1 /********************************************************************\
2  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    *
3  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   *
4  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   *
5  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.              *
6  *                                                                  *
7  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  *
8  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   *
10  * GNU General Public License for more details.                     *
11  *                                                                  *
12  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
13  * along with this program; if not, contact:                        *
14  *                                                                  *
15  * Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942       *
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17  * Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu@gnu.org                   *
18  *                                                                  *
19 \********************************************************************/
20 /** @addtogroup Engine
21     @{ */
22 /** @addtogroup Account
23     Splits are grouped into Accounts which are also known
24     as "Ledgers" in accounting practice. Each Account consists of a list of
25     Splits that debit that Account. To ensure consistency, if a Split points
26     to an Account, then the Account must point to the Split, and vice-versa.
27     A Split can belong to at most one Account. Besides merely containing a
28     list of Splits, the Account structure also gives the Account a name, a
29     code number, description and notes fields, a key-value frame, a pointer
30     to the commodity that is used for all splits in this account. The
31     commodity can be the name of anything traded and tradeable: a stock
32     (e.g. "IBM", "McDonald's"), a currency (e.g. "USD", "GBP"), or
33     anything added to the commodity table.
35     Accounts can be arranged in a hierarchical tree.  By accounting
36     convention, the value of an Account is equal to the value of all of its
37     Splits plus the value of all of its sub-Accounts.
38     @{ */
39 /** @file Account.h
40     @brief Account handling public routines
41     @author Copyright (C) 1997 Robin D. Clark
42     @author Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Linas Vepstas <linas@linas.org>
43 */
45 #ifndef XACC_ACCOUNT_H
46 #define XACC_ACCOUNT_H
47 #include "qof.h"
48 #include "gnc-engine.h"
49 #include "policy.h"
51 #ifdef __cplusplus
52 extern "C" {
53 #endif
54 typedef gnc_numeric (*xaccGetBalanceFn)( const Account *account );
56 typedef gnc_numeric (*xaccGetBalanceInCurrencyFn) (
57     const Account *account, const gnc_commodity *report_commodity,
58     gboolean include_children);
60 typedef gnc_numeric (*xaccGetBalanceAsOfDateFn) (
61     Account *account, time64 date);
63 typedef void (*AccountCb)(Account *a, gpointer data);
64 typedef gpointer (*AccountCb2)(Account *a, gpointer data);
66 typedef struct
67 {
68     QofInstanceClass parent_class;
69 } AccountClass;
71 typedef struct
72 {
73     Account *acc;
74     QofBook *book;
75 } GncImportMatchMap;
77 /* --- type macros --- */
78 #define GNC_TYPE_ACCOUNT            (gnc_account_get_type ())
79 #define GNC_ACCOUNT(o)              \
81 #define GNC_ACCOUNT_CLASS(k)        \
82      (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((k), GNC_TYPE_ACCOUNT, AccountClass))
83 #define GNC_IS_ACCOUNT(o)           \
85 #define GNC_IS_ACCOUNT_CLASS(k)     \
87 #define GNC_ACCOUNT_GET_CLASS(o)    \
89 /** Returns the GType type system description of the Account class.
90  *
91  * This must not be confused with the \ref GNCAccountType as returned
92  * by xaccAccountGetType(). */
93 GType gnc_account_get_type(void);
95 /** The account types are used to determine how the transaction data
96  * in the account is displayed.   These values can be safely changed
97  * from one release to the next.  Note that if values are added,
98  * the file IO translation routines need to be updated. Note
99  * also that GUI code depends on these numbers.
100  *
101  * @note ***IMPORTANT***: If you do change the enumeration names (not the
102  * numbers), you need to update xaccAccountTypeEnumAsString --- used
103  * for text file exports */
105 typedef enum
106 {
107     ACCT_TYPE_INVALID = -1, /**< Not a type */
108     ACCT_TYPE_NONE = -1,/**< Not a type */
110     ACCT_TYPE_BANK = 0,	/**< The bank account type denotes a savings
111 			 *   or checking account held at a bank.
112 			 *   Often interest bearing. */
113     ACCT_TYPE_CASH = 1,	/**< The cash account type is used to denote a
114 			 *   shoe-box or pillowcase stuffed with *
115 			 *   cash. */
116     ACCT_TYPE_CREDIT = 3,	/**< The Credit card account is used to denote
117 			 *   credit (e.g. amex) and debit (e.g. visa,
118 			 *   mastercard) card accounts */
119     ACCT_TYPE_ASSET = 2,	/**< asset (and liability) accounts indicate
120 			 *   generic, generalized accounts that are
121 			 *   none of the above. */
122     ACCT_TYPE_LIABILITY = 4,/**< liability (and asset) accounts indicate
123 			   *   generic, generalized accounts that are
124 			   *   none of the above. */
125     ACCT_TYPE_STOCK = 5,	/**< Stock accounts will typically be shown in
126 			 *   registers which show three columns:
127 			 *   price, number of shares, and value. */
128     ACCT_TYPE_MUTUAL = 6,	/**< Mutual Fund accounts will typically be
129 			 *   shown in registers which show three
130 			 *   columns: price, number of shares, and
131 			 *   value. */
132     ACCT_TYPE_CURRENCY = 7,/**< The currency account type indicates that
133 			  *   the account is a currency trading
134 			  *   account.  In many ways, a currency
135 			  *   trading account is like a stock *
136 			  *   trading account. It is shown in the
137 			  *   register with three columns: price,
138 			  *   number of shares, and value. Note:
139 			  *   Since version 1.7.0, this account is *
140 			  *   no longer needed to exchange currencies
141 			  *   between accounts, so this type is
142 			  *   DEPRECATED. */
143     ACCT_TYPE_INCOME = 8,	/**< Income accounts are used to denote
144 			 *   income */
146     ACCT_TYPE_EXPENSE = 9,/**< Expense accounts are used to denote
147 			 *   expenses. */
149     ACCT_TYPE_EQUITY = 10,/**< Equity account is used to balance the
150 			 *   balance sheet. */
152     ACCT_TYPE_RECEIVABLE = 11,/**< A/R account type */
154     ACCT_TYPE_PAYABLE = 12,  /**< A/P account type */
156     ACCT_TYPE_ROOT = 13, /**< The hidden root account of an account tree. */
158     ACCT_TYPE_TRADING = 14, /**< Account used to record multiple commodity transactions.
159                            *   This is not the same as ACCT_TYPE_CURRENCY above.
160                            *   Multiple commodity transactions have splits in these
161                            *   accounts to make the transaction balance in each
162                            *   commodity as well as in total value.  */
164     NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES = 15,  /**< stop here; the following types
165 			    * just aren't ready for prime time */
167     /* bank account types */
168     ACCT_TYPE_CHECKING = 15, /**< bank account type -- don't use this
169 			    *   for now, see NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES  */
170     ACCT_TYPE_SAVINGS = 16, /**< bank account type -- don't use this for
171 			   *   now, see NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES  */
172     ACCT_TYPE_MONEYMRKT = 17, /**< bank account type -- don't use this
173 			     *   for now, see NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES  */
174     ACCT_TYPE_CREDITLINE = 18, /**< line of credit -- don't use this for
175 			      *   now, see NUM_ACCOUNT_TYPES  */
177 } GNCAccountType;
181 /** @name Account Constructors, Edit/Commit, Comparison
182  @{ */
184 /** Constructor */
185 Account * xaccMallocAccount (QofBook *book);
187 /** Create a new root level account.  */
188 Account * gnc_account_create_root (QofBook *book);
190 /** The xaccCloneAccount() routine makes a simple copy of the
191  *  indicated account, placing it in the indicated book.  It copies
192  *  the account type, name, description, and the kvp values;
193  *  it does not copy splits/transactions.  The book should have
194  *  a commodity table in it that has commodities with the same
195  *  unique name as the ones being copied in the account (the
196  *  commodities in the clone will be those from the book).
