1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Author: Andrew Jewett (jewett.aij at g mail)
4# License: MIT License  (See LICENSE.md)
5# Copyright (c) 2017, California Institute of Technology
6# All rights reserved.
9   Generate a moltemplate (.lt) file containing a definition of a polymer
10   molecule whose monomers are located at the positions specified in
11   "coords.raw" (a 3-column text file).  Monomers will be rotated so
12   that they point in the direction connecting neighbors (r[i+1]-r[i])
13   The user can specify the subunits to use when building the polymer,
14   the atoms to to build bonds (and angles, and dihedrals) between monomers
15   and the helical pitch of the polymer.  The output of this program is
16   a text file in moltemplate (.lt) format containing the sequence of
17   moltemplate commands needed to build this polymer molecule(s).  (One must
18   then run moltemplate on this file to build the LAMMPS simulation files.)
19       Multiple Polymers:
20   To make it easier to create polymer melts, multiple polymers can be created
21   from coordinates in the same file by using the "-cuts" command line argument.
22      Encapsulation:
23   If the "-polymer-name PolyName" command line option is given, then these
24   moltemplate commands will be nested within the definition of a moltemplate
25   object (named "PolyName", in this example. Later in your moltemplate files,
26   you must remember to instantiate a copy of this moltemplate object using
27   a command like "polymer = new PolyName"  Atoms within this object will
28   share the same molecule-ID number.)  If multiple polymers are requested, then
29   each of them will have their own polymer object.
34g_usage_msg = """
37   genpoly_lt.py  \\
38      [-polymer-name pname] \\
39      [-monomer-name mname] \\
40      [-sequence sequence.txt] \\
41      [-bond a1 a2] \\
42      [-bond btype a1 a2] \\
43      [-angle    atype a1 a2 a3 i1 i2 i3] \\
44      [-dihedral dtype a1 a2 a3 a4 i1 i2 i3 i4] \\
45      [-improper itype a1 a2 a3 a4 i1 i2 i3 i4] \\
46      [-inherits ForceFieldObject] \\
47      [-header "import \"monomer.lt\""] \\
48      [-helix deltaphi] \\
49      [-axis x,y,z] \\
50      [-circular yes/no/connected] \\
51      [-cuts cuts.txt] \\
52      [-polymer-directions polarities.txt \\
53      [-dir-indices ia ib] \\
54      [-padding paddingX,paddingY,paddingZ] \\
55      < coords.raw > polymer.lt
60import sys
61import random
62from math import *
65class InputError(Exception):
66    """ A generic exception object containing a string for error reporting.
67        (Raising this exception implies that the caller has provided
68         a faulty input file or argument.)
70    """
72    def __init__(self, err_msg):
73        self.err_msg = err_msg
75    def __str__(self):
76        return self.err_msg
78    def __repr__(self):
79        return str(self)
83class GPSettings(object):
85    def __init__(self):
86        self.infile_name = ''
87        self.direction_orig = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
88        self.is_circular = False
89        self.connect_ends = False
90        self.delta_phi = 0.0
91        #self.header = 'import \"forcefield.lt\"'
92        self.header = ''
93        self.name_monomer = 'Monomer'
94        self.name_sequence_file = ''
95        self.name_sequence_multi = []
96        self.name_polymer = ''
97        self.inherits = ''
98        self.dir_index_offsets = (-1,1)
99        self.cuts = []
100        self.reverse_polymer_directions = []
101        self.box_padding = None
102        self.bonds_name = []
103        self.bonds_type = []
104        self.bonds_atoms = []
105        self.bonds_index_offsets = []
106        self.bonds_name_notype = []
107        self.bonds_atoms_notype = []
108        self.bonds_index_offsets_notype = []
109        self.angles_name = []
110        self.angles_type = []
111        self.angles_atoms = []
112        self.angles_index_offsets = []
113        self.dihedrals_name = []
114        self.dihedrals_type = []
115        self.dihedrals_atoms = []
116        self.dihedrals_index_offsets = []
117        self.impropers_name = []
118        self.impropers_type = []
119        self.impropers_atoms = []
120        self.impropers_index_offsets = []
121        self.helix_angles_file = ''
122        self.orientations_file = ''
123        self.orientations_use_quats = False
125    def ParseArgs(self, argv):
126        i = 1
127        while i < len(argv):
128            #sys.stderr.write('argv['+str(i)+'] = \"'+argv[i]+'\"\n')
130            if ((argv[i].lower() == '-in') or
131                (argv[i].lower() == '-i')):
132                if i + 1 >= len(argv):
133                    raise InputError(
134                        'Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by a file name.\n')
135                self.infile_name = argv[i + 1]
136                del(argv[i:i + 2])
137            elif argv[i].lower() == '-bond':
138                if i + 2 >= len(argv):
139                    raise InputError(
140                        'Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by at 2 or 3 strings.\n')
141                has_third_arg = True
142                if ((i + 3 >= len(argv)) or (argv[i+3][0:1] == '-')):
143                    has_third_arg = False
144                # Did the user specify the type of the bond?
