2# This file is part of:
4#  gpsman --- GPS Manager: a manager for GPS receiver data
6# Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Miguel Filgueiras migfilg@t-online.de
8#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9#      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10#      the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
11#      (at your option) any later version.
13#      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14#      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16#      GNU General Public License for more details.
18#      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19#      along with this program.
21#  File: wrtdials.tcl
22#  Last change:  6 October 2013
24# Includes contributions by
25#  - Brian Baulch (baulchb _AT_ onthenet.com.au) marked "BSB contribution"
26#  - Alessandro Palmas (alpalmas _AT_ tin.it) marked "AP contribution"
27#  - Stefan Heinen (stefan.heinen _AT_ djh-freeweb.de) marked "SH contribution"
28#  - Martin Buck (m _AT_ rtin-buck.de) marked "MB contribution"
29#  - Jean H Theoret (ve2za _AT_ rac.ca) marked "JHT contribution"
30#  - Benoit Steiner (benetsteph _AT_ free.fr) marked "BS contribution"
31#  - Rudolf Martin (rudolf.martin _AT_ gmx.de) marked "RM contribution"
34# BSB contribution: WPNum field accomodated
35proc GMWPoint {index options data} {
36    # create dialog window for editing/showing data of WP with given index
37    #  $index is -1 if this is a new WP
38    #  $options is a list of buttons to display;
39    #	an empty list means no editing; supported options are:
40    #     cancel, create, change, revert, forget
41    #     change and forget assume $index != -1
42    #     see proc GMButton for further details
43    #  if $options is empty, $index cannot be -1 as this is not a new WP
44    #   the only button is OK, and only binding: return to destroy
45    # order of elements in $data list reflects order in $Storage(WP)
46    #  which is used below
47    # return window path
52    foreach "name num commt obs pformt posn datum date symbol dispopt \
53	    alt mbak hidden displ" $data {}
54    if { $options != "" } {
55	if { [winfo exists .gmWP] } { Raise .gmWP ; bell ; return .gmWP }
56	set ed 1 ; set st normal
57	set w .gmWP
58	set GMEd(WP,Index) $index ; set GMEd(WP,Num) $num
59	set GMEd(WP,Datum) $datum ; set GMEd(WP,Displ) $displ
60	set GMEd(WP,Symbol) $symbol ; set GMEd(WP,DispOpt) $dispopt
61	set GMEd(WP,Alt) $alt ; set GMEd(WP,MBack) $mbak
62	set GMEd(WP,Hidden) $hidden
63	# this will be set to 1 if the user edits the position entries
64	#  and will contain current position (possibly "") otherwise;
65	#  use of this variable assumes a single .gmWP window at a time!
66	set ChangedPosn $posn
67	# this depends on Storage(WP)
68	set GMEd(WP,Data) $data
69	set GMEd(WP,MapChg) 0
70	set x $DPOSX ; set y $DPOSY
71    } else {
72	set ed 0 ; set st disabled
73	set w .gmWPsh$index
74	if { [winfo exists $w] } { destroy $w }
75	incr GMEd(WP,Show)
76	set x [expr $DPOSX+45*(1+$GMEd(WP,Show) % 5)]
77	set y [expr $DPOSY+45*(1+$GMEd(WP,Show) % 5)]
78    }
80    GMToplevel $w waypoint +$x+$y {} {} {}
81    if { ! $UNIX } {
82	# SH contribution
83	focus $w
84    }
85    if { ! $ed } {
86	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $w"
87	bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
88    } else {
89	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW { GMButton WP cancel }
90    }
92    frame $w.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
94    frame $w.fr.fr1 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
95    label $w.fr.fr1.ntitle -text "$TXT(name):"
96    entry $w.fr.fr1.id -width $NAMEWIDTH -exportselection 1
97    ShowTEdit $w.fr.fr1.id $name $ed
98    label $w.fr.fr1.dtitle -text "$TXT(created):"
99    entry $w.fr.fr1.date -width 18 -exportselection 1
100    ShowTEdit $w.fr.fr1.date $date $ed
101    if { $ed } {
102	ShowPosnDatum $w.fr $pformt [list $posn] GMWPChangeDatum GMEd \
103	    GMEd(WP,Datum) $st $ed ChangedPosn
104    } else {
105	ShowPosnDatum $w.fr $pformt [list $posn] "" "" $datum $st 0 nil
106    }
108    frame $w.fr.fr11 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
109    label $w.fr.fr11.atit -text "$TXT(alt) ($ALUNIT):"
110    entry $w.fr.fr11.alt -width 7 -exportselection 1
111    set valt [UserAltitude $alt]
112    ShowTEdit $w.fr.fr11.alt $valt $ed
114    frame $w.fr.fr2 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
115    label $w.fr.fr2.ctitle -text "$TXT(cmmt):"
116    entry $w.fr.fr2.commt -width $COMMENTWIDTH -exportselection 1
117    ShowTEdit $w.fr.fr2.commt $commt $ed
118    if { $hidden != "" } {
119  	button $w.fr.fr2.hidd -text $TXT(hiddendata) \
120  		-command "$w.fr.fr2.hidd configure -state normal ; \
121 		          ShowHiddenData WP {$hidden}"
122    }
124    frame $w.fr.fr3 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
125    label $w.fr.fr3.obstit -text "$TXT(rmrk):"
126    text $w.fr.fr3.obs -wrap word -width $OBSWIDTH -height $OBSHEIGHT \
127	    -exportselection true
128    $w.fr.fr3.obs insert 0.0 $obs
129    $w.fr.fr3.obs configure -state $st
130    TextBindings $w.fr.fr3.obs
132    frame $w.fr.fr4 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
133    menubutton $w.fr.fr4.symb -text $TXT(symbol) -relief raised \
134	    -direction below -menu $w.fr.fr4.symb.m -state $st
135    set mw $w.fr.fr4.symb.m
136    menu $mw -tearoff 0
137    FillSymbolsMenu $mw ChangeWPSymbol
138    canvas $w.fr.fr4.symbim -width $ICONWIDTH -height [expr $ICONHEIGHT+2]
139    foreach "syim sytxt" [SymbolImageName $symbol] {}
140    $w.fr.fr4.symbim create image 1 5 -anchor nw -image $syim
141    label $w.fr.fr4.symbname -text $sytxt
142    menubutton $w.fr.fr4.dispopt -text $TXT(dispopt): -relief raised \
143	    -direction below -menu $w.fr.fr4.dispopt.m -state $st
144    set mw $w.fr.fr4.dispopt.m
145    menu $mw -tearoff 0
146    foreach opt $DISPOPTS {
147	$mw add command -label $TXT(DISP$opt) -command "ChangeWPDispOpt $opt"
148    }
149    label $w.fr.fr4.dispo -text $TXT(DISP$dispopt) -width 15
151    frame $w.fr.fr5
152    CreateMBackWidgets WP $w.fr.fr5 $mbak $ed
154    # frame used for plug-ins (see array PLGSWelcomed, plugins.tcl)
155    frame $w.fr.fr6
156    button $w.fr.fr6.route -text $TXT(nameRT) \
157	    -command "ShowRTForWP $index"
158    menubutton $w.fr.fr6.comp -text $TXT(comp) -relief raised \
159	    -direction below -menu $w.fr.fr6.comp.m
160    menu $w.fr.fr6.comp.m -tearoff 0
161    menu $w.fr.fr6.comp.m.mothers -tearoff 0
162    $w.fr.fr6.comp.m add command -label $TXT(distazim) \
163	    -command "ChItemsCall WP single GMCompDistBearWP $w $ed"
164    $w.fr.fr6.comp.m add command -label $TXT(nearestWPs) \
165	    -command "GMWPNearest $w $ed"
166    button $w.fr.fr6.newat -text $TXT(newWPatdb) \
167	    -command "CreateWPAtDistBear $index"
169    frame $w.fr.frsel -relief flat -borderwidth 0 -background $COLOUR(selbg)
170    frame $w.fr.frdw
171    if { $ed } {
172	checkbutton $w.fr.frdw.displayed -text $TXT(displ) \
173		-variable GMEd(WP,Displ) -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
174		-selectcolor $COLOUR(check)
175	if { $MapLoading != 0 } {
176	    $w.fr.frdw.displayed configure -state disabled
177	}
178	set c -1
179	set b $w.fr.frsel.b
180	foreach e $options {
181	    button $b$e -text $TXT($e) \
182		    -command "$b$e configure -state normal ; GMButton WP $e"
183	    grid $b$e -row 0 -column [incr c] -padx 3
184	}
185    } else {
186	checkbutton $w.fr.frdw.displayed -text $TXT(displ) \
187		-selectcolor $COLOUR(check) -state disabled
188	if { $displ } { $w.fr.frdw.displayed select }
189	button $w.fr.frsel.b -text $TXT(ok) -command "destroy $w"
190	pack $w.fr.frsel.b
191    }
193    pack $w.fr -side top
194    grid $w.fr.fr1.ntitle -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nesw
195    grid $w.fr.fr1.id -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nesw
196    if { $CREATIONDATE } {
197	grid $w.fr.fr1.dtitle -row 1 -column 0 -sticky nesw
198	grid $w.fr.fr1.date -row 1 -column 1 -sticky nesw
199    }
200    grid $w.fr.fr11.atit -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nesw
201    grid $w.fr.fr11.alt -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nesw
202    set r 0
203    if { $hidden != "" } {
204	grid $w.fr.fr2.hidd -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nesw
205	incr r
206    }
207    grid $w.fr.fr2.ctitle -row $r -column 0 -sticky nesw
208    grid $w.fr.fr2.commt -row $r -column 1 -sticky nesw
210    grid $w.fr.fr3.obstit -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nesw
211    grid $w.fr.fr3.obs -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nesw
213    set c -1
214    foreach x "symb symbim symbname dispopt dispo" {
215	grid $w.fr.fr4.$x -row 0 -column [incr c] -sticky nesw -padx 3
216    }
218    set c -1
219    foreach x "route comp newat" {
220	grid $w.fr.fr6.$x -row 0 -column [incr c] -sticky nesw -padx 10
221    }
222    pack $w.fr.frdw.displayed
224    set r -1
225    set d 2
226    foreach x "fr1 frp frd fr11 fr2 fr3 fr4 fr5 fr6 frdw frsel" \
227	    y "$d $d 0 0 $d 0 $d $d $d $d $d" {
228	if { $y == 0 } {
229	    grid $w.fr.$x -row [incr r] -column 0 -sticky nesw
230	} else {
231	    grid $w.fr.$x -row [incr r] -column 0 -sticky nesw -pady $y
232	}
233    }
235    AttachPlugIns $w
237    update idletasks
238    return $w
241# BSB contribution: indices in GMEd(WP,Data) affected by new WPNum field
242proc RevertWP {} {
243    # reset data in WP edit window to initial values
244    # this depends on Storage(WP)
245    global GMEd INVTXT ChangedPosn POSTYPE
247    set data $GMEd(WP,Data)
248    .gmWP.fr.fr1.id delete 0 end
249    .gmWP.fr.fr1.id insert 0 [lindex $data 0]
250    .gmWP.fr.fr2.commt delete 0 end
251    .gmWP.fr.fr2.commt insert 0 [lindex $data 2]
252    .gmWP.fr.fr3.obs delete 1.0 end
253    .gmWP.fr.fr3.obs insert 1.0 [lindex $data 3]
254    set pft $POSTYPE($INVTXT([.gmWP.fr.frp.pfmt cget -text]))
255    set opf [lindex $data 4] ; set t $POSTYPE($opf)
256    set p [lindex $data 5]
257    if { $pft == $t } {
258	RevertPos .gmWP.fr.frp.frp1 $opf $t $p
259    } else {
260	RedrawPos .gmWP.fr.frp.frp1 $opf $p ChangedPosn normal
261    }
262    set ChangedPosn $p
263    set GMEd(WP,Datum) [lindex $data 6]
264    .gmWP.fr.fr1.date delete 0 end
265    .gmWP.fr.fr1.date insert 0 [lindex $data 7]
266    ChangeWPSymbol [lindex $data 8]
267    ChangeWPDispOpt [lindex $data 9]
268    .gmWP.fr.fr11.alt delete 0 end
269    .gmWP.fr.fr11.alt insert 0 [UserAltitude [lindex $data 10]]
270    set GMEd(WP,MBack) [lindex $data 11]
271    # hidden: lindex $data 12
272    set GMEd(WP,Displ) [lindex $data end]
273    if { $GMEd(WP,Displ) } {
274	.gmWP.fr.frdw.displayed select
275    } else {
276	.gmWP.fr.frdw.displayed deselect
277    }
278    return
281proc GMWPCheck {} {
282    # check validity of data in WP edit window
283    # this depends on Storage(WP)
285    # BSB contribution: WPNum
287    set r [CheckEntries GMMessage nil "{.gmWP.fr.fr1.id CheckName} \
288	    {.gmWP.fr.fr2.commt CheckComment} {.gmWP.fr.fr1.date CheckDate}"]
289    if { $r == "nil" } { return nil }
290    set p [PosnGetCheck .gmWP.fr.frp.frp1 $GMEd(WP,Datum) GMMessage \
291	       ChangedPosn]
292    if { $p == "nil" } { return nil }
293    set valt [string trim [.gmWP.fr.fr11.alt get]]
294    if { [set alt [AltitudeList $valt]] == "nil" } {
295	GMMessage $MESS(badalt)
296	return nil
297    }
298    if { $GMEd(WP,Hidden) != "" } {
299	switch $KEEPHIDDEN {
300	    never { set GMEd(WP,Hidden) "" }
301	    always { }
302	    ask {
303		if { [GMConfirm $MESS(nohidden)] } { set GMEd(WP,Hidden) "" }
304	    }
305	}
306    }
307    lappend r $GMEd(WP,Symbol) $GMEd(WP,DispOpt) $alt $GMEd(WP,MBack) \
308	$GMEd(WP,Hidden) $GMEd(WP,Displ)
309    set nb [CheckNB [.gmWP.fr.fr3.obs get 0.0 end]]
310    set GMEd(WP,MapChg) 1
311    set r [linsert $r 2 $nb $INVTXT([.gmWP.fr.frp.pfmt cget -text]) \
312	                 $p $GMEd(WP,Datum)]
313    # BSB contribution
314    return [linsert $r 1 $GMEd(WP,Num)]
317proc ShowRTForWP {ix} {
318    # let user select and open RT having WP of given index
319    global WPRoute TXT LISTWIDTH
321    if { $ix == -1 } { return }
322    set rtname [GMChooseFrom single [list $TXT(select) $TXT(nameRT)] \
323		    $LISTWIDTH $WPRoute($ix) $WPRoute($ix)]
324    if { $rtname == "" } { return }
325    if { [set ix [IndexNamed RT $rtname]] != -1 } {
326	OpenItem RT $ix
327    } else { bell }
328    return
331proc GMWPChangeDatum {datum args} {
332    # change datum of WP being edited
333    #  $args is not used but is needed as this is called-back from a menu
335    ChangeDatum $datum GMEd GMEd(WP,Datum) ChangedPosn .gmWP.fr.frp normal
336    return
339proc ChangeWPSymbol {symbol args} {
340    # change symbol of WP being edited
341    #  $args not used, but called back like this
342    global GMEd
344    set GMEd(WP,Symbol) $symbol
345    foreach "syim sytxt" [SymbolImageName $symbol] {}
346    set w .gmWP
347    $w.fr.fr4.symbim delete all
348    $w.fr.fr4.symbim create image 1 5 -anchor nw -image $syim
349    $w.fr.fr4.symbname configure -text $sytxt
350    return
353proc ChangeWPDispOpt {opt} {
354    # change display option of WP being edited
355    global GMEd TXT
357    set GMEd(WP,DispOpt) $opt
358    .gmWP.fr.fr4.dispo configure -text $TXT(DISP$opt)
359    return
362proc GMCompDistBearWP {window editing wp2} {
363    # create dialog to show distance and bearing from WP of a edit/show
364    #  window to another WP with name $wp2
366	FixedFont
368    set w ${window}.topcdb
369    if { [winfo exists $w] } { Raise $w ; bell ; return }
371    set wp1 [$window.fr.fr1.id get]
372    if { $editing } {
373	set p1 [PosnGetCheck $window.fr.frp.frp1 $GMEd(WP,Datum) GMMessage \
374		ChangedPosn]
375	if { $p1 == "nil" } { return }
376	set d1 $GMEd(WP,Datum)
377	if { $wp1 == "" } { set wp1 "(???)" }
378    } else {
379	set ix1 [IndexNamed WP $wp1]
380	set p1 $WPPosn($ix1) ; set d1 $WPDatum($ix1)
381    }
382    set ix2 [IndexNamed WP $wp2]
383    set p2 $WPPosn($ix2) ; set d2 $WPDatum($ix2)
384    set db [CompDistBearDatums $p1 $d1 $p2 $d2]
385    set dist [format "%8.2f" [expr [lindex $db 0]*$DSCALE]]
386    set bear [format "%5d" [lindex $db 1]]
388    GMToplevel $w distazim +[expr $DPOSX+100]+[expr $DPOSY+100] {} \
389        [list WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $w"] {}
391    frame $w.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
392    label $w.fr.fromto -text [format $TXT(fromto) $wp1 $wp2]
393    frame $w.fr.fr1 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
394    label $w.fr.fr1.dist -text "$dist $DTUNIT" -width 15 -font $FixedFont \
395	-anchor w
396    label $w.fr.fr1.bear -text "$bear $TXT(degrees)" -width 15 \
397	-font $FixedFont -anchor w
398    frame $w.fr.frsel -relief flat -borderwidth 0
399    button $w.fr.frsel.save -text "$TXT(save) ..." \
400	    -command "SaveFile comp WPDistBear $w ; \
401	              $w.fr.frsel.save configure -state normal"
402    button $w.fr.frsel.ok -text $TXT(ok) -command "destroy $w"
404    pack $w.fr -side top
405    pack $w.fr.fr1.dist $w.fr.fr1.bear -side top -pady 2
406    pack $w.fr.frsel.save $w.fr.frsel.ok -side left -padx 5
407    pack $w.fr.fromto $w.fr.fr1 $w.fr.frsel -side top
408    return
411proc GMWPNearest {window editing} {
412    # create dialog to show nearest WPs to WP of given edit/show window
413    # actually compute distances and bearings to all other WPs and sort
414    #  by increasing distance
415    global GMEd WPName WPPosn WPDatum DPOSX DPOSY COLOUR MESS TXT LsW \
416	    DSCALE FixedFont
418    set w ${window}.topcn
419    if { [winfo exists $w] } { Raise $w ; bell ; return }
421    set wp1 [$window.fr.fr1.id get]
422    if { $editing } {
423	set p1 [PosnGetCheck $window.fr.frp.frp1 $GMEd(WP,Datum) GMMessage \
424		ChangedPosn]
425	if { $p1 == "nil" } { return }
426	set d1 $GMEd(WP,Datum) ; set ix1 -1
427	if { $wp1 == "" } { set wp1 "(???)" }
428    } else {
429	set ix1 [IndexNamed WP $wp1]
430	set p1 $WPPosn($ix1) ; set d1 $WPDatum($ix1)
431    }
433    GMToplevel $w distazim +[expr $DPOSX+100]+[expr $DPOSY+100] {} \
434        [list WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $w"] {}
436    frame $w.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
437    label $w.fr.from -text [format $TXT(fromto) $wp1 ""]
438    frame $w.fr.fr1 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
439    frame $w.fr.fr1.frtits -relief flat -borderwidth 0
440    label $w.fr.fr1.frtits.fill -width 2 -font $FixedFont
441    frame $w.fr.fr1.frbx -relief flat -borderwidth 0
442    set h [$LsW.frlWP.frl.box size]
443    if { $h > 15 } { set h 15 }
444    foreach b "xn xd xb" m "8 8 4" t $TXT(WPnearflds) {
445	label $w.fr.fr1.frtits.tit$b -width $m -text $t -font $FixedFont
446	listbox $w.fr.fr1.frbx.b$b -height $h -width $m -relief flat \
447	    -yscrollcommand "$w.fr.fr1.frbx.bscr set" \
448 	    -selectmode single -exportselection false -font $FixedFont
449	bind $w.fr.fr1.frbx.b$b <Double-1> {
450	    set n [[winfo parent %W].bxn get [%W nearest %y]]
451	    if { $n != "" } {
452		OpenItem WP [IndexNamed WP $n]
453	    }
454	}
455	bind $w.fr.fr1.frbx.b$b <Button-3> {
456	    set n [[winfo parent %W].bxn get [%W nearest %y]]
457	    if { $n != "" } {
458		ToggleDisplayNamed WP $n
459	    }
460	}
461	bind $w.fr.fr1.frbx.b$b <Button-1> {
462	    MultSelect [winfo parent %W] [%W nearest %y] {bxn bxd bxb}
463	}
464    }
465    # BSB contribution: wheelmouse scrolling
466    set boxes [list $w.fr.fr1.frbx.bxn $w.fr.fr1.frbx.bxd $w.fr.fr1.frbx.bxb]
467    scrollbar $w.fr.fr1.frbx.bscr -command [list ScrollMany $boxes]
468    Mscroll $boxes
470    set wpixs [array names WPName]
471    if { [lindex $wpixs 100] != "" } {
472	set slow 1
473	set slowid [SlowOpWindow $TXT(comp)]
474    } else {
475	set slow 0
476	SetCursor . watch
477    }
478    SetDatumData $d1
479    set i 0
480    foreach ix2 $wpixs {
481	if { $wp1 != $WPName($ix2) } {
482	    if { $slow && [SlowOpAborted] } {
483		destroy $w
484		SlowOpFinish $slowid ""
485		return
486	    }
487	    set p2 $WPPosn($ix2) ; set d2 $WPDatum($ix2)
488	    if  { $d1 != $d2 } {
489		set p2 [ToDatum [lindex $p2 0] [lindex $p2 1] $d2 $d1]
490	    }
491	    set db [ComputeDistBearFD $p1 $p2]
492	    set d [expr [lindex $db 0]*$DSCALE]
493	    set dist [format "%8.2f" $d]
494	    set bear [format "%4d" [lindex $db 1]]
495	    if { $i } {
496		set i0 0 ; set in $i
497		while { 1 } {
498		    set z [expr int(($in-$i0)/2)+$i0]
499		    if { [set m [$w.fr.fr1.frbx.bxd get $z]] > $d } {
500			if { $z==0 || \
501		            [$w.fr.fr1.frbx.bxd get [expr $z-1]] <= $d } {
502			    break
503			}
504			set in $z
505		    } elseif { $m < $d } {
506			if { $z==[expr $in-1] } {
507			    set z end
508			    break
509			}
510			set i0 $z
511		    } else { break }
512		}
513	    } else {
514		set z 0
515	    }
516	    $w.fr.fr1.frbx.bxn insert $z $WPName($ix2)
517	    $w.fr.fr1.frbx.bxd insert $z $dist
518	    $w.fr.fr1.frbx.bxb insert $z $bear
519	    incr i
520	}
521    }
522    if { $slow } {
523	SlowOpFinish $slowid ""
524    } else { ResetCursor . }
526    frame $w.fr.frsel -relief flat -borderwidth 0
527    button $w.fr.frsel.save -text "$TXT(save) ..." \
528	    -command "SaveFile comp WPNearest $w ; \
529	              $w.fr.frsel.save configure -state normal"
530    button $w.fr.frsel.ok -text $TXT(ok) -command "destroy $w"
532    pack $w.fr -side top
533    pack $w.fr.fr1.frtits.titxn $w.fr.fr1.frtits.titxd \
534	    $w.fr.fr1.frtits.titxb $w.fr.fr1.frtits.fill -side left -fill y
535    pack $w.fr.fr1.frbx.bxn $w.fr.fr1.frbx.bxd $w.fr.fr1.frbx.bxb \
536	    $w.fr.fr1.frbx.bscr -side left -fill y
537    pack $w.fr.frsel.save $w.fr.frsel.ok -side left -padx 5
538    pack $w.fr.fr1.frtits $w.fr.fr1.frbx -side top -fill y -pady 1
539    pack $w.fr.from $w.fr.fr1 $w.fr.frsel -side top -pady 3
541    return
544proc GMRoute {index options data} {
545    # create dialog window for editing/showing data of RT with given index
546    # including computed distances and bearings
547    #  $index is -1 if this is a new RT
548    #  $options is a list of buttons to display;
549    #	an empty list means no editing; supported options are:
550    #     cancel, create, change, revert, forget
551    #     change and forget assume $index != -1
552    #     see proc GMButton for further details
553    #  if $options is empty, $index cannot be -1 as this is not a new RT
554    #   the only button is OK, and only binding: return to destroy
555    # an editing window created when $MapMakingRT is true will have some
556    #  of its buttons disabled
557    # order of elements in $data list reflects order in $Storage(RT)
558    #  which is used below
559    # return window path
562	    Map MapWidth UNIX FixedFont
564    foreach "number commt obs wps stages width colour mbak displ" $data {}
565    if { $options != "" } {
566	if { [winfo exists .gmRT] } { Raise .gmRT ; bell ; return .gmRT }
567	set ed 1 ; set st normal ; set stmm normal
568	if { $MapMakingRT } {
569	    set stmm disabled
570	    set x [expr [winfo rootx $Map]+$MapWidth+$DPOSRTMAP]
571	} else {
572	    set x $DPOSX
573	}
574	set y $DPOSY
575	set w .gmRT
576	set GMEd(RT,Index) $index ; set GMEd(RT,Width) $width
577	set GMEd(RT,Colour) $colour ; set GMEd(RT,MBack) $mbak
578	set GMEd(RT,WPoints) $wps ; set GMEd(RT,Displ) $displ
579	set GMEd(RT,MapChg) 0
580	# this depends on Storage(RT)
581	set GMEd(RT,Data) $data
582	# GMEd(RT,windows) is a list of windows that should be closed
583	#  when the route is changed such as the plot windows created by
584	#  procs Hgraph and HG3D (elevation.tcl)
585	#  It should be accessed by calling proc ManageAuxWindows
586	set GMEd(RT,windows) {}
587    } else {
588	set ed 0 ; set st disabled ; set stmm disabled
589	set w .gmRTsh$index
590	if { [winfo exists $w] } { destroy $w }
591	incr GMEd(RT,Show)
592	set x [expr $DPOSX+50*(1+$GMEd(RT,Show) % 5)]
593	set y [expr $DPOSY+50*(1+$GMEd(RT,Show) % 5)]
594    }
596    GMToplevel $w route +$x+$y {} {} {}
597    if { ! $UNIX } {
598	# SH contribution
599	if {$MapMakingRT} {lower $w $Map} {focus $w}
600    }
601    if { ! $ed } {
602	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $w"
603	bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
604    } else {
605	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW { GMButton RT cancel }
606    }
608    frame $w.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
610    frame $w.fr.fr1 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
611    label $w.fr.fr1.ntitle -text "$TXT(numberid):"
612    entry $w.fr.fr1.id -width 10 -exportselection 1
613    ShowTEdit $w.fr.fr1.id $number $ed
615    frame $w.fr.fr2 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
616    label $w.fr.fr2.ctitle -text "$TXT(cmmt):"
617    entry $w.fr.fr2.commt -width $COMMENTWIDTH -exportselection 1
618    ShowTEdit $w.fr.fr2.commt $commt $ed
620    frame $w.fr.fr21 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
621    label $w.fr.fr21.obstit -text "$TXT(rmrk):"