197  */
198 Account * xaccCloneAccount (const Account *source, QofBook *book);
200 /** The xaccAccountBeginEdit() subroutine is the first phase of
201  *    a two-phase-commit wrapper for account updates. */
202 void xaccAccountBeginEdit (Account *account);
204 /** ThexaccAccountCommitEdit() subroutine is the second phase of
205  *    a two-phase-commit wrapper for account updates. */
206 void xaccAccountCommitEdit (Account *account);
208 /** The xaccAccountDestroy() routine can be used to get rid of an
209  *    account.  The account should have been opened for editing
210  *    (by calling xaccAccountBeginEdit()) before calling this routine.*/
211 void xaccAccountDestroy (Account *account);
213 /** Compare two accounts for equality - this is a deep compare. */
214 gboolean xaccAccountEqual(const Account *a, const Account* b,
215                           gboolean check_guids);
217 /** The xaccAccountOrder() subroutine defines a sorting order on
218  *    accounts.  It takes pointers to two accounts, and returns an int < 0 if
219  *    the first account is "less than" the second, returns an int > 0 if the
220  *    first is "greater than" the second, and 0 if they are equal.  To
221  *    determine the sort order, first the account codes are compared,
222  *    and if these are equal, then account types, then account
223  *    names. If still equal, it compares GUID to ensure that there
224  *    aren't any ties.
225  */
226 int xaccAccountOrder (const Account *account_1, const Account *account_2);
228 /** @} */
230 /* ------------------ */
232 /** @name Account lookup and GncGUID routines
233  @{ */
235 /** Returns the account separation character chosen by the user.
236  *
237  *  @return The character to use.
238  */
239 const gchar *gnc_get_account_separator_string (void);
240 gunichar gnc_get_account_separator (void);
241 void gnc_set_account_separator (const gchar *separator);
243 /*@ dependent @*/
244 Account *gnc_book_get_root_account(QofBook *book);
245 void gnc_book_set_root_account(QofBook *book, Account *root);
247 /** @deprecated */
248 #define xaccAccountGetGUID(X)     qof_entity_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(X))
249 #define xaccAccountReturnGUID(X) (X ? *(qof_entity_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(X))) : *(guid_null()))
251 /** The xaccAccountLookup() subroutine will return the
252  *    account associated with the given id, or NULL
253  *    if there is no such account. */
254 /*@ dependent @*/ Account * xaccAccountLookup (const GncGUID *guid, QofBook *book);
255 #define xaccAccountLookupDirect(g,b) xaccAccountLookup(&(g),b)
257 /** @} */
259 /*  Tests account and descendants -- if all have no splits then return TRUE.
260  *  Otherwise if any account or its descendants have split return FALSE.
261  */
263 gboolean gnc_account_and_descendants_empty (Account *acc);
265 /** Composes a translatable error message showing which account
266  *  names clash with the current account separator. Can be called
267  *  after gnc_account_list_name_violations to have a consistent
268  *  error message in different parts of GnuCash
269  *
270  *  @param separator The separator character that was verified against
271  *  @param invalid_account_names A GList of invalid account names.
272  *
273  *  @return An error message that can be displayed to the user or logged.
274  *          This message string should be freed with g_free when no longer
275  *          needed.
276  */
277 gchar *gnc_account_name_violations_errmsg (const gchar *separator, GList* invalid_account_names);
279 /** Runs through all the accounts and returns a list of account names
280  *  that contain the provided separator character. This can be used to
281  *  check if certain account names are invalid.
282  *
283  *  @param book Pointer to the book with accounts to verify
284  *  @param separator The separator character to verify against
285  *
286  *  @return A GList of invalid account names. Should be freed with
287  *          g_list_free_full (value, g_free) when no longer needed.
288  */
289 GList *gnc_account_list_name_violations (QofBook *book, const gchar *separator);
291 /* ------------------ */
293 /** @name Account general setters/getters
294  @{ */
296 QofBook *gnc_account_get_book(const Account *account);
297 /** Set the account's type */
298 void xaccAccountSetType (Account *account, GNCAccountType);
299 /** Set the account's name */
300 void xaccAccountSetName (Account *account, const char *name);
301 /** Set the account's accounting code */
302 void xaccAccountSetCode (Account *account, const char *code);
303 /** Set the account's description */
304 void xaccAccountSetDescription (Account *account, const char *desc);
305 /** Set the account's Color */
306 void xaccAccountSetColor (Account *account, const char *color);
307 /** Set the account's Filter */
308 void xaccAccountSetFilter (Account *account, const char *filter);
309 /** Set the account's Sort Order */
310 void xaccAccountSetSortOrder (Account *account, const char *sortorder);
311 /** Set the account's Sort Order direction */
312 void xaccAccountSetSortReversed (Account *account, gboolean sortreversed);
313 /** Set the account's notes */
314 void xaccAccountSetNotes (Account *account, const char *notes);
315 /** Set the last num field of an Account */
316 void xaccAccountSetLastNum (Account *account, const char *num);
317 /** Set the account's lot order policy */
318 void gnc_account_set_policy (Account *account, GNCPolicy *policy);
319 /** Returns the account's account type.
320  *
321  * This must not be confused with the \ref GType as returned by
322  * gnc_account_get_type(), which is related to glib's type system. */
323 GNCAccountType xaccAccountGetType (const Account *account);
324 /** Returns true if the account is a stock, mutual fund or currency,
325  * otherwise false. */
326 gboolean xaccAccountIsPriced(const Account *acc);
328 /** This function will set the starting commodity balance for this
329  *  account.  This routine is intended for use with backends that do
330  *  not return the complete list of splits for an account, but rather
331  *  return a partial list.  In such a case, the backend will typically
332  *  return all of the splits after some certain date, and the
333  *  'starting balance' will represent the summation of the splits up
334  *  to that date. */
335 void gnc_account_set_start_balance (Account *acc,
336                                     const gnc_numeric start_baln);
338 /** This function will set the starting cleared commodity balance for
339  *  this account.  This routine is intended for use with backends that
340  *  do not return the complete list of splits for an account, but
341  *  rather return a partial list.  In such a case, the backend will
342  *  typically return all of the splits after some certain date, and
343  *  the 'starting balance' will represent the summation of the splits
344  *  up to that date. */
345 void gnc_account_set_start_cleared_balance (Account *acc,
346         const gnc_numeric start_baln);
348 /** This function will set the starting reconciled commodity balance
349  *  for this account.  This routine is intended for use with backends
350  *  that do not return the complete list of splits for an account, but
351  *  rather return a partial list.  In such a case, the backend will
352  *  typically return all of the splits after some certain date, and
353  *  the 'starting balance' will represent the summation of the splits
354  *  up to that date. */
355 void gnc_account_set_start_reconciled_balance (Account *acc,
356         const gnc_numeric start_baln);
358 /** Tell the account that the running balances may be incorrect and
359  *  need to be recomputed.
360  *
361  *  @param acc Set the flag on this account. */
362 void gnc_account_set_balance_dirty (Account *acc);
364 /** Tell the account believes that the splits may be incorrectly
365  *  sorted and need to be resorted.
366  *
367  *  @param acc Set the flag on this account. */
368 void gnc_account_set_sort_dirty (Account *acc);
370 /** Set the defer balance flag. If defer is true, the account balance
371  * is not automatically computed, which can save a lot of time if
372  * multiple operations have to be done on the same account. If
373  * defer is false, further operations on account will cause the
374  * balance to be recomputed as normal.
375  *
376  *  @param acc Set the flag on this account.
377  *
378  *  @param defer New value for the flag. */
379 void gnc_account_set_defer_bal_computation (Account *acc, gboolean defer);
381 /** Insert the given split from an account.
382  *
383  *  @param acc The account to which the split should be added.
384  *
385  *  @param s The split to be added.
386  *
387  *  @result TRUE is the split is successfully added to the set of
388  *  splits in the account.  FALSE if the addition fails for any reason
389  *  (including that the split is already in the account). */
390 gboolean gnc_account_insert_split (Account *acc, Split *s);
392 /** Remove the given split from an account.
393  *
394  *  @param acc The account from which the split should be removed.
395  *
396  *  @param s The split to be removed.
