1# Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Quentin Sculo <squentin@free.fr>
3# This file is part of Gmusicbrowser.
4# Gmusicbrowser is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
6# published by the Free Software Foundation.
8use strict;
9use warnings;
10use utf8;
12package Songs;
14#our %Songs;
15our ($IDFromFile,$MissingHash); my $KeepIDFromFile;
16our ($Artists_split_re,$Artists_title_re);
17my @MissingKeyFields;
18our (%Def,%Types,%Categories,%FieldTemplates,@Fields,%HSort,%Aliases);
19my %FuncCache;
20INIT {
21our $nan= unpack 'F', pack('F',sin(9**9**9)); # sin 9**9**9 is slighly more portable than $nan="nan", use unpack pack because the nan will be stored that way
22our %timespan_menu=
23(	year 	=> _("year"),
24	month	=> _("month"),
25	day	=> _("day"),
27@MissingKeyFields=qw/size title album artist track/;
29(	file	=> [_"File properties",10],
30	audio	=> [_"Audio properties",30],
31	basic	=> [_"Basic fields",20],
32	extra	=> [_"Extra fields",50],
33	stats	=> [_"Statistics",40],
34	unknown	=> [_"Other",80],	#fallback category
35	custom	=> [_"Custom",70],
36	replaygain=> [_"Replaygain",60],
39(	generic	=>
40	{	_	=> '____[#ID#]',
41		get	=> '#_#',
42		set	=> '#get# = #VAL#',
43		display	=> '#get#',
44		grouptitle=> '#display#',
45		'editwidget:many'	=> sub { my $field=$_[0]; GMB::TagEdit::Combo->new(@_, Field_property($field,'edit_listall')); },
46		'editwidget:single'	=> sub { my $field=$_[0]; GMB::TagEdit::EntryString->new( @_,0,Field_property($field,'edit_listall') ); },
47		'editwidget:per_id'	=> sub { my $field=$_[0]; GMB::TagEdit::EntryString->new( @_,Field_properties($field,'editwidth','edit_listall') ); },
48		'filter:m'	=> '#display# .=~. m"#VAL#"',			'filter_prep:m'	=> \&Filter::QuoteRegEx,
49		'filter:mi'	=> '::superlc(#display#) .=~. m"#VAL#"i',	'filter_prep:mi'=> sub { Filter::QuoteRegEx( ::superlc($_[0]) )},
50		'filter:si'	=> 'index( ::superlc(#display#),"#VAL#") .!=. -1',	'filter_prep:si'=> sub {quotemeta ::superlc($_[0])},
51		'filter:s'	=> 'index(    #display#, "#VAL#") .!=. -1',	'filter_prep:s'=> sub {quotemeta $_[0]},
52		'filter:fuzzy'	=> '.!!. Filter::_fuzzy_match(#VAL1#/100,"#VAL2#",lc(#get#))', 'filter_prep:fuzzy'=> sub {my @arg=split / /,$_[0],2; $arg[0],quotemeta lc($arg[1])},
53		'filterpat:fuzzy'=> [ round => "%d", unit => '%', min=>20, max=>99, default_value=>65, ],
54		'filterdesc:fuzzy'=> [ _"%s fuzzy match with %s",_"fuzzy match", 'fuzzy string', ],
55		'filterdesc:-fuzzy'=> _"no %s fuzzy match with %s",
56		'filterdesc:mi'	=> [ _"matches regexp %s",_"matches regexp",'regexp',	icase=>1, ],
57		'filterdesc:si'	=> [ _"contains %s",	_"contains",	'substring',	icase=>1, ],
58		'filterdesc:e'	=> [ _"is equal to %s",		_"is equal to",		'string', completion=>1, ],
59		'filterdesc:m'	=> [_"matches regexp %s (case sensitive)",'mi'],
60		'filterdesc:s'	=> [_"contains %s (case sensitive)", 'si'],
61		'filterdesc:-m'	=> _"doesn't match regexp %s (case sensitive)",
62		'filterdesc:-mi'=> _"doesn't match regexp %s",
63		'filterdesc:-s'	=> _"doesn't contain %s (case sensitive)",
64		'filterdesc:-si'=> _"doesn't contain %s",
65		'filterdesc:-e'	=> _"isn't equal to %s",
66		'smartfilter:=empty' => 'e:',
67		'smartfilter:=' => 'e',
68		'smartfilter:#' => \&Filter::smartstring_fuzzy,
69		'smartfilter::' => 'si s',
70		'smartfilter:~' => 'mi m',
71		default_filter	=> 'si',
72		autofill_re	=> '.+',
73	},
74	unknown	=>
75	{	parent	=> 'generic',
76	},
77	virtual =>
78	{	parent	=> 'string',
79		_	=> '#get#',
80	},
81	special => {},
82	flags	=>
83	{	_		=> '____[#ID#]',
84		init		=> '___name[0]="#none#"; ___iname[0]=::superlc(___name[0]); #sgid_to_gid(VAL=$_)# for #init_namearray#',
85		init_namearray	=> '@{ $::Options{Fields_options}{#field#}{persistent_values} ||= $Def{#field#}{default_persistent_values} || [] }',
86		none		=> quotemeta _"None",
87		default		=> '""',
88		check		=> '#VAL#= do {my $v=#VAL#; my @l; if (ref $v) {@l= @$v} else {@l= split /\x00/,$v} for (@l) { tr/\x00-\x1F//d; s/\s+$//; }; @l=sort @l; \@l }',
89		get_list	=> 'my $v=#_#; ref $v ? map(___name[$_], @$v) : $v ? ___name[$v] : ();',
90		get_gid		=> 'my $v=#_#; ref $v ? $v : [$v]',
91		gid_to_get	=> '(#GID# ? ___name[#GID#] : "")',
92		gid_to_display	=> '___name[#GID#]',
93		s_sort		=> '___sort{ sprintf("%x", #_#)}',
94		si_sort		=> '___isort{ sprintf("%x", #_#)}',
95		always_first_gid=> 0,
96		's_sort:gid'	=> '___name[#GID#]',
97		'si_sort:gid'	=> '___iname[#GID#]',
98		get		=> 'do {my $v=#_#; !$v ? "" : ref $v ? join "\\x00",map ___name[$_],@$v : ___name[$v];}',
99		newval		=> 'push @___iname, ::superlc(___name[-1]); ::IdleDo("newgids_#field#",1000,sub {  ___new=0; ::HasChanged("newgids_#field#"); }) unless ___new++;',
100		sgid_to_gid	=> '___gid{#VAL#}||= do { my $i=push(@___name, #VAL#); #newval#; $i-1; }',
101		set => '{my $v=#VAL#;
102			my @list= sort (ref $v ? @$v : split /\\x00/,$v);
103			my @ids;
104			for my $name (@list)
105			{	my $id= #sgid_to_gid(VAL=$name)#;
106				push @ids,$id;
107			}
108			my $val=	@ids<2 ? $ids[0]||0 :
109				(___group{join(" ",map sprintf("%x",$_),@ids)}||= \@ids);
110			___isort{ sprintf("%x",$val) }||= ::superlc( ___sort{ sprintf("%x",$val) }||= join ";",@list );
111			#_#=$val;
112			}',
113		diff		=> 'do {my $v=#_#; my $old=!$v ? "" : ref $v ? join "\\x00",map ___name[$_],@$v : ___name[$v]; $v=#VAL#; my $new= join "\\x00", @$v; $old ne $new; }', # #VAL# should be a sorted arrayref, as returned by #check#
114		display 	=> 'do { my $v=#_#; !$v ? "" : ref $v ? join ", ",map ___name[$_],@$v : ___name[$v]; }',
115		check_multi	=> 'for my $lref (@{#VAL#}) { for (@$lref) {tr/\x00-\x1F//d; s/\s+$//;} }',
116		set_multi	=> 'do {my $c=#_#; my %h=( $c ? ref $c ? map((___name[$_]=>0), @$c) : (___name[$c]=>0) : ()); my ($toadd,$torm,$toggle)=@{#VAL#}; $h{$_}= (exists $h{$_} ? -1 : 1) for @$toggle; $h{$_}++ for @$toadd; $h{$_}-- for @$torm; (scalar grep $h{$_}!=0, keys %h) ? [grep $h{$_}>=0, keys %h] : undef; }',
117		makefilter	=> '#GID# ? "#field#:~:".___name[#GID#] : "#field#:ecount:0"',
118		'filter:~'	=> '.!!. do {my $v=#_#; $v ? ref $v ? grep(#VAL#==$_, @$v) : ($v == #VAL#) : 0}',
119		#smartmatch version: 'filter:~'	=> '.!!. do {my $v=#_#; $v ? #VAL# ~~ $v : 0}', # is flag set
120		'filter_prep:~'	=> '___gid{#PAT#} ||= #sgid_to_gid(VAL=#PAT#)#;',
121		'filter_prephash:~' => 'return { map { #sgid_to_gid(VAL=$_)#, undef } keys %{#HREF#} }',
122		'filter:h~'	=> '.!!. do {my $v=#_#; $v ? ref $v ? grep(exists $hash#VAL#->{$_+0}, @$v) : (exists $hash#VAL#->{#_#+0}) : 0}',
123		'filter:ecount'	=> '#VAL# .==. do {my $v=#_#; $v ? ref $v ? scalar(@$v) : 1 : 0}',
124		#FIXME for filters s,m,mi,h~,  using a list of matching names in ___inames/___names could be better (using a bitstring)
125		'filter:s'	=> 'do { my $v=#_#; !$v ? .0. : ref $v ? (.!!. grep index(___name[$_], "#VAL#")  != -1 ,@$v) : (index(___name[$v], "#VAL#")  .!=. -1); }',
126		'filter:si'	=> 'do { my $v=#_#; !$v ? .0. : ref $v ? (.!!. grep index(___iname[$_], "#VAL#") != -1 ,@$v) : (index(___iname[$v], "#VAL#") .!=. -1); }',
127		'filter:fuzzy'	=> 'do { my $v=#_#; !$v ? .0. : ref $v ? (.!!. ::first {Filter::_fuzzy_match(#VAL1#/100,"#VAL2#",___iname[$_])} @$v) : .!!. Filter::_fuzzy_match(#VAL1#/100,"#VAL2#",___iname[$v]); }',
128		'filter:m'	=> 'do { my $v=#_#; !$v ? .0. : ref $v ? (.!!. grep ___name[$_]  =~ m"#VAL#"  ,@$v) : ___name[$v]  .=~. m"#VAL#"; }',
129		'filter:mi'	=> 'do { my $v=#_#; !$v ? .0. : ref $v ? (.!!. grep ___iname[$_] =~ m"#VAL#"i ,@$v) : ___iname[$v] .=~. m"#VAL#"i; }',
130		'filter_prep:m'	=> \&Filter::QuoteRegEx,
131		'filter_prep:mi'=> sub { Filter::QuoteRegEx( ::superlc($_[0]) )},
132		'filter_prep:si'=> sub {quotemeta ::superlc($_[0])},
133		'filter_prep:s' => sub {quotemeta $_[0]},
134		'filter_prep:fuzzy'=>sub {my @arg=split / /,$_[0],2; $arg[0],quotemeta ::superlc($arg[1])},
135		stats		=> 'do {my $v=#_#; #HVAL#{$_+0}=undef for ref $v ? @$v : $v;}  ---- AFTER: #HVAL#=[map ___name[$_], keys %{#HVAL#}];',
136		'stats:gid'	=> 'do {my $v=#_#; #HVAL#{$_+0}=undef for ref $v ? @$v : $v;}',
137		hashm		=> 'do {my $v=#_#; ref $v ? @$v : $v }',
138		'hashm:name'	=> 'do {my $v=#_#; ref $v ? map(___name[$_], @$v) : $v ? ___name[$v] : () }',
139		is_set		=> 'my $gid=___gid{#VAL#}; my $v=#_#; $gid ? ref $v ? (grep $_==$gid, @$v) : $v==$gid : 0;',
140		#smartmatch version : is_set	=> 'my $gid=___gid{#VAL#}; my $v=#_#; $gid ? $gid ~~ $v : 0;',
141		listall		=> '1..$#___name',
142		'editwidget:many'	=> sub { GMB::TagEdit::EntryMassList->new(@_) },
143		'editwidget:single'	=> sub { GMB::TagEdit::FlagList->new(@_) },
144		'editwidget:per_id'	=> sub { GMB::TagEdit::FlagList->new(@_) },
145		autofill_re	=> '.+',
146		'filterdesc:~'	=> [ _"includes %s", _"includes",	'combostring', ],
147		'filterdesc:-~'	=> _"doesn't include %s",
148		'filterdesc:ecount:0' => _"has none",
149		'filterdesc:-ecount:0'=> _"has at least one",
150		'filterdesc:mi'	=> [ _"matches regexp %s",_"matches regexp",'regexp',	icase=>1, ],
151		'filterdesc:si'	=> [ _"contains %s",	_"contains",	'substring',	icase=>1, ],
152		'filterdesc:m'	=> [_"matches regexp %s (case sensitive)",'mi'],
153		'filterdesc:s'	=> [_"contains %s (case sensitive)", 'si'],
154		'filterdesc:-m'	=> _"doesn't match regexp %s (case sensitive)",
155		'filterdesc:-mi'=> _"doesn't match regexp %s",
156		'filterdesc:-s'	=> _"doesn't contain %s (case sensitive)",
157		'filterdesc:-si'=> _"doesn't contain %s",
158		'filterdesc:fuzzy'=> [ _"%s fuzzy match with %s",_"fuzzy match", 'fuzzy string', ],
159		'filterdesc:-fuzzy'=> _"no %s fuzzy match with %s",
160		'smartfilter:=empty' => 'ecount:0',
161		'smartfilter:=' => '~',
162		'smartfilter::' => 'si s',
163		'smartfilter:~' => 'mi m',
164		'smartfilter:#' => \&Filter::smartstring_fuzzy,
165		'filterpat:fuzzy'=> [ round => "%d", unit => '%', min=>20, max=>99, default_value=>65, ],
166		default_filter	=> 'si',
168		load_extra	=> '___gid{#SGID#} || return;',
169		save_extra	=> 'my %h; while ( my ($sgid,$gid)=each %___gid ) { $h{$sgid}= [#SUBFIELDS#] } delete $h{""}; return \%h;',
171	},
172	artists	=>
173	{	_		=> '____[#ID#]',
174		mainfield	=> 'artist',
175		#plugin		=> 'picture',
176#		_name		=> '__#mainfield#_name[#_#]',
177#		_iname		=> '__#mainfield#_iname[#_#]',
178		get		=> 'do {my $v=#_#; ref $v ? join "\\x00",map __#mainfield#_name[$_],@$v : __#mainfield#_name[$v];}',
179		display		=> 'do {my $v=#_#; ref $v ? join ", ",   map __#mainfield#_name[$_],@$v : __#mainfield#_name[$v];}',
180		get_gid		=> 'my $v=#_#; ref $v ? $v : [$v]',
181		's_sort:gid'	=> '__#mainfield#_name[#GID#]',
182		'si_sort:gid'	=> '__#mainfield#_iname[#GID#]',
183		#display	=> '##mainfield#->display#',
184		get_list	=> 'my @l=( ##mainfield#->get#, grep(defined, #title->get# =~ m/$Artists_title_re/g) ); my %h; grep !$h{$_}++, map split(/$Artists_split_re/), @l;',
185		gid_to_get	=> '(#GID#!=1 ? __#mainfield#_name[#GID#] : "")', # or just '__#mainfield#_name[#GID#]' ?
186		gid_to_display	=> '__#mainfield#_name[#GID#]',
187		update	=> 'my @ids;
188			for my $name (do{ #get_list# })
189			{	my $id= ##mainfield#->sgid_to_gid(VAL=$name)#;
190				push @ids,$id;
191			}
192			#_# =	@ids==1 ? $ids[0] :
193				@ids==0 ? 1 :
194				(___group{join(" ",map sprintf("%x",$_),@ids)}||= \@ids);', # 1 for @ids==0 is the special gid for unknown artists defined in artist's init
195		'filter:m'	=> '(ref #_# ?  (.!!. grep __#mainfield#_name[$_]  =~ m"#VAL#",  @{#_#}) : (__#mainfield#_name[#_#]  .=~. m"#VAL#"))',
196		'filter:mi'	=> '(ref #_# ?  (.!!. grep __#mainfield#_iname[$_] =~ m"#VAL#"i, @{#_#}) : (__#mainfield#_iname[#_#] .=~. m"#VAL#"i))',
197		'filter:s'	=> '(ref #_# ?  (.!!. grep index( __#mainfield#_name[$_],"#VAL#") != -1, @{#_#}) : (index(__#mainfield#_name[#_#],"#VAL#") .!=. -1))',
198		'filter:si'	=> '(ref #_# ?  (.!!. grep index( __#mainfield#_iname[$_], "#VAL#") != -1, @{#_#}) : (index(__#mainfield#_iname[#_#], "#VAL#") .!=. -1))',
199		'filter:fuzzy'	=> 'do { my $v=#_#; ref $v ? (.!!. ::first {Filter::_fuzzy_match(#VAL1#/100,"#VAL2#",__#mainfield#_iname[$_])} @$v) : .!!. Filter::_fuzzy_match(#VAL1#/100,"#VAL2#",__#mainfield#_iname[$v]); }',
200		'filter_prep:m'	=> \&Filter::QuoteRegEx,
201		'filter_prep:mi'=> sub { Filter::QuoteRegEx( ::superlc($_[0]) )},
202		'filter_prep:si'=> sub { quotemeta ::superlc($_[0])},
203		'filter_prep:s' => sub {quotemeta $_[0]},
204		'filter_prep:fuzzy'=>sub {my @arg=split / /,$_[0],2; $arg[0],quotemeta ::superlc($arg[1])},
205		'filter:~'	=> '(ref #_# ?  (.!!. grep $_ == #VAL#, @{#_#}) : (#_# .==. #VAL#))',#FIXME use simpler/faster version if perl5.10 (with ~~)
206		'filter_prep:~'	=> '##mainfield#->filter_prep:~#',
207		'filter_prephash:~' => '##mainfield#->filter_prephash:~#',
208		'filter_simplify:~' => sub { split /$Artists_split_re/,$_[0] },
209		'filter:h~'	=> '(ref #_# ?  (grep .!!. exists $hash#VAL#->{$_+0}, @{#_#}) : (.!!. exists $hash#VAL#->{#_#+0}))',
210		makefilter	=> '"#field#:~:".##mainfield#->gid_to_sgid#',
211		#group		=> '#_# !=',
212		stats		=> 'do {my $v=#_#; #HVAL#{__#mainfield#_name[$_]}=undef for ref $v ? @$v : $v;}  ---- AFTER: #HVAL#=[keys %{#HVAL#}];',
213		'stats:gid'	=> 'do {my $v=#_#; #HVAL#{$_}=undef for ref $v ? @$v : $v;}  ---- AFTER: #HVAL#=[keys %{#HVAL#}];',
214		hashm		=> 'do {my $v=#_#; ref $v ? @$v : $v}',
215		listall		=> '##mainfield#->listall#',
216		'filterdesc:~'	=> [ _"includes artist %s", _"includes artist",	'menustring', ],
217		'filterdesc:-~'	=> _"doesn't include artist %s",
218		'filterdesc:mi'	=> [ _"matches regexp %s",_"matches regexp",'regexp',	icase=>1, ],
219		'filterdesc:si'	=> [ _"contains %s",	_"contains",	'substring',	icase=>1, ],
220		'filterdesc:m'	=> [_"matches regexp %s (case sensitive)",'mi'],
221		'filterdesc:s'	=> [_"contains %s (case sensitive)", 'si'],
222		'filterdesc:-m'	=> _"doesn't match regexp %s (case sensitive)",
223		'filterdesc:-mi'=> _"doesn't match regexp %s",
224		'filterdesc:-s'	=> _"doesn't contain %s (case sensitive)",
225		'filterdesc:-si'=> _"doesn't contain %s",
226		'filterdesc:fuzzy'=> [ _"%s fuzzy match with %s",_"fuzzy match", 'fuzzy string', ],
227		'filterdesc:-fuzzy'=> _"no %s fuzzy match with %s",
228		'smartfilter:=' => '~',
229		'smartfilter::' => 'si s',
230		'smartfilter:~' => 'mi m',
231		'smartfilter:#' => \&Filter::smartstring_fuzzy,
232		'filterpat:fuzzy'=> [ round => "%d", unit => '%', min=>20, max=>99, default_value=>65, ],
233		default_filter	=> 'si',
234	},
235	artist_first =>
236	{	parent	=> 'artist', #FIXME
237		_	=> 'do {my $v=__artists__[#ID#]; ref $v ? $v->[0] : $v}',
238		#update	=> ';',
239		init	=> ';', #FIXME
240	},
241	artist	=>
242	{	#set		=> '#_#= (#VAL# eq "" ? 0 : (__#mainfield#_gid{#VAL#}||= (push @__#mainfield#_name, #VAL#)-1));',
243		parent		=> 'fewstring',
244		mainfield	=> 'artist',
245		init		=> '____=""; __#mainfield#_gid{""}=1; #_iname#[1]=::superlc( #_name#[1]=_("<Unknown>") );',
246		get		=> 'do {my $v=#_#; $v!=1 ? #_name#[$v] : "";}',
247		gid_to_get	=> '(#GID#!=1 ? #_name#[#GID#] : "")',
248		gid_to_sgid	=> '(#GID#!=1 ? #_name#[#GID#] : "")',
249		search_gid	=> 'my $gid=__#mainfield#_gid{#VAL#}||0; $gid>1 ? $gid : undef;',
250		makefilter	=> '"#field#:~:" . #gid_to_sgid#',
251		diff		=> 'do {my $old=#_#; ($old!=1 ? #_name#[$old] : "") ne #VAL# }',
252		#save_extra	=> 'my %h; for my $gid (2..$##_name#) { my $v=__#mainfield#_picture[$gid]; next unless defined $v; ::_utf8_on($v); $h{ #_name#[$gid] }=$v; } return artist_pictures',
253		listall		=> '2..@#_name#-1',
254		load_extra	=> '__#mainfield#_gid{#SGID#} || return;',
255		save_extra	=> 'my %h; while ( my ($sgid,$gid)=each %__#mainfield#_gid ) { $h{$sgid}= [#SUBFIELDS#] } delete $h{""}; return \%h;',
256		#plugin		=> 'picture',
257		'filter:pic'	=> '.!!. __#mainfield#_picture[#_#]',
258		'filterdesc:pic:1'=> _"has a picture",
259		'filterdesc:-pic:1'=> _"doesn't have a picture",
260	},
261	album	=>
262	{	parent		=> 'fewstring',
263		mainfield	=> 'album',
264		_empty		=> 'vec(__#mainfield#_empty,#_#,1)',
265		unknown		=> '_("<Unknown>")." "',
266		init		=> '____=""; __#mainfield#_gid{"\\x00"}=1; __#mainfield#_empty=""; vec(__#mainfield#_empty,1,1)=1; __#mainfield#_sgid[1]="\\x00"; #_iname#[1]=::superlc( #_name#[1]=_("<Unknown>") );',
267		findgid		=> 'do{	my $name=#VAL#; my $sgid= $name ."\\x00". ($name eq "" ?	"artist=".#artist->get# :	do {my $a=#album_artist_raw->get#; $a ne "" ?	"album_artist=$a" :	#compilation->get# ?	"compilation=1" : ""}	);
268					__#mainfield#_gid{$sgid}||= do {my $n=@#_name#; if ($name eq "") {vec(__#mainfield#_empty,$n,1)=1; $name=#unknown#.#artist->get#; } push @#_name#,$name; push @__#mainfield#_sgid,$sgid; #newval#; $n; };
269				    };',
270		#possible sgid : album."\x00".	""				if no album name and no artist
271		#				"artist=".artist		if no album name
272		#				"album_artist"=album_artist	if non-empty album_artist
273		#				"compilation=1"			if empty album_artist, compilation flag set
274		#				""
275		load		=> '#_#= #findgid#;',
276		set		=> 'my $oldgid=#_#; my $newgid= #_#= #findgid#; if ($newgid+1==@#_name# && $newgid!=$oldgid) { ___picture[$newgid]= ___picture[$oldgid]; }', #same as load, but if gid changed and is new, use picture from old gid
277		#newval		=> 'push @#_iname#, ::superlc( #_name#[-1] );',
278		get		=> '(#_empty# ? "" : #_name#[#_#])',
279		gid_to_get	=> '(vec(__#mainfield#_empty,#GID#,1) ? "" : #_name#[#GID#])',
280		sgid_to_gid	=> 'do {my $s=#VAL#; __#mainfield#_gid{$s}||= do { my $n=@#_name#; if ($s=~s/\x00(\w+)=(.*)$// && $s eq "" && $1 eq "artist") { $s= #unknown#.$2; vec(__#mainfield#_empty,$n,1)=1;} push @#_name#,$s; push @__#mainfield#_sgid,#VAL#; #newval#; $n }}',
281		gid_to_sgid	=> '$__#mainfield#_sgid[#GID#]',
282		makefilter	=> '"#field#:~:" . #gid_to_sgid#',
283		update		=> 'my $albumname=#get#; #set(VAL=$albumname)#;',
284		listall		=> 'grep !vec(__#mainfield#_empty,$_,1), 2..@#_name#-1',
285		'stats:artistsort'	=> '#HVAL#->{ #album_artist->get_gid# }=undef;  ---- AFTER: #HVAL#=do { my @ar= keys %{#HVAL#}; @ar>1 ? ::superlc(_"Various artists") : __artist_iname[$ar[0]]; }',
286		#plugin		=> 'picture',
287		load_extra	=> ' __#mainfield#_gid{#SGID#} || return;',
288		save_extra	=> 'my %h; while ( my ($sgid,$gid)=each %__#mainfield#_gid ) { $h{$sgid}= [#SUBFIELDS#] } delete $h{""}; return \%h;',
289		'filter:pic'	=> '.!!. __#mainfield#_picture[#_#]',
290		'filterdesc:pic:1'=> _"has a picture",
291		'filterdesc:-pic:1'=> _"doesn't have a picture",
292		'filterpat:menustring'=> [ display=> sub { my $s=shift; $s=~s/\x00.*//; $s; } ], # could display $album by $album_artist instead
294		#load_extra	=> '___pix[ #sgid_to_gid(VAL=$_[0])# ]=$_[1];',
295		#save_extra	=> 'my @res; for my $gid (1..$##_name#) { my $v=___pix[$gid]; next unless length $v; push @res, [#*:gid_to_sgid(GID=$gid)#,$val]; } return \@res;',
296	},
297	string	=>
298	{	parent		=> 'generic',
299		default		=> '""',
300		check		=> '#VAL#=~tr/\x1D\x00//d; #VAL#=~s/\s+$//;',	#remove trailing spaces and \x1D\x00
301		diff		=> '#_# ne #VAL#',
302		s_sort		=> '#_#',
303		'filter:e'	=> '#_# .eq. "#VAL#"',
304		hash		=> '#_#',
305		group		=> '#_# ne',
306		stats		=> '#HVAL#{#_#}=undef;  ---- AFTER: #HVAL#=[keys %{#HVAL#}];',
307	},
308	istring => # _much_ faster with case/accent insensitive operations, at the price of double memory
309	{	parent	=> 'string',
310		_iname	=> '___iname[#ID#]',
311		set	=> '#_# = #VAL#; #_iname#= ::superlc(#VAL#);',
312		si_sort	=> '#_iname#',
313		'filter:si'	=> 'index( #_iname#,"#VAL#") .!=. -1',			'filter_prep:si'=> sub { quotemeta ::superlc($_[0])},
314		'filter:mi'	=> '#_iname# .=~. m"#VAL#"i',			'filter_prep:mi'=> sub { Filter::QuoteRegEx( ::superlc($_[0]) )},
315		'filter:fuzzy'	=> ' .!!. Filter::_fuzzy_match(#VAL1#/100,"#VAL2#",#_iname#)',	'filter_prep:fuzzy'=> sub {my @arg=split / /,$_[0],2; $arg[0],quotemeta ::superlc($arg[1])},
316	},
317	text =>	#multi-lines string
318	{	parent			=> 'string',
319		check			=> '#VAL#=~tr/\x00-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F//d; #VAL#=~s/\s+$//;',
320		'editwidget:single'	=> sub { GMB::TagEdit::EntryText->new(@_); },
321		'editwidget:many'	=> sub { GMB::TagEdit::EntryText->new(@_); },
322	},
323	filename=>
324	{	parent	=> 'string',
325		check	=> ';',	#override string's check because not needed and filename may not be utf8
326		get	=> '#_#',
327		set	=> '#_#=#VAL#; ::_utf8_off(#_#);',
328		display	=> '::filename_to_utf8displayname(#get#)',
329		hash_to_display => '::filename_to_utf8displayname(#VAL#)', #only used by FolderList:: and MassTag::
330		load	=> '#_#=::decode_url(#VAL#)',
331		save	=> 'filename_escape(#_#)',
332		#'filterpat:string'	=> [ display => \&::filename_to_utf8displayname, ],
333	},
334# 	picture =>
335#	{	get_picture	=> '__#mainfield#_picture[#GID#] || $::Options{Default_picture_#mainfield#};',
336#		get_pixbuf	=> 'my $file= #get_picture#; GMB::Picture::pixbuf($file);',
337#		set_picture	=> '::_utf8_off(#VAL#); __#mainfield#_picture[#GID#]= #VAL# eq "" ? undef : #VAL#; ::HasChanged("Picture_#mainfield#",#GID#);',
338#		'load_extra:picture'	=> 'if (#VAL# ne "") { __#mainfield#_picture[#GID#]= ::decode_url(#VAL#); }',
339#		'save_extra:picture'	=> 'do { my $v=__#mainfield#_picture[#GID#]; defined $v ? ::url_escape($v) : ""; }',
340#	},
341 	_picture =>
342	{	_		=> '__#mainfield#_picture[#GID#]',
343		init		=> '@__#mainfield#_picture=(); push @GMB::Picture::ArraysOfFiles, \@__#mainfield#_picture;',
344		default		=> '$::Options{Default_picture}{#mainfield#}',
345		get_for_gid	=> '#_# || #default#;',
346		pixbuf_for_gid	=> 'my $file= #get_for_gid#; GMB::Picture::pixbuf($file);',
347		set_for_gid	=> '::_utf8_off(#VAL#); #_#= #VAL# eq "" ? undef : #VAL#; ::HasChanged("Picture_#mainfield#",#GID#);',
348		load_extra	=> 'if (#VAL# ne "") { #_#= ::decode_url(#VAL#); }',
349		save_extra	=> 'do { my $v=#_#; defined $v ? filename_escape($v) : ""; }',
350		get		=> '__#mainfield#_picture[ ##mainfield#->get_gid# ]',
351	},
352	fewstring=>	#for strings likely to be repeated
353	{	_		=> 'vec(____,#ID#,#bits#)',
354		bits		=> 32,	#32 bits by default (16 bits ?)
355		mainfield	=> '#field#',
356		_name		=> '__#mainfield#_name',
357		_iname		=> '__#mainfield#_iname',
358		sgid_to_gid	=> '__#mainfield#_gid{#VAL#}||= do { my $i=push(@#_name#, #VAL#); #newval#; $i-1; }',
359		newval		=> 'push @#_iname#, ::superlc( #_name#[-1] );',
360		#newval		=> 'push @#_iname#, ::superlc(#VAL#);',
361		set		=> '#_# = #sgid_to_gid#;',
362		init		=> '____=""; __#mainfield#_gid{""}=1; #_name#[1]=#_iname#[1]="";',
363		check		=> '#VAL#=~tr/\x00-\x1F//d; #VAL#=~s/\s+$//;',
364		default		=> '""',
365		get_gid		=> '#_#',
366		get		=> '#_name#[#_#]',
367		diff		=> '#get# ne #VAL#',
368		display 	=> '#_name#[#_#]',
369		s_sort		=> '#_name#[#_#]',
370		si_sort		=> '#_iname#[#_#]',
371		gid_to_get	=> '#_name#[#GID#]',
372		's_sort:gid'	=> '#_name#[#GID#]',
373		'si_sort:gid'	=> '#_iname#[#GID#]',
374		always_first_gid=> 0,
375		gid_to_display	=> '#_name#[#GID#]',
376		'filter:m'	=> '#_name#[#_#]  .=~. m"#VAL#"',
377		'filter:mi'	=> '#_iname#[#_#] .=~. m"#VAL#"i',
378		'filter:fuzzy'	=> '.!!. Filter::_fuzzy_match(#VAL1#/100,"#VAL2#",#_iname#[#_#])',	'filter_prep:fuzzy'=> sub {my @arg=split / /,$_[0],2; $arg[0],quotemeta ::superlc($arg[1])},
379		'filter:si'	=> 'index( #_iname#[#_#],"#VAL#") .!=. -1',			'filter_prep:si' => sub {quotemeta ::superlc($_[0])},
380		'filter:s'	=> 'index( #_name#[#_#], "#VAL#") .!=. -1',
381		'filter:e'	=> '#_name#[#_#] .eq. "#VAL#"',
382		'filter:~'	=> '#_# .==. #VAL#',				'filter_prep:~' => '#sgid_to_gid(VAL=#PAT#)#',
383				'filter_prephash:~' => 'return {map { #sgid_to_gid(VAL=$_)#,undef} keys %{#HREF#}}',
384		'filter:h~'	=> '.!!. exists $hash#VAL#->{#_#}',
385#		hash		=> '#_name#[#_#]',
386		hash		=> '#_#',
387		#"hash:gid"	=> '#_#',
388		makefilter	=> '"#field#:~:".#_name#[#GID#]',
389		group		=> '#_# !=',
390		stats		=> '#HVAL#{#_name#[#_#]}=undef;  ---- AFTER: #HVAL#=[keys %{#HVAL#}];',
391		'stats:gid'	=> '#HVAL#{#_#}=undef;  ---- AFTER: #HVAL#=[keys %{#HVAL#}];',
392		listall		=> '2..@#_name#-1',
393		edit_listall	=> 1,
394		parent		=> 'generic',
395		maxgid		=> '@#_name#-1',
396		'filterdesc:~'	=> [ _"is %s", _"is",	'menustring', ],
397		'filterdesc:-~'	=> _"isn't %s",
398		#gsummary	=> 'my $gids=Songs::UniqList(#field#,#IDs#); @$gids==1 ? #gid_to_display(GID=$gids->[0])# : #names(count=scalar @$gids)#;',
399	},
400	number	=>
401	{	parent		=> 'generic',
402		set		=> '#_# = #VAL#||0',
403		########save		=> '(#_# || "")',
404		n_sort		=> '#_#',
405		'n_sort:gid'	=> '#GID#',
406		diff		=> '#_# != #VAL#',
407		'filter:e'	=> '#_# .==. #VAL#',
408		'filter:>'	=> '#_# .>. #VAL#',
409		'filter:<'	=> '#_# .<. #VAL#',
410		'filter:b'	=> '#_# .>=. #VAL1#  .&&.  #_# .<=. #VAL2#',
411		'filter_prep:b'	=> \&filter_prep_numbers_between,
412		'filter_prep:>'	=> \&filter_prep_numbers,
413		'filter_prep:<'	=> \&filter_prep_numbers,
414		'filter_prep:e'	=> \&filter_prep_numbers,
415		'group'		=> '#_# !=',
416		'stats:range'	=> 'push @{#HVAL#},#_#;  ---- AFTER: #HVAL#=do {my ($m0,$m1)=(sort {$a <=> $b} @{#HVAL#})[0,-1]; $m0==$m1 ? $m0 : "$m0 - $m1"}',
417		'stats:average'	=> 'push @{#HVAL#},#_#;  ---- AFTER: #HVAL#=do { my $s=0; $s+=$_ for @{#HVAL#}; $s/@{#HVAL#}; }',
418		'stats:sum'	=> '#HVAL# += #_#;',
419		stats		=> '#HVAL#{#_#+0}=undef;',
420		hash		=> '#_#+0',
421		display		=> '(#_# ? sprintf("#displayformat#", #_# ) : "")',	#replace 0 with ""
422		gid_to_display	=> '#GID#',
423		get_gid		=> '#_#+0',
424		makefilter	=> '"#field#:e:#GID#"',
425		default		=> '0+0',	#not 0 because it needs to be true :(
426		autofill_re	=> '\\d+',
427		default_filter	=> '>',
428		'filterdesc:e'	=> [ "= %s", "=", 'value', ],
429		'filterdesc:>'	=> [ "> %s", ">", 'value', noinv=>1 ],
430		'filterdesc:<'	=> [ "< %s", "<", 'value', noinv=>1 ],
431		'filterdesc:-<'	=> [ "≥ %s", "≥", 'value', noinv=>1 ],
432		'filterdesc:->'	=> [ "≤ %s", "≤", 'value', noinv=>1 ],
433		'filterdesc:b'	=> [ _"between %s and %s", _"between", 'value value'],
434		'filterdesc:-b'	=> _"not between %s and %s",
435		'filterdesc:-e'	=> "≠ %s",
436		'filterdesc:h'	=> [ _"in the top %s",	 _"in the top",		'number',],	# "the %s most"  "the most",  ?
437		'filterdesc:t'	=> [ _"in the bottom %s",_"in the bottom",	'number',],	# "the %s least" "the least", ?
