1 /*
2  *  (c) 2004 Iowa State University
3  *      see the LICENSE file in the top level directory
4  */
6 /* Frame.h
8 	class to organize all data specific to one particular geometry point
10 	BMB 4/1998
11 */
13 #ifndef __Frame__
14 #define __Frame__
16 #include "MyTypes.h"
17 /* #include "MolDisplayWin.h" */
19 typedef class MoleculeData MoleculeData;
20 typedef class WinPrefs WinPrefs;
21 typedef class Progress Progress;
22 typedef struct GaussHermiteData GaussHermiteData;
23 typedef class BasisSet BasisSet;
24 typedef class GradientData GradientData;
25 typedef class AtomTypeList AtomTypeList;
26 typedef class XMLElement XMLElement;
28 typedef class OBMol OBMol;
29 #endif
31 #if defined(WIN32)
32 #undef AddAtom
33 #endif
35 #include <vector>
36 #include <map>
38 typedef class Frame Frame;
39 class Frame {
40 		friend class MolDisplayWin;
41 		friend class SetPlaneDlg;
42 		friend class ModeOffsetDlg;
43 		friend class LLMDlg;
44 		friend class FrameEnergyDlg;
45 		friend class CoordWin;
46 		friend class MoleculeData;
47 		friend class EnergyPlotDialog;
48 		friend class FrequenciesDialog;
49 		friend class ZCalcWin;
50 		friend class Surf2DBase;
51 		friend class Surf3DBase;
52 		friend class Orb2DSurface;
53 		friend class Orb3DSurface;
54 		friend class TEDensity3DSurface;
55 		friend class TEDensity2DSurface;
56 		friend class TEDensity1DSurface;
57 		friend class MOPacInternals;
58 		friend class DataGroup;
59 		friend class ImportVecDlg;
60 		friend class MpGLCanvas;
61 		friend class FrameSnapShot;
62 	private:
63 		double		Energy;
64 		std::vector<EnergyValue> Energies;
65 		float		time;
66 		long		IRCPt;
67 		mpAtom *	Atoms;
68 		Bond *		Bonds;
69 		long		NumAtoms;
70 		long		AtomAllocation;
71 		long		NumBonds;
72 		long		BondAllocation;
73 		CPoint3D *	SpecialAtoms;
74 		VibRec *	Vibs;
75 		std::vector<OrbitalRec *> Orbs;
76 		Surface *	SurfaceList;
77 		GradientData *	Gradient;
79 		Frame *		NextFrame;
80 		Frame *		PreviousFrame;
82 		int natoms_selected;
83 		MolDisplayWin *MolWin;
84 		int targeted_atom;
86 	public:
87 		Frame(MolDisplayWin *MolWin);
88 		~Frame(void);
90 		//Frame& operator= (const Frame& f);
91 		//assignment operator overload -- not needed currently
93 		void SetNextFrame(Frame *);
94 		void SetPreviousFrame(Frame *);
95 		Frame * GetNextFrame(void);
96 		Frame * GetPreviousFrame(void);
97 		Surface * GetSurface(long SurfaceNum);
98 		Surface * GetSurfaceWithID(long SurfaceID);
GetOrbitalSetVector(void)99 		const std::vector<OrbitalRec *> * GetOrbitalSetVector(void) const {return &Orbs;};
100 		void DeleteSurface(long SurfaceNum);
101 		void DeleteSurfaceWithID(long SurfaceID);
102 		void AppendSurface(Surface * NewSurface);
103 		long GetNumSurfaces(void);
104 		double GetEnergy(TypeOfEnergy t) const;
GetEnergy(void)105 		inline double GetEnergy(void) const {return Energy;};
106 		void SetEnergy(const double & val, TypeOfEnergy t);
107 		double GetKineticEnergy(void) const;
108 		double GetMP2Energy(void) const;
SetMP2Energy(const double & val)109 		void SetMP2Energy(const double & val) {SetEnergy(val, PT2Energy);};
GetTime(void)110 		inline float GetTime(void) const {return time;};
SetEnergy(const double & val)111 		inline void SetEnergy(const double & val) {Energy = val;};
SetKineticEnergy(const double & val)112 		void SetKineticEnergy(const double & val) {SetEnergy(val, KineticEnergy);};
SetTime(const float & val)113 		inline void SetTime(const float & val) {time = val;};
114 		void ChangeBond(long TheBond, short WhichPart, long TheAtom);
115 		long GetBondAtom(long WhichBond, short ThePart);
116 		short GetAtomType(long theAtom) const;
117 		bool SetAtomType(long theAtom, short atmType);
118 		bool GetAtomPosition(long theAtom, CPoint3D & p) const;
119 		bool SetAtomPosition(long theAtom, const CPoint3D & p);
120 		mpAtom * AddAtom(long AtomType, const CPoint3D & AtomPosition, long index=-1);
121 		mpAtom *AddAtom(const mpAtom& atm, long index=-1, const CPoint3D *pos = NULL);
122 		bool IncreaseAtomAllocation(long NumAdditional);
123 		//BondExists returns the id of the bond, -1 otherwise
124 		long BondExists(long atom1, long atom2) const;
125 		void DeleteAtom(long AtomNum);
126 		//AddBond validates the two atom references and increases the BondAllocation as
127 		//necessary, but does not check the uniqueness of the bond
128 		bool AddBond(long Atom1, long Atom2, const BondOrder& b=kSingleBond);
129 		bool IncreaseBondAllocation(long NumAdditional);
130 		void DeleteBond(long BondNum);
131 			/**
132 			 * Autmatically determines bonds based in atomic radii and interatomic distances
133 			 * along with user selected tolerances.
