2--                  GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome                   --
3--                                                                          --
4--      Copyright (C) 1998-2000 E. Briot, J. Brobecker and A. Charlet       --
5--                     Copyright (C) 1998-2015, AdaCore                     --
6--                                                                          --
7-- This library is free software;  you can redistribute it and/or modify it --
8-- under terms of the  GNU General Public License  as published by the Free --
9-- Software  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your  option) any later --
10-- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
11-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- --
12-- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                            --
13--                                                                          --
14-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
15-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
16-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
17--                                                                          --
18-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
19-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
20-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
21-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
22--                                                                          --
25--  <description>
26--  This package is a rewrite of Gtkada.Canvas, with hopefully more
27--  capabilities and a cleaner API.
29--  It provides a drawing area (canvas) on which items can be displayed and
30--  linked together. It also supports interactive manipulation of those
31--  items.
33--  This package is organized around the concept of Model-View-Controller:
34--    - The model is an item that gives access to all the items contained
35--      in the canvas, although it need not necessarily own them. A default
36--      model implementation is provided which indeed stores the items
37--      internally, but it is possible to create a model which is a simple
38--      wrapper around an application-specific API that would already have the
39--      list of items.
41--    - The view is in charge of representing the model, or a subset of it. It
42--      is possible to have multiple views for a single model, each displaying
43--      a different subset or a different part of the whole canvas.
44--      When a view is put inside a Gtk_Scrolled_Window, it automatically
45--      supports scrolling either via the scrollbars, or directly with the
46--      mouse wheel or touchpad.
48--    - The controller provides the user interaction in the canvas, and will
49--      change the view and model properties when the user performs actions.
51--  A view does not draw any background (image, grid,...). This is because
52--  there are simply too many ways application want to take advantage of the
53--  background. Instead, you should override the Draw_Internal primitive and
54--  take advantage (optionally) of some of the helps in
55--  Gtkada.Canvas_View.Views, which among other things provide ways to draw
56--  grids.
58--  Likewise, a view does not handle events by default (except for scrolling
59--  when it is put in a Gtk_Scrolled_Window). This is also because applications
60--  want to do widely different things (for some, clicking in the background
61--  should open a menu, whereas others will want to let the user scroll by
62--  dragging the mouse in the background -- likewise when clicking on items
63--  for instance).
65--  Differences with Gtkada.Canvas
66--  ==============================
68--  This package is organized around the concept of Model-View-Controller,
69--  which provides a much more flexible approach. There is for instance no
70--  need to duplicate the items in memory if you already have them available
71--  somewhere else in your application.
73--  Various settings that were set on an Interactive_Canvas (like the font for
74--  annotations, arrow sizes,...) are now configured on each item or link
75--  separately, which provides much more flexibility in what this canvas can
76--  display.
78--  The support for items is much richer: via a number of new primitive
79--  operations, it is possible to control with more details the behavior of
80--  items and where links should be attached to them.
81--  More importantly, this package provides a ready-to-use set of predefined
82--  items (rectangles, circles, text, polygons,...) which can be composited
83--  and have automatic size computation. This makes it easier than before to
84--  have an item that contains, for instance, a list of text fields, since
85--  there is no need any more to compute the size of the text explicitly.
87--  This package systematically use a Gdouble for coordinates (in any of the
88--  coordinate systems), instead of the mix of Gint, Gdouble and Gfloat that
89--  the Gtkada.Canvas is using. In fact, most of the time applications will
90--  only have to deal with the item coordinate system (see below), and never
91--  with the view coordinate system.
93--  The behavior of snap-to-grid is different: whereas in Gtkada.Canvas it
94--  forces items to always be aligned with the grid (with no way to have items
95--  not aligned), the Canvas_View's effect is more subtle: basically, when an
96--  item is moved closed enough to the grid, it will be aligned to the grid.
97--  But if it is far from any grid line, you can drop it anywhere.
98--  Snapping also takes into account all four edges of items, not just their
99--  topleft corner.
101--  User interaction
102--  ================
104--  By default, limited user interaction is supported:
105--     * When a view is added to a Gtk_Scrolled_Window, scrolling is
106--       automatically supported (it is handled by the scrolled window).
107--       Users can use the mouse wheel to scroll vertically, shift and the
108--       mouse wheel to scroll horizontally, or use the touchpad to navigate
109--       (in general with multiple fingers).
111--  But of course it supports much more advanced interactions, like clicking
112--  on items, moving them with the mouse or keyboard,...
114--  For this, you need to connect to the "item_event" signal, and either
115--  directly handle the signal (a simple click for instance), or set some
116--  data in the details parameters, to enable dragging items or the background
117--  of the canvas (for scrolling). The package Gtkada.Canvas_View.Views
118--  provides a number of precoded behaviors.
120--  When dragging items, the view will scroll automatically if the mouse is
121--  going outside of the visible area. Scrolling will continue while the mouse
122--  stays there, even if the user does not move the mouse.
124--  The following has not been backported yet:
125--  ==========================================
127--  Items are selected automatically when they are clicked. If Control is
128--  pressed at the same time, multiple items can be selected.
129--  If the background is clicked (and control is not pressed), then all items
130--  are unselected.
131--  Pressing and dragging the mouse in the backgroudn draws a virtual box on
132--  the screen. All the items fully included in this box when it is released
133--  will be selected (this will replace the current selection if Control was
134--  not pressed).
136--  </description>
137--  <group>Drawing</group>
138--  <testgtk>create_canvas_view.adb</testgtk>
140pragma Ada_2012;
142with Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists;
143private with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps;
144with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Sets;
145with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions; use Ada.Numerics;
146private with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
147private with GNAT.Strings;
148with Cairo;
149with Gdk.Event;        use Gdk.Event;
150with Gdk.Pixbuf;       use Gdk.Pixbuf;
151with Gdk.Types;        use Gdk.Types;
152private with Glib.Main;
153with Glib;             use Glib;
154with Glib.Object;      use Glib.Object;
155with Gtk.Adjustment;   use Gtk.Adjustment;
156with Gtk.Handlers;
157with Gtk.Bin;          use Gtk.Bin;
158with Gtk.Widget;
159with Gtkada.Style;     use Gtkada.Style;
160with Pango.Layout;     use Pango.Layout;
162package Gtkada.Canvas_View is
164   package Gdouble_Elementary_Functions is new
165     Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions (Gdouble);
167   type Canvas_View_Record is new Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record with private;
168   type Canvas_View is access all Canvas_View_Record'Class;
169   --  A view is a display of one particular part of the model, or a subset of
170   --  it. Multiple views can be associated with a specific model, and will
171   --  monitor changes to it view signals.
172   --  The view automatically refreshes its display when its model changes.
174   type Canvas_Model_Record
175      is abstract new Glib.Object.GObject_Record with private;
176   type Canvas_Model is access all Canvas_Model_Record'Class;
177   --  A model is a common interface to query the list of items that should
178   --  be displayed in the canvas. It does not assume anything regarding the
179   --  actual storage of the items, so it is possible to create your own
180   --  model implementation that simply query the rest of your application
181   --  (or a database, or some other source of data) as needed, without
182   --  duplicating the items.
183   --
184   --  This type is not an Ada interface because it needs to inherit from
185   --  GObject so that it can send signals.
186   --
187   --  The interface does not provide support for adding items to the model:
188   --  instead, this is expected to be done by the concrete implementations of
189   --  the model, which must then send the signal "layout_changed".
191   -----------------
192   -- Coordinates --
193   -----------------
194   --  There are multiple coordinate systems used in this API. Here is a full
195   --  description:
196   --
197   --  - Model coordinates: these are the coordinates of items without
198   --    considering canvas scrolling or zooming. These do not change when the
199   --    view is zoomed or scrolled, and these are therefore the coordinates
200   --    that are stored in the model.
201   --    The drawing of links is done within this system.
202   --    These coordinates are in general oriented so that x increases towards
203   --    the right, and y increases towards the bottom of the screen. This
204   --    can be changed by overriding Set_Transform below.
205   --
206   --  - View coordinates: these are the coordinates of items in the widget
207   --    representing the view. They change when the view is scrolled or
208   --    zoomed. These coordinates are mostly an implementation detail.
209   --
210   --  - Item coordinates: these are the coordinates relative to the
211   --    top-left corner of an item as if it was displayed at a zoom level of
212   --    100%. All drawing of items is done with this system, so that the
213   --    same item can be displayed at different positions in the view
214   --    without changing the drawing instructions.
215   --    The drawing coordinates are automatically converted to the view
216   --    coordinates by the use of a transformation matrix, which is done very
217   --    efficiently on modern systems.
218   --
219   --  - Window coordinates
220   --    These are rarely used, only when interfacing with gtk+ events. These
221   --    are the coordinates relative to the Gdk_Window of the view.
223   subtype Model_Coordinate  is Gdouble;
224   subtype View_Coordinate   is Gdouble;
225   subtype Item_Coordinate   is Gdouble;
226   subtype Window_Coordinate is Gdouble;
227   --  We use subtypes for convenience in your applications to avoid casts.
229   type Model_Rectangle  is record
230     X, Y, Width, Height : Model_Coordinate;
231   end record;
232   type View_Rectangle   is record
233      X, Y, Width, Height : View_Coordinate;
234   end record;
235   type Item_Rectangle   is record
236      X, Y, Width, Height : Item_Coordinate;
237   end record;
238   type Window_Rectangle is record
239      X, Y, Width, Height : Window_Coordinate;
240   end record;
241   --  A rectangle in various coordinates
243   type Model_Point is record
244      X, Y : Model_Coordinate;
245   end record;
246   type View_Point  is record
247      X, Y : View_Coordinate;
248   end record;
249   type Window_Point  is record
250      X, Y : Window_Coordinate;
251   end record;
252   subtype Item_Point  is Gtkada.Style.Point;
253   --  A point in various coordinates
255   type Model_Point_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Model_Point;
256   type Model_Point_Array_Access is access Model_Point_Array;
258   subtype Item_Point_Array is Gtkada.Style.Point_Array;
259   subtype Item_Point_Array_Access is Gtkada.Style.Point_Array_Access;
261   No_Rectangle  : constant Model_Rectangle := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
262   No_Point      : constant Model_Point := (Gdouble'First, Gdouble'First);
263   No_Item_Point : constant Item_Point := (Gdouble'First, Gdouble'First);
265   function Point_In_Rect
266     (Rect : Model_Rectangle; P : Model_Point) return Boolean;
267   function Point_In_Rect
268     (Rect : Item_Rectangle; P : Item_Point) return Boolean;
269   --  Whether the point is in the rectangle
271   function Intersects (Rect1, Rect2 : Model_Rectangle) return Boolean;
272   function Intersects (Rect1, Rect2 : Item_Rectangle) return Boolean;
273   --  Whether the two rectangles intersect.
275   procedure Union
276     (Rect1 : in out Model_Rectangle;
277      Rect2 : Model_Rectangle);
278   --  Store in Rect1 the minimum rectangle that contains both Rect1 and Rect2.
280   ------------------
281   -- Enumerations --
282   ------------------
284   type Side_Attachment is (Auto, Top, Right, Bottom, Left, No_Clipping);
285   --  Which side of the toplevel item the link is attached to.
286   --
287   --  For toplevel items, this can be controlled by using the
288   --  Anchor_Attachment's X and Y properties.
