1 /***************************************************************************
2  *      Mechanized Assault and Exploration Reloaded Projectfile            *
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
10  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
12  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
15  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
16  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
17  *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
18  ***************************************************************************/
20 #ifndef game_logic_servereventsH
21 #define game_logic_servereventsH
23 #include <string>
24 #include "defines.h"
25 #include "main.h" // for sID
26 #include "game/logic/movejobs.h"
27 #include "game/logic/upgradecalculator.h" // cResearch::ResearchArea
28 #include "network.h"
30 class cBuilding;
31 class cHud;
32 class cMap;
33 class cNetMessage;
34 class cResearch;
35 class cUnit;
36 class cSavedReport;
37 class cGameGuiState;
38 struct sSubBase;
41 {
42 	// Types between FIRST_SERVER_MESSAGE and FIRST_CLIENT_MESSAGE are for the server
43 	GAME_EV_CHAT_CLIENT = FIRST_SERVER_MESSAGE,		// a chat message from client to server
44 	GAME_EV_WANT_TO_END_TURN,		// a client wants to end the turn
45 	GAME_EV_WANT_START_WORK,		// a client wants to start a building
46 	GAME_EV_WANT_STOP_WORK,			// a client wants to stop a building
47 	GAME_EV_MOVE_JOB_CLIENT,		// a message with all waypoints
48 	GAME_EV_WANT_STOP_MOVE,			// a client wants to stop a moving vehicle
49 	GAME_EV_MOVEJOB_RESUME,			// a client wants a paused movejob to be resumed
50 	GAME_EV_WANT_ATTACK,			// a client wants to attack an other unit
51 	GAME_EV_MINELAYERSTATUS,		// a minelayer changes his laying status
52 	GAME_EV_WANT_BUILD,				// a vehicle wants to start building a building
53 	GAME_EV_END_BUILDING,			// a vehicle has finished building and will leave the building lot now
54 	GAME_EV_WANT_STOP_BUILDING,		// a vehicle wants to stop building
55 	GAME_EV_WANT_TRANSFER,			// information about a resource transfer
56 	GAME_EV_WANT_BUILDLIST,			// a building wants his buildlist to be verified by the server and start work
57 	GAME_EV_WANT_EXIT_FIN_VEH,		// a client wants to exit a finished vehicle out of a building
58 	GAME_EV_CHANGE_RESOURCES,		// a client wants to change his resource production
59 	GAME_EV_WANT_CHANGE_MANUAL_FIRE,// a client wants to change the manual fire status of a unit
60 	GAME_EV_WANT_CHANGE_SENTRY,		// a client wants to change the sentry status of a unit
61 	GAME_EV_WANT_MARK_LOG,			// marks a position in the log file
62 	GAME_EV_WANT_SUPPLY,			// a client wants to rearm or repair a unit
63 	GAME_EV_WANT_VEHICLE_UPGRADE,	// a client wants to upgrade a vehicle in a building to the newest version
64 	GAME_EV_WANT_START_CLEAR,		// a bulldowzer wants to start clearing the field under his position
65 	GAME_EV_WANT_STOP_CLEAR,		// a bulldowzer wants to stop the clearing
66 	GAME_EV_ABORT_WAITING,			// the player wants to abort waiting for the reconnect of a disconnected player
67 	GAME_EV_IDENTIFICATION,			// a message with the name of the player who wants to reconnect
68 	GAME_EV_RECON_SUCCESS,			// a client has reconnected successfully and is ready to receive his game data
69 	GAME_EV_WANT_LOAD,				// a client wants to load a unit into another
70 	GAME_EV_WANT_EXIT,				// a client wants to exit a stored unit
71 	GAME_EV_REQUEST_RESYNC,			// requests the server to resync a client
72 	GAME_EV_WANT_BUY_UPGRADES,		// a client wants to buy gold upgrades for units
73 	GAME_EV_WANT_BUILDING_UPGRADE,	// a client wants to upgrade one or more buildings to the newest version