397  *
398  *  @result TRUE is the split is successfully removed from the set of
399  *  splits in the account.  FALSE if the removal fails for any
400  *  reason. */
401 gboolean gnc_account_remove_split (Account *acc, Split *s);
403 /** Get the account's name */
404 const char * xaccAccountGetName (const Account *account);
405 /** Get the account's accounting code */
406 const char * xaccAccountGetCode (const Account *account);
407 /** Get the account's description */
408 const char * xaccAccountGetDescription (const Account *account);
409 /** Get the account's color */
410 const char * xaccAccountGetColor (const Account *account);
411 /** Get the account's filter */
412 const char * xaccAccountGetFilter (const Account *account);
413 /** Get the account's Sort Order */
414 const char * xaccAccountGetSortOrder (const Account *account);
415 /** Get the account's Sort Order direction */
416 gboolean xaccAccountGetSortReversed (const Account *account);
417 /** Get the account's notes */
418 const char * xaccAccountGetNotes (const Account *account);
419 /** Get the last num field of an Account */
420 const char * xaccAccountGetLastNum (const Account *account);
421 /** Get the account's lot order policy */
422 GNCPolicy *gnc_account_get_policy (Account *account);
423 /** Get the account's flag for deferred balance computation */
424 gboolean gnc_account_get_defer_bal_computation (Account *acc);
426 /** The following recompute the partial balances (stored with the
427  *  transaction) and the total balance, for this account
428  */
429 void xaccAccountRecomputeBalance (Account *);
431 /** The xaccAccountSortSplits() routine will resort the account's
432  *  splits if the sort is dirty. If 'force' is true, the account
433  *  is sorted even if the editlevel is not zero.
434  */
435 void xaccAccountSortSplits (Account *acc, gboolean force);
437 /** The gnc_account_get_full_name routine returns the fully qualified name
438  * of the account using the given separator char. The name must be
439  * g_free'd after use. The fully qualified name of an account is the
440  * concatenation of the names of the account and all its ancestor
441  * accounts starting with the topmost account and ending with the
442  * given account. Each name is separated by the given character.
443  *
444  * @note: WAKE UP!
445  * Unlike all other gets, the string returned by gnc_account_get_full_name()
446  * must be freed by you the user !!!
447  * hack alert -- since it breaks the rule of string allocation, maybe this
448  * routine should not be in this library, but some utility library?
449  */
450 gchar * gnc_account_get_full_name (const Account *account);
452 /** Retrieve the gains account used by this account for the indicated
453  * currency, creating and recording a new one if necessary.
454  *
455  * FIXME: There is at present no interface to designate an existing
456  * account, and the new account name is hard coded to
457  * "Orphaned Gains -- CUR"
458  *
459  * FIXME: There is no provision for creating separate accounts for
460  * anything other than currency, e.g. holding period of a security.
461  */
462 Account * xaccAccountGainsAccount (Account *acc, gnc_commodity *curr);
463 /** Set a string that identifies the Finance::Quote backend that
464  *  should be used to retrieve online prices.  See price-quotes.scm
465  *  for more information
466  *
467  *  @deprecated Price quote information is now stored on the
468  *  commodity, not the account. */
469 void dxaccAccountSetPriceSrc (Account *account, const char *src);
470 /** Get a string that identifies the Finance::Quote backend that
471  *  should be used to retrieve online prices.  See price-quotes.scm
472  *  for more information. This function uses a static char*.
473  *
474  *  @deprecated Price quote information is now stored on the
475  *  commodity, not the account. */
476 const char * dxaccAccountGetPriceSrc (const Account *account);
477 /** @} */
479 /** @name Account Commodity setters/getters
481  *   Accounts are used to store an amount of 'something', that 'something'
482  *   is called the 'commodity'.  An account can only hold one kind of
483  *   commodity.  The following are used to get and set the commodity,
484  *   and also to set the SCU, the 'Smallest Commodity Unit'.
485  *
486  * Note that when we say that a 'split' holds an 'amount', that amount
487  *   is denominated in the account commodity.  Do not confuse 'amount'
488  *   and 'value'.  The 'value' of a split is the value of the amount
489  *   expressed in the currency of the transaction.  Thus, for example,
490  *   the 'amount' may be 12 apples, where the account commodity is
491  *   'apples'.  The value of these 12 apples may be 12 dollars, where
492  *   the transaction currency is 'dollars'.
493  *
494  * The SCU is the 'Smallest Commodity Unit', signifying the smallest
495  *   non-zero amount that can be stored in the account.  It is
496  *   represented as the integer denominator of a fraction.  Thus,
497  *   for example, a SCU of 12 means that 1/12 of something is the
498  *   smallest amount that can be stored in the account.  SCU's can
499  *   be any value; they do not need to be decimal.  This allows
500  *   the use of accounts with unusual, non-decimal commodities and
501  *   currencies.
502  *
503  *   Normally, the SCU is determined by the commodity of the account.
504  *   However, this default SCU can be over-ridden and set to an
505  *   account-specific value.  This is account-specific value is
506  *   called the 'non-standard' value in the documentation below.
507  @{
508 */
510 /** Set the account's commodity */
511 void xaccAccountSetCommodity (Account *account, gnc_commodity *comm);
513 /** Get the account's commodity  */
514 /*@ dependent @*/
515 gnc_commodity * xaccAccountGetCommodity (const Account *account);
517 /** Returns a gnc_commodity that is a currency, suitable for being a
518 Transaction's currency. The gnc_commodity is taken either from the current
519 account, or from the next parent account that has a gnc_commodity that is a
520 currency. If neither this account nor any of its parent has such a commodity
521 that is a currency, NULL is returned. In that case, you can use
522 gnc_default_currency() but you might want to show a warning dialog first. */
523 gnc_commodity * gnc_account_get_currency_or_parent(const Account* account);
525 /** Return the SCU for the account.  If a non-standard SCU has been
526  *   set for the account, that is returned; else the default SCU for
527  *   the account commodity is returned.
528  */
529 int xaccAccountGetCommoditySCU (const Account *account);
531 /** Return the 'internal' SCU setting.  This returns the over-ride
532  *   SCU for the account (which might not be set, and might be zero).  */
533 int xaccAccountGetCommoditySCUi (const Account *account);
535 /** Set the SCU for the account. Normally, this routine is not
536  *   required, as the default SCU for an account is given by its
537  *   commodity.
538  */
539 void xaccAccountSetCommoditySCU (Account *account, int frac);
541 /** Set the flag indicating that this account uses a non-standard SCU. */
542 void xaccAccountSetNonStdSCU (Account *account, gboolean flag);
544 /** Return boolean, indicating whether this account uses a
545  *   non-standard SCU. */
546 gboolean  xaccAccountGetNonStdSCU (const Account *account);
547 /**@}*/
550 /** @name Account Balance
551  @{
552 */
553 /** Get the current balance of the account, which may include future
554     splits */
555 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetBalance (const Account *account);
556 /** Get the current balance of the account, only including cleared
557     transactions */
558 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetClearedBalance (const Account *account);
559 /** Get the current balance of the account, only including reconciled
560     transactions */
561 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetReconciledBalance (const Account *account);
562 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetPresentBalance (const Account *account);
563 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetProjectedMinimumBalance (const Account *account);
564 /** Get the balance of the account at the end of the day before the date specified. */
565 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate (Account *account,
566         time64 date);
568 /** Get the reconciled balance of the account at the end of the day of the date specified. */
569 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetReconciledBalanceAsOfDate (Account *account, time64 date);
571 /* These two functions convert a given balance from one commodity to
572    another.  The account argument is only used to get the Book, and
573    may have nothing to do with the supplied balance.  Likewise, the
574    date argument is only used for commodity conversion and may have
575    nothing to do with supplied balance.
577    Since they really have nothing to do with Accounts, there's
578    probably some better place for them, but where?  gnc-commodity.h?
579 */
580 gnc_numeric xaccAccountConvertBalanceToCurrency(
581     const Account *account, /* for book */
582     gnc_numeric balance,
583     const gnc_commodity *balance_currency,
584     const gnc_commodity *new_currency);
585 gnc_numeric xaccAccountConvertBalanceToCurrencyAsOfDate(
586     const Account *account, /* for book */
587     gnc_numeric balance, const gnc_commodity *balance_currency,
588     const gnc_commodity *new_currency, time64 date);
590 /* These functions get some type of balance in the desired commodity.
