2--               GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome               --
3--                                                                   --
4--   Copyright (C) 1998-2000 E. Briot, J. Brobecker and A. Charlet   --
5--                Copyright (C) 2000-2007 AdaCore                    --
6--                                                                   --
7-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
8-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
9-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
10-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
11--                                                                   --
12-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
13-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
15-- General Public License for more details.                          --
16--                                                                   --
17-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
18-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
19-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
20-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
21--                                                                   --
22-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
23-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
24-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
25-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
26-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
27-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --
30--  <description>
31--  This widget is deprecated. Use Gtk.Tree_View instead.
33--  This widget displays a multi-column list. Each line is made of
34--  a number of column, each being able to display any kind of widget.
36--  The intersection of a line and a column is called a Cell. Each cell can
37--  have a different type (Cell_Text, Cell_Pixmap, Cell_Pixtext), and display
38--  its contents depending on this type. For instance, the text is not
39--  displayed in the type is Cell_Pixmap.
40--  Note that this type is changed dynamically by some of the subprograms
41--  below, like Set_Pixmap, Set_Text, ... and Set_Cell_Contents
43--  This is one of the most powerful widgets in GtkAda, that can be used to
44--  display an kind of information. Look also into using Gtk_Ctree, which is
45--  a similar widget.
47--  You can add scrolling in a Gtk_Clist by adding it in a Gtk_Scrolled_Window.
48--  </description>
49--  <c_version>2.8.17</c_version>
50--  <group>Obsolescent widgets</group>
51--  <testgtk>create_clist.adb</testgtk>
53with Gdk.Bitmap;
54with Gdk.Color;
55with Gdk.Pixmap;
56with Gdk.Window;
57with Glib.Glist;
58pragma Elaborate_All (Glib.Glist);
59with Gtk.Adjustment;
60with Gtk.Container;
61with Gtk.Enums;
62with Gtk.Style;
63with Gtk.Widget;
64with Gtkada.Types;
65with Unchecked_Conversion;
67package Gtk.Clist is
68   pragma Obsolescent ("Use Gtk.Tree_View instead");
70   type Gtk_Clist_Record is new Gtk.Container.Gtk_Container_Record
71     with private;
72   type Gtk_Clist is access all Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
74   type Gtk_Clist_Row is new Gdk.C_Proxy;
75   --  A row of the clist.
76   --  Application-specific data can be associated with each row.
77   --  In the following subprograms, rows can also be accessed via their
78   --  number, starting from 0.
80   type Gtk_Button_Action is new Guint;
81   Button_Ignored : constant Gtk_Button_Action := 0;
82   Button_Selects : constant Gtk_Button_Action := 1 ** 0;
83   Button_Drags   : constant Gtk_Button_Action := 1 ** 1;
84   Button_Expands : constant Gtk_Button_Action := 1 ** 2;
86   type Gtk_Cell_Type is
87     (Cell_Empty,
88      Cell_Text,
89      Cell_Pixmap,
90      Cell_Pixtext,
91      Cell_Widget);
92   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Cell_Type);
94   type Gtk_Sort_Type is (Ascending, Descending);
95   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Sort_Type);
96   --  The order in which the rows should be sorted.
98   --  <doc_ignore>
99   function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion
100     (Gtk_Clist_Row, System.Address);
101   function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion
102     (System.Address, Gtk_Clist_Row);
103   package Row_List is new Glib.Glist.Generic_List (Gtk_Clist_Row);
105   --  </doc_ignore>
107   type Gtk_Clist_Compare_Func is access
108     function
109       (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
110        Row1  : Gtk_Clist_Row;
111        Row2  : Gtk_Clist_Row) return Gint;
112   --  Function used when sorting a clist. This function takes two
113   --  rows as its arguments, and should return a Gint indicating in which
114   --  order the rows are found (-1 if Row1 comes first, 0 if they are equal,
115   --  1 if Row2 comes first).
117   ------------------------------------------------
118   -- Creating a list and setting the attributes --
119   ------------------------------------------------
121   procedure Gtk_New (Widget : out Gtk_Clist; Columns : in Gint);
122   --  Create a list with Columns columns.
123   --  Each line will have this exact number of column
124   --  The number of columns can not be changed once the widget has been
125   --  created.
127   procedure Initialize
128     (Widget : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class; Columns : in Gint);
129   --  Internal initialization function.
130   --  See the section "Creating your own widgets" in the documentation.