145                if has_third_arg:
146                    # then the type was specified (put in "Data Bonds")
147                    self.bonds_type.append(argv[i + 1])
148                    self.bonds_atoms.append((argv[i + 2],
149                                             argv[i + 3]))
150                    self.bonds_index_offsets.append((0, 1))
151                    del(argv[i:i + 4])
152                else:
153                    # then the type was not specified (put in "Data Bond List")
154                    self.bonds_atoms_notype.append((argv[i + 1],
155                                                     argv[i + 2]))
156                    self.bonds_index_offsets_notype.append((0, 1))
157                    del(argv[i:i + 3])
158            elif argv[i].lower() == '-angle':
159                if i + 7 >= len(argv):
160                    raise InputError(
161                        'Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by 4 strings and 3 integers.\n')
162                # self.angles_name.append(argv[i+1])
163                self.angles_type.append(argv[i + 1])
164                self.angles_atoms.append((argv[i + 2],
165                                          argv[i + 3],
166                                          argv[i + 4]))
167                self.angles_index_offsets.append((int(argv[i + 5]),
168                                                  int(argv[i + 6]),
169                                                  int(argv[i + 7])))
170                if ((self.angles_index_offsets[-1][0] < 0) or
171                    (self.angles_index_offsets[-1][1] < 0) or
172                    (self.angles_index_offsets[-1][2] < 0)):
173                    raise InputError(
174                        'Error: ' + argv[i] + ' indices (i1 i2 i3) must be >= 0\n')
175                del(argv[i:i + 8])
176            elif argv[i].lower() == '-dihedral':
177                if i + 9 >= len(argv):
178                    raise InputError(
179                        'Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by 5 strings and 4 integers.\n')
180                # self.dihedrals_name.append(argv[i+1])
181                self.dihedrals_type.append(argv[i + 1])
182                self.dihedrals_atoms.append((argv[i + 2],
183                                             argv[i + 3],
184                                             argv[i + 4],
185                                             argv[i + 5]))
186                self.dihedrals_index_offsets.append((int(argv[i + 6]),
187                                                     int(argv[i + 7]),
188                                                     int(argv[i + 8]),
189                                                     int(argv[i + 9])))
190                if ((self.dihedrals_index_offsets[-1][0] < 0) or
191                    (self.dihedrals_index_offsets[-1][1] < 0) or
192                    (self.dihedrals_index_offsets[-1][2] < 0) or
193                    (self.dihedrals_index_offsets[-1][3] < 0)):
194                    raise InputError(
195                        'Error: ' + argv[i] + ' indices (i1 i2 i3 i4) must be >= 0\n')
196                del(argv[i:i + 10])
197            elif argv[i].lower() == '-improper':
198                if i + 9 >= len(argv):
199                    raise InputError(
200                        'Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by 5 strings and 4 integers.\n')
201                # self.impropers_name.append(argv[i+1])
202                self.impropers_type.append(argv[i + 1])
203                self.impropers_atoms.append((argv[i + 2],
204                                             argv[i + 3],
205                                             argv[i + 4],
206                                             argv[i + 5]))
207                self.impropers_index_offsets.append((int(argv[i + 6]),
208                                                     int(argv[i + 7]),
209                                                     int(argv[i + 8]),
210                                                     int(argv[i + 9])))
211                if ((self.impropers_index_offsets[-1][0] < 0) or
212                    (self.impropers_index_offsets[-1][1] < 0) or
213                    (self.impropers_index_offsets[-1][2] < 0) or
214                    (self.impropers_index_offsets[-1][3] < 0)):
215                    raise InputError(
216                        'Error: ' + argv[i] + ' indices (i1 i2 i3 i4) must be >= 0\n')
217                del(argv[i:i + 10])
218            elif (argv[i].lower() == '-monomer-name'):
219                if i + 1 >= len(argv):
220                    raise InputError(
221                        'Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by a string\n')
222                self.name_monomer = argv[i + 1]
223                del(argv[i:i + 2])
224            elif (argv[i].lower() == '-sequence'):
225                if i + 1 >= len(argv):
226                    raise InputError(
227                        'Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by a file name\n')
228                self.name_sequence_file = argv[i + 1]
229                del(argv[i:i + 2])
231            elif (argv[i].lower() == '-cuts'):
232                if i + 1 >= len(argv):
233                    raise InputError(
234                        'Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by a file name\n')
235                try:
236                    f = open(argv[i + 1], "r")
237                except IOError:
238                    raise InputError(
239                        'Error: File "' + argv[i + 1] + '" could not be opened for reading\n')
240                for line_orig in f:
241                    line = line_orig.strip()
242                    ic = line.find('#')
243                    if ic != -1:
244                        line = line[:ic]
245                    else:
246                        line = line.strip()
247                    if len(line) > 0:
248                        try:
249                            self.cuts.append(int(line))
250                        except ValueError:
251                            raise InputError(
252                                'Error: file ' + argv[i + 1] + ' should contain only nonnegative integers.\n')
253                del(argv[i:i + 2])
254            elif (argv[i].lower() == '-polymer-directions'):
255                if i + 1 >= len(argv):
256                    raise InputError(
257                        'Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by a file name\n')
258                try:
259                    f = open(argv[i + 1], "r")
260                except IOError:
261                    raise InputError(
262                        'Error: File "' + argv[i + 1] + '" could not be opened for reading\n')
263                for line_orig in f:
264                    line = line_orig.strip()
265                    ic = line.find('#')
266                    if ic != -1:
267                        line = line[:ic]
268                    else:
269                        line = line.strip()
270                    if len(line) > 0:
271                        try:
272                            entry = line
273                            if ((entry == '1') or
274                                (entry == '+1') or
275                                (entry == 'true') or
276                                (entry == 'increasing')):
