1 // -*- c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
2 /** @file ImagesTree.h
3  *
4  *  @brief declaration of main image tree control
5  *
6  *  @author T. Modes
7  */
9 /*  This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
11  *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12  *  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13  *
14  *  This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
18  *
19  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
20  *  License along with this software. If not, see
21  *  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22  *
23  */
25 #ifndef _IMAGESTREE_H
26 #define _IMAGESTREE_H
28 #include <map>
29 #include "panodata/Panorama.h"
30 #include <panodata/StandardImageVariableGroups.h>
31 #include "treelistctrl.h"
32 #include "GuiLevel.h"
33 #include "hugin/PanoOperation.h"
35 /** the main images tree control, used on images and optimizer tabs */
36 class ImagesTreeCtrl: public wxcode::wxTreeListCtrl, public HuginBase::PanoramaObserver
37 {
38 public:
39     /** enumeration for grouping mode */
40     enum GroupMode
41     {
42         GROUP_NONE=0,
43         GROUP_LENS=1,
44         GROUP_STACK=2,
47     };
48     /** enumeration for display mode, limits the displayed columns */
49     enum DisplayMode
50     {
51         DISPLAY_GENERAL=0,
52         DISPLAY_EXIF=1,
53         DISPLAY_POSITION=2,
54         DISPLAY_LENS=3,
58     };
59     /** general constructor */
60     ImagesTreeCtrl();
62     /** creates the control */
63     bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, const wxString& name = wxT("panel"));
65     /** initialization, connects all control with Panorama, register observer */
66     void Init(HuginBase::Panorama * pano);
68     /** destructor */
69     virtual ~ImagesTreeCtrl(void) ;
71     /** sets the group mode to given mode */
72     void SetGroupMode(GroupMode newMode);
73     /** sets the display mode to given mode */
74     void SetDisplayMode(DisplayMode newMode);
76     /** sets the GuiLevel of the control */
77     void SetGuiLevel(GuiLevel newSetting);
78     /** sets to control into optimizer mode
79      *
80      *  this marks the variables, which should be optimized, bold and underlined,
81      *  also activates the context menu for optimizer */
82     void SetOptimizerMode();
83     /** receives notification about panorama changes */
84     virtual void panoramaChanged(HuginBase::Panorama & pano);
85     /** receive the update signal and update display accordingly
86      */
87     void panoramaImagesChanged(HuginBase::Panorama &pano, const HuginBase::UIntSet & imgNr);
88     /** returns the selected images
89      *
90      *  if a lens or stack is selected it returns all images of the selected lens/stack */
91     HuginBase::UIntSet GetSelectedImages();
92     /** sets the flag, if active/disabled image should be marked with different colour */
93     void MarkActiveImages(const bool markActive);
95 protected:
96     /** updates the information for the given image in tree */
97     void UpdateImageText(wxTreeItemId item);
98     /** updates the information fot the given lens/stack in the tree */
99     void UpdateGroupText(wxTreeItemId item);
100     /** updates the given group, updates number of images and the images itself */
101     void UpdateGroup(wxTreeItemId parent, const HuginBase::UIntSet imgs, HuginBase::UIntSet& changed);
102     /** event handler, when column width was changed, save into wxConfig */
103     void OnColumnWidthChange(wxListEvent & e );
104     /** event handler for linking image variables */
105     void OnLinkImageVariables(wxCommandEvent &e);
106     /** event handler for unlinking image variables */
107     void OnUnlinkImageVariables(wxCommandEvent &e);
108     /** event handler for showing image variables editing dialog */
109     void OnEditImageVariables(wxCommandEvent &e);
110     /** event handler when dragging begins, veto if dragging is not possible */
111     void OnBeginDrag(wxTreeEvent &e);
112     /** event handler for left up, handles end of dragging and updates of optimizer variables states */
113     void OnLeftUp(wxMouseEvent &e);
114     /** event handler for left mouse down, handles toggle of optimizer variables */
115     void OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent &e);
116     /** event handler for mouse motion, handles focussing of check boxes */
117     void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &e);
118     /** event handler for left double click */
119     void OnLeftDblClick(wxMouseEvent &e);
120     /** event handler for select all optimizer variables */
121     void OnSelectAll(wxCommandEvent &e);
122     /** event handler for unselect all optimizer variables */
123     void OnUnselectAll(wxCommandEvent &e);
124     /** event handler for select all optimizer variables for selected lens/stack*/
