1    /*******************************************************/
2    /*      "C" Language Integrated Production System      */
3    /*                                                     */
4    /*              CLIPS Version 6.30  08/22/14           */
5    /*                                                     */
6    /*                INSTANCE COMMAND MODULE              */
7    /*******************************************************/
9 /*************************************************************/
10 /* Purpose:  Kernel Interface Commands for Instances         */
11 /*                                                           */
12 /* Principal Programmer(s):                                  */
13 /*      Brian L. Dantes                                      */
14 /*                                                           */
15 /* Contributing Programmer(s):                               */
16 /*                                                           */
17 /* Revision History:                                         */
18 /*                                                           */
19 /*      6.23: Correction for FalseSymbol/TrueSymbol. DR0859  */
20 /*                                                           */
21 /*            Corrected compilation errors for files         */
22 /*            generated by constructs-to-c. DR0861           */
23 /*                                                           */
24 /*      6.24: Loading a binary instance file from a run-time */
25 /*            program caused a bus error. DR0866             */
26 /*                                                           */
27 /*            Removed LOGICAL_DEPENDENCIES compilation flag. */
28 /*                                                           */
29 /*            Converted INSTANCE_PATTERN_MATCHING to         */
30 /*            DEFRULE_CONSTRUCT.                             */
31 /*                                                           */
32 /*            Renamed BOOLEAN macro type to intBool.         */
33 /*                                                           */
34 /*      6.30: Removed conditional code for unsupported       */
35 /*            compilers/operating systems (IBM_MCW,          */
36 /*            MAC_MCW, and IBM_TBC).                         */
37 /*                                                           */
38 /*            Changed integer type/precision.                */
39 /*                                                           */
40 /*            Changed garbage collection algorithm.          */
41 /*                                                           */
42 /*            Added const qualifiers to remove C++           */
43 /*            deprecation warnings.                          */
44 /*                                                           */
45 /*            Converted API macros to function calls.        */
46 /*                                                           */
47 /*************************************************************/
49 /* =========================================
50    *****************************************
51                EXTERNAL DEFINITIONS
52    =========================================
53    ***************************************** */
54 #include "setup.h"
58 #include "argacces.h"
59 #include "classcom.h"
60 #include "classfun.h"
61 #include "classinf.h"
62 #include "envrnmnt.h"
63 #include "exprnpsr.h"
64 #include "evaluatn.h"
65 #include "insfile.h"
66 #include "insfun.h"
67 #include "insmngr.h"
68 #include "insmoddp.h"
69 #include "insmult.h"
70 #include "inspsr.h"
71 #include "lgcldpnd.h"
72 #include "memalloc.h"
73 #include "msgcom.h"
74 #include "msgfun.h"
75 #include "router.h"
76 #include "strngrtr.h"
77 #include "sysdep.h"
78 #include "utility.h"
79 #include "commline.h"
81 #define _INSCOM_SOURCE_
82 #include "inscom.h"
84 /* =========================================
85    *****************************************
86                    CONSTANTS
87    =========================================
88    ***************************************** */
89 #define ALL_QUALIFIER      "inherit"
91 /* =========================================
92    *****************************************
94    =========================================
95    ***************************************** */
98 static long ListInstancesInModule(void *,int,const char *,const char *,intBool,intBool);
99 static long TabulateInstances(void *,int,const char *,DEFCLASS *,intBool,intBool);
100 #endif
102 static void PrintInstance(void *,const char *,INSTANCE_TYPE *,const char *);
103 static INSTANCE_SLOT *FindISlotByName(void *,INSTANCE_TYPE *,const char *);
104 static void DeallocateInstanceData(void *);
106 /* =========================================
107    *****************************************
109    =========================================
110    ***************************************** */
112 /*********************************************************
113   NAME         : SetupInstances
114   DESCRIPTION  : Initializes instance Hash Table,
115                    Function Parsers, and Data Structures
116   INPUTS       : None
117   RETURNS      : Nothing useful
118   SIDE EFFECTS : None
119   NOTES        : None
120  *********************************************************/
SetupInstances(void * theEnv)121 globle void SetupInstances(
122   void *theEnv)
123   {
124    struct patternEntityRecord instanceInfo = { { "INSTANCE_ADDRESS",
125                                                      INSTANCE_ADDRESS,0,0,0,
126                                                      PrintInstanceName,
127                                                      PrintInstanceLongForm,
128                                                      EnvUnmakeInstance,
129                                                      NULL,
130                                                      EnvGetNextInstance,
131                                                      EnvDecrementInstanceCount,
132                                                      EnvIncrementInstanceCount,
133                                                      NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL
134                                                    },
136                                                   DecrementObjectBasisCount,
137                                                   IncrementObjectBasisCount,
138                                                   MatchObjectFunction,
139                                                   NetworkSynchronized,
140                                                   InstanceIsDeleted
141 #else
142                                                   NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL
143 #endif
144                                                 };
146    INSTANCE_TYPE dummyInstance = { { NULL, NULL, 0, 0L },
147                                    NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
148                                    NULL,  0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
149                                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
151    AllocateEnvironmentData(theEnv,INSTANCE_DATA,sizeof(struct instanceData),DeallocateInstanceData);
153    InstanceData(theEnv)->MkInsMsgPass = TRUE;
154    memcpy(&InstanceData(theEnv)->InstanceInfo,&instanceInfo,sizeof(struct patternEntityRecord));
155    dummyInstance.header.theInfo = &InstanceData(theEnv)->InstanceInfo;
156    memcpy(&InstanceData(theEnv)->DummyInstance,&dummyInstance,sizeof(INSTANCE_TYPE));
158    InitializeInstanceTable(theEnv);
159    InstallPrimitive(theEnv,(struct entityRecord *) &InstanceData(theEnv)->InstanceInfo,INSTANCE_ADDRESS);
161 #if ! RUN_TIME
164    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"initialize-instance",'u',
165                   PTIEF InactiveInitializeInstance,"InactiveInitializeInstance",NULL);
166    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"active-initialize-instance",'u',
167                   PTIEF InitializeInstanceCommand,"InitializeInstanceCommand",NULL);
168    AddFunctionParser(theEnv,"active-initialize-instance",ParseInitializeInstance);
170    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"make-instance",'u',PTIEF InactiveMakeInstance,"InactiveMakeInstance",NULL);
171    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"active-make-instance",'u',PTIEF MakeInstanceCommand,"MakeInstanceCommand",NULL);
172    AddFunctionParser(theEnv,"active-make-instance",ParseInitializeInstance);
174 #else
175    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"initialize-instance",'u',
176                   PTIEF InitializeInstanceCommand,"InitializeInstanceCommand",NULL);
177    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"make-instance",'u',PTIEF MakeInstanceCommand,"MakeInstanceCommand",NULL);
178 #endif
179    AddFunctionParser(theEnv,"initialize-instance",ParseInitializeInstance);
180    AddFunctionParser(theEnv,"make-instance",ParseInitializeInstance);
182    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"init-slots",'u',PTIEF InitSlotsCommand,"InitSlotsCommand","00");
184    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"delete-instance",'b',PTIEF DeleteInstanceCommand,
185                    "DeleteInstanceCommand","00");
186    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"(create-instance)",'b',PTIEF CreateInstanceHandler,
187                    "CreateInstanceHandler","00");
188    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"unmake-instance",'b',PTIEF UnmakeInstanceCommand,
189                    "UnmakeInstanceCommand","1*e");
192    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"instances",'v',PTIEF InstancesCommand,"InstancesCommand","*3w");
193    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"ppinstance",'v',PTIEF PPInstanceCommand,"PPInstanceCommand","00");
194 #endif
196    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"symbol-to-instance-name",'u',
197                   PTIEF SymbolToInstanceName,"SymbolToInstanceName","11w");
198    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"instance-name-to-symbol",'w',
199                   PTIEF InstanceNameToSymbol,"InstanceNameToSymbol","11p");
200    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"instance-address",'u',PTIEF InstanceAddressCommand,
201                    "InstanceAddressCommand","12eep");
202    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"instance-addressp",'b',PTIEF InstanceAddressPCommand,
203                    "InstanceAddressPCommand","11");
204    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"instance-namep",'b',PTIEF InstanceNamePCommand,
205                    "InstanceNamePCommand","11");
206    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"instance-name",'u',PTIEF InstanceNameCommand,
207                    "InstanceNameCommand","11e");
208    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"instancep",'b',PTIEF InstancePCommand,"InstancePCommand","11");
209    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"instance-existp",'b',PTIEF InstanceExistPCommand,
210                    "InstanceExistPCommand","11e");
211    EnvDefineFunction2(theEnv,"class",'u',PTIEF ClassCommand,"ClassCommand","11");
213    SetupInstanceModDupCommands(theEnv);
214    /* SetupInstanceFileCommands(theEnv); DR0866 */
215    SetupInstanceMultifieldCommands(theEnv);
217 #endif
219    SetupInstanceFileCommands(theEnv); /* DR0866 */
221    AddCleanupFunction(theEnv,"instances",CleanupInstances,0);
222    EnvAddResetFunction(theEnv,"instances",DestroyAllInstances,60);
223   }
225 /***************************************/
226 /* DeallocateInstanceData: Deallocates */
227 /*    environment data for instances.  */
228 /***************************************/
DeallocateInstanceData(void * theEnv)229 static void DeallocateInstanceData(
230   void *theEnv)
231   {
232    INSTANCE_TYPE *tmpIPtr, *nextIPtr;
233    long i;
234    INSTANCE_SLOT *sp;
235    IGARBAGE *tmpGPtr, *nextGPtr;
236    struct patternMatch *theMatch, *tmpMatch;
238    /*=================================*/
239    /* Remove the instance hash table. */
240    /*=================================*/
242    rm(theEnv,InstanceData(theEnv)->InstanceTable,
243       (int) (sizeof(INSTANCE_TYPE *) * INSTANCE_TABLE_HASH_SIZE));
245    /*=======================*/
246    /* Return all instances. */
247    /*=======================*/
249    tmpIPtr = InstanceData(theEnv)->InstanceList;
250    while (tmpIPtr != NULL)
251      {
252       nextIPtr = tmpIPtr->nxtList;
254       theMatch = (struct patternMatch *) tmpIPtr->partialMatchList;
255       while (theMatch != NULL)
256         {
257          tmpMatch = theMatch->next;
258          rtn_struct(theEnv,patternMatch,theMatch);
259          theMatch = tmpMatch;
260         }
263       ReturnEntityDependencies(theEnv,(struct patternEntity *) tmpIPtr);
264 #endif
266       for (i = 0 ; i < tmpIPtr->cls->instanceSlotCount ; i++)
267         {
268          sp = tmpIPtr->slotAddresses[i];
269          if ((sp == &sp->desc->sharedValue) ?
