1// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5//lint:file-ignore U1000 unused fns we might want to use later.
7package test
9import (
10	"bytes"
11	"flag"
12	"fmt"
13	"go/format"
14	"io"
15	"io/ioutil"
16	"os"
17	"os/exec"
18	"path/filepath"
19	"regexp"
20	"runtime"
21	"strings"
22	"sync"
23	"testing"
25	"github.com/pkg/errors"
28var (
29	// ExeSuffix is the suffix of executable files; ".exe" on Windows.
30	ExeSuffix string
31	mu        sync.Mutex
32	// PrintLogs controls logging of test commands.
33	PrintLogs = flag.Bool("logs", false, "log stdin/stdout of test commands")
34	// UpdateGolden controls updating test fixtures.
35	UpdateGolden = flag.Bool("update", false, "update golden files")
38const (
39	manifestName = "Gopkg.toml"
40	lockName     = "Gopkg.lock"
43func init() {
44	switch runtime.GOOS {
45	case "windows":
46		ExeSuffix = ".exe"
47	}
50// Helper with utilities for testing.
51type Helper struct {
52	t              *testing.T
53	temps          []string
54	wd             string
55	origWd         string
56	env            []string
57	tempdir        string
58	ran            bool
59	inParallel     bool
60	stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
63// NewHelper initializes a new helper for testing.
64func NewHelper(t *testing.T) *Helper {
65	wd, err := os.Getwd()
66	if err != nil {
67		panic(err)
68	}
69	return &Helper{t: t, origWd: wd}
72// Must gives a fatal error if err is not nil.
73func (h *Helper) Must(err error) {
74	if err != nil {
75		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", err)
76	}
79// check gives a test non-fatal error if err is not nil.
80func (h *Helper) check(err error) {
81	if err != nil {
82		h.t.Errorf("%+v", err)
83	}
86// Parallel runs the test in parallel by calling t.Parallel.
87func (h *Helper) Parallel() {
88	if h.ran {
89		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.New("internal testsuite error: call to parallel after run"))
90	}
91	if h.wd != "" {
92		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.New("internal testsuite error: call to parallel after cd"))
93	}
94	for _, e := range h.env {
95		if strings.HasPrefix(e, "GOROOT=") || strings.HasPrefix(e, "GOPATH=") || strings.HasPrefix(e, "GOBIN=") {
96			val := e[strings.Index(e, "=")+1:]
97			if strings.HasPrefix(val, "testdata") || strings.HasPrefix(val, "./testdata") {
98				h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Errorf("internal testsuite error: call to parallel with testdata in environment (%s)", e))
99			}
100		}
101	}
102	h.inParallel = true
103	h.t.Parallel()
106// pwd returns the current directory.
107func (h *Helper) pwd() string {
108	wd, err := os.Getwd()
109	if err != nil {
110		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrap(err, "could not get working directory"))
111	}
112	return wd
115// Cd changes the current directory to the named directory. Note that
116// using this means that the test must not be run in parallel with any
117// other tests.
118func (h *Helper) Cd(dir string) {
119	if h.inParallel {
120		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.New("internal testsuite error: changing directory when running in parallel"))
121	}
122	if h.wd == "" {
123		h.wd = h.pwd()
124	}
125	abs, err := filepath.Abs(dir)
126	if err == nil {
127		h.Setenv("PWD", abs)
128	}
130	err = os.Chdir(dir)
131	h.Must(errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to cd to %s", dir))
134// Setenv sets an environment variable to use when running the test go
135// command.
136func (h *Helper) Setenv(name, val string) {
137	if h.inParallel && (name == "GOROOT" || name == "GOPATH" || name == "GOBIN") && (strings.HasPrefix(val, "testdata") || strings.HasPrefix(val, "./testdata")) {
138		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Errorf("internal testsuite error: call to setenv with testdata (%s=%s) after parallel", name, val))
139	}
140	h.unsetenv(name)
141	h.env = append(h.env, name+"="+val)
144// unsetenv removes an environment variable.
