2Generate and compile C modules for Python.
5from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
7import atexit
8import textwrap
9import six.moves.cPickle as pickle
10import logging
11import os
12import re
13import shutil
14import stat
15import subprocess
16import sys
17import tempfile
18import time
19import platform
20import distutils.sysconfig
21import warnings
23import numpy.distutils
25import theano
26from theano.compat import PY3, decode, decode_iter
27from six import b, BytesIO, StringIO, string_types, iteritems
28from six.moves import xrange
29from theano.gof.utils import flatten
30from theano import config
31from theano.gof.utils import hash_from_code
32from theano.misc.windows import (subprocess_Popen,
33                                 output_subprocess_Popen)
35# we will abuse the lockfile mechanism when reading and writing the registry
36from theano.gof import compilelock
37from theano.configdefaults import gcc_version_str, local_bitwidth
39importlib = None
41    import importlib
42except ImportError:
43    pass
45_logger = logging.getLogger("theano.gof.cmodule")
49# global variable that represent the total time spent in importing module.
50import_time = 0
53class MissingGXX(Exception):
54    """
55    This error is raised when we try to generate c code,
56    but g++ is not available.
58    """
60    pass
63def debug_counter(name, every=1):
64    """
65    Debug counter to know how often we go through some piece of code.
67    This is a utility function one may use when debugging.
69    Example
70    -------
71    debug_counter('I want to know how often I run this line')
73    """
74    setattr(debug_counter, name, getattr(debug_counter, name, 0) + 1)
75    n = getattr(debug_counter, name)
76    if n % every == 0:
77        print("debug_counter [%s]: %s" % (name, n), file=sys.stderr)
80class ExtFunction(object):
81    """
82    A C function to put into a DynamicModule.
84    """
86    name = ""
87    """
88    str - function's name.
90    """
91    code_block = ""
92    """
93    str - the entire code for the function.
95    Has the form ``static PyObject* <name>([...]){ ... }
97    See Python's C API Reference for how to write c functions for python
98    modules.
100    """
101    method = ""
102    """
103    str - calling method for this function (i.e. 'METH_VARARGS', 'METH_NOARGS').
105    """
106    doc = ""
107    """
108    str - documentation string for this function.
110    """
112    def __init__(self, name, code_block, method, doc="undocumented"):
113        self.name = name
114        self.code_block = code_block
115        self.method = method
116        self.doc = doc
118    def method_decl(self):
119        """
120        Returns the signature for this function.
122        It goes into the DynamicModule's method table.
124        """
125        return '\t{"%s", %s, %s, "%s"}' % (
126            self.name, self.name, self.method, self.doc)
129class DynamicModule(object):
131    def __init__(self, name=None):
132        assert name is None, (
133            "The 'name' parameter of DynamicModule"
134            " cannot be specified anymore. Instead, 'code_hash'"
135            " will be automatically computed and can be used as"
136            " the module's name.")
137        # While the module is not finalized, we can call add_...
138        # when it is finalized, a hash is computed and used instead of
139        # the placeholder, and as module name.
140        self.finalized = False
141        self.code_hash = None
142        self.hash_placeholder = '<<<<HASH_PLACEHOLDER>>>>'
144        self.support_code = []
145        self.functions = []
146        self.includes = ["<Python.h>", "<iostream>", '"theano_mod_helper.h"']
147        self.init_blocks = []
149    def print_methoddef(self, stream):
150        print("static PyMethodDef MyMethods[] = {", file=stream)
151        for f in self.functions:
152            print(f.method_decl(), ',', file=stream)
153        print("\t{NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}", file=stream)
154        print("};", file=stream)
156    def print_init(self, stream):
157        if PY3:
158            print("""\
159static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = {{
160      PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
161      "{name}",
162      NULL,
163      -1,
164      MyMethods,
166""".format(name=self.hash_placeholder), file=stream)
167            print(("PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_%s(void) {" %
168                  self.hash_placeholder), file=stream)
169            for block in self.init_blocks:
170                print('  ', block, file=stream)
171            print("    PyObject *m = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);", file=stream)
172            print("    return m;", file=stream)
173        else:
174            print(("PyMODINIT_FUNC init%s(void){" %
175                  self.hash_placeholder), file=stream)
176            for block in self.init_blocks:
177                print('  ', block, file=stream)
178            print('  ', ('(void) Py_InitModule("%s", MyMethods);'
179                  % self.hash_placeholder), file=stream)
180        print("}", file=stream)
182    def add_include(self, str):
183        assert not self.finalized
184        self.includes.append(str)
186    def add_init_code(self, code):
187        assert not self.finalized
188        self.init_blocks.append(code)
190    def add_support_code(self, code):
191        assert not self.finalized
192        if code and code not in self.support_code:  # TODO: KLUDGE
193            self.support_code.append(code)
195    def add_function(self, fn):
196        assert not self.finalized
197        self.functions.append(fn)
199    def code(self):
200        sio = StringIO()
201        for inc in self.includes:
202            if not inc:
203                continue
204            if inc[0] == '<' or inc[0] == '"':
205                print("#include", inc, file=sio)
206            else:
207                print('#include "%s"' % inc, file=sio)
209        print("//////////////////////", file=sio)
210        print("////  Support Code", file=sio)
211        print("//////////////////////", file=sio)
212        for sc in self.support_code:
213            print(sc, file=sio)
215        print("//////////////////////", file=sio)
216        print("////  Functions", file=sio)
217        print("//////////////////////", file=sio)
218        for f in self.functions:
219            print(f.code_block, file=sio)
221        print("//////////////////////", file=sio)
222        print("////  Module init", file=sio)
223        print("//////////////////////", file=sio)
224        self.print_methoddef(sio)
225        self.print_init(sio)
227        rval = sio.getvalue()
228        # Make sure the hash of the code hasn't changed
229        h = hash_from_code(rval)
230        assert self.code_hash is None or self.code_hash == h
231        self.code_hash = h
232        rval = re.sub(self.hash_placeholder, self.code_hash, rval)
233        # Finalize the Module, so no support code or function
234        # can be added
235        self.finalized = True
237        return rval
239    def list_code(self, ofile=sys.stdout):
240        """
241        Print out the code with line numbers to `ofile`.
243        """
244        for i, line in enumerate(self.code().split('\n')):
245            print(('%4i' % (i + 1)), line, file=ofile)
246        ofile.flush()
248    # TODO: add_type
251def _get_ext_suffix():
252    """Get the suffix for compiled extensions"""
253    dist_suffix = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var("EXT_SUFFIX")
254    if dist_suffix is None:
255        dist_suffix = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var("SO")
256    return dist_suffix
259def dlimport(fullpath, suffix=None):
260    """
261    Dynamically load a .so, .pyd, .dll, or .py file.
263    Parameters
264    ----------
265    fullpath : str
266        A fully-qualified path do a compiled python module.
267    suffix : str
268        A suffix to strip from the end of fullpath to get the
269        import name.
271    Returns
272    -------
273    object
274        The dynamically loaded module (from __import__).
276    """
277    if not os.path.isabs(fullpath):
278        raise ValueError('`fullpath` must be an absolute path', fullpath)
279    if suffix is None:
280        suffix = ''
282        dist_suffix = _get_ext_suffix()
283        if dist_suffix is not None and dist_suffix != '':
284            if fullpath.endswith(dist_suffix):
285                suffix = dist_suffix
287        if suffix == '':
288            if fullpath.endswith('.so'):
289                suffix = '.so'
290            elif fullpath.endswith('.pyd'):
291                suffix = '.pyd'
292            elif fullpath.endswith('.dll'):
293                suffix = '.dll'
294            elif fullpath.endswith('.py'):
295                suffix = '.py'
297    rval = None
298    if fullpath.endswith(suffix):
299        module_name = '.'.join(fullpath.split(os.path.sep)[-2:])[:-len(suffix)]
300    else:
301        raise ValueError('path has wrong suffix', (fullpath, suffix))
302    workdir = fullpath[:-len(module_name) - 1 - len(suffix)]
304    _logger.debug("WORKDIR %s", workdir)
305    _logger.debug("module_name %s", module_name)
307    sys.path[0:0] = [workdir]  # insert workdir at beginning (temporarily)
308    global import_time
309    try:
310        if importlib is not None:
311            if hasattr(importlib, "invalidate_caches"):
312                importlib.invalidate_caches()
313        t0 = time.time()
314        with warnings.catch_warnings():
315            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore",
316                                    message="numpy.ndarray size changed")
317            rval = __import__(module_name, {}, {}, [module_name])
318        t1 = time.time()
319        import_time += t1 - t0
320        if not rval:
321            raise Exception('__import__ failed', fullpath)
322    finally:
323        del sys.path[0]
325    assert fullpath.startswith(rval.__file__)
326    return rval
329def dlimport_workdir(basedir):
330    """
331    Return a directory where you should put your .so file for dlimport
332    to be able to load it, given a basedir which should normally be
333    config.compiledir.
335    """
336    return tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=basedir)
339def last_access_time(path):
340    """
341    Return the number of seconds since the epoch of the last access of a
342    given file.
344    """
345    return os.stat(path)[stat.ST_ATIME]
348def module_name_from_dir(dirname, err=True, files=None):
349    """
350    Scan the contents of a cache directory and return full path of the
351    dynamic lib in it.
353    """
354    if files is None:
355        try:
356            files = os.listdir(dirname)
357        except OSError as e:
358            if e.errno == 2 and not err:  # No such file or directory
359                return None
360    names = [file for file in files
361             if file.endswith('.so') or file.endswith('.pyd')]
362    if len(names) == 0 and not err:
363        return None
364    elif len(names) == 1:
365        return os.path.join(dirname, names[0])
366    else:
367        raise ValueError("More than 1 compiled module in this directory:" +
368                         dirname)
371def is_same_entry(entry_1, entry_2):
372    """
373    Return True iff both paths can be considered to point to the same module.
375    This is the case if and only if at least one of these conditions holds:
376        - They are equal.
377        - Their real paths are equal.
378        - They share the same temporary work directory and module file name.
380    """
381    if entry_1 == entry_2:
382        return True
383    if os.path.realpath(entry_1) == os.path.realpath(entry_2):
384        return True
385    if (os.path.basename(entry_1) == os.path.basename(entry_2) and
386            (os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(entry_1)) ==
387             os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(entry_2))) and
388            os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(entry_1)).startswith('tmp')):
389        return True
390    return False
393def get_module_hash(src_code, key):
394    """
395    Return a SHA256 hash that uniquely identifies a module.
397    This hash takes into account:
398        1. The C source code of the module (`src_code`).