438		'filterdesc:-h'	=> _"not in the top %s",
439		'filterdesc:-t'	=> _"not in the bottom %s",
440		'filterpat:substring'	=> [icase => 0],
441		'filterpat:regexp'	=> [icase => 0],
442		'smartfilter:>' => \&Filter::_smartstring_number_moreless,
443		'smartfilter:<' => \&Filter::_smartstring_number_moreless,
444		'smartfilter:<='=> \&Filter::_smartstring_number_moreless,
445		'smartfilter:>='=> \&Filter::_smartstring_number_moreless,
446		'smartfilter:=' => \&Filter::_smartstring_number,
447		'smartfilter::' => \&Filter::_smartstring_number,
448		'smartfilter:~' => 'm',
449		'smartfilter:=empty' => 'e:0',
450		'smartfilter:#' => undef,
451		filter_exclude	=> 'fuzzy', # do not show these filters
452		rightalign=>1,	#right-align in SongTree and SongList
453	},
454	'number.div' =>
455	{	group		=> 'int(#_#/#ARG0#) !=',
456		hash		=> 'int(#_#/#ARG0#)',		#hash:minute	=> '60*int(#_#/60)',
457		#makefilter	=> '"#field#:".(!#GID# ? "e:0" : "b:".(#GID# * #ARG0#)." ".((#GID#+1) * #ARG0#))',
458		makefilter	=> 'Filter->newadd(1, "#field#:-<:".(#GID# * #ARG0#), "#field#:<:".((#GID#+1) * #ARG0#) )', #FIXME decimal separator must be always "."
459		gid_to_display	=> '#GID# * #ARG0#',
460		get_gid		=> 'int(#_#/#ARG0#)',
461	},
462	fewnumber =>
463	{	_		=> '___value[vec(____,#ID#,#bits#)]',
464		parent		=> 'number',
465		bits		=> 16,
466		init		=> '____=""; ___value[0]=undef;',
467		set		=> 'vec(____,#ID#,#bits#) = ___gid{#VAL#}||= do { push(@___value, #VAL#+0)-1; }',
468		check		=> '#VAL#= #VAL# =~m/^(-?\d*\.?\d+)$/ ? $1 : 0;',
469		displayformat	=> '%d',
470	},
471	integer	=>
472	{	_		=> 'vec(____,#ID#,#bits#)',
473		displayformat	=> '%d',
474		bits		=> 32, 				#use 32 bits by default
475		#check		=> '#VAL#= #VAL# =~m/^(\d+)$/ ? $1 : 0;',
476		check		=> '#VAL#= #VAL# =~m/^(\d+)/ && $1<2**#bits# ? $1 : 0;',	# set to 0 if overflow
477		init		=> '____="";',
478		parent		=> 'number',
479		'editwidget:all'=> sub { my $field=$_[0]; GMB::TagEdit::EntryNumber->new(@_,min=>$Def{$field}{edit_min},max=>$Def{$field}{edit_max},digits=>0,mode=>$Def{$field}{edit_mode}); },
480		step		=> 1, #minimum difference between 2 values, used to simplify filters
481	},
482	'integer.div' =>
483	{	makefilter	=> '"#field#:b:".(#GID# * #ARG0#)." ".(((#GID#+1) * #ARG0#)-1)',
484	},
485	float	=>	#make sure the string doesn't have the utf8 flag, else substr won't work
486	{	_		=> 'unpack("F",substr(____,#ID#<<3,8))',
487		display		=> 'do {my $v=#_#; (#v_is_nan# ? "" : ::format_number($v,"#displayformat#"))}',	# replace novalue (NaN) with ""
488		get		=> 'do {my $v=#_#; (#v_is_nan# ? "" : $v ); }',					#
489		diff		=> ($nan==$nan ? 'do {my $new=#VAL#; $new=#nan# unless length $new; $new!=#_# }' :
490						 'do {my $new=#VAL#; $new=#nan# unless length $new; my $v=#_#; $new!=$v && ($new==$new || ! #v_is_nan#) }'),
491		displayformat	=> '%.2f',
492		init		=> '____=" "x8;', #needs init for ID==0
493		parent		=> 'number',
494		nan		=> '$Songs::nan',
495		v_is_nan	=> ($nan==$nan ? '($v==#nan#)' : '($v!=$v)'),	#on some system $nan!=$nan, on some not. In case nan==0, 0 will be treated as novalue, could treat novalue as 0 instead
496		novalue		=> '#nan#',	#use NaN as novalue
497		default		=> '#novalue#',
498		set		=> 'substr(____,#ID#<<3,8)=pack("F",(length(#VAL#) ? #VAL# : #novalue#))',
499		check		=> '#VAL#= #VAL# =~m/^(-?\d*\.?\d+(?:e[-+]\d+)?)$/i ? $1 : #novalue#;',
500		# FIXME make sure that locale is set to C (=> '.' as decimal separator) when needed
501		'editwidget:all'=> sub { my $field=$_[0]; GMB::TagEdit::EntryNumber->new(@_,min=>$Def{$field}{edit_min},max=>$Def{$field}{edit_max},signed=>1,digits=>2,mode=>'allow_empty'); },
502		autofill_re	=> '-?\\d*\\.?\\d+',
503		'filterpat:value' => [ digits => 2, signed=>1, round => "%.2f", ],
504		n_sort		=> 'do {my $v=#_#; #v_is_nan# ? "-inf" : $v}',
505		'filter:defined'	=> 'do {my $v=#_#; .!. (#v_is_nan#)}',
506		'filterdesc:defined:1'	=> _"is defined",
507		'filterdesc:-defined:1'	=> _"is not defined",
508		'smartfilter:=empty' => '-defined:1',
509		'stats:same'=> 'do {my $v1=#HVAL#; my $v2=#_#; if (defined $v1) { #HVAL#=#nan# if $v1!=$v2; } else { #HVAL#= $v2 } }',	#hval=nan if $v1!=$v2 works both if nan==nan or nan!=nan : set hval to nan if either one of them is nan or if they are not equal. That way no need to use #v_is_nan#, which would be complicated as it uses $v
510	},
511	'float.range'=>
512	{	get_gid		=> 'do {my $v=#_#; #v_is_nan# ? #nan_gid# : int($v/#range_step#) ;}',
513		nan_gid		=> '-2**31+1', #gid in FilterList are Long, 2**31-1 is GID_ALL
514		always_first_gid=> -2**31+1,
515		range_step	=> '1', #default step
516		gid_to_display	=> '( #GID#==#nan_gid# ? _"not defined" : do {my $v= #GID# * #range_step#; "$v .. ".($v+#range_step#)})',
517		gid_to_get	=> '( #GID#==#nan_gid# ? #nan# : #GID# * #range_step#)',
518		hash		=> '#get_gid#',
519		makefilter	=> '#GID#==#nan_gid# ? "#field#:-defined:1" : do { my $v= #GID# * #range_step#; Filter->newadd(1, "#field#:-<:".$v, "#field#:<:".($v + #range_step#)); }', #FIXME decimal separator must be always "."
520		'n_sort:gid'	=> '( do{my $n=#GID#==#nan_gid# ? "-inf" : #GID# * #range_step#;warn "#GID# => $n";$n })',
521		'n_sort:gid'	=> '( #GID#==#nan_gid# ? "-inf" : #GID# * #range_step# )',
522		'n_sort:gid'	=> '#GID#', #  #nan_gid# is already the most negative number, no need to replace it with -inf
523	},
524	'length' =>
525	{	display	=> 'sprintf("%d:%02d", #_#/60, #_#%60)',
526		parent	=> 'integer',
527		'filter_prep:e'	=> \&::ConvertTimeLength,
528		'filter_prep:>'	=> \&::ConvertTimeLength,
529		'filter_prep:<'	=> \&::ConvertTimeLength,
530		'filter_prep:b'	=> sub {sort {$a <=> $b} map ::ConvertTimeLength($_), split / /,$_[0],2},
531	},
532	'length.div' => { gid_to_display	=> 'my $v=#GID# * #ARG0#; sprintf("%d:%02d", $v/60, $v%60);', },
533	size	=>
534	{	display	=> '( ::format_number( #_#/'. ::MB() .',"%.1f").q( '. _"MB" .') )',
535		'filter_prep:e'	=> \&::ConvertSize,
536		'filter_prep:>'	=> \&::ConvertSize,
537		'filter_prep:<'	=> \&::ConvertSize,
538		'filter_prep:b'	=> sub {sort {$a <=> $b} map ::ConvertSize($_), split / /,$_[0],2},
539		parent	=> 'integer',
540		'filterpat:value' => [ unit=> \%::SIZEUNITS, default_unit=> 'm', default_value=>1, ],
541	},
542	'size.div'   => { gid_to_display	=> '( ::format_number( #GID# * #ARG0#/'. ::MB() .',"%d").q( '. _"MB" .') )', },
543	rating	=>
544	{	parent	=> 'integer',
545		bits	=> 8,
546		_	=> 'vec(____,#ID#,#bits#)',
547		_default=> 'vec(___default_,#ID#,#bits#)',
548		init	=> '____ = ___default_ = "";',
549		default	=> '""',
550		diff	=> '(#VAL# eq "" ? 255 : #VAL#)!=#_#',
551		get	=> '(#_#==255 ? "" : #_#)',
552		display	=> '(#_#==255 ? "" : #_#)',
553		'stats:range'	=> 'push @{#HVAL#},#_default#;  ---- AFTER: #HVAL#=do {my ($m0,$m1)=(sort {$a <=> $b} @{#HVAL#})[0,-1]; $m0==$m1 ? $m0 : "$m0 - $m1"}',
554		'stats:average'	=> 'push @{#HVAL#},#_default#;  ---- AFTER: #HVAL#=do { my $s=0; $s+=$_ for @{#HVAL#}; $s/@{#HVAL#}; }',
555		check	=> '#VAL#= #VAL# =~m/^\d+$/ ? (#VAL#>100 ? 100 : #VAL#) : "";',
556		set	=> '{ my $v=#VAL#; #_default#= ($v eq "" ? $::Options{DefaultRating} : $v); #_# = ($v eq "" ? 255 : $v); }',
557		makefilter	=> '"#field#:~:#GID#"',
558		'filter:~'	=> '#_# .==. #VAL#',
559		'filter:e'	=> '#_default# .==. #VAL#',
560		'filter:>'	=> '#_default# .>. #VAL#',
561		'filter:<'	=> '#_default# .<. #VAL#',
562		'filter:b'	=> '#_default# .>=. #VAL1#  .&&. #_default# .<=. #VAL2#',
563		'filterdesc:~'	=> [_"set to %s", _"set to", 'value'],
564		'filterdesc:-~'	=> _"not set to %s",,
565		'filterdesc:~:255'=> 'set to default',
566		'filterdesc:-~:255'=>'not set to default',
567		'smartfilter:=empty' => '~:255',
568		n_sort		=> '#_default#',
569		#array		=> '#_default#',
570		gid_to_display	=> '#GID#==255 ? _"Default" : #GID#',
571		percent		=> '#_default#', #for random mode
572		update		=> '___default_=____; my $d=pack "C",$::Options{DefaultRating}; ___default_=~s/\xff/$d/g;',	#\xff==255 # called when $::Options{DefaultRating} has changed
573		#"hash:gid"	=> '#_#',
574		hash		=> '#_#',
575		'editwidget:all'	=> sub {GMB::TagEdit::EntryRating->new(@_) },
576	},
577	date	=>
578	{	parent	=> 'integer',
579		display	=> 'Songs::DateString(#_#)',
580		daycount=> 'do { my $t=(time-( #_# ) )/86400; ($t<0)? 0 : $t}', #for random mode
581		'filter_prep:>ago'	=> \&::ConvertTime,
582		'filter_prep:<ago'	=> \&::ConvertTime,
583		'filter_prep:bago'	=> sub {sort {$a <=> $b} map ::ConvertTime($_), split / /,$_[0],2},
584		'filter:>ago'	=> '#_# .<. #VAL#',
585		'filter:<ago'	=> '#_# .>. #VAL#',
586		'filter:bago'	=> '#_# .>=. #VAL1#  .&&.  #_# .<=. #VAL2#',
587		#'filterdesc:e'		=> [_"is equal to %s", _"is equal to", 'date' ],
588		filter_exclude => 'e', # do not show these filters
589		'filterdesc:>ago'	=> [_"more than %s ago",	_"more than",	'ago', ],
590		'filterdesc:<ago'	=> [_"less than %s ago",	_"less than",	'ago', ],
591		'filterdesc:>'		=> [_"after %s",		_"after",	'date', ],
592		'filterdesc:<'		=> [_"before %s",		_"before",	'date', ],
593		'filterdesc:b'		=> [_"between %s and %s",	_"between (absolute dates)", 'date date'],
594		'filterdesc:bago'	=> [_"between %s ago and %s ago", _"between (relative dates)", 'ago ago'],
595		'filterdesc:->ago'	=> _"less than %s ago",
596		'filterdesc:-<ago'	=> _"more than %s ago",
597		'filterdesc:->'		=> _"before %s",
598		'filterdesc:-<'		=> _"after %s",
599		'filterdesc:-b'		=> _"not between %s and %s",
600		'filterdesc:-bago'	=> _"not between %s ago and %s ago",
601		'filterdesc:h'		=> [ _"the %s most recent",	_"the most recent",	'number'],	#"the %s latest" "the latest" ?
602		'filterdesc:t'		=> [ _"the %s least recent",	_"the least recent",	'number'],	#"the %s earliest" "the earliest" ?
603		'filterdesc:-h'		=> _"not the %s most recent",
604		'filterdesc:-t'		=> _"not the %s least recent",
605		'filterpat:ago'		=> [ unit=> \%::DATEUNITS, default_unit=> 'd', ],
606		'filterpat:date'	=> [ display=> sub { my $var=shift; $var= ::strftime_utf8('%c',localtime $var) if $var=~m/^\d+$/; $var; }, ],
607		default_filter		=> '<ago',
608		'smartfilter:>' => \&Filter::_smartstring_date_moreless,
609		'smartfilter:<' => \&Filter::_smartstring_date_moreless,
610		'smartfilter:<='=> \&Filter::_smartstring_date_moreless,
611		'smartfilter:>='=> \&Filter::_smartstring_date_moreless,
612		'smartfilter:=' => \&Filter::_smartstring_date,
613		'smartfilter::' => \&Filter::_smartstring_date,
614		'smartfilter:~' => 'm',
615		'smartfilter:=empty' => 'e:0',
617		 #for date.year, date.month, date.day :
618		always_first_gid=> 0,
619		group	=> '#mktime# !=',
620		get_gid	=> '#_# ? #mktime# : 0',
621		hash	=> '(#_# ? #mktime# : 0)',	#or use post-hash modification for 0 case
622		subtypes_menu=> \%timespan_menu,
623		grouptitle=> 'my $gid=#get_gid#; #gid_to_display(GID=$gid)#;',
624		rightalign=>0,
625	},
626	'date.year' =>
627	{	mktime		=> '::mktime(0,0,0,1,0,(localtime(#_#))[5])',
628		gid_to_display	=> '(#GID# ? ::strftime_utf8("%Y",localtime(#GID#)) : _"never")',
629		makefilter	=> '"#field#:".(!#GID# ? "e:0" : "b:".#GID#." ".(::mktime(0,0,0,1,0,(localtime(#GID#))[5]+1)-1))',
630	},
631	'date.month' =>
632	{	mktime		=> '::mktime(0,0,0,1,(localtime(#_#))[4,5])',
633		gid_to_display	=> '(#GID# ? ::strftime_utf8("%b %Y",localtime(#GID#)) : _"never")',
634		makefilter	=> '"#field#:".(!#GID# ? "e:0" : "b:".#GID#." ".do{my ($m,$y)= (localtime(#GID#))[4,5]; ::mktime(0,0,0,1,$m+1,$y)-1})',
635	},
636	'date.day' =>
637	{	mktime		=> '::mktime(0,0,0,(localtime(#_#))[3,4,5])',
638		gid_to_display	=> '(#GID# ? ::strftime_utf8("%x",localtime(#GID#)) : _"never")',
639		makefilter	=> '"#field#:".(!#GID# ? "e:0" : "b:".#GID#." ".do{my ($d,$m,$y)= (localtime(#GID#))[3,4,5]; ::mktime(0,0,0,$d+1,$m,$y)-1})',
640	},
641	dates_compact	=>	# ___index_ : binary string containing position (in unit of 1 date => 4 bytes) of the first date in ___values_ for each song
642				# ___nb_ : binary string containing number of dates for each song
643				# ___values_ : binary string containing the actual dates
644				# ___free_ : array containing free positions in ___values_ for each size
645	{	parent		=> 'dates',
646		_		=> 'substr(___values_, #index# * #bytes#, #nb# * #bytes#)',
647		index		=> 'vec(___index_,#ID#,32)',	# => max 2**32 songs that share the same number of dates, could maybe use 16 bits instead
648		nb		=> 'vec(___nb_,#ID#,16)',	# => max 2**16 dates per song, could maybe use 8 bits instead
649		get_list	=> 'unpack("#packformat#*", #_#)',
650		init		=> '___index_= ___values_= ___nb_ = "";',
651		set		=> '{	my $v=#VAL#;
652					my @list= !$v ? () : sort { $a <=> $b } (ref $v ? @$v : split /\D+/,$v);
653					if (my $nb=#nb#) { ___free_[$nb].= pack "N",#index#; } # add previous space to list of free spaces
654					if (@list)
655					{	my $string= pack "#packformat#*", @list;
656						my $nb= #nb#= scalar @list;
657						if (___free_[$nb])	# re-use old space
658						{	#index#= unpack "N", substr(___free_[$nb],-4,4,"");
659							#_#= $string;
660						}
661						else			# use new space
662						{	#index#= length(___values_)/#bytes#;
663							___values_ .= $string;
664						}
665					}
666					else { #index#=0; #nb#=0 }
667				   }',
668		'filter:ecount'	=> '#VAL# .==. #nb#',
669		'stats:count'	=> '#HVAL# += #nb#;',
670	},
671	dates	=>
672	{	parent		=> 'generic', # for m mi s si filters
673		_		=> '____[#ID#]',
674		default		=> 'undef',
675		bits		=> 32,	packformat=> 'L', # replace with 64 and Q for 64bits dates
676		bytes		=> '(#bits#/8)',
677		check		=> ';',
678		get_list	=> 'unpack("#packformat#*",#_#||"")',
679		display		=> 'join("\n",map Songs::DateString($_), reverse #get_list#)',
680		gid_to_get	=> '#GID#',
681		gid_to_display	=> 'Songs::DateString(#GID#)',
682		#n_sort		=> 'unpack("#packformat#*",substr(#_#||"",-#bytes#))', #sort by last date, not used
683		'n_sort:gid'	=> '#GID#',
684		get		=> 'join(" ",#get_list#)',
685		set		=> '{	my $v=#VAL#;
686					my @list= !$v ? () : sort { $a <=> $b } (ref $v ? @$v : split /\D+/,$v);
687					#_#= !@list ? undef : pack("#packformat#*", @list);
688				   }', #use undef instead of '' if no dates to save some memory
689		diff		=> 'do {my $old=#_#||""; my $new=#VAL#; $new= pack "#packformat#*",sort { $a <=> $b } (ref $new ? @$new : split /\D+/,$new); $old ne $new; }',
690		check_multi	=> 'for my $lref (@{#VAL#}) {@$lref=grep m/^\d+$/, @$lref}',
691		set_multi	=> 'do {my %h; $h{$_}=0 for #get_list#; my ($toadd,$torm,$toggle)=@{#VAL#}; $h{$_}= (exists $h{$_} ? -1 : 1) for @$toggle; $h{$_}++ for @$toadd; $h{$_}-- for @$torm; (scalar grep $h{$_}!=0, keys %h) ? [grep $h{$_}>=0, keys %h] : undef; }',
692		'filter:ecount'	=> '#VAL# .==. length(#_#)/#bytes#',
693		'stats:count'	=> '#HVAL# += length(#_#)/#bytes#;',
694		#example of use : Songs::BuildHash('artist',$::Library,undef,'playhistory:countrange:DATE1-DATE2'));  where DATE1 and DATE2 are secongs since epoch and DATE1<DATE2
695		'stats:countrange'	=> 'INIT: my ($$date1,$$date2)= #ARG#=~m/(\d+)/g; ---- #HVAL# ++ for grep $$date1<$_ && $$date2>$_, #get_list#;', #count plays between 2 dates (in seconds since epoch)
696		'stats:countafter'	=> '#HVAL# ++ for grep #ARG#<$_, #get_list#;', #count plays after date (in seconds since epoch)
697		'stats:countbefore'	=> '#HVAL# ++ for grep #ARG#>$_, #get_list#;', #count plays before date (in seconds since epoch)
698		stats		=> 'do {#HVAL#{$_}=undef for #get_list#;};',
699		'filter:e'	=> '.!!. do{ grep($_ == #VAL#, #get_list#) }',
700		'filter:>'	=> '.!!. do{ grep($_ > #VAL#, #get_list#) }',
701		'filter:<'	=> '.!!. do{ grep($_ < #VAL#, #get_list#) }',
702		'filter:b'	=> '.!!. do{ grep($_ >= #VAL1# && $_ <= #VAL2#, #get_list#) }',
703		'filter_prep:>'	=> \&filter_prep_numbers,
704		'filter_prep:<'	=> \&filter_prep_numbers,
705		'filter_prep:e'	=> \&filter_prep_numbers,
706		'filter_prep:b'	=> \&filter_prep_numbers_between,
707		'filter_prep:>ago'	=> \&::ConvertTime,
708		'filter_prep:<ago'	=> \&::ConvertTime,
709		'filter_prep:bago'	=> sub {sort {$a <=> $b} map ::ConvertTime($_), split / /,$_[0],2},
710		'filter:>ago'	=> '.!!. do{ grep($_ < #VAL#, #get_list#) }',
711		'filter:<ago'	=> '.!!. do{ grep($_ > #VAL#, #get_list#) }',
712		'filter:bago'	=> '.!!. do{ grep($_ >= #VAL1# && $_ <= #VAL2#, #get_list#) }',
713		#copy of filterdesc:* smartfilter:* from date type
714		'filterdesc:>ago'	=> [_"more than %s ago",	_"more than",	'ago', ],
715		'filterdesc:<ago'	=> [_"less than %s ago",	_"less than",	'ago', ],
716		'filterdesc:>'		=> [_"after %s",		_"after",	'date', ],
717		'filterdesc:<'		=> [_"before %s",		_"before",	'date', ],
718		'filterdesc:b'		=> [_"between %s and %s",	_"between (absolute dates)", 'date date'],
719		'filterdesc:bago'	=> [_"between %s ago and %s ago", _"between (relative dates)", 'ago ago'],
720		'filterdesc:->ago'	=> _"not more than %s ago",
721		'filterdesc:-<ago'	=> _"not less than %s ago",
722		'filterdesc:->'		=> _"not after %s",
723		'filterdesc:-<'		=> _"not before %s",
724		'filterdesc:-b'		=> _"not between %s and %s",
725		'filterdesc:-bago'	=> _"not between %s ago and %s ago",
726		'filterdesc:h'		=> [ _"the %s most recent",	_"the most recent",	'number'],	#"the %s latest" "the latest" ?
727		'filterdesc:t'		=> [ _"the %s least recent",	_"the least recent",	'number'],	#"the %s earliest" "the earliest" ?
728		'filterdesc:-h'		=> _"not the %s most recent",
729		'filterdesc:-t'		=> _"not the %s least recent",
730		'filterpat:ago'		=> [ unit=> \%::DATEUNITS, default_unit=> 'd', ],
731		'filterpat:date'	=> [ display=> sub { my $var=shift; $var= ::strftime_utf8('%c',localtime $var) if $var=~m/^\d+$/; $var; }, ],
732		default_filter		=> '<ago',
733		'smartfilter:>' => \&Filter::_smartstring_date_moreless,
734		'smartfilter:<' => \&Filter::_smartstring_date_moreless,
735		'smartfilter:<='=> \&Filter::_smartstring_date_moreless,
736		'smartfilter:>='=> \&Filter::_smartstring_date_moreless,
737		'smartfilter:=' => \&Filter::_smartstring_date,
738		'smartfilter::' => \&Filter::_smartstring_date,
739		'smartfilter:=empty' => 'ecount:0',
740		'smartfilter:#' => undef,
741		filter_exclude	=> 'fuzzy', # do not show these filters
743		#get_gid		=> '[#get_list#]',
744		#hashm			=> '#get_list#',
745		#mktime			=> '$_',
746		 #for dates.year, dates.month, dates.day :
747		always_first_gid=> 0,
748		get_gid	=> '[#_# ? (map #mktime#,#get_list#) : 0]',
749		hashm	=> '(#_# ? (map #mktime#,#get_list#) : 0)',	#or use post-hash modification for 0 case
750		subtypes_menu=> \%timespan_menu,
752	},
753	#identical to date.*, except #_# is replaced by $_ in mktime, and "e" filter by "ecount"
754	'dates.year' =>
755	{	mktime		=> '::mktime(0,0,0,1,0,(localtime($_))[5])',
756		gid_to_display	=> '(#GID# ? ::strftime_utf8("%Y",localtime(#GID#)) : _"never")',
757		makefilter	=> '"#field#:".(!#GID# ? "ecount:0" : "b:".#GID#." ".(::mktime(0,0,0,1,0,(localtime(#GID#))[5]+1)-1))',
758	},
759	'dates.month' =>
760	{	mktime		=> '::mktime(0,0,0,1,(localtime($_))[4,5])',
761		gid_to_display	=> '(#GID# ? ::strftime_utf8("%b %Y",localtime(#GID#)) : _"never")',
762		makefilter	=> '"#field#:".(!#GID# ? "ecount:0" : "b:".#GID#." ".do{my ($m,$y)= (localtime(#GID#))[4,5]; ::mktime(0,0,0,1,$m+1,$y)-1})',
763	},
764	'dates.day' =>
765	{	mktime		=> '::mktime(0,0,0,(localtime($_))[3,4,5])',
766		gid_to_display	=> '(#GID# ? ::strftime_utf8("%x",localtime(#GID#)) : _"never")',
767		makefilter	=> '"#field#:".(!#GID# ? "ecount:0" : "b:".#GID#." ".do{my ($d,$m,$y)= (localtime(#GID#))[3,4,5]; ::mktime(0,0,0,$d+1,$m,$y)-1})',
768	},
769	boolean	=>
770	{	parent	=> 'integer',	bits => 1,
771		check	=> '#VAL#= #VAL# ? 1 : 0;',
772		display	=> "(#_# ? #yes# : #no#)",	yes => '_("Yes")',	no => 'q()',
773		'editwidget:all'=> sub { my $field=$_[0]; GMB::TagEdit::EntryBoolean->new(@_); },
774		'filterdesc:e:0'	=> [_"is false",_"is false",'',noinv=>1],
775		'filterdesc:e:1'	=> [_"is true", _"is true", '',noinv=>1],
776		'filterdesc:-e:0'	=> _"is true",
777		'filterdesc:-e:1'	=> _"is false",
778		filter_exclude => 'ALL',	#do not show filters inherited from parents
779		default_filter => 'e:1',
780		'smartfilter:=empty' => 'e:0',
781		rightalign=>0,
782	},
783	shuffle=>
784	{	n_sort		=> 'Songs::update_shuffle($Songs::LastID) ---- vec($Songs::SHUFFLE,#ID#,32)',
785	},
786	gidshuffle=>
787	{	n_sort		=> 'Songs::update_shuffle(##mainfield#->maxgid#) ----  vec($Songs::SHUFFLE,##mainfield#->get_gid#,32)',
788	},
789	writeonly=>
790	{	diff=>'1',
791		set => '',
792		check=>'',
793	},
795%Def=		#flags : Read Write Editable Sortable Column caseInsensitive sAve List Gettable Properties
796(file	=>
797 {	name	=> _"Filename",	width => 400, flags => 'fgascp_',	type => 'filename',
798	'stats:filetoid' => '#HVAL#{ #file->get# }=#ID#',
799	category=>'file',
800	alias	=> 'filename',
801 },
802 id	=>
803 {	type=> 'integer',
804	_ => '#ID#',
805	'stats:list'	=> 'push @{#HVAL#}, #ID#',
806	'stats:uniq'	=> '#HVAL#=undef', #doesn't really belong here, but simpler this way
807	'stats:count'	=> '#HVAL#++',
808 },
809 path	=>
810 {	name	=> _"Folder",	width => 200, flags => 'fgascp_',	type => 'filename',
811	'filter:i'	=> '#_# .=~. m/^#VAL#(?:$::QSLASH|$)/o',
812	'filter_prep:i'	=> sub { quotemeta ::decode_url($_[0]); },
813	'filterdesc:i'	=> [_"is in %s", _"is in", 'filename'],
814	'filterdesc:-i'	=> _"isn't in %s",
815	'filterpat:filename'	=> [ display => sub { ::filename_to_utf8displayname(::decode_url($_[0])); }, ],
816	can_group=>1,
817	category=>'file',
818	alias	=> 'folder',
819 },
820 modif	=>
821 {	name	=> _"Modification",	width => 160,	flags => 'fgarscp_',	type => 'date',
822	FilterList => {type=>'year',},
823	can_group=>1,
824	category=>'file',
825	alias	=> 'modified',
826 },
827 size	=>
828 {	name => _"Size",	width => 80,	flags => 'fgarscp_',		#32bits => 4G max
829	type => 'size',
830	FilterList => {type=>'div.'.::MB(),},
831	category=>'file',
832 },
833 title	=>
834 {	name	=> _"Title",	width	=> 270,		flags	=> 'fgarwescpi',	type => 'istring',
835	id3v1	=> 0,		id3v2	=> 'TIT2',	vorbis	=> 'title',	ape	=> 'Title',	lyrics3v2=> 'ETT', ilst => "\xA9nam",
836	'filter:~' => '#_iname# .=~. m"(?:^|/) *#VAL# *(?:[/\(\[]|$)"',		'filter_prep:~'=> \&Filter::SmartTitleRegEx,
837	'filter_simplify:~' => \&Filter::SmartTitleSimplify,
838	'filterdesc:~'	=> [_"is smart equal to %s", _"is smart equal", 'substring'],
839	'filterdesc:-~'	=> _"Isn't smart equal to %s",
840	makefilter_fromID => '"title:~:" . #get#',
841	edit_order=> 10, letter => 't',
842	category=>'basic',
843	alias_trans=> ::_p('Field_aliases',"title"),  #TRANSLATION: comma-separated list of field aliases for title, these are in addition to english aliases
844 },
845 artist =>
846 {	name => _"Artist",	width => 200,	flags => 'fgarwescpi',
847	type => 'artist',
848	id3v1	=> 1,		id3v2	=> 'TPE1',	vorbis	=> 'artist',	ape	=> 'Artist',	lyrics3v2=> 'EAR', ilst => "\xA9ART",
849	FilterList => {search=>1,drag=>::DRAG_ARTIST},
850	all_count=> _"All artists",
851	apic_id	=> 8,
852	picture_field => 'artist_picture',
853	edit_order=> 20,	edit_many=>1,	letter => 'a',
854	can_group=>1,
855	#names => '::__("%d artist","%d artists",#count#);'
856	category=>'basic',
857	alias=> 'by',
858	alias_trans=> ::_p('Field_aliases',"artist,by"),  #TRANSLATION: comma-separated list of field aliases for artist, these are in addition to english aliases
859 },
860 first_artist =>
861 {	flags => 'fig',
862	type	=> 'artist_first',	depend	=> 'artists',	name => _"Main artist",
863	FilterList => {search=>1,drag=>::DRAG_ARTIST},
864	picture_field => 'artist_picture',
865	sortgroup=>'artist',
866	can_group=>1,
867 },
868 artists =>
869 {	flags => 'gfil',	type	=> 'artists',	depend	=> 'artist title',	name => _"Artists",
870	all_count=> _"All artists",
871	FilterList => {search=>1,drag=>::DRAG_ARTIST},
872	picture_field => 'artist_picture',
873 },
874 album =>
875 {	name => _"Album",	width => 200,	flags => 'fgarwescpi',	type => 'album',
876	id3v1	=> 2,		id3v2	=> 'TALB',	vorbis	=> 'album',	ape	=> 'Album',	lyrics3v2=> 'EAL', ilst => "\xA9alb",
877	depend	=> 'artist album_artist_raw compilation', #because albums with no names get the name : <Unknown> (artist)
878	all_count=> _"All albums",
879	FilterList => {search=>1,drag=>::DRAG_ALBUM},
880	apic_id	=> 3,
881	picture_field => 'album_picture',
882	names => '::__("%d album","%d albums",#count#);',
883	edit_order=> 30,	edit_many=>1,	letter => 'l',
884	can_group=>1,
885	category=>'basic',
886	alias=> 'on',
887	alias_trans=> ::_p('Field_aliases',"album,on"),  #TRANSLATION: comma-separated list of field aliases for album, these are in addition to english aliases
888 },
889# genre_picture =>
890# {	name		=> "Genre picture",
891#	flags		=> 'g',
892#	depend		=> 'genre',
893#	property_of	=> 'genre',
894#	mainfield	=> 'genre',
895#	type		=> '_picture',
896# },
897 album_picture =>
898 {	name		=> _"Album picture",
899	flags		=> 'g',
900	depend		=> 'album',
901	property_of	=> 'album',
902	mainfield	=> 'album',
903	type		=> '_picture',
904	letter		=> 'c',
905 },
906 artist_picture =>
907 {	name		=> _"Artist picture",
908	flags		=> 'g',
909	depend		=> 'artist',
910	property_of	=> 'artist',
911	mainfield	=> 'artist',
912	type		=> '_picture',
913 },
914 album_artist_raw =>
915 {	name => _"Album artist",width => 200,	flags => 'fgarwescpi',	type => 'artist',
916	id3v2	=> 'TPE2',	vorbis	=> 'albumartist|album_artist',	ape	=> 'Album Artist|Album_artist',  ilst => "aART",
917	#FilterList => {search=>1,drag=>::DRAG_ARTIST},
918	picture_field => 'artist_picture',
919	edit_order=> 35,	edit_many=>1,
920	#can_group=>1,
921	category=>'basic',
922 },
923 album_artist =>
924 {	name => _"Album artist or artist",width => 200,	flags => 'fgcsi',	type => 'artist',
925	FilterList => {search=>1,drag=>::DRAG_ARTIST},
926	picture_field => 'artist_picture',
927	_ => 'do {my $n=vec(__album_artist_raw__,#ID#,#bits#); $n==1 ? vec(__artist__,#ID#,#bits#) : $n}',
928	can_group=>1,
929	letter => 'A',
930	depend	=> 'album_artist_raw artist album',
931	category=>'basic',
932 },
933 haspicture =>
934 {	name	=> _"Embedded picture", width => 20, flags => 'fgarwscp',	type => 'boolean',
935	id3v2 => 'APIC;;;;%v',	ilst => 'covr',		#or just id3v2 => 'APIC', ?