132   procedure Gtk_New
133     (Widget  : out Gtk_Clist;
134      Columns : in  Gint;
135      Titles  : in  Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr_Array);
136   --  Create a new list with Columns columns.
137   --  The title of the columns is specified in Titles.
138   --  The results are undefined (and can raise an exception) if Titles does
139   --  not have at least Columns items.
141   procedure Initialize
142     (Widget  : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
143      Columns : in Gint;
144      Titles  : in Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr_Array);
145   --  Internal initialization function.
146   --  See the section "Creating your own widgets" in the documentation.
148   function Get_Type return Gtk.Gtk_Type;
149   --  Return the internal value associated with a Gtk_Clist.
151   procedure Set_Hadjustment
152     (Clist      : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
153      Adjustment : Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment);
154   --  Set the horizontal adjustment used for the clist.
155   --  Note that such an adjustment is automatically created when the clist
156   --  is added to a Gtk_Scrolled_Window. You should rather use
157   --  Gtk.Scrolled_Window.Set_Hadjustment if you want to modify the
158   --  adjustment.
159   --  If there was already such an adjustment, it is unref-ed, and might
160   --  be deleted.
162   procedure Set_Vadjustment
163     (Clist      : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
164      Adjustment : Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment);
165   --  Set the vertical adjustment used for the clist.
166   --  Note that such an adjustment is automatically created when the clist
167   --  is added to a Gtk_Scrolled_Window. You should rather use
168   --  Gtk.Scrolled_Window.Set_Hadjustment if you want to modify the
169   --  adjustment.
170   --  If there was already such an adjustment, it is unref-ed, and might
171   --  be deleted.
173   function Get_Hadjustment
174     (Clist  : access  Gtk_Clist_Record) return Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment;
175   --  Return the horizontal adjustment used for the clist.
176   --  This indicates what position the clist is presently displaying, and
177   --  by changing its value, the clist is automatically scrolled horizontally.
178   --  This is done automatically when the clist's parent is a
179   --  Gtk_Scrolled_Window.
181   function Get_Vadjustment
182     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record) return Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment;
183   --  Return the vertical adjustment used for the clist.
184   --  This indicates what position the clist is presently displaying, and
185   --  by changing its value, the clist is automatically scrolled vertically.
186   --  This is done automatically when the clist's parent is a
187   --  Gtk_Scrolled_Window.
189   procedure Set_Selection_Mode
190     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
191      Mode  : in Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Selection_Mode);
192   --  Modify the selection mode for the clist.
193   --  This indicates whether one or more lines can be selected at the
194   --  same time in the clist, and how this selection can done by the
195   --  user (does he have to click explicitly on an item, or can he
196   --  browse through the clist and select the last item he was on, etc.)
197   --
198   --  Note that changing the selection mode to Selection_Single or
199   --  Selection_Browse will deselect all the items in the clist.
201   function Get_Selection_Mode
202     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record) return Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Selection_Mode;
203   --  Return the selection mode for the clist.
205   --  <doc_ignore>
206   function Get_Clist_Window
207     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record) return Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
208   --  Returns the scrolling window used in the clist. This function is
209   --  kept for backward compatibility reasons, and you probably won't have
210   --  to use it.
211   --  </doc_ignore>
213   --------------------
214   -- Visual aspects --
215   --------------------
217   procedure Freeze (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record);
218   --  Freeze all visual updates on the list, while you make big changes.
219   --  This is more efficient than working on an unfrozen list.
221   procedure Thaw (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record);
222   --  Thaw the list, ie reactivate all the visual updates.
223   --  This also forces an immediate refresh of the list.
224   --  Note that each Freeze must be followed by a Thaw. The visual updates
225   --  are not reactivated until the last Thaw has been emitted, but there is
226   --  an immediate refresh every time anyway.
228   procedure Set_Shadow_Type
229     (Clist    : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
230      The_Type : in Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Shadow_Type);
231   --  Set the border style of the clist.
233   ----------------------------
234   -- Modifying the contents --
235   ----------------------------
237   function Append
238     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
239      Text  : in     Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr_Array) return Gint;
240   --  Append a new row to the clist, and return the index of the row created.
241   --  The row is added at the end of the Clist.
242   --  The behavior is undefined if Text does not have at least as many items
243   --  as there are columns in the Clist.
245   function Prepend
246     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
247      Text  : in     Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr_Array) return Gint;
248   --  Add a new row at the beginning of the clist, and return its index.