622    text $w.fr.fr21.obs -wrap word -width $OBSWIDTH -height $OBSHEIGHT \
623	    -exportselection true
624    $w.fr.fr21.obs insert 0.0 $obs
625    $w.fr.fr21.obs configure -state $st
626    TextBindings $w.fr.fr21.obs
628    frame $w.fr.fr3 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
629    frame $w.fr.fr3.fr31 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
630    set frb $w.fr.fr3.fr31
631    frame $frb.frtits -relief flat -borderwidth 0
632    label $frb.frtits.fill -width 2 -font $FixedFont
633    frame $frb.frbx -relief flat -borderwidth 0
634    set boxes ""
635    foreach b "xn ox xd xb xda xsc xsl" \
637	    t $TXT(RTcompflds) {
638	lappend boxes $frb.frbx.b$b
639	label $frb.frtits.tit$b -width $m -text $t -font $FixedFont
640	listbox $frb.frbx.b$b -height 15 -width $m -relief flat \
641	    -yscrollcommand "$frb.frbx.bscr set" \
642 	    -selectmode extended -exportselection false -font $FixedFont
643	bind $frb.frbx.b$b <<ListboxSelect>> \
644	    "MultExtSelect $frb.frbx.b$b {bxn box bxd bxb bxda bxsc bxsl}"
645	bind $frb.frbx.b$b <Button-3> {
646	    set n [[winfo parent %W].box get [%W nearest %y]]
647	    if { $n != "" } {
648		ToggleDisplayNamed WP $n
649	    }
650	}
651    }
652    foreach b "xn ox xd xb xda" {
653	bind $frb.frbx.b$b <Double-1> {
654	    set n [[winfo parent %W].box get [%W nearest %y]]
655	    if { $n != "" } {
656		OpenItem WP [IndexNamed WP $n]
657	    }
658	}
659    }
660    foreach b "xsc xsl" {
661	bind $frb.frbx.b$b <Double-1> {
662	    set p [winfo parent %W]
663	    if { [set i [%W nearest %y]] < [$p.box size]-1 && \
664		    [$p.box get $i] != "" } {
665		GMRTStage $p $i
666	    }
667	}
668    }
669    # $boxes defined in the foreach loop that creates them
670    if { $ed } { set GMEd(RT,boxes) $boxes }
671    # BSB contribution: wheelmouse scrolling
672    scrollbar $frb.frbx.bscr -command [list ScrollMany $boxes]
673    Mscroll $boxes
675    set i 1 ; set n [llength $wps]
676    set td 0 ; set tddef 1
678    foreach wp $wps nxt [lreplace $wps 0 0] stg $stages {
679	$frb.frbx.bxn insert end [format "%3d." $i]
680	incr i
681	$frb.frbx.box insert end $wp
682	set d [GMRTDistBearDAltWP $frb.frbx end 0 $wp $nxt]
683	if { $d != "---" } {
684	    set td [expr $td+$d]
685	} else { set tddef 0 }
686	# $stg may be ""
687	$frb.frbx.bxsc insert end [lindex $stg 0]
688	$frb.frbx.bxsl insert end [lindex $stg 1]
689    }
691    frame $frb.frt -relief flat -borderwidth 0
692    if { $tddef } {
693	set td [format "%8.2f" $td]
694    } else { set td "---" }
695    label $frb.frt.tit -text [format $TXT(totdst) $DTUNIT]
696    label $frb.frt.tt -text $td
698    frame $w.fr.fr3.frbt -relief flat -borderwidth 0
699    label $w.fr.fr3.frbt.title -text $TXT(nameWP)
700    foreach a "insb insa repl" {
701	button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.$a -text $TXT($a) -state $stmm \
702	    -command "ChItemsCall WP single GMRTChange $a"
703    }
704    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.del -text $TXT(del) -state $stmm \
705	    -command { GMRTChange del }
706    frame $w.fr.fr3.frbt.sep -height 6 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg) \
707	    -relief flat -borderwidth 0
708    menubutton $w.fr.fr3.frbt.chg -text $TXT(change) -relief raised \
709	    -direction right -menu $w.fr.fr3.frbt.chg.m -state $stmm
710    menu $w.fr.fr3.frbt.chg.m -tearoff 0
711    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.chg.m add command -label $TXT(invert) \
712	    -command { GMRTChange inv }
713    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.chg.m add command -label $TXT(chophd) \
714	    -command { GMRTChange chh }
715    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.chg.m add command -label $TXT(choptl) \
716	    -command { GMRTChange cht }
717    foreach a "incb inca" {
718	$w.fr.fr3.frbt.chg.m add command -label $TXT($a) \
719		-command "ChItemsCall RT single GMRTChange $a"
720    }
721    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.chg.m add command -label $TXT(clear) \
722	    -command { GMRTChange clear }
723    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.edmap -text $TXT(edmap) -state $stmm \
724	    -command "$w.fr.fr3.frbt.edmap configure -state normal ; \
725	              MapEditRT"
726    menubutton $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cnv -text $TXT(convert) -relief raised \
727	-direction right -menu $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cnv.m
728    menu $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cnv.m -tearoff 0
729    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cnv.m add command -label $TXT(mkTR) -command "RTToTR $w"
730    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cnv.m add command -label $TXT(split) \
731	-command "SplitPolyLine RT sel $w $ed $index"
732    menubutton $w.fr.fr3.frbt.comp -text $TXT(computations) -relief raised \
733	    -direction right -menu $w.fr.fr3.frbt.comp.m
734    menu $w.fr.fr3.frbt.comp.m -tearoff 0
735    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.comp.m add command -label "$TXT(savecomp) ..." \
736	    -command "SaveFile comp RTComp $w"
737    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.comp.m add command -label "$TXT(comparea) ..." \
738	    -command "ComputeArea $w"
740    frame $w.fr.frsel -relief flat -borderwidth 0
741    # frame used for plug-ins (see array PLGSWelcomed, plugins.tcl)
742    frame $w.fr.frdw
743    set mn $w.fr.frdw.mw.m
744    menubutton $w.fr.frdw.mw -text $TXT(width) -relief raised \
745	    -direction below -menu $mn -state $st
746    menu $mn -tearoff 0
747    button $w.fr.frdw.b -text $TXT(Colour) -relief raised \
748	    -command "ChooseColour GMEd GMEd(RT,Colour) $w.fr.frdw $w" \
749	    -state $st
750    label $w.fr.frdw.bc -relief groove -background $colour -width 2
752    frame $w.fr.frmb
753    CreateMBackWidgets RT $w.fr.frmb $mbak $ed
755    if { $ed } {
756	checkbutton $w.fr.frdw.displayed -text $TXT(displ) \
757		-variable GMEd(RT,Displ) -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
758		-selectcolor $COLOUR(check)
759	foreach i "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8" {
760	    $mn add command -label $i -command "set GMEd(RT,Width) $i"
761	}
762	label $w.fr.frdw.wv -width 3 -textvariable GMEd(RT,Width)
763	if { $MapLoading != 0 } {
764	    foreach i "displayed mw" {
765		$w.fr.frdw.$i configure -state disabled
766	    }
767	}
768	set b $w.fr.frsel.b
769	foreach e $options {
770	    button $b$e -text $TXT($e) \
771		    -command "$b$e configure -state normal ; GMButton RT $e"
772	    pack $b$e -side left
773	}
774    } else {
775	checkbutton $w.fr.frdw.displayed -text $TXT(displ) -state disabled \
776		-selectcolor $COLOUR(check)
777	if { $displ } { $w.fr.frdw.displayed select }
778	label $w.fr.frdw.wv -width 3 -text $width
779	button $w.fr.frsel.b -text $TXT(ok) -command "destroy $w"
780	pack $w.fr.frsel.b
781    }
782    # AP contribution ; changed by MF
783    set mn $w.fr.fr3.frbt.hgraph.m
784    menubutton $w.fr.fr3.frbt.hgraph -text $TXT(elevation) -relief raised \
785	    -menu $mn
786    menu $mn -tearoff 0
787    if { $ed } {
788	$mn add command -label $TXT(sideview) \
789	    -command "ManageAuxWindows RT add \[GMRTHgraph $w\]"
790	$mn add command -label $TXT(persptv) \
791	    -command "ManageAuxWindows RT add \[RTHG3D $w\]"
792    } else {
793	$mn add command -label $TXT(sideview) -command "GMRTHgraph $w"
794	$mn add command -label $TXT(persptv) -command "RTHG3D $w"
795    }
797    pack $w.fr -side top
798    pack $w.fr.fr1.ntitle $w.fr.fr1.id -side left -padx 3
799    pack $w.fr.fr2.ctitle $w.fr.fr2.commt -side left -padx 3
800    pack $w.fr.fr21.obstit $w.fr.fr21.obs -side left -padx 3
801    pack $frb.frtits.titxn $frb.frtits.titox $frb.frtits.titxd \
802	    $frb.frtits.titxb $frb.frtits.titxda $frb.frtits.titxsc \
803	    $frb.frtits.titxsl $frb.frtits.fill -side left -fill y
804    eval pack $boxes $frb.frbx.bscr -side left -fill y
805    pack $frb.frt.tit $frb.frt.tt -side left
806    pack $frb.frtits $frb.frbx -side top -fill y -pady 1
807    pack $frb.frt -side top -fill y -pady 5
808    # AP contribution: hgraph button
809    pack $w.fr.fr3.frbt.title $w.fr.fr3.frbt.insb \
810	    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.insa $w.fr.fr3.frbt.del \
811	    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.repl $w.fr.fr3.frbt.sep \
812	    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.chg $w.fr.fr3.frbt.edmap \
813	    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cnv $w.fr.fr3.frbt.comp \
814	    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.hgraph -side top -pady 3 -fill x
815    pack $frb $w.fr.fr3.frbt -side left -padx 5
816    pack $w.fr.frdw.displayed $w.fr.frdw.mw -side left -padx 3
817    pack $w.fr.frdw.wv -side left -padx 0
818    pack $w.fr.frdw.b -side left -padx 10
819    pack $w.fr.frdw.bc -side left -padx 0
820    pack $w.fr.fr1 $w.fr.fr2 $w.fr.fr21 $w.fr.fr3 $w.fr.frdw -side top -pady 5
821    pack $w.fr.frmb -side top
822    pack $w.fr.frsel -side top -pady 5
824    AttachPlugIns $w
826    update idletasks
827    return $w
830proc GMRouteMapEdit {} {
831    # change RT edit window when the RT is to be edited on the map
832    global Map MapWidth DPOSRTMAP DPOSY UNIX
834    set x [expr [winfo rootx $Map]+$MapWidth+$DPOSRTMAP]
835    wm geometry .gmRT +$x+$DPOSY
836    foreach b "insb insa repl chg edmap" {
837	.gmRT.fr.fr3.frbt.$b configure -state disabled
838    }
839    foreach i "displayed mw b" {
840	.gmRT.fr.frdw.$i configure -state disabled
841    }
842    if { ! $UNIX } {
843	# SH contribution
844	lower .gmRT $Map
845    }
846    return
849proc GMRouteMapEditEnd {} {
850    # change RT edit window when the RT stops being edited on the map
851    # assume the RT has changed
852    global RT
854    set GMEd(RT,MapChg) 1
855    foreach b "insb insa repl chg edmap" {
856	.gmRT.fr.fr3.frbt.$b configure -state normal
857    }
858    foreach i "displayed mw b" {
859	.gmRT.fr.frdw.$i configure -state normal
860    }
861    return
864proc GMRouteSelect {i} {
865    # select $i-th WP in RT edit window
866    #  $i may be an integer from 0, or "end"
868    set frbx .gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx
869    foreach b "bxn box bxd bxb" {
870	$frbx.$b selection clear 0 end
871	$frbx.$b selection set $i
872    }
873    foreach b "bxda bxsc bxsl" { $frbx.$b selection clear 0 end }
874    return
877proc RevertRT {} {
878    # reset data in RT edit window to initial values
879    # this depends on Storage(RT)
880    global GMEd MapMakingRT
882    if { $MapMakingRT } { MapCancelRT dontask dontclose }
883     set GMEd(RT,MapChg) 0 ; set data $GMEd(RT,Data)
884    .gmRT.fr.fr1.id delete 0 end
885    .gmRT.fr.fr1.id insert 0 [lindex $data 0]
886    .gmRT.fr.fr2.commt delete 0 end
887    .gmRT.fr.fr2.commt insert 0 [lindex $data 1]
888    .gmRT.fr.fr21.obs delete 1.0 end
889    .gmRT.fr.fr21.obs insert 1.0 [lindex $data 2]
890    set frb .gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31
891    foreach box $GMEd(RT,boxes) { $box delete 0 end }
892    set wps $GMEd(RT,WPoints) ; set stages [lindex $data 4]
893    set i 1 ; set n [llength $wps]
894    set td 0 ; set tddef 1
895    foreach wp $wps nxt [lrange $wps 1 end] st $stages {
896	$frb.frbx.bxn insert end [format "%3d." $i]
897	incr i
898	$frb.frbx.box insert end $wp
899	set d [GMRTDistBearDAltWP $frb.frbx end 0 $wp $nxt]
900	if { $d != "---" } {
901	    set td [expr $td+$d]
902	} else { set tddef 0 }
903	# $st may be ""
904	$frb.frbx.bxsc insert end [lindex $st 0]
905	$frb.frbx.bxsl insert end [lindex $st 1]
906    }
907    if { $tddef } {
908	set td [format "%8.2f" $td]
909    } else { set td "---" }
910    $frb.frt.tt configure -text $td
912    set GMEd(RT,Width) [lindex $data 5]
913    set GMEd(RT,Colour) [lindex $data 6]
914    .gmRT.fr.frdw.bc configure -background $GMEd(RT,Colour)
915    set GMEd(RT,MBack) [lindex $data 7]
916    if { [set d [lindex $data end]] && ! $GMEd(RT,Displ) } {
917	PutMapRT $GMEd(RT,Index)
918    }
919    if { [set GMEd(RT,Displ) $d] } {
920	.gmRT.fr.frdw.displayed select
921    } else {
922	.gmRT.fr.frdw.displayed deselect
923    }
924    # assume that data in the window changed
925    ManageAuxWindows RT close_all
926    return
929proc GMRTCheck {} {
930    # check validity of data in RT edit window
931    # this depends on Storage(RT)
932    global GMEd MAXWPINROUTE MESS TXT DataIndex
934    set r [CheckEntries GMMessage nil [list {.gmRT.fr.fr2.commt CheckComment}]]
935    set n [.gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx.box size]
936    if { $n == 0 } {
937	GMMessage $MESS(voidRT)
938	set r nil
939    } elseif { $n > $MAXWPINROUTE && \
940	    ![GMConfirm [format $MESS(toomany) $TXT(nameWP) $MAXWPINROUTE]] } {
941	set r nil
942    }
943    if { [set id [.gmRT.fr.fr1.id get]] == "" } {
944	GMMessage $MESS(namevoid)
945	return nil
946    }
947    if { $id == 0 && ! [GMConfirm $MESS(activeRT)] } {
948	return nil
949    }
950    if { $r != "nil" } {
951	set r [linsert $r 0 $id]
952	set nb [CheckNB [.gmRT.fr.fr21.obs get 0.0 end]]
953	set stages [GMRTStages .gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx]
954	if { ! $GMEd(RT,MapChg) && \
955		( $stages != [lindex $GMEd(RT,Data) 4] || \
956		  $GMEd(RT,Width) != [lindex $GMEd(RT,Data) 5] || \
957		  $GMEd(RT,Colour) != [lindex $GMEd(RT,Data) 6] ) } {
958	    set GMEd(RT,MapChg) 1
959	}
960	lappend r [.gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx.box get 0 end] $stages \
961	    $GMEd(RT,Width) $GMEd(RT,Colour) $GMEd(RT,MBack) $GMEd(RT,Displ)
962	set r [linsert $r 2 $nb]
963    }
964    return $r
967proc GMRTStage {sfr i} {
968    # edit stage from frame $sfr at position $i of listbox in RT edit window
971    if { $i == [$sfr.bxn size] } { return }
972    set w .gmRS
973    if { [winfo exists $w] } { Raise $w ; bell ; return }
974    set GMEd(RT,RSgrabs) [set gs [grab current]]
975    GMToplevel $w stage +$DPOSX+$DPOSY .gmRT \
976        [list WM_DELETE_WINDOW  [list DestroyRGrabs $w $gs]] {}
978    frame $w.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
979    label $w.fr.title -text "[$sfr.box get $i]-[$sfr.box get [expr $i+1]]"
981    frame $w.fr.fr1 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
982    label $w.fr.fr1.ctitle -text "$TXT(cmmt):"
983    entry $w.fr.fr1.commt -width $COMMENTWIDTH -exportselection 1
984    ShowTEdit $w.fr.fr1.commt [$sfr.bxsc get $i] 1
985    label $w.fr.fr1.ltitle -text "$TXT(label):"
986    entry $w.fr.fr1.label -width $NAMEWIDTH -exportselection 1
987    ShowTEdit $w.fr.fr1.label [$sfr.bxsl get $i] 1
989    frame $w.fr.bs -relief flat -borderwidth 0
990    button $w.fr.bs.ok -text $TXT(ok) -command "GMRTStageFinish $sfr $i"
991    button $w.fr.bs.cancel -text $TXT(cancel) \
992	    -command [list DestroyRGrabs $w $gs]
994    grid config $w.fr.fr1.ctitle -column 0 -row 0 -sticky w
995    grid config $w.fr.fr1.commt -column 1 -row 0 -sticky w
996    grid config $w.fr.fr1.ltitle -column 0 -row 1 -sticky w
997    grid config $w.fr.fr1.label -column 1 -row 1 -sticky w
998    pack $w.fr.bs.ok $w.fr.bs.cancel -side left -pady 5
999    pack $w.fr.title $w.fr.fr1 $w.fr.bs -side top -pady 5
1000    pack $w.fr -side top
1002    update idletasks
1003    grab $w
1004    RaiseWindow $w
1005    return
1008proc GMRTStageFinish {sfr i} {
1009    # change RT stage as in corresponding edit window
1010    # (see proc GMRTStage for the details)
1011    global GMEd
1013    set efr .gmRS.fr.fr1
1014    $sfr.bxsc insert $i [string trim [$efr.commt get]]
1015    $sfr.bxsl insert $i [string trim [$efr.label get]]
1016    foreach b "bxsc bxsl" {
1017	$sfr.$b delete [expr $i+1] ; $sfr.$b selection set $i
1018    }
1019    DestroyRGrabs .gmRS $GMEd(RT,RSgrabs)
1020    return
1023proc GMRTStages {w} {
1024    # get information on stages from frame $w in RT edit window
1025    # return "" if no information found
1027    set sts "" ; set noinfo 1 ; set lstbut1 [expr [$w.box size]-2]
1028    foreach sc [$w.bxsc get 0 $lstbut1] sl [$w.bxsl get 0 $lstbut1] {
1029	set sc [string trim $sc] ; set sl [string trim $sl]
1030	if { $sc != "" || $sl != "" } {
1031	    set noinfo 0
1032	    set st [list $sc $sl]
1033	} else { set st "" }
1034	lappend sts $st
1035    }
1036    if { $noinfo } { return "" }
1037    return $sts
1040proc GMRTChange {how args} {
1041    # perform edit operations on RT
1042    #  $how is one of
1043    #      insb  insert WP before first selected WP in list or at the beginning
1044    #      insa  insert WP after last selected WP in list or at the end
1045    #      repl  replace the first selected WP by another one
1046    #      del   delete all selected WPs
1047    #      inv   invert RT
1048    #      chh   chop head: delete all WPs from first to first selected
1049    #              inclusive or just the first one if there is no selection
1050    #      cht   chop tail: delete all WPs from last selected to end or only
1051    #              last one
1052    #      incb  include RT before first selected or at beginning
1053    #      inca  include RT after last selected or at end
1054    #      clear clear all WPs
1055    #  $args
1056    #      for $how in {insb, insa, repl}, is the name of the other WP
1057    #      for $how==del, if making RT on map and in answer to event on map
1058    #       is either 0 or "sel" for previous; otherwise (Delete button
1059    #       in RT window), is ""
1060    #      for $how in {incb, inca}, is the name of the other RT
1061    #      in other cases, is ""
1062    # if making RT on map there must be more than one WP
1063    global GMEd MapMakingRT MapRTLast RTWPoints RTStages
1065    set GMEd(RT,MapChg) 1
1066    set frbx .gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx
1067    # more than one WP can now be selected
1068    set sel [lsort -integer -increasing [$frbx.box curselection]]
1069    set sel0 [lindex $sel 0] ; set sell [lindex $sel end]
1070    switch $how {
1071	insb {
1072	    set owp [lindex $args 0]
1073	    if { $sel0 != "" } {
1074		set nxt [expr $sel0+1]
1075	    } else { set nxt [set sel0 0] }
1076	    set tddef 1
1077	    if { $sel0 != 0 } {
1078		set p [expr $sel0-1]
1079		set wpp [$frbx.box get $p]
1080		set d [GMRTDistBearDAltWP $frbx $p 1 $wpp $owp]
1081		if { $d == "---" } {
1082		    set tddef 0
1083		}
1084	    }
1085	    set d [GMRTDistBearDAltWP $frbx $sel0 0 $owp [$frbx.box get $sel0]]
1086	    if { $d == "---" } {
1087		set tddef 0
1088	    }
1089	    $frbx.box insert $sel0 $owp
1090	    $frbx.bxn insert end [format %3d. [$frbx.box size]]
1091	    GMRTConfigTDist $frbx .gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frt $tddef
1092	    $frbx.bxsc insert $sel0 "" ; $frbx.bxsl insert $sel0 ""
1093 	    if { $nxt } {
1094		$frbx.bxn selection clear $sel0 end
1095		foreach ix $sel {
1096		    if { $ix >= $sel0 } {
1097			incr ix
1098			$frbx.bxn selection set $ix
1099		    }
1100 		}
1101 	    }
1102	}
1103	insa {
1104	    set owp [lindex $args 0]
1105	    set tddef 1
1106	    if { $sel == "" || \
1107		    [set last [expr [$frbx.bxn size]-1]] == $sell } {
1108		set sell [set nxt end]
1109		set wpnxt ""
1110	    } else {
1111		set nxt [expr $sell+1]
1112		set wpnxt [$frbx.box get $nxt]
1113	    }
1114	    if { [set cwp [$frbx.box get $sell]] == "" } {
1115		set d "---" ; set tddef 0
1116	    } else {
1117		set d [GMRTDistBearDAltWP $frbx $sell 1 $cwp $owp]
1118		if { $d == "---" } {
1119		    set tddef 0
1120		}
1121	    }
1122	    set d [GMRTDistBearDAltWP $frbx $nxt 0 $owp $wpnxt]
1123	    if { $d == "---" } {
1124		set tddef 0
1125	    }
1126	    $frbx.box insert $nxt $owp
1127	    $frbx.bxn insert end [format %3d. [$frbx.box size]]
1128	    GMRTConfigTDist $frbx .gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frt $tddef
1129	    $frbx.bxsc insert $nxt "" ; $frbx.bxsl insert $nxt ""
1130	    if { $sell == "end" } { set sell [expr [$frbx.box size]-2] }
1131	    foreach b {bxd bxb bxda} {
1132		$frbx.$b selection clear $nxt
1133		if { $sell >= 0 } { $frbx.$b selection set $sell }
1134	    }
1135	    if { $nxt != "end" } {
1136		$frbx.bxn selection clear $nxt end
1137		foreach ix $sel {
1138		    if { $ix > $nxt } {
1139			incr ix -1
1140			$frbx.bxn selection set $ix
1141		    }
1142 		}
1143	    }
1144	}
1145	repl {
1146	    set owp [lindex $args 0]
1147	    if { $sel0 == {} } { return }
1148	    ReplaceWPInRTWindow $sel0 $frbx .gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frt $owp 1
1149	}
1150	del  {
1151	    set last [expr [$frbx.bxn size]-1]
1152	    if { $MapMakingRT } {
1153		# if called in answer to event on the map
1154		# $args may be "0" (delete 1st WP) for "sel" (delete selected)
1155		# otherwise $args==""
1156		if { $MapRTLast == 0 } { bell ; return }
1157		if { $MapRTLast == 1 } {
1158		    .gmRT.fr.fr3.frbt.del configure -state disabled
1159		}
1160		# as there were at least 2 WPs, $prev will be set below
1161		#  unless the 1st WP is being deleted
1162		if { [lindex $args 0] == 0 } {
1163		    set sel 0
1164		} elseif { $sel == "" } { BUG "no selected WP to delete" }
1165		set delwp [$frbx.box get $sel]
1166	    } elseif { $sel == {} } { return }
1167	    set tddef 1
1168	    foreach sl [lsort -integer -decreasing $sel] {
1169		if { $sl > 0 } {
1170		    set p [expr $sl-1]
1171		    set prev [$frbx.box get $p]
1172		    if { $sl == $last } {
1173			$frbx.bxd delete $p ; $frbx.bxd insert $p "========"
1174			$frbx.bxb delete $p ; $frbx.bxb insert $p "==="
1175			$frbx.bxsc delete $p ; $frbx.bxsl delete $p
1176		    } else {
1177			set d [GMRTDistBearDAltWP $frbx $p 1 $prev \
1178				   [$frbx.box get [expr $sl+1]]]
1179			if { $d == "---" } { set tddef 0 }
1180		    }
1181		}
1182		foreach b "ox xd xb xda xsc xsl" {
1183		    $frbx.b$b delete $sl
1184		    $frbx.b$b selection clear 0 end
1185		}
1186		$frbx.bxn delete end
1187		if { $MapMakingRT } {
1188		    if { $sel == 0 } {
1189			MapDelRT1st $delwp
1190		    } else { MapDelRTPrevious $prev $delwp }
1191		}
1192	    }
1193	    $frbx.bxn selection clear 0 end
1194	    GMRTConfigTDist $frbx .gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frt $tddef
1195	}
1196	inv  {
1197	    if { [set lstbut1 [expr [$frbx.bxn size]-2]] < 0 } { return }
1198	    set wps [$frbx.box get 0 end]
1199	    set stcs [$frbx.bxsc get 0 $lstbut1]
1200	    set stls [$frbx.bxsl get 0 $lstbut1]
1201	    set ds [$frbx.bxd get 0 $lstbut1]
1202	    set bs [$frbx.bxb get 0 $lstbut1]
1203	    set das [$frbx.bxda get 0 $lstbut1]
1204	    foreach b "ox xd xb xda xsc xsl" {
1205		$frbx.b$b delete 0 end
1206	    }
1207	    foreach w $wps {
1208		$frbx.box insert 0 $w
1209	    }
1210	    $frbx.bxd insert 0 "========" ; $frbx.bxb insert 0 "==="
1211	    foreach d $ds b $bs da $das {
1212		if { $b > 179 } {
1213		    set b [expr $b-180]
1214		} else { set b [expr 180+$b] }
1215		$frbx.bxd insert 0 $d ; $frbx.bxb insert 0 [format %4d $b]
1216		if { $da != "" } { set da [format %7.1f [expr -$da]] }
1217		$frbx.bxda insert 0 $da
1218	    }
1219	    foreach stc $stcs stl $stls {