270              (--sp->desc->sharedCount == 0) : TRUE)
271            {
272             if (sp->desc->multiple)
273               { ReturnMultifield(theEnv,(MULTIFIELD_PTR) sp->value); }
274            }
275         }
277       if (tmpIPtr->cls->instanceSlotCount != 0)
278         {
279          rm(theEnv,(void *) tmpIPtr->slotAddresses,
280             (tmpIPtr->cls->instanceSlotCount * sizeof(INSTANCE_SLOT *)));
281          if (tmpIPtr->cls->localInstanceSlotCount != 0)
282            {
283             rm(theEnv,(void *) tmpIPtr->slots,
284                (tmpIPtr->cls->localInstanceSlotCount * sizeof(INSTANCE_SLOT)));
285            }
286         }
288       rtn_struct(theEnv,instance,tmpIPtr);
290       tmpIPtr = nextIPtr;
291      }
293    /*===============================*/
294    /* Get rid of garbage instances. */
295    /*===============================*/
297    tmpGPtr = InstanceData(theEnv)->InstanceGarbageList;
298    while (tmpGPtr != NULL)
299      {
300       nextGPtr = tmpGPtr->nxt;
301       rtn_struct(theEnv,instance,tmpGPtr->ins);
302       rtn_struct(theEnv,igarbage,tmpGPtr);
303       tmpGPtr = nextGPtr;
304      }
305   }
307 /*******************************************************************
308   NAME         : EnvDeleteInstance
309   DESCRIPTION  : DIRECTLY removes a named instance from the
310                    hash table and its class's
311                    instance list
312   INPUTS       : The instance address (NULL to delete all instances)
313   RETURNS      : 1 if successful, 0 otherwise
314   SIDE EFFECTS : Instance is deallocated
315   NOTES        : C interface for deleting instances
316  *******************************************************************/
EnvDeleteInstance(void * theEnv,void * iptr)317 globle intBool EnvDeleteInstance(
318   void *theEnv,
319   void *iptr)
320   {
321    INSTANCE_TYPE *ins,*itmp;
322    int success = 1;
324    if (iptr != NULL)
325      return(QuashInstance(theEnv,(INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr));
326    ins = InstanceData(theEnv)->InstanceList;
327    while (ins != NULL)
328      {
329       itmp = ins;
330       ins = ins->nxtList;
331       if (QuashInstance(theEnv,(INSTANCE_TYPE *) itmp) == 0)
332         success = 0;
333      }
335    if ((UtilityData(theEnv)->CurrentGarbageFrame->topLevel) && (! CommandLineData(theEnv)->EvaluatingTopLevelCommand) &&
336        (EvaluationData(theEnv)->CurrentExpression == NULL) && (UtilityData(theEnv)->GarbageCollectionLocks == 0))
337      {
338       CleanCurrentGarbageFrame(theEnv,NULL);
339       CallPeriodicTasks(theEnv);
340      }
342    return(success);
343   }
345 /*******************************************************************
346   NAME         : EnvUnmakeInstance
347   DESCRIPTION  : Removes a named instance via message-passing
348   INPUTS       : The instance address (NULL to delete all instances)
349   RETURNS      : 1 if successful, 0 otherwise
350   SIDE EFFECTS : Instance is deallocated
351   NOTES        : C interface for deleting instances
352  *******************************************************************/
EnvUnmakeInstance(void * theEnv,void * iptr)353 globle intBool EnvUnmakeInstance(
354   void *theEnv,
355   void *iptr)
356   {
357    INSTANCE_TYPE *ins;
358    int success = 1,svmaintain;
360    svmaintain = InstanceData(theEnv)->MaintainGarbageInstances;
361    InstanceData(theEnv)->MaintainGarbageInstances = TRUE;
362    ins = (INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr;
363    if (ins != NULL)
364      {
365       if (ins->garbage)
366         success = 0;
367       else
368         {
369          DirectMessage(theEnv,MessageHandlerData(theEnv)->DELETE_SYMBOL,ins,NULL,NULL);
370          if (ins->garbage == 0)
371            success = 0;
372         }
373      }
374    else
375      {
376       ins = InstanceData(theEnv)->InstanceList;
377       while (ins != NULL)
378         {
379          DirectMessage(theEnv,MessageHandlerData(theEnv)->DELETE_SYMBOL,ins,NULL,NULL);
380          if (ins->garbage == 0)
381            success = 0;
382          ins = ins->nxtList;
383          while ((ins != NULL) ? ins->garbage : FALSE)
384            ins = ins->nxtList;
385         }
386      }
387    InstanceData(theEnv)->MaintainGarbageInstances = svmaintain;
388    CleanupInstances(theEnv);
390    if ((UtilityData(theEnv)->CurrentGarbageFrame->topLevel) && (! CommandLineData(theEnv)->EvaluatingTopLevelCommand) &&
391        (EvaluationData(theEnv)->CurrentExpression == NULL) && (UtilityData(theEnv)->GarbageCollectionLocks == 0))
392      {
393       CleanCurrentGarbageFrame(theEnv,NULL);
394       CallPeriodicTasks(theEnv);
395      }
397    return(success);
398   }
402 /*******************************************************************
403   NAME         : InstancesCommand
404   DESCRIPTION  : Lists all instances associated
405                    with a particular class
406   INPUTS       : None
407   RETURNS      : Nothing useful
408   SIDE EFFECTS : None
409   NOTES        : H/L Syntax : (instances [<class-name> [inherit]])
410  *******************************************************************/
InstancesCommand(void * theEnv)411 globle void InstancesCommand(
412   void *theEnv)
413   {
414    int argno, inheritFlag = FALSE;
415    void *theDefmodule;
416    const char *className = NULL;
417    DATA_OBJECT temp;
419    theDefmodule = (void *) EnvGetCurrentModule(theEnv);
421    argno = EnvRtnArgCount(theEnv);
422    if (argno > 0)
423      {
424       if (EnvArgTypeCheck(theEnv,"instances",1,SYMBOL,&temp) == FALSE)
425         return;
426       theDefmodule = EnvFindDefmodule(theEnv,DOToString(temp));
427       if ((theDefmodule != NULL) ? FALSE :
428           (strcmp(DOToString(temp),"*") != 0))
429         {
430          SetEvaluationError(theEnv,TRUE);
431          ExpectedTypeError1(theEnv,"instances",1,"defmodule name");
432          return;
433         }
434       if (argno > 1)
435         {
436          if (EnvArgTypeCheck(theEnv,"instances",2,SYMBOL,&temp) == FALSE)
437            return;
438          className = DOToString(temp);
439          if (LookupDefclassAnywhere(theEnv,(struct defmodule *) theDefmodule,className) == NULL)
440            {
441             if (strcmp(className,"*") == 0)
442               className = NULL;
443             else
444               {
445                ClassExistError(theEnv,"instances",className);
446                  return;
447               }
448            }
449          if (argno > 2)
450            {
451             if (EnvArgTypeCheck(theEnv,"instances",3,SYMBOL,&temp) == FALSE)
452               return;
453             if (strcmp(DOToString(temp),ALL_QUALIFIER) != 0)
454               {