134 			 * @param Prefs The user preferences object.
135 			 * @param KeepOldBonds If true bonds will only be added to the existing set.
136 			 * @param ProgressInd A progress window to indicate long operational status
137 			 * @param selectedOnly If true bonds for the currently selected set of atoms will be
138 			 *                     erased and redetermined.
139 			 */
140 		void SetBonds(WinPrefs * Prefs, bool KeepOldBonds, Progress * ProgressInd, bool selectedOnly=false);
141 		bool AddSpecialAtom(CPoint3D Vector, long AtomNum);
142 		bool SurfaceExportPossible(void);
143 		void ExportSurface(BufferFile * Buffer);
144 		AtomTypeList * GetAtomTypes(void);
GetNumBonds(void)145 		inline long GetNumBonds(void) const {return NumBonds;};
GetNumAtoms(void)146 		inline long GetNumAtoms(void) const {return NumAtoms;};
GetBondLoc(long ibond)147 		inline Bond * GetBondLoc(long ibond) {return &(Bonds[ibond]);};
148 		float GetBondLength(long ibond);
149 		long GetNumMMAtoms(void);
150 		/** Toggle the visibility of MM atoms (ie in SiMOMM runs).
151 		 */
152 		void toggleMMAtomVisibility(void);
153 		/** Toggle the visibility of ab initio atoms.
154 		 */
155 		void toggleAbInitioVisibility(void);
156 		/** Toggle the visibility of effective fragments.
157 		 */
158 		void toggleEFPVisibility(void);
159 		bool GetBondLength(long atom1, long atom2, float * length);
160 		bool GetBondAngle(long atom1, long BondAtom, long AngleAtom, float * angle);
161 		bool GetBondDihedral(long atom1, long BondAtom, long AngleAtom, long DihedralAtom,
162 			float * angle);
GetBondSelectState(long BondNum)163 		inline bool GetBondSelectState(long BondNum) const {return ((BondNum<NumBonds)?Bonds[BondNum].GetSelectState():false);};
SetBondSelectState(long BondNum,bool state)164 		inline void SetBondSelectState(long BondNum, bool state)
165 			{if (BondNum<NumBonds) Bonds[BondNum].SetSelectState(state);};
GetBondOrder(long BondNum)166 		inline BondOrder GetBondOrder(long BondNum) const {return Bonds[BondNum].Order;};
167 		long GetNumElectrons(void) const;
SetBondOrder(long BondNum,BondOrder NewOrder)168 		inline void SetBondOrder(long BondNum, BondOrder NewOrder) {Bonds[BondNum].Order = NewOrder;};
169 		void ParseGAMESSGuessVectors(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, TypeOfWavefunction t, Progress * lProgress);
170 		void ParseGAMESSMCSCFVectors(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, long NumOrbs, Progress * lProgress);
171 		/** Parse the GAMESS CAS-SCF Diabatic Molecular Orbitals
172 		 * @param Buffer the input buffer.
173 		 * @param NumFuncs the number of basis functions.
174 		 * @param NumOrbs the expected number of orbitals (will not parse more than this number).
175 		 * @param lProgress the progress indicator.
176 		 */
177 		void ParseGAMESSMCSCFDiabaticVectors(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, long NumOrbs, Progress * lProgress);
178 		void ParseGAMESSCIVectors(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, Progress * lProgress);
179 		/** Parse the GAMESS UHF natural orbitals and occupation numbers.
180 		 * @param Buffer the input buffer.
181 		 * @param NumFuncs the number of basis functions.
182 		 * @param lProgress the progress indicator.
183 		 */
184 		void ParseUHFNOs(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, Progress * lProgress);
185 		/** Parse the GAMESS TD-DFT natural orbitals and occupation numbers.
