align>
1122 **  in global variables. It also allocates the initial workspace, and sets up
1123 **  the linked list of available masterpointer.
1124 */
1125 static Bag * StackBottomBags;
1127 static UInt StackAlignBags;
1129 static TNumExtraMarkFuncBags ExtraMarkFuncBags;
SetExtraMarkFuncBags(TNumExtraMarkFuncBags func)1130 void SetExtraMarkFuncBags(TNumExtraMarkFuncBags func)
1131 {
1132     ExtraMarkFuncBags = func;
1133 }
1135 GAP_STATIC_ASSERT((sizeof(BagHeader) % sizeof(Bag)) == 0, "BagHeader size must be multiple of word size");
SetStackBottomBags(void * StackBottom)1138 void SetStackBottomBags(void * StackBottom)
1139 {
1140     StackBottomBags = StackBottom;
1141 }
InitBags(UInt initial_size,Bag * stack_bottom,UInt stack_align)1144 void            InitBags (
1145     UInt                initial_size,
1146     Bag *               stack_bottom,
1147     UInt                stack_align )
1148 {
1149     Bag *               p;              /* loop variable                   */
1150     UInt                i;              /* loop variable                   */
1152     ClearGlobalBags();
1154     /* install the allocator and the abort function                        */
1155     ExtraMarkFuncBags = 0;
1157     // install the stack values
1158     StackBottomBags = stack_bottom;
1159     StackAlignBags  = stack_align;
1161     /* first get some storage from the operating system                    */
1162     initial_size    = (initial_size + 511) & ~(511);
1163     MptrBags = SyAllocBags( initial_size, 1 );
1164     GAP_ASSERT(MptrBags);
1165     EndBags = MptrBags + 1024*(initial_size / sizeof(Bag*));
1167     // In GAP_MEM_CHECK we want as few master pointers as possible, as we
1168     // have to loop over them very frequently.
1169 #ifdef GAP_MEM_CHECK
1170     UInt initialBagCount = 100000;
1171 #else
1172     UInt initialBagCount = 1024*initial_size/8/sizeof(Bag*);
1173 #endif
1174     /* 1/8th of the storage goes into the masterpointer area               */
1175     FreeMptrBags = (Bag)MptrBags;
1176     for ( p = MptrBags;
1177           p + 2*(SIZE_MPTR_BAGS) <= MptrBags+initialBagCount;
1178           p += SIZE_MPTR_BAGS )
1179     {
1180         *p = (Bag)(p + SIZE_MPTR_BAGS);
1181     }
1183     /* the rest is for bags                                                */
1184     MptrEndBags = MptrBags + initialBagCount;
1185     // Add a small gap between the end of the master pointers and OldBags
1186     // This is mainly here to ensure we do not break allowing OldBags and
1187     // MptrEndBags to differ.
1188     OldBags   = MptrEndBags + 10;
1189     YoungBags = OldBags;
1190     AllocBags = OldBags;
1192     AllocSizeBags = 256;
1194     /* install the marking functions                                       */
1195     for ( i = 0; i < NUM_TYPES; i++ )
1196         TabMarkFuncBags[i] = MarkAllSubBagsDefault;
1198     /* Set ChangedBags to a proper initial value */
1199     ChangedBags = 0;
1201     GAP_ASSERT(SanityCheckGasmanPointers());
1203 }
1206 /****************************************************************************
1207 **
1208 *F  NewBag( <type>, <size> )  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  allocate a new bag
1209 **
1210 **  'NewBag' is actually quite simple.
1211 **
1212 **  It first tests whether enough storage is available in the allocation area
1213 **  and  whether a free   masterpointer is available.   If  not, it  starts a
1214 **  garbage collection by calling 'CollectBags' passing <size> as the size of
1215 **  the bag it is currently allocating and 0 to indicate  that only a partial
1216 **  garbage collection is called for.   If 'CollectBags' fails and returns 0,
1217 **  'NewBag' also fails and also returns 0.
1218 **
1219 **  Then it takes the first free  masterpointer from the  linked list of free
1220 **  masterpointers (see "FreeMptrBags").
1221 **
1222 **  Then it  writes  the  size and the   type  into the word   pointed to  by
1223 **  'AllocBags'.  Then  it writes the identifier,  i.e.,  the location of the
1224 **  masterpointer, into the next word.
1225 **
1226 **  Then it advances 'AllocBags' by '2 + WORDS_BAG(<size>)'.
1227 **
1228 **  Finally it returns the identifier of the new bag.
1229 **
1230 **  All entries of  the new bag will be initialized to 0.
1231 **
1232 **  If {\Gasman} was compiled with the option 'COUNT_BAGS' then 'NewBag' also
1233 **  updates the information in 'InfoBags' (see "InfoBags").
1234 **
1235 **  'NewBag'  is implemented as  a  function  instead of a  macro  for  three
1236 **  reasons.  It  reduces the size of  the program, improving the instruction
1237 **  cache  hit ratio.   The compiler  can do  anti-aliasing analysis  for the
1238 **  local  variables  of the function.  To  enable  statistics only {\Gasman}
1239 **  needs to be recompiled.
1240 */
NewBag(UInt type,UInt size)1241 Bag NewBag (
1242     UInt                type,
1243     UInt                size )
1244 {
1245     Bag                 bag;            /* identifier of the new bag       */
1247 #ifdef GAP_MEM_CHECK
1248     MaybeMoveBags();
1249 #endif
1251 #ifdef TREMBLE_HEAP
1252     CollectBags(0,0);
1253 #endif
1257     /* check that a masterpointer and enough storage are available         */
1258     if ( (FreeMptrBags == 0 || SizeAllocationArea < WORDS_BAG(sizeof(BagHeader)+size))
1259       && CollectBags( size, 0 ) == 0 )
1260     {
1261         Panic("cannot extend the workspace any more!!!!");
1262     }
1264     GAP_ASSERT(type < T_DUMMY);
1266 #ifdef COUNT_BAGS
1267     /* update the statistics                                               */
1268     NrAllBags               += 1;
1269     InfoBags[type].nrLive   += 1;
1270     InfoBags[type].nrAll    += 1;
1271     InfoBags[type].sizeLive += size;
1272     InfoBags[type].sizeAll  += size;
1273 #endif
1274     SizeAllBags             += size;
1276     /* get the identifier of the bag and set 'FreeMptrBags' to the next    */
1277     bag          = FreeMptrBags;
1278     FreeMptrBags = *(Bag*)bag;
1280     /* allocate the storage for the bag                                    */
1281     BagHeader * header = (BagHeader *)AllocBags;
1282     AllocBags = DATA(header) + WORDS_BAG(size);
1284     // enter bag header
1285     header->type = type;
1286     header->flags = 0;
1287     header->size = size;
1289     /* enter link word                                                     */
1290     header->link = bag;
1292     /* set the masterpointer                                               */
1293     SET_PTR_BAG(bag, DATA(header));
1297     GAP_ASSERT(SanityCheckGasmanPointers());
1301     /* return the identifier of the new bag                                */
1302     return bag;
1303 }
1306 /****************************************************************************
1307 **
1308 *F  RetypeBag(<bag>,<new>)  . . . . . . . . . . . .  change the type of a bag
1309 **
1310 **  'RetypeBag' is very simple.