936	disable=>1,
937 },
938 haslyrics =>
939 {	name	=> _"Embedded lyrics", width => 20, flags => 'fgarwscp',	type => 'boolean',
940	id3v2 => 'USLT;;;%v',	vorbis	=> 'lyrics',	ape => 'Lyrics', #TESTME
941	disable=>1,
942 },
943 compilation =>
944 {	name	=> _"Compilation", width => 20, flags => 'fgarwescp',	type => 'boolean',
945	id3v2 => 'TCMP',	vorbis	=> 'compilation',	ape => 'Compilation',	ilst => 'cpil',
946	edit_many=>1,
947	category=>'basic',
948 },
949 grouping =>
950 {	name	=> _"Grouping",	width => 100,	flags => 'fgarwescpi',	type => 'fewstring',
951	FilterList => {search=>1},
952	can_group=>1,
953	edit_order=> 55,	edit_many=>1,
954	id3v2 => 'TIT1',	vorbis	=> 'grouping',	ape	=> 'Grouping', ilst => "\xA9grp",
955	category=>'extra',
956 },
957 year =>
958 {	name	=> _"Year",	width => 40,	flags => 'fgarwescp',	type => 'integer',	bits => 16,
959	edit_max=>3000,	edit_mode=> 'year',
960	check	=> '#VAL#= #VAL# =~m/(\d\d\d\d)/ ? $1 : 0;',
961	id3v1	=> 3,		id3v2 => 'TDRC|TYER', 'id3v2.3'=> 'TYER|TDRC',	'id3v2.4'=> 'TDRC|TYER',	vorbis	=> 'date|year',	ape	=> 'Record Date|Year', ilst => "\xA9day",
962	prewrite=> sub { $_[0] ? $_[0] : undef }, #remove tag if 0
963	gid_to_display	=> '#GID# ? #GID# : _"None"',
964	'stats:range'	=> '#HVAL#{#_#}=undef;  ---- AFTER: delete #HVAL#{0}; #HVAL#=do {my ($m0,$m1)=(sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{#HVAL#})[0,-1]; !defined $m0 ? "" : $m0==$m1 ? $m0 : "$m0 - $m1"}',
965	editwidth => 6,
966	edit_order=> 50,	edit_many=>1,	letter => 'y',
967	can_group=>1,
968	FilterList => {},
969	autofill_re	=> '[12]\\d{3}',
970	category=>'basic',
971 },
972 track =>
973 {	name	=> _"Track",	width => 40,	flags => 'fgarwescp',
974	id3v1	=> 5,		id3v2	=> 'TRCK',	vorbis	=> 'tracknumber',	ape	=> 'Track', ilst => "trkn",
975	prewrite=> sub { $_[0] ? $_[0] : undef }, #remove tag if 0
976	type => 'integer',	displayformat => '%02d', bits => 16,
977	edit_max => 65535, 	edit_mode=> 'nozero',
978	edit_order=> 20,	editwidth => 4,		letter => 'n',
979	category=>'basic',
980 },
981 disc =>
982 {	name	=> _"Disc",	width => 40,	flags => 'fgarwescp',	type => 'integer',	bits => 8,
983	edit_max => 255,	edit_mode=> 'nozero',
984				id3v2	=> 'TPOS',	vorbis	=> 'discnumber',	ape	=> 'discnumber', ilst => "disk|disc",
985	prewrite=> sub { $_[0] ? $_[0] : undef }, #remove tag if 0
986	editwidth => 4,
987	edit_order=> 40,	edit_many=>1,	letter => 'd',
988	can_group=>1,
989	category=>'basic',
990	alias	=> 'disk',
991 },
992 discname =>
993 {	name	=> _"Disc name",	width	=> 100,		flags => 'fgarwescpi',	type => 'fewstring',
994	id3v2	=> 'TSST',	vorbis	=> 'discsubtitle',	ape => 'DiscSubtitle',	ilst=> '----DISCSUBTITLE',
995	edit_many=>1,
996	disable=>1,	options => 'disable',
997	category=>'extra',
998	alias	=> 'diskname',
999 },
1000 genre	=>
1001 {	name		=> _"Genres",	width => 180,	flags => 'fgarwescpil',
1002	 #is_set	=> '(__GENRE__=~m/(?:^|\x00)__QVAL__(?:$|\x00)/)? 1 : 0', #for random mode
1003	id3v1	=> 6,		id3v2	=> 'TCON',	vorbis	=> 'genre',	ape	=> 'Genre', ilst => "\xA9gen & ----genre",
1004	read_split	=> qr/\s*;\s*/,
1005	type		=> 'flags',		#default_persistent_values => \@Tag::MP3::Genres,
1006	none		=> quotemeta _"No genre",
1007	all_count	=> _"All genres",
1008	FilterList	=> {search=>1},
1009	edit_order=> 70,	edit_many=>1,	letter => 'g',
1010	category=>'basic',
1011	editsubmenu=>0,
1012	options	=> 'editsubmenu',
1013#	picture_field => 'genre_picture',
1014 },
1015 label	=>
1016 {	name		=> _"Labels",	width => 180,	flags => 'fgaescpil',
1017	 #is_set	=> '(__LABEL__=~m/(?:^|\x00)__QVAL__(?:$|\x00)/)? 1 : 0', #for random mode
1018	type		=> 'flags',
1019	iconprefix	=> 'label-',
1020	icon		=> sub { $Def{label}{iconprefix}.$_[0]; }, #FIXME use icon_for_gid
1021	icon_for_gid	=> '"#iconprefix#".#gid_to_get#',
1022	all_count	=> _"All labels",
1023	edit_string	=> _"Edit labels",
1024	none		=> quotemeta _"No label",
1025	FilterList	=> {search=>1,icon=>1},
1026	icon_edit_string=> _"Choose icon for label {name}",
1027	edit_order=> 80,	edit_many=>1,	letter => 'L',
1028	category=>'extra',
1029	editsubmenu=>1,
1030	options		=> 'persistent_values editsubmenu',
1031	default_persistent_values => [_("favorite"),_("bootleg"),_("broken"),_("bonus tracks"),_("interview"),],
1032 },
1033 mood	=>
1034 {	name		=> _"Moods",	width => 180,	flags => 'fgarwescpil',
1035	id3v2	=> 'TMOO',	vorbis	=> 'MOOD',	ape	=> 'Mood', ilst => "----MOOD",
1036	read_split	=> qr/\s*;\s*/,
1037	type		=> 'flags',
1038	none		=> quotemeta _"No moods",
1039	all_count	=> _"All moods",
1040	FilterList	=> {search=>1},
1041	edit_order=> 71,	edit_many=>1,
1042	disable=>1,	options => 'disable editsubmenu',
1043	editsubmenu=>0,
1044	category=>'extra',
1045 },
1046 style	=>
1047 {	name	=> _"Styles",	width => 180,	flags => 'fgaescpil',
1048	type		=> 'flags',
1049	all_count	=> _"All styles",
1050	none		=> quotemeta _"No styles",
1051	FilterList	=> {search=>1,},
1052	edit_order=> 72,	edit_many=>1,
1053	disable=>1,	options => 'disable editsubmenu',
1054	editsubmenu=>0,
1055	category=>'extra',
1056 },
1057 theme	=>
1058 {	name	=> _"Themes",	width => 180,	flags => 'fgaescpil',
1059	type		=> 'flags',
1060	all_count	=> _"All themes",
1061	none		=> quotemeta _"No themes",
1062	FilterList	=> {search=>1,},
1063	edit_order=> 73,	edit_many=>1,
1064	disable=>1,	options => 'disable editsubmenu',
1065	editsubmenu=>0,
1066	category=>'extra',
1067 },
1068 comment=>
1069 {	name	=> _"Comment",	width => 200,	flags => 'fgarwescpi',		type => 'text',
1070	id3v1	=> 4,		id3v2	=> 'COMM;;;%v',	vorbis	=> 'description|comment|comments',	ape	=> 'Comment',	lyrics3v2=> 'INF', ilst => "\xA9cmt",	join_with => "\n",
1071	edit_order=> 60,	edit_many=>1,	letter => 'C',
1072	category=>'basic',
1073 },
1074 rating	=>
1075 {	name	=> _"Rating",		width => 80,	flags => 'fgaescp',	type => 'rating',
1076	id3v2	=> 'TXXX;FMPS_Rating_User;%v::%i & TXXX;FMPS_Rating;%v | percent( TXXX;gmbrating;%v ) | five( TXXX;rating;%v )',
1077	vorbis	=> 'FMPS_RATING_USER::%i & FMPS_RATING | percent( gmbrating ) | five( rating )',
1078	ape	=> 'FMPS_RATING_USER::%i & FMPS_RATING | percent( gmbrating ) | five( rating )',
1079	ilst	=> '----FMPS_Rating_User::%i & ----FMPS_Rating | percent( ----gmbrating ) | five( ----rating )',
1080	postread=> \&FMPS_rating_postread,
1081	prewrite=> \&FMPS_rating_prewrite,
1082	'postread:five'=> sub { my $v=shift; length $v && $v=~m/^\d+$/ && $v<=5 ? sprintf('%d',$v*20) : undef }, # for reading foobar2000 rating 0..5 ?
1083	'postread:percent'=> sub { $_[0] }, # for anyone who used gmbrating
1084	FilterList => {},
1085	starprefix => 'stars',
1086	edit_order=> 90,	edit_many=>1,
1087	edit_string=> _"Edit rating",
1088	editsubmenu=>1,
1089	options	=> 'rw_ userid editsubmenu stars',
1090	'filterpat:value' => [ round => "%d", unit => '%', max=>100, default_value=>50, ],
1091	category=>'basic',
1092	alias	=> 'stars',
1093 },
1094 ratingnumber =>	#same as rating but returns DefaultRating if rating set to default, will be replaced by rating.number or something in the future
1095 {	type	=> 'virtual',
1096	flags	=> 'g',
1097	depend	=> 'rating',
1098	get	=> '#rating->_default#',
1099 },
1100 added	=>
1101 {	name	=> _"Added",		width => 100,	flags => 'fgascp_',	type => 'date',
1102	FilterList => {type=>'month', },
1103	can_group=>1,
1104	category=>'stats',
1105 },
1106 lastplay	=>
1107 {	name	=> _"Last played",	width => 100,	flags => 'fgascp',	type => 'date',
1108	FilterList => {type=>'month',},
1109	can_group=>1,	letter => 'P',
1110	'filterdesc:e:0'	=> _"never",
1111	'filterdesc:-e:0'	=> _"has been played",	#FIXME better description
1112	category=>'stats',
1113	#alias	=> 'played',
1114 },
1115 playhistory	=>
1116 {	name	=> _"Play history",	flags => 'fgalp',	type=> 'dates_compact',
1117	FilterList => {type=>'month',},
1118	'filterdesc:ecount:0'	=> _"never",
1119	'filterdesc:-ecount:0'	=> _"has been played",	#FIXME better description
1120	alias	=> 'played',
1121	category=>'stats',
1122	disable=>0,	options => 'disable',
1123 },
1124 lastskip	=>
1125 {	name	=> _"Last skipped",	width => 100,	flags => 'fgascp',	type => 'date',
1126	FilterList => {type=>'month',},
1127	can_group=>1,	letter => 'K',
1128	'filterdesc:e:0'	=> _"never",
1129	'filterdesc:-e:0'	=> _"has been skipped",	#FIXME better description
1130	category=>'stats',
1131	alias	=> 'skipped',
1132 },
1133 skiphistory	=>
1134 {	name	=> _"Skip history",	flags => 'fgalp',	type=> 'dates_compact',
1135	FilterList => {type=>'month',},
1136	'filterdesc:ecount:0'	=> _"never",
1137	'filterdesc:-ecount:0'	=> _"has been skipped",	#FIXME better description
1138	#alias	=> 'skipped',
1139	category=>'stats',
1140	disable=>1,	options => 'disable',
1141 },
1142 playcount	=>
1143 {	name	=> _"Play count",	width => 50,	flags => 'fgaescp',	type => 'integer',	letter => 'p',
1144	options => 'rw_ userid',
1145	id3v2	=> 'TXXX;FMPS_Playcount;%v&TXXX;FMPS_Playcount_User;%v::%i',
1148	ilst	=> '----FMPS_Playcount&----FMPS_Playcount_User::%i',
1149	postread=> sub { my $v=shift; length $v ? sprintf('%d',$v) : undef },
1150	prewrite=> sub { sprintf('%.1f', $_[0]); },
1151	category=>'stats',
1152	alias	=> 'plays',
1153	edit_order=> 90,
1154	options	=> 'editable',
1155 },
1156 skipcount	=>
1157 {	name	=> _"Skip count",	width => 50,	flags => 'fgaescp',	type => 'integer',	letter => 'k',
1158	category=>'stats',
1159	alias	=> 'skips',
1160	edit_order=> 91,
1161	options	=> 'editable',
1162 },
1163 composer =>
1164 {	name	=> _"Composer",		width	=> 100,		flags => 'fgarwescpi',	type => 'artist',
1165	id3v2	=> 'TCOM',	vorbis	=> 'composer',		ape => 'Composer',	ilst => "\xA9wrt",
1166	apic_id	=> 11,
1167	picture_field => 'artist_picture',
1168	FilterList => {search=>1},
1169	edit_many=>1,
1170	disable=>1,	options => 'disable',
1171	category=>'extra',
1172 },
1173 lyricist =>
1174 {	name	=> _"Lyricist",		width	=> 100,		flags => 'fgarwescpi',	type => 'artist',
1175	id3v2	=> 'TEXT',	vorbis	=> 'LYRICIST',		ape => 'Lyricist',	ilst => '---LYRICIST',
1176	apic_id	=> 12,
1177	picture_field => 'artist_picture',
1178	FilterList => {search=>1},
1179	edit_many=>1,
1180	disable=>1,	options => 'disable',
1181	category=>'extra',
1182 },
1183 conductor =>
1184 {	name	=> _"Conductor",	width	=> 100,		flags => 'fgarwescpi',	type => 'artist',
1185	id3v2	=> 'TPE3',	vorbis	=> 'CONDUCTOR',		ape => 'Conductor',	ilst => '---CONDUCTOR',
1186	apic_id	=> 9,
1187	picture_field => 'artist_picture',
1188	FilterList => {search=>1},
1189	edit_many=>1,
1190	disable=>1,	options => 'disable',
1191	category=>'extra',
1192 },
1193 remixer =>
1194 {	name	=> _"Remixer",	width	=> 100,		flags => 'fgarwescpi',	type => 'artist',
1195	id3v2	=> 'TPE4',	vorbis	=> 'REMIXER',		ape => 'MixArtist',	ilst => '---REMIXER',
1196	picture_field => 'artist_picture',
1197	FilterList => {search=>1},
1198	edit_many=>1,
1199	disable=>1,	options => 'disable',
1200	category=>'extra',
1201 },
1202 version=> #subtitle ?
1203 {	name	=> _"Version",	width	=> 150,		flags => 'fgarwescpi',	type => 'fewstring',
1204	id3v2	=> 'TIT3',	vorbis	=> 'version|subtitle',			ape => 'Subtitle',	ilst=> '----SUBTITLE',
1205	category=>'extra',
1206 },
1207 bpm	=>
1208 {	name	=> _"BPM",	width	=> 60,		flags => 'fgarwescp',	type => 'integer',
1209	id3v2	=> 'TBPM',	vorbis	=> 'BPM',	ape => 'BPM',		ilst=> 'tmpo',
1210	FilterList => {type=>'div.10',},
1211	disable=>1,	options => 'disable',
1212	category=>'extra',
1213 },
1214 channel=>
1215 {	name	=> _"Channels",		width => 50,	flags => 'fgarscp',	type => 'integer',	bits => 4,	audioinfo => 'channels',
1216	default_filter	 => 'e:2',
1217	'filterdesc:e:1' => _"is mono",
1218	'filterdesc:-e:1'=> _"isn't mono",
1219	'filterdesc:e:2' => _"is stereo",
1220	'filterdesc:-e:2'=> _"isn't stereo",
1221	category=>'audio',
1222 },
1223 bitrate=>
1224 {	name	=> _"Bitrate",		width => 90,	flags => 'fgarscp_',	type => 'integer',	bits => 16,	audioinfo => 'bitrate|bitrate_nominal',		check	=> '#VAL#= sprintf "%.0f",#VAL#/1000;',
1225	display	=> '::replace_fnumber("%d kbps",#_#)',
1226	FilterList => {type=>'div.32',},
1227	'filterpat:value' => [ round => "%d", unit => 'kbps', default_value=>192 ],
1228	category=>'audio',
1229 },
1230 samprate=>
1231 {	name	=> _"Sampling Rate",	width => 90,	flags => 'fgarscp',	type => 'fewnumber',	bits => 8,	audioinfo => 'rate',
1232	display	=> '::replace_fnumber("%d Hz",#_#)',
1233	FilterList => {},
1234	'filterdesc:e:44100' => _"is 44.1kHz",
1235	'filterpat:value' => [ round => "%d", unit => 'Hz', step=> 100, default_value=>44100 ],
1236	category=>'audio',
1237 },
1238 filetype=>
1239 {	name	=> _"File type",		width => 80,	flags => 'fgarscp',	type => 'fewstring',	bits => 8, #could probably fit in 4bit
1240	FilterList => {},
1241	'filterdesc:m:^mp3'	=> _"is a mp3 file",
1242	'filterdesc:m:^mp4 mp4a'=> _"is an aac file",
1243	'filterdesc:m:^mp4 alac'=> _"is an alac file",
1244	'filterdesc:m:^mp4'	=> _"is an mp4/m4a file",
1245	'filterdesc:m:^vorbis'	=> _"is a vorbis file",
1246	'filterdesc:m:^flac'	=> _"is a flac file",
1247	'filterdesc:m:^mpc'	=> _"is a musepack file",
1248	'filterdesc:m:^wv'	=> _"is a wavepack file",
1249	'filterdesc:m:^ape'	=> _"is an ape file",
1250	'filterdesc:m:^ape|^flac|^mp4 alac|^wv'	=> _"is a lossless file",
1251	'filterdesc:-m:^ape|^flac|^mp4 alac|^wv'=> _"is a lossy file",
1252	category=>'audio',
1253	alias	=> 'type',
1254 },
1255 'length'=>
1256 {	name	=> _"Length",		width => 50,	flags => 'fgarscp_',	type => 'length',	bits => 16, # 16 bits limit length to ~18.2 hours
1257	audioinfo => 'seconds',		check	=> '#VAL#= sprintf "%.0f",#VAL#;',
1258	FilterList => {type=>'div.60',},
1259	'filterpat:value' => [ unit => \%::TIMEUNITS, default_unit=> 's', default_value=>1 ],
1260	letter => 'm',
1261	category=>'audio',
1262 },
1264 replaygain_track_gain=>
1265 {	name	=> _"Track gain",	width => 70,	flags => 'fgrwscpa',
1266	type	=> 'float',	check => '#VAL#= do{ #VAL# =~m/^([-+]?\d*\.?\d+)\s*(?:dB)?$/i ? $1 : #novalue#};',
1267	displayformat	=> '%.2f dB',
1268	id3v2	=> 'TXXX;replaygain_track_gain;%v',	vorbis	=> 'replaygain_track_gain',	ape	=> 'replaygain_track_gain', ilst => '----replaygain_track_gain',
1269	prewrite=> sub { length($_[0]) && $_[0]==$_[0] ? sprintf("%.2f dB",$_[0]) : undef }, #remove tag if empty string or NaN
1270	options => 'disable editable',
1271	category=>'replaygain',
1272	alias	=> 'track_gain trackgain',
1273	edit_max=> 120,
1274	edit_order=> 95,
1275	FilterList => {type=>'range',},
1276 },
1277 replaygain_track_peak=>
1278 {	name	=> _"Track peak",	width => 60,	flags => 'fgrwscpa',
1279	id3v2	=> 'TXXX;replaygain_track_peak;%v',	vorbis	=> 'replaygain_track_peak',	ape	=> 'replaygain_track_peak', ilst => '----replaygain_track_peak',
1280	prewrite=> sub { length($_[0]) && $_[0]==$_[0] ? sprintf("%.6f",$_[0]) : undef }, #remove tag if empty string or NaN
1281	type	=> 'float',
1282	options => 'disable',
1283	category=>'replaygain',
1284	alias	=> 'track_peak trackpeak',
1285	range_step=> '.1',
1286	FilterList => {type=>'range',},
1287 },
1288 replaygain_album_gain=>
1289 {	name	=> _"Album gain",	width => 70,	flags => 'fgrwscpa',
1290	type	=> 'float',	check => '#VAL#= do{ #VAL# =~m/^([-+]?\d*\.?\d+)\s*(?:dB)?$/i ? $1 : #novalue#};',
1291	displayformat	=> '%.2f dB',
1292	id3v2	=> 'TXXX;replaygain_album_gain;%v',	vorbis	=> 'replaygain_album_gain',	ape	=> 'replaygain_album_gain', ilst => '----replaygain_album_gain',
1293	prewrite=> sub { length($_[0]) && $_[0]==$_[0] ? sprintf("%.2f dB",$_[0]) : undef }, #remove tag if empty string or NaN
1294	options => 'disable editable',
1295	category=>'replaygain',
1296	alias	=> 'album_gain albumgain',
1297	edit_max=> 120,
1298	edit_order=> 96,
1299	edit_many=>1,
1300	FilterList => {type=>'range',},
1301 },
1302 replaygain_album_peak=>
1303 {	name	=> _"Album peak",	width => 60,	flags => 'fgrwscpa',
1304	id3v2	=> 'TXXX;replaygain_album_peak;%v',	vorbis	=> 'replaygain_album_peak',	ape	=> 'replaygain_album_peak', ilst => '----replaygain_album_peak',
1305	prewrite=> sub { length($_[0]) && $_[0]==$_[0] ? sprintf("%.6f",$_[0]) : undef }, #remove tag if empty string or NaN
1306	type	=> 'float',
1307	options => 'disable',
1308	category=>'replaygain',
1309	alias	=> 'album_peak albumpeak',
1310	range_step=> '.1',
1311	FilterList => {type=>'range',},
1312 },
1313 replaygain_reference_level=>
1314 {	flags => 'w',	type => 'writeonly',	#only used for writing
1315	id3v2	=> 'TXXX;replaygain_reference_level;%v',vorbis	=> 'replaygain_reference_level',	ape => 'replaygain_reference_level', ilst => '----replaygain_reference_level',
1316	category=>'replaygain',
1317 },
1319 playedlength	=> {	name=> "Played length", type=>'length', flags=> 'g',
1320			get => '#playcount->get# * #length->get#',  _=>'#get#',
1321			depend=> 'playcount length',
1322		   },
1323 version_or_empty	=> { get => 'do {my $v=#version->get#; $v eq "" ? "" : " ($v)"}',	type=> 'virtual',	depend => 'version',	flags => 'g', letter => 'V', },
1324 album_years	=> { name => _"Album year(s)", get => 'AA::Get("year:range","album",#album->get_gid#)',	type=> 'virtual',	depend => 'album year',	flags => 'g', letter => 'Y', }, #depends on years from other songs too
1325 uri		=> { get => '"file://".::url_escape(#path->get# .::SLASH. #file->get#)',	type=> 'virtual',	depend => 'file path',	flags => 'g', },
1326 fullfilename_raw =>{	name => _"Raw filename with path",	flags => 'g',	letter => 'f',
1327			get => '#fullfilename->get#',	type=> 'virtual', depend => 'file path',
1328		   },
1329 fullfilename	=> {	get	=> '#path->get# .::SLASH. #file->get#',
1330	 		display => '#path->display# .::SLASH. #file->display#',
1331			makefilter_fromID => '"fullfilename:e:" . #get#',
1332			type	=> 'virtual',	flags => 'g',	depend => 'file path',	letter => 'u',
1333			'filter:e'	=> '#ID# == #VAL#',	'filter_prep:e'=> sub { FindID($_[0]); },
1334		   },
1335 barefilename	=> {	name => _"Filename without extension",	type=> 'filename',	flags => 'g',	letter => 'o',
1336			get => 'do {my $s=#file->get#; $s=~s/\.[^.]+$//; $s;}',	depend => 'file',
1337		   },
1338 extension =>	   {	name => _"Filename extension",		type=> 'filename',	flags => 'g',
1339			get => 'do {my $s=#file->get#; $s=~s#^.*\.##; $s;}',	depend => 'file',
1340		   },
1341 title_or_file	=> {	get => '(#title->get# eq "" ? (#show_ext# ? #file->display# : #barefilename->display#) : #title->get#)',
1342			type=> 'virtual',	flags => 'gcs',	width	=> 270,
1343			name=> _"Title or filename",
1344			depend => 'file title', letter => 'S',	#why letter S ? :)
1345			options => 'show_ext', show_ext=>0,
1346		   },
1348 missing	=> { flags => 'gan', type => 'integer', bits => 32, }, #FIXME store it using a 8-bit relative number to $::DAYNB
1349 missingkey	=> { get => 'join "\\x1D",'.join(',',map("#$_->get#",@MissingKeyFields)), depend => "@MissingKeyFields",	type=> 'virtual', },	#used to check if same song
1351 shuffle	=> { name => _"Shuffle",	type => 'shuffle',	flags => 's', },
1352 album_shuffle	=> { name => _"Album shuffle",	type => 'gidshuffle',	flags => 's',	mainfield=>'album'	  },
1353 embedded_pictures=>
1354 {	flags => 'wl',	type=>'writeonly',
1355	id3v2 => 'APIC',	vorbis => 'METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE',	'ilst' => 'covr',
1356 },
1357 embedded_lyrics=>
1358 {	flags => '',	type	=> 'virtual',
1359	id3v2 => 'TXXX;FMPS_Lyrics;%v | USLT;;;%v',	vorbis => 'FMPS_LYRICS|lyrics',	ape => 'FMPS_LYRICS|Lyrics',
1360	'ilst' => "----FMPS_Lyrics|\xA9lyr",	lyrics3v2 => 'LYR',
1361 },
1362 filetags	=>	# debug field : list of the id3v2 frames / vorbis comments
1363 		{	name	=> "filetags", width => 180,	flags => 'grascil', type	=> 'flags',
1364			"id3v2:read"	=> sub { my $tag=shift; my %res; for my $key ($tag->get_keys) { my @v=$tag->get_values($key); if ($key=~m/^TXXX$|^COMM$|^WXXX$/) { my $i= $key eq 'COMM' ? 1 : 0; $res{"$key;$_->[$i]"}=undef for @v; } else { $res{$key}=undef; } } ; return [map "id3v2_$_", keys %res]; },
1365			'vorbis:read'	=> sub { [map "vorbis_$_",$_[0]->get_keys] },
1366			'ape:read'	=> sub { [map "ape_$_",   $_[0]->get_keys] },
1367			'ilst:read'	=> sub { [map "ilst_$_",  $_[0]->get_keys] },
1368			FilterList => {search=>1,none=>1},
1369			none		=> quotemeta "No tags",	#not translated because made for debugging
1370			disable=>1,
1371		},
1372 list =>
1373 {	type=> 'special',
1374	flags	=> 'f',
1375	name	=> _"Lists",
1376	'filterdesc:~'		=> [ _"present in %s", _"present in list", 'listname',],
1377	'filterdesc:-~'		=> _"not present in %s",
1378	'filter:~'		=> '.!!. do {my $l=$::Options{SavedLists}{"#VAL#"}; $l ? $l->IsIn(#ID#) : undef}',
1379	default_filter		=> '~',
1380 },
1381 length_estimated =>
1382 {	type	=> 'boolean',
1383	audioinfo=> 'estimated',
1384	flags	=> 'gar',
1385 },
1388our %FieldTemplates=
1389(	string	=> { type=>'string',	editname=>_"string",		flags=>'fgaescp',	width=> 200,	edit_many =>1,		options=> 'customfield', },
1390	text	=> { type=>'text',	editname=>_"multi-lines string",flags=>'fgaescp',	width=> 200,	edit_many =>1,		options=> 'customfield', },
1391	float	=> { type=>'float',	editname=>_"float",		flags=>'fgaescp',	width=> 100,	edit_many =>1,		options=> 'customfield', desc => _"For decimal numbers", },
1392	boolean	=> { type=>'boolean',	editname=>_"boolean",		flags=>'fgaescp',	width=> 20,	edit_many =>1,		options=> 'customfield', },
1393	flags	=> { type=>'flags', 	editname=>_"flags",		flags=>'fgaescpil',	width=> 180,	edit_many =>1, can_group=>1, options=> 'customfield persistent_values editsubmenu', FilterList=> {search=>1},   desc=>_"Same type as labels", editsubmenu => 1, },
1394	artist	=> { type=>'artist',	editname=>_"artist",		flags=>'fgaescpi',	width=> 200,	edit_many =>1, can_group=>1, options=> 'customfield', FilterList=> {search=>1,drag=>::DRAG_ARTIST}, picture_field => 'artist_picture', },
1395	fewstring=>{ type=>'fewstring',	editname=>_"common string",	flags=>'fgaescpi',width=> 200,	edit_many =>1, can_group=>1, options=> 'customfield', FilterList=> {search=>1}, desc=>_"For when values are likely to be repeated" },
1396	fewnumber=>{ type=>'fewnumber',	editname=>_"common number",	flags=>'fgaescp',	width=> 100,	edit_many =>1, can_group=>1, options=> 'customfield', FilterList=> {},  desc=>_"For when values are likely to be repeated" },
1397	integer	=> { type=>'integer',	editname=>_"integer",		flags=>'fgaescp',	width=> 100,	edit_many =>1, can_group=>1, options=> 'customfield', FilterList=> {},  desc => _"For integer numbers", },
1398	rating	=> { type=>'rating',	editname=>_"rating",		flags=>'fgaescp_',	width=> 80,	edit_many =>1, can_group=>1, options=> 'customfield rw_ useridwarn userid editsubmenu stars', FilterList=> {},
1399		     postread => \&FMPS_rating_postread,		prewrite => \&FMPS_rating_prewrite,
1400		     id3v2 => 'TXXX;FMPS_Rating_User;%v::%i',	vorbis	=> 'FMPS_RATING_USER::%i',	ape => 'FMPS_RATING_USER::%i',	ilst => '----FMPS_Rating_User::%i',
1401		     starprefix => 'stars',
1402		     editsubmenu => 1,
1403		     desc => _"For alternate ratings",
1404		   },
1406$FieldTemplates{$_}{category}||='custom' for keys %FieldTemplates;
1408our %HSort=
1409(	string	=> '$h->{$a} cmp $h->{$b} ||',
1410	number	=> '$h->{$a} <=> $h->{$b} ||',
1411	year2	=> 'substr($h->{$a},-4,4) cmp substr($h->{$b},-4,4) ||',
1414# discname
1415# version '' : " ($v)"
1419} #end of INIT block
1421our $OLD_FIELDS='file path modif length size bitrate filetype channel samprate title artist album disc track year version genre comment author added lastplay playcount rating label missing lastskip skipcount';
1422sub FieldUpgrade	#for versions <1.1
1423{	(split / /,$OLD_FIELDS)[$_[0]];
1426my (%Get,%Display,$DIFFsub,$NEWsub,$LENGTHsub,%UPDATEsub,$SETsub); my (%Get_gid,%Gid_to_display,%Gid_to_get);
1427use constant FIRSTID => 1;
1428our $LastID=FIRSTID-1;
1430sub filename_escape	#same as ::url_escape but escape different characters
1431{	my $s=$_[0];
1432	::_utf8_off($s);
1433	$s=~s#([^/_.+'(),A-Za-z0-9- ])#sprintf('%%%02X',ord($1))#seg;
1434	return $s;
1437sub Macro
1438{	local $_=shift;
1439	my %h=@_;
1440	s/#(\w+)#/exists $h{$1} ? $h{$1} : "#$1#"/eg;
1441	return $_;
1444#sub Find_Properties
1445#{	my ($field,$start)=@_;
1446#	($field,my $subtype)=split /\./,$field;
1447#	my @hashlist= ($Def{$field});
1448#	my $type=$Def{$field}{type};
1449#	warn "no type defined for field $field\n" unless $type;
1450#	while ($type)
1451#	{	push @hashlist,$Types{"$type.$subtype"} if $subtype;
1452#		push @hashlist,$Types{$type};
1453#		my $plugin=$Types{$type}{plugin};
1454#		push @hashlist,map $Types{$_}, split / /,$plugin if $plugin;
1455#		$type= $Types{$type}{parent};
1456#	}
1457#	my @found;
1458#	for my $h (grep defined, @hashlist)
1459#	{	push @found, grep index($_,$start)==0, keys %$h;
1460#	}
1461#	return sort @found;
1463sub LookupCode
1464{	my ($field_opt,@actions)=@_;
1465	my ($field,@opt)=split /\./,$field_opt;
1466	my %vars;
1467	%vars=@{pop @actions} if ref $actions[-1];
1468	my @hashlist= ($Def{$field}, {field => $field});
1469	my $type=$Def{$field}{type};
1470	my $subtype=shift @opt;
1471	#$vars{field}=$field;
1472	if (@opt) { $vars{"ARG$_"}=$opt[$_] for 0..$#opt; }
1473	warn "no type defined for field $field\n" unless $type;
1474	while ($type)
1475	{	#warn " +type $type\n";
1476		push @hashlist,$Types{"$type.$subtype"} if $subtype;
1477		push @hashlist,$Types{$type};
1478		#my $plugin=$Types{$type}{plugin};
1479		#push @hashlist,map $Types{$_}, split / /,$plugin if $plugin;
1480		$type= $Types{$type}{parent};
1481	}
1482	@hashlist=grep defined, @hashlist;
1483	my @code;
1484	for my $action (@actions)
1485	{	my @or=split /\|/,$action;
1486		my $c;
1487		while (!$c && @or)
1488		{	my $key=shift @or;
1489			($c)=grep defined,map $_->{$key}, @hashlist;
1490			#if ($c) {warn " found $key for field $field\n"}
1491		}
1492		if ($c && !ref $c)
1493		{	1 while $c=~s/#([_0-9a-z:~.]+)#/(grep defined,map $_->{$1}, @hashlist)[0]/ge;
1494#			$c=~s/#(\w+)->([_0-9a-z:~.]+)(?:\((\w+)=([^)]+)\))?#/LookupCode($1,$2,($3 ? [$3 => $4] : ()))/ge;
1495			$c=~s/#(?:(\w+)->)?([_0-9a-z:~.]+)(?:\((\w+)=([^)]+)\))?#/LookupCode($1||$field_opt,$2,($3 ? [$3 => $4] : ()))/ge;
1496			$c=~s#___#__${field}_#g;
1497			$c=~s#([@%\$\#])__(\w+)#($1||'\$').'Songs::Songs_'.$2#ge;
1498			$c=~s#__(\w+)#\$Songs::Songs_$1#g;
1499			$c=~s/#(\w+)#/exists $vars{$1} ? $vars{$1} : "#$1#"/ge;	#variable names must be in UPPERCASE
1500		}
1501		push @code,$c;
1502	}
1503	return wantarray ? @code : $code[0];
1505sub Code
1506{	my ($field,$action,@h)=@_;
1507	my $code=LookupCode($field,$action,\@h);
1508	return $code;
1510sub MakeCode		#keep ?
1511{	my ($field,$code,@h)=@_;
1512	my @actions= $code=~m/#([\w\|.]+)#/g; 		#warn "field=$field : @actions";
1513	my (@codes)=LookupCode($field,@actions,\@h);	#warn join(' ',map {defined $_ ? 1 : 0} @codes);
1514	$code=~s/#[\w\|.]+#/shift @codes/ge;
1515	return $code;
1517sub Field_property
1518{	my ($field_opt,$key)=@_;
1519	my ($field,$subtype)=split /\./,$field_opt;
1520	my $h= $Def{$field};
1521	return undef unless $h;
1522	while ($h)
1523	{	return $h->{$key} if exists $h->{$key};
1524		my $type= $h->{parent} || $h->{type};
1525		return undef unless $type;
1526		$h= $Types{$type};
1527		return $Types{"$type.$subtype"}{$key} if $subtype && $Types{"$type.$subtype"} && exists $Types{"$type.$subtype"}{$key};
1528	}
1530sub Field_properties
1531{	my ($field,@keys)=@_;
1532	return map Field_property($field,$_), @keys;
1535sub Fields_with_filter
1536{	return grep $Def{$_}{flags}=~/f/, @Fields;
1538sub filter_properties
1539{	my ($field,$cmd0)=@_;
1540	my ($inv,$cmd,$pat)= $cmd0=~m/^(-?)([^-:]+)(?::(.*))?$/;
1541	my @totry= ("$inv$cmd", $cmd);
1542	unshift @totry, "$inv$cmd:$pat", "$cmd:$pat" if defined $pat && length $pat;
1543	my $prop;
1544	for my $c (@totry)
1545	{	$prop= Songs::Field_property($field,"filterdesc:$c");
1546		next unless $prop;
1547		if (!ref $prop && $c=~m/:/ && $c!~m/^-/) { $prop= [$prop,$prop,'']; }
1548		next if !ref $prop || @$prop<2;
1549		if (@$prop==2) { $c= $prop->[1]; $prop= Songs::Field_property($field,"filterdesc:$c"); }
1550		$cmd=$c;
1551		last;
1552	}
1553	return $cmd,$prop;
1555sub Field_filter_choices
1556{	my $field=shift;
1557	my %filters;
1558	my $h= $Def{$field};
1559	my %exclude;
1560	while ($h)
1561	{	for my $key (keys %$h)
1562		{	next unless $key=~m/^filterdesc:(.+)/ && !$exclude{$1} && !$filters{$1};
1563			my $value= $h->{$key};
1564			my $f=$1;
1565			if (ref $value) { if (@$value<3) { $exclude{$f}=1; next } else { $value=$value->[1]; } }
1566			else { unless ($f=~m/:/ && $f!~m/^-/) { $exclude{$f}=1; next} }	# for constant filters eg: filterdesc:e:44100
1567			$filters{$f}= $value;
1568		}
1569		my $type= $h->{parent} || $h->{type};
1570		last unless $type;
1571		if (my $e= $h->{filter_exclude})	#list of filters from parent to ignore, 'ALL' for all
1572		{	last if $e eq 'ALL';
1573			$exclude{$_}=1 for split / +/, $e;
1574		}
1575		$h= $Types{$type};
1576	}
1577	return \%filters;
1579sub filter_prep_numbers { $_[0]=~m/(-?\d*\.?\d+)/; return $1 || 0 }
1580sub filter_prep_numbers_between { sort {$a <=> $b} map filter_prep_numbers($_), split / /,$_[0],2 }
1581sub FilterCode
1582{	my ($field,$cmd,$pat,$inv)=@_;
1583	my ($code,$convert)=LookupCode($field, "filter:$cmd", "filter_prep:$cmd");
1584	unless ($code) { warn "error can't find code for filter $field,$cmd,$pat,$inv\n"; return 1}
1585	$convert||=sub {quotemeta $_[0]};
1586	unless (ref $convert) { $convert=~s/#PAT#/\$_[0]/g; $convert=eval "sub {$convert}"; }
1587	$code=~s/#ID#/\$_/g;
1588	if ($inv)	{$code=~s#$Filter::OpRe#$Filter::InvOp{$1}#go}
1589	else		{$code=~s#$Filter::OpRe#$1 eq '!!' ? '' : $1#ego}
1590	if ($code=~m/#VAL1#/) { my @p= $convert->($pat); $code=~s/#VAL(\d)#/$p[$1-1]/g; }
1591	else { my $p=$convert->($pat,$field); $code=~s/#VAL#/$p/g; }
1592	return $code;
1594sub SortCode
1595{	my ($field,$inv,$insensitive,$for_gid)=@_; #warn "SortCode : @_\n";
1596	my ($code,$scode,$sicode)= LookupCode($field, ($for_gid ? qw/n_sort:gid s_sort:gid si_sort:gid/ : qw/n_sort s_sort si_sort/));
1597	my $op="<=>";
1598	if ($scode)
1599	{	$op='cmp';
1600		if (!$insensitive)	{ $code=$scode}
1601		else			{ $code= $sicode || "::superlc($scode)"; }
1602	}
1603	my $init='';
1604	$init=$1 if $code=~s/^(.+) +---- +//;
1605	my $code2=$code;
1606	$code =~s/#(?:GID|ID)#/\$a/g;
1607	$code2=~s/#(?:GID|ID)#/\$b/g;
1608	$code= $inv ? "$code2 $op $code" : "$code $op $code2";
1609	return $init,$code;
1612sub Compile		#currently return value of the code must be a scalar
1613{	my ($name,$code)=@_;
1614	if ($::debug) { $::DebugEvaledCode{$name}=$code; $code=~s/^sub \{/sub { local *__ANON__ = 'evaled $name';/; }
1615	my $res=eval $code;
1616	if ($@) { warn "** Compilation error in $name\n Code:-------\n$code\n *Error:-------\n$@**\n";}
1617	return $res;
1620sub UpdateFuncs
1621{	undef %FuncCache;
1622	delete $Def{$_}{_depended_on_by}, delete $Def{$_}{_properties} for keys %Def;
1623	@Fields=();
1624	%Get=%Display=();	#FIXME probably more need reset
1626	my %done;
1627	my %_depended_on_by; my %_properties;
1629	Field_Apply_options();
1630	CompileArtistsRE();
1632	my @todo=grep !$Def{$_}{disable}, sort keys %Def;
1633	while (@todo)
1634	{	my $count=@todo;
1635		for my $f (@todo)
1636		{	if (my $d=$Def{$f}{depend})
1637			{	next if grep !exists $done{$_}, split / /,$d;
1638				$_depended_on_by{$_}{$f}=undef for split / /,$d;
1639			}
1640			if (my $p=$Def{$f}{property_of}) {$_properties{$p}{$f}=undef}
1641			push @Fields,$f;
1642			$done{$f}=undef;
1643		}
1644		@todo=grep !exists $done{$_}, @todo;
1645		if ($count==@todo) { warn "Circular field dependencies, can't order these fields : @todo !\n"; push @Fields,@todo; last; }
1646	}
1647	$Def{$_}{_depended_on_by}=	join ' ',keys %{$_depended_on_by{$_}}	for keys %_depended_on_by;
1648	$Def{$_}{_properties}=		join ' ',keys %{$_properties{$_}} 	for keys %_properties;
1649	warn "\@Fields=@Fields\n" if $::debug;
1650	$Def{$_}{flags}||='' for @Fields;	#DELME
1651	{	my $code;
1652		for my $f (@Fields)
1653		{	$Def{$f}{flags}||='';
1654			$code.= (Code($f,'init')||'').";\n";
1655		}
1656		Compile(init=>$code);
1657	}
1658	for my $f (@Fields)
1659	{	if (my $code=Code($f, 'update', ID => '$ID'))
1660		{	$UPDATEsub{$f}= Compile("Update_$f"=> 'sub { for my $ID (@{$_[0]}) {'.$code.'} }');
1661		}
1662	}
1664	# create DIFF sub
1665	{	my $code='my $ID=$_[0]; my $values=$_[1]; my $val; my @changed;'."\n";
1666		for my $f (grep $Def{$_}{flags}=~m/r/, @Fields)
1667		{	my $c= $Def{$f}{flags}=~m/_/ ?