399        2. The version part of the key.
400        3. The compiler options defined in `key` (command line parameters and
401           libraries to link against).
402        4. The NumPy ABI version.
404    """
405    # `to_hash` will contain any element such that we know for sure that if
406    # it changes, then the module hash should be different.
407    # We start with the source code itself (stripping blanks might avoid
408    # recompiling after a basic indentation fix for instance).
409    to_hash = [l.strip() for l in src_code.split('\n')]
410    # Get the version part of the key (ignore if unversioned).
411    if key[0]:
412        to_hash += list(map(str, key[0]))
413    c_link_key = key[1]
414    # Currently, in order to catch potential bugs early, we are very
415    # convervative about the structure of the key and raise an exception
416    # if it does not match exactly what we expect. In the future we may
417    # modify this behavior to be less strict and be able to accommodate
418    # changes to the key in an automatic way.
419    # Note that if the key structure changes, the `get_safe_part` function
420    # below may also need to be modified.
421    error_msg = ("This should not happen unless someone modified the code "
422                 "that defines the CLinker key, in which case you should "
423                 "ensure this piece of code is still valid (and this "
424                 "AssertionError may be removed or modified to accommodate "
425                 "this change)")
426    assert c_link_key[0] == 'CLinker.cmodule_key', error_msg
427    for key_element in c_link_key[1:]:
428        if isinstance(key_element, tuple):
429            # This should be the C++ compilation command line parameters or the
430            # libraries to link against.
431            to_hash += list(key_element)
432        elif isinstance(key_element, string_types):
433            if (key_element.startswith('md5:') or
434                    key_element.startswith('hash:')):
435                # This is actually a sha256 hash of the config options.
436                # Currently, we still keep md5 to don't break old Theano.
437                # We add 'hash:' so that when we change it in
438                # the futur, it won't break this version of Theano.
439                break
440            elif (key_element.startswith('NPY_ABI_VERSION=0x') or
441                  key_element.startswith('c_compiler_str=')):
442                to_hash.append(key_element)
443            else:
444                raise AssertionError(error_msg)
445        else:
446            raise AssertionError(error_msg)
447    return hash_from_code('\n'.join(to_hash))
450def get_safe_part(key):
451    """
452    Return a tuple containing a subset of `key`, to be used to find equal keys.
454    This tuple should only contain objects whose __eq__ and __hash__ methods
455    can be trusted (currently: the version part of the key, as well as the
456    SHA256 hash of the config options).
457    It is used to reduce the amount of key comparisons one has to go through
458    in order to find broken keys (i.e. keys with bad implementations of __eq__
459    or __hash__).
462    """
463    version = key[0]
464    # This function should only be called on versioned keys.
465    assert version
467    # Find the hash part. This is actually a sha256 hash of the config
468    # options.  Currently, we still keep md5 to don't break old
469    # Theano.  We add 'hash:' so that when we change it
470    # in the futur, it won't break this version of Theano.
471    c_link_key = key[1]
472    # In case in the future, we don't have an md5 part and we have
473    # such stuff in the cache.  In that case, we can set None, and the
474    # rest of the cache mechanism will just skip that key.
475    hash = None
476    for key_element in c_link_key[1:]:
477        if isinstance(key_element, string_types):
478            if key_element.startswith('md5:'):
479                hash = key_element[4:]
480                break
481            elif key_element.startswith('hash:'):
482                hash = key_element[5:]
483                break
485    return key[0] + (hash, )
488class KeyData(object):
489    """
490    Used to store the key information in the cache.
492    Parameters
493    ----------
494    keys
495        Set of keys that are associated to the exact same module.
496    module_hash
497        Hash identifying the module (it should hash both the code and the
498        compilation options).
499    key_pkl
500        Path to the file in which this KeyData object should be
501        pickled.
503    """
505    def __init__(self, keys, module_hash, key_pkl, entry):
506        self.keys = keys
507        self.module_hash = module_hash
508        self.key_pkl = key_pkl
509        self.entry = entry
511    def add_key(self, key, save_pkl=True):
512        """
513        Add a key to self.keys, and update pickled file if asked to.
515        """
516        assert key not in self.keys
517        self.keys.add(key)
518        if save_pkl:
519            self.save_pkl()
521    def remove_key(self, key, save_pkl=True):
522        """
523        Remove a key from self.keys, and update pickled file if asked to.
525        """
526        self.keys.remove(key)
527        if save_pkl:
528            self.save_pkl()
530    def save_pkl(self):
531        """
532        Dump this object into its `key_pkl` file.
534        May raise a cPickle.PicklingError if such an exception is raised at
535        pickle time (in which case a warning is also displayed).
537        """
538        # Note that writing in binary mode is important under Windows.
539        try:
540            with open(self.key_pkl, 'wb') as f:
541                pickle.dump(self, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
542        except pickle.PicklingError:
543            _logger.warning("Cache leak due to unpickle-able key data %s",
544                            self.keys)
545            os.remove(self.key_pkl)
546            raise
548    def get_entry(self):
549        """
550        Return path to the module file.
552        """
553        # TODO This method may be removed in the future (e.g. in 0.5) since
554        # its only purpose is to make sure that old KeyData objects created
555        # before the 'entry' field was added are properly handled.
556        if not hasattr(self, 'entry'):
557            self.entry = module_name_from_dir(os.path.dirname(self.key_pkl))
558        return self.entry
560    def delete_keys_from(self, entry_from_key, do_manual_check=True):
561        """
562        Delete from entry_from_key all keys associated to this KeyData object.
564        Note that broken keys will not appear in the keys field, so we also
565        manually look for keys associated to the same entry, unless
566        do_manual_check is False.
568        """
569        entry = self.get_entry()
570        for key in self.keys:
571            try:
572                del entry_from_key[key]
573            except KeyError:
574                # This happen if the compiledir was deleted during
575                # this process execution.
576                pass
577        if do_manual_check:
578            to_del = []
579            for key, key_entry in iteritems(entry_from_key):
580                if key_entry == entry:
581                    to_del.append(key)
582            for key in to_del:
583                try:
584                    del entry_from_key[key]
585                except KeyError:
586                    # This happen if the compiledir was deleted during
587                    # this process execution.
588                    pass
591class ModuleCache(object):
592    """
593    Interface to the cache of dynamically compiled modules on disk.
595    Note that this interface does not assume exclusive use of the cache
596    directory. It is built to handle the case where multiple programs are also
597    using instances of this class to manage the same directory.
599    The cache works on the basis of keys. Each key is mapped to only one
600    dynamic module, but multiple keys may be mapped to the same module (see
601    below for details). Each module is a dynamic library file, that Python
602    can import.
604    The cache contains one directory for each module, containing:
605    - the dynamic library file itself (.so/.pyd),
606    - an empty __init__.py file, so Python can import it,
607    - a file containing the source code for the module (mod.cpp/mod.cu),
608    - a key.pkl file, containing a KeyData object with all the keys
609    associated with that module,
610    - possibly a delete.me file, meaning this directory has been marked
611    for deletion.
613    Keys should be tuples of length 2: (version, rest). The
614    ``rest`` can be anything hashable and picklable, that uniquely
615    identifies the computation in the module. The key is returned by
616    ``CLinker.cmodule_key_``.
618    The ``version`` should be a hierarchy of tuples of integers.
619    If the ``version`` is either 0 or (), then the key is unversioned, and its
620    corresponding module will be marked for deletion in an atexit() handler.
621    If the ``version`` is neither 0 nor (), then the module will be kept in the
622    cache between processes.
624    An unversioned module is not always deleted by the process that
625    creates it.  Deleting such modules may not work on NFS filesystems
626    because the tmpdir in which the library resides is in use until the
627    end of the process' lifetime.  In this case, unversioned modules
628    are left in their tmpdirs without corresponding .pkl files.  These
629    modules and their directories are erased by subsequent processes'
630    refresh() functions.
632    Two different keys are mapped to the same module when all conditions below
633    are met:
634        - They have the same version.
635        - They share the same compilation options in their ``rest`` part (see
636          ``CLinker.cmodule_key_`` for how this part is built).
637        - They share the same C code.
638    These three elements uniquely identify a module, and are summarized
639    in a single "module hash".
641    Parameters
642    ----------
643    check_for_broken_eq
644        A bad __eq__ implementation can break this cache mechanism.
645        This option turns on a not-too-expensive sanity check every
646        time a new key is added to the cache.
648    do_refresh : bool
649        If True, then the ``refresh`` method will be called
650        in the constructor.
652    """
654    dirname = ""
655    """
656    The working directory that is managed by this interface.
658    """
659    module_from_name = {}
660    """
661    Maps a module filename to the loaded module object.
663    """
664    entry_from_key = {}
665    """
666    Maps keys to the filename of a .so/.pyd.
668    """
669    similar_keys = {}
670    """
671    Maps a part-of-key to all keys that share this same part.
673    """
674    module_hash_to_key_data = {}
675    """
676    Maps a module hash to its corresponding KeyData object.
678    """
679    stats = []
680    """
681    A list with counters for the number of hits, loads, compiles issued by
682    module_from_key().
684    """
685    loaded_key_pkl = set()
686    """
687    Set of all key.pkl files that have been loaded.
689    """
691    def __init__(self, dirname, check_for_broken_eq=True, do_refresh=True):
692        self.dirname = dirname
693        self.module_from_name = dict(self.module_from_name)
694        self.entry_from_key = dict(self.entry_from_key)
695        self.module_hash_to_key_data = dict(self.module_hash_to_key_data)
696        self.similar_keys = dict(self.similar_keys)
697        self.stats = [0, 0, 0]
698        self.check_for_broken_eq = check_for_broken_eq
699        self.loaded_key_pkl = set()
700        self.time_spent_in_check_key = 0
702        if do_refresh:
703            self.refresh()
705    age_thresh_use = config.cmodule.age_thresh_use  # default 24 days
706    """
707    The default age threshold (in seconds) for cache files we want to use.
709    Older modules will be deleted in ``clear_old``.
711    """
713    def _get_module(self, name):
714        """
715        Fetch a compiled module from the loaded cache or the disk.
717        """
718        if name not in self.module_from_name:
719            _logger.debug('loading name %s', name)
720            self.module_from_name[name] = dlimport(name)
721            self.stats[1] += 1
722        else:
723            _logger.debug('returning compiled module from cache %s', name)
724            self.stats[0] += 1
725        return self.module_from_name[name]
727    def refresh(self, age_thresh_use=None, delete_if_problem=False,
728                cleanup=True):
729        """
730        Update cache data by walking the cache directory structure.
732        Load key.pkl files that have not been loaded yet.
733        Remove entries which have been removed from the filesystem.
734        Also, remove malformed cache directories.
736        Parameters
737        ----------
738        age_thresh_use
739            Do not use modules other than this. Defaults to self.age_thresh_use.
740        delete_if_problem : bool
741            If True, cache entries that meet one of those two conditions are
742            deleted:
743            - Those for which unpickling the KeyData file fails with
744              an unknown exception.