289   --  But for nested item, this forces the link to start from the
290   --  toplevel item's border. Here is an example:
291   --        +----------+
292   --        | +-+      |
293   --        | |A|      |\
294   --        | +-+      | \1
295   --        |     B    |\ \
296   --        +----------+ \ \
297   --                     2\ +----------------+
298   --                       \|       C        |
299   --                        +----------------+
300   --
301   --  The link 1 is attached to the nested item A, and the side_attachment
302   --  is set to Right. As a result, it always starts at the same height as A
303   --  itself.
304   --  The link 2 is also attached to A, but the side is set to Auto. So the
305   --  canvas draws the shortest path from A to C (and clips the line to the
306   --  border of B). So it is not as visible that 2 is linked to A.
307   --
308   --  The "No_Clipping" side should be used when a link is connected to
309   --  another link, since in that case there is no notion of link.
311   type Anchor_Attachment is record
312      X, Y          : Glib.Gdouble := 0.5;
313      Toplevel_Side : Side_Attachment := Auto;
314      Distance      : Model_Coordinate := 0.0;
315   end record;
316   Middle_Attachment : constant Anchor_Attachment := (0.5, 0.5, Auto, 0.0);
317   --  Where in the item the link is attached (0.5 means the middle, 0.0
318   --  means left or top, and 1.0 means right or bottom).
319   --
320   --  For the target side of a link, if X or Y are negative, Gtkada will try
321   --  to draw a strictly orthogonal or vertical segment next on that end by
322   --  adjusting the location of the end point along the border of the item. If
323   --  it cannot, then GtkAda will use the absolute value of X and Y to specify
324   --  the attachment.
325   --
326   --  You can therefore force a link to always emerge from the right side of
327   --  an item by setting X to 1.0 and Y to any value, for instance.
328   --  See the description of Side_Attachment for an example on how to use
329   --  Toplevel_Side.
330   --  Distance indicates at which distance from the border of the item the
331   --  link should stop. By default, it reaches the border.
333   type Route_Style is (Orthogonal, Straight, Arc, Curve);
334   --  This defines how a link is routed between its two ends.
335   --  Curve is similar to orthogonal (links restricted to horizontal and
336   --  vertical lines), but using a bezier curve.
338   ------------------
339   -- Draw context --
340   ------------------
342   type Draw_Context is record
343      Cr     : Cairo.Cairo_Context := Cairo.Null_Context;
344      Layout : Pango.Layout.Pango_Layout := null;
345      View   : Canvas_View := null;
346   end record;
347   --  Context to perform the actual drawing
349   function Build_Context
350     (Self : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class)
351      return Draw_Context;
352   --  Returns a draw context for the view. This context is suitable for
353   --  computing sizes (in Refresh_Layout), but not for actual drawing.
355   --------------------
356   -- Abstract Items --
357   --------------------
359   type Abstract_Item_Record is interface;
360   type Abstract_Item is access all Abstract_Item_Record'Class;
361   --  These are all the elements that can be displayed on a canvas, including
362   --  the boxes, the links between the boxes, any annotations on those links,
363   --  and so on.
364   --  Items can be grouped, so that toplevel items contain one or more
365   --  other items. The toplevel items are the ones that are moved
366   --  interactively by the user, and their contained items will be moved
367   --  along.
368   --  All primitive operations on items, except its position, are done in the
369   --  Item's own coordinate systems so that it is easy to create new types of
370   --  items without paying attention to any of its parents rotation or
371   --  scaling, or the rotation and scaling of the view itself).
372   --
373   --  This interface is meant for use when you already have ways to store
374   --  coordinates and sizes in your own data types, at which point you can
375   --  implement a simpler wrapper for your data type that implements this
376   --  interface. In general, though, it is better to extend the type
377   --  Abstract_Item_Record which provides its own non-abstract handling for a
378   --  number of subprograms below.
380   package Items_Lists is new Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists
381     (Abstract_Item);
383   function Is_Link
384     (Self : not null access Abstract_Item_Record) return Boolean is abstract;
385   --  Whether this item should be considered as a link between two other
386   --  items.
387   --  Such links have a few specific behavior: for instance, they cannot be
388   --  dragged by the user to a new position (their layout is provided by the
389   --  items they are linked to).
390   --  They also do not contribute to the smart guides that are used while
391   --  items are moved around.
393   No_Position : constant Gtkada.Style.Point := (Gdouble'First, Gdouble'First);
394   --  Indicates that the item did not get assigned a proper position
396   function Position
397     (Self : not null access Abstract_Item_Record)
398      return Gtkada.Style.Point is abstract;
399   --  The coordinates of the item within its parent.
400   --  If the item has no parent, the coordinates should be returned in model
401   --  coordinates. These coordinates describe the origin (0,0) point of
402   --  the item's coordinate system (even if Set_Position was specified to
403   --  point to another location in the item).
405   procedure Set_Position
406     (Self     : not null access Abstract_Item_Record;
407      Pos      : Gtkada.Style.Point) is null;
408   --  Used to change the position of an item (by default an item cannot be
409   --  moved). You must call the model's Refresh_Layout after moving items.
411   function Bounding_Box
412     (Self : not null access Abstract_Item_Record)
413      return Item_Rectangle is abstract;
414   --  Returns the area occupied by the item.
415   --  Any drawing for the item, including shadows for instance, must be
416   --  within this area.
417   --  This bounding box is always returned in the item's own coordinate
418   --  system, so that it is not necessary to pay attention to the current
419   --  scaling factor or rotation for the item, its parents or the canvas view.
421   --
422   --  The coordinates of the item are always the top-left corner of their
423   --  bounding box. These coordinates are either relative to the item's
424   --  toplevel container, or model coordinates for toplevel items.
425   --
426   --  The bounding box is also used for fast detection on whether the item
427   --  might be clicked on by the user.
429   procedure Refresh_Layout
430     (Self    : not null access Abstract_Item_Record;
431      Context : Draw_Context) is null;
432   --  Called when Refresh_Layout is called on the model.
433   --  This is an opportunity for the item to update its size for instance, or
434   --  do other computation that might impact the result of Bounding_Box.
436   procedure Draw
437     (Self    : not null access Abstract_Item_Record;
438      Context : Draw_Context) is abstract;
439   --  Draw the item on the given cairo context.
440   --  A transformation matrix has already been applied to Cr, so that all
441   --  drawing should be done in item-coordinates for Self, so that (0,0) is
442   --  the top-left corner of Self's bounding box.
443   --  Do not call this procedure directly. Instead, call
444   --  Translate_And_Draw_Item below.
446   procedure Translate_And_Draw_Item
447     (Self          : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class;
448      Context       : Draw_Context;
449      As_Outline    : Boolean := False;
450      Outline_Style : Drawing_Style := No_Drawing_Style);
451   --  Translate the transformation matrix and draw the item.
452   --  This procedure should be used instead of calling Draw directly.
453   --  If As_Outline is true, then only the outline of the item is displayed,
454   --  using the provided style
456   procedure Draw_Outline
457     (Self    : not null access Abstract_Item_Record;
458      Style   : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
459      Context : Draw_Context) is null;
460   --  Draw an outline for Self (which is used for the selection for instance).
461   --  Do not call this procedure directly, use Translate_And_Draw_Item
462   --  instead, unless called directly from an overriding of Draw.
464   procedure Draw_As_Selected
465     (Self    : not null access Abstract_Item_Record;
466      Context : Draw_Context) is abstract;
467   --  Draw the item when it is selected.
468   --  The default is to draw both the item and its outline.
469   --  Do not call this procedure directly, use Translate_And_Draw_Item
470   --  instead, unless called directly from an overriding of Draw.
472   function Contains
473     (Self    : not null access Abstract_Item_Record;
474      Point   : Item_Point;
475      Context : Draw_Context) return Boolean is abstract;
476   --  Should test whether Point is within the painted region for Self (i.e.
477   --  whether Self should be selected when the user clicks on the point).
478   --  For an item with holes, this function should return False when the
479   --  point is inside one of the holes, for instance.
481   function Edit_Widget
482     (Self  : not null access Abstract_Item_Record;
483      View  : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class)
484      return Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget is abstract;
485   --  Return the widget to use for in-place editing of the item.
486   --  null should be returned when the item is not editable in place.
487   --  It is the responsibility of the returned widget to monitor events and
488   --  validate the editing, update Self, and then call model's layout_changed
489   --  signal.
491   procedure Destroy
492     (Self     : not null access Abstract_Item_Record;
493      In_Model : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class) is null;
494   --  Called when Self is no longer needed.
495   --  Do not call directly.
497   function Parent
498     (Self : not null access Abstract_Item_Record)
499      return Abstract_Item is abstract;
500   --  Return the item inside which Self is contained.
501   --  null is returned for toplevel items, in which case the coordinates of
502   --  the bounding box are model coordinats. Otherwise, the coordinates are
503   --  relative to the returned item.
505   function Get_Toplevel_Item
506     (Self : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class)
507      return Abstract_Item;
508   --  Return the toplevel item that contains Self (or self itself)
510   function Inner_Most_Item
511     (Self     : not null access Abstract_Item_Record;
512      At_Point : Model_Point;
513      Context  : Draw_Context)
514      return Abstract_Item is abstract;
515   --  Return the inner-most item at the specific coordinates in Self (or
516   --  Self itself).
518   function Link_Anchor_Point
519     (Self   : not null access Abstract_Item_Record;
520      Anchor : Anchor_Attachment)
521      return Item_Point is abstract;
522   --  Return the anchor point for links to or from this item. In general,
523   --  this anchor point is in the middle of the item or depends on the
524   --  Anchor parameter, and the link will automatically be clipped to one
525   --  of the borders. The coordinates are absolute.
526   --  This anchor point can be in the middle of an item, the link itself
527   --  will be clipped with a call to Clip_Line_On_Top_Level
529   function Clip_Line
530     (Self   : not null access Abstract_Item_Record;
531      P1, P2 : Item_Point) return Item_Point is abstract;
532   --  Returns the intersection of the line from P1 to P2 with the border of
533   --  the item. Drawing a line from this intersection point to P2 will not
534   --  intersect the item.
536   function Model_Bounding_Box
537     (Self     : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class)
538      return Model_Rectangle;
539   --  Return the bounding box of Self always in model coordinates.
540   --  As opposed to Bounding_Box, model coordinates are also returned
541   --  for nested items.
543   function Is_Invisible
544     (Self : not null access Abstract_Item_Record)
545     return Boolean is abstract;
546   --  True if Self has no filling or stroke information (and therefore is
547   --  invisible even when displayed, although some of its children might be
548   --  visible).
549   --  This function is independent of Set_Visibility_Threshold, Show or Hide.
551   procedure Set_Visibility_Threshold
552     (Self      : not null access Abstract_Item_Record;
553      Threshold : Gdouble) is null;
554   function Get_Visibility_Threshold
555     (Self : not null access Abstract_Item_Record) return Gdouble is abstract;
556   --  When the items bounding box (on the screen) width or height are less
557   --  than Threshold pixels, the item is automatically hidden.
558   --  Making the item invisibile does not impact the visibility of links from
559   --  or to that item (but you could use Include_Related_Items to find these
560   --  related items.
561   --  You need to refresh the view afterwards
563   procedure Show (Self : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class);
564   procedure Hide (Self : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class);
565   --  Hide or show the item unconditionally. This overrides the settings
566   --  done by Set_Visibility_Threshold.