591    'report_commodity' may be NULL to use the account's commodity. */
592 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetBalanceInCurrency (
593     const Account *account, const gnc_commodity *report_commodity,
594     gboolean include_children);
595 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetClearedBalanceInCurrency (
596     const Account *account, const gnc_commodity *report_commodity,
597     gboolean include_children);
598 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetReconciledBalanceInCurrency (
599     const Account *account, const gnc_commodity *report_commodity,
600     gboolean include_children);
601 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetPresentBalanceInCurrency (
602     const Account *account, const gnc_commodity *report_commodity,
603     gboolean include_children);
604 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetProjectedMinimumBalanceInCurrency (
605     const Account *account, const gnc_commodity *report_commodity,
606     gboolean include_children);
608 /** This function gets the balance at the end of the given date, ignoring
609     closing entries, in the desired commodity. */
610 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetNoclosingBalanceAsOfDateInCurrency(
611     Account *acc, time64 date, gnc_commodity *report_commodity,
612     gboolean include_children);
613 /** This function gets the balance at the end of the given date in the desired
614     commodity. */
615 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDateInCurrency(
616     Account *account, time64 date, gnc_commodity *report_commodity,
617     gboolean include_children);
619 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetNoclosingBalanceChangeForPeriod (
620     Account *acc, time64 date1, time64 date2, gboolean recurse);
621 gnc_numeric xaccAccountGetBalanceChangeForPeriod (
622     Account *acc, time64 date1, time64 date2, gboolean recurse);
624 /** @} */
626 /** @name Account Children and Parents.
628  * The set of accounts is represented as a doubly-linked tree, so that given
629  * any account, both its parent and its children can be easily found.
630  * At the top of the tree hierarchy lies a single root node, the root account.
631  *
632  * The account tree hierarchy is unique, in that a given account can
633  * have only one parent account.
634  @{
635 */
637 /** This function will remove from the child account any pre-existing
638  *  parent relationship, and will then add the account as a child of
639  *  the new parent.  The exception to this is when the old and new
640  *  parent accounts are the same, in which case this function does
641  *  nothing.
642  *
643  *  If the child account belongs to a different book than the
644  *  specified new parent account, the child will be removed from the
645  *  other book (and thus, the other book's entity tables, generating a
646  *  destroy event), and will be added to the new book (generating a
647  *  create event).
648  *
649  *  @param new_parent The new parent account to which the child should
650  *  be attached.
651  *
652  *  @param child The account to attach.
653  */
654 void gnc_account_append_child (Account *new_parent, Account *child);
656 /** This function will remove the specified child account from the
657  *  specified parent account. It will NOT free the associated memory
658  *  or otherwise alter the account: the account can now be reparented
659  *  to a new location.  Note, however, that it will mark the old
660  *  parents as having been modified.
661  *
662  *  @param parent The parent account from which the child should be
663  *  removed.
664  *
665  *  @param child The child account to remove. */
666 void gnc_account_remove_child (Account *parent, Account *child);
668 /** This routine returns a pointer to the parent of the specified
669  *  account.  If the account has no parent, i.e it is either the root
670  *  node or is a disconnected account, then its parent will be NULL.
671  *
672  *  @param account A pointer to any exiting account.
673  *
674  *  @return A pointer to the parent account node, or NULL if there is
675  *  no parent account. */
676 /*@ dependent @*/
677 Account * gnc_account_get_parent (const Account *account);
679 /** This routine returns the root account of the account tree that the
680  *  specified account belongs to.  It is the equivalent of repeatedly
681  *  calling the gnc_account_get_parent() routine until that routine
682  *  returns NULL.
683  *
684  *  @param account A pointer to any existing account.
685  *
686  *  @return The root node of the account tree to which this account
687  *  belongs.  NULL if the account is not part of any account tree. */
688 Account * gnc_account_get_root (Account *account);
690 /** This routine indicates whether the specified account is the root
691  *  node of an account tree.
692  *
693  *  @param account A pointer to any account.
694  *
695  *  @return TRUE if this account is of type ROOT.  FALSE otherwise. */
696 gboolean gnc_account_is_root (const Account *account);
698 /** This routine returns a GList of all children accounts of the specified
699  *  account.  This function only returns the immediate children of the
700  *  specified account.  For a list of all descendant accounts, use the
701  *  gnc_account_get_descendants() function.
702  *
703  *  If you are looking for the splits of this account, use
704  *  xaccAccountGetSplitList() instead. This function here deals with
705  *  children accounts inside the account tree.
706  *
707  *  @param account The account whose children should be returned.
708  *
709  *  @return A GList of account pointers, or NULL if there are no
710  *  children accounts. It is the callers responsibility to free any returned
711  *  list with the g_list_free() function. */
712 GList *gnc_account_get_children (const Account *account);
714 /** This routine returns a GList of all children accounts of the specified
715  *  account, ordered by xaccAccountOrder().  \sa gnc_account_get_children()
716  */
717 GList *gnc_account_get_children_sorted (const Account *account);
719 /** Return the number of children of the specified account.  The
720  *  returned number does not include the account itself.
721  *
722  *  @param account The account to query.
723  *
724  *  @return The number of children of the specified account. */
725 gint gnc_account_n_children (const Account *account);
727 /** Return the index of the specified child within the list of the
728  *  parent's children.  The first child index is 0.  This function
729  *  returns -1 if the parent account is NULL of if the specified child
730  *  does not belong to the parent account.
731  *
732  *  @param parent The parent account to check.
733  *
734  *  @param child The child account to find.
735  *
736  *  @return The index of the child account within the specified
737  *  parent, or -1. */
738 gint gnc_account_child_index (const Account *parent, const Account *child);
740 /** Return the n'th child account of the specified parent account.  If
741  *  the parent account is not specified or the child index number is
742  *  invalid, this function returns NULL.
743  *
744  *  @param parent The parent account to check.
745  *
746  *  @param num The index number of the child account that should be
747  *  returned.
748  *
749  *  @return A pointer to the specified child account, or NULL */
750 Account *gnc_account_nth_child (const Account *parent, gint num);
752 /** This routine returns a flat list of all of the accounts that are
753  *  descendants of the specified account.  This includes not only the
754  *  the children, but the children of the children, etc. For a list of
755  *  only the immediate child accounts, use the
756  *  gnc_account_get_children() function.  Within each set of child
757  *  accounts, the accounts returned by this function are unordered.
758  *  For a list of descendants where each set of children is sorted via
759  *  the standard account sort function, use the
760  *  gnc_account_get_descendants_sorted() function.
761  *
762  *  @param account The account whose descendants should be returned.
763  *
764  *  @return A GList of account pointers, or NULL if there are no
765  *  descendants. It is the callers responsibility to free any returned
766  *  list with the g_list_free() function. */
767 GList * gnc_account_get_descendants (const Account *account);
769 /** This function returns a GList containing all the descendants of
770  *  the specified account, sorted at each level.  This includes not
771  *  only the the children, but the children of the children, etc.
772  *  Within each set of child accounts, the accounts returned by this
773  *  function are ordered via the standard account sort function.  For
774  *  a list of descendants where each set of children is unordered, use
775  *  the gnc_account_get_descendants() function.
776  *
777  *  Note: Use this function where the results are intended for display
778  *  to the user.  If the results are internal to GnuCash or will be
779  *  resorted at some later point in time you should use the
780  *  gnc_account_get_descendants() function.
781  *
782  *  @param account The account whose descendants should be returned.
783  *
784  *  @return A GList of account pointers, or NULL if there are no
785  *  descendants. It is the callers responsibility to free any returned
786  *  list with the g_list_free() function. */
787 GList *gnc_account_get_descendants_sorted (const Account *account);
789 /** Return the number of descendants of the specified account.  The
790  *  returned number does not include the account itself.
791  *
792  *  @param account The account to query.
793  *
794  *  @return The number of descendants of the specified account. */
795 gint gnc_account_n_descendants (const Account *account);
797 /** Return the number of levels of this account below the root
798  *  account.
799  *
800  *  @param account The account to query.
801  *
802  *  @return The number of levels below the root. */
803 gint gnc_account_get_current_depth (const Account *account);
805 /** Return the number of levels of descendants accounts below the
806  *  specified account.  The returned number does not include the
807  *  specified account itself.
808  *
809  *  @param account The account to query.
810  *
811  *  @return The number of levels of descendants. */
812 gint gnc_account_get_tree_depth (const Account *account);
814 /** @name ForEach
815  @{
816 */
818 /** This method will traverse the immediate children of this accounts,
819  *  calling 'func' on each account.  This function traverses all
820  *  children nodes.  To traverse only a subset of the child nodes use
821  *  the gnc_account_foreach_child_until() function.
822  *
823  *  @param account A pointer to the account on whose children the
824  *  function should be called.
825  *
826  *  @param func A function taking two arguments, an Account and a
827  *  gpointer.