745            - Duplicated modules, regardless of their age.
746        cleanup : bool
747            Do a cleanup of the cache removing expired and broken modules.
749        Returns
750        -------
751        list
752            A list of modules of age higher than age_thresh_use.
754        """
755        if age_thresh_use is None:
756            age_thresh_use = self.age_thresh_use
757        start_time = time.time()
758        too_old_to_use = []
760        to_delete = []
761        to_delete_empty = []
763        def rmtree(*args, **kwargs):
764            if cleanup:
765                to_delete.append((args, kwargs))
767        def rmtree_empty(*args, **kwargs):
768            if cleanup:
769                to_delete_empty.append((args, kwargs))
771        # add entries that are not in the entry_from_key dictionary
772        time_now = time.time()
773        # Go through directories in alphabetical order to ensure consistent
774        # behavior.
775        try:
776            subdirs = sorted(os.listdir(self.dirname))
777        except OSError:
778            # This can happen if the dir don't exist.
779            subdirs = []
780        files, root = None, None  # To make sure the "del" below works
781        for subdirs_elem in subdirs:
782            # Never clean/remove lock_dir
783            if subdirs_elem == 'lock_dir':
784                continue
785            root = os.path.join(self.dirname, subdirs_elem)
786            # Don't delete the gpuarray kernel cache
787            if root == config.gpuarray.cache_path:
788                continue
789            key_pkl = os.path.join(root, 'key.pkl')
790            if key_pkl in self.loaded_key_pkl:
791                continue
792            if not os.path.isdir(root):
793                continue
794            files = os.listdir(root)
795            if not files:
796                rmtree_empty(root, ignore_nocleanup=True,
797                             msg="empty dir")
798                continue
799            if 'delete.me' in files:
800                rmtree(root, ignore_nocleanup=True,
801                       msg="delete.me found in dir")
802                continue
803            elif 'key.pkl' in files:
804                try:
805                    entry = module_name_from_dir(root, files=files)
806                except ValueError:  # there is a key but no dll!
807                    if not root.startswith("/tmp"):
808                        # Under /tmp, file are removed periodically by the
809                        # os. So it is normal that this happens from time
810                        # to time.
811                        _logger.warning("ModuleCache.refresh() Found key "
812                                        "without dll in cache, deleting it. %s",
813                                        key_pkl)
814                    rmtree(root, ignore_nocleanup=True,
815                           msg="missing module file", level=logging.INFO)
816                    continue
817                if (time_now - last_access_time(entry)) < age_thresh_use:
818                    _logger.debug('refresh adding %s', key_pkl)
820                    def unpickle_failure():
821                        _logger.info("ModuleCache.refresh() Failed to "
822                                     "unpickle cache file %s", key_pkl)
824                    try:
825                        with open(key_pkl, 'rb') as f:
826                            key_data = pickle.load(f)
827                    except EOFError:
828                        # Happened once... not sure why (would be worth
829                        # investigating if it ever happens again).
830                        unpickle_failure()
831                        rmtree(root, ignore_nocleanup=True,
832                               msg='broken cache directory [EOF]',
833                               level=logging.WARNING)
834                        continue
835                    except Exception:
836                        unpickle_failure()
837                        if delete_if_problem:
838                            rmtree(root, ignore_nocleanup=True,
839                                   msg='broken cache directory',
840                                   level=logging.INFO)
841                        else:
842                            # This exception is often triggered by keys
843                            # that contain references to classes that have
844                            # not yet been imported (e.g. when running two
845                            # different Theano-based scripts). They are not
846                            # necessarily broken, but we cannot load them
847                            # now. They will be loaded later if needed.
848                            pass
849                        continue
851                    if not isinstance(key_data, KeyData):
852                        # This is some old cache data, that does not fit
853                        # the new cache format. It would be possible to
854                        # update it, but it is not entirely safe since we
855                        # do not know the config options that were used.
856                        # As a result, we delete it instead (which is also
857                        # simpler to implement).
858                        rmtree(root, ignore_nocleanup=True,
859                               msg=(
860                                   'invalid cache entry format -- this '
861                                   'should not happen unless your cache '
862                                   'was really old'),
863                               level=logging.WARN)
864                        continue
866                    # Check the path to the module stored in the KeyData
867                    # object matches the path to `entry`. There may be
868                    # a mismatch e.g. due to symlinks, or some directory
869                    # being renamed since last time cache was created.
870                    kd_entry = key_data.get_entry()
871                    if kd_entry != entry:
872                        if is_same_entry(entry, kd_entry):
873                            # Update KeyData object. Note that we also need
874                            # to update the key_pkl field, because it is
875                            # likely to be incorrect if the entry itself
876                            # was wrong.
877                            key_data.entry = entry
878                            key_data.key_pkl = key_pkl
879                        else:
880                            # This is suspicious. Better get rid of it.
881                            rmtree(root, ignore_nocleanup=True,
882                                   msg='module file path mismatch',
883                                   level=logging.INFO)
884                            continue
886                    # Find unversioned keys from other processes.
887                    # TODO: check if this can happen at all
888                    to_del = [key for key in key_data.keys if not key[0]]
889                    if to_del:
890                        _logger.warning(
891                            "ModuleCache.refresh() Found unversioned "
892                            "key in cache, removing it. %s", key_pkl)
893                        # Since the version is in the module hash, all
894                        # keys should be unversioned.
895                        if len(to_del) != len(key_data.keys):
896                            _logger.warning(
897                                'Found a mix of unversioned and '
898                                'versioned keys for the same '
899                                'module %s', key_pkl)
900                        rmtree(root, ignore_nocleanup=True,
901                               msg="unversioned key(s) in cache",
902                               level=logging.INFO)
903                        continue
905                    mod_hash = key_data.module_hash
906                    if mod_hash in self.module_hash_to_key_data:
907                        # This may happen when two processes running
908                        # simultaneously compiled the same module, one
909                        # after the other. We delete one once it is old
910                        # enough (to be confident there is no other process
911                        # using it), or if `delete_if_problem` is True.
912                        # Note that it is important to walk through
913                        # directories in alphabetical order so as to make
914                        # sure all new processes only use the first one.
915                        if cleanup:
916                            age = time.time() - last_access_time(entry)
917                            if delete_if_problem or age > self.age_thresh_del:
918                                rmtree(root, ignore_nocleanup=True,
919                                       msg='duplicated module',
920                                       level=logging.DEBUG)
921                            else:
922                                _logger.debug('Found duplicated module not '
923                                              'old enough yet to be deleted '
924                                              '(age: %s): %s',
925                                              age, entry)
926                        continue
928                    # Remember the map from a module's hash to the KeyData
929                    # object associated with it.
930                    self.module_hash_to_key_data[mod_hash] = key_data
932                    for key in key_data.keys:
933                        if key not in self.entry_from_key:
934                            self.entry_from_key[key] = entry
935                            # Assert that we have not already got this
936                            # entry somehow.
937                            assert entry not in self.module_from_name
938                            # Store safe part of versioned keys.
939                            if key[0]:
940                                self.similar_keys.setdefault(
941                                    get_safe_part(key),
942                                    []).append(key)
943                        else:
944                            dir1 = os.path.dirname(self.entry_from_key[key])
945                            dir2 = os.path.dirname(entry)
946                            _logger.warning(
947                                "The same cache key is associated to "
948                                "different modules (%s and %s). This "
949                                "is not supposed to happen! You may "
950                                "need to manually delete your cache "
951                                "directory to fix this.",
952                                dir1, dir2)
953                    # Clean up the name space to prevent bug.
954                    if key_data.keys:
955                        del key
956                    self.loaded_key_pkl.add(key_pkl)
957                else:
958                    too_old_to_use.append(entry)
960            # If the compilation failed, no key.pkl is in that
961            # directory, but a mod.* should be there.
962            # We do nothing here.
964        # Clean up the name space to prevent bug.
965        del root, files, subdirs
967        # Remove entries that are not in the filesystem.
968        items_copy = list(self.module_hash_to_key_data.items())
969        for module_hash, key_data in items_copy:
970            entry = key_data.get_entry()
971            try:
972                # Test to see that the file is [present and] readable.
973                open(entry).close()
974                gone = False
975            except IOError:
976                gone = True
978            if gone:
979                # Assert that we did not have one of the deleted files
980                # loaded up and in use.
981                # If so, it should not have been deleted. This should be
982                # considered a failure of the OTHER process, that deleted
983                # it.
984                if entry in self.module_from_name:
985                    _logger.warning("A module that was loaded by this "
986                                    "ModuleCache can no longer be read from file "
987                                    "%s... this could lead to problems.",
988                                    entry)
989                    del self.module_from_name[entry]
991                _logger.info("deleting ModuleCache entry %s", entry)
992                key_data.delete_keys_from(self.entry_from_key)
993                del self.module_hash_to_key_data[module_hash]
994                if key_data.keys and list(key_data.keys)[0][0]:
995                    # this is a versioned entry, so should have been on
996                    # disk. Something weird happened to cause this, so we
997                    # are responding by printing a warning, removing
998                    # evidence that we ever saw this mystery key.
999                    pkl_file_to_remove = key_data.key_pkl
1000                    if not key_data.key_pkl.startswith("/tmp"):
1001                        # Under /tmp, file are removed periodically by the
1002                        # os. So it is normal that this happen from time to
1003                        # time.