249   --  The behavior is undefined if Text does not have at least as many items
250   --  as there are columns in the Clist.
252   procedure Insert
253     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
254      Row   : in     Gint;
255      Text  : in     Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr_Array);
256   --  Add a new row in the clist.
257   --  The row 0 is the first in the clist. If Row is not in the range for
258   --  clist, the new row is added at the end. The behavior is undefined if
259   --  Text does not have enough items.
261   procedure Remove (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record; Row : in Gint);
262   --  Remove a row from the clist (0 is the first one).
264   procedure Clear (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record);
265   --  Clears the entire list. This is much faster than doing a Remove on each
266   --  line.
268   procedure Swap_Rows
269     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
270      Row1  : in     Gint;
271      Row2  : in     Gint);
272   --  Exchange the position of two rows in the clist.
274   procedure Row_Move
275     (Clist      : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
276      Source_Row : in     Gint;
277      Dest_Row   : in     Gint);
278   --  Move the row at Source_Row to Dest_Row (0 indicates the first row in
279   --  the clist)
281   procedure Set_Sort_Column
282     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
283      Column : Gint);
284   --  Indicate the column on which to sort the clist.
285   --  This column is relevant when you use Sort or Set_Auto_Sort below.
286   --  The first column is number 0.
288   function Get_Sort_Column (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record) return Gint;
289   --  Return the column on which the clist is sorted.
291   procedure Set_Sort_Type
292     (Clist     : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
293      Sort_Type : Gtk_Sort_Type);
294   --  Indicate in which order the sort should be done on the clist
295   --  (ascending or descending).
297   function Get_Sort_Type
298     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record) return Gtk_Sort_Type;
299   --  Return the sort type currently used for the list
301   procedure Sort (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record);
302   --  Sort the lines of the clist, based on the column set by Set_Sort_Column,
303   --  and in the order set by Set_Sort_Type.
305   procedure Set_Auto_Sort
306     (Clist     : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
307      Auto_Sort : Boolean);
308   --  If Auto_Sort is true, then the clist will be automatically sorted every
309   --  time a new line is inserted into the clist.
311   procedure Set_Compare_Func
312     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
313      Func  : Gtk_Clist_Compare_Func);
314   --  Set the function used when sorting the list. This function takes two
315   --  rows as its arguments, and should return a Gint indicating in which
316   --  order the rows are found (-1 if Row1 comes first, 0 if they are equal,
317   --  1 if Row2 comes last).
318   --  Func should be null to restore the default sorting functions.
320   -------------
321   -- Columns --
322   -------------
324   function Get_Columns (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record) return Gint;
325   --  Return the number of columns in the clist.
327   procedure Column_Titles_Hide (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record);
328   --  Hide the column titles for the list.
329   --  This is the default behavior if no column titles were given when the
330   --  list was created.
332   procedure Column_Titles_Show (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record);
333   --  Show the column titles for the list.
334   --  This is the default behavior if some column titles were given when the
335   --  list was created.
337   procedure Column_Title_Active
338     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
339      Column : in Gint);
340   --  Set the column title to be an activate title.
341   --  In other words, answer all button presses, highlights when the mouse is
342   --  over it, ...
344   procedure Column_Title_Passive
345     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
346      Column : in Gint);
347   --  Set the column title to be passive.
348   --  Act just as a title, and do not react to mouse events.
350   procedure Column_Titles_Active (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record);
351   --  Set all column titles to be active.
353   procedure Column_Titles_Passive (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record);
354   --  Set all column titles to be passive.
356   procedure Set_Column_Title
357     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
358      Column : in Gint;
359      Title  : in UTF8_String);
360   --  Set the text for the button of the column's title.
361   --  See Set_Column_Widget if you want to put a pixmap inside the button.
363   function Get_Column_Title
364     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
365      Column : in Gint) return UTF8_String;
366   --  Return the text used for the title's column.
367   --  This is a copy of the title, so you can't modify it to automatically
368   --  change the column's title.
370   procedure Set_Column_Widget
371     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
372      Column : in     Gint;
373      Widget : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
374   --  Modify the widget used in the Gtk_Button that is the column's title.
375   --  By default, this button contains a simple Gtk_Label, which is replaced
376   --  by Widget. This is the function to use if you want to put a pixmap
377   --  (or a Gtk_Box that contains both a pixmap and some text) in a column's
378   --  title.