455                SetEvaluationError(theEnv,TRUE);
456                ExpectedTypeError1(theEnv,"instances",3,"keyword \"inherit\"");
457                return;
458               }
459             inheritFlag = TRUE;
460            }
461         }
462      }
463    EnvInstances(theEnv,WDISPLAY,theDefmodule,className,inheritFlag);
464   }
466 /********************************************************
467   NAME         : PPInstanceCommand
468   DESCRIPTION  : Displays the current slot-values
469                    of an instance
470   INPUTS       : None
471   RETURNS      : Nothing useful
472   SIDE EFFECTS : None
473   NOTES        : H/L Syntax : (ppinstance <instance>)
474  ********************************************************/
PPInstanceCommand(void * theEnv)475 globle void PPInstanceCommand(
476   void *theEnv)
477   {
478    INSTANCE_TYPE *ins;
480    if (CheckCurrentMessage(theEnv,"ppinstance",TRUE) == FALSE)
481      return;
482    ins = GetActiveInstance(theEnv);
483    if (ins->garbage == 1)
484      return;
485    PrintInstance(theEnv,WDISPLAY,ins,"\n");
486    EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WDISPLAY,"\n");
487   }
489 /***************************************************************
490   NAME         : EnvInstances
491   DESCRIPTION  : Lists instances of classes
492   INPUTS       : 1) The logical name for the output
493                  2) Address of the module (NULL for all classes)
494                  3) Name of the class
495                     (NULL for all classes in specified module)
496                  4) A flag indicating whether to print instances
497                     of subclasses or not
498   RETURNS      : Nothing useful
499   SIDE EFFECTS : None
500   NOTES        : None
501  **************************************************************/
EnvInstances(void * theEnv,const char * logicalName,void * theVModule,const char * className,int inheritFlag)502 globle void EnvInstances(
503   void *theEnv,
504   const char *logicalName,
505   void *theVModule,
506   const char *className,
507   int inheritFlag)
508   {
509    int id;
510    struct defmodule *theModule;
511    long count = 0L;
513    /* ===========================================
514       Grab a traversal id to avoid printing out
515       instances twice due to multiple inheritance
516       =========================================== */
517   if ((id = GetTraversalID(theEnv)) == -1)
518     return;
519   SaveCurrentModule(theEnv);
521    /* ====================================
522       For all modules, print out instances
523       of specified class(es)
524       ==================================== */
525    if (theVModule == NULL)
526      {
527       theModule = (struct defmodule *) EnvGetNextDefmodule(theEnv,NULL);
528       while (theModule != NULL)
529         {
530          if (GetHaltExecution(theEnv) == TRUE)
531            {
532             RestoreCurrentModule(theEnv);
533             ReleaseTraversalID(theEnv);
534             return;
535            }
537          EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,logicalName,EnvGetDefmoduleName(theEnv,(void *) theModule));
538          EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,logicalName,":\n");
539          EnvSetCurrentModule(theEnv,(void *) theModule);
540          count += ListInstancesInModule(theEnv,id,logicalName,className,inheritFlag,TRUE);
541          theModule = (struct defmodule *) EnvGetNextDefmodule(theEnv,(void *) theModule);
542         }
543      }
545    /* ====================================
546       For the specified module, print out
547       instances of the specified class(es)
548       ==================================== */
549    else
550      {
551       EnvSetCurrentModule(theEnv,(void *) theVModule);
552       count = ListInstancesInModule(theEnv,id,logicalName,className,inheritFlag,FALSE);
553      }
555    RestoreCurrentModule(theEnv);
556    ReleaseTraversalID(theEnv);
557    if (EvaluationData(theEnv)->HaltExecution == FALSE)
558      PrintTally(theEnv,logicalName,count,"instance","instances");
559   }
561 #endif /* DEBUGGING_FUNCTIONS */
563 /*********************************************************
564   NAME         : EnvMakeInstance
565   DESCRIPTION  : C Interface for creating and
566                    initializing a class instance
567   INPUTS       : The make-instance call string,
568                     e.g. "([bill] of man (age 34))"
569   RETURNS      : The instance address if instance created,
570                     NULL otherwise
571   SIDE EFFECTS : Creates the instance and returns
572                     the result in caller's buffer
573   NOTES        : None
574  *********************************************************/
EnvMakeInstance(void * theEnv,const char * mkstr)575 globle void *EnvMakeInstance(
576   void *theEnv,
577   const char *mkstr)
578   {
579    const char *router = "***MKINS***";
580    struct token tkn;
581    EXPRESSION *top;
582    DATA_OBJECT result;
584    result.type = SYMBOL;
585    result.value = EnvFalseSymbol(theEnv);
586    if (OpenStringSource(theEnv,router,mkstr,0) == 0)
587      return(NULL);
588    GetToken(theEnv,router,&tkn);
589    if (tkn.type == LPAREN)
590      {
591       top = GenConstant(theEnv,FCALL,(void *) FindFunction(theEnv,"make-instance"));
592       if (ParseSimpleInstance(theEnv,top,router) != NULL)
593         {
594          GetToken(theEnv,router,&tkn);
595          if (tkn.type == STOP)
596            {
597             ExpressionInstall(theEnv,top);
598             EvaluateExpression(theEnv,top,&result);
599             ExpressionDeinstall(theEnv,top);
600            }
601          else
602            SyntaxErrorMessage(theEnv,"instance definition");
603          ReturnExpression(theEnv,top);
604         }
605      }
606    else
607      SyntaxErrorMessage(theEnv,"instance definition");
608    CloseStringSource(theEnv,router);
610    if ((UtilityData(theEnv)->CurrentGarbageFrame->topLevel) && (! CommandLineData(theEnv)->EvaluatingTopLevelCommand) &&
611        (EvaluationData(theEnv)->CurrentExpression == NULL) && (UtilityData(theEnv)->GarbageCollectionLocks == 0))
612      {
613       CleanCurrentGarbageFrame(theEnv,NULL);
614       CallPeriodicTasks(theEnv);
615      }
617    if ((result.type == SYMBOL) && (result.value == EnvFalseSymbol(theEnv)))
618      return(NULL);
620    return((void *) FindInstanceBySymbol(theEnv,(SYMBOL_HN *) result.value));
621   }
623 /***************************************************************
624   NAME         : EnvCreateRawInstance
625   DESCRIPTION  : Creates an empty of instance of the specified
626                    class.  No slot-overrides or class defaults
627                    are applied.
