1 /*
2  * ***************************************************************************
3  * MC = < Manifold Code >
4  * Copyright (C) 1994-- Michael Holst
5  *
6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19  *
20  * rcsid="$Id: gemg.c,v 1.17 2010/08/12 05:18:56 fetk Exp $"
21  * ***************************************************************************
22  */
24 /*
25  * ***************************************************************************
26  * File:     Gemg.c
27  *
28  * Purpose:  Class Gem: methods.
29  *
30  * Author:   Michael Holst
31  * ***************************************************************************
32  */
34 #include "gem_p.h"
36 VEMBED(rcsid="$Id: gemg.c,v 1.17 2010/08/12 05:18:56 fetk Exp $")
38 /*
39  * ***************************************************************************
40  * Class Gem: Inlineable methods
41  * ***************************************************************************
42  */
43 #if !defined(VINLINE_GEM)
45 #endif /* if !defined(VINLINE_GEM) */
46 /*
47  * ***************************************************************************
48  * Class Gem: Non-inlineable methods
49  * ***************************************************************************
50  */
52 /*
53  * ***************************************************************************
54  * Routine:  Gem_simplexInfo
55  *
56  * Purpose:  Build the basic master-to-element transformation information.
57  *
58  * Notes:
59  *
60  *      gchart              ==> unified common chart for vertex coordinates
61  *      chart[4]            ==> individual charts for vertex coordinates
62  *
63  *      D                   ==> jacobian determinant of the transformation
64  *      Dcook               ==> jacobian determinant of cooked trans
65  *      faceD[4]            ==> face jacobian determinants
66  *
67  *      ff[3][3], bb[3]     ==> affine trans from master to arbitrary el
68  *      gg[3][3], cc[3]     ==> affine trans from arbitrary el to master
69  *
70  *      loc[4][3]           ==> local ordering of vertices for each face
71  *      vx[4][3]            ==> vertex coordinate labels
72  *      nvec[4][3]          ==> normal vectors to the faces
73  *      evec[6][3]          ==> edge vectors
74  *      elen[6]             ==> edge vector lengths
75  *
76  *      dimV                ==> number of vertices in the d-simplex
77  *      dimE                ==> number of edges in the d-simplex
78  *      dimF                ==> number of faces in the d-simplex
79  *      dimS                ==> number of simplices in the d-simplex (=1)
80  *
81  *      sid                 ==> global simplex ID
82  *      vid[4]              ==> global vertex IDs
83  *      fid[4]              ==> global face IDs
84  *      eid[6]              ==> global edge IDs
85  *
86  *      stype               ==> global simplex type
87  *      vtype[4]            ==> global vertex types
88  *      ftype[4]            ==> global face types
89  *      etype[6]            ==> LOCAL edge types
90  *
91  *      *s                  ==> pointer to the simplex
92  *      *v[4]               ==> pointers to vertices of the simplex
93  *
94  * Author:   Michael Holst
95  * ***************************************************************************
96  */
Gem_simplexInfo(Gem * thee,SS * sm,TT * t)97 VPUBLIC void Gem_simplexInfo(Gem *thee, SS *sm, TT *t)
98 {
99     unsigned int i, j;
100     double area, masterArea, vx[4][3], v0[3], v1[3], v2[3];
102     /* this simplex */
103     t->s = sm;
105     /* basic simplex info */
106     t->dimV  = SS_dimVV(t->s);
107     t->dimE  = SS_dimEE(t->s);
108     t->dimF  = SS_dimVV(t->s);
109     t->dimS  = 1;
110     t->D     = 1.;
111     t->sid   = SS_id(t->s);
112     t->stype = SS_type(t->s);
114     /* vertex and face info */
115     for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
116         t->bc[j] = 0.;
117     }
118     for (i=0; i<SS_dimVV(t->s); i++) {
120         t->v[i] = SS_vertex(t->s,i);
122         t->chart[i] = VV_chart(t->v[i]);
123         t->faceD[i] = 1.;
125         t->vid[i]   = VV_id(t->v[i]);
126         t->vtype[i] = VV_type(t->v[i]);
128 #       if defined(VG_ELEMENT)
129             t->fid[i]   = SS_faceNumber(t->s,i);
130 #       endif
132         t->ftype[i] = SS_faceType(t->s,i);
134         for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
135             vx[i][j] = VV_coord(t->v[i],j);
136             t->bc[j] += vx[i][j];
137             t->nvec[i][j] = 0.;
138         }
139         for (j=0; j<SS_dim(t->s); j++)
140             t->loc[i][j] = vmapF[i][j];
141     }
142     for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
143         t->bc[j] /= SS_dimVV(t->s);
144     }
146     /* edge info */
147     for (i=0; i<SS_dimEE(t->s); i++) {
148 #       if defined(VG_ELEMENT)
149             t->eid[i]   = SS_edgeNumber(t->s,i);
150 #       endif
151         t->etype[i] = 0;
152         /* t->etype[i] = SS_edgeType(t->s,i); */
153         /*
154          * *** If we have the edge list rather than explicit storage of edge
155          * *** info in the simplex, then get the edge info as follows:
156          * j = vmapEI[i][0];
157          * k = vmapEI[i][1];
158          * eg = SS_edge(t->s,j,k);
159          * t->eid[i]   = EE_id( eg );
160          * t->etype[i] = EE_type( eg );
161          */
162     }
164     /* call oneChart to get the vertex coordinates w.r.t. a single chart */
165     /* (IF the user is using multiple coordinate systems...) */
166     thee->pde->oneChart(Gem_dim(thee), Gem_dimII(thee), t->stype,
167         t->chart, vx, SS_dimVV(t->s));
169     /* chart choice for all vertices of this simplex */
170     t->gchart = t->chart[0];
172     /* set vertex coordinates for simplex now w.r.t. a single chart */
173     for (i=0; i<SS_dimVV(t->s); i++)
174         for (j=0; j<3; j++)
175             t->vx[i][j] = vx[i][j];
177     /* 2-simplex: get triangle area plus (virtual) 4th vertex along the way */
178     if (SS_dim(t->s) == 2) {
180         /* produce a unit normal */
181         for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
182             v0[i] = t->vx[1][i] - t->vx[0][i];
183             v1[i] = t->vx[2][i] - t->vx[0][i];
184         }
185         Vec3_xcry(v2, v0, v1);
186         area = Vec3_nrm2(v2);
187         Vec3_scal(v2, 1./area);
189         /* triangle area is 1/2 parallelogram area given by cross-product */
190         area *= 0.5;
192         /* transformation jacobian is an area ratio: area(this)/area(master) */
193         masterArea = 0.5;
194         t->D = area / masterArea;
195         /* VASSERT( t->D != 0. ); */
196         /* VASSERT( t->D > 0. ); */
198         /* cookup a "good" (virtual) fourth vertex from baricenter up normal */
199         /* first get the baricenter */
200         for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
201             t->vx[3][j] = 0.;
202             for (i=0; i<3; i++)
203                 t->vx[3][j] += t->vx[i][j];
204             t->vx[3][j] /= 3.;
205         }
206         /* now move up the normal */
207         for (j=0; j<3; j++)
208             t->vx[3][j] += v2[j];
209     }
211     /* we have 4 vertex coords of a (some) tetrahedron (all in one chart) */
212     /* SO, now get all 6 edge vectors and 6 edge lengths (squared) */
213     for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
214         t->elen[i] = 0.0;
215         for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
216             t->evec[i][j] = t->vx[vmapEI[i][1]][j] - t->vx[vmapEI[i][0]][j];
217             t->elen[i] += ( t->evec[i][j]*t->evec[i][j] );
218         }
219     }
221     /* initialize transformations to/from master simplex and this simplex */
222     for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
223         t->bb[i] = t->vx[0][i];
224         t->cc[i] = 0.0;
225         for (j=0; j<3; j++) t->gg[i][j] = 0.;
226     }
227     t->ff[0][0] = t->evec[ vmapE[1][0] ][0];
228     t->ff[1][0] = t->evec[ vmapE[1][0] ][1];
229     t->ff[2][0] = t->evec[ vmapE[1][0] ][2];
230     t->ff[0][1] = t->evec[ vmapE[2][0] ][0];
231     t->ff[1][1] = t->evec[ vmapE[2][0] ][1];
232     t->ff[2][1] = t->evec[ vmapE[2][0] ][2];
233     t->ff[0][2] = t->evec[ vmapE[3][0] ][0];
234     t->ff[1][2] = t->evec[ vmapE[3][0] ][1];
235     t->ff[2][2] = t->evec[ vmapE[3][0] ][2];
237     /* jacobian of the transformation */
238     t->Dcook = (t->ff[0][0]*t->ff[1][1]*t->ff[2][2])
239              + (t->ff[0][1]*t->ff[1][2]*t->ff[2][0])
240              + (t->ff[0][2]*t->ff[1][0]*t->ff[2][1])
241              - (t->ff[2][0]*t->ff[1][1]*t->ff[0][2])
242              - (t->ff[1][2]*t->ff[2][1]*t->ff[0][0])
243              - (t->ff[2][2]*t->ff[1][0]*t->ff[0][1]);
245     /* 3-simplex: tetrahedron volume is jacobian of the transformation */
246     if (SS_dim(t->s) == 3) t->D = t->Dcook;
248     /* 2D PLANER HACK ONLY: make sign reflect orientation of triangle */
249 #if 1
250     if (SS_dim(t->s) == 2)
251         if ( (t->ff[0][0]*t->ff[1][1] - t->ff[1][0]*t->ff[0][1]) < 0. )
252             t->D = - t->D;
253 #endif
254 }
256 /*
257  * ***************************************************************************
258  * Routine:  Gem_buildVolumeTrans
259  *
260  * Purpose:  Build the complete master-to-element transformation.