380   function Get_Column_Widget
381     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
382      Column : in Gint) return Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget;
383   --  Return the child of the button that makes the column's title.
384   --  Unless you changed it with Set_Column_Widget, this will return a
385   --  Gtk_Label. Note also that if this widget was not created in Ada, but
386   --  transparently by gtk+, you have to 'with' Gtk.Type_Conversion so that
387   --  the correct type of the widget is created (See the user's guide for
388   --  more information on type conversion).
390   procedure Set_Column_Justification
391     (Clist         : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
392      Column        : in Gint;
393      Justification : in Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Justification);
394   --  Change the way the text in the whole column is justified.
395   --  This function has no effect on the title if you used Set_Column_Widget
396   --  before.
398   procedure Set_Column_Visibility
399     (Clist   : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
400      Column  : in Gint;
401      Visible : in Boolean);
402   --  Modify the visibility of a column.
403   --  Note that GtkAda prevents the last remaining visible column to be
404   --  hidden. Nothing will be done if you try to hide that last column.
405   --  See the example below for an example how to hide all the columns but
406   --  one.
408   procedure Set_Column_Resizeable
409     (Clist    : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
410      Column   : in Gint;
411      Resizeable : in Boolean);
412   --  Set whether the column can be dynamically resized with the mouse.
413   --  If Resizeable is true, then the column can be resized by clicking
414   --  and dragging the lines that separates the column from the next one.
416   procedure Set_Column_Auto_Resize
417     (Clist       : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
418      Column      : in Gint;
419      Auto_Resize : in Boolean);
420   --  Set whether the column should automatically be resized to the optimal
421   --  size (based on its contents). Note that this operation could slow things
422   --  down a lot if you have a lot of items in your list.
424   function Columns_Autosize (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record) return Gint;
425   --  Set all the columns' width to their optimal size.
426   --  Return the total width of the clist after this operation.
428   function Optimal_Column_Width
429     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
430      Column : Gint) return Gint;
431   --  Return the optimal width for Column, based on its contents.
432   --  This is the maximal cell width in the column.
434   procedure Set_Column_Width
435     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
436      Column : in Gint;
437      Width  : in Gint);
438   --  Set the column width in pixels.
439   --  By default, the column's width is chosen from the column's title.
441   procedure Set_Column_Min_Width
442     (Clist     : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
443      Column    : Gint;
444      Min_Width : Gint);
445   --  Set the minimal width for the column, in pixels.
446   --  if Min_Width is negative, there is no limit on the minimal width for
447   --  the column.
449   procedure Set_Column_Max_Width
450     (Clist     : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
451      Column    : Gint;
452      Max_Width : Gint);
453   --  Set the maximal width for the column, in pixels.
454   --  If Max_Width is negative, there is no limit on the maximal width for
455   --  the column.
457   ----------
458   -- Rows --
459   ----------
461   function Get_Rows (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record) return Gint;
462   --  Return the number of rows in the clist.
464   procedure Set_Row_Height
465     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
466      Height : Gint);
467   --  Set the height of the rows, in pixels.
468   --  if Height is 0, the chosen height will be the current's font height.
470   function Row_Is_Visible
471     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
472      Row   : in Gint) return Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Visibility;
473   --  Return the visibility status of the row.
475   procedure Set_Foreground
476     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
477      Row   : in Gint;
478      Color : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
479   --  Set the foreground color for the row.
480   --  The color must already be allocated.
481   --  If no such row exists in the list, nothing is done.
483   procedure Set_Background
484     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
485      Row   : in Gint;
486      Color : in Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
487   --  Set the background color for the row.
488   --  The color must already be allocated.
489   --  If no such row exists in the list, nothing is done.
491   procedure Set_Row_Style
492     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record; Row : Gint;
493      Style : in Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style);
494   --  Set the default style for the cells in the row. This can be
495   --  overridden for each cell with Set_Cell_Style.
497   function Get_Row_Style
498     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
499      Row    : in     Gint) return Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style;
500   --  Return the default style used for the row.
502   procedure Set_Selectable
503     (Clist      : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
504      Row        : Gint;
505      Selectable : Boolean);
506   --  Indicate whether the row can be selected or not.
507   --  The default value is True.
509   function Get_Selectable
510     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
511      Row   : Gint) return Boolean;
512   --  Return the selectable status of the row.