1004                        _logger.warning("Removing key file %s because the "
1005                                        "corresponding module is gone from the "
1006                                        "file system.",
1007                                        pkl_file_to_remove)
1008                    self.loaded_key_pkl.remove(pkl_file_to_remove)
1010        if to_delete or to_delete_empty:
1011            with compilelock.lock_ctx():
1012                for a, kw in to_delete:
1013                    _rmtree(*a, **kw)
1014                for a, kw in to_delete_empty:
1015                    files = os.listdir(a[0])
1016                    if not files:
1017                        _rmtree(*a, **kw)
1019        _logger.debug('Time needed to refresh cache: %s',
1020                      (time.time() - start_time))
1022        return too_old_to_use
1024    def _get_from_key(self, key, key_data=None):
1025        """
1026        Returns a module if the passed-in key is found in the cache
1027        and None otherwise.
1029        May raise ValueError if the key is malformed.
1031        """
1032        name = None
1033        if key is not None:
1034            assert key_data is None
1035            try:
1036                _version, _rest = key
1037            except (TypeError, ValueError):
1038                raise ValueError(
1039                    "Invalid key. key must have form (version, rest)", key)
1040            if key in self.entry_from_key:
1041                name = self.entry_from_key[key]
1042        else:
1043            assert key_data is not None
1044            name = key_data.get_entry()
1045        if name is None:
1046            return None
1047        return self._get_module(name)
1049    def _get_from_hash(self, module_hash, key, keep_lock=False):
1050        if module_hash in self.module_hash_to_key_data:
1051            key_data = self.module_hash_to_key_data[module_hash]
1052            module = self._get_from_key(None, key_data)
1053            with compilelock.lock_ctx(keep_lock=keep_lock):
1054                try:
1055                    key_data.add_key(key, save_pkl=bool(key[0]))
1056                    key_broken = False
1057                except pickle.PicklingError:
1058                    key_data.remove_key(key)
1059                    key_broken = True
1060                # We need the lock while we check in case of parallel
1061                # process that could be changing the file at the same
1062                # time.
1063                if (key[0] and not key_broken and
1064                        self.check_for_broken_eq):
1065                    self.check_key(key, key_data.key_pkl)
1066            self._update_mappings(key, key_data, module.__file__, check_in_keys=not key_broken)
1067            return module
1068        else:
1069            return None
1071    def _update_mappings(self, key, key_data, name, check_in_keys):
1072        all_keys = key_data.keys
1073        if not all_keys:
1074            all_keys = [key]
1075        if check_in_keys:
1076            assert key in all_keys
1077        for k in all_keys:
1078            if k in self.entry_from_key:
1079                assert self.entry_from_key[k] == name, (self.entry_from_key[k], name)
1080            else:
1081                self.entry_from_key[k] = name
1082                if key[0]:
1083                    self.similar_keys.setdefault(get_safe_part(k),
1084                                                 []).append(key)
1086    def _add_to_cache(self, module, key, module_hash):
1087        """
1088        This function expects the compile lock to be held.
1090        """
1091        name = module.__file__
1092        _logger.debug("Adding module to cache %s %s",
1093                      key, name)
1094        # Changing the hash of the key is not allowed during
1095        # compilation. That is the only cause found that makes
1096        # the following assert fail.
1097        assert key not in self.entry_from_key
1099        location = os.path.dirname(name)
1100        key_pkl = os.path.join(location, 'key.pkl')
1101        assert not os.path.exists(key_pkl)
1102        key_data = KeyData(
1103            keys=set([key]),
1104            module_hash=module_hash,
1105            key_pkl=key_pkl,
1106            entry=name)
1108        key_broken = False
1109        if key[0]:
1110            try:
1111                key_data.save_pkl()
1112            except pickle.PicklingError:
1113                key_broken = True
1114                key_data.remove_key(key)
1115                key_data.save_pkl()
1116            if not key_broken and self.check_for_broken_eq:
1117                self.check_key(key, key_pkl)
1118            self.loaded_key_pkl.add(key_pkl)
1119        elif config.cmodule.warn_no_version:
1120            key_flat = flatten(key)
1121            ops = [k for k in key_flat if isinstance(k, theano.Op)]
1122            _logger.warning("not all the"
1123                            " following op(s) implement"
1124                            " c_code_cache_version(). This makes them"
1125                            " recompiled for each process." + str(ops))
1126        self._update_mappings(key, key_data, module.__file__, not key_broken)
1127        return key_data
1129    def module_from_key(self, key, lnk=None, keep_lock=False):
1130        """
1131        Return a module from the cache, compiling it if necessary.
1133        Parameters
1134        ----------
1135        key
1136            The key object associated with the module. If this hits a match,
1137            we avoid compilation.
1138        lnk
1139            Usually a CLinker instance, but it can be any object that defines
1140            the `get_src_code()` and `compile_cmodule(location)` functions. The
1141            first one returns the source code of the module to load/compile and
1142            the second performs the actual compilation.
1143        keep_lock : bool
1144            If True, the compilation lock will not be released if taken.
1146        """
1147        # Is the module in the cache?
1148        module = self._get_from_key(key)
1149        if module is not None:
1150            return module
1152        src_code = lnk.get_src_code()
1153        # Is the source code already in the cache?
1154        module_hash = get_module_hash(src_code, key)
1155        module = self._get_from_hash(module_hash, key, keep_lock=keep_lock)
1156        if module is not None:
1157            return module
1159        with compilelock.lock_ctx(keep_lock=keep_lock):
1160            # 1) Maybe somebody else compiled it for us while we
1161            #    where waiting for the lock. Try to load it again.
1162            # 2) If other repo that import Theano have Theano ops defined,
1163            #    we need to refresh the cache here. Otherwise, there are import
1164            #    order problems.
1165            #    When device=gpu, we compile during Theano
1166            #    import. This triggers the loading of the cache. But
1167            #    unpickling the cache asks that the external Ops are
1168            #    completly loaded, which isn't always the case!
1169            #    If a module isn't completly loaded and its unpickling
1170            #    fails, it means it is safe for this function
1171            #    compilation to skip them, but not for future
1172            #    compilations. So reloading the cache here
1173            #    compilation fixes this problem. (we could do that only once)
1174            self.refresh(cleanup=False)
1176            module = self._get_from_key(key)
1177            if module is not None:
1178                return module
1180            module = self._get_from_hash(module_hash, key)
1181            if module is not None:
1182                return module
1184            hash_key = hash(key)
1186            nocleanup = False
1187            try:
1188                location = dlimport_workdir(self.dirname)
1189                module = lnk.compile_cmodule(location)
1190                name = module.__file__
1191                assert name.startswith(location)
1192                assert name not in self.module_from_name
1193                self.module_from_name[name] = module
1194                nocleanup = True
1195            except OSError as e:
1196                _logger.error(e)
1197                if e.errno == 31:
1198                    _logger.error('There are %i files in %s',
1199                                  len(os.listdir(config.compiledir)),
1200                                  config.compiledir)
1201                raise
1202            finally:
1203                if not nocleanup:
1204                    _rmtree(location, ignore_if_missing=True,
1205                            msg='exception during compilation')
1207            # Changing the hash of the key is not allowed during
1208            # compilation.
1209            assert hash(key) == hash_key
1211            key_data = self._add_to_cache(module, key, module_hash)
1212            self.module_hash_to_key_data[module_hash] = key_data
1214        self.stats[2] += 1
1215        return module
1217    def check_key(self, key, key_pkl):
1218        """
1219        Perform checks to detect broken __eq__ / __hash__ implementations.
1221        Parameters
1222        ----------
1223        key
1224            The key to be checked.
1225        key_pkl
1226            Its associated pickled file containing a KeyData.
1228        """
1229        start_time = time.time()
1230        # Verify that when we reload the KeyData from the pickled file, the
1231        # same key can be found in it, and is not equal to more than one
1232        # other key.
1233        for i in range(3):
1234            try:
1235                with open(key_pkl, 'rb') as f:
1236                    key_data = pickle.load(f)
1237                break
1238            except EOFError:
1239                # This file is probably getting written/updated at the
1240                # same time.  This can happen as we read the cache
1241                # without taking the lock.
1242                if i == 2:
1243                    with compilelock.lock_ctx():
1244                        with open(key_pkl, 'rb') as f:
1245                            key_data = pickle.load(f)
1246                time.sleep(2)
1248        found = sum(key == other_key for other_key in key_data.keys)
1249        msg = ''
1250        if found == 0:
1251            msg = 'Key not found in unpickled KeyData file'
1252            if key_data.keys:
1253                # This is to make debugging in pdb easier, by providing
1254                # the offending keys in the local context.
1255                # key_data_keys = list(key_data.keys)
1256                # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
1257                pass
1258        elif found > 1:
1259            msg = 'Multiple equal keys found in unpickled KeyData file'
1260        if msg:
1261            raise AssertionError(
1262                "%s. Verify the __eq__ and __hash__ functions of your "
1263                "Ops. The file is: %s. The key is: %s" % (msg, key_pkl, key))
1264        # Also verify that there exists no other loaded key that would be equal
1265        # to this key. In order to speed things up, we only compare to keys
1266        # with the same version part and config hash, since we can assume this
1267        # part of the key is not broken.
1268        for other in self.similar_keys.get(get_safe_part(key), []):
1269            if other is not key and other == key and hash(other) != hash(key):
1270                raise AssertionError(
1271                    "Found two keys that are equal but have a different hash. "
1272                    "Verify the __eq__ and __hash__ functions of your Ops. "
1273                    "The keys are:\n  %s\nand\n  %s\n(found in %s)." %
1274                    (other, key, key_pkl))
1276        self.time_spent_in_check_key += time.time() - start_time
1278    # default 31 days
1279    age_thresh_del = config.cmodule.age_thresh_use + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
1280    age_thresh_del_unversioned = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7  # 7 days
1281    """
1282    The default age threshold for `clear_old` (in seconds).
1284    """
1286    def clear_old(self, age_thresh_del=None, delete_if_problem=False):
1287        """Delete entries from the filesystem for cache entries that are too old.
1289        This refreshes the content of the cache. Don't hold the lock
1290        while calling this method, this is useless. It will be taken
1291        if needed.
1293        Parameters
1294        ----------
1295        age_thresh_del
1296            Dynamic modules whose last access time is more than
1297            ``age_thresh_del`` seconds ago will be erased.
1298            Defaults to 31-day age if not provided.
1299        delete_if_problem
1300            See help of refresh() method.
1302        """
1303        if age_thresh_del is None:
1304            age_thresh_del = self.age_thresh_del
1306        # Ensure that the too_old_to_use list return by refresh() will
1307        # contain all modules older than age_thresh_del.
