1 /*								       HTList.c
3 **
4 **	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
5 **	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.
6 **	@(#) $Id$
7 **
8 **	A list is represented as a sequence of linked nodes of type HTList.
9 **	The first node is a header which contains no object.
10 **	New nodes are inserted between the header and the rest of the list.
11 */
13 /* Library include files */
14 #include "wwwsys.h"
15 #include "HTUtils.h"
16 #include "HTList.h"
HTList_new(void)18 PUBLIC HTList * HTList_new (void)
19 {
20     HTList *newList;
21     if ((newList = (HTList  *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof (HTList))) == NULL)
22         HT_OUTOFMEM("HTList_new");
23     newList->object = NULL;
24     newList->next = NULL;
25     return newList;
26 }
HTList_delete(HTList * me)28 PUBLIC BOOL HTList_delete (HTList * me)
29 {
30     if (me) {
31 	HTList *current;
32 	while ((current = me)) {
33 	    me = me->next;
34 	    HT_FREE(current);
35 	}
36 	return YES;
37     }
38     return NO;
39 }
HTList_addObject(HTList * me,void * newObject)41 PUBLIC BOOL HTList_addObject (HTList * me, void * newObject)
42 {
43     if (me) {
44 	HTList *newNode;
45 	if ((newNode = (HTList  *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTList))) == NULL)
46 	    HT_OUTOFMEM("HTList_addObject");
47 	newNode->object = newObject;
48 	newNode->next = me->next;
49 	me->next = newNode;
50 	return YES;
51     } else {
52 	HTTRACE(CORE_TRACE, "HTList...... Can not add object %p to nonexisting list\n" _
53 		    newObject);
54     }
55     return NO;
56 }
HTList_appendObject(HTList * me,void * newObject)58 PUBLIC BOOL HTList_appendObject (HTList * me, void * newObject)
59 {
60     if (me) {
61 	while (me->next) me = me->next;
62 	return HTList_addObject(me, newObject);
63     }
64     return NO;
65 }
HTList_removeObject(HTList * me,void * oldObject)67 PUBLIC BOOL HTList_removeObject (HTList * me, void * oldObject)
68 {
69     if (me) {
70 	HTList *previous;
71 	while (me->next) {
72 	    previous = me;
73 	    me = me->next;
74 	    if (me->object == oldObject) {
75 		previous->next = me->next;
76 		HT_FREE(me);
77 		return YES;	/* Success */
78 	    }
79 	}
80     }
81     return NO;			/* object not found or NULL list */
82 }
HTList_addList(HTList * me,void * newObject)84 PUBLIC HTList * HTList_addList (HTList * me, void * newObject)
85 {
86     if (me) {
87 	HTList *newNode;
88 	if ((newNode = (HTList  *) HT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(HTList))) == NULL)
89 	    HT_OUTOFMEM("HTList_addObject");
90 	newNode->object = newObject;
91 	newNode->next = me->next;
92 	me->next = newNode;
93 	return newNode;
94     } else {
95 	HTTRACE(CORE_TRACE, "HTList...... Can not add object %p to nonexisting List\n" _ newObject);
96     }
97     return (HTList *) NULL;
98 }
HTList_appendList(HTList * me,void * newObject)100 PUBLIC HTList * HTList_appendList (HTList * me, void *newObject)
101 {
102     if (me) {
103 	while (me->next)
104 	    me = me->next;
105 	return HTList_addList(me, newObject);
106     }
107     return (HTList *) NULL;
108 }
HTList_quickRemoveElement(HTList * me,HTList * last)111 PUBLIC BOOL HTList_quickRemoveElement (HTList * me, HTList * last)
112 {
113     if (me && last) {
114 	last->next = me->next;
115 	HT_FREE(me);
116 	return YES;	/* Success */
117     }
118     return NO;			/* object not found or NULL list */
119 }
HTList_removeObjectAll(HTList * me,void * oldObject)121 PUBLIC BOOL HTList_removeObjectAll (HTList * me, void * oldObject)
122 {
123  BOOL found = NO;
125  if (me)
126    {
127     HTList* i;
129     while ((i = me->next))
130       {
131        if (i->object == oldObject)
132 	 {
133 	  me->next = i->next;
134 	  HT_FREE(i);
135 	  found = YES;	/* At least one object found */
136 	 }
137         else
138 	 {
139 	  me = i;
140 	 }
141       }
142    }
144  return found;
145 }
HTList_removeLastObject(HTList * me)147 PUBLIC void * HTList_removeLastObject  (HTList * me)
148 {
149     if (me && me->next) {
150 	HTList *lastNode = me->next;
151 	void * lastObject = lastNode->object;
152 	me->next = lastNode->next;
153 	HT_FREE(lastNode);
154 	return lastObject;
155     } else			/* Empty list */
156 	return NULL;
157 }
