1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  *	Copyright (c) 1991-2021 by the GMT Team (https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org/team.html)
4  *	See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
5  *
6  *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *	it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  *	the Free Software Foundation; version 3 or any later version.
9  *
10  *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  *	GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  *	Contact info: www.generic-mapping-tools.org
16  *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
18 /*
19  * Holds current selections for the family of common GMT options.
20  *
21  * Author: 	Paul Wessel
22  * Date:	01-JAN-2011
23  * Version:	6 API
24  */
26 /*!
27  * \file gmt_common.h
28  * \brief Holds current selections for the family of common GMT options
29  */
31 #ifndef GMT_COMMON_H
32 #define GMT_COMMON_H
34 /*! Constants related to detecting data gaps which should be treated as segment boundaries */
35 enum GMT_enum_gaps {GMT_NEGGAP_IN_COL = 0,	/* Check if previous minus current column value exceeds <gap> */
36 	GMT_POSGAP_IN_COL,			/* Check if current minus previous column value exceeds <gap> */
37 	GMT_ABSGAP_IN_COL,			/* Check if |current minus previous column value| exceeds <gap> */
38 	GMT_NEGGAP_IN_MAP_COL,			/* Check if previous minus current column value exceeds <gap> after map projection */
39 	GMT_POSGAP_IN_MAP_COL,			/* Check if current minus previous column value exceeds <gap> after map projection */
40 	GMT_ABSGAP_IN_MAP_COL,			/* Check if |current minus previous column value| exceeds <gap> after map projection */
41 	GMT_GAP_IN_GDIST,			/* Check if great-circle distance between successive points exceeds <gap> (in km,m,nm, etc)*/
42 	GMT_GAP_IN_CDIST,			/* Check if Cartesian distance between successive points exceeds <gap> */
43 	GMT_GAP_IN_PDIST,			/* Check if Cartesian distance between successive points exceeds <gap> after map projection */
44 	GMT_GAP_IN_DDIST,			/* Check if great-circle distance between successive points exceeds <gap> (in arc degrees,min,sec) */
47 #define MAX_ASPATIAL 64		/* No more than 64 aspatial options in -a */
49 #define GMT_SHORTHAND_OPTIONS	"BJRXYp"	/* All of the shorthand options */
50 #define GMT_CRITICAL_OPT_ORDER	"V-JfrRbi"	/* If given options among these must be parsed first and in this order */
52 #define RSET	0	/* Index into R.active[] for -R */
53 #define ISET	1	/* Index into R.active[] for -I (or similar option) */
54 #define GSET	2	/* Index into R.active[] for -r */
55 #define FSET	3	/* Index into R.active[] for "got -R -I -r from a grid file" */
57 struct GMT_LEGEND_ITEM {	/* Information about one item in a legend */
58 	char label[GMT_LEN128];		/* The symbol label */
59 	char header[GMT_LEN128];	/* Header for the whole legend H */
60 	char subheader[GMT_LEN128];	/* Subheader, i.e., line label L*/
61 	char font[GMT_LEN32];		/* Fontsize to use for current H or L */
62 	char fill[GMT_LEN32];		/* Fill of the canvas behind the legend */
63 	char gap[GMT_LEN32];		/* Move this much down before placing symbol entry */
64 	char off[GMT_LEN32];		/* Offset of anchor point for frame */
65 	char pen[3][GMT_LEN32];		/* Pens to use with +d and +v and +p */
66 	int draw;			/* 0 no draw, 1 draw horizontal +d, 2 draw vertical +v */
67 	int just;			/* Legend placement [TR] */
68 	int label_type;			/* 0 if static string, 1 if integer format statement, 2 if list of labels, 3 if nothing (use segment header) */
69 	char code;			/* Label justification code (L|C|R) [L] */
70 	double size;			/* Fixed symbol size when otherwise cannot set it */
71 	double size2;			/* 2nd size (height) for 2-D symbols */
72 	double scale;			/* Scale all given sizes, including +s<length> of a line */
73 	double width;			/* Override auto-width with a fixed legend width */
74 	unsigned int ncols;		/* How many columns to use for symbols */
75 	unsigned int ID;		/* ID to use if label contains C-format for integer */
76 };
78 /*! Structure with all information given via the common GMT command-line options -R -J .. */
79 struct GMT_COMMON {