74 	GAME_EV_WANT_RESEARCH_CHANGE,	// a client wants to change the research assignments of his research centers
75 	GAME_EV_AUTOMOVE_STATUS,		// a unit has been set to automoving
76 	GAME_EV_SAVE_HUD_INFO,			// the current hud settings
77 	GAME_EV_SAVE_REPORT_INFO,		// a saved report
79 	GAME_EV_WANT_COM_ACTION,		// an infiltrator wants to steal or disable another unit
81 	GAME_EV_WANT_CHANGE_UNIT_NAME,	// the player wants to change the name of an unit
82 	GAME_EV_END_MOVE_ACTION,		// specifies an action, which will be executed at the end of a movejob
85 	GAME_EV_REQ_RECON_IDENT,        // a server of a running game requests an identification of a player who wants to reconnect
86 	GAME_EV_RECONNECT_ANSWER,       // a server returns an answer for the reconnect
88 	// Preparation room
89 	MU_MSG_CLAN,					// a player sends his clan
90 	MU_MSG_LANDING_VEHICLES,		// the list of purchased vehicles
91 	MU_MSG_UPGRADES,				// data of upgraded units
92 	MU_MSG_LANDING_COORDS,			// the selected landing coords of a client
93 	MU_MSG_READY_TO_START,			// the client is ready and wants the server to start the game
96 	GAME_EV_WANT_DISCONNECT,		// the player wants to disconnect (but later reconnect to the dedicated server)
97 	GAME_EV_REQUEST_CASUALTIES_REPORT, // a client wants to have the current casualties data
98 	NET_GAME_TIME_CLIENT,			//reports the current gametime of the client to server
99 };
101 /**
102 * Sends an event to a player that a new unit has to be added
103 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
104 *@param position The position of the unit
105 *@param bVehicle True if the unit is an vehicle
106 *@param iUnitNum The typ number of the unit
107 *@param player The player who should receive this event and get the new unit
108 *@param bInit True if this is called by game initialisation
109 */
110 void sendAddUnit (cServer& server, const cPosition& position, int iID, bool bVehicle, sID UnitID, const cPlayer& player, bool bInit, bool bAddToMap = true);
111 /**
112 * Sends an event to a player that a unit has to be deleted
113 *@param unit unit that has to be deleted
114 *@param receiver The player who should receive this event.
115 *              Null for all player who can see the unit
116 */
117 void sendDeleteUnit (cServer& server, const cUnit& unit, const cPlayer* receiver);
118 void sendDeleteUnitMessage (cServer& server, const cUnit& unit, const cPlayer& receiver);
119 /**
120 * adds a rubble object to the client
121 */
122 void sendAddRubble (cServer& server, const cBuilding& building, const cPlayer& receiver);
123 /**
124 * Sends an event to a player that he has detected
125 * an enemy unit and should add it
126 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
127 *@param unit The unit that should be added by the player
128 *@param player The player who should receive this event
129 */
130 void sendAddEnemyUnit (cServer& server, const cUnit& unit, const cPlayer& receiver);
132 void sendMakeTurnEnd (cServer& server, const cPlayer* receiver = nullptr);
134 void sendTurnFinished (cServer& server, const cPlayer& playerWhoEndedTurn, const cPlayer* nextPlayer, const cPlayer* receiver = nullptr);
136 void sendTurnStartTime (cServer& server, unsigned int gameTime);
138 void sendTurnEndDeadlineStartTime (cServer& server, unsigned int gameTime);
140 /**
141  * Sends the data values of this unit to the client
142  *
143  * @param unit The unit from which the data should be taken
144  * @param player The player who should receive this message
145  */
146 void sendUnitData (cServer& server, const cUnit& unit, const cPlayer& receiver);
147 /**
148  * Sends the unit data to the owner of the unit (if there is one) and to
149  * all players that can see the unit.