1308        if age_thresh_del < self.age_thresh_use:
1309            if age_thresh_del > 0:
1310                _logger.warning("Clearing modules that were not deemed "
1311                                "too old to use: age_thresh_del=%d, "
1312                                "self.age_thresh_use=%d",
1313                                age_thresh_del,
1314                                self.age_thresh_use)
1315            else:
1316                _logger.info("Clearing all modules.")
1317            age_thresh_use = age_thresh_del
1318        else:
1319            age_thresh_use = None
1321        too_old_to_use = self.refresh(
1322            age_thresh_use=age_thresh_use,
1323            delete_if_problem=delete_if_problem,
1324            # The clean up is done at init, no need to trigger it again
1325            cleanup=False)
1326        if not too_old_to_use:
1327            return
1328        with compilelock.lock_ctx():
1329            # Update the age of modules that have been accessed by other
1330            # processes and get all module that are too old to use
1331            # (not loaded in self.entry_from_key).
1333            for entry in too_old_to_use:
1334                # TODO: we are assuming that modules that haven't been
1335                # accessed in over age_thresh_del are not currently in
1336                # use by other processes, but that could be false for
1337                # long-running jobs, or if age_thresh_del < 0.
1338                assert entry not in self.module_from_name
1339                parent = os.path.dirname(entry)
1340                assert parent.startswith(os.path.join(self.dirname, 'tmp'))
1341                _rmtree(parent, msg='old cache directory', level=logging.INFO,
1342                        ignore_nocleanup=True)
1344    def clear(self, unversioned_min_age=None, clear_base_files=False,
1345              delete_if_problem=False):
1346        """
1347        Clear all elements in the cache.
1349        Parameters
1350        ----------
1351        unversioned_min_age
1352            Forwarded to `clear_unversioned`. In particular, you can set it
1353            to -1 in order to delete all unversioned cached modules regardless
1354            of their age.
1355        clear_base_files : bool
1356            If True, then delete base directories 'cutils_ext',
1357            'lazylinker_ext' and 'scan_perform' if they are present.
1358            If False, those directories are left intact.
1359        delete_if_problem
1360            See help of refresh() method.
1362        """
1363        with compilelock.lock_ctx():
1364            self.clear_old(
1365                age_thresh_del=-1.0,
1366                delete_if_problem=delete_if_problem)
1367            self.clear_unversioned(min_age=unversioned_min_age)
1368            if clear_base_files:
1369                self.clear_base_files()
1371    def clear_base_files(self):
1372        """
1373        Remove base directories 'cutils_ext', 'lazylinker_ext' and
1374        'scan_perform' if present.
1376        Note that we do not delete them outright because it may not work on
1377        some systems due to these modules being currently in use. Instead we
1378        rename them with the '.delete.me' extension, to mark them to be deleted
1379        next time we clear the cache.
1381        """
1382        with compilelock.lock_ctx():
1383            for base_dir in ('cutils_ext', 'lazylinker_ext', 'scan_perform'):
1384                to_delete = os.path.join(self.dirname, base_dir + '.delete.me')
1385                if os.path.isdir(to_delete):
1386                    try:
1387                        shutil.rmtree(to_delete)
1388                        _logger.debug('Deleted: %s', to_delete)
1389                    except Exception:
1390                        _logger.warning('Could not delete %s', to_delete)
1391                        continue
1392                to_rename = os.path.join(self.dirname, base_dir)
1393                if os.path.isdir(to_rename):
1394                    try:
1395                        shutil.move(to_rename, to_delete)
1396                    except Exception:
1397                        _logger.warning('Could not move %s to %s',
1398                                        to_rename, to_delete)
1400    def clear_unversioned(self, min_age=None):
1401        """Delete unversioned dynamic modules.
1403        They are deleted both from the internal dictionaries and from the
1404        filesystem.
1406        No need to have the lock when calling this method. It does not
1407        take the lock as unversioned module aren't shared.
1409        This method does not refresh the cache content, it just
1410        accesses the in-memory known module(s).
1412        Parameters
1413        ----------
1414        min_age
1415            Minimum age to be deleted, in seconds. Defaults to
1416            7-day age if not provided.
1418        """
1419        if min_age is None:
1420            min_age = self.age_thresh_del_unversioned
1422        # As this delete object that we build and other don't use, we
1423        # don't need the lock.
1424        all_key_datas = list(self.module_hash_to_key_data.values())
1425        for key_data in all_key_datas:
1426            if not key_data.keys:
1427                # May happen for broken versioned keys.
1428                continue
1429            for key_idx, key in enumerate(key_data.keys):
1430                version, rest = key
1431                if version:
1432                    # Since the version is included in the module hash,
1433                    # it should not be possible to mix versioned and
1434                    # unversioned keys in the same KeyData object.
1435                    assert key_idx == 0
1436                    break
1437            if not version:
1438                # Note that unversioned keys cannot be broken, so we can
1439                # set do_manual_check to False to speed things up.
1440                key_data.delete_keys_from(self.entry_from_key,
1441                                          do_manual_check=False)
1442                entry = key_data.get_entry()
1443                # Entry is guaranteed to be in this dictionary, because
1444                # an unversioned entry should never have been loaded via
1445                # refresh.
1446                assert entry in self.module_from_name
1448                del self.module_from_name[entry]
1449                del self.module_hash_to_key_data[key_data.module_hash]
1451                parent = os.path.dirname(entry)
1452                assert parent.startswith(os.path.join(self.dirname, 'tmp'))
1453                _rmtree(parent, msg='unversioned', level=logging.INFO,
1454                        ignore_nocleanup=True)
1456        # Sanity check: all unversioned keys should have been removed at
1457        # this point.
1458        for key in self.entry_from_key:
1459            assert key[0]
1461        to_del = []
1462        time_now = time.time()
1463        for filename in os.listdir(self.dirname):
1464            if filename.startswith('tmp'):
1465                try:
1466                    fname = os.path.join(self.dirname, filename, 'key.pkl')
1467                    open(fname).close()
1468                    has_key = True
1469                except IOError:
1470                    has_key = False
1471                if not has_key:
1472                    # Use the compiled file by default
1473                    path = module_name_from_dir(os.path.join(self.dirname,
1474                                                             filename),
1475                                                False)
1476                    # If it don't exist, use any file in the directory.
1477                    if path is None:
1478                        path = os.path.join(self.dirname, filename)
1479                        try:
1480                            files = os.listdir(path)
1481                        except OSError as e:
1482                            if e.errno == 2:  # No such file or directory
1483                                # if it don't exist anymore, it mean
1484                                # the clean up was already done by
1485                                # someone else, so nothing to do about
1486                                # it.
1487                                continue
1488                        if files:
1489                            path = os.path.join(path, files[0])
1490                        else:
1491                            # If the directory is empty skip it.
1492                            # They are deleted elsewhere.
1493                            continue
1494                    age = time_now - last_access_time(path)
1496                    # In normal case, the processus that created this
1497                    # directory will delete it. However, if this processus
1498                    # crashes, it will not be cleaned up.
1499                    # As we don't know if this directory is still used,
1500                    # we wait one week and suppose that the processus
1501                    # crashed, and we take care of the clean-up.
1502                    if age > min_age:
1503                        to_del.append(os.path.join(self.dirname, filename))
1505        # No need to take the lock as it isn't shared.
1506        for f in to_del:
1507            _rmtree(f,
1508                    msg='old unversioned', level=logging.INFO,
1509                    ignore_nocleanup=True)
1511    def _on_atexit(self):
1512        # Note: no need to call refresh() since it is called by clear_old().
1514        # Note: no need to take the lock. For unversioned files, we
1515        # don't need it as they aren't shared. For old unversioned
1516        # files, this happen rarely, so we take the lock only when
1517        # this happen.
1519        # Note: for clear_old(), as this happen unfrequently, we only
1520        # take the lock when it happen.
1521        self.clear_old()
1522        self.clear_unversioned()
1523        _logger.debug('Time spent checking keys: %s',
1524                      self.time_spent_in_check_key)
1527def _rmtree(parent, ignore_nocleanup=False, msg='', level=logging.DEBUG,
1528            ignore_if_missing=False):
1529    """
1530    On NFS filesystems, it is impossible to delete a directory with open
1531    files in it.
1533    So instead, some commands in this file will respond to a
1534    failed rmtree() by touching a 'delete.me' file.  This file is a message
1535    for a future process to try deleting the directory.
1537    Parameters:
1538    ----------
1539    parent
1540        Root node to start deleting from
1541    ignore_nocleanup
1542        Delete the tree if flag is TRUE
1543    level
1544        Python Logging level. Set to "DEBUG" by default
1545    ignore_if_missing
1546        If set to True, just return without any issue if parent is NULL
1547    """
1548    if ignore_if_missing and not os.path.exists(parent):
1549        return
1550    try:
1551        if ignore_nocleanup or not config.nocleanup:
1552            log_msg = 'Deleting'
1553            if msg:
1554                log_msg += ' (%s)' % msg
1555            _logger.log(level, '%s: %s', log_msg, parent)
1556            shutil.rmtree(parent)
1557    except Exception as e:
1558        # If parent still exists, mark it for deletion by a future refresh()
1559        _logger.debug('In _rmtree, encountered exception: %s(%s)',
1560                      type(e), e)
1561        if os.path.exists(parent):
1562            try:
1563                _logger.info('placing "delete.me" in %s', parent)
1564                open(os.path.join(parent, 'delete.me'), 'w').close()
1565            except Exception as ee:
1566                _logger.warning("Failed to remove or mark cache directory %s "
1567                                "for removal %s", parent, ee)
1569_module_cache = None
1572def get_module_cache(dirname, init_args=None):
1573    """
1574    Create a new module_cache with the (k, v) pairs in this dictionary
1576    Parameters
1577    ----------
1578    init_args
1579        If not None, the (k, v) pairs in this dictionary will be forwarded to
1580        the ModuleCache constructor as keyword arguments.
