1 /* Copyright 2004,2007,2008,2010-2012,2014 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS
2 **
3 ** This file is part of the Scotch software package for static mapping,
4 ** graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering.
5 **
6 ** This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law
7 ** and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can
8 ** use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the
9 ** CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
10 ** URL: "http://www.cecill.info".
11 **
12 ** As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
13 ** modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
14 ** only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of
15 ** the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
16 ** liability.
17 **
18 ** In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
19 ** with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
20 ** software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
21 ** that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
22 ** therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
23 ** professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
24 ** encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards
25 ** their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their
26 ** systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and
27 ** operate it in the same conditions as regards security.
28 **
29 ** The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
30 ** knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
31 */
32 /************************************************************/
33 /**                                                        **/
34 /**   NAME       : graph.h                                 **/
35 /**                                                        **/
36 /**   AUTHOR     : Francois PELLEGRINI                     **/
37 /**                Sebastien FOURESTIER (v6.0)             **/
38 /**                                                        **/
39 /**   FUNCTION   : These lines are the data declarations   **/
40 /**                for the source graph functions.         **/
41 /**                                                        **/
42 /**   DATES      : # Version 0.0  : from : 02 dec 1992     **/
43 /**                                 to     18 may 1993     **/
44 /**                # Version 1.3  : from : 30 apr 1994     **/
45 /**                                 to     18 may 1994     **/
46 /**                # Version 2.0  : from : 06 jun 1994     **/
47 /**                                 to     18 aug 1994     **/
48 /**                # Version 3.0  : from : 07 jul 1995     **/
49 /**                                 to     28 sep 1995     **/
50 /**                # Version 3.1  : from : 28 nov 1995     **/
51 /**                                 to     28 nov 1995     **/
52 /**                # Version 3.2  : from : 07 sep 1996     **/
53 /**                                 to     15 sep 1998     **/
54 /**                # Version 3.3  : from : 28 sep 1998     **/
55 /**                                 to     23 mar 1999     **/
56 /**                # Version 3.4  : from : 20 mar 2000     **/
57 /**                                 to     20 mar 2000     **/
58 /**                # Version 4.0  : from : 24 nov 2001     **/
59 /**                                 to     03 mar 2006     **/
60 /**                # Version 5.0  : from : 03 mar 2006     **/
61 /**                                 to     01 jun 2008     **/
62 /**                # Version 5.1  : from : 11 aug 2010     **/
63 /**                                 to     04 nov 2010     **/
64 /**                # Version 6.0  : from : 03 mar 2011     **/
65 /**                                 to     09 aug 2014     **/
66 /**                                                        **/
67 /************************************************************/
69 #define GRAPH_H
71 /*
72 **  The defines.
73 */
75 /*+ Graph option flags. +*/
77 #define GRAPHNONE                   0x0000        /* No options set */
79 #define GRAPHFREEEDGE               0x0001        /* Free edgetab array        */
80 #define GRAPHFREEVERT               0x0002        /* Free verttab array        */
81 #define GRAPHFREEVNUM               0x0004        /* Free vnumtab array        */
82 #define GRAPHFREEOTHR               0x0008        /* Free all other arrays     */
83 #define GRAPHFREETABS               0x000F        /* Free all graph arrays     */
84 #define GRAPHVERTGROUP              0x0010        /* All vertex arrays grouped */
85 #define GRAPHEDGEGROUP              0x0020        /* All edge arrays grouped   */
87 #define GRAPHBITSUSED               0x003F        /* Significant bits for plain graph routines               */
88 #define GRAPHBITSNOTUSED            0x0040        /* Value above which bits not used by plain graph routines */
90 #define GRAPHIONOLOADVERT           1             /* Remove vertex loads on loading */
91 #define GRAPHIONOLOADEDGE           2             /* Remove edge loads on loading   */
93 /*
94 **  The type and structure definitions.
95 */
97 #ifndef GNUMMAX                                   /* If dgraph.h not included    */
98 typedef INT                   Gnum;               /* Vertex and edge numbers     */
99 typedef UINT                  Gunum;              /* Unsigned type of same width */
100 #define GNUMMAX                     (INTVALMAX)   /* Maximum signed Gnum value   */
101 #define GNUMSTRING                  INTSTRING     /* String to printf a Gnum     */
102 #endif /* GNUMMAX */
104 /*+ The vertex part type, in compressed form. +*/
106 typedef byte GraphPart;
108 /*+ The vertex list structure. Since a vertex list
109     always refers to a given graph, vertex indices
110     contained in the vertex list array are based with
111     respect to the base value of the associated graph.