1311 **
1312 **  All it has to do is to change type word of the bag.
1313 **
1314 **  If  {\Gasman} was compiled with the  option 'COUNT_BAGS' then 'RetypeBag'
1315 **  also updates the information in 'InfoBags' (see "InfoBags").
1316 */
RetypeBag(Bag bag,UInt new_type)1317 void            RetypeBag (
1318     Bag                 bag,
1319     UInt                new_type )
1320 {
1321     BagHeader * header = BAG_HEADER(bag);
1323 #ifdef COUNT_BAGS
1324     /* update the statistics      */
1325     {
1326           UInt                old_type;       /* old type of the bag */
1327           UInt                size;
1329           old_type = header->type;
1330           size = header->size;
1331           InfoBags[old_type].nrLive   -= 1;
1332           InfoBags[new_type].nrLive   += 1;
1333           InfoBags[old_type].nrAll    -= 1;
1334           InfoBags[new_type].nrAll    += 1;
1335           InfoBags[old_type].sizeLive -= size;
1336           InfoBags[new_type].sizeLive += size;
1337           InfoBags[old_type].sizeAll  -= size;
1338           InfoBags[new_type].sizeAll  += size;
1339     }
1340 #endif
1342     header->type = new_type;
1343 }
1346 /****************************************************************************
1347 **
1348 *F  ResizeBag(<bag>,<new>)  . . . . . . . . . . . .  change the size of a bag
1349 **
1350 **  Basically 'ResizeBag' is rather  simple, but there  are a few  traps that
1351 **  must be avoided.
1352 **
1353 **  If the size of the bag changes only a little bit, so that  the  number of
1354 **  words needed for the data area does not  change, 'ResizeBag' only changes
1355 **  the size word of the bag.
1356 **
1357 **  If  the bag  is  to be  shrunk  and at  least   one  word becomes   free,
1358 **  'ResizeBag'  changes  the  size word of  the bag, and stores a magic
1359 **  size-type word in  the first free word.  This  magic size-type  word  has
1360 **  type T_DUMMY and the size is the number of following free bytes, which is
1361 **  always divisible by 'sizeof(Bag)'. The type T_DUMMY allows 'CollectBags'
1362 **  to detect that this body is the remainder of a resize operation, and the
1363 **  size allows  it  to know how  many  bytes  there  are  in this  body (see
1364 **  "Implementation of CollectBags").
1365 **
1366 **  So for example if 'ResizeBag' shrinks a bag of type 7 from 18 bytes to 10
1367 **  bytes the situation before 'ResizeBag' is as follows{\:}
1368 **
1369 **    +---------+
1370 **    |<masterp>|
1371 **    +---------+
1372 **         \_____________
1373 **                       \
1374 **                        V
1375 **    +---------+---------+--------------------------------------------+----+
1376 **    | 18  . 7 |  <link> |         .         .         .         .    | pad|
1377 **    +---------+---------+--------------------------------------------+----+
1378 **
1379 **  And after 'ResizeBag' the situation is as follows{\:}
1380 **
1381 **    +---------+
1382 **    |<masterp>|
1383 **    +---------+
1384 **         \_____________
1385 **                       \
1386 **                        V
1387 **    +---------+---------+------------------------+----+-------------+-----+
1388 **    | 10  . 7 |  <link> |         .         .    | pad| 4 . T_DUMMY |     |
1389 **    +---------+---------+------------------------+----+-------------+-----+
1390 **
1391 **  If the bag is to be extended and it  is that last  allocated bag, so that
1392 **  it  is  immediately adjacent  to the allocation  area, 'ResizeBag' simply
1393 **  increments  'AllocBags' after making  sure that enough space is available
1394 **  in the allocation area (see "Layout of the Workspace").
1395 **
1396 **  If the bag  is to be   extended and it  is not  the  last allocated  bag,
1397 **  'ResizeBag'  first allocates a  new bag  similar to 'NewBag', but without
1398 **  using  a new masterpointer.   Then it copies the old  contents to the new
1399 **  bag.  Finally it resets the masterpointer of the bag to  point to the new
1400 **  address. Then it changes the type of the old body to T_DUMMY, so that the
1401 **  garbage collection can detect that this body is the remainder of a resize
1402 **  (see "Implementation of NewBag" and "Implementation of CollectBags").
1403 **
1404 **  When an old bag is extended, it  will now reside  in the young bags area,
1405 **  and thus appear  to be young.   Since old bags are   supposed to  survive
1406 **  partial garbage  collections 'ResizeBag'  must   somehow protect this bag
1407 **  from partial garbage collections.  This is  done by putting this bag onto
1408 **  the linked  list  of  changed bags (see   "ChangedBags").  When a partial
1409 **  garbage collection sees a young bag on the list of changed bags, it knows
1410 **  that it is the result of 'ResizeBag' of an old bag, and does not throw it
1411 **  away (see "Implementation of CollectBags").  Note  that  when 'ResizeBag'
1412 **  tries this, the bag may already be on the linked  list, either because it
1413 **  has been resized earlier, or because  it has been  changed.  In this case
1414 **  'ResizeBag' simply keeps the bag on this linked list.
1415 **
1416 **  If {\Gasman}  was compiled with the  option 'COUNT_BAGS' then 'ResizeBag'
1417 **  also updates the information in 'InfoBags' (see "InfoBags").
1418 */
ResizeBag(Bag bag,UInt new_size)1419 UInt ResizeBag (
1420     Bag                 bag,
1421     UInt                new_size )
1422 {
1424 #ifdef GAP_MEM_CHECK
1425     MaybeMoveBags();
1426 #endif
1428 #ifdef TREMBLE_HEAP
1429     CollectBags(0,0);
1430 #endif
1436     BagHeader * header = BAG_HEADER(bag);
1437     UInt type     = header->type;
1438     UInt flags    = header->flags;
1439     UInt old_size = header->size;
1441 #ifdef COUNT_BAGS
1442     /* update the statistics                                               */
1443     InfoBags[type].sizeLive += new_size - old_size;
1444 #endif
1446     const Int diff = WORDS_BAG(new_size) - WORDS_BAG(old_size);
1448     // if the real size of the bag doesn't change, not much needs to be done
1449     if ( diff == 0 ) {
1451         header->size = new_size;
1452     }
1454     // if the bag is shrunk we insert a magic marker into the heap
1455     // Note: if the bag is the last bag, we could in theory also shrink it
1456     // by moving 'AllocBags', however this is not correct as the "freed"
1457     // memory may not be zero filled, and zeroing it out would cost us
1458     else if ( diff < 0 ) {
1460         // leave magic size-type word for the sweeper, type must be T_DUMMY
1461         BagHeader * freeHeader = (BagHeader *)(DATA(header) + WORDS_BAG(new_size));
1462         freeHeader->type = T_DUMMY;
1463         if ( diff == -1 ) {
1464             // if there is only one free word, avoid setting the size in
1465             // the header: there is no space for it on 32bit systems;
1466             // instead set flags to 1 to inform the sweeper.