1220		$frbx.bxsc insert 0 $stc ; $frbx.bxsl insert 0 $stl
1221	    }
1222	    foreach b "xn ox xd xb xda xsc xsl" {
1223		$frbx.b$b selection clear 0 end
1224	    }
1225	}
1226	clear {
1227	    foreach b "xn ox xd xb xda xsc xsl" {
1228		$frbx.b$b delete 0 end
1229	    }
1230	    GMRTConfigTDist $frbx .gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frt 1
1231	}
1232	chh {
1233	    # chop head: delete WPs from first to first selected, or first one
1234	    if { $sel == "" } { set sel0 0 }
1235	    foreach b "ox xd xb xda xsc xsl" {
1236		$frbx.b$b delete 0 $sel0
1237	    }
1238	    $frbx.bxn delete [$frbx.box size] end
1239	    $frbx.bxn selection clear 0 end
1240	    foreach sl $sel {
1241		if { $sl > $sel0 } {
1242		    set sl [expr $sl-$sel0-1]
1243		    $frbx.bxn selection set $sl
1244		}
1245	    }
1246	    GMRTConfigTDist $frbx .gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frt 1
1247	}
1248	cht {
1249	    # chop tail: delete all WPs from last selected to end, or last one
1250	    if { $sel == "" } { set sell end }
1251	    foreach b "xn ox xd xb xda xsc xsl" {
1252		$frbx.b$b delete $sell end
1253		$frbx.b$b yview end
1254	    }
1255	    foreach b "xd xb xda xsc xsl" v "======== ==== {} {} {}" {
1256		$frbx.b$b delete end ; $frbx.b$b insert end $v
1257		$frbx.b$b yview end
1258	    }
1259	    GMRTConfigTDist $frbx .gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frt 1
1260	}
1261	incb {
1262	    # include RT before first selected or first
1263	    if { [set ixrt [IndexNamed RT [lindex $args 0]]] == -1 } {
1264		return
1265	    }
1266	    if { $sel == "" } { set sel0 0 }
1267	    set wps $RTWPoints($ixrt)
1268	    set tddef 1
1269	    if { $sel0 != 0 } {
1270		set pr [expr $sel0-1]
1271		set wp [$frbx.box get $pr]
1272		set d [GMRTDistBearDAltWP $frbx $pr 1 $wp [lindex $wps 0]]
1273		if { $d == "---" } { set tddef 0 }
1274	    }
1275	    set nwps [lrange $wps 1 end] ; lappend nwps [$frbx.box get $sel0]
1276	    set i [$frbx.bxn size]
1277	    foreach wp $wps nxt $nwps stg $RTStages($ixrt) {
1278		incr i
1279		$frbx.bxn insert end [format "%3d." $i]
1280		$frbx.box insert $sel0 $wp
1281		set d [GMRTDistBearDAltWP $frbx $sel0 0 $wp $nxt]
1282		if { $d == "---" } { set tddef 0 }
1283		# $stg may be ""
1284		$frbx.bxsc insert end [lindex $stg 0]
1285		$frbx.bxsl insert end [lindex $stg 1]
1286		incr sel0
1287	    }
1288	    GMRTConfigTDist $frbx .gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frt $tddef
1289	    foreach b "xn ox xd xb xda xsc xsl" {
1290		$frbx.b$b selection clear 0 end
1291	    }
1292	}
1293	inca {
1294	    # include RT after last selected or at end
1295	    if { [set ixrt [IndexNamed RT [lindex $args 0]]] == -1 } {
1296		return
1297	    }
1298	    set i [$frbx.bxn size]
1299	    if { $sel == "" } { set sell [expr $i-1] }
1300	    set wps $RTWPoints($ixrt)
1301	    set wp [$frbx.box get $sell]
1302	    set d [GMRTDistBearDAltWP $frbx $sell 1 $wp [lindex $wps 0]]
1303	    if { $d == "---" } {
1304		set tddef 0
1305	    } else { set tddef 1 }
1306	    set nwps [lrange $wps 1 end]
1307	    if { $sell < $i-1 } {
1308		lappend nwps [$frbx.box get [expr $sell+1]]
1309	    }
1310	    foreach wp $wps nxt $nwps stg $RTStages($ixrt) {
1311		incr i ; incr sell
1312		$frbx.bxn insert end [format "%3d." $i]
1313		$frbx.box insert $sell $wp
1314		set d [GMRTDistBearDAltWP $frbx $sell 0 $wp $nxt]
1315		if { $d == "---" } { set tddef 0 }
1316		# $stg may be ""
1317		$frbx.bxsc insert $sell [lindex $stg 0]
1318		$frbx.bxsl insert $sell [lindex $stg 1]
1319	    }
1320	    GMRTConfigTDist $frbx .gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frt $tddef
1321	    foreach b "xn ox xd xb xda xsc xsl" {
1322		$frbx.b$b selection clear 0 end
1323	    }
1324	}
1325    }
1326    ManageAuxWindows RT close_all
1327    return
1330proc ReplaceWPInRTWindow {i frbx frt wpn recomp} {
1331    # replace WP at position $i in boxes framed by $frbx by WP named $wpn
1332    #  $frt is the frame where the total distance is shown
1333    #  $recomp is set if distances must be recalculated, in which case
1334    #     edited WP is assumed to have already been stored in the data-base
1335    # selection state is kept
1337    set selected [$frbx.box selection includes $i]
1338    $frbx.box insert $i $wpn
1339    $frbx.box delete [expr $i+1]
1340    if { $recomp } {
1341	set tddef 1
1342	if { $i > 0 } {
1343	    set p [expr $i-1]
1344	    set d [GMRTDistBearDAltWP $frbx $p 1 [$frbx.box get $p] $wpn]
1345	    if { $d == "---" } {
1346		set tddef 0
1347	    }
1348	}
1349	if { $i < [expr [$frbx.bxn size]-1] } {
1350	    set p [expr $i+1]
1351	    set d [GMRTDistBearDAltWP $frbx $i 1 $wpn [$frbx.box get $p]]
1352	    if { $d == "---" } { set tddef 0 }
1353	}
1354	GMRTConfigTDist $frbx $frt $tddef
1355    }
1356    if { $selected } {
1357	foreach b "xn ox xd xb xda xsc xsl" {
1358	    $frbx.b$b selection set $i
1359	}
1360    }
1361    return
1364proc GMRTDistBearDAltWP {fr i del wp1 wp2} {
1365    # compute distance, bearing and difference in altitude between two WPs
1366    #  and insert them in listboxes under $fr at index $i, deleting previous
1367    #  value if $del is set; $wp2 can be ""
1368    # (see GMRoute for structure of $fr and listboxes)
1369    # return distance or "---" if could not compute it, or 0 if $wp2 is ""
1370    global DSCALE ALSCALE WPAlt
1372    set da ""
1373    if { $wp2 != "" } {
1374	set db [CompWPDistBear $wp1 $wp2]
1375	set d [lindex $db 0]
1376	if { $d != "---" } {
1377	    set d [expr $d*$DSCALE]
1378	    set pd [format %8.2f $d]
1379	    set db [format %4d [lindex $db 1]]
1380	} else {
1381	    set db "---" ; set pd "--------"
1382	}
1383	if { [set ix1 [IndexNamed WP $wp1]] != -1 && \
1384		[set ix2 [IndexNamed WP $wp2]] != -1 && \
1385		 [set a1 [lindex $WPAlt($ix1) 0]] != {} && \
1386		 [set a2 [lindex $WPAlt($ix2) 0]] != {} } {
1387	    set da [format "%7.1f" [expr ($a2-$a1)/$ALSCALE]]
1388	}
1389    } else { set d 0 ; set pd "========" ; set db "====" }
1390    if { $del } {
1391	$fr.bxd delete $i ; $fr.bxb delete $i ; $fr.bxda delete $i
1392    }
1393    $fr.bxd insert $i $pd ; $fr.bxb insert $i $db
1394    $fr.bxda insert $i $da
1395    return $d
1398proc GMRTConfigTDist {frbx frt def} {
1399    # compute and configure total distance if expected to be defined
1400    #  $frbx is frame for listboxes with distances
1401    #  $frt is the frame for the total distance label
1402    #  $def is 1 if distance is expected to be defined
1404    if { $def } {
1405	set td 0
1406	foreach d [$frbx.bxd get 0 end] {
1407	    if { [string first "---" $d] == 0 } {
1408		$frt.tt configure -text "---"
1409		break
1410	    }
1411	    if { $d != "========" } {
1412		set td [expr $td+$d]
1413	    }
1414	}
1415	$frt.tt configure -text [format %8.2f $td]
1416    } else {
1417	$frt.tt configure -text "---"
1418    }
1419    return
1422proc ChangeWPInRTWindows {oldname newname recomp} {
1423    # replace name of WP in RT windows and/or recompute distances
1424    # a WP name may occur several times
1425    #  $recomp is set if distances must be recalculated, in which case
1426    #     edited WP is assumed to have already been stored in the data-base
1427    # change data on RT being edited if WP belongs to it and was renamed
1428    global GMEd
1430    set diffname [string compare $oldname $newname]
1431    if { [winfo exists .gmRT] && $diffname } {
1432	# window update is done below
1433	# this depends on Storage(RT)
1434	set wps [lindex $GMEd(RT,Data) 3] ; set chg 0
1435	foreach i [lsearch -exact -all $wps $oldname] {
1436	    set wps [lreplace $wps $i $i $newname]
1437	    incr chg
1438	}
1439	if { $chg } { set GMEd(RT,Data) [lreplace $GMEd(RT,Data) 3 3 $wps] }
1440    }
1441    set ws [winfo children .]
1442    while { [set i [lsearch -glob $ws ".gmRT*"]] != -1 } {
1443	set w [lindex $ws $i]
1444	set ws [lrange $ws [expr $i+1] end]
1445	set frbx $w.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx
1446	foreach i [lsearch -exact -all [$frbx.box get 0 end] $oldname] {
1447	    ReplaceWPInRTWindow $i $frbx $w.fr.fr3.fr31.frt $newname $recomp
1448	}
1449    }
1450    return
1453proc RTToTR {w} {
1454    # make a TR from the RT in window $w
1455    global WPPosn WPAlt WPDatum Datum EdWindow MESS TXT
1457    set tpfs "latd longd latDMS longDMS"
1458    set tpfsa "alt latd longd latDMS longDMS"
1459    set tps ""
1460    foreach wpn [$w.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx.box get 0 end] {
1461	if { [set wpix [IndexNamed WP $wpn]] != -1 } {
1462	    set p $WPPosn($wpix)
1463	    set p [lindex [FormatPosition [lindex $p 0] [lindex $p 1] \
1464			       $WPDatum($wpix) DMS $Datum] 0]
1465	    set p [lrange $p 0 3]
1466	    if { [set a $WPAlt($wpix)] != "" } {
1467		lappend tps [FormData TP $tpfsa [linsert $p 0 $a]]
1468	    } else { lappend tps [FormData TP $tpfs $p] }
1469	}
1470    }
1471    if { $tps == "" } { bell ; return }
1472    if { [winfo exists $EdWindow(TR)] } {
1473	set name [NewName TR]
1474	set data [FormData TR "Name Datum TPoints" [list $name $Datum $tps]]
1475	CreateItem TR $data
1476	GMMessage [format $MESS(convres) $TXT(TR) $name]
1477    } else {
1478	set opts "create revert cancel"
1479	GMTrack -1 $opts [FormData TR "Datum TPoints" [list $Datum $tps]]
1480    }
1481    return
1484proc ComputeArea {w} {
1485    # compute area of polygon whose boundary is the RT in window $w
1486    # the RT cannot intersect itself; in particular its WPs cannot occur
1487    #  twice except for the 1st one that can appear also as last one
1488    # only this particular case is checked
1489    # computation is either based on a spherical approximation, or, if that
1490    #  has precision problems (too small areas), done by projecting on the
1491    #  plane and calculating the area of projected polygon; the projection
1492    #  used for this is the Transverse Mercator, or the Universal Polar
1493    #  Stereographic for absolute latitudes above ca. 80 degrees
1494    global MESS ASCALE ARUNIT
1496    set wps [$w.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx.box get 0 end]
1497    if { [lindex $wps 0] == [lindex $wps end] } {
1498	set wps [lreplace $wps end end]
1499    }
1500    if { [set n [llength $wps]] < 3 } {
1501	GMMessage $MESS(missingdata)
1502	return
1503    }
1504    set wpixs [Apply $wps IndexNamed WP]
1505    set os [lreplace $wpixs 0 0]
1506    foreach ix $wpixs {
1507	foreach ixn $os {
1508	    if { $ix == $ixn } {
1509		GMMessage $MESS(selfintsct)
1510		return
1511	    }
1512	}
1513	set os [lreplace $os 0 0]
1514    }
1515    if { [set area [SphericalArea $wpixs]] < 0 } {
1516	GMMessage $MESS(projarea)
1517	set area [ProjectedArea $wpixs]
1518	if { $area < 0.001 } {
1519	    GMMessage [format $MESS(areatoosmall) 0.001]
1520	    return
1521	}
1522    }
1523    GMMessage [format $MESS(areais) [expr $area*$ASCALE] $ARUNIT]
1524    return
1527proc GMTrack {index options data} {
1528    # create dialog window for editing/showing data of TR with given index
1529    #  $options is a list of buttons to display;
1530    #  $index is -1 if this is a new TR
1531    #	an empty list means no editing; supported options are:
1532    #     cancel, create, change, revert, forget
1533    #     change and forget assume $index != -1
1534    #     see proc GMButton for further details
1535    #  if $options is empty, $index cannot be -1 as this is not a new TR
1536    #   the only button is OK, and only binding: return to destroy
1537    # order of elements in $data list reflects order in $Storage(TR)
1538    #  which is used below
1539    # return window path
1543    foreach "name obs datum tps segsts hidden width colour mbak displ" $data {}
1544    set ed 0 ; set st disabled
1545    if { $options != "" } {
1546	if { [winfo exists .gmTR] } { Raise .gmTR ; bell ; return .gmTR }
1547	set ed 1 ; set st normal
1548	set w .gmTR
1549	set GMEd(TR,Index) $index ; set GMEd(TR,Displ) $displ
1550	set GMEd(TR,Datum) $datum ; set GMEd(TR,TPs) $tps
1551	set GMEd(TR,Hidden) $hidden ; set GMEd(TR,MapChg) 0
1552	set GMEd(TR,SgSts) $segsts ; set GMEd(TR,Width) $width
1553	set GMEd(TR,Colour) $colour ; set GMEd(TR,MBack) $mbak
1554	# this depends on Storage(TR)
1555	set GMEd(TR,Data) $data
1556	# GMEd(TR,windows) is a list of windows that should be closed
1557	#  when the track is changed such as the computation window and
1558	#  the plot windows created by procs Hgraph and HG3D (elevation.tcl)
1559	#  It should be accessed by calling proc ManageAuxWindows
1560	set GMEd(TR,windows) {}
1561	set x $DPOSX
1562	set y $DPOSY
1563    } else {
1564	set w .gmTRsh$index
1565	if { [winfo exists $w] } { destroy $w }
1566	incr GMEd(TR,Show)
1567	set x [expr $DPOSX+50*((1+$GMEd(TR,Show)) % 5)]
1568	set y [expr $DPOSY+50*((1+$GMEd(TR,Show)) % 5)]
1569    }
1571    GMToplevel $w track +$x+$y {} {} {}
1572    if { ! $ed } {
1573	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $w"
1574	bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
1575    } else {
1576	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW { GMButton TR cancel }
1577    }
1579    frame $w.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
1581    frame $w.fr.fr1 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1582    label $w.fr.fr1.ntitle -text "$TXT(name):"
1583    entry $w.fr.fr1.id -width $DATEWIDTH -exportselection 1
1584    ShowTEdit $w.fr.fr1.id $name $ed
1586    frame $w.fr.fr2 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1587    label $w.fr.fr2.obstit -text "$TXT(rmrk):"
1588    text $w.fr.fr2.obs -wrap word -width $OBSWIDTH -height $OBSHEIGHT \
1589	    -exportselection true
1590    $w.fr.fr2.obs insert 0.0 $obs
1591    $w.fr.fr2.obs configure -state $st
1592    TextBindings $w.fr.fr2.obs
1594    frame $w.fr.frd -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1595    menubutton $w.fr.frd.dttitle -text Datum -relief raised \
1596	    -direction below -menu $w.fr.frd.dttitle.m -state $st
1597    menu $w.fr.frd.dttitle.m -tearoff 0
1598    if { $ed } {
1599	FillDatumMenu $w.fr.frd.dttitle.m GMTRChangeDatum
1600	label $w.fr.frd.datum -text $GMEd(TR,Datum) \
1601		-textvariable GMEd(TR,Datum) \
1602		-width $DATUMWIDTH
1603    } else {
1604	label $w.fr.frd.datum -text $datum -width $DATUMWIDTH
1605    }
1607    if { $hidden != "" } {
1608  	button $w.fr.hidd -text $TXT(hiddendata) \
1609  		-command "$w.fr.hidd configure -state normal ; \
1610 		          ShowHiddenData TR {$hidden}"
1611    }
1613    frame $w.fr.fr3 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1614    frame $w.fr.fr3.frbx -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1615    set boxes ""
1616    foreach b "n d lat long alt dep seg" m "5 $DATEWIDTH 12 12 7 7 1" {
1617	listbox $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bx$b -height 15 -width $m -relief flat \
1618	    -yscrollcommand "$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bscr set" \
1619 	    -selectmode extended -exportselection false
1620	lappend boxes $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bx$b
1621	bind $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bx$b <<ListboxSelect>> \
1622   "MultExtSelect $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bx$b {bxn bxd bxlat bxlong bxalt bxdep bxseg}"
1623	bind $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bx$b <Double-1> \
1624	    { MarkPoint TR [winfo toplevel %W] [%W nearest %y] }
1625    }
1626    if { $ed } {
1627	set GMEd(TR,boxes) $boxes
1628	bind $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxseg <Button-3> {
1629	    GMToggleSegStart TR %W [%W nearest %y]
1630	    ManageAuxWindows TR close_all
1631	}
1632    }
1633    # BSB contribution: wheelmouse scrolling
1634    scrollbar $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bscr -command [list ScrollMany $boxes]
1635    Mscroll $boxes
1636    FillTPs $w $tps $segsts
1638    frame $w.fr.fr3.frbt -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1639    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.chh -text $TXT(chophd) -state $st \
1640	    -command { GMTRChange chh }
1641    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cht -text $TXT(choptl) -state $st \
1642	    -command { GMTRChange cht }
1643    foreach a "incb app" {
1644	button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.$a -text $TXT($a) -state $st \
1645	    -command "ChItemsCall TR single GMTRChange $a"
1646    }
1647    # MB contribution
1648    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.del -text $TXT(del) -state $st \
1649	    -command { GMTRChange del }
1650    #----
1651    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.clear -text $TXT(clear) -state $st \
1652	    -command { GMTRChange clear }
1653    frame $w.fr.fr3.frbt.sep -height 6 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg) \
1654	    -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1655    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.anim -text $TXT(animation) -command "GMTRAnimate $w"
1656    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.comp -text $TXT(comp) -command "GMTRCompute $w"
1657    set mnc $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cnv.m
1658    menubutton $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cnv -text $TXT(convert) -relief raised \
1659	    -direction right -menu $mnc
1660    menu $mnc -tearoff 0
1661    $mnc add command -label $TXT(mkavgWP) -command "GMTRtoWP $w"
1662    set mn $mnc.mnsm
1663    $mnc add cascade -label $TXT(simplTRto) -menu $mn
1664    menu $mn -tearoff 0
1665    foreach wh "RT TR LN" {
1666	$mn add command -label $TXT(name$wh) -command "GMTRtoLine $wh $w"
1667    }
1668    $mnc add cascade -label $TXT(split) -menu $mnc.mns
1669    menu $mnc.mns -tearoff 0
1670    $mnc.mns add command -label $TXT(bysel) \
1671	-command "SplitPolyLine TR sel $w $ed $index"
1672    $mnc.mns add command -label $TXT(byseg) \
1673	-command "SplitPolyLine TR segm $w $ed $index"
1675    frame $w.fr.frsel -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1676    # frame used for plug-ins (see array PLGSWelcomed, plugins.tcl)
1677    frame $w.fr.frdw
1678    set mn $w.fr.frdw.mw.m
1679    menubutton $w.fr.frdw.mw -text $TXT(width) -relief raised \
1680	    -direction below -menu $mn -state $st
1681    menu $mn -tearoff 0
1682    button $w.fr.frdw.b -text $TXT(Colour) -relief raised \
1683	    -command "ChooseColour GMEd GMEd(TR,Colour) $w.fr.frdw $w" \
1684	    -state $st
1685    label $w.fr.frdw.bc -relief groove -background $colour -width 2
1687    frame $w.fr.frmb
1688    CreateMBackWidgets TR $w.fr.frmb $mbak $ed
1690    if { $ed } {
1691	checkbutton $w.fr.frdw.displayed -text $TXT(displ) \
1692		-variable GMEd(TR,Displ) -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
1693		-selectcolor $COLOUR(check)
1694	foreach i "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8" {
1695	    $mn add command -label $i -command "set GMEd(TR,Width) $i"
1696	}
1697	label $w.fr.frdw.wv -width 3 -textvariable GMEd(TR,Width)
1698	if { $MapLoading != 0 } {
1699	    foreach i "displayed mw" {
1700		$w.fr.frdw.$i configure -state disabled
1701	    }
1702	}
1703	set b $w.fr.frsel.b
1704	foreach e $options {
1705	    button $b$e -text $TXT($e) \
1706		    -command "$b$e configure -state normal ; GMButton TR $e"
1707	    pack $b$e -side left
1708	}
1709    } else {
1710	checkbutton $w.fr.frdw.displayed -text $TXT(displ) -state disabled \
1711		-selectcolor $COLOUR(check)
1712	if { $displ } { $w.fr.frdw.displayed select }
1713	label $w.fr.frdw.wv -width 3 -text $width
1714	button $w.fr.frsel.b -text $TXT(ok) -command "destroy $w"
1715	pack $w.fr.frsel.b
1716    }
1718    pack $w.fr -side top
1719    pack $w.fr.fr1.ntitle $w.fr.fr1.id -side left -padx 3
1720    pack $w.fr.fr2.obstit $w.fr.fr2.obs -side left -padx 3
1721    pack $w.fr.frd.dttitle $w.fr.frd.datum -side left -padx 3
1722    eval pack $boxes $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bscr -side left -fill y
1723    # includes MB contribution
1724    pack $w.fr.fr3.frbt.chh $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cht $w.fr.fr3.frbt.incb \
1725	    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.app $w.fr.fr3.frbt.del $w.fr.fr3.frbt.clear \
1726	    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.sep $w.fr.fr3.frbt.anim $w.fr.fr3.frbt.comp \
1727	    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cnv -side top -pady 2 -fill x
1728    pack $w.fr.fr3.frbx $w.fr.fr3.frbt -side left -padx 5
1729    pack $w.fr.frdw.displayed $w.fr.frdw.mw -side left -padx 3
1730    pack $w.fr.frdw.wv -side left -padx 0
1731    pack $w.fr.frdw.b -side left -padx 10
1732    pack $w.fr.frdw.bc -side left -padx 0
1733    if { $hidden != "" } {
1734	pack $w.fr.fr1 $w.fr.fr2 $w.fr.frd -side top -pady 5
1735	pack $w.fr.hidd -side top -pady 2
1736	pack $w.fr.fr3 $w.fr.frdw -side top -pady 5
1737	pack $w.fr.frmb -side top
1738	pack $w.fr.frsel -side top -pady 5
1739    } else {
1740	pack $w.fr.fr1 $w.fr.fr2 $w.fr.frd $w.fr.fr3 $w.fr.frdw -side top \
1741	    -pady 5
1742	pack $w.fr.frmb -side top
1743	pack $w.fr.frsel -side top -pady 5
1744    }
1746    AttachPlugIns $w
1748    update idletasks
1749    return $w
1752proc RevertTR {} {
1753    # reset data in TR edit window to initial values
1754    # this depends on Storage(TR)
1755    global GMEd
1757    set GMEd(TR,MapChg) 0 ; set data $GMEd(TR,Data)
1758    .gmTR.fr.fr1.id delete 0 end
1759    .gmTR.fr.fr1.id insert 0 [lindex $data 0]
1760    .gmTR.fr.fr2.obs delete 1.0 end
1761    .gmTR.fr.fr2.obs insert 1.0 [lindex $data 1]
1762    foreach box $GMEd(TR,boxes) { $box delete 0 end }
1763    foreach e "Datum TPs SgSts" v [lrange $data 2 4] {
1764	set GMEd(TR,$e) $v
1765    }
1766    # hidden attributes: [lindex $GMEd(TR,Data) 5]
1767    foreach e "Width Colour MBack Displ" v [lrange $data 6 end] {
1768	set GMEd(TR,$e) $v
1769    }
1770    FillTPs .gmTR $GMEd(TR,TPs) $GMEd(TR,SgSts)
1771    .gmTR.fr.frdw.bc configure -background $GMEd(TR,Colour)
1772    if { $GMEd(TR,Displ) } {
1773	.gmTR.fr.frdw.displayed select
1774    } else {
1775	.gmTR.fr.frdw.displayed deselect
1776    }
1777    # assume that data in the window changed
1778    ManageAuxWindows TR close_all
1779    return
1782proc GMTRCheck {} {
1783    # check validity of data in TR edit window
1784    # this depends on Storage(TR)
1785    global GMEd MESS KEEPHIDDEN
1787    set id [.gmTR.fr.fr1.id get]
1788    if { ! [CheckString GMMessage $id] } {
1789	focus .gmTR.fr.fr1.id
1790	return nil
1791    }
1792    if { [llength $GMEd(TR,TPs)] == 0 } {
1793	GMMessage $MESS(voidTR)
1794	return nil
1795    }
1796    if { $GMEd(TR,Hidden) != "" } {
1797	switch $KEEPHIDDEN {
1798	    never { set GMEd(TR,Hidden) "" }
1799	    always { }
1800	    ask {
1801		if { [GMConfirm $MESS(nohidden)] } { set GMEd(TR,Hidden) "" }
1802	    }
1803	}
1804    }
1805    if { ! $GMEd(TR,MapChg) && \
1806	    ( $GMEd(TR,Width) != [lindex $GMEd(TR,Data) 6] || \
1807	      $GMEd(TR,Colour) != [lindex $GMEd(TR,Data) 7] ) } {
1808	set GMEd(TR,MapChg) 1
1809    }
1810    set r [list $id [CheckNB [.gmTR.fr.fr2.obs get 0.0 end]]]
1811    foreach e "Datum TPs SgSts Hidden Width Colour MBack Displ" {