628   INPUTS       : 1) Address of class
629                  2) Name of the new instance
630   RETURNS      : The instance address if instance created,
631                     NULL otherwise
632   SIDE EFFECTS : Old instance of same name deleted (if possible)
633   NOTES        : None
634  ***************************************************************/
EnvCreateRawInstance(void * theEnv,void * cptr,const char * iname)635 globle void *EnvCreateRawInstance(
636   void *theEnv,
637   void *cptr,
638   const char *iname)
639   {
640    return((void *) BuildInstance(theEnv,(SYMBOL_HN *) EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,iname),(DEFCLASS *) cptr,FALSE));
641   }
643 /***************************************************************************
644   NAME         : EnvFindInstance
645   DESCRIPTION  : Looks up a specified instance in the instance hash table
646   INPUTS       : Name-string of the instance
647   RETURNS      : The address of the found instance, NULL otherwise
648   SIDE EFFECTS : None
649   NOTES        : None
650  ***************************************************************************/
EnvFindInstance(void * theEnv,void * theModule,const char * iname,unsigned searchImports)651 globle void *EnvFindInstance(
652   void *theEnv,
653   void *theModule,
654   const char *iname,
655   unsigned searchImports)
656   {
657    SYMBOL_HN *isym;
659    isym = FindSymbolHN(theEnv,iname);
660    if (isym == NULL)
661      return(NULL);
662    if (theModule == NULL)
663      theModule = (void *) EnvGetCurrentModule(theEnv);
664    return((void *) FindInstanceInModule(theEnv,isym,(struct defmodule *) theModule,
665                                         ((struct defmodule *) EnvGetCurrentModule(theEnv)),searchImports));
666   }
668 /***************************************************************************
669   NAME         : EnvValidInstanceAddress
670   DESCRIPTION  : Determines if an instance address is still valid
671   INPUTS       : Instance address
672   RETURNS      : 1 if the address is still valid, 0 otherwise
673   SIDE EFFECTS : None
674   NOTES        : None
675  ***************************************************************************/
EnvValidInstanceAddress(void * theEnv,void * iptr)676 globle int EnvValidInstanceAddress(
677   void *theEnv,
678   void *iptr)
679   {
680 #if MAC_XCD
681 #pragma unused(theEnv)
682 #endif
684    return((((INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr)->garbage == 0) ? 1 : 0);
685   }
687 /***************************************************
688   NAME         : EnvDirectGetSlot
689   DESCRIPTION  : Gets a slot value
690   INPUTS       : 1) Instance address
691                  2) Slot name
692                  3) Caller's result buffer
693   RETURNS      : Nothing useful
694   SIDE EFFECTS : None
695   NOTES        : None
696  ***************************************************/
EnvDirectGetSlot(void * theEnv,void * ins,const char * sname,DATA_OBJECT * result)697 globle void EnvDirectGetSlot(
698   void *theEnv,
699   void *ins,
700   const char *sname,
701   DATA_OBJECT *result)
702   {
703    INSTANCE_SLOT *sp;
705    if (((INSTANCE_TYPE *) ins)->garbage == 1)
706      {
707       SetEvaluationError(theEnv,TRUE);
708       result->type = SYMBOL;
709       result->value = EnvFalseSymbol(theEnv);
710       return;
711      }
712    sp = FindISlotByName(theEnv,(INSTANCE_TYPE *) ins,sname);
713    if (sp == NULL)
714      {
715       SetEvaluationError(theEnv,TRUE);
716       result->type = SYMBOL;
717       result->value = EnvFalseSymbol(theEnv);
718       return;
719      }
720    result->type = (unsigned short) sp->type;
721    result->value = sp->value;
722    if (sp->type == MULTIFIELD)
723      {
724       result->begin = 0;
725       SetpDOEnd(result,GetInstanceSlotLength(sp));
726      }
727    if ((UtilityData(theEnv)->CurrentGarbageFrame->topLevel) && (! CommandLineData(theEnv)->EvaluatingTopLevelCommand) &&
728        (EvaluationData(theEnv)->CurrentExpression == NULL) && (UtilityData(theEnv)->GarbageCollectionLocks == 0))
729      {
730       CleanCurrentGarbageFrame(theEnv,result);
731       CallPeriodicTasks(theEnv);
732      }
733   }
735 /*********************************************************
736   NAME         : EnvDirectPutSlot
737   DESCRIPTION  : Gets a slot value
738   INPUTS       : 1) Instance address
739                  2) Slot name
740                  3) Caller's new value buffer
741   RETURNS      : TRUE if put successful, FALSE otherwise
742   SIDE EFFECTS : None
743   NOTES        : None
744  *********************************************************/
EnvDirectPutSlot(void * theEnv,void * ins,const char * sname,DATA_OBJECT * val)745 globle int EnvDirectPutSlot(
746   void *theEnv,
747   void *ins,
748   const char *sname,
749   DATA_OBJECT *val)
750   {
751    INSTANCE_SLOT *sp;
752    DATA_OBJECT junk;
754    if ((((INSTANCE_TYPE *) ins)->garbage == 1) || (val == NULL))
755      {
756       SetEvaluationError(theEnv,TRUE);
757       return(FALSE);
758      }
759    sp = FindISlotByName(theEnv,(INSTANCE_TYPE *) ins,sname);
760    if (sp == NULL)
761      {
762       SetEvaluationError(theEnv,TRUE);
763       return(FALSE);
764      }
766    if (PutSlotValue(theEnv,(INSTANCE_TYPE *) ins,sp,val,&junk,"external put"))
767      {
768       if ((UtilityData(theEnv)->CurrentGarbageFrame->topLevel) && (! CommandLineData(theEnv)->EvaluatingTopLevelCommand) &&
769           (EvaluationData(theEnv)->CurrentExpression == NULL) && (UtilityData(theEnv)->GarbageCollectionLocks == 0))
770         {
771          CleanCurrentGarbageFrame(theEnv,NULL);
772          CallPeriodicTasks(theEnv);
773         }
774       return(TRUE);
775      }
776    return(FALSE);
777   }
779 /***************************************************
780   NAME         : GetInstanceName
781   DESCRIPTION  : Returns name of instance
782   INPUTS       : Pointer to instance
783   RETURNS      : Name of instance
784   SIDE EFFECTS : None
785   NOTES        : None
786  ***************************************************/
EnvGetInstanceName(void * theEnv,void * iptr)787 globle const char *EnvGetInstanceName(
788   void *theEnv,
789   void *iptr)
790   {
791 #if MAC_XCD
792 #pragma unused(theEnv)
793 #endif
795    if (((INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr)->garbage == 1)
796      return(NULL);
797    return(ValueToString(((INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr)->name));
798   }
800 /***************************************************
801   NAME         : EnvGetInstanceClass
802   DESCRIPTION  : Returns class of instance
803   INPUTS       : Pointer to instance
804   RETURNS      : Pointer to class of instance
805   SIDE EFFECTS : None
806   NOTES        : None
807  ***************************************************/
EnvGetInstanceClass(void * theEnv,void * iptr)808 globle void *EnvGetInstanceClass(
809   void *theEnv,
810   void *iptr)
811   {
812 #if MAC_XCD
813 #pragma unused(theEnv)
814 #endif
816    if (((INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr)->garbage == 1)
817      return(NULL);
818    return((void *) ((INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr)->cls);
819   }
821 /***************************************************
822   NAME         : GetGlobalNumberOfInstances
823   DESCRIPTION  : Returns the total number of
824                    instances in all modules
825   INPUTS       : None
826   RETURNS      : The instance count
827   SIDE EFFECTS : None
828   NOTES        : None
829  ***************************************************/
GetGlobalNumberOfInstances(void * theEnv)830 globle unsigned long GetGlobalNumberOfInstances(
831   void *theEnv)
832   {
833    return(InstanceData(theEnv)->GlobalNumberOfInstances);
834   }
836 /***************************************************
837   NAME         : EnvGetNextInstance
838   DESCRIPTION  : Returns next instance in list
839                  (or first instance in list)
840   INPUTS       : Pointer to previous instance
841                  (or NULL to get first instance)
842   RETURNS      : The next instance or first instance
843   SIDE EFFECTS : None