828  *
829  *  @param user_data This data will be passed to each call of func. */
830 void gnc_account_foreach_child (const Account *account,
831                                 AccountCb func, /*@ null @*/ gpointer user_data);
833 /** This method will traverse all children of this accounts and their
834  *  descendants, calling 'func' on each account.  This function
835  *  traverses all descendant nodes.  To traverse only a subset of the
836  *  descendant nodes use the gnc_account_foreach_descendant_until()
837  *  function.
838  *
839  *  @param account A pointer to the account on whose descendants the
840  *  function should be called.
841  *
842  *  @param func A function taking two arguments, an Account and a
843  *  gpointer.
844  *
845  *  @param user_data This data will be passed to each call of func. */
846 void gnc_account_foreach_descendant (const Account *account,
847                                      AccountCb func, /*@ null @*/ gpointer user_data);
849 /** This method will traverse all children of this accounts and their
850  *  descendants, calling 'func' on each account.  Traversal will stop
851  *  when func returns a non-null value, and the routine will return
852  *  with that value.  Therefore, this function will return null if
853  *  func returns null for every account.  For a simpler function that
854  *  always traverses all children nodes, use the
855  *  gnc_account_foreach_descendant() function.
856  *
857  *  @param account A pointer to the account on whose descendants the
858  *  function should be called.
859  *
860  *  @param func A function taking two arguments, an Account and a
861  *  gpointer.
862  *
863  *  @param user_data This data will be passed to each call of func. */
864 gpointer gnc_account_foreach_descendant_until (const Account *account,
865         AccountCb2 func, /*@ null @*/ gpointer user_data);
868 /** @} */
870 /** @name Concatenation, Merging
871  @{
872 */
874 /** The gnc_account_join_children() subroutine will move (reparent)
875  *  all child accounts from the from_parent account to the to_parent
876  *  account, preserving the account hierarchy.  It will also take care
877  *  that the moved accounts will have the to_parent's book parent
878  *  as well.
879  */
880 void gnc_account_join_children (Account *to_parent, Account *from_parent);
882 /** The gnc_account_merge_children() subroutine will go through an
883  *  account, merging all child accounts that have the same name and
884  *  description.  This function is useful when importing Quicken(TM)
885  *  files.
886  */
887 void gnc_account_merge_children (Account *parent);
889 /** @} */
891 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
892 void xaccAccountSetReconcileChildrenStatus(Account *account, gboolean status);
894 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
895 gboolean xaccAccountGetReconcileChildrenStatus(const Account *account);
897 /** Returns true if the account is 'ancestor' or has 'ancestor' as an
898  *  ancestor.  An ancestor account may be the accounts parent, its
899  *  parent's parent, its parent's parent's parent, etc.  Returns false
900  *  if either one is NULL.
901  */
902 gboolean xaccAccountHasAncestor(const Account *acc, const Account *ancestor);
904 /** @} */
906 /** @name Lookup Accounts and Subaccounts by name or code
907  @{
908 */
909 /** The gnc_account_lookup_by_name() subroutine fetches the account by
910  *  name from the descendants of the specified account.  The immediate
911  *  children are searched first.  If there is no match,, then a
912  *  recursive search of all descendants is performed looking for a
913  *  match.
914  *
915  *  @return A pointer to the account with the specified name, or NULL
916  *  if the account was not found.
917  */
918 Account *gnc_account_lookup_by_name (const Account *parent, const char *name);
920 /** The gnc_account_lookup_full_name() subroutine works like
921  *  gnc_account_lookup_by_name, but uses fully-qualified names using the
922  *  given separator.
923  */
924 Account *gnc_account_lookup_by_full_name (const Account *any_account,
925         const gchar *name);
927 /** The gnc_account_lookup_by_code() subroutine works like
928  *  gnc_account_lookup_by_name, but uses the account code.
929  */
930 Account *gnc_account_lookup_by_code (const Account *parent,
931                                      const char *code);
933 /** Find the opening balance account for the currency.
934  *
935  *  @param account The account of which the sought-for account is a descendant.
936  *  @param commodity The commodity in which the account should be denominated
937  *  @return The descendant account of EQUITY_TYPE_OPENING_BALANCE or NULL if one doesn't exist.
938  */
939 Account *gnc_account_lookup_by_opening_balance (Account *account, gnc_commodity *commodity);
941 /** Find a direct child account matching name, GNCAccountType, and/or commodity.
942  *
943  * Name and commodity may be nullptr in which case the accounts in the
944  * list may have any value for those properties.  Note that commodity
945  * matching is by equivalence: If the mnemonic/symbol and namespace
946  * are the same, it matches.
947  *
948  *  @param root The account among whose children one expects to find
949  *  the account.
950  *  @param name The name of the account to look for or nullptr.
951  *  @param acctype The GNCAccountType to match.
952  *  @param commodity The commodity in which the account should be denominated or nullptr.
953  *  @return A GList of children matching the supplied parameters.
954  */
955 GList *gnc_account_lookup_by_type_and_commodity (Account* root,
956                                                  const char* name,
957                                                  GNCAccountType acctype,
958                                                  gnc_commodity* commodity);
959 /** @} */
961 /* ------------------ */
963 /** @name GNCAccountType conversion/checking
964  @{
965 */
966 /**
967  * Conversion routines for the account types to/from strings
968  * that are used in persistent storage, communications.  These
969  * strings should *not* be translated to the local language.
970  * Typical conversion is ACCT_TYPE_INCOME -> "INCOME". */
971 const char * xaccAccountTypeEnumAsString (GNCAccountType type);
972 /**
973  * Conversion routines for the account types to/from strings
974  * that are used in persistent storage, communications.  These
975  * strings should *not* be translated to the local language.
976  * Typical conversion is "INCOME" -> ACCT_TYPE_INCOME. */
977 gboolean xaccAccountStringToType (const char* str, GNCAccountType *type);
978 /**
979  * Conversion routines for the account types to/from strings
980  * that are used in persistent storage, communications.  These
981  * strings should *not* be translated to the local language.
982  * Typical conversion is "INCOME" -> ACCT_TYPE_INCOME. */
983 GNCAccountType xaccAccountStringToEnum (const char* str);
985 /** The xaccAccountGetTypeStr() routine returns a string suitable for
986  *  use in the GUI/Interface.  These strings should be translated
987  *  to the local language. */
988 const char * xaccAccountGetTypeStr (GNCAccountType type);
990 /** Return the bitmask of account types compatible with a given type.
991  *  That is, you could switch to any of the account types in the compatible
992  *  list without unwanted side-effects. */
993 guint32 xaccAccountTypesCompatibleWith (GNCAccountType type);
995 /** Return the bitmask of parent account types compatible with a given type. */
996 guint32 xaccParentAccountTypesCompatibleWith (GNCAccountType type);
998 /** Return TRUE if accounts of type parent_type can have accounts
999  * of type child_type as children. */
1000 gboolean xaccAccountTypesCompatible (GNCAccountType parent_type,
1001                                      GNCAccountType child_type);
1003 /** Returns the bitmask of the account type enums that are valid.  Deprecated and
1004  *  root account types are stripped. */
1005 guint32 xaccAccountTypesValid(void);
1007 /** Convenience function to check if the account is a valid
1008  *  Asset or Liability type, but not a business account type
1009  *  (meaning not an Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable). */
1010 gboolean xaccAccountIsAssetLiabType(GNCAccountType t);
1012 /** Convenience function to return the fundamental type
1013  * asset/liability/income/expense/equity given an account type. */
1014 GNCAccountType xaccAccountTypeGetFundamental (GNCAccountType t);
1017 /** Convenience function to check if the account is a valid
1018  *  business account type
1019  *  (meaning an Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable). */
1020 gboolean xaccAccountIsAPARType(GNCAccountType t);
1022 /** Convenience function to check if the account is a valid
1023  *  Equity type. */
1024 gboolean xaccAccountIsEquityType(GNCAccountType t);
1027 /** @} */
1029 /* ------------------ */
1031 /** @name Account split/transaction list management
1032 @{
1033 */
1034 /** The xaccAccountInsertSplit() method will insert the indicated
1035  *    split into the indicated account.  If the split already
1036  *    belongs to another account, it will be removed from that
1037  *    account first.*/
1038 #define xaccAccountInsertSplit(acc, s)  xaccSplitSetAccount((s), (acc))
1040 /** The xaccAccountGetSplitList() routine returns a pointer to a GList of
1041  *    the splits in the account.