145func (h *Helper) unsetenv(name string) {
146	if h.env == nil {
147		h.env = append([]string(nil), os.Environ()...)
148	}
149	for i, v := range h.env {
150		if strings.HasPrefix(v, name+"=") {
151			h.env = append(h.env[:i], h.env[i+1:]...)
152			break
153		}
154	}
157// DoRun runs the test go command, recording stdout and stderr and
158// returning exit status.
159func (h *Helper) DoRun(args []string) error {
160	if h.inParallel {
161		for _, arg := range args {
162			if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "testdata") || strings.HasPrefix(arg, "./testdata") {
163				h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.New("internal testsuite error: parallel run using testdata"))
164			}
165		}
166	}
167	if *PrintLogs {
168		h.t.Logf("running testdep %v", args)
169	}
170	var prog string
171	if h.wd == "" {
172		prog = "./testdep" + ExeSuffix
173	} else {
174		prog = filepath.Join(h.wd, "testdep"+ExeSuffix)
175	}
176	newargs := args
177	if args[0] != "check" {
178		newargs = append([]string{args[0], "-v"}, args[1:]...)
179	}
181	cmd := exec.Command(prog, newargs...)
182	h.stdout.Reset()
183	h.stderr.Reset()
184	cmd.Stdout = &h.stdout
185	cmd.Stderr = &h.stderr
186	cmd.Env = h.env
187	status := cmd.Run()
188	if *PrintLogs {
189		if h.stdout.Len() > 0 {
190			h.t.Log("standard output:")
191			h.t.Log(h.stdout.String())
192		}
193		if h.stderr.Len() > 0 {
194			h.t.Log("standard error:")
195			h.t.Log(h.stderr.String())
196		}
197	}
198	h.ran = true
199	return errors.Wrapf(status, "Error running %s\n%s", strings.Join(newargs, " "), h.stderr.String())
202// Run runs the test go command, and expects it to succeed.
203func (h *Helper) Run(args ...string) {
204	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
205		mu.Lock()
206		defer mu.Unlock()
207	}
208	if status := h.DoRun(args); status != nil {
209		h.t.Logf("go %v failed unexpectedly: %v", args, status)
210		h.t.FailNow()
211	}
214// runFail runs the test go command, and expects it to fail.
215func (h *Helper) runFail(args ...string) {
216	if status := h.DoRun(args); status == nil {
217		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.New("testgo succeeded unexpectedly"))
218	} else {
219		h.t.Log("testgo failed as expected:", status)
220	}
223// RunGo runs a go command, and expects it to succeed.
224func (h *Helper) RunGo(args ...string) {
225	cmd := exec.Command("go", args...)
226	h.stdout.Reset()
227	h.stderr.Reset()
228	cmd.Stdout = &h.stdout
229	cmd.Stderr = &h.stderr
230	cmd.Dir = h.wd
231	cmd.Env = h.env
232	status := cmd.Run()
233	if h.stdout.Len() > 0 {
234		h.t.Log("go standard output:")
235		h.t.Log(h.stdout.String())
236	}
237	if h.stderr.Len() > 0 {
238		h.t.Log("go standard error:")
239		h.t.Log(h.stderr.String())
240	}
241	if status != nil {
242		h.t.Logf("go %v failed unexpectedly: %v", args, status)
243		h.t.FailNow()
244	}
247// NeedsExternalNetwork makes sure the tests needing external network will not
248// be run when executing tests in short mode.
249func NeedsExternalNetwork(t *testing.T) {
250	if testing.Short() {
251		t.Skip("skipping test: no external network in -short mode")
252	}
255// NeedsGit will make sure the tests that require git will be skipped if the
256// git binary is not available.
257func NeedsGit(t *testing.T) {
258	if _, err := exec.LookPath("git"); err != nil {
259		t.Skip("skipping because git binary not found")
260	}
263// RunGit runs a git command, and expects it to succeed.
264func (h *Helper) RunGit(dir string, args ...string) {
265	cmd := exec.Command("git", args...)