844   NOTES        : None
845  ***************************************************/
EnvGetNextInstance(void * theEnv,void * iptr)846 globle void *EnvGetNextInstance(
847   void *theEnv,
848   void *iptr)
849   {
850    if (iptr == NULL)
851      return((void *) InstanceData(theEnv)->InstanceList);
852    if (((INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr)->garbage == 1)
853      return(NULL);
854    return((void *) ((INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr)->nxtList);
855   }
857 /***************************************************
858   NAME         : GetNextInstanceInScope
859   DESCRIPTION  : Returns next instance in list
860                  (or first instance in list)
861                  which class is in scope
862   INPUTS       : Pointer to previous instance
863                  (or NULL to get first instance)
864   RETURNS      : The next instance or first instance
865                  which class is in scope of the
866                  current module
867   SIDE EFFECTS : None
868   NOTES        : None
869  ***************************************************/
GetNextInstanceInScope(void * theEnv,void * iptr)870 globle void *GetNextInstanceInScope(
871   void *theEnv,
872   void *iptr)
873   {
874    INSTANCE_TYPE *ins = (INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr;
876    if (ins == NULL)
877      ins = InstanceData(theEnv)->InstanceList;
878    else if (ins->garbage)
879      return(NULL);
880    else
881      ins = ins->nxtList;
882    while (ins != NULL)
883      {
884       if (DefclassInScope(theEnv,ins->cls,NULL))
885         return((void *) ins);
886       ins = ins->nxtList;
887      }
888    return(NULL);
889   }
891 /***************************************************
892   NAME         : EnvGetNextInstanceInClass
893   DESCRIPTION  : Finds next instance of class
894                  (or first instance of class)
895   INPUTS       : 1) Class address
896                  2) Instance address
897                     (NULL to get first instance)
898   RETURNS      : The next or first class instance
899   SIDE EFFECTS : None
900   NOTES        : None
901  ***************************************************/
EnvGetNextInstanceInClass(void * theEnv,void * cptr,void * iptr)902 globle void *EnvGetNextInstanceInClass(
903   void *theEnv,
904   void *cptr,
905   void *iptr)
906   {
907 #if MAC_XCD
908 #pragma unused(theEnv)
909 #endif
911    if (iptr == NULL)
912      return((void *) ((DEFCLASS *) cptr)->instanceList);
913    if (((INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr)->garbage == 1)
914      return(NULL);
915    return((void *) ((INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr)->nxtClass);
916   }
918 /***************************************************
919   NAME         : EnvGetNextInstanceInClassAndSubclasses
920   DESCRIPTION  : Finds next instance of class
921                  (or first instance of class) and
922                  all of its subclasses
923   INPUTS       : 1) Class address
924                  2) Instance address
925                     (NULL to get first instance)
926   RETURNS      : The next or first class instance
927   SIDE EFFECTS : None
928   NOTES        : None
929  ***************************************************/
EnvGetNextInstanceInClassAndSubclasses(void * theEnv,void ** cptr,void * iptr,DATA_OBJECT * iterationInfo)930 globle void *EnvGetNextInstanceInClassAndSubclasses(
931   void *theEnv,
932   void **cptr,
933   void *iptr,
934   DATA_OBJECT *iterationInfo)
935   {
936    INSTANCE_TYPE *nextInstance;
937    DEFCLASS *theClass;
939    theClass = (DEFCLASS *) *cptr;
941    if (iptr == NULL)
942      {
943       ClassSubclassAddresses(theEnv,theClass,iterationInfo,TRUE);
944       nextInstance = theClass->instanceList;
945      }
946    else if (((INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr)->garbage == 1)
947      { nextInstance = NULL; }
948    else
949      { nextInstance = ((INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr)->nxtClass; }
951    while ((nextInstance == NULL) &&
952           (GetpDOBegin(iterationInfo) <= GetpDOEnd(iterationInfo)))
953      {
954       theClass = (struct defclass *) GetMFValue(DOPToPointer(iterationInfo),
955                                                 GetpDOBegin(iterationInfo));
956       *cptr = theClass;
957       SetpDOBegin(iterationInfo,GetpDOBegin(iterationInfo) + 1);
958       nextInstance = theClass->instanceList;
959      }
961    return(nextInstance);
962   }
964 /***************************************************
965   NAME         : EnvGetInstancePPForm
966   DESCRIPTION  : Writes slot names and values to
967                   caller's buffer
968   INPUTS       : 1) Caller's buffer
969                  2) Size of buffer (not including
970                     space for terminating '\0')
971                  3) Instance address
972   RETURNS      : Nothing useful
973   SIDE EFFECTS : Caller's buffer written
974   NOTES        : None
975  ***************************************************/
EnvGetInstancePPForm(void * theEnv,char * buf,size_t buflen,void * iptr)976 globle void EnvGetInstancePPForm(
977   void *theEnv,
978   char *buf,
979   size_t buflen,
980   void *iptr)
981   {
982    const char *pbuf = "***InstancePPForm***";
984    if (((INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr)->garbage == 1)
985      return;
986    if (OpenStringDestination(theEnv,pbuf,buf,buflen+1) == 0)
987      return;
988    PrintInstance(theEnv,pbuf,(INSTANCE_TYPE *) iptr," ");
989    CloseStringDestination(theEnv,pbuf);
990   }
992 /*********************************************************
993   NAME         : ClassCommand
994   DESCRIPTION  : Returns the class of an instance
995   INPUTS       : Caller's result buffer
996   RETURNS      : Nothing useful
997   SIDE EFFECTS : None
998   NOTES        : H/L Syntax : (class <object>)
999                  Can also be called by (type <object>)
1000                    if you have generic functions installed
1001  *********************************************************/
ClassCommand(void * theEnv,DATA_OBJECT * result)1002 globle void ClassCommand(
1003   void *theEnv,
1004   DATA_OBJECT *result)
1005   {
1006    INSTANCE_TYPE *ins;
1007    const char *func;
1008    DATA_OBJECT temp;
1010    func = ValueToString(((struct FunctionDefinition *)
1011                        EvaluationData(theEnv)->CurrentExpression->value)->callFunctionName);
1012    result->type = SYMBOL;
1013    result->value = EnvFalseSymbol(theEnv);
1014    EvaluateExpression(theEnv,GetFirstArgument(),&temp);
1015    if (temp.type == INSTANCE_ADDRESS)
1016      {
1017       ins = (INSTANCE_TYPE *) temp.value;
1018       if (ins->garbage == 1)
1019         {
1020          StaleInstanceAddress(theEnv,func,0);
1021          SetEvaluationError(theEnv,TRUE);
1022          return;
1023         }
1024       result->value = (void *) GetDefclassNamePointer((void *) ins->cls);
1025      }
1026    else if (temp.type == INSTANCE_NAME)
1027      {
1028       ins = FindInstanceBySymbol(theEnv,(SYMBOL_HN *) temp.value);
1029       if (ins == NULL)
1030         {
1031          NoInstanceError(theEnv,ValueToString(temp.value),func);
1032          return;
1033         }
1034       result->value = (void *) GetDefclassNamePointer((void *) ins->cls);
1035      }
1036    else
1037      {
1038       switch (temp.type)
1039         {
1040          case INTEGER          :
1041          case FLOAT            :
1042          case SYMBOL           :
1043          case STRING           :
1044          case MULTIFIELD       :
1045          case EXTERNAL_ADDRESS :
1046          case FACT_ADDRESS     :
1047                           result->value = (void *)
1048                                            GetDefclassNamePointer((void *)
1049                                             DefclassData(theEnv)->PrimitiveClassMap[temp.type]);
1050                          return;
1052          default       : PrintErrorID(theEnv,"INSCOM",1,FALSE);
1053                          EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WERROR,"Undefined type in function ");