261  *
262  * Notes:    We just call Gem_simplexInfo to build the basic information,
263  *           and then we compute the transformation and some additional
264  *           things like the inverse transformations and various determinants.
265  *
266  * Author:   Michael Holst
267  * ***************************************************************************
268  */
Gem_buildVolumeTrans(Gem * thee,SS * sm,TT * t)269 VPUBLIC void Gem_buildVolumeTrans(Gem *thee, SS *sm, TT *t)
270 {
271     unsigned int i, j;
272     double Di;
274     /* get jacobian with vertex coordinates w.r.t. a single chart */
275     Gem_simplexInfo(thee, sm, t);
276     /* VASSERT( t->Dcook > 0. ); */
277     Di = 1. / t->Dcook;
279     /* linear part of inverse transformation from this simplex to master */
280     t->gg[0][0] = Di * (t->ff[1][1]*t->ff[2][2] - t->ff[2][1]*t->ff[1][2]);
281     t->gg[0][1] = Di * (t->ff[2][1]*t->ff[0][2] - t->ff[0][1]*t->ff[2][2]);
282     t->gg[0][2] = Di * (t->ff[0][1]*t->ff[1][2] - t->ff[1][1]*t->ff[0][2]);
283     t->gg[1][0] = Di * (t->ff[2][0]*t->ff[1][2] - t->ff[1][0]*t->ff[2][2]);
284     t->gg[1][1] = Di * (t->ff[0][0]*t->ff[2][2] - t->ff[2][0]*t->ff[0][2]);
285     t->gg[1][2] = Di * (t->ff[1][0]*t->ff[0][2] - t->ff[0][0]*t->ff[1][2]);
286     t->gg[2][0] = Di * (t->ff[1][0]*t->ff[2][1] - t->ff[2][0]*t->ff[1][1]);
287     t->gg[2][1] = Di * (t->ff[2][0]*t->ff[0][1] - t->ff[0][0]*t->ff[2][1]);
288     t->gg[2][2] = Di * (t->ff[0][0]*t->ff[1][1] - t->ff[1][0]*t->ff[0][1]);
290     /* affine part of inverse transformation from this simplex to master */
291     for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
292         t->cc[i] = 0.0;
293         for (j=0; j<3; j++)
294             t->cc[i] -= t->gg[i][j] * t->bb[j];
295     }
296 }
298 /*
299  * ***************************************************************************
300  * Routine:  Gem_buildSurfaceTrans
301  *
302  * Purpose:  Build the complete masterFace-to-elementFace transformation.
303  *
304  * Notes:    We ASSUME that Gem_simplexInfo has already been called to build
305  *           the basic information in the TT structure we are given.
306  *           We then compute some additional things here for a SINGLE face
307  *           specified by "iface", such as the inverse transformations and
308  *           various determinants.
309  *
310  *           We do not actually have to assume that Gem_buildVolumeTrans
311  *           has been previously called, only that Gem_simplexInfo has
312  *           been called.  However, it seems that all situations that
313  *           occur result in Gem_buildVolumeTrans being called for an
314  *           element before Gem_buildSurfTrans is called on any face.
315  *
316  * Author:   Michael Holst
317  * ***************************************************************************
318  */
Gem_buildSurfaceTrans(Gem * thee,int iface,TT * t)319 VPUBLIC void Gem_buildSurfaceTrans(Gem *thee, int iface, TT *t)
320 {
321     double length, masterLength, area, masterArea, v0[3], v1[3], v2[3];
323     /* consistency check */
324     VASSERT( (iface>=0) && (iface<(int)SS_dimVV(t->s)) );
326     /* Recover el num and local node nums in simplex forming edge; */
327     /* recall that iface is the local node num OPPOSITE the edge */
328     if (SS_dim(t->s) == 2) {
330         /* the unit normal vector */
331         v0[0] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][0] ][0];
332         v0[1] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][0] ][1];
333         v0[2] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][0] ][2];
335         v1[0] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][1] ][0];
336         v1[1] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][1] ][1];
337         v1[2] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][1] ][2];
339        /*
340         * ********************************************************************
341         * Approximate normal for a 3-vector in the plane of the face
342         * NOTE: requires that "loc[iface][2]" be defined; CURRENTLY NOT!
343         * v2[0] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][2] ][0];
344         * v2[1] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][2] ][1];
345         * v2[2] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][2] ][2];
346         * Vec3_copy(normal, v0);
347         * Vec3_axpy(normal, v1, (1.0));
348         * Vec3_scal(normal, 0.5);
349         * Vec3_axpy(normal, v2, -1.);
350         * ********************************************************************
351         */
352         /* Exact normal for a 2-vector in the 2-d plane */
353         Vec3_copy(v2, v0);
354         Vec3_axpy(v2, v1, -1.);
355         length = Vec3_nrm2(v2);
356         t->nvec[iface][0] = -v2[1];
357         t->nvec[iface][1] =  v2[0];
358         t->nvec[iface][2] =  0.0;
359         area = Vec3_nrm2(t->nvec[iface]);
360         /* VASSERT( area != 0.0 ); */
361         Vec3_scal(t->nvec[iface], 1./area);
363         /* master edge length depends on the edge */
364         if (iface == 0) {
365             masterLength = VSQRT(2.0);
366         } else {
367             masterLength = 1.0;
368         }
370         /* transformation jacobian is a length ratio: len(this)/len(master) */
371         t->faceD[iface] = length / masterLength;
373     } else { /* (SS_dim(t->s) == 3) */
375         /* the unit normal vector */
376         v0[0] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][1] ][0] - t->vx[ t->loc[iface][0] ][0];
377         v0[1] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][1] ][1] - t->vx[ t->loc[iface][0] ][1];
378         v0[2] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][1] ][2] - t->vx[ t->loc[iface][0] ][2];
379         v1[0] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][2] ][0] - t->vx[ t->loc[iface][0] ][0];
380         v1[1] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][2] ][1] - t->vx[ t->loc[iface][0] ][1];
381         v1[2] = t->vx[ t->loc[iface][2] ][2] - t->vx[ t->loc[iface][0] ][2];
382         Vec3_xcry(v2, v0, v1);
383         area = Vec3_nrm2(v2);
384         Vec3_copy(t->nvec[iface], v2);
385         /* VASSERT( area != 0.0 ); */
386         Vec3_scal(t->nvec[iface], 1./area);
388         /* tri-face area is 1/2 parallelogram area given by cross-product */
389         area *= 0.5;
391         /* master tri-face area depends on the face */
392         if (iface == 0) {
393             masterArea = 0.5 * VSQRT(3.0);
394         } else {
395             masterArea = 0.5;
396         }
398         /* transformation jacobian is a volume ratio: vol(this)/vol(master) */
399         t->faceD[iface] = area / masterArea;
400     }
401     /* VASSERT ( (t->faceD[iface]) > 0. ); */
402 }
404 /*
405  * ***************************************************************************
406  * Routine:  Gem_edgeLength
407  *
408  * Purpose:  Calculate the edge lengths of a simplex.
