1 /* $Id$ $Revision$ */
2 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 ts=8: */
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (c) 2011 AT&T Intellectual Property
6  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
7  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
8  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
9  * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
10  *
11  * Contributors: See CVS logs. Details at http://www.graphviz.org/
12  *************************************************************************/
14 #ifndef GV_TYPES_H
15 #define GV_TYPES_H
17 /* Define if you want CGRAPH */
18 #define WITH_CGRAPH 1
20 #include <stdio.h>
21 #include <assert.h>
22 #include <signal.h>
24 typedef unsigned char boolean;
25 #ifndef NOT
26 #define NOT(v) (!(v))
27 #endif
28 #ifndef FALSE
29 #define FALSE 0
30 #endif
31 #ifndef TRUE
32 #define TRUE NOT(FALSE)
33 #endif
35 #include "geom.h"
36 #include "gvcext.h"
37 #include "pathgeom.h"
38 #include "textspan.h"
39 #include "cgraph.h"
41 #ifdef __cplusplus
42 extern "C" {
43 #endif
45     typedef int (*qsort_cmpf) (const void *, const void *);
46     typedef int (*bsearch_cmpf) (const void *, const void *);
47     typedef struct Agraph_s graph_t;
48     typedef struct Agnode_s node_t;
49     typedef struct Agedge_s edge_t;
50     typedef struct Agsym_s attrsym_t;
51 #define TAIL_ID "tailport"
52 #define HEAD_ID "headport"
54     typedef struct htmllabel_t htmllabel_t;
56     typedef union inside_t {
57 	struct {
58 	    pointf* p;
59 	    double* r;
60 	} a;
61 	struct {
62 	    node_t* n;
63 	    boxf*    bp;
64 	} s;
65     } inside_t;
67     typedef struct port {	/* internal edge endpoint specification */
68 	pointf p;		/* aiming point relative to node center */
69 	double theta;		/* slope in radians */
70 	boxf *bp;		/* if not null, points to bbox of
71 				 * rectangular area that is port target
72 				 */
73 	boolean	defined;        /* if true, edge has port info at this end */
74 	boolean	constrained;    /* if true, constraints such as theta are set */
75 	boolean clip;           /* if true, clip end to node/port shape */
76 	boolean dyna;           /* if true, assign compass point dynamically */
77 	unsigned char order;	/* for mincross */
78 	unsigned char side;	/* if port is on perimeter of node, this
79                                  * contains the bitwise OR of the sides (TOP,
80                                  * BOTTOM, etc.) it is on.
81                                  */
82 	char *name;		/* port name, if it was explicitly given, otherwise NULL */
83     } port;
85     typedef struct {
86 	boolean(*swapEnds) (edge_t * e);	/* Should head and tail be swapped? */
87 	boolean(*splineMerge) (node_t * n);	/* Is n a node in the middle of an edge? */
88 	boolean ignoreSwap;                     /* Test for swapped edges if false */
89 	boolean isOrtho;                        /* Orthogonal routing used */
90     } splineInfo;
92     typedef struct pathend_t {
93 	boxf nb;			/* the node box */
94 	pointf np;		/* node port */
95 	int sidemask;
96 	int boxn;
97 	boxf boxes[20];
98     } pathend_t;
100     typedef struct path {	/* internal specification for an edge spline */
101 	port start;
102 	port end;
103 	int nbox;		/* number of subdivisions */
104 	boxf *boxes;		/* rectangular regions of subdivision */
105 	void *data;
106     } path;
108     typedef struct bezier {
109 	pointf *list;
110 	int size;
111 	int sflag;
112 	int eflag;
113 	pointf sp;
114 	pointf ep;
115     } bezier;
117     typedef struct splines {
118 	bezier *list;
119 	int size;
120 	boxf bb;
121     } splines;
123     typedef struct textlabel_t {
124 	char *text;
125 	char *fontname;
126 	char *fontcolor;
127 	int charset;
128 	double fontsize;
129 	pointf dimen; /* the diagonal size of the label (estimated by layout) */
130 	pointf space; /* the diagonal size of the space for the label */
131 		      /*   the rendered label is aligned in this box */
132 		      /*   space does not include pad or margin */
133 	pointf pos;   /* the center of the space for the label */
134 	union {
135 	    struct {
136 		textspan_t *span;
137 		short nspans;
138 	    } txt;
139 	    htmllabel_t *html;
140 	} u;
141 	char valign;  /* 't' 'c' 'b' */
142 	boolean set;  /* true if position is set */
143 	boolean html; /* true if html label */
144     } textlabel_t;