1054                          EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WERROR,func);
1055                          EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WERROR,".\n");
1056                          SetEvaluationError(theEnv,TRUE);
1057         }
1058      }
1059   }
1061 /******************************************************
1062   NAME         : CreateInstanceHandler
1063   DESCRIPTION  : Message handler called after instance creation
1064   INPUTS       : None
1065   RETURNS      : TRUE if successful,
1066                  FALSE otherwise
1067   SIDE EFFECTS : None
1068   NOTES        : Does nothing. Provided so it can be overridden.
1069  ******************************************************/
CreateInstanceHandler(void * theEnv)1070 globle intBool CreateInstanceHandler(
1071   void *theEnv)
1072   {
1073 #if MAC_XCD
1074 #pragma unused(theEnv)
1075 #endif
1077    return(TRUE);
1078   }
1080 /******************************************************
1081   NAME         : DeleteInstanceCommand
1082   DESCRIPTION  : Removes a named instance from the
1083                    hash table and its class's
1084                    instance list
1085   INPUTS       : None
1086   RETURNS      : TRUE if successful,
1087                  FALSE otherwise
1088   SIDE EFFECTS : Instance is deallocated
1089   NOTES        : This is an internal function that
1090                    only be called by a handler
1091  ******************************************************/
DeleteInstanceCommand(void * theEnv)1092 globle intBool DeleteInstanceCommand(
1093   void *theEnv)
1094   {
1095    if (CheckCurrentMessage(theEnv,"delete-instance",TRUE))
1096      return(QuashInstance(theEnv,GetActiveInstance(theEnv)));
1097    return(FALSE);
1098   }
1100 /********************************************************************
1101   NAME         : UnmakeInstanceCommand
1102   DESCRIPTION  : Uses message-passing to delete the
1103                    specified instance
1104   INPUTS       : None
1105   RETURNS      : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
1106   SIDE EFFECTS : Instance is deallocated
1107   NOTES        : Syntax: (unmake-instance <instance-expression>+ | *)
1108  ********************************************************************/
UnmakeInstanceCommand(void * theEnv)1109 globle intBool UnmakeInstanceCommand(
1110   void *theEnv)
1111   {
1112    EXPRESSION *theArgument;
1113    DATA_OBJECT theResult;
1114    INSTANCE_TYPE *ins;
1115    int argNumber = 1,rtn = TRUE;
1117    theArgument = GetFirstArgument();
1118    while (theArgument != NULL)
1119      {
1120       EvaluateExpression(theEnv,theArgument,&theResult);
1121       if ((theResult.type == INSTANCE_NAME) || (theResult.type == SYMBOL))
1122         {
1123          ins = FindInstanceBySymbol(theEnv,(SYMBOL_HN *) theResult.value);
1124          if ((ins == NULL) ? (strcmp(DOToString(theResult),"*") != 0) : FALSE)
1125            {
1126             NoInstanceError(theEnv,DOToString(theResult),"unmake-instance");
1127             return(FALSE);
1128            }
1129          }
1130       else if (theResult.type == INSTANCE_ADDRESS)
1131         {
1132          ins = (INSTANCE_TYPE *) theResult.value;
1133          if (ins->garbage)
1134            {
1135             StaleInstanceAddress(theEnv,"unmake-instance",0);
1136             SetEvaluationError(theEnv,TRUE);
1137             return(FALSE);
1138            }
1139         }
1140       else
1141         {
1142          ExpectedTypeError1(theEnv,"unmake-instance",argNumber,"instance-address, instance-name, or the symbol *");
1143          SetEvaluationError(theEnv,TRUE);
1144          return(FALSE);
1145         }
1146       if (EnvUnmakeInstance(theEnv,ins) == FALSE)
1147         rtn = FALSE;
1148       if (ins == NULL)
1149         return(rtn);
1150       argNumber++;
1151       theArgument = GetNextArgument(theArgument);
1152      }
1153    return(rtn);
1154   }
1156 /*****************************************************************
1157   NAME         : SymbolToInstanceName
1158   DESCRIPTION  : Converts a symbol from type SYMBOL
1159                    to type INSTANCE_NAME
1160   INPUTS       : The address of the value buffer
1161   RETURNS      : The new INSTANCE_NAME symbol
1162   SIDE EFFECTS : None
1163   NOTES        : H/L Syntax : (symbol-to-instance-name <symbol>)
1164  *****************************************************************/
SymbolToInstanceName(void * theEnv,DATA_OBJECT * result)1165 globle void SymbolToInstanceName(
1166   void *theEnv,
1167   DATA_OBJECT *result)
1168   {
1169    if (EnvArgTypeCheck(theEnv,"symbol-to-instance-name",1,SYMBOL,result) == FALSE)
1170      {
1171       SetpType(result,SYMBOL);
1172       SetpValue(result,EnvFalseSymbol(theEnv));
1173       return;
1174      }
1175    SetpType(result,INSTANCE_NAME);
1176   }
1178 /*****************************************************************
1179   NAME         : InstanceNameToSymbol
1180   DESCRIPTION  : Converts a symbol from type INSTANCE_NAME
1181                    to type SYMBOL
1182   INPUTS       : None
1183   RETURNS      : Symbol FALSE on errors - or converted instance name
1184   SIDE EFFECTS : None
1185   NOTES        : H/L Syntax : (instance-name-to-symbol <iname>)
1186  *****************************************************************/
InstanceNameToSymbol(void * theEnv)1187 globle void *InstanceNameToSymbol(
1188   void *theEnv)
1189   {
1190    DATA_OBJECT result;
1192    if (EnvArgTypeCheck(theEnv,"instance-name-to-symbol",1,INSTANCE_NAME,&result) == FALSE)
1193      return((SYMBOL_HN *) EnvFalseSymbol(theEnv));
1194    return((SYMBOL_HN *) result.value);
1195   }
1197 /*********************************************************************************
1198   NAME         : InstanceAddressCommand
1199   DESCRIPTION  : Returns the address of an instance
1200   INPUTS       : The address of the value buffer
1201   RETURNS      : Nothing useful
1202   SIDE EFFECTS : Stores instance address in caller's buffer
1203   NOTES        : H/L Syntax : (instance-address [<module-name>] <instance-name>)
1204  *********************************************************************************/
InstanceAddressCommand(void * theEnv,DATA_OBJECT * result)1205 globle void InstanceAddressCommand(
1206   void *theEnv,
1207   DATA_OBJECT *result)
1208   {
1209    INSTANCE_TYPE *ins;
1210    DATA_OBJECT temp;
1211    struct defmodule *theModule;
1212    unsigned searchImports;
1214    result->type = SYMBOL;
1215    result->value = EnvFalseSymbol(theEnv);
1216    if (EnvRtnArgCount(theEnv) > 1)
1217      {
1218       if (EnvArgTypeCheck(theEnv,"instance-address",1,SYMBOL,&temp) == FALSE)
1219         return;
1220       theModule = (struct defmodule *) EnvFindDefmodule(theEnv,DOToString(temp));
1221       if ((theModule == NULL) ? (strcmp(DOToString(temp),"*") != 0) : FALSE)
1222         {
1223          ExpectedTypeError1(theEnv,"instance-address",1,"module name");
1224          SetEvaluationError(theEnv,TRUE);
1225          return;
1226         }
1227       if (theModule == NULL)
1228         {
1229          searchImports = TRUE;
1230          theModule = ((struct defmodule *) EnvGetCurrentModule(theEnv));
1231         }
1232       else
1233         searchImports = FALSE;
1234       if (EnvArgTypeCheck(theEnv,"instance-address",2,INSTANCE_NAME,&temp)
1235              == FALSE)
1236         return;
1237       ins = FindInstanceInModule(theEnv,(SYMBOL_HN *) temp.value,theModule,
1238                                  ((struct defmodule *) EnvGetCurrentModule(theEnv)),searchImports);
1239       if (ins != NULL)
1240         {
1241          result->type = INSTANCE_ADDRESS;
1242          result->value = (void *) ins;
1243         }
1244       else
1245         NoInstanceError(theEnv,ValueToString(temp.value),"instance-address");
1246      }
1247    else if (EnvArgTypeCheck(theEnv,"instance-address",1,INSTANCE_OR_INSTANCE_NAME,&temp))
1248      {
1249       if (temp.type == INSTANCE_ADDRESS)
1250         {
1251          ins = (INSTANCE_TYPE *) temp.value;
1252          if (ins->garbage == 0)
1253            {
1254             result->type = INSTANCE_ADDRESS;
1255             result->value = temp.value;
1256            }
1257          else
1258            {
1259             StaleInstanceAddress(theEnv,"instance-address",0);
1260             SetEvaluationError(theEnv,TRUE);
1261            }
1262         }
1263       else
1264         {
1265          ins = FindInstanceBySymbol(theEnv,(SYMBOL_HN *) temp.value);
1266          if (ins != NULL)
1267            {
1268             result->type = INSTANCE_ADDRESS;
1269             result->value = (void *) ins;
1270            }
1271          else
1272            NoInstanceError(theEnv,ValueToString(temp.value),"instance-address");
1273         }
1274      }
1275   }
1277 /***************************************************************
1278   NAME         : InstanceNameCommand
1279   DESCRIPTION  : Gets the name of an INSTANCE
