1 /*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
4 //     This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or
5 //     nondisclosure agreement with Intel Corporation and may not be copied
6 //     or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement.
7 //          Copyright(c) 2005-2011 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
8 //
9 //     Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives
10 //     USC - Unified Speech Codec interface library
11 //
12 // By downloading and installing USC codec, you hereby agree that the
13 // accompanying Materials are being provided to you under the terms and
14 // conditions of the End User License Agreement for the Intel(R) Integrated
15 // Performance Primitives product previously accepted by you. Please refer
16 // to the file ippEULA.rtf or ippEULA.txt located in the root directory of your Intel(R) IPP
17 // product installation for more information.
18 //
19 // A speech coding standards promoted by ITU, ETSI, 3GPP and other
20 // organizations. Implementations of these standards, or the standard enabled
21 // platforms may require licenses from various entities, including
22 // Intel Corporation.
23 //
24 //
25 // Purpose: G.729/A/B/D/E speech codec: main own header file.
26 //
27 */
29 #ifndef __OWNG729_H__
30 #define __OWNG729_H__
32 #if defined( _WIN32_WCE)
33 #pragma warning( disable : 4505 )
34 #endif
36 #ifndef G72X_IPP_LEGACY
37     #include <ipps.h>
38     #include <ippsc.h>
39 #else
40     #include <ipps90legacy.h>
41     #include <ippsc90legacy.h>
42 #endif
43 #include "g729api.h"
44 #include "scratchmem.h"
46 #define ENC_KEY 0xecd729
47 #define DEC_KEY 0xdec729
49 #define G729_ENCODER_SCRATCH_MEMORY_SIZE (10240+40)
50 #define SEC_STAGE_BITS      5
51 #define FIR_STAGE_BITS      7
52 #define PARM_DIM            11
53 #define FIR_STAGE           (1<<FIR_STAGE_BITS)
54 #define SPEECH_BUF_DIM      240
55 #define SEC_STAGE           (1<<SEC_STAGE_BITS)
56 #define LP_LOOK_AHEAD       40
57 #define LP_WINDOW_DIM       240
58 #define LP_SUBFRAME_DIM     40
59 #define LP_FRAME_DIM        80
60 #define LPC_WINDOW          (speechHistory + SPEECH_BUF_DIM - LP_WINDOW_DIM)
61 #define PRESENT_SPEECH      (speechHistory + SPEECH_BUF_DIM - LP_FRAME_DIM - LP_LOOK_AHEAD)
62 #define MIN_PITCH_LAG       20
63 #define LPF_DIM             10      /*LP filter order */
64 #define INTERPOLATION_FILTER_DIM   (10+1)
65 #define MAX_PITCH_LAG       143
66 #define L_prevExcitat       (MAX_PITCH_LAG+INTERPOLATION_FILTER_DIM)
67 #define PITCH_SHARP_MIN     3277      /*pitch sharpening min = 0.2 */
68 #define BWF2                22938     /*bandwitdh = 0.7 */
69 #define PITCH_SHARP_MAX     13017     /*pitch sharpening max = 0.8 */
70 #define COEFF1              29491
71 #define CDBK1_BIT_NUM       3
72 #define CDBK2_BIT_NUM       4
73 #define CDBK1_DIM           (1<<CDBK1_BIT_NUM)
74 #define LSF_MIN             40         /*lsf min = 0.005 */
75 #define CDBK2_DIM           (1<<CDBK2_BIT_NUM)
76 #define LSP_MA_ORDER        4          /*MA moving average */
77 #define BW_EXP_FACT         321        /*bandwidth expansion factor */