277                                self.reverse_polymer_directions.append(False)
278                            else:
279                                self.reverse_polymer_directions.append(True)
280                        except ValueError:
281                            raise InputError(
282                                'Error: file ' + argv[i + 1] + ' should contain only \"+1\" or \"-1\" on each line.\n')
283                del(argv[i:i + 2])
284            elif (argv[i].lower() == '-polymer-name'):
285                if i + 1 >= len(argv):
286                    raise InputError(
287                        'Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by a string\n')
288                self.name_polymer = argv[i + 1]
289                del(argv[i:i + 2])
290            elif (argv[i].lower() == '-inherits'):
291                if i + 1 >= len(argv):
292                    raise InputError(
293                        'Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by a string\n')
294                self.inherits = argv[i + 1]
295                if self.inherits.find('inherits ') == 0:
296                    self.inherits = ' ' + self.inherits
297                else:
298                    self.inherits = ' inherits ' + self.inherits
299                if self.name_polymer == '':
300                    self.name_polymer = 'Polymer'  # supply a default name
301                del(argv[i:i + 2])
302            elif (argv[i].lower() == '-header'):
303                if i + 1 >= len(argv):
304                    raise InputError(
305                        'Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by a string (usually in quotes)\n')
306                if self.header != '':
307                    self.header += '\n'
308                self.header += argv[i + 1]
309                del(argv[i:i + 2])
310            elif argv[i].lower() == '-axis':
311                if i + 1 >= len(argv):
312                    raise InputError('Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed ' +
313                                     'by 3 numbers separated by commas (no spaces)\n')
314                self.direction_orig = list(map(float, argv[i + 1].split(',')))
315                del(argv[i:i + 2])
316            elif argv[i].lower() == '-circular':
317                if i + 1 >= len(argv):
318                    raise InputError('Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by an argument\n' +
319                                     '       ("yes", "no", or "connected")\n')
320                if argv[i + 1].lower() == 'yes':
321                    self.connect_ends = True
322                    self.is_circular = True
323                elif argv[i + 1].lower() == 'connected':
324                    self.connect_ends = True
325                    self.is_circular = False
326                elif argv[i + 1].lower() == 'no':
327                    self.connect_ends = False
328                    self.is_circular = False
329                else:
330                    raise InputError('Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by an argument\n' +
331                                     '       ("yes", "no", or "connected")\n')
332                del(argv[i:i + 2])
333            elif argv[i].lower() == '-helix':
334                if i + 1 >= len(argv):
335                    raise InputError(
336                        'Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by a number (angle in degrees)\n')
337                self.delta_phi = float(argv[i + 1])
338                del(argv[i:i + 2])
339            elif (argv[i].lower() == '-dir-indices'):
340                if i + 2 >= len(argv):
341                    raise InputError(
342                        'Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed by two integers\n')
343                self.dir_index_offsets = (int(argv[i + 1]), int(argv[i + 2]))
344                if self.dir_index_offsets[0] == self.dir_index_offsets[1]:
345                    raise InputError(
346                        'Error: The two numbers following ' + argv[i] + ' must not be equal.\n')
347                del(argv[i:i + 3])
348            elif ((argv[i].lower() == '-padding') or
349                  (argv[i].lower() == '-box')):
350                if i + 1 >= len(argv):
351                    raise InputError('Error: The ' + argv[i] + ' flag should be followed\n' +
352                                     'by 3 numbers separated by commas (no spaces)\n')
353                self.box_padding = list(map(float, argv[i + 1].split(',')))
354                if len(self.box_padding) == 1:
355                    self.box_padding = [self.box_padding] * 3
356                del(argv[i:i + 2])
357            elif (argv[i].lower() in ('-orientations','-orientations')):
358                self.orientations_file = argv[i+1]
359                self.orientations_use_quats = False
360                del(argv[i:i + 2])
361            elif (argv[i].lower() in ('-quaternion','-quaternions')):
362                self.orientations_file = argv[i+1]
363                self.orientations_use_quats = True
364                del(argv[i:i + 2])
365            elif (argv[i].lower() in ('-helix-angle','-helix-angles')):
366                self.helix_angles_file = argv[i+1]
367                del(argv[i:i + 2])
369            # elif ((argv[i][0] == '-') and (__name__ == '__main__')):
370            #
371            #    raise InputError('Error('+g_program_name+'):\n'+\
372            #        'Unrecogized command line argument \"'+argv[i]+\
373            #        '\"\n\n'+\
374            #        __doc__)
375            else:
376                i += 1
383class WrapPeriodic(object):
384    """ Wrap() calculates the remainder of i % N.
385        It turns out to be convenient to do this multiple times and later
386        query whether i/N != 0 in any of them once (by checking bounds_err).
388    """
389    bounds_err = False
391    @classmethod
392    def Wrap(obj, i, N):
393        if i // N != 0:
394            obj.bounds_err = True
395        return i % N
397    def WrapF(obj, x, L):
398        i = floor(x / L)
399        if i != 0:
400            obj.bounds_err = True
401        return x - i * L
404class GenPoly(object):
405    """
406        Read coordinates from a file, and generate a list of \"new\" commands
407        in moltemplate format with the position of each monomer located
408        at these positions, oriented appropriately, with bonds (and angles,
409        dihedrals, etc...) connecting successive monomers together.
410        By default, only a single polymer is created.
411        However this class can create multiple polymers of different lengths.
412        The list of coordinates for each polymer are saved separately within
413        the "self.coords_multi" member.
415    """
417    def __init__(self):
418        self.settings = GPSettings()
419        self.coords_multi = []  # a list-of-list-of-lists of numbers Nxnx3
420        self.name_sequence_multi = []
421        self.direction_vects = []
422        self.box_bounds_min = None
423        self.box_bounds_max = None
424        self.N = 0
425        self.orientations_multi = []
426        self.helix_angles_multi = []
429    def ParseArgs(self, argv):
430        """
431        parse the argument list
432        """
433        # The command above will remove arguments from argv which are
434        # understood by GPSettings.ParseArgs(argv).
435        # The remaining arguments will be handled below.