1042  * @note This GList is the account's internal
1043  *    data structure: do not delete it when done; treat it as a read-only
1044  *    structure.  Note that some routines (such as xaccAccountRemoveSplit())
1045  *    modify this list directly, and could leave you with a corrupted
1046  *    pointer.
1047  * @note This should be changed so that the returned value is a copy
1048  * of the list. No other part of the code should have access to the
1049  * internal data structure used by this object.
1050  */
1051 SplitList* xaccAccountGetSplitList (const Account *account);
1054 /** The xaccAccountCountSplits() routine returns the number of all
1055  *    the splits in the account. xaccAccountCountSplits is O(N). if
1056  *    testing for emptiness, use xaccAccountGetSplitList != NULL.
1058  * @param acc the account for which to count the splits
1059  *
1060  * @param include_children also count splits in descendants (TRUE) or
1061  *        for this account only (FALSE).
1062  */
1063 gint64 xaccAccountCountSplits (const Account *acc, gboolean include_children);
1065 /** The xaccAccountMoveAllSplits() routine reassigns each of the splits
1066  *  in accfrom to accto. */
1067 void xaccAccountMoveAllSplits (Account *accfrom, Account *accto);
1069 /** The xaccAccountForEachTransaction() routine will traverse all of
1070  * the transactions in @a account and call the callback
1071  * function @a proc on each transaction.  Processing will continue
1072  * if-and-only-if @a proc returns 0. The user data pointer
1073  * @a data will be passed on to the callback function @a proc.
1074  *
1075  * This function does not descend recursively to traverse transactions
1076  * in child accounts.
1077  *
1078  * @a proc will be called exactly once for each transaction that is
1079  * pointed to by at least one split in the given account.
1080  *
1081  * The result of this function will be 0 <em>if and only if</em>
1082  * every relevant transaction was traversed exactly once.
1083  * Else the return value is the last non-zero value returned by proc.
1084  *
1085  * \warning For performance reasons, the transaction callback @a proc
1086  * must never destroy any of the transaction's splits, nor assign any
1087  * of them to a different account. <b>To do so risks a crash.</b>
1088  *
1089  * \warning The traversal occurs only over the transactions that
1090  * are locally cached in the local gnucash engine.  If the gnucash
1091  * engine is attached to a remote database, the database may contain
1092  * (many) transactions that are not mirrored in the local cache.
1093  * This routine will not cause an SQL database query to be performed;
1094  * it will not traverse transactions present only in the remote
1095  * database.
1096  */
1097 gint xaccAccountForEachTransaction(const Account *account,
1098                                    TransactionCallback proc,
1099                                    void *data);
1101 /** Returns a pointer to the transaction, not a copy. */
1102 Transaction * xaccAccountFindTransByDesc(const Account *account,
1103         const char *description);
1105 /** Returns a pointer to the split, not a copy. */
1106 Split * xaccAccountFindSplitByDesc(const Account *account,
1107                                    const char *description);
1109 /** @} */
1111 /* ------------------ */
1113 /** @name Account lots
1114 @{
1115 */
1116 /** The xaccAccountInsertLot() method will register the indicated lot
1117  *    with this account.   Any splits later inserted into this lot must
1118  *    belong to this account.  If the lot is already in another account,
1119  *    the lot, and all of the splits in it, will be moved from that
1120  *    account to this account. */
1121 void xaccAccountInsertLot (Account *, GNCLot *);
1122 void xaccAccountRemoveLot (Account *, GNCLot *);
1124 /** The xaccAccountGetLotList() routine returns a list of all lots in
1125  *  this account.
1126  *
1127  *  @param account The account whose lots should be returned.
1128  *
1129  *  @return A GList of lot pointers, or NULL if there are no lots in
1130  *  this account children. It is the callers responsibility to free
1131  *  any returned list with the g_list_free() function. */
1132 LotList* xaccAccountGetLotList (const Account *account);
1134 /** The xaccAccountForEachLot() method will apply the function 'proc'
1135  *    to each lot in the account.  If 'proc' returns a non-NULL value,
1136  *    further application will be stopped, and the resulting value
1137  *    will be returned.  There is no guaranteed order over which
1138  *    the Lots will be traversed.
1139  */
1140 gpointer xaccAccountForEachLot(
1141     const Account *acc,
1142     gpointer (*proc)(GNCLot *lot, gpointer user_data), /*@ null @*/ gpointer user_data);
1145 /** Find a list of open lots that match the match_func.  Sort according
1146  * to sort_func.  If match_func is NULL, then all open lots are returned.
1147  * If sort_func is NULL, then the returned list has no particular order.
1148  * The caller must free to returned list.
1149  */
1150 LotList * xaccAccountFindOpenLots (const Account *acc,
1151                                    gboolean (*match_func)(GNCLot *lot,
1152                                            gpointer user_data),
1153                                    /*@ null @*/ gpointer user_data, GCompareFunc sort_func);
1155 /** @} */
1156 /* ------------------ */
1158 /** @name Account Reconciliation information getters/setters
1159 @{
1160 */
1161 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1162 gboolean xaccAccountGetReconcileLastDate (const Account *account,
1163         time64 *last_date);
1164 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1165 void xaccAccountSetReconcileLastDate (Account *account, time64 last_date);
1167 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1168 gboolean xaccAccountGetReconcileLastInterval (const Account *account,
1169         int *months, int *days);
1170 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1171 void xaccAccountSetReconcileLastInterval (Account *account,
1172         int months, int days);
1173 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1174 gboolean xaccAccountGetReconcilePostponeDate (const Account *account,
1175         time64 *postpone_date);
1176 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1177 void xaccAccountSetReconcilePostponeDate (Account *account,
1178         time64 postpone_date);
1180 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1181 gboolean xaccAccountGetReconcilePostponeBalance (const Account *account,
1182         gnc_numeric *balance);
1183 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1184 void xaccAccountSetReconcilePostponeBalance (Account *account,
1185         gnc_numeric balance);
1187 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1188 void xaccAccountClearReconcilePostpone (Account *account);
1189 /** @} */
1192 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1193 typedef enum
1194 {
1198 } GNCPlaceholderType;
1200 /** @name Account Placeholder flag
1201  @{
1202 */
1204 /** Get the "placeholder" flag for an account.  If this flag is set
1205  *  then the account may not be modified by the user.
1206  *
1207  *  @param account The account whose flag should be retrieved.
1208  *
1209  *  @return The current state of the account's "placeholder" flag. */
1210 gboolean xaccAccountGetPlaceholder (const Account *account);
1212 /** Set the "placeholder" flag for an account.  If this flag is set
1213  *  then the account may not be modified by the user.
1214  *
1215  *  @param account The account whose flag should be retrieved.
1216  *
1217  *  @param val The new state for the account's "placeholder" flag. */
1218 void xaccAccountSetPlaceholder (Account *account, gboolean val);
1220 /** @name Account Append Text flag
1221  @{
1222 */
1224 /** Get the "import-append-text" flag for an account.  This is the saved
1225  *  state of the Append checkbox in the "Generic import transaction matcher"
1226  *  used to set the initial state of the Append checkbox next time this
1227  *  account is imported.
1228  *
1229  *  @param account The account whose flag should be retrieved.
1230  *
1231  *  @return The current state of the account's "import-append-text" flag. */
1232 gboolean xaccAccountGetAppendText (const Account *account);
1234 /** Set the "import-append-text" flag for an account.  This is the saved
1235  *  state of the Append checkbox in the "Generic import transaction matcher"
1236  *  used to set the initial state of the Append checkbox next time this
1237  *  account is imported.
1238  *
1239  *  @param account The account whose flag should be retrieved.
1240  *
1241  *  @param val The new state for the account's "import-append-text" flag. */
1242 void xaccAccountSetAppendText (Account *account, gboolean val);
1244 /** Get the "opening-balance" flag for an account.  If this flag is set
1245  *  then the account is used for opening balance transactions.
1246  *
1247  *  @param account The account whose flag should be retrieved.
1248  *
1249  *  @return The current state of the account's "opening-balance" flag. */
1250 gboolean xaccAccountGetIsOpeningBalance (const Account *account);
1252 /** Set the "opening-balance" flag for an account. If this flag is set
1253  *  then the account is used for opening balance transactions.
1254  *
1255  *  @param account The account whose flag should be set.