1467             freeHeader->flags = 1;
1468         }
1469         else {
1470             freeHeader->flags = 0;
1471             freeHeader->size = (-diff-1)*sizeof(Bag);
1472         }
1474         header->size = new_size;
1475     }
1477     // if the last bag is enlarged ...
1478     else if (CONST_PTR_BAG(bag) + WORDS_BAG(old_size) == AllocBags) {
1479         // check that enough storage for the new bag is available
1480         if (SpaceBetweenPointers(EndBags, CONST_PTR_BAG(bag)) < WORDS_BAG(new_size)
1481               && CollectBags( new_size-old_size, 0 ) == 0 ) {
1482             Panic("cannot extend the workspace any more!!!!!");
1483         }
1485         // update header pointer in case bag moved
1486         header = BAG_HEADER(bag);
1488         // simply increase the free pointer
1489         if ( YoungBags == AllocBags )
1490             YoungBags += diff;
1491         AllocBags += diff;
1493         // and increase the total amount allocated by the difference
1494 #ifdef COUNT_BAGS
1495         InfoBags[type].sizeAll  += new_size - old_size;
1496 #endif
1497         SizeAllBags             += new_size - old_size;
1499         header->size = new_size;
1500     }
1502     // if the bag is enlarged ...
1503     else {
1505         /* check that enough storage for the new bag is available          */
1506         if ( SizeAllocationArea <  WORDS_BAG(sizeof(BagHeader)+new_size)
1507               && CollectBags( new_size, 0 ) == 0 ) {
1508             Panic("Cannot extend the workspace any more!!!!!!");
1509         }
1511         // update header pointer in case bag moved
1512         header = BAG_HEADER(bag);
1514         // leave magic size-type word  for the sweeper, type must be T_DUMMY
1515         header->type = T_DUMMY;
1516         header->flags = 0;
1517         header->size =
1518             sizeof(BagHeader) + (TIGHT_WORDS_BAG(old_size) - 1) * sizeof(Bag);
1520         /* allocate the storage for the bag                                */
1521         BagHeader * newHeader = (BagHeader *)AllocBags;
1522         AllocBags = DATA(newHeader) + WORDS_BAG(new_size);
1524         newHeader->type = type;
1525         newHeader->flags = flags;
1526         newHeader->size = new_size;
1529 #ifdef COUNT_BAGS
1530         InfoBags[type].sizeAll  += new_size;
1531 #endif
1532         SizeAllBags             += new_size;
1536         /* if the bag is already on the changed bags list, keep it there   */
1537         if ( header->link != bag ) {
1538              newHeader->link = header->link;
1539         }
1541         /* if the bag is old, put it onto the changed bags list            */
1542         else if (CONST_PTR_BAG(bag) <= YoungBags) {
1543             newHeader->link = ChangedBags;
1544             ChangedBags = bag;
1545         }
1547         /* if the bag is young, enter the normal link word                 */
1548         else {
1549             newHeader->link = bag;
1550         }
1553         /* set the masterpointer                                           */
1554         Bag * dst = DATA(newHeader);
1555         SET_PTR_BAG(bag, dst);
1557         /* copy the contents of the bag                                    */
1558         SyMemmove((void *)dst, (void *)DATA(header),
1559                 sizeof(Obj) * WORDS_BAG(old_size));
1560     }
1562     GAP_ASSERT(SanityCheckGasmanPointers());
1565     /* return success                                                      */
1566     return 1;
1567 }
1570 /****************************************************************************
1571 **
1572 *F  CollectBags( <size>, <full> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . collect dead bags
1573 **
1574 **  'CollectBags' is the function that does most of the work of {\Gasman}.
1575 **
1576 **  A partial garbage collection where  every bag is  young is clearly a full
1577 **  garbage    collection.  So  to     perform  a  full  garbage  collection,
1578 **  'CollectBags' first sets 'YoungBags'  to   'OldBags', making every    bag
1579 **  young, and empties the list  of changed old bags, since  there are no old
1580 **  bags anymore, there  can be no changed old  bags anymore.  So from now on
1581 **  we    can   assume that  'CollectBags'     is doing   a  partial  garbage
1582 **  collection.   In  addition,    the   values 'NewWeakDeadBagMarker'    and
1583 **  'OldWeakDeadBagMarker'  are exchanged, so  that bag identifiers that have
1584 **  been  halfdead  since    before  this full    garbage  collection can  be
1585 **  distinguished from those which have died on this pass.
1586 **
1587 **  Garbage collection  is  performed in  three phases.  The  mark phase, the
1588 **  sweep phase, and the check phase.
1589 **
1590 **  In the  *mark phase*, 'CollectBags' finds  all young bags that  are still
1591 **  live and builds a linked list of those bags (see "MarkedBags").  A bag is
1592 **  put on  this  list  of  marked bags   by   applying  'MarkBag' to    its
1593 **  identifier.  Note that 'MarkBag' checks that a bag is not already on the
1594 **  list of marked bags, before it puts it on the list, so  no bag can be put
1595 **  twice on this list.
1596 **
1597 **  First, 'CollectBags' marks  all  young bags that are  directly accessible
1598 **  through global   variables,  i.e.,  it   marks those young     bags whose
1599 **  identifiers  appear  in  global variables.   It    does this  by applying
1600 **  'MarkBag'  to the values at the  addresses  of global variables that may
1601 **  hold bag identifiers provided by 'InitGlobalBag' (see "InitGlobalBag").
1602 **
1603 **  Next,  'CollectBags' marks  all  young bags  that are directly accessible
1604 **  through   local  variables, i.e.,    it  marks those  young   bags  whose
1605 **  identifiers appear in the  stack.   It  does  this by calling  the  stack
1606 **  marking  function  <stack-func>  (see  "InitBags").   The   generic stack
1607 **  marking function, which is called if <stack-func> (see "InitBags") was 0,
1608 **  is described below.  The problem is  that there is usually not sufficient
1609 **  information  available to decide  if a value on   the stack is really the
1610 **  identifier of a bag, or is a  value of another  type that only appears to
1611 **  be the  identifier  of a bag.  The  position  usually taken by  the stack
1612 **  marking function is that everything  on the stack  that could possibly be
1613 **  interpreted  as the identifier of  a bag is an  identifier of  a bag, and
1614 **  that this bag is therefore live.  This position is what makes {\Gasman} a
1615 **  conservative storage manager.
1616 **
1617 **  The generic stack marking function 'GenStackFuncBags', which is called if
1618 **  <stack-func> (see "InitBags") was 0, works by  applying 'MarkBag' to all
1619 **  the values on the stack,  which is supposed to extend  from <stack-start>
1620 **  (see  "InitBags") to the address of  a local variable of   the  function.
