1 /****************************************************************************
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7 ** This file is part of Qt Quick 3D.
8 **
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11 ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
12 ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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28 **
29 ****************************************************************************/
34 //
35 //  W A R N I N G
36 //  -------------
37 //
38 // This file is not part of the Qt API.  It exists purely as an
39 // implementation detail.  This header file may change from version to
40 // version without notice, or even be removed.
41 //
42 // We mean it.
43 //
45 #include <QtQuick3DRender/private/qtquick3drenderglobal_p.h>
46 #include <QtQuick3DRender/private/qssgrenderbasetypes_p.h>
47 #include <QtQuick3DUtils/private/qssgbounds3_p.h>
49 #include <QtGui/qsurfaceformat.h>
53 #define HandleToID_cast(staticType, dynamicType, handle) static_cast<staticType>(reinterpret_cast<dynamicType>(handle))
56 {
57     QSSGRenderBackend(const QSSGRenderBackend &) = delete;
58     QSSGRenderBackend &operator=(const QSSGRenderBackend &) = delete;
60 public:
61     QAtomicInt ref;
63     QSSGRenderBackend() = default;
~QSSGRenderBackend()64     virtual ~QSSGRenderBackend() {}
65     /// opaque buffer object handle
66     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject *QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject;
67     /// opaque attribute layout object handle
68     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendAttribLayoutObject *QSSGRenderBackendAttribLayoutObject;
69     /// opaque input assembler object handle
70     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendInputAssemblerObject *QSSGRenderBackendInputAssemblerObject;
71     /// opaque texture object handle
72     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject *QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject;
73     /// opaque sampler object handle
74     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendSamplerObject *QSSGRenderBackendSamplerObject;
75     /// opaque renderbuffer object handle
76     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendRenderbufferObject *QSSGRenderBackendRenderbufferObject;
77     /// opaque framebuffer object handle
78     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject *QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject;
79     /// opaque vertex shader object handle
80     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendVertexShaderObject *QSSGRenderBackendVertexShaderObject;
81     /// opaque fragment shader object handle
82     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendFragmentShaderObject *QSSGRenderBackendFragmentShaderObject;
83     /// opaque tesselation control shader object handle
84     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendTessControlShaderObject *QSSGRenderBackendTessControlShaderObject;
85     /// opaque tesselation evaluation shader object handle
86     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendTessEvaluationShaderObject *QSSGRenderBackendTessEvaluationShaderObject;
87     /// opaque geometry shader object handle
88     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendGeometryShaderObject *QSSGRenderBackendGeometryShaderObject;
89     /// opaque compute shader object handle
90     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendComputeShaderObject *QSSGRenderBackendComputeShaderObject;
91     /// opaque shader program object handle
92     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject *QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject;
93     /// opaque depth stencil state object handle
94     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendDepthStencilStateObject *QSSGRenderBackendDepthStencilStateObject;
95     /// opaque rasterizer state object handle
96     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendRasterizerStateObject *QSSGRenderBackendRasterizerStateObject;
97     /// opaque query object handle
98     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject *QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject;
99     /// opaque sync object handle
100     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendSyncObject *QSSGRenderBackendSyncObject;
101     /// opaque sync object handle
102     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendProgramPipeline *QSSGRenderBackendProgramPipeline;
103     /// opaque sync object handle
104     typedef struct _QSSGRenderBackendPathObject *QSSGRenderBackendPathObject;
106     // backend capability caps
107     enum class QSSGRenderBackendCaps
108     {
109         ConstantBuffer, ///< Constant buffer support query
110         DepthStencilTexture, ///< depth stencil texture format suport query
111         DxtImages, ///< DXT image support query
112         FpRenderTarget, ///< render to floating point target support query
113         MsTexture, ///< Multisample texture support query
114         TexSwizzle, ///< Texture swizzle support query
115         FastBlits, ///< Hardware supports fast blits
116         Tessellation, ///< Hardware supports tessellation
117         Compute, ///< Hardware supports compute shader
118         Geometry, ///< Hardware supports geometry shader
119         SampleQuery, ///< Hardware supports query calls of type samples
120         TimerQuery, ///< Hardware supports query calls of type timer
121         CommandSync, ///< Hardware supports command sync object
122         TextureArray, ///< Hardware supports texture arrays
123         StorageBuffer, ///< Hardware supports shader storage buffers
124         ShaderImageLoadStore, ///< Hardware supports shader image load store operations
125         ProgramPipeline, ///< Driver supports separate programs
126         AdvancedBlend, ///< Driver supports advanced blend modes
127         BlendCoherency, ///< Hardware supports blend coherency
128         gpuShader5, // for high precision sampling
129         AdvancedBlendKHR, ///< Driver supports advanced blend modes
130         VertexArrayObject,
131         StandardDerivatives,
132         TextureLod
133     };
135     // backend queries
136     enum class QSSGRenderBackendQuery
137     {
138         MaxTextureSize, ///< Return max supported texture size
139         MaxTextureArrayLayers, ///< Return max supported layer count for texture arrays
140         MaxConstantBufferSlots, ///< Return max supported constant buffe slots for a single
141         /// shader stage
142         MaxConstantBufferBlockSize ///< Return max supported size for a single constant
143         /// buffer block
144     };
146     /// backend interface
148     /**
149      * @brief get the backend type
150      *
151      * @return true backend type
152      */
153     virtual QSSGRenderContextType getRenderContextType() const = 0;
155     /**
156      * @brief get the version of the shading language
157      * @return version string.
158      */
159     virtual QByteArray getShadingLanguageVersion() = 0;
161     /**
162      * @brief get maximum supported texture image units that
163      *	can be used to access texture maps from the vertex shader and the fragment processor
164      *combined.
165      *
166      * @return max texture size
167      */
168     virtual qint32 getMaxCombinedTextureUnits() = 0;
170     /**
171      * @brief query Backend capabilities
172      *
173      * @param[in] inCap		CAPS flag to query
174      *						@ConstantBuffer, @DepthStencilTexture, ...
175      *
176      * @return true if supported
177      */
178     virtual bool getRenderBackendCap(QSSGRenderBackendCaps inCap) const = 0;
180     /**
181      * @brief query Backend values
182      *
183      * @param[in] inQuery		Query flag to get value  for
184      *							@MaxTextureSize, @MaxTextureArrayLayers,
185      *...
186      * @param[in/out] params	the query result is stored here
187      *
188      * @return no return
189      */
190     virtual void getRenderBackendValue(QSSGRenderBackendQuery inQuery, qint32 *params) const = 0;
192     /**
193      * @brief query for bit depth of the depth buffer
194      *
195      * @return depth buffer bitplanes
196      */
197     virtual qint32 getDepthBits() const = 0;
199     /**
200      * @brief query for bit depth of the stencil buffer
201      *
202      * @return stencil buffer bitplanes
203      */
204     virtual qint32 getStencilBits() const = 0;
206     /**
207      * @brief query for maximum supported number of samples for multisampling.
208      *
209      * @return maximum samples. The value must be at least 4.