78 #define LSF_MAX             25681      /*lsf max = 3.135 */
79 #define BWF2_PST            18022      /*weighting factor */
80 #define PITCH_GAIN_MAX      15564      /*for improving */
81 #define IMP_RESP_LEN        20
82 #define BWF1_PST            BWF2       /*weighting factor */
83 #define CORR_DIM            616
84 #define RES_FIL_DIM         (MAX_PITCH_LAG + 1 + 8)
85 #define SID_FRAME_MIN       3
86 #define SEED_INIT           11111
87 #define ACF_NOW             2
88 #define ACF_TOTAL           3
89 #define GAIN0               28672
90 #define GAIN1               (-IPP_MIN_16S-GAIN0)
91 #define GAIN_NUM            2
92 #define TOTAL_ACF_DIM       (ACF_TOTAL *(LPF_DIM+1))
93 #define VAD_LPC_DIM         12
94 #define ACF_DIM             (ACF_NOW *(LPF_DIM+1))
95 #define SIX_PI              19302
97 #define BWLPCF_DIM          30         /*backward LP filter order*/
98 #define SYNTH_BWD_DIM       BWLPCF_DIM + 35
99 #define BWLPCF1_DIM         (BWLPCF_DIM+1)
100 #define TBWD_DIM            LP_FRAME_DIM + SYNTH_BWD_DIM
101 #define N0_98               32113
102 #define BWF2_PST_E          21300      /*Numerator wgt factor */
103 #define BWF1_PST_E          BWF2       /*Denominator wgt factor 0.70*/
104 #define IMP_RESP_LEN_E      32         /*Imp.resp. len */
105 #define BWF_HARMONIC_E      (1<<13)
106 #define BWF_HARMONIC        (1<<14)
108 #define CDBK1_BIT_NUM_6K    3
109 #define CDBK2_BIT_NUM_6K    3
110 #define CDBK1_DIM_6K        (1<<CDBK1_BIT_NUM_6K)
111 #define CDBK2_DIM_6K        (1<<CDBK2_BIT_NUM_6K)
112 #define CNG_STACK_SIZE      (1<<5)
113 #define G729_CODECFUN(type,name,arg) extern type name arg
115 typedef struct _SynthesisFilterState {
116     Ipp32s nTaps;
117     Ipp16s *buffer;
118 }SynthesisFilterState;
120 typedef struct _G729Coder_Obj {
121     Ipp32s         objSize;
122     Ipp32s         key;
123     Ipp32u         mode;
124     G729Codec_Type codecType;
125 }G729Coder_Obj;
127 struct _G729Decoder_Obj {
128     G729Coder_Obj objPrm;
129     ScratchMem_Obj Mem;
130     Ipp16s   resFilBuf1[RES_FIL_DIM+LP_SUBFRAME_DIM];
131     Ipp16s   prevLSPfreq[LSP_MA_ORDER][LPF_DIM];
132     Ipp16s   LTPostFilt[TBWD_DIM];
133     Ipp16s   prevExcitat[LP_FRAME_DIM+L_prevExcitat];
134     Ipp16s   prevSubfrLSP[LPF_DIM];
135     Ipp16s   prevSubfrLSPquant[LPF_DIM];
136     Ipp16s   zeroPostFiltVec1[LPF_DIM+BWLPCF_DIM+2];
137     Ipp16s   decPrm[20];            /*analysis data pointer */
138     Ipp32s   coderErr[4];           /*memory for improving */
139     Ipp16s   pBwdLPC[BWLPCF1_DIM];
140     Ipp16s   pBwdLPC2[BWLPCF1_DIM];
141     Ipp16s   pPrevBwdLPC[BWLPCF1_DIM];
142     Ipp32s   hwState[BWLPCF1_DIM];
143     Ipp16s   pPrevFilt[BWLPCF1_DIM]; /* selected previously filter */
144     G729Codec_Type codecType;
145     Ipp16s   preemphFilt;
146     Ipp16s   seed;
147     Ipp16s   voiceFlag;
148     Ipp16s   gainExact;             /*gain's precision */
149     Ipp16s   betaPreFilter;         /*quant adaptive codebook gain from the previous subframe */
150     Ipp16s   gainNow;
151     Ipp16s   sidGain;
152     Ipp16s   seedSavage;