1256  *
1257  *  @param val The new state for the account's "opening-balance" flag. */
1258 void xaccAccountSetIsOpeningBalance (Account *account, gboolean val);
1260 /** Returns PLACEHOLDER_NONE if account is NULL or neither account nor
1261  *  any descendant of account is a placeholder.  If account is a
1262  *  placeholder, returns PLACEHOLDER_THIS.  Otherwise, if any
1263  *  descendant of account is a placeholder, return PLACEHOLDER_CHILD.
1264  */
1265 GNCPlaceholderType xaccAccountGetDescendantPlaceholder(const Account *account);
1266 /** @} */
1268 /** @name Account Hidden flag
1269  @{
1270 */
1272 /** Get the "hidden" flag for an account.  If this flag is set then
1273  *  the account (and any children) will be hidden from the user unless
1274  *  they explicitly ask to see them.
1275  *
1276  *  @param acc The account whose flag should be retrieved.
1277  *
1278  *  @return The current state of the account's "hidden" flag. */
1279 gboolean xaccAccountGetHidden (const Account *acc);
1281 /** Set the "hidden" flag for an account.  If this flag is set then
1282  *  the account (and any children) will be hidden from the user unless
1283  *  they explicitly ask to see them.
1284  *
1285  *  @param acc The account whose flag should be retrieved.
1286  *
1287  *  @param val The new state for the account's "hidden" flag. */
1288 void xaccAccountSetHidden (Account *acc, gboolean val);
1290 /** Should this account be "hidden".  If this flag is set for this
1291  *  account (or any parent account) then the account should be hidden
1292  *  from the user unless they explicitly ask to see it.  This function
1293  *  is different from the xaccAccountGetHidden() function because it
1294  *  checks the flag in parent accounts in addition to this account.
1295  *
1296  *  @param acc The account whose flag should be retrieved.
1297  *
1298  *  @return Whether or not this account should be "hidden". */
1299 gboolean xaccAccountIsHidden (const Account *acc);
1300 /** @} */
1302 /** @name Account Auto Interest flag
1303  @{
1304  */
1306 /** Get the "auto interest" flag for an account.  If this flag is set then
1307  *  the account (and any children) will trigger an interest transfer after reconciling.
1308  *
1309  *  @param acc The account whose flag should be retrieved.
1310  *
1311  *  @return The current state of the account's "auto interest" flag. */
1312 gboolean xaccAccountGetAutoInterest (const Account *acc);
1314 /** Set the "auto interest" flag for an account.  If this flag is set then
1315  *  the account (and any children) will trigger an interest transfer after reconciling.
1316  *
1317  *  @param acc The account whose flag should be retrieved.
1318  *
1319  *  @param val The new state for the account's "auto interest" flag. */
1320 void xaccAccountSetAutoInterest (Account *acc, gboolean val);
1322 /** @} */
1325 /** @name Account Tax related getters/setters
1326  @{
1327 */
1329 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1330 gboolean xaccAccountGetTaxRelated (const Account *account);
1331 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1332 void xaccAccountSetTaxRelated (Account *account, gboolean tax_related);
1333 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1334 const char * xaccAccountGetTaxUSCode (const Account *account);
1335 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1336 void xaccAccountSetTaxUSCode (Account *account, const char *code);
1337 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1338 const char * xaccAccountGetTaxUSPayerNameSource (const Account *account);
1339 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1340 void xaccAccountSetTaxUSPayerNameSource (Account *account, const char *source);
1341 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1342 gint64 xaccAccountGetTaxUSCopyNumber (const Account *account);
1343 /** DOCUMENT ME! */
1344 void xaccAccountSetTaxUSCopyNumber (Account *account, gint64 copy_number);
1345 /** @} */
1347 /** @name Account type debit/credit string getters
1348  @ {      *
1349  */
1351 /** Get the debit string associated with this account type */
1352 const char *gnc_account_get_debit_string (GNCAccountType acct_type);
1353 /** Get the credit string associated with this account type */
1354 const char *gnc_account_get_credit_string (GNCAccountType acct_type);
1356 /** @} */
1359 /** @name Account marking
1360 @{
1361 */
1362 /** Set a mark on the account.  The meaning of this mark is
1363  * completely undefined. Its presented here as a utility for the
1364  * programmer, to use as desired.  Handy for performing customer traversals
1365  * over the account tree.  The mark is *not* stored in the database/file
1366  * format.  When accounts are newly created, the mark is set to zero.
1367  */
1368 void xaccAccountSetMark (Account *account, short mark);
1370 /** Get the mark set by xaccAccountSetMark
1371 short xaccAccountGetMark (const Account *account);
1372 */
1373 /** The xaccClearMark will find the root account, and clear the mark in
1374  * the entire account tree.  */
1375 void xaccClearMark (Account *account, short val);
1377 /** The xaccClearMarkDown will clear the mark only in this and in
1378  * sub-accounts.*/
1379 void xaccClearMarkDown (Account *account, short val);
1380 /** @} */
1382 /** @name Staged Traversal
1384  * The following functions provide support for "staged traversals"
1385  * over all of the transactions in an account or group.  The idea
1386  * is to be able to perform a sequence of traversals ("stages"),
1387  * and perform an operation on each transaction exactly once
1388  * for that stage.
1389  *
1390  * Only transactions whose current "stage" is less than the
1391  * stage of the current traversal will be affected, and they will
1392  * be "brought up" to the current stage when they are processed.
1393  *
1394  * For example, you could perform a stage 1 traversal of all the
1395  * transactions in an account, and then perform a stage 1 traversal of
1396  * the transactions in a second account.  Presuming the traversal of
1397  * the first account didn't abort prematurely, any transactions shared
1398  * by both accounts would be ignored during the traversal of the
1399  * second account since they had been processed while traversing the
1400  * first account.
1401  *
1402  * However, if you had traversed the second account using a stage
1403  * of 2, then all the transactions in the second account would have
1404  * been processed.
1405  *
1406  * Traversal can be aborted by having the callback function return
1407  * a non-zero value.  The traversal is aborted immediately, and the
1408  * non-zero value is returned.  Note that an aborted traversal can
1409  * be restarted; no information is lost due to an abort.
1410  *
1411  * The initial impetus for this particular approach came from
1412  * generalizing a mark/sweep practice that was already being
1413  * used in FileIO.c.
1414  *
1415  * Note that currently, there is a hard limit of 256 stages, which
1416  * can be changed by enlarging "marker" in the transaction struct.
1417  *
1418  @{
1419 */
1420 /** gnc_account_tree_begin_staged_transaction_traversals()
1421  *  resets the traversal marker inside every transactions of every
1422  *  account in the account tree originating with the specified node.
1423  *  This is done so that a new sequence of staged traversals can
1424  *  begin.
1425  */
1426 void gnc_account_tree_begin_staged_transaction_traversals(Account *acc);
1428 /** xaccSplitsBeginStagedTransactionTraversals() resets the traversal
1429  *    marker for each transaction which is a parent of one of the
1430  *    splits in the list.
1431  */
1432 void xaccSplitsBeginStagedTransactionTraversals(SplitList *splits);
1434 /** xaccAccountBeginStagedTransactionTraversals() resets the traversal
1435  *    marker for each transaction which is a parent of one of the
1436  *    splits in the account.
1437  */
1438 void xaccAccountBeginStagedTransactionTraversals(const Account *account);
1440 /** xaccTransactionTraverse() checks the stage of the given transaction.
1441  *    If the transaction hasn't reached the given stage, the transaction
1442  *    is updated to that stage and the function returns TRUE. Otherwise
1443  *    no change is made and the function returns FALSE.
1444  */
1445 gboolean xaccTransactionTraverse(Transaction *trans, int stage);
1447 /** xaccAccountStagedTransactionTraversal() calls @a thunk on each
1448  *    transaction in account @a a whose current marker is less than the
1449  *    given @a stage and updates each transaction's marker to be @a stage.
1450  *    The traversal will stop if @a thunk returns a non-zero value.
1451  *    xaccAccountStagedTransactionTraversal() function will return zero
1452  *    or the non-zero value returned by @a thunk.
1453  *    This API does not handle handle recursive traversals.