210      */
211     virtual qint32 getMaxSamples() const = 0;
213     /*
214      * @brief set a backend rende state
215      *
216      * @param[in] bEnable	enable/disable state
217      * @param[in] value		type of state
218      *
219      * @return no return
220      */
221     virtual void setRenderState(bool bEnable, const QSSGRenderState value) = 0;
223     /**
224      * @brief get a backend rende state
225      *
226      * @param[in] value		type of state
227      *
228      * @return  true if state enabled otherwise false
229      */
230     virtual bool getRenderState(const QSSGRenderState value) = 0;
232     /**
233      * @brief get current depth function
234      *
235      * @return  active depth function
236      */
237     virtual QSSGRenderBoolOp getDepthFunc() = 0;
239     /**
240      * @brief create a depth stencil state object
241      *
242      * @param[in] enableDepth			enable depth test
243      * @param[in] depthMask				enable depth writes
244      * @param[in] depthFunc				depth compare function
245      * @param[in] enableStencil			enable stencil test
246      * @param[in] stencilFuncFront		stencil setup front faces
247      * @param[in] stencilFuncBack		stencil setup back faces
248      * @param[in] depthStencilOpFront	depth/stencil operations front faces
249      * @param[in] depthStencilOpBack	depth/stencil operations back faces
250      *
251      * @return  opaque handle to state object
252      */
253     virtual QSSGRenderBackendDepthStencilStateObject createDepthStencilState(
254             bool enableDepth,
255             bool depthMask,
256             QSSGRenderBoolOp depthFunc,
257             bool enableStencil,
258             QSSGRenderStencilFunction &stencilFuncFront,
259             QSSGRenderStencilFunction &stencilFuncBack,
260             QSSGRenderStencilOperation &depthStencilOpFront,
261             QSSGRenderStencilOperation &depthStencilOpBack) = 0;
263     /**
264      * @brief release a depth stencil state object
265      *
266      * @param[in] depthStencilState		pointer to state object
267      *
268      * @return  none
269      */
270     virtual void releaseDepthStencilState(QSSGRenderBackendDepthStencilStateObject depthStencilState) = 0;
272     /**
273      * @brief create a rasterizer state object
274      *
275      * @param[in] depthBias			any othe value than 0 enables depth bias
276      * @param[in] depthScale		any othe value than 0 enables depth scale
277      *
278      * @return  opaque handle to state object
279      */
280     virtual QSSGRenderBackendRasterizerStateObject createRasterizerState(float depthBias,
281                                                                          float depthScale) = 0;
283     /**
284      * @brief release a rasterizer state object
285      *
286      * @param[in] rasterizerState		pointer to state object
287      *
288      * @return  none
289      */
290     virtual void releaseRasterizerState(QSSGRenderBackendRasterizerStateObject rasterizerState) = 0;
292     /**
293      * @brief set depth stencil state
294      *
295      * @param[in] depthStencilState		pointer to state object
296      *
297      * @return  none
298      */
299     virtual void setDepthStencilState(QSSGRenderBackendDepthStencilStateObject depthStencilState) = 0;
301     /**
302      * @brief set rasterizer state
303      *
304      * @param[in] rasterizerState		pointer to state object
305      *
306      * @return  none
307      */
308     virtual void setRasterizerState(QSSGRenderBackendRasterizerStateObject rasterizerState) = 0;
310     /**
311      * @brief set current depth function
312      *
313      * @param[in] func		type of function
314      *
315      * @return no return
316      */
317     virtual void setDepthFunc(const QSSGRenderBoolOp func) = 0;
319     /**
320      * @brief query if depth write is enabled
321      *
322      * @return true if enabled
323      */
324     virtual bool getDepthWrite() = 0;
326     /**
327      * @brief enable / disable depth writes
328      *
329      * @param[in] bEnable	true for enable
330      *
331      * @return no return
332      */
333     virtual void setDepthWrite(bool bEnable) = 0;
335     /**
336      * @brief enable / disable color channel writes
337      *
338      * @param[in] bRed		true for enable red channel
339      * @param[in] bGreen	true for enable green channel
340      * @param[in] bBlue		true for enable blue channel
341      * @param[in] bAlpha	true for enable alpha channel
342      *
343      * @return no return
344      */
345     virtual void setColorWrites(bool bRed, bool bGreen, bool bBlue, bool bAlpha) = 0;
347     /**
348      * @brief enable / disable multisample rendering
349      *
350      * @param[in] bEnable	true for enable
351      *
352      * @return no return
353      */
354     virtual void setMultisample(bool bEnable) = 0;
356     /**
357      * @brief query blend functions
358      *
359      * @param[out] pBlendFuncArg	blending functions
360      *
361      * @return no return
362      */
363     virtual void getBlendFunc(QSSGRenderBlendFunctionArgument *pBlendFuncArg) = 0;
365     /**
366      * @brief set blend functions
367      *
368      * @param[in] pBlendFuncArg	blending functions
369      *
370      * @return no return
371      */
372     virtual void setBlendFunc(const QSSGRenderBlendFunctionArgument &blendFuncArg) = 0;
374     /**
375      * @brief set blend equation
376      *
377      * @param[in] pBlendEquArg	blending equation
378      *
379      * @return no return
380      */
381     virtual void setBlendEquation(const QSSGRenderBlendEquationArgument &pBlendEquArg) = 0;
383     /**
384      * @brief guarantee blend coherency
385      *
386      *
387      * @return no return
388      */
389     virtual void setBlendBarrier(void) = 0;
391     /**
392      * @brief query cull face mode
393      *
394      * @return cull face mode
395      */
396     virtual QSSGCullFaceMode getCullFaceMode() = 0;
398     /**
399      * @brief set cull face mode
400      *
401      * @param[in] cullFaceMode
402      *
403      * @return no return
404      */
405     virtual void setCullFaceMode(const QSSGCullFaceMode cullFaceMode) = 0;
407     /**
408      * @brief query scissor rectangle
409      *
410      * @param[out] pRect	contains scissor rect
411      *
412      * @return no return
413      */
414     virtual void getScissorRect(QRect *pRect) = 0;
416     /**
417      * @brief set scissor rectangle
418      *
419      * @param[out] pRect	contains scissor rect
420      *
421      * @return no return
422      */
423     virtual void setScissorRect(const QRect &rect) = 0;
425     /**
426      * @brief query viewport rectangle
427      *
428      * @param[out] pRect	contains viewport rect
429      *
430      * @return no return
431      */
432     virtual void getViewportRect(QRect *pRect) = 0;
434     /**
435      * @brief set viewport rectangle
436      *
437      * @param[out] pRect	contains viewport rect
438      *
439      * @return no return
440      */
441     virtual void setViewportRect(const QRect &rect) = 0;
443     /**
444      * @brief query viewport rectangle
445      *
446      * @param[in] clearColor	clear color
447      *
448      * @return no return
449      */
450     virtual void setClearColor(const QVector4D *pClearColor) = 0;
452     /**
453      * @brief query viewport rectangle
454      *
455      * @param[in] flags	clear flags
456      *
457      * @return no return
458      */
459     virtual void clear(QSSGRenderClearFlags flags) = 0;
461     /**
462      * @brief create a buffer object
463      *
464      * @param[in] size			Size of the buffer
465      * @param[in] bindFlags		Where to bind this buffer (e.g. vertex, index, ...)
466      *							For OpenGL this should be a single
467      *value
468      * @param[in] usage			Usage of the buffer (e.g. static, dynamic...)
469      * @param[in] hostPtr       A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
470      *application.
471      *
472      * @return The created buffer object or nullptr if the creation failed.
473      */
474     virtual QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject createBuffer(QSSGRenderBufferType bindFlags,
475                                                          QSSGRenderBufferUsageType usage,
476                                                          QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
478     /**
479      * @brief bind a buffer object
480      *
481      * @param[in] bo			Pointer to buffer object
482      * @param[in] bindFlags		Where to bind this buffer (e.g. vertex, index, ...)
483      *							For OpenGL this should be a single
484      *value
485      *
486      * @return no return.
487      */
488     virtual void bindBuffer(QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo, QSSGRenderBufferType bindFlags) = 0;
490     /**
491      * @brief Release a single buffer object
492      *
493      * @param[in] bo			Pointer to buffer object
494      *
495      * @return no return.
496      */
497     virtual void releaseBuffer(QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo) = 0;
499     /**
500      * @brief update a whole buffer object
501      *
502      * @param[in] bo			Pointer to buffer object
503      * @param[in] bindFlags		Where to bind this buffer (e.g. vertex, index, ...)
504      *							For OpenGL this should be a single
505      *value
506      * @param[in] size			Size of the data buffer
507      * @param[in] usage			Usage of the buffer (e.g. static, dynamic...)
508      * @param[in] data			A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
509      *application.
510      *
511      * @return no return.
512      */
513     virtual void updateBuffer(QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo,
514                               QSSGRenderBufferType bindFlags,
515                               QSSGRenderBufferUsageType usage,
516                               QSSGByteView data) = 0;
518     /**
519      * @brief update a range of a buffer object
520      *
521      * @param[in] bo			Pointer to buffer object
522      * @param[in] bindFlags		Where to bind this buffer (e.g. vertex, index, ...)
523      *							For OpenGL this should be a single
524      *value
525      * @param[in] size			Size of the data buffer
526      * @param[in] usage			Usage of the buffer (e.g. static, dynamic...)
527      * @param[in] data			A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
528      *application.
529      *
530      * @return no return.
531      */
532     virtual void updateBufferRange(QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo,
533                                    QSSGRenderBufferType bindFlags,
534                                    size_t offset,
535                                    QSSGByteView data) = 0;
537     /**
538      * @brief Get a pointer to the buffer data ( GL(ES) >= 3 only )
539      *
540      * @param[in] bo			Pointer to buffer object
541      * @param[in] bindFlags		Where to bind this buffer (e.g. vertex, index, ...)
542      *							For OpenGL this should be a single
543      *value
544      * @param[in] offset		Byte offset into the data buffer
545      * @param[in] length		Byte length of mapping size
546      * @param[in] access		Access of the buffer (e.g. read, write, ...)
547      *
548      * @return pointer to mapped data or null.