409  *
410  * Author:   Michael Holst
411  * ***************************************************************************
412  */
Gem_edgeLength(Gem * thee,VV * v0,VV * v1)413 VPUBLIC double Gem_edgeLength(Gem *thee, VV *v0, VV *v1)
414 {
415     int j, edgeType, chart[4];
416     double value, vx[4][3];
418     /* setup the chart and vertex info */
419     chart[0] = VV_chart(v0);
420     chart[1] = VV_chart(v1);
421     for (j=0; j<Gem_dimII(thee); j++) {
422         vx[0][j] = VV_coord(v0,j);
423         vx[1][j] = VV_coord(v1,j);
424     }
426     /* have no idea what the edge type really is */
427     edgeType = 0;
429     /* call oneChart to get vertex coordinates w.r.t. a single chart */
430     thee->pde->oneChart(Gem_dim(thee),Gem_dimII(thee), edgeType,chart,vx,2);
432     /* okay, now return the edge length */
433     value = 0.;
434     for (j=0; j<Gem_dimII(thee); j++)
435         value += VSQR( vx[0][j] - vx[1][j] );
436     return VSQRT( value );
437 }
439 /*
440  * ***************************************************************************
441  * Routine:  Gem_newestVertex
442  *
443  * Purpose:  Determine the edge of a simplex opposite the newest vertex.
444  *
445  * Author:   Michael Holst
446  * ***************************************************************************
447  */
Gem_newestVertex(Gem * thee,SS * sm,int face,double * len)448 VPUBLIC int Gem_newestVertex(Gem *thee, SS *sm, int face, double *len)
449 {
450     unsigned int p;
451     int v0,v1,v2,localNV;
452     long v0_id,v1_id,v2_id,nv;
454     /* determine the newest vertex in this simplex */
455     nv = -1;
456     localNV = -1;
457     for (p=0; p<SS_dimVV(sm); p++) {
458         v0_id = VV_id( SS_vertex(sm, p) );
459         if (v0_id > nv) {
460             nv = v0_id;
461             localNV = p;
462         }
463     }
464     VASSERT( (localNV >= 0) );
466     /* assign one of the opposite edges (there is only one in 2D) */
467     v0 = vmapOV3[localNV][0];
468     v1 = vmapOV3[localNV][1];
469     if (Gem_dim(thee) == 3) {
471         /* get the third vertex of opposite face */
472         v2 = vmapOV3[localNV][2];
474         /* get the global vertex numbers */
475         v0_id = VV_id ( SS_vertex(sm, v0) );
476         v1_id = VV_id ( SS_vertex(sm, v1) );
477         v2_id = VV_id ( SS_vertex(sm, v2) );
479         /* if v0 is oldest of (v0,v1), check if v2 is older than v1 */
480         if (v0_id < v1_id) {
481             if (v2_id < v1_id) {
482                 v1 = v2;
483             }
485         /* if v1 is oldest of (v0,v1), check if v2 is older than v0 */
486         } else {
487             if (v2_id < v0_id) {
488                 v0 = v2;
489             }
490         }
491     }
493     /* return the result */
494     return vmapE[v0][v1];
495 }
497 /*
498  * ***************************************************************************
499  * Routine:  Gem_longestEdge
500  *
501  * Purpose:  Determine the longest edge of a simplex or a simplex face.
502  *
503  * Note:     It is critical to have a consistent tie-breaking rule in order
504  *           to guarantee that recursive refinement procedures:
505  *           (1) produce conforming meshes (two simplices will refine the
506  *               same edge of a shared face)
507  *           (2) terminate in finite steps (due to (1)).
508  *
509  *           If the following statement is true then A is longer than B:
510  *               ( (len(A).ge.len(B)) AND NOT(len(B).eq.len(A)) )
511  *
512  *           Here len(A) is the length of A, .eq. is a "fuzzy" equals,
513  *           and .ge. is a "fuzzy" greater than or equal to.  To define the
514  *           fuzzy comparisons we start by defining "greater than or equal to"
515  *           ( x.ge.y ) as the logical statement ( x*(1+TOL) >= y ).
516  *           Using x.ge.y we then define (x.eq.y) as (x.ge.y AND y.ge.x).
517  *
518  *           In the case of a tie, the longest is defined as the edge with
519  *           the smallest global edge number (as determined by the global
520  *           vertex numbers).
521  *
522  *           Note that by expanding the .eq. definition and simplifying we
523  *           can rewrite the test "A is longer than B" as follows:
524  *               ( (len(A).ge.len(B)) AND NOT(len(B).ge.len(A)) )
525  *
526  * Author:   Michael Holst and Stephen Bond
527  * ***************************************************************************
528  */
Gem_longestEdge(Gem * thee,SS * sm,int face,double * len)529 VPUBLIC int Gem_longestEdge(Gem *thee, SS *sm, int face, double *len)
530 {
531     unsigned int p,q,pp,qq,ii,jj,q_lim;
532     int localENumI,localENumJ,vxp_id,vxq_id;
533     long kk, vertexMax, globalENum;
534     double tmpLen,edgeLen,TOL;
535     VV *vxp, *vxq;
537     VASSERT( (face==-1) || ((Gem_dim(thee)==3) && (face >=0) && (face <= 3)) );
539     localENumI = -1;
540     localENumJ = -1;
541     vertexMax = 100000000;   /* conservative max of vertex numbers */
542     globalENum = -1;         /* the current longest edge global number */
543     edgeLen = -VVLARGE;      /* the current longest edge length */
544     TOL = VVSMALL;           /* tolerance for our floating point tests */
546     if (face == -1) {
547         q_lim = SS_dimVV(sm);
548     } else {
549         q_lim = SS_dimVV(sm) - 1;
550     }
551     for (q=1; q<q_lim; q++) {
552         for (p=0; p<q; p++) {
554             if (face == -1) {
555                 pp = p;
556                 qq = q;
557             } else {
558                 pp = vmapF[face][p];
559                 qq = vmapF[face][q];
560             }
561             vxp = SS_vertex(sm, pp);
562             vxq = SS_vertex(sm, qq);
563             vxp_id = VV_id( vxp );
564             vxq_id = VV_id( vxq );
566             tmpLen = Gem_edgeLength(thee, vxp, vxq);
567             VASSERT( tmpLen > 0. );
569 	    /* if ( len(this_edge).ge.len(curr_max_edge) ) */
570             if ( tmpLen*(1.+TOL) >= edgeLen ) {
572                 ii = VMAX2( vxp_id, vxq_id );
573                 jj = VMIN2( vxp_id, vxq_id );
574                 kk = (vertexMax * ii) + jj;
576 		/* if ( NOT(len(curr_max_edge).ge.len(this_edge))  */
577 		/*      OR  num(this_edge) < num(curr_max_edge) )  */
578                 if ( ( !(edgeLen*(1.+TOL) >= tmpLen) )
579                          || (kk < globalENum) ) {
581                     localENumI = pp;
582                     localENumJ = qq;
583                     globalENum = kk;
584                     edgeLen = tmpLen;
586                 }
587             }
588         }
589     }
591     *len = edgeLen;
592     VASSERT( (localENumI>=0) && (localENumJ>=0) );
593     return vmapE[localENumI][localENumJ];
594 }
596 /*
597  * ***************************************************************************
598  * Routine:  Gem_shortestEdge
599  *
600  * Purpose:  Determine the shortest edge of a simplex or a simplex face.