266	h.stdout.Reset()
267	h.stderr.Reset()
268	cmd.Stdout = &h.stdout
269	cmd.Stderr = &h.stderr
270	cmd.Dir = dir
271	cmd.Env = h.env
272	status := cmd.Run()
273	if *PrintLogs {
274		if h.stdout.Len() > 0 {
275			h.t.Logf("git %v standard output:", args)
276			h.t.Log(h.stdout.String())
277		}
278		if h.stderr.Len() > 0 {
279			h.t.Logf("git %v standard error:", args)
280			h.t.Log(h.stderr.String())
281		}
282	}
283	if status != nil {
284		h.t.Logf("git %v failed unexpectedly: %v", args, status)
285		h.t.FailNow()
286	}
289// getStdout returns standard output of the testgo run as a string.
290func (h *Helper) getStdout() string {
291	if !h.ran {
292		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.New("internal testsuite error: stdout called before run"))
293	}
294	return h.stdout.String()
297// getStderr returns standard error of the testgo run as a string.
298func (h *Helper) getStderr() string {
299	if !h.ran {
300		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.New("internal testsuite error: stdout called before run"))
301	}
302	return h.stderr.String()
305// doGrepMatch looks for a regular expression in a buffer, and returns
306// whether it is found. The regular expression is matched against
307// each line separately, as with the grep command.
308func (h *Helper) doGrepMatch(match string, b *bytes.Buffer) bool {
309	if !h.ran {
310		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.New("internal testsuite error: grep called before run"))
311	}
312	re := regexp.MustCompile(match)
313	for _, ln := range bytes.Split(b.Bytes(), []byte{'\n'}) {
314		if re.Match(ln) {
315			return true
316		}
317	}
318	return false
321// doGrep looks for a regular expression in a buffer and fails if it
322// is not found. The name argument is the name of the output we are
323// searching, "output" or "error".  The msg argument is logged on
324// failure.
325func (h *Helper) doGrep(match string, b *bytes.Buffer, name, msg string) {
326	if !h.doGrepMatch(match, b) {
327		h.t.Log(msg)
328		h.t.Logf("pattern %v not found in standard %s", match, name)
329		h.t.FailNow()
330	}
333// grepStdout looks for a regular expression in the test run's
334// standard output and fails, logging msg, if it is not found.
335func (h *Helper) grepStdout(match, msg string) {
336	h.doGrep(match, &h.stdout, "output", msg)
339// grepStderr looks for a regular expression in the test run's
340// standard error and fails, logging msg, if it is not found.
341func (h *Helper) grepStderr(match, msg string) {
342	h.doGrep(match, &h.stderr, "error", msg)
345// grepBoth looks for a regular expression in the test run's standard
346// output or stand error and fails, logging msg, if it is not found.
347func (h *Helper) grepBoth(match, msg string) {
348	if !h.doGrepMatch(match, &h.stdout) && !h.doGrepMatch(match, &h.stderr) {
349		h.t.Log(msg)
350		h.t.Logf("pattern %v not found in standard output or standard error", match)
351		h.t.FailNow()
352	}
355// doGrepNot looks for a regular expression in a buffer and fails if
356// it is found. The name and msg arguments are as for doGrep.
357func (h *Helper) doGrepNot(match string, b *bytes.Buffer, name, msg string) {
358	if h.doGrepMatch(match, b) {
359		h.t.Log(msg)
360		h.t.Logf("pattern %v found unexpectedly in standard %s", match, name)
361		h.t.FailNow()
362	}
365// grepStdoutNot looks for a regular expression in the test run's
366// standard output and fails, logging msg, if it is found.
367func (h *Helper) grepStdoutNot(match, msg string) {
368	h.doGrepNot(match, &h.stdout, "output", msg)
371// grepStderrNot looks for a regular expression in the test run's
372// standard error and fails, logging msg, if it is found.
373func (h *Helper) grepStderrNot(match, msg string) {
374	h.doGrepNot(match, &h.stderr, "error", msg)
377// grepBothNot looks for a regular expression in the test run's
378// standard output or stand error and fails, logging msg, if it is
379// found.