568   -----------
569   -- Items --
570   -----------
572   type Canvas_Item_Record is abstract new Abstract_Item_Record with private;
573   type Canvas_Item is access all Canvas_Item_Record'Class;
574   --  An implementation of the Abstract_Item interface, which handles a
575   --  number of the operations automatically. For instance, it will store the
576   --  position of the item and its bounding box.
577   --  It is easier to derive from this type when you want to create your own
578   --  items, unless you want complete control of the data storage.
580   overriding function Is_Link
581     (Self : not null access Canvas_Item_Record) return Boolean is (False);
582   overriding function Parent
583     (Self : not null access Canvas_Item_Record)
584      return Abstract_Item is (null);
585   overriding function Is_Invisible
586     (Self : not null access Canvas_Item_Record)
587     return Boolean is (False);
588   function Inner_Most_Item
589     (Self     : not null access Canvas_Item_Record;
590      At_Point : Model_Point;
591      Context  : Draw_Context)
592      return Abstract_Item is (Self);
593   overriding function Position
594     (Self : not null access Canvas_Item_Record) return Gtkada.Style.Point;
595   overriding function Contains
596     (Self    : not null access Canvas_Item_Record;
597      Point   : Item_Point;
598      Context : Draw_Context) return Boolean;
599   overriding function Link_Anchor_Point
600     (Self   : not null access Canvas_Item_Record;
601      Anchor : Anchor_Attachment)
602      return Item_Point;
603   overriding function Clip_Line
604     (Self   : not null access Canvas_Item_Record;
605      P1, P2 : Item_Point) return Item_Point;
606   overriding function Edit_Widget
607     (Self  : not null access Canvas_Item_Record;
608      View  : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class)
609      return Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget;
610   overriding procedure Draw_As_Selected
611     (Self    : not null access Canvas_Item_Record;
612      Context : Draw_Context);
613   overriding procedure Draw_Outline
614     (Self    : not null access Canvas_Item_Record;
615      Style   : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
616      Context : Draw_Context);
617   overriding procedure Set_Visibility_Threshold
618     (Self      : not null access Canvas_Item_Record;
619      Threshold : Gdouble);
620   overriding function Get_Visibility_Threshold
621     (Self : not null access Canvas_Item_Record) return Gdouble;
623   overriding procedure Set_Position
624     (Self     : not null access Canvas_Item_Record;
625      Pos      : Gtkada.Style.Point);
626   --  Sets the position of the item within its parent (or within the canvas
627   --  view if Self has no parent).
629   ------------------
630   -- Canvas_Model --
631   ------------------
633   function Model_Get_Type return Glib.GType;
634   pragma Convention (C, Model_Get_Type);
635   --  Return the internal type
637   procedure Initialize
638     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class);
639   --  Initialize the internal data so that signals can be sent.
640   --  This procedure must always be called when you create a new model.
642   type Item_Kind_Filter is (Kind_Item, Kind_Link, Kind_Any);
643   procedure For_Each_Item
644     (Self     : not null access Canvas_Model_Record;
645      Callback : not null access procedure
646        (Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class);
647      Selected_Only : Boolean := False;
648      Filter        : Item_Kind_Filter := Kind_Any;
649      In_Area       : Model_Rectangle := No_Rectangle) is abstract;
650   --  Calls Callback for each item in the model, including links.
651   --  Only the items that intersect In_Area should be returned for
652   --  efficiency, although it is valid to return all items.
653   --
654   --  If Selected_Only is true, then only selected items are returned
655   --
656   --  Items are returned in z-layer order: lowest items first, highest items
657   --  last.
658   --
659   --  You should not remove items while iterating, since removing items might
660   --  end up removing other items (links to or from the original item for
661   --  instance). Instead, create a temporary structure via
662   --  Include_Related_Items and use Remove to remove them all at once.
664   function Hash (Key : Abstract_Item) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type;
665   package Item_Sets is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Sets
666     (Element_Type        => Abstract_Item,
667      Hash                => Hash,
668      Equivalent_Elements => "=",
669      "="                 => "=");
671   procedure For_Each_Link
672     (Self       : not null access Canvas_Model_Record;
673      Callback   : not null access procedure
674        (Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class);
675      From_Or_To : Item_Sets.Set);
676   --  This iterator should return all the links in the model.
677   --  If possible, it should restrict itself to the links with at least one
678   --  end on an item in From_Or_To (or on a link to such an item).
679   --  This function is important for performance when draggin items in a
680   --  large model (tens of thousands of items). The default implementation
681   --  simply calls For_Each_Item.
682   --  From_Or_To is never empty.
684   procedure Include_Related_Items
685     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class;
686      Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class;
687      Set  : in out Item_Sets.Set);
688   --  Append Item and all items and links related to Item (i.e. the links for
689   --  which one of the ends is Item, and then the links to these links, and so
690   --  on).
692   function Bounding_Box
693     (Self   : not null access Canvas_Model_Record;
694      Margin : Model_Coordinate := 0.0)
695      return Model_Rectangle;
696   --  Returns the rectangle that encompasses all the items in the model.
697   --  This is used by views to compute the maximum area that should be made
698   --  visible.
699   --  An extra margin is added to each side of the box.
700   --  The default implementation is not efficient, since it will iterate all
701   --  items one by one to compute the rectangle. No caching is done.
703   procedure Refresh_Layout
704     (Self        : not null access Canvas_Model_Record;
705      Send_Signal : Boolean := True);
706   --  Refresh the layout of Self.
707   --  This procedure should be called every time items are moved (because
708   --  this impacts links to or from these items), or when they are added or
709   --  removed (it could also impact the layout of links if they displays to
710   --  avoid going underneath items).
711   --  This procedure is also used to compute the size of items (see
712   --  Container_Item below).
713   --  The default implementation will simply iterate over all items, but it
714   --  could be implemented more efficiently.
715   --
716   --  This procedure will in general send a Layout_Changed signal if
717   --  Send_Signal is true. This should in general always be left to True
718   --  unless you are writting your own model.
719   --
720   --  WARNING: this procedure must be called only once at least one view has
721   --  been created for the model. This ensures that the necessary information
722   --  for the layout of text has been retrieved from the view layer. If you
723   --  do not have at least one view, all text will be hidden or displayed as
724   --  ellipsis.
725   --  In fact, this procedure is called automatically on the model the first
726   --  time it is associated with a view.
728   function Toplevel_Item_At
729     (Self    : not null access Canvas_Model_Record;
730      Point   : Model_Point;
731      Context : Draw_Context) return Abstract_Item;
732   --  Return the toplevel item at the specific coordinates (if any).
733   --  The default implementation simply traverses the list of items, and
734   --  calls Contains on each child.
735   --  This function returns the topmost item
737   procedure Remove
738     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record;
739      Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class) is null;
740   --  Remove an item to the model, and destroy it.
741   --  This also removes all links to and from the element, and links to
742   --  these links (and so on).
744   procedure Remove
745     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record;
746      Set  : Item_Sets.Set);
747   --  Remove all elements in the set from the model.
748   --  It is expected that the set already contains related items (see
749   --  Include_Related_Items)
750   --  The default implementation is to call Remove for each of the element in
751   --  the set, so you will need to override this procedure if your
752   --  implementation of Remove calls this one.
754   procedure Raise_Item
755     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record;
756      Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class) is abstract;
757   procedure Lower_Item
758     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record;
759      Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class) is abstract;
760   --  Change the z-order of the item.
761   --  This emits the layout_changed signal
763   type Selection_Mode is
764     (Selection_None, Selection_Single, Selection_Multiple);
765   procedure Set_Selection_Mode
766     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record;
767      Mode : Selection_Mode);
768   --  Controls whether items can be selected.
769   --  Changing the mode always clears the selection.
771   procedure Clear_Selection (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record);
772   procedure Add_To_Selection
773     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record;
774      Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class);
775   procedure Remove_From_Selection
776     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record;
777      Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class);
778   function Is_Selected
779     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record;
780      Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class)
781      return Boolean;
782   --  Handling of selection. Depending on the selection mode, some of these
783   --  operations might have no effect, or might unselect the current selection
784   --  before selecting a new item.
785   --  The selection might contain child items (i.e. not just toplevel items).
786   --
787   --  Whenever the selection is changed, the signal "selection_changed" is
788   --  emitted.
790   function Is_Selectable
791     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record;
792      Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class)
793      return Boolean is (True);
794   --  Whether the given item is selectable. By default, all items are
795   --  selectable.
797   procedure Selection_Changed
798     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class;
799      Item : access Abstract_Item_Record'Class := null);
800   function On_Selection_Changed
801     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class;
802      Call : not null access procedure
803        (Self : not null access GObject_Record'Class;
804         Item : Abstract_Item);
805      Slot : access GObject_Record'Class := null)
806      return Gtk.Handlers.Handler_Id;
807   Signal_Selection_Changed : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "selection_changed";
808   --  Item is set to null when the selection was cleared, otherwise it is
809   --  set to the element that was just added or removed from the selection.
811   procedure Layout_Changed (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class);
812   function On_Layout_Changed
813     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class;
814      Call : not null access procedure
815        (Self : not null access GObject_Record'Class);
816      Slot : access GObject_Record'Class := null)
817      return Gtk.Handlers.Handler_Id;
818   Signal_Layout_Changed : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "layout_changed";
819   --  Emits or handles the "layout_changed" signal.
820   --  This signal must be emitted by models whenever new items are added,
821   --  existing items are resized or removed, or any other event that impacts
822   --  coordinates of any item in the model.
823   --  It is recommended to emit this signal only once per batch of changes,
825   procedure Item_Contents_Changed
826     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class;
827      Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class);
828   function On_Item_Contents_Changed
829     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class;
830      Call : not null access procedure
831        (Self : access GObject_Record'Class; Item : Abstract_Item);
832      Slot : access GObject_Record'Class := null)
833      return Gtk.Handlers.Handler_Id;
834   Signal_Item_Contents_Changed : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
835     "item_contents_changed";
836   --  This signal should be emitted instead of layout_changed when only the
837   --  contents of an item (but not its size) has changed). This will only
838   --  trigger the refresh of that specific item.
840   function On_Item_Destroyed
841     (Self : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class;
842      Call : not null access procedure
843        (Self : access GObject_Record'Class;
844         Item : Abstract_Item);
845      Slot : access GObject_Record'Class := null)
846      return Gtk.Handlers.Handler_Id;
847   Signal_Item_Destroyed : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "item_destroyed";
848   --  This signal is emitted just before an item is destroyed.
850   ----------------
851   -- List Model --
852   ----------------
854   type List_Canvas_Model_Record is new Canvas_Model_Record with private;
855   type List_Canvas_Model is access all List_Canvas_Model_Record'Class;
856   --  A very simple-minded concrete implementation for a model.
857   --  This model is suitable for most cases where only a few thousands items
858   --  are displayed. If you have tens of thousands, you should consider
859   --  wrapping this model with a Gtkada.Canvas_View.Models.Rtree_Model to
860   --  speed things up.
862   procedure Gtk_New (Self : out List_Canvas_Model);
863   --  Create a new model
865   procedure Add
866     (Self : not null access List_Canvas_Model_Record;
867      Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class);
868   --  Add a new item to the model.
870   procedure Clear
871     (Self : not null access List_Canvas_Model_Record);
872   --  Remove all items from the model, and destroy them.