80 	struct synopsis {	/* \0 (zero) or ^ */
81 		bool active;
82 		bool extended;	/* + to also show non-common options */
83 	} synopsis;
84 	struct B {	/* -B<params> */
85 		bool active[2];	/* 0 = primary annotation, 1 = secondary annotations */
86 		int mode;	/* 5 = GMT 5 syntax, 4 = GMT 4 syntax, 1 = Either, -1 = mix (error), 0 = not set yet */
87 		char string[2][GMT_LEN256];
88 	} B;
89 	struct J {	/* -J<params> */
90 		bool active, zactive;
91 		unsigned int id;
92 		char string[GMT_LEN128];
93 		char zstring[GMT_LEN128];	/* For -Jz|Z */
94 		char proj4string[GMT_LEN256];
95 		char WKTstring[GMT_LEN1024];
96 		double par[6];
97 	} J;
98 	struct K {	/* -K */
99 		bool active;
100 	} K;
101 	struct O {	/* -O */
102 		bool active;
103 	} O;
104 	struct P {	/* -P */
105 		bool active;
106 	} P;
107 	struct R {	/* -Rw/e/s/n[/z_min/z_max][r] or -Rgridfile */
108 		bool active[4];	/* RSET = 0: -R, ISET = 1: inc, GSET = 2: -r, FSET = 3: read grid */
109 		bool oblique;	/* true when -R...r was given (oblique map, probably), else false (map borders are meridians/parallels) */
110 		bool via_polygon;	/* Got -R<countrycode> so w/e/s/n may not perfectly fit a grid spacing, for instance */
111 		uint32_t registration;	/* Registration mode of a grid given via -r or -Rgrid */
112 		int row_order;	/* Order of rows in NetCDF output: 0 (not set) or k_nc_start_north or k_nc_start_south */
113 		unsigned int mode;	/* For modern mode only: 0 = get exact region from data, 1 = rounded region from data */
114 		double wesn[6];		/* Boundaries of west, east, south, north, low-z and hi-z */
115 		double wesn_orig[4];	/* Original Boundaries of west, east, south, north (oblique projection may reset wesn above) */
116 		double inc[2];	/* For grid increments set via -Idx/dy or implicitly via -Ggrid */
117 		char string[GMT_LEN256];
118 	} R;
119 	struct U {	/* -U */
120 		bool active;
121 		unsigned int just;
122 		double x, y;
123 		char *label;		/* Content not counted by sizeof (struct) */
124 	} U;
125 	struct V {	/* -V */
126 		bool active;
127 	} V;
128 	struct X {	/* -X */
129 		bool active;
130 		double off;
131 		char mode;	/* a, c, f, or r */
132 	} X;
133 	struct Y {	/* -Y */
134 		bool active;
135 		double off;
136 		char mode;	/* a, c, f, or r */
137 	} Y;
138 	struct a {	/* -a<col>=<name>[:<type>][,col>=<name>[:<type>], etc][+g<geometry>] */
139 		bool active;
140 		enum GMT_enum_ogr geometry;
141 		unsigned int n_aspatial;
142 		bool clip;		/* true if we wish to clip lines/polygons at Dateline [false] */
143 		bool output;		/* true when we wish to build OGR output */
144 		int col[MAX_ASPATIAL];	/* Col id, include negative items such as GMT_IS_T (-5) */
145 		int ogr[MAX_ASPATIAL];	/* Column order, or -1 if not set */
146 		enum GMT_enum_type type[MAX_ASPATIAL];
147 		char *name[MAX_ASPATIAL];
148 		char string[GMT_LEN256];
149 	} a;
150 	struct b {	/* -b[i][o][s|S][d|D][#cols][cvar1/var2/...] */
151 		bool active[2];		/* true if current input/output is in native binary format */
152 		bool nc[2];		/* True if netcdf i/o */
153 		bool o_delay;		/* true if we don't know number of output columns until we have read at least one input record */
154 		bool bin_primary;	/* true if we need to switch back to binary after reading a secondary file in ascii */
155 		enum GMT_swap_direction swab[2];	/* k_swap_in or k_swap_out if current binary input/output must be byte-swapped, else k_swap_none */
156 		uint64_t ncol[2];		/* Number of expected columns of input/output
157 						   0 means it will be determined by program */
158 		char type[2];			/* Default column type, if set [d for double] */
159 		char varnames[GMT_BUFSIZ];	/* List of variable names to be input/output in netCDF mode [GMT4 COMPATIBILITY ONLY] */
160 		char string[GMT_LEN256];
161 	} b;
162 	struct d {	/* -d[i][o]<nan_proxy> */
163 		bool active[2];
164 		bool is_zero[2];
165 		unsigned int first_col[2];	/* Only apply from this column onward */
166 		double nan_proxy[2];
167 		char string[GMT_LEN64];
168 	} d;
169 	struct e {	/* -e[~]\"search string\"] */
170 		bool active;
171 		char string[GMT_LEN256];
172 		struct GMT_TEXT_SELECTION *select;
173 	} e;