146     typedef struct polygon_t {	/* mutable shape information for a node */
147 	int regular;		/* true for symmetric shapes */
148 	int peripheries;	/* number of periphery lines */
149 	int sides;		/* number of sides */
150 	double orientation;	/* orientation of shape (+ve degrees) */
151 	double distortion;	/* distortion factor - as in trapezium */
152 	double skew;		/* skew factor - as in parallelogram */
153 	int option;		/* ROUNDED, DIAGONAL corners, etc. */
154 	pointf *vertices;	/* array of vertex points */
155     } polygon_t;
157     typedef struct stroke_t {	/* information about a single stroke */
158 	/* we would have called it a path if that term wasn't already used */
159 	int nvertices;		/* number of points in the stroke */
160 	int flags;		/* stroke style flags */
161 	pointf *vertices;	/* array of vertex points */
162     } stroke_t;
164 /* flag definitions for stroke_t */
165 #define STROKE_CLOSED (1 << 0)
166 #define STROKE_FILLED (1 << 1)
167 #define STROKE_PENDOWN (1 << 2)
168 #define STROKE_VERTICES_ALLOCATED (1 << 3)
170     typedef struct shape_t {	/* mutable shape information for a node */
171 	int nstrokes;		/* number of strokes in array */
172 	stroke_t *strokes;	/* array of strokes */
173 	/* The last stroke must always be closed, but can be pen_up.
174 	 * It is used as the clipping path */
175     } shape_t;
177     typedef struct shape_functions {	/* read-only shape functions */
178 	void (*initfn) (node_t *);	/* initializes shape from node u.shape_info structure */
179 	void (*freefn) (node_t *);	/* frees  shape from node u.shape_info structure */
180 	 port(*portfn) (node_t *, char *, char *);	/* finds aiming point and slope of port */
181 	 boolean(*insidefn) (inside_t * inside_context, pointf);	/* clips incident gvc->e spline on shape of gvc->n */
182 	int (*pboxfn)(node_t* n, port* p, int side, boxf rv[], int *kptr); /* finds box path to reach port */
183 	void (*codefn) (GVJ_t * job, node_t * n);	/* emits graphics code for node */
184     } shape_functions;
186     typedef enum { SH_UNSET, SH_POLY, SH_RECORD, SH_POINT, SH_EPSF} shape_kind;
188     typedef struct shape_desc {	/* read-only shape descriptor */
189 	char *name;		/* as read from graph file */
190 	shape_functions *fns;
191 	polygon_t *polygon;	/* base polygon info */
192 	boolean usershape;
193     } shape_desc;
195 #include "usershape.h"		/* usershapes needed by gvc */
197     typedef struct nodequeue {
198 	node_t **store;
199 	node_t **limit;
200 	node_t **head;
201 	node_t **tail;
202     } nodequeue;
204     typedef struct adjmatrix_t {
205 	int nrows;
206 	int ncols;
207 	char *data;
208     } adjmatrix_t;
210     typedef struct rank_t {
211 	int n;			/* number of nodes in this rank  */
212 	node_t **v;		/* ordered list of nodes in rank    */
213 	int an;			/* globally allocated number of nodes   */
214 	node_t **av;		/* allocated list of nodes in rank  */
215 	double ht1;	/* height below/above centerline    */
216 	double ht2;	/* height below/above centerline    */
217 	double pht1;	/* as above, but only primitive nodes   */
218 	double pht2;	/* as above, but only primitive nodes   */
219 	boolean candidate;	/* for transpose () */
220 	boolean valid;
221 	int cache_nc;		/* caches number of crossings */
222 	adjmatrix_t *flat;
223     } rank_t;
225     typedef enum { R_NONE =
226 	    0, R_VALUE, R_FILL, R_COMPRESS, R_AUTO, R_EXPAND } ratio_t;
228     typedef struct layout_t {
229 	double quantum;
230 	double scale;
231 	double ratio;		/* set only if ratio_kind == R_VALUE */
232 	double dpi;
233 	pointf margin;
234 	pointf page;
235 	pointf size;
236 	boolean filled;
237 	boolean landscape;
238 	boolean centered;
239 	ratio_t ratio_kind;
240 	void* xdots;
241 	char* id;
242     } layout_t;
244 /* for "record" shapes */
245     typedef struct field_t {
246 	pointf size;		/* its dimension */
247 	boxf b;			/* its placement in node's coordinates */
248 	int n_flds;
249 	textlabel_t *lp;	/* n_flds == 0 */
250 	struct field_t **fld;	/* n_flds > 0 */
251 	char *id;		/* user's identifier */
252 	unsigned char LR;	/* if box list is horizontal (left to right) */
253 	unsigned char sides;    /* sides of node exposed to field */
254     } field_t;
256     typedef struct nlist_t {
257 	node_t **list;
258 	int size;
259     } nlist_t;
261     typedef struct elist {
262 	edge_t **list;
263 	int size;
264     } elist;
266 #define GUI_STATE_ACTIVE    (1<<0)