1582    """
1583    global _module_cache
1584    if init_args is None:
1585        init_args = {}
1586    if _module_cache is None:
1587        _module_cache = ModuleCache(dirname, **init_args)
1588        atexit.register(_module_cache._on_atexit)
1589    elif init_args:
1590        _logger.warning('Ignoring init arguments for module cache because it '
1591                        'was created prior to this call')
1592    if _module_cache.dirname != dirname:
1593        _logger.warning("Returning module cache instance with different "
1594                        "dirname (%s) than you requested (%s)",
1595                        _module_cache.dirname, dirname)
1596    return _module_cache
1599def get_lib_extension():
1600    """
1601    Return the platform-dependent extension for compiled modules.
1603    """
1604    if sys.platform == 'win32':
1605        return 'pyd'
1606    elif sys.platform == 'cygwin':
1607        return 'dll'
1608    else:
1609        return 'so'
1612def get_gcc_shared_library_arg():
1613    """
1614    Return the platform-dependent GCC argument for shared libraries.
1616    """
1617    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
1618        return '-dynamiclib'
1619    else:
1620        return '-shared'
1623def std_include_dirs():
1624    numpy_inc_dirs = numpy.distutils.misc_util.get_numpy_include_dirs()
1625    py_inc = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc()
1626    py_plat_spec_inc = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc(plat_specific=True)
1627    python_inc_dirs = ([py_inc] if py_inc == py_plat_spec_inc
1628                       else [py_inc, py_plat_spec_inc])
1629    gof_inc_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'c_code')
1630    return numpy_inc_dirs + python_inc_dirs + [gof_inc_dir]
1633def std_lib_dirs_and_libs():
1634    # We cache the results as on Windows, this trigger file access and
1635    # this method is called many times.
1636    if std_lib_dirs_and_libs.data is not None:
1637        return std_lib_dirs_and_libs.data
1638    python_inc = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc()
1639    if sys.platform == 'win32':
1640        # Obtain the library name from the Python version instead of the
1641        # installation directory, in case the user defined a custom
1642        # installation directory.
1643        python_version = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_version()
1644        libname = 'python' + python_version.replace('.', '')
1645        # Also add directory containing the Python library to the library
1646        # directories.
1647        python_lib_dirs = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(python_inc), 'libs')]
1648        if "Canopy" in python_lib_dirs[0]:
1649            # Canopy stores libpython27.a and libmsccr90.a in this directory.
1650            # For some reason, these files are needed when compiling Python
1651            # modules, even when libpython27.lib and python27.dll are
1652            # available, and the *.a files have to be found earlier than
1653            # the other ones.
1655            # When Canopy is installed for the user:
1656            # sys.prefix:C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\User
1657            # sys.base_prefix:C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\App\appdata\canopy-
1658            # When Canopy is installed for all users:
1659            # sys.base_prefix: C:\Program Files\Enthought\Canopy\App\appdata\canopy-
1660            # sys.prefix: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\User
1661            # So we need to use sys.prefix as it support both cases.
1662            # sys.base_prefix support only one case
1663            libdir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'libs')
1665            for f, lib in [('libpython27.a', 'libpython 1.2')]:
1666                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(libdir, f)):
1667                    print(("Your Python version is from Canopy. " +
1668                           "You need to install the package '" + lib +
1669                           "' from Canopy package manager."
1670                           ))
1671            libdirs = [
1672                # Used in older Canopy
1673                os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'libs'),
1674                # Used in newer Canopy
1675                os.path.join(sys.prefix,
1676                             r'EGG-INFO\mingw\usr\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib')]
1677            for f, lib in [('libmsvcr90.a',
1678                            'mingw 4.5.2 or 4.8.1-2 (newer could work)')]:
1679                if not any([os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmp_libdir, f))
1680                            for tmp_libdir in libdirs]):
1681                    print(("Your Python version is from Canopy. " +
1682                           "You need to install the package '" + lib +
1683                           "' from Canopy package manager."
1684                           ))
1685            python_lib_dirs.insert(0, libdir)
1686        std_lib_dirs_and_libs.data = [libname], python_lib_dirs
1688    # Suppress -lpython2.x on OS X since the `-undefined dynamic_lookup`
1689    # makes it unnecessary.
1690    elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
1691        std_lib_dirs_and_libs.data = [], []
1692    else:
1693        if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy':
1694            # Assume Linux (note: Ubuntu doesn't ship this .so)
1695            if sys.version_info < (3,):
1696                libname = "pypy-c"
1697            else:
1698                libname = "pypy3-c"
1699            # Unfortunately the only convention of this .so is that it appears
1700            # next to the location of the interpreter binary.
1701            libdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.executable))
1702        else:
1703            # Assume Linux
1704            # Typical include directory: /usr/include/python2.6
1706            # get the name of the python library (shared object)
1708            libname = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var("LDLIBRARY")
1710            if libname.startswith("lib"):
1711                libname = libname[3:]
1713            # remove extension if present
1714            if libname.endswith(".so"):
1715                libname = libname[:-3]
1716            elif libname.endswith(".a"):
1717                libname = libname[:-2]
1719            libdir = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var("LIBDIR")
1721        std_lib_dirs_and_libs.data = [libname], [libdir]
1723    # sometimes, the linker cannot find -lpython so we need to tell it
1724    # explicitly where it is located this returns
1725    # somepath/lib/python2.x
1727    python_lib = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(plat_specific=1,
1728                                                    standard_lib=1)
1729    python_lib = os.path.dirname(python_lib)
1730    if python_lib not in std_lib_dirs_and_libs.data[1]:
1731        std_lib_dirs_and_libs.data[1].append(python_lib)
1732    return std_lib_dirs_and_libs.data
1733std_lib_dirs_and_libs.data = None
1736def std_libs():
1737    return std_lib_dirs_and_libs()[0]
1740def std_lib_dirs():
1741    return std_lib_dirs_and_libs()[1]
1744def gcc_version():
1745    return gcc_version_str
1748def gcc_llvm():
1749    """
1750    Detect if the g++ version used is the llvm one or not.
1752    It don't support all g++ parameters even if it support many of them.
1754    """
1755    if gcc_llvm.is_llvm is None:
1756        try:
1757            p_out = output_subprocess_Popen([theano.config.cxx, '--version'])
1758            output = p_out[0] + p_out[1]
1759        except OSError:
1760            # Typically means g++ cannot be found.
1761            # So it is not an llvm compiler.
1763            # Normally this should not happen as we should not try to
1764            # compile when g++ is not available. If this happen, it
1765            # will crash later so supposing it is not llvm is "safe".
1766            output = b('')
1767        gcc_llvm.is_llvm = b("llvm") in output
1768    return gcc_llvm.is_llvm
1770gcc_llvm.is_llvm = None
1773class Compiler(object):
1774    """
1775    Meta compiler that offer some generic function.
1777    """
1779    @classmethod
1780    def _try_compile_tmp(cls, src_code, tmp_prefix='', flags=(),
1781                         try_run=False, output=False, compiler=None,
1782                         comp_args=True):
1783        """
1784        Try to compile (and run) a test program.
1786        This is useful in various occasions, to check if libraries
1787        or compilers are behaving as expected.
1789        If try_run is True, the src_code is assumed to be executable,
1790        and will be run.
1792        If try_run is False, returns the compilation status.
1793        If try_run is True, returns a (compile_status, run_status) pair.
1794        If output is there, we append the stdout and stderr to the output.
1796        Compile arguments from the Compiler's compile_args() method are added
1797        if comp_args=True.
1798        """
1799        if not compiler:
1800            return False
1801        flags = list(flags)
1802        # Get compile arguments from compiler method if required
1803        if comp_args:
1804            args = cls.compile_args()
1805        else:
1806            args = []
1807        compilation_ok = True
1808        run_ok = False
1809        out, err = None, None
1810        try:
1811            fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.c', prefix=tmp_prefix)
1812            exe_path = path[:-2]
1813            if os.name == 'nt':
1814                path = "\"" + path + "\""
1815                exe_path = "\"" + exe_path + "\""
1816            try:
1817                # Python3 compatibility: try to cast Py3 strings as Py2 strings
1818                try:
1819                    src_code = b(src_code)
1820                except Exception:
1821                    pass
1822                os.write(fd, src_code)
1823                os.close(fd)
1824                fd = None
1825                out, err, p_ret = output_subprocess_Popen(
1826                    [compiler] + args + [path, '-o', exe_path] + flags)
1827                if p_ret != 0:
1828                    compilation_ok = False
1829                elif try_run:
1830                    out, err, p_ret = output_subprocess_Popen([exe_path])
1831                    run_ok = (p_ret == 0)
1832            finally:
1833                try:
1834                    if fd is not None:
1835                        os.close(fd)
1836                finally:
1837                    if os.path.exists(path):
1838                        os.remove(path)
1839                    if os.path.exists(exe_path):
1840                        os.remove(exe_path)
1841                    if os.path.exists(exe_path + ".exe"):
1842                        os.remove(exe_path + ".exe")
1843        except OSError as e:
1844            if err is None:
1845                err = str(e)
1846            else:
1847                err = str(err) + "\n" + str(e)
1848            compilation_ok = False
1850        if not try_run and not output:
1851            return compilation_ok
1852        elif not try_run and output:
1853            return (compilation_ok, out, err)
1854        elif not output:
1855            return (compilation_ok, run_ok)
1856        else:
1857            return (compilation_ok, run_ok, out, err)
1859    @classmethod
1860    def _try_flags(cls, flag_list, preambule="", body="",
1861                   try_run=False, output=False, compiler=None,
1862                   comp_args=True):
1863        """
1864        Try to compile a dummy file with these flags.
1866        Returns True if compilation was successful, False if there
1867        were errors.
1869        Compile arguments from the Compiler's compile_args() method are added
1870        if comp_args=True.
1872        """
1873        if not compiler:
1874            return False
1876        code = b("""
1877        %(preambule)s
1878        int main(int argc, char** argv)
1879        {
1880            %(body)s
1881            return 0;
1882        }
1883        """ % locals())
1884        return cls._try_compile_tmp(code, tmp_prefix='try_flags_',
1885                                    flags=flag_list, try_run=try_run,
1886                                    output=output, compiler=compiler,
1887                                    comp_args=comp_args)
1890def try_march_flag(flags):
1891    """
1892        Try to compile and run a simple C snippet using current flags.
1893        Return: compilation success (True/False), execution success (True/False)
1894    """
1895    test_code = textwrap.dedent("""\
1896            #include <cmath>
1897            using namespace std;
1898            int main(int argc, char** argv)
1899            {
1900                float Nx = -1.3787706641;
1901                float Sx = 25.0;
1902                double r = Nx + sqrt(Sx);
1903                if (abs(r - 3.621229) > 0.01)
1904                {
1905                    return -1;
1906                }
1907                return 0;
1908            }
1909            """)
1911    cflags = flags + ['-L' + d for d in theano.gof.cmodule.std_lib_dirs()]
1912    compilation_result, execution_result = GCC_compiler.try_compile_tmp(
1913        test_code, tmp_prefix='try_march_',
1914        flags=cflags, try_run=True)
1915    return compilation_result, execution_result
1918class GCC_compiler(Compiler):
1919    # The equivalent flags of --march=native used by g++.