1280   INPUTS       : The address of the value buffer
1281   RETURNS      : The INSTANCE_NAME symbol
1282   SIDE EFFECTS : None
1283   NOTES        : H/L Syntax : (instance-name <instance>)
1284  ***************************************************************/
InstanceNameCommand(void * theEnv,DATA_OBJECT * result)1285 globle void InstanceNameCommand(
1286   void *theEnv,
1287   DATA_OBJECT *result)
1288   {
1289    INSTANCE_TYPE *ins;
1290    DATA_OBJECT temp;
1292    result->type = SYMBOL;
1293    result->value = EnvFalseSymbol(theEnv);
1294    if (EnvArgTypeCheck(theEnv,"instance-name",1,INSTANCE_OR_INSTANCE_NAME,&temp) == FALSE)
1295      return;
1296    if (temp.type == INSTANCE_ADDRESS)
1297      {
1298       ins = (INSTANCE_TYPE *) temp.value;
1299       if (ins->garbage == 1)
1300         {
1301          StaleInstanceAddress(theEnv,"instance-name",0);
1302          SetEvaluationError(theEnv,TRUE);
1303          return;
1304         }
1305      }
1306    else
1307      {
1308       ins = FindInstanceBySymbol(theEnv,(SYMBOL_HN *) temp.value);
1309       if (ins == NULL)
1310         {
1311          NoInstanceError(theEnv,ValueToString(temp.value),"instance-name");
1312          return;
1313         }
1314      }
1315    result->type = INSTANCE_NAME;
1316    result->value = (void *) ins->name;
1317   }
1319 /**************************************************************
1320   NAME         : InstanceAddressPCommand
1321   DESCRIPTION  : Determines if a value is of type INSTANCE
1322   INPUTS       : None
1323   RETURNS      : TRUE if type INSTANCE_ADDRESS, FALSE otherwise
1324   SIDE EFFECTS : None
1325   NOTES        : H/L Syntax : (instance-addressp <arg>)
1326  **************************************************************/
InstanceAddressPCommand(void * theEnv)1327 globle intBool InstanceAddressPCommand(
1328   void *theEnv)
1329   {
1330    DATA_OBJECT temp;
1332    EvaluateExpression(theEnv,GetFirstArgument(),&temp);
1333    return((GetType(temp) == INSTANCE_ADDRESS) ? TRUE : FALSE);
1334   }
1336 /**************************************************************
1337   NAME         : InstanceNamePCommand
1338   DESCRIPTION  : Determines if a value is of type INSTANCE_NAME
1339   INPUTS       : None
1340   RETURNS      : TRUE if type INSTANCE_NAME, FALSE otherwise
1341   SIDE EFFECTS : None
1342   NOTES        : H/L Syntax : (instance-namep <arg>)
1343  **************************************************************/
InstanceNamePCommand(void * theEnv)1344 globle intBool InstanceNamePCommand(
1345   void *theEnv)
1346   {
1347    DATA_OBJECT temp;
1349    EvaluateExpression(theEnv,GetFirstArgument(),&temp);
1350    return((GetType(temp) == INSTANCE_NAME) ? TRUE : FALSE);
1351   }
1353 /*****************************************************************
1354   NAME         : InstancePCommand
1355   DESCRIPTION  : Determines if a value is of type INSTANCE_ADDRESS
1356                    or INSTANCE_NAME
1357   INPUTS       : None
1359                      FALSE otherwise
1360   SIDE EFFECTS : None
1361   NOTES        : H/L Syntax : (instancep <arg>)
1362  *****************************************************************/
InstancePCommand(void * theEnv)1363 globle intBool InstancePCommand(
1364   void *theEnv)
1365   {
1366    DATA_OBJECT temp;
1368    EvaluateExpression(theEnv,GetFirstArgument(),&temp);
1369    if ((GetType(temp) == INSTANCE_NAME) || (GetType(temp) == INSTANCE_ADDRESS))
1370      return(TRUE);
1371    return(FALSE);
1372   }
1374 /********************************************************
1375   NAME         : InstanceExistPCommand
1376   DESCRIPTION  : Determines if an instance exists
1377   INPUTS       : None
1378   RETURNS      : TRUE if instance exists, FALSE otherwise
1379   SIDE EFFECTS : None
1380   NOTES        : H/L Syntax : (instance-existp <arg>)
1381  ********************************************************/
InstanceExistPCommand(void * theEnv)1382 globle intBool InstanceExistPCommand(
1383   void *theEnv)
1384   {
1385    DATA_OBJECT temp;
1387    EvaluateExpression(theEnv,GetFirstArgument(),&temp);
1388    if (temp.type == INSTANCE_ADDRESS)
1389      return((((INSTANCE_TYPE *) temp.value)->garbage == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE);
1390    if ((temp.type == INSTANCE_NAME) || (temp.type == SYMBOL))
1391      return((FindInstanceBySymbol(theEnv,(SYMBOL_HN *) temp.value) != NULL) ?
1392              TRUE : FALSE);
1393    ExpectedTypeError1(theEnv,"instance-existp",1,"instance name, instance address or symbol");
1394    SetEvaluationError(theEnv,TRUE);
1395    return(FALSE);
1396   }
1398 /* =========================================
1399    *****************************************
1401    =========================================
1402    ***************************************** */
1406 /***************************************************
1407   NAME         : ListInstancesInModule
1408   DESCRIPTION  : List instances of specified
1409                  class(es) in a module
1410   INPUTS       : 1) Traversal id to avoid multiple
1411                     passes over same class
1412                  2) Logical name of output
1413                  3) The name of the class
1414                     (NULL for all classes)
1415                  4) Flag indicating whether to
1416                     include instances of subclasses
1417                  5) A flag indicating whether to
1418                     indent because of module name
1419   RETURNS      : The number of instances listed
1420   SIDE EFFECTS : Instances listed to logical output
1421   NOTES        : Assumes defclass scope flags
1422                  are up to date
1423  ***************************************************/
ListInstancesInModule(void * theEnv,int id,const char * logicalName,const char * className,intBool inheritFlag,intBool allModulesFlag)1424 static long ListInstancesInModule(
1425   void *theEnv,
1426   int id,
1427   const char *logicalName,
1428   const char *className,
1429   intBool inheritFlag,
1430   intBool allModulesFlag)
1431   {
1432    void *theDefclass,*theInstance;
1433    long count = 0L;
1435    /* ===================================
1436       For the specified module, print out
1437       instances of all the classes
1438       =================================== */
1439    if (className == NULL)
1440      {
1441       /* ==============================================
1442          If instances are being listed for all modules,
1443          only list the instances of classes in this
1444          module (to avoid listing instances twice)
1445          ============================================== */
1446       if (allModulesFlag)
1447         {
1448          for (theDefclass = EnvGetNextDefclass(theEnv,NULL) ;
1449               theDefclass != NULL ;
1450               theDefclass = EnvGetNextDefclass(theEnv,theDefclass))
1451            count += TabulateInstances(theEnv,id,logicalName,
1452                         (DEFCLASS *) theDefclass,FALSE,allModulesFlag);
1453         }
1455       /* ===================================================
1456          If instances are only be listed for one module,
1457          list all instances visible to the module (including
1458          ones belonging to classes in other modules)
1459          =================================================== */
1460       else
1461         {
1462          theInstance = GetNextInstanceInScope(theEnv,NULL);
1463          while (theInstance != NULL)
1464            {
1465             if (GetHaltExecution(theEnv) == TRUE)
1466               { return(count); }
1468             count++;
1469             PrintInstanceNameAndClass(theEnv,logicalName,(INSTANCE_TYPE *) theInstance,TRUE);
1470             theInstance = GetNextInstanceInScope(theEnv,theInstance);
1471            }
1472         }
1473      }
1475    /* ===================================
1476       For the specified module, print out
1477       instances of the specified class
1478       =================================== */
1479    else
1480      {
1481       theDefclass = (void *) LookupDefclassAnywhere(theEnv,((struct defmodule *) EnvGetCurrentModule(theEnv)),className);
1482       if (theDefclass != NULL)
1483         {
1484          count += TabulateInstances(theEnv,id,logicalName,
1485                       (DEFCLASS *) theDefclass,inheritFlag,allModulesFlag);
1486         }
1487       else if (! allModulesFlag)
1488         ClassExistError(theEnv,"instances",className);
1489      }
1490    return(count);
1491   }
1493 /******************************************************
1494   NAME         : TabulateInstances
1495   DESCRIPTION  : Displays all instances for a class
1496   INPUTS       : 1) The traversal id for the classes
1497                  2) The logical name of the output
1498                  3) The class address
1499                  4) A flag indicating whether to
1500                     print out instances of subclasses
1501                     or not.