1812	lappend r $GMEd(TR,$e)
1813    }
1814    return $r
1817proc GMTRNewDate {tpsa tpsb} {
1818    # create dialog window to get new date for the first point of a TR ($tpsa)
1819    #  when appending it to a another one ($tpsb)
1822    set l [set na [llength $tpsa]]
1823    if { $na > 4 } { set na 4 }
1824    set tpsa [lrange $tpsa [expr $l-$na] end]
1825    set l [set nb [llength $tpsb]]
1826    if { $nb > 4 } { set nb 4 }
1827    set tpsb [lrange $tpsb 0 [expr $nb-1]]
1829    GMToplevel .gmTRnd date +$EPOSX+$EPOSY .gmTR \
1830        {WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set TmpTR cnc}} \
1831        {<Key-Return> {set TmpTR ok}}
1833    frame .gmTRnd.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(selbg)
1834    label .gmTRnd.fr.tit -text $TXT(newdate) -relief sunken
1836    set ll [Measure "$TXT(endprTR):"]
1837    frame .gmTRnd.fr.frbxp -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1838    label .gmTRnd.fr.frbxp.tit -text "$TXT(endprTR):" -width $ll
1839    listbox .gmTRnd.fr.frbxp.bxt -width $DATEWIDTH -height 4 \
1840	    -exportselection 0 -font $FixedFont
1841    bind .gmTRnd.fr.frbxp.bxt <Button-1> {
1842	.gmTRnd.fr.frbxp.bxt selection clear 0 end
1843    }
1844    listbox .gmTRnd.fr.frbxp.bxl -width 8 -height 4 -exportselection 0 \
1845	    -font $FixedFont
1846    bind .gmTRnd.fr.frbxp.bxl <Button-1> {
1847	.gmTRnd.fr.frbxp.bxl selection clear 0 end
1848    }
1849    set dst 0
1850    foreach tp $tpsa nxt [lrange $tpsa 1 end] {
1851	.gmTRnd.fr.frbxp.bxt insert end [lindex $tp 4]
1852	if { $nxt != "" } {
1853	    set d [ComputeDist $tp $nxt $GMEd(TR,Datum)]
1854	    set dst [expr $dst+$d]
1855	    .gmTRnd.fr.frbxp.bxl insert end [format "%8.2f" $d]
1856	}
1857    }
1858    set d [ComputeDist [lindex $tpsa end] [lindex $tpsb 0] $GMEd(TR,Datum)]
1859    .gmTRnd.fr.frbxp.bxl insert end [format "%8.2f" $d]
1860    set tl [lindex [lindex $tpsa end] 5]
1861    if { $dst != 0 } {
1862	set t [expr $tl-[lindex [lindex $tpsa 0] 5]]
1863	set ns [expr round($t*$d/$dst)+$tl]
1864    } else { set ns $tl }
1866    frame .gmTRnd.fr.frbxn -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1867    label .gmTRnd.fr.frbxn.tit -text "$TXT(begnxt):" -width $ll
1868    listbox .gmTRnd.fr.frbxn.bxt -width $DATEWIDTH -height 4 \
1869	    -exportselection 0 -font $FixedFont
1870    bind .gmTRnd.fr.frbxn.bxt <Button-1> {
1871	.gmTRnd.fr.frbxn.bxt selection clear 0 end
1872    }
1873    listbox .gmTRnd.fr.frbxn.bxl -width 8 -height 4 -exportselection 0 \
1874	    -font $FixedFont
1875    bind .gmTRnd.fr.frbxn.bxl <Button-1> {
1876	.gmTRnd.fr.frbxn.bxl selection clear 0 end
1877    }
1878    foreach tp $tpsb nxt [lrange $tpsb 1 end] {
1879	.gmTRnd.fr.frbxn.bxt insert end [lindex $tp 4]
1880	if { $nxt != "" } {
1881	    set d [ComputeDist $tp $nxt $GMEd(TR,Datum)]
1882	    .gmTRnd.fr.frbxn.bxl insert end [format "%8.2f" $d]
1883	}
1884    }
1886    frame .gmTRnd.fr.fe -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1887    label .gmTRnd.fr.fe.tit -text "$TXT(date1st):"
1888    entry .gmTRnd.fr.fe.en -width $DATEWIDTH -exportselection 1
1889    .gmTRnd.fr.fe.en insert 0 [DateFromSecs $ns]
1890    TextBindings .gmTRnd.fr.fe.en
1892    frame .gmTRnd.fr.bs -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1893    button .gmTRnd.fr.bs.ok -text $TXT(ok) -command { set TempTR ok }
1894    button .gmTRnd.fr.bs.cnc -text $TXT(cancel) -command { set TempTR cnc }
1896    pack .gmTRnd.fr.frbxp.tit .gmTRnd.fr.frbxp.bxt .gmTRnd.fr.frbxp.bxl \
1897	    -side left -fill y
1898    pack .gmTRnd.fr.frbxn.tit .gmTRnd.fr.frbxn.bxt .gmTRnd.fr.frbxn.bxl \
1899	    -side left -fill y
1900    pack .gmTRnd.fr.fe.tit .gmTRnd.fr.fe.en -side top -pady 3
1901    pack .gmTRnd.fr.bs.ok .gmTRnd.fr.bs.cnc -side left -pady 5
1902    pack .gmTRnd.fr.tit .gmTRnd.fr.frbxp .gmTRnd.fr.frbxn .gmTRnd.fr.fe \
1903	    .gmTRnd.fr.bs -side top -pady 5
1904    pack .gmTRnd.fr -side top
1906    update idletasks
1907    set gs [grab current]
1908    grab .gmTRnd
1909    RaiseWindow .gmTRnd
1910    while 1 {
1911	tkwait variable TempTR
1913	switch $TempTR {
1914	    cnc {
1915		set res -1
1916		break
1917	    }
1918	    ok {
1919		set fn [string trim [.gmTRnd.fr.fe.en get] " "]
1920		set d [CheckConvDate $fn]
1921		if { $d != "" } {
1922		    set res $d
1923		    break
1924		}
1925	    }
1926	}
1927    }
1928    DestroyRGrabs .gmTRnd $gs
1929    update idletasks
1930    return $d
1933proc GMTRChange {how args} {
1934    # perform edit operations on TR
1936    GMPolyChange TR $how $args
1937    ManageAuxWindows TR close_all
1938    return
1941proc GMTRAnimate {window} {
1942    # launch animation for TR in edit/show window
1943    global GMEd TRTPoints TRDatum TXT MESS
1945    set name [$window.fr.fr1.id get]
1946    if { $window == ".gmTR" } {
1947	set tps $GMEd(TR,TPs)
1948	if { $tps == "" } {
1949	    GMMessage $MESS(voidTR)
1950	    return
1951	}
1952	set datum $GMEd(TR,Datum)
1953    } else {
1954	set ixt [IndexNamed TR $name]
1955	set tps $TRTPoints($ixt) ; set datum $TRDatum($ixt)
1956    }
1957    InitAnimation TR "$TXT(nameTR): $name" $tps $datum
1958    return
1961proc GMTRCompute {window} {
1962    # create dialog to show results of computation for TR of edit/show window
1963    global DPOSX DPOSY COLOUR GMEd TRTPoints TRSegStarts TRDatum TXT MESS \
1966    set w ${window}.topc
1967    if { [winfo exists $w] } { Raise $w ; bell ; return }
1969    if { $window == ".gmTR" } {
1970	set edit 1
1971	ManageAuxWindows TR add $w
1972	set tps $GMEd(TR,TPs)
1973	if { $tps == "" } {
1974	    GMMessage $MESS(voidTR)
1975	    return
1976	}
1977	set segsts $GMEd(TR,SgSts)
1978	set datum $GMEd(TR,Datum)
1979    } else {
1980	set edit 0
1981	set ixt [IndexNamed TR [$window.fr.fr1.id get]]
1982	set tps $TRTPoints($ixt) ; set segsts $TRSegStarts($ixt)
1983	set datum $TRDatum($ixt)
1984    }
1985    if { [lindex $tps 1000] != ""  && ! [GMConfirm $MESS(timeconsmg)] } {
1986	return
1987    }
1988    SetCursor . watch
1989    GMToplevel $w TRcomp +[expr $DPOSX+100]+[expr $DPOSY+100] {} {} {}
1991    frame $w.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
1992    frame $w.fr.fr1 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1993    label $w.fr.fr1.ntitle -text "$TXT(name): [$window.fr.fr1.id get]"
1995    frame $w.fr.fr3 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1996    frame $w.fr.fr3.frtits -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1997    label $w.fr.fr3.frtits.fill -width 2 -font $FixedFont
1998    frame $w.fr.fr3.frbx -relief flat -borderwidth 0
1999    set h [$window.fr.fr3.frbx.bxn size]
2000    if { $h > 15 } { set h 15 }
2001    set boxes ""
2002    foreach b "xn xd xlat xlong al xl tl dt sp bg" \
2003	    m "5 $DATEWIDTH 12 12 7 8 8 8 6 4" t $TXT(TRcompflds) {
2004	label $w.fr.fr3.frtits.tit$b -width $m -text $t -font $FixedFont
2005	listbox $w.fr.fr3.frbx.b$b -height $h -width $m -relief flat \
2006	    -yscrollcommand "$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bscr set" \
2007 	    -selectmode single -exportselection false -font $FixedFont
2008	lappend boxes $w.fr.fr3.frbx.b$b
2009	bind $w.fr.fr3.frbx.b$b <Button-1> {
2010	    MultSelect [winfo parent %W] [%W nearest %y] \
2011		    {bxn bxd bxlat bxlong bal bxl btl bdt bsp bbg}
2012	}
2013    }
2014    # $boxes computed in the previous loop
2015    # BSB contribution: wheelmouse scrolling
2016    scrollbar $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bscr -command [list ScrollMany $boxes]
2017    Mscroll $boxes
2019    # distance from first TP, its maximum and index of corresponding TP
2020    set d0 0 ; set mxd0 0 ; set ismxd0 ""
2021    # total distance (chainage) / total time including segment gaps
2022    set td 0 ; set tt 0
2023    # proposed RM contribution: display chainage instead of
2024    #  sum of distance from start to next; 1 of 4
2025    # this line should be commented out
2026    set sd [format "%8.3f" $td]
2027    # total distance without segment gaps
2028    set tdng 0 ; set ttng 0
2029    # extreme speed values and indices of corresponding TPs
2030    set mxsp 0 ; set mnsp 1e70 ; set imx 0 ; set imn 0
2031    # lists of: total distance and speed; seconds, altitude and start
2032    #  segment flag; seconds and speed
2033    set speeds "" ; set salts "" ; set sspeeds ""
2034    SetDatumData $datum
2035    set tp0 [lindex $tps 0]
2036    # AP contribution
2037    #======
2038    #get start point alt and put it in lllist with 0 km.
2039    # MF change: inserted start segment flag
2040    set lll [list [list 0.0 [UserAltitude [lindex $tp0 6]] 0]]
2041    # MF change: moved computation of $tmp3D $tmp3D2 to next foreach
2042    set tmp3D "" ; set tmp3D2 ""
2043    # 3D elevation graph: call   HG3D $tmp3D $tmp3D2 $datum
2044    #======
2045    set secs2 [lindex $tp0 5]
2046    set nsgst [lindex $segsts 0] ; set segsts [lreplace $segsts 0 0]
2047    set endsegm 0
2048    set i 1
2049    # BS contribution: definition variable
2050    # RM change variablename
2051    set cumula 0
2052    set cumula_temp 0
2053    #======
2054    # MF contribution: also for cumulative descent
2055    set cumuld 0 ; set cumuld_temp 0
2056    #======
2057    set maxalt -1e10 ; set minalt 1e10
2058    set imaxalt 0; set iminalt 0
2059    # RM contribution: searching for rest periods
2060    set limit_resttime 300                  ; # 5min
2061    set limit_restdist [expr 0.050*$DSCALE] ; # 50m
2062    set limit_restspeed [expr 0.3*$DSCALE]  ; # 0.3kph
2063    set trt 0 ; # total resttime
2064    set tmt 0 ; # total time in motion
2065    set rest "" ; # list with index, chainage, tracktime, resttime
2066    #======
2068    foreach tp $tps nxt [lreplace $tps 0 0] {
2069	# $tp altitude in user units and time-stamp in seconds
2070	if { [set al [UserAltitude [lindex $tp 6]]] != "" } {
2071	    if { $al > $maxalt } {
2072	        set maxalt $al
2073	        set imaxalt $i
2074	    }
2075	    if { $al < $minalt } {
2076	        set minalt $al
2077	        set iminalt $i
2078	    }
2079	}
2080	set secs $secs2
2081	# $tp starts a new segment if the previous TP ended one
2082	set newsegm $endsegm
2083	lappend salts [list $secs $al $newsegm]
2084	# AP contribution (MF: from above)
2085	lappend tmp3D [list [lindex $tp 0] [lindex $tp 1] $datum]
2086	lappend tmp3D2 [list $al]
2087	#---
2088	if { $nsgst == $i } {
2089	    # $nxt starts a new segment, so $tp ends one
2090	    set endsegm 1
2091	    set nsgst [lindex $segsts 0] ; set segsts [lreplace $segsts 0 0]
2092	} else { set endsegm 0 }
2093	if { $nxt != "" } {
2094	    # proposed RM contribution: display chainage instead of
2095            #  sum of distance from start to next; 2 of 4
2096	    # this line should be uncommented:
2097	    # set sd [format "%8.3f" $td]
2098	    set db [ComputeDistBearFD $tp $nxt]
2099	    # distance to next in user units
2100	    set d [expr [lindex $db 0]*$DSCALE]
2101	    # total distance(chainage)
2102	    set td [expr $td+$d]
2103	    # bearing to next in degrees
2104	    set b [format "%4d" [lindex $db 1]]
2105	    # time difference to next in seconds
2106	    set dt [expr [set secs2 [lindex $nxt 5]]-$secs]
2107	    # distance from start to next in user units
2108	    set d0 [expr [ComputeDistFD $tp0 $nxt]*$DSCALE]
2109	    # maximum distance from first to next
2110	    if { $d0 > $mxd0 } {
2111		set mxd0 $d0 ; set ismxd0 [expr $i+1]
2112	    } elseif { $d0 == $mxd0 } { lappend ismxd0 [expr $i+1] }
2113	    # AP contribution
2114	    #=======
2115	    set al2 [UserAltitude [lindex $nxt 6]]
2116	    # MF change: add start segment flag for $nxt
2117	    lappend lll [list $td $al2 $endsegm]
2118	    #=======
2119            # RM contribution: searching for rest periods
2120            if { $dt != 0 } {
2121		    # compute speed from current to next
2122		    set sp [expr 3600.0*$d/$dt]
2123 	    } else { set sp 0 }
2124	    if { $dt > $limit_resttime && $sp < $limit_restspeed && \
2125		     $d < $limit_restdist } {
2126	        incr trt $dt; lappend rest [list $i $sd $tt $dt] }
2127	    #=======
2128	    # BS contribution
2129	    #  with MF change to cover cumulative descent
2130	    # RM change: altitude threshold
2131	    # MF change: using global option
2132	    if { $al != "" && $al2 != "" } {
2133		if { $al2 > $al } {
2134		    # upward
2135		    set cumula_temp [expr $cumula_temp+$al2-$al]
2136		    if { $cumuld_temp >= $ALTHRESHOLD } {
2137			set cumuld [expr $cumuld+$cumuld_temp]
2138		    } else {
2139		        # discard amount
2140		        set cumula [expr $cumula-$cumuld_temp]
2141		    }
2142		    set cumuld_temp 0
2143		} elseif { $al2 < $al } {
2144		    # downward
2145		    if { $cumula_temp >= $ALTHRESHOLD } {
2146			set cumula [expr $cumula+$cumula_temp]
2147		    } else {
2148		        # discard amount
2149		        set cumuld [expr $cumuld-$cumula_temp]
2150		    }
2151		    set cumula_temp 0
2152		    set cumuld_temp [expr $cumuld_temp+$al-$al2]
2153		}
2154	    }
2155	    #=======
2156	    # while $lll was updated with values for $nxt, $salts was
2157	    #  updated with values for $tp
2158	    if { $endsegm } {
2159		# speed is meaningless
2160		set sp "======"
2161	    } else {
2162		if { $dt != 0 } {
2163		    # compute speed from current to next
2164		    set sp [expr 3600*$d/$dt]
2165		    lappend speeds [list $td $sp]
2166		    lappend sspeeds [list $secs $sp]
2167		    if { $sp > $mxsp } { set mxsp $sp ; set imx $i }
2168		    if { $sp < $mnsp } { set mnsp $sp ; set imn $i }
2169		    set sp [format "%6.2f" $sp]
2170		} else { set sp "======" }
2171		set tdng [expr $tdng+$d] ; incr ttng $dt
2172	    }
2173	    incr tt $dt
2174	    set d [format "%8.2f" $d]
2175	    # proposed RM contribution: display chainage instead of
2176            #  sum of distance from start to next; 3 of 4
2177	    # next line should be commented out
2178	    set sd [format "%8.2f" $td]
2179	    set dt [FormatTime $dt]
2180	} else {
2181	    set d "========" ; set dt "========"
2182	    set sp "======" ; set b "===="
2183	    # proposed RM contribution: display chainage instead of
2184            #  sum of distance from start to next; 4 of 4
2185	    # next line should be replaced by
2186	    #    set sd [format "%8.3f" $td]
2187	    set sd "========"
2188	}
2189	foreach box $boxes \
2190		v [list [format "%4d." $i] [lindex $tp 4] \
2191		       [lindex $tp 2] [lindex $tp 3] $al $d $sd $dt $sp $b] {
2192	    $box insert end $v
2193	}
2194	incr i
2195    }
2196    # AP contribution
2197    #=======
2198    #From this point on you can call:
2199    #Hgraph $lll
2200    #=======
2201    # BS contribution
2202    set cumula [expr $cumula+$cumula_temp]
2203    #=======
2204    # MF contribution: same for descent
2205    set cumuld [expr $cumuld+$cumuld_temp]
2206    #=======
2207    set td [format "%8.2f" $td] ; set tdng [format "%8.2f" $tdng]
2208    if { $tt == 0 } {
2209	set avsp "======"
2210	set mxp "======" ; set mnsp "======"
2211	set avspmot "======"
2212    } else {
2213	set avsp [format "%6.2f" [expr 3600*$td/$tt]]
2214	set mxsp [format "%6.2f" $mxsp] ; set mnsp [format "%6.2f" $mnsp]
2215	# RM contribution: avg speed in motion
2216	set tmt [expr $tt-$trt]
2217	set avspmot [format "%6.2f" [expr 3600*$td/$tmt]]
2218	#=======
2219    }
2220    set tt [FormatTime $tt] ; set ttng [FormatTime $ttng]
2221    set trt [FormatTime $trt] ; set tmt [FormatTime $tmt]
2222    set d0 [format "%8.2f" $d0] ; set mxd0 [format "%8.2f" $mxd0]
2224    frame $w.fr.fr3.frt -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2225    label $w.fr.fr3.frt.td -text "$TXT(totdst): $td $DTUNIT"
2226    label $w.fr.fr3.frt.tt -text "$TXT(tottime): $tt"
2228    if { $tdng != $td || $ttng != $tt } {
2229	set gaps 1
2230	frame $w.fr.fr3.frtng -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2231	label $w.fr.fr3.frtng.td -text "$TXT(totdstng): $tdng $DTUNIT"
2232	label $w.fr.fr3.frtng.tt -text "$TXT(tottimeng): $ttng"
2233    } else { set gaps 0 }
2235    frame $w.fr.fr3.frsp -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2236    label $w.fr.fr3.frsp.avg -text "$TXT(avgsp): $avsp $SPUNIT"
2237    label $w.fr.fr3.frsp.max -text "$TXT(maxsp): $mxsp (@$imx)"
2238    label $w.fr.fr3.frsp.min -text "$TXT(minsp): $mnsp (@$imn)"
2240    # RM contribution: $w.fr.fr3.frrest
2241    frame $w.fr.fr3.frrest -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2242    label $w.fr.fr3.frrest.avg -text "$TXT(avgspmot): $avspmot $SPUNIT"
2243    label $w.fr.fr3.frrest.trt -text "$TXT(totresttime): $trt"
2245    if { $maxalt > -1e10 } {
2246	set hasalt 1
2247	set maxalt [expr int(round($maxalt))]
2248	set minalt [expr int(round($minalt))]
2249	frame $w.fr.fr3.frmxnalt -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2250	label $w.fr.fr3.frmxnalt.mx \
2251	    -text "$TXT(maxalt): $maxalt $ALUNIT (@$imaxalt)"
2252	label $w.fr.fr3.frmxnalt.mn \
2253	    -text "$TXT(minalt): $minalt $ALUNIT (@$iminalt)"
2255	# MF contribution: frame for cummulative ascent and descent
2256	#  only used if there is altitude information and if the computed
2257	#  values are compatible with the extreme altitude values
2259	set altdiff [expr $maxalt-$minalt]
2260	if { $cumula < $altdiff || $cumuld < $altdiff } {
2261	    DisplayInfo [format $MESS(badcumuls) \
2262			     $altdiff $cumula $cumuld $ALTHRESHOLD $ALUNIT]
2263	    set hascumul 0
2264	} else {
2265	    set hascumul 1
2267	    # MF change: cumulative ascent/descent valid independently of time
2268	    set cumula [format "%6.0f" $cumula]
2269	    set cumuld [format "%6.0f" $cumuld]
2271	    frame $w.fr.fr3.frcad -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2272	    label $w.fr.fr3.frcad.cumuld \
2273		-text "$TXT(alt_cumuld): $cumuld $ALUNIT"
2274	    #=======
2275	    # BS contribution
2276	    label $w.fr.fr3.frcad.cumula \
2277		-text "$TXT(alt_cumula): $cumula $ALUNIT"
2278	    #======
2279	    # RM contribution:
2280	    label $w.fr.fr3.frcad.thresh \
2282	}
2283    } else { set hasalt 0 }
2285    frame $w.fr.fr3.frd0 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2286    label $w.fr.fr3.frd0.toend -text [format $TXT(starttoend) $d0]
2287    label $w.fr.fr3.frd0.max -text "[format $TXT(startmax) $mxd0] (@$ismxd0)"
2289    frame $w.fr.frsel -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2290    button $w.fr.frsel.save -text "$TXT(save) ..." \
2291	    -command "SaveFile comp TRComp $w ; \
2292	              $w.fr.frsel.save configure -state normal"
2293    button $w.fr.frsel.ok -text $TXT(ok) -command "destroy $w"
2294    # AP contribution; changed by MF
2295    #-----
2296    if { [llength $lll] < 3 } {
2297	set elevstate disabled
2298    } else { set elevstate normal }
2299    # menu used for plug-ins (see array PLGSWelcomed, plugins.tcl)
2300    set mn $w.fr.frsel.hgraph.mn
2301    menubutton $w.fr.frsel.hgraph -text $TXT(namePlot) -relief raised \
2302	    -menu $mn
2303    menu $mn -tearoff 0
2304    # menu used for plug-ins (see array PLGSWelcomed, plugins.tcl)
2305    set mn1 $mn.el
2306    $mn add cascade -label $TXT(elevation) -menu $mn1 -state $elevstate
2307    menu $mn1 -tearoff 0
2308    if { $edit } {
2309	$mn1 add command -label "$TXT(sideview)/$TXT(TRVdist)" \
2310	    -command "ManageAuxWindows TR add \[Hgraph {$lll} elevation\]"
2311	$mn1 add command -label "$TXT(sideview)/$TXT(TRVhour)" -command \
2312	    "ManageAuxWindows TR add \[Hgraph {$salts} elevation time\]"
2313	$mn1 add command -label $TXT(persptv) -command \
2314	    "ManageAuxWindows TR add \[HG3D {$tmp3D} {$tmp3D2} {$datum}\]"
2315	$mn1 add command -label $TXT(climbrate) -command \
2316	    "ManageAuxWindows TR add \[Hgraph {$salts} climbrate time\]"
2317	$mn add command -label "$TXT(speed)/$TXT(TRVdist)" \
2318	    -command "ManageAuxWindows TR add \[Hgraph {$speeds} speed\]"
2319	$mn add command -label "$TXT(speed)/$TXT(TRVhour)" \
2320	    -command "ManageAuxWindows TR add \[Hgraph {$sspeeds} speed time\]"
2321    } else {
2322	$mn1 add command -label "$TXT(sideview)/$TXT(TRVdist)" \
2323	    -command "Hgraph {$lll} elevation"
2324	$mn1 add command -label "$TXT(sideview)/$TXT(TRVhour)" \
2325	    -command "Hgraph {$salts} elevation time"
2326	$mn1 add command -label $TXT(persptv) \
2327	    -command "HG3D {$tmp3D} {$tmp3D2} {$datum}"
2328	$mn1 add command -label $TXT(climbrate) \
2329	    -command "Hgraph {$salts} climbrate time"
2330	$mn add command -label "$TXT(speed)/$TXT(TRVdist)" \
2331	    -command "Hgraph {$speeds} speed"
2332	$mn add command -label "$TXT(speed)/$TXT(TRVhour)" \
2333	    -command "Hgraph {$sspeeds} speed time"
2334    }
2335    #-----
2336    # menu used for plug-ins (see array PLGSWelcomed, plugins.tcl)
2337    set mn $w.fr.frsel.more.mn
2338    menubutton $w.fr.frsel.more -text $TXT(more) -relief raised \
2339	    -menu $mn
2340    menu $mn -tearoff 0
2341    # menu used for plug-ins (see array PLGSWelcomed, plugins.tcl)
2343    pack $w.fr -side top
2344    pack $w.fr.fr1.ntitle -side left
2345    pack $w.fr.fr3.frtits.titxn $w.fr.fr3.frtits.titxd \
2346	$w.fr.fr3.frtits.titxlat  $w.fr.fr3.frtits.titxlong \
2347	$w.fr.fr3.frtits.tital $w.fr.fr3.frtits.titxl $w.fr.fr3.frtits.tittl \
2348	$w.fr.fr3.frtits.titdt $w.fr.fr3.frtits.titsp $w.fr.fr3.frtits.titbg \
2349	$w.fr.fr3.frtits.fill -side left
2350    eval pack $boxes $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bscr -side left -fill y
2351    pack $w.fr.fr3.frt.td $w.fr.fr3.frt.tt -side left -padx 5
2352    if { $gaps } {
2353	pack $w.fr.fr3.frtng.td $w.fr.fr3.frtng.tt -side left -padx 5
2354    }
2355    pack $w.fr.fr3.frsp.avg $w.fr.fr3.frsp.max $w.fr.fr3.frsp.min \
2356	-side left -padx 3
2358    # RM contribution: $w.fr.fr3.frrest
2359    pack $w.fr.fr3.frrest.avg $w.fr.fr3.frrest.trt \
2360	-side left -padx 3
2362    pack $w.fr.fr3.frd0.toend $w.fr.fr3.frd0.max -side left -padx 2
2363    pack $w.fr.fr3.frtits $w.fr.fr3.frbx -side top -fill y -pady 1
2364    # BS contribution: $w.fr.fr3.frcad.cumul
2365    # MF change: using frame for cummulative ascent and descent and showing
2366    #  altitude information only when available
2367    if { $hasalt } {
2368	pack $w.fr.fr3.frmxnalt.mx $w.fr.fr3.frmxnalt.mn -side left -padx 5
2369	if { $hascumul } {
2370	    pack $w.fr.fr3.frcad.cumula $w.fr.fr3.frcad.cumuld \
2371		$w.fr.fr3.frcad.thresh -side left -padx 5
2372	}
2373	pack $w.fr.fr3.frt -side top -fill y -pady 5
2374	if { $gaps } {
2375	    pack $w.fr.fr3.frtng -side top -fill y -pady 5
2376	}
2377	if { $hascumul } {
2378	    pack $w.fr.fr3.frsp $w.fr.fr3.frrest $w.fr.fr3.frmxnalt \
2379		$w.fr.fr3.frcad $w.fr.fr3.frd0 -side top -fill y -pady 5
2380	} else {
2381	    pack $w.fr.fr3.frsp $w.fr.fr3.frrest $w.fr.fr3.frmxnalt \
2382		$w.fr.fr3.frd0 -side top -fill y -pady 5
2383	}
2384    } else {
2385	pack $w.fr.fr3.frt -side top -fill y -pady 5
2386	if { $gaps } {
2387	    pack $w.fr.fr3.frtng -side top -fill y -pady 5
2388	}
2389	pack $w.fr.fr3.frsp $w.fr.fr3.frrest $w.fr.fr3.frd0 \
2390	    -side top -fill y -pady 5
2391    }
2393    # AP contribution: hgraph button
2394    pack $w.fr.frsel.hgraph $w.fr.frsel.more $w.fr.frsel.save $w.fr.frsel.ok \