601  *
602  * Note:     It is critical to have a consistent tie-breaking rule in order
603  *           to guarantee that recursive refinement procedures:
604  *           (1) produce conforming meshes (two simplices will refine the
605  *               same edge of a shared face)
606  *           (2) terminate in finite steps (due to (1)).
607  *
608  *           If the following statement is true then A is shorter than B:
609  *               ( (len(B).ge.len(A)) AND NOT(len(A).eq.len(B)) )
610  *
611  *           Here len(A) is the length of A, .eq. is a "fuzzy" equals,
612  *           and .ge. is a "fuzzy" greater than or equal to.  To define the
613  *           fuzzy comparisons we start by defining "greater than or equal to"
614  *           ( x.ge.y ) as the logical statement ( x*(1+TOL) >= y ).
615  *           Using x.ge.y we can define (x.eq.y) as (x.ge.y AND y.ge.x).
616  *
617  *           In the case of a tie, the shortest is defined as the edge with
618  *           the largest global edge number (as determined by the global
619  *           vertex numbers).
620  *
621  *           Note that by expanding the .eq. definition and simplifying we
622  *           can rewrite the test "A is shorter than B" as follows:
623  *               ( (len(B).ge.len(A)) AND NOT(len(A).ge.len(B)) )
624  *
625  * Author:   Michael Holst and Stephen Bond
626  * ***************************************************************************
627  */
Gem_shortestEdge(Gem * thee,SS * sm,int face,double * len)628 VPUBLIC int Gem_shortestEdge(Gem *thee, SS *sm, int face, double *len)
629 {
630     unsigned int p,q,pp,qq,ii,jj,q_lim;
631     int localENumI,localENumJ,vxp_id,vxq_id;
632     long kk, vertexMax, globalENum;
633     double tmpLen,edgeLen,TOL;
634     VV *vxp, *vxq;
636     localENumI = -1;
637     localENumJ = -1;
638     vertexMax = 100000000;   /* conservative max of vertex numbers */
639     globalENum = -1;         /* the current longest edge global number */
640     edgeLen = VVLARGE;       /* the current longest edge length */
641     TOL = VVSMALL;           /* tolerance for our floating point tests */
643     if (face == -1) {
644         q_lim = SS_dimVV(sm);
645     } else {
646         q_lim = SS_dimVV(sm) - 1;
647     }
648     for (q=1; q<q_lim; q++) {
649         for (p=0; p<q; p++) {
651             if (face == -1) {
652                 pp = p;
653                 qq = q;
654             } else {
655                 pp = vmapF[face][p];
656                 qq = vmapF[face][q];
657             }
658             vxp = SS_vertex(sm, pp);
659             vxq = SS_vertex(sm, qq);
660             vxp_id = VV_id( vxp );
661             vxq_id = VV_id( vxq );
663             tmpLen = Gem_edgeLength(thee, vxp, vxq);
664             VASSERT( tmpLen > 0. );
666 	    /* if ( len(curr_min_edge).ge.len(this_edge) ) */
667             if ( edgeLen*(1.+TOL) >= tmpLen ) {
669                 ii = VMAX2( vxp_id, vxq_id );
670                 jj = VMIN2( vxp_id, vxq_id );
671                 kk = (vertexMax * ii) + jj;
673 		/* if ( NOT(len(this_edge).ge.len(curr_min_edge))  */
674 		/*      OR num(this_edge) > num(curr_min_edge)  )  */
675                 if ( ( !( tmpLen*(1.+TOL) >= edgeLen ) )
676                         || (kk > globalENum) ) {
677                     localENumI = pp;
678                     localENumJ = qq;
679                     globalENum = kk;
680                     edgeLen = tmpLen;
681                 }
682             }
683         }
684     }
685     *len = edgeLen;
686     VASSERT( (localENumI>=0) && (localENumJ>=0) );
687     return vmapE[localENumI][localENumJ];
688 }
690 /*
691  * ***************************************************************************
692  * Routine:  Gem_edgeRatio
693  *
694  * Purpose:  Calculate ratio of longest-to-shortest edge of a simplex.
695  *
696  * Author:   Michael Holst
697  * ***************************************************************************
698  */
Gem_edgeRatio(Gem * thee,SS * sm)699 VPUBLIC double Gem_edgeRatio(Gem *thee, SS *sm)
700 {
701     double lLong, lShort;
702     Gem_longestEdge(thee, sm, -1, &lLong);
703     Gem_shortestEdge(thee, sm, -1, &lShort);
704     return lLong / lShort;
705 }
707 /*
708  * ***************************************************************************
709  * Routine:  Gem_simplexVolume
710  *
711  * Purpose:  Calculate the determinant of the transformation from the
712  *           master element to this element.
713  *
714  * Notes:    We just call Gem_simplexInfo to build the basic information,
715  *           and then we build the transformation and compute the determinant
716  *           here.
717  *
718  *           For a manifold, we need to know the orientation of the manifold
719  *           in order to decide what is counter-clock-wise, and what is
720  *           clockwise, in terms of vertex orderings.  One will lead to a
721  *           positive volume, and the other to a negative volume, when we
722  *           compute volume using the determinant of the jacobian of the
723  *           affine transformation to the master element.  We assume here
724  *           that the uniform chart computed by Gem_simplexInfo is such that
725  *           the orientation in the chart reflects the correct orientation
726  *           of the manifold (locally).
727  *
728  * Author:   Michael Holst
729  * ***************************************************************************
730  */
Gem_simplexVolume(Gem * thee,SS * sm)731 VPUBLIC double Gem_simplexVolume(Gem *thee, SS *sm)
732 {
733     TT t;
734     Gem_simplexInfo(thee, sm, &t);
735     return t.D;
736 }
738 /*
739  * ***************************************************************************
740  * Routine:  Gem_shapeChk
741  *
742  * Purpose:  Traverse the simplices and check their shapes.
743  *
744  * Author:   Michael Holst
745  * ***************************************************************************
746  */
Gem_shapeChk(Gem * thee)747 VPUBLIC void Gem_shapeChk(Gem *thee)
748 {
749     int i;
750     double f,g;
751     double tmp0,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4;
752     double min0,min1,min2,min3,min4;
753     double max0,max1,max2,max3,max4;
754     SS *sm;
756     /* go through all simplices and setup the initial edge markings */
757     min0 = VVLARGE;
758     max0 = VVSMALL;
759     min1 = VVLARGE;
760     max1 = VVSMALL;
761     min2 = VVLARGE;
762     max2 = VVSMALL;
763     min3 = VVLARGE;
764     max3 = VVSMALL;
765     min4 = VVLARGE;
766     max4 = VVSMALL;
767     for (i=0; i<Gem_numSS(thee); i++) {
768         sm = Gem_SS(thee,i);
769         tmp0 = Gem_shapeMeasure( thee, sm, &f, &g );
770         tmp1 = Gem_edgeRatio( thee, sm );
771         tmp2 = Gem_simplexVolume( thee, sm );
772         Gem_shortestEdge(thee, sm, -1, &tmp3);
773         Gem_longestEdge(thee, sm, -1, &tmp4);
774         if (tmp0 < min0) min0 = tmp0;
775         if (tmp0 > max0) max0 = tmp0;
776         if (tmp1 < min1) min1 = tmp1;
777         if (tmp1 > max1) max1 = tmp1;
778         if (tmp2 < min2) min2 = tmp2;
779         if (tmp2 > max2) max2 = tmp2;
780         if (tmp3 < min3) min3 = tmp3;
781         if (tmp3 > max3) max3 = tmp3;
782         if (tmp4 < min4) min4 = tmp4;
783         if (tmp4 > max4) max4 = tmp4;
784     }
785     Vnm_print(0,"Gem_shapeChk: Shape statistics for <%d> simplices:\n",
786         Gem_numSS(thee));
787     Vnm_print(0,"Gem_shapeChk:    Joe-Liu:    [best,worst]  = [%8.2e,%8.2e]\n",
788         max0,min0);
789     Vnm_print(0,"Gem_shapeChk:    Edge-Ratio: [best,worst]  = [%8.2e,%8.2e]\n",
790         min1,max1);
791     Vnm_print(0,"Gem_shapeChk:    Volume:     [small,large] = [%8.2e,%8.2e]\n",
792         min2,max2);
793     Vnm_print(0,"Gem_shapeChk:    Short Edge: [small,large] = [%8.2e,%8.2e]\n",
794         min3,max3);
795     Vnm_print(0,"Gem_shapeChk:    Long Edge:  [small,large] = [%8.2e,%8.2e]\n",
796         min4,max4);
797 }
799 /*
800  * ***************************************************************************
801  * Routine:  Gem_markEdges
802  *
803  * Purpose:  Produce the initial edge markings in all of the simplices.