436        self.settings.ParseArgs(argv)
439        # ---- Parsing is finished.  Now load files and cleanup. ----
441        if self.settings.infile_name != '':
442            infile = open(self.settings.infile_name, 'r')
443            self.coords_multi = self.ReadCoords(infile)
444            infile.close()
446        if ((len(self.settings.reverse_polymer_directions) != 0) and
447            (len(self.settings.reverse_polymer_directions) !=
448             len(self.cuts) + 1)):
449            raise InputError('Error: The number of entries in the file you supplied to "-polymer-directions"\n'
450                             '       does not equal the number of polymers (which is either 1, or 1 + the\n'
451                             '       number of entries in the file you supplied to "-cuts", if applicable)\n')
454        for b in range(0, len(self.settings.bonds_type)):
455            if len(self.settings.bonds_type) > 1:
456                self.settings.bonds_name.append('genp_bond' + str(b + 1) + '_')
457            else:
458                self.settings.bonds_name.append('genp_bond_')
459        for b in range(0, len(self.settings.bonds_atoms_notype)):
460            if len(self.settings.bonds_atoms_notype) > 1:
461                self.settings.bonds_name_notype.append('genp_bond_nt' + str(b + 1) + '_')
462            else:
463                self.settings.bonds_name_notype.append('genp_bond_nt')
464        for b in range(0, len(self.settings.angles_type)):
465            if len(self.settings.angles_type) > 1:
466                self.settings.angles_name.append('genp_angle' + str(b + 1) + '_')
467            else:
468                self.settings.angles_name.append('genp_angle_')
469        for b in range(0, len(self.settings.dihedrals_type)):
470            if len(self.settings.dihedrals_type) > 1:
471                self.settings.dihedrals_name.append('genp_dihedral' + str(b + 1) + '_')
472            else:
473                self.settings.dihedrals_name.append('genp_dihedral_')
474        for b in range(0, len(self.settings.impropers_type)):
475            if len(self.settings.impropers_type) > 1:
476                self.settings.impropers_name.append('genp_improper' + str(b + 1) + '_')
477            else:
478                self.settings.impropers_name.append('genp_improper_')
482        # Did the user ask us to read a custom sequence of monomer type names?
483        name_sequence_file = None
484        if isinstance(self.settings.name_sequence_file, str):
485            if self.settings.name_sequence_file != '':
486                name_sequence_file = open(self.settings.name_sequence_file,'r')
487        if name_sequence_file:
488            # Note: This will fill the contents of self.name_sequence_multi
489            self.ReadSequence(name_sequence_file)
491        # Did the user specify a file with a list of orientations?
492        orientations_file = None
493        if isinstance(self.settings.orientations_file, str):
494            if self.settings.orientations_file != '':
495                orientations_file = open(self.settings.orientations_file, 'r')
496        else:
497            orientations_file = self.settings.orientations_file
498        if orientations_file:
499            if self.settings.orientations_use_quats:
500                self.orientations_multi = self.ReadCoords(orientations_file, 4)
501            else:
502                self.orientations_multi = self.ReadCoords(orientations_file, 9)
504        # Did the user specify a file with a list of helix angles?
505        helix_angles_file = None
506        if isinstance(self.settings.helix_angles_file, str):
507            if self.settings.helix_angles_file != '':
508                helix_angles_file = open(self.settings.helix_angles_file, 'r')
509        else:
510            helix_angles_file = self.settings.helix_angles_file
511        if helix_angles_file:
512            self.helix_angles_multi = self.ReadCoords(self.settings.helix_angles_file, 1)
513            # Because I borrowed the ReadCoords() function to read the file,
514            # each "angle" is ended up being a list containing only one element
515            # (the angle).  Convert this list into the number stored there.
516            for i in range(0, len(self.helix_angles_multi)):
517                for j in range(0, len(self.helix_angles_multi[i])):
518                    assert(len(self.helix_angles_multi[i][j]) == 1)
519                    self.helix_angles_multi[i][j] = self.helix_angles_multi[i][j][0]
524    def ReadCoords(self, infile, ncolumns=3):
525        """
526        Read x y z coordinates from a multi-column ASCII text file.
527        Store the coordinates in the self.coords_multi[][][] list.
528        (Note: Information stored in self.settings.cuts and
529               self.settings.reverse_polymer_directions
530               is used to split the coordinate list into multiple lists
531               and to determine the order that coordinates are read.)
532        This function can also be used to read other (multi-column) ASCII text
533        files by overriding the default value for "ncolumns".  (For example,
534        to read files with 4 numbers on each line, set ncolumns=4.)
535        """
537        filename = ''
538        if isinstance(infile, str):
539            filename = infile
540            try:
541                infile = open(filename, 'r')
542            except IOError:
543                raise InputError(
544                    'Error: file ' + filename +
545                    ' could not be opened for reading\n')
547        coords_multi = []  # (do not confuse this with "self.coords_multi")
548        coords = []
550        lines = infile.readlines()
551        for i in range(0, len(lines)):
552            tokens = lines[i].strip().split()
553            if (len(tokens) == ncolumns):
554                coords.append(list(map(float, tokens)))
556        self.N = len(coords)
557        if self.N < 2:
558            err_msg = 'Error: Coordinate file must have at least 2 positions'
559            raise InputError(err_msg+'.\n')
561        # Did the caller ask us to split the polymer into multiple polymers?
562        if len(self.settings.cuts) > 0:
563            self.settings.cuts.append(self.N)
564            self.settings.cuts.sort()
565            i = 0
566            for j in self.settings.cuts:
567                if ((j-i < 1) or (j > self.N)):
568                    err_msg = 'Error in "-cuts" argument: You have bad numbers in the "-cuts" file.  This\n' + \
569                              '      could cause one or more the polymers to have zero length.  The numbers\n' + \
570                              '      in the "-cuts" file must be in increasing order and must be in\n' + \
571                              '      the range from 1 to N-1 (where "N" is the sum of the number of monomers\n' + \
572                              '      in all of the polymers, which is '+str(self.N)+' in this case).\n' + \
573                              '      No integer can be listed more than once.\n'
574                    raise InputError(err_msg+'.\n')
575                coords_multi.append(coords[i:j])
576                i = j
577        else:
578            coords_multi.append(coords)
580        # Did the caller ask us to reverse the direction of any polymers?
581        for i in range(0, len(self.settings.reverse_polymer_directions)):
582            assert(i < len(self.coords_multi))
583            if self.settings.reverse_polymer_directions[i]:
584                self.coords_multi[i].reverse()
586        if filename != '':
587            # Then we opened a new file with that name.  We should close it now.
