2 /***************************************************************
3 G_lat_format (lat, buf)
4     double lat;
5     char *buf;
7 G_lon_format (lon, buf)
8     double lon;
9     char *buf;
11 G_llres_format (res, buf)
12     double res;
13     char *buf;
15   formats lat (latitude in degrees), or lon (longitude in degrees)
16   into buf as dd:mm:ssH, where H (hemishpere) is
17       N for northern hemishpere, S for southern,
18       W for western hemishpere, E for eastern
19       none for resolution
20   (lat > 0 is northern, lat < 0 is southern)
21   (lon > 0 is eastern,  lon < 0 is western)
23 Note: lat should be in the range -90 to 90s, but
24 	  the range is NOT checked by G_lat_format().
25       lon can be anything, but
26 	  values outside [-180,180] are moved into this range
27           by adding (or subtracting) 360.
29 NOTE: These routines are used by G_format_northing(), G_format_easting(), and
30       G_format_resolution(). Those routines are intended to provide
31       a general interface to window values and should be used instead of
32       these projection specific routines. In other words, these routines
33       are for the library only, programmers shouldn't use them.
34 ***************************************************************/
35 #include <grass/gis.h>
36 #include <string.h>
38 static void format(char *, int, int, double, char);
39 static void ll_parts(double, int *, int *, double *);
G_lat_format(double lat,char * buf)41 void G_lat_format(double lat, char *buf)
42 {
43     int d, m;
44     char h;
45     double s;
47     G_lat_parts(lat, &d, &m, &s, &h);
48     format(buf, d, m, s, h);
49 }
G_lat_format_string(void)51 const char *G_lat_format_string(void)
52 {
53     return "dd:mm:ss{N|S}";
54 }
G_lon_format(double lon,char * buf)56 void G_lon_format(double lon, char *buf)
57 {
58     int d, m;
59     char h;
60     double s;
62     G_lon_parts(lon, &d, &m, &s, &h);
63     format(buf, d, m, s, h);
64 }
G_lon_format_string(void)66 const char *G_lon_format_string(void)
67 {
68     return "ddd:mm:ss{E|W}";
69 }
G_llres_format(double res,char * buf)71 void G_llres_format(double res, char *buf)
72 {
73     int d, m;
74     char h;
75     double s;
77     G_lat_parts(res, &d, &m, &s, &h);
78     h = 0;
79     format(buf, d, m, s, h);
80 }
G_llres_format_string(void)82 const char *G_llres_format_string(void)
83 {
84     return "dd:mm:ss";
85 }
format(char * buf,int d,int m,double s,char h)87 static void format(char *buf, int d, int m, double s, char h)
88 {
89     char temp[50];
90     double ss;
92     sprintf(temp, "%f", s);
93     sscanf(temp, "%lf", &ss);
94     if (ss >= 60) {
95 	ss = 0;			/* force it to zero */
96 	if (++m >= 60) {
97 	    m = 0;
98 	    d++;
99 	}
100     }
102     if (ss < 10.0)
103 	sprintf(temp, "0%f", ss);
104     else
105 	sprintf(temp, "%f", ss);
106     G_trim_decimal(temp);
107     if (strcmp(temp, "00") != 0 && strcmp(temp, "0") != 0)
108 	sprintf(buf, "%d:%02d:%s%c", d, m, temp, h);
109     else if (m > 0)
110 	sprintf(buf, "%d:%02d%c", d, m, h);
111     else if (d > 0)
112 	sprintf(buf, "%d%c", d, h);
113     else
114 	sprintf(buf, "0");
115 }
G_lat_parts(double lat,int * d,int * m,double * s,char * h)117 void G_lat_parts(double lat,		/* lat in degrees to be split into parts */
118 		 int *d, int *m,	/* degrees, minutes */
119 		 double *s,		/* seconds */
120 		 char *h		/* hemisphere */
121     )
122 {
123     if (lat < 0) {
124 	*h = 'S';
125 	lat = -lat;
126     }
127     else
128 	*h = 'N';
130     ll_parts(lat, d, m, s);
131 }
G_lon_parts(double lon,int * d,int * m,double * s,char * h)133 void G_lon_parts(double lon,		/* lon in degrees to be split into parts */
134 		 int *d, int *m,	/* degrees, minutes */
135 		 double *s,		/* seconds */
136 		 char *h		/* hemisphere */
137     )
138 {
139 #if 0
140     while (lon > 180.0)
141 	lon -= 360.0;
142     while (lon < -180.0)
143 	lon += 360.0;
144 #endif
146     if (lon < 0) {
147 	*h = 'W';
148 	lon = -lon;
149     }
150     else
151 	*h = 'E';
153     ll_parts(lon, d, m, s);
154 }
ll_parts(double ll,int * d,int * m,double * s)156 static void ll_parts(double ll,		/* ll in degrees to be split into parts */
157 		     int *d, int *m,	/* degrees, minutes */
158 		     double *s		/* seconds */
159 )
160 {
161     if (ll == 0.0) {
162 	*d = 0;
163 	*m = 0;
164 	*s = 0.0;
165     }
166     else {
167 	*d = ll;
168 	*m = (ll - *d) * 60;
169 	if (*m < 0)
170 	    *m = 0;
171 	*s = ((ll - *d) * 60 - *m) * 60;
172 	if (*s < 0)
173 	    *s = 0;
174     }
175 }