804  *
805  * Author:   Michael Holst
806  * ***************************************************************************
807  */
Gem_markEdges(Gem * thee)808 VPUBLIC void Gem_markEdges(Gem *thee)
809 {
810     int i, refEg, ref_0, ref_1, ref_2, ref_3;
811     double len, len_0, len_1, len_2, len_3;
812     SS *sm;
813     VV *v0, *v1, *v2, *v3;
815     /* go through all simplices and setup the initial edge markings */
816     Vnm_print(0,"Gem_markEdges: marking edges..");
818     for (i=0; i<Gem_numSS(thee); i++) {
819         sm = Gem_SS(thee,i);
821         if (Gem_dim(thee) == 2) {
823             refEg = Gem_longestEdge(thee,sm,-1,&len);
824             SS_setRefinementEdge(sm,refEg);
826         } else if (Gem_dim(thee) == 3) {
828             /* (3D ONLY -- for Arnold/Mukherjee refinment) */
829             /* determine longest edge of each face; these are marked edges */
831             /* FACE 0 (face opposite vertex 0) */
832             v1 = SS_vertex(sm, vmapF[0][0]);
833             v2 = SS_vertex(sm, vmapF[0][1]);
834             v3 = SS_vertex(sm, vmapF[0][2]);
835             ref_0 = Gem_longestEdge(thee,sm,0,&len_0);
837             /* FACE 1 (face opposite vertex 1) */
838             v2 = SS_vertex(sm, vmapF[1][0]);
839             v0 = SS_vertex(sm, vmapF[1][1]);
840             v3 = SS_vertex(sm, vmapF[1][2]);
841             ref_1 = Gem_longestEdge(thee,sm,1,&len_1);
843             /* FACE 2 (face opposite vertex 2) */
844             v0 = SS_vertex(sm, vmapF[2][0]);
845             v1 = SS_vertex(sm, vmapF[2][1]);
846             v3 = SS_vertex(sm, vmapF[2][2]);
847             ref_2 = Gem_longestEdge(thee,sm,2,&len_2);
849             /* FACE 3 (face opposite vertex 3) */
850             v0 = SS_vertex(sm, vmapF[3][0]);
851             v2 = SS_vertex(sm, vmapF[3][1]);
852             v1 = SS_vertex(sm, vmapF[3][2]);
853             ref_3 = Gem_longestEdge(thee,sm,3,&len_3);
855             /* now mark edges appropriately */
856             refEg = Gem_longestEdge(thee,sm,-1,&len);
857             if (refEg == ref_0) {
858                 SS_setRefinementEdge(sm,ref_0);
859                 SS_setMarkedEdge1(sm,ref_1);
860                 SS_setMarkedEdge2(sm,ref_2);
861                 SS_setMarkedEdge3(sm,ref_3);
862             } else if (refEg == ref_1) {
863                 SS_setRefinementEdge(sm,ref_1);
864                 SS_setMarkedEdge1(sm,ref_0);
865                 SS_setMarkedEdge2(sm,ref_2);
866                 SS_setMarkedEdge3(sm,ref_3);
867             } else if (refEg == ref_2) {
868                 SS_setRefinementEdge(sm,ref_2);
869                 SS_setMarkedEdge1(sm,ref_0);
870                 SS_setMarkedEdge2(sm,ref_1);
871                 SS_setMarkedEdge3(sm,ref_3);
872             } else if (refEg == ref_3) {
873                 SS_setRefinementEdge(sm,ref_3);
874                 SS_setMarkedEdge1(sm,ref_0);
875                 SS_setMarkedEdge2(sm,ref_1);
876                 SS_setMarkedEdge3(sm,ref_2);
877             } else {
878                 VASSERT( 0 );
879             }
880 #if 0
881             Vnm_print(2,"Gem_markEdges: RefEg = <%d> <%le>\n",refEg,len);
882             Vnm_print(2,"Gem_markEdges: ref_0 = <%d> <%le>\n",ref_0,len_0);
883             Vnm_print(2,"Gem_markEdges: ref_1 = <%d> <%le>\n",ref_1,len_1);
884             Vnm_print(2,"Gem_markEdges: ref_2 = <%d> <%le>\n",ref_2,len_2);
885             Vnm_print(2,"Gem_markEdges: ref_3 = <%d> <%le>\n",ref_3,len_3);
886 #endif
887         }
888     }
890     Vnm_print(0,"..done.\n");
891 }
893 /*
894  * ***************************************************************************
895  * Routine:  Gem_reorderSV
896  *
897  * Purpose:  Go through simplices and enforce a vertex ordering that
898  *           will produce a positive determinant.
899  *
900  * Notes:    This relies on an embedding of R2 into R3 (or R3 into R4)
901  *           and breaks e.g. if this is a non-orientable 2-manifold, etc.
902  *
903  * Author:   Michael Holst
904  * ***************************************************************************
905  */
Gem_reorderSV(Gem * thee)906 VPUBLIC void Gem_reorderSV(Gem *thee)
907 {
908     SS *sm;
909     int i;
911     /* go through all simplices and reorder vertices if necessary */
912     Vnm_print(0,"Gem_simpVertReorder: reordering vertices in each simplex..");
914     for (i=0; i<Gem_numSS(thee); i++) {
915         sm = Gem_SS(thee,i);
916         if (Gem_simplexVolume(thee,sm) < 0.) {
917             SS_reverse(sm);
918         }
919         VASSERT( Gem_simplexVolume(thee,sm) > 0.);
920     }
921     Vnm_print(0,"..done.\n");
922 }
924 /*
925  * ***************************************************************************
926  * Routine:  Gem_smoothMeshLaplace
927  *
928  * Purpose:  Smooth the mesh using simple Laplace smoothing.
929  *
930  * Notes:    We don't need the simplex rings here, but we need the edge rings.
931  *
932  * Author:   Michael Holst
933  * ***************************************************************************
934  */
Gem_smoothMeshLaplace(Gem * thee)935 VPUBLIC void Gem_smoothMeshLaplace(Gem *thee)
936 {
937     double v[50][3], w[50], x[3];
938     int i, numNabors;
939     VV *vx, *vx2;
940     EE *eg;
942     Gem_createEdges(thee);
944     /* go through all vertices (can go forwards now!) and relax hole nodes */
945     for (vx=Gem_firstVV(thee); vx!=VNULL; vx=Gem_nextVV(thee)) {
947         /* get coordinates of this vertex */
948 #if 0
949         for (i=0; i<Gem_dimII(thee); i++)
950             c[i] = VV_coord(vx,i);
951 #endif
953         /* initialize */
954         numNabors=0;
955         for (i=0; i<50; i++) w[i] = 0.0;
957         /* get coordinates of all vertices which share edges */
958         for (eg=VV_firstEE(vx); eg!=VNULL; eg=EE_link(eg,vx)) {
959             vx2 = EE_otherVertex(eg,vx);
960             w[numNabors] = 1.0;
961             for (i=0; i<Gem_dimII(thee); i++)
962                 v[numNabors][i] = VV_coord(vx2,i);
963             numNabors++;
964             VASSERT( numNabors <= 50 );
965         }
967         /* if interior node, do a simple smoothing */
968         if ( VINTERIOR( VV_type(vx) ) ) {
970             /* do a simple averaging of the vertex positions */
971 #if 0
972             Vec3_copy(x, c);
973             for (i=0; i<numNabors; i++)
974                 Vec3_axpy(x, &(v[i][0]), w[i]);
975             Vec3_scal(x, (1.0/(numNabors+1)));
976 #endif
977             Vec3_init(x, 0.0);
978             for (i=0; i<numNabors; i++)
979                 Vec3_axpy(x, &(v[i][0]), w[i]);
980             Vec3_scal( x, (1.0/numNabors) );
982             /* set the new vertex positions */
983             for (i=0; i<Gem_dimII(thee); i++)
984                 VV_setCoord(vx, i, x[i]);
986         } else {
988         } /* end if this is a vertex we need to smooth */
989     } /* end loop over vertices */
991     Gem_destroyEdges(thee);
992 }
994 /*
995  * ***************************************************************************
996  * Routine:  Gem_smoothMesh
997  *
998  * Purpose:  Smooth the mesh.