153     Ipp16s   CNGvar;
154     Ipp16s   SIDflag0;
155     Ipp16s   lspSID[LPF_DIM];
156     Ipp16s   SIDflag1;
157     Ipp16s   CNGidx;                /*CNG cache parameters  */
158     Ipp8s    *postProc;             /*High pass post processing filter memory */
159     Ipp8s    *synFltw;              /*Synthesis filter memory */
160     Ipp8s    *synFltw0;             /*Synthesis filter memory */
161     Ipp32s   pstFltMode;            /*post filter: 1- on, 0- off */
162     Ipp16s   gains[2];              /*pitch + vcodebook gains */
163     Ipp16s   prevFrameDelay;
164     Ipp16s   prevMA;                /*previous MA prediction coef.*/
165     Ipp16s   prevFrameQuantEn[4];
166     Ipp16s   prevVoiceFlag;
167     Ipp16s   prevBFI;
168     Ipp16s   prevLPmode;
169     Ipp16s   interpCoeff2;
170     Ipp16s   interpCoeff2_2;
171     Ipp16s   valGainAttenuation;
172     Ipp16s   BFIcount;
173     IppsPhaseDispersion_State_G729D *PhDispMem;
174     Ipp16s   pPrevBwdRC[2];
175     Ipp16s   BWDFrameCounter;
176     Ipp16s   stat_pitch;            /*pitch stationarity */
177     Ipp16s   prevFrameDelay2;       /*previous frame delay */
178     Ipp16s   pitchStatIntDelay;
179     Ipp16s   pitchStatFracDelay;
180     Ipp16s   prevPitch;
181     Ipp16s   gammaPost1;
182     Ipp16s   gammaPost2;
183     Ipp16s   gammaHarm;
184     Ipp16s   BWDcounter2;
185     Ipp16s   FWDcounter2;
186 };
187 struct _G729Encoder_Obj {
188     G729Coder_Obj       objPrm;
189     ScratchMem_Obj      Mem;
190     Ipp16s   encSyn[LP_FRAME_DIM];/*encodersynthesisbuffer*/
191     Ipp16s   speechHistory[SPEECH_BUF_DIM];
192     Ipp16s   prevLSPfreq[LSP_MA_ORDER][LPF_DIM];
193     Ipp16s   energySfs[GAIN_NUM];/*energyscalefactors*/
194     Ipp16s   pACF[ACF_DIM];
195     Ipp16s   ACFsum[TOTAL_ACF_DIM];
196     Ipp16s   BWDsynth[TBWD_DIM];
197     Ipp16s   energy[GAIN_NUM];
198     Ipp16s   prevFrameQuantEn[4];/*quantizedenergyforpreviousframes*/
199     Ipp16s   resFilMem0[BWLPCF_DIM];
200     Ipp16s   resFilMem[BWLPCF_DIM+LP_SUBFRAME_DIM];
201     Ipp16s   quantLspSID[LPF_DIM];
202     Ipp16s   prevSubfrLSP[LPF_DIM];
203     Ipp16s   prevSubfrLSPquant[LPF_DIM];
204     Ipp32s   hwState[BWLPCF1_DIM];
205     Ipp16s   ACFsfs[ACF_NOW];
206     Ipp16s   ACFsumSfs[ACF_TOTAL];
207     Ipp16s   pPrevFilt[BWLPCF1_DIM];
208     Ipp16s   pPrevBwdLPC[BWLPCF1_DIM];
209     Ipp16s   pBwdLPC2[BWLPCF1_DIM];
210     Ipp16s   betaPreFilter;/*quantadaptivecodebookgainfromtheprevioussubframe*/
211     Ipp16s   prevWgtSpeech[LP_FRAME_DIM+MAX_PITCH_LAG+1];
212     Ipp16s   prevExcitat[LP_FRAME_DIM+L_prevExcitat+2];
213     Ipp16s   encPrm[19];
214     Ipp16s   zeroPostFiltVec1[LP_SUBFRAME_DIM+BWLPCF_DIM+1];/*zeroextendedimpulseresponse*/
215     Ipp16s   prevCoeff[LPF_DIM+1];
216     Ipp16s   prevSubfrLPC[LPF_DIM+1];
217     Ipp16s   reflC[LPF_DIM+1];
218     G729Codec_Type codecType;
219     Ipp16s   ACnorm;
220     Ipp16s   ACFcounter;
221     Ipp16s   gainNow;
222     Ipp16s   energyDim;/*energiesnumber*/
223     Ipp16s   SIDframeCounter;
224     Ipp16s   prevSubfrSmooth;/*perceptualweighting*/
225     Ipp16s   sidGain;