2395	-side left -padx 5
2396    pack $w.fr.fr1 $w.fr.fr3 $w.fr.frsel -side top
2398    AttachPlugIns $w
2400    ResetCursor .
2401    return
2404proc GMLine {index options data} {
2405    # create dialog window for editing/showing data of LN with given index
2406    #  $options is a list of buttons to display;
2407    #  $index is -1 if this is a new LN
2408    #	an empty list means no editing; supported options are:
2409    #     cancel, create, change, revert, forget
2410    #     change and forget assume $index != -1
2411    #     see proc GMButton for further details
2412    #  if $options is empty, $index cannot be -1 as this is not a new TR
2413    #   the only button is OK, and only binding: return to destroy
2414    # order of elements in $data list reflects order in $Storage(LN)
2415    #  which is used below
2416    # return window path
2420    foreach "name obs datum pformt lps segsts width colour mbak displ" $data {}
2421    set ed 0 ; set st disabled
2422    if { $options != "" } {
2423	if { [winfo exists .gmLN] } { Raise .gmLN ; bell ; return .gmLN }
2424	set ed 1 ; set st normal
2425	set w .gmLN
2426	set GMEd(LN,Index) $index ; set GMEd(LN,Displ) $displ
2427	set GMEd(LN,Datum) $datum ; set GMEd(LN,PFrmt) $pformt
2428	set GMEd(LN,LPs) $lps ; set GMEd(LN,SgSts) $segsts
2429	set GMEd(LN,Colour) $colour ; set GMEd(LN,Width) $width
2430	set GMEd(LN,MapChg) 0 ; set GMEd(LN,MBack) $mbak
2431	# this depends on Storage(LN)
2432	set GMEd(LN,Data) $data
2433	set x $DPOSX
2434	set y $DPOSY
2435    } else {
2436	set w .gmLNsh$index
2437	if { [winfo exists $w] } { destroy $w }
2438	incr GMEd(LN,Show)
2439	set x [expr $DPOSX+50*((1+$GMEd(LN,Show)) % 5)]
2440	set y [expr $DPOSY+50*((1+$GMEd(LN,Show)) % 5)]
2441    }
2443    GMToplevel $w nameLN +$x+$y {} {} {}
2444    if { ! $ed } {
2445	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $w"
2446	bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
2447    } else {
2448	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW { GMButton LN cancel }
2449    }
2451    frame $w.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
2453    frame $w.fr.fr1 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2454    label $w.fr.fr1.ntitle -text "$TXT(name):"
2455    entry $w.fr.fr1.id -width $DATEWIDTH -exportselection 1
2456    ShowTEdit $w.fr.fr1.id $name $ed
2458    frame $w.fr.fr2 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2459    label $w.fr.fr2.obstit -text "$TXT(rmrk):"
2460    text $w.fr.fr2.obs -wrap word -width $OBSWIDTH -height $OBSHEIGHT \
2461	    -exportselection true
2462    $w.fr.fr2.obs insert 0.0 $obs
2463    $w.fr.fr2.obs configure -state $st
2464    TextBindings $w.fr.fr2.obs
2466    frame $w.fr.frdpf -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2467    menubutton $w.fr.frdpf.dttitle -text Datum -relief raised \
2468	    -direction below -menu $w.fr.frdpf.dttitle.m -state $st
2469    menu $w.fr.frdpf.dttitle.m -tearoff 0
2470    menubutton $w.fr.frdpf.pfmt -text $TXT($pformt) -relief raised -width 8 \
2471	    -direction below -menu $w.fr.frdpf.pfmt.m -state $st
2472    menu $w.fr.frdpf.pfmt.m -tearoff 0
2473    if { $ed } {
2474	FillDatumMenu $w.fr.frdpf.dttitle.m GMLNChangeDatum
2475	label $w.fr.frdpf.datum -text $GMEd(LN,Datum) \
2476	    -textvariable GMEd(LN,Datum) -width $DATUMWIDTH
2477	$w.fr.frdpf.pfmt configure -textvariable GMEd(LN,PFrmt)
2478	FillPFormtMenu $w.fr.frdpf.pfmt.m GMLNChangePFormt
2479    } else {
2480	label $w.fr.frdpf.datum -text $datum -width $DATUMWIDTH
2481    }
2483    frame $w.fr.fr3 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2484    frame $w.fr.fr3.frbx -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2485    set boxes ""
2486    foreach b "n pos alt seg" m "5 30 7 1" {
2487	listbox $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bx$b -height 15 -width $m -relief flat \
2488	    -yscrollcommand "$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bscr set" \
2489 	    -selectmode extended -exportselection false
2490	lappend boxes $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bx$b
2491	bind $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bx$b <<ListboxSelect>> \
2492	    "MultExtSelect $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bx$b {bxn bxpos bxalt bxseg}"
2493    }
2494    if { $ed } {
2495	set GMEd(LN,boxes) $boxes
2496	foreach box $boxes {
2497	    bind $box <Double-1> { GMLinePoint [%W nearest %y] }
2498	}
2499	bind $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxseg <Button-3> {
2500	    GMToggleSegStart LN %W [%W nearest %y]
2501	}
2502    }
2503    scrollbar $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bscr -command [list ScrollMany $boxes]
2504    Mscroll $boxes
2505    FillLPs $w $lps $segsts
2507    frame $w.fr.fr3.frbt -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2508    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.chh -text $TXT(chophd) -state $st \
2509	    -command { GMLNChange chh }
2510    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cht -text $TXT(choptl) -state $st \
2511	    -command { GMLNChange cht }
2512    foreach a "incb app" {
2513	button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.$a -text $TXT($a) -state $st \
2514	    -command "ChItemsCall LN single GMLNChange $a"
2515    }
2516    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.loop -text $TXT(loop) -state $st \
2517	    -command { GMLNChange loop }
2518    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.del -text $TXT(del) -state $st \
2519	    -command { GMLNChange del }
2520    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.clear -text $TXT(clear) -state $st \
2521	    -command { GMLNChange clear }
2523    frame $w.fr.fr3.frbt.sep -height 6 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg) \
2524	    -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2525    set mnc $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cnv.m
2526    menubutton $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cnv -text $TXT(convert) -relief raised \
2527	    -direction right -menu $mnc
2528    menu $mnc -tearoff 0
2529    $mnc add command -label $TXT(mkTR) -command "LNToTR $w"
2530    $mnc add cascade -label $TXT(split) -menu $mnc.mns
2531    menu $mnc.mns -tearoff 0
2532    $mnc.mns add command -label $TXT(bysel) \
2533	-command "SplitPolyLine LN sel $w $ed $index"
2534    $mnc.mns add command -label $TXT(byseg) \
2535	-command "SplitPolyLine LN segm $w $ed $index"
2537    frame $w.fr.frsel -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2538    # frame used for plug-ins (see array PLGSWelcomed, plugins.tcl)
2539    frame $w.fr.frdw
2540    set mn $w.fr.frdw.mw.m
2541    menubutton $w.fr.frdw.mw -text $TXT(width) -relief raised \
2542	    -direction below -menu $mn -state $st
2543    menu $mn -tearoff 0
2544    button $w.fr.frdw.b -text $TXT(Colour) -relief raised \
2545	    -command "ChooseColour GMEd GMEd(LN,Colour) $w.fr.frdw $w" \
2546	    -state $st
2547    label $w.fr.frdw.bc -relief groove -background $colour -width 2
2549    frame $w.fr.frmb
2550    CreateMBackWidgets LN $w.fr.frmb $mbak $ed
2552    if { $ed } {
2553	checkbutton $w.fr.frdw.displayed -text $TXT(displ) \
2554		-variable GMEd(LN,Displ) -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
2555		-selectcolor $COLOUR(check)
2556	foreach i "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8" {
2557	    $mn add command -label $i -command "set GMEd(LN,Width) $i"
2558	}
2559	label $w.fr.frdw.wv -width 3 -textvariable GMEd(LN,Width)
2560	if { $MapLoading != 0 } {
2561	    foreach i "displayed mw b" {
2562		$w.fr.frdw.$i configure -state disabled
2563	    }
2564	}
2565	set b $w.fr.frsel.b
2566	foreach e $options {
2567	    button $b$e -text $TXT($e) \
2568		    -command "$b$e configure -state normal ; GMButton LN $e"
2569	    pack $b$e -side left
2570	}
2571    } else {
2572	checkbutton $w.fr.frdw.displayed -text $TXT(displ) -state disabled \
2573		-selectcolor $COLOUR(check)
2574	if { $displ } { $w.fr.frdw.displayed select }
2575	label $w.fr.frdw.wv -width 3 -text $width
2576	button $w.fr.frsel.b -text $TXT(ok) -command "destroy $w"
2577	pack $w.fr.frsel.b
2578    }
2580    pack $w.fr -side top
2581    pack $w.fr.fr1.ntitle $w.fr.fr1.id -side left -padx 3
2582    pack $w.fr.fr2.obstit $w.fr.fr2.obs -side left -padx 3
2583    pack $w.fr.frdpf.dttitle $w.fr.frdpf.datum -side left -padx 3
2584    pack $w.fr.frdpf.pfmt -side left -padx 10
2585    eval pack $boxes $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bscr -side left -fill y
2586    pack $w.fr.fr3.frbt.chh $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cht $w.fr.fr3.frbt.incb \
2587	    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.app $w.fr.fr3.frbt.loop $w.fr.fr3.frbt.del \
2588	    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.clear $w.fr.fr3.frbt.sep \
2589	    $w.fr.fr3.frbt.cnv -side top -pady 2 -fill x
2590    pack $w.fr.fr3.frbx $w.fr.fr3.frbt -side left -padx 5
2591    pack $w.fr.frdw.displayed $w.fr.frdw.mw -side left -padx 3
2592    pack $w.fr.frdw.wv -side left -padx 0
2593    pack $w.fr.frdw.b -side left -padx 10
2594    pack $w.fr.frdw.bc -side left -padx 0
2595    pack $w.fr.fr1 $w.fr.fr2 $w.fr.frdpf $w.fr.fr3 $w.fr.frdw -side top -pady 5
2596    pack $w.fr.frmb -side top
2597    pack $w.fr.frsel -side top -pady 5
2599    AttachPlugIns $w
2601    update idletasks
2602    return $w
2605proc RevertLN {} {
2606    # reset data in LN edit window to initial values
2607    # this depends on Storage(LN)
2608    global GMEd
2610    set GMEd(LN,MapChg) 0 ; set data $GMEd(LN,Data)
2611    foreach box $GMEd(LN,boxes) { $box delete 0 end }
2612    .gmLN.fr.fr1.id delete 0 end
2613    .gmLN.fr.fr1.id insert 0 [lindex $data 0]
2614    .gmLN.fr.fr2.obs delete 1.0 end
2615    .gmLN.fr.fr2.obs insert 1.0 [lindex $data 1]
2616    foreach e "Datum PFrmt LPs SgSts Width Colour MBack Displ" \
2617	    v [lreplace $data 0 1] {
2618	set GMEd(LN,$e) $v
2619    }
2620    FillLPs .gmLN $GMEd(LN,LPs) $GMEd(LN,SgSts)
2621    .gmLN.fr.frdw.bc configure -background $GMEd(LN,Colour)
2622    if { $GMEd(LN,Displ) } {
2623	.gmLN.fr.frdw.displayed select
2624    } else {
2625	.gmLN.fr.frdw.displayed deselect
2626    }
2627    return
2630proc GMLNCheck {} {
2631    # check validity of data in LN edit window
2632    # this depends on Storage(LN)
2633    global GMEd MESS
2635    set id [.gmLN.fr.fr1.id get]
2636    if { ! [CheckString GMMessage $id] } {
2637	focus .gmLN.fr.fr1.id
2638	return nil
2639    }
2640    if { [llength $GMEd(LN,LPs)] < 2 } {
2641	GMMessage $MESS(voidLN)
2642	return nil
2643    }
2644    if { ! $GMEd(LN,MapChg) && \
2645	    ( $GMEd(LN,Width) != [lindex $GMEd(LN,Data) 6] || \
2646	      $GMEd(LN,Colour) != [lindex $GMEd(LN,Data) 7] ) } {
2647	set GMEd(LN,MapChg) 1
2648    }
2649    set r [list $id [CheckNB [.gmLN.fr.fr2.obs get 0.0 end]]]
2650    foreach e "Datum PFrmt LPs SgSts Width Colour MBack Displ" {
2651	lappend r $GMEd(LN,$e)
2652    }
2653    return $r
2656proc GMLNChange {how args} {
2657    # perform edit operations on LN
2658    #  $how is either one of the operations supported by GMPolyChange, or
2659    #      loop    add first point as last
2660    global GMEd
2662    switch $how {
2663	loop {
2664	    set boxes $GMEd(LN,boxes)
2665	    set bxn [lindex $boxes 0]
2666	    if { [set n [$bxn size]] < 2 } { return }
2667	    lappend GMEd(LN,LPs) [lindex $GMEd(LN,LPs) 0]
2668	    $bxn insert end [format "%4d." [incr n]]
2669	    foreach box [lreplace $boxes 0 0] {
2670		$box insert end [$box get 0]
2671	    }
2672	}
2673	default {
2674	    GMPolyChange LN $how $args
2675	}
2676    }
2677    return
2680proc GMLPChangeDatum {datum args} {
2681    # change datum of LP being edited
2682    #  $args is not used but is needed as this is called-back from a menu
2684    ChangeDatum $datum GMEd GMEd(LP,Datum) nil .gmLP.fr.fr1.frp normal
2685    return
2688proc GMLinePoint {i} {
2689    # edit LP at position $i of listboxes in LN edit window
2690    # assume that the LN datum is kept compatible with LN position format
2693    if { [set lp [lindex $GMEd(LN,LPs) $i]] == "" } { return }
2694    foreach "posn alt" [lindex $GMEd(LN,LPs) $i] { break }
2695    if { $posn == "" } { return }
2697    set w .gmLP
2698    if { [winfo exists $w] } { Raise $w ; bell ; return }
2699    set pformt $GMEd(LN,PFrmt)
2700    set datum [set GMEd(LP,Datum) $GMEd(LN,Datum)]
2702    GMToplevel $w nameLP +$DPOSX+$DPOSY .gmLN \
2703        [list WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $w"] \
2704        {<Key-Return> {set GMEd(temp) 1 ; break}}
2706    frame $w.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
2707    label $w.fr.title -text $TXT(nameLP)
2709    frame $w.fr.fr1 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2710    ShowPosnDatum $w.fr.fr1 $pformt [list $posn] GMLPChangeDatum GMEd \
2711	GMEd(LP,Datum) normal 1 nil
2713    frame $w.fr.fr11 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2714    label $w.fr.fr11.atit -text "$TXT(alt) ($ALUNIT):"
2715    entry $w.fr.fr11.alt -width 7 -exportselection 1
2716    set valt [UserAltitude $alt]
2717    ShowTEdit $w.fr.fr11.alt $valt 1
2719    frame $w.fr.frb -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2720    button $w.fr.frb.ok -text $TXT(ok) -command "set GMEd(temp) 1"
2721    button $w.fr.frb.cnc -text $TXT(cancel) -command "set GMEd(temp) 0"
2723    pack $w.fr.fr11.atit $w.fr.fr11.alt -side left -padx 3
2724    pack $w.fr.fr1.frp $w.fr.fr1.frd -side top -pady 3
2725    pack $w.fr.frb.ok $w.fr.frb.cnc -side left
2726    pack $w.fr.title $w.fr.fr1 $w.fr.fr11 $w.fr.frb -side top -pady 5
2727    pack $w.fr
2729    update idletasks
2730    set gs [grab current]
2731    grab $w
2732    raise $w
2733    while 1 {
2734	tkwait variable GMEd(temp)
2735	if { $GMEd(temp) == 0 } { set ok 0 ; break }
2736	set p [PosnGetCheck $w.fr.fr1.frp.frp1 $GMEd(LP,Datum) GMMessage nil]
2737	if { $p == "nil" } { continue }
2738	set valt [string trim [$w.fr.fr11.alt get]]
2739	if { [set alt [AltitudeList $valt]] != "nil" } { set ok 1 ; break }
2740	GMMessage $MESS(badalt)
2741    }
2742    if { $ok } {
2743	# this depends on what proc ShowPosnDatum does!
2744	set pf $INVTXT([$w.fr.fr1.frp.pfmt cget -text])
2745	if { $pf != $pformt || $GMEd(LP,Datum) != $datum } {
2746	    # LN datum is always compatible with LN position format
2747	    set p [lindex [FormatPosition [lindex $p 0] [lindex $p 1] \
2748			       $GMEd(LP,Datum) $pformt $datum] 0]
2749	}
2750	set lp [list $p $alt]
2751	set GMEd(LN,LPs) [lreplace $GMEd(LN,LPs) $i $i $lp]
2752	foreach "x boxp boxa" $GMEd(LN,boxes) { break }
2753	set selected [$boxp selection includes $i]
2754	$boxp delete $i ; $boxp insert $i [lrange $p 2 end]
2755	$boxa delete $i ; $boxa insert $i [UserAltitude $alt]
2756	if { $selected } {
2757	    foreach b $GMEd(LN,boxes) { $b selection set $i }
2758	}
2759    }
2760    DestroyRGrabs $w $gs
2761    update idletasks
2762    return
2765proc GMLNChangeDatum {datum args} {
2766    # change datum of LN being edited
2767    #  $args not used but needed for call-back
2768    # this may fail if the current position format requires a fixed datum
2769    global GMEd MESS
2771    if { $datum == [set od $GMEd(LN,Datum)] || \
2772	    ( [lindex $GMEd(LN,LPs) 200] != "" && \
2773	    ! [GMConfirm $MESS(timeconsmg)] ) } { return }
2774    SetCursor . watch
2775    if { [set pts [ChangeLPsDatum $GMEd(LN,LPs) $od $datum $GMEd(LN,PFrmt)]] \
2776	    == -1 } {
2777	ResetCursor .
2778	return
2779    }
2780    set box [lindex $GMEd(LN,boxes) 1]
2781    set sel [$box curselection]
2782    $box delete 0 end
2783    foreach lp $pts {
2784	$box insert end [lrange [lindex $lp 0] 2 end]
2785    }
2786    foreach s $sel { $box selection set $s }
2787    foreach box $GMEd(LN,boxes) { $box see 0 }
2788    set GMEd(LN,LPs) $pts
2789    set GMEd(LN,Datum) $datum
2790    ResetCursor .
2791    return
2794proc ChangeLPsPFormt {lps pformt dvar dvref} {
2795    # change position format of a LN list of points
2796    #  $dvar is global variable or array name containg current datum
2797    #  $dvref is corresponding variable or array(element) name to use
2798    #   in changing the datum if needs be
2799    global $dvar
2801    set odatum [set $dvref]
2802    if { [set gdatum [BadDatumFor $pformt $odatum Ignore]] != 0 } {
2803	set $dvref $gdatum
2804	return [ChangeLPsDatum $lps $odatum $gdatum $pformt]
2805    }
2806    set l ""
2807    foreach lp $lps {
2808	foreach "latd longd" [lindex $lp 0] { break }
2809	set p [lindex [FormatPosition $latd $longd $odatum $pformt $odatum] 0]
2810	lappend l [lreplace $lp 0 0 $p]
2811    }
2812    return $l
2815proc GMLNChangePFormt {pformt} {
2816    # change position format of LN being edited
2817    global GMEd TXT MESS
2819    if { $pformt == $GMEd(LN,PFrmt) || \
2820	( [lindex $GMEd(LN,LPs) 200] != "" && \
2821          ! [GMConfirm $MESS(timeconsmg)] ) } { return }
2822    SetCursor . watch
2823    set pts [ChangeLPsPFormt $GMEd(LN,LPs) $pformt GMEd GMEd(LN,Datum)]
2824    set box [lindex $GMEd(LN,boxes) 1]
2825    set sel [$box curselection]
2826    $box delete 0 end
2827    foreach lp $pts {
2828	$box insert end [lrange [lindex $lp 0] 2 end]
2829    }
2830    foreach s $sel { $box selection set $s }
2831    foreach box $GMEd(LN,boxes) { $box see 0 }
2832    set GMEd(LN,LPs) $pts
2833    set GMEd(LN,PFrmt) $TXT($pformt)