874   overriding procedure Remove
875     (Self : not null access List_Canvas_Model_Record;
876      Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class);
877   overriding procedure Remove
878     (Self : not null access List_Canvas_Model_Record;
879      Set  : Item_Sets.Set);
880   overriding procedure For_Each_Item
881     (Self     : not null access List_Canvas_Model_Record;
882      Callback : not null access procedure
883        (Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class);
884      Selected_Only : Boolean := False;
885      Filter        : Item_Kind_Filter := Kind_Any;
886      In_Area       : Model_Rectangle := No_Rectangle);
887   overriding procedure Raise_Item
888     (Self : not null access List_Canvas_Model_Record;
889      Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class);
890   overriding procedure Lower_Item
891     (Self : not null access List_Canvas_Model_Record;
892      Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class);
893   overriding function Toplevel_Item_At
894     (Self    : not null access List_Canvas_Model_Record;
895      Point   : Model_Point;
896      Context : Draw_Context) return Abstract_Item;
898   -----------------
899   -- Canvas_View --
900   -----------------
902   View_Margin : constant View_Coordinate := 20.0;
903   --  The number of blank pixels on each sides of the view. This avoids having
904   --  items displays exactly next to the border of the view.
906   procedure Gtk_New
907     (Self  : out Canvas_View;
908      Model : access Canvas_Model_Record'Class := null);
909   procedure Initialize
910     (Self  : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class;
911      Model : access Canvas_Model_Record'Class := null);
912   --  Create a new view which displays the model.
913   --  A new reference to the model is created (and released when the view is
914   --  destroyed), so that in general the code will look like:
915   --       Model := new ....;
916   --       Initialize (Model);
917   --       Gtk_New (View, Model);
918   --       Unref (Model);  --  unless you need to keep a handle on it too
920   procedure Set_Model
921      (Self  : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class;
922       Model : access Canvas_Model_Record'Class);
923   --  Change the model, and redraw the whole draw.
925   function Model
926     (Self  : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class)
927      return Canvas_Model;
928   --  Return the model
930   function View_Get_Type return Glib.GType;
931   pragma Convention (C, View_Get_Type);
932   --  Return the internal type
934   procedure Set_Grid_Size
935     (Self : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class;
936      Size : Model_Coordinate := 30.0);
937   --  Set the size of the grid.
938   --  This grid is not visible by default. To display it, you should override
939   --  Draw_Internal and call one of the functions in Gtkada.Canvas_View.Views.
940   --
941   --  This grid is also size for snapping of items while they are moved: when
942   --  they are dragged to a position close to one of the grid lines, they will
943   --  be moved by a small extra amount to align on this grid line.
945   Default_Guide_Style : constant Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style :=
946     Gtkada.Style.Gtk_New (Stroke => (0.957, 0.363, 0.913, 1.0));
948   procedure Set_Snap
949     (Self           : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class;
950      Snap_To_Grid   : Boolean := True;
951      Snap_To_Guides : Boolean := False;
952      Snap_Margin    : Model_Coordinate := 5.0;
953      Guides_Style   : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style := Default_Guide_Style);
954   --  Configure the snapping feature.
955   --  When items are moved interactively, they will tend to snap to various
956   --  coordinates, as defined for instance by Set_Grid_Size.
957   --  For instance, when any size of the item gets close to one of the grid
958   --  lines (i.e. less than Snap_Margin), it will be moved an extra small
959   --  amount so that the coordinate of that size of the item is exactly that
960   --  of the grid line. This results in nicer alignment of the items.
961   --
962   --  No snapping to grid occurs if the grid size is set to 0.
964   procedure Draw_Internal
965     (Self    : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
966      Context : Draw_Context;
967      Area    : Model_Rectangle);
968   --  Redraw either the whole view, or a specific part of it only.
969   --  The transformation matrix has already been set on the context.
970   --  This procedure can be overridden if you need to perform special
971   --  operations, like drawing a grid for instance. See the various helper
972   --  subprograms in Gtkada.Canvas_View.Views to do so.
974   function Get_Visible_Area
975     (Self : not null access Canvas_View_Record)
976      return Model_Rectangle;
977   --  Return the area of the model that is currently displayed in the view.
978   --  This is in model coordinates (since the canvas coordinates are always
979   --  from (0,0) to (Self.Get_Allocation_Width, Self.Get_Allocation_Height).
981   procedure Set_Transform
982     (Self   : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
983      Cr     : Cairo.Cairo_Context;
984      Item   : access Abstract_Item_Record'Class := null);
985   --  Set the transformation matrix for the current settings (scrolling and
986   --  zooming).
987   --
988   --  The effect is that any drawing on this context should now be done using
989   --  the model coordinates, which will automatically be converted to the
990   --  canvas_coordinates internally.
991   --
992   --  If Item is specified, all drawing becomes relative to that item
993   --  instead of the position of the top-left corner of the view. All drawing
994   --  to this context must then be done in item_coordinates, which will
995   --  automatically be converted to canvas_coordinates internally.
996   --
997   --  This procedure does not need to be call directly in general, since the
998   --  context passed to the Draw primitive of the item has already been set
999   --  up appropriately.
1000   --
1001   --  The default coordinates follow the industry standard of having y
1002   --  increase downwards. This is sometimes unusual for mathematically-
1003   --  oriented people. One solution is to override this procedure in your
1004   --  own view, and call Cairo.Set_Scale as in:
1005   --      procedure Set_Transform (Self, Cr) is
1006   --          Set_Transform (Canvas_View_Record (Self.all)'Access, Cr);
1007   --          Cairo.Set_Scale (Cr, 1.0, -1.0);
1008   --  which will make y increase upwards instead.
1010   function View_To_Model
1011     (Self   : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1012      Rect   : View_Rectangle) return Model_Rectangle;
1013   function View_To_Model
1014     (Self   : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1015      P      : View_Point) return Model_Point;
1016   function Model_To_View
1017     (Self   : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1018      Rect   : Model_Rectangle) return View_Rectangle;
1019   function Model_To_View
1020     (Self   : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1021      P      : Model_Point) return View_Point;
1022   function Model_To_Window
1023     (Self   : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1024      Rect   : Model_Rectangle) return Window_Rectangle;
1025   function Window_To_Model
1026     (Self   : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1027      Rect   : Window_Rectangle) return Model_Rectangle;
1028   function Window_To_Model
1029     (Self   : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1030      P      : Window_Point) return Model_Point;
1031   function Item_To_Model
1032     (Item   : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class;
1033      Rect   : Item_Rectangle) return Model_Rectangle;
1034   function Item_To_Model
1035     (Item   : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class;
1036      P      : Item_Point) return Model_Point;
1037   function Model_To_Item
1038     (Item   : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class;
1039      P      : Model_Point) return Item_Point;
1040   function Model_To_Item
1041     (Item   : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class;
1042      P      : Model_Rectangle) return Item_Rectangle;
1043   --  Conversion between the various coordinate systems.
1044   --  Calling these should seldom be needed, as Cairo uses a transformation
1045   --  matrix to automatically (and efficiently) do the transformation on
1046   --  your behalf. See the documentation for Set_Transform.
1048   procedure Set_Selection_Style
1049     (Self  : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1050      Style : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style);
1051   function Get_Selection_Style
1052     (Self  : not null access Canvas_View_Record)
1053      return Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1054   --  The style used to highlight selected items
1056   procedure Set_Scale
1057     (Self     : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1058      Scale    : Gdouble := 1.0;
1059      Preserve : Model_Point := No_Point);
1060   --  Changes the scaling factor for Self.
1061   --  This also scrolls the view so that either Preserve or the current center
1062   --  of the view remains at the same location in the widget, as if the user
1063   --  was zooming towards that specific point.
1064   --  See also Gtkada.Canvas_View.Views.Animate_Scale for a way to do this
1065   --  change via an animation.
1067   procedure Set_Topleft
1068     (Self         : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1069      Topleft      : Model_Point);
1070   --  Set a specific position for the topleft corner of the visible area.
1071   --  This function is mostly useful to restore previous settings (which you
1072   --  can get through Get_Visible_Area). Interactively, it is likely better
1073   --  to call one of Center_On, Scroll_Into_View or Scale_To_Fit.
1075   procedure Center_On
1076     (Self         : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1077      Center_On    : Model_Point;
1078      X_Pos, Y_Pos : Gdouble := 0.5;
1079      Duration     : Standard.Duration := 0.0);
1080   --  Scroll the canvas so that Center_On appears at the given position
1081   --  within the view (center when using 0.5, or left when using 0.0, and so
1082   --  on).
1083   --  If the duration is not 0, animation is used.
1085   procedure Scroll_Into_View
1086     (Self     : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1087      Item     : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class;
1088      Duration : Standard.Duration := 0.0);
1089   procedure Scroll_Into_View
1090     (Self     : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1091      Rect     : Model_Rectangle;
1092      Duration : Standard.Duration := 0.0);
1093   --  Do the minimal amount of scrolling to make the item or rectangle
1094   --  visible. If the duration is not 0, animation is used.
1096   function Get_Scale
1097     (Self : not null access Canvas_View_Record) return Gdouble;
1098   --  Return the current scale
1100   procedure Scale_To_Fit
1101     (Self      : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1102      Rect      : Model_Rectangle := No_Rectangle;
1103      Min_Scale : Gdouble := 1.0 / 4.0;
1104      Max_Scale : Gdouble := 4.0;
1105      Duration  : Standard.Duration := 0.0);
1106   --  Chose the scale and scroll position so that the whole model (or the
1107   --  specified rectangle) is visible.
1108   --  This procedure leaves a small margin on each sides of the model, since
1109   --  that looks nicer.
1110   --  This function can be called even before Self has got a size assigned by
1111   --  window manager, but the computation of the scale will be delayed until
1112   --  an actual size is known.
1113   --  If a duration is specified, the scaling and scrolling will be animated
1115   procedure Avoid_Overlap
1116     (Self     : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class;
1117      Avoid    : Boolean;
1118      Duration : Standard.Duration := 0.2);
1119   --  Sets whether items should avoid overlap when possible.
1120   --  When the user is moving items interactively and dropping them in a new
1121   --  position, items that would be overlapped are moved aside to make space
1122   --  for the new item.
1123   --  If Duration is not 0, the other items are animated to the new position.
1124   --
1125   --  This setting has no effect when you set the position of items
1126   --  explicitly via a call to Set_Position. In such cases, you can force
1127   --  the behavior manually by calling Gtkada.Canvas_View.Views.Reserve_Space.
1129   type Page_Format is record
1130      Width_In_Inches, Height_In_Inches : Gdouble;
1131   end record;
1133   A3_Portrait      : constant Page_Format := (11.7, 16.5);
1134   A3_Landscape     : constant Page_Format := (16.5, 11.7);
1135   A4_Portrait      : constant Page_Format := (8.3, 11.7);
1136   A4_Landscape     : constant Page_Format := (11.7, 8.3);
1137   Letter_Portrait  : constant Page_Format := (8.5, 11.0);
1138   Letter_Landscape : constant Page_Format := (11.0, 8.5);
1140   type Export_Format is (Export_PDF, Export_SVG, Export_PNG);
1142   function Export
1143     (Self              : not null access Canvas_View_Record;
1144      Filename          : String;
1145      Page              : Page_Format;
1146      Format            : Export_Format := Export_PDF;
1147      Visible_Area_Only : Boolean := True)
1148     return Boolean;
1149   --  Create a file with the contents of the view (or the whole model
1150   --  if Visible_Area_Only is False).