226     Ipp16s   speechDiff;
227     Ipp16s   prevLPmode;
228     Ipp16s   *pSynth;
229     Ipp16s   pPrevBwdRC[2];
230     Ipp16s   prevLAR[2];/*previoussubframelogarearatio*/
231     Ipp16s   prevDTXEnergy;
232     Ipp16s   seed;
233     Ipp16s   CNGidx;/*CNGcacheparameters*/
234     Ipp8s    *preProc;/*highpasspreprocessingfiltermemory*/
235     Ipp8s    *synFltw;/*synthesisfilter1memory*/
236     Ipp8s    *synFltw0;/*synthesisfilter2memory*/
237     Ipp8s    *vadMem;/*VADmemory*/
238     Ipp32s   mode;/*mode's*/
239     Ipp16s   extraTime;/*fixedcodebooksearchextratime*/
240     Ipp16s   prevRC[2];
241     Ipp32s   coderErr[4];
242     Ipp16s   dominantBWDmode;
243     Ipp16s   interpCoeff2_2;
244     Ipp16s   statGlobal;/*globalstationaritymesure*/
245     Ipp16s   pLag[5];
246     Ipp16s   pGain[5];
247     Ipp16s   BWDFrameCounter;/*consecutivebackwardframesNbre*/
248     Ipp16s   val_BWDFrameCounter;/*BWDFrameCounterassociated*/
249     Ipp16s   BWDcounter2;
250     Ipp16s   FWDcounter2;
251 };
253 Ipp16s ExtractBitsG729(const Ipp8u **pSrc, Ipp32s *len, Ipp32s Count);
254 void NoiseExcitationFactorization_G729B_16s(const Ipp16s *pSrc,Ipp32s val1,
255                                             Ipp16s val2, Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp32s len);
256 Ipp32s ComfortNoiseExcitation_G729B_16s_I(const Ipp16s *pSrc, const Ipp16s *pPos,
257                                        const Ipp16s *pSign, Ipp16s val, Ipp16s t,
258                                        Ipp16s *pSrcDst, Ipp16s *t2, Ipp16s *Sfs);
259 void RandomCodebookParm_G729B_16s(Ipp16s *pSrc1, Ipp16s *pSrc2, Ipp16s *pSrc3,
260                                   Ipp16s *pSrc4, Ipp16s *n);
261 void QuantSIDGain_G729B_16s(const Ipp16s *pSrc, const Ipp16s *pSrcSfs,
262                             Ipp32s len, Ipp16s *p, Ipp32s *pIdx);
263 void Sum_G729_16s_Sfs(const Ipp16s *pSrc, const Ipp16s *pSrcSfs,
264                       Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp16s *pDstSfs, Ipp32s len, Ipp32s*pSumMem);
265 void VADMusicDetection( G729Codec_Type codecType, Ipp32s Val, Ipp16s expVal, Ipp16s *rc,
266                         Ipp16s *lags, Ipp16s *pgains, Ipp16s stat_flg,
267                         Ipp16s *Vad, Ipp8s*pVADmem);
268 IppStatus SynthesisFilter_G729_16s (const Ipp16s *pLPC, const Ipp16s *pSrc,
269                                     Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp32s len, Ipp8s *pMemUpdated, Ipp32s HistLen);
270 IppStatus SynthesisFilter_G729_16s_update (const Ipp16s *pLPC, const Ipp16s *pSrc,
271                                            Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp32s len, Ipp8s *pMemUpdated, Ipp32s hLen,
272                                            Ipp32s update);
273 void SynthesisFilterOvf_G729_16s_I(const Ipp16s *pLPC, Ipp16s *pSrcDst,
274                                    Ipp32s len, Ipp8s *pMemUpdated, Ipp32s HistLen);
275 void SynthesisFilterOvf_G729_16s (const Ipp16s *pLPC, const Ipp16s *pSrc,
276                                   Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp32s len, Ipp8s *pMemUpdated, Ipp32s HistLen);