174 	struct f {	/* -f[i|o]<col>|<colrange>[t|T|g],.. */
175 		bool active[2];	/* For GMT_IN|OUT */
176 		char string[GMT_LEN64];
177 	} f;
178 	struct g {	/* -g[+]x|x|y|Y|d|Y<gap>[unit]  */
179 		bool active;
180 		bool selected;
181 		unsigned int n_methods;			/* How many different criteria to apply */
182 		uint64_t n_col;				/* Largest column-number needed to be read */
183 		bool match_all;				/* If true then all specified criteria must be met to be a gap [default is any of them] */
184 		enum GMT_enum_gaps method[GMT_N_GAP_METHODS];	/* How distances are computed for each criteria */
185 		int64_t col[GMT_N_GAP_METHODS];		/* Which column to use (-1 for x,y distance) */
186 		double gap[GMT_N_GAP_METHODS];		/* The critical distances for each criteria */
187 		double (*get_dist[GMT_N_GAP_METHODS]) (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, uint64_t);	/* Pointers to functions that compute those distances */
188 		char string[GMT_LEN64];
189 	} g;
190 	struct h {	/* -h[i|o][<nrecs>][+d][+c][+m[<text>]][+r<remark>][+t<title>] */
191 		bool active;
192 		bool add_colnames;
193 		unsigned int mode;
194 		unsigned int n_recs;
195 		char *title;
196 		char *remark;
197 		char *colnames;         /* Not set by -h but maintained here */
198 		char *multi_segment;    /* To hold a multi-segment string */
199 		char string[GMT_LEN256];
200 	} h;
201 	struct i {	/* -i[<col>|<colrange>,...][t[<word>]] */
202 		bool active, select, orig, word, end;
203 		uint64_t n_cols, w_col;
204 		uint64_t n_actual_cols;
205 		char string[GMT_LEN64];
206 	} i;
207 	struct j {	/* -je|f|g [g] */
208 		bool active;
209 		enum GMT_enum_mdist mode;	/* Defaults to GMT_GREATCIRCLE */
210 		char string[GMT_LEN8];
211 	} j;
212 	struct l {	/* -l[<label>][+s<size>][+t<title>][+n<ncols>][+d<gap>/<pen>] */
213 		bool active;
214 		struct GMT_LEGEND_ITEM item;
215 	} l;
216 	struct n {	/* -n[b|c|l|n][+a][+b<BC>][+c][+t<threshold>] (and +A for debugging) */
217 		bool active;
218 		bool antialias;		/* Defaults to true, if supported */
219 		bool save_debug;	/* Write antialias counters to tmp grid */
220 		bool truncate;		/* Defaults to false */
221 		unsigned int interpolant;	/* Defaults to BCR_BICUBIC */
222 		bool bc_set;		/* true if +b was parsed */
223 		bool periodic[2];	/* For periodic non-geographic grids */
224 		char BC[4];		/* For BC settings via +bg|n[x|y]|p[x|y] */
225 		double threshold;	/* Defaults to 0.5 */
226 		double range[2], half_range[2];	/* For periodic non-geographic grids */
227 		char string[GMT_LEN64];	/* Copy of argument */
228 	} n;
229 	struct o {	/* -o[<col>|<colrange>,...][t[<word>]] */
230 		bool active, select, orig, word, end, text;
231 		uint64_t n_cols, w_col;
232 		char string[GMT_LEN64];
233 	} o;
234 	struct p {	/* -p<az>[/<el>[/<z0>]]+wlon0/lat0[/z0]][+vx0[cip]/y0[cip]] */
235 		bool active;
236 		bool do_z_rotation;	/* true if rotating plot about a vertical axis */
237 		double z_rotation;	/* Rotation of <angle> about vertical axis */
238 	} p;
239 	struct q {	/* -q[i|o]<rows>,...[+c<col>][+a|f|s] */
240 		bool active[2];
241 		bool inverse[2];
242 		char string[2][GMT_LEN64];
243 		unsigned int col;	/* When +c<col> sets a specific data column */
244 		unsigned int mode;	/* 1 for in row-range check, 2 for in time check, 3 for out-row check, 4 for out-time check */
245 		uint64_t *rec;		/* POinter to the relevant record counter (dataset, table, segment) */
246 	} q;
247 	struct s {	/* -s[r] */
248 		bool active;
249 		char string[GMT_LEN64];
250 	} s;
251 	struct t {	/* -t[<filltransparency>[/<stroketransparency>]][+f][+s] */
252 		bool active;
253 		bool variable;
254 		unsigned int mode;	/* 1 = fill, 2 = stroke, 3 for both */
255 		unsigned int n_transparencies;	/* How many to read from file if no values given */
256 		double value[2];
257 	} t;
258 	struct w {	/* -w[<col>]y|m|w|d|p<period>[/<phase>] */
259 		bool active;
260 		char string[GMT_LEN64];
261 	} w;
262 	struct x {	/* -x[[-]<n>] */
263 		bool active;
264 		int n_threads;
265 	} x;
266 	struct colon {	/* -:[i|o] */
267 		bool active;
268 		bool toggle[2];
269 		char string[2][GMT_LEN16];
270 	} colon;
271 };
273 #endif /* GMT_COMMON_H */