186 		 * @param Buffer the input buffer.
187 		 * @param NumFuncs the number of basis functions.
188 		 * @param lProgress the progress indicator.
189 		 */
190 		void ParseTDDFTNOs(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, Progress * lProgress);
191 		/** Parse the GAMESS EOM-CC natural orbitals and occupation numbers.
192 		 * @param Buffer the input buffer.
193 		 * @param NumFuncs the number of basis functions.
194 		 * @param lProgress the progress indicator.
195 		 */
196 		void ParseGAMESSEOM_CC_Vectors(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, Progress * lProgress);
197 		/** Parse the GAMESS GVB Pair orbitals.
198 		 * @param Buffer the input buffer.
199 		 * @param NumFuncs the number of basis functions.
200 		 * @param NumGVBPairs the number of GVB orbital pairs.
201 		 * @param lProgress the progress indicator.
202 		 */
203 		void ParseGVBGIOrbitals(BufferFile * Buffer, const long & NumFuncs, const long & NumGVBPairs, Progress * lProgress);
204 		OrbitalRec * ParseGAMESSEigenVectors(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, long NumOrbs,
205 			long NumBetaOrbs, const long & NumOccAlpha, const long & NumOccBeta, const TypeOfWavefunction & method, Progress * lProgress);
206 		OrbitalRec * ParseGAMESSLMOs(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, long NumAlphaOrbs,
207 			long NumOccBeta, Progress * lProgress, bool OrientedSet);
208 		void ReadMolDenOrbitals(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs);
209 		void ReadMP2Vectors(BufferFile * Buffer, BufferFile * DatBuffer, long NumFuncs,
210 			Progress * lProgress, long * readflag);
211 		float CalculateMEP(float x, float y, float z, BasisSet * Basis,
212 			AODensity * TotalAODensity, GaussHermiteData * GHData, float * ElectronicMEP, float * NuclearMEP);
213 		AODensity * GetAODensity(BasisSet * basis, const long & targetOrbSet);
214 		void ReadGradient(BufferFile * Buffer, wxFileOffset SearchLength);
215 		float GetRMSGradient(void) const;
216 		float GetMaxGradient(void) const;
217 		void SetRMSGradient(float val);
218 		void SetMaximumGradient(float val);
GetFrequencies(void)219 		inline VibRec * GetFrequencies(void) const {return Vibs;};
GetNumberNormalModes(void)220 		inline long GetNumberNormalModes(void) const {return ((Vibs!=NULL)?Vibs->GetNumModes():0);}
221 		void ParseNormalModes(BufferFile * Buffer, Progress *, WinPrefs *);
222 		void ParseMolDenFrequencies(BufferFile * Buffer, WinPrefs *);
223 		void DeleteOrbitals(void);
224 		bool ReadCMLMolecule(XMLElement * molElement);
225 		bool ParseAtomXML(XMLElement * atomXML, std::map<std::string, long> & idList);
226 		void ParseAtomArray(XMLElement * arrayXML, std::map<std::string, long> & idList);
227 		bool ParseBondXML(XMLElement * bondXML, const std::map<std::string, long> & idList);
228 		void ParseBondArrayXML(XMLElement * arrayXML, const std::map<std::string, long> & idList);
229 		void ParseAtomAttributeArrayXML(XMLElement * atomXML, const std::map<std::string, long> & idList);
230 		long WriteCMLFrame(XMLElement * parent, bool AllData);
232 		void resetAllSelectState();
233 		bool SetAtomSelection(long atom_id, bool select_it);
234 		bool GetAtomSelection(long atom_id) const;
235 		int GetNumAtomsSelected(void) const;
236 		int GetAtomNumBonds(int atom_id) const;
237 #ifdef USE_OPENBABEL
238 		OBMol * ConvertToOBMol(void) const;
239 		bool ConvertFromOBMol(const OBMol & mol);
240 #endif
241 		bool SetAtomOxidationNumber(int atom_id, int ox_num);
242 		int GetAtomOxidationNumber(int atom_id);
244 		//
GetTargetAtom()245 		inline int GetTargetAtom() const { return targeted_atom; }
SetTargetAtom(int id)246 		inline void SetTargetAtom(int id) { targeted_atom = id; }
247 		/// Test to see if the gradient vector is avalable for use for display
248 		bool GradientVectorAvailable(void) const;
249 		/* Retrive the gradient vector for theAtom, returns true if successful
250 		 * @param theAtom the atom to pull from the array
251 		 * @param GradientVector upon return contains the gradient vector for theAtom
252 		 */
253 		bool RetrieveAtomGradient(long theAtom, CPoint3D & gradVector) const;
254 };
256 #endif