1668				"if (exists \$values->{$f}) { \$val=\$values->{$f}; #check#;\n".
1669				" if (#diff#) { #set#; push \@changed,'$f'; } }\n"
1670				:
1671				"\$val= (exists \$values->{$f} ? \$values->{$f} : #default#);\n".
1672				" #check#; if (#diff#) { #set#; push \@changed,'$f'; }\n";
1673			$code.=MakeCode($f,$c,ID => '$ID', VAL => "\$val");
1674		}
1675		$code.=' return @changed;';
1676		$DIFFsub= Compile(Diff =>"sub {$code}");
1677	}
1679	# create SET sub
1680	{	my $code=join "\n",
1681		'my $IDs=$_[0]; my $values=$_[1]; my %onefieldchanged; my @towrite; my %changedfields; my @changedIDs; my $i=0; my $val;',
1682		'for my $ID (@$IDs)',
1683		'{	my $changed;';
1684		for my $f (grep $Def{$_}{flags}=~m/[aw]/, @Fields)
1685		{	my $set=  ($Def{$f}{flags}=~m/w/ && !$::Options{TAG_nowrite_mode}) ?
1686				"push \@{\$towrite[\$i]}, '$f',\$val;" :
1687				"#set#; \$changedfields{$f}=undef; \$changed=1;";
1688			my $c=	"	\$val=	exists \$values->{$f} ? 	\$values->{$f} :\n".
1689				"		exists \$values->{'\@$f'} ? 	shift \@{\$values->{'\@$f'}} :\n".
1690				"						undef;\n".
1691				"	if (defined \$val)\n".
1692				"	{	#check#;\n".
1693				"		if (#diff#) { $set }\n".
1694				"	}\n";
1695			if ($Def{$f}{flags}=~m/l/ && !($Def{$f}{flags}!~m/r/ && $Def{$f}{flags}=~m/w/)) # edit mode for multi-value fields, exclude write-only or read-on-demand fields (w without r) as this requires knowing the current values
1696			{  $c.=	"	elsif (\$val=\$values->{'+$f'})\n". # $v must contain [[toset],[torm],[toggle]]
1697				"	{	#check_multi#\n".
1698				"		if (\$val= #set_multi#) { $set }\n". # set_multi return the new arrayref if modified, undef if not changed
1699			   	"	}\n";
1700			}
1701			$code.= MakeCode($f,$c,ID => '$ID', VAL => "\$val");
1702		}
1703		$code.= join "\n",
1704		'	push @changedIDs,$ID if $changed;',
1705		'	$i++;',
1706		'}',
1707		#'::SongsChanged(\@changedIDs, [keys %changedfields]) if @changedIDs;',
1708		'return \%changedfields, \@towrite;';
1709		$SETsub= Compile(Set =>"sub {$code}");
1710	}
1712	# create NEW sub
1713	{	my $code='$LastID++; my $values=$_[0]; my $val;'."\n";
1714		my %done;
1715		for my $f (grep $Def{$_}{flags}=~m/a/, @Fields)
1716		{	#$c||= '____[] = #VAL#';
1717			$done{$f}=undef;
1718			my $c=	"	\$val= exists \$values->{$f} ? \$values->{$f} : #default#;\n".
1719				"	#check#;\n".
1720				"	#set#;\n";
1721			#unless ($c) { warn "'set' code not found for field $f\n"; next }
1722			$code.=MakeCode($f,$c,ID => '$LastID', VAL => "\$val");
1723			#$code.= qq(;warn "\nsetting field $f :\n";);
1724		}
1725		for my $f (grep $Def{$_}{depend}, @Fields)
1726		{	next if exists $done{$f};
1727			next unless grep exists $done{$_}, split / /,$Def{$f}{depend};
1728			my $c=Code($f, 'update' , ID => '$LastID');
1729			$code.=$c.";\n" if $c;
1730		}
1731		$code.= ';return $LastID;';
1732		$NEWsub= Compile(New =>"sub {$code}");
1733	}
1734	{	my $code='my $size=0; my $sec=0; for my $ID (@{$_[0]}) {'
1735		. '$size+='.	Code('size', 	'get', ID => '$ID').';'
1736		. '$sec+='.	Code('length',	'get', ID => '$ID').';'
1737		. '} return ($size,$sec)';
1738		$LENGTHsub= Compile(Length =>"sub {$code}");
1739	}
1740	%::ReplaceFields= map { '%'.$Def{$_}{letter} => $_ } grep $Def{$_}{letter}, @Fields;
1743	my @getfields= grep $Def{$_}{flags}=~m/g/, @Fields;
1744	%Aliases= map {$_=>$_} @getfields;
1745	for my $field (@getfields)
1746	{	$Aliases{$_}=$field for split / +/, ($Def{$field}{alias}||'');
1747	}
1748	#for my $field (@getfields)	# user-defined aliases
1749	#{	for my $alias (split / +/, ($::Options{Fields_options}{$field}{aliases}||''))
1750	#	{	$Aliases{ ::superlc($alias) } ||= $field;
1751	#	}
1752	#}
1753	for my $field (@getfields)	#translated aliases
1754	{	for my $alias (split /\s*,\s*/, ($Def{$field}{alias_trans}||''))
1755		{	$alias=~s/ /_/g;
1756			$Aliases{ ::superlc($alias) } ||= $field;
1757		}
1758	}
1759	$::ReplaceFields{'$'.$_}= $::ReplaceFields{'${'.$_.'}'}= $Aliases{$_} for keys %Aliases;
1762	::HasChanged('fields_reset');
1763	#FIXME connect them to 'fields_reset' event :
1764	SongList::init_textcolumns();
1765	SongTree::init_textcolumns();
1768sub MakeLoadSub
1769{	my ($extradata,@loaded_slots)=@_;
1770	my %extra_sub;
1771	my %loadedfields;
1772	$loadedfields{$loaded_slots[$_]}=$_ for 0..$#loaded_slots;
1773	# begin with a line that checks if a given path-file has already been loaded into the library
1774	my $pathfile_code= '$_['.$loadedfields{path}.'] ."/". $_['.$loadedfields{file}.']';
1775	my $code= '$uniq_check{ '.$pathfile_code.' }++ && do { warn "warning: file ".'.$pathfile_code.'." already in library, skipping.\\n"; return };'."\n";
1776	# new file, increment $LastID
1777	$code.='$LastID++;'."\n";
1778	for my $field (@Fields)
1779	{	my $i=$loadedfields{$field};
1780		my $c;
1781		if (defined $i)
1782		{	$Def{$field} ||= { type => 'unknown', flags => 'a', };
1783			$c= Code($field, 'load|set', ID => '$LastID', VAL => "\$_[$i]");
1784		}
1785		elsif ($Def{$field}{flags}=~m/a/)
1786		{	$loadedfields{$field}=undef;
1787			$c= Code($field, 'load|set', ID => '$LastID', VAL => Code($field,'default'));
1788		}
1789		elsif (my $dep=$Def{$field}{depend})
1790		{	next if grep !exists $loadedfields{$_}, split / /,$dep;
1791			$c=Code($field, 'update', ID => '$LastID'); #FIXME maybe add {} around it, to avoid multiple my at the same level
1792			warn "adding update code for $field\n" if $::debug && $c;
1793		}
1794		$code.=$c.";\n" if $c;
1796		my ($mainfield,$load_extra)=LookupCode($field,'mainfield','load_extra',[SGID=>'$_[0]']);
1797		$mainfield||=$field;
1798		if ($load_extra && $extradata->{$mainfield} && !$extra_sub{$mainfield})
1799		{	my $code= 'my $gid='.$load_extra.";\n";
1800			my $i=1;
1801			for my $subfield (split /\t/,$extradata->{$mainfield}[0])
1802			{	my $c=LookupCode($subfield,'load_extra',[GID=>'$gid',VAL=>"\$_[$i]"]);
1803				$code.= "\t$c;\n" if $c;
1804				$i++;
1805			}
1806			$extra_sub{$mainfield}= Compile("LoadSub_$mainfield" => "sub {$code}") || sub {};
1807		}
1808	}
1809	$code.= '; return $LastID;';
1810	my $loadsub= Compile(LoadSub => "my %uniq_check; sub {$code}");
1811	return $loadsub,\%extra_sub;
1813sub MakeSaveSub
1814{	my @saved_fields;
1815	my @code;
1816	my %extra_sub; my %extra_subfields;
1817	for my $field (sort grep $Def{$_}{flags}=~m/a/, @Fields)
1818	{	next if $::Options{Fields_options}{$field}{remove}; #deleted custom field
1819		my $save_as= $Def{$field}{_renamed_to} || $field;
1820		push @saved_fields,$save_as;
1821		push @code, Code($field, 'save|get', ID => '$_[0]');
1822		my ($mainfield,$save_extra)=LookupCode($field,'mainfield','save_extra');
1823		if ($save_extra && $Def{$field}{_properties} && ( !$mainfield || $mainfield eq $field ))
1824		{	my @subfields= split / /, $Def{$field}{_properties};
1825			if (@subfields)
1826			{	my @extra_code;
1827				for my $subfield (@subfields)
1828				{	my $c=LookupCode($subfield,'save_extra',[GID => '$gid']);
1829					push @extra_code, $c;
1830				}
1831				$extra_subfields{$save_as}= join ' ', map $Def{$_}{_renamed_to}||$_, @subfields;
1832				my $code= $save_extra;
1833				my $extra_code=join ',', @extra_code;
1834				$code=~s/#SUBFIELDS#/$extra_code/g;
1835				$extra_sub{$save_as}= Compile("SaveSub_$field" => "sub { $code }") || sub {};
1836			}
1837		}
1838	}
1840	my $code= "sub { return (\n\t".join(",\n\t",@code)."\n); }";
1841	my $savesub= Compile(SaveSub => $code);
1842	return $savesub,\@saved_fields,\%extra_sub,\%extra_subfields;
1845sub New
1846{	my $file=$_[0];
1847	#check already in @Songs#FIXME
1848	warn "Reading Tag for $file\n" if $::Verbose;
1849	my ($size,$modif)=(stat $file)[7,9];
1850	my $values= FileTag::Read($file,1);
1851	return unless $values;
1852	(my $path,$file)=::splitpath($file);
1853	%$values=(	%$values,
1854			file => $file,	path=> $path,
1855			modif=> $modif, size=> $size,
1856			added=> time,
1857		);
1858	my ($ID,$wasmissing)= CheckMissing($values);
1859	if (defined $ID)
1860	{	ReReadFile($ID);
1861		::CheckLength($ID) if $::Options{LengthCheckMode} eq 'add' && Get($ID,'length_estimated');
1862		return $wasmissing ? $ID : undef;
1863	}
1865	#warn "\nNewSub(LastID=$LastID)\n";warn join("\n",map("$_=>$values->{$_}",sort keys %$values))."\n";
1866	$ID=$NEWsub->($values); #warn $Songs::Songs_title__[-1]." NewSub end\n";
1867	if ($values->{length_estimated} && $::Options{LengthCheckMode} eq 'add') { ::CheckLength($ID); }
1868	$IDFromFile->{$path}{$file}=$ID if $IDFromFile;
1869	return $ID;
1872sub ReReadFile		#force values :
1873			# 0=>read if file changed (size or date),
1874			# 1=>force read tags
1875			# 2=> same as 3 if estimated, else same as 0
1876			# 3=>force check length (and tags)
1877{	my ($ID,$force,$noremove)=@_;
1878	my $file= GetFullFilename($ID);
1879	if (-e $file)
1880	{	my ($size1,$modif1,$estimated)=Songs::Get($ID,qw/size modif length_estimated/);
1881		my ($size2,$modif2)=(stat $file)[7,9];
1882		$force||=0;
1883		$force= $estimated ? 3 : 0 if $force==2;
1884		my $checklength= ($size1!=$size2 || $force==3) ? 2 : 0;
1885		return 1 unless $checklength || $force || $modif1!=$modif2;
1886		my $values=FileTag::Read($file,$checklength);
1887		return unless $values;
1888		$values->{size}=$size2;
1889		$values->{modif}=$modif2;
1890		$values->{length_estimated}||=0 if $estimated;
1891		my @changed=$DIFFsub->($ID,$values);
1892		Changed([$ID],@changed) if @changed;
1893	}
1894	elsif (!$noremove)	#file not found
1895	{	warn "Can't find file '$file'\n";
1896		::SongsRemove([$ID]);
1897	}
1900#FIXME check if fields are enabled and add a way (option?) to silently ignore disabled fields
1901sub Set		#can be called either with (ID,[field=>newval,...],option=>val) or (ID,field=>newval,...);  ID can be an arrayref
1902{	warn "Songs::Set(@_) called from : ".join(':',caller)."\n" if $::debug;
1903	my ($IDs,$modif,%opt);
1904	if (ref $_[1])	{ ($IDs,$modif,%opt)=@_ }
1905	else		{ ($IDs,@$modif)=@_ }
1906	$IDs=[$IDs] unless ref $IDs;
1907	my %values;
1908	while (@$modif)
1909	{	my $f=shift @$modif;
1910		my $val=shift @$modif;
1911		my $multi;
1912		if ($f=~s/^([-+^])//) { $multi=$1 }
1913		my $def= $f=~m/^@(.*)$/ ? $Def{$1} : $Def{$f};
1914		if (!$def)	{ warn "Songs::Set : Invalid field $f\n";next }
1915		my $flags=$def->{flags};
1916		#unless ($flags=~m/e/) { warn "Songs::Set : Field $f cannot be edited\n"; next }
1917		#if (my $sub=$Def{$f}{check}))
1918		# { my $res=$sub->($val); unless ($res) {warn "Songs::Set : Invalid value '$v' for field $f\n"; next} }
1919		if ($multi)	#multi eq + or - or ^  => add or remove or toggle values (for labels and genres)
1920		{	if ($flags!~m/l/) { warn "Songs::Set : Field $f doesn't support multiple values\n"; next }
1921			elsif ($flags!~m/r/ && $flags=~m/w/) { warn "Songs::Set : Can't add/remove/toggle values of multi-value field $f because it is a write-only or read-on-demand field\n"; next }
1922			my $array=$values{"+$f"}||=[[],[],[]];	#$array contains [[toset],[torm],[toggle]]
1923			my $i= $multi eq '+' ? 0 : $multi eq '^' ? 2 : 1;
1924			$val=[$val] unless ref $val;
1925			$array->[$i]=$val;
1926		}
1927		else { $values{$f}=$val }
1928	}
1929	::setlocale(::LC_NUMERIC, 'C');
1930	my ($changed,$towrite)= $SETsub->($IDs,\%values);
1931	::setlocale(::LC_NUMERIC, '');
1932	Changed($IDs,$changed) if %$changed;
1933	Write($IDs,towrite=>$towrite,%opt);
1936sub UpdateTags
1937{	my ($IDs,$fields,%opt)=@_;
1938	Write($IDs,update=>$fields,%opt);
1941sub Write
1942{	my ($IDs,%opt)=@_; #%opt must have either update OR towrite
1943	my $update=$opt{update};   # [list_of_fields_to_update]
1944	my $towrite=$opt{towrite}; # [[modifs_for_first_ID],[...],...]
1946	if (!@$IDs || ($towrite && !@$towrite)) #nothing to do
1947	{	$opt{callback_finish}() if $opt{callback_finish};
1948		return
1949	}
1951	my $i=0; my $abort; my $skip_all;
1952	my $pid= ::Progress( undef, end=>scalar(@$IDs), abortcb=>sub {$abort=1}, widget =>$opt{progress}, title=>_"Writing tags");
1953	my $errorsub=sub
1954	 {	my ($syserr,$details)= FileTag::Error_Message(@_);
1955		my $abortmsg=$opt{abortmsg};
1956		$abortmsg||=_"Abort mass-tagging" if @$IDs>1;
1957		my $errormsg= $opt{errormsg} || _"Error while writing tag";
1958		$errormsg.= ' ('.($i+1).'/'.@$IDs.')' if @$IDs>1;
1959		my $res= $skip_all;
1960		$res ||= ::Retry_Dialog($syserr,$errormsg, ID=>$IDs->[$i], details=>$details, window=>$opt{window}, abortmsg=>$abortmsg, many=>(@$IDs-$i)>1);
1961		$skip_all=$res if $res eq 'skip_all';
1962		if ($res eq 'abort')
1963		{	$opt{abortcb}() if $opt{abortcb};
1964			$abort=1;
1965		}
1966		return $res;
1967	 };
1969	Glib::Idle->add(sub
1970	 {	my $ID= $IDs->[$i];
1971		if (defined $ID)
1972		{ 	my $modif;
1973			if ($update)
1974			{	for my $field (@$update)
1975				{	my $v= $Def{$field}{flags}=~m/l/ ? [Get_list($ID,$field)] : Get($ID,$field);
1976					push @$modif, $field,$v;
1977				}
1978			}
1979			elsif ($towrite)
1980			{	$modif=$towrite->[$i];
1981			}
1982			if ($modif)
1983			{	my $file= Songs::GetFullFilename($ID);
1984				FileTag::Write($file, $modif, $errorsub);
1985				warn "ID=$ID towrite : ".join(' ',@$modif)."\n" if $::debug;
1986				::IdleCheck($ID) unless $update; # not done in update mode
1987			}
1988		}
1989		$i++;
1990		if ($abort || $i>=@$IDs)
1991		{	::Progress($pid, abort=>1);
1992			$opt{callback_finish}() if $opt{callback_finish};
1993			return 0;
1994		}
1995		::Progress( $pid, current=>$i );
1996		return 1;
1997	 });
2000sub Changed	# 2nd arg contains list of changed fields as a list or a hash ref
2001{	my $IDs=shift || $::Library;
2002	my $changed= ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : {map( ($_=>undef), @_ )};
2003	warn "Songs::Changed : IDs=@$IDs fields=".join(' ',keys %$changed)."\n" if $::debug;
2004	$IDFromFile=undef  if $IDFromFile && !$KeepIDFromFile && (exists $changed->{file} || exists $changed->{path});
2005	$MissingHash=undef if $MissingHash && grep(exists $changed->{$_}, @MissingKeyFields);
2006	my @needupdate;
2007	for my $f (keys %$changed)
2008	{	if (my $l=$Def{$f}{_depended_on_by}) { push @needupdate, split / /,$l; }
2009	}
2010	for my $f (sort @needupdate)
2011	{	next if exists $changed->{$f};
2012		$changed->{$f}=undef;
2013		if (my $update=$UPDATEsub{$f}) { warn "Updating field : $f\n" if $::debug; $update->($IDs); }
2014	}
2015	AA::Fields_Changed($changed);
2016	::SongsChanged($IDs,[keys %$changed]);
2019sub CheckMissing
2020{	my $song=$_[0];
2021	#my $key=Get($song,'missingkey');
2023	return unless defined $song->{title} && length $song->{title} && (defined $song->{album} || defined $song->{artist});
2024	for (qw/title album artist track/) { $song->{$_}="" unless defined $song->{$_} }
2025	return unless length ($song->{album} . $song->{artist});
2026	#ugly fix, clean-up the fields so they can be compared to those in library, depends on @MissingKeyFields #FIXME should generate a function using #check# and VAL=>'$song->{$field})'
2027	$song->{$_}=~s/\s+$// for qw/title album artist/;
2028	$song->{track}= $song->{track}=~m/^(\d+)/ ? $1+0 : 0;
2030	my $key=join "\x1D", @$song{@MissingKeyFields};
2031	$MissingHash||= BuildHash('missingkey',undef,undef,'id:list');
2032	my $IDs=$MissingHash->{$key};
2033	return unless $IDs;
2034	if (@$IDs>1) #too many candidates, try to find the best one
2035	{	my @score;
2036		for my $oldID (@$IDs)
2037		{	my $m=0;
2038			$m+=2 if $song->{file} eq Get($oldID,'file');
2039			$m++ if $song->{path} eq Get($oldID,'path');
2040			#could do more checks
2041			push @score,$m;
2042		}
2043		my $max= ::max(@score);
2044		@$IDs= map $IDs->[$_], grep $score[$_]==$max, 0..$#$IDs;
2045		if (@$IDs>1) #still more than 1, abort, maybe could continue anyway, the files must be nearly identical anyway
2046		{	warn "CheckMissing: more than 1 (".@$IDs.") possible matches for $song-->{path}/$song->{file}, assume identification is unreliable, considering it a new song.\n";
2047			return
2048		}
2049	}
2050	for my $oldID (@$IDs)
2051	{	my $wasmissing= Get($oldID,'missing');
2052		my $fullfilename= GetFullFilename($oldID);
2053		next if !$wasmissing && -e $fullfilename; #if candidate still exists
2054		warn "Found missing song, formerly '$fullfilename'\n";
2056		my $gid=Songs::Get_gid($oldID,'album');
2057		if (my $pic= Picture($gid,'album','get'))
2058		{	my $suffix= $pic=~s/(:\w+)$// ? $1 : '';
2059			unless (-e $pic)
2060			{	my $new;
2061				if ($pic eq $fullfilename) # check if cover is embedded picture in this file
2062				{	$new= ::catfile( $song->{path}, $song->{file} ).$suffix;
2063					warn "setting new picture $new\n";
2064				}
2065				else
2066				{	# if cover was in same folder or a sub-folder, check if there based on new folder
2067					$new=$pic;
2068					my $oldpath= ::pathslash(::dirname($fullfilename));
2069					my $newpath= ::pathslash($song->{path});
2070					$new=undef unless $new=~s#^\Q$oldpath\E#$newpath# && -e $new;
2071				}
2072				Picture($gid,'album','set',$new) if $new;
2073			}
2074		}
2076		#remove from MissingHash, not really needed
2077		#if (@$IDs>1) { $MissingHash->{$key}= [grep $_!=$oldID, @$IDs]; }
2078		#else { delete $MissingHash->{$key}; }
2080		#update $IDFromFile, and prevent its destruction in Changed(), not very nice #FIXME make hashes that update themselves when possible
2081		$KeepIDFromFile=1;
2082		$IDFromFile->{$song->{path}}{$song->{file}}= delete $IDFromFile->{Get($oldID,'path')}{Get($oldID,'file')} if $IDFromFile;
2084		Songs::Set($oldID,file=>$song->{file},path=>$song->{path}, missing=>0);
2085		$KeepIDFromFile=0;
2087		return $oldID,$wasmissing;
2088	}
2089	return
2091sub Makesub
2092{	my $c=&Code;	warn "Songs::Makesub(@_) called from : ".join(':',caller)."\n" unless $c;
2093	$c="local *__ANON__ ='Maksub(@_)'; $c" if $::debug;
2094	my $sub=eval "sub {$c}";
2095	if ($@) { warn "Compilation error :\n code : $c\n error : $@";}
2096	return $sub;
2098sub Stars
2099{	my ($gid,$field)=@_;
2100	return undef if !defined $gid || $gid eq '' || $gid==255;
2101	my $pb= $Def{$field}{pixbuf} || $Def{'rating'}{pixbuf};
2102	return $pb->[ sprintf("%d",$gid/100*$#$pb) ];
2104sub Picture
2105{	my ($gid,$field,$action,$extra)=@_;
2106	$action.='_for_gid';
2107	my $func= $FuncCache{$action.' '.$field};
2108	unless ($func)
2109	{	my $pfield=	$Def{$field}{picture_field} || $field;
2110		my $mainfield=	$Def{$field}{property_of}   || $field;
2111		$func=$FuncCache{$action.' '.$mainfield}||=$FuncCache{$action.' '.$pfield}=
2112			Makesub($pfield, $action, GID => '$_[0]', VAL=>'$_[1]');
2113		return unless $func;
2114	}
2115	$func->($gid,$extra);
2116#	if ($action eq 'set') { ($FuncCache{'set_for_gid '.$field}||= Makesub($field, 'set_for_gid', GID => '$_[0]', VAL=>'$_[1]') ) ->($gid,$extra); }
2117#	elsif ($action eq 'get') { ($FuncCache{'get_for_gid '.$field}||= Makesub($field, 'get_for_gid', GID => '$_[0]') ) ->($gid); }
2118#	elsif ($action eq 'pixbuf') { ($FuncCache{'pixbuf_for_gid '.$field}||= Makesub($field, 'pixbuf_for_gid', GID => '$_[0]') ) ->($gid); }
2119#	elsif ($action eq 'icon') { ($FuncCache{'icon_for_gid '.$field}||= Makesub($field, 'icon_for_gid', GID => '$_[0]') ) ->($gid); }
2121sub ListAll
2122{	my $field=$_[0];
2123	my $func= $FuncCache{'listall '.$field} ||=
2124		do	{	if ( my $c=Code($field, 'listall') )
2125				{	my ($initsort,$sort)=SortCode($field,0,1,1);
2126					my $gid2get=Code($field, 'gid_to_get', GID => '$_');
2127					eval "sub { $initsort; [map( $gid2get, sort {$sort} $c)]}";
2128				}
2129				else {1}
2130			};
2131	return ref $func ? $func->() : [];
2133sub Get_grouptitle
2134{	my ($field,$IDs)=@_;
2135	($FuncCache{'grouptitle '.$field}||= Makesub($field, 'grouptitle', ID => '$_[0][0]', IDs=>'$_[0]') ) ->($IDs);
2137sub Search_artistid	#return artist id or undef if not found
2138{	my $artistname=shift;
2139	my $field='artist';
2140	($FuncCache{'search_gid '.$field}||= Makesub($field, 'search_gid', VAL=>'$_[0]') ) ->($artistname);
2142sub Get_gid
2143{	my ($ID,$field)=@_;
2144	($Get_gid{$field}||= Makesub($field, 'get_gid', ID => '$_[0]') ) ->($ID);
2145#	$Get_gid{$field}->($ID);
2147sub Get_list	#rarely used, keep ?
2148{	my ($ID,$field)=@_;
2149	#FIXME check field can have multiple values
2150	my $func= $FuncCache{'getlist '.$field} ||= Makesub($field, 'get_list', ID => '$_[0]');
2151	$func->($ID);
2153sub Get_icon_list
2154{	my ($field,$ID)=@_;
2155	my $func= $FuncCache{"icon_list $field"} ||= Compile("icon_list $field", MakeCode($field,'sub {grep Gtk2::IconFactory->lookup_default($_), map #icon_for_gid#, @{#get_gid#}; }',ID=>'$_[0]', GID=>'$_'));	#FIXME simplify the code-making process
2156	return $func->($ID);
2158sub Gid_to_Display	#convert a gid from a Get_gid to a displayable value
2159{	my ($field,$gid)=@_; #warn "Gid_to_Display(@_)\n";
2160	my $sub= $Gid_to_display{$field} || DisplayFromGID_sub($field);
2161	if (ref $gid) { return [map $sub->($_), @$gid] }
2162	return $sub->($gid);
2164sub DisplayFromGID_sub
2165{	my $field=$_[0];
2166	return $Gid_to_display{$field}||= Makesub($field, 'gid_to_display', GID => '$_[0]');
2168sub DisplayFromHash_sub	 #not a good name, very specific, only used for $field=path currently
2169{	my $field=$_[0];
2170	return $FuncCache{"DisplayFromHash_sub $field"}||= Makesub($field, 'hash_to_display', VAL => '$_[0]');
2172sub MakeFilterFromGID
2173{	my ($field,$gid)=@_; #warn "MakeFilterFromGID:@_\n";#warn Code($field, 'makefilter', GID => '$_[0]');
2174	my $sub=$FuncCache{'makefilter '.$field}||= Makesub($field, 'makefilter', GID => '$_[0]');
2175warn "MakeFilterFromGID => ".($sub->($gid)) if $::debug;
2176	return Filter->new( $sub->($gid) );
2178sub MakeFilterFromID	#should support most fields, FIXME check if works for year/artists/labels/genres/...
2179{	my ($field,$ID)=@_;
2180	return Filter->null unless $ID;	# null filter if no ID
2181	if (my $code=Code($field, 'makefilter_fromID', ID => '$_[0]'))		#FIXME optimize : don't call this every time, for example check for a flag that would indicate that this field has a gid
2182	{	my $sub=$FuncCache{'makefilter_fromID '.$field} ||= Compile('makefilter_fromID '.$field, "sub {$code}"); #FIXME if method doesn't exist
2183		return Filter->new( $sub->($ID) );
2184	}
2185	else
2186	{	my $gid=Get_gid($ID,$field);
2187		if (ref $gid) { return Filter->newadd(::FALSE,map MakeFilterFromGID($field,$_), @$gid) }
2188		return MakeFilterFromGID($field,$gid);
2189	}
2192sub Gid_to_Get		#convert a gid from a Get_gid to a what Get would return
2193{	my ($field,$gid)=@_;
2194	my $sub= $Gid_to_get{$field}||= Makesub($field, 'gid_to_get', GID => '$_[0]');
2195	if (ref $gid) { return [map $sub->($_), @$gid] }
2196	return $sub->($gid);
2198#sub Gid_to_string_sub	#used to get string gid that stays valid between session #not used anymore
2199#{	my ($field)=@_;
2200#	my $sub= $FuncCache{'g_to_s:'.$field}||= Makesub($field, 'gid_to_sgid', GID => '$_[0]');
2201#	return $sub;
2203#sub String_to_gid_sub #not used anymore
2204#{	my ($field)=@_;
2205#	my $sub= $FuncCache{'s_to_g:'.$field}||= Makesub($field, 'sgid_to_gid', VAL => '$_[0]');
2206#	return $sub;
2208sub sort_gid_by_name
2209{	my ($field,$gids,$h,$pre,$mode)=@_;
2210	$mode||='';
2211	my $func= $FuncCache{"sortgid $field $mode"} ||= do
2212		{	my ($initsort,$sort)= SortCode($field,undef,1,1);
2213			$pre= $pre ? $HSort{$pre} : '';
2214			eval 'sub {my $l=$_[0]; my $h=$_[1]; '.$initsort.'; @$l=sort { '."$pre $sort".' } @$l}';
2215		};
2216	$func->($gids,$h);
2218sub Get_all_gids	#FIXME add option to filter out values eq ''
2219{	my $field=$_[0];
2220	return UniqList($field,$::Library,1); #FIXME use ___name directly
2223sub Get		# ($ID,@fields)
2224{	#warn "Songs::Get(@_) called from : ".join(':',caller)."\n";
2225	my $ID=shift;
2226	return wantarray ? map (($Get{$_}||CompileGet($_))->($ID), @_) : ($Get{$_[0]}||CompileGet($_[0]))->($ID);
2228sub Display	# ($ID,@fields)
2229{	#warn "Songs::Display(@_) called from : ".join(':',caller)."\n";
2230	my $ID=shift;
2231	return wantarray ? map ( ($Display{$_}||CompileDisp($_))->($ID), @_) : ($Display{$_[0]}||CompileDisp($_[0]))->($ID);
2233sub DisplayEsc	# ($ID,$field)
2234{	return ::PangoEsc( ($Display{$_[1]}||CompileDisp($_[1]))->($_[0]) );
2236sub CompileGet
2237{	my ($field,$disp)=@_;
2238	unless ($Def{$field}{flags}=~m/g/)
2239	{	return $Display{$field}=$Get{$field}=sub { warn "Songs::Get or Songs::Display : Invalid field '$field'\n" };
2240	}
2241	my $get= Code($field, 'get', ID => '$_[0]');
2242	$get="local *__ANON__ ='getsub for $field'; $get" if $::debug;
2243	$Get{$field}= Compile("Get_$field"=>"sub {$get}");
2244	my $display= Code($field, 'display', ID => '$_[0]');
2245	if ($display && $display ne $get)
2246	{	$Display{$field}= Compile("Display_$field"=>"sub {$display}");
2247	}
2248	else { $Display{$field}=$Get{$field}; }
2249	return $Get{$field};
2251sub CompileDisp
2252{	my $field=shift;
2253	CompileGet($field);
2254	return $Display{$field};
2257sub Map
2258{	my ($field,$IDs)=@_; #warn "Songs::Map(@_) called from : ".join(':',caller)."\n";
2259	my $f= $Get{$field}||CompileGet($field);
2260	return map $f->($_), @$IDs;
2262sub Map_to_gid
2263{	my ($field,$IDs)=@_;
2264	return map Get_gid($_,$field), @$IDs;
2267sub GetFullFilename { Get($_[0],'fullfilename') }
2268#sub GetURI
2269#{	return map 'file://'.::url_escape($_), GetFullFilename(@_);
2271sub IsSet	# used only once
2272{	my ($ID,$field,$value)=@_;
2273	my $sub= $FuncCache{'is_set '.$field}||= Makesub($field, 'is_set', ID=>'$_[0]', VAL=>'$_[1]' );
2274	return $sub->($ID,$value);
2276#sub GetArtists	#not used, remove ?
2277#{	Get_list($_[0],'artists');
2279sub ListLength
2280{	&$LENGTHsub;
2283#FIXME cache the BuildHash sub
2284sub UniqList #FIXME same as UniqList2. use "string" (for artist) in this one and not in UniqList2 ?
2285{	my ($field,$IDs,$sorted)=@_; #warn "Songs::UniqList(@_)\n";
2286	my $h=BuildHash($field,$IDs,undef,':uniq');	#my $h=BuildHash($field,$IDs,'string',':uniq'); ??????
2287	return [keys %$h] unless $sorted;
2288	return [sort keys %$h]; #FIXME more sort modes ?
2290sub UniqList2 #FIXME MUST handle special cases, merge with UniqList ?