1621 **  Note that some local variables may  not  be stored on the  stack, because
1622 **  they are  still in the processors registers.    'GenStackFuncBags' uses a
1623 **  jump buffer 'RegsBags', filled by the C library function 'setjmp', marking
1624 **  all bags  whose  identifiers appear in 'RegsBags'.  This  is a dirty hack,
1625 **  that need not work, but actually works on a  surprisingly large number of
1626 **  machines.  But it will not work on Sun  Sparc machines, which have larger
1627 **  register  files, of which  only the part  visible to the current function
1628 **  will be saved  by  'setjmp'.  For those machines 'GenStackFuncBags' first
1629 **  calls the operating system to flush the whole register file.  Note that a
1630 **  compiler may save  a register  somewhere else  if   it wants to  use this
1631 **  register for something else.  Usually  this register is saved  further up
1632 **  the  stack,  i.e.,   beyond the   address  of  the  local variable,   and
1633 **  'GenStackFuncBags' would not see this value any more.   To deal with this
1634 **  problem, 'setjmp' must be called *before* 'GenStackFuncBags'  is entered,
1635 **  i.e.,  before the  registers may have been saved  elsewhere.   Thus it is
1636 **  called from 'CollectBags'.
1637 **
1638 **  Next 'CollectBags' marks all young bags that are directly accessible from
1639 **  old bags, i.e.,  it marks all young bags  whose identifiers appear in the
1640 **  data areas  of  old bags.  It  does  this by applying 'MarkBag'  to each
1641 **  identifier appearing in changed old bags, i.e., in those bags that appear
1642 **  on the list of changed old bags (see "ChangedBags").   To be more precise
1643 **  it calls the  marking function for the appropriate  type to  each changed
1644 **  old bag (see "InitMarkFuncBags").  It need not apply the marking function
1645 **  to each old  bag, because old bags that  have not been changed  since the
1646 **  last garbage  collection cannot contain identifiers  of young bags, which
1647 **  have been allocated since the last garbage collection.  Of course marking
1648 **  the subbags of only  the changed old  bags is more efficient than marking
1649 **  the subbags of  all old bags only  if the number of  changed old  bags is
1650 **  smaller than the total number of old bags, but this  is a very reasonable
1651 **  assumption.
1652 **
1653 **  Note that there may also be bags that  appear to be  young on the list of
1654 **  changed old bags.  Those bags  are old bags that  were extended since the
1655 **  last garbage  collection and therefore have their  body in the young bags
1656 **  area (see "Implementation of  ResizeBag").  When 'CollectBags' finds such
1657 **  a bag  on  the list of  changed  old bags  it  applies 'MarkBag'  to its
1658 **  identifier and thereby  ensures that this bag will  not be thrown away by
1659 **  this garbage collection.
1660 **
1661 **  Next,  'CollectBags'    marks all  young    bags  that  are  *indirectly*
1662 **  accessible, i.e., it marks the subbags of  the already marked bags, their
1663 **  subbags  and  so on.  It  does  so by walking   along the list of already
1664 **  marked bags and applies  the marking function  of the appropriate type to
1665 **  each bag on this list (see  "InitMarkFuncBags").  Those marking functions
1666 **  then apply 'MarkBag' or 'MarkBagWeakly'  to each identifier appearing in
1667 **  the bag.
1668 **
1669 **  After  the marking function has  been  applied to a   bag on the list  of
1670 **  marked bag, this bag is removed from the list.  Thus the marking phase is
1671 **  over when the list  of marked bags   has become empty.  Removing the  bag
1672 **  from the list of marked  bags must be done  at  this time, because  newly
1673 **  marked bags are *prepended* to the list of  marked bags.  This is done to
1674 **  ensure that bags are marked in a  depth first order, which should usually
1675 **  improve locality of   reference.  When a bag is   taken from the list  of
1676 **  marked bags it is *tagged*.  This tag serves two purposes.  A bag that is
1677 **  tagged is not put on the list  of marked bags  when 'MarkBag' is applied
1678 **  to its identifier.  This ensures that  no bag is put  more than once onto
1679 **  the list of marked bags, otherwise endless marking loops could happen for
1680 **  structures that contain circular  references.  Also the sweep phase later
1681 **  uses the presence of  the tag to decide the  status of the bag. There are
1682 **  three possible statuses: LIVE, DEAD and  HALFDEAD. The default state of a
1683 **  bag with its identifier in the link word, is  the tag for DEAD. Live bags
1684 **  are tagged    with  MARKED_ALIVE(<identifier>)  in the   link   word, and
1685 **  half-dead bags (ie bags pointed to weakly but not strongly) with the tage
1686 **  MARKED_HALFDEAD(<identifier>).
1687 **
1688 **  Note that 'CollectBags' cannot put a random or magic  value into the link
1689 **  word, because the sweep phase must be able to find the masterpointer of a
1690 **  bag by only looking at the link word of a bag. This is done using the macros
1691 **  UNMARKED_XXX(<link word contents>).
1692 **
1693 **  In the   *sweep  phase*, 'CollectBags'   deallocates all dead   bags  and
1694 **  compacts the live bags at the beginning of the workspace.
1695 **
1696 **  In this  phase 'CollectBags'   uses  a destination pointer   'dst', which
1697 **  points to  the address a  body  will be copied to,   and a source pointer
1698 **  'src',  which points to the address  a body currently has.  Both pointers
1699 **  initially   point to  the   beginning  of  the   young bags area.    Then
1700 **  'CollectBags' looks at the body pointed to by the source pointer.
1701 **
1702 **  If this body has type T_DUMMY, it is the remainder of a resize operation.
1703 **  In this case 'CollectBags' simply moves the source pointer to the next
1704 **  body (see "Implementation of ResizeBag").
1705 **
1706 **
1707 **  Otherwise, if the  link word contains the  identifier of the bag  itself,
1709 **  marked dead,  'CollectBags' first adds the masterpointer   to the list of
1710 **  available masterpointers (see  "FreeMptrBags") and then simply  moves the
1711 **  source pointer to the next bag.
1712 **
1713 **  Otherwise, if the link  word contains  the  identifier of the  bag marked
1714 **  alive, this   bag is still  live.  In  this case  'CollectBags' calls the
1715 **  sweeping function for this bag, if one  is installed, or otherwise copies
1716 **  the body from  the source address to the  destination address, stores the
1717 **  address of the masterpointer   without the tag  in   the link word,   and
1718 **  updates the masterpointer to point to the new address of the data area of
1719 **  the bag.   After the copying  the source pointer points  to the next bag,
1720 **  and the destination pointer points just past the copy.
1721 **
1722 **  Finally, if the link word contains the identifier of  the bag marked half
1723 **  dead, then  'CollectBags' puts  the special value  'NewWeakDeadBagMarker'
1724 **  into the masterpointer corresponding to the bag, to signify that this bag
1725 **  has been collected as garbage.
1726 **
1727 **  This is repeated until  the source pointer  reaches the end of  the young
1728 **  bags area, i.e., reaches 'AllocBags'.
1729 **
1730 **  The new free storage now is the area between  the destination pointer and
1731 **  the source pointer.  If the initialization flag  <dirty> (see "InitBags")
1732 **  was 0, this area is now cleared.