267 #define GUI_STATE_SELECTED  (1<<1)
268 #define GUI_STATE_VISITED   (1<<2)
269 #define GUI_STATE_DELETED   (1<<3)
271 #define elist_fastapp(item,L) do {L.list[L.size++] = item; L.list[L.size] = NULL;} while(0)
272 #define elist_append(item,L)  do {L.list = ALLOC(L.size + 2,L.list,edge_t*); L.list[L.size++] = item; L.list[L.size] = NULL;} while(0)
273 #define alloc_elist(n,L)      do {L.size = 0; L.list = N_NEW(n + 1,edge_t*); } while (0)
274 #define free_list(L)          do {if (L.list) free(L.list);} while (0)
276 typedef enum {NATIVEFONTS,PSFONTS,SVGFONTS} fontname_kind;
278     typedef struct Agraphinfo_t {
279 	Agrec_t hdr;
280 	/* to generate code */
281 	layout_t *drawing;
282 	textlabel_t *label;	/* if the cluster has a title */
283 	boxf bb;			/* bounding box */
284 	pointf border[4];	/* sizes of margins for graph labels */
285 	unsigned char gui_state; /* Graph state for GUI ops */
286 	unsigned char has_labels;
287 	boolean has_images;
288 	unsigned char charset; /* input character set */
289 	int rankdir;
290 	double ht1; /* below and above extremal ranks */
291 	double ht2; /* below and above extremal ranks */
292 	unsigned short flags;
293 	void *alg;
294 	GVC_t *gvc;	/* context for "globals" over multiple graphs */
295 	void (*cleanup) (graph_t * g);   /* function to deallocate layout-specific data */
297 #ifndef DOT_ONLY
298 	/* to place nodes */
299 	node_t **neato_nlist;
300 	int move;
301 	double **dist;
302 	double **spring;
303 	double **sum_t;
304 	double ***t;
305 	unsigned short ndim;
306 	unsigned short odim;
307 #endif
308 #ifndef NEATO_ONLY
309 	/* to have subgraphs */
310 	int n_cluster;
311 	graph_t **clust;	/* clusters are in clust[1..n_cluster] !!! */
312 	graph_t *dotroot;
313 	node_t *nlist;
314 	rank_t *rank;
315 	graph_t *parent;        /* containing cluster (not parent subgraph) */
316 	int level;		/* cluster nesting level (not node level!) */
317 	node_t *minrep; /* set leaders for min and max rank */
318 	node_t *maxrep;	/* set leaders for min and max rank */
320 	/* fast graph node list */
321 	nlist_t comp;
322 	/* connected components */
323 	node_t *minset; /* set leaders */
324 	node_t *maxset;	/* set leaders */
325 	long n_nodes;
326 	/* includes virtual */
327 	int minrank;
328 	int maxrank;
330 	/* various flags */
331 	boolean has_flat_edges;
332 	boolean has_sourcerank;
333 	boolean has_sinkrank;
334 	unsigned char	showboxes;
335 	fontname_kind fontnames;		/* to override mangling in SVG */
337 	int nodesep;
338 	int ranksep;
339 	node_t *ln; /* left nodes of bounding box */
340 	node_t *rn; /* right nodes of bounding box */
342 	/* for clusters */
343 	node_t *leader;
344 	node_t **rankleader;
345 	boolean expanded;
346 	char installed;
347 	char set_type;
348 	char label_pos;
349 	boolean exact_ranksep;
350 #endif
352     } Agraphinfo_t;
354 #define GD_parent(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->parent)
355 #define GD_level(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->level)
356 #define GD_drawing(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->drawing)
357 #define GD_bb(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->bb)
358 #define GD_gvc(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->gvc)
359 #define GD_cleanup(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->cleanup)
360 #define GD_dist(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->dist)
361 #define GD_alg(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->alg)
362 #define GD_border(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->border)
363 #define GD_cl_cnt(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->cl_nt)
364 #define GD_clust(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->clust)
365 #define GD_dotroot(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->dotroot)
366 #define GD_comp(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->comp)
367 #define GD_exact_ranksep(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->exact_ranksep)
368 #define GD_expanded(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->expanded)
369 #define GD_flags(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->flags)
370 #define GD_gui_state(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->gui_state)
371 #define GD_charset(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->charset)
372 #define GD_has_labels(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->has_labels)