999  *
1000  * Author:   Michael Holst
1001  * ***************************************************************************
1002  */
1003 #define VRINGMAX 1000
Gem_smoothMesh(Gem * thee)1004 VPUBLIC void Gem_smoothMesh(Gem *thee)
1005 {
1006     int i, j, k, numSring, maxSring, maxVring, maxVBring, numVring, numVBring;
1007     int found;
1008     double c[3], p[3], bc[3], mass, totalMass;
1009     VV *vx, *vxt, *vring[VRINGMAX];
1010     /* VV *vbring[VRINGMAX]; */
1011     SS *sm, *sring[VRINGMAX];
1013     /* go through all vertices and adjust them to improve the mesh */
1014     maxSring  = 0;
1015     maxVring  = 0;
1016     maxVBring = 0;
1017     for (vx=Gem_firstVV(thee); vx!=VNULL; vx=Gem_nextVV(thee)) {
1019         /* get coordinates of this vertex */
1020         for (i=0; i<Gem_dimII(thee); i++)
1021             c[i] = VV_coord(vx,i);
1023         /* get the ring of simplices around this vertex */
1024         numSring=0;
1025         sring[numSring] = VV_firstSS(vx);
1026         while (sring[numSring] != VNULL) {
1027             numSring++;
1028             sring[numSring] = SS_link(sring[numSring-1],vx);
1029         }
1030         VASSERT( numSring > 0 );
1031         VASSERT( numSring <= VRINGMAX );
1032         if (numSring > maxSring) maxSring = numSring;
1034         /* get the ring of vertices around this vertex */
1035         numVring=0;
1036         numVBring=0;
1037         vring[numVring] = VNULL;
1038         /* vbring[numVBring] = VNULL; */
1039         for (i=0; i<numSring; i++) {
1040             sm = sring[i];
1041             for (j=0; j<Gem_dimVV(thee); j++) {
1042                 vxt = SS_vertex(sm,j);
1043                 found = 0;
1044                 for (k=0; k<numVring; k++)
1045                     if ((vxt == vring[k]) || (vxt == vx))
1046                         found = 1;
1047                 if (!found) {
1048                     vring[numVring] = vxt;
1049                     numVring++;
1050                     if ( VBOUNDARY( VV_type(vxt) )
1051                        && ( VV_type(vxt) == VV_type(vx) ) ) {
1052                         /* vbring[numVBring] = vxt; */
1053                         numVBring++;
1054                     }
1055                 }
1056             }
1057         }
1058         VASSERT( numVring > 0 );
1059         VASSERT( numVring <= VRINGMAX );
1060         VASSERT( numVBring <= VRINGMAX );
1061         if (numVring  > maxVring)  maxVring  = numVring;
1062         if (numVBring > maxVBring) maxVBring = numVBring;
1064         /* if interior node, do a simple smoothing */
1065         if ( VINTERIOR( VV_type(vx) ) ) {
1067             /* find centroid of entire vertex cloud */
1068             for (j=0; j<Gem_dimII(thee); j++) {
1069                 bc[j] = 0.;
1070                 totalMass = 0.;
1071                 for (i=0; i<numVring; i++) {
1072                     if ( VBOUNDARY( VV_type(vring[i]) )
1073                        && (VV_type(vring[i]) > 1) ) {
1074                         mass = 0.66;
1075                     } else {
1076                         mass = 1.0;
1077                     }
1078                     bc[j] += mass * VV_coord(vring[i],j);
1079                     totalMass += mass;
1080                 }
1081                 /* bc[j] /= totalMass; */
1082                 p[j] = ( totalMass * c[j] + bc[j] ) / ( 2.0 * totalMass );
1083                 VV_setCoord( vx, j, p[j] );
1084             }
1086         } /* end if this is a vertex we need to smooth */
1088     } /* end loop over vertices */
1090     Vnm_print(0, "Gem_smoothMesh: maxSring  = <%d>\n", maxSring);
1091     Vnm_print(0, "Gem_smoothMesh: maxVring  = <%d>\n", maxVring);
1092     Vnm_print(0, "Gem_smoothMesh: maxVBring = <%d>\n", maxVBring);
1093 }
1095 /*
1096  * ***************************************************************************
1097  * Routine:  Gem_smoothMeshBnd
1098  *
1099  * Purpose:  Smooth the boundary mesh.
1100  *
1101  * Author:   Michael Holst
1102  * ***************************************************************************
1103  */
Gem_smoothMeshBnd(Gem * thee)1104 VPUBLIC void Gem_smoothMeshBnd(Gem *thee)
1105 {
1106     int i, j, k, numSring, maxSring, maxVring, maxVBring, numVring, numVBring;
1107     int found;
1108     double c[3], p[3], bc[3], mass, totalMass;
1109     VV *vx, *vxt, *vring[VRINGMAX];
1110     /* VV *vbring[VRINGMAX]; */
1111     SS *sm, *sring[VRINGMAX];
1113     /* go through all vertices and adjust them to improve the mesh */
1114     maxSring  = 0;
1115     maxVring  = 0;
1116     maxVBring = 0;
1117     for (vx=Gem_firstVV(thee); vx!=VNULL; vx=Gem_nextVV(thee)) {
1119         /* get coordinates of this vertex */
1120         for (i=0; i<Gem_dimII(thee); i++)
1121             c[i] = VV_coord(vx,i);
1123         /* get the ring of simplices around this vertex */
1124         numSring=0;
1125         sring[numSring] = VV_firstSS(vx);
1126         while (sring[numSring] != VNULL) {
1127             numSring++;
1128             sring[numSring] = SS_link(sring[numSring-1],vx);
1129         }
1130         VASSERT( numSring > 0 );
1131         VASSERT( numSring <= VRINGMAX );
1132         if (numSring > maxSring) maxSring = numSring;
1134         /* get the ring of vertices around this vertex */
1135         numVring=0;
1136         numVBring=0;
1137         vring[numVring] = VNULL;
1138         /* vbring[numVBring] = VNULL; */
1139         for (i=0; i<numSring; i++) {
1140             sm = sring[i];
1141             for (j=0; j<Gem_dimVV(thee); j++) {
1142                 vxt = SS_vertex(sm,j);
1143                 found = 0;
1144                 for (k=0; k<numVring; k++)
1145                     if ((vxt == vring[k]) || (vxt == vx))
1146                         found = 1;
1147                 if (!found) {
1148                     vring[numVring] = vxt;
1149                     numVring++;
1150                     if ( VBOUNDARY( VV_type(vxt) )
1151                        && ( VV_type(vxt) == VV_type(vx) ) ) {
1152                         /* vbring[numVBring] = vxt; */
1153                         numVBring++;
1154                     }
1155                 }
1156             }
1157         }
1158         VASSERT( numVring > 0 );
1159         VASSERT( numVring <= VRINGMAX );
1160         VASSERT( numVBring <= VRINGMAX );
1161         if (numVring  > maxVring)  maxVring  = numVring;
1162         if (numVBring > maxVBring) maxVBring = numVBring;
1164         /* if boundary node, do a simple smoothing */
1165         if ( VBOUNDARY( VV_type(vx) ) ) {
1167             /* find centroid of entire vertex cloud */
1168             for (j=0; j<Gem_dimII(thee); j++) {
1169                 bc[j] = 0.;
1170                 totalMass = 0.;
1171                 for (i=0; i<numVring; i++) {
1172                     if ( VBOUNDARY( VV_type(vring[i]) ) ) {
1173                         mass = 1.0;
1174                     } else {
1175                         mass = 0.66;
1176                     }
1177                     bc[j] += mass * VV_coord(vring[i],j);
1178                     totalMass += mass;
1179                 }
1180                 /* bc[j] /= totalMass; */
1181                 p[j] = ( totalMass * c[j] + bc[j] ) / ( 2.0 * totalMass );
1182             }
1183             thee->pde->mapBoundary( Gem_dim(thee), Gem_dimII(thee),
1184                 VV_type(vx), VV_chart(vx), p );
1185             for (j=0; j<Gem_dimII(thee); j++)
1186                 VV_setCoord( vx, j, p[j] );
1188         } /* end if this is a vertex we need to smooth */
1190     } /* end loop over vertices */
1192     Vnm_print(0, "Gem_smoothMeshBnd: maxSring  = <%d>\n", maxSring);
1193     Vnm_print(0, "Gem_smoothMeshBnd: maxVring  = <%d>\n", maxVring);
1194     Vnm_print(0, "Gem_smoothMeshBnd: maxVBring = <%d>\n", maxVBring);
1195 }
1197 /*
1198  * ***************************************************************************
1199  * Routine:  Gem_shapeMeasure
1200  *
1201  * Purpose:  Calculate the shape quality measure for this simplex.