2291{	&UniqList;
2295sub Build_IDFromFile
2296{	$IDFromFile||=BuildHash('path',undef,undef,'file:filetoid');
2298sub FindID
2299{	my $f=$_[0];
2300	if ($f=~m/\D/)
2301	{	my ($dir,$file)= ::splitpath(::simplify_path($f));
2302		if (defined $file)
2303		{	$IDFromFile||=Build_IDFromFile();
2304			return $IDFromFile->{$dir}{$file};
2305			#return $IDFromFile->{$dir}{$file} if $IDFromFile;
2306			#my $m=Filter->newadd(1,'file:e:'.$file, 'path:e:'.$dir)->filter_all;
2307			#if (@$m)
2308			#{	warn "Error, more than one ID match $dir/$file" if @$m>1;
2309			#	return $m->[0];
2310			#}
2311		}
2312		return undef;
2313	}
2314	$f=undef if $f>$LastID;
2315	return $f;
2318sub UpdateDefaultRating
2319{	my $l=AllFilter('rating:~:255');
2320	Changed($l,'rating') if @$l;
2322sub UpdateArtistsRE
2323{	CompileArtistsRE();
2324	Songs::Changed([FIRSTID..$LastID],'artist');
2326sub CompileArtistsRE
2327{	my $ref1= $::Options{Artists_split_re} ||= ['\s*&\s*', '\s*;\s*', '\s*,\s+', '\s*/\s*'];
2328	$Artists_split_re= join '|', @$ref1;
2329	$Artists_split_re||='$';
2330	$Artists_split_re=qr/$Artists_split_re/;
2332	my $ref2= $::Options{Artists_title_re} ||= ['\(with\s+([^)]+)\)', '\(feat\.\s+([^)]+)\)'];
2333	$Artists_title_re= join '|', @$ref2;
2334	$Artists_title_re||='^\x00$';
2335	$Artists_title_re=qr/$Artists_title_re/;
2338sub DateString
2339{	my $time=shift;
2340	my ($fmt,@formats)= split /(\d+) +/, $::Options{DateFormat}||"%c";
2341	unless ($time)
2342	{	return _"never";
2343	}
2344	my $diff=time-$time;
2345	while (@formats)
2346	{	my $max=shift @formats;
2347		last if $diff>$max;
2348		$fmt=shift @formats;
2349	}
2350	::strftime_utf8($fmt,localtime $time);
2353#sub Album_Artist #guess album artist
2354#{	my $alb= Get($_[0],'album');
2355#	my %h; $h{ Get($_[0],'artist') }=undef for @{AA::GetIDs('album',$alb)};
2356#	my $nb=keys %h;
2357#	return Get($_[0],'artist') if $nb==1;
2358#	my @l=map split(/$Artists_split_re/), keys %h;
2359#	my %h2; $h2{$_}++ for @l;
2360#	my @common;
2361#	for (@l) { if ($h2{$_}>=$nb) { push @common,$_; delete $h2{$_}; } }
2362#	return @common ? join(' & ',@common) : _"Various artists";
2365sub ChooseIcon	 #FIXME add a way to create a colored square/circle/... icon
2366{	my ($field,$gid)=@_;
2367	my $string= ::__x( $Def{$field}{icon_edit_string}, name=> Gid_to_Get($field,$gid) );
2368	my $file=::ChoosePix($::CurrentDir.::SLASH, $string, undef,'LastFolder_Icon');
2369	return unless defined $file;
2370	my $dir=$::HomeDir.'icons';
2371	return if ::CreateDir($dir,undef,_"Error saving icon") ne 'ok';
2372	my $destfile= $dir. ::SLASH. ::url_escape( Picture($gid,$field,'icon') );
2373	unlink $destfile.'.svg',$destfile.'.png';
2374	if ($file eq '0') {}	#unset icon
2375	elsif ($file=~m/\.svg/i)
2376	{	$destfile.='.svg';
2377		::copy($file,$destfile.'.svg');
2378	}
2379	else
2380	{	$destfile.='.png';
2381		my $pixbuf= GMB::Picture::load($file,size=>-48); # -48 means it will be resized to 48x48 if wifth or height bigger than 48
2382		return unless $pixbuf;
2383		$pixbuf->save($destfile,'png');
2384	}
2385	::LoadIcons();
2388sub FilterListFields
2389{	grep $Def{$_}{FilterList}, @Fields;
2391sub FilterListProp
2392{	my ($field,$key)=@_;
2393	if ($key eq 'picture') {return $Def{$field}{picture_field}}
2394	if ($key eq 'multi') {return $Def{$field}{flags}=~m/l/ }
2395	$Def{$field}{FilterList}{$key};
2397sub ColumnsKeys
2398{	grep $Def{$_}{flags}=~m/c/, @Fields;
2400sub ColumnAlign
2401{	Field_property($_[0],'rightalign') || 0;
2403sub PropertyFields
2404{	grep $Def{$_}{flags}=~m/p/, @Fields;
2406sub InfoFields
2407{	my %tree;
2408	for my $f (grep $Def{$_}{flags}=~m/p/, @Fields)
2409	{	my $cat= $Def{$f}{category}||'unknown';
2410		push @{ $tree{$cat} }, $f;
2411	}
2412	my @list;
2413	for my $cat ( sort { $Categories{$a}[1] <=> $Categories{$b}[1] } keys %tree )
2414	{	my $fields= $tree{$cat};
2415		push @list, $cat, $Categories{$cat}[0], [::superlc_sort(@$fields)];
2416	}
2417	return \@list;
2418	#FIXME sort according to a number like $Def{$_}{order}
2419	#was : (qw/title artist album year track disc version genre rating label playcount lastplay skipcount lastskip added modif comment file path length size bitrate filetype channel samprate/)
2421sub SortKeys
2422{	grep $Def{$_}{flags}=~m/s/, @Fields;
2424sub Field_All_string
2425{	my $f=$_[0];
2426	return $Def{$f} && exists $Def{$f}{all_count} ? $Def{$f}{all_count} : _"All";
2428sub Field_Edit_string
2429{	my $f=$_[0];
2430	return $Def{$f} && exists $Def{$f}{edit_string} ? $Def{$f}{edit_string} : ucfirst(::__x( _"Edit {field}",field=>Songs::FieldName($f)));
2432sub FieldName
2433{	my $f=$_[0];
2434	return $Def{$f} && exists $Def{$f}{name} ? $Def{$f}{name} : ::__x(_"Unknown field ({field})",field=>$f);
2436sub MainField
2437{	my $f=$_[0];
2438	return Songs::Code($f,'mainfield') || $f;
2440sub FieldWidth
2441{	my $f=$_[0];
2442	return $Def{$f} && $Def{$f}{width} ? $Def{$f}{width} : 100;
2444sub FieldEnabled	#check if a field is enabled
2445{	!! grep $_[0] eq $_, @Fields;
2447sub FieldList		#return list of fields, may be filtered by type and/or a key
2448{	my %args=@_; # args may be type=> 'flags' or 'rating'  true=> key_that_must_be_true
2449	my @l= @Fields;
2450	if (my $type=$args{type})
2451	{	@l= grep { ($Def{$_}{fieldtype} || $Def{$_}{type}) eq $type} @l; # currently type flags all have a type=>'flags' in %Def, but might change, so fieldtype can overide it
2452	}
2453	if (my $true=$args{true})
2454	{	@l= grep $Def{$_}{$true}, @l;
2455	}
2456	return @l;
2458sub FieldType	#currently used to check "flags" or "rating" types
2459{	my $field=shift;
2460	return '' unless grep $field eq $_, @Fields;
2461	return $Def{$field}{fieldtype} || $Def{$field}{type}; # currently fieldtype is not used but might be useful as $Def{$field}{type} is an implementation detail and not a field property
2463sub ListGroupTypes
2464{	my @list= grep $Def{$_}{can_group}, @Fields;
2465	my @ret;
2466	for my $field (@list)
2467	{	my $val=$field;
2468		my $name=FieldName($field);
2469		my $types=LookupCode($field,'subtypes_menu');
2470		if ($types)
2471		{	$val=[map( (qq($field.$_) => "$name ($types->{$_})"), keys %$types)];
2472		}
2473		push @ret, $val,$name;
2474	}
2475	return \@ret;
2477sub WriteableFields
2478{	grep  $Def{$_}{flags}=~m/a/ && $Def{$_}{flags}=~m/w/, @Fields;
2480sub EditFields	#type is one of qw/single many per_id/
2481{	my $type=$_[0];
2482	my @fields= grep $Def{$_}{flags}=~m/e/, @Fields;
2483	@fields= grep $Def{$_}{edit_many}, @fields  if $type eq 'many';
2484	@fields= sort	{ 	($Def{$a}{edit_order}||1000) <=> ($Def{$b}{edit_order}||1000)
2485				|| $Def{$a}{name} cmp $Def{$b}{name}
2486			} @fields;
2487	return @fields;
2489sub EditWidget
2490{	my ($field,$type,$IDs)=@_;	#type is one of qw/single many per_id/
2491	my ($sub)= LookupCode($field, "editwidget:all|editwidget:$type|editwidget");
2492	unless ($sub) {warn "Can't find editwidget for field $field\n"; return undef;}
2493	return $sub->($field,$IDs);
2495sub ReplaceFields_to_re
2496{	my $string=shift;
2497	my $field= $::ReplaceFields{$string};
2498	if ($field && $Def{$field}{flags}=~m/e/)
2499	{	return $Def{$field}{_autofill_re} ||= '('. LookupCode($field, 'autofill_re') .')';
2500	}
2501	$string=~s#(\$\{\})#\\$1#; # escape $ and {}
2502	return $string;
2504sub StringFields #list of fields that are strings, used for selecting fields for interactive search
2505{	grep SortICase($_), @Fields; #currently use SortICase #FIXME ?
2507sub SortGroup
2508{	my $f=$_[0];
2509	$f=~s#\..*##; #FIXME should be able to sort on "modif.year" and others, but for now, simplfy it into "modif"
2510	return $Def{$f}{sortgroup} || SortField($f);
2512sub SortICase
2513{	my $f=$_[0];
2514	return $Def{$f} && $Def{$f}{flags}=~m/i/;
2516sub SortField
2517{	my $f=$_[0];
2518	return $Def{$f} && $Def{$f}{flags}=~m/i/ ? $f.=':i' : $f;  #case-insensitive by default
2520sub MakeSortCode
2521{	my $sort=shift;
2522	my @code;
2523	my $init='';
2524	for my $s (split / /,$sort)
2525	{	my ($inv,$field,$i)= $s=~m/^(-)?(\w+)(:i)?$/;
2526		next unless $field;
2527		unless ($Def{$field}) { warn "Songs::SortList : Invalid field $field\n"; next }
2528		unless ($Def{$field}{flags}=~m/s/) { warn "Don't know how to sort $field\n"; next }
2529		my ($sortinit,$sortcode)= SortCode($field,$inv,$i);
2530		push @code, $sortcode;
2531		$init.= $sortinit."; " if $sortinit;
2532	}
2533	@code=('0') unless @code;
2534	return $init, join(' || ',@code);
2536sub FindNext	# find the song in listref that would be right after ID if ID was in the list #could be optimized by not re-evaluating left-side for every comparison
2537{	my ($listref,$sort,$ID)=@_;	# list must be sorted by $sort
2538	my $func= $FuncCache{"FindNext $sort"} ||=
2539	 do {	my ($init,$code)= MakeSortCode($sort);
2540		$code= 'sub {my $l=$_[0];$a=$_[1]; '.$init.'for $b (@$l) { return $b if (' . $code . ')<1; } return undef;}';
2541		Compile("FindNext $sort", $code);
2542	    };
2543	return $func->($listref,$ID);
2545sub FindFirst		#FIXME add a few fields (like 'disc track path file') to all sort so that the sort result is constant, ie doesn't depend on the starting order
2546{	my ($listref,$sort)=@_;
2547	my $func= $FuncCache{"FindFirst $sort"} ||=
2548	 do {	my ($init,$code)= MakeSortCode($sort);
2549		$code= 'sub {my $l=$_[0];$a=$l->[0]; '.$init.'for $b (@$l) { $a=$b if (' . $code . ')>0; } return $a;}';
2550		Compile("FindFirst $sort", $code);
2551	    };
2552	return $func->($listref);
2554sub SortList		#FIXME add a few fields (like 'disc track path file') to all sort so that the sort result is constant, ie doesn't depend on the starting order
2555{	my $time=times; #DEBUG
2556	my $listref=$_[0]; my $sort=$_[1];
2557	my $func= $FuncCache{"sort $sort"} ||=
2558	 do {	my ($init,$code)= MakeSortCode($sort);
2559		$code= 'sub { my $list=shift; ' .$init. '@$list= sort {'. $code . '} @$list; }';
2560		Compile("sort $sort", $code);
2561	    };
2562	$func->($listref) if $func;
2563	warn "sort ($sort) : ".(times-$time)." s\n" if $::debug; #DEBUG
2565sub SortDepends
2566{	my @f=split / /,shift;
2567	s/^-//,s/:i$// for @f;
2568	return [Depends(@f)];
2570sub ReShuffle
2571{	$Songs::SHUFFLE='';
2573sub update_shuffle
2574{	my $max=shift;
2575	my $length= defined $Songs::SHUFFLE ? length($Songs::SHUFFLE) : 0;
2576	my $needed= $max+1 - $length/4;
2577	if ($needed>0)
2578	{	my @append;
2579		$Songs::SHUFFLE.= pack 'L*', map rand(256**4), 1..$needed;
2580	}
2583sub Depends
2584{	my @fields=@_;
2585	my %h;
2586	for my $f (grep $_ ne '', @fields)
2587	{	$f=~s#[.:].*##;
2588		next unless $f;
2589		unless ($Def{$f}) {warn "Songs::Depends : Invalid field $f\n";next}
2590		$h{$f}=undef;
2591		if (my $d= $Def{$f}{depend}) { $h{$_}=undef for split / /,$d; }
2592	}
2593	#delete $h{none};
2594	return keys %h;
2597sub CopyFields			#copy values from one song to another
2598{	my ($srcfile,$dstfile,@fields)=@_;
2599	my $IDsrc=FindID($srcfile);
2600	my $IDdst=FindID($dstfile);
2601	unless (defined $IDsrc) { warn "CopyFields : can't find $srcfile in the library\n";return 1 }
2602	unless (defined $IDdst) { warn "CopyFields : can't find $dstfile in the library\n";return 2 }
2603	#FIXME could check fields
2604	warn "Copying fields '@fields' from '$srcfile' to '$dstfile'\n" if $::debug;
2605	my @vals=Get($IDsrc,@fields);
2606	Set($IDdst, map { $fields[$_]=>$vals[$_] } 0..$#fields);
2607	return 0;
2610sub GetTagValue #rename ?
2611{	my ($ID,$field)=@_;
2612	warn "GetTagValue : $ID,$field\n" if $::debug;
2613	unless ($Def{$field}{flags}=~m/g/) { warn "GetTagValue : invalid field '$field'\n"; return undef }
2614	$ID=FindID($ID);
2615	unless (defined $ID) { warn "GetTagValue : song not found\n"; return undef }
2616	return Get($ID,$field);
2618sub SetTagValue #rename ?
2619{	my ($ID,$field,$value)=@_;
2620	warn "SetTagValue : $ID,$field,$value\n" if $::debug;
2621	#unless (exists $Set{$field}) { warn "SetTagValue : invalid field\n"; return ::FALSE }
2622	$ID=FindID($ID);
2623	unless (defined $ID) { warn "SetTagValue : song not found\n"; return ::FALSE }
2624	Set($ID,$field=>$value);
2625	return ::TRUE;	#FIXME could check if it has worked
2628my %buildhash_deprecated= (idlist=>'id:list',count=>'id:count',uniq=>':uniq');
2629sub BuildHash
2630{	my ($field,$IDs,$opt,@types)=@_; #warn "Songs::BuildHash(@_)\n";
2631	$opt= $opt? ':'.$opt : '';
2632	my ($keycode,$multi)= LookupCode($field, 'hash'.$opt.'|hash', 'hashm'.$opt.'|hashm',[ID => '$ID']);
2633	$keycode||=$multi;
2634	unless ($keycode || $multi) { warn "BuildHash error : can't find code for field $field\n"; return } #could return empty hashes ?
2635	my $init=	$keycode=~s/^\s*INIT:(.*?)\s+----\s+//	? "$1;" : '';
2636	my $keyafter=	$keycode=~s/----\s+AFTER:(.*)$//	? $1 :'';
2637	@types=('id:count') unless @types;
2639	my $after='';
2640	my $code;
2641	my $i;
2642	for my $type (@types)
2643	{	$i++;
2644		if ($buildhash_deprecated{$type}) { warn "BuildHash: using '$type' is deprecated, use '$buildhash_deprecated{$type}' instead\n" if ::VERSION>1.1009 || $::debug; $type=$buildhash_deprecated{$type}; }
2645		my ($f,$opt,$arg)=split /:/,$type,3;
2646		$arg=~y/-A-Z0-9:.,//cd if $arg;
2647		$opt= $opt ? 'stats:'.$opt : 'stats';
2648		$f||= 'id'; # mostly for :uniq but also :list and :count
2649		my $c= LookupCode($f, $opt, [ID=>'$ID', ($arg ? (ARG=>"'$arg'") : () )]);
2650		$c=~s/\$\$/'$V'.$i.'_'/ge;	# $$name  => $V5_name  if $i==5
2651		$init.=";$1;" if $c=~s/^\s*INIT:(.*?)\s+----\s+//;
2652		my $af= $c=~s/----\s+AFTER:(.*)$//		? $1 :'';
2653#warn "BuildHash $field  : $f  $opt => $c // $af\n";
2654		my $hval= $multi ? '$h'.$i.'{$key}' : "\$h$i\{$keycode}";
2655		$code.=  Macro($c, HVAL=> $hval).";\n";
2656		$after.= Macro($keyafter, H=> 'h'.$i).";\n" if $keyafter; #not used yet
2657		$after.= "for my \$key (keys \%h$i) {". Macro($af, HVAL=> '$h'.$i.'{$key}')."}\n" if $af;
2658	}
2659	$code="for my \$key ($keycode) {\n  $code\n}\n" if $multi;
2660	$code="for my \$ID (@\$lref) {\n  $code\n}\n$after";
2661	my $hlist= join ',',map "\%h$_",1..$i;
2662	my $hlistref= join ',',map "\\\%h$_",1..$i;
2663	$code= "my \$lref=\$_[0]; $init; my ($hlist);\n$code;\nreturn $hlistref;";
2665#warn "BuildHash($field $opt,@types)=>\n$code\n";
2666	my $sub= eval "sub { no warnings 'uninitialized'; $code }";
2667	if ($@) { warn "BuildHash compilation error :\ncode: $code\nerror: $@";}
2668	$IDs||=[FIRSTID..$LastID];
2669	$sub->( $IDs ); #returns one hash ref by @types
2672sub AllFilter
2673{	my $filter=$_[0];
2674	Filter->new($filter)->filter_all;
2677#sub GroupSub_old
2678#{	my $field=$_[0]; #warn "Songs::GroupSub : @_\n";
2679#	return $FuncCache{"GroupSub $field"} ||= do
2680#	 {	my $code= Code($field, 'group', ID => '-ID-');
2681#		$code=~s/ *(ne|!=) *$//;
2682#		my $op=$1||'ne';
2683#		my $code0=$code;
2684#		$code =~s/-ID-/\$list->[\$_]/g;
2685#		#$code0=~s/-ID-/\$list->[\$_-1]/g;
2686#		$code0=~s/-ID-/\$list->[\$_[1]]/g;
2687#		my $f=eval "sub { my \$list=\$_[0]; my \$v0=$code0; [grep {$code $op \$v0 and \$v0=$code,1;} \$_[1]+1..\$_[2] ] }";
2688#		#my $f=eval "sub { my \$list=\$_[0]; [grep {$code $op $code0} \$_[1]..\$_[2] ] }";
2689#		if ($@) { warn "GroupSub compilation error :\ncode: $code $op $code0\nerror: $@"; $f=sub {warn "invalid groupsub (field=$field)";[]}}
2690#		$f;
2691#	 };
2693sub GroupSub
2694{	my $field=$_[0]; #warn "Songs::GroupSub : @_\n";
2695	return $FuncCache{"GroupSub $field"} ||= do
2696	 {	my $code= Code($field, 'group', ID => '-ID-');
2697		$code=~s/ *(ne|!=) *$//;
2698		my $op=$1||'ne';
2699		my $code0=$code;
2700		$code =~s/-ID-/\$list->[\$_]/g;
2701		$code0=~s/-ID-/\$list->[\$firstrow]/g;
2702		Compile("GroupSub $field",
2703		'sub {	my ($list,$lastrows_parent)=@_;
2704			my @lastrows;my @lastchild;
2705			my $firstrow=0;
2706			for my $lastrow (@$lastrows_parent)
2707			{	my $v0='.$code0.';
2708				push @lastrows, map $_-1, grep {'."$code $op ".'$v0 and $v0='.$code.',1;} $firstrow+1..$lastrow;
2709				push @lastrows, $lastrow;
2710				push @lastchild, $#lastrows;
2711				$firstrow=$lastrow+1;
2712			}
2713			return \\@lastrows,\\@lastchild;
2714		     }')
2715	    		#use a dummy function in case of error :
2716		 	|| sub {warn "invalid groupsub (field=$field)"; my $lastrows=$_[1]; return [@$lastrows],[0..$#$lastrows] };
2717	 };
2720sub PrefFields	#preference dialog for fields
2721{	my $store=Gtk2::TreeStore->new('Glib::String','Glib::String','Glib::Boolean','Glib::Boolean','Glib::Boolean');
2722	my $treeview=Gtk2::TreeView->new($store);
2723	$treeview->set_headers_visible(0);
2724	my $rightbox=Gtk2::VBox->new;
2725	my $renderer=Gtk2::CellRendererText->new;
2726	$treeview->append_column( Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes
2727	 ( 'field name',$renderer,text => 0, editable => 2, sensitive=>3, strikethrough => 4,
2728	 ));
2730	my @fields= grep !$Def{$_}{template} && (!$Def{$_}{disable} || ($Def{$_}{options} && $Def{$_}{options}=~m/\bdisable\b/)), keys %Def;
2731	@fields= grep !$Def{$_}{property_of} && $Def{$_}{name} && $Def{$_}{flags}=~m/[pc]/, @fields;
2732	#add custom fields
2733	push @fields, grep $::Options{Fields_options}{$_}{template}, keys %{$::Options{Fields_options}};
2735	# create the field tree
2736	my %tree= (custom=>{}); #always show custom category, even if empty
2737	for my $field (@fields)
2738	{	my $opt= $::Options{Fields_options}{$field};
2739		my $custom= $opt->{template};
2740		my $cat= $custom ? 'custom' : $Def{$field}{category} || 'unknown';
2741		my $name= $custom ? $opt->{name} : $Def{$field}{name};
2742		$tree{$cat}{$field}=$name;
2743	}
2745	#fill the treestore
2746	my $custom_root;
2747	for my $cat ( sort { $Categories{$a}[1] <=> $Categories{$b}[1] } keys %tree )
2748	{	my $names= $tree{$cat};
2749		my $editable= $cat eq 'custom';
2750		my $parent= $store->append(undef);
2751		$store->set( $parent, 0,$Categories{$cat}[0], 1,'+'.$cat, 3,::TRUE); # category node
2752		for my $field (::sorted_keys($names))
2753		{	my $opt= $::Options{Fields_options}{$field};
2754			my $def= $Def{$field};
2755			my $sensitive= exists $opt->{disable} ? $opt->{disable} : $def->{disable} ? 0 : 1;
2756			$store->set( $store->append($parent), 0,$names->{$field}, 1,$field, 2,$editable, 3,$sensitive, 4,$opt->{remove} ); #child
2757		}
2758		$custom_root= $store->get_string_from_iter($parent) if $cat eq 'custom';
2759	}
2760	$treeview->expand_all;
2762	$treeview->signal_connect(cursor_changed => sub
2763		{	my $treeview=shift;
2764			my $path=($treeview->get_cursor)[0];
2765			my $store=$treeview->get_model;
2766			my ($name,$field)=$store->get( $store->get_iter($path), 0,1 );
2767			$rightbox->remove($_) for $rightbox->get_children;
2768			if ($field=~m/^\+/) {return} #row is a category
2769			return unless $field;
2770			my $title=Gtk2::Label->new_with_format("<b>%s</b>",$name);
2771			$rightbox->pack_start($title,::FALSE,::FALSE,2);
2772			my $box=Gtk2::VBox->new;
2773			::weaken( $box->{store}=$store );
2774			$box->{path}=$path;
2775			Field_fill_option_box($box,$field);
2776			$rightbox->add($box);
2777			$rightbox->show_all;
2778		});
2779	$renderer->signal_connect(edited => sub
2780	    {	my ($cell,$pathstr,$newname)=@_;
2781		my $iter= $store->get_iter_from_string($pathstr);
2782		my ($oldname,$field)= $store->get($iter,0,1);
2783		if ($newname eq '')
2784		{	$store->remove($iter) if $oldname eq '';
2785			$treeview->set_cursor(Gtk2::TreePath->new($custom_root));
2786			return;
2787		}
2788		if ($field eq '')
2789		{	$field= validate_custom_field_name($newname,1);
2790			$::Options{Fields_options}{$field} = { template => 'string', name => $newname, };
2791			#$Def{$field}= { template => 'string', options => $FieldTemplates{string}{options}, category=>'custom', name=>$newname };
2792		}
2793		$::Options{Fields_options}{$field}{name}= $newname;
2794		$store->set($iter, 0,$newname, 1,$field);
2795		$treeview->set_cursor($store->get_path($iter));
2796	    });
2798	my $newcst=::NewIconButton('gtk-add', _"New custom field", sub
2799		{	my $iter=$store->append($store->get_iter_from_string($custom_root));
2800			$store->set($iter,0,'',1,'',2,::TRUE);
2801			my $path=$store->get_path($iter);
2802			$treeview->expand_to_path($path);
2803			$treeview->set_cursor($path, $treeview->get_column(0), ::TRUE);
2804		} );
2805	my $warning=Gtk2::Label->new;
2806	$warning->set_markup('<b>'.::PangoEsc(_"Settings on this page will only take effect after a restart").'</b>');
2807	my $sw=Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new;
2808	$sw->set_shadow_type('etched-in');
2809	$sw->set_policy('never','automatic');
2810	$sw->add($treeview);
2811	my $vbox= ::Vpack( $warning, '_',[ ['0_',$sw,$newcst], '_', $rightbox ] );
2813	$vbox->{gotofunc}=sub	#go to a specific row
2814	{	my $field=shift;
2815		my $parent= $store->get_iter_first;
2816		while ($parent)
2817		{	my $child= $store->iter_children($parent);
2818			while ($child)
2819			{	if ($store->get($child,1) eq $field) { $treeview->set_cursor($store->get_path($child)); return; }
2820				$child= $store->iter_next($child);
2821			}
2822			$parent= $store->iter_next($parent);
2823		}
2824	};
2826	return $vbox;
2829sub validate_custom_field_name
2830{	my ($field,$fallback)=@_;
2831	$field=~s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]//g;  $field=~s/^\d+//; $field=~s/_+/_/g; $field=~s/_$//; # custom field id restrictions, might be relaxed in the future
2832	$field= ucfirst $field if $field=~m/^[a-z]/;
2833	my %used;
2834	$used{$_}=undef for keys %Def;
2835	$used{$Def{$_}{_renamed_to}}=undef for grep $Def{$_}{_renamed_to}, keys %Def;
2836	if (!$field || $field eq '' || exists $used{$field})
2837	{	return unless $fallback;
2838		$field= 'Custom' if $field eq '';
2839		::IncSuffix($field) while $used{$field};
2840	}
2841	return $field;
2844our %Field_options_aliases=
2845(	customfield	=> 'template convwarn disable remove datawarn',
2846	rw_		=> 'rw resetnotag',
2847	stars		=> 'starprefix starpreview',
2849our %Field_options=
2850(	#bits	=>
2851	#{	widget		=> 'combo',
2852	#	combo		=> { 32 => "32 bits", 16 => "16 bits", },
2853	#	'default'	=> 32,
2854	#},
2855	rw	=>
2856	{	widget		=> 'check',
2857		label		=> _"Read/write in file tag",
2858		'default'	=> sub		#extract rw (sorted) from default flags
2859		{		my $default_flags= $_[0]{flags} || '';
2860				$default_flags=~tr/rw//dc;
2861				return join '', sort split //, $default_flags;
2862		},
2863		apply		=> sub
2864		{		my ($def,$opt,$value)=@_;
2865				$def->{flags}=~s/[rw]//g;
2866				$def->{flags}.='rw' if $value;
2867		},
2868	},
2869	editable =>
2870	{	widget		=> 'check',
2871		label		=> _"Editable in song properties dialog",
2872		'default'	=> sub { my $default= $_[0]{flags} || ''; return $default=~m/e/ },
2873		apply		=> sub { my ($def,$opt,$value)=@_; $def->{flags}=~s/e//g; $def->{flags}.='e' if $value; },
2874	},
2875	resetnotag =>
2876	{	widget		=> 'check',
2877		label		=> _"Reset current value if no tag found in file",
2878		'default'	=> sub { my $default= $_[0]{flags} || ''; return $default!~m/_/ },
2879		apply		=> sub { my ($def,$opt,$value)=@_; $def->{flags}=~s/_//g; $def->{flags}.='_' if !$value; },
2880		update		=> sub { $_[0]{widget}->set_sensitive( $_[0]{opt}{rw} ); }, # set insensitive when tag not read/written
2881	},
2882	starprefix	=>
2883	{	label		=> _"Star images",
2884		widget		=> 'combo',
2885		combo		=> \&::Find_all_stars,
2886		tip		=> ::__x(_"You can make custom stars by putting pictures in {folder}\nThey must be named 'stars', optionally followed by a '-' and a word, followed by a number from 0 to 5 or 10\nExample: stars-custom0.png",folder=>$::HomeDir.'icons'),
2887	},
2888	starpreview	=>
2889	{	widget => sub
2890		{	my @img= map Gtk2::Image->new, 0..2;
2891			my $box= ::Hpack('-',reverse @img);
2892			$box->{img}=\@img;
2893			return $box;
2894		},
2895		update => sub
2896		{	my $arg=shift;
2897			my @files= ::Find_star_pictures($arg->{opt}{starprefix});
2898			my $img= $arg->{widget}{img};
2899			my @pix= map GMB::Picture::pixbuf($files[$_]), 0,int($#files/2),$#files;
2900			$img->[$_]->set_from_pixbuf($pix[$_]) for 0..2;
2901		},
2902	},
2903	editsubmenu	=>
2904	{	widget		=> 'check',
2905		label		=> _"Show edition submenu in song context menu",
2906	},
2907	disable	=>
2908	{	widget		=> 'check',
2909		label		=> _"Disabled",
2910	},
2911	remove	=>
2912	{	widget		=> 'check',
2913		label		=> _"Remove this field",
2914	},
2915	convwarn =>
2916	{	widget		=> 'label',
2917		label		=> _"Warning: converting existing data to this format may be lossy",
2918		update		=> sub			# show only when field to be disabled or removed
2919		{		my $arg=shift;
2920				my $show= $arg->{opt}{currentid} && ( $arg->{opt}{template} ne $Def{$arg->{opt}{currentid}}{template} );
2921				my $w= $arg->{widget};
2922				$w->set_visible($show);
2923				$w->set_no_show_all(1);
2924		},
2925	},
2926	datawarn =>
2927	{	widget		=> 'label',
2928		label		=> _"Warning: all existing data for this field will be lost",
2929		update		=> sub			# show only when field to be disabled or removed
2930		{		my $arg=shift;
2931				my $opt=$arg->{opt};
2932				my $show= $opt->{currentid} && ($opt->{disable} || $opt->{remove} );
2933				my $w= $arg->{widget};
2934				$w->set_visible($show);
2935				$w->set_no_show_all(1);
2936		},
2937	},
2938	useridwarn =>
2939	{	widget		=> 'label',
2940		label		=> _"Warning: an identifier is needed",
2941		update		=> sub
2942		{		my $arg=shift;
2943				my $show= $arg->{opt}{rw} && (!$arg->{opt}{userid} || $arg->{opt}{userid}=~m/^ *$/);
2944				my $w= $arg->{widget};
2945				$w->set_visible($show);
2946				$w->set_no_show_all(1);
2947		},
2948	},
2949	userid	=>
2950	{	widget		=> 'entry',
2951		label		=> _"Identifier in file tag",
2952		tip		=> _"Used to associate the saved value with a user or a function",
2953		update		=> sub { $_[0]{widget}->parent->set_sensitive( $_[0]{opt}{rw} ); }, # set insensitive when tag not read/written
2954	},
2955	template=>
2956	{	widget		=> \&Field_Edit_template,
2957		label		=> _"Field type",
2958	},
2959	persistent_values=>
2960	{	label		=> _("Persistent values").':',
2961		tip		=> _"These values will always be in the list, even if they are not used",
2962		default		=> sub { $_[0]{default_persistent_values} },
2963		widget		=> sub
2964		{		my (undef,$opt,$field)=@_;
2965				my $values= FieldType($field) eq 'flags' ? ListAll($field) : []; # check that field is live and live with correct type, else ListAll will not work
2966				my %valuesh; $valuesh{$_}=$_ for @$values;
2967				::NewPrefMultiCombo(persistent_values=>\%valuesh,opthash=>$opt,ellipsize=>'end');
2968		},
2969	},
2970	show_ext =>
2971	{	label		=> _"Show file name extension",
2972		widget		=> 'check',
2973	},
2976sub Field_fill_option_box
2977{	my ($vbox,$field, $keep_option, @keep_widgets)=@_;
2978	$_->parent->remove($_) for @keep_widgets;
2979	$vbox->remove($_) for $vbox->get_children;
2981	my $opt= $::Options{Fields_options}{$field} ||= {};
2982	#$vbox->{opt_orig}={%$opt};	#warning : shallow copy, sub-hash/array stay linked
2983	$vbox->{field}=$field;
2985	my $template=$opt->{template};
2986	my $def= $Def{$field};
2987	my $option_list= ($template ? $FieldTemplates{$template}{options} : $def->{options}) ||'';
2988	my $flags=	 ($template ? $FieldTemplates{$template}{flags} :   $def->{flags})   ||'';
2990	my $sg1=Gtk2::SizeGroup->new('horizontal');
2991	my %widgets; my @topack;
2992	$vbox->{FieldProperties}=1; #used to get back to $vbox from one of its (grand)child
2993	$vbox->{widget_hash}=\%widgets;
2994	my @options= split /\s+/, $option_list;
2995	while (my $option=shift @options)
2996	{	if (my $o=$Field_options_aliases{$option})
2997		{	unshift @options,split /\s+/,$o;
2998			next;
2999		}
3000		my $ref=$Field_options{$option};
3001		next unless $ref;
3002		my $label=  $ref->{label};
3003		my $widget= $ref->{widget};
3004		my $key= $ref->{editkey} || $option;
3005		my $base= $template ? $FieldTemplates{$template} : $def;
3006		my $value= exists $opt->{$key} ? $opt->{$key} : Field_option_default($field,$option,$base);
3007		my @extra;
3008		if ($keep_option && $keep_option eq $option) { ($widget,@extra)= @keep_widgets;  }
3009		elsif (ref $widget)
3010		{	($widget,@extra) = $widget->( $vbox, $opt, $field );
3011		}
3012		elsif ($widget eq 'check')
3013		{	$widget= Gtk2::CheckButton->new($label);
3014			undef $label;
3015			$widget->set_active($value);
3016			$widget->signal_connect(toggled => sub { $opt->{$key}= $_[0]->get_active ? 1 : 0; &Field_Edit_update });
3017		}
3018		elsif ($widget eq 'entry')
3019		{	$widget= Gtk2::Entry->new;
3020			$widget->set_text($value);
3021			$widget->signal_connect(changed => sub { my $t=$_[0]->get_text; if ($t=~m/^\s*$/) {delete $opt->{$key};} else {$opt->{$key}=$t;} &Field_Edit_update });
3022		}
3023		elsif ($widget eq 'combo')
3024		{	$widget= TextCombo->new( $ref->{combo}, $value, sub { $opt->{$key}=$_[0]->get_value; &Field_Edit_update });
3025		}
3026		elsif ($widget eq 'label')
3027		{	$widget= Gtk2::Label->new($label);
3028			undef $label;
3029		}
3030		next unless $widget;
3031		my $tip= $ref->{tip};
3032		$widget->set_tooltip_text($tip) if defined $tip;
3034		$widgets{$option}=$widget;
3036		if (defined $label)
3037		{	$label= Gtk2::Label->new($label);
3038			$sg1->add_widget($label);
3039			$widget= [ $label, '_',$widget ];
3040		}
3041		push @topack, $widget,@extra;
3042	}
3044	if ($flags=~m/g/)
3045	{	my @idlist= sort grep $Aliases{$_} eq $field, keys %Aliases;
3046		my $varnames= join ', ',map '$'.$_, @idlist;
3047		$varnames.=', %'.$def->{letter} if $def->{letter};
3048		my $label_var=    _("Can be used as a variable with :").' '.$varnames;
3049		my $label_search= _("Can be searched with :").' '.join(', ',@idlist);
3050		$_= Gtk2::Label->new($_) for $label_var,$label_search;
3051		$_->set_selectable(1) , $_->set_alignment(0,.5) , $_->set_line_wrap(1) for $label_var,$label_search;
3052		unshift @topack, $label_var if $varnames;
3053		unshift @topack, $label_search if @idlist && $flags=~m/f/;
3054	}
3055	unshift @topack, Gtk2::Label->new( $def->{desc} ) if $def->{desc};
3057	{	my $hbox= Gtk2::HBox->new;
3058		my $label1= Gtk2::Label->new(_("Field identifier").':');
3059		my $label_id= Gtk2::Label->new($field);
3060		$hbox->pack_start($_,0,0,2) for $label1,$label_id;
3061		if ($template) #custom fields can be renamed
3062		{	my $entry= Gtk2::Entry->new;
3063			my $bedit= Gtk2::Button->new(_"Edit");
3064			my $brename= Gtk2::Button->new(_"Rename");
3065			my $bcancel= Gtk2::Button->new(_"Cancel");
3066			$hbox->pack_start($_,0,0,2) for $entry,$bedit,$brename,$bcancel;
3067			my @edit=($entry,$brename,$bcancel);
3068			$hbox->{edit}= \@edit;
3069			$_->set_no_show_all(1) for @edit;
3070			$hbox->{noedit}= [$label_id,$bedit];
3071			$hbox->{entry}= $entry;
3072			$hbox->{brename}= $brename;
3073			$hbox->{label_id}= $label_id;
3074			my $toggle_edit=sub
3075			{	my ($button,$on)=@_;
3076				my $hbox= $button->parent;
3077				$_->set_visible($on) for @{$hbox->{edit}};
3078				$_->set_visible(!$on) for @{$hbox->{noedit}};
3079				my $vbox=$button; $vbox=$vbox->parent until $vbox->{FieldProperties};
3080				$hbox->{entry}->set_text($vbox->{field});
3081			};
3082			$entry->signal_connect(changed => sub { my $t= validate_custom_field_name($_[0]->get_text); $_[0]->parent->{newid}=$t; $_[0]->parent->{brename}->set_sensitive($t && $t ne $field); });
3083			$bedit->signal_connect(clicked=> $toggle_edit,1);
3084			$bcancel->signal_connect(clicked=> $toggle_edit,0);
3085			$brename->signal_connect(clicked=> sub
3086			 {	my $button=shift;
3087				my $new=$button->parent->{newid};
3088				$::Options{Fields_options}{$new}= delete($::Options{Fields_options}{$field});
3089				if (my $id=$::Options{Fields_options}{$new}{currentid})
3090				{	$Def{$id}{_renamed_to}=$new;
3091				}
3092				my $vbox=$button; $vbox=$vbox->parent until $vbox->{FieldProperties};
3093				$vbox->{field}= $new;
3094				$button->parent->{label_id}->set_text($new);
3095				$toggle_edit->($button,0);
3096				Field_Edit_update($vbox);
3097			 });
3098		}
3099		unshift @topack, $hbox;
3100	}
3102	if (!$widgets{rw})
3103	{	my $text= $flags=~m/rw/ ? _"Value written in file tag" :
3104			  $flags!~m/[rw]/ ? _"Value not written in file tag" :
3105			  undef;
3106		$text=undef if $field eq 'path' || $field eq 'file';
3107		unshift @topack, Gtk2::Label->new_with_format( '<small>%s</small>', $text ) if $text;
3108	}
3110	$vbox->add( ::Vpack(@topack) );
3111	$vbox->show_all;
3112	Field_Edit_update($vbox);
3115sub Field_Edit_update
3116{	my $vbox=shift;
3117	$vbox=$vbox->parent until $vbox->{FieldProperties};
3118	my $field= $vbox->{field};
3119	my $opt= $::Options{Fields_options}{$field} ||= {};
3120	my $widgets= $vbox->{widget_hash};
3121	for my $option (sort keys %$widgets)
3122	{	my $update= $Field_options{$option}{update};
3123		next unless $update;
3124		$update->({ vbox=>$vbox, opt=>$opt, field=>$field, widget=>$widgets->{$option}, });
3125	}
3126	my $store= $vbox->{store};
3127	my $sensitive= (exists $opt->{disable} ? $opt->{disable} : ($Def{$field} && $Def{$field}{disable})) ? 0 : 1;
3128	my $iter= $store->get_iter($vbox->{path});
3129	$store->set( $iter, 3, $sensitive, 4, $opt->{remove});
3130	$store->set( $iter, 0,$opt->{name}, 1,$field) if $opt->{template}; #only for custom fields
3133sub Field_Edit_template
3134{	my ($vbox,$opt,$field)=@_;
3135	my %templatelist;
3136	$templatelist{$_}= $FieldTemplates{$_}{editname} for keys %FieldTemplates;
3137	my $label= Gtk2::Label->new;
3138	my $combo= TextCombo->new(\%templatelist, $opt->{template}, sub
3139		{	my $combo=shift;
3140			my $t=$opt->{template}= $combo->get_value;
3141			$Def{$field}{options}= $FieldTemplates{$t}{options};
3142			my $focus= $combo->is_focus; #FIXME never true
3143			my $vbox=$combo; $vbox=$vbox->parent until $vbox->{FieldProperties};
3144			Field_fill_option_box($vbox,$field, template=>$combo,$label); # will reset the option box but keep $combo and $label
3145			$combo->grab_focus if $focus;	#reparenting $combo will make it lose focus, so regrab it #FIXME $focus never true
3146			my $desc= $FieldTemplates{$t}{desc};
3147			if ($desc) {$label->set_markup_with_format("<small><i>%s</i></small>",$desc);$label->show} else {$label->hide}
3148		});
3149	$label->set_no_show_all(1);
3150	my $desc= $FieldTemplates{$opt->{template}}{desc};
3151	if ($desc) {$label->set_markup_with_format("<small><i>%s</i></small>",$desc);$label->show}
3152	return $combo,$label;
3155sub Field_Apply_options
3156{	for my $field (keys %{ $::Options{Fields_options} })
3157	{	my $opt= $::Options{Fields_options}{$field};
3158		if ($opt->{remove}) { delete $::Options{Fields_options}{$field}; next; }
3159		my $def= $Def{$field};
3160		if (!$def || $def->{template})
3161		{	my $template=$opt->{template};
3162			next unless $template;	# could remove options of removed standard fields ?