514   procedure Select_Row
515     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
516      Row    : in Gint;
517      Column : in Gint);
518   --  Emit the signal "select_row". This simulates the user pressing
519   --  the mouse on Row, Column on the clist.
521   procedure Unselect_Row
522     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
523      Row    : in Gint;
524      Column : in Gint);
525   --  Emit the signal "unselect_row", as if the user had clicked on
526   --  Row, Column on the clist.
528   procedure Undo_Selection (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record);
529   --  Undo the last select/unselect operation.
531   procedure Get_Selection_Info
532     (Clist    : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
533      X        : in Gint;
534      Y        : in Gint;
535      Row      : out Gint;
536      Column   : out Gint;
537      Is_Valid : out Boolean);
538   --  Return the Row/Column corresponding to the coordinates X,Y in the
539   --  Row column. The coordinates X,Y are relative to the clist window
540   --  (ie 0,0 is the top left corner of the clist).
541   --  The result is valid only if Is_Valid is true
543   procedure Select_All (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record);
544   --  Select all the rows in the clist. This only works if the selection
545   --  mode allows for multiple rows selected at the same time (extended or
546   --  multiple).
548   procedure Unselect_All (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record);
549   --  Deselect all the rows in the clist. If the selection mode is
550   --  Browse, then only the current line is deselected.
552   function Get_Focus_Row (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record) return Gint;
553   --  Return the number of the line that currently has the focus.
555   function Get_Row_List
556     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record) return Row_List.Glist;
557   --  Return the list of all the rows in the clist. This might speed up
558   --  the access to the rows a little.
559   --  You can then use the function Set_Cell_Contents to modify the cells
560   --  in the row, and Get_Text or Get_Pixmap to get its contents.
562   function Get_Selection
563     (Widget : access Gtk_Clist_Record) return Gtk.Enums.Gint_List.Glist;
564   --  Return the list of selected rows, by number.
566   -----------
567   -- Cells --
568   -----------
570   function Get_Cell_Type
571     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
572      Row    : in Gint;
573      Column : in Gint) return Gtk_Cell_Type;
574   --  Return the type of the cell at Row/Column.
575   --  This indicates which of the functions Get_Text. Get_Pixmap, etc.
576   --  below you can use.
578   procedure Set_Text
579     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
580      Row    : in Gint;
581      Column : in Gint;
582      Text   : in UTF8_String);
583   --  Set the cell's text, replacing its current contents.
584   --  This changes the type of the cell to Cell_Text. The pixmap (if any)
585   --  will no longer be displayed.
587   function Get_Text
588     (Clist    : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
589      Row      : in Gint;
590      Column   : in Gint) return UTF8_String;
591   --  Return the text contained in cell. The type of the cell should be
592   --  either Cell_Text or Cell_Pixtext.
593   --  If there was a problem, a null-length string is returned.
594   --  The problem might appear in case the row or the column are
595   --  invalid, or if the cell does not contain any text.
597   function Get_Text
598     (Clist    : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
599      Row      : Gtk_Clist_Row;
600      Column   : in Gint) return UTF8_String;
601   --  Return the text contained in cell. The Row can be obtained from
602   --  Get_Row_List, this function speeds up the access a little compared
603   --  to the other Get_Text above.
605   procedure Set_Pixmap
606     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
607      Row    : in Gint;
608      Column : in Gint;
609      Pixmap : in Gdk.Pixmap.Gdk_Pixmap;
610      Mask   : in Gdk.Bitmap.Gdk_Bitmap);
611   --  Set the cell's pixmap, replacing its current contents.
612   --  The type of the cell becomes Cell_Pixmap, and the text is no longer
613   --  displayed.
615   procedure Get_Pixmap
616     (Clist    : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
617      Row      : in Gint;
618      Column   : in Gint;
619      Pixmap   : out Gdk.Pixmap.Gdk_Pixmap;
620      Mask     : out Gdk.Bitmap.Gdk_Bitmap;
621      Is_Valid : out Boolean);
622   --  Return the pixmap contained in a cell. The type of the cell should
623   --  be Cell_Pixmap.
624   --  The result is meaningful only if Is_Valid is True. If the Cell did not
625   --  contain a pixmap, Is_Valid is set to False
627   procedure Get_Pixmap
628     (Clist    : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
629      Row      : in Gtk_Clist_Row;
630      Column   : in Gint;
631      Pixmap   : out Gdk.Pixmap.Gdk_Pixmap;
632      Mask     : out Gdk.Bitmap.Gdk_Bitmap;
633      Is_Valid : out Boolean);
634   --  Return the pixmap contained in a cell. Row can be obtained directly with
635   --  Get_Row_List, and speeds up the access a little compared to the previous
636   --  Get_Pixmap function.