588            infile.close()
590        return coords_multi
594    def ReadSequence(self, infile):
595        """
596        Read a sequence of monomer type names from a file.
597        This function is similar to ReadCoords().
598        """
599        name_sequence = []
601        filename = ''
602        if isinstance(infile, str):
603            filename = infile
604            try:
605                infile = open(filename, 'r')
606            except IOError:
607                raise InputError(
608                    'Error: file ' + filename +
609                    ' could not be opened for reading\n')
611        for line_orig in infile:
612            line = line_orig.strip()
613            ic = line.find('#')
614            if ic != -1:
615                line = line[:ic]
616            else:
617                line = line.strip()
618                if len(line) > 0:
619                    name_sequence.append(line)
621        N = len(name_sequence)
623        # Did the caller ask us to split the polymer into multiple polymers?
624        if len(self.settings.cuts) > 0:
625            if (self.settings.cuts[-1] < N):
626                self.settings.cuts.append(N)
627                self.settings.cuts.sort()
628            i = 0
629            for j in self.settings.cuts:
630                self.name_sequence_multi.append(name_sequence[i:j])
631                i = j
632        else:
633            self.name_sequence_multi.append(name_sequence)
635        # Did the caller ask us to reverse the direction of any polymers?
636        for i in range(0, len(self.settings.reverse_polymer_directions)):
637            if self.settings.reverse_polymer_directions[i]:
638                self.name_sequence_multi[i].reverse()
640        if filename != '':
641            # Then we opened a new file with that name.  We should close it now.
642            infile.close()
646    def ChooseDirections(self, coords):
647        """
648        Calculate the direction each monomer subunit should be pointing at:
650        """
652        N = len(coords)
654        if N == 1:
655            self.direction_vects = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
656            return
658        self.direction_vects = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for i in range(0, N + 1)]
660        if self.settings.is_circular:
661            for i in range(0, N):
662                # By default, the direction that monomer "i" is pointing is
663                # determined by the position of the monomers before and after it
664                # (at index i-1, and i+1).  More generally, we allow the user
665                # to choose what these offsets are ("dir_index_offsets[")
666                ia = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(i + self.settings.dir_index_offsets[0],
667                                       N)
668                ib = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(i + self.settings.dir_index_offsets[1],
669                                       N)
670                for d in range(0, 3):
671                    self.direction_vects[i][d] = coords[ib][d] - coords[ia][d]
673        else:
674            for i in range(1, N - 1):
675                for d in range(0, 3):
676                    self.direction_vects[i][d] = (coords[i + self.settings.dir_index_offsets[1]][d]
677                                                  -
678                                                  coords[i + self.settings.dir_index_offsets[0]][d])
680            for d in range(0, 3):
681                self.direction_vects[0][d] = coords[1][d] - coords[0][d]
682                self.direction_vects[N-1][d] = coords[N-1][d] - coords[N-2][d]
684        # Optional: normalize the direction vectors
686        for i in range(0, N):
687            direction_len = 0.0
688            for d in range(0, 3):
689                direction_len += (self.direction_vects[i][d])**2
690            direction_len = sqrt(direction_len)
691            for d in range(0, 3):
692                self.direction_vects[i][d] /= direction_len
694        # Special case:  self.direction_vects[-1] is the direction that the original monomer
695        # in "monomer.lt" was pointing.  (By default, 1,0,0 <--> the "x"
696        # direction)
698        self.direction_vects[-1] = self.settings.direction_orig
702    def WriteLTFile(self, outfile):
703        """ Write an moltemplate (.lt) file containing the definition of
704        this polymer object.  (If multiple polymer objects were requested by
705        the user (using the -cuts argument), then their definitions will
706        appear nested within this object, and each of them will be
707        instantiated once when the parent object is instantiated.)
709        """
711        # make sure len(self.orientations_multi) == len(self.coords_multi)
712        if len(self.orientations_multi) == 0:
713            self.orientations_multi = [[] for entry in self.coords_multi]
714        # make sure len(self.helix_angles_multi) == len(self.coords_multi)
715        if len(self.helix_angles_multi) == 0:
716            self.helix_angles_multi = [[] for entry in self.coords_multi]
718        outfile.write(self.settings.header + "\n\n\n")
720        if len(self.coords_multi) == 1:
721            self.WritePolymer(outfile,
722                              self.settings.name_polymer +
723                              self.settings.inherits,
724                              self.coords_multi[0],
725                              self.name_sequence_multi[0],
726                              self.orientations_multi[0],
727                              self.helix_angles_multi[0])
728        else:
729            if self.settings.name_polymer != '':
730                outfile.write(self.settings.name_polymer + " {\n\n")
731            outfile.write('# Definitions of individual polymers to follow\n\n')
732            for i in range(0, len(self.coords_multi)):
733                # insert ".../" in front of the inherits string
734                ih_str = self.settings.inherits
735                ih = ih_str.find('inherits ')
736                if ih != -1:
737                    ih += len('inherits ')
738                    ih_str = ih_str[0:ih] + '.../' + ih_str[ih:]
739                self.WritePolymer(outfile,
740                                  self.settings.name_polymer + '_sub' + str(i + 1) +
741                                  ih_str,
742                                  self.coords_multi[i],
743                                  self.name_sequence_multi[i],
744                                  self.orientations_multi[i],
745                                  self.helix_angles_multi[i])
746            outfile.write('\n\n')
747            outfile.write('# Now instantiate all the polymers (once each)\n\n')
749            for i in range(0, len(self.coords_multi)):
750                outfile.write('polymers[' + str(i) + '] = new ' +
751                              self.settings.name_polymer + '_sub' + str(i + 1) + '\n')
753            if self.settings.name_polymer != '':
754                outfile.write('\n\n'
755                              '}  # ' + self.settings.name_polymer + '\n\n')
757        if self.settings.box_padding != None:
758            for i in range(0, len(self.coords_multi)):
759                # calculate the box big enough to collectively enclose
760                # all of the coordinates (even multiple coordinate sets)
761                self.CalcBoxBoundaries(self.coords_multi[i])
762            self.WriteBoxBoundaries(outfile)
766    def WritePolymer(self,
767                     outfile,
768                     name_polymer,
769                     coords,
770                     names_monomers,
771                     orientations=[],
772                     helix_angles=[]):
773        """ Write a single polymer object to a file.