3163			my $hash= $FieldTemplates{$template};
3164			next unless $hash;
3165			$def=$Def{$field}= { %$hash, name=>$opt->{name} }; #shallow copy of the template hash
3166			$opt->{currentid}=$field;
3167		}
3168		my @options= split /\s+/, $def->{options}||'';
3169		while (my $option=shift @options)
3170		{	if (my $o=$Field_options_aliases{$option})
3171			{	unshift @options,split /\s+/,$o;
3172				next;
3173			}
3174			my $ref=$Field_options{$option};
3175			next unless $ref;
3177			my $key= $ref->{editkey} || $option;
3178			my $value= exists $opt->{$key} ? $opt->{$key} : Field_option_default($field,$option,$def);
3179			if (my $apply= $ref->{apply}) { $apply->($def,$opt,$value) }
3180			else
3181			{	$def->{$key}= $value;
3182			}
3183		}
3184	}
3187sub Field_option_default
3188{	my ($field,$option,$def)=@_;
3189	my $ref=$Field_options{$option};
3190	my $default= $ref->{'default'};
3191	if (defined $default) { $default= $default->($def, $field) if ref $default; }
3192	else
3193	{	my $key= $ref->{editkey} || $option;
3194		$default= $def->{$key};
3195		$default='' unless defined $default;
3196	}
3197	return $default;
3200sub FMPS_rating_postread
3201{	my $v=shift;
3202	length $v && $v=~m/^\d*\.?\d+$/ ? sprintf('%d',$v*100) : undef;
3204sub FMPS_rating_prewrite
3205{	my $v=shift;
3206	($v eq '' || $v>100) ? '' : sprintf('%.6f', $v/100);
3207	# write a rating of '' when no rating rather than undef, so that the tag is still written (undef would remove the tag)
3208	# this allows us to distinguish "default rating" from "rating never written".
3209	# without this, it would not be possible to remove the rating (ie: set it to "default rating") when the option resetnotag is off
3213package AA;
3214our (%GHash,%GHash_Depend);
3216our %ReplaceFields=
3217(	'%'	=>	sub {'%'},
3218	a	=>	sub { my $s=Songs::Gid_to_Display($_[0],$_[1]); defined $s ? $s : $_[1]; }, #FIXME PHASE1 Gid_to_Display should return something $_[1] if no gid_to_display
3219	l	=>	sub { my $l=Get('length:sum',$_[0],$_[1]); $l=::__x( ($l>=3600 ? _"{hours}h{min}m{sec}s" : _"{min}m{sec}s"), hours => (int $l/3600), min => ($l>=3600 ? sprintf('%02d',$l/60%60) : $l/60%60), sec => sprintf('%02d',$l%60)); },
3220	L	=>	sub { ::CalcListLength( Get('id:list',$_[0],$_[1]),'length:sum' ); }, #FIXME is CalcListLength needed ?
3221	y	=>	sub { Get('year:range',$_[0],$_[1])||''; },
3222	Y	=>	sub { my $y=Get('year:range',$_[0],$_[1]); return $y? " ($y)" : '' },
3223	s	=>	sub { my $l=Get('id:list',$_[0],$_[1])||[]; ::__n('%d song','%d songs',scalar @$l) },
3224	x	=>	sub { my $nb=@{GetXRef($_[0],$_[1])}; return $_[0] ne 'album' ? ::__("%d Album","%d Albums",$nb) : ::__("%d Artist","%d Artists",$nb);  },
3225	X	=>	sub { my $nb=@{GetXRef($_[0],$_[1])}; return $_[0] ne 'album' ? ::__("%d Album","%d Albums",$nb) : $nb>1 ? ::__("%d Artist","%d Artists",$nb) : '';  },
3226	b	=>	sub {	if ($_[0] ne 'album') { my $nb=@{GetXRef($_[0],$_[1])}; return ::__("%d Album","%d Albums",$nb); }
3227				else
3228				{	my $l=Songs::UniqList('artist', Get('id:list',$_[0],$_[1]));
3229					return @$l==1 ? Songs::Gid_to_Display('artist',$l->[0]) : ::__("%d artist","%d artists", scalar(@$l));
3230				}
3231			    },
3234sub ReplaceFields
3235{	my ($gid,$format,$col,$esc)=@_;
3236#my $u;$u=$format; #DEBUG DELME
3237	$format=~s#(?:\\n|<br>)#\n#g;
3238	if($esc){ $format=~s/%([alLyYsxXb%r])/::PangoEsc($ReplaceFields{$1}->($col,$gid))/ge; }
3239	else	{ $format=~s/%([alLyYsxXb%r])/$ReplaceFields{$1}->($col,$gid)/ge; }
3240#warn "ReplaceFields $gid : $u => $format\n" if defined $u; #DEBUG DELME
3241	return $format;
3244sub CreateHash
3245{	my ($type,$field)=@_; warn "AA::CreateHash(@_)\n" if $::debug;
3246	$GHash_Depend{$_}++ for Songs::Depends($type,$field);
3247	return $GHash{$field}{$type}=Songs::BuildHash($field,$::Library,undef,$type);
3249sub Fields_Changed
3250{	my $changed=shift; #hashref with changed fields as keys
3251	return unless grep $AA::GHash_Depend{$_}, keys %$changed;
3252	undef %GHash_Depend;
3253	delete $GHash{$_} for keys %$changed;
3254	for my $field (keys %GHash)
3255	{	my @d0=Songs::Depends($field);
3256		if (grep exists $changed->{$_}, @d0)
3257		{	delete $GHash{$field};
3258			next;
3259		}
3260		my $subh=$GHash{$field};
3261		for my $type (keys %$subh)
3262		{	my @d= Songs::Depends($type);
3263			if (grep exists $changed->{$_}, @d) { delete $subh->{$type} }
3264			else { $GHash_Depend{$_}++ for @d0,@d; }
3265		}
3266	}
3268sub IDs_Changed	#called when songs are added/removed
3269{	undef %GHash_Depend;
3270	undef %GHash;
3271	warn "IDs_Changed\n" if $::debug;
3273sub GetHash
3274{	my ($type,$field)=@_;
3275	return $GHash{$field}{$type} || CreateHash($type,$field);
3277sub Get
3278{	my ($type,$field,$key)=@_;
3279	my $h = $GHash{$field}{$type} || CreateHash($type,$field);#warn( 'DEBUG   '.join('//',(keys %$h)[0..10])."...\n key=$key => $h->{$key}\n" );
3280	return $h->{$key};
3282sub GetAAList
3283{	my $field=$_[0];
3284	CreateHash('id:list',$field) unless $GHash{$field};
3285	my ($h)= values %{$GHash{$field}};
3286	return [keys %$h];
3289sub GetXRef # get albums/artists from artist/album
3290{	my ($field,$key)=@_;
3291	my $x= $field eq 'album' ? 'artists:gid' : 'album:gid';
3292	return Get($x,$field,$key) || [];
3294sub GetIDs
3295{	return Get('id:list',@_) || [];
3298sub GrepKeys
3299{	my ($field,$string,$is_regexp,$is_casesens,$list)=@_;
3300	$list||=GetAAList($field);
3301	return [@$list] unless length $string;	# m// use last regular expression used
3302	$string=quotemeta $string unless $is_regexp;
3303	my $re= $is_casesens ? qr/$string/ : qr/$string/i;
3304	my $displaysub=Songs::DisplayFromGID_sub($field);
3305	my @l=grep $displaysub->($_)=~m/$re/i, @$list;	#FIXME optimize ?
3306	return \@l;
3309sub SortKeys
3310{	my ($field,$list,$mode,$hsongs)=@_;
3311	my $invert= $mode=~s/^-//;
3312	my $h=my $pre=0;
3313	$mode||='';
3314	if ($mode eq 'songs')
3315	{	$h= $hsongs || GetHash('id:count',$field);
3316		$pre='number';
3317	}
3318	elsif ($mode eq 'length')
3319	{	$h= GetHash('length:sum',$field);
3320		$pre='number';
3321	}
3322	elsif ($mode eq 'year')
3323	{	$h= GetHash('year:range',$field);
3324		$pre='string';	#string because values are of the format : "1994 - 2000"
3325	}
3326	elsif ($mode eq 'year2') #use highest year
3327	{	$h= GetHash('year:range',$field);
3328		$pre='year2';	#sort using the 4 last characters
3329	}
3330	elsif ($mode eq 'artist') #only for albums
3331	{	$h= GetHash('album:artistsort',$field);
3332		$pre='string';
3333	}
3334	Songs::sort_gid_by_name($field,$list,$h,$pre,$mode);
3335	@$list=reverse @$list if $invert;
3336	return $list;
3339sub GuessBestCommonFolder
3340{	my ($field,$gid)=@_;
3341	my $IDs= AA::GetIDs($field,$gid);
3342	return unless @$IDs;
3343	my $h= Songs::BuildHash('path',$IDs);
3344	my $min=int(.1*::max(values %$h)); #ignore rare folders
3345	my $path= ::find_common_parent_folder( grep $h->{$_}>$min,keys %$h );
3346	($path)=sort { $h->{$b} <=> $h->{$a} } keys %$h if length $path<5;#take most common if too differents
3347	return $path;
3350#package GMB::Filename;
3351#use overload ('""' => 'stringify');
3352#sub new
3353#{	my ($class,$filename)=@_;
3354#	::_utf8_off($filename);
3355#	return my $self= bless \$filename, $class;
3357#sub stringify
3358#{	my $self=shift;
3359#	return $$self;
3361#sub new_from_string
3362#{	my ($class,$string)=@_;
3363#	return $class->new(::decode_url($string));
3365#sub save_to_string
3366#{	my $self=shift;
3367#	return ::url_escape($$self);
3370package SongArray;
3371my @list_of_SongArray;
3372my @need_update;
3373my $init;
3374my %Presence;
3377{ ::Watch(undef, SongsRemoved	=> sub { RemoveFromArrays($_[1],\@list_of_SongArray); });
3380sub DESTROY
3381{	my $self=$_[0];
3382	@list_of_SongArray= grep defined, @list_of_SongArray;
3383	::weaken($_) for @list_of_SongArray;
3384	delete $Presence{$self};
3386sub new
3387{	my ($class,$ref)=@_;
3388	$ref||=[];
3389	push @need_update, $ref if $init;
3390	push @list_of_SongArray,$ref;
3391	::weaken($list_of_SongArray[-1]);
3392	my $self= bless $ref, $class;
3393	return $self;
3395sub new_copy
3396{	my ($class,$ref)=@_;
3397	$ref= $ref ? [@$ref] : [];
3398	return $class->new($ref);
3400sub new_from_string
3401{	my ($class,$string)=@_;
3402	my @list= map 0+$_, split / /,$string;		#0+$_ to convert to number => use less memory
3403	return $class->new(\@list);
3405sub start_init {$init=1}
3406sub updateIDs	#update IDs coming from an older session
3407{	my $newIDs=shift;
3408	$init=undef;
3409	while (my $l=shift @need_update)
3410	{	@$l= grep $_,map $newIDs->[$_], @$l; #IDs start at 1, removed songs get ID=undef and are then removed by the grep $_
3411	}
3413sub build_presence
3414{	my $self=$_[0];
3415	my $s=''; vec($s,$_,1)=1 for @$self;
3416	$Presence{$self}=$s,
3418sub IsIn
3419{	my ($self,$ID)=@_;
3420	return undef unless defined $ID;
3421	$self->build_presence unless $Presence{$self};
3422	vec($Presence{$self},$ID,1);
3424sub AreIn
3425{	my ($self,$IDs)=@_;
3426	$self->build_presence unless $Presence{$self};
3427	return [grep defined && vec($Presence{$self},$_,1), @$IDs];
3429sub save_to_string
3430{	return join ' ',map $_, @{$_[0]};	#map $_ so that the numbers are not stringified => use more memory
3433sub GetName {undef}
3435sub RemoveFromArrays		#could probably be improved
3436{	my ($IDs_toremove,$list_of_arrays)=@_;
3437	$list_of_arrays ||= \@list_of_SongArray;
3438	my $isin='';
3439	vec($isin,$_,1)=1 for @$IDs_toremove;
3440	for my $self (grep defined, @$list_of_arrays)
3441	{	my @rows=grep vec($isin,$self->[$_],1), 0..$#$self;
3442		$self->Remove(\@rows,'removeIDsfromall') if @rows;
3443	}
3446sub RemoveIDs
3447{	my ($self,$IDs_toremove)=@_;
3448	my $isin='';
3449	vec($isin,$_,1)=1 for @$IDs_toremove;
3450	my @rows=grep vec($isin,$self->[$_],1), 0..$#$self;
3451	$self->Remove(\@rows) if @rows;
3454sub Sort
3455{	my ($self,$sort)=@_;
3456	my @old=@$self;
3457	Songs::SortList($self,$sort);
3458	::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'sort',$sort,\@old);
3460sub SetSortAndFilter
3461{	my ($self,$sort,$filter)=@_;
3462	my $list=$filter->filter;
3463	Songs::SortList($list,$sort) if $sort;
3464	$self->Replace($list);
3466sub SetFilter			#KEEP ?
3467{	my ($self,$filter)=@_;
3468	$filter||=Filter->new;
3469	my $new=$filter->filter;
3470	$self->Replace($new,filter=> $filter);
3472sub Replace				#DELME PHASE1 %info not used remove ?
3473{	my ($self,$new,%info)=@_;
3474	@$self= $new ? @$new : ();
3475	delete $Presence{$self};
3476	::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'replace',%info);
3478sub Shuffle
3479{	my $self=shift;
3480	my @rand;
3481	push @rand,rand for 0..$#$self;
3482	$self->Replace([map $self->[$_], sort { $rand[$a] <=> $rand[$b] } 0..$#$self]);
3484sub Shift
3485{	my $self=$_[0];
3486	my $ID=$self->[0];
3487	$self->Remove([0]);
3488	return $ID;
3490sub Pop
3491{	my $self=$_[0];
3492	my $ID=$self->[-1];
3493	$self->Remove([$#$self]);
3494	return $ID;
3496sub Unshift
3497{	my ($self,$IDs)=@_;
3498	$self->Insert(0,$IDs);
3500sub Push
3501{	my ($self,$IDs)=@_;
3502	$self->Insert(scalar @$self,$IDs);
3504sub Insert
3505{	my ($self,$destrow,$IDs)=@_;
3506	splice @$self,$destrow,0,@$IDs;
3507	if ($Presence{$self}) {vec($Presence{$self}, $_, 1)=1 for @$IDs;}
3508	::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'insert', $destrow,$IDs);
3510sub Remove
3511{	my ($self,$rows,$IDs)=@_;	#$IDs may be undef and is ignored, just there to make mirroring easier
3512	my @rows=sort { $a <=> $b } @$rows;
3513	my @IDs;
3514	push @IDs, splice @$self,$_,1 for reverse @rows;
3515	delete $Presence{$self};
3516	::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'remove', \@rows,\@IDs);
3518sub Move
3519{	my ($self,$dest_row,$rows,$dest_row_final)=@_;	#$dest_row_final may be undef and is ignored, just there to make mirroring easier
3520	my @rows=sort { $a <=> $b } @$rows;
3521	my @IDs;
3522	my $dest_row_orig=$dest_row;
3523	for my $row (reverse @rows)
3524	{	push @IDs,splice @$self,$row,1;
3525		$dest_row-- if $row<$dest_row;
3526	}
3527	splice @$self,$dest_row,0,reverse @IDs;
3528	::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'move', $dest_row_orig,\@rows,$dest_row);
3530sub Top
3531{	my ($self,$rows)=@_;
3532	$self->Move(0,$rows);
3534sub Bottom
3535{	my ($self,$rows)=@_;
3536	$self->Move(scalar @$self,$rows);
3538sub Up
3539{	my ($self,$rows)=@_;
3540	my @rows=sort { $a <=> $b } @$rows;
3541	my $first=0;
3542	shift @rows while @rows && $rows[0]==$first++; #remove rows already at the top
3543	return unless @rows;
3544	@$self[$_-1,$_]= @$self[$_,$_-1] for @rows; #move rows up
3545	::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'up', \@rows);
3546	return \@rows;
3548sub Down
3549{	my ($self,$rows)=@_;
3550	my @rows=sort { $a <=> $b } @$rows;
3551	my $last=$#$self;
3552	pop @rows while @rows && $rows[-1]==$last--; #remove rows already at the bottom
3553	return unless @rows;
3554	@$self[$_+1,$_]= @$self[$_,$_+1] for reverse @rows; #move rows down
3555	::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'down', \@rows);
3556	return \@rows;
3559#sub Mirror
3560#{	my ($self,$songarray,@args)=@_;
3561#	@$self=@$songarray;
3562#	::HasChanged('SongArray', $self, @args);
3565package SongArray::Named;
3566use base 'SongArray';
3567#just used to easily test if a songarray is a savedlist
3569sub GetName
3570{	my $self=$_[0];
3571	my $sl=$::Options{SavedLists};
3572	my ($name)= grep $sl->{$_}==$self, keys %$sl;
3573	return $name;	#might be undef
3576package SongArray::AutoUpdate;
3577use base 'SongArray';
3578our %Filter;
3579our %Sort;
3580our %needupdate;
3581my @list_of_AutoUpdate;
3584{ ::Watch(undef, SongsChanged	=> \&SongsChanged_cb);
3585  ::Watch(undef, SongsAdded	=> \&SongsAdded_cb);
3586  ::Watch(undef, SongsHidden	=> sub { SongArray::RemoveFromArrays($_[1],\@list_of_AutoUpdate); });
3589sub new
3590{	my ($class,$auto,$sort,$filter)=@_;
3591	if (!defined $filter)	{$filter=Filter->null}
3592	elsif (!ref $filter)	{$filter=Filter->new($filter)}
3593	my $list= $filter->filter;
3594	Songs::SortList($list,$sort) if @$list && $sort;
3595	my $self = $class->SUPER::new([@$list]);
3596	$Sort{$self}=$sort;
3597	$Filter{$self}=$filter;
3598	if ($auto)
3599	{	push @list_of_AutoUpdate,$self;
3600		::weaken($list_of_AutoUpdate[-1]);
3601	}
3602	return $self;
3604sub DESTROY
3605{	my $self=$_[0];
3606	delete $Filter{$self};
3607	delete $Sort{$self};
3608	delete $needupdate{$self};
3609	@list_of_AutoUpdate= grep defined, @list_of_AutoUpdate;
3610	::weaken($_) for @list_of_AutoUpdate;
3611	$self->SUPER::DESTROY;
3613sub SetAutoUpdate
3614{	my ($self,$auto)=@_;
3615	@list_of_AutoUpdate= grep $self!=$_, @list_of_AutoUpdate;
3616	push @list_of_AutoUpdate,$self if $auto;
3617	::weaken($_) for @list_of_AutoUpdate;
3618	if ($auto)
3619	{	my $list= $Filter{$self}->filter;
3620		Songs::SortList($list,$Sort{$self});
3621		my @old=@$self;
3622		@$self=@$list;
3623		::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'update',\@old);
3624	}
3625	else { ::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'mode'); }
3627sub Sort
3628{	my ($self,$sort)=@_;
3629	$Sort{$self}=$sort;
3630	$self->SUPER::Sort($sort);
3632sub SetSortAndFilter
3633{	my ($self,$sort,$filter)=@_;
3634	$Filter{$self}=$filter;
3635	$Sort{$self}=$sort;
3636	my $list=$filter->filter;
3637	Songs::SortList($list,$sort);
3638	$self->Replace($list);
3641sub SongsAdded_cb
3642{	my (undef,$IDs)=@_;
3643	for my $self (grep defined, @list_of_AutoUpdate)
3644	{	next if ($needupdate{$self}||0)>1;
3645		my $filter=$Filter{$self};
3646		my ($greponly)=$filter->info;
3647		if ($greponly)
3648		{	my $toadd=$filter->filter($IDs);
3649			if ($toadd)
3650			{	my @old=@$self;
3651				push @$self,@$toadd;
3652				if ($Presence{$self}) {vec($Presence{$self}, $_, 1)=1 for @$IDs;}
3653				Songs::SortList($self,$Sort{$self});
3654				::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'update',\@old);
3655			}
3656		}
3657		else
3658		{	$needupdate{$self}=2;
3659			::IdleDo('7_autoupdate_update'.$self,6000, \&delayed_update_cb,$self);
3660		}
3661	}
3663sub delayed_update_cb
3664{	my $self=shift;
3665	my $need= delete $needupdate{$self};
3666	return unless $need;
3667	if ($need>1) { $self->_update_full }
3668	else
3669	{	my @old=@$self;
3670		Songs::SortList($self,$Sort{$self});
3671		if ("@old" ne "@$self") #only update if there was a change
3672		{	::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'update',\@old);
3673		}
3674	}
3676sub _update_full
3677{	my $self=shift;
3678	delete $needupdate{$self};
3679	my @old=@$self;
3680	my $list=$Filter{$self}->filter;
3681	Songs::SortList($list,$Sort{$self});
3682	@$self=@$list;
3683	delete $Presence{$self};
3684	::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'update',\@old);
3686sub SongsChanged_cb
3687{	my (undef,$IDs,$fields)=@_;
3688	for my $self (grep defined, @list_of_AutoUpdate)
3689	{	next if ($needupdate{$self}||0)>1;
3690		my $delayed;
3691		if ($Filter{$self}->changes_may_affect($IDs,$fields,$self))
3692		{	#re-filter and re-sort
3693			$needupdate{$self}=2;
3694			$delayed=1;
3695		}
3696		elsif ($self->AreIn($IDs) && ::OneInCommon($fields,Songs::SortDepends($Sort{$self})))
3697		{	#re-sort
3698			$needupdate{$self}=1;
3699			$delayed=1;
3700		}
3701		::IdleDo('7_autoupdate_update'.$self,6000, \&delayed_update_cb,$self) if $delayed;
3702	}
3705package SongArray::PlayList;
3706use base 'SongArray';
3708sub init
3709{	$::ListPlay=SongArray::PlayList->new;
3711	my $sort=$::Options{Sort};
3712	$::RandomMode= $sort=~m/^random:/ ? Random->new($sort,$::ListPlay) : undef;
3713	$::SortFields= $::RandomMode ? $::RandomMode->fields : Songs::SortDepends($sort);
3715	my $last=$::Options{LastPlayFilter} || Filter->new;
3716	if (ref $last && ref $last eq 'Filter')	{ $::ListPlay->SetFilter($last); }
3717	else					{ $::ListPlay->Replace($last); }
3719	::Watch(undef, SongsChanged	=> \&SongsChanged_cb);
3720	::Watch(undef, SongsAdded	=> \&SongsAdded_cb);
3721	::Watch(undef, SongsHidden	=> sub { SongArray::RemoveFromArrays($_[1],[$::ListPlay]) unless $::ListMode; });
3722	::Watch(undef, SongArray	=> \&SongArray_changed_cb);
3723	return $::ListPlay;
3726sub Sort
3727{	my ($self,$sort)=@_;
3728	my $old=$::Options{Sort};
3729	if ($old eq $sort && $sort=~m/shuffle/) { Songs::ReShuffle(); }
3730	if ($::RandomMode || $old=~m/shuffle/)	{ $::Options{Sort_LastSR}=$old; }		# save sort mode for
3731	elsif ($old ne '')			{ $::Options{Sort_LastOrdered}=$old; }		# quick toggle random/non-random
3732	$::RandomMode= $sort=~m/^random:/ ? Random->new($sort,$self) : undef;
3733	$::Options{Sort}=$sort;
3734	$::SortFields= $::RandomMode ? $::RandomMode->fields : Songs::SortDepends($sort);
3735	$self->UpdateSort;
3736	if ($::RandomMode || !@$self)	{ $::Position=undef }
3737	else
3738	{	$::Position= defined $::SongID ? ::FindPositionSong($::SongID,$self) : undef;
3739	}
3740	::QHasChanged('Sort');
3741	::QHasChanged('Pos');
3743sub SetSortAndFilter	#FIXME could be optimized #FIXME only called from a songtree/songlist for now, and as these calls are usually not about setting the level 0 filter, it doesn't actually change the filter for now, just the list, as it needs multi-level filters to work properly
3744{	my ($self,$sort,$filter)=@_;
3745	$self->Replace($filter->filter,filter=>$filter); #$self->SetFilter($filter); #FIXME use SetFilter once multi-level filters are implemented
3746	$self->Sort($sort);
3748sub Replace
3749{	my ($self,$newlist)=@_;
3750	delete $::ToDo{'7_refilter_playlist'};
3751	delete $::ToDo{'8_resort_playlist'};
3752	$newlist=SongArray->new unless defined $newlist;
3753	unless (ref $newlist)
3754	{	::SaveList($newlist,[]) unless $::Options{SavedLists}{$newlist};
3755		$newlist= $::Options{SavedLists}{$newlist};
3756	}
3757	$newlist= SongArray->new_copy($newlist);
3758	$::Position=undef;  $::ChangedPos=1;
3759	my $ID=$::SongID;
3760	$ID=undef if defined $ID && $::Options{AlwaysInPlaylist} && !$newlist->IsIn($ID);
3761	if (!defined $ID)
3762	{	$ID= $self->_FindFirst($newlist);
3763	}
3764	$::Options{LastPlayFilter}=$::ListMode=SongArray->new_copy($newlist);
3765	$newlist=$self->_updatelock($ID,$newlist) if $::TogLock && defined $ID;
3766	@$self=@$newlist;
3767	delete $Presence{$self};
3768	$::SelectedFilter=$::PlayFilter=undef;
3769	if ($::RandomMode)	{ $::RandomMode->Invalidate; }
3770	else			{ $::SortFields=[]; $::Options{Sort}=''; ::QHasChanged('Sort'); }
3771	::QHasChanged('Filter');
3772	::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'replace');
3773	_updateID($ID);
3775sub Insert
3776{	my ($self,$destrow,$IDs)=@_;
3777	$self->_staticfy;
3778	$self->SUPER::Insert($destrow,$IDs);
3779	$::Options{LastPlayFilter}=$::ListMode=SongArray->new_copy($self);
3780	if (defined $::Position && $::Position>=$destrow)
3781	{	$::Position+=@$IDs;
3782		::red("position error after insert") if $self->[$::Position] != $::SongID; #DEBUG
3783	}
3784	elsif (@$self==@$IDs && !defined $::SongID)	#playlist was empty
3785	{	$self->Next;
3786	}
3787	::QHasChanged('Pos');
3789	#set Position if playlist was empty ??