1502                  5) A flag indicating whether to
1503                     indent because of module name
1504   RETURNS      : The number of instances (including
1505                     subclasses' instances)
1506   SIDE EFFECTS : None
1507   NOTES        : None
1508  ******************************************************/
TabulateInstances(void * theEnv,int id,const char * logicalName,DEFCLASS * cls,intBool inheritFlag,intBool allModulesFlag)1509 static long TabulateInstances(
1510   void *theEnv,
1511   int id,
1512   const char *logicalName,
1513   DEFCLASS *cls,
1514   intBool inheritFlag,
1515   intBool allModulesFlag)
1516   {
1517    INSTANCE_TYPE *ins;
1518    long i;
1519    long count = 0;
1521    if (TestTraversalID(cls->traversalRecord,id))
1522      return(0L);
1523    SetTraversalID(cls->traversalRecord,id);
1524    for (ins = cls->instanceList ; ins != NULL ; ins = ins->nxtClass)
1525      {
1526       if (EvaluationData(theEnv)->HaltExecution)
1527         return(count);
1528       if (allModulesFlag)
1529         EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,logicalName,"   ");
1530       PrintInstanceNameAndClass(theEnv,logicalName,ins,TRUE);
1531       count++;
1532      }
1533    if (inheritFlag)
1534      {
1535       for (i = 0 ; i < cls->directSubclasses.classCount ; i++)
1536         {
1537          if (EvaluationData(theEnv)->HaltExecution)
1538            return(count);
1539          count += TabulateInstances(theEnv,id,logicalName,
1540                      cls->directSubclasses.classArray[i],inheritFlag,allModulesFlag);
1541         }
1542      }
1543    return(count);
1544   }
1546 #endif
1548 /***************************************************
1549   NAME         : PrintInstance
1550   DESCRIPTION  : Displays an instance's slots
1551   INPUTS       : 1) Logical name for output
1552                  2) Instance address
1553                  3) String used to separate
1554                     slot printouts
1555   RETURNS      : Nothing useful
1556   SIDE EFFECTS : None
1557   NOTES        : Assumes instance is valid
1558  ***************************************************/
PrintInstance(void * theEnv,const char * logicalName,INSTANCE_TYPE * ins,const char * separator)1559 static void PrintInstance(
1560   void *theEnv,
1561   const char *logicalName,
1562   INSTANCE_TYPE *ins,
1563   const char *separator)
1564   {
1565    long i;
1566    register INSTANCE_SLOT *sp;
1568    PrintInstanceNameAndClass(theEnv,logicalName,ins,FALSE);
1569    for (i = 0 ; i < ins->cls->instanceSlotCount ; i++)
1570      {
1571       EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,logicalName,separator);
1572       sp = ins->slotAddresses[i];
1573       EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,logicalName,"(");
1574       EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,logicalName,ValueToString(sp->desc->slotName->name));
1575       if (sp->type != MULTIFIELD)
1576         {
1577          EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,logicalName," ");
1578          PrintAtom(theEnv,logicalName,(int) sp->type,sp->value);
1579         }
1580       else if (GetInstanceSlotLength(sp) != 0)
1581         {
1582          EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,logicalName," ");
1583          PrintMultifield(theEnv,logicalName,(MULTIFIELD_PTR) sp->value,0,
1584                          (long) (GetInstanceSlotLength(sp) - 1),FALSE);
1585         }
1586       EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,logicalName,")");
1587      }
1588   }
1590 /***************************************************
1591   NAME         : FindISlotByName
1592   DESCRIPTION  : Looks up an instance slot by
1593                    instance name and slot name
1594   INPUTS       : 1) Instance address
1595                  2) Instance name-string
1596   RETURNS      : The instance slot address, NULL if
1597                    does not exist
1598   SIDE EFFECTS : None
1599   NOTES        : None
1600  ***************************************************/
FindISlotByName(void * theEnv,INSTANCE_TYPE * ins,const char * sname)1601 static INSTANCE_SLOT *FindISlotByName(
1602   void *theEnv,
1603   INSTANCE_TYPE *ins,
1604   const char *sname)
1605   {
1606    SYMBOL_HN *ssym;
1608    ssym = FindSymbolHN(theEnv,sname);
1609    if (ssym == NULL)
1610      return(NULL);
1611    return(FindInstanceSlot(theEnv,ins,ssym));
1612   }
1614 /*#####################################*/
1616 /*#####################################*/
GetInstanceName(void * iptr)1620 globle const char *GetInstanceName(
1621   void *iptr)
1622   {
1623    return EnvGetInstanceName(GetCurrentEnvironment(),iptr);
1624   }
CreateRawInstance(void * cptr,const char * iname)1626 globle void *CreateRawInstance(
1627   void *cptr,
1628   const char *iname)
1629   {
1630    return EnvCreateRawInstance(GetCurrentEnvironment(),cptr,iname);
1631   }
DeleteInstance(void * iptr)1633 globle intBool DeleteInstance(
1634   void *iptr)
1635   {
1636    return EnvDeleteInstance(GetCurrentEnvironment(),iptr);
1637   }
DirectGetSlot(void * ins,const char * sname,DATA_OBJECT * result)1639 globle void DirectGetSlot(
1640   void *ins,
1641   const char *sname,
1642   DATA_OBJECT *result)
1643   {
1644    EnvDirectGetSlot(GetCurrentEnvironment(),ins,sname,result);
1645   }
DirectPutSlot(void * ins,const char * sname,DATA_OBJECT * val)1647 globle int DirectPutSlot(
1648   void *ins,
1649   const char *sname,
1650   DATA_OBJECT *val)
1651   {
1652    return EnvDirectPutSlot(GetCurrentEnvironment(),ins,sname,val);
1653   }
FindInstance(void * theModule,const char * iname,unsigned searchImports)1655 globle void *FindInstance(
1656   void *theModule,
1657   const char *iname,
1658   unsigned searchImports)
1659   {
1660    return EnvFindInstance(GetCurrentEnvironment(),theModule,iname,searchImports);
1661   }
GetInstanceClass(void * iptr)1663 globle void *GetInstanceClass(
1664   void *iptr)
1665   {
1666    return EnvGetInstanceClass(GetCurrentEnvironment(),iptr);
1667   }
GetInstancePPForm(char * buf,unsigned buflen,void * iptr)1669 globle void GetInstancePPForm(
1670   char *buf,
1671   unsigned buflen,
1672   void *iptr)
1673   {
1674    EnvGetInstancePPForm(GetCurrentEnvironment(),buf,buflen,iptr);
1675   }
GetNextInstance(void * iptr)1677 globle void *GetNextInstance(
1678   void *iptr)
1679   {
1680    return EnvGetNextInstance(GetCurrentEnvironment(),iptr);
1681   }
GetNextInstanceInClass(void * cptr,void * iptr)1683 globle void *GetNextInstanceInClass(
1684   void *cptr,
1685   void *iptr)
1686   {
1687    return EnvGetNextInstanceInClass(GetCurrentEnvironment(),cptr,iptr);
1688   }
GetNextInstanceInClassAndSubclasses(void ** cptr,void * iptr,DATA_OBJECT * iterationInfo)1690 globle void *GetNextInstanceInClassAndSubclasses(
1691   void **cptr,
1692   void *iptr,
1693   DATA_OBJECT *iterationInfo)
1694   {
1695    return EnvGetNextInstanceInClassAndSubclasses(GetCurrentEnvironment(),cptr,iptr,iterationInfo);
1696   }
Instances(const char * logicalName,void * theVModule,const char * className,int inheritFlag)1699 globle void Instances(
1700   const char *logicalName,
1701   void *theVModule,
1702   const char *className,
1703   int inheritFlag)
1704   {
1705    EnvInstances(GetCurrentEnvironment(),logicalName,theVModule,className,inheritFlag);
1706   }
1707 #endif
MakeInstance(const char * mkstr)1709 globle void *MakeInstance(
1710   const char *mkstr)
1711   {
1712    return EnvMakeInstance(GetCurrentEnvironment(),mkstr);
1713   }
UnmakeInstance(void * iptr)1715 globle intBool UnmakeInstance(
1716   void *iptr)
1717   {
1718    return EnvUnmakeInstance(GetCurrentEnvironment(),iptr);
1719   }
ValidInstanceAddress(void * iptr)1721 globle int ValidInstanceAddress(
1722   void *iptr)
1723   {
1724    return EnvValidInstanceAddress(GetCurrentEnvironment(),iptr);
1725   }
1729 #endif /* OBJECT_SYSTEM */