1920    march_flags = None
1922    supports_amdlibm = True
1924    @staticmethod
1925    def version_str():
1926        return theano.config.cxx + " " + gcc_version_str
1928    @staticmethod
1929    def compile_args(march_flags=True):
1930        cxxflags = [flag for flag in config.gcc.cxxflags.split(' ') if flag]
1931        if "-fopenmp" in cxxflags:
1932            raise ValueError(
1933                "Do not use -fopenmp in Theano flag gcc.cxxflags."
1934                " To enable OpenMP, use the Theano flag openmp=True")
1935        # Add the equivalent of -march=native flag.  We can't use
1936        # -march=native as when the compiledir is shared by multiple
1937        # computers (for example, if the home directory is on NFS), this
1938        # won't be optimum or cause crash depending if the file is compiled
1939        # on an older or more recent computer.
1940        # Those URL discuss how to find witch flags are used by -march=native.
1941        # http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Safe_Cflags#-march.3Dnative
1942        # http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Hardware_CFLAGS
1943        detect_march = GCC_compiler.march_flags is None and march_flags
1944        if detect_march:
1945            for f in cxxflags:
1946                # If the user give an -march=X parameter, don't add one ourself
1947                if ((f.startswith("--march=") or f.startswith("-march="))):
1948                    detect_march = False
1949                    GCC_compiler.march_flags = []
1950                    break
1952        if ('g++' not in theano.config.cxx and
1953                'clang++' not in theano.config.cxx and
1954                'clang-omp++' not in theano.config.cxx and
1955                'icpc' not in theano.config.cxx):
1956            _logger.warn(
1957                "OPTIMIZATION WARNING: your Theano flag `cxx` seems not to be"
1958                " the g++ compiler. So we disable the compiler optimization"
1959                " specific to g++ that tell to compile for a specific CPU."
1960                " At worst, this could cause slow down.\n"
1961                "         You can add those parameters to the compiler yourself"
1962                " via the Theano flag `gcc.cxxflags`."
1963            )
1964            detect_march = False
1966        if detect_march:
1967            GCC_compiler.march_flags = []
1969            def get_lines(cmd, parse=True):
1970                p = subprocess_Popen(cmd,
1971                                     stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
1972                                     stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
1973                                     stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
1974                                     shell=True)
1975                # For mingw64 with GCC >= 4.7, passing os.devnull
1976                # as stdin (which is the default) results in the process
1977                # waiting forever without returning. For that reason,
1978                # we use a pipe, and use the empty string as input.
1979                (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate(input=b(''))
1980                if p.returncode != 0:
1981                    return None
1983                lines = BytesIO(stdout + stderr).readlines()
1984                lines = decode_iter(lines)
1985                if parse:
1986                    selected_lines = []
1987                    for line in lines:
1988                        if ("COLLECT_GCC_OPTIONS=" in line or
1989                                "CFLAGS=" in line or
1990                                "CXXFLAGS=" in line or
1991                                "-march=native" in line):
1992                            continue
1993                        for reg in ["-march=", "-mtune=",
1994                                    "-target-cpu", "-mabi="]:
1995                            if reg in line:
1996                                selected_lines.append(line.strip())
1997                    lines = list(set(selected_lines))  # to remove duplicate
1999                return lines
2001            # The '-' at the end is needed. Otherwise, g++ do not output
2002            # enough information.
2003            native_lines = get_lines("%s -march=native -E -v -" % theano.config.cxx)
2004            if native_lines is None:
2005                _logger.info("Call to 'g++ -march=native' failed,"
2006                             "not setting -march flag")
2007                detect_march = False
2008            else:
2009                _logger.info("g++ -march=native selected lines: %s",
2010                             native_lines)
2012        if detect_march:
2013            if len(native_lines) != 1:
2014                if len(native_lines) == 0:
2015                    # That means we did not select the right lines, so
2016                    # we have to report all the lines instead
2017                    reported_lines = get_lines("%s -march=native -E -v -" % theano.config.cxx,
2018                                               parse=False)
2019                else:
2020                    reported_lines = native_lines
2021                _logger.warn(
2022                    "OPTIMIZATION WARNING: Theano was not able to find the"
2023                    " g++ parameters that tune the compilation to your "
2024                    " specific CPU. This can slow down the execution of Theano"
2025                    " functions. Please submit the following lines to"
2026                    " Theano's mailing list so that we can fix this"
2027                    " problem:\n %s",
2028                    reported_lines)
2029            else:
2030                default_lines = get_lines("%s -E -v -" % theano.config.cxx)
2031                _logger.info("g++ default lines: %s", default_lines)
2032                if len(default_lines) < 1:
2033                    _logger.warn(
2034                        "OPTIMIZATION WARNING: Theano was not able to find the"
2035                        " default g++ parameters. This is needed to tune"
2036                        " the compilation to your specific"
2037                        " CPU. This can slow down the execution of Theano"
2038                        " functions. Please submit the following lines to"
2039                        " Theano's mailing list so that we can fix this"
2040                        " problem:\n %s",
2041                        get_lines("%s -E -v -" % theano.config.cxx, parse=False))
2042                else:
2043                    # Some options are actually given as "-option value",
2044                    # we want to treat them as only one token when comparing
2045                    # different command lines.
2046                    # Heuristic: tokens not starting with a dash should be
2047                    # joined with the previous one.
2048                    def join_options(init_part):
2049                        new_part = []
2050                        for i in range(len(init_part)):
2051                            p = init_part[i]
2052                            if p.startswith('-'):
2053                                p_list = [p]
2054                                while ((i + 1 < len(init_part)) and
2055                                       not init_part[i + 1].startswith('-')):
2056                                    # append that next part to p_list
2057                                    p_list.append(init_part[i + 1])
2058                                    i += 1
2059                                new_part.append(' '.join(p_list))
2060                            elif i == 0:
2061                                # The first argument does not usually start
2062                                # with "-", still add it
2063                                new_part.append(p)
2064                            # Else, skip it, as it was already included
2065                            # with the previous part.
2066                        return new_part
2068                    part = join_options(native_lines[0].split())
2070                    for line in default_lines:
2071                        if line.startswith(part[0]):
2072                            part2 = [p for p in join_options(line.split())
2073                                     if ('march' not in p and
2074                                         'mtune' not in p and
2075                                         'target-cpu' not in p)]
2076                            if sys.platform == 'darwin':
2077                                # We only use translated target-cpu on
2078                                # mac since the other flags are not
2079                                # supported as compiler flags for the
2080                                # driver.
2081                                new_flags = [p for p in part if 'target-cpu' in p]
2082                            else:
2083                                new_flags = [p for p in part if p not in part2]
2084                            # Replace '-target-cpu value', which is an option
2085                            # of clang, with '-march=value'.
2086                            for i, p in enumerate(new_flags):
2087                                if 'target-cpu' in p:
2088                                    opt = p.split()
2089                                    if len(opt) == 2:
2090                                        opt_name, opt_val = opt
2091                                        new_flags[i] = '-march=%s' % opt_val
2093                            # Some versions of GCC report the native arch
2094                            # as "corei7-avx", but it generates illegal
2095                            # instructions, and should be "corei7" instead.
2096                            # Affected versions are:
2097                            # - 4.6 before 4.6.4
2098                            # - 4.7 before 4.7.3
2099                            # - 4.8 before 4.8.1
2100                            # Earlier versions did not have arch "corei7-avx"
2101                            for i, p in enumerate(new_flags):
2102                                if 'march' not in p:
2103                                    continue
2104                                opt = p.split('=')
2105                                if len(opt) != 2:
2106                                    # Inexpected, but do not crash
2107                                    continue
2108                                opt_val = opt[1]
2109                                if not opt_val.endswith('-avx'):
2110                                    # OK
2111                                    continue
2112                                # Check the version of GCC
2113                                version = gcc_version_str.split('.')
2114                                if len(version) != 3:
2115                                    # Unexpected, but should not be a problem
2116                                    continue
2117                                mj, mn, patch = [int(vp) for vp in version]
2118                                if (((mj, mn) == (4, 6) and patch < 4) or
2119                                        ((mj, mn) == (4, 7) and patch <= 3) or
2120                                        ((mj, mn) == (4, 8) and patch < 1)):
2121                                    new_flags[i] = p.rstrip('-avx')
2123                            # Go back to split arguments, like
2124                            # ["-option", "value"],
2125                            # as this is the way g++ expects them split.
2126                            split_flags = []
2127                            for p in new_flags:
2128                                split_flags.extend(p.split())
2130                            GCC_compiler.march_flags = split_flags
2131                            break
2132                    _logger.info("g++ -march=native equivalent flags: %s",
2133                                 GCC_compiler.march_flags)
2135            # Find working march flag:
2136            #   -- if current GCC_compiler.march_flags works, we're done.
2137            #   -- else replace -march and -mtune with ['core-i7-avx', 'core-i7', 'core2']
2138            #      and retry with all other flags and arguments intact.
2139            #   -- else remove all other flags and only try with -march = default + flags_to_try.
2140            #   -- if none of that worked, set GCC_compiler.march_flags = [] (for x86).
2142            default_compilation_result, default_execution_result = try_march_flag(GCC_compiler.march_flags)
2143            if not default_compilation_result or not default_execution_result:
2144                march_success = False
2145                march_ind = None
2146                mtune_ind = None
2147                default_detected_flag = []
2148                march_flags_to_try = ['corei7-avx', 'corei7', 'core2']
2150                for m_ in xrange(len(GCC_compiler.march_flags)):
2151                    march_flag = GCC_compiler.march_flags[m_]
2152                    if 'march' in march_flag:
2153                        march_ind = m_
2154                        default_detected_flag = [march_flag]
2155                    elif 'mtune' in march_flag:
2156                        mtune_ind = m_
2158                for march_flag in march_flags_to_try:
2159                    if march_ind is not None:
2160                        GCC_compiler.march_flags[march_ind] = '-march=' + march_flag
2161                    if mtune_ind is not None:
2162                        GCC_compiler.march_flags[mtune_ind] = '-mtune=' + march_flag
2164                    compilation_result, execution_result = try_march_flag(GCC_compiler.march_flags)
2166                    if compilation_result and execution_result:
2167                        march_success = True
2168                        break
2170                if not march_success:
2171                    # perhaps one of the other flags was problematic; try default flag in isolation again:
2172                    march_flags_to_try = default_detected_flag + march_flags_to_try
2173                    for march_flag in march_flags_to_try:
2174                        compilation_result, execution_result = try_march_flag(['-march=' + march_flag])
2175                        if compilation_result and execution_result:
2176                            march_success = True
2177                            GCC_compiler.march_flags = ['-march=' + march_flag]
2178                            break
2180                if not march_success:
2181                    GCC_compiler.march_flags = []
2183        # Add the detected -march=native equivalent flags
2184        if march_flags and GCC_compiler.march_flags:
2185            cxxflags.extend(GCC_compiler.march_flags)
2187        # NumPy 1.7 Deprecate the old API.