549      */
550     virtual void *mapBuffer(QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo,
551                             QSSGRenderBufferType bindFlags,
552                             size_t offset,
553                             size_t length,
554                             QSSGRenderBufferAccessFlags accessFlags) = 0;
556     /**
557      * @brief Unmap a previously mapped buffer ( GL(ES) >= 3 only )
558      *		  This functions transfers the content to the hardware buffer
559      *
560      * @param[in] bo			Pointer to buffer object
561      * @param[in] bindFlags		Where to bind this buffer (e.g. vertex, index, ...)
562      *							For OpenGL this should be a single
563      *value
564      *
565      * @return true if successful
566      */
567     virtual bool unmapBuffer(QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo, QSSGRenderBufferType bindFlags) = 0;
569     /**
570      * @brief Set a memory barrier
571      *
572      * @param[in] barriers		Flags for barriers
573      *
574      * @return no return.
575      */
576     virtual void setMemoryBarrier(QSSGRenderBufferBarrierFlags barriers) = 0;
578     /**
579      * @brief create a query object
580      *
581      * @return The created query object or nullptr if the creation failed.
582      */
583     virtual QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject createQuery() = 0;
585     /**
586      * @brief delete query objects
587      *
588      * @param[in] qo		Handle to query object
589      *
590      * @return  no return
591      */
592     virtual void releaseQuery(QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject qo) = 0;
594     /**
595      * @brief Start query recording
596      *
597      * @param[in] qo		Handle to query object
598      * @param[in] type		Type of query
599      *
600      * @return  no return
601      */
602     virtual void beginQuery(QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject qo, QSSGRenderQueryType type) = 0;
604     /**
605      * @brief End query recording
606      *
607      * @param[in] qo		Handle to query object
608      * @param[in] type		Type of query
609      *
610      * @return  no return
611      */
612     virtual void endQuery(QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject qo, QSSGRenderQueryType type) = 0;
614     /**
615      * @brief Get a query result
616      *
617      * @param[in]  qo		Handle to query object
618      * @param[in]  type		Type of query
619      * @param[out] params	Contains result of query regarding query type
620      *
621      * @return  no return
622      */
623     virtual void getQueryResult(QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject qo, QSSGRenderQueryResultType resultType, quint32 *params) = 0;
625     /**
626      * @brief Get a query result
627      *
628      * @param[in]  qo		Handle to query object
629      * @param[in]  type		Type of query
630      * @param[out] params	Contains result of query regarding query type 64 bit returns
631      *
632      * @return  no return
633      */
634     virtual void getQueryResult(QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject qo, QSSGRenderQueryResultType resultType, quint64 *params) = 0;
636     /**
637      * @brief Record the GPU time using the query object
638      *
639      * @param[in]  qo		Handle to query object
640      *
641      * @return  no return
642      */
643     virtual void setQueryTimer(QSSGRenderBackendQueryObject qo) = 0;
645     /**
646      * @brief create a sync object and place it in the command queue
647      *
648      * @param[in] tpye			Type to sync
649      * @param[in] syncFlags		Currently unused
650      *
651      * @return The created sync object or nullptr if the creation failed.
652      */
653     virtual QSSGRenderBackendSyncObject createSync(QSSGRenderSyncType tpye, QSSGRenderSyncFlags syncFlags) = 0;
655     /**
656      * @brief delete sync object
657      *
658      * @param[in] so		Handle to sync object
659      *
660      * @return  no return
661      */
662     virtual void releaseSync(QSSGRenderBackendSyncObject so) = 0;
664     /**
665      * @brief wait for sync object to be signaled
666      *
667      * @param[in] so			Handle to sync object
668      * @param[in] syncFlags		Currently unused
669      * @param[in] timeout		Currently ignored
670      *
671      * @return  no return
672      */
673     virtual void waitSync(QSSGRenderBackendSyncObject so, QSSGRenderCommandFlushFlags syncFlags, quint64 timeout) = 0;
675     /**
676      * @brief create a render target object
677      *
678      *
679      * @return The created render target object or nullptr if the creation failed.
680      */
681     virtual QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject createRenderTarget() = 0;
683     /**
684      * @brief Release a single render target object
685      *
686      * @param[in] rto			Pointer to render target object
687      *
688      * @return no return.
689      */
690     virtual void releaseRenderTarget(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto) = 0;
692     /**
693      * @brief Attach a renderbuffer object to the framebuffer
694      *
695      * @param[in] rto			Pointer to render target object
696      * @param[in] attachment	Attachment point (e.g COLOR0, DEPTH)
697      * @param[in] rbo			Pointer to renderbuffer object
698      *
699      * @return no return.
700      */
701     virtual void renderTargetAttach(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto,
702                                     QSSGRenderFrameBufferAttachment attachment,
703                                     QSSGRenderBackendRenderbufferObject rbo) = 0;
705     /**
706      * @brief Attach a texture object to the render target
707      *
708      * @param[in] rto			Pointer to render target object
709      * @param[in] attachment	Attachment point (e.g COLOR0, DEPTH)
710      * @param[in] to			Pointer to texture object
711      * @param[in] target		Attachment texture target
712      *
713      * @return no return.
714      */
715     virtual void renderTargetAttach(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto,
716                                     QSSGRenderFrameBufferAttachment attachment,
717                                     QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
718                                     QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target = QSSGRenderTextureTargetType::Texture2D) = 0;
720     /**
721      * @brief Attach a texture object to the render target
722      *
723      * @param[in] rto			Pointer to render target object
724      * @param[in] attachment	Attachment point (e.g COLOR0, DEPTH)
725      * @param[in] to			Pointer to texture object
726      * @param[in] level			Texture mip level
727      * @param[in] layer			Texture layer or slice
728      *
729      * @return no return.
730      */
731     virtual void renderTargetAttach(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto,
732                                     QSSGRenderFrameBufferAttachment attachment,
733                                     QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
734                                     qint32 level,
735                                     qint32 layer) = 0;
737     /**
738      * @brief Make a render target active
739      *
740      * @param[in] rto			Pointer to render target object
741      *
742      * @return no return.
743      */
744     virtual void setRenderTarget(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto) = 0;
746     /**
747      * @brief Check if a render target is ready for render
748      *
749      * @param[in] rto			Pointer to render target object
750      *
751      * @return true if usable.
752      */
753     virtual bool renderTargetIsValid(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto) = 0;
755     /**
756      * @brief Make a render target active for reading
757      *
758      * @param[in] rto			Pointer to render target object
759      *
760      * @return no return.
761      */
762     virtual void setReadTarget(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto) = 0;
764     /**
765      * @brief Set active buffers for drawing
766      *
767      * @param[in] rto				Pointer to render target object
768      * @param[in] inDrawBufferSet	Pointer to array of enabled render targets
769      *
770      * @return no return.
771      */
772     virtual void setDrawBuffers(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto, QSSGDataView<qint32> inDrawBufferSet) = 0;
774     /**
775      * @brief Set active buffer for reading
776      *
777      * @param[in] rto				Pointer to render target object
778      * @param[in] inReadFace		Buffer to read from
779      *
780      * @return no return.
781      */
782     virtual void setReadBuffer(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto, QSSGReadFace inReadFace) = 0;
784     /**
785      * @brief Copy framebuffer attachments. Source is set with SetReadTarget dest with
786      * SetRenderTarget
787      *
788      * @param[in] srcX0				Lower left X coord of source rectangle
789      * @param[in] srcY0				Lower left Y coord of source rectangle
790      * @param[in] srcX1				Upper right X coord of source rectangle
791      * @param[in] srcY1				Upper right Y coord of source rectangle
792      * @param[in] dstX0				Lower left X coord of dest rectangle
793      * @param[in] dstY0				Lower left Y coord of dest rectangle
794      * @param[in] dstX1				Upper right X coord of dest rectangle
795      * @param[in] dstY1				Upper right Y coord of dest rectangle
796      * @param[in] inDrawBufferSet	pointer to array of enabled render targets
797      * @param[in] filter			Copy filter method (NEAREST or LINEAR)
798      *
799      * @return no return.
800      */
801     virtual void blitFramebuffer(qint32 srcX0,
802                                  qint32 srcY0,
803                                  qint32 srcX1,
804                                  qint32 srcY1,
805                                  qint32 dstX0,
806                                  qint32 dstY0,
807                                  qint32 dstX1,
808                                  qint32 dstY1,
809                                  QSSGRenderClearFlags flags,
810                                  QSSGRenderTextureMagnifyingOp filter) = 0;
812     /**
813      * @brief Copy framebuffer attachments to texture. Source is set with SetReadTarget dest with
814      * SetRenderTarget
815      *
816      * @param[in] srcX0             Lower left X coord of source rectangle
817      * @param[in] srcY0             Lower left Y coord of source rectangle
818      * @param[in] srcX1             Width source rectangle
819      * @param[in] srcY1             Height source rectangle
820      * @param[in] dstX0             Lower left X coord of dest rectangle
821      * @param[in] dstY0             Lower left Y coord of dest rectangle
822      * @param[in] flags             Attachment to copy
823      * @param[in] texture           The destination texture
824      * @param[in] target            The texture target
825      *
826      * @return no return.