150  *
151  * @param unit The unit from which the data should be taken
152  */
153 void sendUnitData (cServer& server, const cUnit& unit);
155 void sendSpecificUnitData (cServer& server, const cVehicle& Vehicle);
157 /**
158 * sends all necessary information to all clients to start the building
159 *@ author Eiko
160 */
161 void sendDoStartWork (cServer& server, const cBuilding& building);
163 /**
164 * sends all necessary information to all clients to stop the building
165 *@ author Eiko
166 */
167 void sendDoStopWork (cServer& server, const cBuilding& building);
169 /**
170 * sends information about the move to the next field of a client
171 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
172 */
173 void sendNextMove (cServer& server, const cVehicle& vehicle, int iType, int iSavedSpeed = -1);
175 /**
176 * sends all waypoints of a movejob to a client.
177 * If the movejob is already running,
178 * the sourceoffset will be changed to the actual position of the vehicle
179 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
180 */
181 void sendMoveJobServer (cServer& server, const cServerMoveJob& MoveJob, const cPlayer& receiver);
182 /**
183 * sends the resourcedata of new scaned fields around the unit to a client
184 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
185 */
186 void sendVehicleResources (cServer& server, const cVehicle& vehicle);
187 void sendResources (cServer& server, const cPlayer& player);
188 /**
189 * sends an answer to a client wheter and how he has to build.
190 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
191 */
192 void sendBuildAnswer (cServer& server, bool bOK, const cVehicle& vehicle);
193 /**
194 * sends that a vehicle has to stop building
195 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
196 */
197 void sendStopBuild (cServer& server, int iVehicleID, const cPosition& newPosition, const cPlayer& receiver);
198 /**
199 * send the values if a subbase.
200 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
201 *@param subbase the subbase which values should be send
202 */
203 void sendSubbaseValues (cServer& server, const sSubBase& subbase, const cPlayer& receiver);
204 /**
205 * sends a list with all units which are wanted to be produced by the building
206 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
207 *@param building the building which buildlist should be send
208 */
209 void sendBuildList (cServer& server, const cBuilding& building);
210 /**
211 * send the new values of resource production of a building
212 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
213 *@param building the building which producevalues should be send
214 */
215 void sendProduceValues (cServer& server, const cBuilding& building);
216 /**
217 * sends that a unit has to be rearmed or repaired
218 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
219 *@param iDestID the ID of the destination unit
220 *@param bDestVehicle true if the destination unit is a vehicle
221 *@param iValue the new ammo or hitpoint value to be set
223 *@param receiver The player, who will receive the message
224 */
225 void sendSupply (cServer& server, int iDestID, bool bDestVehicle, int iValue, int iType, const cPlayer& receiver);
226 /**
227 * informs the owner of the vehicle whether the vehicle has been detected
228 * by another player.