112     However, the array itself is not based.            +*/
114 typedef struct VertList_ {
115   Gnum                      vnumnbr;              /*+ Number of vertices in list +*/
116   Gnum *                    vnumtab;              /*+ Pointer to vertex array    +*/
117 } VertList;
119 /*+ The graph flag type. +*/
121 typedef int GraphFlag;                            /*+ Graph property flags +*/
123 /*+ The graph parallel context structure. +*/
125 typedef struct GraphProc_ {
127   MPI_Comm                  proccomm;             /*+ Communicator used for parallel algorithm +*/
128   int                       procglbnbr;           /*+ Number of processes in communicator      +*/
129   int                       proclocnum;           /*+ Rank of process in current communicator  +*/
130 #endif /* SCOTCH_PTSCOTCH */
131 } GraphProc;
133 /*+ The graph structure. +*/
135 typedef struct Graph_ {
136   GraphFlag                 flagval;              /*+ Graph properties                          +*/
137   Gnum                      baseval;              /*+ Base index for edge/vertex arrays         +*/
138   Gnum                      vertnbr;              /*+ Number of vertices in graph               +*/
139   Gnum                      vertnnd;              /*+ Number of vertices in graph, plus baseval +*/
140   Gnum *                    verttax;              /*+ Vertex array [based]                      +*/
141   Gnum *                    vendtax;              /*+ End vertex array [based]                  +*/
142   Gnum *                    velotax;              /*+ Vertex load array (if present)            +*/
143   Gnum                      velosum;              /*+ Overall graph vertex load                 +*/
144   Gnum *                    vnumtax;              /*+ Vertex number in ancestor graph           +*/
145   Gnum *                    vlbltax;              /*+ Vertex label (from file)                  +*/
146   Gnum                      edgenbr;              /*+ Number of edges (arcs) in graph           +*/
147   Gnum *                    edgetax;              /*+ Edge array [based]                        +*/
148   Gnum *                    edlotax;              /*+ Edge load array (if present)              +*/
149   Gnum                      edlosum;              /*+ Sum of edge (in fact arc) loads           +*/
150   Gnum                      degrmax;              /*+ Maximum degree                            +*/
151   GraphProc *               procptr;              /*+ Pointer to parallel context (if any)      +*/
152 } Graph;
154 /*
155 **  The function prototypes.
156 */
158 #ifndef GRAPH
159 #define static
160 #endif
162 int                         listInit            (VertList *);
163 void                        listExit            (VertList *);
164 int                         listAlloc           (VertList *, Gnum);
165 int                         listFree            (VertList *);
166 int                         listLoad            (VertList *, FILE *);
167 int                         listSave            (VertList *, FILE *);
168 void                        listSort            (VertList *);
169 int                         listCopy            (VertList *, VertList *);
171 int                         graphInit           (Graph * const);
172 void                        graphExit           (Graph * const);
173 void                        graphFree           (Graph * const);
174 Gnum                        graphBase           (Graph * const, const Gnum);
175 int                         graphBand           (const Graph * restrict const, const Gnum, Gnum * restrict const, const Gnum, Gnum * restrict * restrict const, Gnum * restrict const, Gnum * restrict const, Gnum * restrict const, const Gnum * restrict const, Gnum * restrict const);
176 int                         graphCheck          (const Graph *);
177 int                         graphInduceList     (const Graph * const, const VertList * const, Graph * const);
178 int                         graphInducePart     (const Graph * const, const GraphPart *, const Gnum, const GraphPart, Graph * const);
179 int                         graphLoad           (Graph * const, FILE * const, const Gnum, const GraphFlag);
180 int                         graphLoad2          (const Gnum, const Gnum, const Gnum * const, const Gnum * const, Gnum * restrict const, const Gnum, const Gnum * const);
181 int                         graphSave           (const Graph * const, FILE * const);
183 #ifdef GEOM_H
184 int                         graphGeomLoadChac   (Graph * restrict const, Geom * restrict const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
185 int                         graphGeomSaveChac   (const Graph * restrict const, const Geom * restrict const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
186 int                         graphGeomLoadHabo   (Graph * restrict const, Geom * restrict const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
187 int                         graphGeomLoadMmkt   (Graph * restrict const, Geom * restrict const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
188 int                         graphGeomSaveMmkt   (const Graph * restrict const, const Geom * restrict const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
189 int                         graphGeomLoadScot   (Graph * restrict const, Geom * restrict const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
190 int                         graphGeomSaveScot   (const Graph * restrict const, const Geom * restrict const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
191 #endif /* GEOM_H */
193 #undef static