373 #define GD_has_images(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->has_images)
374 #define GD_has_flat_edges(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->has_flat_edges)
375 #define GD_has_sourcerank(g)	(((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->has_sourcerank)
376 #define GD_has_sinkrank(g)	(((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->has_sinkrank)
377 #define GD_ht1(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->ht1)
378 #define GD_ht2(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->ht2)
379 #define GD_inleaf(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->inleaf)
380 #define GD_installed(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->installed)
381 #define GD_label(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->label)
382 #define GD_leader(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->leader)
383 #define GD_rankdir2(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->rankdir)
384 #define GD_rankdir(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->rankdir & 0x3)
385 #define GD_flip(g) (GD_rankdir(g) & 1)
386 #define GD_realrankdir(g) ((((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->rankdir) >> 2)
387 #define GD_realflip(g) (GD_realrankdir(g) & 1)
388 #define GD_ln(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->ln)
389 #define GD_maxrank(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->maxrank)
390 #define GD_maxset(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->maxset)
391 #define GD_minrank(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->minrank)
392 #define GD_minset(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->minset)
393 #define GD_minrep(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->minrep)
394 #define GD_maxrep(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->maxrep)
395 #define GD_move(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->move)
396 #define GD_n_cluster(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->n_cluster)
397 #define GD_n_nodes(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->n_nodes)
398 #define GD_ndim(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->ndim)
399 #define GD_odim(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->odim)
400 #define GD_neato_nlist(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->neato_nlist)
401 #define GD_nlist(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->nlist)
402 #define GD_nodesep(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->nodesep)
403 #define GD_outleaf(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->outleaf)
404 #define GD_rank(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->rank)
405 #define GD_rankleader(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->rankleader)
406 #define GD_ranksep(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->ranksep)
407 #define GD_rn(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->rn)
408 #define GD_set_type(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->set_type)
409 #define GD_label_pos(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->label_pos)
410 #define GD_showboxes(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->showboxes)
411 #define GD_fontnames(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->fontnames)
412 #define GD_spring(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->spring)
413 #define GD_sum_t(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->sum_t)
414 #define GD_t(g) (((Agraphinfo_t*)AGDATA(g))->t)
416     typedef struct Agnodeinfo_t {
417 	Agrec_t hdr;
418 	shape_desc *shape;
419 	void *shape_info;
420 	pointf coord;
421 	double width;   /* inches */
422 	double height;  /* inches */
423 	boxf bb;
424 	double ht;
425 	double lw;
426 	double rw;
427 	textlabel_t *label;
428 	textlabel_t *xlabel;
429 	void *alg;
430 	char state;
431 	unsigned char gui_state; /* Node state for GUI ops */
432 	boolean clustnode;
434 #ifndef DOT_ONLY
435 	unsigned char pinned;
436 	int id;
437 	int heapindex;
438 	int hops;
439 	double *pos;
440 	double dist;
441 #endif
442 #ifndef NEATO_ONLY
443 	unsigned char showboxes;
444 	boolean  has_port;
445 	node_t* rep;
446 	node_t *set;
448 	/* fast graph */
449 	char node_type;
450 	char mark;
451 	char onstack;
452 	char ranktype;
453 	char weight_class;
