1 /*
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS for the
4  * full list)
5  *
6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7  * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
9  * option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
14  * License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
17  * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
18  * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA.
19  *
20  *
21  * $Id$
22  */
24 #ifndef _GTK2PERL_H_
25 #define _GTK2PERL_H_
27 #include <gperl.h>
28 #include <pango-perl.h>
29 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
31 #include "gtk2perl-versions.h"
33 /* custom GType for GtkBindingSet */
35 # define GTK_TYPE_BINDING_SET	(gtk2perl_binding_set_get_type ())
36   GType gtk2perl_binding_set_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
37 #endif
39 /* custom GType for GdkRegion */
40 #ifndef GDK_TYPE_REGION
41 # define GDK_TYPE_REGION (gtk2perl_gdk_region_get_type ())
42   GType gtk2perl_gdk_region_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
43 #endif
45 #include "gtk2perl-autogen.h"
47 /* no plug/socket on non-X11 despite patches exist for years. */
48 #ifndef GDK_WINDOWING_X11
49 # undef GTK_TYPE_PLUG
50 # undef GTK_TYPE_SOCKET
51 #endif
53 /**
54  * gtk2perl_new_gtkobject:
55  * @object: object to wrap.
56  *
57  * convenient wrapper around gperl_new_object() which always passes %TRUE
58  * for gperl_new_object()'s "own" parameter.  for #GtkObjects, that parameter
59  * merely results in gtk_object_sink() being called; if the object was not
60  * floating, this does nothing.  thus, everything just works out.
61  *
62  * returns: scalar wrapper for @object.
63  *
64  * in xs/GtkObject.xs
65  */
66 SV * gtk2perl_new_gtkobject (GtkObject * object);
69 /*
70 custom handling for GdkBitmaps, since there are no typemacros for them.
71 */
72 /* GObject derivative GdkBitmap */
73 #define SvGdkBitmap(sv)       ((GdkBitmap*)gperl_get_object_check (sv, GDK_TYPE_DRAWABLE))
74 typedef GdkBitmap GdkBitmap_ornull;
75 #define SvGdkBitmap_ornull(sv)        (gperl_sv_is_defined (sv) ? SvGdkBitmap(sv) : NULL)
76 typedef GdkBitmap GdkBitmap_noinc;
77 /* these are real functions, rather than macros, because there's some extra
78  * work involved in making sure it's blessed into Gtk2::Gdk::Bitmap when no
79  * GType exists for GdkBitmap. */
80 SV * newSVGdkBitmap (GdkBitmap * bitmap);
81 SV * newSVGdkBitmap_noinc (GdkBitmap * bitmap);
82 #define newSVGdkBitmap_ornull(b) (b ? newSVGdkBitmap (b) : Nullsv)
84 /* exported for GtkGC */
85 SV * newSVGdkGCValues (GdkGCValues * v);
86 void SvGdkGCValues (SV * data, GdkGCValues * v, GdkGCValuesMask * m);
88 /* exported for various other parts of pango */
89 SV * newSVPangoRectangle (PangoRectangle * rectangle);
90 PangoRectangle * SvPangoRectangle (SV * sv);
92 /*
93  * GdkAtom, an opaque pointer
94  */
95 SV * newSVGdkAtom (GdkAtom atom);
96 GdkAtom SvGdkAtom (SV * sv);
98 SV * newSVGtkTargetEntry (GtkTargetEntry * target_entry);
99 /* do not store GtkTargetEntry objects returned from this function --
100  * they are only good for the block of code in which they are created */
101 GtkTargetEntry * SvGtkTargetEntry (SV * sv);
102 void gtk2perl_read_gtk_target_entry (SV * sv, GtkTargetEntry * entry);
104 #define GTK2PERL_STACK_ITEMS_TO_TARGET_ENTRY_ARRAY(first, targets, ntargets) \
105 	{							        \
106 	guint i;						        \
107 	if (items <= first) {                                           \
108 		ntargets = 0;                                           \
109 		targets = NULL;                                         \
110 	} else {                                                        \
111 		ntargets = items - first;				\
112 		targets = gperl_alloc_temp (sizeof (GtkTargetEntry) * ntargets); \
113 		for (i = 0 ; i < ntargets ; i++)			\
114 			gtk2perl_read_gtk_target_entry (ST (i + first),	\
115 			                                targets + i);	\
116 		}                                                       \
117 	}
119 /*
120  * get a list of GTypes from the xsub argument stack
121  * used to collect column types for creating and initializing GtkTreeStores
122  * and GtkListStores.