277 void SynthesisFilterInit_G729 (Ipp8s *pMemUpdated);
278 void SynthesisFilterSize_G729 (Ipp32s *pSize);
279 void CodewordImpConv_G729(Ipp32s index, const Ipp16s *pSrc1,const Ipp16s *pSrc2,Ipp16s *pDst);
280 void _ippsRCToLAR_G729_16s (const Ipp16s*pSrc, Ipp16s*pDst, Ipp32s len);
281 void _ippsPWGammaFactor_G729_16s (const Ipp16s*pLAR, const Ipp16s*pLSF,
282                                    Ipp16s *flat, Ipp16s*pGamma1, Ipp16s*pGamma2, Ipp16s *pMem );
283 void CNG_encoder(Ipp16s *exc, Ipp16s *prevSubfrLSPquant, Ipp16s *Aq, Ipp16s *ana, G729Encoder_Obj *encoderObj);
284 void CNG_Update(Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp16s val, Ipp16s vad, G729Encoder_Obj *encoderObj);
285 void Post_G729(Ipp16s idx, Ipp16s id, const Ipp16s *LPC, Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp16s *voiceFlag, G729Decoder_Obj *decoderObj);
286 void Post_G729AB(Ipp16s idx, Ipp16s id, const Ipp16s *LPC, Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp16s vad, G729Decoder_Obj *decoderObj);
287 void Post_G729I(Ipp16s idx, Ipp16s id, const Ipp16s *LPC, Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp16s *val, Ipp16s val1, Ipp16s val2,
288                 Ipp16s fType, G729Decoder_Obj *decoderObj);
289 void Post_G729Base(Ipp16s idx, Ipp16s id, const Ipp16s *LPC, Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp16s *voiceFlag, Ipp16s ftyp, G729Decoder_Obj *decoderObj);
290 void updateExcErr_G729(Ipp16s x, Ipp32s y, Ipp32s *err);
291 Ipp16s calcErr_G729(Ipp32s val, Ipp32s *pSrc);
292 void BWDLagWindow(Ipp32s *pSrc, Ipp32s *pDst);
293 void SetLPCMode_G729E(Ipp16s *signal_ptr, Ipp16s *aFwd, Ipp16s *pBwdLPC,
294                       Ipp16s *lpMode, Ipp16s *lspnew, Ipp16s *lspold,
295                       G729Encoder_Obj *encoderObj);
296 void PitchTracking_G729E(Ipp16s *val1, Ipp16s *val2, Ipp16s *prevPitch,
297                          Ipp16s *pitchStat, Ipp16s *pitchStatIntDelay,  Ipp16s *pitchStatFracDelay);
298 Ipp16s enerDB(Ipp16s *synth, Ipp16s L);
299 void tstDominantBWDmode(Ipp16s *BWDcounter2,Ipp16s *FWDcounter2,Ipp16s *highStat, Ipp16s mode);
300 void Init_CNG_encoder(G729Encoder_Obj *encoderObj);
301 void Log2_G729(Ipp32s val, Ipp16s *pDst1, Ipp16s *pDst2);
303 extern CONST Ipp16s gammaFac1[2*(LPF_DIM+1)];
304 extern CONST Ipp16s g729gammaFac1_pst[LPF_DIM+1];
305 extern CONST Ipp16s g729gammaFac2_pst[LPF_DIM+1];
306 extern CONST Ipp16s cngSeedOut[CNG_STACK_SIZE];
307 extern CONST Ipp16s cngCache[CNG_STACK_SIZE][LP_SUBFRAME_DIM];
308 extern CONST Ipp16s LUT1[CDBK1_DIM];
309 extern CONST Ipp16s presetLSP[LPF_DIM];
310 extern CONST Ipp32s cngInvSqrt[CNG_STACK_SIZE];
311 extern CONST Ipp16s resetPrevLSP[LPF_DIM];
312 extern CONST Ipp16s LUT2[CDBK2_DIM];
313 extern CONST Ipp16s presetOldA[LPF_DIM+1];
314 extern CONST Ipp16s areas[L_prevExcitat-1+3];
315 extern CONST Ipp16s SIDgain[32];
317 #include "aux_fnxs.h"
equality(Ipp32s val)319 __INLINE Ipp32s equality( Ipp32s val) {
320     Ipp32s temp, i, bit;
321     Ipp32s sum;
322     sum = 1;
323     temp = val >> 1;
324     for(i = 0; i <6; i++) {