1202  *
1203  * Notes:    Let |s| denote the volume (which may be negative) of a given
1204  *           d-simplex "s", let v_i (i=0,...,d) denote the vertices of s,
1205  *           and let e_{ij} denote the d-vectors representing the 3 or 6 edges
1206  *           of s that connect v_i to v_j.  We compute the following shape
1207  *           quality measure for the simplex s:
1208  *
1209  *                           f(s,d)   2^{2(1-1/d)} * 3^{(d-1)/2} * |s|^{2/d}
1210  *               meas(s,d) = ------ = --------------------------------------
1211  *                           g(s,d)       \sum_{0<=i<j<=d} |e_{ij}|^2
1212  *
1213  * 2D Notes: The shape function meas(s,2) is (nearly) the same one used by
1214  *           Randy Bank and Kent Smith in their joint paper on mesh smoothing:
1215  *
1216  *                           f(s,2)         2 * 3^{1/2} * |s|
1217  *               meas(s,2) = ------ = ---------------------------
1218  *                           g(s,2)   \sum_{0<=i<j<=2} |e_{ij}|^2
1219  *
1220  *           It has the property that its maximal value of 1 is obtained
1221  *           for an equilateral triangle, and it is scaling invariant, i.e.,
1222  *           we don't have to worry about the size of the triangle.
1223  *           Their original function was normalized (their numerator was
1224  *           2*f(s,2) above) to yield a value of 1 for a equalateral triangle
1225  *           (with volume 1); this is modified to yield a maximal value
1226  *           of 1 for the unit triangle (with volume 1/2) to work better with
1227  *           the unit triangle code.  To effect this slightly different
1228  *           normalization, the numerator of the quality function was changed
1229  *           to 2(3)^{1/2}|s|.
1230  *
1231  * 3D Notes: The shape function meas(s,3) is (nearly) the same one used by
1232  *           Joe and Liu in their paper on quality measures for tetrahedra:
1233  *
1234  *                           f(s,3)     2^{4/3} * 3 * |s|^{2/3}
1235  *               meas(s,3) = ------ = ---------------------------
1236  *                           g(s,3)   \sum_{0<=i<j<=3} |e_{ij}|^2
1237  *
1238  *           It is also scaling invariant, so we don't have to worry about
1239  *           the size of the tetrahedron.  Their original function was
1240  *           normalized (their numerator was 12(3|s|)^{2/3}) to yield a
1241  *           maximal value of 1 for a regular tetrahedron (with volume 1);
1242  *           this was modified to yield a maximal value of 1 for the unit
1243  *           tetrahedron (with volume 1/6) to work better with the unit
1244  *           tetrahedron code.  To effect this slightly different
1245  *           normalization, the numerator of the quality function was changed
1246  *           to f(s,3) = 12(3|s|/6)^{2/3} = 2^{4/3}*3*|s|^{2/3}, as above.
1247  *
1248  * Author:   Michael Holst
1249  * ***************************************************************************
1250  */
Gem_shapeMeasure(Gem * thee,SS * sm,double * f,double * g)1251 VPUBLIC double Gem_shapeMeasure(Gem *thee, SS *sm, double *f, double *g)
1252 {
1253     int i;
1254     double d, vol, siggn, value;
1255     TT t;
1257     /* get simplex volume and its sign */
1258     Gem_simplexInfo(thee, sm, &t);
1259     siggn = VSIGN( 1., t.D );
1260     vol   = VABS( t.D );
1262     /* compute volume scaling */
1263     d = (double)Gem_dim(thee);
1264     (*f) = siggn * VPOW( 2., 2.*(1.-1./d) )
1265                  * VPOW( 3., (d-1.)*.5 )
1266                  * VPOW( vol, 2./d );
1268     /* accumlate (squared) edge lengths */
1269     (*g) = 0.;
1270     for (i=0; i<Gem_dimEE(thee); i++)
1271         (*g) += t.elen[i];
1273     if ((*g) > 0.) {
1274         value = ((*f) / (*g));
1275     } else {
1276         value = 0.;
1277     }
1279     return value;
1280 }
1282 /*
1283  * ***************************************************************************
1284  * Routine:  Gem_shapeMeasureGrad
1285  *
1286  * Purpose:  Calculate gradient of the shape quality measure for this simplex,
1287  *           where the last vertex (vertex d) is treated as the set of
1288  *           independent variables.
1289  *
1290  * Author:   Michael Holst
1291  * ***************************************************************************
1292  */
Gem_shapeMeasureGrad(Gem * thee,SS * sm,int vmap[],double dm[])1293 VPUBLIC void Gem_shapeMeasureGrad(Gem *thee, SS *sm, int vmap[], double dm[])
1294 {
1295     int i, d;
1296     double f, g, vol, siggn, fac, df[3], dg[3], x[4], y[4], z[4];
1297     TT t;
1299     d = Gem_dim(thee);
1300     (void)Gem_shapeMeasure(thee, sm, &f, &g);
1302     if (d==2) {
1303         for (i=0; i<d+1; i++) {
1304             x[i] = VV_coord( SS_vertex( sm, vmap[i] ), 0 );
1305             y[i] = VV_coord( SS_vertex( sm, vmap[i] ), 1 );
1306         }
1307         fac   = 2. * VSQRT(3.);
1308         df[0] = fac * ( y[0] - y[1] );
1309         df[1] = fac * ( x[1] - x[0] );
1310         df[2] = 0.;
1311         dg[0] = 2. * (x[2] - x[0]) + 2. * (x[2] - x[1]);
1312         dg[1] = 2. * (y[2] - y[0]) + 2. * (y[2] - y[1]);
1313         dg[2] = 0.;
1314     } else if (d==3) {
1315         for (i=0; i<d+1; i++) {
1316             x[i] = VV_coord( SS_vertex( sm, vmap[i] ), 0 );
1317             y[i] = VV_coord( SS_vertex( sm, vmap[i] ), 1 );
1318             z[i] = VV_coord( SS_vertex( sm, vmap[i] ), 2 );
1319         }
1320         Gem_simplexInfo(thee, sm, &t);
1321         siggn = VSIGN( 1., t.D );
1322         vol   = VABS( t.D );
1323         fac   = siggn * 2. * VPOW(2.,4./3.) * VPOW(vol,-5./3.);
1324         df[0] = fac * ( (y[1]-y[0])*(z[2]-z[0]) - (y[2]-y[0])*(z[1]-z[0]) );
1325         df[1] = fac * ( (x[2]-x[0])*(z[1]-z[0]) - (x[1]-x[0])*(z[2]-z[0]) );
1326         df[2] = fac * ( (x[1]-x[0])*(y[2]-y[0]) - (x[2]-x[0])*(y[1]-y[0]) );
1327         dg[0] = 2. * (x[3] - x[0]) + 2. * (x[3] - x[1]) + 2. * (x[3] - x[2]);
1328         dg[1] = 2. * (y[3] - y[0]) + 2. * (y[3] - y[1]) + 2. * (y[3] - y[2]);
1329         dg[2] = 2. * (z[3] - z[0]) + 2. * (z[3] - z[1]) + 2. * (z[3] - z[2]);
1330     } else { VASSERT(0); }
1332     fac = 1. / (g*g);
1333     for (i=0; i<3; i++)
1334         dm[i] = fac * ( g*df[i] - f*dg[i] );
1335 }
1337 /*
1338  * ***************************************************************************
1339  * Routine:  Gem_smoothMeshOpt
1340  *
1341  * Purpose:  Smooth the mesh using a volume optimization approach.