380func (h *Helper) grepBothNot(match, msg string) {
381	if h.doGrepMatch(match, &h.stdout) || h.doGrepMatch(match, &h.stderr) {
382		h.t.Log(msg)
383		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Errorf("pattern %v found unexpectedly in standard output or standard error", match))
384	}
387// doGrepCount counts the number of times a regexp is seen in a buffer.
388func (h *Helper) doGrepCount(match string, b *bytes.Buffer) int {
389	if !h.ran {
390		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.New("internal testsuite error: doGrepCount called before run"))
391	}
392	re := regexp.MustCompile(match)
393	c := 0
394	for _, ln := range bytes.Split(b.Bytes(), []byte{'\n'}) {
395		if re.Match(ln) {
396			c++
397		}
398	}
399	return c
402// grepCountBoth returns the number of times a regexp is seen in both
403// standard output and standard error.
404func (h *Helper) grepCountBoth(match string) int {
405	return h.doGrepCount(match, &h.stdout) + h.doGrepCount(match, &h.stderr)
408// creatingTemp records that the test plans to create a temporary file
409// or directory. If the file or directory exists already, it will be
410// removed. When the test completes, the file or directory will be
411// removed if it exists.
412func (h *Helper) creatingTemp(path string) {
413	if filepath.IsAbs(path) && !strings.HasPrefix(path, h.tempdir) {
414		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Errorf("internal testsuite error: creatingTemp(%q) with absolute path not in temporary directory", path))
415	}
416	// If we have changed the working directory, make sure we have
417	// an absolute path, because we are going to change directory
418	// back before we remove the temporary.
419	if h.wd != "" && !filepath.IsAbs(path) {
420		path = filepath.Join(h.pwd(), path)
421	}
422	h.Must(os.RemoveAll(path))
423	h.temps = append(h.temps, path)
426// makeTempdir makes a temporary directory for a run of testgo. If
427// the temporary directory was already created, this does nothing.
428func (h *Helper) makeTempdir() {
429	if h.tempdir == "" {
430		var err error
431		h.tempdir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "gotest")
432		h.Must(err)
433	}
436// TempFile adds a temporary file for a run of testgo.
437func (h *Helper) TempFile(path, contents string) {
438	h.makeTempdir()
439	h.Must(os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(h.tempdir, filepath.Dir(path)), 0755))
440	bytes := []byte(contents)
441	if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".go") {
442		formatted, err := format.Source(bytes)
443		if err == nil {
444			bytes = formatted
445		}
446	}
447	h.Must(ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(h.tempdir, path), bytes, 0644))
450// WriteTestFile writes a file to the testdata directory from memory.  src is
451// relative to ./testdata.
452func (h *Helper) WriteTestFile(src string, content string) error {
453	err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(h.origWd, "testdata", src), []byte(content), 0666)
454	return err
457// GetFile reads a file into memory
458func (h *Helper) GetFile(path string) io.ReadCloser {
459	content, err := os.Open(path)
460	if err != nil {
461		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to open file: %s", path))
462	}
463	return content
466// GetTestFile reads a file from the testdata directory into memory.  src is
467// relative to ./testdata.
468func (h *Helper) GetTestFile(src string) io.ReadCloser {
469	fullPath := filepath.Join(h.origWd, "testdata", src)
470	return h.GetFile(fullPath)
473// GetTestFileString reads a file from the testdata directory into memory.  src is
474// relative to ./testdata.
475func (h *Helper) GetTestFileString(src string) string {
476	srcf := h.GetTestFile(src)
477	defer srcf.Close()
478	content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(srcf)
479	if err != nil {
480		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", err)
481	}
482	return string(content)
485// TempCopy copies a temporary file from testdata into the temporary directory.
486// dest is relative to the temp directory location, and src is relative to
487// ./testdata.
488func (h *Helper) TempCopy(dest, src string) {
489	in := h.GetTestFile(src)
490	defer in.Close()
491	h.TempDir(filepath.Dir(dest))
492	out, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(h.tempdir, dest))
493	if err != nil {
494		panic(err)
495	}
496	defer out.Close()
497	io.Copy(out, in)
500// TempDir adds a temporary directory for a run of testgo.