454 	node_t *next;
455 	node_t *prev;
456 	elist in;
457 	elist out;
458 	elist flat_out;
459 	elist flat_in;
460 	elist other;
461 	graph_t *clust;
463 	/* for union-find and collapsing nodes */
464 	int UF_size;
465 	node_t *UF_parent;
466 	node_t *inleaf;
467 	node_t *outleaf;
469 	/* for placing nodes */
470 	int rank;
471 	int order;	/* initially, order = 1 for ordered edges */
472 	double mval;
473 	elist save_in;
474 	elist save_out;
476 	/* for network-simplex */
477 	elist tree_in;
478 	elist tree_out;
479 	edge_t *par;
480 	int low;
481 	int lim;
482 	int priority;
484 	double pad[1];
485 #endif
487     } Agnodeinfo_t;
489 #define ND_id(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->id)
490 #define ND_alg(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->alg)
491 #define ND_UF_parent(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->UF_parent)
492 #define ND_set(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->set)
493 #define ND_UF_size(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->UF_size)
494 #define ND_bb(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->bb)
495 #define ND_clust(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->clust)
496 #define ND_coord(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->coord)
497 #define ND_dist(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->dist)
498 #define ND_flat_in(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->flat_in)
499 #define ND_flat_out(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->flat_out)
500 #define ND_gui_state(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->gui_state)
501 #define ND_has_port(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->has_port)
502 #define ND_rep(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->rep)
503 #define ND_heapindex(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->heapindex)
504 #define ND_height(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->height)
505 #define ND_hops(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->hops)
506 #define ND_ht(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->ht)
507 #define ND_in(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->in)
508 #define ND_inleaf(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->inleaf)
509 #define ND_label(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->label)
510 #define ND_xlabel(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->xlabel)
511 #define ND_lim(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->lim)
512 #define ND_low(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->low)
513 #define ND_lw(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->lw)
514 #define ND_mark(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->mark)
515 #define ND_mval(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->mval)
516 #define ND_n_cluster(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->n_cluster)
517 #define ND_next(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->next)
518 #define ND_node_type(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->node_type)
519 #define ND_onstack(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->onstack)
520 #define ND_order(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->order)
521 #define ND_other(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->other)
522 #define ND_out(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->out)
523 #define ND_outleaf(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->outleaf)
524 #define ND_par(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->par)
525 #define ND_pinned(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->pinned)
526 #define ND_pos(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->pos)
527 #define ND_prev(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->prev)
528 #define ND_priority(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->priority)
529 #define ND_rank(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->rank)
530 #define ND_ranktype(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->ranktype)
531 #define ND_rw(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->rw)
532 #define ND_save_in(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->save_in)
533 #define ND_save_out(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->save_out)