1733 **
1734 **  Next, 'CollectBags' sets   'YoungBags'  and 'AllocBags'  to   the address
1735 **  pointed to by the destination  pointer.  So all the  young bags that have
1736 **  survived this garbage  collection are now  promoted  to be old  bags, and
1737 **  allocation of new bags will start at the beginning of the free storage.
1738 **
1739 **  Finally, the *check phase* checks  whether  the garbage collection  freed
1740 **  enough storage and masterpointers.
1741 **
1742 **  After a partial garbage collection,  'CollectBags' wants at least '<size>
1743 **  + AllocSizeBags' bytes  of free  storage  available, where <size> is  the
1744 **  size of the bag that 'NewBag' is  currently trying to allocate.  Also the
1745 **  number  of free masterpointers should be  larger than the  number of bags
1746 **  allocated since   the  previous garbage collection  plus 4096  more to be
1747 **  safe.   If less free   storage  or  fewer masterpointers  are  available,
1748 **  'CollectBags' calls itself for a full garbage collection.
1749 **
1750 **  After a  full  garbage collection,  'CollectBags' wants at   least <size>
1751 **  bytes of free storage available, where <size> is the size of the bag that
1752 **  'NewBag' is  currently trying  to allocate.  Also it  wants  at least one
1753 **  free  masterpointer.    If less free    storage or   no masterpointer are
1754 **  available, 'CollectBags'  tries   to   extend  the  workspace   using the
1755 **  allocation   function <alloc-func> (see    "InitBags").   If <alloc-func>
1756 **  refuses  to extend  the   workspace,  'CollectBags' returns 0 to indicate
1757 **  failure to 'NewBag'.  In  any case 'CollectBags' will  try to  extend the
1758 **  workspace so that at least one eigth of the storage is free, that is, one
1759 **  eight of the storage between 'OldBags' and 'EndBags' shall be  free.   If
1760 **  <alloc-func> refuses this extension of the workspace, 'CollectBags' tries
1761 **  to get along with  what it  got.   Also 'CollectBags' wants at least  one
1762 **  masterpointer per 8 words of free storage available.  If  this is not the
1763 **  case, 'CollectBags'  extends the masterpointer area  by moving the bodies
1764 **  of all bags and readjusting the masterpointers.
1765 **
1766 **  Also,  after   a  full  garbage   collection,  'CollectBags'   scans  the
1767 **  masterpointer area for  identifiers containing 'OldWeakDeadBagMarker'. If
1768 **  the sweep functions have done their work then no  references to these bag
1769 **  identifiers can exist, and so 'CollectBags' frees these masterpointers.
1770 */
1772 static syJmp_buf RegsBags;
1774 #if defined(SPARC)
SparcStackFuncBags(void)1775 static void SparcStackFuncBags(void)
1776 {
1777   asm (" ta 0x3 ");
1778   asm (" mov %sp,%o0" );
1779 }
1780 #endif
GenStackFuncBags(void)1783 static void GenStackFuncBags(void)
1784 {
1785     Bag *               top;            /* top of stack                    */
1786     Bag *               p;              /* loop variable                   */
1787     UInt                i;              /* loop variable                   */
1790     DisableMarkBagValidation = 1;
1791 #endif
1793     top = (Bag*)((void*)&top);
1794     if ( StackBottomBags < top ) {
1795         for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(Bag*); i += StackAlignBags ) {
1796             for (p = (Bag *)((char *)StackBottomBags + i); p < top; p++) {
1797                 Bag * pcpy = p;
1798 #if defined(GAP_MEMORY_CANARY)
1799                 // Need to mark this pointer as readable for valgrind
1800                 VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(&pcpy, sizeof(pcpy));
1801 #endif
1802                 MarkBag(*pcpy);
1803             }
1804         }
1805     }
1806     else {
1807         for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(Bag*); i += StackAlignBags ) {
1808             for (p = (Bag *)((char *)StackBottomBags - i); top < p; p--) {
1809                 Bag * pcpy = p;
1810 #if defined(GAP_MEMORY_CANARY)
1811                 // Need to mark this pointer as readable for valgrind
1812                 VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(&pcpy, sizeof(pcpy));
1813 #endif
1814                 MarkBag(*pcpy);
1815             }
1816         }
1817     }
1819     /* mark from registers, dirty dirty hack                               */
1820     for ( p = (Bag*)((void*)RegsBags);
1821           p < (Bag*)((void*)RegsBags)+sizeof(RegsBags)/sizeof(Bag);
1822           p++ )
1823         MarkBag( *p );
1826     DisableMarkBagValidation = 0;
1827 #endif
1828 }
1830 static UInt FullBags;
1832 /*  These are used to overwrite masterpointers which may still be
1833 linked from weak pointer objects but whose bag bodies have been
1834 collected.  Two values are used so that old masterpointers of this
1835 kind can be reclaimed after a full garbage collection. The values must
1836 not look like valid pointers, and should be congruent to 1 mod sizeof(Bag),
1837 to ensure that IsWeakDeadBag works correctly.
1838 */
1840 static Bag * NewWeakDeadBagMarker = (Bag *)(1000*sizeof(Bag) + 1L);
1841 static Bag * OldWeakDeadBagMarker = (Bag *)(1001*sizeof(Bag) + 1L);
CollectBags(UInt size,UInt full)1845 UInt CollectBags (
1846     UInt                size,
1847     UInt                full )
1848 {
1849     Bag                 first;          /* first bag on a linked list      */
1850     Bag *               p;              /* loop variable                   */
1851     Bag *               dst;            /* destination in sweeping         */
1852     Bag *               src;            /* source in sweeping              */
1853     Bag *               end;            /* end of a bag in sweeping        */
1854     UInt                nrLiveBags;     /* number of live new bags         */
1855     UInt                sizeLiveBags;   /* total size of live new bags     */
1856     UInt                nrDeadBags;     /* number of dead new bags         */
1857     UInt                nrHalfDeadBags; /* number of dead new bags         */
1858     UInt                sizeDeadBags;   /* total size of dead new bags     */
1859     UInt                done;           /* do we have to make a full gc    */
1860     UInt                i;              /* loop variable                   */
1862     GAP_ASSERT(SanityCheckGasmanPointers());
1866     CheckMasterPointers();
1867 #endif
1870     // call the before functions (if any)
1871     for (i = 0; i < CollectFuncBags.nrBefore; ++i)
1872         CollectFuncBags.before[i]();
1874     /* copy 'full' into a global variable, to avoid warning from GNU C     */
1875     FullBags = full;
1877     /* do we want to make a full garbage collection?                       */
1878 again:
1879     if ( FullBags ) {
1881         /* then every bag is considered to be a young bag                  */
1882         YoungBags = OldBags;
1883         NrLiveBags = 0;
1884         SizeLiveBags = 0;
1886         /* empty the list of changed old bags                              */
1887         while ( ChangedBags != 0 ) {
1888             first = ChangedBags;
1889             ChangedBags = LINK_BAG(first);
1890             LINK_BAG(first) = first;
1891         }
1893         // Also time to change the tag for dead children of weak pointer
1894         // objects. After this collection, there can be no more weak pointer
1895         // objects pointing to anything with OldWeakDeadBagMarker in it.