827      */
828     virtual void copyFramebufferTexture(qint32 srcX0,
829                                         qint32 srcY0,
830                                         qint32 width,
831                                         qint32 height,
832                                         qint32 dstX0,
833                                         qint32 dstY0,
834                                         QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject texture,
835                                         QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target
836                                             = QSSGRenderTextureTargetType::Texture2D) = 0;
838     /**
839      * @brief create a render buffer object
840      *
841      * @param[in] storageFormat	Format of the buffer
842      * @param[in] width			Buffer with
843      * @param[in] height		Buffer height
844      *
845      * @return The created render buffer object or nullptr if the creation failed.
846      */
847     virtual QSSGRenderBackendRenderbufferObject createRenderbuffer(QSSGRenderRenderBufferFormat storageFormat,
848                                                                      qint32 width,
849                                                                      qint32 height) = 0;
851     /**
852      * @brief Release a single renderbuffer object
853      *
854      * @param[in] bo			Pointer to renderbuffer object
855      *
856      * @return no return.
857      */
858     virtual void releaseRenderbuffer(QSSGRenderBackendRenderbufferObject rbo) = 0;
860     /**
861      * @brief resize a render buffer object
862      *
863      * @param[in] storageFormat	Format of the buffer
864      * @param[in] width			Buffer with
865      * @param[in] height		Buffer height
866      *
867      * @return True on success
868      */
869     virtual bool resizeRenderbuffer(QSSGRenderBackendRenderbufferObject rbo,
870                                     QSSGRenderRenderBufferFormat storageFormat,
871                                     qint32 width,
872                                     qint32 height) = 0;
874     /**
875      * @brief create a texture object
876      *
877      * @return The created texture object or nullptr if the creation failed..
878      */
879     virtual QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject createTexture() = 0;
881     /**
882      * @brief set texture data for a 2D texture
883      *
884      * @param[in] to				Pointer to texture object
885      * @param[in] target			Texture target 2D, 3D
886      * @param[in] level				Texture mip level
887      * @param[in] internalFormat	format of the texture
888      * @param[in] width				texture width
889      * @param[in] height			texture height
890      * @param[in] border			border
891      * @param[in] format			format of provided pixel data
892      * @param[in] hostPtr			A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
893      * application.
894      *
895      * @return No return
896      */
897     virtual void setTextureData2D(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
898                                   QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
899                                   qint32 level,
900                                   QSSGRenderTextureFormat internalFormat,
901                                   qint32 width,
902                                   qint32 height,
903                                   qint32 border,
904                                   QSSGRenderTextureFormat format,
905                                   QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
907     /**
908      * @brief set texture data for the face of a Cube map
909      *
910      * @param[in] to				Pointer to texture object
911      * @param[in] target			Texture target face
912      * @param[in] level				Texture mip level
913      * @param[in] internalFormat	format of the texture
914      * @param[in] width				texture width
915      * @param[in] height			texture height
916      * @param[in] border			border
917      * @param[in] format			format of provided pixel data
918      * @param[in] hostPtr			A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
919      * application.
920      *
921      * @return No return
922      */
923     virtual void setTextureDataCubeFace(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
924                                         QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
925                                         qint32 level,
926                                         QSSGRenderTextureFormat internalFormat,
927                                         qint32 width,
928                                         qint32 height,
929                                         qint32 border,
930                                         QSSGRenderTextureFormat format,
931                                         QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
933     /**
934      * @brief create a storage for a 2D texture including mip levels
935      *		  Note that this makes texture immutable in size and format
936      *
937      * @param[in] to				Pointer to texture object
938      * @param[in] target			Texture target 2D, 3D
939      * @param[in] levels			Texture mip level count
940      * @param[in] internalFormat	format of the texture
941      * @param[in] width				texture width
942      * @param[in] height			texture height
943      *
944      * @return No return
945      */
946     virtual void createTextureStorage2D(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
947                                         QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
948                                         qint32 levels,
949                                         QSSGRenderTextureFormat internalFormat,
950                                         qint32 width,
951                                         qint32 height) = 0;
953     /**
954      * @brief set texture sub data for a 2D texture
955      *
956      * @param[in] to				Pointer to texture object
957      * @param[in] target			Texture target 2D, 3D
958      * @param[in] level				Texture mip level
959      * @param[in] xOffset			Texture x offset
960      * @param[in] yOffset			Texture y offset
961      * @param[in] width				Texture width
962      * @param[in] height			Texture height
963      * @param[in] border			border
964      * @param[in] format			format of texture
965      * @param[in] hostPtr			A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
966      * application.
967      *
968      * @return No return
969      */
970     virtual void setTextureSubData2D(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
971                                      QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
972                                      qint32 level,
973                                      qint32 xOffset,
974                                      qint32 yOffset,
975                                      qint32 width,
976                                      qint32 height,
977                                      QSSGRenderTextureFormat format,
978                                      QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
980     /**
981      * @brief set compressed texture data for a 2D texture
982      *
983      * @param[in] to				Pointer to texture object
984      * @param[in] target			Texture target 2D, 3D
985      * @param[in] level				Texture mip level
986      * @param[in] internalFormat	format of the texture
987      * @param[in] width				texture width
988      * @param[in] height			texture height
989      * @param[in] border			border
990      * @param[in] imageSize			image size in bytes located at hostPtr
991      * @param[in] hostPtr			A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
992      * application.
993      *
994      * @return No return
995      */
996     virtual void setCompressedTextureData2D(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
997                                             QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
998                                             qint32 level,
999                                             QSSGRenderTextureFormat internalFormat,
1000                                             qint32 width,
1001                                             qint32 height,
1002                                             qint32 border,
1003                                             QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
1005     /**
1006      * @brief set compressed texture data for a Cubemap face
1007      *
1008      * @param[in] to				Pointer to texture object
1009      * @param[in] target			Texture target 2D, 3D
1010      * @param[in] level				Texture mip level
1011      * @param[in] internalFormat	format of the texture
1012      * @param[in] width				texture width
1013      * @param[in] height			texture height
1014      * @param[in] border			border
1015      * @param[in] imageSize			image size in bytes located at hostPtr
1016      * @param[in] hostPtr			A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
1017      * application.
1018      *
1019      * @return No return
1020      */
1021     virtual void setCompressedTextureDataCubeFace(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
1022                                                   QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
1023                                                   qint32 level,
1024                                                   QSSGRenderTextureFormat internalFormat,
1025                                                   qint32 width,
1026                                                   qint32 height,
1027                                                   qint32 border,
1028                                                   QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
1030     /**
1031      * @brief set compressed texture sub data for a 2D texture
1032      *
1033      * @param[in] to				Pointer to texture object
1034      * @param[in] target			Texture target 2D, 3D
1035      * @param[in] level				Texture mip level
1036      * @param[in] xOffset			Texture x offset
1037      * @param[in] yOffset			Texture y offset
1038      * @param[in] width				texture width
1039      * @param[in] height			texture height
1040      * @param[in] format			format of provided pixel data
1041      * @param[in] imageSize			image size in bytes located at hostPtr
1042      * @param[in] hostPtr			A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
1043      * application.
1044      *
1045      * @return No return
1046      */
1047     virtual void setCompressedTextureSubData2D(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
1048                                                QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
1049                                                qint32 level,
1050                                                qint32 xOffset,
1051                                                qint32 yOffset,
1052                                                qint32 width,
1053                                                qint32 height,
1054                                                QSSGRenderTextureFormat format,
1055                                                QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
1057     /**
1058      * @brief establish a multisampled 2D texture
1059      *
1060      * @param[in] to				Pointer to texture object
1061      * @param[in] target			Texture target 2D MS
1062      * @param[in] samples			Textures sample count
1063      * @param[in] internalFormat	Format of the texture
1064      * @param[in] width				Texture width
1065      * @param[in] height			Texture height
1066      * @param[in] bool				Fixed sample locations
1067      *
1068      * @return No return
1069      */
1070     virtual void setMultisampledTextureData2D(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
1071                                               QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
1072                                               qint32 samples,
1073                                               QSSGRenderTextureFormat internalFormat,
1074                                               qint32 width,
1075                                               qint32 height,
1076                                               bool fixedsamplelocations) = 0;
1078     /**
1079      * @brief set texture data for a 3D texture or 2D texture array
1080      *
1081      * @param[in] to				Pointer to texture object
1082      * @param[in] target			Texture target 2D, 3D
1083      * @param[in] level				Texture mip level
1084      * @param[in] internalFormat	format of the texture
1085      * @param[in] width				texture width
1086      * @param[in] height			texture height
1087      * @param[in] depth				texture depth or slice count
1088      * @param[in] border			border
1089      * @param[in] format			format of provided pixel data
1090      * @param[in] hostPtr			A pointer to the buffer data that is allocated by the
1091      * application.