638   procedure Set_Pixtext
639     (Clist   : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
640      Row     : in Gint;
641      Column  : in Gint;
642      Text    : in UTF8_String;
643      Spacing : in Guint8;
644      Pixmap  : in Gdk.Pixmap.Gdk_Pixmap;
645      Mask    : in Gdk.Bitmap.Gdk_Bitmap);
646   --  Set both the text and the pixmap for the cell.
647   --  Replace its current contents. The type of the cell becomes Cell_Pixtext,
648   --  and both the text and the pixmap are displayed.
650   procedure Get_Pixtext
651     (Clist    : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
652      Row      : in Gint;
653      Column   : in Gint;
654      Spacing  : out Guint8;
655      Pixmap   : out Gdk.Pixmap.Gdk_Pixmap;
656      Mask     : out Gdk.Bitmap.Gdk_Bitmap;
657      Is_Valid : out Boolean);
658   --  The result is not meaningful if Is_Valid is False.
659   --  The only way to get the string is to use Get_Text, since a String is
660   --  an unconstrained type in Ada and is not really convenient to use as an
661   --  out parameter.
663   procedure Set_Cell_Style
664     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
665      Row    : in Gint;
666      Column : in Gint;
667      Style  : in Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style);
668   --  Set the style (font, color, ...) used for the cell.
669   --  This overrides the row's style.
671   function Get_Cell_Style
672     (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
673      Row    : in     Gint;
674      Column : in     Gint) return Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style;
675   --  Return the style of the cell.
677   procedure Set_Shift
678     (Clist      : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
679      Row        : in Gint;
680      Column     : in Gint;
681      Vertical   : in Gint;
682      Horizontal : in Gint);
683   --  Set a horizontal and vertical shift for drawing the content of the cell.
684   --  Both shifts can be either positive or negative.
685   --  This is particularly useful for indenting items in a columns.
687   procedure Set_Cell_Contents
688     (Clist     : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
689      Row       : Gtk_Clist_Row;
690      Column    : Gint;
691      Cell_Type : Gtk_Cell_Type;
692      Text      : UTF8_String;
693      Spacing   : Guint8;
694      Pixmap    : Gdk.Pixmap.Gdk_Pixmap;
695      Mask      : Gdk.Bitmap.Gdk_Bitmap);
696   --  Modify the contents and type of a cell.
697   --  Cell_Type indicates what should be displayed in the cell. Note that
698   --  if you do not want any string, you should pass an empty string "".
699   --  You get Row from Get_Row_List.
701   -------------------------
702   -- Reordering the list --
703   -------------------------
705   procedure Set_Reorderable
706     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record; Reorderable : Boolean);
707   --  Set whether the list can be dynamically reordered by the user.
708   --  (using a simple drag-n-drop protocol).
710   procedure Set_Use_Drag_Icons
711     (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record; Use_Icons : Boolean);
712   --  Set whether drag icons are shown while the user is reordering the list.
713   --  The default value is True.
715   procedure Set_Button_Actions
716     (Clist         : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
717      Button        : Guint;
718      Button_Action : Gtk_Button_Action);
719   --  Set the action for a specific button on the list.
720   --  The default if for the left mouse button to select or drag and item,
721   --  the other buttons are ignored.
722   --  The Button_Expands action has no effect on a clist.
724   procedure Moveto
725     (Clist     : access Gtk_Clist_Record;
726      Row       : in Gint;
727      Column    : in Gint;
728      Row_Align : in Gfloat;
729      Col_Align : in Gfloat);
730   --  Scroll the list so that Row/Column is visible.
731   --  If Row is -1, the clist is not scrolled vertically.
732   --  If Column is -1, the clist is not scrolled horizontally.
733   --  The new location of Row/Column depends on the value of Row_Align and
734   --  Col_Align (from 0.0x0.0 (top-left) to 1.0x1.0 (bottom-right), all
735   --  intermediate values are possible).
737   ---------------
738   -- Row_Data --
739   ---------------
740   --  You can associate one private data with each row in the clist. If you
741   --  want to store multiple values, you should create a record type that
742   --  contains all the values, and associate with value with the relevant
743   --  line in the clist.