1896         SWAP(Bag *, OldWeakDeadBagMarker, NewWeakDeadBagMarker);
1897     }
1899     /* information at the beginning of garbage collections                 */
1900     SyMsgsBags(FullBags, 0, 0);
1902     /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  mark phase * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
1904     /* prepare the list of marked bags for the future                      */
1905     MarkedBags = 0;
1907     /* mark from the static area                                           */
1908     for ( i = 0; i < GlobalBags.nr; i++ )
1909         MarkBag( *GlobalBags.addr[i] );
1911     /* allow installing a custom marking function. This is used for integrating
1912        GAP (possibly linked as a shared library) with other code bases which use
1913        their own form of garbage collection. For example, with Python (for
1914        SageMath) or Julia. */
1915     if (ExtraMarkFuncBags) {
1916         (*ExtraMarkFuncBags)();
1917     }
1919     /* mark from the stack                                                 */
1920     sySetjmp( RegsBags );
1921 #if defined(SPARC)
1922     SparcStackFuncBags();
1923 #endif
1924     GenStackFuncBags();
1926     /* mark the subbags of the changed old bags                            */
1927     while ( ChangedBags != 0 ) {
1928         // extract the head from the linked list
1929         first = ChangedBags;
1930         ChangedBags = LINK_BAG(first);
1931         LINK_BAG(first) = first;
1933         // mark subbags - we need to distinguish between young and old bags:
1934         // For old bags, we invoke the marking function for bags with the
1935         // given TNUM.
1936         // Young bags normally are never put onto the changed list, because
1937         // CHANGED_BAGS ignores young bags. However, it can happen if we
1938         // resize an old bag and it needs to be moved as a result, or if we
1939         // swap the masterpointers of an old and a young bag. In that case,
1940         // we must be careful to not collect the young bag (which was old
1941         // before the masterpointer swap; see the comment on
1942         // 'SwapMasterPoint' for a detailed explanation why that is so). To
1943         // facilitate this, 'SwapMasterPoint' forces that bag onto the
1944         // ChangedBags list. Then, we put such a young bag onto the list of
1945         // marked bags (via MarkBag), which ensures it is not collected.
1946         //
1947         // Note that it doesn't help to use 'MarkBag' on an old bags, as it
1948         // ignores old bags (which are always assumed to be marked).
1949         // Conversely, using TabMarkFuncBags on a young bag is no good,
1950         // because that function only puts subbags on the list of marked
1951         // bag, which does not prevent the young bag itself from being
1952         // collected (which is what we need).
1953         if (CONST_PTR_BAG(first) <= YoungBags)
1954             (*TabMarkFuncBags[TNUM_BAG(first)])( first );
1955         else
1956             MarkBag(first);
1957     }
1960     /* tag all marked bags and mark their subbags                          */
1961     nrLiveBags = 0;
1962     sizeLiveBags = 0;
1963     while ( MarkedBags != 0 ) {
1964         // extract the head from the linked list
1965         first = MarkedBags;
1966         MarkedBags = LINK_BAG(first);
1967         // Gasman in some places treats as bag where
1968         // CONST_PTR_BAG(bag) == YoungBags as a young bag, and in other
1969         // places as an old bag. However, this is not a problem because
1970         // it is not possible for such a bag to exist. Sanity check
1971         // this condition.
1972         GAP_ASSERT(CONST_PTR_BAG(first) != YoungBags);
1974         if (CONST_PTR_BAG(first) > YoungBags) {
1975             LINK_BAG(first) = MARKED_ALIVE(first);
1976         }
1977         else {
1978             LINK_BAG(first) = first;
1979         }
1981         // mark subbags
1982         (*TabMarkFuncBags[TNUM_BAG(first)])( first );
1984         // collect some statistics
1985         nrLiveBags++;
1986         sizeLiveBags += SIZE_BAG(first);
1987     }
1989     /* information after the mark phase                                    */
1990     NrLiveBags += nrLiveBags;
1991     SyMsgsBags(FullBags, 1, nrLiveBags);
1992     SizeLiveBags += sizeLiveBags;
1993     SyMsgsBags(FullBags, 2, sizeLiveBags / 1024);
1995     /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * sweep phase * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
1997     /* sweep through the young generation                                  */
1998     nrDeadBags = 0;
1999     nrHalfDeadBags = 0;
2000     sizeDeadBags = 0;
2001     dst = YoungBags;
2002     src = YoungBags;
2003     while ( src < AllocBags ) {
2004         BagHeader * header = (BagHeader *)src;
2006         /* leftover of a resize of <n> bytes                               */
2007         if ( header->type == T_DUMMY ) {
2009             /* advance src                                                 */
2010             if (header->flags == 1)
2011               src++;
2012             else
2013               src += 1 + WORDS_BAG(header->size);
2015         }
2017         /* dead bag                                                        */
2018         else if (GET_MARK_BITS(header->link) == DEAD) {
2020             if (CONST_PTR_BAG(UNMARKED_DEAD(header->link)) != DATA(header)) {
2021                 Panic("incorrectly marked DEAD bag");
2022             }
2023 #endif
2026             /* call freeing function                                       */
2027             if (TabFreeFuncBags[ header->type ] != 0) {
2028               (*TabFreeFuncBags[ header->type ])( header->link );
2029             }
2031             /* update count                                                */
2032             nrDeadBags += 1;
2033             sizeDeadBags += header->size;
2035 #ifdef COUNT_BAGS
2036             /* update the statistics                                       */
2037             InfoBags[header->type].nrLive -= 1;
2038             InfoBags[header->type].sizeLive -= header->size;
2039 #endif
2041             /* free the identifier                                         */
2042             *(Bag*)(header->link) = FreeMptrBags;
2043             FreeMptrBags = header->link;
2045             /* advance src                                                 */
2046             src = DATA(header) + WORDS_BAG( header->size ) ;
2048         }
2050         /* half-dead bag                                                   */
2051         else if (GET_MARK_BITS(header->link) == HALFDEAD) {
2053             if (CONST_PTR_BAG(UNMARKED_HALFDEAD(header->link)) != DATA(header)) {
2054                 Panic("incorrectly marked HALFDEAD bag");
2055             }
2056 #endif