2188        # The following macro asserts that we don't bring new code
2189        # that use the old API.
2190        cxxflags.append("-DNPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API=NPY_1_7_API_VERSION")
2192        # Platform-specific flags.
2193        # We put them here, rather than in compile_str(), so they en up
2194        # in the key of the compiled module, avoiding potential conflicts.
2196        # Figure out whether the current Python executable is 32
2197        # or 64 bit and compile accordingly. This step is ignored for
2198        # ARM (32-bit and 64-bit) architectures in order to make
2199        # Theano compatible with the Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi 2, or
2200        # other systems with ARM processors.
2201        if (not any(['arm' in flag for flag in cxxflags]) and
2202                not any(arch in platform.machine() for arch in ['arm', 'aarch'])):
2203            n_bits = local_bitwidth()
2204            cxxflags.append('-m%d' % n_bits)
2205            _logger.debug("Compiling for %s bit architecture", n_bits)
2207        if sys.platform != 'win32':
2208            # Under Windows it looks like fPIC is useless. Compiler warning:
2209            # '-fPIC ignored for target (all code is position independent)'
2210            cxxflags.append('-fPIC')
2212        if sys.platform == 'win32' and local_bitwidth() == 64:
2213            # Under 64-bit Windows installation, sys.platform is 'win32'.
2214            # We need to define MS_WIN64 for the preprocessor to be able to
2215            # link with libpython.
2216            cxxflags.append('-DMS_WIN64')
2218        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
2219            # Use the already-loaded python symbols.
2220            cxxflags.extend(['-undefined', 'dynamic_lookup'])
2222        if sys.platform == 'win32':
2223            # Workaround for https://github.com/Theano/Theano/issues/4926.
2224            # https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/11283/ removed the "hypot"
2225            # redefinition for recent CPython versions (>=2.7.16 and >=3.7.3).
2226            # The following nullifies that redefinition, if it is found.
2227            python_version = sys.version_info[:3]
2228            if python_version < (2, 7, 16) or (3,) <= python_version < (3, 7, 3):
2229                config_h_filename = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_h_filename()
2230                try:
2231                    with open(config_h_filename) as config_h:
2232                        if any(line.startswith('#define hypot _hypot') for line in config_h):
2233                            cxxflags.append('-D_hypot=hypot')
2234                except IOError:
2235                    pass
2237        return cxxflags
2239    @classmethod
2240    def try_compile_tmp(cls, src_code, tmp_prefix='', flags=(),
2241                        try_run=False, output=False, comp_args=True):
2242        return cls._try_compile_tmp(src_code, tmp_prefix, flags,
2243                                    try_run, output, theano.config.cxx,
2244                                    comp_args)
2246    @classmethod
2247    def try_flags(cls, flag_list, preambule="", body="",
2248                  try_run=False, output=False, comp_args=True):
2249        return cls._try_flags(flag_list, preambule, body, try_run, output,
2250                              theano.config.cxx, comp_args)
2252    @staticmethod
2253    def compile_str(module_name, src_code, location=None,
2254                    include_dirs=None, lib_dirs=None, libs=None,
2255                    preargs=None, py_module=True, hide_symbols=True):
2256        """
2257        Parameters
2258        ----------
2259        module_name : str
2260            This has been embedded in the src_code.
2261        src_code
2262            A complete c or c++ source listing for the module.
2263        location
2264            A pre-existing filesystem directory where the cpp file and .so will
2265            be written.
2266        include_dirs
2267            A list of include directory names (each gets prefixed with -I).
2268        lib_dirs
2269            A list of library search path directory names (each gets prefixed
2270            with -L).
2271        libs
2272            A list of libraries to link with (each gets prefixed with -l).
2273        preargs
2274            A list of extra compiler arguments.
2275        py_module
2276            If False, compile to a shared library, but do not import it as a
2277            Python module.
2278        hide_symbols
2279            If True (the default) all symbols will be hidden from the library
2280            symbol table (which means that other objects can't use them).
2282        Returns
2283        -------
2284        object
2285            Dynamically-imported python module of the compiled code (unless
2286            py_module is False, in that case returns None).
2288        """
2289        # TODO: Do not do the dlimport in this function
2291        if not theano.config.cxx:
2292            raise MissingGXX("g++ not available! We can't compile c code.")
2294        if include_dirs is None:
2295            include_dirs = []
2296        if lib_dirs is None:
2297            lib_dirs = []
2298        if libs is None:
2299            libs = []
2300        if preargs is None:
2301            preargs = []
2303        # Remove empty string directory
2304        include_dirs = [d for d in include_dirs if d]
2305        lib_dirs = [d for d in lib_dirs if d]
2307        include_dirs = include_dirs + std_include_dirs()
2308        libs = libs + std_libs()
2309        lib_dirs = lib_dirs + std_lib_dirs()
2311        cppfilename = os.path.join(location, 'mod.cpp')
2312        with open(cppfilename, 'w') as cppfile:
2314            _logger.debug('Writing module C++ code to %s', cppfilename)
2316            cppfile.write(src_code)
2317            # Avoid gcc warning "no newline at end of file".
2318            if not src_code.endswith('\n'):
2319                cppfile.write('\n')
2321        if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy':
2322            suffix = '.' + get_lib_extension()
2324            dist_suffix = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var("SO")
2325            if dist_suffix is not None and dist_suffix != '':
2326                suffix = dist_suffix
2328            filepath = '%s%s' % (module_name, suffix)
2329        else:
2330            filepath = '%s.%s' % (module_name, get_lib_extension())
2332        lib_filename = os.path.join(location, filepath)
2334        _logger.debug('Generating shared lib %s', lib_filename)
2335        cmd = [theano.config.cxx, get_gcc_shared_library_arg(), '-g']
2337        if config.cmodule.remove_gxx_opt:
2338            cmd.extend(p for p in preargs if not p.startswith('-O'))
2339        else:
2340            cmd.extend(preargs)
2341        # to support path that includes spaces, we need to wrap it with double quotes on Windows
2342        path_wrapper = "\"" if os.name == 'nt' else ""
2343        cmd.extend(['-I%s%s%s' % (path_wrapper, idir, path_wrapper) for idir in include_dirs])
2344        cmd.extend(['-L%s%s%s' % (path_wrapper, ldir, path_wrapper) for ldir in lib_dirs])
2345        if hide_symbols and sys.platform != 'win32':
2346            # This has been available since gcc 4.0 so we suppose it
2347            # is always available. We pass it here since it
2348            # significantly reduces the size of the symbol table for
2349            # the objects we want to share. This in turns leads to
2350            # improved loading times on most platforms (win32 is
2351            # different, as usual).
2352            cmd.append('-fvisibility=hidden')
2353        cmd.extend(['-o', '%s%s%s' % (path_wrapper, lib_filename, path_wrapper)])
2354        cmd.append('%s%s%s' % (path_wrapper, cppfilename, path_wrapper))
2355        cmd.extend(['-l%s' % l for l in libs])
2356        # print >> sys.stderr, 'COMPILING W CMD', cmd
2357        _logger.debug('Running cmd: %s', ' '.join(cmd))
2359        def print_command_line_error():
2360            # Print command line when a problem occurred.
2361            print(("Problem occurred during compilation with the "
2362                   "command line below:"), file=sys.stderr)
2363            print(' '.join(cmd), file=sys.stderr)
2365        try:
2366            p_out = output_subprocess_Popen(cmd)
2367            compile_stderr = decode(p_out[1])
2368        except Exception:
2369            # An exception can occur e.g. if `g++` is not found.
2370            print_command_line_error()
2371            raise
2373        status = p_out[2]
2375        if status:
2376            tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
2377                mode='w',
2378                prefix='theano_compilation_error_',
2379                delete=False
2380            )
2381            # gcc put its messages to stderr, so we add ours now
2382            tf.write('===============================\n')
2383            for i, l in enumerate(src_code.split('\n')):
2384                tf.write('%05i\t%s\n' % (i + 1, l))
2385            tf.write('===============================\n')
2386            tf.write("Problem occurred during compilation with the "
2387                     "command line below:\n")
2388            tf.write(' '.join(cmd))
2389            # Print errors just below the command line.
2390            tf.write(compile_stderr)
2391            tf.close()
2392            print('\nYou can find the C code in this temporary file: ' + tf.name)
2393            not_found_libraries = re.findall('-l["."-_a-zA-Z0-9]*', compile_stderr)
2394            for nf_lib in not_found_libraries:
2395                print('library ' + nf_lib[2:] + ' is not found.')
2396                if re.search('-lPYTHON[".0-9]*', nf_lib, re.IGNORECASE):
2397                    py_string = re.search('-lpython[".0-9]*', nf_lib, re.IGNORECASE).group()[8:]
2398                    if py_string != '':
2399                        print(
2400                            'Check if package python-dev ' + py_string + ' or python-devel ' + py_string + ' is installed.'
2401                        )
2402                    else:
2403                        print(
2404                            'Check if package python-dev or python-devel is installed.'
2405                        )
2407            # We replace '\n' by '. ' in the error message because when Python
2408            # prints the exception, having '\n' in the text makes it more
2409            # difficult to read.
2410            raise Exception('Compilation failed (return status=%s): %s' %
2411                            (status, compile_stderr.replace('\n', '. ')))
2412        elif config.cmodule.compilation_warning and compile_stderr:
2413            # Print errors just below the command line.
2414            print(compile_stderr)
2416        if py_module:
2417            # touch the __init__ file
2418            open(os.path.join(location, "__init__.py"), 'w').close()
2419            assert os.path.isfile(lib_filename)
2420            return dlimport(lib_filename)
2423def icc_module_compile_str(*args):
2424    raise NotImplementedError()