1092      *
1093      * @return No return
1094      */
1095     virtual void setTextureData3D(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
1096                                   QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
1097                                   qint32 level,
1098                                   QSSGRenderTextureFormat internalFormat,
1099                                   qint32 width,
1100                                   qint32 height,
1101                                   qint32 depth,
1102                                   qint32 border,
1103                                   QSSGRenderTextureFormat format,
1104                                   QSSGByteView hostData) = 0;
1106     /**
1107      * @brief generate mipmap levels
1108      *
1109      * @param[in] to				Pointer to texture object
1110      * @param[in] target			Texture target 2D,...
1111      * @param[in] hint				How to generate mips (Nicest)
1112      *
1113      * @return No return
1114      */
1115     virtual void generateMipMaps(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
1116                                  QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
1117                                  QSSGRenderHint genType) = 0;
1119     /**
1120      * @brief bind a texture object
1121      *
1122      * @param[in] to			Pointer to texture object
1123      * @param[in] target		Where to bind this texture (e.g. 2D, 3D, ...)
1124      * @param[in] unit			Which unit to bind this texture
1125      *
1126      * @return no return.
1127      */
1128     virtual void bindTexture(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
1129                              QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
1130                              qint32 unit) = 0;
1132     /**
1133      * @brief select active texture unit
1134      *
1135      * @param[in] unit          Which unit to bind for texture
1136      *
1137      * @return no return.
1138      */
1139     virtual void setActiveTexture(qint32 unit) = 0;
1141     /**
1142      * @brief bind a image/texture object
1143      *
1144      * @param[in] to			Pointer to texture object
1145      * @param[in] unit			Which unit to bind this texture
1146      * @param[in] level			Which level to bind
1147      * @param[in] layered		Bind layered texture (cube map, array,... )
1148      * @param[in] level			Specify layer. Only valid of layered=false.
1149      * @param[in] access		Access mode ( read, write, read-write )
1150      * @param[in] format		Texture format must be compatible with Image format
1151      *
1152      * @return no return.
1153      */
1154     virtual void bindImageTexture(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
1155                                   quint32 unit,
1156                                   qint32 level,
1157                                   bool layered,
1158                                   qint32 layer,
1159                                   QSSGRenderImageAccessType accessFlags,
1160                                   QSSGRenderTextureFormat format) = 0;
1162     /**
1163      * @brief Release a single texture object
1164      *
1165      * @param[in] to			Pointer to buffer object
1166      *
1167      * @return no return.
1168      */
1169     virtual void releaseTexture(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to) = 0;
1171     /**
1172      * @brief query texture swizzle mode
1173      *		  This is mainly for luminance, alpha replacement with R8 formats
1174      *
1175      * @param[in]  inFormat			input texture format to check
1176      *
1177      * @return texture swizzle mode
1178      */
1179     virtual QSSGRenderTextureSwizzleMode getTextureSwizzleMode(const QSSGRenderTextureFormat inFormat) const = 0;
1181     /**
1182      * @ brief create a sampler
1183      *
1184      * @param[in] minFilter		Texture min filter
1185      * @param[in] magFilter		Texture mag filter
1186      * @param[in] wrapS			Texture coord generation for S
1187      * @param[in] wrapT			Texture coord generation for T
1188      * @param[in] wrapR			Texture coord generation for R
1189      * @param[in] minLod		Texture min level of detail
1190      * @param[in] maxLod		Texture max level of detail
1191      * @param[in] lodBias		Texture level of detail example
1192      * @param[in] compareMode	Texture compare mode
1193      * @param[in] compareFunc	Texture compare function
1194      * @param[in] anisoFilter	Aniso filter value [1.0, 16.0]
1195      * @param[in] borderColor	Texture border color float[4]
1196      *
1197      * @return The created sampler object or nullptr if the creation failed.
1198      */
1199     virtual QSSGRenderBackendSamplerObject createSampler(
1200             QSSGRenderTextureMinifyingOp minFilter = QSSGRenderTextureMinifyingOp::Linear,
1201             QSSGRenderTextureMagnifyingOp magFilter = QSSGRenderTextureMagnifyingOp::Linear,
1202             QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp wrapS = QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp::ClampToEdge,
1203             QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp wrapT = QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp::ClampToEdge,
1204             QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp wrapR = QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp::ClampToEdge,
1205             qint32 minLod = -1000,
1206             qint32 maxLod = 1000,
1207             float lodBias = 0.0,
1208             QSSGRenderTextureCompareMode compareMode = QSSGRenderTextureCompareMode::NoCompare,
1209             QSSGRenderTextureCompareOp compareFunc = QSSGRenderTextureCompareOp::LessThanOrEqual,
1210             float anisotropy = 1.0,
1211             float *borderColor = nullptr) = 0;
1213     /**
1214      * @ brief update a sampler
1215      *
1216      * @param[in] so			Pointer to sampler object
1217      * @param[in] target		Texture target 2D, 3D
1218      * @param[in] minFilter		Texture min filter
1219      * @param[in] magFilter		Texture mag filter
1220      * @param[in] wrapS			Texture coord generation for S
1221      * @param[in] wrapT			Texture coord generation for T
1222      * @param[in] wrapR			Texture coord generation for R
1223      * @param[in] minLod		Texture min level of detail
1224      * @param[in] maxLod		Texture max level of detail
1225      * @param[in] lodBias		Texture level of detail bias (unused)
1226      * @param[in] compareMode	Texture compare mode
1227      * @param[in] compareFunc	Texture compare function
1228      * @param[in] anisoFilter	Aniso filter value [1.0, 16.0]
1229      * @param[in] borderColor	Texture border color float[4] (unused)
1230      *
1231      * @return No return
1232      */
1233     virtual void updateSampler(QSSGRenderBackendSamplerObject so,
1234                                QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
1235                                QSSGRenderTextureMinifyingOp minFilter = QSSGRenderTextureMinifyingOp::Linear,
1236                                QSSGRenderTextureMagnifyingOp magFilter = QSSGRenderTextureMagnifyingOp::Linear,
1237                                QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp wrapS = QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp::ClampToEdge,
1238                                QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp wrapT = QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp::ClampToEdge,
1239                                QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp wrapR = QSSGRenderTextureCoordOp::ClampToEdge,
1240                                float minLod = -1000.0,
1241                                float maxLod = 1000.0,
1242                                float lodBias = 0.0,
1243                                QSSGRenderTextureCompareMode compareMode = QSSGRenderTextureCompareMode::NoCompare,
1244                                QSSGRenderTextureCompareOp compareFunc = QSSGRenderTextureCompareOp::LessThanOrEqual,
1245                                float anisotropy = 1.0,
1246                                float *borderColor = nullptr) = 0;
1248     /**
1249      * @ brief Update a textures swizzle mode
1250      *
1251      * @param[in] so			Pointer to texture object
1252      * @param[in] target		Texture target 2D, 3D
1253      * @param[in] swizzleMode	Texture swizzle mode
1254      *
1255      * @return No return
1256      */
1257     virtual void updateTextureSwizzle(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
1258                                       QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
1259                                       QSSGRenderTextureSwizzleMode swizzleMode) = 0;
1261     /**
1262      * @ brief Update state belonging to a texture object
1263      *
1264      * @param[in] so			Pointer to texture object
1265      * @param[in] target		Texture target 2D, 3D, Cube
1266      * @param[in] baseLevel		Texture base level
1267      * @param[in] maxLevel		Texture max level
1268      *
1269      * @return No return
1270      */
1271     virtual void updateTextureObject(QSSGRenderBackendTextureObject to,
1272                                      QSSGRenderTextureTargetType target,
1273                                      qint32 baseLevel,
1274                                      qint32 maxLevel) = 0;
1276     /**
1277      * @brief Release a single sampler object
1278      *
1279      * @param[in] so			Pointer to sampler object
1280      *
1281      * @return no return.
1282      */
1283     virtual void releaseSampler(QSSGRenderBackendSamplerObject so) = 0;
1285     /**
1286      * @brief create a attribute layout object
1287      *
1288      * @param[in] attribs	Array off vertex attributes.
1289      *
1290      * @return The created attribute layout object or nullptr if the creation failed.