2834    ResetCursor .
2835    return
2838proc FillLPs {w lps sgsts} {
2839    # insert LPs with segments $sgsts, in listboxes in LN edit/show
2840    #  window $w
2842    set i 0 ; set nxt [lindex $sgsts 0]
2843    foreach lp $lps {
2844	if { $nxt == $i } {
2845	    set seg "@"
2846	    set sgsts [lreplace $sgsts 0 0]
2847	    set nxt [lindex $sgsts 0]
2848	} else { set seg "" }
2849	incr i
2850	$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxn insert end [format "%4d." $i]
2851	$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxpos insert end [lrange [lindex $lp 0] 2 end]
2852	$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxalt insert end [UserAltitude [lindex $lp 1]]
2853	$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxseg insert end $seg
2854    }
2855    return
2858proc LNToTR {w} {
2859    # make a TR from the LN in window $w
2860    global GMEd LNLPoints LNDatum LNPFrmt LNSegStarts EdWindow TXT MESS
2862    set tpfsa "alt latd longd latDMS longDMS"
2863    set tps ""
2864    if { $w == ".gmLN" } {
2865	if { [set lps $GMEd(LN,LPs)] == "" } {
2866	    GMMessage $MESS(voidLN)
2867	    return
2868	}
2869	set datum $GMEd(LN,Datum) ; set pformt $GMEd(LN,PFrmt)
2870	set sgsts $GMEd(LN,SgSts)
2871    } else {
2872	set ix [IndexNamed LN [$w.fr.fr1.id get]]
2873	set lps $LNLPoints($ix) ; set datum $LNDatum($ix)
2874	set pformt $LNPFrmt($ix) ; set sgsts $LNSegStarts($ix)
2875    }
2876    foreach lp $lps {
2877	foreach "p alt" $lp { break }
2878	if { $pformt != "DMS" } {
2879	    set p [FormatLatLong [lindex $p 0] [lindex $p 1] DMS]
2880	}
2881	set p [lrange $p 0 3]
2882	lappend tps [FormData TP $tpfsa [linsert $p 0 $alt]]
2883    }
2884    if { $tps == "" } { bell ; return }
2885    if { [winfo exists $EdWindow(TR)] } {
2886	set name [NewName TR]
2887	set data [FormData TR "Name Datum TPoints SegStarts" \
2888		      [list $name $datum $tps $sgsts]]
2889	CreateItem TR $data
2890	GMMessage [format $MESS(convres) $TXT(TR) $name]
2891    } else {
2892	set opts "create revert cancel"
2893	GMTrack -1 $opts [FormData TR "Datum TPoints SegStarts" \
2894			      [list $datum $tps $sgsts]]
2895    }
2896    return
2899proc GMLap {index options data} {
2900    # create dialog window for editing/showing data of LAP with given index
2901    #  $options is a list of buttons to display;
2902    #  $index is never -1, as LAPs cannot be created
2903    #	an empty list means no editing; supported options are:
2904    #     cancel, change, revert, forget
2905    #     change and forget assume $index != -1, always true here
2906    #     see proc GMButton for further details
2907    #  if $options is empty, $index cannot be -1 as this is not a new LAP
2908    #   the only button is OK, and only binding: return to destroy
2909    # the only things that can be changed in a LAP are the name, the
2910    #   remark, the position format and the datum
2911    # order of elements in $data list reflects order in $Storage(LAP)
2912    #  which is used below
2913    # return window path
2916	ChangedLAPPos1 ChangedLAPPos2
2918    foreach \
2919	"name obs start dur dist begpos endpos cals trix pformt datum displ" \
2920	$data {}
2921    set ed 0 ; set st disabled
2922    if { $options != "" } {
2923	if { [winfo exists .gmLAP] } { Raise .gmLAP ; bell ; return .gmLAP }
2924	set ed 1 ; set st normal
2925	set w .gmLAP
2926	set GMEd(LAP,Index) $index
2927	set GMEd(LAP,Datum) $datum ; set GMEd(LAP,PFrmt) $pformt
2928	# for uniformity, meaningless
2929	set GMEd(LAP,MapChg) 0 ; set GMEd(LAP,Displ) $displ
2930	# this depends on Storage(LAP)
2931	set GMEd(LAP,Data) $data
2932	set ChangedLAPPos1 $begpos ; set ChangedLAPPos2 $endpos
2933	set x $DPOSX
2934	set y $DPOSY
2935    } else {
2936	set w .gmLAPsh$index
2937	if { [winfo exists $w] } { destroy $w }
2938	incr GMEd(LAP,Show)
2939	set x [expr $DPOSX+50*((1+$GMEd(LAP,Show)) % 5)]
2940	set y [expr $DPOSY+50*((1+$GMEd(LAP,Show)) % 5)]
2941    }
2943    if { $start != "" && $dur != "" } {
2944	foreach "startdate startsecs" $start { break }
2945	set dsecs [TimeToSecs $dur]
2946	set enddate [DateFromSecs [expr $startsecs+round($dsecs)]]
2947	if { $dist != "" } {
2948	    set dist [expr $dist*$SUBDSCALE]
2949	    set avgspeed [format "%.2f $SPUNIT" [expr 3600.0*$dist/$dsecs]]
2950	    set dist [format "%.3f $DTUNIT" $dist]
2951	} else { set avgspeed "" }
2952    } else {
2953        foreach v "startdate enddate avgspeed" { set $v "" }
2954    }
2956    GMToplevel $w nameLAP +$x+$y {} {} {}
2957    if { ! $ed } {
2958	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $w"
2959	bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
2960    } else {
2961	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW { GMButton LAP cancel }
2962    }
2964    frame $w.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
2966    frame $w.fr.fr1 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2967    label $w.fr.fr1.id -text "$TXT(name): $name"
2969    frame $w.fr.fr2 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2970    label $w.fr.fr2.obstit -text "$TXT(rmrk):"
2971    text $w.fr.fr2.obs -wrap word -width $OBSWIDTH -height $OBSHEIGHT \
2972	    -exportselection true
2973    $w.fr.fr2.obs insert 0.0 $obs
2974    $w.fr.fr2.obs configure -state $st
2975    TextBindings $w.fr.fr2.obs
2977    set frtm $w.fr.frtm
2978    frame $frtm -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2979    label $frtm.strt -text "$TXT(start): $startdate"
2980    label $frtm.dur -text "$TXT(duration): $dur"
2981    label $frtm.end -text "$TXT(stop): $enddate"
2983    set frdi $w.fr.frdi
2984    frame $frdi -relief flat -borderwidth 0
2985    label $frdi.dst -text "$TXT(distance): $dist"
2986    label $frdi.spd -text "$TXT(avgsp): $avgspeed"
2987    label $frdi.cls -text "$TXT(calrs): $cals"
2989    if { $ed } {
2990	ShowPosnDatum $w.fr $pformt [list $begpos $endpos] GMLAPChangeDatum \
2991	    GMEd GMEd(LAP,Datum) disabled 1 =ChangedLAPPos
2992	$w.fr.frp.pfmt configure -state normal
2993	$w.fr.frd.dttitle configure -state normal
2994    } else {
2995	ShowPosnDatum $w.fr $pformt [list $begpos $endpos] "" "" $datum $st \
2996	    0 nil
2997    }
2999    set frtr $w.fr.frtr
3000    frame $frtr -relief flat -borderwidth 0
3001    label $frtr.tit -text "$TXT(nameTR):"
3002    if { $trix < 253 && [set trixix [IndexNamed TR $trix]] != -1 } {
3003	set trst normal
3004    } else { set trst disabled ; set trixix -1 }
3005    button $frtr.tr -text $trix -command "OpenItem TR $trixix" -state $trst
3006    button $frtr.disp -text $TXT(displ) -command "GMLAPDisplayTR $trixix" \
3007	-state $trst
3009    frame $w.fr.frsel -relief flat -borderwidth 0
3010    if { $ed } {
3011	set b $w.fr.frsel.b
3012	foreach e $options {
3013	    button $b$e -text $TXT($e) \
3014		-command "$b$e configure -state normal ; GMButton LAP $e"
3015	    pack $b$e -side left
3016	}
3017    } else {
3018	button $w.fr.frsel.b -text $TXT(ok) -command "destroy $w"
3019	pack $w.fr.frsel.b
3020    }
3022    pack $w.fr -side top
3023    pack $w.fr.fr1.id -side left -padx 3
3024    pack $w.fr.fr2.obstit $w.fr.fr2.obs -side left -padx 3
3025    set r -1
3026    foreach x "strt dur end" {
3027	grid $frtm.$x -row [incr r] -column 0 -sticky w
3028    }
3029    set r -1
3030    foreach x "dst spd cls" {
3031	grid $frdi.$x -row [incr r] -column 0 -sticky w
3032    }
3033    pack $frtr.tit $frtr.tr -side left -padx 0
3034    pack $frtr.disp -side left -padx 5
3036    grid $w.fr.fr1 -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2
3037    grid $w.fr.fr2 -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 5
3038    grid $w.fr.frtm -row 2 -column 0 -pady 5
3039    grid $w.fr.frdi -row 2 -column 1 -pady 5 -padx 10
3040    grid $w.fr.frp -row 3 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 5
3041    grid $w.fr.frd -row 4 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 5
3042    grid $w.fr.frtr -row 5 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 5
3043    grid $w.fr.frsel -row 6 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 5
3045    update idletasks
3046    return $w
3049proc GMLAPCheck {} {
3050    # check validity of data in LAP edit window
3051    # this depends on Storage(LAP)
3052    # return "nil" on error
3053    global GMEd INVTXT ChangedLAPPos1 ChangedLAPPos2
3055    set nb [CheckNB [.gmLAP.fr.fr2.obs get 0.0 end]]
3056    set data $GMEd(LAP,Data)
3057    set r [lreplace $data 1 1 $nb]
3058    set r [lreplace $r 5 6 $ChangedLAPPos1 $ChangedLAPPos2]
3059    return [lreplace $r 9 10 $INVTXT([.gmLAP.fr.frp.pfmt cget -text]) \
3060	       $GMEd(LAP,Datum)]
3063proc RevertLAP {} {
3064    # reset data in LAP edit window to initial values
3065    # this depends on Storage(LAP)
3066    global GMEd INVTXT POSTYPE
3068    set data $GMEd(LAP,Data)
3069    .gmLAP.fr.fr2.obs delete 1.0 end
3070    .gmLAP.fr.fr2.obs insert 1.0 [lindex $data 1]
3071    set pft $POSTYPE($INVTXT([.gmLAP.fr.frp.pfmt cget -text]))
3072    set opf [lindex $data 9] ; set t $POSTYPE($opf)
3073    set p1 [lindex $data 5] ; set p2 [lindex $data 6]
3074    if { $pft == $t } {
3075	RevertPos .gmLAP.fr.frp.frp1 $opf $t $p1
3076	RevertPos .gmLAP.fr.frp.frp2 $opf $t $p2
3077    } else {
3078	RedrawPos .gmLAP.fr.frp.frp1 $opf $p1 ChangedPosn1 disabled
3079	RedrawPos .gmLAP.fr.frp.frp2 $opf $p2 ChangedPosn2 disabled
3080    }
3081    set GMEd(LAP,PFormt) $opf
3082    set GMEd(LAP,Datum) [lindex $data 10]
3083    return
3086proc GMLAPChangeDatum {datum args} {
3087    # change datum of LAP being edited
3088    #  $args is not used but is needed as this is called-back from a menu
3090    ChangeDatum $datum GMEd GMEd(LAP,Datum) =ChangedLAPPos .gmLAP.fr.frp normal
3091    return
3094proc GMLAPDisplayTR {ix} {
3095    # display existing TR associated to LAP
3096    #  $ix is a valid TR index
3097    global TRDispl
3099    if { ! $TRDispl($ix) } { PutMap TR $ix }
3100    return
3103proc GMGroup {index options data} {
3104    # create dialog window for editing/showing data of GR with given index
3105    #  $index is -1 if this is a new GR
3106    #  $options is a list of buttons to display;
3107    #	an empty list means no editing; supported options are:
3108    #     cancel, create, change, revert, forget
3109    #     change and forget assume $index != -1
3110    #     see proc GMButton for further details
3111    #  if $options is empty, $index cannot be -1 as this is not a new GR
3112    #   the only button is OK, and only binding: return to destroy
3113    #  otherwise a button "Forget GR&Contents" is always created
3114    # order of elements in $data list reflects order in $Storage(GR)
3115    #  which is used below
3116    # return window path
3120    set gtypes $TYPES
3121    if { $SUPPORTLAPS } { lappend gtypes LAP }
3122    foreach "name obs conts displ" $data {}
3123    set ed 0 ; set st disabled
3124    if { $options != "" } {
3125	if { [winfo exists .gmGR] } { Raise .gmGR ; bell ; return .gmGR }
3126	set ed 1 ; set st normal
3127	set w .gmGR
3128	set GMEd(GR,Index) $index ; set GMEd(GR,Displ) $displ
3129	set GMEd(GR,MapChg) 0
3130	set GMEd(GR,types) $gtypes
3131	# this depends on Storage(GR)
3132	set GMEd(GR,Data) $data
3133	set x $DPOSX
3134	set y $DPOSY
3135    } else {
3136	set w .gmGRsh$index
3137	if { [winfo exists $w] } { destroy $w }
3138	incr GMEd(GR,Show)
3139	set x [expr $DPOSX+50*(1+$GMEd(GR,Show) % 5)]
3140	set y [expr $DPOSY+50*(1+$GMEd(GR,Show) % 5)]
3141    }
3143    toplevel $w
3144    wm title $w "$TXT(group)/GPS Manager"
3145    wm geometry $w +$x+$y
3146    if { ! $ed } {
3147	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $w"
3148	bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
3149    } else {
3150	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW { GMButton GR cancel }
3151    }
3153    frame $w.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
3155    frame $w.fr.fr1 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
3156    label $w.fr.fr1.ntitle -text "$TXT(name):"
3157    entry $w.fr.fr1.id -width $COMMENTWIDTH -exportselection 1
3158    ShowTEdit $w.fr.fr1.id $name $ed
3160    frame $w.fr.fr2 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
3161    label $w.fr.fr2.obstit -text "$TXT(rmrk):"
3162    text $w.fr.fr2.obs -wrap word -width $OBSWIDTH -height $OBSHEIGHT \
3163	    -exportselection true
3164    $w.fr.fr2.obs insert 0.0 $obs
3165    $w.fr.fr2.obs configure -state $st
3166    TextBindings .gmGR.fr.fr2.obs
3168    frame $w.fr.fr3 -relief flat -borderwidth 0
3169    frame $w.fr.fr3.frbx -relief flat -borderwidth 0
3170    foreach b "bxn bxw box" m "4 4 $COMMENTWIDTH" {
3171	listbox $w.fr.fr3.frbx.$b -height 15 -width $m -relief flat \
3172		-yscrollcommand "$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bscr set" \
3173		-selectmode extended -exportselection false
3174	bind $w.fr.fr3.frbx.$b <Double-1> \
3175	    "GRActItem $w.fr.fr3.frbx.$b %y open"
3176	bind $w.fr.fr3.frbx.$b <Button-3> \
3177	    "GRActItem $w.fr.fr3.frbx.$b %y toggle"
3178	bind $w.fr.fr3.frbx.$b <<ListboxSelect>> \
3179	    "MultExtSelect $w.fr.fr3.frbx.$b {bxn bxw box}"
3180    }
3181    # BSB contribution: wheelmouse scrolling
3182    set boxes [list $w.fr.fr3.frbx.box $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxn]
3183    scrollbar $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bscr -command [list ScrollMany $boxes]
3184    Mscroll $boxes
3186    set i 1
3187    foreach p $conts {
3188	set wh [lindex $p 0]
3189	foreach e [lindex $p 1] {
3190	    $w.fr.fr3.frbx.box insert end $e
3191	    if { [IndexNamed $wh $e] == -1 } {
3192		$w.fr.fr3.frbx.box itemconfigure end \
3193		    -foreground $COLOUR(ballfg)
3194	    }
3195	    $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw insert end $TXT($wh)
3196	    $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxn insert end [format "%3d." $i]
3197	    incr i
3198	}
3199    }
3201    frame $w.fr.fr3.frbt -relief flat -borderwidth 0
3202    label $w.fr.fr3.frbt.title -text $TXT(element)
3203    foreach wh $gtypes {
3204	button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.ins$wh -relief raised \
3205		-text "$TXT(insert) $TXT(name$wh)" -state $st \
3206		-command "GMGRChange ins$wh ; \
3207		          $w.fr.fr3.frbt.ins$wh configure -state normal"
3208    }
3209    foreach a "del repl" {
3210	button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.$a -text $TXT($a) -state $st \
3211	    -command "GMGRChange $a"
3212    }
3213    frame $w.fr.fr3.frbt.sep -height 6 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg) \
3214	    -relief flat -borderwidth 0
3215    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.join -text $TXT(joinGR) -state $st \
3216	    -command "ChItemsCall GR single GMGRChange join"
3217    menu $w.fr.fr3.frbt.join.m -tearoff 0
3218    button $w.fr.fr3.frbt.clear -text $TXT(clear) -state $st \
3219	    -command { GMGRChange clr }
3221    set uwpsm $w.fr.fr3.frbt.uwps.m
3222    menubutton $w.fr.fr3.frbt.uwps -text $TXT(usewps) -relief raised \
3223	    -direction right -menu $uwpsm
3224    menu $uwpsm -tearoff 0
3225    $uwpsm add command -label $TXT(mkavgWP) \
3226	    -command "GMGRtoWP $w"
3228    $uwpsm add cascade -label $TXT(chgname) -menu $uwpsm.ren
3229    menu $uwpsm.ren
3230    menu $uwpsm.ren.m -postcommand \
3231	[list FillDefsMenu renamethod $uwpsm.ren.m [list GMGRRenameWPs $w]]
3232    $uwpsm.ren add cascade -label $TXT(use) -menu $uwpsm.ren.m
3233    $uwpsm.ren add command -label $TXT(define) \
3234	-command "GMGRRenameWPs $w \[Define renamethod\]"
3236    # JHT contribution: Change group waypoint symbol (menu item)
3237    $uwpsm add cascade -label $TXT(changegroupsymbol) \
3238	    -menu $uwpsm.symbol
3239    menu $uwpsm.symbol -tearoff 0
3240    FillSymbolsMenu $uwpsm.symbol ChangeGroupSymbol
3241    #---
3242    $uwpsm add cascade -label $TXT(chgpfrmt) \
3243	    -menu $uwpsm.mpf
3244    menu $uwpsm.mpf -tearoff 0
3245    FillPFormtMenu $uwpsm.mpf GMGRChangeWPPFormt {} $w
3246    $uwpsm add cascade -label $TXT(chgdatum) \
3247	    -menu $uwpsm.mdat
3248    menu $uwpsm.mdat -tearoff 0
3249    FillDatumMenu $uwpsm.mdat GMGRChangeWPDatum
3250    $uwpsm add command -label $TXT(mkclusters) \
3251	    -command "MakeClusters $w"
3253    frame $w.fr.frsel -relief flat -borderwidth 0
3254    # frame used for plug-ins (see array PLGSWelcomed, plugins.tcl)
3255    frame $w.fr.frdw
3256    if { $ed } {
3257	checkbutton $w.fr.frdw.displayed -text $TXT(displ) \
3258		-variable GMEd(GR,Displ) -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 \
3259		-selectcolor $COLOUR(check)
3260	if { $MapLoading != 0 } {
3261	    $w.fr.frds.displayed configure -state disabled
3262	}
3263	set b $w.fr.frsel.b
3264	foreach e $options {
3265	    button $b$e -text $TXT($e) \
3266		-command "$b$e configure -state normal ; GMButton GR $e"
3267	    pack $b$e -side left
3268	}
3269	button ${b}fgc -text $TXT(forgetGRcs) -command GRForgetConts
3270	pack ${b}fgc -side left -before $b$e
3271    } else {
3272	checkbutton $w.fr.frdw.displayed -text $TXT(displ) \
3273	    -state disabled -selectcolor $COLOUR(check)
3274	if { $displ } { $w.fr.frdw.displayed select }
3275	button $w.fr.frsel.bok -text $TXT(ok) -command "destroy $w"
3276	pack $w.fr.frsel.bok -side left
3277    }
3279    pack $w.fr -side top
3280    pack $w.fr.fr1.ntitle $w.fr.fr1.id -side left -padx 3
3281    pack $w.fr.fr2.obstit $w.fr.fr2.obs -side left -padx 3
3282    set f $w.fr.fr3.frbx
3283    pack $f.bxn $f.bxw $f.box $f.bscr -side left -fill y
3284    set f $w.fr.fr3.frbt
3285    pack $f.title -side top -pady 2 -fill x
3286    foreach wh $gtypes {
3287	pack $f.ins$wh -side top -pady 2 -fill x
3288    }
3289    pack $f.del $f.repl $f.sep $f.join $f.clear $w.fr.fr3.frbt.uwps \
3290	-side top -pady 2 -fill x
3291    pack $w.fr.fr3.frbx $w.fr.fr3.frbt -side left -padx 5
3292    pack $w.fr.frdw.displayed
3293    pack $w.fr.fr1 $w.fr.fr2 $w.fr.fr3 \
3294	    $w.fr.frdw $w.fr.frsel -side top -pady 5
3296    AttachPlugIns $w
3298    update idletasks
3299    return $w
3302proc GRActItem {box y act} {
3303    # action on GR item
3304    #  $box is the listbox causing action
3305    #  $act in {open, toggle}
3306    global INVTXT COLOUR
3308    set p [winfo parent $box] ; set ixl [$box nearest $y]
3309    set n [$p.box get $ixl]
3310    set wh $INVTXT([$p.bxw get $ixl])
3311    if { $n != "" } {
3312	if { [set ix [IndexNamed $wh $n]] != -1 } {
3313	    set cl fg
3314	    switch $act {
3315		open { OpenItem $wh $ix }
3316		toggle { ToggleDisplayNamed $wh $n }
3317	    }
3318	} else { set cl ballfg }
3319	$p.box itemconfigure $ixl -foreground $COLOUR($cl)
3320    }
3321    return
3324proc RevertGR {} {
3325    # reset data in GR edit window to initial values
3326    # this depends on Storage(GR)
3327    global GMEd TXT
3329    set data $GMEd(GR,Data)
3330    .gmGR.fr.fr1.id delete 0 end
3331    .gmGR.fr.fr1.id insert 0 [lindex $GMEd(GR,Data) 0]
3332    .gmGR.fr.fr2.obs delete 0.0 end
3333    .gmGR.fr.fr2.obs insert 0.0 [lindex $data 1]
3334    .gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box delete 0 end
3335    .gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw delete 0 end
3336    .gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxn delete 0 end
3337    set i 1
3338    foreach p [lindex $data 2] {
3339	set wh [lindex $p 0]
3340	foreach e [lindex $p 1] {
3341	    .gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box insert end $e
3342	    .gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw insert end $TXT($wh)
3343	    .gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxn insert end [format "%3d." $i]
3344	    incr i
3345	}
3346    }
3347    if { [set GMEd(GR,Displ) [lindex $data 3]] } {
3348	.gmGR.fr.frdw.displayed select
3349    } else {
3350	.gmGR.fr.frdw.displayed deselect
3351    }
3352    return
3355proc NotWellFounded {gr1 gr2} {
3356    global GRConts
3358    if { $gr1 == $gr2 } { return 1 }
3359    if { [set ix [IndexNamed GR $gr2]] != -1 } {
3360	foreach p $GRConts($ix) {
3361	    if { [lindex $p 0] == "GR" } {
3362		foreach g [lindex $p 1] {
3363		    if { [NotWellFounded $gr1 $g] } { return 1 }
3364		}
3365	    }
3366	}
3367    }
3368    return 0
3371proc GMGRCheck {} {
3372    # check validity of data in GR edit window
3373    # this depends on Storage(GR)
3374    global GMEd MESS INVTXT TYPES
3376    set id [.gmGR.fr.fr1.id get]
3377    if {! [CheckString GMMessage $id] } {
3378	focus .gmGR.fr.fr1.id
3379	return nil
3380    }
3381    if { [.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box size] == 0 } {
3382	GMMessage $MESS(voidGR)
3383	return nil
3384    }
3385    set types $TYPES ; lappend types LAP
3386    foreach wh $types { set es($wh) "" }
3387    foreach twh [.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw get 0 end] \
3388	    e [.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box get 0 end] {
3389	lappend es($INVTXT($twh)) $e
3390    }
3391    if { $GMEd(GR,Index) != -1 && $id == [lindex $GMEd(GR,Data) 0] } {
3392	foreach g $es(GR) {
3393	    if { [NotWellFounded $id $g] } {
3394		GMMessage "$MESS(initselfGR) $g"
3395		return nil
3396	    }
3397	}
3398    }
3399    set cs ""
3400    foreach wh $types {
3401	if { $es($wh) != "" } {
3402	    lappend cs [list $wh $es($wh)]
3403	}
3404    }
3405    return [list $id [CheckNB [.gmGR.fr.fr2.obs get 0.0 end]] $cs \
3406	    $GMEd(GR,Displ)]
3409proc GRInsert {wh list} {
3410    # insert elements in group being edited
3411    #  $wh is type of elements whose names are in $list
3412    # GR well-foundedness will be checked when creating/changing
3413    global TXT INVTXT
3415    if { $list == "" || ! [winfo exists .gmGR] } { return }
3416    set n [.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box size]
3417    for { set i 0 } { $i < $n } { incr i } {
3418	if { $INVTXT([.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw get $i]) == $wh } {
3419	    break
3420	}
3421    }
3422    set f $i
3423    while { $i<$n && $INVTXT([.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw get $i]) == $wh } {
3424	incr i
3425    }
3426    set l $i
3427    foreach name $list {