1151   --  True is returned if the file was created successfully, False otherwise
1153   No_Drag_Allowed : constant Model_Rectangle := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
1154   Drag_Anywhere   : constant Model_Rectangle :=
1155     (Gdouble'First, Gdouble'First, Gdouble'Last, Gdouble'Last);
1156   --  Values for the Event_Details.Allowed_Drag_Area field
1158   type Canvas_Event_Type is
1159     (Button_Press, Button_Release, Double_Click,
1160      Start_Drag, In_Drag, End_Drag, Key_Press, Scroll, Custom);
1161   --  The event types that are emitted for the Item_Event signal:
1162   --  * Button_Press is called when the user presses any mouse buttton either
1163   --    on an item or in the background.
1164   --    This event can also be used to start a drag event (by
1165   --    setting the Allowed_Drag_Area field of the Canvas_Event_Details).
1166   --    It can be used also to display contextual menus.
1167   --
1168   --  * Double_Click is used when the left mouse button is pressed twice in
1169   --    rapid succession (note that Button_Press is also emitted for the first
1170   --    click).
1171   --
1172   --  * Start_Drag is used after a user has pressed a mouse button, and the
1173   --    callback has enabled a drag area, and the mouse has moved by at least
1174   --    a small margin. It applies to either the item (and all other selected
1175   --    items, or to the background, for instance to scroll the canvas).
1176   --
1177   --  * In_Drag is used during an actual drag.
1178   --
1179   --  * End_Drag is used after a successfull drag, when the mouse is released.
1180   --
1181   --  * Button_Release is called when the mouse is released but no drag action
1182   --    too place. This is the event to use to modify the current selection,
1183   --    either by unselecting everything, adding the specific item to the
1184   --    selection,...
1185   --
1186   --  * Key_Press is used when the user types something on the keyboard while
1187   --    the canvas has the focus. It can be used to move items with the arrow
1188   --    keys, edit an item,...
1189   --
1190   --  * Scroll is used when the user uses the mouse wheel. It is not possible
1191   --    to start a drag from this event.
1192   --    In the Canvas_Event_Details, the button is set to either 5 or 6,
1193   --    depending on the direction of the scrolling.
1194   --
1195   --  * Custom is used when generating a custom event from the code.
1197   type Canvas_Event_Details is record
1198      Event_Type     : Canvas_Event_Type;
1199      Button         : Guint;
1201      State          : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type;
1202      --  The modifier keys (shift, alt, control). It can be used to activate
1203      --  different behavior in such cases.
1205      Key            : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
1206      --  The key that was pressed (for key events)
1208      Root_Point     : Gtkada.Style.Point;
1209      --  Coordinates in root window.
1210      --  Attributes of the low-level event.
1211      --   This is an implementation detail for proper handling of dragging.
1213      M_Point        : Model_Point;
1214      --  Where in the model the user clicked. This is independent of the zoom
1215      --  level or current scrolling.
1217      Item           : Abstract_Item;
1218      --  The actual item that was clicked.
1219      --  Set to null when the user clicked in the background.
1221      Toplevel_Item  : Abstract_Item;
1222      --  The toplevel item that contains Item (might be Item itself).
1223      --  Set to null when the user clicked in the background.
1225      T_Point        : Item_Point;
1226      --  The corodinates of the click in toplevel_item
1228      I_Point        : Item_Point;
1229      --  The coordinates of the click in Item
1231      Allowed_Drag_Area : Model_Rectangle := No_Drag_Allowed;
1232      --  Allowed_Drag_Area should be modified by the callback when the event
1233      --  is a button_press event. It should be set to the area within which
1234      --  the item (and all currently selected items) can be moved. If you
1235      --  leave it to No_Drag_Allowed, the item cannot be moved.
1236      --
1237      --  This field is ignored for events other than button_press, since it
1238      --  makes no sense for instance to start a drag on a button release.
1240      Allow_Snapping    : Boolean := True;
1241      --  If set to False, this temporary overrides the settings from
1242      --  Set_Snap, and prevents any snapping on the grid or smart guides.
1243      --  It should be set at the same time that Allowed_Drag_Area is set.
1244   end record;
1245   type Event_Details_Access is not null access all Canvas_Event_Details;
1246   --  This record describes high-level aspects of user interaction with the
1247   --  canvas.
1249   procedure Initialize_Details
1250     (Self    : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class;
1251      Details : out Canvas_Event_Details);
1252   --  Initialize Details for a Custom event type.
1253   --  When you have a real Gtk event, better to use Set_Details below.
1255   procedure Set_Details
1256     (Self    : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class;
1257      Details : out Canvas_Event_Details;
1258      Event   : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Button);
1259   --  Set the details from a specific gtk+ event
1261   procedure Viewport_Changed
1262     (Self   : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class);
1263   function On_Viewport_Changed
1264     (Self : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class;
1265      Call : not null access procedure
1266        (Self : not null access GObject_Record'Class);
1267      Slot : access GObject_Record'Class := null)
1268      return Gtk.Handlers.Handler_Id;
1269   Signal_Viewport_Changed : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "viewport_changed";
1270   --  This signal is emitted whenever the view is zoomed or scrolled.
1271   --  This can be used for instance to synchronize multiple views, or display
1272   --  a "mini-map" of the whole view.
1274   function Item_Event
1275     (Self    : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class;
1276      Details : Event_Details_Access) return Boolean;
1277   procedure On_Item_Event
1278     (Self : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class;
1279      Call : not null access function
1280        (Self    : not null access GObject_Record'Class;
1281         Details : Event_Details_Access)
1282      return Boolean;
1283      Slot : access GObject_Record'Class := null);
1284   Signal_Item_Event : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "item_event";
1285   --  This signal is emitted whenever the user interacts with an item (button
1286   --  press or release, key events,...).
1287   --  It is recommended to connect to this signal rather than the lower-level
1288   --  Button_Press_Event, Button_Release_Event,... since most information is
1289   --  provided here in the form of the details parameter.
1290   --
1291   --  The callback should return True if the event was processed, or False if
1292   --  the default handling should be performed.
1293   --
1294   --  The package Gtkada.Canvas_View.Views contains a number of examples of
1295   --  compatible callbacks which enable behaviors such as a moving items,
1296   --  scrolling the canvas by dragging the background,...
1298   ------------------------
1299   -- Object hierarchies --
1300   ------------------------
1301   --  The above declarations for Abstract_Item and Canvas_Item will let you
1302   --  create your own custom items. However, they will require the overriding
1303   --  of a number of subprograms to be useful.
1304   --  Instead, some predefined types of items are defined below, which can
1305   --  be combined into a hierarchy of items: toplevel items act as
1306   --  containers for one or more other objets. The size of items can be
1307   --  computed automatically, or forced when the item is created.
1308   --
1309   --  Children can be put at specific coordinates in their parents, or
1310   --  stacked vertically or horizontally.
1312   type Container_Item_Record is abstract new Canvas_Item_Record with private;
1313   type Container_Item is access all Container_Item_Record'Class;
1315   type Child_Layout_Strategy is (Horizontal_Stack, Vertical_Stack);
1316   procedure Set_Child_Layout
1317     (Self   : not null access Container_Item_Record'Class;
1318      Layout : Child_Layout_Strategy);
1319   --  How should the children of a container be organized: either one on top
1320   --  of another, or one next to another.
1322   type Margins is record
1323      Top, Right, Bottom, Left : Model_Coordinate;
1324   end record;
1325   No_Margins : constant Margins := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
1327   type Alignment_Style is (Align_Start, Align_Center, Align_End);
1328   --  How an item should be aligned within its parent.
1329   --  When the parent stacks its children vertically, alignment is taken into
1330   --  account horizontally; and similarly when the parent organizes its
1331   --  children horizontally, the alignment is vertical.
1332   --
1333   --  When an item does not request a specific size along the alignment axis,
1334   --  it always uses the full width or height of its parent, so the alignment
1335   --  does not play a role.
1336   --
1337   --  However, when the item requests a size smaller than its parent's along
1338   --  the alignment axis, extra margin needs to be added, and they are added
1339   --  either to its left/top (when Align_Start), to both sides (when
1340   --  Align_Center), or to its right/bottom (when Align_End)..
1341   --
1342   --  Alignment does not apply to floating children, nor to children with
1343   --  a specific position given along a specific axis (in which case the
1344   --  Anchor_X or Anchor_Y might be used for a slightly similar effect).
1346   type Overflow_Style is (Overflow_Prevent, Overflow_Hide);
1347   --  An overflow situation occurs when an item's contents is larger than its
1348   --  contents.
1349   --  If Overflow_Prevent is true, an item will always request enough size to
1350   --  fit all its contents. There might still be cases where the parent item
1351   --  was set to a small size, though, and the overflow is hidden nonetheless.
1352   --  If Overflow_Hide is true, an item will request a minimal size, and
1353   --  simply hide the part of its contents that does not fit.
1355   procedure Add_Child
1356     (Self     : not null access Container_Item_Record'Class;
1357      Child    : not null access Container_Item_Record'Class;
1358      Align    : Alignment_Style := Align_Start;
1359      Pack_End : Boolean := False;
1360      Margin   : Margins := No_Margins;
1361      Float    : Boolean := False;
1362      Overflow : Overflow_Style := Overflow_Prevent);
1363   --  Add a new child to the container.
1364   --  If the child's position is set, it is then interpreted as relative to
1365   --  Self. If the position is not specified, it will be computed
1366   --  automatically based on the container's policy (either below the previous
1367   --  child, or to its right).
1368   --
1369   --  When Pack_End is true, the child will be added at the end of the
1370   --  parent's area (right or bottom depending on orientation). If the
1371   --  parent's size is larger than that needed by all its children, there
1372   --  will thus be an empty space between children with Pack_End=>False and
1373   --  children with Pack_End => True.
1374   --
1375   --  When Pack_End is True, the children are put in reverse order starting
1376   --  from the end of Self: for a vertical layout, for instance, the first
1377   --  pack_end child will appear at the bottom of Self.
1378   --
1379   --  Margin are added to each size of the child. The child's width, as set
1380   --  via Set_Size, does not include the margins.
1381   --
1382   --  A floating child does not participate in the stacking: it will still be
1383   --  displayed below or to the right of the previous child, but the next
1384   --  item will then be displayed at the same coordinate as the floating
1385   --  child.
1387   procedure Clear
1388      (Self     : not null access Container_Item_Record;
1389       In_Model : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class);
1390   --  Remove all children of Self
1392   type Size_Unit is (Unit_Pixels, Unit_Percent, Unit_Auto, Unit_Fit);
1393   --  A size can be expressed either in actual screen pixels, or
1394   --  proportionnaly to the parent's size.
1395   --  When the unit is Unit_Auto, the size of the item is computed
1396   --  automatically based on its children or its own intrinsic needs
1397   --  (for a text, this is the size needed to display the text in the given
1398   --  font).
1399   --  When the unit is Unit_Fit: this sets the width of a child so that
1400   --  this width plus the child's margins take the full width of the parent
1401   --  container. Setting a width to 100% using Unit_Percent would not take
1402   --  the margins into account, so that the full size (margins+width) might
1403   --  actually be wider than the parent. When the parent layout is
1404   --  horizontal, the above description applies to the height of the child.
1405   --  In both cases, Unit_Fit is ignored for the other axis (height for
1406   --  a vertical layout), in which case the child's height will be that
1407   --  computed from the children.