1291      */
1292     virtual QSSGRenderBackendAttribLayoutObject createAttribLayout(QSSGDataView<QSSGRenderVertexBufferEntry> attribs) = 0;
1294     /**
1295      * @brief Release a attribute layoutr object
1296      *
1297      * @param[in] ao			Pointer to attribute layout object
1298      *
1299      * @return no return.
1300      */
1301     virtual void releaseAttribLayout(QSSGRenderBackendAttribLayoutObject ao) = 0;
1303     /**
1304      * @brief create a input assembler object
1305      *
1306      * @param[in] attribLayout		Pointer to QSSGRenderBackendAttribLayoutObject object
1307      * @param[in] buffers			list of vertex buffers
1308      * @param[in] indexBuffer		index buffer object
1309      * @param[in] strides			list of strides of the buffer
1310      * @param[in] offsets			list of offsets into the buffer
1311      * @param[in] patchVertexCount	vertext count for a patch. Only valid for patch primitives
1312      *
1313      * @return The created input assembler object or nullptr if the creation failed.
1314      */
1315     virtual QSSGRenderBackendInputAssemblerObject createInputAssembler(QSSGRenderBackendAttribLayoutObject attribLayout,
1316                                                                          QSSGDataView<QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject> buffers,
1317                                                                          const QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject indexBuffer,
1318                                                                          QSSGDataView<quint32> strides,
1319                                                                          QSSGDataView<quint32> offsets,
1320                                                                          quint32 patchVertexCount) = 0;
1322     /**
1323      * @brief Release a input assembler object
1324      *
1325      * @param[in] iao					Pointer to attribute layout object
1326      *
1327      * @return no return.
1328      */
1329     virtual void releaseInputAssembler(QSSGRenderBackendInputAssemblerObject iao) = 0;
1331     /**
1332      * @brief Set a input assembler object.
1333      *		  This setup the render engine vertex assmebly
1334      *
1335      * @param[in] iao					Pointer to attribute layout object
1336      * @param[in] po					Pointer program object
1337      *
1338      * @return false if it fails.
1339      */
1340     virtual bool setInputAssembler(QSSGRenderBackendInputAssemblerObject iao, QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po) = 0;
1342     /**
1343      * @brief Reset all the states cached in the backend
1344      *        so as to ensure that backend commands to set necessary states are called.
1345      *        This will be called every frame just before QtQuick3D rendering commands are called
1346      *        because such states might have been changed outside of QtQuick3D.
1347      */
1348     virtual void resetStates() = 0;
1350     /**
1351      * @brief Set the per patch vertex count
1352      *
1353      * @param[in] iao					Pointer to attribute layout object
1354      * @param[in] count					Count of vertices per patch
1355      *
1356      * @return false if it fails.
1357      */
1358     virtual void setPatchVertexCount(QSSGRenderBackendInputAssemblerObject iao, quint32 count) = 0;
1360     /**
1361      * @brief create a vertex shader object
1362      *
1363      * @param[in] source			Pointer to shader source
1364      * @param[in/out] errorMessage	Pointer to copy the error message
1365      * @param[in] binary			True if the source is actually a binary program
1366      *
1367      * @return The created vertex shader object or nullptr if the creation failed.
1368      */
1369     virtual QSSGRenderBackendVertexShaderObject createVertexShader(QSSGByteView source,
1370                                                                      QByteArray &errorMessage,
1371                                                                      bool binary) = 0;
1373     /**
1374      * @brief release a vertex shader object
1375      *
1376      * @param[in] vso		Pointer to vertex shader object
1377      *
1378      * @return No Return.
1379      */
1380     virtual void releaseVertexShader(QSSGRenderBackendVertexShaderObject vso) = 0;
1382     /**
1383      * @brief create a fragment shader object
1384      *
1385      * @param[in] source			Pointer to shader source
1386      * @param[in/out] errorMessage	Pointer to copy the error message
1387      * @param[in] binary			True if the source is actually a binary program
1388      *
1389      * @return The created vertex shader object or nullptr if the creation failed.
1390      */
1391     virtual QSSGRenderBackendFragmentShaderObject createFragmentShader(QSSGByteView source,
1392                                                                          QByteArray &errorMessage,
1393                                                                          bool binary) = 0;
1395     /**
1396      * @brief release a fragment shader object
1397      *
1398      * @param[in] vso		Pointer to fragment shader object
1399      *
1400      * @return No Return.
1401      */
1402     virtual void releaseFragmentShader(QSSGRenderBackendFragmentShaderObject fso) = 0;
1404     /**
1405      * @brief create a tessellation control shader object
1406      *
1407      * @param[in] source			Pointer to shader source
1408      * @param[in/out] errorMessage	Pointer to copy the error message
1409      * @param[in] binary			True if the source is actually a binary program
1410      *
1411      * @return The created tessellation control shader object or nullptr if the creation failed.
1412      */
1413     virtual QSSGRenderBackendTessControlShaderObject createTessControlShader(QSSGByteView source,
1414                                                                                QByteArray &errorMessage,
1415                                                                                bool binary) = 0;
1417     /**
1418      * @brief release a tessellation control shader object
1419      *
1420      * @param[in] tcso		Pointer to tessellation control shader object
1421      *
1422      * @return No Return.
1423      */
1424     virtual void releaseTessControlShader(QSSGRenderBackendTessControlShaderObject tcso) = 0;
1426     /**
1427      * @brief create a tessellation evaluation shader object
1428      *
1429      * @param[in] source			Pointer to shader source
1430      * @param[in/out] errorMessage	Pointer to copy the error message
1431      * @param[in] binary			True if the source is actually a binary program
1432      *
1433      * @return The created tessellation evaluation shader object or nullptr if the creation failed.
1434      */
1435     virtual QSSGRenderBackendTessEvaluationShaderObject createTessEvaluationShader(QSSGByteView source,
1436                                                                                      QByteArray &errorMessage,
1437                                                                                      bool binary) = 0;
1439     /**
1440      * @brief release a tessellation evaluation shader object
1441      *
1442      * @param[in] tcso		Pointer to tessellation evaluation shader object
1443      *
1444      * @return No Return.
1445      */
1446     virtual void releaseTessEvaluationShader(QSSGRenderBackendTessEvaluationShaderObject teso) = 0;
1448     /**
1449      * @brief create a geometry shader object
1450      *
1451      * @param[in] source			Pointer to shader source
1452      * @param[in/out] errorMessage	Pointer to copy the error message
1453      * @param[in] binary			True if the source is actually a binary program
1454      *
1455      * @return The created geometry shader object or nullptr if the creation failed.
1456      */
1457     virtual QSSGRenderBackendGeometryShaderObject createGeometryShader(QSSGByteView source,
1458                                                                          QByteArray &errorMessage,
1459                                                                          bool binary) = 0;
1461     /**
1462      * @brief release a geometry shader object
1463      *
1464      * @param[in] tcso		Pointer to geometry shader object
1465      *
1466      * @return No Return.
1467      */
1468     virtual void releaseGeometryShader(QSSGRenderBackendGeometryShaderObject gso) = 0;
1470     /**
1471      * @brief create a compute shader object
1472      *
1473      * @param[in] source			Pointer to shader source
1474      * @param[in/out] errorMessage	Pointer to copy the error message
1475      * @param[in] binary			True if the source is actually a binary program
1476      *
1477      * @return The created compute shader object or nullptr if the creation failed.
1478      */
1479     virtual QSSGRenderBackendComputeShaderObject createComputeShader(QSSGByteView source,
1480                                                                        QByteArray &errorMessage,
1481                                                                        bool binary) = 0;
1483     /**
1484      * @brief release a compute shader object
1485      *
1486      * @param[in] cso		Pointer to compute shader object
1487      *
1488      * @return No Return.
1489      */
1490     virtual void releaseComputeShader(QSSGRenderBackendComputeShaderObject cso) = 0;
1492     /**
1493      * @brief attach a vertex shader object to a program object
1494      *
1495      * @param[in] po		Pointer to program object
1496      * @param[in] vso		Pointer to vertex shader object
1497      *
1498      * @return No Return.
1499      */
1500     virtual void attachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendVertexShaderObject vso) = 0;
1502     /**
1503      * @brief detach a vertex shader object to a program object
1504      *
1505      * @param[in] po		Pointer to program object
1506      * @param[in] vso		Pointer to vertex shader object
1507      *
1508      * @return No Return.
1509      */
1510     virtual void detachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendVertexShaderObject vso) = 0;
1512     /**
1513      * @brief attach a fragment shader object to a program object
1514      *
1515      * @param[in] po		Pointer to program object
1516      * @param[in] fso		Pointer to fragment shader object
1517      *
1518      * @return No Return.