534 #define ND_shape(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->shape)
535 #define ND_shape_info(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->shape_info)
536 #define ND_showboxes(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->showboxes)
537 #define ND_state(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->state)
538 #define ND_clustnode(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->clustnode)
539 #define ND_tree_in(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->tree_in)
540 #define ND_tree_out(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->tree_out)
541 #define ND_weight_class(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->weight_class)
542 #define ND_width(n) (((Agnodeinfo_t*)AGDATA(n))->width)
543 #define ND_xsize(n) (ND_lw(n)+ND_rw(n))
544 #define ND_ysize(n) (ND_ht(n))
546     typedef struct Agedgeinfo_t {
547 	Agrec_t hdr;
548 	splines *spl;
549 	port tail_port;
550 	port head_port;
551 	textlabel_t *label;
552 	textlabel_t *head_label;
553 	textlabel_t *tail_label;
554 	textlabel_t *xlabel;
555 	char edge_type;
556 	char compound;
557 	char adjacent;          /* true for flat edge with adjacent nodes */
558 	char label_ontop;
559 	unsigned char gui_state; /* Edge state for GUI ops */
560 	edge_t *to_orig;	/* for dot's shapes.c    */
561 	void *alg;
563 #ifndef DOT_ONLY
564 	double factor;
565 	double dist;
566 	Ppolyline_t path;
567 #endif
568 #ifndef NEATO_ONLY
569 	unsigned char showboxes;
570 	boolean conc_opp_flag;
571 	short xpenalty;
572 	int weight;
573 	int cutvalue;
574 	int tree_index;
575 	short count;
576 	unsigned short minlen;
577 	edge_t *to_virt;
578 #endif
579     } Agedgeinfo_t;
581 #define ED_alg(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->alg)
582 #define ED_conc_opp_flag(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->conc_opp_flag)
583 #define ED_count(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->count)
584 #define ED_cutvalue(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->cutvalue)
585 #define ED_edge_type(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->edge_type)
586 #define ED_compound(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->compound)
587 #define ED_adjacent(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->adjacent)
588 #define ED_factor(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->factor)
589 #define ED_gui_state(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->gui_state)
590 #define ED_head_label(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->head_label)
591 #define ED_head_port(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->head_port)
592 #define ED_label(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->label)
593 #define ED_xlabel(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->xlabel)
594 #define ED_label_ontop(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->label_ontop)
595 #define ED_minlen(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->minlen)
596 #define ED_path(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->path)
597 #define ED_showboxes(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->showboxes)
598 #define ED_spl(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->spl)
599 #define ED_tail_label(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->tail_label)
600 #define ED_tail_port(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->tail_port)
601 #define ED_to_orig(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->to_orig)
602 #define ED_to_virt(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->to_virt)
603 #define ED_tree_index(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->tree_index)
604 #define ED_xpenalty(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->xpenalty)
605 #define ED_dist(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->dist)
606 #define ED_weight(e) (((Agedgeinfo_t*)AGDATA(e))->weight)
608 #define ag_xget(x,a) agxget(x,a)
609 #define SET_RANKDIR(g,rd) (GD_rankdir2(g) = rd)
610 #define agfindedge(g,t,h) (agedge(g,t,h,NULL,0))
611 #define agfindnode(g,n) (agnode(g,n,0))
612 #define agfindgraphattr(g,a) (agattr(g,AGRAPH,a,NULL))
613 #define agfindnodeattr(g,a) (agattr(g,AGNODE,a,NULL))
614 #define agfindedgeattr(g,a) (agattr(g,AGEDGE,a,NULL))
616     typedef struct {
617 	int flags;
618     } gvlayout_features_t;
620 #ifdef __cplusplus
621 }
622 #endif
623 #endif