3428	set ok 1
3429	for { set k $f } { $k < $l } { incr k } {
3430	    if { [.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box get $k] == $name } {
3431		bell ; set ok 0
3432	    }
3433	}
3434	if { $ok } {
3435	    foreach b "bxn box bxw" k "end $i $i" \
3436		    m [list [format "%3d." [expr $n+1]] $name $TXT($wh)] {
3437		.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.$b insert $k $m
3438		.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.$b selection clear 0 end
3439	    }
3440	    incr i ; incr n
3441	}
3442    }
3443    return
3446proc GRForgetConts {} {
3447    # forget a group being edited and all its contents
3448    global GMEd INVTXT MESS
3450    if { ! [GMConfirm $MESS(frgetGRcs)] || \
3451	     ! [winfo exists .gmGR] } { return }
3452    set id [.gmGR.fr.fr1.id get]
3453    if { [.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box size] != 0 } {
3454	foreach wh $GMEd(GR,types) { set es_$wh "" }
3455	foreach twh [.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw get 0 end] \
3456		e [.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box get 0 end] {
3457	    lappend es_$INVTXT($twh) $e
3458	}
3459	if { $GMEd(GR,Index) != -1 && $id == [lindex $GMEd(GR,Data) 0] } {
3460	    foreach g $es_GR {
3461		if { [NotWellFounded $id $g] } {
3462		    GMMessage "$MESS(initselfGR) $g"
3463		    return
3464		}
3465	    }
3466	}
3467	foreach g $es_GR {
3468	    foreach p [GRGetElements $g] {
3469		set wh [lindex $p 0]
3470		set es_$wh [concat [lindex $p 1] [set es_$wh]]
3471	    }
3472	}
3473	foreach wh $GMEd(GR,types) {
3474	    if { [set l [set es_$wh]] != "" } {
3475		set l [lsort $l] ; set prev ""
3476		while { $l != "" } {
3477		    set n [lindex $l 0] ; set l [lreplace $l 0 0]
3478		    if { $n != $prev } {
3479			set prev $n
3480			if { [set ix [IndexNamed $wh $n]] != -1 && \
3481				[Forget $wh $ix] } {
3482			    CloseItemWindows $wh $ix
3483			}
3484		    }
3485		}
3486	    }
3487	}
3488    }
3489    destroy .gmGR
3490    if { $GMEd(GR,Index) != -1 } {
3491	Forget GR $GMEd(GR,Index)
3492    }
3493    return
3496proc GMGRChange {how args} {
3497    # perform edit operations on GR
3498    #  $how is one of
3499    #      ins$wh  insert item of type $wh (in {WP, RT, TR, GR, LAP?})
3500    #      del   delete all selected items
3501    #      repl  replace first selected item by another one of same type
3502    #      join  join (set union) other GR
3503    #      clr   set to void
3504    #  $args is the name of the new item for $how in {join}
3505    # Note that GMGRMapChg is not affected: changes in a mapped GR will not
3506    #  affect mapping of its old or new elements
3507    global GRConts Number INVTXT
3509    set sel [.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box curselection]
3510    switch -glob $how {
3511	ins* {
3512	    regsub ins $how "" wh
3513	    if { $Number($wh) > 0 } {
3514		GRInsert $wh [Apply [ChooseItems $wh] NameOf $wh]
3515	    }
3516	}
3517	repl {
3518	    # GR well-foundedness will be checked when creating/changing
3519	    if { [set sel [lindex $sel 0]] == "" } { return }
3520	    set wh $INVTXT([.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw get $sel])
3521	    if { [set ix [ChooseItems $wh single]] == "" } { return }
3522	    set new [NameOf $wh $ix]
3523	    foreach e [.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box get 0 end] \
3524		    ewh [.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw get 0 end] {
3525		if { $wh == $INVTXT($ewh) && $new == $e } {
3526		    bell
3527		    return
3528		}
3529	    }
3530	    .gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box insert $sel $new
3531	    .gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box delete [expr $sel+1]
3532	    .gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box selection set $sel
3533	}
3534	del  {
3535	    if { $sel == "" } { return }
3536	    foreach s [lsort -integer -decreasing $sel] {
3537		.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box delete $s
3538		.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw delete $s
3539		.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxn delete end
3540	    }
3541	    .gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw selection clear 0 end
3542	    .gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxn selection clear 0 end
3543	}
3544	join {
3545	    foreach p $GRConts([IndexNamed GR [lindex $args 0]]) {
3546		GRInsert [lindex $p 0] [lindex $p 1]
3547	    }
3548	}
3549	clr {
3550	    .gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box delete 0 end
3551	    .gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw delete 0 end
3552	    .gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxn delete 0 end
3553	}
3554    }
3555    return
3558proc GRGetElements {gr} {
3559    # collect all elements in GR $gr, recursively
3560    # assume GR is not being edited and that all GRs are well-founded
3561    # return list of pairs with type and list names of elements
3562    global GRConts TYPES SUPPORTLAPS
3564    set gtypes $TYPES
3565    if { $SUPPORTLAPS } { lappend gtypes LAP }
3566    if { [set ix [IndexNamed GR $gr]] == -1 } { return "" }
3567    foreach wh $gtypes { set es_$wh "" }
3568    set grs ""
3569    foreach p $GRConts($ix) {
3570	set wh [lindex $p 0]
3571	set es_$wh [lindex $p 1]
3572	if { $wh == "GR" } { set grs [set es_$wh] }
3573    }
3574    foreach g $grs {
3575	foreach p [GRGetElements $g] {
3576	    set wh [lindex $p 0]
3577	    set es_$wh [concat [lindex $p 1] [set es_$wh]]
3578	}
3579    }
3580    set ps ""
3581    foreach wh $gtypes {
3582	if { [set es_$wh] != "" } { lappend ps [list $wh [set es_$wh]] }
3583    }
3584    return $ps
3587proc GMGRCollectWPs {window} {
3588    # collect all WPs in GR shown in $window, recursively
3589    # return "void", "error" (a message is issued), or list of indices of WPs
3590    global TYPES INVTXT GMEd GMember MESS
3592    set id [$window.fr.fr1.id get]
3593    if { $window == ".gmGR" } {
3594	if { [.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box size] == 0 } { return void }
3595	set gtypes $TYPES ; lappend gtypes LAP
3596	foreach wh $gtypes { set es($wh) "" }
3597	foreach twh [.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw get 0 end] \
3598		e [.gmGR.fr.fr3.frbx.box get 0 end] {
3599	    lappend es($INVTXT($twh)) $e
3600	}
3601	if { $GMEd(GR,Index) != -1 && $id == [lindex $GMEd(GR,Data) 0] } {
3602	    foreach g $es(GR) {
3603		if { [NotWellFounded $id $g] } {
3604		    GMMessage "$MESS(initselfGR) $g"
3605		    return "error"
3606		}
3607	    }
3608	}
3609	catch {unset GMember}
3610	foreach wp $es(WP) {
3611	    set GMember([IndexNamed WP $wp]) 1
3612	}
3613	set grixs ""
3614	foreach gr $es(GR) {
3615	    lappend grixs [IndexNamed GR $gr]
3616	}
3617	if { $grixs != "" } { GRsElsCollect $grixs 1 WP }
3618	set ixs [array names GMember]
3619	catch {unset GMember}
3620    } else {
3621	set grix [IndexNamed GR $id]
3622	set ixs [GRsElements $grix 1 WP]
3623    }
3624    return $ixs
3627proc GMGRCollectWPNames {window} {
3628    # collect all WP names in GR shown in $window (not recursively)
3629    # return list of names possibly empty
3630    global TXT INVTXT
3632    set names {}
3633    foreach twh [$window.fr.fr3.frbx.bxw get 0 end] \
3634	    name [$window.fr.fr3.frbx.box get 0 end] {
3635	if { $INVTXT($twh) == "WP" } {
3636	    lappend names $name
3637	}
3638    }
3639    return $names
3642# JHT contribution: Change group waypoint symbol (gang edit)
3643proc ChangeGroupSymbol {newsymbol window} {
3644    # change the symbol of all WPs in GR shown in $window
3645    global MESS EdWindow WPSymbol WPDispl
3647    regexp {^(\.[^.]+)\.} $window match window
3648    switch [set ixs [GMGRCollectWPs $window]] {
3649	void {
3650	    GMMessage $MESS(voidGR) ; return
3651	}
3652	error {
3653	    return
3654	}
3655    }
3656    if { $ixs == "" } { bell ; return }
3657    foreach ix $ixs {
3658	if { $WPSymbol($ix) != $newsymbol } {
3659	    set WPSymbol($ix) $newsymbol
3660	    UpdateItemWindows WP $ix
3661	    if { $WPDispl($ix) } {
3662		ChangeMapWPSymbol $ix $newsymbol
3663	    }
3664	}
3665    }
3666    return
3669proc GMGRChangeWPPFormt {pformt window} {
3670    # change the position format of all WPs in GR shown in $window
3671    # this may cause the datum of some WPs to be changed
3672    # nothing is done on WPs for which $pformt is invalid
3673    global MESS EdWindow WPPosn WPDatum WPPFrmt
3675    switch [set ixs [GMGRCollectWPs $window]] {
3676	void {
3677	    GMMessage $MESS(voidGR) ; return
3678	}
3679	error {
3680	    return
3681	}
3682    }
3683    if { $ixs == "" } { bell ; return }
3684    foreach ix $ixs {
3685	if { [set of $WPPFrmt($ix)] != $pformt } {
3686	    foreach "la lo" $WPPosn($ix) { break }
3687	    foreach "p pfmt datum" \
3688		[FormatPosition $la $lo $WPDatum($ix) $pformt ""] { break }
3689	    if { $pfmt != $of && [lindex $p 2] != "--" } {
3690		set WPPosn($ix) $p ; set WPPFrmt($ix) $pfmt
3691		set WPDatum($ix) $datum
3692		UpdateItemWindows WP $ix
3693	    }
3694	}
3695    }
3696    return
3699proc GMGRChangeWPDatum {datum menu} {
3700    # change the datum of all WPs in GR shown in top-level window with $menu
3701    # fails silently for each WP whose position format is a grid requiring
3702    #  a different datum
3703    global MESS EdWindow WPPosn WPDatum WPPFrmt
3705    regexp {^(\.[^.]+)\.} $menu match window
3706    switch [set ixs [GMGRCollectWPs $window]] {
3707	void {
3708	    GMMessage $MESS(voidGR) ; return
3709	}
3710	error {
3711	    return
3712	}
3713    }
3714    if { $ixs == "" } { bell ; return }
3715    foreach ix $ixs {
3716	if { [set od $WPDatum($ix)] != $datum } {
3717	    set pfmt $WPPFrmt($ix)
3718	    if { [BadDatumFor $pfmt $datum Ignore] != 0 } {
3719		continue
3720	    }
3721	    set p $WPPosn($ix)
3722	    set WPPosn($ix) [lindex [FormatPosition [lindex $p 0] \
3723					 [lindex $p 1] $od $pfmt $datum] 0]
3724	    set WPDatum($ix) $datum
3725	    UpdateItemWindows WP $ix
3726	}
3727    }
3728    return
3731proc GMToggleSegStart {wh w ix} {
3732    # toggle segment start flag at index $ix in listbox $w of edit window
3733    #  $wh in {TR, LN}
3734    global GMEd
3736    if { $ix <= 0 || $ix >= [$w size] } { return }
3737    if { [$w get $ix] == "" } {
3738	set seg "@"
3739	set GMEd($wh,SgSts) [lsort -integer -increasing \
3740				 [linsert $GMEd($wh,SgSts) 0 $ix]]
3741    } else {
3742	set seg ""
3743	if { [set k [lsearch -exact $GMEd($wh,SgSts) $ix]] == -1 } { return }
3744	set GMEd($wh,SgSts) [lreplace $GMEd($wh,SgSts) $k $k]
3745    }
3746    set selected [$w selection includes $ix]
3747    $w delete $ix ; $w insert $ix $seg
3748    if { $selected } { $w selection set $ix }
3749    set GMEd($wh,MapChg) 1
3750    return
3753proc ChopPolyline {wh whpt ix1 ixn} {
3754    # delete all points in polyline in range $ix1 to $ixn (indices from 0)
3755    #  and may extend to the end
3756    #  $wh in {TR, LN}
3757    #  $whpt in {TP, LP} depending on $wh
3758    # adjust segments and keep selections
3759    global GMEd
3761    set boxes $GMEd($wh,boxes)
3762    set bxn [lindex $boxes 0]
3763    set sel [$bxn curselection]
3764    set n [$bxn size]
3765    if { $ixn == "end" } {
3766	set ixn [expr $n-1]
3767    }
3768    # MB contribution
3769    if { $ix1 == "end" } {
3770	set ix1 [expr $n-1]
3771    }
3772    #---
3773    set dn [expr $ixn-$ix1+1]
3774    if { $ix1 == $ixn } {
3775	set fd end
3776    } else {
3777	set fd [expr $n-$dn]
3778    }
3779    foreach box [lreplace $boxes 0 0] {
3780	$box delete $ix1 $ixn
3781	$box see $ix1
3782    }
3783    set ixnn [expr $ixn+1]
3784    if { $ix1 == 0 } {
3785	# make sure new first point is not marked as starting a segment
3786	set bxseg [lindex $boxes end]
3787	$bxseg delete 0 ; $bxseg insert 0 ""
3788	if { [lsearch -exact $sel $ixnn] != -1 } { $bxseg selection set 0 }
3789    }
3790    $bxn selection clear $ix1 $ixn
3791    $bxn delete $fd end
3792    $bxn see $ix1
3793    foreach sl $sel {
3794	if { $sl > $ixn } { $bxn selection set [expr $sl-$dn] }
3795    }
3796    if { [set GMEd($wh,${whpt}s) [lreplace $GMEd($wh,${whpt}s) $ix1 $ixn]] \
3797	    == "" } {
3798	set GMEd($wh,SgSts) ""
3799    } else {
3800	set sgs "" ; incr ixn
3801	foreach sp $GMEd($wh,SgSts) {
3802	    if { $sp < $ix1 } {
3803		lappend sgs $sp
3804	    } elseif { $sp > $ixn && $sp > $dn } {
3805		lappend sgs [expr $sp-$dn]
3806	    }
3807	}
3808	set GMEd($wh,SgSts) $sgs
3809    }
3810    return
3813proc SplitPolyLine {wh how w ed ix} {
3814    # split a polyline into similar items
3815    #  $wh in {RT, TR, LN}
3816    #  $how in {sel, segm}: split using selected points or segment starters
3817    #  $w         window with poolyline to split
3818    #  $ed        set if $w is edit window
3819    #  $ix        index of item to split (may be -1 if $ed)
3820    # create a group with the new items
3821    # there is a local variable Datum not to be confused with the global one!
3822    global GMEd RTIdNumber RTStages RTWidth RTColour RTMBack TRName TRDatum \
3823	TRTPoints TRSegStarts TRWidth TRColour TRMBack LNName LNDatum LNPFrmt \
3824	LNLPoints LNSegStarts LNWidth LNColour LNMBack GRName MESS TXT
3826    set newixs ""
3827    if { $wh == "RT" } {
3828	# $how must be "sel"
3829	set box $w.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx.box
3830	if { [set sel [$box curselection]] == "" || \
3831		 [set wpns [$box get 0 end]] == "" } { bell ; return }
3832	if { $ed } {
3833	    set Stages [GMRTStages $w.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx]
3834	    foreach t "Width Colour MBack" {
3835		set $t $GMEd(RT,$t)
3836	    }
3837	    set orgname [$w.fr.fr1.id get]
3838	} else {
3839	    foreach t "IdNumber Stages Width Colour MBack" {
3840		set $t [set RT[set t]($ix)]
3841	    }
3842	    set orgname $IdNumber
3843	}
3844	set fs "IdNumber WPoints Stages Width Colour MBack"
3845	foreach p [MakeSplit [list $wpns $Stages] $sel] {
3846	    foreach "wps sts" $p {}
3847	    if { [llength $wps] > 1 } {
3848		set id [NewName RT]
3849		set data [FormData RT $fs \
3850			      [list $id $wps $sts $Width $Colour $MBack]]
3851		CreateItem RT $data
3852		SetWPRoute $id $wps
3853		lappend newits $id
3854	    }
3855	}
3856    } else {
3857	# TR or LN
3858	set pre [string index $wh 0]
3859	set fs "Name Datum ${pre}Points Width Colour MBack"
3860	if { $wh == "LN" } {
3861	    set line 1
3862	    lappend fs PFrmt
3863	} else { set line 0 }
3864	if { $ed } {
3865	    set ptsref "${pre}Ps"
3866	    foreach t "Datum $ptsref SgSts Width Colour MBack" {
3867		    set $t $GMEd($wh,$t)
3868	    }
3869	    if { $line } { set PFrmt $GMEd($wh,PFrmt) }
3870	    set SegStarts $SgSts
3871	    set orgname [$w.fr.fr1.id get]
3872	} else {
3873	    set ptsref "${pre}Points"
3874	    foreach t "Name Datum $ptsref SegStarts Width Colour MBack" {
3875		set $t [set $wh[set t]($ix)]
3876	    }
3877	    if { $line } { set PFrmt $LNPFrmt($ix) }
3878	    set orgname $Name
3879	}
3880	if { [set pts [set $ptsref]] == "" } { bell ; return }
3881	if { $how == "sel" } {
3882	    set box $w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxn
3883	    set sel [$box curselection]
3884	    set segs 1
3885	    lappend fs SegStarts
3886	    set del 0
3887	    set sgstnxt [lindex $SegStarts 0]
3888	    set SegStarts [lreplace $SegStarts 0 0]
3889	} else {
3890	    set sel $SegStarts
3891	    set segs 0
3892	}
3893	if { $sel == "" } { bell ; return }
3895	foreach xps [MakeSplit [list $pts] $sel] {
3896	    set xps [lindex $xps 0]
3897	    if { [set nxps [llength $xps]] > 1 } {
3898		set name [NewName $wh]
3899		set dt [list $name $Datum $xps $Width $Colour $MBack]
3900		if { $line } { lappend dt $PFrmt }
3901		if { $segs } {
3902		    set xsegs ""
3903		    while { [set ns [expr $sgstnxt-$del]] < $nxps } {
3904			if { $ns > 0 } { lappend xsegs $ns }
3905			if { [set sgstnxt [lindex $SegStarts 0]] == "" } {
3906			    break
3907			}
3908			set SegStarts [lreplace $SegStarts 0 0]
3909		    }
3910		    lappend dt $xsegs
3911		    incr del $nxps
3912		}
3913		set data [FormData $wh $fs $dt]
3914		CreateItem $wh $data
3915		lappend newits $name
3916		if { $segs && $sgstnxt == "" } {
3917		    set fs [Delete $fs SegStarts]
3918		    set segs 0
3919		}
3920	    } elseif { $segs && $nxps == 1 } {
3921		if { $sgstnxt-$del == 0 } {
3922		    if { [set sgstnxt [lindex $SegStarts 0]] == "" } {
3923			set fs [Delete $fs SegStarts]
3924			set segs 0
3925		    } else { set SegStarts [lreplace $SegStarts 0 0] }
3926		}
3927		incr del
3928	    }
3929	}
3930    }
3931    if { $newits != "" } {
3932	set obs [format $MESS(obssplit) $wh $orgname]
3933	set grix [CreateGRFor split $obs [list [list $wh $newits]]]
3934	GMMessage [format $MESS(convres) $TXT(GR) $GRName($grix)]
3935    }
3936    return
3939proc GMPolyChange {wh how args} {
3940    # perform edit operations on polyline
3941    #  $wh in {TR, LN}
3942    #  $how is one of
3943    #      chh    chop head: delete all points from the beginning to first
3944    #              selected or only the first one
3945    #      cht    chop tail: delete all points from the last selected to end
3946    #              or only the last one
3947    #      incb    include a similar polyline at the beginning
3948    #      app    append a polyline (to end, of course)
3949    #      loop   add first point to end
3950    #      del    delete all selected points
3951    #      clear  delete all points
3952    #  $args has the name of the other polyline when $how is in {incb, app}
3953    global TRTPoints TRSegStarts TRDatum LNLPoints LNSegStarts LNDatum \
3954	    LNPFrmt GMEd EdWindow
3956    set whpt $GMEd($wh,ptname)
3957    set GMEd($wh,MapChg) 1
3958    set boxes $GMEd($wh,boxes)
3959    set bxn [lindex $boxes 0]
3960    set sel [lsort -integer -increasing [$bxn curselection]]
3961    set sel0 [lindex $sel 0] ; set sell [lindex $sel end]
3962    switch $how {
3963	chh {
3964	    if { [$bxn size] == 0 } { return }
3965	    if { $sel == "" } { set sel0 0 }
3966	    ChopPolyline $wh $whpt 0 $sel0
3967	}
3968	cht {
3969	    if { [$bxn size] == 0 } { return }
3970	    if { $sel == "" } { set sell end }
3971	    ChopPolyline $wh $whpt $sell end
3972	}
3973	incb {
3974	    set name [lindex [lindex $args 0] 0]
3975	    if { [set ix [IndexNamed $wh $name]] != -1 } {
3976		set pts [set ${wh}${whpt}oints($ix)]
3977		set sgs [set ${wh}SegStarts($ix)]
3978		set datum [set ${wh}Datum($ix)]
3979		foreach box $boxes { $box selection clear 0 end }
3980		set dboxes [lreplace $boxes 0 0]
3981		set npts [$bxn size] ; set ins 0
3982		switch $wh {
3983		    TR {
3984			if { $GMEd($wh,Datum) != $datum } {
3985			    set pts [ChangeTPsDatum $pts $dat $GMEd($wh,Datum)]
3986			}
3987			if { $npts == 0 } {
3988			    FillTPs $EdWindow($wh) $pts $sgs
3989			    set GMEd($wh,${whpt}s) $pts
3990			    set GMEd($wh,SgSts) $sgs
3991			    return
3992			}
3993			if { [set d [GMTRNewDate $pts $GMEd(TR,TPs)]] == -1 } {
3994			    return
3995			}
3996			set d [expr [lindex $d 1]- \
3997				[lindex [lindex $GMEd(TR,TPs) 0] 5]]
3998			foreach tp $pts {
3999			    incr npts
4000			    $bxn insert end [format "%4d." $npts]
4001			    foreach box $dboxes \
4002				    v [list [lindex $tp 4] \
4003				          [lindex $tp 2] [lindex $tp 3] \
4004					  [UserAltitude [lindex $tp 6]] \
4005					  [lindex $tp 7] \
4006					  ""] {
4007				$box insert $ins $v
4008			    }
4009			    incr ins
4010			}
4011			set l $pts
4012			foreach tp $GMEd(TR,TPs) {
4013			    set ns [expr [lindex $tp 5]+$d]
4014			    set nd [DateFromSecs $ns]
4015			    lappend l [lreplace $tp 4 5 $nd $ns]
4016			    .gmTR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxd delete $ins
4017			    .gmTR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxd insert $ins $nd
4018			    incr ins
4019			}
4020			set pts $l
4021		    }
4022		    LN {
4023			if { $GMEd($wh,Datum) != $datum } {
4024			    set pts [ChangeLPsDatum $pts $datum \
4025				    $GMEd($wh,Datum) $GMEd(LN,PFrmt)]
4026			} elseif { $LNPFrmt($ix) != $GMEd(LN,PFrmt) } {
4027			    set GMEd(temp) $GMEd($wh,Datum)
4028			    set pts [ChangeLPsPFormt $pts $GMEd(LN,PFrmt) \
4029				                    GMEd GMEd(temp)]
4030			}
4031			if { $npts == 0 } {
4032			    FillLPs $EdWindow($wh) $pts $sgs
4033			    set GMEd($wh,${whpt}s) $pts
4034			    set GMEd($wh,SgSts) $sgs
4035			    return
4036			}
4037			foreach lp $pts {
4038			    incr npts
4039			    $bxn insert end [format "%4d." $npts]
4040			    foreach box $dboxes \
4041				    v [list [lrange [lindex $lp 0] 2 end] \
4042					  [UserAltitude [lindex $lp 1]] \
4043					  ""] {
4044				$box insert $ins $v
4045			    }
4046			    incr ins
4047			}
4048			set pts [concat $pts $GMEd($wh,${whpt}s)]
4049		    }
4050		}
4051		set GMEd($wh,${whpt}s) $pts
4052		set usgs ""
4053		foreach sp $GMEd($wh,SgSts) {
4054		    lappend usgs [expr $sp+$ins]
4055		}
4056		set GMEd($wh,SgSts) [concat $sgs $usgs]
4057		set bxseg [lindex $boxes end]
4058		foreach sp $sgs {
4059		    $bxseg delete $sp
4060		    $bxseg insert $sp "@"
4061		}
4062	    }
4063	}
4064	app {
4065	    set name [lindex [lindex $args 0] 0]
4066	    if { [set ix [IndexNamed $wh $name]] != -1 } {
4067		set pts [set ${wh}${whpt}oints($ix)]
4068		set sgs [set ${wh}SegStarts($ix)]
4069		set datum [set ${wh}Datum($ix)]
4070		foreach box $boxes { $box selection clear 0 end }
4071		set dboxes [lreplace $boxes 0 0]
4072		set ins [set npts [$bxn size]]
4073		switch $wh {
4074		    TR {
4075			if { $GMEd($wh,Datum) != $datum } {
4076			    set pts [ChangeTPsDatum $pts $dat $GMEd($wh,Datum)]
4077			}
4078			if { $npts == 0 } {
4079			    FillTPs $EdWindow($wh) $pts $sgs
4080			    set GMEd($wh,${whpt}s) $pts
4081			    set GMEd($wh,SgSts) $sgs
4082			    return
4083			}
4084			if { [set d [GMTRNewDate $GMEd(TR,TPs) $pts]] == -1 } {
4085			    return
4086			}
4087			set d [expr [lindex $d 1]- \
4088				[lindex [lindex $pts 0] 5]]
4090			set l $GMEd(TR,TPs)
4091			foreach tp $pts {
4092			    incr ins
4093			    set ns [expr [lindex $tp 5]+$d]
4094			    set nd [DateFromSecs $ns]