1409   type Size (Unit : Size_Unit := Unit_Pixels) is record
1410      case Unit is
1411         when Unit_Auto | Unit_Fit =>
1412            null;
1413         when Unit_Pixels =>
1414            Length : Model_Coordinate;
1415         when Unit_Percent =>
1416            Value  : Percent;
1417      end case;
1418   end record;
1420   Auto_Size : constant Size := (Unit => Unit_Auto);
1421   Fit_Size : constant Size := (Unit => Unit_Fit);
1422   --  See the descriptions for Size_Unit.
1424   procedure Set_Width_Range
1425     (Self     : not null access Container_Item_Record;
1426      Min, Max : Size := Auto_Size);
1427   procedure Set_Height_Range
1428     (Self     : not null access Container_Item_Record;
1429      Min, Max : Size := Auto_Size);
1430   --  Specify a minimal and maximal size for the item, along each axis.
1431   --  The default is for items to occupy the full width of their parent
1432   --  (in vertical layout) or the full height (in horizontal layout),
1433   --  and the child required by their children for the other axis.
1434   --  Calling this procedure overrides any specific size set via
1435   --  Set_Size or one of the constructors for the items, like rectangles
1436   --  and ellipsis, for that axis.
1438   procedure Set_Size
1439      (Self : not null access Container_Item_Record;
1440       Width, Height : Size := Auto_Size);
1441   --  Force a specific size for the item if any of the dimensions is positive.
1442   --  When Auto_Size is given, the size along that axis will be computed
1443   --  automatically.
1444   --  Calling this procedure cancels effects from Set_Size_Range.
1445   --  The size of a container is influenced by its children as follows:
1446   --     * the preferred size for each child is computed, based on its own
1447   --       intrinsic needs (given size for rectangles, text size,...)
1448   --     * if the child has a min and max size given in pixels, these
1449   --       constraints are applied immediately.
1450   --     * the container will then use the maximal computed size amongst
1451   --       its children.
1452   --     * Once the size of the container is known, the size for its
1453   --       children is recomputed when the size or the size constraints
1454   --       were given as percent of the parent size. It means that sizees
1455   --       given in percent do not influence the parent's size computation.
1457   procedure Size_Request
1458     (Self    : not null access Container_Item_Record;
1459      Context : Draw_Context);
1460   --  Compute the ideal size for Self.
1461   --  It might be either a size specifically forced by the user, or computed
1462   --  from Self's children's own size_request.
1463   --  The size is stored internally in the object.
1464   --  The requested size must not include the margins that were defined in
1465   --  Add_Child.
1466   --  Self can modify its computed position (i.e. the position within its
1467   --  parent) as part of the size computation in this procedure.
1468   --  One example of overridding this procedure is when you are building an
1469   --  item which shoud align some text on two columns (for instance in a UML
1470   --  diagram we might want the field names and their types to each be on
1471   --  their own column. In this case, the container's Size_Request would
1472   --  first call the inherited version (so that each child requests a size),
1473   --  then iterate over the children in each column and compute the maximum
1474   --  requested width for that column. Finally, another pass for the children
1475   --  in each column to call Set_Size_Request and override their requested
1476   --  width.
1478   procedure Set_Size_Request
1479     (Self    : not null access Container_Item_Record;
1480      Width, Height : Gdouble := -1.0);
1481   --  This procedure should only be called from an override of Size_Request
1482   --  (but it can then be called for any item, not just the one passed in
1483   --  parameter).
1484   --  It can be used to request a specific size for an item, or override the
1485   --  size already computed. When Width or Height is negative, they do not
1486   --  override the existing size request.
1488   procedure Size_Allocate
1489     (Self  : not null access Container_Item_Record);
1490   --  Called once the size of the parent object has been decided (i.e. after
1491   --  all the calls to Size_Request).
1492   --  The parent must set its child's position and size, and then call
1493   --  Size_Allocate to let it know about the final size and position.
1494   --  This can be used to compute attributes that need the actual size of the
1495   --  item (gradients, centering or right-aligning objects,...)
1496   --  Alignments and margins are automatically handled by the parent.
1498   procedure For_Each_Child
1499     (Self     : not null access Container_Item_Record'Class;
1500      Callback : not null access procedure
1501        (Child : not null access Container_Item_Record'Class);
1502      Recursive : Boolean := False);
1503   --  Traverse all children of Self, and calls Callback for each.
1505   procedure Draw_Children
1506     (Self    : not null access Container_Item_Record'Class;
1507      Context : Draw_Context);
1508   --  Display all the children of Self
1510   procedure Set_Style
1511     (Self  : not null access Container_Item_Record;
1512      Style : Drawing_Style);
1513   function Get_Style
1514     (Self : not null access Container_Item_Record) return Drawing_Style;
1515   --  Return the style used for the drawingo of this item.
1516   --  When changing the style, you must force a refresh of the canvas.
1518   overriding procedure Refresh_Layout
1519     (Self    : not null access Container_Item_Record;
1520      Context : Draw_Context);
1521   overriding procedure Set_Position
1522     (Self     : not null access Container_Item_Record;
1523      Pos      : Gtkada.Style.Point);
1524   procedure Set_Position
1525     (Self     : not null access Container_Item_Record;
1526      Pos      : Gtkada.Style.Point := (Gdouble'First, Gdouble'First);
1527      Anchor_X : Percent;
1528      Anchor_Y : Percent);
1529   --  Anchor_X and Anchor_Y indicate which part of the item is at the given
1530   --  coordinates. For instance, (0, 0) indicates that Pos is the location of
1531   --  the top-left corner of the item, but (0.5, 0.5) indicates that Pos is
1532   --  the position of the center of the item.
1534   overriding procedure Destroy
1535     (Self     : not null access Container_Item_Record;
1536      In_Model : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class);
1537   overriding function Position
1538     (Self : not null access Container_Item_Record) return Gtkada.Style.Point;
1539   overriding function Parent
1540     (Self : not null access Container_Item_Record)
1541      return Abstract_Item;
1542   overriding function Bounding_Box
1543     (Self : not null access Container_Item_Record)
1544      return Item_Rectangle;
1545   overriding function Inner_Most_Item
1546     (Self     : not null access Container_Item_Record;
1547      At_Point : Model_Point;
1548      Context  : Draw_Context) return Abstract_Item;
1549   overriding function Is_Invisible
1550     (Self : not null access Container_Item_Record)
1551      return Boolean;
1553   ----------------
1554   -- Rectangles --
1555   ----------------
1557   type Rect_Item_Record is new Container_Item_Record with private;
1558   type Rect_Item is access all Rect_Item_Record'Class;
1559   --  A predefined type object which displays itself as a rectangle or a
1560   --  rectangle with rounded corners.
1562   Fit_Size_As_Double  : constant Model_Coordinate := -1.0;
1563   Auto_Size_As_Double : constant Model_Coordinate := -2.0;
1564   --  See the description of Fit_Size and Auto_Size.
1565   --  These are used for parameters that take a Double instead of a Size
1566   --  for backward compatibility (consider using Set_Size instead).
1568   function Gtk_New_Rect
1569     (Style         : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1570      Width, Height : Model_Coordinate := Fit_Size_As_Double;
1571      Radius        : Model_Coordinate := 0.0)
1572      return Rect_Item;
1573   procedure Initialize_Rect
1574     (Self          : not null access Rect_Item_Record'Class;
1575      Style         : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1576      Width, Height : Model_Coordinate := Fit_Size_As_Double;
1577      Radius        : Model_Coordinate := 0.0);
1578   --  Create a new rectangle item.
1579   --  Specifying the size should rather be done with a call to
1580   --  Set_Size, which provides more flexibility with regards to the units
1581   --  used to describe the size.
1583   overriding procedure Draw
1584     (Self    : not null access Rect_Item_Record;
1585      Context : Draw_Context);
1586   overriding procedure Draw_Outline
1587     (Self    : not null access Rect_Item_Record;
1588      Style   : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1589      Context : Draw_Context);
1591   --------------
1592   -- Ellipses --
1593   --------------
1595   type Ellipse_Item_Record is new Container_Item_Record with private;
1596   type Ellipse_Item is access all Ellipse_Item_Record'Class;
1597   --  A predefined object that displays itself as a circle or an ellipse
1598   --  inscribed in a given rectangle.
1600   function Gtk_New_Ellipse
1601     (Style         : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1602      Width, Height : Model_Coordinate := Fit_Size_As_Double)
1603      return Ellipse_Item;
1604   procedure Initialize_Ellipse
1605     (Self          : not null access Ellipse_Item_Record'Class;
1606      Style         : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1607      Width, Height : Model_Coordinate := Fit_Size_As_Double);
1608   --  Create a new ellipse item.
1609   --  If either Width or Height are negative, they will be computed based on
1610   --  the children's requested size (if there are no children, a default size
1611   --  is used).
1612   --  The ellipse is inscribed in the rectangle given by the item's position
1613   --  and the size passed in argument to this function.
1615   overriding procedure Draw
1616     (Self    : not null access Ellipse_Item_Record;
1617      Context : Draw_Context);
1618   overriding function Contains
1619     (Self    : not null access Ellipse_Item_Record;
1620      Point   : Item_Point;
1621      Context : Draw_Context) return Boolean;
1623   ------------
1624   -- Images --
1625   ------------
1627   type Image_Item_Record is new Container_Item_Record with private;
1628   type Image_Item is access all Image_Item_Record'Class;
1629   --  An item that shows an image.
1630   --  The style is used to draw a rectangle around the image
1632   function Gtk_New_Image
1633     (Style  : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1634      Image  : not null access Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf_Record'Class;
1635      Allow_Rescale : Boolean := True;
1636      Width, Height : Model_Coordinate := Fit_Size_As_Double)
1637      return Image_Item;
1638   procedure Initialize_Image
1639     (Self   : not null access Image_Item_Record'Class;
1640      Style  : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1641      Image  : not null access Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf_Record'Class;
1642      Allow_Rescale : Boolean := True;
1643      Width, Height : Model_Coordinate := Fit_Size_As_Double);
1644   --  Create a new image item.
1645   --  By default, the size is computed from the image, but if self is
1646   --  actually allocated a different size, the image will be rescaled as
1647   --  appropriate. You can disable this behavior by setting Allow_Rescale to
1648   --  False.
1650   function Gtk_New_Image
1651     (Style  : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1652      Icon_Name : String;
1653      Allow_Rescale : Boolean := True;
1654      Width, Height : Model_Coordinate := Fit_Size_As_Double)
1655      return Image_Item;
1656   procedure Initialize_Image
1657     (Self   : not null access Image_Item_Record'Class;
1658      Style  : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1659      Icon_Name : String;
1660      Allow_Rescale : Boolean := True;
1661      Width, Height : Model_Coordinate := Fit_Size_As_Double);
1662   --  Same as buffer, but the image is created from one of the files given
1663   --  by the Gtk.Icon_Theme. This will often result in better (more sharp)
1664   --  rendering.
1665   --  You should in general specify the size you want to use, since the
1666   --  icon_name itself does not provide this information.