1454  *
1455  *    \warning For performance reasons, the transaction callback @a thunk
1456  *    must never destroy any of the transaction's splits, nor assign any
1457  *    of them to a different account. <b>To do so risks a crash.</b>
1458  */
1460 int xaccAccountStagedTransactionTraversal(const Account *a,
1461         unsigned int stage,
1462         TransactionCallback thunk,
1463         void *data);
1465 /** gnc_account_tree_staged_transaction_traversal() calls @a thunk on each
1466  *    transaction in the group whose current marker is less than the
1467  *    given @a stage and updates each transaction's marker to be @a stage.
1468  *    The traversal will stop if @a thunk returns a non-zero value.
1469  *    gnc_account_tree_staged_transaction_traversal() function will return zero
1470  *    or the non-zero value returned by @a thunk.  This
1471  *    API does not handle handle recursive traversals.
1472  *
1473  *    \warning For performance reasons, the transaction callback @a thunk
1474  *    must never destroy any of the transaction's splits, nor assign any
1475  *    of them to a different account. <b>To do so risks a crash.</b>
1476  */
1478 int gnc_account_tree_staged_transaction_traversal(const Account *account,
1479         unsigned int stage,
1480         TransactionCallback thunk,
1481         void *data);
1483 /** Traverse all of the transactions in the given account group.
1484  * Continue processing IF @a proc returns 0. This function
1485  * will descend recursively to traverse transactions in the
1486  * children of the accounts in the group.
1487  *
1488  * @a Proc will be called exactly once for each transaction that is
1489  * pointed to by at least one split in any account in the hierarchy
1490  * topped by the root Account @a acc.
1491  *
1492  * The result of this function will be 0 IF every relevant
1493  * transaction was traversed exactly once; otherwise, the return
1494  * value is the last non-zero value returned by the callback.
1495  *
1496  * \warning For performance reasons, the transaction callback @a proc
1497  * must never destroy any of the transaction's splits, nor assign any
1498  * of them to a different account. <b>To do so risks a crash.</b>
1499  *
1500  * \warning The traversal occurs only over the transactions that
1501  * are locally cached in the local gnucash engine.  If the gnucash
1502  * engine is attached to a remote database, the database may contain
1503  * (many) transactions that are not mirrored in the local cache.
1504  * This routine will not cause an SQL database query to be performed;
1505  * it will not traverse transactions present only in the remote
1506  * database.
1507  *
1508  * Note that this routine is just a trivial wrapper for
1509  *
1510  * gnc_account_tree_begin_staged_transaction_traversals(g);
1511  * gnc_account_tree_staged_transaction_traversal(g, 42, proc, data);
1512  */
1514 int xaccAccountTreeForEachTransaction(Account *acc,
1515                                       TransactionCallback proc, void *data);
1517 /** Obtain an ImportMatchMap object from an Account or a Book
1518  */
1519 GncImportMatchMap *gnc_account_imap_create_imap (Account *acc);
1521 /* Look up an Account in the map non-Baysian
1522  */
1523 Account* gnc_account_imap_find_account (GncImportMatchMap *imap, const char* category,
1524                                         const char *key);
1526 /* Store an Account in the map non Baysian
1527  */
1528 void gnc_account_imap_add_account (GncImportMatchMap *imap, const char *category,
1529                                    const char *key, Account *acc);
1531 /* Remove a reference to an Account in the map non Baysian
1532  */
1533 void gnc_account_imap_delete_account (GncImportMatchMap *imap, const char *category,
1534                                       const char *key);
1536 /** Look up an Account in the map using Baysian
1537  */
1538 Account* gnc_account_imap_find_account_bayes (GncImportMatchMap *imap, GList* tokens);
1540 /** Updates the imap for a given account using a list of tokens
1541  */
1542 void gnc_account_imap_add_account_bayes (GncImportMatchMap *imap, GList* tokens,
1543                                          Account *acc);
1545 typedef struct imap_info
1546 {
1547     Account        *source_account;
1548     Account        *map_account;
1549     GList          *list;
1550     char           *head;
1551     char           *category;
1552     char           *match_string;
1553     char           *count;
1554 }GncImapInfo;
1556 /** Returns a GList of structure imap_info of all Bayesian mappings for
1557  *  required Account
1558  */
1559 GList *gnc_account_imap_get_info_bayes (Account *acc);
1561 /** Returns a GList of structure imap_info of all Non Bayesian mappings for
1562  *  required Account
1563  */
1564 GList *gnc_account_imap_get_info (Account *acc, const char *category);
1566 /** Returns the text string pointed to by head and category for the Account, free
1567  *  the returned text
1568  */
1569 gchar *gnc_account_get_map_entry (Account *acc, const char *head, const char *category);
1571 /** Delete the entry for Account pointed to by head,category and match_string,
1572  *  if empty is TRUE then use delete if empty
1573  */
1574 void gnc_account_delete_map_entry (Account *acc, char *head, char *category,
1575                                    char *match_string, gboolean empty);
1577 /** Delete all bayes entries for Account
1578  */
1579 void gnc_account_delete_all_bayes_maps (Account *acc);
1581 /** Reset the flag that indicates the function imap_convert_bayes_to_flat
1582  *  has been run
1583  */
1584 void gnc_account_reset_convert_bayes_to_flat (void);
1586 /** @} */
1589 /** @name Deprecated Routines.
1590  @{
1591 */
1593 /** @deprecated The current API associates only one thing with an
1594  * account: the 'commodity'. Use xaccAccountGetCommodity() to fetch
1595  * it.
1596  *
1597  * These two funcs take control of their gnc_commodity args. Don't free */
1598 void DxaccAccountSetCurrency (Account *account, gnc_commodity *currency);
1600 /** @deprecated The current API associates only one thing with an
1601  * account: the 'commodity'. Use xaccAccountGetCommodity() to fetch
1602  * it. */
1603 gnc_commodity * DxaccAccountGetCurrency (const Account *account);
1605 /** Set the timezone to be used when interpreting the results from a
1606  *  given Finance::Quote backend.  Unfortunately, the upstream sources
1607  *  don't label their output, so the user has to specify this bit.
1608  *
1609  *  @deprecated Price quote information is now stored on the
1610  *  commodity, not the account. */
1612 void dxaccAccountSetQuoteTZ (Account *account, const char *tz);
1613 /** Get the timezone to be used when interpreting the results from a
1614  *  given Finance::Quote backend.  Unfortunately, the upstream sources
1615  *  don't label their output, so the user has to specify this
1616  *  bit. This function uses a static char*.
1617  *
1618  *  @deprecated Price quote information is now stored on the
1619  *  commodity, not the account. */
1620 const char * dxaccAccountGetQuoteTZ (const Account *account);
1621 /** @} */
1624 /** @name Account parameter names
1625  @{
1626 */
1627 #define ACCOUNT_KVP		"kvp"
1628 #define ACCOUNT_NAME_		"name"
1629 #define ACCOUNT_CODE_		"code"
1630 #define ACCOUNT_DESCRIPTION_	"desc"
1631 #define ACCOUNT_COLOR_		"color"
1632 #define ACCOUNT_FILTER_		"filter"
1633 #define ACCOUNT_SORT_ORDER_	"sort-order"
1634 #define ACCOUNT_SORT_REVERSED_ "sort-reversed"
1635 #define ACCOUNT_NOTES_		"notes"
1636 #define ACCOUNT_BALANCE_	"balance"
1637 #define ACCOUNT_NOCLOSING_	"noclosing"
1638 #define ACCOUNT_OPENING_BALANCE_ "opening-balance"
1639 #define ACCOUNT_CLEARED_	"cleared"
1640 #define ACCOUNT_RECONCILED_	"reconciled"
1641 #define ACCOUNT_PRESENT_	"present"
1642 #define ACCOUNT_FUTURE_MINIMUM_ "future-minimum"
1643 #define ACCOUNT_TAX_RELATED	"tax-related-p"
1644 #define ACCOUNT_TYPE_		"account-type"
1645 #define ACCOUNT_SCU		"smallest-commodity-unit"
1646 #define ACCOUNT_NSCU		"non-standard-scu"
1647 #define ACCOUNT_PARENT		"parent-account"
1649 /** @} */
1651 /** This is the type-override when you want to match all accounts.  Used
1652  * in the gnome-search parameter list.  Be careful when you use this. */
1653 #define ACCOUNT_MATCH_ALL_TYPE	"account-match-all"
1655 #ifdef __cplusplus
1656 } /* extern "C" */
1657 #endif
1659 #endif /* XACC_ACCOUNT_H */
1660 /** @} */
1661 /** @} */