229 * this is used by the client for correct drawing of the unit
230 */
231 void sendDetectionState (cServer& server, const cVehicle& vehicle);
233 /**
234 * sends whether and how the unit has to clean the field
235 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
236 */
237 void sendClearAnswer (cServer& server, int answertype, const cVehicle& vehicle, int turns, const cPosition& bigPosition, const cPlayer* player);
238 /**
239 * sends that a unit has to stop clearing
240 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
241 */
242 void sendStopClear (cServer& server, const cVehicle& vehicle, const cPosition& bigPosition, const cPlayer& player);
243 /**
244 * sends that the player has to set his hole ScanMap to 1
245 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
246 */
247 void sendNoFog (cServer& server, const cPlayer& receiver);
248 /**
249 * sends that a player has been defeated
250 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
251 */
252 void sendDefeated (cServer& server, const cPlayer& player, const cPlayer* receiver = nullptr);
253 /**
254 * sends that a client has to wait until he will be defrezzed
255 *@param waitForPlayer tells the client, for which other player he is waiting
256 */
257 void sendFreeze (cServer& server, eFreezeMode mode, int waitForPlayer);
258 /**
259 * sends that the client can abort waiting
260 */
261 void sendUnfreeze (cServer& server, eFreezeMode mode);
262 /**
263 * sends that a client has to wait for another player to end his turn
264 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
265 */
266 void sendWaitFor (cServer& server, const cPlayer& player, const cPlayer* receiver);
267 /**
268 * sends that a player has to be deleted
269 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
270 */
271 void sendDeletePlayer (cServer& server, const cPlayer& player, const cPlayer* receiver);
272 /**
273 * the server wants to get an identification of the new connected player
274 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
275 */
276 void sendRequestIdentification (cTCP& network, int iSocket);
277 /**
278 * the server gives its ok to the reconnection
279 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
280 */
281 void sendReconnectAnswer (cServer& server, int socketNumber);
282 void sendReconnectAnswer (cServer& server, int socketNumber, const cPlayer& player);
284 void sendTurn (cServer& server, int turn, const cPlayer& receiver);
285 void sendGameGuiState (cServer& server, const cGameGuiState& state, const cPlayer& player);
286 void sendStoreVehicle (cServer& server, int unitid, bool vehicle, int storedunitid, const cPlayer& receiver);
287 void sendActivateVehicle (cServer& server, int unitid, bool vehicle, int activatunitid, const cPosition& position, const cPlayer& receiver);
288 void sendDeleteEverything (cServer& server, const cPlayer& receiver);
289 void sendUnitUpgrades (cServer& server, const sUnitData& Data, const cPlayer& receiver);
290 void sendCredits (cServer& server, int newCredits, const cPlayer& receiver);
291 void sendUpgradeBuildings (cServer& server, const std::vector<cBuilding*>& upgradedBuildings, int totalCosts, const cPlayer& receiver);
292 void sendUpgradeVehicles (cServer& server, const std::vector<cVehicle*>& upgradedVehicles, int totalCosts, unsigned int storingBuildingID, const cPlayer& receiver);
293 void sendResearchSettings (cServer& server, const std::vector<cBuilding*>& researchCentersToChangeArea, const std::vector<cResearch::ResearchArea>& newAreasForResearchCenters, const cPlayer& receiver);
294 void sendResearchLevel (cServer& server, const cResearch& researchLevel, const cPlayer& receiver);
295 void sendFinishedResearchAreas (cServer& server, const std::vector<int>& areas, const cPlayer& receiver);
296 void sendRefreshResearchCount (cServer& server, const cPlayer& receiver);
297 void sendClansToClients (cServer& server, const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<cPlayer>>& playerList);
298 void sendGameTime (cServer& server, const cPlayer& receiver, int gameTime);
299 void sendSetAutomoving (cServer& server, const cVehicle& vehicle);
300 /**
301 * sends the result of a infiltrating action to the client
302 *@author alzi alias DoctorDeath
303 */
304 void sendCommandoAnswer (cServer& server, bool success, bool steal, const cVehicle& srcUnit, const cPlayer& receiver);
305 void sendRequestSaveInfo (cServer& server, const int saveingID);
306 void sendSavedReport (cServer& server, const cSavedReport& savedReport, const cPlayer* receiver);
308 void sendCasualtiesReport (cServer& server, const cPlayer* receiver);
310 void sendScore (cServer& server, const cPlayer& subject, int turn, const cPlayer* receiver = nullptr);
311 void sendNumEcos (cServer& server, cPlayer& subject, const cPlayer* receiver = nullptr);
312 void sendUnitScore (cServer& server, const cBuilding&);
313 void sendGameSettings (cServer& server, const cPlayer& receiver);
315 void sendSelfDestroy (cServer& server, const cBuilding& building);
317 void sendEndMoveActionToClient (cServer& server, const cVehicle& vehicle, int destID, eEndMoveActionType type);
319 void sendRevealMap (cServer& server, const cPlayer& receiver);
321 #endif // game_logic_servereventsH