744   --  This package is the equivalent of Gtk.Widget.User_Data for the Clists.
745   --
746   --  This is your responsibility to use the Get and Set functions from the
747   --  same generic package. However, you can use different packages for
748   --  different lines (although this will definitely make things harder to
749   --  use!)
750   --
751   --  Note also that an internal copy of the Data is done, therefore the
752   --  "find" functions found in gtk+ have no equivalent in GtkAda, although it
753   --  would be enough to write one by iterating over the Row numbers.
755   generic
756      --  <doc_ignore>
757      type Data_Type (<>) is private;
758      --  </doc_ignore>
759   package Row_Data is
760      function Get
761        (Object : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
762         Row    : in     Gint) return Data_Type;
763      --  Get the data associated to a specific row.
765      function Get
766        (Object : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
767         Row    : in     Gtk_Clist_Row) return Data_Type;
768      --  Same as above, but acts directly on a row obtained through
769      --  Get_Row_List. This is faster for big lists.
771      procedure Set
772        (Object : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
773         Row    : in Gint;
774         Data   : in Data_Type);
775      --  Modify the data associated with a row
777      procedure Set
778        (Object : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
779         Row    : in Gtk_Clist_Row;
780         Data   : in Data_Type);
781      --  Same as above but acts directly on a row obtained through
782      --  Get_Row_List. This is faster for big lists.
784   private
785      --  <doc_ignore>
786      procedure Free_Data (Data : System.Address);
787      --  Free memory associated with Data
788      pragma Convention (C, Free_Data);
789      --  </doc_ignore>
790   end Row_Data;
792   --  <doc_ignore>
793   procedure Set_Show_Titles (Clist : access Gtk_Clist_Record; Show : Boolean);
794   --  If show is true, call Column_Titles_Show. Do nothing otherwise.
795   --  This procedure is primarily used by Gate generated code.
796   --  </doc_ignore>
798   ----------------
799   -- Properties --
800   ----------------
802   --  <properties>
803   --  The following properties are defined for this widget. See
804   --  Glib.Properties for more information on properties.
805   --
806   --  </properties>
808   -------------
809   -- Signals --
810   -------------
812   --  <signals>
813   --  The following new signals are defined for this widget:
814   --
815   --  - "select_row"
816   --    procedure Handler (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
817   --                       Row    : Gint;
818   --                       Column : Gint;
819   --                       Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event);
820   --
821   --    Emitted when a row is selected. Column contains the column number in
822   --    which the user has clicked, or -1 if the selection was done internally
823   --    by GtkAda.
824   --    Event will be null if the selection was not triggered by an event, eg
825   --    if the row was selected through a call to Select_Row.
826   --
827   --  - "unselect_row"
828   --    procedure Handler (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
829   --                       Row    : Gint;
830   --                       Column : Gint;
831   --                       Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event);
832   --
833   --    Emitted to request the unselection of a row. Event will be null most
834   --    of the time when the event is emitted directly by GtkAda. You should
835   --    use Unselect_Row instead.
836   --
837   --  - "row_move"
838   --    procedure Handler (Clist      : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
839   --                       Source_Row : Gint;
840   --                       Dest_Row   : Gint);
841   --
842   --    Emitted to request the change of a Source_Row to Dest_Row. You should
843   --    use Row_Move instead.
844   --
845   --  - "click_column"
846   --    procedure Handler (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
847   --                       Column : Gint);
848   --
849   --    Emitted when the user has clicked on one of the buttons at the top
850   --    of a column. The first column has number 0.
851   --
852   --  - "resize_column"
853   --    procedure Handler (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
854   --                       Column : Gint;
855   --                       Width  : Gint);
856   --
857   --    Emitted to request a new size for a given column. You should use
858   --    Set_Column_Width instead.
859   --
860   --  - "toggle_focus_row"
861   --    procedure Handler (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class);
862   --
863   --    Emitted to request the change of the selection status (selected/
864   --    unselected) of the focus row. This signal is not emitted internally
865   --    by GtkAda.
866   --
867   --  - "select_all"
868   --    procedure Handler (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class);
869   --
870   --    Emitted to request the selection of all the rows in the Clist, if the
871   --    selection mode allows. You should use Select_All instead.