125     void OnSelectLensStack(wxCommandEvent &e);
126     /** event handler for unselect all optimizer variables for selected lens/stack */
127     void OnUnselectLensStack(wxCommandEvent &e);
128     /** event handler for key events */
129     void OnChar(wxTreeEvent &e);
130     /** event handler for beginning editing */
131     void OnBeginEdit(wxTreeEvent &e);
132     /** event handler for ending editing, updates the Panorama with modified value */
133     void OnEndEdit(wxTreeEvent &e);
134     /** menu event handler for PanoOperation (context menu items) */
135     void OnExecuteOperation(wxCommandEvent & e);
136     /** event handler to display context menu */
137     void OnContextMenu(wxTreeEvent & e);
138     /** event handler for context menu on header */
139     void OnHeaderContextMenu(wxListEvent & e);
140     /** event handler for activate image */
141     void OnActivateImage(wxCommandEvent& e);
142     /** event handler for deactivate image */
143     void OnDeactivateImage(wxCommandEvent& e);
144 #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3,1,3)
145     /** event handler for updating dpi */
146     void OnDpiChanged(wxDPIChangedEvent& e);
147 #endif
149 private:
150     /** creates all columns and stores information in m_columnMap, m_columnVector, m_editableColumns and m_variableVector */
151     void CreateColumns();
152     /** helper procedure for link/unlink image variables */
153     void UnLinkImageVariables(bool linked);
154     /** select/unselect all variables in the active column
155       *  @select true selects all, false unselect all
156       *  @allImages true works on all images, false only on images of current lens or stack
157       */
158     void SelectAllParameters(bool select, bool allImages);
159     /** updates the display of the optimizer variables (set font) */
160     void UpdateOptimizerVariables();
161     /** generates submenu for given PanoOperationVector */
162     void GenerateSubMenu(wxMenu* menu, PanoOperation::PanoOperationVector* operations, int& id);
163     /** update the font colour for all items */
164     void UpdateItemFont();
165     /** create image list with necessary images of checkboxes */
166     void CreateCheckboxImages();
169     // the model
170     HuginBase::Panorama * m_pano;
171     /** the active group mode */
172     GroupMode m_groupMode;
174     // image variable group information
175     HuginBase::StandardImageVariableGroups * m_variable_groups;
177     // number of digits for display
178     int m_degDigits;
179     int m_distDigits;
180     int m_pixelDigits;
181     /** stores the active GuiLevel */
182     GuiLevel m_guiLevel;
183     /** true, if in optimizer mode */
184     bool m_optimizerMode;
185     /** true, if disabled images should be marked with other font color */
186     bool m_markDisabledImages;
187     /** the active display mode */
188     DisplayMode m_displayMode;
189     /** map for easier access to column information */
190     std::map<std::string,size_t> m_columnMap;
191     /** vector for easier access to column information */
192     std::vector<std::string> m_columnVector;
193     /** set, which contains editable columns (all column which contains numeric image variables */
194     HuginBase::UIntSet m_editableColumns;
195     /** vector for easier access to linking information */
196     std::vector<HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::ImageVariableEnum> m_variableVector;
197     /** map with current active context menu PanoOperation */
198     std::map<int,PanoOperation::PanoOperation*> m_menuOperation;
199     /** selected column */
200     size_t m_selectedColumn;
201     /** UIntSet of dragging images */
202     HuginBase::UIntSet m_draggingImages;
203     /** true, if dragging */
204     bool m_dragging;
205     /** value, which is currently edited */
206     double m_editVal;
207     /** wxString, as shown before editing started */
208     wxString m_editOldString;
209     /** helper variable for update of output stacks/layers */
210     bool m_needsUpdate;
212     /** pointer to root item, not shown */
213     wxTreeItemId m_root;
215     /** stores last item on which the mouse was hovering */
216     wxTreeItemId m_lastCurrentItem;
217     long m_lastCurrentCol;
218     /** stores where left mouse click happend */
219     wxTreeItemId m_leftDownItem;
220     long m_leftDownColumn;
222     //for saving column width
223     wxString m_configClassName;
225     DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(ImagesTreeCtrl)
226 };
229 /** xrc handler */
230 class ImagesTreeCtrlXmlHandler : public wxcode::wxTreeListCtrlXmlHandler
231 {
232     DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(ImagesTreeCtrlXmlHandler)
234     public:
235         ImagesTreeCtrlXmlHandler();
236         virtual wxObject *DoCreateResource();
237         virtual bool CanHandle(wxXmlNode *node);
238 };
240 #endif // _IMAGESTREE_H