1342  *
1343  * Author:   Michael Holst
1344  * ***************************************************************************
1345  */
Gem_smoothMeshOpt(Gem * thee)1346 VPUBLIC void Gem_smoothMeshOpt(Gem *thee)
1347 {
1348     int i, j, k, done, imap, numSring, minIdx, maxSring, maxVring;
1349     int iters, itmax, numVring, numVBring, maxVBring, found, map[4];
1350     double step, f, g, minShape, longEdgeLen;
1351     double dm[3], a[3], b[3], c[3], shape[VRINGMAX];
1352     VV *vx, *vxt, *vring[VRINGMAX];
1353     /* VV *vbring[VRINGMAX]; */
1354     SS *sm, *sring[VRINGMAX];
1356     /* go through all vertices and adjust them to improve the mesh */
1357     maxSring  = 0;
1358     maxVring  = 0;
1359     maxVBring = 0;
1360     for (vx=Gem_firstVV(thee); vx!=VNULL; vx=Gem_nextVV(thee)) {
1362         /* get coordinates of this vertex */
1363         for (i=0; i<Gem_dimII(thee); i++)
1364             c[i] = VV_coord(vx,i);
1366         /* get the ring of simplices around this vertex */
1367         numSring=0;
1368         sring[numSring] = VV_firstSS(vx);
1369         while (sring[numSring] != VNULL) {
1370             numSring++;
1371             sring[numSring] = SS_link(sring[numSring-1],vx);
1372         }
1373         VASSERT( numSring > 0 );
1374         VASSERT( numSring <= VRINGMAX );
1375         if (numSring > maxSring) maxSring = numSring;
1377         /* get the ring of vertices around this vertex */
1378         numVring=0;
1379         numVBring=0;
1380         vring[numVring] = VNULL;
1381         /* vbring[numVBring] = VNULL; */
1382         for (i=0; i<numSring; i++) {
1383             sm = sring[i];
1384             for (j=0; j<Gem_dimVV(thee); j++) {
1385                 vxt = SS_vertex(sm,j);
1386                 found = 0;
1387                 for (k=0; k<numVring; k++)
1388                     if ((vxt == vring[k]) || (vxt == vx))
1389                         found = 1;
1390                 if (!found) {
1391                     vring[numVring] = vxt;
1392                     numVring++;
1393                     if ( VBOUNDARY( VV_type(vxt) )
1394                        && ( VV_type(vxt) == VV_type(vx) ) ) {
1395                         /* vbring[numVBring] = vxt; */
1396                         numVBring++;
1397                     }
1398                 }
1399             }
1400         }
1401         VASSERT( numVring > 0 );
1402         VASSERT( numVring <= VRINGMAX );
1403         VASSERT( numVBring <= VRINGMAX );
1404         if (numVring  > maxVring)  maxVring  = numVring;
1405         if (numVBring > maxVBring) maxVBring = numVBring;
1407         /* calculate shape measures; collect vertices */
1408         minShape = 1.1;
1409         minIdx = -1;
1410         for (i=0; i<numSring; i++) {
1411             shape[i] = Gem_shapeMeasure(thee, sring[i], &f, &g);
1412             if (shape[i] < minShape) {
1413                 minShape = shape[i];
1414                 minIdx = i;
1415             }
1416         }
1417         VASSERT( minShape <= 1.0 );
1418         VASSERT( minIdx   >= 0.0 );
1420         /* collect info about the worst simplex */
1421         imap = -1;
1422         sm = sring[minIdx];
1423         for (i=0; i<Gem_dimVV(thee); i++) {
1424             vxt = SS_vertex(sm,i);
1425             if (vxt == vx) imap = i;
1426         }
1427         VASSERT( imap >= 0 );
1429         /* make last vertex the movable one for simplicity */
1430         for (i=0; i<Gem_dimVV(thee); i++)
1431             map[i] = (imap+i+1) % Gem_dimVV(thee);
1433         /* if interior node, do a simple smoothing */
1434         if ( VINTERIOR( VV_type(vx) ) ) {
1436             /* get the current measure and gradient */
1437             Gem_shapeMeasureGrad(thee, sm, map, dm);
1439             /* set the initial end-points of the bisection interval */
1440             (void)Gem_longestEdge(thee, sm, -1, &longEdgeLen);
1441             step = longEdgeLen;
1442             for (j=0; j<Gem_dimII(thee); j++) {
1443                 a[j] = c[j];
1444                 b[j] = a[j] + step * dm[j];
1445                 VV_setCoord( vx, j, b[j] );
1446             }
1448             /* bisect along gradient to find optimal shape for simplex */
1449             /* (find point the improves worst shape in the entire ring) */
1450             itmax = 8;
1451             iters = 0;
1452             done = 0;
1453             while (!done) {
1454                 VJMPERR1( !Vnm_sigInt() );
1455                 iters++;
1456                 done = 1;
1457                 for (j=0; j<numSring; j++) {
1458                     shape[j] = Gem_shapeMeasure(thee, sring[j], &f, &g);
1459                     if (shape[j] <= minShape) done = 0;
1460                 }
1461                 if (iters > itmax) {
1462                     done = 1;
1463                     for (j=0; j<Gem_dimII(thee); j++)
1464                         VV_setCoord( vx, j, c[j] );
1465                 } else {
1466                     step *= 0.5;
1467                     for (j=0; j<Gem_dimII(thee); j++) {
1468                         b[j] = a[j] + step * dm[j];
1469                         VV_setCoord( vx, j, b[j] );
1470                     }
1471                 }
1472             }
1474         } else {
1476         } /* end if this is a vertex we need to smooth */
1478     } /* end loop over vertices */
1480   VERROR1:
1481     Vnm_print(0, "Gem_smoothMeshOpt: maxSring  = <%d>\n", maxSring);
1482     Vnm_print(0, "Gem_smoothMeshOpt: maxVring  = <%d>\n", maxVring);
1483     Vnm_print(0, "Gem_smoothMeshOpt: maxVBring = <%d>\n", maxVBring);
1484 }
1486 /*
1487  * ***************************************************************************
1488  * Routine:  Gem_buildCharts
1489  *
1490  * Purpose:  Unify the charts of vertices.
1491  *
1492  * Author:   Michael Holst
1493  * ***************************************************************************
1494  */
Gem_buildCharts(Gem * thee)1495 VPUBLIC void Gem_buildCharts(Gem *thee)
1496 {
1497     int j, chartV;
1498     VV *vx;
1499     double v[4][3];
1501     for (vx=Gem_firstVV(thee); vx!=VNULL; vx=Gem_nextVV(thee)) {
1502         chartV = VV_chart(vx);
1503         for (j=0; j<Gem_dimII(thee); j++)
1504             v[0][j] = VV_coord(vx,j);
1505         thee->pde->oneChart(Gem_dim(thee), Gem_dimII(thee), 1, &chartV, v, 1);
1506         VV_setChart(vx, chartV);
1507     }
1508 }
1510 /*
1511  * ***************************************************************************
1512  * Routine:  Gem_clearCharts
1513  *
1514  * Purpose:  Unify the charts of vertices.
1515  *
1516  * Author:   Michael Holst
1517  * ***************************************************************************
1518  */
Gem_clearCharts(Gem * thee)1519 VPUBLIC void Gem_clearCharts(Gem *thee)
1520 {
1521     VV *vx;
1523     for (vx=Gem_firstVV(thee); vx!=VNULL; vx=Gem_nextVV(thee)) {
1524         VV_setChart(vx, 0);
1525     }
1526 }