774            This function is invoked by WriteLTFile()
776        """
777        N = len(coords)
779        self.ChooseDirections(coords)
781        if name_polymer != '':
782            outfile.write(name_polymer + ' {\n'
783                          '\n\n\n'
784                          '  create_var {$mol}\n'
785                          '  # The line above forces all monomer subunits to share the same molecule-ID\n'
786                          '  # (Note: The molecule-ID number is optional and is usually ignored by LAMMPS.)\n\n\n\n')
788        outfile.write("""
789  # ----- list of monomers: -----
790  #
791  # (Note: move(), rot(), and rotvv() commands control the position
792  #  of each monomer.  (See the moltemplate manual for an explanation
793  #  of what they do.)  Commands enclosed in push() are cumulative
794  #  and remain in effect until removed by pop().)
799                      )
801        outfile.write("  push(move(0,0,0))\n")
803        phi = 0.0
805        for i in range(0, N):
806            #im1 = i-1
807            # if im1 < 0 or self.settings.connect_ends:
808            #    if im1 < 0:
809            #        im1 += N
810            outfile.write("  pop()\n")
811            if len(orientations) > 0:
812                assert(len(orientations) == N)
813                if self.settings.orientations_use_quats:
814                    assert(len(orientations[i]) == 4)
815                    outfile.write("  push(quat(" +
816                                  str(orientations[i][0]) + "," +
817                                  str(orientations[i][1]) + "," +
818                                  str(orientations[i][2]) + "," +
819                                  str(orientations[i][3]) + "))\n")
820                else:
821                    assert(len(orientations[i]) == 9)
822                    outfile.write("  push(matrix(" +
823                                  str(orientations[i][0]) + "," +
824                                  str(orientations[i][1]) + "," +
825                                  str(orientations[i][2]) + "," +
826                                  str(orientations[i][3]) + "," +
827                                  str(orientations[i][4]) + "," +
828                                  str(orientations[i][5]) + "," +
829                                  str(orientations[i][6]) + "," +
830                                  str(orientations[i][7]) + "," +
831                                  str(orientations[i][8]) + "))\n")
832            else:
833                # Otherwise, if no orientations were explicitly specified, then
834                # infer the orientation from the direction of the displacement.
835                outfile.write("  push(rotvv(" +
836                              str(self.direction_vects[i - 1][0]) + "," +
837                              str(self.direction_vects[i - 1][1]) + "," +
838                              str(self.direction_vects[i - 1][2]) + "," +
839                              str(self.direction_vects[i][0]) + "," +
840                              str(self.direction_vects[i][1]) + "," +
841                              str(self.direction_vects[i][2]) + "))\n")
842            outfile.write("  push(move(" +
843                          str(coords[i][0]) + "," +
844                          str(coords[i][1]) + "," +
845                          str(coords[i][2]) + "))\n")
847            outfile.write("  mon[" + str(i) + "] = new " +
848                          names_monomers[i])
850            # If requested, apply additional rotations about the polymer axis
851            phi = 0.0
852            if len(helix_angles) > 0:
853                phi += helix_angles[i]
854            elif self.settings.delta_phi != 0.0:
855                phi = i * self.settings.delta_phi
856            # Recall that self.direction_vects[-1] =
857            # self.settings.direction_orig  (usually 1,0,0)
858            outfile.write(".rot(" + str(phi) +
859                          "," + str(self.settings.direction_orig[0]) +
860                          "," + str(self.settings.direction_orig[1]) +
861                          "," + str(self.settings.direction_orig[2]) +
862                          ")\n")
863            if len(orientations) > 0:
864                outfile.write("  pop()\n")
867        outfile.write("  pop()\n")
868        if len(orientations) == 0:
869            outfile.write("  pop()\n"*N)
871        assert(len(self.settings.bonds_name) ==
872               len(self.settings.bonds_type) ==
873               len(self.settings.bonds_atoms) ==
874               len(self.settings.bonds_index_offsets))
876        if len(self.settings.bonds_type) > 0:
877            outfile.write("\n"
878                          "\n"
879                          "  write(\"Data Bonds\") {\n")
881        WrapPeriodic.bounds_err = False
882        for i in range(0, N):
883            test = False
884            for b in range(0, len(self.settings.bonds_type)):
885                I = i + self.settings.bonds_index_offsets[b][0]
886                J = i + self.settings.bonds_index_offsets[b][1]
887                I = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(I, N)
888                J = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(J, N)
889                if WrapPeriodic.bounds_err:
890                    WrapPeriodic.bounds_err = False
891                    if not self.settings.connect_ends:
892                        continue
893                outfile.write(
894                    "    $bond:" + self.settings.bonds_name[b] + str(i + 1))
895                outfile.write(" @bond:" + self.settings.bonds_type[b] + " $atom:mon[" + str(I) + "]/" + self.settings.bonds_atoms[
896                              b][0] + " $atom:mon[" + str(J) + "]/" + self.settings.bonds_atoms[b][1] + "\n")
897        if len(self.settings.bonds_type) > 0:
898            outfile.write("  }  # write(\"Data Bonds\") {...\n\n\n")
901        assert(len(self.settings.bonds_name_notype) ==
902               len(self.settings.bonds_atoms_notype) ==
903               len(self.settings.bonds_index_offsets_notype))
905        if len(self.settings.bonds_atoms_notype) > 0:
906            outfile.write("\n"
907                          "\n"
908                          "  write(\"Data Bond List\") {\n")
910        WrapPeriodic.bounds_err = False
911        for i in range(0, N):
912            test = False
913            for b in range(0, len(self.settings.bonds_atoms_notype)):
914                I = i + self.settings.bonds_index_offsets_notype[b][0]
915                J = i + self.settings.bonds_index_offsets_notype[b][1]
916                I = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(I, N)
917                J = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(J, N)
918                if WrapPeriodic.bounds_err:
919                    WrapPeriodic.bounds_err = False
920                    if not self.settings.connect_ends:
921                        continue
922                outfile.write(
923                    "    $bond:" + self.settings.bonds_name_notype[b] + str(i + 1))
924                outfile.write(" $atom:mon[" + str(I) + "]/" + self.settings.bonds_atoms_notype[
925                              b][0] + " $atom:mon[" + str(J) + "]/" + self.settings.bonds_atoms_notype[b][1] + "\n")
926        if len(self.settings.bonds_atoms_notype) > 0:
927            outfile.write("  }  # write(\"Data Bond List\") {...\n\n\n")
930        assert(len(self.settings.angles_name) ==
931               len(self.settings.angles_type) ==
932               len(self.settings.angles_atoms) ==
933               len(self.settings.angles_index_offsets))
934        if len(self.settings.angles_type) > 0:
935            outfile.write("\n"
936                          "\n"
937                          "  write(\"Data Angles\") {\n")
938        for i in range(0, N):
939            for b in range(0, len(self.settings.angles_type)):
940                I = i + self.settings.angles_index_offsets[b][0]
941                J = i + self.settings.angles_index_offsets[b][1]
942                K = i + self.settings.angles_index_offsets[b][2]
943                I = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(I, N)
944                J = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(J, N)
945                K = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(K, N)
946                if WrapPeriodic.bounds_err:
947                    WrapPeriodic.bounds_err = False
948                    if not self.settings.connect_ends:
949                        continue
950                outfile.write(
951                    "    $angle:" + self.settings.angles_name[b] + str(i + 1))
952                outfile.write(" @angle:" + self.settings.angles_type[b] +
953                              " $atom:mon[" + str(I) + "]/" + self.settings.angles_atoms[b][0] +
954                              " $atom:mon[" + str(J) + "]/" + self.settings.angles_atoms[b][1] +
955                              " $atom:mon[" + str(K) + "]/" + self.settings.angles_atoms[b][2] +
956                              "\n")
957        if len(self.settings.angles_type) > 0:
958            outfile.write("  }  # write(\"Data Angles\") {...\n\n\n")
961        assert(len(self.settings.dihedrals_name) ==
962               len(self.settings.dihedrals_type) ==
963               len(self.settings.dihedrals_atoms) ==
964               len(self.settings.dihedrals_index_offsets))
965        if len(self.settings.dihedrals_type) > 0:
966            outfile.write("\n"
967                          "\n"
968                          "  write(\"Data Dihedrals\") {\n")
969        for i in range(0, N):
970            for b in range(0, len(self.settings.dihedrals_type)):
971                I = i + self.settings.dihedrals_index_offsets[b][0]
972                J = i + self.settings.dihedrals_index_offsets[b][1]
973                K = i + self.settings.dihedrals_index_offsets[b][2]
974                L = i + self.settings.dihedrals_index_offsets[b][3]
975                I = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(I, N)
976                J = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(J, N)
977                K = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(K, N)
978                L = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(L, N)
979                if WrapPeriodic.bounds_err:
980                    WrapPeriodic.bounds_err = False
981                    if not self.settings.connect_ends:
982                        continue
983                outfile.write("    $dihedral:" +
984                              self.settings.dihedrals_name[b] + str(i + 1))
985                outfile.write(" @dihedral:" + self.settings.dihedrals_type[b] +
986                              " $atom:mon[" + str(I) + "]/" + self.settings.dihedrals_atoms[b][0] +
987                              " $atom:mon[" + str(J) + "]/" + self.settings.dihedrals_atoms[b][1] +
988                              " $atom:mon[" + str(K) + "]/" + self.settings.dihedrals_atoms[b][2] +
989                              " $atom:mon[" + str(L) + "]/" + self.settings.dihedrals_atoms[b][3] +
990                              "\n")
991        if len(self.settings.dihedrals_type) > 0:
992            outfile.write("  }  # write(\"Data Dihedrals\") {...\n\n\n")
995        assert(len(self.settings.impropers_name) ==
996               len(self.settings.impropers_type) ==
997               len(self.settings.impropers_atoms) ==
998               len(self.settings.impropers_index_offsets))
999        if len(self.settings.impropers_type) > 0:
1000            outfile.write("\n"
1001                          "\n"
1002                          "  write(\"Data Impropers\") {\n")
1003        for i in range(0, N):
1004            for b in range(0, len(self.settings.impropers_type)):
1005                I = i + self.settings.impropers_index_offsets[b][0]
1006                J = i + self.settings.impropers_index_offsets[b][1]
1007                K = i + self.settings.impropers_index_offsets[b][2]
1008                L = i + self.settings.impropers_index_offsets[b][3]
1009                I = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(I, N)
1010                J = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(J, N)
1011                K = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(K, N)
1012                L = WrapPeriodic.Wrap(L, N)
1013                if WrapPeriodic.bounds_err:
1014                    WrapPeriodic.bounds_err = False
1015                    if not self.settings.connect_ends:
1016                        continue
1017                outfile.write("    $improper:" +
1018                              self.settings.impropers_name[b] + str(i + 1))
1019                outfile.write(" @improper:" + self.settings.impropers_type[b] +
1020                              " $atom:mon[" + str(I) + "]/" + self.settings.impropers_atoms[b][0] +
1021                              " $atom:mon[" + str(J) + "]/" + self.settings.impropers_atoms[b][1] +
1022                              " $atom:mon[" + str(K) + "]/" + self.settings.impropers_atoms[b][2] +
1023                              " $atom:mon[" + str(L) + "]/" + self.settings.impropers_atoms[b][3] +
1024                              "\n")
1025        if len(self.settings.impropers_type) > 0:
1026            outfile.write("  }  # write(\"Data Impropers\") {...\n\n\n")
1028        if name_polymer != '':
1029            outfile.write("}  # " + name_polymer + "\n\n\n\n")
1031    def CalcBoxBoundaries(self, coords):
1032        N = len(coords)
1033        for i in range(0, N):
1034            for d in range(0, 3):
1035                if not self.box_bounds_min:
1036                    assert(not self.box_bounds_max)
1037                    self.box_bounds_min = [xd for xd in coords[i]]
1038                    self.box_bounds_max = [xd for xd in coords[i]]
1039                else:
1040                    if coords[i][d] > self.box_bounds_max[d]:
1041                        self.box_bounds_max[d] = coords[i][d]
1042                    if coords[i][d] < self.box_bounds_min[d]:
1043                        self.box_bounds_min[d] = coords[i][d]
1045    def WriteBoxBoundaries(self, outfile):
1046        for d in range(0, 3):
1047            self.box_bounds_min[d] -= self.settings.box_padding[d]
1048            self.box_bounds_max[d] += self.settings.box_padding[d]
1049        outfile.write("\n# ---------------- simulation box -----------------\n"
1051                      "# Now define a box big enough to hold a polymer with this (initial) shape\n"
1052                      "# (The user can override this later on.  This is the default box size.)"