872   --
873   --  - "unselect_all"
874   --    procedure Handler (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class);
875   --
876   --    Emitted to request the unselection of all the rows in the Clist, if
877   --    the selection mode is different from Browse. You should use
878   --    Unselect_All instead.
879   --
880   --  - "undo_selection"
881   --    procedure Handler (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class);
882   --
883   --    Emitted to request the cancellation of the last select/unselect
884   --    operation. You should use Undo_Selection instead.
885   --
886   --  - "start_selection"
887   --    procedure Handler (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class);
888   --
889   --    Request the start of the selection. This signal is not emitted
890   --    internally by GtkAda, but acts as if the user had clicked on the
891   --    focus row (the exact visual modification depends on the selection
892   --    mode).
893   --
894   --  - "end_selection"
895   --    procedure Handler (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class);
896   --
897   --    Ends the current selection process. This is never emitted internally
898   --    by GtkAda, but acts as if the user had just released the mouse button.
899   --
900   --  - "toggle_add_mode"
901   --    procedure Handler (Clist  : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class);
902   --
903   --    Changes the add_mode for the clist (indicates whether the next line
904   --    clicked on will be added to the selection or will replace it).
905   --    This is never emitted internally by GtkAda.
906   --
907   --  - "extend_selection"
908   --    procedure Handler (Clist       : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
909   --                       Scroll_Type : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Scroll_Type;
910   --                       Position    : Gfloat;
911   --                       Auto_Start_Selection : Boolean);
912   --
913   --    Extends the current selection. Position is used only for certain
914   --    values of Scroll_Type. It is never emitted internally by GtkAda. It
915   --    has no effect if the selection mode is not Extended.
916   --
917   --  - "scroll_vertical"
918   --    procedure Handler (Clist       : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
919   --                       Scroll_Type : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Scroll_Type;
920   --                       Position    : Gfloat);
921   --
922   --    Scrolls the clist vertically. This also modifies the selection.
923   --    It is never emitted internally by GtkAda. You should consider using
924   --    Moveto instead.
925   --
926   --  - "scroll_horizontal"
927   --    procedure Handler (Clist       : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class;
928   --                       Scroll_Type : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Scroll_Type;
929   --                       Position    : Gfloat);
930   --
931   --    Scrolls the clist horizontally. This also modifies the selection.
932   --    It is never emitted internally by GtkAda. You should consider using
933   --    Moveto instead.
934   --
935   --  - "abort_column_resize"
936   --    procedure Handler (Clist       : access Gtk_Clist_Record'Class);
937   --
938   --    Aborts the current interactive resizing of the column by the user.
939   --    This releases the grab done on the pointer. It is never emitted
940   --    internally by GtkAda.
941   --
942   --  </signals>
944   Signal_Abort_Column_Resize    : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
945                                     "abort_column_resize";
946   Signal_Click_Column           : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
947                                     "click_column";
948   Signal_End_Selection          : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
949                                     "end_selection";
950   Signal_Extend_Selection       : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
951                                     "extend_selection";
952   Signal_Resize_Column          : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
953                                     "resize_column";
954   Signal_Row_Move               : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
955                                     "row_move";
956   Signal_Scroll_Horizontal      : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
957                                     "scroll_horizontal";
958   Signal_Scroll_Vertical        : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
959                                     "scroll_vertical";
960   Signal_Select_All             : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
961                                     "select_all";
962   Signal_Select_Row             : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
963                                     "select_row";
964   Signal_Set_Scroll_Adjustments : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
965                                     "set_scroll_adjustments";
966   Signal_Start_Selection        : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
967                                     "start_selection";
968   Signal_Toggle_Add_Mode        : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
969                                     "toggle_add_mode";
970   Signal_Toggle_Focus_Row       : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
971                                     "toggle_focus_row";
972   Signal_Undo_Selection         : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
973                                     "undo_selection";
974   Signal_Unselect_All           : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
975                                     "unselect_all";
976   Signal_Unselect_Row           : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
977                                     "unselect_row";
980   type Gtk_Clist_Record is new Gtk.Container.Gtk_Container_Record with record
981      Sort_Func : Gtk_Clist_Compare_Func := null;
982   end record;
984   pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gtk_clist_get_type");
985end Gtk.Clist;
987--  <example>
988--  <include>../examples/documentation/clist.adb</include>
989--  </example>
991--  The following subprograms never had a binding, and are now obsolescent:
992--  No binding: gtk_clist_find_row_from_data
993--  No binding: gtk_clist_set_row_data