HTList_removeFirstObject(HTList * me)159 PUBLIC void * HTList_removeFirstObject  (HTList * me)
160 {
161     if (me && me->next) {
162 	HTList * prevNode;
163 	void *firstObject;
164 	while (me->next) {
165 	    prevNode = me;
166 	    me = me->next;
167 	}
168 	firstObject = me->object;
169 	prevNode->next = NULL;
170 	HT_FREE(me);
171 	return firstObject;
172     } else			/* Empty list */
173 	return NULL;
174 }
HTList_firstObject(HTList * me)176 PUBLIC void * HTList_firstObject  (HTList * me)
177 {
178     if (me && me->next) {
179 	HTList * prevNode;
180 	while (me->next) {
181 	    prevNode = me;
182 	    me = me->next;
183 	}
184 	return me->object;
185     } else			/* Empty list */
186 	return NULL;
187 }
HTList_count(HTList * me)189 PUBLIC int HTList_count  (HTList * me)
190 {
191     int count = 0;
192     if (me)
193 	while ((me = me->next))
194 	    count++;
195     return count;
196 }
HTList_indexOf(HTList * me,void * object)198 PUBLIC int HTList_indexOf (HTList * me, void * object)
199 {
200     if (me) {
201 	int position = 0;
202 	while ((me = me->next)) {
203 	    if (me->object == object)
204 		return position;
205 	    position++;
206 	}
207     }
208     return -1;
209 }
HTList_indexOfElement(HTList * me,HTList * element)211 PUBLIC int HTList_indexOfElement (HTList * me, HTList * element)
212 {
213     if (me) {
214 	int position = 0;
215 	if (me == element)
216 	    return -1;
217 	while ((me = me->next)) {
218 	    if (me == element)
219 		return position;
220 	    position++;
221 	}
222     }
223     return -2;
224 }
HTList_elementOf(HTList * cur,void * object,HTList ** pLast)226 PUBLIC HTList * HTList_elementOf (HTList * cur, void * object, HTList ** pLast)
227 {
228     HTList * 	last = cur;
229     void *	pres;
231     while ((pres = HTList_nextObject(cur))) {
232         if (pres == object) {
233 	    if (pLast)
234 		*pLast = last;
235 	    return cur;
236 	}
237 	last = cur;
238     }
240     /*
241     **	didn't find object, but return end of list so it is easy to append
242     */
243     if (pLast)
244 	*pLast = last;
245     return NULL;
246 }
HTList_objectAt(HTList * me,int position)248 PUBLIC void * HTList_objectAt  (HTList * me, int position)
249 {
250     if (position < 0)
251 	return NULL;
252     if (me) {
253 	while ((me = me->next)) {
254 	    if (position == 0)
255 		return me->object;
256 	    position--;
257 	}
258     }
259     return NULL;		/* Reached the end of the list */
260 }
HTList_removeObjectAt(HTList * me,int position)262 PUBLIC void * HTList_removeObjectAt  (HTList * me, int position)
263 {
264     if (position < 0)
265 	return NULL;
266     if (me) {
267 	HTList * prevNode;
268 	prevNode = me;
269 	while ((me = me->next)) {
270 	    if (position == 0) {
271 		prevNode->next = me->next;
272 		return me->object;
273 	    }
274 	    prevNode = me;
275 	    position--;
276 	}
277     }
278     return NULL;  /* Reached the end of the list */
279 }
281 /*
282 **  Do an insertion sort algorithm on the list. An empty list is already
283 **  sorted and so is a single element list.
284 */
HTList_insertionSort(HTList * head,HTComparer * comp)285 PUBLIC BOOL HTList_insertionSort (HTList * head, HTComparer * comp)
286 {
287     HTList *tail, *q, *r, *p;
288     if (head && head->next && comp) {
289 	tail = head->next;
290 	while (tail->next) {
291 	    q = tail->next;
293 	    /*
294 	    **  Depending on the return status of the comparer we either move
295 	    **  the sentinel down the list or search the sorted sublist to
296 	    **  insert it.
297 	    */
298 	    if (comp(q->object, head->next->object) >= 0) {
299 		tail->next = q->next;
300 		q->next = head->next;
301 		head->next = q;
302 	    } else {
303 		r = head->next;
304 		p = r->next;
305 		while (comp(q->object, p->object) < 0) {
306 		    r = p;
307 		    p = r->next;
308 		}
310 		/*
311 		**  If sentinel was found then q is already in right place.
312 		**  Otherwise we'll have to move it
313 		*/
314 		if (q == p)
315 		    tail = q;
316 		else {
317 		    tail->next = q->next;
318 		    q->next = p;
319 		    r->next = q;
320 		}
321 	    }
322 	}
323 	return YES;
324     } else {
325 	HTTRACE(CORE_TRACE, "List........ Empty list or no sort algorithm\n");
326     }
327     return NO;
328 }