3791sub Remove
3792{	my ($self,$rows,$fromlibrary)=@_;
3793	$self->_staticfy unless $fromlibrary;	#do not staticfy list for songs removed from library
3794	$self->SUPER::Remove($rows);
3795	$::Options{LastPlayFilter}=$::ListMode=SongArray->new_copy($self)  unless $fromlibrary;
3796	if (@$self==0 && $::Options{AlwaysInPlaylist}) { $::Position=undef; _updateID(undef); return; }
3797	if ($::RandomMode)
3798	{	$::RandomMode->RmIDs;
3799		$self->Next if defined $::SongID && $::Options{AlwaysInPlaylist} && !$self->IsIn($::SongID); #skip to next song if current not in playlist
3800	}
3801	if (defined $::Position)
3802	{	my $pos=$::Position;
3803		my @rows=sort { $a <=> $b } @$rows;
3804		my $IDchanged;
3805		for my $row (reverse @rows)
3806		{	$IDchanged=1 if $pos==$row;
3807			$pos-- if $pos>=$row;
3808		}
3809		$pos=0 if $pos<0;
3810		$::Position=$pos;
3811		if ($IDchanged)
3812		{	if ($::Options{AlwaysInPlaylist})
3813			{	$self->Next;  #skip to next song if current not in playlist
3814			}
3815			else { $::Position=undef; }
3816		}
3817	}
3818	::QHasChanged('Pos');
3820sub Up
3821{	my ($self,$rows)=@_;
3822	$self->_staticfy;
3823	$rows=$self->SUPER::Up($rows);
3824	$::Options{LastPlayFilter}=$::ListMode=SongArray->new_copy($self);
3825	return unless $rows;
3826	if (defined $::Position)
3827	{	my $pos= $::Position;
3828		for my $row (@$rows)
3829		{	if	($row==$pos)	{$pos--}
3830			elsif	($row==$pos+1)	{$pos++}
3831		}
3832		if ($::Position!=$pos) { $::Position=$pos; ::QHasChanged('Pos'); }
3833	}
3835sub Down
3836{	my ($self,$rows)=@_;
3837	$self->_staticfy;
3838	$rows=$self->SUPER::Down($rows);
3839	$::Options{LastPlayFilter}=$::ListMode=SongArray->new_copy($self);
3840	return unless $rows;
3841	if (defined $::Position)
3842	{	my $pos= $::Position;
3843		for my $row (reverse @$rows)
3844		{	if	($row==$pos)	{$pos++}
3845			elsif	($row==$pos-1)	{$pos--}
3846		}
3847		if ($::Position!=$pos) { $::Position=$pos; ::QHasChanged('Pos'); }
3848	}
3850sub Move
3851{	my ($self,$destrow,$rows)=@_;
3852	$self->_staticfy;
3853	$self->SUPER::Move($destrow,$rows);
3854	$::Options{LastPlayFilter}=$::ListMode=SongArray->new_copy($self);
3855	if (defined $::Position)
3856	{	my $pos=$::Position;
3857		my @rows=sort { $a <=> $b } @$rows;
3858		my $delta=0;
3859		for my $row (reverse @rows)
3860		{	$destrow-- if $row<$destrow;
3861			$delta++;
3862			if	($row==$::Position)		{ $pos=undef; $delta=0; } #selected song has moved
3863			elsif	(defined $pos && $row<$pos)	{ $pos-- }
3864		}
3865		if (defined $pos)	{ $pos+=$delta if $destrow<=$pos; }
3866		else			{ $pos=$destrow+$delta; }
3868		if ($::Position!=$pos) { $::Position=$pos; ::QHasChanged('Pos'); }
3869	}
3872#watchers callbacks
3873sub SongsAdded_cb
3874{	my (undef,$IDs)=@_;
3875	return if $::ListMode;
3876	return if $::ToDo{'7_refilter_playlist'};
3877	return unless $::PlayFilter;
3878	my $toadd=$::PlayFilter->added_are_in($IDs);
3879	return unless $toadd;
3880	if (ref $toadd) { $::ListPlay->Add($toadd); }
3881	else
3882	{	::IdleDo('7_refilter_playlist',9000, \&UpdateFilter, $::ListPlay);
3883	}
3885sub SongsChanged_cb
3886{	my (undef,$IDs,$fields)=@_;
3887	return if $::ToDo{'7_refilter_playlist'};
3888	if ($::PlayFilter && $::PlayFilter->changes_may_affect($IDs,$fields,$::ListPlay))
3889	{	::IdleDo('7_refilter_playlist',9000, \&UpdateFilter, $::ListPlay);
3890	}
3891	elsif (::OneInCommon($fields,$::SortFields))
3892	{	::IdleDo('8_resort_playlist',5000, \&UpdateSort, $::ListPlay);
3893	}
3895sub SongArray_changed_cb
3896{	my (undef,$songarray,$action,@extra)=@_;
3897	#return unless $::ListMode && $songarray==$::ListMode;
3898#	my $sameorder= $::Options{Sort} eq '';
3899#	if	($action eq 'sort')	{ $::ListPlay->Sort('') if $sameorder; }
3900#	#elsif	($action eq 'insert')	{ $::ListPlay->Insert(@extra); }
3901#	elsif	($action eq 'insert')
3902#	{	if ($sameorder) {$::ListPlay->Insert(@extra);}
3903#		else		{$::ListPlay->Add(@extra);}
3904#	}
3905#	#elsif	($action eq 'remove')	{ $::ListPlay->Remove(@extra); }
3906#	elsif	($action eq 'remove')
3907#	{	my ($rows,$IDs)=@extra;
3908#		if ($sameorder) {$::ListPlay->Remove($rows);}
3909#		else
3910#		{	my %h; $h{$_}++ for @$IDs;
3911#			my @rows=grep $h{$::ListPlay->[$_]} && $h{$::ListPlay->[$_]}--, 0..$#$::ListPlay;
3912#			$::ListPlay->Remove(\@rows);
3913#		}
3914#	}
3915#	elsif	($action eq 'move')	{ $::ListPlay->Move(@extra) if $sameorder; }
3916#	elsif	($action eq 'up')	{ $::ListPlay->Up(@extra) if $sameorder; }
3917#	elsif	($action eq 'down')	{ $::ListPlay->Down(@extra) if $sameorder; }
3918#	else				{ $::ListPlay->Replace($::ListMode); }
3919		#@$::ListPlay= @$songarray;
3920		#FIXME sort unless $sameorder;
3921		#::HasChanged('SongArray',$::ListPlay,'update');
3924#non-SongArray methods :
3925sub Next
3926{	::NextSong();
3928sub SetFilter
3929{	my ($self,$filter)=@_;
3930	$::ListMode=undef;
3931	$::Options{Sort}=$::Options{Sort_LastOrdered} unless $::Options{Sort};
3932	$::Options{LastPlayFilter}= $::SelectedFilter= $filter || Filter->new;
3933	my $newID=$self->_filter;
3934	$::Position=undef;  $::ChangedPos=1;
3935	::QHasChanged('Filter');
3936	::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'replace', filter=> $::PlayFilter);
3937	_updateID($newID);
3939sub UpdateFilter
3940{	my $self=shift;
3941	my @oldlist=@$self;
3942	my $before=$::PlayFilter;
3943	my $newID=$self->_filter;
3944	if ($::PlayFilter->are_equal($before))
3945	{	::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'update',\@oldlist);
3946	}
3947	else	#filter may change because of the lock
3948	{	::QHasChanged('Filter');
3949		::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'replace', filter=> $::PlayFilter);
3950	}
3951	$::Position=undef;  $::ChangedPos=1;
3952	_updateID($newID);
3954sub UpdateSort
3955{	my $self=shift;
3956	my @old;
3957	@old=@$self unless $::RandomMode;
3958	$self->_sort;
3959	::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'sort',$::Options{Sort},\@old) unless $::RandomMode;
3960	$::Position=undef;  $::ChangedPos=1;
3961	_updateID($::SongID);
3963sub UpdateLock
3964{	my $self=shift;
3965	$::Position=undef;  $::ChangedPos=1;
3966	if (defined $::ListMode) { $self->Replace($::ListMode); }
3967	else { $self->SetFilter($::SelectedFilter); }
3970sub InsertAtPosition
3971{	my ($self,$IDs)=@_;
3972	my $pos=defined $::Position? $::Position+1 : 0;
3973	$self->Insert($pos,$IDs);
3975sub Add		#only called in filter mode
3976{	my ($self,$IDs)=@_;
3977	$self->SUPER::Insert(scalar @$self,$IDs); # call SUPER::Insert directly instead of SUPER::Push because SUPER::Push calls $self->Insert and thus statify the list
3978	if ($::RandomMode)
3979	{	$::RandomMode->AddIDs(@$IDs);
3980	}
3981	elsif (my $s=$::Options{Sort})
3982	{	$self->SUPER::Sort($s);
3983	}
3984	if (!defined $::SongID)
3985	{	my $ID= $self->_FindFirst($self);
3986		$self->SetID($ID)
3987	}
3988	$::ChangedPos=1;
3989	::UpdateCurrentSong();
3992sub SetID
3993{	my ($self,$ID)=@_;
3994	$::ChangedID=1;
3995	$::SongID=$ID;
3996	if ($self->IsIn($ID) || !$::Library->IsIn($ID))
3997	{	::UpdateCurrentSong();
3998		return
3999	}
4000	if ($::TogLock && defined $ID && @$self)
4001	{	my $newlist=$self->_list_without_lock;
4002		if (::IDIsInList($newlist,$ID))		# is in list without lock -> reset lock
4003		{	$self->UpdateLock;
4004			return;
4005		}
4006	}
4007	if ($::Options{AlwaysInPlaylist})
4008	{	$self->SetFilter;	#reset filter
4009	}
4010	else
4011	{	::UpdateCurrentSong();
4012	}
4015#private functions
4016sub _updateID
4017{	my $ID=shift;
4018	::Stop() unless defined $ID;
4019	$::ChangedID=1 if !defined $::SongID || !defined $ID || $ID!=$::SongID;
4020	$::SongID=$ID;
4021	::UpdateCurrentSong();
4023sub _filter
4024{	my $self=shift;
4025	delete $::ToDo{'7_refilter_playlist'};
4026	my $filter=$::SelectedFilter;
4027	my $ID=$::SongID;
4028	$filter= Filter->newadd(1,$filter, Filter->newlock($::TogLock,$ID) )  if $::TogLock && defined $ID;
4029	$::PlayFilter=$filter;
4030	my $newlist=$filter->filter;
4031	my $need_relock;
4032	my $sorted;
4033	if (defined $ID && $::Options{AlwaysInPlaylist} && !@{ $filter->filter([$ID]) })
4034	{	if (!@$newlist && $::TogLock)
4035		{	$newlist= $::SelectedFilter->filter;
4036			$need_relock=1;
4037		}
4038		if ($::RandomMode) { $ID=undef; }
4039		elsif (my $sort=$::Options{Sort})
4040		{	Songs::SortList($newlist,$sort);
4041			$sorted=1;
4042			$ID= Songs::FindNext($newlist, $sort, $ID);
4043		}
4044	}
4045	if (!defined $ID)
4046	{	$ID= $self->_FindFirst($newlist);
4047		$need_relock=1 if $::TogLock;
4048	}
4049	$newlist=$self->_updatelock($ID,$newlist) if $need_relock;
4050	$self->_sort($newlist) unless $sorted;
4051	@$self=@$newlist;
4052	delete $Presence{$self};
4053	return $ID;
4055sub _sort
4056{	my ($self,$list)=@_;
4057	$list||=$self;
4058	delete $::ToDo{'8_resort_playlist'};
4059	if ($::RandomMode)	{ $::RandomMode->Invalidate; }
4060	elsif ($::Options{Sort}){ Songs::SortList($list,$::Options{Sort}); }
4061	elsif ($::ListMode)
4062	{	if ($::TogLock && $::PlayFilter)
4063		{	my $newlist=$::PlayFilter->filter($list);
4064			@$self=@$newlist;
4065			delete $Presence{$self};
4066		}
4067		else
4068		{	@$self=@$::ListMode;
4069		}
4070	}
4072sub _FindFirst
4073{	my ($self,$list)=@_;
4074	my $ID;
4075	if (!@$list) { $ID=undef; }
4076	elsif ($::RandomMode)
4077	{	($ID)=Random->OneTimeDraw($::RandomMode,$list,1);
4078	}
4079	else
4080	{	$ID=  Songs::FindFirst($list,$::Options{Sort});
4081	}
4082	return $ID;
4084sub _list_without_lock
4085{	my $self=shift;
4086	return $::ListMode ? $::ListMode : $::SelectedFilter->filter;
4088sub _updatelock
4089{	my ($self,$ID,$newlist)=@_;
4090	if (!defined $ID)
4091	{	$::TogLock=undef;
4092		::QHasChanged('Lock');
4093		return $newlist;
4094	}
4095	my $lockfilter=Filter->newlock($::TogLock,$ID);
4096	$::PlayFilter= $::ListMode ? $lockfilter : Filter->newadd(1,$::SelectedFilter,$lockfilter);
4097	return $lockfilter->filter($newlist);
4099sub _staticfy
4100{	my $self=shift;
4101	delete $::ToDo{'7_refilter_playlist'};
4102	delete $::ToDo{'8_resort_playlist'};
4103	if ($::TogLock)		{ $::TogLock=undef; ::QHasChanged('Lock'); }
4104	unless ($::ListMode)
4105	{	::QHasChanged('Filter');
4106		::HasChanged('SongArray',$self,'mode');
4107	}
4108	$::PlayFilter=undef;
4109	if (!$::RandomMode && $::Options{Sort})	{ $::SortFields=[]; $::Options{Sort_LastOrdered}=$::Options{Sort}; $::Options{Sort}=''; ::QHasChanged('Sort'); }
4112#sub _updatepos
4113#{	$::PositionUpdate=0;
4114#	if (!defined $::Position && !$::RandomMode && defined $::SongID)
4115#	{
4116#	}
4117#	::HasChanged('Pos');
4121package GMB::ListStore::Field;
4122use base 'Gtk2::ListStore';
4124our %ExistingStores;
4126sub new
4127{	my ($class,$field)=@_; #warn "creating new store for $field\n";
4128	my @cols=('Glib::String');
4129	push @cols, 'Glib::String' if $Songs::Def{$field}{icon}; #FIXME
4130	my $self= bless Gtk2::ListStore->new(@cols), $class;
4131	$ExistingStores{$field}= $self;
4132	::weaken $ExistingStores{$field};
4133	::IdleDo("9_ListStore_$field",500,\&update,$field);
4134	::Watch($self,fields_reset=>\&changed);
4135	return $self;
4138sub getstore
4139{	my $field=$_[0];
4140	return $ExistingStores{$field} || new(__PACKAGE__,$field);
4142sub setcompletion
4143{	my ($entry,$field)=@_;
4144	my $completion=Gtk2::EntryCompletion->new;
4145	$completion->set_text_column(0);
4146	if ($Songs::Def{$field}{icon}) #FIXME
4147	{	my $cell=Gtk2::CellRendererPixbuf->new;
4148		$completion->pack_start($cell,0);
4149		$completion->add_attribute($cell,'stock-id',1);
4150	}
4151	$completion->set_model( getstore($field) );
4152	$entry->set_completion($completion);
4155sub changed
4156{	@_= keys %ExistingStores unless @_;
4157	for my $field (@_)
4158	{	next unless $ExistingStores{$field};
4159		::IdleDo("9_ListStore_$field",5000,\&update,$field);
4160	}
4163sub update
4164{	my $field=$_[0];
4165	delete $::ToDo{"9_ListStore_$field"};
4166	my $store=$ExistingStores{$field};
4167	return unless $store;
4168	$store->{updating}=1;
4169	$store->clear;
4170	my $list=Songs::ListAll($field);
4171	if (my $icon=$Songs::Def{$field}{icon}) { $store->set($store->append,0,$_,1, $icon->($_)) for @$list; } #FIXME
4172	else	{ $store->set($store->append,0,$_) for @$list; }
4173	delete $store->{updating};
4174	::HasChanged("ListStore_$field");
4177package GMB::ListStore::Field::Combo;
4178use base 'Gtk2::ComboBox';
4180sub new
4181{	my ($class,$field,$init,$callback)=@_;
4182	my $store= GMB::ListStore::Field::getstore($field);
4183	my $self= bless Gtk2::ComboBox->new_with_model($store), $class;
4185	if ($Songs::Def{$field}{icon})
4186	{	my $cell=Gtk2::CellRendererPixbuf->new;
4187		$cell->set_fixed_size( Gtk2::IconSize->lookup('menu') ); # fixed size => icon or empty space
4188		$self->pack_start($cell,0);
4189		$self->set_attributes($cell,stock_id=>1);
4190	}
4191	my $cell=Gtk2::CellRendererText->new;
4192	#$cell->set(wrap_width=>500);
4193	#$cell->set(ellipsize=>'end');
4194	$self->pack_start($cell,1);
4195	$self->set_attributes($cell,text=>0);
4196	$self->{value}=$init;
4197	$self->update if defined $init;
4198	$self->{callback}=$callback;
4199	$self->signal_connect( changed => \&changed_cb );
4200	::Watch($self,"ListStore_$field",\&update);
4201	return $self;
4204sub update
4205{	my $self=$_[0];
4206	my $value= $self->{value};
4207	return unless defined $value;
4208	my $store=$self->get_model;
4209	$self->{busy}=1;
4210	for (my $iter=$store->get_iter_first; $iter; $iter=$store->iter_next($iter))
4211	{	$self->set_active_iter($iter),last if $store->get($iter,0) eq $value;
4212	}
4213	delete $self->{busy};
4216sub changed_cb
4217{	my $self=$_[0];
4218	return if $self->{busy};
4219	my $store=$self->get_model;
4220	return if $store->{updating};
4221	my $iter= $self->get_active_iter;
4222	$self->{value}= $iter ? $store->get($iter,0) : undef;
4223	if (my $cb=$self->{callback})
4224	{	$cb->( $self,$self->{value} );
4225	}
4228sub get_value { $_[0]{value}; }
4230package Filter;
4232my %NGrepSubs;
4233my (%CachedTime,%CachedSize,%CachedList); my $CachedTotal=0;
4234our (%InvOp,$OpRe);
4237  my @Oplist= qw( =~ !~   || &&   > <=   < >=   == !=   eq ne  !! !   0 1 );	#negated operators for negated filters
4238  %InvOp= (@Oplist, reverse @Oplist);
4239  $OpRe=join '|',map quotemeta, keys %InvOp;
4240  $OpRe=qr/\.($OpRe)\./;
4241  %NGrepSubs=
4242  (	t => sub
4243	     {	my ($field,$pat,$lref,$assign,$inv)=@_;
4244		$inv=$inv ? "$pat..(($pat>@\$tmp)? 0 : \$#\$tmp)"
4245			  :    "0..(($pat>@\$tmp)? \$#\$tmp : ".($pat-1).')';
4246		return "\$tmp=$lref; Songs::SortList(\$tmp, '".Songs::SortField($field)."' ); $assign @\$tmp[$inv];";
4247	     },
4248	h => sub
4249	     {	my ($field,$pat,$lref,$assign,$inv)=@_;
4250		$inv=$inv ? "$pat..(($pat>@\$tmp)? 0 : \$#\$tmp)"
4251			  :    "0..(($pat>@\$tmp)? \$#\$tmp : ".($pat-1).')';
4252		return "\$tmp=$lref; Songs::SortList(\$tmp, '".'-'.Songs::SortField($field)."' ); $assign @\$tmp[$inv];";
4253	     },
4254  );
4257#Filter object contains :
4258# - string :	string notation of the filter
4259# - sub    :	ref to a sub which takes a ref to an array of IDs as argument and returns a ref to the filtered array
4260# - greponly :	set to 1 if the sub dosn't need to filter the whole list each times -> ID can be tested individualy
4261# - fields :	ref to a list of the columns used by the filter
4263sub new_from_string		#same as ->new, but don't try to _smart_simplify, as it shouldn't be needed, and require fields to be initialized
4264{	my ($class,$string) = @_;
4265	my $self=bless {string=>$string}, $class;
4266	return $self;
4268sub save_to_string { $_[0]->{string}; }
4270sub new
4271{	my ($class,$string,$source) = @_;
4272	my $self=bless {}, $class;
4273	if	(!defined $string)	  {$string='';}
4274	elsif	(ref $string && $string->isa('Filter')) {$string=$string->{string}}
4275	elsif	($string=~m/^\w+:-?~:/) { ($string)=_smart_simplify($string); }
4276	$self->{string}=$string;
4277	$self->{source}=$source;
4278	return $self;
4281sub newadd
4282{	my ($class,$and,@filters)=@_; #warn "Filter::newadd(@_) called from : ".join(':',caller)."\n";
4283	my $self=bless {}, $class;
4284	my %sel;
4286	my ($ao,$re)=$and? ( '&', qr/^\(\&\x1D(.*)\)\x1D$/)
4287			 : ( '|', qr/^\(\|\x1D(.*)\)\x1D$/);
4288	my @strings;
4289	my @supersets;
4290	for my $f (@filters)
4291	{	$f='' unless defined $f;
4292		if (ref $f && ref $f eq 'ARRAY')	#array format : first value is true(and)/false(or) followed by filters
4293		{	while (ref $f)
4294			{	if (@$f<2) {$f=undef;last}
4295				if (@$f==2) { $f=$f->[1] }
4296				else { $f= Filter->newadd(@$f); last }	# FIXME could avoid a recursion
4297			}
4298			next unless defined $f;
4299		}
4300		$self->{source} ||= $f->{source} if ref $f;
4301		my $string=(ref $f)? $f->{string} : $f;
4302		if (!$string)
4303		{	next if $and;			# all and ... = ...
4304			$self->{string}='';		# all or  ... = all
4305			$self->{desc}=_"All songs";
4306			return $self;
4307		}
4308		elsif ($string eq 'null')
4309		{	next if !$and;			# null or ... = ...
4310			$self->{string}='null';		# null and  ... = null
4311			$self->{desc}=_"No songs";
4312			return $self;
4313		}
4314		if ($string=~s/$re/$1/)			# a & (b & c) => a & b & c
4315		{	my $d=0; my $str='';
4316			for (split /\x1D/,$string)
4317			{	if    (m/^\(/)	{$d++}
4318				elsif (m/^\)/)	{$d--}
4319				elsif (!$d)	{push @strings,$_;next}
4320				$str.=$_."\x1D";
4321				unless ($d) {push @strings,$str; $str='';}
4322			}
4323		}
4324		else
4325		{	if ($string=~m/^(-)?(\d+)(\D)(.*)$/) { warn "Old filter $string FIXME\n"; $string=($1||'').Songs::FieldUpgrade($2).":$3:".$4; warn " => $string\n"} #PHASE1
4326			push @strings,( ($string=~m/^\w+:-?~:/)
4327					? _smart_simplify($string,!$and)
4328					: $string
4329				      );
4330		}
4331		if ($and)
4332		{	push @supersets, $string;
4333			push @supersets, @{$f->{superset_filters}} if ref $f && $f->{superset_filters};
4334		}
4335	}
4337	@strings=_between_simplify($and,@strings);
4339	my %exist;
4340	my $sum=''; my $count=0;
4341	for my $s (@strings)
4342	{	$s.="\x1D" unless $s=~m/\x1D$/;
4343		next if $exist{$s}++;		#remove duplicate filters
4344		$sum.=$s; $count++;
4345	}
4346	$sum="($ao\x1D$sum)\x1D" if $count>1;
4348	$self->{string}=$sum;
4349	warn "Filter->newadd=".$self->{string}."\n" if $::debug;
4350	$self->{superset_filters}= \@supersets unless $sum=~m#(?:^|\x1D)\w+:-?[th]:#;	#don't use superset optimization for head/tail filters, as they are not commutative
4351	return $self;
4354sub null { Filter->new('null'); }
4356sub new_from_smartstring
4357{	my (undef,$string,$casesens,$regexp,$fields0)=@_;
4358	$fields0 ||= 'title';
4359	my $and= [1];
4360	my $or= [0,$and];
4361	my @parents; my @not; my $notgroup;
4362	while ($string=~m/\S/)
4363	{	$string=~s/^\s+//;
4364		if ($string=~s#^(?:\||OR)\s+##) { push @$or, $and=[1]; next }
4365		my $not= ($string=~s/^[-!]\s*// xor $notgroup);
4366		if ($string=~s#^\(##)				#open group
4367		{	push @not,$notgroup;
4368			$notgroup=$not;
4369			push @parents, $or; $and=[(1 xor $not)];
4370			$or=[(0 xor $not), $and];
4371			next;
4372		}
4373		if ($string=~s#^\)## && @parents)		#close group
4374		{	my $prev= $or;
4375			$or= pop @parents;
4376			$and= $or->[-1];
4377			push @$and, $prev;
4378			$notgroup=pop @not;
4379			next;
4380		}
4381		$string=~s/^\\(?=[-!O|\(\)])//;	#un-escape escaped negative or OR or ()
4383		# operator and fields
4384		my ($fields,$op);
4385		if ($string=~s&^(\w+(?:\|\w+)*)?(<=|>=|[:<>=~]|#+)&&)
4386		{	$fields=$1; $op=$2;
4387			if ($fields)
4388			{	my @f= grep $_, map { $Songs::Aliases{$_} || $Songs::Aliases{::superlc($_)} } split(/\|/,$fields);
4389				if (@f) { $fields= join '|',@f }
4390				else { $string= $fields.$op.$string; $fields=$op=undef; }	#no recognized field => treat $fields and $op as part of the pattern
4391			}
4392			$string=~s#^\\([:<>=~\#])#$1#g unless $op;	#un-escape escaped operators at start of string if no recognized operator
4393		}
4394		$fields ||= $fields0;
4395		$op||= $regexp ? '~' : ':';
4398		my @patterns;
4399		{	if ($string=~s#^(['"])##) #pattern begins with a quote
4400			{	my $quote=$1;
4401				if ($string=~s#^(.+?)(?<!\\)$quote((?<!\\)[|)]|\s+|$)##) # closing quote followed by "|", ")", space or end of string
4402				{	push @patterns,$1;
4403					$string= ")".$string if $2 eq ')';
4404					redo if $2 eq '|';
4405				}
4406				else { push @patterns,$string; $string=''; } # quote is never closed => pretend it is closed at the end of the string
4407			}
4408			elsif ($string=~s/^(.*?)(	(?<!\\)\| |			# ends with | => more than one pattern
4409							(?<!\\)(?=\)[\s|)]|\)$) |	# or with closing parenthese followed by space | ) or end-of-string
4410							(?<!\\)\s+ | $			# or with spaces or end-of-string
4411					)//x)
4412			{	push @patterns,$1;
4413				redo if $2 eq '|';
4414			}
4415		}
4416		s#\\([ "'|)])#$1#g for @patterns;	#un-escape escaped spaces, quotes, | and )
4417		# convert smart operator to internal operator and create filter for this level
4418		my @filters=(0 xor $notgroup);
4419		for my $field (split /\|/, $fields)
4420		{	for my $pattern (@patterns)
4421			{	my $filter;
4422				my $op1= $op=~m/^#/ ? '#' : $op;	#special case for ## and ### : use the same function as for #
4423				if ($pattern eq '')
4424				{	$filter= Songs::Field_property($field,'smartfilter:'.$op1.'empty'); #must contain operator ':' pattern
4425				}
4426				elsif (my $found= Songs::Field_property($field,'smartfilter:'.$op1))
4427				{	if (ref $found)
4428					{	$filter= $found->($pattern,$op,$casesens,$field);
4429					}
4430					else
4431					{	my @found=split / /,$found;
4432						my $realop= @found>1 ? $found[$casesens ? 1 : 0] : $found;
4433						$filter= $realop.':'.$pattern;
4434					}
4435				}
4436				next unless $filter;
4437				if ($not) { $filter=~s/^-//  or  $filter= '-'.$filter }
4438				push @filters, $field.':'.$filter;
4439			}
4440		}
4441		next unless @filters>1;
4442		push @$and, @filters>2 ? \@filters : $filters[1];
4443	}
4445	# close opened groups
4446	while (@parents)
4447	{	my $prev= $or;
4448		$or= pop @parents;
4449		$and= $or->[-1];
4450		push @$and, $prev;
4451	}
4452	return Filter->newadd(@$or);
4454sub _smartstring_number_check_unit
4455{	my ($pat,$field)=@_;
4456	return '' unless length $pat;
4457	my $opt= { @{ Songs::Field_property($field,'filterpat:value') || [] } };
4458	my $unit= $opt->{default_unit} || '';
4459	my $uhash= $opt->{unit}; $uhash={} unless $uhash && ref $uhash;
4460	if ($pat=~s/([a-zA-Z]+)$//)
4461	{	$unit= $uhash->{$1} ? $1 : $uhash->{lc$1} ? lc$1 : $unit;
4462	}
4463	$pat=~m/^(-?\d*\.?\d+)$/;
4464	$pat= $1||0;
4465	return 0 if $pat==0;
4466	my $unit_value= $uhash->{$unit}[0]||0;
4467	return $pat.$unit, $unit_value==1;
4469sub _smartstring_round_range # turn 5m into 4.5m..5.5m or 5.2m into 5.15m..5.25m
4470{	my ($n,$u)=@_;
4471	my $l=index $n,'.';
4472	$l= $l>0 ? length($n)-$l-1 : 0;
4473	my $delta= .5/(10**$l);
4474	return ($n-$delta).$u, ($n+$delta).$u;
4476sub _smartstring_number_moreless
4477{	my ($pat,$op,$casesens,$field)=@_;
4478	$pat=~s/,/./g; #use dot as decimal separator
4479	return undef unless $pat=~m/^-?\d*\.?\d+[a-zA-Z]?$/;
4480	($pat)= _smartstring_number_check_unit($pat,$field);
4481	$op= $op eq '<=' ? '->' : $op eq '>=' ? '-<' : $op;
4482	return $op.':'.$pat;
4484sub _smartstring_date_moreless
4485{	my ($pat,$op,$casesens,$field)=@_;
4486	my $suffix='';
4487	$pat=~s/,/./g; #use dot as decimal separator
4488	if ($pat=~m/\d[smhdwMy]/) { $suffix='ago' } #relative date filter
4489	else
4490	{	$pat= ::dates_to_timestamps($pat, ($op eq '>' || $op eq '<=')? 1:0);
4491	}
4492	return undef unless $pat;
4493	$op= $op eq '<=' ? '<' : $op eq '>=' ? '>' : $op;
4494	return $op.$suffix.':'.$pat;
4496sub _smartstring_number
4497{	my ($pat,$op,$casesens,$field)=@_;
4498	$pat=~s/,/./g; #use dot as decimal separator
4499	if ($pat!~m#\.\.# && ($op ne '=' || $pat!~m/^-\d*\.?\d+[a-zA-Z]?$/)) {$pat=~s/-($|-|\d*\.?\d+[a-zA-Z]?$)/..$1/}	# allow ranges using - unless = with negative number (could also check if field support negative values ?)
4500	if ($pat=~m/\.\./)
4501	{	my ($s1,$s2)= split /\s*\.\.\s*/,$pat,2;
4502		($_)= _smartstring_number_check_unit($_,$field) for $s1,$s2;
4503		return	(length $s1 && length $s2) ? "b:$s1 $s2":
4504			(length $s1 && !length$s2) ? "-<:".$s1	:
4505			(!length$s1 && length $s2) ? "->:".$s2	: undef;
4506	}
4507	return 's:'.$pat if $op eq ':';
4508	return undef unless $pat=~m/^-?\d*\.?\d+[a-zA-Z]?$/;
4509	($pat,my $is_lowest_unit)= _smartstring_number_check_unit($pat,$field);
4510	if (!$is_lowest_unit and my($n,$u)= $pat=~m#^(\d*\.?\d+)([a-zA-Z]+)$#i) # =5m turned into 4.5m..5.5m
4511	{	my ($n1,$n2)= _smartstring_round_range($n,$u);
4512		return "b:$n1 $n2";
4513	}
4514	return 'e:'.$pat;
4516sub _smartstring_date
4517{	my ($pat,$op,$casesens,$field)=@_;
4518	my $suffix='';
4519	my $date1= my $date2='';
4520	if ($pat=~m#\d# and ($date1,$date2)= $pat=~m#^(\d*\.?\d+[smhdwMy])?(?:\.\.|-)(\d*\.?\d+[smhdwMy])?$#i)	# relative date filter
4521	{	$suffix='ago';
4522		if	($date1 && $date1!~m/[1-9]/) {$date1=''}
4523		elsif	($date1 && $date2 && $date2!~m/[1-9]/) {$date2=$date1; $date1=''}
4524		$date1||='';
4525		$date2||='';
4526	}
4527	elsif ($op eq '=' and my($n,$u)= $pat=~m#^(\d*\.?\d+)([smhdwMy])$#i) # =5h turned into 4.5h..5.5h
4528	{	$suffix='ago';
4529		($date1,$date2)= $u eq 's' ? ('','') : _smartstring_round_range($n,$u);
4530	}
4531	else						# absolute date filter
4532	{	($date1,$date2)= ::dates_to_timestamps($pat,2);
4533		#$pat= "$date1..$date2" if $date1.$date2 ne '';
4534	}
4535	if ($date1.$date2 ne '')
4536	{	#my ($s1,$s2)= split /\s*\.\.\s*|\s*-\s*/,$pat,2;
4537		return	(length $date1 && length $date2) ? "b$suffix:$date1 $date2":
4538			(length $date1 && !length$date2) ? ">$suffix:".$date1	:
4539			(!length$date1 && length $date2) ? "<$suffix:".$date2	: undef;
4540	}
4541	$op= $op eq '=' ? 'e' : $casesens ? 's' : 'si';
4542	return $op.':'.$pat;
4545sub add_possible_superset	#indicate a possible superset filter that could be used for optimization when the result of $superset_candidate is cached
4546{	my $self=shift;
4547	my $arrayself= $self->to_array;
4548	my $string1= $self->{string};
4549	return if $string1=~m#(?:^|\x1D)\w+:-?[th]:#; # ignores filters with head/tail filters
4550	for my $superset_candidate (@_)
4551	{	my $string2= $superset_candidate->{string};
4552		next if $string2=~m#(?:^|\x1D)\w+:-?[th]:#; # ignores filters with head/tail filters
4553		next if $string2 eq $string1;
4554		push @{ $self->{superset_filters} }, $string2 if _is_subset($superset_candidate->to_array, $arrayself);
4555	}
4556	#if (my $l=$self->{superset_filters}) { my $s=$self->{string}."\n"; $s.=" superset: ".$_."\n" for @$l; $s=~s/\x1D/**/g;warn $s; } #DEBUG
4559sub _is_subset		# returns true if $f2 must be a subset of $f1	#$f1 and $f2 must be in array form	#doesn't check for head/tail filters
4560{	my ($f1,$f2)=@_;
4561	if (!ref $f1 && !ref $f2)
4562	{	return 1 if $f1 eq $f2;
4563		my ($field1,$op1,$pat1)= split /:/,$f1,3;
4564		my ($field2,$op2,$pat2)= split /:/,$f2,3;
4565		return 0 if $field1 ne $field2 || $op1 ne $op2;
4566		if ($op1 eq 's'|| $op1 eq 'si')		{ return index($pat2,$pat1)!=-1 }	# handle case-i ?
4567		elsif ($op1 eq '-s'|| $op1 eq '-si')	{ return index($pat1,$pat2)!=-1 }	# handle case-i ?
4568		elsif ($op1 eq '>' || $op1 eq '-<') { return ($pat1."\x00".$pat2) =~m/^(-?\d*\.?\d+)(\w*)\x00(-?\d*\.?\d+)\2$/ && $3>$1  }
4569		elsif ($op1 eq '<' || $op1 eq '->') { return ($pat1."\x00".$pat2) =~m/^(-?\d*\.?\d+)(\w*)\x00(-?\d*\.?\d+)\2$/ && $3<$1  }
4570		# FIXME  check these filters : b bago >ago <ago ?