325         temp >>= 1;
326         bit = temp & 1;
327         sum += bit;
328     }
329     sum &= 1;
330     return sum;
331 }
333 static __ALIGN32 CONST Ipp16s table0[8]={
334     1*1, 2*1, 0*1,
335     1*1, 2*1, 0*1,
336     1*1, 2*1};
DecodeAdaptCodebookDelays(Ipp16s * prevFrameDelay,Ipp16s * prevFrameDelay2,Ipp16s * delay,Ipp32s id,Ipp32s bad_pitch,Ipp32s pitchIndx,G729Codec_Type type)337 __INLINE void DecodeAdaptCodebookDelays(Ipp16s *prevFrameDelay, Ipp16s *prevFrameDelay2,Ipp16s *delay,
338                                         Ipp32s id, Ipp32s bad_pitch,Ipp32s pitchIndx,G729Codec_Type type) {
339     Ipp16s minPitchSearchDelay, maxPitchSearchDelay;
341     if(bad_pitch == 0) {
342         if(id == 0) {                  /*if 1-st subframe */
343             if(pitchIndx < 197) {
344                 delay[0] = (Ipp16s)((pitchIndx+2)/3 + 19);
345                 delay[1] = (Ipp16s)(pitchIndx - delay[0] * 3 + 58);
346             } else {
347                 delay[0] = (Ipp16s)(pitchIndx - 112);
348                 delay[1] = 0;
349             }
351         } else {
352             /*find minPitchSearchDelay and maxPitchSearchDelay for 2-nd subframe */
353             minPitchSearchDelay = (Ipp16s)(delay[0] - 5);
354             if(minPitchSearchDelay < MIN_PITCH_LAG)
355                 minPitchSearchDelay = MIN_PITCH_LAG;
357             maxPitchSearchDelay = (Ipp16s)(minPitchSearchDelay + 9);
358             if(maxPitchSearchDelay > MAX_PITCH_LAG) {
359                 minPitchSearchDelay = MAX_PITCH_LAG - 9;
360             }
361             if(type == G729D_CODEC /* i.e. 6.4 kbps */) {
362                 pitchIndx = pitchIndx & 15;
363                 if(pitchIndx <= 3) {
364                     delay[0] = (Ipp16s)(minPitchSearchDelay + pitchIndx);
365                     delay[1] = 0;
366                 } else if(pitchIndx < 12) {
367                     delay[1] = table0[pitchIndx - 4];
368                     delay[0] = (Ipp16s)((pitchIndx - delay[1])/3 + 2 + minPitchSearchDelay);
370                     if(delay[1] == 2) {
371                         delay[1] = -1;
372                         delay[0]++;
373                     }
374                 } else {
375                     delay[0] = (Ipp16s)(minPitchSearchDelay + pitchIndx - 6);
376                     delay[1] = 0;
377                 }
378             } else {
379                 delay[0] = (Ipp16s)(minPitchSearchDelay + (pitchIndx + 2)/3 - 1);
380                 delay[1] = (Ipp16s)(pitchIndx - 2 - 3 *((pitchIndx + 2)/3 - 1));
381             }
382         }
383         *prevFrameDelay = delay[0];
384         *prevFrameDelay2 = delay[1];
385     } else {                     /* non-equal or bad frame*/
386         delay[0]  =  *prevFrameDelay;
387         if(type == G729E_CODEC) {
388             delay[1] = *prevFrameDelay2;
389         } else {
390             delay[1] = 0;
391             *prevFrameDelay += 1;
392             if(*prevFrameDelay > MAX_PITCH_LAG) {
393                 *prevFrameDelay = MAX_PITCH_LAG;
394             }
395         }
396     }
397 }
399 #endif /* __OWNG729_H__ */