2058             /* update count                                                */
2059             nrDeadBags += 1;
2060             sizeDeadBags += header->size;
2062 #ifdef COUNT_BAGS
2063             /* update the statistics                                       */
2064             InfoBags[header->type].nrLive -= 1;
2065             InfoBags[header->type].sizeLive -= header->size;
2066 #endif
2068             /* don't free the identifier                                   */
2069             if (((UInt)UNMARKED_HALFDEAD(header->link)) % 4 != 0)
2070                 Panic("align error in halfdead bag");
2072             *(Bag**)(UNMARKED_HALFDEAD(header->link)) = NewWeakDeadBagMarker;
2073             nrHalfDeadBags ++;
2075             /* advance src                                                 */
2076             src = DATA(header) + WORDS_BAG( header->size );
2078         }
2080         /* live bag                                                        */
2081         else if (GET_MARK_BITS(header->link) == ALIVE) {
2083             if (CONST_PTR_BAG(UNMARKED_ALIVE(header->link)) != DATA(header)) {
2084                 Panic("incorrectly marked ALIVE bag");
2085             }
2086 #endif
2088             BagHeader * dstHeader = (BagHeader *)dst;
2090             // update identifier, copy bag header
2091             SET_PTR_BAG( UNMARKED_ALIVE(header->link), DATA(dstHeader));
2092             end = DATA(header) + WORDS_BAG( header->size );
2093             dstHeader->type = header->type;
2094             dstHeader->flags = header->flags;
2095             dstHeader->size = header->size;
2097             dstHeader->link = (Bag)UNMARKED_ALIVE(header->link);
2098             dst = DATA(dstHeader);
2100             /* copy data area                                */
2101             if (TabSweepFuncBags[header->type] != 0) {
2102                 /* Call the installed sweeping function */
2103                 (*(TabSweepFuncBags[header->type]))(DATA(header), dst, end - DATA(header));
2104                 dst += end - DATA(header);
2105             }
2107             /* Otherwise do the default thing */
2108             else if ( dst != DATA(header) ) {
2109                 SyMemmove(dst, DATA(header), (end - DATA(header))*sizeof(Bag));
2110                 dst += end - DATA(header);
2111             }
2112             else {
2113                 dst = end;
2114             }
2115             src = end;
2116         }
2118         /* oops                                                            */
2119         else {
2120             Panic("Gasman found a bogus header");
2121         }
2123     }
2125     /* reset the pointer to the free storage                               */
2126     AllocBags = YoungBags = dst;
2128     /* clear the new free area                                             */
2129     memset(dst, 0, ((Char *)src)-((Char *)dst));
2131     /* information after the sweep phase                                   */
2132     NrDeadBags += nrDeadBags;
2133     NrHalfDeadBags += nrHalfDeadBags;
2134     SyMsgsBags(FullBags, 3, (FullBags ? NrDeadBags : nrDeadBags));
2135     if ( FullBags )
2136         NrDeadBags = 0;
2137     SizeDeadBags += sizeDeadBags;
2138     SyMsgsBags(FullBags, 4, (FullBags ? SizeDeadBags : sizeDeadBags) / 1024);
2139     if ( FullBags )
2140         SizeDeadBags = 0;
2142     /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * check phase * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2144     // Check if this allocation would even fit into memory
2145     if (SIZE_MAX - (size_t)(sizeof(BagHeader) + size) < (size_t)AllocBags) {
2146         return 0;
2147     }
2149     // store in 'stopBags' where this allocation takes us
2150     Bag * stopBags = AllocBags + WORDS_BAG(sizeof(BagHeader)+size);
2153     /* if we only performed a partial garbage collection                   */
2154     if ( ! FullBags ) {
2156         /* maybe adjust the size of the allocation area                    */
2157         if ( nrLiveBags+nrDeadBags +nrHalfDeadBags < 512
2159              /* The test below should stop AllocSizeBags
2160                 growing uncontrollably when all bags are big */
2161              && stopBags > OldBags + 4*1024*WORDS_BAG(AllocSizeBags))
2162             AllocSizeBags += 256;
2163         else if ( 4096 < nrLiveBags+nrDeadBags+nrHalfDeadBags
2164                && 256 < AllocSizeBags )
2165             AllocSizeBags -= 256;
2167         /* if we don't get enough free storage or masterpointers do full gc */
2168         if ( EndBags < stopBags + WORDS_BAG(1024*AllocSizeBags)
2169           || SizeMptrsArea <
2171              /*      nrLiveBags+nrDeadBags+nrHalfDeadBags+ 4096 */
2172              /*      If this test triggered, but the one below didn't
2173                      then a full collection would ensue which wouldn't
2174                      do anything useful. Possibly a version of the
2175                      above test should be moved into the full collection also
2176                      but I wasn't sure it always made sense         SL */
2178              /* change the test to avoid subtracting unsigned integers */
2180              WORDS_BAG(AllocSizeBags*1024)/7 +(NrLiveBags + NrHalfDeadBags)
2181              ) {
2182             done = 0;
2183         }
2184         else {
2185             done = 1;
2186         }
2188     }
2190     /* if we already performed a full garbage collection                   */
2191     else {
2193       /* Clean up old half-dead bags
2194          also reorder the free masterpointer linked list
2195          to get more locality */
2196       FreeMptrBags = (Bag)0L;
2197       for (p = MptrBags; p < MptrEndBags; p+= SIZE_MPTR_BAGS)
2198         {
2199           Bag *mptr = (Bag *)*p;
2200           if ( mptr == OldWeakDeadBagMarker)
2201             NrHalfDeadBags--;
2202           if (mptr == OldWeakDeadBagMarker || IS_BAG_ID(mptr) || mptr == 0) {
2203               *p = FreeMptrBags;
2204               FreeMptrBags = (Bag)p;
2205             }
2206         }
2209         /* get the storage we absolutely need                              */
2210         while ( EndBags < stopBags
2211              && SyAllocBags(512,1) )
2212             EndBags += WORDS_BAG(512*1024L);
2214         /* if not enough storage is free, fail                             */
2215         if ( EndBags < stopBags )
2216             return 0;
2218         /* if less than 1/8th is free, get more storage (in 1/2 MBytes)    */
2219         while ( ( SpaceBetweenPointers(EndBags, stopBags) <  SpaceBetweenPointers(stopBags, OldBags)/7 ||
2220                   SpaceBetweenPointers(EndBags, stopBags) < WORDS_BAG(AllocSizeBags) )
2221              && SyAllocBags(512,0) )
2222             EndBags += WORDS_BAG(512*1024L);
2224         /* If we are having trouble, then cut our cap to fit our cloth *.