4571		return 0;
4572	}
4574	# at least one is an array of filters
4575	$f1= [0,$f1] unless ref$f1;
4576	$f2= [0,$f2] unless ref$f2;
4577	if ($f1->[0] && $f2->[0])	# A & B -> C & D	# each from f1 must be a superset of one from f2
4578	{	for my $i (1..$#$f1)
4579		{	my $in_one;
4580			$in_one ||= _is_subset($f1->[$i],$f2->[$_]) for 1..$#$f2;
4581			return 0 unless $in_one;
4582		}
4583		return 1;
4584	}
4585	elsif ($f1->[0])		# A & B -> C | D	# each from f2 must be a subset of in each from f1
4586	{	my $not_in_one=1;
4587		for my $i (1..$#$f2)
4588		{	$not_in_one ||= ! _is_subset($f1->[$_],$f2->[$i]) for 1..$#$f1;
4589		}
4590		return !$not_in_one;
4591	}
4592	elsif ($f2->[0])		# A | B -> C & D	# one from f2 must be a subset of one from f1
4593	{	my $in_one;
4594		for my $i (1..$#$f2)
4595		{	$in_one ||= _is_subset($f1->[$_],$f2->[$i]) for 1..$#$f1;
4596		}
4597		return $in_one;
4598	}
4599	else				# A | B -> C | D	# each from f2 must be a subset of one from f1
4600	{	for my $i (1..$#$f2)
4601		{	my $in_one;
4602			$in_one ||= _is_subset($f1->[$_],$f2->[$i]) for 1..$#$f1;
4603			return 0 unless $in_one;
4604		}
4605		return 1;
4606	}
4609sub to_array	#returns an array form of the filter, first value of array is false for OR, true for AND
4610{	my $filter=shift;
4611	$filter= $filter->{string} if ref $filter;
4612	my $current;
4613	$current=[0] unless $filter=~m/^\(/;
4614	my @parents;
4615	for my $part (split /\x1D/,$filter)
4616	{	if ($part=~m/^\(/)		# '(|' or '(&'
4617		{	my $and= $part eq '(&';
4618			push @parents, $current if $current;
4619			$current=[$and];
4620			next;
4621		}
4622		if ($part eq ')')
4623		{	last unless @parents;
4624			$part=$current;
4625			$current=pop @parents;
4626		}
4627		push @$current, $part;
4628	}
4629	return $current;
4632sub _combine_ranges
4633{	my ($field,$and,@segs)=@_;
4634	my $step= Songs::Field_property($field,'step') || 0;
4635	my @out;
4636	@segs= sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @segs;
4637	my ($s1,$s2);
4638	while (@segs)
4639	{	my ($s3,$s4)= @{shift @segs};
4640		if (defined $s1 && $s3>=$s1 && $s3<=$s2+$step)
4641		{	$s2=$s4 if $s2<$s4;
4642		}
4643		else { push @out, [$s1,$s2] if defined $s1; ($s1,$s2)=($s3,$s4); }
4644	}
4645	push @out, [$s1,$s2] if defined $s1;
4646	return map { "$field:".($and ? '-' : '').'b:'.$_->[0].' '.$_->[1] }  @out;
4648sub _between_simplify		#combine ranges of consecutive between filters into fewer ranges if possible
4649{	my ($and,@in)=@_;
4650	my @strings;
4651	my ($field,@segs);
4652	while (@in)
4653	{	my $s=shift @in;
4654		if ($s=~m/^(\w+):(-?)b:(-?\d*\.?\d+) (-?\d*\.?\d+)\x1D?$/)
4655		{	if (!$2 xor $and)
4656			{	$field||=$1;
4657				if ($field eq $1)
4658				{	push @segs, [$3,$4];	#=> combine the range
4659					next if @in;
4660				}
4661				else { unshift @in,$s; }
4662			}
4663		}
4664		if (@segs)	#change of filter or no more filters => push combined range
4665		{	push @strings, _combine_ranges($field,$and,@segs);
4666			@segs=();
4667		}
4668		else { push @strings, $s; }
4669		$field=undef;
4670	}
4672	s/^(\w+):(-?)b:(-?\d*\.?\d+) \3\x1D?$/"$1:$2e:$3"/e for @strings; #replace :b:5 5 by :e:5
4673	return @strings;
4676sub are_equal #FIXME could try harder
4677{	my $f1=$_[0]; my $f2=$_[1];
4678	($f1,my$s1)=defined $f1 ? ref $f1 ? ($f1->{string},$f1->{source}) : $f1 : '';
4679	($f2,my$s2)=defined $f2 ? ref $f2 ? ($f2->{string},$f2->{source}) : $f2 : '';
4680	return ($f1 eq $f2) && ((!$s1 || !$s2) || ($s1 && $s2 && $s1 eq $s2));
4683sub _smart_simplify	#only called for ~ filters
4684{	my $s=$_[0]; my $returnlist=$_[1];
4685	my ($field,$inv,$pat)= $s=~m/^(\w+):(-?)~:(.*)$/;
4686	$inv||='';
4687	my $sub=Songs::LookupCode($field,'filter_simplify:~');
4688	return $s unless $sub;
4689	my @pats=$sub->($pat);
4690	if ($returnlist || @pats==1)
4691	{	return map "$field:$inv~:$_" , @pats;
4692	}
4693	else
4694	{	return "(|\x1D".join('',map("$field:$inv~:$_\x1D", @pats)).")\x1D";
4695	}
4698sub newlock #FIXME PHASE1 remove ? use MakeFilterFromID instead
4699{	my ($class,$field,$ID)=@_;
4700	return Songs::MakeFilterFromID($field,$ID);
4703sub invert
4704{	my $self=shift;
4705	$self->{'sub'}=undef;
4706	warn 'before invert : '.$self->{string} if $::debug;
4707	my @filter=split /\x1D/,$self->{string};
4708	for (@filter)
4709	{	s/^\(\&$/(|/ && next;
4710		s/^\(\|$/(&/ && next;
4711		next if $_ eq ')';
4712		my ($field,$cmdpat)=split ':',$_,2;
4713		$cmdpat='-'.$cmdpat unless $cmdpat=~s/^-//;
4714		$_= $field.':'.$cmdpat;
4715	}
4716	$self->{string}=join "\x1D",@filter;
4717	warn 'after invert  : '.$self->{string} if $::debug;
4718	return $self;
4721sub filter_all
4722{	$_[0]->filter( [Songs::FIRSTID..$Songs::LastID] );
4725sub filter
4726{	my $self=$_[0]; my $listref=$_[1];
4727	#my $time=times;								#DEBUG
4728	$listref||= $self->{source} || $::Library;
4729	my $sub=$self->{'sub'} || $self->makesub;
4730	my $on_library= ($listref == $::Library && !$self->{source});
4731	if ($self->{nocache}) { return $listref }
4732	my $already_found;
4733	if ($on_library && !$self->{nocache} && (%CachedList || %IdleFilter::InProgress))
4734	{	my $string= $self->{string};
4735		$CachedTime{$string}=time; # the result will be cached if it is not already => update timestamp now
4736		return [unpack 'L*',$CachedList{$string}] if defined $CachedList{$string};
4737		#warn "no exact cache for filter\n";
4738		if (my $idlefilter= delete $IdleFilter::InProgress{$string})
4739		{	$already_found= $idlefilter->{found};
4740			$listref= $idlefilter->{todo};
4741		}
4742		if ($self->{superset_filters})
4743		{	my $simplified= $self->simplify_with_superset_cache;
4744			#warn "filter: todo=".(scalar @$simplified)." avoided=".(@$::Library-@$simplified)."\n" if $simplified;
4745			$listref= $simplified if $simplified;
4746		}
4747	}
4748	my $r=$sub->($listref);
4749	$r= [ @$already_found, @$r ] if $already_found;
4750	#$time=times-$time; warn "filter $time s ( ".$self->{string}." )\n" if $debug;	#DEBUG
4751	if ($on_library && !$self->{nocache})
4752	{	$self->cache_result($r);
4753	}
4754	return $r;
4756sub simplify_with_superset_cache
4757{	my $self=shift;
4758	return unless $self->{superset_filters};
4759	my @supersets= grep defined, map $CachedList{$_}, @{$self->{superset_filters}};
4760	if (@supersets)
4761	{	#warn "found supersets : ".join(',', map length $_,@supersets)."\n";
4762		#warn " from : ".join(',', grep $CachedList{$_}, @{$self->{superset_filters}})."\n";
4763		return [unpack 'L*',(sort { length $a <=> length $b } @supersets)[0] ];	#take the smaller set, could find the intersection instead
4764	}
4765	# no cached result for superset, look if there is an idlefilter in progress that could be used
4766	my ($idlefilter)= sort { @{$a->{todo}} + @{$a->{found}} <=> @{$b->{todo}} + @{$b->{found}} }
4767		grep defined, map $IdleFilter::InProgress{$_}, @{$self->{superset_filters}};
4768	return [ @{$idlefilter->{todo}}, @{$idlefilter->{found}} ] if $idlefilter;
4769	return undef;
4771sub cache_result
4772{	my $string= $_[0]{string};
4773	my $result= $_[1];
4774	if ($CachedTotal>100) # trim the cache
4775	{	my $time=time;
4776		my @del_order= sort { ($time-$CachedTime{$b})*$CachedSize{$b} <=> ($time-$CachedTime{$a})*$CachedSize{$a} } keys %CachedSize;
4777		while ($CachedTotal>70)
4778		{	my $delete=shift @del_order;
4779			#warn "removing ".do {my $f=$delete; $f=~s/\x1D+//g; $f}." last used=".localtime($CachedTime{$delete})." size=".$CachedSize{$delete}." score=".(($time-$CachedTime{$delete})*$CachedSize{$delete})."\n";
4780			delete $CachedList{$delete};
4781			delete $CachedTime{$delete};
4782			$CachedTotal-= delete $CachedSize{$delete};
4783		}
4785	}
4786	$CachedTotal+= $CachedSize{$string}= 1+(39*@$result/(@$::Library||1));
4787	$CachedTime{$string}=time; # also done in filter()
4788	$CachedList{$string}= pack 'L*',@$result;
4790sub is_cached
4791{	my $self=shift;
4792	return exists $CachedList{$self->{string}} || $self->{nocache};
4794sub clear_cache
4795{	%CachedList=%CachedTime=%CachedSize=();
4796	$CachedTotal=0;
4797	IdleFilter::clear();
4800sub info
4801{	my $self=shift;
4802	$self->makesub unless $self->{'sub'};
4803	return $self->{greponly}, keys %{$self->{fields}};
4805sub added_are_in		#called with $IDs of a SongsAdded event, return true if new songs may match the filter. If greponly filter, returns a ref to a list of new IDs that match, or false if none match
4806{	my ($self,$IDs)=@_;
4807	$self->makesub unless $self->{'sub'};
4808	if ($self->{greponly})
4809	{	my $toadd=$self->filter($IDs);
4810		$toadd=0 unless @$toadd;
4811		return $toadd;
4812	}
4813	return 1;
4815sub changes_may_affect		#called with $IDs and $fields of a SongsChanged event, return true if the changes might require an update. Tries harder if a songarray is specified and a greponly filter
4816{	my ($self,$IDs,$fields,$songarray)=@_;		#$songarray argument is optional, currently untested
4817	$self->makesub unless $self->{'sub'};
4818	return 0 unless grep exists $self->{fields}{$_}, @$fields;
4819	if ($songarray && $self->{greponly})
4820	{	my $before= $songarray->AreIn($IDs);
4821		my $after=  $self->filter($IDs);
4822		return 1 if @$after != @$before;
4823		for my $i (0..$#$before) { return 1 if $before->[$i]!=$after->[$i]; }
4824		return 0;
4825	}
4826	return 1;
4829sub _optimize_with_hashes	# optimization for some special cases
4830{	my @filter=split /\x1D/,$_[0];
4831	return ($_[0]) if @filter<3;
4832	my $hashes=$_[1] || [];
4833	my $d=0; my (@or,@val,@ilist);
4834	for my $i (0..$#filter)
4835	{	my $s=$filter[$i];
4836		if    ($s=~m/^\(/)	  { $d++; $or[$d]=($s eq '(|')? 1 : 0; }
4837		elsif ($s eq ')')
4838		{	my $vd=delete $val[$d];
4839			my $ilist=delete $ilist[$d];
4840			while (my ($icc,$h)=each %$vd)
4841			{	next unless (keys %$h)>2; #only optimize if more than 2 keys
4842				my ($field,$inv,$cmd)=$icc=~m/^(\w+):(-?)([^:]+):$/;
4843				my ($ok,$prephash)=Songs::LookupCode($field, 'filter:h'.$cmd, 'filter_prephash:'.$cmd, [HREF=> '$_[0]']);
4844				next unless $ok;
4845				if ($prephash)
4846				{	$prephash= Songs::Compile('filter_prephash:'.$cmd,"sub {$prephash}") unless ref $prephash;
4847					$h=$prephash->($h);
4848				}
4849				my $l=$ilist->{$icc}; #index list of filters to be replaced
4850				my $first=$l->[0]; my $last=$l->[-1];
4851				if ( $last-$first==$#$l
4852					&& $filter[$first-1] && $filter[$first-1]=~m/^\(/
4853					&& $filter[$last+1] eq ')'
4854				   )
4855				 {push @$l,$first-1,$last+1} #add ( && ) to the removed filters if all those inside are replaced by the hash
4856				$filter[$_]=undef for @$l; #remove filters to be replaced by the hash
4857				push @$hashes,$h;
4858				$filter[$first]="$field:".$inv."h$cmd:".$#$hashes;
4859			}
4860			$d--;
4861		}
4862		elsif ( $s=~m/^(\w+):(-?)([e~]):(.*)$/ && ($or[$d] xor $2) )
4863		{	$val[$d]{"$1:$2$3:"}{$4}=undef;		#add key to the hash
4864			push @{$ilist[$d]{"$1:$2$3:"}},$i;	#store filter index to remove it later if it is replaced
4865		}
4866	}
4867	my $filter=join "\x1D", grep defined,@filter; #warn "$_\n" for @filter;
4868	return $filter,$hashes;
4871sub singlesong_code
4872{	my ($self,$depends,$hashes)=@_;
4873	my $filter=$self->{string};
4874	return '1' if $filter eq '';
4875	return undef if $filter=~m#\x1D^\w+:-?[th]:#;
4876	($filter)=_optimize_with_hashes($filter,$hashes) if $hashes;
4877	my $code=makesub_condition($filter,$depends);
4878	return $code;
4881sub makesub
4882{	my $self=$_[0];
4883	my $filter=$self->{string};
4884	warn "makesub filter=$filter\n" if $::debug;
4885	$self->{fields}={};
4886	if ($filter eq '')		{ $self->{greponly}=$self->{nocache}=1; return $self->{'sub'}=sub {$_[0]}; }
4887	elsif ($filter eq 'null')	{ $self->{greponly}=$self->{nocache}=1; return $self->{'sub'}=sub { []; }; }
4889	($filter,my $hashes)=_optimize_with_hashes($filter);
4891	my $func;
4892	my $depends=$self->{fields}={};
4893	if ( $filter=~m#(?:^|\x1D)\w+:-?[th]:# ) { $func=makesub_Ngrep($filter,$depends) }
4894	else
4895	{	$self->{greponly}=1;
4896		$func=makesub_condition($filter,$depends);
4897		$func='[ grep {'.$func.'} @{$_[0]} ];';
4898	}
4900	my $before='';
4901	if ($hashes) {$before.="my \$hash$_=\$hashes->[$_];"  for 0..$#$hashes;}
4902	warn "filter=$filter \$sub=eval $before; sub{ $func }\n" if $::debug;
4903	my $sub=eval "$before; sub {$func}";
4904	if ($@) { warn "filter error :\n code:\n$before; sub {$func}\n error:\n$@"; $sub=sub {$_[0]}; }; #return empty filter if compilation error
4905	return $self->{'sub'}=$sub;
4908sub makesub_condition
4909{	my $filter=$_[0];
4910	my $depends=$_[1]||{};
4911	my $func='';
4912	my $op=' && ';
4913	my @ops;
4914	my $first=1;
4915	for (split /\x1D/,$filter)
4916	{	if (m/^\(/)
4917		{	$func.=$op unless $first;
4918			$func.='(';
4919			push @ops,$op;
4920			$op=($_ eq '(|')? ' || ' : ' && ';
4921			$first=1;
4922		}
4923		elsif ($_ eq ')') { $func.=')'; $op=pop @ops; }
4924		else
4925		{	my ($field,$inv,$cmd,$pat)= m/^(\w+):(-?)([^:]+):(.*)$/;
4926			$depends->{$_}=undef for Songs::Depends($field);
4927			$func.=$op unless $first;
4928			$func.= Songs::FilterCode($field,$cmd,$pat,$inv);
4929			$first=0;
4930		}
4931	}
4932	return $func;
4934sub makesub_Ngrep	## non-grep filter
4935{	my @filter= split /\x1D/,$_[0];
4936	my $depends=$_[1]||{};
4938	{	my $d=0; my $c=0;
4939		for (@filter)
4940		{	if    (m/^\(/)	  {$d++}
4941			elsif ($_ eq ')') {$d--}
4942			elsif ($d==0)	  {$c++}
4943		}
4944		@filter=('(',@filter,')') if $c;
4945	}
4946	my $d=0;
4947	my $func='my @hash; my @list=($_[0]); my $tmp;';
4948	my @out=('@{$_[0]}'); my @in; my @outref;
4949	my $listref='$_[0]';
4950	for my $f (@filter)
4951	{   if ($f=~m/^[\(\)]/)
4952	    {	if ($f ne ')') #$f begins with '('
4953		{	$d++;
4954			$func.='@{$list['.$d.']}=@{$list['.($d-1).']};';
4955			if ($f eq '(|')
4956			{	$func.=		    '$hash['.$d.']={};';
4957				$out[$d]=    'keys %{$hash['.$d.']}';
4958				$outref[$d]='[keys %{$hash['.$d.']}]';
4959				$in[$d]=	    '$hash['.$d.']{$_}=undef for ';
4960				}
4961			else	# $f eq '(&' or '('
4962			{	$outref[$d]='$list['.$d.']';
4963				$out[$d]= '@{$list['.$d.']}';
4964				$in[$d]=  '@{$list['.$d.']}=';
4965			}
4966			$listref='$list['.$d.']';
4967		}
4968		else # $f eq ')'
4969		{	$d--; if ($d<0) { warn "invalid filter\n"; return undef; }
4970			$func.=($d==0)	? 'return '.$outref[1].';'
4971					:   $in[$d].$out[$d+1].';';
4972		}
4973	    }
4974	    else
4975	    {	my ($field,$inv,$cmd,$pat)= $f=~m/^(\w+):(-?)([^:]+):(.*)$/;
4976		$depends->{$_}=undef for Songs::Depends($field);
4977		unless ($cmd) { warn "Invalid filter : $field $cmd $pat\n"; next; }
4978		if (my $sub=$NGrepSubs{$cmd})
4979		{	$func.= $NGrepSubs{$cmd}->($field,$pat,$listref,$in[$d],$inv);
4980		}
4981		else
4982		{	my $c=Songs::FilterCode($field,$cmd,$pat,$inv);
4983			$func.= $in[$d].'grep( '.$c . ',@{'.$listref.'});';
4984		}
4985	    }
4986	}
4987	return $func;
4990sub is_empty
4991{	my $f=$_[0];
4992	return 1 unless defined $f;
4993	return if $f->{source}; #FIXME
4994	$f=$f->{string} if ref $f;
4995	return ($f eq '');
4998sub name
4999{	my $self=shift;
5000	my $h= $::Options{SavedFilters};
5001	return _"All Songs" if $self->is_empty;
5002	for my $name (sort keys %$h)
5003	{	return $name if $self->are_equal($h->{$name});
5004	}
5005	return _"Unnamed filter";
5008sub explain	# return a string describing the filter
5009{	my $self=shift;
5010	return $self->{desc} if $self->{desc};
5011	my $filter=$self->{string};
5012	return _"All" if $filter eq '';
5013	my $text=''; my $depth=0;
5014	for my $f (split /\x1D/,$filter)
5015	{   if ($f=~m/^\(/)		# '(|' or '(&'
5016	    {	$text.=' 'x$depth++;
5017		$text.=($f eq '(|')? _"Any of :" : _"All of :";
5018		$text.="\n";
5019	    }
5020	    elsif ($f eq ')') { $depth--; }
5021	    else
5022	    {	next if $f eq '';
5023		$text.= '  'x$depth;
5024		$text.= _explain_element($f) || _("Unknown filter :")." '$f'";
5025		$text.= "\n";
5026	    }
5027	}
5028	chomp $text;	#remove last "\n"
5029	return $self->{desc}=$text;
5032sub _explain_element
5033{	my $filter_element=shift;
5034	my ($field,$inv,$cmd,$pattern)= $filter_element=~m/^(\w+):(-?)([^:]+):(.*)$/;
5035	return unless $cmd;
5036	my $text= Songs::Field_property($field,"filterdesc:$inv$cmd:$pattern") || Songs::Field_property($field,"filterdesc:$inv$cmd");
5037	(undef,my $prop)= Songs::filter_properties($field,"$inv$cmd:$pattern");
5038	return unless $prop && $text;
5039	$text=$text->[0] if ref $text;
5040	my (undef,undef,$types,%opt)=@$prop;
5041	my (@patterns,@types);
5042	if ($types)
5043	{	@types=split / /,$types;
5044		@patterns= split / /,$pattern, scalar @types;
5045		push @patterns,('')x(@types-@patterns);
5046	}
5048	for my $pat (@patterns)
5049	{	my $type= shift @types;
5050		my $opt2= Songs::Field_property($field,'filterpat:'.$type) || [];
5051		my %opt2= (%opt, @$opt2);
5052		my $unit=$opt2{unit};
5053		my $round=$opt2{round};
5054		if (my $display= $opt2{display}) { $pat= $display->($pat); }
5055		elsif (($unit || $round) && $pat=~m/^(-?\d*\.?\d+)([a-zA-Z]*)$/) #numbers
5056		{	my $number=$1;
5057			my $letter=$2;
5058			if (ref $unit) # \%::SIZEUNITS, \%::DATEUNITS or %::TIMEUNITS
5059			{	if ($letter && $unit->{$letter}) { $unit= $unit->{$letter}[1] }
5060				else {$unit=undef}
5061			}
5062			$pat= ::format_number($number,$round);
5063			$pat.= " ".$unit if $unit;
5064		}
5065	}
5066	$text= sprintf $text, @patterns;
5067	return Songs::FieldName($field). ' '. $text;
5070sub SmartTitleSimplify
5071{	my $s=$_[0];
5072	$s=~s#(?<=.) *[\(\[].*##;	#remove '(...' unless '(' is at the begining of the string
5073	my @pats=grep m/\S/, split / *\/+ */,$s;
5074	return @pats;
5076sub SmartTitleRegEx
5077{	local $_=quotemeta ::superlc($_[0]);
5078	s#\\'# ?. ?#g;		#for 's == is ...
5079	s#\Bing\b#in[g']#g;
5080	s#\\ is\b#(?:'s|\\ is)#ig;
5081	s#\\ (?:and|\\&|et)\\ #\\ (?:and|\\&|et)\\ #ig;
5082	s#\\[-,.]#.?#g;
5083	s# ?\\\?# ?\\?#g;
5084	return $_;
5086sub QuoteRegEx
5087{	local $_=$_[0];
5088	s#((?:\G|[^\\])(?:\\\\)*)([\$@](?:::?)?[0-9a-z])#$1\\$2#gi; #quote variable names if not already quoted
5089	s#^((?:.*[^\\])?(?:\\\\)*\\)$#$1\\#g; ##escape trailing '\' in impair number
5090	s!((?:\G|[^\\])(?:\\\\)*)\\?"!$1\\"!g; #make sure " are escaped (and only once, so that \\\" doesn't become \\\\")
5091	if (!eval {qr/$_/;}) { warn "invalid regular expression \"$_[0]\" : $@\n" if $::debug; return quotemeta $_[0]; }  #check if re valid, else quote everything
5092	return $_;
5095sub smartstring_fuzzy
5096{	my ($pat,$op,$casesens,$field)=@_;
5097	my $threshold= $pat=~s/([<>])(\d?\d)$// ?	($1 eq '>' ? $2 : int(100-100*$2/length($pat))-1) :
5098							$op eq '#' ? 80 : $op eq '##' ? 70 : 60;
5099	$threshold=20 if $threshold<20;
5100	$threshold=99 if $threshold>99;
5101	return 'fuzzy:'.$threshold.' '.$pat;
5104sub _fuzzy_match
5105{	my ($min,$string1,$string2)=@_;
5106	my $length1= length $string1;
5107	return index($string2,$string1)>=0 unless $length1>1;
5108	# fast first pass by looking at how many small substrings in common
5109	if ($min>.35)
5110	{	my @words;
5111		for my $l (2,3)
5112		{	push @words,map substr($string1,$_,$l), 0..($length1-$l);
5113		}
5114		my $common= grep index($string2,$_)>=0, @words;
5115		return 0 unless $common/@words > ($min-.25);
5116		# the main problem of this method is that longer string2 have higher scores, dividing by string2's length is not possible if you want to search sof substrings of string2
5117	}
5118	# local levenshtein distance (much slower)
5119	# note that some strings with low enough distance might have already been discarded because they didn't have enough small substrings in common
5120	my @mat=([(0)x (1+length$string2)]);
5121	$mat[$_]=[$_] for 1..$length1;
5122	for my $j (1..length $string2)
5123	{	for my $i (1..$length1)
5124		{	#if (substr($string1,$i-1,1) eq substr($string2,$j-1,1))
5125			if (substr($string1,$i-1,1) eq substr($string2,$j-1,1) || substr($string1,$i-1,1) eq "'" || substr($string2,$j-1,1) eq "'") # treat single quote as equal to any character
5126			{	my $ident= $mat[$i-1][$j-1];
5127				if ($i==$length1) { my $ins=$mat[$i][$j-1]; $ident=$ins if $ins<$ident; }
5128				$mat[$i][$j]= $ident;
5129			}
5130			else
5131			{	my $del= $mat[$i-1][$j]+1;
5132				my $ins= ($i==$length1) ? $mat[$i][$j-1] : $mat[$i][$j-1]+1;
5133				my $sub= $mat[$i-1][$j-1]+1;
5134				my $min= $del<$ins ? $del : $ins;
5135				$mat[$i][$j]= $min < $sub ? $min : $sub;
5136			}
5137		}
5138	}
5139	return 1-$mat[-1][-1]/$length1 > $min;
5142package IdleFilter;
5143our %InProgress;
5145sub clear { %InProgress=(); }
5147sub new
5148{	my ($class,$filter,$callback)=@_;
5149	$filter=Filter->new($filter) unless ref $filter;
5150	my ($greponly)= $filter->info;
5151	return 'non-grep filter' unless $greponly;
5152	my $self= bless {filter => $filter, callback=>$callback, started=>time }, $class;
5153	$self->start;
5154	return $self;
5156sub start
5157{	my $self=shift;
5158	$self->{idle_handle}=Glib::Idle->add(\&filter_some,$self,1000); # 1000 is very low priority (default is 200, Glib::G_PRIORITY_LOW is 300)
5159	$self->{count}++;
5161sub is_cached { $_[0]{filter}->is_cached; }
5163sub get_progress
5164{	my $self=shift;
5165	my $filter=$self->{filter};
5166	my $progress= $InProgress{$filter->{string}};
5167	unless ($progress)
5168	{	return 1 if $filter->is_cached;
5169		if ($self->{count}++ >5 || $self->{started}>15+time) # give up if progress reset too many times or if it has been too long
5170		{	$self->abort;
5171			return 0;
5172		}
5173		my $todo;
5174		$todo= $filter->simplify_with_superset_cache if $filter->{superset_filters};
5175		#warn "idlefilter: todo=".(scalar @$todo)." avoided=".(@$::Library-@$todo)."\n" if $todo;
5176		#warn "no cache helped\n" unless $todo;
5177		$todo ||= [@$::Library];
5178		$progress= $InProgress{$filter->{string}}= { found=>[], todo=>$todo };
5179	}
5180	return $progress;
5183sub filter_some
5184{	my $self=shift;
5185	my $filter=$self->{filter};
5186	my $progress= $self->get_progress;
5187	if (!$progress) { return $self->{idle_handle}=0 }# progress is 0 if given up
5188	if (ref $progress)
5189	{	my $sub=$filter->{'sub'} || $filter->makesub;
5190		my $todo= $progress->{todo};
5191		my @next= splice @$todo,0,100;
5192		push @{$progress->{found}}, @{ $sub->(\@next) };
5193		#warn "idlefilter $self found=".scalar(@{$progress->{found}})." todo=".scalar(@$todo)."\n";
5194		if (scalar @$todo) { return 1 } # not finished => keep idle
5195		# last batch done => put results in cache
5196		delete $InProgress{$filter->{string}};
5197		$filter->cache_result($progress->{found});
5198	}
5200	# finished
5201	$self->{callback}->();
5202	return $self->{idle_handle}=0; #remove idle
5205sub abort
5206{	my $self=shift;
5207	$self->{aborted}=1;
5208	Glib::Source->remove(delete $self->{idle_handle}) if $self->{idle_handle};
5211package Random;
5212our %ScoreTypes;
5216  %ScoreTypes=
5217 (	f =>
5218	{	desc	=> _"Label is set",	#depend	=> 'label',
5219		default=> '.5f',
5220		filter	=> 'label:~:',
5221		boolean=>1,
5222	},
5223	g =>
5224	{	desc	=> _"Genre is set",	#depend	=> 'genre',
5225		default=> '.5g',
5226		filter	=> 'genre:~:',
5227		boolean=>1,
5228	},
5229	l =>
5230	{	depend	=> 'lastplay',	desc	=> _"Number of days since last played",	unit	=> _"days",
5231		round	=> '%.1f',	default=> '-1l10',
5232		value	=> 'lastplay:daycount',
5233		time_dependant =>1,
5234	},
5235	L =>
5236	{	depend	=> 'lastskip',	desc	=> _"Number of days since last skipped",	unit	=> _"days",
5237		round	=> '%.1f',	default=> '1L10',
5238		value	=> 'lastskip:daycount',
5239		time_dependant =>1,
5240	},
5241	a =>
5242	{	depend	=> 'added',	desc	=> _"Number of days since added",	unit	=> _"days",
5243		round	=> '%.1f',	default=> '1a50',
5244		value	=> 'added:daycount',
5245		time_dependant =>1,
5246	},
5247	M =>
5248	{	depend	=> 'modif',	desc	=> _"Number of days since modified",	unit	=> _"days",
5249		round	=> '%.1f',	default=> '1M50',
5250		value	=> 'modif:daycount',
5251		time_dependant =>1,
5252	},
5253	n =>
5254	{	depend	=> 'playcount',	desc	=> _"Number of times played",	unit	=> _"times",
5255		round	=> '%d',	default=> '1n5',
5256		value	=> 'playcount:get',
5257	},
5258	N =>
5259	{	depend	=> 'skipcount',	desc	=> _"Number of times skipped",	unit	=> _"times",
5260		round	=> '%d',	default=> '-1N5',
5261		value	=> 'skipcount:get',
5262	},
5263	r =>
5264	{	depend	=> 'rating',	desc	=> _"Rating",	unit	=> '%',
5265		round	=> '%d',	default=> '1r0_.1_.2_.3_.4_.5_.6_.7_.8_.9_1',
5266		value	=> 'rating:percent',	#score	=> sub { my ($value,$extra)=@_;my @l=split /,/,$extra; return undef unless @l==11; return '('.$extra.')[int('.$value.'/10)]' },
5267	},
5268 );
5271sub new
5272{	my ($class,$string,$list)=@_;
5273	my $self=bless {}, $class;
5274	$string=~s/^random://;
5275	$self->{string}=$string;
5276	$self->{lref}=$list;
5277	return $self;
5279sub OneTimeDraw
5280{	my ($class,$string,$list,$nb)=@_;
5281	$string=$string->{string} if ref $string;
5282	my $self=$class->new($string,$list);
5283	$self->Draw($nb);
5286sub fields
5287{	my $self=shift;
5288	$self->make unless exists $self->{depends};
5289	return [split / /,$self->{depends}];
5292sub make
5293{	my $self=shift;
5294	return ($self->{before},$self->{score}) if $self->{score};
5295	$self->{hashes}=[];
5296	my %depends;
5297	my @scores;
5298	::setlocale(::LC_NUMERIC, 'C');
5299	for my $s ( split /\x1D/, $self->{string} )
5300	{	my ($inverse,$weight,$type,$extra)=$s=~m/^(-?)(\d*\.?\d+)([a-zA-Z])(.*)/;
5301		next unless $type;
5302		my $score;
5303		if (my $value=$ScoreTypes{$type}{value})
5304		{	$score= Songs::Code(split(/:/,$value), ID => '$_', QVAL => quotemeta $extra);
5305			$depends{$_}=undef for Songs::Depends( $ScoreTypes{$type}{depend} );
5306		}
5307		else
5308		{	my $filter= ($ScoreTypes{$type}{filter} || '').$extra;
5309			$filter=Filter->new($filter);
5310			$score= $filter->singlesong_code(\%depends,$self->{hashes});
5311		}
5312		$self->{time_computed}=1 if $ScoreTypes{$type}{time_dependant}; #indicate that the values must be recomputed as time pass
5313		if ($type eq 'f' || $type eq 'g')
5314		{	#$score=&$score($extra);
5315		}
5316		elsif ($type eq 'r')
5317		{	my @l=split /,/,$extra;
5318			next unless @l==11;
5319			$score='('.$extra.')[int('.$score.'/10)]';
5320		}
5321		else
5322		{	$inverse=!$inverse;
5323			if (my $halflife=$extra)
5324			{	my $lambda=log(2)/$halflife;
5325				$score="exp(-$lambda*$score)";
5326			}
5327			else {$score='0';}
5328		}
5329		$inverse=($inverse)? '1-':'';
5330		$score=(1-$weight).'+'.$weight.'*('.$inverse.$score.')';
5331		push @scores,$score;
5332	}
5333	unless (@scores) { @scores=(1); }
5334	$self->{depends}=join ' ',keys %depends;
5335	$self->{before}='';
5336	if ($self->{hashes}) { $self->{before}.="my \$hash$_=\$self->{hashes}[$_];"  for 0..$#{$self->{hashes}}; }
5337	$self->{score}="\n(".join(")\n*(",@scores).')';
5338	::setlocale(::LC_NUMERIC, '');
5339	return ($self->{before}, $self->{score});
5342#sub SetList
5343#{	my ($self,$list)=@_;
5344#	$self->{lref}=$list;
5345#	$self->{valid}=0;;
5348#returns a function, that function takes a listref of IDs as argument, and returns a hashref of groupid=>score
5349#returns nothing on error
5350sub MakeGroupScoreFunction
5351{	my ($self,$field)=@_;
5352	my ($keycode,$multi)= Songs::LookupCode($field, 'hash','hashm', [ID => '$_']);
5353	unless ($keycode || $multi) { warn "MakeGroupScoreFunction error : can't find code for field $field\n"; return } #return dummy sub ?
5354	($keycode,my $keyafter)= split / +---- +/,$keycode||$multi,2;
5355	if ($keyafter) { warn "MakeGroupScoreFunction with field $field is not supported yet\n"; return } #return dummy sub ?
5356	my ($before,$score)=$self->make;
5357	my $calcIDscore= $multi ? 'my $IDscore='.$score.'; for my $key ('.$keycode.') {$score{$key}+=$IDscore}' : "\$score\{$keycode}+=$score;";
5358	my $code= $before.'; sub { my %score; for (@{$_[0]}) { '.$calcIDscore.' } return \%score; }';
5359	my $sub=eval $code;
5360	if ($@) { warn "Error in eval '$code' :\n$@"; return }
5361	return $sub;
5364sub MakeScoreFunction
5365{	my $self=shift;
5366	my @Score;
5367	$self->{Slist}=\@Score;
5368	my ($before,$score)=$self->make;
5369	my $func= $before.'; sub { $Score[$_]='.$score.' for @{$_[0]}; }';
5370	my $sub=eval $func;
5371	if ($@) { warn "Error in eval '$func' :\n$@"; $Score[$_]=1 for @{$_[0]}; }
5372	$self->{UpdateIDsScore}=$sub;
5374sub AddIDs
5375{	my $self=shift;
5376	$self->{UpdateIDsScore}(\@_) if $self->{valid};
5377	$self->{Sum}=undef;
5379sub RmIDs
5380{	$_[0]{Sum}=undef;
5382sub Invalidate
5383{	my $self=shift;
5384	#@{ $self->{Slist} }=();
5385	$self->{valid}=0;
5388sub Draw
5389{	my ($self,$nb,$no_list)=@_;
5390	#my $time=times;
5391	#(re)compute scores if invalid or (older than 10 min and time-dependant)
5392	if (!$self->{valid} || ($self->{time_computed} && time-$self->{time_computed}>10*60))
5393	{	$self->MakeScoreFunction unless $self->{UpdateIDsScore};
5394		$self->{UpdateIDsScore}($self->{lref});
5395		$self->{time_computed}=time if $self->{time_computed};
5396		$self->{valid}=1;
5397		$self->{Sum}=undef;
5398	}
5399	my $lref=$self->{lref};
5400	my @scores=@{ $self->{Slist} };
5401	my (@list,$sum);
5402	if ($no_list)	#list of IDs that must not be picked
5403	{	my %no;
5404		$no{$_}++ for @$no_list;
5405		@list=grep !$no{$_}, @$lref;
5406		$sum=0;
5407		$sum+=$scores[$_] for @list;
5408	}
5409	else
5410	{	@list=@$lref;
5411		$sum=$self->{Sum};
5412		if (!defined $sum)
5413		{	$sum=0;
5414			$sum+=$scores[$_] for @$lref;
5415			$self->{Sum}=$sum;
5416		}
5417	}
5418	if ($nb) { $nb=@list if $nb>@list; }
5419	else
5420	{	return () if defined $nb;
5421		$nb=@list;
5422	}
5423	my @drawn;
5424	#my $time=times;
5425	my (@chunknb,@chunksum);
5426	if ($nb>1)
5427	{	my $chunk=0; my $count;
5428		my $size=int(@list/60); $size=15 if $size<15;
5429		for my $id (@list)
5430		{	$chunksum[$chunk]+=$scores[$id];
5431			$chunknb[$chunk]++;
5432			$count||=$size;
5433			$chunk++ unless --$count;
5434		}
5435	}
5436	else { $chunksum[0]=$sum; $chunknb[0]=@list; }
5437	#warn "\@chunknb=@chunknb\n"   if $::debug;
5438	#warn "\@chunksum=@chunksum\n" if $::debug;
5439	NEXTDRAW:while ($nb>0)
5440	{	last unless $sum>0;
5441		my $r=rand $sum; my $savedr=$r;
5442		my $start=my $chunk=0;
5443		until ($chunksum[$chunk]>$r)
5444		{	$start+=$chunknb[$chunk];
5445			$r-=$chunksum[$chunk++];
5446			#warn "no more chunks : savedr=$savedr r=$r chunk=$chunk" if $chunk>$#chunksum;
5447			last NEXTDRAW if $chunk>$#chunksum;#FIXME rounding error
5448		}
5449		for my $i ($start..$start+$chunknb[$chunk]-1)
5450		{	next if ($r-=$scores[$list[$i]])>0;
5451			$nb--;
5452			my $id=splice @list,$i,1;
5453			push @drawn,$id;
5454			$sum-=$scores[$id];
5455			if (--$chunknb[$chunk]) { $chunksum[$chunk]-=$scores[$id]; }
5456			else
5457			{	splice @chunknb,$chunk,1;
5458				splice @chunksum,$chunk,1;
5459			}
5460			next NEXTDRAW;
5461		}
5462		#warn $r; warn $nb;
5463		last;
5464	}
5465	#warn "drawing took ".(times-$time)." s\n" if $::debug;
5467	if ($nb && @list)	#if still need more -> select at random (no weights)
5468	{	$nb=@list if $nb>@list;
5469		my @rand; push @rand,rand for @list;
5470		push @drawn,map $list[$_], (sort { $rand[$a] <=> $rand[$b] } 0..$#list)[0..$nb-1];
5471	}
5472	return @drawn;
5475sub MakeTab
5476{	my ($self,$nbcols)=@_;
5477	my ($before,$score)=$self->make;
5478	my $func= $before.'my $sum;my @tab=(0)x'.$nbcols.'; for (@$::ListPlay) { $sum+=my $s='.$score.'; $tab[int(.5+'.($nbcols-1).'*$s)]++;}; return \@tab,$sum;';
5479	my ($tab,$sum)=eval $func;
5480	if ($@)
5481	{	warn "Error in eval '$func' :\n$@";
5482		$tab=[(0)x$nbcols]; $sum=@$::ListPlay;
5483	}
5484	return $tab,$sum;
5487sub CalcScore
5488{	my ($self,$ID)=@_;
5489	my ($before,$score)=$self->make;
5490	local $_=$ID;	#ID needs to be in $_ for eval
5491	eval $before.$score;
5494sub MakeExample
5495{	my ($class,$string,$ID)=@_;
5496	::setlocale(::LC_NUMERIC, 'C');
5497	my ($inverse,$weight,$type,$extra)=$string=~m/^(-?)(\d*\.?\d+)([a-zA-Z])(.*)/;
5498	return 'error' unless $type;
5499	my $round=$ScoreTypes{$type}{round}||'%s';
5500	my $unit= $ScoreTypes{$type}{unit}||'';
5501	my $value=$ScoreTypes{$type}{value};
5502	if ($value) { $value= Songs::Code(split(/:/,$value), ID => '$_', QVAL => quotemeta $extra); }
5503	else
5504	{	my $filter= ($ScoreTypes{$type}{filter} || '').$extra;
5505		$filter=Filter->new($filter);
5506		$value= $filter->singlesong_code();
5507	}
5508	my $score;
5509	if ($ScoreTypes{$type}{boolean})
5510	{	$score=$value;
5511		$value="($score)? '"._("true")."' : '"._("false")."'";
5512	}
5513	elsif ($type eq 'r')
5514	{	my @l=split /,/,$extra;
5515		return 'error' unless @l==11;
5516		$score='('.$extra.')[int('.$value.'/10)]';
5517	}
5518	else
5519	{	$inverse=!$inverse;
5520		if (my $halflife=$extra)
5521		{	my $lambda=log(2)/$halflife;
5522			$score="exp(-$lambda*$value)";
5523		}
5524		else {$score='0';}
5525	}
5526	$inverse=($inverse)? '1-':'';
5527	$score=(1-$weight).'+'.$weight.'*('.$inverse.$score.')';
5528	::setlocale(::LC_NUMERIC, '');
5529	my $func='return (('.$value.'),('.$score.'));';
5530	local $_=$ID;	#ID needs to be in $_ for eval
5531	my ($v,$s)=eval $func;
5532	return 'error' if $@;
5533	my $string_value= $ScoreTypes{$type}{boolean} ? $v : ::format_number($v,$round)." $unit";
5534	my $string_score= ::format_number($s,'%.2f');
5535	return "$string_value -> $string_score";