4095			    lappend l [lreplace $tp 4 5 $nd $ns]
4096			    foreach box $boxes \
4097				    v [list [format "%4d." $ins] \
4098				          $nd \
4099				          [lindex $tp 2] [lindex $tp 3] \
4100					  [UserAltitude [lindex $tp 6]] \
4101					  [lindex $tp 7] \
4102					  ""] {
4103				$box insert end $v
4104			    }
4105			}
4106			set GMEd(TR,TPs) $l
4107		    }
4108		    LN {
4109			if { $GMEd($wh,Datum) != $datum } {
4110			    set pts [ChangeLPsDatum $pts $datum \
4111				    $GMEd($wh,Datum) $GMEd(LN,PFrmt)]
4112			} elseif { $LNPFrmt($ix) != $GMEd(LN,PFrmt) } {
4113			    set GMEd(temp) $GMEd($wh,Datum)
4114			    set pts [ChangeLPsPFormt $pts $GMEd(LN,PFrmt) \
4115				                    GMEd GMEd(temp)]
4116			}
4117			if { $npts == 0 } {
4118			    FillLPs $EdWindow($wh) $pts $sgs
4119			    set GMEd($wh,${whpt}s) $pts
4120			    set GMEd($wh,SgSts) $sgs
4121			    return
4122			}
4123			foreach lp $pts {
4124			    incr ins
4125			    foreach box $boxes \
4126				    v [list [format "%4d." $ins] \
4127					   [lrange [lindex $lp 0] 2 end] \
4128					   [UserAltitude [lindex $lp 1]] \
4129					   ""] {
4130				$box insert end $v
4131			    }
4132			}
4133			set GMEd(LN,LPs) [concat $GMEd(LN,LPs) $pts]
4134		    }
4135		}
4136		set bxseg [lindex $boxes end]
4137		foreach sp $sgs {
4138		    lappend GMEd($wh,SgSts) [set i [expr $sp+$npts]]
4139		    $bxseg delete $i
4140		    $bxseg insert $i "@"
4141		}
4142	    }
4143	}
4144	del {
4145	    # MB contribution
4146	    if { [$bxn size] == 0 } { return }
4147	    if { $sel == "" } { set sel 0 }
4148	    # MF change: $sel is now a list
4149	    foreach sl [lsort -integer -decreasing $sel] {
4150		ChopPolyline $wh $whpt $sl $sl
4151	    }
4152 	}
4153	clear {
4154	    if { [$bxn size] == 0 } { return }
4155	    ChopPolyline $wh $whpt 0 end
4156	}
4157    }
4158    return
4161proc GMButton {wh button} {
4162    # callback to button when editing item of type $wh (in $TYPES or "LAP")
4163    #  $button in {cancel, create, change, revert, forget}
4164    global Storage EdWindow WPRoute RTIdNumber RTWPoints \
4165	    GRConts GMEd MESS TXT MapMakingRT DataIndex
4167    set w $EdWindow($wh)
4168    set ids [lindex $Storage($wh) 0]
4169    global $ids
4170    switch $button {
4171	cancel {
4172	    destroy $w
4173	    if { $MapMakingRT && $wh == "RT" } {
4174		MapCancelRT dontask dontclose
4175	    }
4176	}
4177	create {
4178	    if { $MapMakingRT && $wh == "RT" } {
4179		MapFinishRTLastWP
4180	    }
4181	    set data [GM${wh}Check]
4182	    if { $data != "nil" } {
4183		if { ! [CheckArrayElement $ids [lindex $data 0]] } {
4184		    # new name
4185		    set ix [CreateItem $wh $data]
4186		    if { $wh == "RT" } {
4187			SetWPRoute [lindex $data 0] [lindex $data 3]
4188		    }
4189		    if { $GMEd($wh,Displ) } { PutMap $wh $ix }
4190		    destroy $w
4191		} else {
4192		    GMMessage $MESS(idinuse)
4193		    focus $w.fr.fr1.id
4194		    return
4195		}
4196	    }
4197	}
4198	change {
4199	                           # $GMEd($wh,Index) assumed > -1
4200	    if { $MapMakingRT && $wh == "RT" } {
4201		MapFinishRTLastWP
4202	    }
4203	    set data [GM${wh}Check]
4204	    if { $data != "nil" } {
4205		set ix $GMEd($wh,Index)
4206		set oldname [set [set ids]($ix)]
4207		set newname [lindex $data 0]
4208		set diffname [string compare $oldname $newname]
4209		set mapped [lindex $GMEd($wh,Data) end]
4210		set tomap $GMEd($wh,Displ)
4211		if { $diffname } {
4212		    if { [CheckArrayElement $ids $newname] } {
4213			GMMessage $MESS(idinuse)
4214			focus $w.fr.fr1.id
4215			return
4216		    }
4217		}
4218		if { $wh == "RT" } {
4219		    set oldwps $GMEd(RT,WPoints)
4220		    set rtwps [lindex $data 3]
4221		    set newwps [Subtract $rtwps $oldwps]
4222		    set keptwps [Subtract $rtwps $newwps]
4223		    set delwps [Subtract $oldwps $keptwps]
4224		    UnsetWPRoute $oldname $delwps
4225		    if { $diffname } {
4226			RenameWPRoute $oldname $newname $keptwps
4227			SetWPRoute $newname $newwps
4228		    } else {
4229			SetWPRoute $oldname $newwps
4230		    }
4231		}
4232		if { $mapped } {
4233		    if { $tomap } {
4234			SetItem $wh $ix $data
4235			if { $GMEd($wh,MapChg) } {
4236			    MoveOnMap $wh $ix $oldname $diffname $newname
4237			}
4238		    } elseif { [UnMap $wh $ix] } {
4239			SetItem $wh $ix $data
4240		    } else {
4241			GMMessage [format $MESS(cantunmap) $TXT(name$wh)]
4242			return
4243		    }
4244		} else {
4245		    SetItem $wh $ix $data
4246		    if { $tomap } { PutMap $wh $ix }
4247		}
4248		if { $diffname } {
4249		    ListDelete $wh $ix ; ListAdd $wh $ix
4250		    if { $wh == "WP" } {
4251			foreach rt $WPRoute($ix) {
4252			    set ixrt [IndexNamed RT $rt]
4253			    set i [lsearch -exact $RTWPoints($ixrt) $oldname]
4254			    set RTWPoints($ixrt) \
4255				    [lreplace $RTWPoints($ixrt) $i $i $newname]
4256			}
4257		    }
4258		    foreach grix [array names GRConts] {
4259			set i 0
4260			foreach p $GRConts($grix) {
4261			    if { [lindex $p 0] == $wh } {
4262				set es [lindex $p 1]
4263				if { [lsearch -exact $es $newname] == -1 \
4264				    && [set j [lsearch -exact $es $oldname]] \
4265					 != -1 } {
4266				    set GRConts($grix) [lreplace \
4267					    $GRConts($grix) $i $i \
4268					    [list $wh [lreplace $es $j $j \
4269					               $newname]]]
4270				    UpdateItemWindows GR $grix
4271				}
4272				break
4273			    }
4274			    incr i
4275			}
4276		    }
4277		}
4278		if { $wh == "WP" } {
4279		    if { $GMEd(WP,MapChg) } {
4280			ChangeWPInRTWindows $oldname $newname 1
4281		    } elseif { $diffname } {
4282			ChangeWPInRTWindows $oldname $newname 0
4283		    }
4284		}
4285		destroy $w
4286	    }
4287	}
4288	revert {
4289	    if { [GMConfirm $MESS(askrevert)] } {
4290		Revert$wh
4291	    }
4292	}
4293	forget {
4294	                           # $GMEd($wh,Index) assumed > -1
4295	    if { [GMConfirm [format $MESS(askforget) $TXT(name$wh)]] && \
4296		 [Forget $wh $GMEd($wh,Index)] } { destroy $w }
4297	}
4298    }
4299    return
4302# track utilities
4304proc GMTRChangeDatum {datum args} {
4305    # change datum of TR being edited
4306    #  $args is not used but is needed as this is called-back from a menu
4307    global GMEd MESS
4309    if { $GMEd(TR,Datum) == $datum || \
4310	    ( [lindex $GMEd(TR,TPs) 200] != "" && \
4311	    ! [GMConfirm $MESS(timeconsmg)] ) } { return }
4312    SetCursor . watch
4313    set GMEd(TR,TPs) [ChangeTPsDatum $GMEd(TR,TPs) $GMEd(TR,Datum) $datum]
4314    set sel [.gmTR.fr.fr3.frbx.bxn curselection]
4315    foreach n "n d lat long" {
4316	.gmTR.fr.fr3.frbx.bx$n delete 0 end
4317    }
4318    FillTPs .gmTR $GMEd(TR,TPs) $GMEd(TR,SgSts)
4319    foreach sl $sel {
4320	foreach n "n d lat long" {
4321	    .gmTR.fr.fr3.frbx.bx$n selection set $sl
4322	}
4323    }
4324    set GMEd(TR,Datum) $datum
4325    ResetCursor .
4326    return
4329proc FillTPs {w tps sgsts} {
4330    # insert TPs with segments $sgsts, in listboxes in TR edit/show window $w
4332    set i 0 ; set nxt [lindex $sgsts 0]
4333    foreach tp $tps {
4334	if { $nxt == $i } {
4335	    set seg "@"
4336	    set sgsts [lreplace $sgsts 0 0]
4337	    set nxt [lindex $sgsts 0]
4338	} else { set seg "" }
4339	incr i
4340	$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxn insert end [format "%4d." $i]
4341	$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxd insert end [lindex $tp 4]
4342	$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxlat insert end [lindex $tp 2]
4343	$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxlong insert end [lindex $tp 3]
4344	$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxalt insert end [UserAltitude [lindex $tp 6]]
4345	$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxdep insert end [lindex $tp 7]
4346	$w.fr.fr3.frbx.bxseg insert end $seg
4347    }
4348    return
4351proc MarkPoint {wh w ix} {
4352    # use a position at index $ix in listbox of window $w to create
4353    #  a new WP
4354    #  $wh in {TR, PVT}
4355    #    ==TR: use TP with given index in TR edit/show window
4356    #    ==PVT: use point in real-time track log window (Garmin)
4357    global GMEd TRTPoints CREATIONDATE PVTPosns
4359    switch $wh {
4360	TR {
4361	    set dat [$w.fr.frd.datum cget -text]
4362	    if { $w == ".gmTR" } {
4363		set p [lindex $GMEd(TR,TPs) $ix]
4364	    } else {
4365		set ixt [IndexNamed TR [$w.fr.fr1.id get]]
4366		set p [lindex $TRTPoints($ixt) $ix]
4367	    }
4368	    if { $p == "" } { return }
4369	    set alt [lindex $p 6]
4370	}
4371	PVT {
4372	    if { [set p [lindex $PVTPosns $ix]] == "" } { return }
4373	    set dat "WGS 84"
4374	    set alt [$w.fri.frtbx.bxalt get $ix]
4375	}
4376    }
4377    set opts "create revert cancel"
4378    if { $CREATIONDATE } {
4379	GMWPoint -1 $opts [FormData WP "PFrmt Posn Datum Alt Date" \
4380		            [list DMS $p $dat $alt [Now]]]
4381    } else {
4382	GMWPoint -1 $opts [FormData WP "Commt PFrmt Posn Datum Alt" \
4383		            [list [DateCommt [Now]] DMS $p $dat $alt]]
4384    }
4385    return
4388### varia
4390proc ShowPosnDatum {w pformt posns dproc dvar dvref st ed chgvorp} {
4391    # show position format menu, position and datum under parent window $w
4392    #  $pformt is position format
4393    #  $posns is a list of position representations
4394    #  $dproc is proc to be called when changing datum (if editing is allowed)
4395    #  $dvar is name of global variable or array with datum if editing,
4396    #   or empty string if not editing
4397    #  $dvref is the reference to the datum variable or array(element) to
4398    #   be set if editing, or the datum name if not
4399    #  $st is state of editable widgets
4400    #  $ed is 1 if edition is allowed
4401    #  $chgvorp is either "nil" or:
4402    #     - if there is a single position, the name of global variable to
4403    #     set to 1 if the user types in any entry and that contains the
4404    #     current position otherwise; see procs ChangePFormt and
4405    #     PosnGetCheckEmpty
4406    #     - else, "=PREFIX" describing global variables used in the same
4407    #     way for each position; each name has the prefix followed by the
4408    #     number from 1 of the position
4409    # frames $w.frp and $w.frd are created that should be packed by the caller
4410    # there will be frames $w.frp.frp1, $w.frp.frp2, ... with the widgets for
4411    #  each position
4412    # widgets created here are used elsewhere
4413    global TXT DATUMWIDTH
4415    frame $w.frp -relief flat -borderwidth 0
4416    # path to this menubutton used elsewhere
4417    menubutton $w.frp.pfmt -text $TXT($pformt) -relief raised -width 8 \
4418	    -direction below -menu $w.frp.pfmt.m -state $st
4419    menu $w.frp.pfmt.m -tearoff 0
4420    if { $ed } {
4421	FillPFormtMenu $w.frp.pfmt.m ChangePFormt {} $dvar $dvref $w.frp \
4422	    $chgvorp $st
4423    }
4424    pack $w.frp.pfmt -side left -padx 3
4425    FillPos $w.frp $pformt $posns $st $chgvorp
4427    frame $w.frd -relief flat -borderwidth 0
4428    menubutton $w.frd.dttitle -text Datum -relief raised \
4429	    -direction below -menu $w.frd.dttitle.m -state $st
4430    menu $w.frd.dttitle.m -tearoff 0
4431    if { $ed } {
4432	global $dvar
4434	FillDatumMenu $w.frd.dttitle.m $dproc
4435	label $w.frd.datum -text [set $dvref] -textvariable $dvref \
4436		-width $DATUMWIDTH
4437    } else {
4438	label $w.frd.datum -text $dvref \
4439		-width $DATUMWIDTH
4440    }
4441    pack $w.frd.dttitle $w.frd.datum -side left -padx 3
4442    return
4445## opening and updating edit/show windows
4447proc OpenItem {wh index} {
4448    # edit or display item with given index; $wh in $TYPES or "LAP"
4449    global EdWindow Proc GMEd MESS TXT
4451    if { $index == -1 } { GMMessage $MESS(notlisted) ; return "" }
4452    set w $EdWindow($wh)
4453    if { [winfo exists $w] } {
4454	if { $GMEd($wh,Index) == $index } {
4455	    Raise $w ; bell
4456	    return ""
4457	} else { set w [$Proc($wh) $index "" [ItemData $wh $index]] }
4458    } elseif { $wh != "LAP" } {
4459	set w [$Proc($wh) $index "change revert create forget cancel" \
4460		[ItemData $wh $index]]
4461    } else {
4462	# LAPs cannot be created
4463	set w [$Proc($wh) $index "change revert forget cancel" \
4464		[ItemData $wh $index]]
4465    }
4466    return $w
4469proc OpenSelItems {wh} {
4470    # select and open items of given type
4471    #  $wh in $TYPES
4473    foreach ix [ChooseItems $wh] { OpenItem $wh $ix }
4474    return
4477proc UpdateItemWindows {wh ix} {
4478    # redraw edit/show windows for item of type $wh and index $ix
4479    global EdWindow Proc GMEd CMDLINE
4481    if { $CMDLINE } { return }
4482    set w $EdWindow($wh)
4483    if { [winfo exists $w] && $GMEd($wh,Index) == $ix } {
4484	destroy $w
4485	if { $wh == "LAP" } {
4486	    set opts "change revert forget cancel"
4487	} else { set opts "change revert create forget cancel" }
4488	$Proc($wh) $ix $opts [ItemData $wh $ix]
4489    }
4490    if { [winfo exists .gm${wh}sh$ix] } {
4491	$Proc($wh) $ix "" [ItemData $wh $ix]
4492    }
4493    return
4496proc UpdateWPsInWindows {wh ixs oldnames newnames} {
4497    # update edit/show windows for items of type $wh in {RT, GR} after
4498    #  a renaming of WPs and corresponding changes in the data-base
4499    #   $ixs is list of indices of the items in show windows
4500    # a WP name in a RT may occur several times
4501    # update edit window if the item there was changed or is not yet defined
4502    global EdWindow GMEd RTWPoints GRConts
4504    if { [winfo exists [set w $EdWindow($wh)]] } {
4505	if { [set ix $GMEd($wh,Index)] == -1 || \
4506		 [lsearch -exact $ixs $ix] != -1 } {
4507	    if { $wh == "RT" } {
4508		# this depends on Storage(RT)
4509		set dwps [lindex $GMEd(RT,Data) 3]
4510		set frbx .gmRT.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx
4511		set wwps [$frbx.box get 0 end]
4512	    } else {
4513		# this depends on Storage(GR)
4514		set cs [lindex $GMEd(GR,Data) 2]
4515		foreach {ics dwps} [GRWPNames $cs] {}
4516		set wwps [GMGRCollectWPNames $w]
4517	    }
4518	    if { $dwps != {} } {
4519		foreach {chg dwps} \
4520		    [ListReplace $dwps $oldnames $newnames] {}
4521		if { $chg } {
4522		    if { $wh == "RT" } {
4523			set GMEd(RT,Data) [lreplace $GMEd(RT,Data) 3 3 $dwps]
4524		    } else {
4525			set dwps [lsort -dictionary $dwps]
4526			set cs [lreplace $cs $ics $ics [list WP $dwps]]
4527			set GMEd(GR,Data) [lreplace $GMEd(GR,Data) 2 2 $cs]
4528		    }
4529		}
4530	    }
4531	    if { $wwps != {} } {
4532		foreach {chg wwps} \
4533		    [ListReplace $wwps $oldnames $newnames] {}
4534		if { $chg } { ReplaceWPsInWindow $wh $w $wwps }
4535	    }
4536	}
4537    }
4538    # update show windows
4539    foreach ix $ixs {
4540	set w .gm${wh}sh$ix
4541	if { [winfo exists $w] } {
4542	    if { $wh == "RT" } {
4543		set newwps $RTWPoints($ix)
4544	    } else {
4545		set newwps [lindex [GRWPNames $GRConts($ix)] 1]
4546	    }
4547	    ReplaceWPsInWindow $wh $w $newwps
4548	}
4549    }
4550    return
4553proc ReplaceWPsInWindow {wh w names} {
4554    # replace all WPs in edit/show window of item of type $wh in {RT, GR}
4555    #  by the given ones
4556    # do nothing if $names is empty
4557    global TXT
4559    if { $names == {} || ! [winfo exists $w] } { return }
4560    if { $wh == "RT" } {
4561	set frbx $w.fr.fr3.fr31.frbx
4562	$frbx.box delete 0 end
4563	foreach name $names {
4564	    $frbx.box insert end $name
4565	}
4566	foreach b "xn xd xb xda xsc xsl" {
4567	    $frbx.b$b selection clear 0 end
4568	}
4569	return
4570    }
4571    # GR
4572    set wptxt $TXT(WP)
4573    set frbx $w.fr.fr3.frbx
4574    foreach b {bxn bxw box} { $frbx.$b selection clear 0 end }
4575    # clear old WPs
4576    set is [lsort -integer -decreasing \
4577		[lsearch -exact -all [$frbx.bxw get 0 end] $wptxt]]
4578    foreach i $is {
4579	$frbx.bxn delete end end
4580	$frbx.bxw delete $i $i
4581	$frbx.box delete $i $i
4582    }
4583    # insert new
4584    set n [$frbx.box size]
4585    foreach name [lsort -dictionary -decreasing $names] {
4586	$frbx.bxn insert end [format "%3d." [incr n]]
4587	$frbx.bxw insert 0 $wptxt
4588	$frbx.box insert 0 $name
4589    }
4590    return
4593proc CloseItemWindows {wh ix} {
4594    # close edit/show windows for item of type $wh and index $ix that has
4595    #  been forgotten
4596    global EdWindow Proc GMEd
4598    set w $EdWindow($wh)
4599    if { [winfo exists $w] && $GMEd($wh,Index) == $ix } {
4600	destroy $w
4601    }
4602    if { [winfo exists .gm${wh}sh$ix] } {
4603	destroy .gm${wh}sh$ix
4604    }
4605    return
4608proc SetDisplShowWindow {wh ix sel} {
4609    # set display check-button in show window according to $sel
4610    #  for item of type $wh and index $ix
4611    #  $sel in {select, deselect}
4613    if { [winfo exists .gm${wh}sh$ix] } {
4614	set w .gm${wh}sh$ix
4615	$w.fr.frdw.displayed configure -state normal
4616	$w.fr.frdw.displayed $sel
4617	$w.fr.frdw.displayed configure -state disabled
4618    }
4619    return
4622### displaying hidden information
4624proc ShowHiddenData {wh hidden} {
4625    # display hidden information for an item of type $wh (in {WP, TR})
4626    # assume there is a proc HiddenData with arguments $wh and $hidden
4627    #  that returns list of pairs with name of field and its value (in
4628    #  a suitable form for displaying)
4631    if { [set fvs [HiddenData $wh $hidden]] == "" } { bell ; return }
4632    set w .shidden
4633    if { [winfo exists $w] } { destroy $w }
4635    GMToplevel $w hiddendata +$DPOSX+$DPOSY . \
4636        [list WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $w"] \
4637        [list <Key-Return> "destroy $w"]
4639    frame $w.fr -relief flat -borderwidth 5 -bg $COLOUR(dialbg)
4640    label $w.fr.tit -text $TXT(hiddendata)
4642    frame $w.fr.fri -relief flat -borderwidth 0
4643    set r 0
4644    foreach p $fvs {
4645	foreach x $p c "0 1" {
4646	    label $w.fr.fri.x${r}_$c -text $x -anchor w \
4647		    -width [expr 2+[string length $x]]
4648	    grid $w.fr.fri.x${r}_$c -row $r -column $c -sticky w
4649	}
4650	incr r
4651    }
4652    button $w.fr.ok -text $TXT(ok) -command "destroy $w"
4654    foreach x "tit fri ok" { grid $w.fr.$x -pady 5 }
4655    grid $w.fr
4656    update idletasks
4657    return
4660### creating WP at given distante and bearing from another one
4662proc CreateWPAtDistBear {ix} {
4663    # create WP at given distante (in user-selected unit) and bearing from
4664    #  WP with index $ix
4665    # fail if the WP edit window exists for a different WP
4666    global EdWindow GMEd WPatdist WPatbear WPPosn WPDatum WPPFrmt TXT MESS \
4669    if { [winfo exists $EdWindow(WP)] } {
4670	if { $GMEd(WP,Index) != $ix } { bell ; return }
4671	# valid coordinates?
4672	set p [PosnGetCheck .gmWP.fr.frp.frp1 $GMEd(WP,Datum) GMMessage \
4673		   ChangedPosn]
4674	if { $p == "nil" } { return }
4675	set pformt $INVTXT([.gmWP.fr.frp.pfmt cget -text])
4676	set datum $GMEd(WP,Datum)
4677	set ed 1
4678    } else {
4679	set p $WPPosn($ix) ; set datum $WPDatum($ix)
4680	set pformt $WPPFrmt($ix)
4681	set ed 0
4682    }
4683    # get distance and bearing
4684    while 1 {
4685	if { ! [GMChooseParams $TXT(newWPatdb) "WPatdist WPatbear" \
4686		    [list "=$TXT(distance) ($DTUNIT)" "=$TXT(azimuth)"]] } {
4687	    return
4688	}
4689	if { [CheckFloat GMMessage $WPatdist] && \
4690		[CheckNumber GMMessage $WPatbear] } {
4691	    if { $WPatbear >= 360 } {
4692		GMMessage $MESS(badangle)
4693		continue
4694	    }
4695	    break
4696	}
4697    }
4698    foreach "lat long" [CoordsAtDistBear $p [expr $WPatdist/$DSCALE] \
4699			    $WPatbear $datum] {}
4700    foreach "p pformt datum" \
4701	[FormatPosition $lat $long $datum $pformt ""] { break }
4702    if { $ed } { destroy $EdWindow(WP) }
4703    set opts "create revert cancel"
4704    if { $CREATIONDATE } {
4705	GMWPoint -1 $opts [FormData WP "PFrmt Posn Datum Date" \
4706		            [list $pformt $p $datum [Now]]]
4707    } else {
4708	GMWPoint -1 $opts [FormData WP "Commt PFrmt Posn Datum" \
4709		            [list [DateCommt [Now]] $pformt $p $datum]]
4710    }
4711    return
4714### utilities for dealing with map backgrounds in item edit/show windows
4716proc CreateMBackWidgets {wh fr mbak ed} {
4717    # create widgets for showing/editing map background associated to item
4718    #  $wh in {WP, RT, TR, LN}
4719    #  $fr frame to be populated
4720    #  $mbak current map background name
4721    #  $ed flag set if editing is enabled
4722    global TXT COMMENTWIDTH
4724    label $fr.tit -text "$TXT(mbaktoload):" -width 25
4725    if { $ed } {
4726	menubutton $fr.mb -textvariable GMEd($wh,MBack) -menu $fr.mb.m \
4727	    -width $COMMENTWIDTH -relief raised
4728	menu $fr.mb.m -postcommand [list FillDefsMenu backgrnd $fr.mb.m \
4729				[list ChangeMBack $wh] "($TXT(none))" "---"]
4730    } else {
4731	menubutton $fr.mb -text $mbak -state disabled -width $COMMENTWIDTH \
4732	     -relief raised
4733    }
4734    pack $fr.tit $fr.mb -side left
4735    return
4738proc ChangeMBack {wh mbak args} {
4739    # called after a new map background was selected for item
4740    #  $args not used (but needed because of callback)
4741    global TXT GMEd
4743    if { $mbak == "($TXT(none))" } { set mbak "" }
4744    set GMEd($wh,MBack) $mbak
4745    return
4748### managing auxiliary windows that are made inconsistent by edit operations
4750proc ManageAuxWindows {wh op args} {
4751    # keep track of and operate on auxiliary windows
4752    #  $wh in {RT, TR}
4753    #  $op is one of
4754    #        add: $args is a list with a list of windows to be managed
4755    #        close_all: destroy all managed windows
4756    # the global GMEd($wh,windows) is used and should be initialised to {}
4757    #  before any call to this procedure
4758    # proc CloseWindows (util.tcl) is called to destroy managed windows
4759    global GMEd
4761    switch $op {
4762	add {
4763	    foreach w [lindex $args 0] { lappend GMEd($wh,windows) $w }
4764	}
4765	close_all {
4766	    CloseWindows $GMEd($wh,windows)
4767	    set GMEd($wh,windows) {}
4768	}
4769    }
4770    return