2225         if ( EndBags - stopBags < AllocSizeBags )
2226         AllocSizeBags = 7*(Endbags - stopBags)/8; */
2228         /* if less than 1/16th is free, prepare for an interrupt           */
2229         if (SpaceBetweenPointers(stopBags,MptrEndBags)/15 < SpaceBetweenPointers(EndBags,stopBags) ) {
2230             /*N 1993/05/16 martin must change 'gap.c'                      */
2231             ;
2232         }
2234         /* if more than 1/8th is free, give back storage (in 1/2 MBytes)   */
2235         while (SpaceBetweenPointers(stopBags,MptrEndBags)/7 <= SpaceBetweenPointers(EndBags,stopBags)-WORDS_BAG(512*1024L)
2236                 && SpaceBetweenPointers(EndBags,stopBags) > WORDS_BAG(AllocSizeBags) + WORDS_BAG(512*1024L)
2237              && SyAllocBags(-512,0) )
2238             EndBags -= WORDS_BAG(512*1024L);
2240 #ifdef GAP_MEM_CHECK
2241         UInt SpareMasterPointers = 100000;
2242 #else
2243         UInt SpareMasterPointers = SpaceBetweenPointers(EndBags, stopBags)/7;
2244 #endif
2245         /* if we want to increase the masterpointer area                   */
2246         if ( SizeMptrsArea-NrLiveBags < SpareMasterPointers ) {
2247             /* this is how many new masterpointers we want                 */
2248             i = SpareMasterPointers - (SizeMptrsArea-NrLiveBags);
2249             /* move the bags area                                          */
2250             SyMemmove(OldBags+i, OldBags, SizeAllBagsArea*sizeof(*OldBags));
2252             /* update the masterpointers                                   */
2253             for ( p = MptrBags; p < MptrEndBags; p++ ) {
2254               if ( (Bag)MptrEndBags <= *p)
2255                     *p += i;
2256             }
2258             /* link the new part of the masterpointer area                 */
2259             for ( p = MptrEndBags;
2260                   p + 2*SIZE_MPTR_BAGS <= MptrEndBags+i;
2261                   p += SIZE_MPTR_BAGS ) {
2262                 *p = (Bag)(p + SIZE_MPTR_BAGS);
2263             }
2264             *p = (Bag)FreeMptrBags;
2265             FreeMptrBags = (Bag)MptrEndBags;
2267             /* update 'MptrEndBags', 'OldBags', 'YoungBags', 'AllocBags', and 'stopBags'  */
2268             MptrEndBags += i;
2269             OldBags   += i;
2270             YoungBags += i;
2271             AllocBags += i;
2272             stopBags  += i;
2273         }
2275         /* now we are done                                                 */
2276         done = 1;
2278     }
2280     /* information after the check phase                                   */
2281     SyMsgsBags(FullBags, 5, (EndBags - stopBags) / (1024 / sizeof(Bag)));
2282     SyMsgsBags(FullBags, 6, SizeWorkspace / (1024 / sizeof(Bag)));
2284     // if we are not done, then try again
2285     if ( ! done ) {
2286         FullBags = 1;
2287         goto again;
2288     }
2290     // call the after functions (if any)
2291     for (i = 0; i < CollectFuncBags.nrAfter; ++i)
2292         CollectFuncBags.after[i]();
2296     CheckMasterPointers();
2297 #endif
2299     /* Possibly advise the operating system about unused pages:            */
2300     SyMAdviseFree();
2305     GAP_ASSERT(SanityCheckGasmanPointers());
2307     /* return success                                                      */
2308     return 1;
2309 }
2312 /****************************************************************************
2313 **
2314 *F  CheckMasterPointers() . . . . do consistency checks on the masterpointers
2315 **
2316 */
CheckMasterPointers(void)2317 void CheckMasterPointers( void )
2318 {
2319     Bag bag;
2321     // iterate over all bag identifiers
2322     for (Bag * ptr = MptrBags; ptr < MptrEndBags; ptr++) {
2323         bag = (Bag)ptr;
2325         // weakly dead bag?
2326         if (*ptr == (Bag)NewWeakDeadBagMarker ||
2327             *ptr == (Bag)OldWeakDeadBagMarker)
2328             continue;
2330         // part of chain of free master pointers?
2331         if (*ptr == 0 || IS_BAG_ID(*ptr)) {
2332             continue;
2333         }
2335         // none of the above, so it must be an active master pointer
2336         // otherwise, error out
2337         if (!IS_BAG_BODY(*ptr))
2338             Panic("Bad master pointer detected");
2340         if (GET_MARK_BITS(LINK_BAG(bag))) {
2341             Panic("Master pointer with Mark bits detected");
2342         }
2344         // sanity check: the link pointer must either point back; or else
2345         // this bag must be part of the chain of changed bags (which thus
2346         // must be non-empty)
2347         if (ChangedBags == 0 && LINK_BAG(bag) != bag) {
2348             Panic("Master pointer with bad link word detected");
2349         }
2351     }
2353     // check the chain of free master pointers
2354     bag = FreeMptrBags;
2355     while (bag != 0) {
2356         if (!IS_BAG_ID(bag))
2357             Panic("Bad chain of free master pointers detected");
2358         bag = (Bag)*bag;
2359     }
2360 }
2363 // Swap the master pointers of bag1 and bag2
2364 //
2365 // We need to make sure the correct bags are garbage collected, so we always put
2366 // *both* bags on the ChangedBags linked-list, rather than pick through the
2367 // exact cases, as it is never incorrect to mark something changed.
2368 //
2369 // For completeness and future reference here are the necessary points to
2370 // consider.
2371 //
2372 // When swapping two master pointers, we have to take into account whether the
2373 // bags they refer are on the ChangedBags list, as we otherwise may end up in an
2374 // inconsistent state, where a bag is referenced, but GASMAN does not know this.
2375 // GASMAN then collects this bag, resulting in a corrupted workspace.
2376 //
2377 // We consider the following three cases:
2378 //
2379 // 1. Both bags are old. Then if the original bag1 had been previously marked as
2380 //    changed (by having been put into the ChangedBags singly linked list), then
2381 //    we must make sure to mark the new bag2 as changed, too (and vice-versa).
2382 //
2383 // 2. Both bags are young. Then they typically will not be on the list of
2384 //    changed bags, as CHANGED_BAGS just skips them.
2385 //    However, while CHANGED_BAG will never put a young bag on the list of
2386 //    changed bags, young bags can still be put on the ChangedBags list in
2387 //    step 3, so we need to do something similar as in step 1.
2388 //
2389 // 3. bag1 is young and bag2 is old (or vice-versa), then after swapping, bag1
2390 //    is old and bag2 is young, as the 'young'ness moves with the contents, so
2391 //    we must mark bag1 changed if bag2 was previously changed.
2392 //
2393 //    More importantly, bag2 is now young, but the only references to bag2 might
2394 //    be in an old bag, that is not marked changed. Thus bag2 would get
2395 //    (incorrectly) collected, because these bags are not considered in a
2396 //    garbage collection.
2397 //
2398 //    To avoid this we force bag2 onto the ChangedBags list, but we can't use
2399 //    CHANGED_BAG, as it skips young bags.
2400 //
SwapMasterPoint(Bag bag1,Bag bag2)2401 void SwapMasterPoint(Bag bag1, Bag bag2)
2402 {
2403     Bag * swapptr;
2404     Bag   swapbag;
2406     if (bag1 == bag2)
2407         return;
2409     // First make sure both bags are in change list
2410     // We can't use CHANGED_BAG as it skips young bags
2411     if (LINK_BAG(bag1) == bag1) {
2412         LINK_BAG(bag1) = ChangedBags;
2413         ChangedBags = bag1;
2414     }
2415     if (LINK_BAG(bag2) == bag2) {
2416         LINK_BAG(bag2) = ChangedBags;
2417         ChangedBags = bag2;
2418     }
2420     // get the pointers & swap them
2421     swapptr = PTR_BAG(bag1);
2422     SET_PTR_BAG(bag1, PTR_BAG(bag2));
2423     SET_PTR_BAG(bag2, swapptr);
2425     // Now swap links, so in the end the list will go
2426     // through the bags in the same order.
2427     swapbag = LINK_BAG(bag1);
2428     LINK_BAG(bag1) = LINK_BAG(bag2);
2429     LINK_BAG(bag2) = swapbag;
2430 }