1519      */
1520     virtual void attachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendFragmentShaderObject fso) = 0;
1522     /**
1523      * @brief detach a fragment shader object to a program object
1524      *
1525      * @param[in] po		Pointer to program object
1526      * @param[in] fso		Pointer to fragment shader object
1527      *
1528      * @return No Return.
1529      */
1530     virtual void detachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendFragmentShaderObject fso) = 0;
1532     /**
1533      * @brief attach a tessellation control shader object to a program object
1534      *
1535      * @param[in] po		Pointer to program object
1536      * @param[in] tcso		Pointer to tessellation control shader object
1537      *
1538      * @return No Return.
1539      */
1540     virtual void attachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendTessControlShaderObject tcso) = 0;
1542     /**
1543      * @brief detach a tessellation control shader object to a program object
1544      *
1545      * @param[in] po		Pointer to program object
1546      * @param[in] tcso		Pointer to tessellation control shader object
1547      *
1548      * @return No Return.
1549      */
1550     virtual void detachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendTessControlShaderObject tcso) = 0;
1552     /**
1553      * @brief attach a tessellation evaluation shader object to a program object
1554      *
1555      * @param[in] po		Pointer to program object
1556      * @param[in] teso		Pointer to tessellation evaluation shader object
1557      *
1558      * @return No Return.
1559      */
1560     virtual void attachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendTessEvaluationShaderObject teso) = 0;
1562     /**
1563      * @brief detach a tessellation evaluation shader object to a program object
1564      *
1565      * @param[in] po		Pointer to program object
1566      * @param[in] teso		Pointer to tessellation evaluation shader object
1567      *
1568      * @return No Return.
1569      */
1570     virtual void detachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendTessEvaluationShaderObject teso) = 0;
1572     /**
1573      * @brief attach a geometry shader object to a program object
1574      *
1575      * @param[in] po		Pointer to program object
1576      * @param[in] teso		Pointer to geometry shader object
1577      *
1578      * @return No Return.
1579      */
1580     virtual void attachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendGeometryShaderObject gso) = 0;
1582     /**
1583      * @brief detach a geometry shader object to a program object
1584      *
1585      * @param[in] po		Pointer to program object
1586      * @param[in] teso		Pointer to geometry shader object
1587      *
1588      * @return No Return.
1589      */
1590     virtual void detachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendGeometryShaderObject gso) = 0;
1592     /**
1593      * @brief attach a compute shader object to a program object
1594      *
1595      * @param[in] po		Pointer to program object
1596      * @param[in] cso		Pointer to compute shader object
1597      *
1598      * @return No Return.
1599      */
1600     virtual void attachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendComputeShaderObject cso) = 0;
1602     /**
1603      * @brief detach a compute shader object to a program object
1604      *
1605      * @param[in] po		Pointer to program object
1606      * @param[in] cso		Pointer to compute shader object
1607      *
1608      * @return No Return.
1609      */
1610     virtual void detachShader(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QSSGRenderBackendComputeShaderObject cso) = 0;
1612     /**
1613      * @brief create a shader program object
1614      *
1615      * @param[in] isSeparable   Tell the backend that this program is separable
1616      *
1617      * @return The created shader program object or nullptr if the creation failed.
1618      */
1619     virtual QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject createShaderProgram(bool isSeparable) = 0;
1621     /**
1622      * @brief release a shader program object
1623      *
1624      * @param[in] po            Pointer to shader program object
1625      *
1626      * @return No Return.
1627      */
1628     virtual void releaseShaderProgram(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po) = 0;
1630     /**
1631      * @brief link a shader program object
1632      *
1633      * @param[in] po                Pointer to shader program object
1634      * @param[in/out] errorMessage  Pointer to copy the error message
1635      *
1636      * @return True if program is successfully linked.
1637      */
1638     virtual bool linkProgram(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, QByteArray &errorMessage) = 0;
1640     /**
1641      * @brief link a binary shader program object
1642      *
1643      * @param[in] po                Pointer to shader program object
1644      * @param[in/out] errorMessage  Pointer to copy the error message
1645      * @param[in] format            Binary format
1646      * @param[in] binary            Binary data
1647      *
1648      * @return True if program is successfully linked.
1649      */
1650     virtual bool linkProgram(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po,
1651                              QByteArray &errorMessage,
1652                              quint32 format, const QByteArray &binary) = 0;
1654     /**
1655      * @brief Get shader program binary
1656      *
1657      * @param[in] po            Pointer to shader program object
1658      * @param[out] format       The format of the program binary
1659      * @param[out] binary       The program binary data
1660      *
1661      */
1662     virtual void getProgramBinary(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, quint32 &format,
1663                                   QByteArray &binary) = 0;
1665     /**
1666      * @brief Make a program current
1667      *
1668      * @param[in] po        Pointer to shader program object
1669      *
1670      * @return No return
1671      */
1672     virtual void setActiveProgram(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po) = 0;
1674     /**
1675      * @brief create a program pipeline object
1676      *
1677      *
1678      * @return The created program pipeline object or nullptr if the creation failed.
1679      */
1680     virtual QSSGRenderBackendProgramPipeline createProgramPipeline() = 0;
1682     /**
1683      * @brief release a program pipeline object
1684      *
1685      * @param[in] ppo		Pointer to program pipeline object
1686      *
1687      * @return No Return.
1688      */
1689     virtual void releaseProgramPipeline(QSSGRenderBackendProgramPipeline ppo) = 0;
1691     /**
1692      * @brief Make a program pipeline current
1693      *
1694      * @param[in] ppo		Pointer to program pipeline object
1695      *
1696      * @return No return
1697      */
1698     virtual void setActiveProgramPipeline(QSSGRenderBackendProgramPipeline ppo) = 0;
1700     /**
1701      * @brief Make a program stage active for this pipeline
1702      *
1703      * @param[in] ppo		Pointer to program pipeline object
1704      * @param[in] flags		Shader stage flags to which this po is bound to
1705      * @param[in] po		Pointer to shader program object
1706      *
1707      * @return No return
1708      */
1709     virtual void setProgramStages(QSSGRenderBackendProgramPipeline ppo,
1710                                   QSSGRenderShaderTypeFlags flags,
1711                                   QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po) = 0;
1713     /**
1714      * @brief Runs a compute program
1715      *
1716      * @param[in] po				Pointer to shader program object
1717      * @param[in] numGroupsX		The number of work groups to be launched in the X
1718      * dimension
1719      * @param[in] numGroupsY		The number of work groups to be launched in the Y
1720      * dimension
1721      * @param[in] numGroupsZ		The number of work groups to be launched in the Z
1722      * dimension
1723      *
1724      * @return No return
1725      */
1726     virtual void dispatchCompute(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, quint32 numGroupsX, quint32 numGroupsY, quint32 numGroupsZ) = 0;
1728     /**
1729      * @brief Query constant count for a program object
1730      *
1731      * @param[in] po				Pointer to shader program object
1732      *
1733      * @return Return active constant count
1734      */
1735     virtual qint32 getConstantCount(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po) = 0;
1737     /**
1738      * @brief Query constant buffer count for a program object
1739      *
1740      * @param[in] po				Pointer to shader program object
1741      *
1742      * @return Return active constant buffer count
1743      */
1744     virtual qint32 getConstantBufferCount(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po) = 0;
1746     /**
1747      * @brief Query constant information by ID
1748      *
1749      * @param[in] po				Pointer to shader program object
1750      * @param[in] id				Constant ID
1751      * @param[in] bufSize			Max char for nameBuf
1752      * @param[out] numElem			Usually one unless for arrays
1753      * @param[out] type				Constant data type (QVector4D, QVector3D,...)