1668   overriding procedure Draw
1669     (Self    : not null access Image_Item_Record;
1670      Context : Draw_Context);
1671   overriding procedure Destroy
1672     (Self     : not null access Image_Item_Record;
1673      In_Model : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class);
1674   overriding procedure Size_Request
1675     (Self    : not null access Image_Item_Record;
1676      Context : Draw_Context);
1678   ---------------
1679   -- Polylines --
1680   ---------------
1682   type Polyline_Item_Record is new Container_Item_Record with private;
1683   type Polyline_Item is access all Polyline_Item_Record'Class;
1684   --  A predefine object that displays itself as a set of joined lines.
1685   --  This object can optionally contain children, and the polyline can thus
1686   --  be used to draw a polygon around those items
1688   function Gtk_New_Polyline
1689     (Style    : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1690      Points   : Item_Point_Array;
1691      Close    : Boolean := False;
1692      Relative : Boolean := False)
1693      return Polyline_Item;
1694   procedure Initialize_Polyline
1695     (Self     : not null access Polyline_Item_Record'Class;
1696      Style    : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1697      Points   : Item_Point_Array;
1698      Close    : Boolean := False;
1699      Relative : Boolean := False);
1700   --  Create a new polyline item.
1701   --  If Relative is true, then each point is relative to the previous one
1702   --  (i.e. its coordinates are the previous points's coordinate plus the
1703   --  offset given in points). The first point is of course in item
1704   --  coordinates.
1706   overriding procedure Draw
1707     (Self    : not null access Polyline_Item_Record;
1708      Context : Draw_Context);
1709   overriding procedure Destroy
1710     (Self     : not null access Polyline_Item_Record;
1711      In_Model : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class);
1712   overriding procedure Size_Request
1713     (Self    : not null access Polyline_Item_Record;
1714      Context : Draw_Context);
1715   overriding function Contains
1716     (Self    : not null access Polyline_Item_Record;
1717      Point   : Item_Point;
1718      Context : Draw_Context) return Boolean;
1719   overriding function Clip_Line
1720     (Self   : not null access Polyline_Item_Record;
1721      P1, P2 : Item_Point) return Item_Point;
1723   -----------
1724   -- Texts --
1725   -----------
1727   type Text_Item_Record is new Container_Item_Record with private;
1728   type Text_Item is access all Text_Item_Record'Class;
1729   --  A predefined object that displays itself as text.
1731   type Text_Arrow_Direction is
1732     (No_Text_Arrow,
1733      Up_Text_Arrow,
1734      Down_Text_Arrow,
1735      Left_Text_Arrow,
1736      Right_Text_Arrow);
1738   function Gtk_New_Text
1739     (Style    : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1740      Text     : Glib.UTF8_String;
1741      Directed : Text_Arrow_Direction := No_Text_Arrow;
1742      Width, Height : Model_Coordinate := Fit_Size_As_Double)
1743      return Text_Item;
1744   procedure Initialize_Text
1745     (Self     : not null access Text_Item_Record'Class;
1746      Style    : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1747      Text     : Glib.UTF8_String;
1748      Directed : Text_Arrow_Direction := No_Text_Arrow;
1749      Width, Height : Model_Coordinate := Fit_Size_As_Double);
1750   --  Create a new text item
1751   --
1752   --  Directed indicates whether the text should be followed (or preceded)
1753   --  by a directional arrow. This is used when displaying text along links,
1754   --  to help users read the meaning of the label.
1756   procedure Set_Directed
1757     (Self     : not null access Text_Item_Record;
1758      Directed : Text_Arrow_Direction := No_Text_Arrow);
1759   --  Change the direction of the arrow.
1760   --  In particular, this is done automatically when the text is used on a
1761   --  link.
1763   procedure Set_Text
1764     (Self : not null access Text_Item_Record;
1765      Text : String);
1766   --  Change the text displayed in the item.
1767   --  This does not force a refresh of the item, and it is likely that you
1768   --  will need to call the Model's Refresh_Layout method to properly
1769   --  recompute sizes of items and link paths.
1771   overriding procedure Draw
1772     (Self    : not null access Text_Item_Record;
1773      Context : Draw_Context);
1774   overriding procedure Destroy
1775     (Self     : not null access Text_Item_Record;
1776      In_Model : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class);
1777   overriding procedure Size_Request
1778     (Self    : not null access Text_Item_Record;
1779      Context : Draw_Context);
1781   -------------------
1782   -- Editable text --
1783   -------------------
1785   type Editable_Text_Item_Record is new Text_Item_Record with private;
1786   type Editable_Text_Item is access all Editable_Text_Item_Record'Class;
1787   --  A special text item that can be double-clicked on to be editing in
1788   --  place (provided the Gtkada.Canvas_View.Views.On_Item_Event_Edit
1789   --  callback was added to the view).
1791   function Gtk_New_Editable_Text
1792     (Style    : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1793      Text     : Glib.UTF8_String;
1794      Directed : Text_Arrow_Direction := No_Text_Arrow)
1795      return Editable_Text_Item;
1796   procedure Initialize_Editable_Text
1797     (Self     : not null access Editable_Text_Item_Record'Class;
1798      Style    : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1799      Text     : Glib.UTF8_String;
1800      Directed : Text_Arrow_Direction := No_Text_Arrow);
1801   --  Create a new text item
1803   procedure On_Edited
1804     (Self     : not null access Editable_Text_Item_Record'Class;
1805      Old_Text : String) is null;
1806   --  Called after the text has been edited
1808   overriding function Edit_Widget
1809     (Self  : not null access Editable_Text_Item_Record;
1810      View  : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class)
1811      return Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget;
1813   ----------------------
1814   -- Horizontal lines --
1815   ----------------------
1817   type Hr_Item_Record is new Container_Item_Record with private;
1818   type Hr_Item is access all Hr_Item_Record'Class;
1819   --  A predefined object that displays itself as a horizontal line with
1820   --  optional text in the middle. This thus looks like:
1821   --              ---- text ----
1823   function Gtk_New_Hr
1824     (Style   : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1825      Text    : String := "")
1826      return Hr_Item;
1827   procedure Initialize_Hr
1828     (Self    : not null access Hr_Item_Record'Class;
1829      Style   : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1830      Text    : String := "");
1831   --  Create a new horizontal rule
1833   overriding procedure Draw
1834     (Self    : not null access Hr_Item_Record;
1835      Context : Draw_Context);
1836   overriding procedure Destroy
1837     (Self     : not null access Hr_Item_Record;
1838      In_Model : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class);
1839   overriding procedure Size_Request
1840     (Self    : not null access Hr_Item_Record;
1841      Context : Draw_Context);
1843   ------------------
1844   -- Canvas links --
1845   ------------------
1847   type Canvas_Link_Record is new Abstract_Item_Record with private;
1848   type Canvas_Link is access all Canvas_Link_Record'Class;
1849   --  Special support is provided for links.
1850   --  These are a special kind of item, which provides automatic routing
1851   --  algorithms. They always join two items (including possibly two lines)
1853   function Gtk_New
1854     (From, To    : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class;
1855      Style       : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1856      Routing     : Route_Style := Straight;
1857      Label       : access Container_Item_Record'Class := null;
1858      Anchor_From : Anchor_Attachment := Middle_Attachment;
1859      Label_From  : access Container_Item_Record'Class := null;
1860      Anchor_To   : Anchor_Attachment := Middle_Attachment;
1861      Label_To    : access Container_Item_Record'Class := null)
1862     return Canvas_Link;
1863   procedure Initialize
1864     (Link        : not null access Canvas_Link_Record'Class;
1865      From, To    : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class;
1866      Style       : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
1867      Routing     : Route_Style := Straight;
1868      Label       : access Container_Item_Record'Class := null;
1869      Anchor_From : Anchor_Attachment := Middle_Attachment;
1870      Label_From  : access Container_Item_Record'Class := null;
1871      Anchor_To   : Anchor_Attachment := Middle_Attachment;
1872      Label_To    : access Container_Item_Record'Class := null);
1873   --  Create a new link between the two items.
1874   --  This link is not automatically added to the model.
1875   --  Both items must belong to the same model.
1876   --
1877   --  The label is displayed approximately in the middle of the link.
1878   --  The Label_From is displayed next to the origin of the link, whereas
1879   --  Label_To is displayed next to the target of the link.
1880   --  These labels will generally be some Text_Item, but it might make sense
1881   --  to use more complex labels, for instance to draw something with a
1882   --  polyline item, or using an image.
1883   --
1884   --  If the Label is directed, the direction of the arrow will be changed
1885   --  automatically to match the layout of the link.
1887   function Get_From
1888     (Self : not null access Canvas_Link_Record) return Abstract_Item;
1889   function Get_To
1890     (Self : not null access Canvas_Link_Record) return Abstract_Item;
1891   --  Return both ends of the link
1893   procedure Set_Offset
1894     (Self    : not null access Canvas_Link_Record;
1895      Offset  : Gdouble);
1896   --  This only applies to arc links, and is used to specify the curve of the
1897   --  arc (this is basically the maximal distance between the straight line
1898   --  and the summit of the arc).
1899   --  Offset must not be 0.0
1901   procedure Refresh_Layout
1902     (Self    : not null access Canvas_Link_Record;
1903      Context : Draw_Context);
1904   --  Recompute the layout/routing for the link.
1905   --  This procedure should be called whenever any of the end objects changes
1906   --  side or position. The view will do this automatically the first time,
1907   --  but will not update links later on.
1909   procedure Set_Waypoints
1910     (Self     : not null access Canvas_Link_Record;
1911      Points   : Item_Point_Array;
1912      Relative : Boolean := False);
1913   --  Set explicit waypoints for the link, which forces the link to go through
1914   --  the given points.
1915   --  Relative should be true if all
1917   procedure Set_Style
1918     (Self  : not null access Canvas_Link_Record;
1919      Style : Drawing_Style);
1920   function Get_Style
1921     (Self : not null access Canvas_Link_Record) return Drawing_Style;
1922   --  Return the style used for the drawingo of this link.
1923   --  When changing the style, you must force a refresh of the canvas.
1925   function Get_Points
1926     (Self : not null access Canvas_Link_Record)
1927      return Item_Point_Array_Access;
1928   --  Return the computed points for the link.
1929   --  Do not free or store the result
1931   overriding function Is_Invisible
1932     (Self : not null access Canvas_Link_Record)
1933     return Boolean is (False);
1934   overriding function Inner_Most_Item
1935     (Self     : not null access Canvas_Link_Record;
1936      At_Point : Model_Point;
1937      Context  : Draw_Context)
1938      return Abstract_Item is (null);
1939   overriding function Parent
1940     (Self : not null access Canvas_Link_Record)
1941      return Abstract_Item is (null);
1942   overriding function Edit_Widget
1943     (Self  : not null access Canvas_Link_Record;
1944      View  : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class)
1945      return Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget is (null);
1946   overriding procedure Set_Visibility_Threshold
1947     (Self      : not null access Canvas_Link_Record;
1948      Threshold : Gdouble);
1949   overriding function Get_Visibility_Threshold
1950     (Self : not null access Canvas_Link_Record) return Gdouble;
1951   overriding procedure Destroy
1952     (Self     : not null access Canvas_Link_Record;
1953      In_Model : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class);
1954   overriding function Bounding_Box
1955     (Self : not null access Canvas_Link_Record)
1956      return Item_Rectangle;
1957   overriding function Position
1958     (Self : not null access Canvas_Link_Record)
1959      return Gtkada.Style.Point;
1960   overriding procedure Draw
1961     (Self    : not null access Canvas_Link_Record;
1962      Context : Draw_Context);
1963   overriding function Contains
1964     (Self    : not null access Canvas_Link_Record;
1965      Point   : Item_Point;
1966      Context : Draw_Context) return Boolean;
1967   overriding function Clip_Line
1968     (Self   : not null access Canvas_Link_Record;
1969      P1, P2 : Item_Point) return Item_Point;
1970   overriding function Link_Anchor_Point
1971     (Self   : not null access Canvas_Link_Record;
1972      Anchor : Anchor_Attachment)
1973      return Item_Point;
1974   overriding function Is_Link
1975     (Self : not null access Canvas_Link_Record)
1976      return Boolean is (True);
1977   procedure Draw_As_Selected
1978     (Self    : not null access Canvas_Link_Record;
1979      Context : Draw_Context);
1982   procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
1983     (Gtkada.Style.Point_Array, Gtkada.Style.Point_Array_Access);
1985   type Canvas_Model_Record is abstract new Glib.Object.GObject_Record
1986   with record
1987      Layout    : Pango.Layout.Pango_Layout;
1989      Selection : Item_Sets.Set;
1990      Mode      : Selection_Mode := Selection_Single;
1991   end record;
1993   type Canvas_Item_Record is abstract new Abstract_Item_Record with record
1994      Position : Gtkada.Style.Point := No_Position;
1995      --  Position within its parent or the canvas view.