501func (h *Helper) TempDir(path string) {
502	h.makeTempdir()
503	fullPath := filepath.Join(h.tempdir, path)
504	if err := os.MkdirAll(fullPath, 0755); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
505		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Errorf("Unable to create temp directory: %s", fullPath))
506	}
509// Path returns the absolute pathname to file with the temporary
510// directory.
511func (h *Helper) Path(name string) string {
512	if h.tempdir == "" {
513		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Errorf("internal testsuite error: path(%q) with no tempdir", name))
514	}
516	var joined string
517	if name == "." {
518		joined = h.tempdir
519	} else {
520		joined = filepath.Join(h.tempdir, name)
521	}
523	// Ensure it's the absolute, symlink-less path we're returning
524	abs, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(joined)
525	if err != nil {
526		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrapf(err, "internal testsuite error: could not get absolute path for dir(%q)", joined))
527	}
528	return abs
531// MustExist fails if path does not exist.
532func (h *Helper) MustExist(path string) {
533	if err := h.ShouldExist(path); err != nil {
534		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", err)
535	}
538// ShouldExist returns an error if path does not exist.
539func (h *Helper) ShouldExist(path string) error {
540	if !h.Exist(path) {
541		return errors.Errorf("%s does not exist but should", path)
542	}
544	return nil
547// Exist returns whether or not a path exists
548func (h *Helper) Exist(path string) bool {
549	if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
550		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
551			return false
552		}
553		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrapf(err, "Error checking if path exists: %s", path))
554	}
556	return true
559// MustNotExist fails if path exists.
560func (h *Helper) MustNotExist(path string) {
561	if err := h.ShouldNotExist(path); err != nil {
562		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", err)
563	}
566// ShouldNotExist returns an error if path exists.
567func (h *Helper) ShouldNotExist(path string) error {
568	if h.Exist(path) {
569		return errors.Errorf("%s exists but should not", path)
570	}
572	return nil
575// Cleanup cleans up a test that runs testgo.
576func (h *Helper) Cleanup() {
577	if h.wd != "" {
578		if err := os.Chdir(h.wd); err != nil {
579			// We are unlikely to be able to continue.
580			fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "could not restore working directory, crashing:", err)
581			os.Exit(2)
582		}
583	}
584	// NOTE(mattn): It seems that sometimes git.exe is not dead
585	// when cleanup() is called. But we do not know any way to wait for it.
586	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
587		mu.Lock()
588		exec.Command(`taskkill`, `/F`, `/IM`, `git.exe`).Run()
589		mu.Unlock()
590	}
591	for _, path := range h.temps {
592		h.check(os.RemoveAll(path))
593	}
594	if h.tempdir != "" {
595		h.check(os.RemoveAll(h.tempdir))
596	}
599// ReadManifest returns the manifest in the current directory.
600func (h *Helper) ReadManifest() string {
601	m := filepath.Join(h.pwd(), manifestName)
602	h.MustExist(m)
604	f, err := ioutil.ReadFile(m)
605	h.Must(err)
606	return string(f)
609// ReadLock returns the lock in the current directory.
610func (h *Helper) ReadLock() string {
611	l := filepath.Join(h.pwd(), lockName)
612	h.MustExist(l)
614	f, err := ioutil.ReadFile(l)
615	h.Must(err)
616	return string(f)
619// GetCommit treats repo as a path to a git repository and returns the current
620// revision.
621func (h *Helper) GetCommit(repo string) string {
622	repoPath := h.Path("pkg/dep/sources/https---" + strings.Replace(repo, "/", "-", -1))
623	cmd := exec.Command("git", "rev-parse", "HEAD")
624	cmd.Dir = repoPath
625	out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
626	if err != nil {
627		h.t.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrapf(err, "git commit failed: out -> %s", string(out)))
628	}
629	return strings.TrimSpace(string(out))