1754      * @param[out] binding			Unit binding point for samplers and images
1755      * @param[out] nameBuf			Name of the constant
1756      *
1757      * @return Return current constant location or -1 if not found
1758      */
1759     virtual qint32 getConstantInfoByID(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po,
1760                                        quint32 id,
1761                                        quint32 bufSize,
1762                                        qint32 *numElem,
1763                                        QSSGRenderShaderDataType *type,
1764                                        qint32 *binding,
1765                                        char *nameBuf) = 0;
1767     /**
1768      * @brief Query constant buffer information by ID
1769      *
1770      * @param[in] po				Pointer to shader program object
1771      * @param[in] id				Constant buffer ID
1772      * @param[in] nameBufSize		Size of nameBuf
1773      * @param[out] paramCount		Count ot parameter contained in the buffer
1774      * @param[out] bufferSize		Data size of the constant buffer
1775      * @param[out] length			Actual characters written
1776      * @param[out] nameBuf			Receives the name of the buffer
1777      *
1778      * @return Return current constant buffer location or -1 if not found
1779      */
1780     virtual qint32 getConstantBufferInfoByID(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po,
1781                                              quint32 id,
1782                                              quint32 nameBufSize,
1783                                              qint32 *paramCount,
1784                                              qint32 *bufferSize,
1785                                              qint32 *length,
1786                                              char *nameBuf) = 0;
1788     /**
1789      * @brief Query constant buffer param indices
1790      *
1791      * @param[in] po				Pointer to shader program object
1792      * @param[in] id				Constant buffer ID
1793      * @param[out] indices			Receives the indices of the uniforms within the
1794      * constant buffer
1795      *
1796      * @return no return value
1797      */
1798     virtual void getConstantBufferParamIndices(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, quint32 id, qint32 *indices) = 0;
1800     /**
1801      * @brief Query constant buffer param info by indices
1802      *
1803      * @param[in] po				Pointer to shader program object
1804      * @param[in] count				Number of indices
1805      * @param[in] indices			The indices of the uniforms within the constant
1806      * buffer
1807      * @param[out] type				Array of param types ( float ,int, ...)
1808      * @param[out] size				Array of param size
1809      * @param[out] offset			Array of param offsets within the constant buffer
1810      *
1811      * @return no return value
1812      */
1813     virtual void getConstantBufferParamInfoByIndices(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po,
1814                                                      quint32 count,
1815                                                      quint32 *indices,
1816                                                      QSSGRenderShaderDataType *type,
1817                                                      qint32 *size,
1818                                                      qint32 *offset) = 0;
1820     /**
1821      * @brief Bind program constant block
1822      *
1823      * @param[in] po				Pointer to shader program object
1824      * @param[in] blockIndex		Constant block index returned by
1825      * GetConstantBufferInfoByID
1826      * @param[in] binding			Block binding location which should be the same as index
1827      * in ProgramSetConstantBlock
1828      *
1829      * @return No return
1830      */
1831     virtual void programSetConstantBlock(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po, quint32 blockIndex, quint32 binding) = 0;
1833     /**
1834      * @brief Bind constant buffer for usage in the current active shader program
1835      *
1836      * @param[in] index				Constant ID
1837      * @param[in] bo				Pointer to constant buffer object
1838      *
1839      * @return No return
1840      */
1841     virtual void programSetConstantBuffer(quint32 index, QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo) = 0;
1843     /**
1844      * @brief Query storage buffer count for a program object
1845      *
1846      * @param[in] po				Pointer to shader program object
1847      *
1848      * @return Return active storage buffer count
1849      */
1850     virtual qint32 getStorageBufferCount(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po) = 0;
1852     /**
1853      * @brief Query storage buffer information by ID
1854      *
1855      * @param[in] po				Pointer to shader program object
1856      * @param[in] id				Storage buffer ID
1857      * @param[in] nameBufSize		Size of nameBuf
1858      * @param[out] paramCount		Count of parameter contained in the buffer
1859      * @param[out] bufferSize		Data size of the constant buffer
1860      * @param[out] length			Actual characters written
1861      * @param[out] nameBuf			Receives the name of the buffer
1862      *
1863      * @return Return current storage buffer binding or -1 if not found
1864      */
1865     virtual qint32 getStorageBufferInfoByID(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po,
1866                                             quint32 id,
1867                                             quint32 nameBufSize,
1868                                             qint32 *paramCount,
1869                                             qint32 *bufferSize,
1870                                             qint32 *length,
1871                                             char *nameBuf) = 0;
1873     /**
1874      * @brief Bind a storage buffer for usage in the current active shader program
1875      *
1876      * @param[in] index				Constant ID
1877      * @param[in] bo				Pointer to storage buffer object
1878      *
1879      * @return No return
1880      */
1881     virtual void programSetStorageBuffer(quint32 index, QSSGRenderBackendBufferObject bo) = 0;
1883     /**
1884      * @brief Set constant value
1885      *
1886      * @param[in] po				Pointer program object
1887      * @param[in] id				Constant ID
1888      * @param[in] type				Constant data type (QVector4D, QVector3D,...)
1889      * @param[in] count				Element count
1890      * @param[in] value				Pointer to constant value
1891      * @param[in] transpose			Transpose a matrix
1892      *
1893      * @return No return
1894      */
1895     virtual void setConstantValue(QSSGRenderBackendShaderProgramObject po,
1896                                   quint32 id,
1897                                   QSSGRenderShaderDataType type,
1898                                   qint32 count,
1899                                   const void *value,
1900                                   bool transpose = false) = 0;
1902     /**
1903      * @brief Draw the current active vertex buffer
1904      *
1905      * @param[in] drawMode	Draw mode (Triangles, ....)
1906      * @param[in] start		Start vertex
1907      * @param[in] count		Vertex count
1908      *
1909      * @return no return.
1910      */
1911     virtual void draw(QSSGRenderDrawMode drawMode, quint32 start, quint32 count) = 0;
1913     /**
1914      * @brief Draw the current active index buffer
1915      *
1916      * @param[in] drawMode	Draw mode (Triangles, ....)
1917      * @param[in] count		Index count
1918      * @param[in] type		Index type (quint16, quint8)
1919      * @param[in] indices	Pointer to index buffer. In the case of buffer objects
1920      *						this is an offset into the active index buffer
1921      *object.
1922      *
1923      * @return no return.
1924      */
1925     virtual void drawIndexed(QSSGRenderDrawMode drawMode, quint32 count, QSSGRenderComponentType type, const void *indices) = 0;
1927     /**
1928      * @brief Read a pixel rectangle from render target (from bottom left)
1929      *
1930      * @param[in]  rto		Pointer to render target object
1931      * @param[in]  x		Windows X start coord
1932      * @param[in]  y		Windows Y start coord
1933      * @param[in]  width	Read width dim
1934      * @param[in]  height	Read height dim
1935      * @param[out] pixels	Returned pixel data
1936      *
1937      * @return No return
1938      */
1939     virtual void readPixel(QSSGRenderBackendRenderTargetObject rto,
1940                            qint32 x,
1941                            qint32 y,
1942                            qint32 width,
1943                            qint32 height,
1944                            QSSGRenderReadPixelFormat inFormat,
1945                            QSSGByteRef pixels) = 0;
1947     virtual QSurfaceFormat format() const = 0;
1949 protected:
1950     /// struct for what the backend supports
1951     typedef struct QSSGRenderBackendSupport
1952     {
1953         union {
1954             struct
1955             {
1956                 bool bDXTImagesSupported : 1; ///< compressed images supported
1957                 bool bAnistropySupported : 1; ///< anistropic filtering supported
1958                 bool bTextureSwizzleSupported : 1; ///< texture swizzle supported
1959                 bool bDepthStencilSupported : 1; ///< depth stencil textures are supported
1960                 bool bFPRenderTargetsSupported : 1; ///< floating point render targets are
1961                 /// supported
1962                 bool bConstantBufferSupported : 1; ///< Constant (uniform) buffers are supported
1963                 bool bMsTextureSupported : 1; ///< Multisample textures are esupported
1964                 bool bFastBlitsSupported : 1; ///< The hardware supports fast memor blits
1965                 bool bTessellationSupported : 1; ///< Hardware supports tessellation
1966                 bool bComputeSupported : 1; ///< Hardware supports compute shader
1967                 bool bGeometrySupported : 1; ///< Hardware supports geometry shader
1968                 bool bTimerQuerySupported : 1; ///< Hardware supports timer queries
1969                 bool bProgramInterfaceSupported : 1; ///< API supports program interface queries
1970                 bool bStorageBufferSupported : 1; ///< Shader storage buffers are supported
1971                 /// supported
1972                 bool bShaderImageLoadStoreSupported : 1; ///< Shader image load / store
1973                 /// operations are supported
1974                 bool bProgramPipelineSupported : 1; ///< Driver supports separate programs
1975                 bool bNVAdvancedBlendSupported : 1; ///< Advanced blend modes supported
1976                 bool bNVBlendCoherenceSupported : 1; ///< Advanced blend done coherently
1977                 /// supported
1978                 bool bGPUShader5ExtensionSupported : 1;
1979                 bool bKHRAdvancedBlendSupported : 1; ///< Advanced blend modes supported
1980                 bool bKHRBlendCoherenceSupported : 1; ///< Advanced blend done coherently
1981                 bool bVertexArrayObjectSupported : 1;
1982                 bool bStandardDerivativesSupported : 1;
1983                 bool bTextureLodSupported : 1;
1984             } bits;
1986             quint32 u32Values;
1987         } caps;
1988     } QSSGRenderBackendSupportBits;
1990     QSSGRenderBackendSupportBits m_backendSupport; ///< holds the backend support bits
1991 };
1995 #endif