1053                      "\n\n"
1054                      "write_once(\"Data Boundary\") {\n"
1055                      + str(self.box_bounds_min[0]) + "  " +
1056                      str(self.box_bounds_max[0]) + " xlo xhi\n"
1057                      + str(self.box_bounds_min[1]) + "  " +
1058                      str(self.box_bounds_max[1]) + " ylo yhi\n"
1059                      + str(self.box_bounds_min[2]) + "  " +
1060                      str(self.box_bounds_max[2]) + " zlo zhi\n"
1061                      "}\n\n\n")
1064def main():
1065    try:
1066        g_program_name = __file__.split('/')[-1]
1067        g_version_str = '0.1.10'
1068        g_date_str = '2021-12-28'
1069        sys.stderr.write(g_program_name + ' v' +
1070                         g_version_str + ' ' + g_date_str + '\n')
1071        argv = [arg for arg in sys.argv]
1072        genpoly = GenPoly()
1073        genpoly.ParseArgs(argv)
1074        # Any remain arguments?
1075        if len(argv) > 1:
1076            raise InputError('Error(' + g_program_name + '):\n' +
1077                             'Unrecogized command line argument \"' + argv[1] +
1078                             '\"\n\n' +
1079                             g_usage_msg)
1081        if genpoly.settings.infile_name == '':
1082            # If the user did not specify the name of the file where the
1083            # coordinates are stored, then the user wants us to read
1084            # them from the standard (terminal) input (sys.stdin)
1085            genpoly.coords_multi = genpoly.ReadCoords(sys.stdin)
1087        outfile = sys.stdout
1089        # Read the coordinates
1092        if genpoly.name_sequence_multi == []:
1093            # In that case it means we should assume that each monomer in
1094            # the polymer(s) is of the same type.  So we fill the
1095            # genpoly.name_sequence_multi array with the same entry. Recall that
1096            # variables ending in "_multi" are two-dimensional lists take two
1097            # indices [i][j]
1098            # The first index [i] specifies the polymer
1099            # The second index [j] specifies the monomer within that polymer.
1100            # I will use the following ugly list comprehension to create a
1101            # two-dimensional list-of-lists whose shape and size is consistent
1102            # with the size of the genpoly.coords_multi array.
1103            # And I will fill it with "genpoly.settings.name_monomer"
1104            genpoly.name_sequence_multi = [[genpoly.settings.name_monomer
1105                                            for j in
1106                                            range(0, len(genpoly.coords_multi[i]))]
1107                                           for i in range(0, len(genpoly.coords_multi))]
1109        # Now, check for polymer and sequence length inconsistencies:
1110        if (len(genpoly.coords_multi) != len(genpoly.name_sequence_multi)):
1111            raise InputError('Error(' +
1112                             g_program_name + '):\n' +
1113                             '      The coordinate file and sequence file have different lengths.\n')
1114        if ((len(genpoly.orientations_multi) > 0) and
1115            (len(genpoly.orientations_multi) != len(genpoly.coords_multi))):
1116            raise InputError('Error(' +
1117                             g_program_name + '):\n' +
1118                             '      The coordinate file and orientations/quats file have different lengths.\n')
1119        if ((len(genpoly.helix_angles_multi) > 0) and
1120            (len(genpoly.helix_angles_multi) != len(genpoly.coords_multi))):
1121            raise InputError('Error(' +
1122                             g_program_name + '):\n' +
1123                             '      The coordinate file and helix_angles file have different lengths.\n')
1124        for i in range(0, len(genpoly.coords_multi)):
1125            if len(genpoly.name_sequence_multi[i]) > 0:
1126                if (len(genpoly.coords_multi[i]) !=
1127                    len(genpoly.name_sequence_multi[i])):
1128                    raise InputError('Error(' +
1129                                     g_program_name + '):\n' +
1130                                     '      The coordinate file and sequence file have different lengths.\n')
1131            if ((len(genpoly.orientations_multi) > 0) and
1132                (len(genpoly.orientations_multi[i]) > 0)):
1133                if (len(genpoly.coords_multi[i]) !=
1134                    len(genpoly.orientations_multi[i])):
1135                    raise InputError('Error(' +
1136                                     g_program_name + '):\n' +
1137                                     '      The coordinate file and orientations/quats file have different lengths.\n')
1138            if ((len(genpoly.helix_angles_multi) > 0) and
1139                (len(genpoly.helix_angles_multi[i]) > 0)):
1140                if (len(genpoly.coords_multi[i]) !=
1141                    len(genpoly.helix_angles_multi[i])):
1142                    raise InputError('Error(' +
1143                                     g_program_name + '):\n' +
1144                                     '      The coordinate file and helix_angles file have different lengths.\n')
1148        # Convert all of this information to moltemplate (LT) format:
1149        genpoly.WriteLTFile(outfile)
1152    except (ValueError, InputError) as err:
1153        sys.stderr.write('\n' + str(err) + '\n')
1154        sys.exit(-1)
1156    return
1158if __name__ == '__main__':
1159    main()