1997      Visibility_Threshold : Gdouble := 0.0;
1998      --  See Set_Visibility_Threshold.
1999   end record;
2001   type Container_Item_Record is abstract new Canvas_Item_Record with record
2002      Width, Height : Model_Coordinate;
2003      --  Computed by Size_Request. Always expressed in pixels.
2004      --  These do not include the margins.
2006      Computed_Position : Gtkada.Style.Point := (Gdouble'First, Gdouble'First);
2007      --  The position within the parent, as computed in Size_Allocate.
2008      --  The field Position is used for the position specifically requested by
2009      --  the user.
2010      --  This is always the position of the top-left corner, no matter what
2011      --  Anchor_X and Anchor_Y are set to.
2013      Anchor_X : Percent := 0.0;
2014      Anchor_Y : Percent := 0.0;
2015      --  The position within the item that Self.Position points to. This
2016      --  is only relevant when an explicit position was given by the user.
2018      Margin : Margins := No_Margins;
2019      --  Margins around the child
2021      Parent : Container_Item;
2022      --  The parent item
2024      Min_Width, Min_Height : Size := (Unit_Pixels, 1.0);
2025      Max_Width, Max_Height : Size := Fit_Size;
2026      --  Size constraints for the child. If Max_* if Fixed_Size, then the
2027      --  child is constrained to have Min_* has a specific size.
2029      Pack_End : Boolean := False;
2030      Layout   : Child_Layout_Strategy := Vertical_Stack;
2031      Align    : Alignment_Style := Align_Start;
2032      Float    : Boolean := False;
2033      Overflow : Overflow_Style := Overflow_Prevent;
2035      Style    : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
2037      Children : Items_Lists.List;
2038   end record;
2040   type Rect_Item_Record is new Container_Item_Record with record
2041      Radius   : Model_Coordinate;
2042   end record;
2044   type Image_Item_Record is new Container_Item_Record with record
2045      Image         : Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf;
2046      Icon_Name     : GNAT.Strings.String_Access;
2047      Allow_Rescale : Boolean := True;
2048   end record;
2050   type Polyline_Item_Record is new Container_Item_Record with record
2051      Points   : Item_Point_Array_Access;
2052      Close    : Boolean;
2053      Relative : Boolean;
2054   end record;
2056   type Ellipse_Item_Record is new Container_Item_Record with null record;
2058   type Text_Item_Record is new Container_Item_Record with record
2059      Text     : GNAT.Strings.String_Access;
2060      Directed : Text_Arrow_Direction;
2061   end record;
2063   type Editable_Text_Item_Record is new Text_Item_Record with null record;
2065   type Hr_Item_Record is new Container_Item_Record with record
2066      Text     : GNAT.Strings.String_Access;
2067      Requested_Width, Requested_Height : Model_Coordinate;
2069      Space    : Model_Coordinate := 4.0;
2070      --  Space between text and lines
2071   end record;
2073   No_Waypoints : constant Item_Point_Array := (1 .. 0 => (0.0, 0.0));
2075   type Item_Drag_Info is record
2076      Item : Abstract_Item;
2077      Pos  : Model_Point;
2078   end record;
2080   package Item_Drag_Infos is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps
2081     (Key_Type        => Abstract_Item,
2082      Element_Type    => Item_Drag_Info,
2083      Hash            => Hash,
2084      Equivalent_Keys => "=");
2086   type Continuous_Scroll_Data is record
2087      Id      : Glib.Main.G_Source_Id := Glib.Main.No_Source_Id;
2088      --  The timeout callback used to provide continuous scrolling
2090      Dx, Dy  : Model_Coordinate := 0.0;
2091      --  Amount of scrolling at each step
2093      Timeout : Glib.Guint := 30;
2094      --  Number of milliseconds between each step of the auto scrolling
2096      Margin  : View_Coordinate := 10.0;
2097      --  Number of pixels on each side of the view in which the auto
2098      --  scrolling should start. We can't start it only when the mouse is
2099      --  outside of the view, since otherwise there would be no way to get
2100      --  it started when the view is aligned with the screen edge.
2102      Speed   : Model_Coordinate := 15.0;
2103      --  Speed of the scrolling at each step
2104   end record;
2106   type Smart_Guide is record
2107      Pos        : Model_Coordinate;
2108      Min, Max   : Model_Coordinate;
2109      Visible    : Boolean := False;
2110   end record;
2111   --  Description for a smart guide:
2112   --  For a horizontal guide, Pos is the y coordinate of the guide, and
2113   --  Min,Max are its minimum and maximum x coordinates for all items along
2114   --  that guide.
2116   package Smart_Guide_Lists is new Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists
2117     (Smart_Guide);
2119   type Snap_Data is record
2120      Grid             : Boolean := True;
2121      Smart_Guides     : Boolean := False;
2122      Margin           : Model_Coordinate := 5.0;
2124      Hguides, Vguides : Smart_Guide_Lists.List;
2125      Style            : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style := Default_Guide_Style;
2126   end record;
2128   type Inline_Edit_Data is record
2129      Item : Abstract_Item;
2130   end record;
2131   --  Data used when editing a widget
2133   type Base_Animation_Data is abstract tagged null record;
2134   type Base_Animation_Data_Access is access Base_Animation_Data'Class;
2136   type Canvas_View_Record is new Gtk.Bin.Gtk_Bin_Record with record
2137      Model     : Canvas_Model;
2138      Topleft   : Model_Point := (0.0, 0.0);
2139      Scale     : Gdouble := 1.0;
2140      Grid_Size : Model_Coordinate := 20.0;
2142      Animation_Data : Base_Animation_Data_Access;
2143      Id_Animation   : Glib.Main.G_Source_Id := Glib.Main.No_Source_Id;
2144      --  The animation loop (see Gtkada.Canvas_View.Views.Animate)
2146      Id_Layout_Changed,
2147      Id_Item_Contents_Changed,
2148      Id_Item_Destroyed,
2149      Id_Selection_Changed : Gtk.Handlers.Handler_Id :=
2150         (Gtk.Handlers.Null_Handler_Id, null);
2151      --  Connections to model signals
2153      Layout     : Pango.Layout.Pango_Layout;
2154      Hadj, Vadj : Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment;
2156      Selection_Style : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style :=
2157        Gtkada.Style.Gtk_New
2158          (Stroke     => (0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3),
2159           Line_Width => 4.0);
2161      Scale_To_Fit_Requested : Gdouble := 0.0;
2162      Scale_To_Fit_Area : Model_Rectangle;
2163      --  Set to true when the user calls Scale_To_Fit before the view has had
2164      --  a size allocated (and thus we could not perform computation).
2165      --  This is set to the maximal zoom requested (or 0.0 if not requested)
2167      Last_Button_Press : Canvas_Event_Details;
2168      --  Attributes of the last button_press event, used to properly handle
2169      --  dragging and avoid recomputing the selectd item on button_release.
2171      Dragged_Items : Item_Drag_Infos.Map;
2172      --  The items that are being dragged.
2174      In_Drag : Boolean := False;
2175      --  Whether we are in the middle of a drag.
2177      Topleft_At_Drag_Start : Model_Point;
2178      --  Toplevel at the stat of the drag
2180      Avoid_Overlap : Boolean := False;
2181      Avoid_Overlap_Duration : Standard.Duration := 0.2;
2183      Continuous_Scroll : Continuous_Scroll_Data;
2184      Snap              : Snap_Data;
2185      Inline_Edit       : Inline_Edit_Data;
2186   end record;
2188   type Canvas_Link_Record is new Abstract_Item_Record with record
2189      From, To     : Abstract_Item;
2190      Style        : Gtkada.Style.Drawing_Style;
2191      Routing      : Route_Style;
2192      Bounding_Box : Item_Rectangle;
2193      Label        : Container_Item;
2194      Label_From   : Container_Item;
2195      Label_To     : Container_Item;
2197      Visibility_Threshold : Gdouble := 0.0;
2199      Offset : Gdouble := 10.0;
2200      --  For arc links
2202      Waypoints   : Item_Point_Array_Access;
2203      --  The waypoints created by the user (as opposed to Points, which
2204      --  contains the list of waypoints computed automatically, in addition
2205      --  to the user's waypoints).
2206      --  These are absolute coordinates.
2207      --  For straight and orthogonal links, these are the points the link must
2208      --  go through.
2209      --  For curve and arc links, these are the list of points and
2210      --  control points for the bezier curve:
2211      --      pt1, ctrl1, ctrl2, pt2, ctrl3, ctrl4, pt3, ...
2213      Relative_Waypoints : Boolean := False;
2214      --  Whether the waypoints are given in relative coordinates.
2215      --  This does not apply to Points.
2217      Points   : Item_Point_Array_Access;
2218      --  The cached computation of waypoints for this link.
2219      --  These are recomputed every time the layout of the canvas changes, but
2220      --  are cached so that redrawing the canvas is fast.
2221      --  These are absolute coordinates, even if waypoints are relative.
2222      --  See the documentation on Waypoints for more information on the format
2224      Anchor_From : Anchor_Attachment := Middle_Attachment;
2225      Anchor_To   : Anchor_Attachment := Middle_Attachment;
2226   end record;
2228   type List_Canvas_Model_Record is new Canvas_Model_Record with record
2229      Items : Items_Lists.List;
2230      --  items are sorted: lowest items first (minimal z-layer)
2231   end record;
2233   procedure Refresh_Link_Layout
2234     (Model : not null access Canvas_Model_Record'Class;
2235      Items : Item_Drag_Infos.Map := Item_Drag_Infos.Empty_Map);
2236   --  Refresh the layout for all links (or only the ones linked to Item, or
2237   --  indirectly to a link to Item).
2239   procedure Copy_Selected_To_Dragged_Items
2240     (Self  : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class;
2241      Force : access Abstract_Item_Record'Class);
2242   --  Setup the 'dragged_items" field from the contents of the selection, and
2243   --  forces a specific item to be there (in addition)
2245   procedure Set_Adjustment_Values
2246     (Self : not null access Canvas_View_Record'Class);
2247   --  Update the values for both adjustments
2249end Gtkada.Canvas_View;