123  */
124 #define GTK2PERL_STACK_ITEMS_TO_GTYPE_ARRAY(arrayvar, first, last)	\
125 	(arrayvar) = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (GType));	\
126 	g_array_set_size ((arrayvar), (last) - (first) + 1);		\
127 	{								\
128 	int i;								\
129 	for (i = (first) ; i <= (last) ; i++) {				\
130 		char * package = SvPV_nolen (ST (i));			\
131 		/* look up GType by package name. */			\
132 		GType t = gperl_type_from_package (package);		\
133 		if (t == 0) {						\
134 			g_array_free ((arrayvar), TRUE);		\
135 			croak ("package %s is not registered with GPerl", \
136 			       package);				\
137 			g_assert ("not reached");			\
138 		}							\
139 		g_array_index ((arrayvar), GType, i-(first)) = t;	\
140 	}								\
141 	}
144 /*
145  * some custom opaque object handling for private gtk structures needed
146  * for doing drag and drop.
147  */
149 /* gtk+ 2.10 introduces a boxed type for GtkTargetList and we use it for
150  * property marshalling, etc.  But we also need to keep backwards compatability
151  * with the old wrappers so we overwrite the macros. */
152 #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 10, 0)
153 # undef newSVGtkTargetList
154 # undef newSVGtkTargetList_ornull
155 # undef SvGtkTargetList
156 # undef SvGtkTargetList_ornull
157 #else
158   typedef GtkTargetList GtkTargetList_ornull;
159 #endif
160 SV * newSVGtkTargetList (GtkTargetList * list);
161 #define newSVGtkTargetList_ornull(list)	((list) ? newSVGtkTargetList (list) : &PL_sv_undef)
162 GtkTargetList * SvGtkTargetList (SV * sv);
163 #define SvGtkTargetList_ornull(sv)	(gperl_sv_is_defined (sv) ? SvGtkTargetList (sv) : NULL)
165 /*
166  * exported so Gnome2 can reuse it in wrappers.  other modules might want to
167  * do the same.  the callback for it needn't worry about param_types or
168  * return type, as this does all the marshaling by hand (the C function writes
169  * through the params, so we have to handle the stack specially).
170  */
171 void gtk2perl_menu_position_func (GtkMenu       * menu,
172                                   gint          * x,
173                                   gint          * y,
174                                   gboolean      * push_in,
175                                   GPerlCallback * callback);
178 #if ! GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 4, 0)
179  /* in versions prior to 2.4.0, GtkTreeSearchFlags was declared such that
180   * glib-mkenums interpreted and registered it as a GEnum type.  sometime
181   * before 2.3.0, this was corrected, and the type is registered as a GFlags.
182   * The maps file has GFlags (since that's correct), but we have to mangle
183   * things somewhat for the bindings to work properly with older libraries. */
184 # undef SvGtkTextSearchFlags
185 # undef newSVGtkTextSearchFlags
186 # define SvGtkTextSearchFlags(sv)	(gperl_convert_enum (GTK_TYPE_TEXT_SEARCH_FLAGS, sv))
187 # define newSVGtkTextSearchFlags(val)	(gperl_convert_back_enum (GTK_TYPE_TEXT_SEARCH_FLAGS, val))
188 #endif
190 /* object handling for GdkGeometry */
191 SV * newSVGdkGeometry (GdkGeometry *geometry);
192 GdkGeometry * SvGdkGeometry (SV *object);
193 GdkGeometry * SvGdkGeometryReal (SV *object, GdkWindowHints *hints);
195 /* special handling for GdkPixbufFormat, which was introduced in gtk+ 2.2.0 */
196 #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 2, 0)
197 SV * newSVGdkPixbufFormat (GdkPixbufFormat * format);
198 GdkPixbufFormat * SvGdkPixbufFormat (SV * sv);
199 #endif
201 #endif /* _GTK2PERL_H_ */